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Good Stories and Story Telling

A story is a _____________________________________________________________________


We use stories to pass on wisdom, beliefs, and values. Through stories we explain
how things are, why they are, and our role and purpose. Stories are the building
blocks of knowledge, the foundation of memory and learning. Stories connect us
with our humanness and link past, present, and future by teaching us to anticipate
the possible consequences of our actions.

A story includes:




What are the characteristics of a good story?





Dramatic Techniques
The cliffhanger was popularized with serialized
Cliffhanger fiction and occurs when characters are left in
precipitous situations, or have a revelation, as an
episode of the serial ends. For example, a main
character is left literally hanging off a cliff
Foreshadowing is a literary technique in which a
Foreshadowing reference is made to something that will play an
important role in future events of the story.
Pathos is a literary technique in which the
Pathos author directly appeals to the emotion and
imagination of the reader to elicit sympathy for
a character in the story or the writer's

A plot twist occurs when a sudden, unexpected

Plot Twist change happens that has a direct impact on the
outcome of the story. A plot twist can occur
during any portion of the narrative, but it also
frequently happens as a surprise ending.

Ticking Clock Scenario The ticking clock scenario elicits dramatic

tension by placing a character in a dangerous, or
otherwise intense situation, in which time is of
the essence. As time passes, the stakes of the
outcome of the story are raised, increasing
dramatic tension.
What makes good story telling?

1) ________________________________________________________________________________


No: So I was thinking about climbing this mountain. But then I

watched a little TV and made a snack and took a nap and my mom
called and vented about her psoriasis then I did a little laundry (a
whites load) (I lost another sock, darn it!) and then I thought about
it again and decided Id climb the mountain the next morning.
Yes: The mountain loomed before me. I had my hunting knife, some
trail mix and snow boots. I had to make it to the little cabin and
start a fire before sundown or freeze to death for sure.

2) ________________________________________________________________________________


Make an outline, memorize your bullet points and play with the
details. Enjoy yourself. Imagine you are at a dinner party, not a

3) ________________________________________________________________________________


4) ________________________________________________________________________________


Lets Listen!
Puppy Love

What is the theme? Is it simple, clear, well defined?



Complete the plot graph.

Describe the main character.



What types of dramatic appeal and/or literary devices were used?


What was the mood? How did it make you feel?



CBC - Love Me Podcast


How did the speaker open? Were you intrigued right away?



Did they sound natural? What was the effect of their delivery style?



Describe the speakers tone of voice.



Describe the speakers vocabulary. Did any words jump out?



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