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2 A new giant titanosaur sheds light
5 on body mass evolution among
sauropod dinosaurs
9 Jose L. Carballido1, Diego Pol1, Alejandro Otero2, Ignacio A. Cerda3,
Research Leonardo Salgado3, Alberto C. Garrido4, Jahan Ramezzani5, Nestor R. Cuneo1
12 Cite this article: Carballido JL, Pol D, Otero A, and Marcelo J. Krause1
Cerda IA, Salgado L, Garrido AC, Ramezzani J, 1
14 CONICET, Museo Paleontologico Egidio Feruglio, Trelew U9100GYO, Argentina
Cuneo NR, Krause MJ. 2017 A new giant 2
CONICET, Division Paleontologa de Vertebrados, Museo de La Plata, La Plata B1900FWA, Argentina
titanosaur sheds light on body mass evolution 3
16 CONICET, Instituto de Investigacion en Paleobiologa y Geologa, Universidad Nacional de Ro Negro,
17 among sauropod dinosaurs. Proc. R. Soc. B General Roca 8332, Argentina
Museo Provincial de Ciencias Naturales Juan Olsacher, Zapala 8340, Argentina
18 20171219. 5
Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
19 Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
21 JLC, 0000-0003-3227-8034
23 Titanosauria was the most diverse and successful lineage of sauropod dino-
Received: 31 May 2017
24 saurs. This clade had its major radiation during the middle Early Cretaceous
Accepted: 6 July 2017 and survived up to the end of that period. Among sauropods, this lineage
26 has the most disparate values of body mass, including the smallest and
27 largest sauropods known. Despite recent findings have improved our knowl-
28 edge on giant titanosaur anatomy, there are still many unknown aspects about
29 Subject Category: their evolution, especially for the most gigantic forms and the evolution of
30 body mass in this clade. Here we describe a new giant titanosaur, which
31 represent the largest species described so far and one of the most complete
32 titanosaurs. Its inclusion in an extended phylogenetic analysis and the optim-
Subject Areas: ization of body mass reveals the presence of an endemic clade of giant
palaeontology, evolution, taxonomy titanosaurs inhabited Patagonia between the Albian and the Santonian. This
35 and systematics clade includes most of the giant species of titanosaurs and represents the
36 major increase in body mass in the history of Titanosauria.
37 Keywords:
38 Titanosauria, Cretaceous, Patagonia,
39 taphonomy, Gondwana
40 1. Introduction
41 The origin of titanosaur dinosaurs origin was inferred to date back to the latest
42 Jurassic [1] (ca 150 Ma) and recent analyses place their time of diversification
43 Author for correspondence: during the Early Cretaceous (BarriasianBarremian ca 140125 Ma) [27].
44 Jose L. Carballido Titanosauria is a diverse clade (approx. 90 genera) of sauropods and also the
45 e-mail: only one that survived until the end-Cretaceous. In addition to their taxonomic
46 diversity (approx. 30% of valid sauropod genera) this clade has a remarkable vari-
47 ation on body size among its members, including the largest known sauropods
48 (e.g. Argentinosaurus, Puertasaurus; with rough estimates of body mass above 60
49 tons [8]) and the smallest sauropods known to date (e.g. Rinconsaurus, Saltasaurus;
50 with estimated body masses of approximately 6 tons [8]). Understanding the
51 evolution of body mass in this clade is key for understanding many aspects of
52 sauropod evolution, including changes in their paleoecology and growth strat-
53 egies. Studies on dinosaur body mass evolution have noted an increase in
54 variation of body size among titanosaurs during the Cretaceous in comparison
55 with other sauropod groups, and some previous studies noted an overall trend
56 to body mass decrease [810]. Nonetheless, recent studies failed to find any
57 exceptional body mass shifts in sauropod evolution during the Cretaceous, a
58 result interpreted as product of niche saturation achieved during the Triassic
59 Jurassic [8]. A common problem in studies on the evolution of body size in
Electronic supplementary material is available
60 Titanosauria has been the lack of well sampled phylogenetic studies of the
online at group [11,12], especially considering large bodied titanosaurs, whose record
& 2017 The Author(s) Published by the Royal Society. All rights reserved.

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64 2
holotype (MPEF-PV 3400)
paratype (MPEF-PV 3399)
69 additional paratypes
missing elements 5m
Figure 1. Reconstructed skeleton and body silhouette of Patagotitan mayorum showing preserved elements from the holotype and paratypic specimens.
74 has been extremely fragmentary for many years [13,14]. Recent (c) Paratypes
75 discoveries of more complete remains of giant titanosaurs The repeated elements recovered at this site include both axial

