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Information Circular No 18/2016: Paternity Leave and

Benefit Act 2016

By Industrial Relations Officer

PDFORRA has submitted a claim to the Department of Defence seeking the amendment of DFR A 11.
This claim seeks to provide for the ability of eligible personnel to avail of Paternity Leave in accordance
with the Paternity Leave Act 2016.

The aforementioned Act states that:

All employees must have their paternity leave certified by their employer.
You must notify your employer at least 4 weeks before taking your paternity leave. If you are
adopting a child, you must provide confirmation of the date of placement of your baby.
In the case of adoption, you must produce a certificate of placement in relation to the child.
In the case of an intercountry adoption that took place outside the State, you must produce a
declaration of eligibility and suitability in relation to the child and particulars in writing of the day
of placement or expected day of placement.


If you are employed, you must provide your employer with proof of the expected date of
confinement of your spouse or partner. In other words, you will be required to provide a certificate
from your spouse or partners doctor confirming when your baby is due, or confirmation of the
actual date of birth if you are applying for leave after the birth.
If your Spouse or Partners pregnancy results in a stillbirth or miscarriage any time after the 24th
week of pregnancy (i.e. from the beginning of the 25th week) and you are entitled to paternity
leave, you are entitled to 2 weeks Paternity Benefit provided you satisfy the social insurance
(PRSI) requirements.
If your baby is hospitalised you can postpone your paternity leave and Paternity Benefit or
whatever portion of it remains for a maximum of 6 months.

PDFORRA advises all personnel to apply for their Public Services Card as it may be a requirement for the
administration of this type of leave if agreed with the Department.

Further details can be attained by logging on to HTTPS://WWW.WELFARE.IE

Information Circular No 17/2016: Medical Card
Reduced Rate of USC
By Industrial Relations Officer

PDFORRA members should be aware that if they are in possession of a full Medical Card they are
entitled to pay a reduced rate of USC.

Universal Social Charge (USC) is a tax on income that replaced both the income levy and the health levy.
Since the start of 2016, Universal Social Charge is payable on gross income at the following rates:

1% Up to 12,012
3% From 12,012.01 to 18,668.00
5.5% From 18,668.01 to 70,044.00
8% From 70,044.01 to 100,000.00

Reduced Rate of USC (2016)

Rate Income Band:

1% Income up to 12,012
3% All income over 12,012

The Reduced Rates of USC applies to people aged 70 or over whose aggregate income for the year is
60,000 or less and Full Medical Card holders aged under 70 whose aggregate income for the year is
60,000 or less.

Please note that you must hold a full medical card to qualify for the reduced rate of USC. People who only
hold a GP visit card do not qualify for the reduced rate of USC.

Members should contact PDFORRA HQ for further clarification and information relating to paying
reduced rates of USC.

Issued on 11/08/2016
Information Circular No 16/2016: Increase in UK Course
Allowance Rates
By Industrial Relations Officer

In line with the movement of the British Retail Price Increase (BRPI) by 2.4% and consequential upon the
application of Conciliation Council Report No. 87, the UK Course Allowance rates are to be increased.

The table hereunder sets out the new and old rates:

Old Rate New Rate

Stg Stg
Military Staff College,
Shrivenham and RAF Staff 22.58 23.15
College, Bracknell
Other UK Military Colleges
and schools and military 12.14 12.44
Courses at UK military and
civilian establishments of less
17.05 17.48
than a weeks duration
involving no weekend absence

The new rates are to be applied with effect from the 1st of May 2016.

Issued on 03/08/2016
Information Circular No 15/2016: Pay Position of 2013
By Industrial Relations Officer

The pay of Privates joining the Permanent Defence Force since 2013 is less than it would have been had
Para 2.31 of the Haddington Rd Agreement (HRA) been applied to them. PDFORRA has already
commenced negotiations to address this situation and has achieved some small advances but nowhere near
enough to match the benefits provided under the HRA.

