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Perpustakaan Universitas Indonesia >> Buku Teks

Mikologi dasar dan terapan / penyunting, Indrawati Gandjar, Wellyzar

Sjamsuridzal, and Ariyanti Oetari
Deskripsi Dokumen:

This paper examines the determinants of education and health expenditures in Indonesian Local Government
2006. Using cross-section education and health care expendituires data in 430 kabupaten/kota, models in
double-log form. The result shows that DAUcap, PADcap, and PDRBcap significant increasing education
and health care expenditures per capita. Education expenditures in Java bigger than others, health care
expenditures in Java and Java outsides are not different. Education expenditures in Kabupaten/Kota with
PDIP majority, bigger than others. School age in kabupaten/kota not significant influence education
expenditures, because education expenditure/child/annum under standard. Politic party not significant
differentiate health care expenditures in each local government.

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