Proc. R. Soc. B 20171219

76 [12,15,16] have revealed new and relevant anatomical data, and appendicular bones that lack morphological differences,
77 such as the pre-caudal axial skeletal anatomy of Futalognko- with size variation less than 5%. Furthermore, some of these
78 saurus with expanded neural spines in posterior cervical elements share the presence of autapomorphies (in the two
79 vertebrae [15] as in Puertasaurus [14] and Mendozasaurus [17] most complete specimens and in the multiple isolated
80 or the pes of Notocolossus showing adaptations for gigantism, femora and humeri). Based on this evidence all sauropod
81 such as the reduction in the number of phalanges and the com- material collected in the quarry is here identified as belonging
82 pact construction of its metatarsus [16]. However, the to the same taxon, forming a monospecific assemblage (see
83 phylogenetic relationships of these forms among titanosaurs the electronic supplementary material). One of the paratypic
84 are still uncertain and it is not clear if they are related to each specimens corresponds to a partially associated specimen
85 other and how many lineages experienced a drastic increase (MPEF-PV 3399) composed of six posterior cervical vertebrae,
86 in body size among titanosaurs. one anterior, one middle and two posterior dorsal vertebrae,
87 Here we describe a new giant titanosaur, which not only one anterior and 16 posterior caudal vertebrae, ribs and chev-
88 represents the largest sauropod described so far but also one rons, left ulna and radius, both ischia, left pubes and one left
89 of the most complete titanosaur taxa recovered to date. The femur. Additional paratypic specimens include an isolated
90 new taxon is represented by at least six different specimens. tooth (MPEF-PV 3372), an isolated posterior caudal vertebra
91 Based on the taphonomical, histological and ecological data (MPEF-PV 3393), two left humeri (MPEF-PV 3395, 3396) and
92 available, we interpret this monospecific sauropod associ- one right humerus (MPEF-PV 3397), one left (MPEF-PV
93 ation as the first evidence of social behaviour among giant 3375) and one right (MPEF-PV 3394) femur, and two partially
94 titanosaurs. The new taxon is included in an expanded preserved fibulae (MPEF-PV 3391, 3392) (figure 1).
95 phylogenetic analysis that recovered a diverse clade of giant
96 Patagonian titanosaurs, indicating that one major event of
97 extreme gigantism took place in the evolution of this clade (d) Type locality and horizon
98 during the middle Cretaceous, representing the major La Flecha ranch, Chubut Province, Argentina. Cerro Barcino
99 deviation from the ancestral sauropod body size. Formation, latest Albian (101.6 + 0.11 Ma; see electronic
100 supplementary material for a detailed description on tuff
101 dating analysis).
2. Systematic palaeontology
104 Dinosauria Owen, 1842 (e) Taphonomy
Sauropoda Marsh, 1878 A minimum of six individuals were found in the same quarry,
Titanosauria Bonaparte and Coria, 1993 distributed in three distinct but closely spaced horizons, which
Eutitanosauria Sanz et al., 1999 corresponds to three different burial events (see electronic
Lognkosauria Calvo et al. 2007 supplementary material). The fossiliferous sequence is 3.43 m
Patagotitan mayorum n. gen. et sp. thick and composed of interbedded muddy sandstones and
sandy mudstones, with thin intercalations of fine-grained
sandstone bodies (indicative of a fluvial floodplain with recur-
(a) Etymology rent episodes of flooding). The low energy depositional setting
Patago from Patagonia (southern South America) and titan and taphonomical data indicates that the specimens were not
(Greek divinity) symbolic of strength and large size. The transported prior to their burial. The negligible size variation
species name honours the Mayo family for their hospitality of repeated elements and the histological data (see below)
during fieldwork at the La Flecha ranch. indicate that they were young adult individuals (prime-age
animals; [18]). The deaths of young adults at the same place
in different events indicates site fidelity of individuals that
118 (b) Holotype died close to water bodies (floodplain), as seen in sites with
119 MPEF-PV (Museo Paleontologico Egidio Feruglio, Trelew,
recurrent deaths of prime-age male elephants [18].
120 Argentina) 3400. A single individual preserving an anterior
121 and two middle cervical vertebrae, three anterior, two
122 middle and two posterior dorsal vertebrae, six anterior (f ) Diagnosis
123 caudal vertebrae, three chevrons, dorsal ribs, both sternal Anterior dorsal vertebrae (D1D3) with vertical prezygodia-
124 plates, right scapulocoracoid, both pubes and both femora pophyseal lamina, due to the elevated position of the
125 (figure 1). This specimen is the best preserved and also the prezygapophysis respect to the diapophysis; anteriormost
126 one with the largest amount of diagnostic characters. dorsal vertebrae (D1D2) with ventral bulge in prespinal

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127 lamina; hyposphene-hypantrum restricted to the articulation internal camellate bone tissue. Neural spines of anterior 3
128 between D3 and D4; middle and posterior dorsal vertebrae and middle cervical vertebrae are single and mediolaterally
129 with vertical neural spine (reversal to the condition of non- compressed. The presence of laterally expanded neural
130 titanosauriforms, convergently acquired in some lithostrotian spines in posterior cervical vertebrae (as in Futalognkosaurus
131 titanosaurs); first caudal vertebra with flat anterior and convex [15], Mendozasaurus [17] and Ligabuesaurus [21]) cannot be
132 posterior articular surfaces; anterior caudal vertebrae with determined in Patagotitan due to poor preservation. Posterior
133 neural spines four to six times mediolaterally wider than antero- cervical vertebrae and all dorsal vertebrae bear deep pleuro-
134 posteriorly long; anterior caudal neural spines incipiently bifid coels that open into the internal camellate bone tissue. Based
135 with anteriorly directed tips; marked bulge on the posterolateral on the morphological differences among the dorsal vertebrae
136 surface of the humerus (convergently acquired in some derived of Patagotitan, we identify that nine distinct vertebral pos-
137 lithostrotians); straight lateral edge on distal femur. itions are represented. Based on comparisons with dorsal
138 series of other titanosaurs (and assuming a total number of

