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Physiotherapy Research International, 7(3) 157169, 2002 Whurr Publishers Ltd 157

An evaluation of a single chest

physiotherapy treatment on mechanically
ventilated patients with acute lung injury
MICHAEL BARKER and SALLY ADAMS Guys and St Thomas NHS Trust,
London, UK

ABSTRACT Background and Purpose. Acute lung injury is a lung pathology that pre-
sents frequently on the intensive care unit. Chest physiotherapy, in the form of
endotracheal suction, alternate side-lying and manual hyperinflation, is usually given to
patients with this condition with the intention of removing retained pulmonary secretions
and recruiting collapsed distal lung units. Despite this common practice there is insuffi-
cient research on the effects of chest physiotherapy in patients with acute lung injury being
ventilated mechanically. The aim of the present study was to further understanding of the
effects of three modes of treatment in chest physiotherapy in an acute lung injury patient
group. Method. This randomized, controlled trial investigated all mechanically ventilated
patients with acute lung injury admitted to the adult intensive care unit at Guys and St
Thomas NHS Trust between August 1996 and July 1997, who matched the inclusion crite-
ria. Patients were randomized into one of three treatment groups: Group 1 (suctioned
only); Group 2 (positioned and suctioned); and Group 3 (positioned, manually hyperin-
flated and suctioned). Baseline and 10, 30 and 60 minutes post-treatment data were
recorded for dynamic pulmonary compliance, arterial blood gases and haemodynamic
variables. Results were analysed by use of an SPSS software package with a repeated-mea-
sures analysis of variance (ANOVA). Results. Eighteen patients fitted the inclusion
criteria. Significant changes were observed in both PaCO2 (p = 0.026) and dynamic com-
pliance (p = 0.019) over time for all three groups. The arterial oxygen to fraction of
inspired oxygen ratio (PaO2:FiO2 ) did not alter significantly in any of the groups. With
respect to other oxygenation parameters, mixed venous oxygen saturation (SvO2 ) showed
a significant difference between the groups. Heart rate (HR) and systemic blood pressure
(BP) showed statistically significant, but not clinically significant differences over time.
Conclusions. Patients with acute lung injury are notably complex to nurse and may
require protracted physiotherapy intervention, which may take many forms. As de-recruit-
ment was the single most important event that occurred in the present study population, a
prescriptive chest physiotherapy approach to treating mechanically ventilated patients
with acute lung should be questioned and adapted accordingly.

Key words: acute lung injury, chest physiotherapy, mechanical ventilation, recruitment
158 Barker and Adams

INTRODUCTION understanding of the effects of three modes

of physiotherapy (endotracheal suction,
Chest physiotherapy is typically given to positioning and manual hyperinflation) that
patients who are ventilated mechanically to are commonly used in chest physiotherapy
aid the clearance of retained pulmonary in the acute lung injury patient group.
secretions, to recruit collapsed distal lung
units and to optimize the matching of venti-
lation and perfusion. The def inition of METHOD
chest physiotherapy in the context of Subjects
patients being ventilated mechanically may
vary, but in the UK mostly embodies a com- All mechanically ventilated patients with
bination of endotracheal suction, acute lung injury admitted to the adult
positioning and manual hyperinflation. intensive care unit at Guy s Hospital were
Clinical trials have been conducted in considered for the trial. Permission to con-
which these techniques have been used on duct the study was obtained from the local
mechanically ventilated patients with trauma, ethics committee and assent was obtained
post-operative cardiac surgery and acute from the nearest relative or next of kin of all
lobar atelectasis, respectively (Mackenzie et the patients. The trial took place between
al., 1980; Eales et al., 1995; Stiller et al., August 1996 and July 1997. Patients had to
1996). Other clinical trials have focused on meet the following inclusion criteria:
manual hyperinflation alone (Patman et al.,
1998; McCarren and Chow, 1998; Patman et Over 18 years of age.
al., 2000). This has meant that there is insuf- A Murray score* between 0 and 2.5
f icient research on the effects of chest (Table 1).
physiotherapy in mechanically ventilated Intubated and ventilated mechanically
patients with acute lung injury. (via an oral endotracheal tube) on pres-
Considering that acute lung injury is a sure support ventilation via a Siemens
pathology that presents commonly on the Servo Elema 900 C ventilator.
intensive care unit, frequently induced by Adequately sedated on a combination of
sepsis and aspiration (Beale et al., 1993; benzodiazepines and opiodes.
Doyle et al., 1995; Protopapas and Haemodynamically stable, with a mean
McLuckie, 1996), it would be difficult to arterial pressure >60 mmHg and no
support the routine use of chest physiother- acute cardiac dysrhythmias.
apy techniques in this patient group when Have an intra-arterial catheter and pul-
they have not been sufficiently investigated. monary artery catheter connected to a
To the knowledge of the authors, no pub- Hewlett Packard monitor (model 66S).
lished trials are available in which the The indwelling pulmonary artery
effects of chest physiotherapy on this catheter was also connected to a mixed
patient group have been considered. The venous oxygen saturation (SvO2) moni-
aim of the present study was to further tor (Baxter Vigilance monitor VG S2).

