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Performance Evaluation of D.C.

Shunt machine

Aim: This program is written to evaluate the constant terms that

help in simulating actual running of d.c.shunt machine.

Program interpretation :
The program is in the form of matlab function that
takes supply voltage, loading per unit, estimated
efficiency, rated output power, field losses and armature
After performing few calculations up to the line
containing rated torque, we get machines constants such as
Ke and Kt.
This part of the program is given in following lines
of text.

% Machine constants from dc shunt machine specifications

function [Pir, Iar, If, Ke, Tr, Ebr, Rf, Ra] = D_C_Shunt(Vdc,S,Eff,Por,Pf,Nr)
% Vdc = 420; % supply voltage in volts
% S = 0.01; % one percent load
% Eff = 0.79; % Efficiency at full load
% Por = 31500;% output power in watts
Pir = Por/Eff;% input power in watts
Ir = Pir/Vdc; % Total current
% Pf = 1810; % field power in watts
If = Pf/Vdc; % field current in amperes
Iar = Ir-If; % Armature current
Ebr = Por/Iar; % Back Emf in volts
% Nr = 1000; % Speed in RPM at full load
wr = (Nr*2*pi)/60; % Speed in rad/sec
Ke = Ebr/wr; % Back Emf Constant
Kt = Ke;
Tr = Iar*Kt; % Rated torque

After words the set of statements that comes within

the while loop are executed those many times till the index
of the loop i do not reach the predetermined value of 112.
When value of index changes by 1 the loading value s
changes from 0.01 to 0.02. In this way s changes from
0.01 to 1.12.
This shows that we are loading the machine up to 112%
of the rated value.
Following program fragment shows the loading of
machine from 1% to 112%.

i = 1;
while(i < 112)
Po(i) = Por*S;% output power in watts
Eff(i) = 0.41*S+0.4;
Pi(i) = Po(i)/Eff(i);
I(i) = Pi(i)/Vdc; % Total current
Pf = 1810; % field power in watts
If = Pf/Vdc; % field current in ampers
Ia(i) = I(i)-If; % Armature current
Ra = 0.55;
Eb(i) = Vdc-Ra*Ia(i); % Back Emf in volts
w(i) = Eb(i)/Ke;
T(i) = Ia(i)*Kt;
N(i) = (w(i)*60)/(2*pi);
Pl(i) = Pi(i) - Po(i);
Rf = Pf/(If^2);
Pc(i) = (Ia(i)^2)*Ra + Pf;
Pm(i) = 0.04 * Pl(i);
Pirn(i) = Pl(i) - Pc(i) - Pm(i);
i = i + 1;
S = S + 0.01;

If we observe above while loop then it may be

notedFollowing program fragment shows the loading of
machine from 1% to 112%.

subplot(2, 1, 1),plot(T,N);
subplot(2, 1, 2),plot(Ia,Eb);

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