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, INSTRUC110N: Encircle your answer, lfyou change, mark(x) lind encircle another answer.

1. Mininrum size for stone masonry

a. 200 10m
b. 300 mm
150 rnm
d. 400mm

2. Mort:;li'Ratio for mane masonry

a 1:3 -';ft7'f
(]> 1:2
c. 1:1
d. 1:4

3. Minimum si7..e for class "A" fltorwB

\\ 00>'1f &D (/111
300mm ) .. (.o,.,?
b. 200 mm
c. 400 mm ,~ Jt t
d. 500 mm c.lM!> A- f3 Co D

4. Concrete in the area represented by th~ coreS wi!! be considered if the average strength of
the oqreS is equal to:

. a Alleall175% ofarlCl flO single core in less Ulan 85% of; the specified SU'Oll8th, fc'.
(E)At least 85% of and no singje Cllre i.sless than 75% of, the sp.ecified strength, fc',
c, At I east equal or exceed oftha speCified Btre!lgth fc' and no nlllgle flIrengt/J test 1()8~
than 200/0 of the specified strength, ie'.
d. At least equal of exceed of the specified strength fe' and no single strength test less
than 100/0 oftha specified strength, fc'. :
; ;

S. Job mix tolerance for Bituminous material

a 7%
b. 2%
@ O>t% !
d. 4%

6. Required percent air voids for asphalt mix

a 2 to 3
(f) 3 to 5
c .. 4 to 8
d . 4 to 7
7. The proportion ofbiluminOl)s material, on the basis ofto(al <lry aggregate

a 92 to 95 pw-cent
5 to 8 percent
c. 5 to 10 percent
. d. 6 to 12 percent

8. Required Bample ofauphalt mix per 130 metric ton.

a 70kg
b. 50kg
G 20kg
. d. 40 kg

9. Required sample for steel bars for 10,000 kgs.

a 1.5 m
c.1.8 m
d. 1.20m I
10. 10 kgs smnple for cement represent.

a 1000 bags
(02000 bags
c. 1500 bags
d 500 bags

11. Require plasticity index for aggregate surface course

a 6 - /Xi<. C<:;v.vv--
C. J2 _ <;.-vJo_I'AY- ruwr~
d 10

12 .. Biturninous material used for treating an aggregate base course before an asphalt mix

a Se coat
Prime coat , / '1

~ Tae coat
Any of the above

13. Blue smoke rising from the mix in the truck or in the spreader hopper may indicate.

a F..xceS8 asphalt cement

Overheated batch , .,
c. P.xceRR moisture content
d Excess moisture content and asphalt cement.
!, 14. Hard blown asphalt is also calleq

a Hot asphalt uV - c"rho.(f C).M'-'A:\,

b. Asphalt cement
(c:j Oxidiz.ed aJiphalt
y. All of the above

15. Min?r~J filler for asphalt i~ passing

a # 40 sieve
@ 1/ 200 sieve
c. 1/ 100 sieve
d. 1/ 60 sieve

16. 'fill' following are the responsibility ofthe materials ergineer, except

a . Witness testing of materials

n b. Supervise sarnpling
r (]) C1leck and inspect materials logbook
d. Prepare or check concrete design mix

17 Rate of application to use b;turninouB prime coat

liters pl'r ~quare meter

a 0.9 to 1.8
b. 0.2 to 0.7 liters per square meter
c. 1..5 to 3.0 liters per square meter
@) I. 0 to 2.0 liters per square meter - ~('~tM' "","-r
18. Sample required for asphaltic materials for 40 metric Ion rv ('Vif1J c\Y', ~ )
a 10 liters
b. 20 liters
(5).5 liters
d. 40 liters


a 75 %
d 60%
I 21. Jfthe maximum required 11, for base course is 25, Wlm( is for the subbase course?
b. 20
' ,

I c. 25
I'I d. 40
~ .I, 22. Require plasticity index for lime stabilized road mix base COllrse
I, ,
L7~lls I~IiSSfv-y1f.4-(+1flN\\vV)

1 a4t06 I'
4 to 10
J,' c. 4 to 7
,{, d. 4 to 8 ,I ,

23. Required maximum mass tolerance for rejnf(lrcing Bteel P,ws.

a 8
b. 12
(2). 6
d. 10

24. Materials &maller than 0.001 mm

a clay
c. silt
d. sand

25. In sampling asphalt the following should pe'observed:

a Use new c1eancontaincrs to aV9id contamination

b. Seal filled containers with clean, dry tight fitting lids
c. LaPels containers cI early and properly
@ All of the above '

26. The asphalt penetration tealreault is 9 mm, Hence the penetration grade tested is

a 60 to 70
@ 85 to 100
c. 100 - 120
d 70 - 80

27. Dowel bars for concrete pavement

C]) Plain round bars
b. Defomled bara
c. Square bars
d. Octagonal bars
a 1 ,//)
(0 2'h"
c. 3"
d I"

29. Minimum required flexu ral strength for concrete beam 8ampJe tbr concrete pavement.

ra:\ 3.8 Mpa C~ (' '>

Y 4.SMpa
c. 4.0 Mpa
d 3.9 Mpa

30. Minimum dry compressive strength of asphalt mix

a 1.5 Mpa '\ I.fl

C9 2.0
1.4 Mpa Crwo ~Sl )

. (i 3.0 Mpa r'cf~--'" r;' .

