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ARCH 3313 Building Technology 5

Alternative Building System

Name: Adzuara, De Los Reyes, Demandante, Lopez, Pascua July 12, 2017
Topic: The Architect BS ARCHI 4-3

1. The Architect
1.1 an overview of what the architect and the profession is all about
a. The Architecture Profession
i. Past and Present
ii. Important Issues and Concerns
b. The Architect and the Law
i. The Virtues and Values of an Architect
ii. The Spectrum of the Architects Services
iii. The 3-D Wheel
c. The Architects Role in Society
i. The Building Enterprise
ii. Public Interest and Safety


The term 'architect' has been in existence for many centuries, however
the architect as its own recognised profession is a relatively modern concept. The
term and what it represents has evolved through history to its current form in
which architects are seen as highly qualified and educated professionals.
It is often assumed that architecture as a profession dates back to the ancient
Greeks, the Egyptians or the Romans, and although the origins of the word date
back to these times, it wasn't until much later that the Architect became a recognised
profession in its own right.
Vitruvius Pollio (born c. 8070 BC, died after c. 15 BC), is often considered as
the first recognisable 'architect', known as a great Roman
writer, engineer and builder. However Vitruvius wasn't strictly an architect and did not
conform to our perception of architects today.
After Vitruvius, the term architect fades into history, overshadowed by
religious or political figures.
It was the discovery by Florentine scholar Poggio Bracciolini of Vitruvius of the
lost great book, De architectura ('On architecture', published as 'Ten Books
on Architecture') during the early Renaissance period that influenced and inspired
the architectural movement and was a significant contributor to developing
the architect as a profession in its own right. The book, in part, was an attempt, to
summarise the professional knowledge of the day, and to describe the graphic
conventions of classical design.
ARCH 3313 Building Technology 5
Alternative Building System
Architecture was not always thought of as a profession. The "architect" was
the person who could build structures that didn't fall down. In fact, the
word architect comes from the Greek word for "chief carpenter," architektn. In the
United States, architecture as a licensed profession changed in 1857.
Before the 1800s, any talented and skilled person could become
an architect through reading, apprenticeship, self-study, and admiration of the
current ruling class.

Architecture is for people, and the foremost purpose of any building is to

provide functional, healthful, safe, and pleasing shelter for human activity. A building
affects not only its occupants, but its period of history and all those who come into
contact with it. If a building is to be successful, its design must be appropriate to its
time in history, to its place in the community, and to its function as a shelter. Its
construction must be economical, safe, and of sound, well-maintained materials. The
architectural profession must advise the public and the construction industry in the
production of buildings that answer these criteria, and the individual architect must
design these buildings and administrate the contracts for their construction. By
discharging these responsibilities in their day-to-day practices, the members of the
architectural profession protect the public interest while creating our constructed
physical environment.



May the Architect be high-minded; not arrogant, but faithful; Just, and easy to
deal with, without avarice; Not let his mind be occupied in receiving gifts, But let him
preserve his good name with dignity... Marcus Vitruvius Pollio


The Architect creates mans environment through his awareness and sensitive
handling of spaces that fit the scale of human experience. The resulting quality of the
form-envelope manifested as a structure or building gives rise to mans appreciation
of beauty and order in his physical world. The Architects deliberation determine how
people will be placed in relationship one to another, how whole societies will work,
play, eat, sleep, recreate, travel, worship, or in short how people will live in
consonance with their culture and national aspirations. His objective is to bring order
to mans environment to cause it to function properly within a structure that is safe
and healthful and to impart to the whole a beauty and distinction that is appropriate
to our time.
ARCH 3313 Building Technology 5
Alternative Building System


