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INSIDE : 2 • The Eighth District’s Cash 3 • Employment Effects 4 • Regional Roundup 5 • What Can We Learn 6 • FedFacts

Restructuring Initiative of Casino Gambling • FRB Issues Warning from Consumer •

• Senate Seeks to Improve about Fraudulent Confidence Calendar/Events

Financial Literacy Note Schemes Surveys?

FALL 2003

News and Views for Eighth District Bankers

Banker Outreach Sessions Focus

on Reducing Regulatory Burden
bout 60 Midwestern bankers met in St. Louis St. Louis Fed,
A during June to voice their opinions on opportu-
nities to reduce regulatory burden. The meeting was
“There’s no ques-
tion that the regula-
one of five outreach sessions sponsored by the FDIC tory agencies
and is part of a mandated, multiyear, multiagency would welcome a
effort to identify and eliminate outdated, unnecessary reduction in com-
or overly burdensome bank regulations. plex regulations. For
The sessions are designed to put important issues the sake of the public,
in front of bankers so they will participate in up- we want to find ways
coming public comment processes. Overall, the for regulation to be
St. Louis session was positive, but some bankers meaningful and helpful.”
raised a number of concerns. Issues that are cur-
Many bankers from smaller institutions stated that rently out for comment
regulations are particularly burdensome and dispro- can be found at www.
portionately costly for them. They expressed the
most concern over certain consumer compliance boarddocs/press/bcreg/
regulations. They also said they would prefer no 2003/.
change at all in regulations vs. small, incremental
changes, which wouldn’t provide enough benefit to
make up for the time and money involved in alter-
ing their processes.
According to Julie Stackhouse, senior vice presi-
dent of Banking Supervision and Regulation at the

Are You Ready for a Changing Payments System?

he Sales and Marketing Ready?” The keynote speaker • new directions in retail
T departments of the Fourth
and Eighth Federal Reserve
is Denny Carreker, chairman
and CEO of Carreker Corp.,
payments; and
• changing practices of
districts are holding a payments a leading provider of technology generating revenue in the
symposium on Nov. 18-19 and consulting solutions for banking industry.
at the Opryland Hotel in the financial industry. Carreker For more information, contact
Nashville. All bank CEOs and will speak on existing payment Debbie Boren at (314) 444-8496
key executives are encouraged mechanisms and future needs. or 1-800-333-0810, ext. 44-8496.

to attend this free conference Other topics that will be dis- To view the agenda or to register

and network with industry cussed during the symposium online, go to
experts, senior Fed officials include: financial.
and other banking executives. • how Check 21 and check-
This year’s theme is “Payments to-ACH conversion will influ-
in a Changing World—Are You ence the payments system;
Fed itorial
The Cash Restructuring Initiative:
It’s a Matter of Efficiency
By LeGrande Rives, first vice president of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Despite the elimination of cash- and check-
e’ve made some difficult processing services, the St. Louis Fed is committed
decisions this year. In February, to maintaining an active presence in both cities.
We will expand our community outreach, eco-
we announced that Little Rock and nomic education and community development
activities, and each Branch will maintain its own
Louisville check-processing services will board. Our directors provide extremely valuable
knowledge and insight into their businesses and
be moving to Memphis and Cincinnati, regional economies, which, in turn, shape our
respectively, by the end of 2004. monetary policy recommendations.
As for the affected cash employees, we want them
The loss of check-processing revenues would force to remain with the Fed through the transition so,
us to rely upon cash-processing services to support we’ve offered them the same retention benefits and
these two branches. That’s neither practical nor severance packages as our check employees. This
efficient so, we must discontinue Little Rock and will ensure that each Branch continues to operate
Louisville cash-processing operations, also by the fully and efficiently.
end of 2004. Once the transition is complete, the Little Rock
This move will save the St. Louis Fed approxi- and Louisville branches will have a small staff headed
mately $3.4 million a year, which is in addition to by a senior executive. We’re considering several
the $4.9 million annual savings realized from the options, such as selling the branch buildings and
check re-engineering initiative. While these savings moving to leased quarters in both cities, but it
are very important, you have my assurance that this will take some time to work out the details. For
initiative will not come at your expense. Financial upcoming announcements, visit our web site,
institutions that process cash through either Little
Rock or Louisville should notice little change in
their service. We will contract with local third-party
providers and use their facilities, allowing institutions
to drop off and pick up cash in each city.