~l. A 5.00 cubic mekr of asphalt mix was loaded by;iBJt Upon delivery at site the
temperature was 115C. If you are the materials engineer ofyout firm, what will you i

a Reject the delivered mix

(!J Spread littie by little and compact
c. Recycle the mix I

d. Any of;! and f Ii

32. To determine the total thickness composing subbase, baBe and asphalt surfacing ill certain
roadway for designing, the CBR value o f _ w i l l be usod~ ..

a CBR of asphalt surfacing

b. CBR of subbase course

?cYc. CBR of base course

CBR of sub grade materials.

33. Minimum required compressive strength for rad bearing hollow blocks

a 10 Mpa ! (FC(/
b. 8 Mpa I
7 c0 9Mpa
. (/e.)
d 6.9 Mpa j_
34. For 5,000 twits of boll ow blocks. How mllily samples shall betaken for strength, moisture
and absorption dekrmination

a 5 units
b. 3 twits
cD 6 twits
d. 1 unit
35. Hot asphalt is widely known as

a ,BloWn asphalt
Asphalt cement
c. Oxidized asphalt
d All of the above

36. S~le for CBR determinaiion should be soaked for how many days

a 5. days
~ 4 days (cIG Yt(~)
c. 3 days
d. 2 days

37. To cenitYthai'Water used in mixing concrete in the field that Was fOUlld to be clean, clear;
odorlesS!ll)d tasteless is the responsibility of. .

a Material!! Engineer
@ .Project Engineer
c. Maierial IrboratoryTeclmician
d. Chief of Materials and Quality Control Division

38. In determining the "Gmb" of compacted asphalt mixtures, the ,esult are as follows. :

Wt Ofs~le in air~15;t~'r6
Wt. Ofsampleinwaier=1170gms.
r' '....' tML 5:,)' )": . .'
0J!s~J,I=.~.~'\~ I~~-
(}A'!P'l~!~'~'!) -. 1;)1,,""[/'''' ;i
Wt. Ofs~le saiurated surface dry = 2052 gms . hi),

The Bulk specific gravity is. ----_4
@ 2.32>1
b. 2.823
c. 2.725
d. 2.627.

39. Fine-grained soiliJ smaller than 0.002 mm

a silt
C!D clay
c. calloid
d Band "

40. The maximum required plasticity index for base course is 6. What is for the subbase

a 4 to 9
c. 4 to 7
d. 3 to 10
___ _ _ _ _ _ .r ~ -..-" .................. V '""'"'l ..... "'\....,'-'I VV .. tVVV

for topping:

a 35
b. 25
d 20

42. Immedi<!tyly after the finishing operations pave been completed and the concrete has
, ;
sufficieml:Y8et, the mrrface of the newly placee! concrete shall be cured for a period of:.

a ~6 hOUTS
b. 48 hoUrs
rC\ 72 hours (3~
Y 120 hours
' ( 43. When the ll'lixed concrete is hauled in non-agitating trucks, tile time elapsed from the time
water is added to the mix until the concrete is deposited in plpce at the site shall no! exceed.

a 90 minutes
c. 60 minutes
d. 80 minutes

/44. When the mixed conc,e(e is h<\1llyd in truck m\xej'B or truck agitators, the time elapsed from
/ t h e time water is addeq to the mix until the concrete is deposited at the site shall not exceed.

a 60 minutes
@ 90 minutes
c. 45 minutes
d. 72 minutes

/45: Maxinnnn time required in operating concrete vibriJIofsfor compaction is anyone location.
. .
a 20 sec.
15 sec.
c. 25 Bee
d. 10 Bee

/46. Maximwn /ieillJlt in dropping concrete to 1110 point <If dep(lHit using chute.
a 2.00 m. ,I ,
Q) 1.50 m.
c. 2.50 m.
d. 3.00 m.

47. New buddir1g cody Qfthe Ph!! ippj!1c~

, . ..

a PD 1870
b. lin 1594
(9. PD 1096
(j PD 1081
'to. \,,-1 V 11 r.ngJIleenng Jaw
.-- c_;;,.l CJt.1{ J{ CJL.-- ,
a RA 1080
b. R.A 554
() itA 5<14
d. R.A 344

49. When loads have been arriving at the Bpreader with the material peaked, or doomed up, and
a load suddenly appears in which the material lies flat, it indicates

aCold mixture
@ Excess uBphalt
c. Large amount of coarse aggregates
d. Excess fine aggregates.