*If used with at risk diagnoses, the Murray score, according to the American/European Consensus Confer-
ence Definition (Bernard et al., 1994) has sufficient power to identify acute lung injury and acute respiratory
distress syndrome (ARDS).
Effect of chest physiotherapy in acute lung injury 159
TABLE 1: The Murray score components and individual values of the lung injury score

Chest roentgenogram score

No alveolar consolidation 0
Alveolar consolidation confined to 1 quadrant 1
Alveolar consolidation confined to 2 quadrants 2
Alveolar consolidation confined to 3 quadrants 3
Alveolar consolidation in all 4 quadrants 4
PaO2:FiO2 (mmHg)
300 0
225299 1
175224 2
100174 3
<100 4
PEEP (cm H2O)
5 0
68 1
911 2
1214 3
15 4
Compliance (ml/cm H2O)
80 0
6079 1
4059 2
2039 3
15 4

The final value is obtained by dividing the aggregate sum by the number of components that were used: No
lung injury, score = 0; Mild to moderate lung injury, score = 0.12.5; Severe lung injury (ARDS), score >2.5.
(Murray et al., 1988). PaO2: FiO2 = arterial oxygen to fraction of inspired oxygen ratio; PEEP = positive end
expiratory pressure.

Procedure patients were then positioned in both the

left and right lateral decubitus positions
Concealed, opaque envelopes were used to with head of bed at 0 elevation and
randomly allocate all patients to one of received endotracheal suction in these
three treatment groups: positions.
Group 3: Patients were treated as for
Group 1: Patients were positioned in the Group 2, with the addition of six manual
30 head-up, supine position. They were hyperinflation breaths before suctioning,
then pre-oxygenated to a fraction of by use of the Mapleson C system on an
inspired oxygen (FiO2) of 1.0 for three oxygen flow rate of 15 l\min. A Wrights
minutes and received endotracheal suc- spirometer was positioned in the circuit
tion. of the manual hyperinflation system, in
Group 2: Patients were positioned and order to ensure that 1.5 the set tidal
pre-oxygenated to an FiO 2 of 1.0 for volume was delivered. The bag was
three minutes as for Group 1. The compressed with both hands and an
160 Barker and Adams

inspiratory hold of two seconds was Heart rate (HR).

