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Modelling of Piles in ETABS: (nv CGWIIEA Post Generator FaceBook! Welcome back, mahfuzbangla. You last vised: Today, 02:20 (user cP — open Suddy List — Log Out) / &page~2&highlight.. Images Search Members Help ‘Current time: 24th June, 2011, 02:38 PM View New Posts | View Today's Posts |View Unread Po Private Messages (Unread 0, Total 34) | Profle Comments NEW ADDRESS FOR IMAGE HOST (http:/ /pic.civilea.NET) [ROW TO DONATE CIVILEA? ast Posts Cranes NISA Carlson 2011 build 110324 \ Sunrise PIPENET Can you explain this? Cuil Engineering Association / Civil Enginearing Discussion / Problems © / Modelling of Piles in ETABS. Modelling of Piles in ETABS ‘Current time: 24th June, 2011, 02:38 PM @ shahrekord Inactive User Shout: RE: Modelling of Piles in ETABS. hi Lofé eb athe bor laa Ae Wr veo vis || joomla te (r3)0E) Teed Rating Modeling le TANS ‘eid eed 220TH AUGUST, 2010, 03:47 AM (THIS POST WAS LAST MODIFIED: 20TH AUGUST, 2010 02:45 PM BY KOWHENG. EDIT REASON: ) Post: #11 User 1D: 27418 Posts: 2 Thanks:t ‘Given 17 thanks in 1 posts Points: 82 [Donate] 24-Jun-11 2:41 PM Modelling of Piles in ETABS: hitp:// php?tid~ 13361 &page~2&highlight, this tink code: http: //m.sendspace.con/File/stégbt «do nat work and your fle do not exist please upload this to another se thank CCE CS a 2074 AUGUST, 2010, 08:28AM canes yucapareja =< Active Engineer, User BD KKK Posts: 108 Se Thanks:06 shout Given 627 thanks in 125 posts Points: 2,568 [Donate] RE: Modelling of Piles in ETABS Al, {In my opinion isnot realy @ good idea try to calculate ples with Etabs. ‘The reason is simple, is too complex to modelate the sol and there are @ lot of research in piles for different types of sol (sand, clay ‘and rock). "Wis i ony my apinon and am yng hep. ooo = “®, Thanks given by: oig3 Jake ‘AST AUGUST, 2010, 11:45 PM giga ser 0: 191 ae ~ (xy Santon hen 380 asin pasts Shout Pon boa RE: Modelling of Piles in ETABS Yucapareja {Tm not trying to design piles with etabs {In my opinion to mode! piles in tabs for example: VIA BAR TYPE AND DIVISION THAT IN SOM PARTS AND IN EVERY NODE TO [APPLY SPRINGS IN X, Y AND Z, with user defined spring stiffness. Also ths spring stiffness values must bee well studied (also can taken from any geotechnical purpose software, of any Iterature, and also handcalculated according to sol layers distribution). “To make comparasions n structure between two madels (with fix supports ard with pile supoarts ) In contest of dstibution forces ‘entire mode, and to TRY to take into account afecting of dferentia settierens of ples into model Im try to make this comparesion, also why not to review the stressing range of plees from global analysis of whole mocel. And for this, purpose | try to model effects of plein model. Unites States of Albania Coa CUSED eo dof 6 24-Jun-11 2:41 PM Modelling of Piles in ETABS: hitp:// php?tid~ 13361 &page~2&highlight, "22ND AUGUST, 2010, 07:06 AM (THIS POST WAS LAST MODIFIED: 22ND AUGUST, 2010 07:51 AM BY JCORONELLR. EDIT REASON: ) Post: #14 jcoronellr User 10: 173 ‘Shouts Points: 326 [Donate] RE: Modelling of Piles in ETABS Regards Propose a efferent way to make our projects do not fight with reason this lnk here aime code: http: //m. sendspace.con/file/b1Suap Regards the final aime code: http://w. sendspace. con/File/xvavsq Jcoronellr, proud to be a member of Engineering Forum since Jan 2008, COC CD &, Thanks gven by: sige, Vos, rare 257M AUGUST, 2010, 06:56 AM came User 1b: 29029 = Posts: 12 Donato Thanks:0 Given 9 hanks in posts ‘Shents Points: 125 [Donate] RE: Modelling of Piles in ETABS giga Wrote: (ist August, 2010 11:45 PM) Yucapareia