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Receive 7 Times the Reward

Pastor Parsley has an awesome revelation from the Holy Spirit for YOU -- and it concerns your

Weve been waiting for it, witness to it, talking about it all during 2017 to this point ...

The three 7s in the Jewish year 5777 (which is NOW!).

The perfect prime number, 17 (as in this year: 2017).
As a prime number, 17 cannot be divided -- just as Ezekiel promised, Whatever God
does, He does forever. (What He fixes in 2017 will never be broken again!)
The fact that 17 is the seventh prime number (and 7 is Gods number of perfection and

All these 7s are pointing to Gods DAY OF DESTINY for YOU: 7-7-17!

In 2017, God wants to perfect and complete what concerns YOU!

2017 is no ordinary year. Its a divine appointment set by God to perfect and complete that which
concerns you.

Think of it. The number 7 is used more than any other number in the Bible. Creation was 7
days. Abrahams blessing was 7 fold. Naaman dipped 7 times in the Jordan River. At Jericho, 7
priests blew 7 trumpets and on the 7th day the Israelites marched around the wall 7 times and the
wall fell.

Dr. Rod Parsleys 7 Targeted Decisions to read and act upon for 2017

1st Targeted Decision Gods word is true. Psalm 118:8 says, It is better to trust in the Lord than to put
confidence in man! Make the decision today to trust God explicitly. With men it may be impossible, but
with God, all things are possible.

2nd Targeted Decision Act in obedience to Gods Word. Faith isnt an idea or a philosophy. It is a
product of the spirit. James 2:26 says, As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is
dead. Gods miracle is manifested by what He does when you simply obey His word in faith!

3rd Targeted Decision You must determine the attitude in which you respond to Gods word.
Everything God does in the earth begins with a seed sown in faith and obedience. Its your expectation
that determines your focus and your focus determines your future. God has blessed you with the ability
to direct divine activity.

4th Targeted Decision You must determine the proper seed. The measure that you sow determines
the measure you reap. 2 Cor 9:6 says, He that sows sparingly shall reap sparingly; and he that sows
bountifully shall reap also bountifully. Your harvest is always in direct proportion to the seed you sow.

5th Targeted Decision You must decide that the limitless resources of heaven are available to you.
God owns the cattle on a thousand hills, and your need isnt going to bankrupt heaven. Phil 4:9 says,
My God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Whatever your need

6th Targeted Decision Believe that it is Gods nature to give. John 3:16 shouts it, For God so loved the
world that He gave Think about that for a minute. The proof of Gods love is that He gave the very
best that He had. If we say we want to be like God, our lives should be characterized by a giving spirit.

7th Targeted Decision Be resolute in your belief that a seed has life in itself. There is resurrection
power resident in every seed you sow.

Take God at His word in 2017 and begin the transformation. Sow a 7X7 Blessing seed of $77 to seal the
seven targeted decisions that you are going to make in the next seven days. And dont leave your loved
ones out. Sow a seed of $77 for each child, grandchild or other family members you want to receive a
miracle to in 2017. Maybe you have a serious situation that calls for a special onetime seed. Sow a
significant seed of $777 as a significant expression on your faith.

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