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8/19/2017 Test: SET 1 OF 10 - BARRONS 2000 | Quizlet


80 Multiple choice questions

1. story in which characters are used as symbols; fable Pilgrim's Progress is an _________ of the temptations and victories of the human

A. Analogous

B. Allusion

C. Allegory

D. Allure

2. written statement made under oath The court refused to accept his statement unless he presented it in the form of an _________.

A. Affidavit

B. Amicable

C. Advert

D. Adjutant

3. poise; composure Wellington's nonchalance and _________ in the heat of battle always heartened his followers.

A. Amok

B. Aplomb

C. Aloof

D. Accost

4. abnormal; irregular He was placed in the _________ position of seeming to approve procedures that he despised.

A. Amazon

B. Anarchy

C. Anomalous

D. Annul

5. renounce upon oath He _________d his allegiance to the king.

A. Abjure

B. Ape

C. Accrue

D. Abate

6. pertaining to land or its cultivation As a result of its recent industrialization, the country is gradually losing its _________ traditions.

A. Accretion

B. Allusion

C. Agrarian

D. Amazon

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8/19/2017 Test: SET 1 OF 10 - BARRONS 2000 | Quizlet

7. calculating; pertaining to insurance statistics According to recent _________ tables, life expectancy is greater today than it was a
century ago.

A. Actuarial

B. Anticlimax

C. Aphasia

D. Amoral

8. mixture as of metals _________ of gold are used more frequently than the pure metal.

A. Apathy

B. Analogy

C. Accord

D. Alloy

9. hostile feeling or intent The _________ of the speaker became obvious to all when he began to indulge in sarcastic and insulting

A. Annul

B. Alias

C. Animus

D. Amiss

10. hostile; opposed Despite his lawyers' best efforts to stop him, the angry prisoner continued to make _________ remarks to the judge.

A. Antagonistic

B. Animosity

C. Agnostic

D. Agility

11. substance that removes sensation with or without loss of consciousness His monotonous voice acted like an _________; his audience
was soon asleep.

A. Anesthetic

B. Antithesis

C. Agnostic

D. Apathetic

12. coarsely insulting; physically harmful An _________ parent damages a child both mentally and physically.

A. Allege

B. Abusive

C. Allude

D. Abash

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13. obsolete; outdated Accustomed to editing his papers on word processors, Philip thought typewriters were too _________ for him to

A. Antipathy

B. Alienate

C. Annuity

D. Antiquated

14. moved by sexual love; loving Don Juan was known for his _________ adventures.

A. Amorous

B. Anomalous

C. Amorphous

D. Ambiguous

15. insult; offend Accustomed to being treated with respect, Miss Challoner was _________ed by Vidal's offensive behavior.

A. Affinity

B. Affront

C. Affected

D. Accost

16. sharpness In time his youthful _________ of vision failed him, and he needed glasses.

A. Abate

B. Acuity

C. Acme

D. Anoint

17. one who abandons his religious faith or political beliefs Because he switched from one party to another, his former friends
shunned him as an _________.

A. Abstain

B. Abominate

C. Apogee

D. Apostate

18. renunciation; self-sacrifice Though Rudolph and Duchess Flavia loved one another, their love was doomed, for she had to wed
the king; their act of _________ was necessary to preserve the kingdom.

A. Abrogate

B. Alliteration

C. Abnegation

D. Agnostic

19. tip; summit; climax He was at the _________ of his career.

A. Apex

B. Adage

C. Anneal

D. Alias

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20. supporter; follower In the wake of the scandal, the senator's one-time _________ quietly deserted him.

A. Affront

B. Adherent

C. Abstract

D. Adjutant

21. secure or fasten firmly; be fixed in place We set the post in concrete to _________ it in place.

A. Anemia

B. Anecdote

C. Annul

D. Anchor

22. deliverance from a charge His _________ by the jury surprised those who had thought him guilty.

A. Abut

B. Amenities

C. Acquittal

D. Altruistic

23. wise saying; proverb There is much truth in the old _________ about fools and their money.

A. Adage

B. Amend

C. Agog

D. Amok

24. suspended action The deal was held in _________ until her arrival.

A. Abortive

B. Adjunct

C. Abeyance

D. Abysmal

25. additional object; useful but not essential thing She bought an attractive handbag as an _________ for her dress.

A. Accessory

B. Acuity

C. Allegory

D. Alimentary

26. shapeless; vague; indeterminate John was subject to panic attacks that left him prey to vague, _________ fears: he knew he was
terrified, but could neither define nor explain the cause of his terror.

