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GOVERNMENT OF TELANGANA IRRIGATION & CAD DEPARTMENT From To J.Vijaya Prakash, 6.tTech All the Engineers-in-Chief, Engineer-in-Chief (Admn), Chief Engineers and Irrigation & CAD Department, Superintending Engineers Govt., of Telangana, of I&CAD Department, Jalasoudha, 1°' Floor, Govt., of Telangana. Errummanzil, Hyderabad-82. Lr.No.RC/ENC(AW)/ADA/AEE3/Other Trainings/2017 Dt.31-05-2017 Sir, Sub WALAMTARI-I&CAD Department-Government of Telangana - In-house Training programs for Senior Engineers of Telangana State to be conducted at WALAMTARI premises in collaboration with NCTSR - Confirmation of Nomination — Relieving of participants for the trainings — Reg. Ref:- DG, WALAMTARI, Hyderabad, Lr.No.2011/Team-2 (O&M)/NCTSR Trainings 12016-17/2013, Dt.27-05-2017 WALAMTARI, is conducting three, In-house training programs to Senior Engineers of I&CAD Department, Govt., of Telangana, in the cadre of Chief Engineers, Superintending Engineers & Executive Engineers in collaboration with “National Council for Training & Social Research (NCTRS)" at WALAMTARI, in the month of June 2017 The list of participants & training programs scheduled for 3batches are here with enclosed, along with instructions to participants. Therefore, it is requested to relive the participants to attend the above purely residential training programs and they may be instructed to report to WALAMTARI at 8.00AM on the first day of the programme without fail and they should bring their own laptops for the programme. Encl: Batch wise list of participants & training schedule. Yours faithfully, Sd/-J.Vijaya Prakash Dt.31-05-2017 Engineer-in-Chief(AW) ea €opy to the Dy.Executive Engineer(C), to place in Irrigation website. C ays TRAINING AND RESEARCH INST (WALAMTARI) Himayathsagar, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad ~ 500 030, Telang: Phone: 040-24006201; Fax: 040-24006202 E-mail:; Website: www.tswalamtar TUE From To Sri, L.Narayan Reddy, M.Tech, . ‘The Engineer-in-Chief (AW), + Director General, C Chief Engineers, ‘ -WALAMTARI, >= {+= Superintending Engineers of Himayathsagar, Irrigation & CAD Department, Hyderabad-500030. ‘1 Govt, of Telangana, y Hyderabad Lr. No. 2011 /Team-2 (O&MY/NCTSR Trainings /2016-17/) Date: 2 Sit, Sub: WALAMTARI ~ | & CAD Department - Govt of Telangana ~ In-house Training programs for Senior Engineers of Telangana State to be conducted at WALAMTARI premises in collaboration with NCTSR - Confirmation of on Nomination - Relieving of participants for the trainings - Req - Reg. Ref 1) T.O Lr. NO2011/Team-2(0&@MYNCT & SR Trainings / 2016 11156, DT.01.05.2017 2) YO LrNo RC/ENC(AWYADA/AEE3/Other Trainings, Dt 22.05.2017 <> ‘As per the subject cited above, WALAMTARI is proposing three in house training. eZ. programs to Senior Irigation Engineers of I&CAD Department, Govt of Telangana, of cadre AG 9 Chief Engineers (C.Es), Superintending Engineers (SEs) & Executive Engineers (EEs) in collaboration with “National Council for Training & Social Research (NCTSR)", at WALAMTARI premises in the month of June 2017. The list of training programs Scheduled in the month of June are as follows. Schedule oF “Training Topie No.of | Target) Training