50. In extraction teE;! of compacted mix the WI., of original sample is 850 gms. And the Wt.
After extraction is 802 gInB. 1he Bitumen cOIl/eIlt percent by mas? of aggregates will be

a 6%
o 5.98%
c. 5.00 %
d. 8.00 % ,

51 Minimum time of initial setting of concrete mix as tested by Vicat needle.

45 minutes
~ 60 minutes
c. 50 minutes
d. 30 minutes

52. Give an indication of clay contents in soil

a Liquid limit
b. Shrinkage limit
@ Plasticlty index
d. All of the above

53. Minimum cement content per cU.m. for class "P" concrete.

a 10
b. 9.5

~ ~1
54. Using tbree(3) concrete cylinder s!l111ples in d~te!1ninatjQn ofthe compressive strength of
concrete used in casting reinforced concrete pipe c\jlyert ~ill represent.

a 501.m
c. 251.m
d. 201.m
. 55. In placing concrete for slab using bll,!lgies the cOlTeet metllOd will be.

aConcr(i(e Bhould be qumped ilJlo iacq Qfpreviou~ly placed concrete

c:0 Dump concrl'le away from j:lr~~io\lBly place(] collcr~te '.
C. Any of)! anq Q
d. None ofUw above

56. In job-mix formula, what is the tolerance in gmding of~egates for '/''' sie~~ , ..&CS (j.,utJG ~
J 0 ~ .Itt \)( fifrW\.<A [, ~. !h\:0"":""-WI .. . -- . I .

Q 8
7 ':l: y,,-- '( (i '2. ,;-~~---- --
'2/ 2Q r .....-
.--=----. ~ ~ "!f7-
. -.:8' .1'" ':J:-'7-
.:l:. 6 ~ 'I""" oil". "f- ;'\ ,1\ 'VW." ~ 4-
1f~ #~ t<:
('- .
.( . 4" \X';{J'-; {f I (It> -\' 1...-
. "'0 b -:It 'lAfD -=------ -
57. Jn~jObC~il\ fOrmula fora~phll1t cOllcrete mix~.~~tolerFce f~~~~sie. I 0 ~

a 4 ~ o,t%'% .'
. ,le 2 . . ..
", I
c. :l: 7
d. 5

c:> In 8
In 4 !TIeasufrnIents
d. In 6 measurements

60. Required no, of coreB On compacted <!Sphalt concrete mix taken f~r each full days
openui onE.

G'l At least one, but not more than 3core

'-?' At least two, put not more than Q core
c. At least two, but not more than 4 core
d. At least One, but not more
" "
thar, 6 core " ,

61. Ifno core was taken at the end of each day's operation and the project has already been!'

Ii~A core shall be taken fo~~very lOO lineal"meters

~Three cores shall be takeq for eyeryl~o.1ill~wm~ter8
c. 3 core for every 100. lirwar meters . .....
d 2 core for every 100. linear meters.
__ . _ .. ___ .n ,yvVU'V .~ 'HHy VI conerere mix core
""1'"tlH IS 2.317. The Wt. of the asphalt mil(
in air is 2055 gmB. What is the density? . .

G) 2.32 . ~~~/ ~ k~ _5) '~'r~ VN' ( J ~+r:} H-vD

b. 2.51
c. 2.55
(~k') ". .
d 2.35

63. The required speed ofroper ir1 compacting <\sphalt concrete mix

a 8 kph
l]) 5 kph
c.' 6 kph
. d .. 10 kph

64. Minimum required temperature wllenasphalt mix jsplaeeq at site . .1

a 1l0ae
@ lore
c. lOooe
d. 115C

65. Initial compaction of asphalt mix is done by.

T<mdem roller not less th<ml 0 tons
@fneumatic tired roller not I'ess (h<mlO tOllS
e'l Sheepsfoot rollerllo\ less th<m 10 tons
. d. All of the above.

hAller final rolling, the degree of

shallllllYe a density.
comp~ction should be checked. The compacted pavement

m Equal to, or greater than 95% ofthe laboratory compacted dynsity.

'b.' Eq\lal to, or greater thaIl 97% of the laboratory compacted density
c. Equal to or greater th<m 96% ofthe laboratory compacted density
I. d. Equal to Or greater than 94% of the ,aboratory compacted density.

67. The control ofthe temperature during mixing <md compaction is of great sigllific<mce.

Q The strength of the resulting pavement

b. The amOtmt of asphalt cemeflt cplltent
e. 'The amount of aggregate COil ten!
d. Proper detennination of !he method oirolling

68. C\\Iibration of universal testing machine shall be done.

~ Once a year
lI Every 6 l1]onths
e. Every 4 months
d. Once a month
69. Mininnllll size of class "B" stone for stone rla.~O!llY.