PDFORRA estimate that the pay of a Private joining since 2013 is typically 50 a week lower than it
should be had the benefits of the HRA been fully applied. It should be noted that PDFORRA has secured
and agreed a 5.26% increase in the pay and pensionable allowances of Enlisted Personnel joining since

PDFORRA wish to continue negotiations on the pay of the Privates joining since 2013 to deliver increases
which will see pay levels increase to a more acceptable level. Where agreement cannot be reached on
these matters the final decision will be by adjudication/arbitration through a binding determination on both

The Departments position on the pay of Privates joining since 2013 is that the section of the Haddington
Rd Agreement which provides for further pay benefits does not apply to Privates. However, this section
applies to every other entrant grade across the public service and effectively ended the two-tier pay
structure introduced by Government in 2011.

In PDFORRAs view, the Department does not have the authority to unilaterally exclude any group,
including Privates joining since 2013, from any of the provisions of the Haddington Rd Agreement and
where they do the matter can be challenged through referral to adjudication/arbitration for binding
determination on both sides.

PDFORRA will steadfastly pursue progress on the pay levels of Privates joining since 2013 within the
framework of the Lansdowne Rd Agreement. This action requires the support of all our membership
including those undergoing an increment freeze.

Further circulars will be issued as the matter progresses.

Issued on 11/07/2016
Information Circular No 14/2016: Increment Freeze
By Industrial Relations Officer

The National Executive Committee (NEC) has met to consider how PDFORRA should respond to the
Governments unilateral decision to impose an increment freeze on PDFORRA members in an effort to
force PDFORRA to accept that the Haddington Rd Agreement section providing for an end to the two-tier
pay structure does not apply to the members joining the Permanent Defence Force since 2013.

The NEC has condemned the actions of the Government and characterised the implementation of an
increment freeze on PDFORRA members as both provocative and inappropriate while clarifications and
negotiations on the Lansdowne Rd Agreement are on-going.

Given the foregoing, PDFORRA will challenge the decision to impose an increment freeze on its members
using the dispute resolution process of the Lansdowne Rd Agreement which will involve referral of the
matter to adjudication/arbitration for binding determination. Any binding determination applies to both

The Minister with Responsibility for Defence, Mr Paul Kehoe, TD, has invited PDFORRA to talks and
PDFORRA will be taking up the invitation. The meeting will take place on Wednesday 13th July 2016.

The Minister and his Government have discretion to set aside the increment freeze under Section 8 of the
Financial Emergency Measures in the Public Interest (FEMPI) Act 2015 and PDFORRA is of the view that
it should be set aside. As far as PDFORRA is concerned this will be the main subject of the meeting.

The solidarity shown by all members in bearing an increment freeze in support of Privates entering since
2013 will be crucial to improving the current position. Your support in these circumstances is greatly

Further circulars will be issued as the matter of the increment freeze progresses.

Issued on 11/07/2016
Information Circular No 13/2016: Government to Impose
Increment Freeze From 1st July
By Industrial Relations Officer

In a shock move, the Department of Defence has informed PDFORRA that it intends to impose an
increment freeze on soldiers, sailors and aircrew with effect from 1st July 2016 because PDFORRA has not
agreed to sign up to the terms of the Lansdowne Rd Agreement (LRA).

The Department has informed PDFORRA that it cannot receive the benefits and protections of the LRA if
it does not signed up to it. In response PDFORRA has pointed out that it is co-operating with the LRA
modernisation and reform agenda and therefore meeting all its obligations under the Agreement. In these
circumstances an increment freeze is an act of bad faith and, in PDFORRA opinion, a breach of the LRA
and the principles underpinning it. It may also be legally questionable.

While PDFORRA and its members have met and will continue to meet their obligations under the LRA it
has not signed up to it because of the failure of the Government to implement the section which ends the
two-tier pay structure in respect of Privates who have joined the Defence Forces since 2013. PDFORRA
contends that this group of members should have their current pay position advanced as they are the only
ones to be treated in this manner across the entire public service.

It appears clear that the motivation for implementing an increment freeze in the PDF is to force PDFORRA
to abandon its efforts to end the two-tier pay structures applying to those of Private rank who joined since
2013. This motivation may have been further fuelled by PDFORRAs success in securing a 5.26% pay and
pensionable allowance increase for this group in 2014 on foot of the introduction of a personal pension
contribution (PPC).