Proc. R. Soc. B 20171219

139 10 dorsal vertebrae as in the closely related titanosaur
(g) Comparative diagnosis Futalognkosaurus [15], and most titanosaurs for which com-
Dorsal vertebrae preserved in Patagotitan, Argentinosaurus
141 plete dorsal series is known), the dorsal series of Patagotitan
and Puertasaurus allows distinguishing the new taxon from
142 is probably complete except for the fourth dorsal vertebra.
these more fragmentary previously known giant titanosaurs
143 Two dorsal vertebrae (one from the holotype and the other
from mid-Cretaceous of Patagonia: (i) The dorsal vertebrae
144 from the most complete paratypic specimen) are interpreted
of Argentinosaurus and Puertasaurus have robust but low
145 as the third dorsal vertebra of Patagotitan (figure 2d,e). They
(poorly developed) laminae, whereas the dorsal vertebrae of
146 share general morphological features (e.g. parapophysis
Patagotitan have thin and highly developed laminae. (ii) The
147 position, laminae development and orientation) and have a
prezygodiapophyseal lamina of anterior dorsal vertebrae of
148 peculiar combination of features: the absence of hypantrum
Patagotitan is vertically oriented whereas in Argentinosaurus
149 on the anterior surface and the presence of hyposphene on
and Puertasaurus this lamina projects anteriorly from the diapo-
150 its posterior surface. The absence of hyposphene-hypantrum
physis (as in other sauropods). (iii) The neural spines of
151 in all other preserved middle and posterior dorsal vertebrae
anterior dorsal vertebrae of Patagotitan are high and vertically
152 (figure 2f,g) indicates that this extra articulation was solely
directed with an arrow-shaped end ( product of the lateral
153 present between the third and fourth dorsal vertebrae of
expansion of the spine, as in Argentinosaurus), whereas in
154 Patagotitan (assuming the presence of a hypantrum in the
Puertasaurus (and other lognkosaurians) these neural spines
155 unpreserved fourth dorsal vertebra). Although the hypo-
are short with lateral margins converging dorsally. (iv) The
156 sphene-hypantrum was convergently lost in the history of
neural spine of middle and posterior dorsal vertebrae
157 sauropods [22], the retention of the plesiomorphic hypo-
of Patagotitan are vertically oriented, differing from the poster-
158 sphene-hypantrum articulation between the third and
odorsally directed neural spine of Argentinosaurus and most
159 fourth dorsal vertebra is an unreported condition among
titanosauriforms. Other characters from the diagnosis of
160 sauropods. The preservation of this accessory articulation in
Patagotitan are unknown in Puertasaurus and Argentinosaurus
161 anterior-middle dorsal vertebrae of Patagotitan is intriguing,
and some of them might have a more widespread distribution
162 but it could be biomechanically related to its extreme gigantism
within Lognkosauria, such as the hyposphene-hypantrum
163 as this region coincides with the anatomical position of the
system present exclusively between the third and fourth
164 scapular blade [23] (figure 1) and the peak of torsional stress
dorsal vertebrae (unknown for closely related taxa, such as
165 noted for other sauropods (evidenced by the maximum neuro-
Argentinosaurus, Puertasaurus, Drusilasaura). The more comple-
166 central sutural complexity [24]). The prezygodiapophyseal
tely known anatomy of Dreadnoughtus allows identifying
167 lamina of the first, second and, to a lesser degree, the
multiple differences with Patagotitan: (i) short and posteriorly
168 third dorsal vertebra is vertically oriented in Patagotitan
directed neural spine in anterior and middle dorsal vertebrae,
169 (figure 2b,c), differing from other known titanosaurs, including
differing from the much higher and vertical neural spine
170 Argentinosaurus, Futalognkosaurus, Puertasaurus, Dreadnoughtus
of Patagotitan; (ii) biconvex first caudal centrum, whereas in
171 and Notocolossus. Lamination in dorsal vertebrae is well devel-
Patagotitan the centrum is anteriorly flat; (iii) neural spine of
172 oped, clearly differing from the much less developed laminae
anterior caudal vertebrae slightly anteroposteriorly longer
173 of Argentinosaurus. Dorsal neural spines are high and bear
than mediolaterally wide, whereas in Patagotitan is wider
174 thin and long prespinal and postspinal laminae and an
than long; (iv) anterior caudal vertebrae lacks the dorsoven-
175 arrow-shaped triangular aliform processes, similar to that of
trally high transverse processes present in Patagotitan;
176 Argentinosaurus (figure 2b,c,f,g). The middle and posterior
(v) scapular blade lacks the distal expansion present in
177 dorsal vertebrae bear an anterior and posterior spinodiapophy-
Patagotitan; (vi) marked bulge on the posterolateral surface of
178 seal laminae and a bifurcated posterior centrodiapophyseal
the humerus of Patagotitan is absent in Dreadnoughtus.
179 lamina (figure 2g), as in many other titanosaurs [25].
180 The first caudal vertebra has a flat anterior articular sur-
181 face and a prominently convex posterior one (observed in
182 3. Description both first caudal vertebrae recovered), whereas subsequent
183 Nine cervical vertebrae have been preserved, including preserved caudal centra are procoelous (figure 2h o). The
184 anterior, middle and posterior elements. The posteriormost articular morphology of the first caudal vertebra of the two
185 elements were poorly preserved and anteroposteriorly most complete specimens of Patagotitan (MPEF-PV 4000 and
186 crushed. Anterior and middle cervical centra are highly MPEF-PV 3399) is unique among titanosaurs, differing from
187 elongated (elongation index greater than 5; sensu [19]) the procoelous anterior caudal vertebrae of other basal
188 (figure 2a) and lack pleurocoels (sensu [20]) but bear small titanosaurs (e.g. Futalognkosaurus) and the biconvex caudal
189 pneumatopores on their lateral surface, which open into the vertebrae observed in many lithostrotians and related forms

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190 (b) (c) 4
192 SPRL
198 dp
199 PCDL
201 PCDL

