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Population 1,382,710,000

(2016 data) (1st)

Growth rate 0.47% (2009 est.) (159th)

Birth rate 12.37 births/1,000 population (2014 est.)

Death rate 7.16 deaths/1,000 population (2014 est.)

Life 75.35 years (2013)


male 74.09 years (2013)

female 76.68 years (2013)

Fertility rate 1.55 children per woman (2014 est.) (183rd)

Infant 9.5 deaths/1000 live births (2013)



Age structure

014 years 17.2% (2012 est.)

1564 years 73.4% (2012 est.)

65 and over 9.4% (2012 est.)

Sex ratio

At birth 1.18 male(s)/female (2010 census)

Under 15 1.13 male(s)/female (2008 est.)

1564 years 1.06 male(s)/female (2008 est.)

65 and over 0.91 male(s)/female (2008 est.)


Nationality noun: Chinese adjective: Chinese

Major Han Chinese

Minor Zhuang, Manchu, Hui, Miao, Uyghurs, Yi, Tujia, Inner

ethnic Mongols, Tibetan, Buyei, Dong, Yao, Korean, Bai, Hani,

Li, Kazak, Dai, She, Lisu, Gelao, Lahu, Dongxiang, Va,

Sui, Nakhi, Qiang, Tu, Xibe, Mulao, Kyrgyz, Daur, Jingpo,

Salar, Blang, Maonan, Tajik, Pumi, Achang, Nu, Ewenki,

Gin, Jino, De'ang, Uzbeks, Russian, Yugur, Bonan,

Monba, Oroqen, Derung, Tatars, Hezhen, Lhoba


Official Mandarin

Spoken Wu (Shanghainese), Yue (Cantonese), Min (Minnan,

Mindong, others), Xiang, Gan, Hakka, various Mandarin

dialects and Patu

North korea

Population 24,052,231 (2008)

Density 199.54 inhabitants / sq. km. (2008)

Growth rate 0.84% (19932008)

Birth rate 14.51 births/1,000 population (2014 est.)

Death rate 9.18 deaths/1,000 population (2014 est.)

Life expectancy 69.81 years (2014 est.)

male 65.96 years (2014 est.)

female 73.86 years (2014 est.)

Fertility rate 1.98 children born/woman (2014 est.)

Infant mortality rate 24.5 deaths/1,000 live births (2014 est.)

Net migration rate -0.04 migrant(s)/1,000 population (2014 est.)

Age structure

014 years 23.19% (2008)

1564 years 68.09% (2008)

Sc n 65 and over 8.72% (2008)

Sex ratio

Total 0.95 males/1.00 female (2008)

At birth 1.04 males/1.00 female (2008)

Under 15 1.05 males/1.00 female (2008)

65 and over 0.51 males/1.00 female (2008)


Nationality Korean(s)

Major ethnic Korean (99%)

Minor ethnic Chinese, Russian, Japanese

Official Korean (official)


Population 126,702,133 (July 2016 est.)

Age structure 0-14 years: 12.97% (male 8,472,869/female

15-24 years: 9.67% (male 6,436,935/female
25-54 years: 37.68% (male 23,593,194/female
55-64 years: 12.4% (male 7,867,611/female
65 years and over: 27.28% (male 15,080,738/female
19,488,235) (2016 est.)

Dependency ratios total dependency ratio: 64.5%

youth dependency ratio: 21.1%
elderly dependency ratio: 43.3%
potential support ratio: 2.3% (2015 est.)

Median age total: 46.9 years

male: 45.6 years
female: 48.3 years (2016 est.)

Population growth -0.19% (2016 est.)


Birth rate 7.8 births/1,000 population (2016 est.)

Death rate 9.6 deaths/1,000 population (2016 est.)

Net migration rate 0 migrant(s)/1,000 population (2016 est.)

Urbanization urban population: 93.5% of total population (2015)

rate of urbanization: 0.56% annual rate of change
(2010-15 est.)