~ 300 mm
t, 400 mm
c. 8pO mm
.(~'Y 00 rrnn
70. Maximum slUll1P for'copCfetc claBs "A"

a 2)). ~ 5"
(9 2" -i'4"
c. 1" -,2")
d, 4" - 9','

~ 0.46
V 0.53
c. 0.55
d. 0.58
72. In a cmain soil the LL = 30 uncj PL = 45. 'Hle pl"si(city iride){,


c:9 -15 '. .
c. non-plastic

<1, None of th" above

73. In irmnersion I compression test the r~tiQ of wet \0 dry (jensity 0fllw mix.

(;:) Stability
'-( Index retained Htrength
c. Bulk HpeciJic grflyity
d. Percent compaction

74. Minimum required percent compaction for subbase course

a 98%
b. 95%
~ 100%
'c( 96%

75. In d:etermining the grade of steel use.

A Tell1lile strength
LV Yield &1l;"epgth
c. Shear strepgth
d.. Bond
76. 1be stren&tll of no. 5 steel bar thal was tested for:

Xi.eIeI load~' 13,000 IbB

Ultimate loa.d " 30,000 IbH.

Determine t1w gJiid~ of steel /!'tJJ 51"{.L~S.} fS ( --4y-)..,,-1bt(;~-~! ~ ;;

a . Orade 3d - I"\~
b. GrruJe 60 ~3!
@ Grrui., 40 fi/{3r tbt{Vl),- Sj ..
d. Grade 75 /1'
"+ ~I nrCl
~7 6F<>"'V--
77. Concrete admixtures used when the nOTll,lul getting lime is shortened by the higher
temperature, preveqting the forrl1ation ofcq!djoill!,reduce tl]einqidence ofthennal cracking
anq to maintain concrete workability during large pours orl~ng ready-mix hauls. .

a accelerators
c. 81.1perpjastici:=s
d. Air entraining admixtures

78. Apgular coarse ~egate use for concrete rnix wjll provicle l1lore:

eX> Water cont~nt

b. Cement and water
c. C cmen! and fine aggregates
d All of the above

79. Required !l0' of representative core taken from member of area in-pla.ce that is
considered deficient.

b. 2
c. 1
d 4

80. "Ibickness de!erminatioll of concrete cores shall by done at

a 4 measurements _~-:;, lhyw..t" VVV'1'
@. 9 measurements
c. 6 mea~!lfementB
d. 8 rne.asurements

81. No. Ofset of c?Hfrete c-)'Iinder s41r\~takelj forevery 75 cu.m. of concrete.

?all-set ('3 UJ~\' .

. 2-8~t
r .Arty of", and 2.
d 3-BC.t
\Vhatwill you recommend?

a reject,
CV rccoring .
c. Remove and r~pl~e
d. All of the above

83. Most effective facto~ forstf!.'nsth of concrete.

faJWater-cernent rillio
Y. Water, cement and fine aggregate
c. Cernert plus water
d. Any of the abpve

. &4. Asphaltic materials use for treating an exill(inf; bituminous materi!l1 or cement concrete
surface with piturninous materials.

a Prime coat
c. Seal coat
d. Any of the above

85. Number of hours of concrete cylinder sample to be submitted toe the laboratory before

. ra:J 24 hra
'--? 48 hrs
c. 12 hrs
d. 72Prs

86. Number ofhoUfsofImmersioniCornpression test that the sample place in water.

Y. 6 hrs
c. 7 hrs
ct. 8 hrs

87. Required weight ofsarrtple for tebiing for coars? aggregates 4se for concreting

a 40 kg
b. 50kg
I@ 70 kg
d. 80 kg

'i' .
gS. Required weight of sample testing for fine aggregates use for 90ncreting

I@ 70 kg
SO kg
c. 30 kg
d. 40 kg

,,\ 2000 CU
.. IT!.
LV 1500 cu.m.
c. 1000 cu.m.
d. 500 CU.rrt.

)10. The cWsign thickness for peep is 200 mrn. Tile liver;tge thiclmesfl detennination was taken
and th<; result is 170 nuT!. If you are a gOVCfll!l1cnt m!!l(lrials engineer, wh!!l percent of
1. cOntrac! price aqjustment will you recornmenc!. .

a 70%
No payment
c. 80 0/r,
d. 85 %

/91. The deficiency in concrete ~ecimefl was fouild \lut to be 19.5 percent. What is the adjlwted
perc em of contract price allowed.

a 80%
c. 70%
d. 50 %

02. Ifthefe is a strength deficiency in the concrete specimens and it is not feasible or not .
. .' to'obtain
corea from the ~tructure dlre
- ., to stmctur~l
- - '.-
. '.
" ' ,
fJ!! a m!lterial~

engineer, wpm will You reconunencj?

a Send leUer to your superior for his decision

mRecommend imrnedi~ely adjusted price ofpayrrwnt with respect to the
.U deficiency incurred
c. Both,! and Q
d. Tolerate the strength deficiency.

93. In the construction ofa 380 linear meter asphall foad,with a Msigned thjcknoss of5 em,'!!
width requirement of3.05 ITl and fl prognulllllell 94W1li!y of!:>ituwillouS mix of 135 IOllnes,
an <illp,halt core was taken after e;Wh full daY's 0l'~ration. RyS41t'a oft\liekness WId densitY
tests are as follows; .