Proc. R. Soc. B 20171219

10 cm 20 cm
204 (d) (e) (f) (g)
207 dp dp pp
208 pp
209 PCPL
211 pl
213 20 cm 20 cm
(h) (i) (j)
216 pdt (k) pdt (l) (m)
prz SPRL tpal POSL pls
218 pdt SPDL
pt prz PRSL poz
pt pt
220 (o)
221 sls
223 20 cm 20 cm 10 cm
224 (s) (t)
(p) (q) (r) hh
cf dpc
scb plb
227 ap
230 gl
231 igl (u)
vmp tc fc
232 ec
20 cm uc rc rc 20 cm 20 cm
233 uc
234 tc fc
Figure 2. Representative elements of Patagotitan mayorum. (a) Middle cervical vertebra (MPEF-PV 3400/2; 5th?) in right lateral view. (b,c) Anterior dorsal vertebra
(MPEF-PV 3400/5; 2nd) in anterior (b) and left lateral (c) views. (d,e) Anterior dorsal vertebra (MPEF-PV 3400/6; 3rd) in anterior (d ) and posterior (e) views. (f,g)
Posterior dorsal vertebra (MPEF-PV 3400/10; 10th?) in posterior (f ) and right lateral (g) views. (h j) First caudal vertebra in anterior (h), left lateral (i) and posterior
( j ) views. (km) Anterior caudal vertebra (MPEF-PV 3400/16; 8th?) in anterior (k), left lateral (l ) and posterior (m) views. (n) Middle caudal vertebra in left lateral
view. (o) Posterior caudal vertebra in left lateral view). ( p) Right scapula (MPEF-PV 3400/23) and coracoid (MPEF-PV 3400/24) in lateral view. (q,r) Left humerus
(MPEF-PV 3397) in anterior (q) and posterior (r) views. (su) Right femur (MPEF-PV 4400/26) in posterior (s), proximal (t) and distal (u) view. Vertebrae elements
were oriented with their neural canal horizontally placed. 4t, fourth trochanter; ap, acromion process; cf, coracoid foramen; CPOL, centrpopostzygapophyseal lamina;
CPRL, centroprezygapophyseal lamina; dp, diapophysis; dpc, deltopectoral crest; ec, epicondyle; fc, fibular condyle; fh, femur head; gl, glenoid; hh, humeral head; igl,
infraglenoid lip; ms muscle scar; PCDL, posterior centrodiapophyseal lamina; pdt, posteriorly directed tips; pl, pleurocoel; plb, posterolateral bulge; pls, primary lateral
surface; PODL, postzygodiapophyseal lamina; POSL, postspinal lamina; poz, postzygapophysis; pp, parapohysis; PPDL, paradiapophyseal lamina; PRDL, prezygodia-
pophyseal lamina; PRSL, prezigapophyseal lamina; prz, prezygapophysis; rc, radial condyle; scb, scapular blade; sls, secondary lateral surface; SPOL,
spinopostzygapophyseal lamina; SPRL, spinoprezygapophyseal lamina; tc, tibial condyle; tp, transverse process; tpal, thin paired anterior laminae; uc, ulnar condyle;
vmp, ventromedial process.
250 (e.g. Dreadnoughtus). Anterior and middle caudal vertebrae bear a distinctively high transverse process, which is formed
251 have a markedly concave primary lateral surface [26] of the by a broad sheet of bone that extends laterally, from the cen-
252 centrum (figure 2n). The anteriormost eight caudal vertebrae trum up to the dorsoventral midpoint of the neural arch

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253 (figure 2hm). This process is present at least up to the with respect to the coracoid articulation. The humerus 5
254 eighth caudal vertebra and is definitively absent in middle (figure 2q,r) is robust, with a square proximolateral corner, a
255 caudal vertebrae, but its presence cannot be determined in straight lateral margin along its proximal third, and flat distal
256 between these two regions due to the lack of preserved condyles. One distinctive character observed in the three recov-
257 elements. The transverse process of Patagotitan is somewhat ered humeri is the presence of a well-developed bulge on the
258 similar to the wing-like process of diplodocoids but differ posterolateral surface (figure 2r), resembling that of some
259 from those in certain aspects. The dorsal margin of the trans- derived lithostrotians (e.g. Neuquensaurus, Opisthocoelicaudia
260 verse process is much shorter than the ventral margin [31]). The triradiate ulna has a deep radial fossa, and the olecra-
261 in Patagotitan (figure 2hk), whereas diplodocoids have a non process is weakly developed. The distal condyles of the
262 remarkably long dorsal margin, that is similar in length to radius are perpendicular to its long axis.
263 the ventral margin and is dorsolaterally oriented [27]. The pubis is larger than the ischium, and the puboischial
264 The morphology of the dorsoventrally high and antero- articulation is almost half the pubic length. The ischium has a