A. Anomalous

B. Amorphous

C. Abortive

D. Apothegm

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27. muddle; drive crazy This idiotic plan is confusing enough to _________ anyone.

A. Allay

B. Abet

C. Addle

D. Annul

28. indifferent He felt _________ about the conditions he had observed and did not care to fight against them.

A. Apathetic

B. Apocalyptic

C. Apotheosis

D. Apathy

29. lack of caring; indifference A firm believer in democratic government, she could not understand the _________ of people who never
bothered to vote.

A. Amity

B. Abate

C. Abash

D. Apathy

30. agree If I _________ to this demand for blackmail, I am afraid that I will be the victim of future demands.

A. Anneal

B. Accede

C. Acme

D. Allege

31. wrong; faulty Seeing her frown, he wondered if anything were _________.

A. Amass

B. Animus

C. Abash

D. Amiss

32. opponent; enemy Batman struggled to save Gotham City from the machinations of his wicked _________, the Joker.

A. Adversary

B. Adage

C. Allay

D. Amoral

33. items of business at a meeting We had so much difficulty agreeing upon an _________ that there was very little time for the meeting.

A. Agenda

B. Aghast

C. Acrid

D. Angular

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34. relieve This should _________ the pain; if it does not, we shall have to use stronger drugs.

A. Amputate

B. Alleviate

C. Abbreviate

D. Alluvial

35. enlarge Her attempts to _________ her remarks were drowned out by the jeers of the audience.

A. Amplify

B. Annuity

C. Agility

D. Amity

36. make hostile; separate Her attempts to _________ the two friends failed because they had complete faith in each other.

A. Abominate

B. Agitate

C. Alienate

D. Abate

37. abnormal or deviant Given the _________ nature of the data, we came to doubt the validity of the entire experiment.

A. Anoint

B. Agenda

C. Abjure

D. Aberrant

38. entice; attract _________d by the song of the sirens, the helmsman steered the ship toward the reef.

A. Allure

B. Allege

C. Abjure

D. Allude

39. washing His daily _________s were accompanied by loud noises that he humorously labeled "Opera in the Bath."

A. Alloy

B. Ablution

C. Allure

D. Alcove

40. repetition of beginning sound in poetry The furrow followed free is an example of _________.

A. Affiliation

B. Ablution

C. Alliteration

D. Abstain

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41. easy to approach; obtainable We asked our guide whether the ruins were _________ on foot.

A. Adverse

B. Accessible

C. Amiable

D. Agnostic

42. combine; unite in one body The unions will attempt to _________ their groups into one national body.

A. Abate

B. Amalgamate

C. Amenable

D. Abdicate

43. mental keenness His business _________ helped him to succeed where others had failed.

A. Accost

B. Amble

C. Alimony

D. Acumen

44. manlike The gorilla is the strongest of the _________ animals.

A. Anthropoid

B. Acrid

C. Anchor

D. Adroit

45. refer to Since you _________ to this matter so frequently, you must regard it as important.

A. Advent

B. Anvil

C. Allure

D. Advert

46. pithy maxim An _________ differs from an adage in that it is more philosophical or scientific.

A. Abrasive

B. Annuity

C. Aphorism

D. Accost

47. opening; hole She discovered a small _________ in the wall, through which the insects had entered the room.

A. Aberrant

B. Aperture

C. Accrue

D. Annotate

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48. one who is skeptical of the existence of knowability of a god or any ultimate reality The _________ demanded proof before she
would accept the statement of the minister.

A. Anesthetic

B. Aghast

C. Apathetic

D. Agnostic

49. motivate I fail to understand what _________d you to reply to this letter so nastily.

A. Actuate

B. Accoutre

C. Agitate

D. Abrogate

50. apart; reserved Shy by nature, she remained _________ while all the rest conversed.

A. Adroit

B. Alcove

C. Anvil

D. Aloof

51. upward The sailor climbed _________ into the rigging.

A. Accost

B. Aloft

C. Abet

D. Aplomb

52. female warrior Ever since the days of Greek mythology we refer to strong and aggressive women as _________s.

A. Amazon

B. Adage

C. Amorous

D. Amoral

53. renounce; give up When Edward VII _________d the British throne, he surprised the entire world.

A. Abrogate

B. Anecdote

C. Abdicate

D. Amicable

54. increase or intensify; raise in power, wealth, rank or honor The history of the past quarter century illustrates how a President may
_________ his power to act aggressively in international affairs without considering the wishes of Congress.

