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How to Write an Executive Summary

An executive summary previews the main points of an in-depth report; it is written for
nontechnical people who don't have time to read the main report. The executive report contains
enough information for a reader to get familiarized with what is discussed in the full report
without having to read it. Here is how you write an executive report.

Step 1

Plan to create a summary each time you write a business report exceeding four pages. Write
the summary after you write the main report, and make sure it is no more two pages.

Step 2

List the main points the summary will cover in the same order they appear in the main report

Step 3

Write a simple declarative sentence for each of the main points.

Step 4

Add supporting or explanatory sentences as needed, avoiding unnecessary technical material

and jargon.

Step 5

Read the summary slowly and critically, making sure it conveys your purpose, message and
key recommendations. You want readers to be able to skim the summary without missing the
point of the main report.

Step 6

Check for errors of style, spelling, grammar and punctuation. Ask a fellow writer to
proofread and edit the document.

Step 7

Ask a nontechnical person - for example, your parents or your spouse - to read the document.
If it confuses or bores them, the summary probably will have the same effect on other
nontechnical readers.
Sample how an executive summary should conclude (Last Part or Para) ---
In First page you may write about your report summary, second page you may include the
writing styles below -

[The first chapter of the research describes Banking system, significant recent events of
Banking sector, History and Background of Banks, Banking reform and its outcome, Type
of Banks working in Bangladesh.

The second chapter consists of Beginning of Islamic Banking, Islamic Philosophy &
Finance, Global Standards for Islamic Finance Law, Challenges facing the Globalization of
Islamic Banking,

The third chapter is the wide description of Islamic Banking Products/Service.

The chapter four contains the guideline provided by the central bank of Bangladesh -
Bangladesh Bank.

The chapter five keeps the description of six Islamic banks that work in Bangladesh.

The chapter six is for the findings of the study in a question-answer style. And
recommendation is there also.]


This research shows the Comparative analysis of remittance management and Customer
Satisfaction of different banks in Bangladesh. This research explains the overall remittance
management of Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited, Standard Chartered Bank, Bank Asia & Rupali
Bank. Here I have tried to find out the customer satisfaction of Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited,
Standard Chartered Bank, Bank Asia & Rupali Bank for their remittance service. In chapter 1, it
is shown the introductory discussion regarding remittance management & its customer
satisfaction. The importance of proper remittance management & its customer satisfaction of
Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited, Standard Chartered Bank, Bank Asia & Rupali Bank are
discussed in the introduction chapter. Here I have tried to find out the scope of and the
limitations of the study by discussing the background of the program. I have tried to familiarize
the organization with educated society. It also shows the objective of the study. The recent
significant activities about the remittance in Bangladesh are also discussed in the 1st chapter.

In chapter 2, the literature review are discussed. Here I have discussed the summary of different
articles which is used to prepare my research. The research or articles which are related with the
remittance management are mentioned in the literature review chapter. In chapter 3, I have
discussed the banks profile. In here, it is shown the overall remittance management activities of
the Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited, Standard Chartered Bank, Bank Asia & Rupali Bank in
Bangladesh. In chapter 4, I have developed a questionnaire to make the survey proper. Some
questions have been made to take interview. The questionnaire I have selected for the
respondents that helps to collect the opinion regarding the remittance service. In chapter 5, I have
discussed the survey analysis of my research. The opinion of the interviewee is shown
graphically. Questionnaire survey analysis shows the findings from questionnaire based on the
remittance service. In chapter 6, I have explained the overall findings in my research. Here the
inward & outward remittance of Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited, Standard Chartered Bank,
Bank Asia & Rupali Bank is shown for the last 5 years.
In chapter 7, I have made a conclusion of my overall research about the remittance management
activities of Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited, Standard Chartered Bank, Bank Asia & Rupali
Bank. In chapter 8, I have made some recommendation to improve the remittance service of
Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited, Standard Chartered Bank, Bank Asia & Rupali Bank for
making higher customer satisfaction. Chapter 9 shows the references of my different data

Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited, Standard Chartered Bank, Bank Asia & Rupali Bank is playing
a vital role in developing industry of the country and putting the national economy competitive
with the world economy. A developing country like Bangladesh urges a huge amount of
investment both in private and public sector. Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited, Standard
Chartered Bank, Bank Asia & Rupali Bank has been providing a lot of assistance through its
Investment and International Division. I have tried to incorporate every kinds of relevant
information in my report mainly focusing on foreign remittance through bank and its impact on
growth of the Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited, Standard Chartered Bank, Bank Asia & Rupali
Bank. The objective of the research is to formulate a problem or define a problem more precisely
regarding customer satisfaction of foreign remittance payment and to identify alternative course
of action. Different types of structured questions, including multiple choices, dichotomous, and
scale in used to accomplish the survey for the purpose of collecting information from targeted
population. Single cross-sectional design used for data analysis that is only one sample of
respondent is drawn from the target population and information is obtained from this sample
only once.

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