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265 posteriorly narrow transverse process of the anterior caudal marked ischial tuberosity and a robust distal blade that ends
266 vertebrae of Patagotitan resembles that of the large titanosaurs at the level of the pubic peduncle. Although robust, the
267 Futalognkosaurus and Mendozasaurus from the early Late ischial blade is not as proportionally short as that of most
268 Cretaceous of Patagonia. However, it differs from the lithostrotians, in which the ischium blade is twice or less its
269 dorsoventrally low processes of basal macronarians (e.g. maximum width (e.g. Neuquensaurus, Malawisaurus). The
270 Camarasaurus, Brachiosaurus, Tastavinsaurus) and other femur (figure 2su) has well-marked muscle insertion scars
271 titanosaurs, including the large bodied Dreadnoughtus and and a massive head. The lateral bulge is well developed in
272 Notocolossus. The neural spines of the anterior caudal vertebrae the proximal one-fourth of its length, and the fourth trochan-
273 are remarkably high (approx. 1.5 times the centrum height) ter is positioned at the proximal one-third of its length. The
274 and broad (more than twice as mediolaterally wide as five preserved femora have a straight lateral edge along the
275 anteroposteriorly long), differing from the narrow neural distal one-quarter of its length, forming a prominent epicon-
276 spines widespread present in non-lognkosaurian titanosaurs dyle. In distal view, the fibular condyle is anteroposteriorly
277 (titanosaurs recovered outside Lognkosauria), such as shorter than the tibial one (figure 2u), as in Bonitasaura.
278 Dreadnoughtus, Malawisaurus or Epachthosaurus. The anterior
279 caudal vertebrae have thin longitudinal laminae that diverge
280 dorsally from the prespinal and postpinal laminae, a character 4. Ontogenetic stage
281 previously proposed as an autapomorphy of Bonitasaura [28]
In order to assess the ontogenetic stage of the different speci-
282 (figure 2k). The anterior caudal vertebrae also bear a spinodia-
mens recovered at the quarry, thin sections were made in five
283 pophyseal lamina, which is well developed and runs from the
femora (including both femora from the holotype and the
284 dorsal surface of the transverse process up to the lateral
specimens MPEF-PV 3399, 3394 and 3375) and one humerus
285 aspect of the neural spine. The presence of this lamina in
(MPEF-PV 3397). All samples were taken at midshaft and,
286 anterior caudal vertebrae is an uncommon character among
when possible, with surrounding sedimentary matrix. All
287 sauropods, but this lamina can be recognized in some rebbachi-
thin sections of long bones show that cortical bone is mostly
288 saurids (e.g. Demandasaurus) and among titanosaurs it is
composed of dense Haversian (secondary) tissue with remains
289 present in Drusilasaura, Futalognkosaurus, Mendozasaurus and
of unremodelled fibrolamellar primary tissue in the outer
290 Patagotitan. The dorsal margin of the neural spine of anterior
cortex (see electronic supplementary material for a more
291 caudal vertebrae is markedly concave, creating an incipient
complete histological description; electronic supplementary
292 bifid spine with the lateral tips anteriorly directed (a distinctive
material, figure S1). This indicates that individuals died
293 character of Patagotitan, observed in MPEF-PV 3400 and 3399).
during a deceleration of growth rate phase [32] but that they
294 The caudal vertebrae morphology of Patagotitan shows
had not stopped growing, given the absence of an outer external
295 multiple modifications from the ancestral condition of Titano-
fundamental system [33]. The absence of an outer circumferen-
296 sauria related to the insertion areas of the caudal musculature
tial layer (OCL) was suggested as a titanosaur feature given
297 (e.g. large primary lateral surface of centra, high and broad
its absence in a few titanosaur species [34]. However, the pres-
298 neural spines, high transverse processes). Histological sections
ence of OCL in at least two titanosaur taxa (e.g. Saltasaurus,
299 taken from the high transverse processes and dorsal tip of the
Neuquensaurus [35]) contradicts this hypothesis and suggests
300 neural spine of caudal vertebrae revealed the primary bone of
that alternative explanations (e.g. sampling of not fully grown
301 their cortex consists of avascular tissue formed by coarse
specimens, extensive secondary remodelling) may account for
302 Sharpeys fibres (for a more detailed description, see electronic
the absence of OCL in some titanosaurs [36].
303 supplementary material, figure S1). The apomorphic shape of
304 the transverse process of Patagotitan provides an expansion
305 of the attachment areas for the tail muscles (m. caudofemoralis
306 longus, m. ilio-ischiocaudalis and m. spinalis, respectively 5. Body mass
307 [29,30]), which evidences modifications on muscular architec- The body mass of quadrupedal dinosaurs can be estimated
308 ture and may imply and increase in caudal muscular mass in through scaling equations (using femoral and humeral cir-
309 this giant titanosaur (see electronic supplementary material cumferences [37]) and volumetric methods [38 40] (see
310 for a more detailed description). electronic supplementary material for a detailed description
311 The sternal plates, scapula, coracoid, humerus, ulna, and on both methods and results). Applying the scaling equation
312 radius are preserved. The coracoid is proximodistally shorter for Patagotitan yields an estimated body mass of 69 tons (+17
313 than its scapular articulation (figure 2p). The acromion process tons standard error; [37]), which is 10 000 kg (over 15%) more
314 of the scapula is well developed and distally oriented. The than the mass estimate obtained with the same equation for
315 scapular blade is distally expanded and set at an angle of 458 the largest titanosaur in which femur and humerus have

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316 been preserved (Dreadnoughtus [12]) and twice the estimated instability of some taxa among the MPTs a reduced consensus 6
317 body mass of several large Jurassic sauropods using the same is used for summarizing the MPTs (figure 3; see electronic
318 equation (e.g. Giraffatitan, Apatosaurus; [8]). Uncertainties in supplementary material).
319 large dinosaur body mass estimations from scaling equations The analysis resolved Patagotitan as the titanosaur sauro-
320 are notably large and errors bars in the cases of Patagotitan pod most closely related to Argentinosaurus, a clade that is
321 and Dreadnoughtus overlap between 59 tons (minimal body supported by a single unambiguous synapomorphic character,
322 mass for Patagotitan) and 74 tons (maximal body mass for the presence of anterior dorsal vertebrae with elongated neural
323 Dreadnoughtus). The completeness of Patagotitan allowed the spines (neural spine is more than twice as dorsoventrally
324 reconstruction of volumetric models (following the method high as mediolaterally wide; character (ch.) 174). These two
325 described by [38]) and yielded even larger differences between giant titanosaurs are nested within Lognkosauria, a diverse
326 Patagotitan and other sauropods (including Dreadnoughtus). clade that includes most of the largest titanosaurs known.
327 Volumetric body mass estimates also have uncertainties related The successive sister taxa of Lognkosauria are Notocolossus