Major cities - TOKYO (capital) 38.001 million; Osaka-Kobe 20.238

population million; Nagoya 9.406 million; Kitakyushu-Fukuoka
5.51 million; Shizuoka-Hamamatsu 3.369 million;
Sapporo 2.571 million (2015)

Sex ratio at birth: 1.06 male(s)/female

0-14 years: 1.06 male(s)/female
15-24 years: 1.11 male(s)/female
25-54 years: 0.98 male(s)/female
55-64 years: 1 male(s)/female
65 years and over: 0.77 male(s)/female
total population: 0.77 male(s)/female (2016 est.)

Mother's mean age at 30.3 (2012 est.)

first birth

Infant mortality rate total: 2 deaths/1,000 live births

male: 2.3 deaths/1,000 live births
female: 1.8 deaths/1,000 live births (2016 est.)

Life expectancy at total population: 85 years

birth male: 81.7 years
female: 88.5 years (2016 est.)

Total fertility rate 1.41 children born/woman (2016 est.)

Contraceptive 54.3%
prevalence rate note: percent of women aged 20-49 (2005)

HIV/AIDS - adult NA
prevalence rate

HIV/AIDS - people NA
living with HIV/AIDS

HIV/AIDS - deaths NA

Drinking water improved:

source urban: 100% of population
rural: 100% of population
total: 100% of population
urban: 0% of population
rural: 0% of population
total: 0% of population (2015 est.)

Sanitation facility improved:

access urban: 100% of population
rural: 100% of population
total: 100% of population
urban: 0% of population
rural: 0% of population
total: 0% of population (2015 est.)

Nationality noun: Japanese (singular and plural)

adjective: Japanese

Ethnic groups Japanese 98.5%, Koreans 0.5%, Chinese 0.4%, other

note: up to 230,000 Brazilians of Japanese origin
migrated to Japan in the 1990s to work in industries;
some have returned to Brazil (2004)

Religions Shintoism 79.2%, Buddhism 66.8%, Christianity 1.5%,

other 7.1%
note: total adherents exceeds 100% because many
people practice both Shintoism and Buddhism (2012

Languages Japanese

School life total: 15 years

expectancy (primary male: 15 years
to tertiary education) female: 15 years (2013)

Education 3.8% of GDP (2014)


Maternal mortality 5 deaths/100,000 live births (2015 est.)


Children under the 3.4% (2010)

age of 5 years
Health expenditures 10.2% of GDP (2014)

Physicians density 2.3 physicians/1,000 population (2010)

Hospital bed density 13.7 beds/1,000 population (2009)

Obesity - adult 3.5% (2014)

prevalence rate

South Korea

Population 50,924,172 (July 2016 est.)

Age structure 0-14 years: 13.45% (male 3,535,137/female

15-24 years: 13.08% (male 3,515,779/female
25-54 years: 45.93% (male 12,008,399/female
55-64 years: 14.01% (male 3,521,569/female
65 years and over: 13.53% (male 2,918,156/female
3,972,796) (2016 est.)

Dependency ratios total dependency ratio: 37.2%

youth dependency ratio: 19.2%
elderly dependency ratio: 18%
potential support ratio: 5.6% (2015 est.)

Median age total: 41.2 years

male: 39.7 years
female: 42.8 years (2016 est.)

Population growth 0.53% (2016 est.)


Birth rate 8.4 births/1,000 population (2016 est.)

Death rate 5.8 deaths/1,000 population (2016 est.)

Net migration rate 2.6 migrant(s)/1,000 population (2016 est.)

Urbanization urban population: 82.5% of total population (2015)

rate of urbanization: 0.66% annual rate of change
(2010-15 est.)

Major cities - SEOUL (capital) 9.774 million; Busan (Pusan) 3.216

population million; Incheon (Inch'on) 2.685 million; Daegu
(Taegu) 2.244 million; Daejon (Taejon) 1.564 million;
Gwangju (Kwangju) 1.536 million (2015)

Sex ratio at birth: 1.07 male(s)/female

0-14 years: 1.07 male(s)/female
15-24 years: 1.12 male(s)/female
25-54 years: 1.06 male(s)/female
55-64 years: 0.98 male(s)/female
65 years and over: 0.71 male(s)/female
total population: 0.73 male(s)/female (2016 est.)

