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Northside High School MainStage Monarchs

Mission: MainStage Monarchs is an organization that is dedicated to promoting theater and the arts at the
school, and in the community.
Vision: We are confident and excited about performance and the advocacy of the arts.
Motto: Totus mundus agit histrionem meaning the whole world is a playhouse
The Northside High School MainStage Monarchs is an arts-based organization that promotes theater arts in the
community through school-centered events, and performances open to the community.
Activities: Students will take part in activities such as the following:

The North Carolina Theater Conference Annual High School Play Festival
Fundraising events to raise money for conference and other events
Social events dedicated to getting the school and its students interested in the theater arts
Outreach events that will help make the school and the Jacksonville Community a better place
In order to be considered a full member of the organization and participate in the theater competition, each student must
pay the dues by the date stated below, attend weekly meetings, and contribute to the events held by the organization.
Students may not participate in activities if they are facing disciplinary consequences, including excessive tardiness or
dress code infractions. Repeated disciplinary issues may result in dismissal from club and dues will not be refunded.
In order to maintain membership status, students must participate in the required amount of events (1 social, 1 outreach,
and 1 fundraising).
As with any other club, students must be in good academic standing. If a student is taking an EOC course, they must
have at least a 90 in order to participate in the NCTC festival. A failing final grade in any
course for the semester may result in dismissal and dues will not be refunded. T-Shirt Size
All students must be ON TIME!! My personal policy, since this is an extra-curricular S M L XL
activity, for every set of 5 minutes that a student is late, they owe me 10 push-ups.
Dues must be paid to Mr. Taylor by October 1st, 2017 at 2:00pm.
Dues are $20 with a free T-Shirt included if you pay by the due date.
I understand the kind of work my student will be doing by being involved in MainStage Monarchs and hereby give them
permission to take part in the organization and attend meetings, rehearsals, and events.

Parent Signature: ______________________________________ Date: _______________

Student Signature: _____________________________________ Date: _______________

Parent/Guardian Information Sheet

MainStage Monarchs Members

Student Name: ________________________________________________ Grade Level: __________

Contact #1

Name: __________________________________________________ Relationship: _________________

Home Phone: _________________________ Cell Phone: ___________________________

Email Address: _______________________________________________________________

Contact #2

Name: __________________________________________________ Relationship: _________________

Home Phone: _________________________ Cell Phone: ___________________________

Email Address: _______________________________________________________________

Does your child have a license and drive? YES NO

Do you have any medical concerns about your student you would like to share?

Is there anything else you would like me to know about your student?

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