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EE 101: Electrical Sciences
(First question is the Pre-Tutorial Assignment problem to be done in the space provided.)
Name: Roll No.: Tutorial Group:

1. Determine the differential equation that relates the current in the inductor, iL, to the
source voltage e. Assume e to be a time varying function. Use the differential
operator p to determine the governing differential equation.
R=1 Ohm

e L=2H C=1/3 F

2. Determine the rms value of the current waveform in Fig. below. If the current is
passed through a 2 Ohm resistor, find the average power absorbed by the resistor.

3. A load Z draws 12kVA at a power factor of 0.856 lagging from a 120V rms
sinusoidal source. Calculate:
a. The average and reactive powers delivered to the load
b. The peak current
c. The load impedance

4. A 4-bit BCD code PQRS is given as input to a combination logic circuit. The circuit
should output 1 in those cases where the decimal digit equivalent to the input BCD
code is number which, when represented in the seven-segment ( ) display, contains
the middle segment of the display.
(a) Write the expression for the above the Standard Sum of Products form.
(b) Using appropriate dont care states, reduce the expression obtained in part (a)
to a minimal SOP using Karnaugh map.
(c) What will be the minimal SOP if dont care states are not used?

5. Given a three-variable Boolean function f (A, B, C) m(0,2,4,6,7) d (1) . Implement

the function using a minimal network of 2 4 decoders and OR gates.

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