Mother's mean age 31 (2014 est.)

at first birth

Infant mortality rate total: 3 deaths/1,000 live births

male: 3.2 deaths/1,000 live births
female: 2.8 deaths/1,000 live births (2016 est.)

Life expectancy at total population: 82.4 years

birth male: 79.3 years
female: 85.8 years (2016 est.)

Total fertility rate 1.25 children born/woman (2016 est.)

Contraceptive 80%
prevalence rate note: percent of women aged 15-44 (2009)

HIV/AIDS - adult NA
prevalence rate

HIV/AIDS - people NA
living with HIV/AIDS

HIV/AIDS - deaths NA
Drinking water improved:
source urban: 99.7% of population
rural: 87.9% of population
total: 97.8% of population
urban: 0.3% of population
rural: 12.1% of population
total: 2.2% of population (2012 est.)

Sanitation facility improved:

access urban: 100% of population
rural: 100% of population
total: 100% of population
urban: 0% of population
rural: 0% of population
total: 0% of population (2015 est.)

Nationality noun: Korean(s)

adjective: Korean

Ethnic groups homogeneous

Religions Christian 31.6% (Protestant 24.0%, Catholic 7.6%),

Buddhist 24.2%, other or unknown 0.9%, none 43.3%
(2010 est.)

Languages Korean, English (widely taught in junior high and high


School life total: 17 years

expectancy (primary male: 17 years
to tertiary education) female: 16 years (2013)

Education 4.6% of GDP (2012)


Maternal mortality 11 deaths/100,000 live births (2015 est.)


Children under the 0.6% (2011)

age of 5 years

Health expenditures 7.4% of GDP (2014)

Physicians density 2.14 physicians/1,000 population (2012)

Hospital bed density 10.3 beds/1,000 population (2009)

Obesity - adult 6.3% (2014)

prevalence rate


Population 23,464,787 (July 2016 est.)

Age structure 0-14 years: 13.13% (male 1,588,679/female

15-24 years: 13.17% (male 1,585,222/female
25-54 years: 46.74% (male 5,477,446/female
55-64 years: 13.89% (male 1,593,024/female
65 years and over: 13.07% (male 1,408,367/female
1,657,443) (2016 est.)

Median age total: 40.2 years

male: 39.5 years
female: 40.9 years (2016 est.)

Population growth rate 0.2% (2016 est.)

Birth rate 8.4 births/1,000 population (2016 est.)

Death rate 7.3 deaths/1,000 population (2016 est.)

Net migration rate 0.9 migrant(s)/1,000 population (2016 est.)

Major cities - TAIPEI (capital) 2.666 million; Kaohsiung 1.523

population million; Taichung 1.225 million; Tainan 815,000
Sex ratio at birth: 1.07 male(s)/female
0-14 years: 1.06 male(s)/female
15-24 years: 1.05 male(s)/female
25-54 years: 1 male(s)/female
55-64 years: 0.96 male(s)/female
65 years and over: 0.86 male(s)/female
total population: 0.85 male(s)/female (2016 est.)

Infant mortality rate total: 4.4 deaths/1,000 live births

male: 4.8 deaths/1,000 live births
female: 4 deaths/1,000 live births (2016 est.)

Life expectancy at total population: 80.1 years

birth male: 77 years
female: 83.5 years (2016 est.)

Total fertility rate 1.12 children born/woman (2016 est.)

HIV/AIDS - adult NA
prevalence rate

HIV/AIDS - people NA
living with HIV/AIDS

HIV/AIDS - deaths NA

Nationality noun: Taiwan (singular and plural)

note: example - he or she is from Taiwan; they are
from Taiwan
adjective: Taiwan (or Taiwanese)

Ethnic groups Taiwanese (including Hakka) 84%, mainland

Chinese 14%, indigenous 2%

Religions mixture of Buddhist and Taoist 93%, Christian 4.5%,

other 2.5%

Languages Mandarin Chinese (official), Taiwanese (Min), Hakka


Literacy definition: age 15 and over can read and write

total population: 98.5%
male: 99.7%
female: 97.3% (2014 est.)

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