Over the coming week, PDFORRA will consider its response to this important development following
consultation with our membership. However, the initial responses have all indicated that abandoning
pursuit of the ending of the two-tier pay structure in respect of Privates joining since 2013 will not form
part of any solution. PDFORRA is very appreciative of its members support in these circumstances and
will issue updates as matters develop.

Issued on the 01/07/2016

Information Circular No 12/2016: Introduction of Flat
rate Expenses for Enlisted Members of the Defence Forces
By Industrial Relations Officer

PDFORRA has successfully negotiated the introduction of a Flat Rate Expense Allowance for Enlisted
members of the Defence Forces.

The allowance has been introduced to compensate members for the expense associated with the Dry
Cleaning of their No. 1 Dress Uniforms.

The agreement reached with Revenue will see our members, who are not in receipt of Uniform
Replenishment Allowance, granted the Flat Rate Expense of 300 in 2016, and 150 annually thereafter.

Additionally, PDFORRA has prepared a proforma for all members, including those in receipt of Uniform
Replenishment Allowance, which will assist members recoup vouched expenses provided for under
section 114 of the Tax Consolidation Act (TCA). This proforma will be circulated to PDFORRA District
Committees in early 2017.

While an upper limit of 150 applies on a yearly basis, members can submit claims for amounts in excess
of this limit where they can provide receipts.

PDFORRA intend to further investigate the potential for claims under section 114 of the TCA, and will
consult with the membership on an on-going basis.

It is hoped that the payment of this years 300 allowance which includes 150 arrears for 2015, will be
paid before the end of September 2016.

PDFORRA will provide members with updates as we receive them from Revenue.

Issued on the 24/06/2016

Information Circular No 11/2016: Review of NCO
Promotion Competitions for Sgt Rank and Higher 2012
By Industrial Relations Officer

The 2014 2016 NCO Promotion Competitions to Sergeant Rank and Higher ended on 11th June 2016 and
will now be the subject of a detailed review as provided for when the original Conciliation Council Report
No 448 was concluded.

In support of the review process, PDFORRA has carried out an analysis of the operation of the two new
competency based NCO promotion systems and has received a large volume of feedback for interested
members and district committees. This has identified a number of deficiencies in the operation of the
system and also a number of opportunities which could improve the process of promotion. In total
PDFORRA has identified at least 40 separate issues that need to be considered as part of any review and
these will form part of PDFORRAs submission for change during the review process. The following are
some of the major issues that have been identified:

The question of a reserve Order of Merit List

The qualifying length of service and the granting of waivers from same in particular circumstances
Standardisation of treatment of overseas service for marks
The question of overseas service marks in respect of the Air Corps
The question of the introduction of TI 16 standards for Naval Service appointments
Review of Annex XYZ essential qualifications and related matters

It should be noted that the standing up of the next competition will probably take longer than was
previously the case because the review is likely to be quite extensive and may need the intervention of a
third party to resolve issues between the two sides. In addition, it should be noted that the review process
may see the Departmental Side bring forward issues to be addressed eg impact of the integrated
competency framework

Further information circulars will be issued with updates as the matter progresses.

Issued on 28/06/2016
Information Circular No 10/2016: End of NCO Promotion
Competition for Sgt Rank and Higher 2014 2016
By Industrial Relations Officer

The 2014 2016 NCO Promotion Competitions to Sergeant Rank and Higher secured by PDFORRA
has now been completed wef 11th June 2016. The total number of promotions across the 18 months during
which the competitions were active was 320 and this included 212 Sergeants, 36 CQMS, 58 Company
Sergeants, 6 BQMSs and 8 RSMs/WOs.

The Service breakdown saw 75 of the promotions occur in the Naval Service including 49 POs, 2 SPOs, 23
CPOs and 1 WO. The 209 Army promotions comprised of 146 Sergeants, 29 CQMSs, 22 Company
Sergeants, 6 BQMSs and 6 BSMs. In the Air Corps there were 36 promotions comprising of 17 Sergeants,
5 CQMSs, 13 Flight Sergeants and I RSM.