Participan | Group ‘s 1 [7"=9" June | Arbitration and Dispute Settlement Mechanism | 30 Nos 2017. | Visa Vis Consiriction Contracts days 5 2 16" 1 Project Management for Engineers: 30 Nos Senior Se Irrigation zidays) —————|_ Engineers of 5] 25"=30" | Ofice Systems & Othe Procedures. E=] S0Nos | Pnsiness June 2017 | Govemance. Noting & Drafiing. Records (enone 2days) | Mana department's duties in relation to social equity Stress and its. impa xl methods oF ment, Office Automation, Personnel In this connection, it is requested to relieve the nominated participants for the above said training programs and it is also requested to make sure that all of them attend the training programme without fail; otherwise the amount spent on the training programmes would result in futile expenditure and jf any officer fails to attend the above training programes, the cost of training programme will be recovered from the individual Please ‘depute thé participants With the following instructions: 1) The training,programmes are purely residential and they should report WALAMTARI at 8.00 am on the first day of the programme, and 2) They should &lso bring their own laptops for the programme. For any further clarifications, you may please contact Course Director Shri.P Ravindra Reddy, E.E(0&M), WALAMTARI, Mobile No: 9866661316, email Encl: Nominated list of participants for 3 training programs — 3 Nos. Yours faithfully. Sd/- Dt: 26.05.2017 Director General WALAMTARI HAttestedl Velo TIT Executive Engineer(O&M) dat WALAMTARI os Copy submitted to Special Chief Secretary, for information and necessary action Copy to OSD, Hon’ble Minister for Irrigation, Marketing & Legislative Affairs for information, Name of the Training Programme:- 3 Days Training Programme on " ARBITRATION AND DISPUTE SETTLEMENT MECHANISM VIS A VIS CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS" From 07-06-2017 to 09-06-2017 @ WALAMTARI List of Engineers for WALAMTARI and NCT&SR Training-Group- fs i A ‘Mobile Name of thelOfticer [Design lade of Workin i [No io esi peaxtaiee ane Number(s) | 1 |k. Shyam Sunder Chief Engineer ICE, Minor(GB), Hyderabad 9866661312 y CEf Kaleshwaram —Project| 2 |B. Hari Ram’ hief Engineer 4 R chief Engine Fer 8008499871 3. |S. Narasimhg Rao IChief Engineer ICE, ISWR Hyderabad 7331106172 i Superintending Engineer|O/o | the Deputy Engineerin-] | 4 |. Anitha 9 M. Ant es Lo 900901020 T, Srinivas Superintending Engineer |SE, Irigation Circle Nirmal 9177306240 , . 9949092230) | 6 |N.Sudhakar Reddy [Superintending Engineer |SF, CCH Hanamkonda eee | , 90009533727 7 |M. Srikanth Reo Superitending Engineer |SE, 1FFC Circle, Karimnagar |S Otorseig 8 |V.Raghunath Rao __|Superitending Engineer |SE, PIP Circle Gadwal 7680072400 i es Superintending Engineer|SE, NLSBC O&M Circle, 9 |M.Venkateshwartu — /SYP Fae 9440802855 10 JAmjad Ht Mohd St ding Es JSE, Pe ga Circle, Adilabad Bae seus mmjad Hussian Mot uperintending Engineer |SE, Penuganga Circle, Adilabad | [eyousncy 70329015351 U1 |Z. Srinivara Rao Superintending Engineer |SE, Qc&I Circle, Warangal | ounce SE, Oo the Engineer-in-Chie? (0, avi Kumar juperitending Engineer . cs 7331129421 oe eae ar aE EE eae jHyderaabd for GRMB- a Dy SE / Kaleshwaram Project 3 nam Executive Engineer | ATT 13 [LyRet Executive Engi ee eee 9177477228 - eer 7997969117 | 14 |a, sstyanarayan Redey [Executive Engineer , CDO, Hyderaba eee Dy SE 7 Irrigation Circle . 