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328 to the amount of soft-tissue reconstructed [37] and resulted in [16] and Bonitasaura (a titanosaur known from a juvenile
329 estimates of 45, 51 and 77 tons (depending on the amount of mid-sized specimen [42,43]). In contrast with previous
330 soft-tissue reconstructed; see the electronic supplementary analyses [15,17,28], Lognkosauria is here recovered as a non-
331 material). These estimates represents approximately twice (or lithostrotian clade of titanosaurs. Lognkosaurians share three
332 more) the body mass inferred by the same volumetric methods derived features found in the anterior caudal vertebrae:
333 for other sauropods, such as Camarasaurus, Giraffatitan, (i) the presence of a highly developed spinodiapophyseal
334 Sauroposeidon and Dreadnoughtus [39]. In addition to the uncer- lamina (ch. 244, present in Mendozasaurus, Futalognkosaurus,
335 tainties of each method, the estimates from volumetric models Drusilasaura and Patagotitan [17,44,45]); (ii) the presence of
336 and scaling equations can be markedly different, as recently small accessory spinoprezygapophyseal laminae that ventrally
337 noted for Dreadnoughtus (with volumetric body mass estimates contact to the prespinal lamina (ch. 236; described as an auta-
338 ranging between 37 and 64% of the scaling estimates [39]). The pomorphic bifurcated prespinal laminae for Futalognkosaurus
339 incongruence between these two methodologies is not as [44]; absent in the basal Mendozasaurus) and (iii) high dorsoven-
340 marked when applied to other sauropods [39], including Pata- trally high transverse process (ch. 247; absent in the basal
341 gotitan (with volumetric mass estimates largely overlapping Mendozasaurus).
342 with those of scaling equations when their respective errors The recently described giant titanosaur from the Late
343 are considered; see the electronic supplementary material). Cretaceous of western Argentina, Notocolossus, was suggested
344 The discrepancy among methods found in Dreadnoughtus is to be the sister taxon of Dreadnoughtus and closely related to
345 probably related to the robustness of its limb elements and it Lithostrotia [16]. Our analysis places Notocolossus as the sister
346 is higher than expected, however, the agreement in Patagotitan taxon of Lognkosauria, whereas Dreadnoughtus is recovered
347 shows estimates from the two methods do not necessarily as closely related to Lithostrotia, as in previous studies
348 diverge with increasing body mass in giant titanosaurs [16]. [12,46]. The monophyly of Notocolossus plus Lognkosauria
349 Body mass estimates for giant titanosaurs such as is supported by a single synapomorphy: the presence of
350 Argentinosaurus [13] and Puertasaurus [14] cannot be calculated reduced spinoprezygapophyseal laminae in anterior caudal
351 using scaling equations due to the absence of limb elements, vertebrae (ch. 243). This feature is present in Notocolossus,
352 nonetheless, anterior dorsal vertebrae have been preserved in Mendozasaurus, Futalognkosaurus, Drusilasaura and Patagotitan
353 all of them (as well as in Notocolossus) and can therefore be and differs from the morphology of other eutitanosaurs that
354 directly compared. Comparing the area of these vertebrae (a bear well-developed spinoprezygapophyseal laminae in
355 two-dimensional equivalent to the volumetric method [38]) anterior caudal vertebrae (e.g. Aeolosaurus, Dreadnoughtus,
356 yields values that are approximately 10% smaller for other Neuquensaurus; [12,47,48]). Bonitasaura was recovered as closely
357 taxa in comparison with Patagotitan (see electronic supple- related to Lognkosauria, as suggested in previous analyses
358 mentary material, figure S3). The above-mentioned body (e.g. [49]). This position is supported by six unambiguous syna-
359 mass estimates, as well as these vertebral comparisons, places pomorphies: (1) expanded neural spines in posterior cervical
360 Patagotitan as the largest known dinosaur species (especially vertebrae (ch. 150); (2) high neural spines in posterior cervi-
361 considering those for which a reliable mass estimation can cal vertebrae (ch. 153); (3 and 4) anterior and middle to
362 be made). posterior dorsal vertebrae with vertical or slightly inclined
363 neural spines (ch. 172 and ch. 185); (5) distally expanded
364 neural spine in anterior caudal vertebrae (ch. 248) (6) and
365 femur with tibial and fibular condyles having similar posterior
366 6. Phylogenetic analysis projections (ch. 350).
367 The phylogenetic position of Patagotitan was tested through Branch support of clades, evaluated using Bremer and boot-
368 an equally weighted parsimony analysis in TNT v. 1.1 [41] strap support, retrieved low values for most the nodes inside
369 and using a dataset of 405 characters scored across 87 sauropo- Macronaria. Bremer values higher than one were recovered
370 domorphs (including 50 macronarians, 28 of which are for Macronaria (6), the clade formed by Europasaurus and
371 titanosaurs; see the electronic supplementary material for More Derived Sauropods (MDS; 4), Galvesaurus and MDS (3),
372 further information and characters list). The heuristic tree and Lithostrotia (2). Bootstrap values higher than 50% were
373 search consisted of 10 000 replicates of Wagner trees (with not recovered for any node inside Macronaria. Given the low
374 random addition sequence of taxa) followed by tree bisec- support, and in order to further test the robustness of the mono-
375 tion-reconstruction (TBR) branch swapping. This procedure phyly here recovered for the clade of giant titanosaurs formed
376 retrieved 920 most parsimonious trees of 1328 steps (MPTs) by Notocolossus Lognkosauria, alternative positions were
377 in 143 replicates. The MPTs were subjected to a final round tested by constraining different taxa outside this clade. The pos-
378 of TBR and a total of 5500 trees were found. Owing to the ition of Patagotitan (49% missing data) inside Lognkosauria is

