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31 AS 16572013

S E C T I O N 7 A C C E S S B E T W E E N L E V E L S

7.1.1 Stairways
Stairways and integral landings shall be designed for the dead load of the stairway structure
plus a superimposed live loading of not less than 2.5 kPa uniformly distributed on each
tread and landing. The maximum deflection shall be L/100 or 40 mm, whichever is the
lesser, over the horizontal span (L) of the stairway between supports, including landings
where provided.
Where the stairs are likely to be loaded in excess of the above requirements, the loading
shall be based on the requirements of AS/NZS 1170.1 for imposed actions.
Treads shall be designed for a distributed loading of not less than 2.2 kN per linear metre of
stair tread width or a concentrated loading of not less than 1.5 kN applied through a
100 mm 100 mm steel pad, whichever loading produces the more adverse effect. The load
shall be applied at the centre of the tread span.
In all cases the design actions for stairways shall be determined using load factors and
combination of actions according to AS/NZS 1170.0.
7.1.2 Fixed ladders Twin-stile ladders (step-type or rung-type)
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Twin-stile ladders and their fixings shall be designed to withstand a concentrated live
loading to rungs or treads of not less than 1.5 kN for each 3 m of vertical height within the
same ladder flight. The maximum deflection shall be L/100 or 40 mm, whichever is the
lesser, calculated with the ladder supported in a horizontal position (span = L) and loaded
Each rung or tread shall be designed to withstand a point load of 1.5 kN at the centre of its
span. Single-stile ladders
Single-stile ladders and their fixings shall be designed to withstand a concentrated live
loading of not less than 1.5 kN per rung for each 3 m of vertical height within the same
ladder flight. The maximum deflection shall be L/100 or 40 mm, whichever is the lesser,
calculated with the ladder supported in a horizontal position (span = L) and loaded midspan.
Each rung shall be designed to withstand a force of 1.5 kN applied at a point 50 mm from
the outside end of the useable rung length.
1 Single-style ladders should be used only where more conventional ladders cannot readily be
2 Typical force application points are shown in Figure 7.1. Individual-rung (step-iron) ladders
A step-iron ladder and its fixings shall be designed to withstand the specified loading and
deflection requirements of EN 13101. Design actions for fixed ladders
In all cases, the design actions for twin-stile and single-stile ladders shall be determined
using appropriate load factors and combinations of actions according to AS/NZS 1170.0.
Individual-rung ladders (step-irons) shall comply with EN 13101 and Clause 7.6 of this
Standard. Standards Australia

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