This is the second competency-based NCO promotion competition to be run and consequently,
approximately 1,000 promotions to Sergeant rank and higher have been delivered over the period from
2012 to 2016. When added to those of Corporal-rank, approaching 2,000 promotions have been delivered
across the period of the two competitions and this amounts to nearly 25% of the effective Enlisted
Personnel strength. At the individual level the promotions make a considerable contribution to mitigating
the effects of the pay cuts and the Pension Related Deduction (PRD) and were a priority for PDFORRA.

Work will now commence on reviewing the NCO promotion system and criteria in order to try and reach a
final agreement on the content for the future. On this occasion however, the process is likely to be more
contentious and may require third party assistance to bring the two sides to an agreed outcome.

The period of the review also gives PDFORRA members who have been promoted into locations a
considerable distance from their original home stations, an opportunity to transfer closer to home where
vacancies arise.

Issued on the 23/06/2016

Information Circular No 9/2016: New Apprentice Pay
Rates Agreed 2013
By Industrial Relations Officer

It has been agreed that the following pay scales will apply to Apprentices enlisting in the Permanent
Defence Forces wef 1st November 2013.

Point 01 Jan 2011 (NRP) 01 Jan 2013 01 Nov 2013

10% Reduction 5.26% Increase Para 2.31 HRA
On enlistment 1 220.37 231.96 257.74
After 1 years service 2 265.21 279.16 310.18
After 2 years service 3 351.95 370.46 411.63
After 3 years service 4 419.38 441.44 490.49

The above rates of pay incorporate a 5.26% increase secured by PDFORRA in response to the introduction
of the Single Pension Scheme and the associated contributions with effect from 1stJanuary 2013.

Crucially, the rates of pay also apply paragraph 2.31 of the Haddington Road Agreement (HRA) and re-
balance the pre and post 2011 Apprentice pay scales.

PDFORRA has requested that arrangements be made for the payment of arrears to those concerned as soon
as possible.

Issued on the 23/06/2016

Information Circular No 8/2016: Instructors Allowance
EUTM Mali and Somalia
By Industrial Relations Officer

Corporals, Sergeants and Senior NCOs who served with the EUTM Mali in a training/instructing capacity
performed roles in many cases which should attract Instructors Allowance. In addition, the same position
may apply to those who worked in a training/instructing role with the EUTM Somalia.

PDFORRA estimate that approximately twenty (20) PDFORRA members may have worked in
training/instructing roles on these missions in the ranks of Corporal, Sergeant and Senior NCO. In many
cases Instructors Allowance was not paid.

PDFORRA is requesting the members concerned and District Committees who have knowledge of
Corporals, Sergeants and Senior NCOs who may have carried out training/instructing roles on these
missions to contact the Deputy General Secretary, Ger Guinan. The information received will be used to
assess any entitlement to Instructors Allowance and where substantiated, a claim for payment will be

The intention is to submit any valid claims received by the close of business on Friday, 29th July 2016.

Issued on the 20/06/2016

Information Circular No 7/2016: CHANGES TO A.
By Industrial Relations Officer

Following negotiations at DFHQ Forum, an agreement has been reached on an amendment to A.

Administration Instructions Part 10 as it pertains to transfers.

Paragraph 211 APPLICATION FOR POSTINGS now provides specific timelines for the
processing of transfer applications. AF 236 shall in all cases be processed within the following
timeframe from date of submission of AF 236;

Parent unit administration 14 Days.

Proposed unit administration 14 Days.

Parent Bde administration 4 Days.

Proposed Bde administration 14 Days.

On occasions where units/brigades disagree and decision is required 21 Days.

Additionally, the recent Letter of Instruction issued by J1 CO-ORDINATION OF RECRUIT

ASSIGNMENT 2016 introduces a degree of latitude into the transfer system, which, if it were not
present, would have seen a considerable number of personnel posted to units far from their homes without
the possibility of returning for a considerable period of time.

Investigation of the possibilities for transfers can now be undertaken through the exchange of emails,
which it is hoped will speed up the process.