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380 body mass

381 6


384 70 Rinconsauria
385 60 unknown













Proc. R. Soc. B 20171219

391 80

time (millons years)


394 90

395 late

396 cret


399 cret


400 110
403 120
406 Lithostrotia
408 length: 1328 CI: 0.37
Somphospondyli MPTs: 5500 RI: 0.72
Figure 3. Phylogenetic relationships of Patagotitan mayorum and body mass evolution in Somphospondyli. Reduced strict consensus tree (excluding Sauroposeidon,
Ligabuesaurus and Trigonosaurus) calibrated against the age. Branch colours indicates body mass inferred through scaling equation [37] and continuous character
optimization in TNT (ancestral branches). See electronic supplementary material for complete phylogenetic analysis, body mass optimization and taxon definitions
followed here.
416 well supported, requiring 12 extra steps to place this taxon In the present analysis, Alamosaurus, from the Maastrichtian of
417 as the sister lineage to Lognkosauria, and 22 extra steps if North America, is recovered as a derived lithostrotian. This
418 Patagotitan is forced to be a lithostrotian titanosaur. Despite taxon was recently recovered as closely related to Lognkosauria
419 the amount of missing data in Argentinosaurus (87%), six [46]. Nevertheless, in our data set (which includes character
420 extra steps are needed to place this taxon as the sister scorings based on [46]) this position is highly suboptimal,
421 lineage to Lognkosauria, and eight extra steps if it is forced to requiring 36 extra steps to place Alamosaurus as the sister
422 be inside Lithostrotia. Puertasaurus and Quetecsaurus (approx. taxon to Lognkosauria.
423 90% missing data) are the most unstable lognkosaurian Rinconsauria, the sister clade of the lineage formed by
424 taxa, and with one extra step they can be placed as sister taxa Longkosauria Notocolossus Bonitasaura is supported by
425 to Lognkosauria. Six extra steps are needed if these taxa are three unambiguous synapomorphies: (1) anterior caudal
426 forced into Lithostrotia. Drusilasaura (94% missing data) vertebrae with the anterior face of the centrum anteriorly
427 was also found to be unstable in suboptimal trees, as it requi- directed (ch. 254); (2) posterior caudal vertebrae with flat-
428 res three extra steps to place it as sister taxa to Lognkosauria tened centra (ch. 262) and (3) gracile humerus (ch. 304).
429 and eight extra steps if it is forced as the sister lineage to The original definition of Aeolosaurinae (as titanosaurs
430 Lithostrotia. A large number of extra steps are needed to force more closely related to Aeolosaurus and Gonwanatitan than
431 Futalognkosaurus (73% missing data) or Mendozasaurus (6 7% to Saltasaurus and Opisthocoelicaudia [50]; see the electronic
432 missing data) inside Lithostrotia, with 10 extra steps needed supplementary material), points to the clade formed by
433 to move Mendozasaurus and 18 for Futalognkosaurus. Moving Rinconsauria plus Lognkosauria. Nevertheless, this clade
434 Notocolossus (80% missing data) inside Lithostrotia requires was traditionally used to include a small clade of derived tita-
435 only two extra steps. This analysis reveals that Lognkosauria nosaurs closely related to the genus Aeolosaurus and a new
436 is relatively well supported except for Quetecsaurus, Drusilasaura definition (node based) of Aeolosaurinae is here proposed
437 and Puertasaurus, an expected instability given the large amount in order to keep the original aim of the definition (see the
438 of missing data in these taxa (more than 90%). Finally, placing electronic supplementary material).
439 Lognkosauria inside Lithostrotia (as in previous analyses Dreadnoughtus was here recovered as the sister taxon to
440 [15,16,49]) requires nine extra steps, indicating that the more Lithostrotia [12], and therefore not related to the other giant tita-
441 basal position here obtained for this clade is well supported. nosaurs from Patagonia. The clade formed by Dreadnoughtus

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442 and Lithostrotia is supported by four unambiguous synapo- although without reaching to the extreme gigantism recorded 8
443 morphies: (1) dorsoventrally compressed cervical centra in Lognkosauria (e.g. Patagotitan). The evolutionary dynamics
444 (ch. 132); (2) first caudal vertebra with convex anterior articular of titanosaur body masses also includes events of marked
445 surface (ch. 224); (3) the absence of ventral bulge in anterior body mass decrease in Rinconsauria and three lineages
446 caudal vertebrae (ch. 227) and (4) the absence of a deep infragle- within Lithostrotia (including probably dwarfism events
447 noid groove in the coracoid (ch. 290). Ten extra steps are [34,36,53]: figure 3).
448 needed to place Dreadnoughtus (46% missing data) within The age of Patagotitan indicates that the radiation of lognko-
449 Lognkosauria, indicating a markedly suboptimal hypothesis. saurians (and related forms) started in the late Early Cretaceous,
450 Characters present in Lognkosauria that increase their length temporally coincident with the diversification of lithostrotians
451 when Dreadnoughtus is forced in this clade include: (1) the [4,54,55], the other major clade of titanosaurs. The phylogenetic
452 more rounded cervical centra (ch 132); (2) the vertically oriented diversification event of the major clades of eutitanosaurs in the
453 neural spine in anterior dorsal vertebrae (ch. 172); (3) the non- AptianAlbian involved major changes in body mass indica-