5 |kcL. Srinivasa charyulu [Executive Engineer : %7 15 |KL. Srinivasa charyulu Executive Engi eae 01362556 EE, PAM Cell, Engineer-in-Chied 6 |Gnana Prasada Ra Executive Engineer 7093604988 16 |Gnana Prasada Rao | Enginee es SE Irigation Circle ge 17 |¥.Shravan Kumar Executive Engineer [DY SE {tigation Citele}. 9575907916 IG. Srinivas Reddy Executive Engineer H&l Division No.2, H&L Cirle (SB), Hydlerabad 7032715030 Page 1 Si i Mobile | Name of the Officer [Designation Place of Working No. ie aad ESR Number(s) * secutive Engineer [OC EE DW Ne. 1, QAI Ciel, 19 |G. Kanthaiah Executive Engi Sara 9440810881 = ' lac & I Div No. 5, Waranagal| 9866772156) | ca Fxccutive Enginees |Qcal Circle, Hanamkonda 9989997930 | 7 a IB Division Suryapet, SE.) 7093890683/ 21 |N. Sanjeev Reddy [Executive Engineer Irrigation Circle, Nalgonda 9989998002 | - T [> [Pe BRAP Projet Consction mem ] Div. Bellampally of Dr BRAC] yo. 22 |L. Satyavardhan Exccuve Enginest —Iocict Camstnction iile| 97197954 ii i Bellampally | i : [PIP Exec. Diva No.2, Gadwal,] 26800724387 23 |L. Chakradharam Executive Engineer, | ciel, Gaawal 7799899499 FEC Divn No.5, LMD Colony.) 9100973682 24 |P.Ramesh Executive Engineer lier Circle’ LMD Colorys| onooronnio PPMU, Ofo the Engineer-in- 7 res ecutive Engineer 4927585 2 eae ee |Chief, Irrigation, Hyderabad calles 26 |B. Radha Krishna Executive Engineer ee Sees on cust} 15668713, Karimnagar - EE, Ofo the CE, H&l Cirele,) 7093320833/ 27 JDVS Ramana Murthy Executive Engineer [EP Cee 28 |c. Mahender Executive Engineer EE, Ofa the CE, CDO Hyderabad | 7997966907 AMRP Diva No.3, Angadipet, a 9989997952, pa een JAMRSLBC Circle, GV Gudem,| eran se Nalgonda BVenkata Rajendra - Dy SE / ligation Ciele| 9 3 Executive Engineer 701375844 0 Prasad peed ‘Sangareddy Se ; 7 - sdevabae 8008500243 31 |. Koteshwer Rao Executive Engineer CE, IS&WR, Hyderabad ae - : 91009737147 | 52. |6. Ramesh Executive Engineer Dy SE/SYP Circle, Karimnagar} Si 7¥yy yyy | ‘ommissioner KD of 33. \Vidyavathi Kaveti Executive Engineer ie PRD of GB o440817292 Hyderabad [Srinivasa Raju Executive Engineer ICTE, Secretariat, Hyderabad 897890175 Page 2 Name of the Training Programme:- 2 Days Training Programme on" PROJECT MANAGEMENT FOR ENGINEERS" From 16-06-2017 to 17-06-2017 @ WALAMTARI List of Engineers for WALAMTARI and NCT&SR Training-Group-II Motte eae use oe s Number(s) f ' + tT opsseaaiai [Chief Engi CE Minor kB), me 9866772071 | ~Vouepshamaag > CE: Ketestwaram Projet Venkatesh set Eig , enkaeshvarius [chet Ehginer aoe | rovers Sea arg aon SrOTTTEDED 3 |g. Gangntnar eae eee é nic . SIDE «|i Dharma Superintending Engineer |Se,ivigutio Cirle, Nalgonda VAN Crea SaRSTTEDAD 5 |A. Shravan Kumar Isuperintending Engineer |S®»GVCIV Circle, LMD Colony, Karinnage E, SYP Circle, ‘olons 9100973712 6 |b vioythastar tac |supeiencngEgieer SE SY? Ce LMD Colon . SE, PRLIS Circle No.1 9959511755 tame, FAC [speinensing Enger PEL PRLIS ISE, Kaleshwaram Project Circle 9100902434, i. Suaakar Re Se Y ay eee L since |No.1, Ramagundam |O/o the Chief