applied at the end of inspiration for each Systemic blood pressure (BP).
breath. Pulmonary capillary wedge pressure
The positions chosen reflect current Mixed venous oxygenation saturation
practice on the intensive care unit at Guys (SvO2).
and St Thomas NHS Trust and were based
on understanding the pathology of acute All indices were measured before treat-
lung injury, where atelectasis occurs in ment with the patient in the 30 head-up
dependent zones. Positioning to change supine position to obtain baseline values.
dependency of the lung bases is maximally Patients were then returned to this position
achieved in the prone position, but this after treatment (if the treatment included a
strategy is more commonly reserved for change in position) and monitoring of vari-
severe lung injured patients (those with ables was performed at 10, 30 and 60
acute respiratory distress syndrome). Since minutes after treatment. Transducers were
acute lung injury is infrequently associated re-zeroed after all changes in position. After
with high secretion load, conventional pos- 60 minutes the trial was complete and any
tural drainage positioning, targeting care that was then deemed necessary in the
specific lobes, was not used. patients management was resumed.
The procedures, as described above, Calculations were made of the
were repeated until the patients were clini- PaO2:FiO2 ratio, and the dynamic compli-
cally clear of secretions on auscultation. ance by use of the formula:
The treatment time was then recorded. The
patients in groups 2 and 3 were returned to C = TV k/PPEAK PEEP
the 30 head-up, supine position once the
procedures had been completed. The same where C = dynamic compliance, k = com-
two senior physiotherapists were used to pressible volume of ventilator, considered
perform the treatment procedures. One negligible on the Servo 900C (Siemens,
operator was consistently used to perform 1983) and PPEAK = Peak airway pressure.
the manual hyperinflation and the other to When TV and PPEAK were read, three con-
perform the suction, although both physio- secutive recordings were made and the
therapists were used to position the patients. mean value used in the calculation.
Nurses were used as independent observers Results were analysed by use of the SPSS
to record parameters. 6.1 software package. A repeated-measures
The following parameters were analysis of variance (ANOVA) with one
recorded: between-case factor and one within-case
factor was also conducted. The behaviour of
Arterial blood gases on an Instrumenta- all the groups together over time was also
tion Laboratory 1420 blood gas analyser. analysed. For each measured variable the
FiO2. group mean and standard deviation values
Inspired tidal volume (TV). were calculated by use of the Microsoft
Peak airway pressure (from the Siemens Excel 7.0 software, at pre-treatment and then
ventilator display panel). at 10, 30 and 60 minutes post-treatment. Sig-
Positive end expiratory pressure (PEEP). nificance was accepted as p<0.05.
Effect of chest physiotherapy in acute lung injury 161

RESULTS time (p = 0.788). However, there was a sig-

nif icant difference between the groups
Eighteen patients fitted the inclusion criteria;
(p = 0.03) with Group 2 showing a lower
one was excluded as a result of an asystolic
SvO2. Mean values for groups 1, 2 and 3 at
cardiac arrest with successful resuscitation.
pre-treatment and 10, 30 and 60 minutes
Table 2 shows demographic data, Murray
post-treatment are shown in Figure 1.
scores, treatment time, and temperature and
ventilation parameters for the 17 patients
who completed the trial. Of these 17 Partial pressure of carbon dioxide in
patients, six presented with sepsis following arterial blood (PaCO2)
laparotomy, five with aspiration pneumonia,
PaCO2 values showed a significant differ-
four with community acquired pneumonia,
ence over time (p = 0.026) with increases
one with pancreatitis and one with sepsis
observed at the 10-minutes post-treatment
from a central line infection.
measurement and returns to near baseline
Oxygenation values at the 60-minutes post-treatment
measurement. This difference is repre-
SvO2 sented in Figure 2. There was no
SvO2 did not change significantly over time significant difference between the groups
(p = 0.106) for each group, and did not over time (p = 0.564) nor between the
show a difference between the groups over groups (p = 0.780).

TABLE 2: Mean (SD) values describing the study group and total population in terms of demographics

Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Total

Age (years) 73 (2.6) 70 (7.4) 70 (16.3) 70 (10.9)

Sex 7 males
10 females

n 5 5 7 17

Days in study 2.8 (2.4) 4.4 (1.1) 4.1 (4.5) 3.8 (3.1)

Murray scores 1.9 (0.4) 2.35 (0.2) 2.14 (0.2) 2.13 (0.3)

Treatment time (min) 4.8 (2.8) 14.8 (2.3) 17.4 (2.1) 12.9 (5.9)

Temprature (C) 37.2 (1.1) 37.2 (1.4) 37.8 (0.4) 37.4 (0.4)

FiO2 (%) 0.42 (0.1) 0.47 (0.1) 0.4 (0.1) 0.43 (0.1)

PEEP (cm H2O) 8 (2.0) 8 (2.5) 8 (2.2) 8 (2.2)

PSV 12 (6) 17 (6) 13 (5) 14 (3)

SSS 5 (0.8)

SD = standard deviation; FiO2 = fraction of inspired oxygen; PEEP = positive end expiratory pressure; PSV =
pressure support ventilation; SSS = Sheffield sedation score.
162 Barker and Adams

Group 1
Group 2
Group 3

SvO2 (per cent)






Pre-treatment Post-treatment (minutes)

10 30 60
Group 1 74.4 73 73 72.8
Group 2 62.6 63.2 61 59.6
Group 3 71.8 73.3 70.2 70.9

FIGURE 1: Mean values of SvO2 for groups 1, 2 and 3, showing pre-treatment and 10, 30 and 60 minutes post-
treatment observations: SvO2 (per cent) = mixed venous oxygen saturation.