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454 biconvex first caudal vertebra (ch. 224); (4) the presence of a ven- tive of ecological differentiation among titanosaurs during
455 tral bulge in anterior caudal vertebrae (ch. 227); (5) laterally this time. This includes the inferred events of mass decrease
456 expanded neural spines in anterior caudal vertebrae (ch. 237); in some lithostrotians (figure 3) and the maximum increase
457 (6) dorsally expanded neural spine in anterior caudal vertebrae known to date for titanosaurs (in lognkosaurians, exemplified
458 (ch. 248); (7) anterior caudal vertebrae with vertical neural spine by Patagotitan; figure 3). This phylogenetic and ecological diver-
459 (ch. 257); (8) the presence of an infraglenoid grove in the cora- sification in titanosaurs coincides with similar events noted
460 coid (ch. 290) and (9) femur with similarly developed for other archosaurian clades in the southern hemisphere,
461 condyles (ch. 350). such as theropods and crocodyliforms [56,57]. Furthermore,
462 these events took place during a global period of major environ-
463 mental changes that include a warmer climate [58], the onset of
464 the dominance of angiosperms in continental environments
465 7. Discussion [59] and the establishment of the particular mid-Cretaceous
466 Our analysis reveals the presence of a previously unrecognized fauna in Gondwana [60,61] that lasted until the Turonian [61].
467 diverse lineage of Patagonian titanosaurs that includes most of
468 the largest known titanosaur sauropods (e.g. Notocolossus, Pata-
469 gotitan, Argentinosaurus, Puertasaurus; figure 3). This clade is
Data accessibility. The phylogenetic data matrix has been uploaded as
470 placed basally within Titanosauria and depicted as the sister nexus and tnt file [62]. A
471 clade to Rinconsauria, a lineage that includes some of the smal- complete description on methods, analysis and further information
472 lest titanosaurs known so far (e.g. Rinconsaurus, Aeolosaurus). and figures is available in the electronic supplementary material.
473 In order to evaluate the evolution of body size we used mass Authors contributions. A.C.G., M.J.K., J.R., N.R.C. contributed with geo-
474 estimates from the scaling equation [37] inferred in previous logical data and analysis. A.C.G., contributed with the taphonomical
475 studies [8,12] and optimized them as a continuous character information. J.L.C. and A.O. analysed volumetric reconstructions and
performed body size estimates. J.L.C., A.O., I. C., L.S. gathered
476 using parsimony [41,51]. The optimization reveals that body primary anatomical data. I.C. conducted histological study. J.L.C.
477 mass was largely stable along sauropod evolution during the and D. P. analyzed phylogenetic data. J.L.C., D.P., A.O., L.S., I.C.,
478 Jurassic and Cretaceous (as previously noted; [8,10,47,52]). A.C.G. and J.R. wrote the manuscript and/or the electronic
479 Inferred body mass for most of the basal nodes of Eusauropoda supplementary material.
480 range between 12 and 15 tons (see the electronic supplemen- Competing interests. We declare we have no competing interests.
481 tary material) and within Macronaria a large part of the Funding. This work was supported by the following grants and insti-
tutions, Egidio Feruglio Foundation, FONCyT PICT 0736 (D.P.), 0378
482 internal nodes are optimized with a range of 1220 tons. The
and 0668 (J.L.C.), Vialidad Provincia del Chubut, Vialidad Nacional,
483 latter values are maintained in most internal nodes within Comision Nacional de Energa Atomica, Municipalidad de Trelew.
484 somphospondylians and Titanosauria (green-blue colour in Acknowledgements. We thank the Mayo and Catalan families for their hos-
485 figure 3). Within Titanosauria, however, multiple events of pitality during the successive expeditions in their ranch. We also are
486 body mass changes are inferred based on the optimization, indebted to the late Aureliano Hernandez who first found a fragment
487 as expected given the clade includes some of the largest and of the distal femur that sparked this project. The Secretary of Culture
488 smallest known sauropod species [8]. Our analysis reveals a from Chubut Province is thanked for authorizing fieldwork at this
locality. We thank P. May and RCI for assistance in laser-scanning
489 single major event of body mass increase at the base of the 3D editing during this project. G. Haynes and C. Foley are thanked
490 clade formed by Notocolossus and Lognkosauria, implying a for discussion on proboscidean behaviour. J.M. Farfaglia took the
491 threefold body mass increase (3860 tons) with respect to the photographs published in this work. O. Rauhut, P.M. Sander, and
492 body mass reconstruction of most nodes within Titanosauria J. Whitlock contribute with critical reviews on earlier versions of the
493 (1220 tons; figure 3). The acquisition of gigantism in this manuscript. The comments made by J. Wilson, P. Mannion and an
anonymous reviewer greatly improved the quality of the manuscript.
494 clade was not the only marked increase in body mass, as two We thank the volunteers and technicians that participated in the field-
495 other titanosaur lineages (Dreadnoughtus and Alamosaurus; work, and especially to P. Puerta. The support of the Willi Hennig
496 [12,46], figure 3) independently acquired large body masses, Society allows TNT to be downloaded free of charge.
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