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Course-schedule: Life cycle perspective and environmental impact, Fall 2017.
Code: ABKF15 Credits points: 7.5
Grade: TH (fail,3,4,5) Level (decision by the faculty board): G2
Language: English

This course will provide knowledge and understanding about how cost and environmental issues effect the
choice of design solutions and which measures need a longer term perspective than others, in order to get back
the investment costs or make the building sustainable. This course will also provide knowledge and
understanding related to different types of actors interests (city-owned property owners, private property
owners, property developers (builders and sellers), private home owners, builders, manufacturers etc). Also
included will be aspects of barriers and possibilities. The course presents methodology and tools for determining
life cycle perspective issues like life-cycle costs and environmental certification. This can be used for
evaluation, system design and to produce convincing arguments and facts for the client.

At the end of this course, the student will:

be aware of basic life cycle methods as well as tools for evaluating environmental impact and making
classifications of buildings
have knowledge of the LCC analysis concept and how it can be used for optimisation
have understanding of the LCA concept
have knowledge of major environmental certification systems for buildings
understand and be able to discuss different actors needs and goals

perform LCC analyses on systems in buildings
overview of LCA of buildings and basic knowledge in performing a basic LCA task
overview and example of environmental certification of buildings
interpret LCC analyses, LCAs and environmental certification
discussion of societal and political background of decision making

There will be several assignments which will be presented in different ways. First 3 are in groups, while Ass 4 is
made individually.

There will be groups of 3, or 2 in one or two groups if the number of students are not discretely dividable with
3. The groups must not consist of the same members as earlier in the education, and during the 3 group
assignments, group members must change for each assignment.

1. LCC lighting and ventilation A report not exceeding 6 pages or 1000 words with focus on result,
simplifications and possible uncertainties. 6 min presentation with
focus on the presentation different for different groups

2. LCA calculations A report not exceeding 6 pages or 1000 words. The work will be
discussed with two other groups during 40 min, and the reports of
these two other groups must be read and commented. Reports must
be handed to teachers and the other two gropus wednesday 5
October 12:00.

3. Investigation of own apartment regarding one LCC issue and one LCA issue
Handing in a poster and 7 minutes ppt-presentation.

All presentations, posters and reports must be sent to the teachers well prior to the start of the scheduled
presentation, which means latest midnight at the start of the day of the presentation. The posters will be A3 as a
pdf-file, and does not need to be printed.

The course literature will generally be available as pdfs.
AIA Guide to Building Life Cycle Assessment in Practice
Life-Cycle Assessment and the Environmental Impact of Buildings: A Review Mohamad Monkiz
Khasreen, Phillip F.G. Banfill and Gillian F. Menzies, Sustainablity 2009,1,674-701
Economic and environmental impact assessment of very low-energy house concepts in the North
European countries, 2011 IVL
Energy use in the life cycle of conventional and low-energy buildings: A review article, Sartori, I.&
Hestnes, A., 2007., Energy and Buildings 39, p. 249257
Simply Green, Swegon Air Academy
Lecture slides, recent papers and other material distributed through the course web page


DJ: Dennis Johansson, Installationsteknik (coordinator)

SJ: Saqib Javed, Installationsteknik
KF: Karin Farster, Installationsteknik
KS: Kaisa Svennberg, Rise kaisa.svennberg@sp.rise

The final grade is to 80% based on the written examination and to 20% on the performance related to the
exercises and lectures.To receive final exam, the written examination must pass, exercises must pass and
mandatory lectures must be visited.

Life cycle perspective and environmental impact, LP1, Fall, 2016
Room 3T:C218


Mo 28/8 10 - 16 L
Introduction and overview. Intro to ass1. LCC Math. DJ, KF, SJ
10-ca12 Intro (DJ); ca13-16 LCC math (SJ)
Fr 1/9 10 - 16 L/T LCC Overview. LCC Exercises. LCC software. Study visit ass1 DJ, SJ
Mo 4/9 10 - 16 L/T C524 Environmental certification KS
Fr 8/9 10 - 15 L/La Exercises in LCC SJ
Mo 11/9 10 - 17 L/La Integrated life cycle design lecture. Consultation ass1 SJ
Fr 15/9 ? L/La Groupwise consulation ass1 in teacher room on 6th floor. DJ
Fr 22/9 10 - 15 L/T Presentation ass1. LCA. DJ, KF, SJ
Mo 25/9 10 - 17 L/La Introduction ass2. LCA. KF
Mo 2/10 10 - 15 L Intro ass3. Consultation ass2 DJ, KF
Fr 6/10 10 - 15 L/La Presentation ass2. Consultation ass3. KF, DJ
Fr 13/10 10 - 17 L Presentation ass3. Questions. DJ, KF, SJ

Th 26/10 08:00 12 3T:E230 - Written examination

Possible changes and other information will be given on the course web page
Self study time, according to the course plan, is 153 hours.

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