Rainbow City

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Rainbow City"

Antarctic legend that refuses to die

Debora Goldstern

What happens when Lovecraft, Hefferlin Manuscript, Robert Dichoff, Michael X, is linked
to Admiral Byrd's diaries, hollow earth, UFOs, reptilians, and Nazis? Nothing less than the
legend of Rainbow City. Although in our monograph on Tierra Hueca, we made reference
to some topics on the subject, it is necessary to go deeper in some undeveloped edges, and
still in constant evolution.

As first antecedent we have "In the Mountains of the Madness", novel of 1931, and that
takes the signature of the North American writer HP Lovecraft. Ambitious in the cold
Antarctic lands, Lovecraft builds one of its most symbolic stories, theatrical with some of
its slogans, where the reader is presented with a world inhabited by Lemuria survivors,
owners of advanced technology, Which survive inside the southern polar cap.

This narrative would be the base later replicated in textures more or less related, in an
endless continuation, taking as main axis the genial narration of Lovecraft, main motor of
the incipient legend.
Who first picks up the glove is the Hefferlin marriage, who in the
1940s would give birth, Rainbow City, based on a personal channeling, reminiscent of the
Urantia Book, that treatise revealed very fashionable during that time .

It should be added that the manuscript of the Hefferlin, was published in one of the editions
of Amazing Stories, September 46 ', magazine directed by Ray Palmer, who played a
prominent role in the saga of Ciudad Arco Iris. Here are some quotes from the Hefferlin
about this enigmatic city:

"The city is made of plastic, the streets are paved with plastic; And all buildings are built so
that all the colors of the rainbow are used. For the color in those days it seemed to have had
a meaning. At the heart of this great area is a large temple, center of higher education and a
museum of the culture of this ancient civilization of ours, and its machines. Below this city
are five underground levels, part of the city surface, and the main terminals of a vast tunnel
train system, with thousands of meters, ready-to-train trains for main lines, and maps of the
Ancient surface of the earth, showing where the great tunnels lead. "

A decade later, in the middle of the 50's, the idea would be taken up by Robert Dickoff, a
Buddhist monk, also American, who would write about Agartha, where, in addition to
alluding to some of the subterranean mysteries par excellence, he was ahead of the
Reptilian discussion , Today adopted by Icke and several authors, presenting Rainbow City
as an underground settlement of this snake species, which marketed Mars as its original
However Dickoff in his bibliography did not make a single mention to the Hefferlin,
appearing this source as absent in his controversial work

Almost twenty years later, the subject would be returned to light by

the hand of Michael X, (actually Michael Barton), being known as "Rainbow City and the
Inner Earth People", 1969, with the peculiarity of approaching the thorny Byrd affair , That
later would materialize in the publication of its controversial newspapers.

As a coloring, averaging 70 ', Secret Nazi Polar Expedition, whose

author Christof Friedrich (pseudonym of Ernst Zundel, a Canadian head of the German
Antarctic Foundation), would dispatch with the Nazi presence in Antarctica, escaped from
the Second War, Among which he mentions Hitler, who would have penetrated the South
Pole into tunnels, where they would now find themselves residing.

Zundel also appeared as a supporter of the Hollow Earth, denying in his anti-Jewish
propaganda, the Holocaust, without leaving aside the question of Rainbow City, retaking
the nonexistent contacts of Admiral Byrd with the alleged residents of the crystalline
Antarctic city. To be continued
Ernst Zundel

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