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Reforms in Government

Meeting the challenges of a growing city-state

Creation of the Great Council
Created in 12th century to elect capable members to all councils in govt
Growth in nobility→competition to serve in govt
Hence Great Council expanded to reduce competition
Eg. Number of seats reached 400 in 13th century
Specialisation of duty
` 13th century, Council of Forty created
Managed matters of law, finances, coinage
60 member Senate added with the expansion of foreign relations with more
Senate took charge of foreign relations, commerce and the operations of Venetian
Maintaining checks and balances
Effective checks on power
Doge+6 Ducal Councillors+3 Heads of the Council of Forty = Council of Ten
Ensure no corrupt practices or abuse of power from high ranking officials
There have been Doges forced to exile or arrested by council due to corrupt
Preventing concentration of power
Nominating committee added to election process
They identify suitable male candidates for elected positions
Prevent any individual or family from dominating government
Nobles unable to campaign for support during election
Nobles appointed cannot reject position

Trade developments and expansion

Attitude towards Trade

Venetians were skilled diplomats→able to obtain lower tax rates
Able to bring highly-prized spices from the East
Possessed an enterprising spirit
Explored new trade routes, supplies and markets by traveling to unknown lands
Eg. Polo family took calculated risks to extend trade beyond Mid East
Exploration of overland trade route to China earn Venice good relations with Far East
Innovations in maritime technology
Eg. Nautical chart and Mariner’s compass
Venetian fleets were propelled by oars and sails→need not depend solely on one unlike
First Venetian great galley was built, combining merchant and war vessel
Discouraged pirates from attacking Venetian trading ships
Efficiency in managing voyages
Senate came up with effective management
Organised and monitored schedule of trade voyages
Grouped traders into convoys for safety and more profitable to trade in large quantities
Overcoming trade competition
Venetian traders risk confiscation and looting by Genoese in Genoese ports and vice
Genoa attacked fleets belonging to Venice and took over cargoes, and vice versa
Venice defeated Genoa in late 14th century
Trade monopoly
Trading activities in Europe dominated by Venice (most successful), Genoa, Hanseatic
Venice gained monopoly after defeating Genoa
Venice strategically located at northern tip of Adriatic Sea
Central and Southern Europe depended on Venice for spices, sugar, diamonds
Goods sold at high price→Venetian traders reap large profits
Industrial development
Trade-related industry
1100→Shipbuilders centralized at a place called Arsenal
Prevent overcrowding and minimal noise pollution at Bacino San Marco, the main
trading port
Manufacturing industries
Trade expansion→gained more wealth→increase in demand for manufactured goods
Eg. Glass-making industry on the island of Murano
Other manufactured goods: candles and scented soap
More jobs created
Attracted skilled craftsmen in other parts of Europe to come and settle in Venice

Innovative practices
Double-entry bookkeeping
Standardise credit and debit columns and entries recorded by data
Ability to make and receive payment by making request at the bank

Basis of Comparisons for Reasons for Rise of Venice

Reforms in Government > Trade Development and Expansion / Industrial

Development / Innovative Practices

Having a government that is able to handle state affairs more efficiently would form a stable
platform for prosperity to be forged. Without an efficient government, ____________ might
cause economical harm to Venice

Attitude Towards Trade > Innovations in Maritime Technology / Efficiency in

Managing Voyages / Overcoming Trade Competition / Trade Monopoly

Without the attitude the Venetians had towards trade, ____________ would not exist as
___________ came from the attitude Venetians had towards trade.

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