PDFORRA understand that both documents are now available for viewing on the IKON system.

The introduction of timelines and new protocols for transfers are welcome developments and should
provide PDFORRA members with a degree of certainty regarding their applications. The new protocols
will also provide personnel who were initially posted to locations away from their families, with an
opportunity of returning within a reasonable period of time.

Issued on the 10/06/2016

Information Circular No 6/2016: NOTICE OF
ELECTION Election of Deputy General Secretary
By Industrial Relations Officer

In accordance with Rule 13.3 (n) of the Constitution an election for Deputy General Secretary is now
required to take place.

In order to qualify as a candidate, one must be a fully paid up member of PDFORRA and be nominated by
not less than three Districts.

Candidates so nominated shall sit an interview before an Independent Interview Board. This Board will
select the candidates to be included on the ballot paper for the election of Deputy General Secretary.

The relevant dates are as follows:

Nominations to General Secretary, PDFORRA, John Lucey House, Collins Square, Benburb
Street, Dublin 7 not later than 1700 hrs on the 1st July 2016. (Note: All nominations will be
acknowledged immediately on receipt of same)
Interviews are scheduled to take place at the PDFORRA National Office between the 4th of July
and 22nd of July 2016.
Ballot papers will be issued on completion of this process on the 5th of August 2016 (Subject to
there being more than one candidate for the position).
The closing date for receipt of ballot papers is 1700 hrs on the 15th of September 2016.
Counting of ballots will commence on the 16th of September 2016 and the result will be issued
immediately thereafter.

Issued on the 31/05/2016

Information Circular No 5/2016: Post 01 Aug 2005 Private
Rank Pot NCO Course Requirement for Re-Engagement
By Industrial Relations Officer

Originally, Privates who joined after 1st August 2005 were required to have completed a Pot NCO Course
as well as meeting other criteria such as conduct rating, physical fitness, minimum medical category and
successful completion of certain courses in order to re-engage from 12 to 21 years.

Following negotiations with PDFORRA, the requirement to have completed a Pot NCO Course was
discontinued and replaced with a yet to be defined course.

Currently the Military Authorities are producing a draft amendment to the relevant regulation to remove
the Pot NCO Course requirement and replace it with a course. The matter will be discussed with
PDFORRA before implementation, which is necessary over the coming year up to 1st August 2017.

While it has been agreed that the Pot NCO Course requirement will be removed and replaced with a course
requirement, members are reminded that the remainder of the re-engagement criteria outlined in the
regulation must still be met to successfully re-engage.

An update will be issued when consultations on the amended regulation are complete.

Issued on the 25/05/2016

Information Circular No 4/2016: 2013 Private Rank Pay
Scale and the Lansdowne Rd Agreement
By Industrial Relations Officer

PDFORRA is not intending to ballot the membership on the Lansdowne Rd Agreement (LRA) until the
pay scales of the 2013 entrant Privates have been negotiated to a satisfactory conclusion.

The Department has made an offer to PDFORRA to increase the rates and apply them across a 10 point
scale. In this situation, the pay scales inclusive of Military Service Allowance (MSA) would run from
418.32 per week (21,827.94 per annum) at point 1 to 704.43 per week (36,757.16) at point 10.

While the rates offered are an advance on the existing position, PDFORRA has not accepted them and has
proposed an alternative approach to secure the full benefits of re-balancing under the Haddington Rd
Agreement (HRA), while accepting that some level of savings is to be secured. This is how the allowances
of the 2013 group have been treated already.

PDFORRA has also indicated that the pay of Ordinary Seamen is below the National Minimum Wage
where they are operationally deployed at sea including on Operation Pontus in the
Mediterranean. Accordingly, an adjustment to both Line Pay and MSA is necessary to resolve this
particular issue.

The Departments position is that the re-balancing measures of the HRA are an alternative to the Defence
Sector Collective Agreement and, therefore, cannot apply to the pay scales of the 2013
Privates. PDFORRAs position is that the re-balancing measures take precedence over the Defence Sector
Collective Agreement.

Updates will be issued to the membership as the matter develops.

