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TOK 2017-2018 Grade Evaluation

Missed TOK Presentation deadlines or poor TOK Presentation quality (Semester 2) will lower your
final grade. A TOK Presentation MUST be completed in Semester 2 to receive credit in this class
EE and CAS MUST be on track by the end of each semester to receive credit in this class.

Highlight each statement that applies to you:

To earn an A:
My CAS is on track
MY EE is on track
I am an active participant in class, earning a participation grade of 90% or higher.
My journals consistently show quality thinking attempting to wrestle with the topics and concepts
addressed in class.

To earn an A-:
1. Either my CAS or EE is not on track, but I am an active participant in class, earning a participation grade of
90% or higher, and my journals consistently show quality thinking attempting to wrestle with the topics
and concepts addressed in class.
2. MY CAS and EE are on track, I am an active participant in class, earning a participation grade of 90% or
higher, and my journals usually show quality thinking attempting to wrestle with the topics and concepts
addressed in class.
3. My CAS and EE are on track, I have earned a participation grade of 80% -89%, and my journals
consistently show quality thinking attempting to wrestle with the topics and concepts addressed in class.

To earn a B+:
1. Neither CAS nor my EE is on track, but I am an active participant in class, earning a participation grade of
90% or higher, and my journals consistently show quality thinking attempting to wrestle with the topics
and concepts addressed in class.
2. Either my CAS or EE is not on track, but my participation grade is 80% -89%, and my journals
consistently show evidence of quality thinking.
3. Either my CAS or EE is not on track, but my participation grade is 90% or higher, and my journals
usually show evidence of quality thinking.
4. MY CAS and EE are on track, my participation grade is 80-89%, and my journals usually show evidence of
quality thinking.

To earn a B:
1. My CAS and EE are on track, my participation grade is below 80%, my journals usually show evidence of
quality thinking.
2. Either my CAS or EE is not on track, my participation grade is 80-89%, and my journals usually show
evidence of quality thinking.
3. Neither my CAS nor EE is on track, my participation grade is 80%-89%, but my journals consistently
show evidence of quality thinking.
4. Neither my CAS nor EE is on track, my participation grade is 90% or above, and my journals usually
show evidence of quality thinking.

To earn a B-:
1. MY CAS and EE are on track, my participation grade is below 80%, and the quality of my journals is
2. Either my CAS or EE is not on track, my participation grade is below 80%, but my journals usually show
evidence of quality thinking.
3. Neither my CAS nor my EE is on track, but I am earning a participation grade of 80-89%, and my journals
usually show quality thinking.
To earn a C+:
1. Either my CAS or EE is not on track, my participation grade is below 80%, and the quality of my journals
is unsatisfactory.
2. Neither my CAS nor EE is on track, my participation grade is 80-89%, but the quality of my journals is
3. Neither my CAS nor EE is on track, my participation grade is below 80%, but my journals usually show
evidence of quality thinking.

To earn a C:
Neither my CAS nor EE is on track, my participation grade is below 80%, and the quality of my journals is

Final Grade: _____________________________

Name: ___________________________________

TOK Days: _______________________________


I have been honest on this self-evaluation


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