Group 1
49 Group 2
Group 3


PaCO2 (mmHg)







Pre-treatment Post-treatment (minutes)

10 30 60
Group 1 44.43 44.69 43.412 42.378
Group 2 45.63 48.138 47.89 46.436
Group 3 46.9 49.4 47.9 47.3

FIGURE 2: Mean values of PaCO2 (mmHg) for groups 1, 2 and 3, showing pre-treatment and 10, 30 and 60
minutes post-treatment observations: PaCO2 = partial pressure of carbon dioxide in arterial blood.
Effect of chest physiotherapy in acute lung injury 163

PaO2:FiO2 ratio
These results are shown graphically in
No significance was demonstrated in the Figure 3 where mean values are plotted.
PaO2:FiO2 ratio over time, for the groups
over time and between the groups. Haemodynamic variables

Dynamic compliance measurement Heart rate

Heart rate displayed a significant difference
Dynamic compliance displayed a signifi- over time (p = 0.012) as well as a difference
cant difference over time (p = 0.019) with a between the groups over time (p = 0.035).
decrease observed at the 10-minutes post- However, there was no significant differ-
treatment measurement. No significance ence in heart rate between the groups
was demonstrated between the groups over (p = 0.640). Mean values for groups 1, 2
time (p = 0.311). A p-value of 0.073 and 3 at pre-treatment and at 10, 30 and 60
observed for difference between the groups minutes post-treatment are plotted in
shows that dynamic compliance was not Figure 4.
significantly different between the groups
(given p<0.05), but since 0.073 approxi- Systemic blood pressure
mates to 0.05, it may suggest that each
group had slightly different compliance Systemic blood pressure displayed a signifi-
an observation commensurate with a cant difference over time (p = 0.002) with an
sample not matched at randomization. initial fall, followed by an increase to above

Group 1
Group 2
45 Group 3

Compliance (ml/cmH2O)





Pre-treatment Post-treatment (minutes)

10 30 60
Group 1 44.904 40.824 47.034 45.436
Group 2 26.644 26.1 26.66 27.326
Group 3 32.4 32.9 35 35

FIGURE 3: Mean values of dynamic pulmonary compliance for groups 1, 2 and 3, showing pre-treatment and
10, 30 and 60 minutes post-treatment observations: ml/cm H2O = millilitres per centimetres of water.
164 Barker and Adams

Group 1
Group 2

Group 3

HR (bpm)




Pre-treatment Post-treatment (minutes)

10 30 60
Group 1 85.8 89 88 89.8
Group 2 97.4 107 102.2 91.2
Group 3 97.1 99.7 96.4 96.3

FIGURE 4: Mean values for heart rate for groups 1, 2 and 3, showing pre-treatment and 10, 30 and 60 minutes
post-treatment observations: HR = heart rate; bpm = beats per minute.

Group 1
Group 2
85 Group 3

MAP (mmHg)




Pre-treatment Post-treatment (minutes)

10 30 60
Group 1 76.44 76.76 78.3 83.64
Group 2 79.36 72 72.98 87.18
Group 3 72.5 68.8 73.7 74.6

FIGURE 5: Mean values for mean arterial blood pressure for groups 1, 2 and 3 showing pre-treatment and 10,
30 and 60 minutes post-treatment observations: MAP = mean arterial blood pressure; mmHg = millimetres of
Effect of chest physiotherapy in acute lung injury 165

