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Communication Accommodation Theory


Communication accommodation is a communication theory which emphasis the adjustments that

people does while communicating. Howard Giles, the professor of communication at the
University of California, developed the theory which is and according to him is when people try
to emphasis or minimize the social difference between the others whom they interact with. The
factors that lead to the accommodation activity are adjustments which can be through verbal
communication or through gestures. The theory was evolved from speech adjustment theory,
which demonstrates the value of psychological concepts to understand the dynamics of speech.
But the theory encompasses more fields such as non-verbal and gestures.

*Interactant The word refers the close relations between each other with their communication.


Communication accommodation theory elaborates the human tendency to adjust their behaviour
while interacting. The reason behind this behaviour is explained as to control the social
differences between the interactants. People accommodate their communication activities to get
approval and to set a positive image in front of the interactant. The environment in which they
are interacting also affects the communication behaviour.

There are two types of accommodation process explained in this theory

Convergence convergence is a process where people tend to adapt the other persons
communication characteristics to reduce the social differences
Divergence-the process contradicts the method of adaptation and in this context the
individual emphasise is on the social difference and nonverbal differences between the

The two processes usually are dependent on the characteristics of the interactant. People
accommodated their communication while interacting with a person who has higher standards
and other characteristics which they believe is better than them. And the divergent exhibits an
opposite characteristic as it emphasises the difference among the close relations with each other.
Communication accommodation theory is influenced by social psychology and is guided by four
major assumptions

While communicating there will be similarity and difference in the speech and behaviour.
The characteristics that people exhibit are based on our experiences and the cultural
backgrounds that we grew up in
A conversation is evaluated by understanding the perception of the speech and behaviour
of the other. Through evaluation people decides to accommodate and fit in
The social status and belonging is determined by language and behaviours. While people
communicate they tend to accommodate the behaviours of those who are in the higher
social status than them
Norms guide the accommodation process which varies in the degree of appropriateness.
Norms define the behaviours of people and they are expected to act accordingly


The communication accommodation theory is applicable in various communication processes. In

an organisation the communication accommodation can be used to communicate effectively
among the employees as well as they adapt while communicating to a senior employee.


Mike was a new employee in a certain organisation. While understanding about the environment,
he came to know about his senior officer who apparently had an interest in painting from his co-
workers. When mike got an opportunity to interact with him, he glorified the beauty of a painting
the officer has been displayed in his office which pleased the officer. In this situation mike
accommodated his behaviour according to the situation and thus could create an impression on
his senior officer.
Communication Accommodation Theory
Communication accommodation theory, related to social identity theory, is about people
adjusting to communicate by minimizing social differences. The theory was developed by
Howard Giles, a professor teaching communication at the University of California in 1971. The
theory is an advancement of speech adjustment theory talking about psychological concepts on
dynamics of speech. Communication accommodation theory is related to social psychology. The
theory was known as Speech Accommodation Theory until it included non-verbal aspects of
communication then it became popular as 'Communication Accommodation' Theory. The theory
is related to social identity theory.

The theory talks about, people wanting to portray their positive identity to others. They tend to
match their own vocabulary, accent and cadence as of other interactants. For example, people
adopt the slang their friends use to fit in. People talk differently using different words and
gestures accordingly to the different group of people like old people, children, women, men,
teens, rich, poor, powerful, weak, etc.

Concepts in Communication Accommodation Theory

Communication Accommodation Theory describes the human tendency to adjust their

communication according to situations and people involved. People have that ability to mold
themselves in any kind of situation to control social differences.

People try to get approval for everything they say and do to create a positive image of
themselves in front of the other communicator. The factors of accommodation activities are
gestures and words.

Accommodation process has been further divided into two categories according to this theory.
One of them is convergence, which is a process of people naturally tending to adapt other
communicators way of communicating to connect and decrease their social differences. The
other one is divergence, which is a process of non-adaptation of communication characteristics
and accentuation of social and nonverbal communication differences.

The people involved and situation of communication decides which accommodation process is
used. If a person is interacting with another with very high standards, better at things and who
seem to be powerful, then divergent characteristics are shown highlighting the differences.
Similarly, if the other person is perceived to be of same standard, people try to be like them
creating a comfort zone for both.
Accommodation process is guided by culture and norms. The major assumption of
communication accommodation theory is that interactants have similarities and differences
which can be in their speech, gestures and behavior based on their experiences and culture.
Communication is evaluated and accommodation is done according to the evaluation.
Communication also establishes social status as people tend to adopt the communication
behavior of people who are higher in social status than theirs.

The theory is related to four socio-psychological theories: similarity, attraction theory, social
exchange process theory, causal attribution process theory and intergroup distinctiveness theory.
The theory is used in intergenerational communication, young to elderly communication,
intercultural communication, etc.

Features of Communication Accommodation Theory

People tend to match the way they talk to the way listener talks.
It can be conscious or unconscious.
Accent, speed, vocabulary, cadence, gestures are some accommodations done.
It is done to fit in a group or social status.
It shows agreement, belonging and affinity.
People only show their positive sides while communicating.
There are other concepts like counter accommodation, under accommodation and over
accommodation which affects the effects of communication accommodation theory.
It can either be beneficial or unfavorable.
It includes psychological, social and linguistic behavior of interactants.
Some strategies used are approximation, interpersonal control,, interpretability, etc.
It includes interpersonal, intrapersonal as well as intergroup factors affecting communication.

Examples of Communication Accommodation Theory

When a junior employee in an organization is talking to a higher level employee, both the people
tend to accommodate each other by realizing their differences in social status and rankings or
positions. The junior tries to talk in a respectful manner and a pretense to know many things to
accommodate the senior and the senior tries to make the junior comfortable by accepting the
respect. The junior uses convergence process whereas the senior uses divergence process.

For instance, Judy is a new employee in a beginners level in an organization. At lunch, all the
employees are talking about expensive luxury cars. Though Judy has less knowledge on it, she
tries to interact about cars using all the knowledge she has to fit in or belong in that group. She
tries to do it to accommodate herself as one of the members of the same group.

Similarly, people trying to use slang just to fit in their friends circle is an example of divergence
process between people of similar social status.
Criticisms of Communication Accommodation Theory

People who realize communication accommodation of the other person can take the person as
fake or pretentious.
If not realized, it makes people comfortable in interaction and increases their being fond of you.
Sometimes it can also be taken as mockery.
Converging people show power than what they really possess which can also make them seem
Divergence can create barriers in communication as distance is maintained between people
when somebody is taken as inferior.
Differences between convergence and divergence are sometimes blurred by situations.
Both parties involved in communication are always assumed to be rational and there are no
conflicts between them.
Very few researches have been done on this subject.

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