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Assignment #1

EC-204: Analog Communication Systems

Q1. For each of the baseband signals:

(i) m(t) = cos (1000 t);
(ii) m(t) = 2 cos (1000 t) + sin (2000 t);
(iii) m(t) = cos (1000 t) cos (3000 t);
Do the following:
(a) Sketch the spectrum of m(t).
(b) Sketch the spectrum of the DSB-SC signal {m(t) cos (10000 t) };
(c) Identify the upper sideband (USB) and the lower sideband (LSB) spectra.
(d) Identify the frequencies in the baseband, and the corresponding frequencies in the DSB-
SC, USB, and LSB spectra. Explain the nature of frequency shifting in each case.

Q2. You are asked to design a DSB-SC modulator to generate a modulated signal {k m(t) cos
(c t)} with the carrier frequency fc = 300 kHz (c = 2 300,000). The following
equipments are available in the stock room:
(i) A signal generator of frequency 100 kHz ;
(ii) A ring modulator ;
(iii) A bandpass filter tuned to 300 kHz.
(a) Show how you can generate the desired signal.
(b) If the output of the modulator is {k m(t) cos (c t)}, find k.
Q3. Show that any scheme that can be used to generate DSB-SC can also generate AM. Is the
converse true? Explain.
Q4. Consider the AM signal
st Ac 1 cos2f m t cos2f c t
produced by a sinusoidal modulating signal of frequency f m . Assume that the modulation
factor is 2 , and the carrier frequency f c is much greater than f m . The AM signal st
is applied to an ideal envelope detector, producing the output vt .
(a) Determine the Fourier series representation of vt .
(b) What is the ratio of second-harmonic amplitude to fundamental amplitude in vt ?
Q4. Consider a square-law detector, using a nonlinear device whose transfer characteristic is
defined by
v2 t a1v1 t a2 v12 t
where a1 and a 2 are constants, v1 t is the input, and v2 t is the output. The input consists
of the AM wave
v1 t Ac 1 k a mt cos2f c t
(a) Evaluate the output v2 t .
(b) Find the conditions for which the message signal mt may be recovered from v2 t .
Q5. Consider the DSB-SC signal
st Ac cos2f c t mt
where Ac cos2f ct is the carrier wave and mt is the message signal. This modulated
signal is applied to a square-law device characterized by
yt s 2 t
The output yt is next applied to a narrow-band filter with a passband amplitude response
of one, mid-band frequency 2 f c , and bandwidth f . Assume that f is small enough
to treat the spectrum of yt as essentially constant inside the passband of the filter.
(a) Determine the spectrum of the square-law device output yt .
(b) Show that the filter output vt is approximately sinusoidal, given by
vt E f cos4f c t
where E is the energy of the message signal mt .

Q6. A particular version of AM stereo uses quadrature multiplexing. Specifically, the carrier
Ac cos2f c t is used to modulate the sum signal
m1 t V0 ml t mr t
where V0 is a dc offset included for the purpose of transmitting the carrier component,
ml t is the left-hand audio signal, and mr t is the right-hand audio signal.
The quadrature carrier Ac sin 2f c t is used to modulate the difference signal

m2 t ml t mr t

(a) Show that an envelope detector may be used to recover the sum mr t ml t from the
quadrature-multiplexed signal. How would you minimize the signal distortion
produced by the envelope detector?
(b) Show that a coherent detector can recover the difference ml t mr t .
(c) How are the desired ml t and mr t finally obtained?

Q7. (a) Let s u t denote the SSB signal obtained by transmitting only the upper sideband, and
let su t denote its Hilbert transform. Show that

su t cos2 f c t su t sin 2 f c t
m t
su t cos2 f c t su t sin 2 f c t
where mt is the message signal, mt its Hilbert transform, f c the carrier frequency, and
Ac the carrier amplitude.
(b) Show that the corresponding equations in terms of the SSB signal sl t obtained by
transmitting only the lower sideband are
sl t cos2 f c t sl t sin 2 f c t
sl t sin 2 f c t sl cos2 f c t
m t
(c) Using the results of (a) and (b) above, set up the block diagram of a receiver for
demodulating an SSB signal.

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