baseline values by the 60 minutes post- ing chest physiotherapy or not. Clearly, this
treatment measurement. This is shown in would have involved a very different study
Figure 5 where mean arterial pressures are design requiring a more homogenous group
plotted. No significance was demonstrated of patients and would have required many
between the groups over time (p = 0.276) or more patients to have sufficient power to
between the groups (p = 0.427). show that the physiotherapy alone had any
effect on mortality or even ventilator-free
Pulmonary capillary wedge pressure. days.
Ventilation strategies within the inten-
No significance was demonstrated in pul- sive care unit are now directed at optimal
monary capillary wedge pressure over time, recruitment of the injured, non-compliant
for the groups over time and between the lung and protecting it from the shear
groups. stresses, and thus further damage, induced
by continual alveolar collapse and reinfla-
DISCUSSION tion episodes (Dreyfuss et al., 1988; Amato
et al., 1995).
The respiratory physiotherapist working on The continual disconnection of the
the intensive care unit often encounters patients from the mechanical ventilation,
patients with acutely injured lungs. The whether for suction or manual hyperinfla-
temptation is to treat these patients conven- tion, results in disruption of the PEEP and
tionally using a combination of suction, subsequent de-recruitment (Jonson et al.,
positioning and manual hyperinflation, the 1999). Significant changes were observed
aim being to improve arterial blood gases in both PaCO 2 (p = 0.026) and dynamic
and pulmonary compliance by the clearance compliance (p =0.019) over time for all
of retained large airway secretions and the three groups. At the 10 minutes post-treat-
recruitment of peripheral lung units. The ment measurement PaCO 2 increased,
results of the present study challenge this suggesting a decrease in alveolar ventilation
notion. For the purposes of the present study, that can be explained by loss of recruitment
we chose not only to emulate a typical treat- of the injured lung. PaCO2 values gradually
ment pattern of practice but also to quantify returned to pre-treatment levels over the
the derecruitment that patients with acute next hour indicating slow re-recruitment
lung injury may experience after such phys- with controlled PEEP. Dynamic compliance
iotherapy interventions. The original measurements demonstrated the same mass
research question was not about whether or effect for the groups over time with no par-
not chest physiotherapy is useful in the inten- ticular differences between the groups,
sive care unit, but to quantify the effects of a confirming a derecruitment event. Simi-
single treatment, typically used in the UK. larly, dynamic compliance measurements
Short-term outcomes were used to assess the slowly returned towards baseline values
effects of the intervention, to monitor once the patient was reconnected to the
patients for longer than an hour, keeping all ventilator on controlled PEEP.
things constant during this period, is imprac- Patients in Group 3 responded the same
tical in the intensive care environment where as patients in groups 1 and 2 with respect to
other therapies and interventions have to be dynamic compliance and PaCO 2, which
carried out. Our outcomes were therefore not contradicts the expectation of improved
positioned on the long-term effects of receiv- recruitment with manual hyperinflation. A
166 Barker and AdamsBarker and Adams

trade-off clearly exists between disconnec- injured lung and manual hyperinflation to
tion with the resultant loss of recruitment recruit acute lobar collapse, where it is
and attempting to achieve recruitment with indeed the treatment of choice (Stiller et al.,
manual hyperinflation. 1996).
Manual hyperinflation has been the focus Since we postulated that there was de-
of many clinical trials (Goodnough, 1985; recruitment in the present study group, it is
Novak et al., 1987; Eales, 1989; Jones et al., not surprising to find that the PaO2:FiO2
1992; Eales et al., 1995), however, these ratio showed no significant improvement in
trials have all considered the therapeutic any of the groups. With respect to other
effects of self-inflating manual resuscitation oxygenation parameters, SvO 2 showed a
bags (MRB). Moreover, a meta-analysis of significant difference between the groups,
these studies has suggested that these self- with Group 2 having a lower mean value
inflating bags may have limited therapeutic than groups 1 and 3. Considering that the
value (Barker and Eales, 2000). Common patients in Group 2 had higher lung injury
practice in intensive care units within the scores (mean Murray score of 2.35 com-
UK involves the use of oxygen-powered pared with groups 1 and 2, see Table 2), the
manual resuscitation bags, for example the observations made for SvO2 are in keeping
Mapleson C re-breath systems. There is with a sample of patients who were not
scant literature on the therapeutic value of matched at randomization. The p value of
these systems. One trial identified investi- 0.073 for dynamic compliance values
gated the effects of a Mapleson B system on between the groups further supports this
respiratory parameters (Patman et al., 2000). observation. As none of the statistics for
These researchers looked at coronary artery ventilation and oxygenation parameters
surgery patients who received manual demonstrate significant difference between
hyperinflation for four minutes within the the groups this observation does not change
first four hours of operation. They reported the overall implication of the study.
significant increases in lung compliance and Since alterations in pulmonary wedge
PaO2:FiO2 ratio, but were unclear about the pressure (PCWP) can occur in side-lying,
clinical relevance of these observations. and thus measuring PCWP in side-lying is
The present study is unique in that it not recommended (Cason et al., 1990),
considered the therapeutic value of the measurements were taken with patients in
Mapleson C re-breath system, combined the supine position. There was no signifi-
with positioning and endotracheal suction cant effect on PCWP in the present study
in patients with acute lung injury. The role group. It is appreciated that since all the
of manual hyperinflation, as used in the pre- patients had indwelling pulmonary artery
sent study in the context of acute lung catheters, cardiac output measurements
injury, was not convincing. Despite small could have been made, but at the time that
sample sizes, notoriously a problem in ran- the present study was conducted, continu-
domized controlled clinical trials (Sackett ous cardiac output measurement technology
and Cook, 1993), it would be reasonable to was not available on the intensive care unit
postulate that if manual hyperinflation was at Guys and St Thomas NHS Trust. Mea-
a potent recruiter in this patient group, its suring cardiac output by thermodilution
effects may have been detected. A distinc- techniques, therefore, would have required
tion has to be made between the use of extra personnel and additional boluses of
manual hyperinflation for recruiting the fluid to be administered, the logistics of
Effect of chest physiotherapy in acute lung injury 167