Issued on the 23/05/2016

Information Circular No 3/2016: Notice of Election
General Secretary
By Industrial Relations Officer

In accordance with Rule 13.2 (o) of the Constitution an election for General Secretary is now required to
take place.

In order to qualify as a candidate, one must be a fully paid up member of PDFORRA and be nominated by
not less than three Districts.

Candidates so nominated shall sit an interview before an Independent Interview Board. This Board will
select the candidates to be included on the ballot paper for the election of General Secretary.

The relevant dates are as follows:

Nominations to General Secretary, PDFORRA, John Lucey House, Collins Square, Benburb
Street, Dublin 7 not later than 1700 hrs on the 13th of May 2016. (Note: All nominations will
be acknowledged immediately on receipt of same)
Interviews will take place at National Office between the 23rd of May and 3rd of June 2016.
Ballot papers will be issued on completion of this process on the 17th of June 2016 (Subject to
there being more than one candidate for the position).
The closing date for receipt of ballot papers is 1700 hrs on the 18th of July 2016.
Counting of ballots will commence on the 19th of July 2016 and the result will be issued
immediately thereafter.

Issued on the 11/04/2016

Information Circular No 2/2016: Amendment of Criteria
for Promotion To Corporal (Tech)
By Industrial Relations Officer

Following negotiation at DFHQ Forum, it has been agreed to amend the promotional criteria for Corporal
vacancies within Technical Units, and Corporal vacancies for Chefs within Line Units.

This criteria is designed to balance the conflicting interests of personnel who are qualified to undertake the
role of Corporal with the requirement of Units to have suitably qualified and competent staff at Corporal

The amendment provides as follows:

1. Within each Unit the following criteria will be used in the promotion of suitably qualified Ptes to the
Rank of Cpl (Tech)

a. Relevant Corps Technical experience employed in a Tech appointment on completion of a Trainee

Technician Scheme (TTS) or DJ7 approved equivalent.

b. Longest Qualified (Pot NCO Course completed).

c. Length of service.

d. Should length of service be the same for two personnel, seniority will be determined by service

2. Within each Unit the following criteria will be used in the promotion of suitably qualified Ptes to the
Rank of Cpl (Chef):

a. Must have successfully completed the following or DJ7 approved equivalent courses:

(i) Young entry Chef Course.

(ii) Advanced Chef Course.

(iii) Junior Management Chef Course.

b. Longest Qualified (Pot NCO Course completed).

c. Length of service.

d. Should length of service be the same for two personnel, seniority will be determined by service

It should be noted that no changes have been made to the existing criteria for promotion to Corporal

Issued on the 10/2/2016

Information Circular No 1/2016: Naval Service Armourer
Trainee Technician Scheme 2016
By Industrial Relations Officer

PDFORRA has been notified that the Naval Service intends to train a number of armourers to provide
ordnance support to the organisation. In pursuit of this, PDFORRA understands that the Naval Service has
sought applicants to undergo armourer training to commence in March 2016.

PDFORRA has not been consulted in any way regarding this development. Consequently, PDFORRA has
sought the withdrawal of the advertisement and requested that the matter be the subject of negotiations
through the appropriate forum.

PDFORRA has concerns in relation to the terms and conditions of those undergoing the
training. Moreover, the move represents a complete change in approach to the provision of ordnance
support in the Naval Service and has significant implications for the sea shore rotation system of ERAs
and EAs and, ultimately, the retention rates of those grades. Such matters can only be addressed through
negotiations at the Defence Forces Conciliation Council.

In the event that the Naval Service proceeds with the unilateral introduction of the scheme with the
associated terms and knockon implications, PDFORRA will challenge this fact through court action or
the dispute resolution mechanisms of the Lansdowne Rd Agreement which commits the Department, and
this includes the Naval Service, to good industrial relations practice which includes use of the
appropriate and agreed negotiating procedures.

Finally, all PDFORRA members are instructed not to apply for the scheme and where they have already
applied to withdraw such applications pending the negotiation of an acceptable scheme with associated
terms, conditions and implications.

Issued on 10/02/2016

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