Tm ot tying to design piles with etabs In yy opinion to madel ples in etabs for example: VIA BAR TYPE AND DIVISION THAT IN SOM PARTS AND IN EVERY NODE TO APPLY SPRINGS IN X, Y AND Z, with user defined sping sifness. Also this spring sitfness values must bee well studled (aso can taken from any geotechnical purpose softwere, or any Iiteratue , and also handcalculated according to sol layers distribution). To make comparasions in structure between two models (with fix supports and with plle supoorts ) In contest of dstrbution forces entire model, and to TRY to take into account afecting of ferential settlements of piles into model Im try to make this comparasion, also why not to review the stressing range of piees from global analysis of whole model. And for this purpose i try to model effets of pile in model 3 0f6 24-Jun-11 2:41 PM Modelling of Piles in ETABS: hitp:// php?tid~ 13361 &page~2&highlight, TABS Model calurns with single nades atthe base level, and two for Shear Walls (More if you spt the wall in several pieces). Pile capacity and displacements are given in Geotechnical reports. Structural Engineers usvally design the Pile Caps and check thatthe ‘apacity isnot exceeded. To design the Pile Caps Itrensfer the base flor from ETABS to SAFE and mode! the ples as a vertical spring ith stness equal tothe load capacty cvided by the expected vertical dsplacement (kips/in or KN/mm). Ifyou just want to model the effect of ple foundations nan ETABS medel, you would need to design the lle Cap to get an estimate of the number of Piles required under the columns of walls, then you may be able to create an equivalent spring by adding the sifness ofthe pile group. If ‘you want to model lateral or torsional stiffness then you need to caleulate the resulting stifiness from the pile group, this can be more complex special if you have batter pile. Ifyou just want to check for diferrential settlement because you have different soll Conditions within the building site and thus different dsplacement values, you only need to assign the vertical stness (ple group ‘apacity/vertca csplacement of ple) to your spring support and assign Infinite (very large) lateral and torsional stiffness. oo CS ‘®, Thanks given by: jks ,parhyang 113TH NOVEMBER, 2010, 05:15 AM Post: #16 AG.NAYEL ‘Sem Active Engineer User 1D: 13087 wa mae Gren St ands in 70 pots ‘Shout: New era Points: 709 [Donate] RE: Modeling of Piles inETABS Dear event, the snd ink St wok eupload las. COOL =a jcoronellr ‘Thanks:1133, ‘Given 117 thanks in 28 posts Points: 326 [Donate] oe post: Se shout: RE: Modelling of Piles in ETABS New download site aime code: htep://mn. Sendspace. con/File/veab4s seven poe a renter Ean Forum sie Jon 208 fe ewe [6 me [or = Thanks given by: AG.NAVEL {15TH NOVEMBER, 2010, 05:46 PH Post: #18 4of6 24-Jun-11 2:41 PM Modelling of Piles in ETABS: Sof 6 @ techno s g see Shout: RE: Modelling of Piles in ETABS Dear joronelr, could you please reload part 2 ofthe veo? / &page~2&highlight. User 1D: 4555 Posts: 123 ‘Thanks:787 ‘Gwen 77 thanks in 40 posts Points: 1,155 [Donate] ro {13TH NOVEMBER, 2010, 07:08 PM (THIS POST WAS LAST MODIFIED: 13TH NOVEMBER, 2010 07:09 PM BY ICORONELLR. EDIT REASON e jcoronellr RE: Modelling of Piles in ETABS Greetings Part 2s the lacing end post 17, aime Jcoronel, proud to be a member of Engineering Forum since Jan 2008. Post: #19 User 1D: 173 Posts: 34 ‘Thanks:1133, ‘Given 117 thanks in 28 posts Points: 326 [Donate] Cm ‘®_ Thanks given by: kam), annyoas “« Next Oldest | Next Newest » Search Tread =Preias [1 Quick Reply Message Type your rep to this message here. 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