which were not satisfactory at the time the suggest whether suction is indicated at all.
trial was conducted. Haemodynamic vari- We all appreciate that retained secretions
ables that were altered during the course of should be cleared, it is the manner and fre-
the study were heart rate and systemic quency in which they are cleared that
blood pressure, which showed significant becomes an important consideration. Posi-
differences over time with heart rate also tioning, as a technique, can be a significant
showing difference between the groups over variable in clinical trials concerned with
time. The latter is not readily explained. pulmonary function (Dean and Ross, 1992).
Blood pressure changes observed for all The present trial was not concerned with
groups indicate that manual hyperinflation measurement of the effects of positioning
and position changes caused no additional alone, but more with alternate side-lying
disturbance than suction alone. The patients positioning as a component of conventional
in the present study were not paralysed and physiotherapy management. Alternate side-
so the haemodynamic disturbances lying reflects only one approach open to the
observed with handling, position changes intensive care unit physiotherapist. Other
and coughing on suction are realistic. Phys- positioning strategies may form an integral
iotherapy and haemodynamic disturbance part of the management of patients with
may well be correlated to some extent with acute lung injury or acute respiratory dis-
some initial reports of danger (Laws and tress syndrome and should be exploited (for
McIntyre, 1969) and later reports of falls in example, head-down tilt and prone).
cardiac output associated with manual As regards manual hyperinflation, there
hyperinflation (Singer et al., 1994). Our is a need to further quantify anecdotal clini-
data showed that disturbance did indeed cal evidence for the therapeutic benefit of
occur; however, the clinical relevance of Mapleson C re-breath systems and the
these changes was not signif icant since potential for exploring recruitment manoeu-
patients included in the trial did not experi- vres during physiotherapy treatment.
ence severe hypotension, hypertension or Furthermore, the option not to use this
cardiac dysrhythmias and the responses mode of treatment in certain clinical situa-
may well have been attenuated as suggested tions rests only with the astute clinician.
by Klein et al. (1988) with high sedation It is recognized that the present study
levels (mean and standard deviation has limitations. These relate to the small
Sheffield sedation score = 5 (0.8)). We are sample size and that only a single treatment
of the opinion that despite sedation levels, within a series of potential treatments was
chest physiotherapy can be practised safely investigated. This makes it diff icult to
in the intensive care unit so that severe extrapolate too widely about the findings.
haemodynamic disturbance is avoided.
The traditional physiotherapy approach CONCLUSION
warrants review in patients with acute lung
injury. Adaptations can be made through Disconnection of patients with acute lung
alterations to suction practice, the exploita- injury from mechanical ventilation during
tion of positioning alone and the judicious physiotherapy treatment can result in signif-
use of manual hyperinflation. icant derecruitment of the lungs and altered
Endotracheal suction practice may war- physiology. The use of manual hyperinfla-
rant the use of closed-circuit suction. More tion does not appear to override the loss of
importantly, accurate assessment should PEEP and the derecruitment effects. How-
168 Barker and Adams
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