Fullan Interview MG Times-012014

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“NOW IS THE TIME TO BRING TOGETHER DIVERSE STAKEHOLDERS THROUGH EFFECTIVE PARTNERSHIPS TO ENABLE REAL AND LASTING CHANGE.” “AHORA ES EL MOMENTO DE REUNIR A LAS DIVERSAS PARTES INTERESADAS A ‘TRAVES DE ALIANZAS EFECTIVAS PARA PERMITIR UN CAMBIO REAL Y DURADERO>. VIN Jee J 72 OVERVIEW OF NEW PEDAGOGIES FOR DEEP LEARNING: A GLOBAL PARTNERSHIP By Greg Butler, Founder of Collaborative Impact and Global ‘Therese doubt that education obaly tan flection pint. Studies rom many counties show that less then half high school students ae engogedie the classroom Teachersare growing frustrated and satisfied. Athough ech- paleg holds grest poten toa fen saps prosuctidy and courage ‘alchinking, As Michael Fula and Maia Langorty articulate nthe recently Dublahed white paper Towns» New End New Pedagogies for Deep Lenn ‘ng: "Education needs tobe radial rethought pat to sto the boredom, but ‘mostly to blow the Ud off leaning, whereby students and teachers as active pastas become captivated by eduction” ‘Accomplishing thsi equie unprecedented levels of innovation and vansfor ‘mation and highy effective mult stkcholde partnershizs We rein the midst, fs naive transition to new knowledgebase and globalised econ. [A stakeholders need to challenge thelr oun assumptions and erthodoxis truljcreate new thinking and endblerealand ling change at scale see tay no seta on sam no ewes iguiguamas > feos ee mxkasiomem: 7/ Satan Sueseugeaneas, Eocene ion nent Ahem euLbiemiaceces onrbuting organizations include government and esearch agence such a ‘he Beth Counc and European Schoolnet; ndustyaseocatone he CMA, ‘om profit foundations such as The Blond Melindo Gates Foundation; and Some ofthe wots largest technology companies incidng Intel, Microsoft, and Promethean, We ate werking with one Bousand schools in cours in- ‘Guiding Australia, nade, colomba, Foland, Lata, the Netherlands, Porwoa, ‘Senegal United kingdom, United States and Uruguay, which ae Uke to part pate nthe Fist stage of implementation, beginning January 2014, Schools are erganzedinta 10 csr. Educators wil deny, share and assee new pedanogies and deep lesting {asks via anole platform. Ths platform wl be 3 place to share and explore {cachet lenming tasks and scent work enabled by technology, allowing = ‘Sionaes,evelien qo ha furlonadoy que no Po tina, Funconar om On ‘motor denformes compatendo la clones prendidas con doentes que 00 pertenercan alos grupos De esta Formals plaraforma proporonsrs na bate pic para un cambio eae intearldl sistema, entiando hesranien- tasy picts prometedores que eampliariny cplarén. £spoco probable que las slucones que necesitamos para tener éxito existan plenamente hoy day natualmente muchos de nosotros no estamos etmodos onlnincericumbre ue srg de eet taba. Apesar de que puede qe no ‘vista una evatta mga», ciemos que ahora es elmomento de exporar mis al de lo conocido. Considerar que el poder dels lanza. la innovacn y {a tecnologia puede aportar esperanza y direc, que ls mejores modelos ‘aralauniin dels partes teresada on un paso crucial hacia adelante. Vo ‘que es mas importante, reeros en sistemas educativos que fornenten unos Indviduos creativos Felcesysanos que contribuyan a bien comin, mom HOG In conversation with The mg Times, Fullan argued that ‘a powerful push-pull dynamic in schooling has made it inevitable that disruptive change will happen. Meanwhile, ‘exploding and alluring technology offers exciting possibilities to turn learning on its head but it isn't always used productively. Fullan predicts that the next five years will see more radical change than the last 50. Describe what you see as the fundamental problem facing education systems today. inmost tradtonal school systems, even ones that function reasonably wells ‘dens are bore And 3= they go up the gree levels they get mare ana more bored, So teachers dot enoy teaching because snot good to teach bored pe ple But asthe re allenatd by poly actions that ae ant teacher, spect the US and England, So there's fal demoralzation among students ad teach {2S that pushes ther out of school pychologial, ann many cases teal Atthe same tine technology poised to dirupt education. There this relent tes pl nears Ure al mo Ae we enone Gel fned Bn schools can be supefidl or negative, but can alco open up posses (One counterpreducive nove wouldbetotytoeninstudets ot chance ‘agains the allure oF technology. Another would be to marginalize teachers on the grounds hak cechnology can replace them. Bu mere meson nthe and of informaton doesnt make ane smarter, For the Festime ever, in 2013, these push pul actors have eachedabreatng Dont. The status quo f no longer posible, change f going to explode no met teruhat we do, New Pedapogles er Deep Learning: A Clobal Partnership sour {tempt to puta ame around this change dee ae a AA aa Ve NAR URNS Be ee oun Pe eeenn ya rareey Ei cut Ure oer eat oth ‘So how do we move forward? “he caren situation so natural part of our society transitioning towards knowledge-based economy that Is global, interdependent and steeped in tech- ‘ology, When highly complex systems change, chaos ecu. But in tha dacs thers are snd of ew patterns ‘We've begun to enti thase patterns in education; new gels for learning el ‘evant to tie new ea, The the what” But we sll ugenty need the how the processes of education that wil help us achieve the new goal of learning, “This fous on mobilizing imovaton defies the vston of New Pedagogies fot Deep Learning ‘What are these new learning goals? {ve been refering to them as the ak Cecil hinking and problem coing ‘communication, collaboration, creatvgy and imagination character education and eizenchin “These sound very similar to what we've Tong called 2ist century skills. 2134 century learning ks hae been around since 1990, 30 they're old. They ‘geting tle. Onelnitation ofthat term that es attached to 25 years of ot

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