Moorti Nirnaya - Jyothishi

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9/7/2017 Moorti Nirnaya | Jyothishi

APR Moorti Nirnaya


This is another popular method of judging the Transit results mostly used in
North India. The method is described below.

Note the Janma Rashi.

Choose the planet transit result for which predictions to be made.
Note the transit position of the Moon with reference to Natal Moon (Janma
Rashi) when the chosen planet enters a new sign.

Name the Moorti as follows:-

If the transit Moon is in 1st, 6th or 11th from Natal Moon Swarna
(Golden) Moorti.
If it is in 2nd, 5th or 9th Rajata (Silver) Moorti.
If it is in 3rd, 7th or 10th Tamra (Copper) Moorti.
If it is in 4th, 8th or 12th Loha (Iron) Moorti.

The results will be as follows:-

Swarna: Extremely favourable

Rajata: Favourable
Tamra: Average
Loha: Extremely unfavourable


We are interested in finding the result of Jupiter transit from Virgo to Libra
and the natives Janma Rashi is Aquarius.
At the time of Jupiters transit, the transit Moon was in Pisces or the second
house from Janma Rashi.
Being in second will result in Rajata Moorti and hence the Jupiter transit
will be favourable to the native. 1/1

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