A. Anarchist

B. Addle

C. Aggrandize

D. Accretion

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55. similarity; parallelism Your _________ is not a good one because the two situations are not similar.

A. Aloof

B. Analogy

C. Agility

D. Allay

56. short account of an amusing or interesting event Rather than make concrete proposals for welfare reform, President Raegan told
_________s about poor people who became wealthy despite their impoverished backgrounds.

A. Addle

B. Antecedents

C. Anecdote

D. Alacrity

57. student of the history and science of humankind Anthropologists have discovered several relics of prehistoric humans in this area.

A. Acrimonious

B. Anthropomorphic

C. Aphorism

D. Anthropologist

58. person who rebels against the established order Only the total overthrow of all governmental regulations would satisfy the

A. Aphorism

B. Anarchist

C. Abase

D. Abject

59. acute pain; extreme suffering Visiting the site of explosion, Premier Gorbachev wept to see the _________ of the victims and their

A. Aegis

B. Amiss

C. Anguish

D. Annuity

60. come about by addition You must pay the interest that has _________d on your debt as well as the principal sum.

A. Accord

B. Acrid

C. Apogee

D. Accrue

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61. courteous Although he held a position of responsibility, he was an _________ individual and could be reached by anyone with a

A. Agape

B. Appal

C. Affable

D. Affected

62. loss of speech due to injury or illness After the automobile accident, the victim had periods of _________ when he could not speak at
all or could only

A. Abate

B. Adroit

C. Aphasia

D. Anvil

63. joining; associating with His _________ with the political party was of short duration for he soon disagreed with his colleagues.

A. Agility

B. Affirmation

C. Allusion

D. Affiliation

64. curse The high priest _________d the heretic.

A. Anthropoid

B. Anesthetic

C. Antithesis

D. Anathematize

65. moving at an easy pace When she first mounted the horse, she was afraid to urge the animal to go faster than a gentle _________.

A. Apex

B. Amble

C. Amiable

D. Abate

66. reduce brittleness and improve toughness by heating and cooling After the glass is _________ed, it will be less subject to chipping
and cracking.

A. Anneal

B. Anvil

C. Anemia

D. Anomaly

67. critical remark He resented the _________s of his critics, particularly because he realized they were true.

A. Animadversion

B. Adversary

C. Adversity

D. Adulation

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68. supplying nourishment The _________ canal in our bodies is so named because digestion of foods occurs there.

A. Alleviate

B. Affinity

C. Alimentary

D. Alliteration

69. unselfishly generous; concerned for others In providing tutorial assistance and college scholarships to hundreds of economically
disadvantaged youths, Eugene Lang performed a truly _________ deed.

A. Acquittal

B. Aphorism

C. Aloft

D. Altruistic

70. antiquated; ancient The _________ customs had apparently not changed for thousands of years.

A. Altruistic

B. Altercation

C. Antediluvian

D. Anticlimax

71. nook; recess Though their apartment lacked a full-scale dining room, an _________ adjacent to the living room made an adequate
breakfast nook for the young couple.

A. Aegis

B. Abet

C. Alcove

D. Abscond

72. noisy quarrel Throughout the _________, not one sensible word was uttered.

A. Adjuration

B. Adulation

C. Advert

D. Altercation

73. move faster In our science class, we learn how falling bodies _________.

A. Agitate

B. Accessible

C. Annotate

D. Accelerate

74. depart secretly and hide The teller _________ed with the bonds and was not found.

A. Alimony

B. Abscond

C. Accord

D. Alcove

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75. yearly allowance The _________ he set up with the insurance company supplements his social security benefits so that he can live
very comfortably without working.

A. Abet

B. Annuity

C. Analogy

D. Anemia

76. deification; glorification The Roman empress Livia envied the late emperor his _________; she hoped that on her death she, too,
would be exalted to the rank of a god.

A. Alchemy

B. Anesthetic

C. Apotheosis

D. Anachronism

77. warn; reprove He _________ed his listeners to change their wicked ways.

A. Addendum

B. Affinity

C. Admonish

D. Amity

78. pardon When his first child was born, the king granted _________ to all in prison.

A. Anemia

B. Amplify

C. Amnesty

D. Amity

79. make impure by mixing with baser substances It is a crime to _________ foods without informing the buyer. adventitious

A. Ameliorate

B. Adulterate

C. Alienate

D. Amputate

80. something attached to but holding an inferior position I will entertain this concept as an _________ to the main proposal.

A. Adjunct

B. Adorn

C. Advent

D. Affinity

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