Engineer, ISWR, 7331106175 oo | anaes rperintending Epa ‘Hyderabad : |Ofo the Director General, 9866661317 10 |e. Shyamsunder Superintending Engineer |i estat 11 |i msar Rao Ee el vse encase eoncen 12 |K, Ramehandram Executive Engineer EAD cease 9701375958 rvigation Circle, Karimnagar D. Narsing Rao Executive Engineer 1.B. Div, Mahabubnagar, SE, Irrigation Circle, Mahabubnagar 9701362422 1.B. Div, Bhongir, SE, Irrigation 14 |. suner Executive gine _|/8. DS. Shon 7093490655 15 |k.chandra ShekarRao |Esecuive Engineer [IBDN Viktabed SE | oson353300 16 |M. Ram Prasas Enecutve Engineer fF Die Mahabubadad SE | gpoi 502532 | 17 [cn Balas Executive Enginer | IDW-NoL-Mababubratan | giagaiszee | 18 |V. Srinivas Executive Engineer pipiens pert eaLec SSUES oe saa Circle (GB). Karimnagar Paget Sl Mobile tame of the Officer [Designation ace of Wor By, [Name of the Off Designat Piace of W nn ape QC & [Div No.2, G.V. Gude, on 19 JD, Bhadru Executive Engin OC & I Circle, Hyderabad 9989997980 es ee QC & I DivNo.6, Khammam, QC] 20 |M.Suprakash Kumar Executive Engineer | 0 Warn 331164983 j MIP Div, Maycherial, Dr 21 |Badrinarayana Executive Engineer __|BRAPCSS Cinstruction Circle, | 9100973753 Bellampatly | oa at i IGS, PW Work Shop, Hydérabad, | 22 |N. Sanjeev Executive Engineer ned 944153848 7 IFFC Div Neg, LMD Colony, 23 |A. Ramulu cutive Engineer _|IFFC Circle, EMD Colony, 9100973619 Karinnagae ‘| 1 [GVC-V Div No.1, Siltanabad, 24 |S. Satish Kumar Executive Engineer |GVC-IV Circle, LMD Colony, | 9100973767 Karimnaga Div No.2, Kataram, Kaleswaram 25 |Mallikerjuna Prasad Je ccutive Engineer Project Circle No.1, 9100902420 Kurugenti Ramagundam 26 |Ch. Padmi Executive Engineer ose ec SA ce) 9515108047 Pebbaie - Dy.SE, Nagarkurnool, PRLIS. | 27 |. Kesava Reo Executive Engineer ee eee cel [Ole the Engineerin-Chieh hiva Kumar Executive Engineer 108889115 28 |& shiva K Executive Eng irigaton, Hyderabad oe Ovo the Chief Engineer, Central | sop rogoy 29 |B. Rajamma executive Engineer eee vearinnion, Hyderabad | 7297966913 [Of the Chief Engineer, Cental 30 |Mohd, Abdu ecutive Engineer 79979669 | cere eecey ESS |Designs Organization, Hyderabad selec , IS¥P Div No2, LMD Colony, | 9 p59 31 |p. Shiva Kumar Executive Engineer (EY Cie Kremer | stoos75z44 Div No.1, Meipally, GVC-1 | 52 fu. Sambhashiva Reddy . Executive Engineer. |Citle, SRSP Dam Site, | 9503575603 | Pochamped! | shee. ~scoutive Fae E (Legal), Ofe Engineer-in ae 33 |B.K. Gyaneswar Exeeutive Engineer Oe ees sstr29303 | jef Engineer, 1S & WR. | 34_|Md, Mahaboob Hussain Cee iS 9949993266, Hyderabad! Chief Engineer, PRLIS. 35 |G. Srinivas Executive Engineer eee iS 9100112233 yderabacl Page 2 Name of the Training Programme:: 2 Days ‘Training Programme on " OFFICE SYSTEMS & OFFIC PROCEDURES, e-GOVERNANCE, NOTING AND DRAFTING, RECORDS MANAGEMENT, OFFIC! AUTOMATION, PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT DUTIES IN RELATION TO SOCIAL EQUITY STRESS AND ITS IMPACT ON WORK AND METHODS OF MANAGEMENT STRESS" From 29-06-2017 (o 30-06-2017 @ WALAMTARI -_ List of Engineers for WALAMTARI and NCT&SR Training-Group-Il SL th 1 Mobile — | Name of the Officer! |Design lace of Workin {No |** > ae Pl pees) Number(s) 1 ]R Madhusudhang Reo »|Chief