Paving 4Ue Paving leflgth TIljcknes8 ,Density .

representeq, .m em. :~ .-.- - -
Dayl 120 5) 2.262 43~ ?U
D!JY 2 140 5.1 2;311 '5V, )1.4
Day 3 120 5.0 2.22\ .Lid, (v!
1) cr f:"'{J- I '34 . tr
How rrnlch is the quantity ofbitljrnil1o\l8 mixture th!!lshould be paid.
1/ a. 1J 5 to!lI)es
Ii/(b--:-/t. 34.85 (onnes
I V. 136 (onnes
d. p5.50 tormes
- '<
I, ~D,\ 0,p"timulJl rnoi6lUros conlont
( 9 Both a iind,b
j .1 ,
(L Notl.;l ofL~c ahove
1 Tlw gignificnnce tost OfllOil, that will d0tHllnin" the po],'nti8l fJlrin,i;"1 oftbo "oil
a. Grading
C0 Sollked CBR
C, Plasticity
d. A:bioasiolilo88

99. 111e following ate the l'esUltl! of the abrasion lOftS ofa certain portion of the COID'1l0 ofl:1l(;
BOi! Il&\l'$g\Itos afWr 500 revolution.

t !.' Original BrunpJe '" 5000 gmB

tairwd in ;114 "" 1500 gnw
etiuned in {IS =400 grlls 1')\I'
, ,
Ab+~')~iV\ lo~ s ::"J~'-"
cui, )lcSS i r'~
Ot'0- ,.S{;vI'l
J .z.
.ft {2- }./ ""'\

!UJ~in.g in #16 '" 700 gma T OI~I J S ?tw~:J~ -

w+ 'TASS; I"-cr 4fn. ~ bJb M-~ ~jf i
(li I I

asii l18 in #,20 "" ~~bo'gflliJ: ' Iv r.v

ns~ing in #40 '" 500 grus
I " ",it [; FFf' <'{-
, 19 percent abrasion 1(JSB will &e
S'),rn '~6U()f'>''lOll HJli\
a 45% "RI\~
b. 40<'/0
('if) 50% .- :!(<f\) _i< {U1:>
'({ 35% '- . r'lNb .
L .1;Ll')i>
o allowablo toJerwlCo permitted variation jJ'om design thicknens of1ayor of aggregate

a, : 10 nUll
5 ruXll
C.I llinrn
d. 91lltlt


BonHhdo R. Lora, eE, PE, ME
DPWH, RoeionlO
94. TIle pr;rpose of trial sections beic)re 811bba~e/baHe cOIlstmction is stmted.

a To check tbe suitahiEty of the materi':lls

b. To check tbe efiiciency,pfthe equipment used
c. Constroctioi) nwtbodwhich ill propofled to be IJBod
@ All of the above
95., T I ). ce ofthickncs8 layer to. r Hubba~e course.
& :t J 0 .---'l P~e_~{).~ .
~ b.i 20 ~ '}v.k ~VJY0 . .
c. 15
d. 25

96. The moisture content of flubbaseibaBe n!ateriaj shall be adjusted prior to compaction by ..

a Watering with approved sprinklers rrlOu;J(ed on tmcim

b. Drying out in order to obtain the required compactions
@ Either ~ and !:>.
d Removal and replacing another material
. .. I) i ' .
'.: , . 1', f ': . ;, ')
97. Concrete used for thin reinforced sections, railings arid for filler in s!eel grid f1oors.
a ClasB "A"
b. Class "P"
! .
c. Class. "B))
C9Cla8s "c"'

98. Most specifications for concrete exposed to weathering require that water-cemtlnt'ratio

a 0.46
b. 0.55

W 0.53

99. The process of producing a fill, subgracle, road base or rOi1d surface which isCapabJe of
With.s1anding the existing traffic under all weathtlf und nlOistuf" conditions.

'. a Soil stabilization

Use of admixture

d:> c, Both l! und Q

. None of the above

100. Ail an experience materials engineer, compacting 6" (l5cm) thick layersofsoil will
require, how many passes.

/,\ 10 (020 passes

c0 8 to 10 passes
c. [5 to 20 passes
d. [5 (0 30 passes

Bonifacio R. Lora, CE, PE, ME
DPWH, Region 10 . '
CI-w .
.. : .,

,' ..
, DATE: ,hme 17,;WOO

", ,"
H, All ortll" qllillki'"
b, Titre,. quari~rB
i c, Two adjacent
i @ Opposito qi;:irlets

",~ '. ,.-;.'


5, Uljuicllimit ofummitabh, malei'ials exc(led

C0 80%
'b, 60%
'1;, 75 %
! d. 55 <Yo

6, 1'1tjslic limit OfUl1rlllilnbk IllllteriuJu exceed

IlL 'iO %
Ie, 53 %
\ d. S4 %)

7, potent compaclioh
'I '
o~ordinllru comnloiJ soil
", "

'a, 90 %
!c, SS i}1J
'd, lOO 0/0

],41 grll!cc

h\()j shire cometH '''ill

rnoiHture content wiil

erJariiotJtnt' ofcoh1padjv~ offort, thoro is awator-COlJ["llt at

. ii,liilt volume. t:ompaded soil m93S ill



, .. ~' :
", )" .,. r ,J \. L.., jJJ' I." , .

