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Present SimpleandPresent Continuousare very common tenses in English.

In this lesson, we'll

review how to form verbs in these tenses and go over when to use each tense.

Whenever youare crossinga busy street, follow these simple rules

and make sure you are staying safe. First, always find a marked

intersection and stop before you walk across the road. If there is a

traffic signal, push the button and wait for the signal. Make sure you

are stayingalert andusingyour senses.Doyouhearany cars

coming? Remove your headphones so that youhearclearly and aren't

distracted. Whatdoyousee? Make sure youare lookingin both

directions.Areany carsmovingfaster than usual? When all carsstop

and you can cross safely, walk quickly and directly. If youarestill

lookingandlisteningas you cross, you will be able to stop or move

out of the way if a caris coming. Always stay alert and follow traffic

rules to make it safely to your destination.

Present Simple

Present Simple is often used with an adverb of frequency, such as always, usually, often, sometimes,
or never. Remember to add an-sor-esto most present tense verbs forhe,she, andit.

He gets rid of the clothes hedoesn't wear often, and healways givesthem to his favorite charity.
Do you have any extra clothes that you don't wear?Do you ever thinkabout giving them away?


1. Present Simple is used todescribe routines or habitual actions.

When I wake up,I wash my face, have some breakfast, and brush my teeth. I do the same thing
every day.

We usually driveto the grocery store because it's kind of far away and we don't want to have to
carry heavy bags home.

2. The Present Simple is also used totalk about facts, generalizationsor to describe things that
are permanent or happen for a long time. We use it to talk about something that is true at the present
time, or something that is always true. Let's look at a few examples:

Pregnancy generally lasts nine months, but it is certainly very difficult for doctors to determine a
woman's exact due date.

What color are your eyes?Mine are brown, just like my grandfather's.Most of my family members
have brown eyes, too.

If you have a problem with mice, you should get a cat.Everyone agrees that cats effectivelyget
rid ofmice.

The population of the United Statesis more than300 million, butthere are over1 billion people
who livein China.

3. You can also use Present Simpleto tell a story about past historic events. This is referred to as
the historical present, and it has many different uses. It is especially common in formal essays, in
descriptions of fiction and in conversations when you are narrating a series of past events. For
example, newspapers use Present Simple in headlines, even to refer to past events. This historical
present can also be used to indicate urgency.

Taking into account his position,the captaincrossesthefieldandmarcheshis soldiers into battle,

confident of a victory.

In the film, the main character and his best friendmake a pactto return to the scene of the crime
every year to commemorate their friend's death. They always keep their promise, until something
goes terribly wrong.

Los Angeles Lakerswinagainst Chicago Bulls in a game that comes down to last second.

4. Present Simple is also used in exclamatory sentences beginning withHereorThere. In these cases,
pay attention to the word order.

There goesAna! She always passes our house at exactly 7:45 a.m. on her way to school. She is
never late.

Here comesthe bus! Grab your things quickly and run to catch it. You can't be late to school again!

Present Continuous

Present Continuous is always formed witham,are, orisand a-ing verb.

Subject am, are, is -ing verb

I am saying
You are eating
He is writing

Weare postponingtoday's meeting until tomorrow because of the bad weather. On the radio, they
are sayingit's raining heavily this afternoon.

Is he comingto the meeting tomorrow? If heisn't coming, then we need to reschedule. How about
meeting on Friday instead?


1. Present Continuous is often used totalk about actions that are still in progressat the moment
of speaking.

Martin, can you call back later?Right now I'm helping my sonwith his math homework and he
really needs my help.

We have an essay due for our literature course on Monday. It's Sunday night, andI'm just writing
my second page now. I hope I finish it on time!

You know that the Present Simple is used withhereandthereto talk about
actions even when they are ocurring at this very moment.
There goesthe bus. I think you'll have to wait for the next one.

We should stop talking about the surprise party that Jim is organising
for she comes!

2. Present Continuous is often used totalk about temporary actionsor events that are in progress,
even if they are not happening at the exact moment we talk about them. Over time, these actions will
most likely come to an end. Let's look at a few examples:

She is eatingmore now due to her pregnancy. She's expecting a baby boy andis eatingfor two
instead of one!

I'm readingone of Tolstoy's novels, War and Peace, but the book is so long thatit's going totake
me forever to finish it!

3. Like the Present Simple, you can also use Present Continuous totalk about frequently repeated
actions.However, there is a slight difference in meaning. Present Continuous is used especially to
indicate that the action is repeated for only a limited amount of time, or that you are tired or annoyed
by it. When it is used this way, always or a similar adverb of frequency is usually added. Notice that
the adverb comes between the verb to be (am,is,are) and the main verb. For example:

Phillipis always cominginto work late. I don't know why the bossis stilltoleratingit. That's
completely intolerable!

The sunis constantly shiningin San Diego, California. It is quickly becoming one of America's most
solar powered cities.

4. Present Continuous is sometimes used to describeeventsthat will happen in the near future, but
only if they have beenplanned before.

I am moving to Turkey later this month. I really don't want to, but my company is opening up a
new branch there and I have to go.

Are you coming to dinnerat our house tonight? We are having grilled chicken and vegetables.

State Verbs

Verbs that describe someone's thoughts or opinions (believe,think,understand), emotions or feelings

(like,love,hate), or the senses (see,hear,smell,taste,feel) refer to states that will stay the same
until the situation changes. Therefore, they are seen as permanent and are only used with Present
Simple, even when they refer to something that is temporary or occurring at the present time. These
are calledstate verbs.
Iunderstandwhy you broke up with your ex-boyfriend. I can't tolerate men who lie either. Theysay
they are at home, but then youseethem out with their friends later.

My childrenwanta pet dog, but I don'tlikeit when their hair gets all over the furniture. Iliketo
keep my house clean.

However, verbs that describe actions (run,do,work,make, etc.) can be used with Present Simple or
Present Continuous.

The businessesare makinga pact to all use the same currency, but theyare still decidingwhich
currency to use.

The young womanrunsthree miles every day to stay healthy. Sheis runningright now, but she is
almost finished.

Take into account that some verbs can be both state verbs and action verbs depending on how they
are used. Have a look at the following examples,

In the first sentence,smellrefers to the scent of the pies. Because it deals

with a sensory quality of the pies, it is only used with Present Simple.
However, in the second example,smellingrefers to the action of holding
the milk up to your nose to see if it has gone bad. Because this is a
temporary action that is in progress, Present Continuous is used.

Do yousmellthe delicious fruit pies when you walk past the bakery
every morning? I can't help myself doing it everyday.

I am smellingthe milk before I drink it because it is over a week old. I

went away for a few days and forgot to finish it before leaving.

Here in the first example,thinkrefers to your opinion about scary movies.

Your opinion likely will not change in the near future, so Present Simple is
used. In the second sentence,thinkingdescribes the action of thinking
about the dress. This is a temporary thought that will soon change to
something else, so Present Continuous is used.

Why don't we go to the movies tonight? I know there's a new scary

movie on. What do youthinkof those kind of movies? Do you like them
or do they frighten you?
I am thinkingabout how colorful her dress is. I like the combination of
blues, yellows, reds, and purples.

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