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Department of Mechanical Engineering

Faculty of Engineering. SLIIT

Tutorial No.1 Assignment No 1

1. Gas mixture obeying perfect gas law has a molecular mass of26.7. Assuming specific heat at constant
volume of 0.694 KJ/kg K, determine the values of characteristic gas constant, specific heat at constant
pressure and the ratio of specific heat. Take universal gas constant as 8.314 kJ/kg K.

2. One kg (1kg) of a perfect gas occupies a volume of 0.85 m3 at 150C and at a constant pressure of 1 bar.
The gas is first heated at a constant volume and then at constant pressure. Find specific heat at constant
volume and constant pressure of the gas. Take =1.4

3. One (1) kg of ideal gas is heated from 18.30C to 93.40C. Assuming molecular mass=28.6 and =1.18 for
the gas find specific heats, change in Internal Energy and change in Enthalpy. Universal gas constant
=8.314 kJ/kg K.

4. 3 kg of an ideal gas is expanded from a pressure of 7 bar and volume 1.5 m3 to a pressure pf 1.4 bar and
volume 4.5 m3. The change in internal energy is 525 KJ. The specific heat at constant volume for the gas is
1.047 kJ/kg K. calculate Initial and final temperature, characteristic gas constant and change in enthalpy.

5. An ideal gas 0.9 kg having gas constant 0.287kj/kg K is heated at constant pressure of 8 bar from 300C
to 2000C. If the specific heat at constant volume is 0.72 kJ/kg K. Find specific heat at constant pressure,
total heat supplied, increase in Internal energy and work done.

6. One (1) kg gas contained in a closed rigid container subjected to a process of heating. Initial temperature
and pressure are 150C and 1 bar respectively. Final pressure is 6 bar. Calculate final temperature, Work
done, Heat transfer and change in Internal Energy. Take Cv as 0.755 kJ/kg K.

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