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ble 19.

Alphabetic List of Business Component User Properties

User Property Topic

Active Field Making Fields Active

Active Value

Activity SearchSpec Specifying Search Specifications for the Action Business Component

Admin Mode Field Allowing Administrators to Modify Records

Admin NoDelete Preventing Administrators from Deleting Records

Admin NoUpdate Preventing Administrators from Updating Records

All Mode Sort Overriding Sort Specifications on Business Components

Always Enable Child: buscompname Enabling Service Request Updates in Child Business Components

Always Enable Field n Allowing Users to Update Closed Service Requests

Application Name Specifying the Application Name

Aspect BC NoInsert: Aspect Using Aspects to Control Read Only, Insert, and Other Behavior

Aspect BC ReadOnly: Aspect

Aspect Child BC ReadOnly: Aspect

Aspect Default Value: Aspect

Assignment Object Specifying Assignment Objects

Associate: Completion Timeout Specifying Server Timeouts for Forecasts

Associate: Completion Timeout (Client) Specifying Client Timeouts for Forecasts

Associate: Sleep Time Between Attempts Specifying Sleep Time Between Forecast Save Attempts

AutoPopulateResponsibility Automatically Assigning Responsibilities to Users

BC eAuto Sales Step Specifying Business Components for the Opportunity Sales Step in
Siebel Automotive

BC eAuto Sales Step Admin Specifying Business Components for the Sales Step Admin in Siebel

BC Opportunity Specifying the Business Component for Reassignment in Siebel


BC Position Specifying Positions in Siebel Automotive

BC Read Only Field Making Records Read-Only According to a Field Value

BO eAuto Sales Step Admin Specifying Business Objects for the Sales Step Admin in Siebel

Calc Actual OnWriteRecord Calculating Values When Writing Records

ChargeBusinessService Determining Charges for Service Activities

ChargeBusinessServiceMethodn Specifying the Business Service Method for Activity Charges

CloseOutFlag Setting the Close Out Flag Field

Contact MVG PreDefault Expression Adding Contacts to the Action Business Component

Contact-Activity BC Name Reassigning Contacts in Siebel Automotive

Contact-Opportunity BC Name Reassigning Opportunities in Siebel Automotive

Copy Contact Copying Contacts to Campaigns

Credit Card Expired Month Specifying Credit Card User Properties

Credit Card Expired Year

Credit Card Number

Credit Card Type

Credit Check Enabling Credit Check

Credit Check Workflow Specifying the Workflow Process for Credit Check

Currency Field n Modifying the Currency That a Field Uses

Day Number: Arrival Date Field Specifying the Arrival Date Field for the Day Number Business Service

Day Number: Function BC Name Specifying the Business Component for the Function Space
Day Number: Room Block BC Name Specifying the Business Component for the Room Block

DB2 Optimization Level Specifying the DB2 Optimization Level for SQL Statements

Deep Copy Copying and Deleting Child and Grandchild Records

Deep Copy/Delete Link Buscomp

Deep Delete

Default Bookmark View Specifying the Default Bookmark View

DefaultPrefix Specifying Field Name Prefixes for File Attachment Business


Disable Automatic Trailing Wildcard Field List Disabling Automatic Trailing Wildcards in Queries

DisplayType Overriding the Type for Fields That Users Read from Right-To-Left

Duplicate Elimination Removing Duplicate Records From Queries

Dynamic Hierarchy Parent Field Id Controlling Global Account Visibility

DynHierarchy Hierarchy Id Field

DynHierarchy Visibility Organization Id Field

DynHierarchy Visibility Position Id Field

eAuto Enable Create Sales Step Specifying How to Populate Opportunity Sales Steps in Siebel

Email Activity Accepted Status Code Specifying Statuses for Outgoing Email

Email Activity New Status Code

Email Activity Rejected Status Code

Email Activity Sent Status Code

Email Manager Compatibility Mode Specifying the Manager That Sends Email

Employee Link Controlling My Visibility Filters

Enable Dispatch Board Enabling the Dispatch Board

Extended Quantity Field Extending Quote Quantities

Field Read Only Field: fieldname Making Fields Read-Only

FileMustExist Making Sure an Attachment File Exists

Forecast Analysis BC Specifying Business Components for Forecast Analysis

Forecast Rollup Specifying Search Specifications for Forecast Rollup

Group Visibility Specifying Group Plus Team Visibility in Campaigns

Group Visibility Only Specifying Group Only Visibility in Campaigns

Inner Join Extension Table n Specifying Joins to the S_PARTY Table

Maintain Master Account Maintaining the Master Account in Account Hierarchies

Manager List Mode Controlling Manager Visibility Filters

Master Account Field Specifying the Master Account Field

MVG Set Primary Specifying Who Can Modify Primary Team Members
Restricted: visibility_mvlink_name

Named Method n Calling Business Service Methods from Business Components

Named Search: Forecast Series Date Range Specifying Search Specifications for Forecasts

