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The Interplay of planets is beyond just mere placement, moreover

involve aspect, conjunction, benefics/malefics properties, planetary

Avastha, Main and sub periods Transits, placement in Vargas etc are
more specific in true analysis of planetary house placement.

Jyotish was revealed to human beings to understand the subtle

synchronization or attunement that we have with nature, nature which
is, everything that we see, know(Macro consciousness) and don't
know(Micro consciousness), the whole universe.

Nothingness evolved into the creation that we see, Astro Physics still
in its nascent state is working around the theory that nothing created
everything, in that case we are all part of the same, different
manifestations only.

The Idea behind evolving karmically so as to merge into the one, is

realization as to how to attune yourself to nature and its laws as
much as possible, so as to understand your weakness and strengths so
as to overcome the obstacles to this attunement.

The inability to comprehend this to the fullest results in our

re-births, and if we progress or degenerate in it depending on how we
have interacted with nature i.e. humans, animals, trees, earth, our
galaxy in times to come our universe, if we human beings remain
ignorant to this unity we are out of tune with nature , thus our-self
thus the whole purpose of spiritual evolution is amiss.

The great sages to whom Jyotish was revealed, was a part of their
observation, enlightment and research, when human beings reached a
stage in their evolution where consciousness was revealed gradually,
among other things we started perceiving nature and how it interacts
with us, we sought plants and herbs for medicine, we explored it for
food, we looked at rocks and minerals for their utility etc , we also
looked at planets to observe how it affects us, astrology evolved as
an observational science but a truth, like death is a truth. Like
every iota of nature revealed to us was further explored, the
exploration of how the planets attune to us doesn't end with the great
sages like Parashara, Jamini et al.
It is a quest for the truth, truth is the removal of ignorance to the methods of attunement
with nature, SA is one such evolved form of the ancient knowledge.

Like all sciences are evolving with time and for a purpose, while the
purpose is further revelation of nature of self and its attunement,
Jyotish(knowledge of the divine light) in times to come will serve as
a pivotal link between the perceived manifestation and the reality of
the one. The interplay of planets as a roadmap to ones evolution is

In the quest for reality of the one, man has created self imposed
shackles to believe that a spiritual life is entirely different from a
Grihasta(family life), that attainment of moksha, unity with the one
or after life in heaven it is believed is possible by meditation or
religious closeness to God etc, but human beings at large are defined
by desire and its fulfillment, it is true it is a fact, it is a truth,
like death. Desire is a part of us, yet we want to just throw it away
instantly or pretend to do so in quest for spirituality. If you are a
part of nature you have to behave as one, you don't have to but
naturally should and that part is largely defined by desire. while
planetary weakness explains part of us that leads to lack of
attunement and false desire.
We should actively understand and accept our desires and nurture it so as to synchronize
with our ambience and not just refute it and/or keep feeling guilty about it.

To over come desire you cannot jump to become a Buddha, Mohamed or

Jesus, you have to live through desire to be one. They were born to
tell human beings that this is what we all are born to be, a Buddha,
symbol of highest form of spiritual growth, but not without living
through desire. At this point of our evolution desire is a part of us ,
accept it.

Desire is not evil, it is when our desires are not in tune with nature
that it manifests as evil, evil as it disobeys nature, our nature, and
creates disharmony, lack of emotional and physical peace, all actively
reflected in ones Natal chart. As it is a karmic chart
You have to live through desire for a gradual transformation to be
sublime, the fact is that nature will tell you whether you are born a
Buddha or Jesus, you dont have to worry about being one or leaving
behind everything that karma calls for to try to be one.

Your home is your place of worship, it is your office of spiritual

advancement, proper attunement with it and the members of it, is the
strongest platform for living through desire towards spiritual
advancement .The lack of symphony in it is actively reflected in the
dwelling members natal and transit charts, consummate remedy for all
the members will only reveal a better platform for spiritual
advancement. It is very important that remedial measures be done by each and every
member of the dwelling unit.
From the natural union of Shiva and Shakti, yin yang(which itself
represents non-duality), to procreate a being and nurture it properly
to help through its Karmic cycle through love affection, comfort and
duty is the greatest contribution to our own evolution, and thus
keeping the immediate purest form of attunement with nature to ones
parents and vice versa. Parents thus should be looked upto as our
greatest source of faith and attunement to nature, making it so
important for us to seek and establish moral and social values to
progress unimpeded as parents and child alike.
It is the Parent(the 4th the 9th , Sun, Moon) that shapes a child so much, and nature says
give back to the source or the source will empty out, so the child has to optimally all the
time give back to the parent not just materially but more importantly, spiritually.
That is why the service to parents is the ultimate remedial measure.

Moral, Social and religious values are triggers in human

revelation, experiment and establishment with self, upon the
subconscious realization that we at large as collective consciousness
haven't evolved enough to deal with our own state of being purely.
We need these religious structures to help us obey nature, but we have
created a divide between Grihasta (family life) and Spirituality and
making us neglect one in the quest for the other. While it is non-dual
at this point of human evolution. We have to Strive to have many more
Buddha's the highest form of awareness, the awareness that desire is
to be lived through to attain and attune one with nature.

Hence grihasta jeevan(family life) which is a natural response among

all beings, i:e to procreate, and advance the law of nature, in its
social form called marriage is so important and in-dispensable.
Just because we are obeying this laws of nature doesn't mean we have to be
away from the inherent desire of all beings to merge with the one,
through a spiritual life, or run away to the Himalayas giving up
grihasta. That is why the 4th house is so important in ones chart,
which represents home, family, parents(specially mother and nurturing), Spouse, assets,
education etc and thus mental peace.

Spirituality for the modern man and human beings ever, is commitment and service to the
present moment, present time, NOW, and a symbiotic existence with
nature The past and the future are mere images, of actions initiated
and the results of the action, as the past was once the present , the
present was once the future and the future will be present every
passing moment. One can alter somewhat this image to the better by
understanding the present and treating it to the best, seeking
attunement with self and nature thus, using remedial measures and
faith in the establishment of nature works actively to enhance that
experience of bettering the image.

Whether be it a race for the survival of the fittest or a quest for

self realization, we cannot dismiss that human beings are so much in
concern about the future, specifically as we have objectified human
success and evolution to material parameters as well as religious and
social parameters. One may exhibit this fear and be vocal and seek
jyotish(astrology) advice, others may refute it and still be concerned
in their own way, about tomorrow, the fear of failing at the objects
of desire we have created and imbibed is worrying all of us.
What is the solution then? The present moment is the answer, the
better we treat our present the better is the future, it is all about
now and now becomes the future, future is dependent on now. Try to be happiest and make the
best decisions now, strengthen that mercury.

Analysis of now can be done actively by studying the planetary transits and the
present effect of the transit planets among themselves and effect on
natal charts and vice versa. The impact and importance of now makes
studying and applying planetary transit effects important in the
study of astrology. Triple transit in the Systems Approach.

Thus the importance given to the triple transits is so much pertinent

to understanding the dynamics of Now. That is why Transits supersede sub-period trends,
understand now and treat it to the best for a self realization with the one.

Amit Patnaik

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