'.L 2
i 3
: c. 1.1

17, 'Oie 10110 :'siltY" is "?plild to tlll~ lTIai.~!'ivJ3 having plasticity iniI"x of

ifti II or hlOre
1'1;;:' 12
i (1 13

18, 'n () (mil "chlyey" is applied tri fiiw, t1l81.eri al h2/iill'. plasticity iud,,', of

fl. 10
i(9 1t or gte atr)r
i c, ') leBa
ld" 10 or ieGB

\9, MBlerial pasaittg si"vr) wi,lli 7S rwn r:qi.lan, Op')rIluge and I'rtained 'w, ] 0 I)i"v~,

I a. coarse Band
1 b, Fine Eland
, ! c, Silt-dRY ,
. ~ Gruvei'" , ' ,
2(), l.PO km ofrond erubfiJiklileti! spl-edJ hi 200 lI1111layer with u width (l[ 10, m, The llllmb,)t of
, Bois offiold d~ilfJity t0s['wil1 be;, " WI. t'V'v
- I '" , L Y vJ _=- t!J1r1> ?<lL>_
'\, ?O
~ ., 'i, ' " , 'l5iJ\l 'f;;,(j\) lM ~
- ,,; 15'"
. c::30 ",","
":: " , , \

),1,11 ", luyer uged ina 1l,:ovcTlle,l'ltlNll!C\iHo r"iMI\,r0e' atJd pl'O! ctth,'8ubWHde ormlbbs;.;c
1I .
I DaMmcnhliil
I ["Elllbmiklli(lnt J'oullil;dion
, i.'. 'Cmoimkilient '
D~se .
,!, I"h~ 1; .. ,.
aJ Not mbr~thtirJ 25
b Notfuhfe'tfutri 20
N()!ihb~~ than 22
Notinore thail 30

ity ind~~:ofselected Dorrowfor topping

(. . ;,' t; i
! .! -.' \ ,- l.';
):'~ ,
:,! ',. .!.; '.'~' (:~. ~:. /,,:';.~

N o'U~~fg lliifri '12

more.. than
. .'
. - ,
8' , ',,'

Not more thaii 6

Nofmord !fmil i 0

detllJiiy tosts sball be carried out for each _"___ ~ of

TIlis leads
,Li quidIiriu t,'\ .
PlaStiClinlj( ,
Shlihk~e Iillji t
Consolidation iest

dcte~ninirigthe liquid [iI;ti~ Ii. special standard-cup device is used, All dimellsio1l8
deviccafii'fi%c0,iihd tlie jilitit\E; is accomplished by rurilirig the crunk ill tlie I1Jie of
'i-ev()hiUoh!s~c,' , '

~", t' .
.:ii/,}/;:':i J;-:[ .:'

,llo/iofhoHfS in :lo~kh~ ilie specliilerio/'soi! for CDR determination.


i "

I > . " ' ; 1

O)llber'p'l('lce,'fi~ldmalcrjal llllsilleei,'criil ,,"uoily idclllily WhCtiHll' (h~ soil sarnp!.(' it; p'iastic
""''''A'''' thom d(jflr;borU!ory~qui Pin~i\t. " " ' '
:' .}. .i :~ii::i; '. ~;':~;:'
By rui: dryirlg "
By heating , " ;' .',.', . , '. , ',
Slnuple,ofmoistsoii mblded and rolledili(() li1itll1u,'eaLis without breaking or
cilliribliiIg , '
d, By iJoukiilg illto the watei'.
'. .


,'.,:, , .
'. ~Y" . ;;':, '

i:; ;\,:;} ;?;'{:::i.(i:!-!:>' ,. "I,

ig dtiCfelli:ecl
liblsblfe ~d1l6rtt is IrtiIliihiied'
it1.S rmn per Ininllk
A\ I. 3 (J mill p(,I"'mil'llle
'. " C!V l. 27 n-',lll per rnilli,k, \/
,(. d \.0 InnJ i)cr r1';11!11\':'

, required l1[ea (<,II' tlw 'Iotwi:ruc(ioi.l ",(control i;!r;p; II'ld drirrnl,;,,:;'iof1

,j,\, 'rile
, ,
of[",rgd d"ilF'ilj

! a 550 tn'
\d) m m' , , .
i c. m)
d. 500 ml

116. T1"II) group index nUJJlber 1.1; a tnea,~:\.lre oftl~(! nd;~.!iv\") .';llpp0rtint<~~ P;y,vc\' ofl!"!I:' ::';~lb"r"afL' ,.:'.::J
'nil];>. alll!?)1 number i,\ii II (equil'e

, ii, LC8ilef' iiepth ofh';1>;0 and inwJ.lJ,ce

Q Gh'llidd','plh Oi'"::1",, andnlui,;lc:e
c. Lesse'J' perm(':n.b.iJ.ity
d. i'('~ilHer rapldaril.).'

