1 Percentage

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1. If 35% of a number is 112, then the number is

2. The difference between two numbers is 1550. If 8 % of one number is 10 % of the other number,
then find the two numbers
3. 50 % of a number is 18 less than two-third of that number. Find the number.
4. When 35 is subtracted from a number; it reduces to its 80 %. Find the four-fifth of that number.
5. The price of an article is reduced by 25%.If the new price is Rs.960 Find the original price.
6. The price of an article is increased by 33 3 %.If the new price is Rs.960.Find the original price
7. The price of an article is first increased by 25% and then reduced by 33.33%.If the final price is
Rs.1200.Find the original price.
8. The shopkeeper first increased by 16.66% and then again by 22.22%.If the final price is
Rs.1540.Find the original price
9. The price of an article is first increased by 20% and then reduced by 25%.Find the final price is how
much percent more or less than the original.
10. If A's income is 5/6th of B's income, then B's income is more than A's income by
11. A's salary is 20% less than Bs salary. Then B's salary is more than A's salary by
12. A person's salary has increased from 7200 to 8100. What is the percentage increased in his
13. Rakesh credits 15% of his salary in his fixed deposit account and spend 30% of the remaining
amount on groceries. If the cash in hand is Rs. 2380, what is this salary?
14. A man donated 5% of his income to a charitable organization and deposited 20% of the remainder
in a bank. If he now has Rs. 1919 left, what is his income?
15. After spending 40% in machinery, 25% in building, 15% in raw material and 5% on furniture. hari
lal has a balance of Rs. 1305. The money with him was?
16. From the salary of an officer 10% deducted as house rent, 15% of the rest he spends on children's
eduction and 10% of the balance, he spends on clothes. After this expenditure he is left with Rs.
1377. His salary is?
17. The price of sugar is reduced by 25%.By what % the consumption should be increased so that the
expenditure remain same.
18. The price of sugar is increased by 20%.By what % the consumption should be reduced so that the
expenditure remain same.
19. The price of diesel increases by 50 %. Find by how much percent a truck owner must reduce his
consumption in order to maintain the same budget?
20. The price of rice falls by 15 %. By what percentage a person can increase the consumption of rice
so that his overall budget does not change?
21. If the price of petrol is increased by 20% by what percentage should the consumption be decreased
by the consumer, if the expenditure on petrol remains unchanged?
22. A reduction of 25 % in the price of oranges enables a person to buy 10 dozen more oranges for the
same amount of Rs.600.Find the price per orange after reduction.
23. An increase of 20 % in the price of oranges enables a person to buy 15 dozen less oranges for the
same amount of Rs.1800.Find the price per orange after increase.
24. If the side of a square is increased by 30%, its area is increased by?
25. The radius of circle is increased by 1%. What is the increased percent in its area?
26. The length and breadth of square are increased by 30% and 20% respectively. The area of the
rectangle so formed exceeds the area of the square by?
27. The length of a rectangle is increased by 60%. By what per cent would the width have to be
decreased to maintain the same area?
29. In an examination, P scored 30 % marks and failed by 15 marks. Q scored 40 % marks and
obtained 35 marks more than those required to pass. Find the pass percentage.
30. In a science examination, the average obtained by entire class was 80 marks. If 10 % of students
scored 92 marks and 20 % of students scored 90 marks, then what was the average of remaining
31. In a college election, candidates secure 62% of the votes and is elected by majority of 144 votes.
The total number of votes polled is?

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