The spectrum of the Architects services extends over the entire range of
activities that proceed from the time the idea is conceived, perfected, transformed
into sets of space/ design requirements, translated into structure through design,
built, used and become a permanent feature of the man-made environment. The
Architects services consist of the necessary conferences, deliberations, discussions,
evaluations, investigations, consultations, advice on matters affecting the scientific,
aesthetic and orderly coordination of all the processes of safeguarding life, health,
and property which enter into the production of different levels and sophistication of
man-made structures and environment.
The Architect, in the process of translating abstract ideas into meaningful
concrete terms, produces documents in the form of a data base report, an
architectural program, a feasibility study, a market study, an appraisal report, an
impact analysis report, a space-organizational setup report, a site planning analysis
and evaluation report, an operational programming report, building programming and
scheduling report. A complete and detailed documentation of construction or erection
drawings is prepared consisting of the architectural plans, the structural plans, the
electrical plans, the plumbing/sanitary plans, the mechanical/airconditioning plans,
the civil work plans, the technical specifications and the other bid documents.
Aside from these, the Architect can prepare the post construction
management documents, the operating manual, the maintenance manual and other
forms of written and graphical documentations necessary for the effective and
efficient functioning of the man-made structures and environment. An appreciation of
this scope of services of the Architect will bring into focus the crucial role that the
Architect assumes in the realization of abstract ideas into tangible and meaningful
terms. Between abstract ideas and the physical world, stands the Architect.
The entire range of the Architects services are divided into SEVEN (7) major
services as follows :
1) Pre-Design Services
2) Design Services
3) Specialized Allied Services
4) Construction Services
5) Post Construction Services
6) Comprehensive Architectural Services
7) Design-Build Services
ARCH 3313 Building Technology 5
Alternative Building System


Decision to Build by the Owner, Design Concept by the Architect Engineer,

Delivery System by the Contractor


By looking into situations in past till date we define architect to be a person
who can design a space (closed/ open) that can host a function or group of
functions. This definition can be changed a bit to better suit the time reference of
human activity.
In early days any one with basic visualization power was able to fulfill the
architectural requirements of society. As few days passes society needs demanded
people with minimum visualization power and some experience in the work to plan or
design the spaces for their needs.
ARCH 3313 Building Technology 5
Alternative Building System
In present days society required skilled architects who are educated and
trained to be in architectural profession. The increase in meeting the complexities of
societys desires is the sole reasons for change in the added requirements to call
some as architect. In early days when population is small and they are living with
fewer and simple desires, everyone acted as architect of his own space. Effectively
in those days as an architects role was just to, respond to the environment around
him in a positive manner while satisfying his own needs. As stated previously along
with the increase in population, role of architect and complexity in his duties have
increased, which resulted in transforming architecture as a profession and
technically one has to do some course work to call themselves as an architect and
the same holds good for practicing in present days.
Let see what the role of architect in present days, this will tell us the difference
in his role in society from olden days to present days. Defiantly the bottom line of an
architects role in society is to respond with the surrounds environment in a positive
manner while rendering his/clients needs. The trend in present days is that one who
designs is different from the one who is getting it built to the one who is going to use.
Its a difficult job for him to satisfy the needs of all those people while keeping the
effective environment of the place/ space intact. Even if one was success full in
doing all the, its not certain that the space will cater to the expected function for a
minimum of 30 years. For various reason it could host a completely different
function, to the one it was planned for. So architect need to have proper idea of what
could be the potential of the space in the near feature, and educate client about it. If
required to modify the function of the space they are working or selecting another
site for the function client is looking for he should be educated about it. For doing
these things he should be aware of trends and needs of the society. As a person with
maximum knowledge about spatial planning and designing structures that become
part of environment.
These days many of the civilians are not having knowledge on why we need
to value the natural environment and its special configurations. Its the duty of
architect to educate people about it; with some public lectures of writing etc. in this
way when is educates the society his job will be easier when they approach him do
getting any of their work done. Then another important role is that its his duty to train
architects for future. He should educate and guide the young and upcoming
architects about their role in society as an architect, and also should take part in
teaching architecture students who are going to become the future generation
architects. With this discussion on the architects role in society during present days
and olden days; it very well evident that how exactly architects role in society has
modified with time and what are the reasons behind.

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