Syllabus Signatures 17

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McAvens 8th Grade Science Class

Riverwood Middle School

Welcome to a new school year and eighth grade science!

This will be my twelfth year teaching science and my sixth year as a member of Riverwoods fantastic staff. It is
extremely exciting to be a part of this wonderful educational community. Im looking forward to sharing my passion
for science with young individuals and giving them the opportunity to explore, discover and question the world
around us. My classroom will be an environment in which students are active participants in the learning

Communication with parents/guardians is instrumental in working as a team for the benefit of our students. The
science notebook, each student will create, is a great way to keep up with what we are doing in class. Students and
parents will also be able to utilize my science website ( This site will enable you to see
what activities were completed in class, homework, upcoming tests and due dates for assignments. I will also be
sending important information through a Remind program (see how to sign in below). If at any time you have
questions or concerns please call the school at 919-359-2769 or e-mail me at
The best way to reach me is typically by e-mail.

In eighth grade, the students will be exploring chemistry, the hydrosphere, ecosystems, energy, earths history,
microbiology, molecular biology, evolution and genetics. We will be using various forms of technology in order to
investigate the world around us. The most effective learning occurs when students are actively involved in
discovery. For this reason, students will be guided in developing their own resource materials to support, reinforce
and analyze scientific principles. These resources will be collected and maintained in a binder and utilized along
with our classroom textbooks.

Remind is a simple way for you to stay informed. By joining youre choosing to receive class messages. Your phone
number will not be shared with the teacher or anyone else in the class. To join simply text 81010 with the message
@mrsmcav. More details can be found at this link:

Please check my website regularly to review, keep up-to-date on assignments and utilize helpful study tools.

We will use a variety of textbooks throughout the year. These resources will be used during class.

Grading Scale Grade Distribution

Assessments Weight
Major 60%
Minor 40%

Major Assessments include: tests, large labs and projects

Minor Assessments include: quizzes, small labs and various classwork/homework assignments
Extra Credit: some classwork assignments will be collected on test/quiz days for bonus points

Tests and Quizzes

Students will be made aware of tests at least 5 days in advance.
A study guide, of what will be covered on the test, will also be provided.
There will be frequent quizzes. Each quiz will cover vocabulary and concepts weve worked with
throughout the week. Study guides will not be provided for quizzes.
Classroom Expectations
Show Respect
Out of Harms Way
Act Responsibly
Remember Kindness

Classroom Management
1. Your science notebook MUST be brought to class everyday along with a pencil, pen and any other materials
as indicated. Your notebook will be used to hold all of your science work.
2. You will have the first few minutes after the tardy bell to record the essential question off of the board. You
are required to keep a log (in your notebook) of essential questions throughout the school year.
3. All of your work will be kept in your notebook in order of assignment dates. Each assignment needs to be
dated on the date received in class.
4. When an assignment is required to be turned in, the following must be done:
Complete heading (name, date and class period)
Labeled with an appropriate title (assignment name)
Checked for neatness (legible and in order)
*Assignments turned in with no name will earn a zero until the name is updated and resubmitted. Check
the LOST tray for your no name paper. Place your name on the paper and turn it in.*
5. Late assignments will be accepted one day after the due date with a 25% deduction and a second day late
with a 50% deduction from the total assignment grade. Extra credit will never be accepted late.
6. Read assignment directions and rubrics carefully. Follow ALL instructions and deadlines.
7. Copying or cheating will result in a zero on all assignments, for all parties involved. This will result in an
automatic phone call home. Do your own work!
8. Good listening is a very important skill. When I need your attention in class, I will say, Give me five. That
means hands are in the air, you are sitting quietly and looking at the teacher.
9. Book bags are allowed in class. They must be kept closed and neatly tucked away so they dont take up
precious classroom space or interfere with science safety. I ask for your support in this effort to keep the
room safe and productive.
10. No food or drink is permitted in the room, as it is a laboratory classroom. Any exceptions to this rule must
be arranged with Mrs. McAven ahead of time.
11. Students will be permitted to use the restroom only if they have their hall pass sheet in the student planner.
No pass = No bathroom break. Students are given time between classes to use the restroom as well.
12. Teamwork is very important in exploring science. We will be working individually as well as in groups and
with partners throughout the year. Get used to working with others and being a good partner. The person
you share a table with will be your partner.

If you are absent from class for any reason it is your responsibility to obtain: 1) a copy of the lesson from the day(s)
you missed, and 2) the assignments and their due dates.
Please check the Weekly Agenda (on the website) for assignments.
Be sure to record the Essential Question(s) in your notebook.
If you are absent on the assignment due date, you must submit the assignment upon returning to school.
If you have any questions that your team members cannot answer, then you need to see the teacher.
If you know you will be absent please discuss and collect any work you may need from Mrs. McAven.

Extra Support
Tutoring will be offered Tuesday morning with Mrs. McAven. Also, Ms. Dollar tutors Thursday mornings,
Mrs. Bates tutors Monday afternoons and Mrs. Kennedy tutors Thursday afternoons. Other times may be
scheduled if needed.
Please let me know if you need extra help in any area, so we can set up a plan to help you succeed your eighth
grade year.

My classroom is an inviting and exciting place to learn and live science. I look forward to a wonderful year!
Mrs. McAvens 8th Grade Science Signature Sheet

Classroom Information Sheet

Guidelines help our class run smoothly. Your signature indicates you have read over the science classroom
syllabus with your parent(s) and understand what your responsibility is as an active learner. Youve
received a paper copy and it is also available at Please return this form to Mrs.
McAven by Friday September 1, 2017.

Print student name: _______________________________ _______________ Block: ________

Student signature: Date: ____

Print parent name: __________________________________________________

Parent signature: Date: ____

Parent contact phone number: ___________ ________

Parent e-mail: _______________________________________________________________

Science Safety Sheet -AGREEMENT

I, ________________________________________________ , have read and understand each of the safety

rules set forth in the contract provided. I agree to follow them to ensure not only my own safety
but also the safety of others in the science classroom or laboratory. I also agree to follow the
general rules of appropriate behavior for a classroom at all times to avoid accidents and to
provide a safe learning environment for everyone. I understand that if I do not follow all the rules
and safety precautions, I will not be allowed to participate in science activities.

Student signature:
Dear Parent or Guardian:
We feel that you should be informed of the schools effort to create and maintain a safe science
classroom/laboratory. Please read the list of safety rules. No student will be permitted to perform
science activities unless this contract is signed by both the student and parent/guardian and is
on file with the teacher. Your signature on this contract indicates that you have read the Science
Safety Contract, reviewed it with your child, and are aware of the measures taken to ensure the
safety of your son/daughter in the science classroom.

Print parent name: __________________________________________________

Parent signature:

Important questions (please circle one):

Did you sign-up to receive Mrs. McAvens Remind class messages? Yes or No
Did you visit and/or bookmark Mrs. McAvens website? Yes or No
Does your child wear contact lenses? Yes or No
Is your child color blind? Yes or No
Does your child have any allergies? (food, cleaners, latex, etc.) Yes or No
If so, Please list:
Is there anything else you would like me to know?

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