Senate Seeks to Improve Financial Literacy

he Consumer Federation of the Financial Literacy Commission. legislation would create a commit-
T America (CFA) released a new
survey on July 28, which showed
If enacted, the legislation would
establish one central location—most
tee within the Treasury to better
coordinate financial information
that most Americans have little likely, a web site and toll-free num- offered by various levels of govern-
or poor knowledge about credit ber—where consumers could access ment as well as the private sector.
reports and credit scores. The sur- a range of consumer information Corzine also introduced the Youth
vey found that only 25 percent of and financial literacy programs cur- Financial Literacy Act (S. 1181) to
Americans knew their credit score, rently offered by at least 16 branches make youth financial education a
with minority populations, young of the federal government. priority in our schools. If enacted,
adults and those of low or moderate The Senate Banking Committee’s $100 million in grants would be

income the least knowledgeable. ranking member, Sen. Paul Sar- distributed to states for teacher

Three recent bills have been intro- banes, D-Md., and Sen. Jon preparation and the development
duced to change this. Corzine, D-N.J., introduced a bill and implementation of financial-
Sens. Debbie Stabenow, D-Mich., (S. 1470) to establish the Financial education programs in elementary
and Michael Enzi, R-Wyo., intro- Literacy and Education Coordinat- and secondary schools.
duced a bill (S. 1532) to establish ing Committee. If enacted, the
Employment Effects
of Casino Gambling
in the Eighth District

C asino gambling has become a major indus-

try in the United States over the past two
decades, amassing revenue of $27 billion
in 2001. Prior to the early 1990s,
casino gambling was legal only in Nevada
and Atlantic City, N.J. Riverboat casino
gambling first began in Iowa and Illinois in
1991; it now exists in Indiana, Mississippi
and Missouri. Additionally, Louisiana and
Michigan have legalized land-based casino gam-
bling within the last decade.
The primary reason many states have legalized casino gambling is
because casinos are seen as a potential tool for economic growth.
The greatest perceived benefits are:
• increased employment,
• greater tax revenue for state and local governments, and
• growth in local retail sales.
Casinos also have gained more appeal and acceptance because of: on where
• increased fiscal pressures on state budgets during the casino patrons
1990-91 recession, come from. If most
• the fear of lost revenue to neighboring states’ casinos and casino patrons live
• a more favorable public attitude. or work in the local
Recent research from the St. Louis Fed discusses several issues regarding area, their patronage
the potential effects of casino gambling on local employment. One issue may have a negative impact on
is the casino’s location and the required skill level of its work force. Most local businesses because they can spend their money at the casino rather
casino jobs require skills such as accounting, dealing cards or security. than at local businesses. However, if the casino is part of a tourist attrac-
If a casino is planning to move to a rural area that has few residents tion that brings in patrons from outside the area, this new money may
with the required skills, then the casino probably will draw skilled labor foster increased business activity in the local area.
from outside the area. If workers remain outside of the local area Our research estimated the employment effects of casino gambling in
and commute to the casinos, then local unemployment will remain four rural counties and two urban counties, most of which are located in
unchanged. If, however, some of this skilled labor decides to move the Eighth District. As a direct result of adopting casino gambling, three
near the casino, then the local unemployment rate will fall because the of the four rural counties experienced increased household employment
number of local residents employed has increased. (the number of people in a county who are working regardless of loca-
It is the latter scenario that often is used as evidence that casinos tion) and payroll employment (the number of jobs in a county, regard-
have improved local employment, but this is misleading. Unemploy- less of employees’ residence). This seems to be true even though casino
ment for the original population essentially remains unchanged—only employment is usually dispersed over several counties outside the home
the new arrivals have found employment with the casino, and this is county. We also found that employment gains are much greater in the
what decreases the unemployment rate. rural counties that have adopted casino gambling as a major or predomi-

Another issue is the effect of casino gambling on non-casino employ- nant industry.
ment. When a new casino opens, existing local businesses may close, Our research also indicates that it’s harder to detect the impact of casino

