Lesson 5

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K5 Science Endorsement GPS Lesson Plan

Title Lesson 5
Teacher(s) Kristen Muller
E-mail Kristen.muller@cobbk12.org
School Shallowford Falls
Lesson Title Lets Build a Dam
Grade Level 5 Concepts(s) Constructive and destructive forces
Performance Expectation

Students will be able to build a dam and tests the effectiveness

Science & Engineering Disciplinary Core Ideas Crosscutting Concept

Practice (Content)
Developing and Using Models Cause and Effect
Result of various forces
Ask questions that can be acting on the Earths surface These relationships are routinely
investigated and predict cause change identified, tested, and used to
reasonable outcomes based on explain change
patterns such as cause and effect Surface of Earth always in
relationships motion System and System Models

Developing and Using Models Crust layers divided into

A group of related parts that
plates that move on top of
make up a whole and can carry
Develop a model using an out functions individual parts
analogy, example, or abstract cannot
Constructive processes
representation to describe a
create unique surface
scientific principle or design
Destructive processes
create unique surface
Georgia Performance Standards
S5E1. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to identify surface features on the Earth caused by
constructive &/or destructive processes.

Safety Considerations

When building the dams, use goggles, gloves, and paper towels for clean-up.
The Learning Plan:

ENGAGE: Review and discuss how water affected the soil in lesson 1. Dam websites:
www.tvakids.com/river/aboutdams.htm, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dam,

EXPLORE: Using tubs from Lesson 1, have students create their own dam using materials
provided. After building their landscape, add water to see if the dam successfully holds the

EXPLAIN: In STEM journals, have students write explaining their dam and if it was successful or

EXTEND: Have students adjust their dam if it was not successful and re-test. In journals, record
why this was successful. Have students write about why dams are needed and their importance.

EVALUATE: Check student journals/STEM packet

Title of the Lesson: Lets Build a Dam!
Lesson Logistics/Materials:
Management Considerations- Co teacher, DHH microphone, pre assign groups
Materials- Constructive/destructive charts for notes, all other materials are located in storage
room of STEM lab
Groups- Hands On activities- small groups, Notes- whole groups, discussions- small group
Opening/Hook/Initial Focus: see Engage above

Work Session: see Explore, Explain, Extend

Closing: Discuss whole group how the dams worked. What were success? What were changes
that had to be made? See Evaluate
Documentation of Resources-




Lesson Title: Lets Build a Dam!

Grade Level: 5 Quarter: 1

Standards: List relevant STEM Science, Technology, & Math standards. Include ELA CCGPS if applicable.
Science: S5E1c. Technology, Human Interventions, and Constructive and Destructive Processes
Relate the role of technology and human intervention in the control of constructive and destructive processes

ELL: CCGPS.5W.4 Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development and organization are appropriate to task, purpose,
and audience.

Technology: 5T6a. Understand and use technology systems.

Lesson Essential Question: Vocabulary:

-How can dams provide flood control? -flood control
-How can we measure and convert rainfall amounts to -dam
effectively build a dam to minimize flooding issues? -levee
Lesson Materials Lesson Assessment:
STEM lab materials to construct- Twine, yarn, wire, Students will be assessed based on the dam they produce in STEM lab
duck tape, scotch tape, baggies of sand and rocks, and how well they reflect and problem solve. They will make a QR code
cartons, egg cartons, plastic containers, scissors, PVC on their project with pictures of their design process.
-STEM journals
-pre-assigned websites of dams
STEM Challenge Overview:
Students will build a dam out of the provided materials in STEM lab after researching structures and ability to hold and move water.

Teacher Background:
Teachers will give background information on constructive and destructive forces and how humans can prevent flooding. Students
will be able to identify different types of dams and their effectiveness.

1. Ask/Engage (Day 1- 45 minutes)
How will you engage students? Introduce design challenge in general terms- what problem will students need to solve? Review any
STEM Content that students will need to apply to solve design challenge.
Show a video of a dam and how it works
Power Point and notes on methods of flood control

2. Imagine/Brainstorm (Day 2- 15 minutes)

Introduce the constraints of the design plan. Define the criteria for success. Ask each student to work independently to come up with
1-2 possible design solutions. Students should draw/label their designs.
Students will work in groups to research how dams work, how much water they hold back, etc
They will work as a group to brainstorm two ideas to make their dam successful. They will write this in the idea
diagram provided.
Problem: Build an operational dam.
1. Time you will have 2 STEM Lab classes to plan, construct, test, and improve
2.Must use materials provided by teacher
3. All construction must be done within the STEM Lab.

1. Dam must be able to hold back water.
2. Must be able to start/stop flow of water
3. Must be able to hold back 3 liters of water.

3. Plan/Design (Day 2- 30 minutes)

Each student presents their ideas to their team. Student teams collaborate to come up with final design plan. Students draw final
design plan and make a list of needed supplies.

Each group will create a visual representation of the dam that they intend to build. Students will brainstorm and record ideas and
thoughts on how their dam will work during the actual hands on activity.
4. Create / Test (Day 3- 30 minutes)

Student teams build their design according to their design plan. Students test their design plan and record data.

5. Evaluate/Improve and repeat Steps 1-5 (Day 3- 15-20 minutes)

Students evaluate their design for success. Did it meet the established criteria? Did their final design match their planned design?
How would students improve their design?
Students will record the strengths and weaknesses of their design. Students will respond during the testing phase with comments
such as I like, I noticed, and I wonder.

Dam STEM Challenge
5th Grade
Description of STEM Challenge

Challenge: Students will work in groups to build a working dam.

1.Dam must be able to hold back water.
2.Must be able to start/stop flow of water
3.Must be able to hold back 3 liters of water.

1. Time you will have 2 STEM Lab classes to plan, construct, test, and
2.Must use materials provided by teacher.
3.All construction must be done within the STEM Lab.

Twine, yarn, wire, duck tape, scotch tape
Baggies of sand and rocks
Boxes, cartons, egg cartons, plastic containers
PVC pipes
1. ASK / ENGAGE: What is the problem you are being asked to solve?




2. IMAGINE/BRAINSTORM: What are some possible solutions to the problem
that you are trying to solve? After you brainstorm, draw and label your
ideas below.
Idea #1 Idea #2

3. PLAN/DESIGN: Share your ideas with your group and collaborate to decide on a final design
plan. Draw your teams design below and make a list of the materials that you will need to
complete your design.
Team Design Plan Materials List

4. CREATE/TEST: Use your Final Design Plan to create and build your solution.
Test your design. Did it work? Why or Why not?




5. EVAULATE/IMPROVE: How well did your design work? Did your solution
solve the problem within the given constraints?







How can you improve your design? How can you make it better? Draw and label your improved
design below.
Improved Design Plan

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