Modes of Metal Transfer

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The term modes of transfer is used to describe the process by which the wire electrode is
melted and deposited into the puddle. The most common way to classify metal transfer is
according to the size, frequency, and characteristics of the metal drops being transferred. There
are four modes of metal transfer:

1. Short Circuit Transfer

2. Globular Transfer
3. Spray Transfer
4. Pulsed-Spray Transfer

the stability of the welding arc and the metallurgical changes in the electrode wire are
dependent on the mode of transfer. Welding procedures are categorized according to the mode
of transfer.
(a) Short circuit transfer gets its name from the welding wire actually "short circuiting"
(touching) the base metal many times per second. When the welding gun trigger is
pressed, the electrode wire feeds continuously from the wire feeder, through the gun,
and to the arc area, short-circuiting to the base metal, exploding and establishing an arc.
While welding, this cycle can repeat itself between 20 and as much as 250 times per
second. An average welding condition would have between 90 and 150 short circuits per
Short circuit metal transfer is a very versatile transfer, which allows welding in all
positions on all metal thicknesses.
Limitations of short circuit transfer may include:

1. A relatively low deposition rate

2. Lack of fusion on thicker metals

3. More spatter .
(b) A globular transfer for GMAW is often referred to as the state of transfer between
short-circuiting and spray arc transfer. Large "globs" of weld metal transfer across the
arc in a gravity transfer. The droplets are usually larger than the electrode wire. Globular
is a more unstable transfer, with a less smooth weld bead appearance.
Limitations of globular transfer include:

1. The presence of spatter

2. A less desirable weld appearance than spray or pulsed spray transfers

3. Welding limited to flat position and horizontal fillet welds only

4. Welding limited to metal 1/8" or thicker.

( C) A spray transfer "sprays" a stream of tiny molten droplets across the arc, from the
electrode wire to the base metal. These molten droplets are usually smaller than the
diameter of the unmelted electrode wire. The arc is said to be "on" all of the time, once an
arc is established. The spray transfer uses relatively high voltage (24 volts or higher
depending upon the type of shielding gas), wire feed speed and amperage values,
compared to short circuit transfer.

Advantages of spray arc transfer include:

1. High deposition
2. Good fusion and penetration
3. Good bead appearance
4. Capability of using large diameter wires
5. Presence of very little (if any) spatter

Limitations of spray arc transfer include:

1. Used only on material 1/8" and thicker (hand held)

2. Limited to flat and horizontal fillet weld position (except for some spray transfer on
3. Good fit-up is always required as there is no open root capability When proper
parameters are used, the spray arc transfer produces a characteristic humming or
buzzing sound.

(D)In pulse spray transfer (GMAW-P) the welding power sources pulse control pulses
the welding output with high peak currents (amperage) which are set at levels which will
cause the transfer to go into a spray. The background current (amperage) is set at a level
that will maintain the arc, but is too low for any metal transfer to occur.

Because there is no metal transfer during the background portion of the cycle, the weld
puddle gets a chance to freeze slightly.

This faster-freezing weld puddle is what allows the pulsed-spray transfer to be used for
thinner metals, and for better control on out-of-position work.

Because heat input is lower, pulsed-arc spray transfer also allows for welding thinner
materials with minimum distortion
METAL TRANSFER IN GMAW WELDING: There are four primary methods of metal transfer in GMAW,
called, short-circuiting, globular ,spray, and pulsed-spray, each of which has distinct properties and
corresponding advantages and limitations.

1.Short Circuit Transfer

Short circuit transfer refers to the welding wire actually short circuiting (touching) the base metal
between 90 - 200 times per second.

With short circuit transfer, wire feed speeds, voltages,(16 to 20volts) and deposition rates are usually
lower than with other types of metal transfer such as spray transfer. This makes short circuit transfer
very versatile allowing the welder to weld on thin or thick metals in any position.

Advantages of Short-Circuiting Transfer

All-position capability, including flat, horizontal, vertical-up, vertical-down and overhead.

Handles poor fit-up extremely well, and is capable of root pass work on pipe applications.

Lower heat input reduces weldment distortion.

Limitations of Short-Circuiting Transfer

Restricted to sheet metal thickness range and open roots of groove joints on heavier sections of base

Poor welding procedure control can result in incomplete fusion. Cold lap and cold shut are additional
terms that serve to describe incomplete fusion defects.

Poor procedure control can result in excessive spatter, and will increase weldment cleanup cost

To prevent the loss of shielding gas to the wind, welding outdoors may require the use of a
2 Globular Transfer

Globular transfer refers to the state of transfer between short-circuiting and spray arc transfer. Large
globs of wire are expelled off the end of the electrode wire and enter the weld puddle

Globular transfer can result when welding parameters such as voltage(20 -26 V), amperage and wire
feed speed are somewhat higher than the settings for short circuit transfer.

Advantages of Globular Transfer

Uses inexpensive CO2 shielding gas, but is frequently used with argon/CO2 blends.

Is capable of making welds at very high travel speeds.

Inexpensive solid or metal-cored electrodes.

Welding equipment is inexpensive.

Limitations of Globular Transfer:

Higher spatter levels result in costly cleanup.

Reduced operator appeal.

Prone to cold lap or cold shut incomplete fusion defects, which results in costly repairs.

Weld bead shape is convex, and welds exhibit poor wetting at the toes.

High spatter level reduces electrode efficiency to a range of 87 93%

3 Spray Arc Transfer

Spray arc transfer sprays a stream of tiny molten droplets across the arc, from the electrode wire to
the base metal.

Spray arc transfer uses relatively high voltage(more than 27 V), wire feed speed and amperage values,
compared to short circuit transfer. To achieve a true spray transfer, an argon-rich shielding gas must be
When proper parameters are used, the spray arc transfer produces a characteristic humming or buzzing

Advantages of Spray Transfer

High deposition rates. High electrode efficiency of 98% or more

. Employs a wide range of filler metal types in an equally wide range of electrode diameters.

Excellent weld bead appearance

High operator appeal and ease of use.

Requires little post weld cleanup.

Absence of weld spatter.

Excellent weld fusion.

Lends itself to semiautomatic, robotic, and hard automation applications.

Limitations of Axial Spray Transfer

Restricted to the flat and horizontal welding positions.

Welding fume generation is higher.

The higher-radiated heat and the generation of a very bright arc require extra welder and bystander

The use of axial spray transfer outdoors requires the use of a windscreen(s).

The shielding used to support axial spray transfer costs more than 100% CO2.

4. Pulsed Spray Transfer

Pulsed spray metal transfer, known by the acronym GMAW-P, is a highly controlled variant of axial spray
transfer, in which the welding current is cycled between a high peak current level to a low background
current level. Metal transfer occurs during the high energy peak level in the form of a single molten
droplet. GMAW-P was developed for two demanding reasons: control of weld spatter and the
elimination of incomplete fusion defects common to globular and short-circuiting transfer.

Advantages of Pulsed Spray Transfer

Absent or very low levels of spatter.

More resistant to lack of fusion defects than other modes of GMAW metal transfer.

Excellent weld bead appearance.

High operator appeal.

Reduced levels of heat induced distortion.

Ability to weld out-of-position.

Reduces the tendency for arc blow.

Handles poor fit-up.

. Limitations of Pulsed Spray Transfer

Equipment to support the process is more expensive than traditional systems.

Blends of argon based shielding gas are more expensive than carbon dioxide

Higher arc energy requires the use of additional safety protection for welders and bystanders.

Adds complexity to welding.

Requires the use of windscreens outdoors.

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