I <1, Size of grains

! b, Si7)) di,;b-ibutlon
'c0 ~:()ii cia.nsificatioll
, -d, Massii.'cight p~I'8ing
, '

(S 8. All i.~8tS foe cletenll)lHuJon \).f coo!Jinte!l\'":Y 11!uib of noil m'e Oil the .G(ldi(iil of tNi I pa.':lsing tbe
... 4"---' ._--

i fl. }Jo . .30
:@ No,40
, c, No, 20
d, 1'10,8

"ii, Field deHsity [('f"i

b, job deDuity tcd
'(0 -Anyofaand b
,: (', N O))t: oflll<) above '

I '. >:. .'

:;(1, UjlHui!:;,blL1 materhis" rn,JeHal allid', thilil flliitJilik rna(Hlal Ruell Ilfl

u, ,Highly 'organidsbii such Wi PBat }.iJlril11tl<:k ,

I, b, Soil wWiii huliu'lJ w(ll:erc()tl!eilteX(;eedir~r, 1(I() %
i~c Soil with ltV,'ery ,I(lli\! delisity, ,8(J()kp/JllJ or lower
.i! d, At! ofthe. a
.... h
,,' ':( ) w' ., ' ",' .' :, .
I .. .
~L Nol "xceeding 1<;0 111m
Not excteding,200 riiin
N<,3,t excJ-t~~~irlg .3 Or) nun
. Not c;i;ce"din~
, '.J
~!'5() IlHlI

IMI"nmlUln percclICco!f1pactipn te:q~it~Il)9X;t()ffill nihtrrifHnbove.l\1LL~I/'

". '. 166:c'~;i;\"i;;~;1.:,iU, ,I;', hrt1fli[i;l;lI1tji~:i~(fl I "'F{ ,;,;~~Ui!\< Pi"~'! ","I: ,,;t~ll
85'~~o::,' ;,>, I

95 'Yo' !,

ir,orirl!i oli 8011 i;u)"voy along iJlw i'outo of road to be COIlSOUGted Hhall gr!llfraIlY(;~I'Tjcd
depthofilt least ;1,

" a. UOlii bcdoivilieproposed gi'luJe line"

@1. OOlli. b('lowUl~ ~topdB~tlgrtideljll~
c... 2.00 in.b(:jow fho pttlp6s~d gfllde line
d. 2,50 in; BeloWlho pr~p680dgtud0tin0

in fiIn11l1111.eria!

.. ,'\
..', '


. 60., i I sampl~ obtajn~d oil borIngs forfl{Jod con(rolund dralilage proj ect shall bo t~6kd Jor
!olJowlng Jabdfilt6ryle~l; exoept!;!!: '" .
; ,'. "-.' 'l'!'''':'V '/'(!.il- I"~; ~!, :'.i; ,
8; A tl6roerg IiIil1t.a" . '.'~ ), ..
b.:N atUrl1l ~iiteFc6iitclitL' ','
. SpeciilCgttiv!ty
. 'Sieveiuil1lysl,'1 .' . '
Moi9iur~. (J011~ity rejill~6hRhlP

1.00 m
3.00 ni
;''L5'iri t "[

.1'I 2.S0m .

>YljJ"u'!uf11numberofborittgs for wI active slide for iloiJd control aod drailiage project.

." " ",i

" ,':
, ",~ , .
. ':
66. Pl!I!Rie,;,I' properthiirbh,ldil tbillgiV0S .3iliriclIGlni9ii Mclay contents
'. , ,'.:/, ", ,'.- _"" .',. '; , ,':'".,.,\;!;::_ '," c, , . "',',
,'" ,'.C'

I 3. MaS3 % of ,'OfJr~'" IlbTogule
I b.. gradatIOn . .
IcD SOilk"d qlIZ value
I (l Pl<wlici!y ilideK

68.1lltrcimeniwoflondsullplied inroad test

in :6aJ cons(rudion forCBR test.

C13R required .for baBe collfse.



".' .
b. ll.
Ie, .10
I d. i5
7,~, :lJtaxixnUIll u.bnW\Oll Jo::.~.; O[('()'I,).,rS8 at~gn~gah~ pDliion c:n br.we c()ur~'\:l
, i 0J :';)
l? i~)
c. ilO
d, 5.5

. rr. Ii
'@ 12
c. l)
d. 49

n. l\I~H;:illllim liq\lid limit for slibbm;e cours()

'a 12

qp! :;~
!( . ('I

?\). f,r;LTimum u.bnwioll'i"8S .for CQnl'8e aggrellillc portion f(,( cOlirsc
! "l. 4{)%
! i.), 4Yl'o
c. 50%.
'i-{ Sy~/u
i.~O . .n.l:C)l.lin!cl m!llilrHjtn i:I~~i (,:eI\! '~rJrr}.p'ilction i'or Hubu(\$t' (.'()l,lrse

~ 5.0mfili
l:) 0.9 mpa
, c, 5.5 mpa
d. 4.5 mp1l.

_..':-"C-:" '=::-..... .. .. ,.,

\ . i '-.' \ ; :,,;! 1 " !. ' .",:' , f. -'.: 1. .\ !', ~ :':, ': I 1 t.