resulting in layoffs. However, new businesses may open—ones that gambling in urban areas because employment fluctuates more, and casinos
complement casinos, such as restaurants and hotels. only constitute a small portion of total employment. However, urban casino
Past research has provided mixed evidence, but researchers generally gambling can constitute a significant portion of net payroll employment
agree that a casino’s impact on local business and employment depends gains or losses, even though it is a minor industry.
Eighth District Announces HMDA data. This national web 2900). Participants will hear about
Check Restructuring Dates site supplements the FFIEC HMDA changes to the report, discover what
web site but does not replace it. should be included in each line
Bank President Bill Poole and First It provides practical guidance for item, learn about the connection
Vice President LeGrande Rives have compliance personnel, plenty between their bank’s FR 2900
announced the schedule for restruc- of examples and a page of fre- report and their reserve require-
turing check processing across the quently asked questions. To ments, and see how to use web-
Eighth District. Little Rock’s check find out more about collecting based applications and online tools.
processing operations will be con- and reporting calendar year 2004 Seminars will be held at the fol-
solidated to Memphis in July 2004, HMDA data, visit www.stlouisfed. lowing dates and places:
and Louisville’s operations will shift org/hmdaregcamendments/
n Sept. 17 - Louisville
to Cincinnati in August 2004. default.html.
n Sept. 24 - Memphis
n Oct. 1 - St. Louis
Federal Reserve Launches St. Louis Fed Offers Seminars
New HMDA Web Site on FR 2900 The seminar is free, and a conti-
nental breakfast and lunch will be
The Federal Reserve Bank of The St. Louis Fed will be holding provided for all participants. For
St. Louis recently released a new seminars to teach bank operations more information, contact Sue
web site, which describes the Reg- staff how to properly complete the Horton at (314) 444-8743, or
ulation C amendments that are Report of Transaction Accounts, 1-800-333-0810 ext. 44-8743.
effective for calendar year 2004 Other Deposits and Vault Cash (FR

Federal Reserve Board Issues W arning

about Fraudulent Federal Reserve Note Schemes
he Federal Reserve Board issued a super- fooled; however, the perpetrators of the frauds
T visory letter on July 16, warning examiners
and bankers of the growing use of altered
often claim that the altered notes they hold are
very special. Ploys might include saying that
Federal Reserve notes in illicit investment the notes are part of a secret trove issued by the
schemes. The worthless notes have face values Fed that has been hidden abroad for decades.
of astronomical amounts—$1 billion, $100 mil- Federal law enforcement authorities ask
lion or $50 million—and have that any individuals, banks or other entities
coupons attached to them. that have been contacted about
According to the letter, the fraudulent notes
“wrongdoers have been falsely contact their
claiming that the ‘notes’ can local office of the
be taken to banks and other FBI, U.S. Secret
financial institutions to be Service, U.S. Bureau
used to collateralize loans or of Immigration and
traded as part of an invest- Enforcement or the
ment program. They can- IRS’ Criminal Investiga-
not be used for any purpose tion Division.
whatsoever because they are To view this supervisory
entirely bogus.” letter and an image of one
Because the phony notes of the bogus notes, go to

are in such high denomi-

nations, one would boarddocs/SRLETTERS/

assume that the public 2003/sr0314.htm.

wouldn’t easily be
What Can W e Learn from Consumer Confidence Surveys?
By Jeremy M. Piger, economist, and Michelle T. Meisch, analyst, Research

the time periods our economy has been in recession. As is evident

from the figure, consumer confidence falls sharply whenever the
economy goes into a recession, while it is at increasingly high
levels during an expansion. Additionally, consumer confidence
often peaks before the economy enters a recession.
Several research studies have investigated how much advance
information consumer confidence indexes can provide. One
study, by Philip Howrey, asked whether consumer confidence
correlates to current economic conditions. He tested whether
(An earlier version of this article was pub- predictions of current-period consumption growth—the measure
lished in the April 2003 edition of The believed to be most closely related to consumer sentiment—can
Regional Economist. To view this article,
go to
be improved by using results from the Michigan confidence index
2003/b/pages/confidence.html.) from that same period.
The answer to this question is important because consumer confi-
very month, the two primary dence reports are released at the end of the month measured, while
E measures of U.S. consumer
confidence, the University of
most other economic data reports lag anywhere from a month or
more. Thus, if the information inside consumer confidence reports
Michigan’s Index of Consumer truly is representative of current economic activity, then the reports
Sentiment and the Conference would provide an early indication of the economy’s strength. This
Board’s Consumer Confidence study’s results indicated that the indexes do provide some useful
Index, are released with much information for predicting the value of consumption growth; how-
media fanfare. Consumer confi- ever, the improvement is generally small.
dence is a catchall phrase that A second study, by Christopher Carroll, Jeffrey Fuhrer and David
describes the opinions and attitudes Wilcox, asked whether consumer confidence might predict future
consumers have about the econo- economic activity. This study tested whether the value of the
my’s current and future strength. University of Michigan index from the previous month—for
The attention these indexes instance, January—was able to improve forecasts for the next
receive often centers on the month’s consumption growth—for instance, February. The study
potential information they con- found that when consumer confidence is the only variable used in
tain regarding current and future the forecast, it can significantly improve forecasts. However, once
economic conditions. In other other widely available data are taken into consideration, consumer
words, changes in these indexes confidence increases the forecast’s accuracy only marginally.
are often thought to foreshadow There’s little question that today’s consumer confidence indexes
changes in economic conditions do give meaningful clues to the economy’s strength; nevertheless,
in broad terms. the data do not contain super-forecasting powers. If an economic
The University of Michigan forecaster had only consumer confidence data at her disposal and
and the Conference Board both nothing else, she could use those measures to provide an educated
measure consumer confidence guess about the economy’s strength in broad terms. But we need
by asking five questions to a ran- to remember that the ability of consumer confidence to improve
dom sample of consumers. economic forecasts is modest at best, especially when considered
These questions cover individual along with other forecasting information.
sentiments regarding current and
expected future conditions, as well
as the individual’s personal financial Conference Board Consumer Confidence Index
situation. After the surveys are (Shaded areas indicate U.S. recession dates)
conducted, the responses are aggre-
gated into a single number called
an index of consumer confidence. 120

