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TESOL Certificate Programs

Observation Notebook

Observation Report Form

Name of Observer John Quinteros Observation # -----

Date Observation Class Skill/Content Level Teacher
8-14- Classroom Listening & Intermediate 100 Arlene Yalcin
2017 440 Speaking .



Notes while observing

Before class
-All around the classroom are signs indicating that the students were entering "an
English-only zone." The radio is playing in the background, possibly to relax the
students as they walk into class. T is making small talk with the Ss, asking them
questions about what they have done. T makes sure to speak in a simple way so that Ss
can understand her question and answer it.

(1:00) T rings a bell on her desk to grab Ss attention and to signify the start of the class.
T tells the Ss that they'll be starting a new unit in the class, which is telling time. T puts
up a photo of a clock on the TV monitor and asks the students what it is. The Ss reply
that it's a clock. T then puts up a photo of a watch and asks what it is. The Ss reply that
it's a watch. T tells the Ss that it's important to know the difference.

T then gets up in front of the class. T asks "do we have a clock in the class?" Ss reply,
"Yes, we have." T reminds them of the difference between using "do" and using "have."

T then asks "do I have a watch?" T tells the Ss to not answer right away, but to think
about the question for a moment before answering. T asks the question again, Ss reply
"no she doesn't." T praises Ss for using "no she doesn't" instead of "no she hasn't." T
then goes around the room, asking every individual S if another S is wearing a watch. Ss
reply depending on if the other S has a watch or not (S: "yes he/she does" or "no he/she

Last Updated: 8/19/2016 2:38 PM

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TESOL Certificate Programs

Observation Notebook

T asks other questions about John Moran and Hank Mantell, such as what is he wearing
and what color is his hair. T explains that it's good review of the exam the students had
last Friday.

(1 :50) T then passes out "Clock Time Review" worksheet. On the worksheet are twelve
clocks. T reads the directions. Ss are to simply write down the time underneath each
clock. T explains that Ss will not talk, but just write the time under each clock. T notes
that the hour hand is black while the minute hands is white so that Ss will not be

Ss work individually and quietly while T goes around the class to make sure that the Ss
are only writing the time in number form. T then writes the clocks on the board with a S
name underneath each clock.

(1:55) Ss come up to the board and write their answer on the clock where their name is.
Once all the Ss filled in their answers, T then picks a S to pick another S to read their
answer in both ways (number form and sentence form). Both T and S work together to
correct a S when they don't answer in a complete sentence or says the time wrong.

T then passes out tonight's HW to the Ss, a worksheet that asks Ss about their daily lives
and what time do they do certain things (ex: what time do you get up?). The Ss must be
prepared to answer the questions in both ways in the next class.

Class was dismissed at 2:00.

Last Updated: 8/19/2016 2:38 PM

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~SOL Certificate Programs

,2 Observation Notebook
J1 What did you learn about teaching or learning from this lesson as it relates to the \
y:- theory you have studied in your TESOL classes? Include at least one reference (with ~
~ an in-text citation) to support your response. (250-500 words) , A " L0
,~ As I previously observed a level 400 Listening & Speaking class, this time my ~\_:;, \J'SS'
v ,,
main focus was on observing a level I 00 Listening & Speaking class and taking note of ./ v')~
-J what the teacher (who teaches both classes) does differently with level 100 students, who 'S 1""- ~\
~ are beginners, as opposed to the level 400 students, who are more intermediate. . : ,_] f-0)~
In the level 400 class, the class topic was about tag questions and their intonation ' \'v v
(whether it's positive or negative, confirming an answer or asking for an answer). For the o-.J' \ '7
-:~ J level I 00 class, the topic was telling time. Naturally,' the level 100 class dealt with a ~ \ .QJv.Q.) . i,,.
i '-:5 much simpler topic of telli g time than the level 400 class, which was more about ~ \fl ,ll>--
.1{1. ~ discourse s. This ties in with some of the high frequency words (such as \J W
~- S, telling time, numbers, classroom objects, etc) that beginning language learners should Ci{" _/
- ~ / learn. In addition, during the cl~s, it is also implied that the students have learned c.:?~ _.)..~
I numbers (as they managed to pomt out the numbers on the clock) as well as phr~o ~ ' , .., t) ~ 1
talk about themselves (as evidenced before the class began) (Nati~009). /te,11 ,_ ''tr\l,~n fU

Because of the nature of the topic for the level I 00 class, the teacher to use more ' ,:;;_~
hand gestures and realia, such as using the actual clock in the classroom as well as
pointing to her wrist.f%\'watch." In addition, ~, tpacher also modeled more of the
activities by using m'Ocb 'more examples. This is ~~dent during the activity where
students had to look at the map and say to a partner what time is it in what city. The
teacher modeled numerous examples and asked the students what time it was in multiple
cities before letting them work in pairs. This contrasts with the level 400 class, where the
teacher would at most model two examples before letting the students work.
Overall, I felt that I learned quite a bit about how to teach a beginners class as
opposed to an intermediate class. A beginners' class should have more modeling, more
use of hand gestures, and covering more "everyday" topics such as telling time or talking
about yourself. There were also moments when the teacher quickly diverts away from
the topic and reviews previous knowledge with the students (such as describing their
clothes or hair color or physical appearance). This is very good and very important for
getting the students to remember things they covered in previous lessons so that they
don't immediately forget (Nation 2009).

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Last Updated: 8/19/2016 2:38 PM

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