C', me J;:;: Z~ lv'-7~

I (;.3" rtl!l;'~ '"""" ... >
li. (1) nrp;',l, (~lr~) yi' t
},;).50 rIljli:.
1'1 50 nJ(il'
"L, <HA, (,Y1,t 'r"'-'
0,' "UJ i h cG.,
j'-' (,~h~:Avr".~~h v,"---.

. a. ~., ! ~ty

b. Sdt-\.. Iuy
c. Li.lwswne dl.l~t
:;3. hi icomrlrllcti{)u of cont.rolElripfi and doknllina.tioll oftarw,( density. 11:0 nll1llberr. of [il-phv;e
(!e.birj tests taken HI l'lllldomiy s$lected Hit.os within lh0 control ;Itrip '''''ill he


~'.~(" Jjj'Cmmtrud.ion. of Control strir~ and Det.e-nlli.n:A.ioll o:!"Targe! ('h~l1> :1)'. A new Cuntio ~,:!np
or re,qt\{~Ht(,:d to :~oi1ill'njct 'Nlw.t\; ~~}I(':I~pl
nl.l~yb\.,= orden~.d

P. If the nW~lJl d~~nEiI:y of the coni'n.'\ t.lhip ;f: \eS!:l trn:l 93 PC'I'I.::-,>;!l' !.,fr.h(! d(~rHi\'y .'1 1.

);~bO!iik'ij.' Cxop;Kkd Epc(:imen

h. 'fcn (10) dayr: oCpr'oductioll have 1";1.\I::n iJ(ccpkd ~JJiifIOU; :;.:!t~;)l;chnll l,if}3 ;'(;'\1;'

cenb'oi ~iTip
t.. Then~ is a n~(ll~' ~(l beli-:..''<fc thai.~;'i contn)l ~;I1"ip j~: ~lot ]"l.::.;IL :;i.':',\;l(!.I,:.; \ . m:, ::',
!'i\ u(,inB piac"J.
~ /111 oFthe nhm. ,.

Z7. T~j(.' laye" 1,ISed in the pavement syst~1Jl between !lIe lJubgrade flnd ihe b,ure cow sc

y~\ 70.5%
Ii:. 80.5%
c. 75.5%
d. 80%

91. In CHl iforniu Be!lfillg ralio ddGnniuutio!i the cOlTedcd load at (UG!) inch penr;(ncti.oll l"'BIII:.
is 1,2p5 WTl1e p~i'9cnt CBR will be;

G)~3:67o/0 _ ' f.-u\~J Coro;bJWH~ y ( (j7) ~ ~~~(((7)

b.' 81.50%. - rrrm (s-hl i.."".",,)
c. 83.20%
rt 82.50%
~ t3), rpr?0
92. Y ti ru-e the Materials Et18illoer oryOlli' flhli. It 80 bappel] thnt inlhe p-repllrillion ofth,)i!8-

ad plllll!l it wlIll found out thal /here WiW Mit/Ci'ease and Ii~w additional ilellls f)fworl<
fr in \he ongulru qilliJity control prop iifJ submitted.
at :Wilj,),oIHecotrIDiend?" ; .\

ai, Maintain Ute old submitl$d <ilillJi!y control pro~~:?m

.' Revhled the quality control ptogl'lllll ' ' '
c. i D~lote the iJ'K.'TollllO Hlld the ticw additional itom
d., Any on he above
'\ .
93. 1n- itd dellJlily 10m means.

I '
: Compaction test
b. I job <knsily tost ,.: " :
I, .1, 1vIoi8furc denSity ~lafioD t.est
" ;
, I
d.: Compaction by vibration '

94. In luborsfory cornpacUod t~st, Ill0 wet de/wity is 204') J\g!m', til'" r~,rcellt water crmtollt i!\
4.2.~,The cb~v dCIWiiywill be.

, 2048kg/rn' '
b. 1966 kgfrn'
c. 1942 kglm'
d. 1950 kglm'

B\! Flow curv~ ,

h)iMoishli'iJ-densi!y cm-ve
f't :
Optimll1l1 m()istJ.ti~ curve
Flow line


- -->-.-
ITEM lUr A L T -

7.6.2 1.
(HorlzontallVertleal Bends) .- REBARS (Grade 60)
Rebar 1 kg ....,---
Tie Wire kg
0.03 .---.-

UJ ,---.
<! -_... -
Others 1
Z ._..-
:; --
0 --
UJ ... -
Steelman/laborer, foreman 1 0.06 __ _...:3,,-.9;) i

, ,_ o.

.~~ . --

E.1 Overhead Continqencies and Miscellaneous Expenses ( . i0
E.2 Profit '10
( F) VALUE ADDED TAX (Labor and Equlpmentand Materials) 'j2
(G) TOTAL COST OF ITEM ( D + E + F ) o.

fH) UNIT COST OF ITEM G/Otv.) . ----

Rev. 8 I January 2010 Page 33 of 47 Exhi

Qu:; ;" Priclnn snd ()ata
Civ,: :;8Contract


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