No Change Field n Disabling Modifications to Saved Records

No Clear Field n Disallowing Empty Fields

NoDelete Field Disabling Field Deletion

Non-SalesRep View Mode SearchSpec Specifying Search Specifications for Nonsales Rep Views

On Condition Set Field Value Setting Field Values According to Conditions

On Field Update Invoke n Calling Methods When Siebel CRM Updates Fields

On Field Update Set n Updating Fields When Siebel CRM Updates Other Fields
OnAddAssocUpdateParent: buscompname Updating the Parent Business Component if Siebel CRM Modifies

Opportunity Name Specifying Opportunity Business Components in Siebel Automotive

Parent Account Field Specifying the Field That Stores Parent Account IDs

Parent Read Only Field Setting Business Components to Read-Only According to a Field Value

Parent Read Only Field: buscompname Setting Business Components to Read-Only According to a Name

ParentBC Account Id Field Specifying the Field That Stores Parent Account IDs for Contacts

Picklist Pre Default Field n Setting Default Values for Fields That Use Drop-Down Lists

Position Join Fields Specifying Position Join Fields for Siebel Life Sciences

Post Default Created Date To Date Saved Setting the Field Created Date to the Saved Date

Primary Position Modification Allowing Only the Primary to Modify Sales Methods for Opportunities

Private Activity Search Spec Restricting How Siebel CRM Displays Private Activities for Primaries

Protect Seed Data Protecting Seed Data

PSP: Active Specifying Business Components for Product Selection and Pricing

PSP: Buscomp Name

PSP: Eligibility Fields

PSP: Eligibility Group

PSP: Eligibility Signal

PSP: Enabled BO: busobjname

PSP: Mode

PSP: Prepick Groups

PSP: Price Fields

PSP: Price Signal

QueryAssistantNumQueries Adding Search Criteria to the Query Assistant

RBFields Specifying Room Types for Siebel Hospitality

Recipient Email Address Field Sending Email Packages to Recipients

Recipient Fax Address Field

Recipient First Name Field

Recipient Id Field n

Recipient Last Name Field

Recipient Preferred Medium Field

Recursive Link Specifying Recursive Links Between Parent and Child Business

Remote Source Specifying External Data Sources for Business Services

Required Position MVField Making Sure the Current Employee Holds a Position

Response Type Call Back Responding to Email or Web Offers

Response Type More Info

Response Type Unsubscribe

Revenue Aggregation Field n Specifying Revenue Aggregation Fields

Revenue Associate List Specifying Pop-up Revenues Lists

Revenue Field Map: fieldname Specifying the Field That Siebel CRM Copies for New Revenue Forecasts

Revision Condition n Enabling the Revise Button According to Conditions

Revision Copy Field n Creating Numbered Revisions of Quotes, Orders, or Agreements

Sequence Field Specifying Sequential Line Numbers for New Records

Sequence Use Max Specifying Sequential Line Numbers for New Records According to
Maximum Values

Service Name Specifying Business Services for Virtual Business Components

Service Parameters Specifying Business Service Parameters

Set Primary Sales Rep As Owner Setting the Primary Sales Rep as the Owner

Set User As Contact Setting the Current User as the Primary Contact

Skip Existing Forecast Series Date Disallowing Users to Pick Dates in the Forecast Date Dialog Box

Sort Field Map n Specifying How to Sort Predefined Queries for Opportunities

Sort Search Optimization Optimizing Sort Searches

State Model Specifying State Models

SubCompUpdate On Save Allowing Users to Update Assets

TargetProp n Saving Query Results in Target Lists

TypeRetailNew Specifying Values for New Opportunities in Siebel Automotive

TypeRetailUsed Specifying Values for Used Opportunities in Siebel Automotive

Update Parent BC Specifying the Parent Business Component for Accounts

Update Planned Field On Set: StartDate Updating the Planned Field if the Start Date Field Is Modified

Update Status To Synchronized Updating the Synchronization Status for Activities

Update Status To Synchronized Types Specifying Activities to Synchronize for Siebel Handheld

Use Literals For Merge: table_name Using Literals Instead of Bind Variables When Merging Records

Validate Parent Account Validating Parent Account IDs

View Aspect Using Aspects to Control Read Only, Insert, and Other Behavior

View Aspect 1

View Aspect 2

View Aspect: View Name

ViewMode Sort: mode_num Sorting According to the View Mode That the Business Component Uses
WorkFlow Behaviour Identifying Business Components That Siebel Financial Services Uses

Aplet User pro


CanInvokeMethod: MethodName

Contact Relationship Type


Default Applet Method

DefaultFocus User Properties

Disable Buscomp Hierarchy




Drilldown Visibility

eGanttChart Busy Free Time Applet User Properties


FINS Query Mode Disabled Method n

High Interactivity Enabled

Named Method n (Applet)


Parent Id Field

Political Analysis Field

Show Required n

Visibility Type


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