The figure shows the

Conference Board’s Consumer 80

Confidence Index measured
from the late 1960s to the pres-
ent, and the shaded bars indicate 40
1967 1972 1977 1982 1987 1992 1997 2002
FedFacts CalendarEvents
Banking on Our Future Mark Your Calendar
for Fed Exchange
St. Louis Fed President Bill Poole and
Operation HOPE Chairman John Bryant Fed Exchange is a regional information- Fair Lending Meeting
spoke to St. Louis-area children at the sharing event for the Financial Services Sept. 11, 2003—Collinsville, Ill.
customers in the Fed’s Fourth and Eighth 8:30 a.m. to 11 a.m.
Herbert Hoover Boys and Girls Club on
June 18. The two taught a lesson from the districts. Here are the dates and locations Madison and St. Clair county lenders in
for the fall 2003 series: Illinois will hear about recent changes to the
“Banking on Our Future” classroom curricu- Home Mortgage Disclosure Act. Of special
lum—the only face-to-face economic litera- interest will be a panel discussion among bank
cy program taught year-round in public Sept. 9
examiners from the St. Louis Fed, the FDIC
schools at no cost to the schools. Four Points By Sheraton | Mars, Pa. and the OCC. For more information, con-
The program, which was developed by Sept. 10
tact Jean Morisseau-Kuni at (314) 444-
Operation HOPE, is available in English and 8646, or 1-800-333-0810, ext. 44-8646.
Holiday Inn Select | Memphis
Spanish. It uses a growing network of vol-
Small Business Innovation Research
unteer bankers to teach four core modules: Sept. 16 Program
n the basics of banking, Embassy Suites | Lexington, Ky. Sept. 18, 2003—Evansville, Ind.
11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
how to open and maintain a checking
Sept. 17 This seminar will explain how the Small
and savings account,
Holiday Inn Airport/South | Louisville Business Innovation Research Program
n the importance of credit and
assists small businesses in selecting appro-
n the power of investments. Sept. 23 priate research topics, preparing proposals and
Operation HOPE is a non-profit self-help Holiday Inn | Independence, Ohio identifying resources. For more information,
contact Faith Weekly at (502) 568-9216.
organization that collaborates with leading Oct. 7
government, private sector and community Third Annual St. Louis Community
Holiday Inn South County Center | St. Louis
interests. Its goal is to bring economic self- and Lender Investment Fair
sufficiency and revitalization to America’s Oct. 22 Sept. 23, 2003—St. Louis
inner city communities. Federal Reserve 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Embassy Suites | Dublin, Ohio
Chairman Alan Greenspan and several This fair will showcase investment opportuni-
Reserve bank presidents are participating in Oct. 23 ties and resources for St. Louis-area financial
Operation HOPE programs across the country. Embassy Suites | Little Rock institutions and community development
organizations. For more information, contact
Matt Ashby at (314) 444-8891, or 1-800-
333-0810, ext. 44-8891.


P.O. Box 442

St. Louis, Mo. 63166

Editor: Alice C. Dames

(314) 444-8593

Central Banker is published

quarterly by the Public Affairs
Department of the Federal
Reserve Bank of St. Louis.
Views expressed are not
necessarily official opinions
of the Federal Reserve
System or the Federal
Reserve Bank of St. Louis.

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