Engineer = —_|Communr P&D, GB, Hyerabad | 9440797308 | « Z ii 2 |B. Shanker P |Chief Engineer Sera aCe 9959091541 yoy Kerimnagar yey 3. |G. Shankar Naik [Chief Engineer ICE, Hat Hyderabad 7093704199 “ 9704957484) 4 |v, Padma Rao Superintending Engineer_|SE, Irrigation Circle, Sangareddy | ‘go 19476200 — 9490958616) 5 |A.Anatha Ramutu {Superintending Engineer Commissioner CADA, Hyderabad] S1700°8616 6 |K. Ramesh [Superintending Engineer _|SE,NS Dam Cirele, Hill Colony | 9440802735 7 34 7 IK. Veeraiah Superintending Engineer |SE, P&M Cell, Hyderabad a ‘Superintending Engineer| 8 |A. Srinivasa Reddy SE, lirigation Circle, Warangal | 9701362512 AIC fea Superintending Engineer|Dy SE, JCRDLIS Ciele| go 54. 75¢77 Arc Warangal 10 |. Ramesh Executive Engineer HB Divn Nirmal, SE vigation) so9574a08 Circle, Nirmal IB Diva Karimnagar, SE) Irigation Circle, Karimnagar IB Diva Nagarkurnool, S| 11 |T-Srinivasa Rai Gupta Executive Engineer A/C 9701375993 jovindu -xecutive Engineer 9701732718 legend etl Ee Irvigation Circle Mahabubnagat : 5 IB Diva Devarakonda, SE 3 [RG y -xecutive Engineer 7093890668 ies | auenSoabwcaes E ee Irvigation Circle Nalgonda - DySE, SE Iivigntion Circle) 79981015357 4 |M. Mohan Goud Executive Engineer OT ceoseusen : , - 1&1 Divn No.3 GV Gudem, Hal] 99899979107 15 |A, Rama Chandra Reddy |Executive Engineer [cts eivgerabad eee 1Qc & 1 Divn No.3] 16 |A. Durga Rao Executive Engineer | Mahabubnagar, QC&I Circle] 7337396502 Bellampally QC & 1 Divn No.8 Nirmal, OCR) IN. Ramana Ra secutive Engineer 2 Ocel 3500161396 a Ia ue Eco |Cirele. Warangal Page 1 SI. Mobile Ng Name ofthe Officer [Desig Place of Working eee DySE, Dr. BRAP Projects] go,5-5 9, 18 ]M. Vishnu Prasad Executive Engineer Oe areas | 9949507971 EFC Diva Nod LMD Colony +) 91009736307 | o.Ashok Kp Executive Engl FFRC j Cite, LMD Colon] ese ger7 Divn No.3, Pedéapalli, GVC-IV| 9100077600) pe i ee \Circles LMD Colony Karimnagar | 7382205275 Divn No.4 Choppadandi, oes Ea eet et eral (ceeer cece cea (cect rent ee tare ee Bei ILMD Colony, Karimnagar ce 7 7 22 |p. Kasi Viswanadham [Executive Engineer __|DySE, DLISC, Kondamallepally | 9100049830 = [EE(Admin), Ove the Engineerine| 9513134052) 25 |sunit Deshpande Executive Engines |G Wy rherabad | eater haw EE(GRMB), O/o the Engineer-in span 24 |p. Sadashiv oe ee 949340498 25 |k. Devender Reddy Executive Engineer _|EE, COT, Hyderabad 7702499511 | 26 |V. Mohan Kumar Executive Engineer EE, CE, CDO Hyderabad | 7997966003 Dy CE-1, CE, NSP & AMRSLBC| 7995570396) 27 |ch, Ramachandram Executive Engineer |p? 2 sheen ve Engineer [DYCE:CE projecis LMD Colony,| 9100073609 28 |k. Mahesh Executive Engineer QC! woe ; 7 ECA Ya ice ENS Cr a 29 |v. Venugopal Executive Engineer sepa 9440421249 30 |s. Srinivas Executive Engineer _| EE, Ofo the CE, CDO Hyderabad | 984910196 Divn Nod Choppadandi, | ® 7093009621" | 31 |W. Sreedhar Executive Engineer” |Kaleswaram Project Cirele No2,| 7") 1086: 9963550686 Karina | | 32 |. Ajay Kumar Executive Engineer _|CE, Minor, Hyderabad soosssso72 | ss . Joie Commissioner CADAL 33 |L. Ananthy Reddy [Executive E Fence 293976834 | 34 Md. Azmal Khan Executive Engineer Ovo CE(P), Adilabad 9949993265 Page 2

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