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1) 11 rights of a person during custodial accused;(6) character and strength of

investigation (expanded Miranda Right the evidence; (7)probability of the accused

Doctrine) ( People vs Mahinay Feb. 15, 2010) appearing at trial; (8)forfeiture of other bonds;
(9) whether the accusedwas a fugitive from
-- justice when arrested; and (10) if the accused is
under bond for appearance at trial inother cases
2) Rights of an accused in a criminal
proceeding (sec 14) 4) Requites for valid confession (People v
Section 14, Article III, 1987 Philippine
Constitution To be admissible in evidence, an extrajudicial
confession must be: (i) voluntary; (ii) made with
(1)No person shall be held to answer for a the assistance of competent and independent
criminal offense without due process of law. counsel; (iii) express; and (iv) in writing. A
suspects confession, whether verbal or non-
(2) In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall verbal, when taken without the assistance of
be presumed innocent until the contrary is
counsel, without a valid waiver of such
assistance, regardless of the absence of
(3) and shall enjoy the right to be heard by coercion or the fact that it had been voluntarily
himself and counsel, given, is inadmissible in evidence, even if
appellants confession were gospel truth.
(4) to be informed of the nature and cause of the (PEOPLE VS. DANO, G.R. NO. 117690, 339
accusation against him, SCRA 515, SEPT. 1, 2000; PEOPLE VS.
SAMOLDE, G.R. NO. 128551, 336 SCRA 632,
(5) to have a speedy, JUL. 31, 2000).

(6) impartial, 5) 3 instances when accused must be

present in a criminal prosecution
(7) and public trial,
1. During arraignment
(8) to meet the witnesses face to face,
2. Promulgation of the decision and
(9) and to have compulsory process to secure 3. When he is to be identified by the witnesses
the attendance of witnesses and the production
for the prosecution, he must be present
of evidence in his behalf. However, after
arraignment, trial may proceed notwithstanding
the absence of the accused provided that he has 6) Requisites for waiver of presence during a
been duly notified and his failure to appear is criminal prosecution
In Aquino, Jr. vs. Military Commission "the
(10) Right against self incrimination accused may waive his presence in the criminal
proceedings except at the stages where
(11) Right against double jeopardy identification of his person by the prosecution
witnesses is necessary. The accused will waiver
3) 10 factors of granting bail? (Villasenor v in any case where the accused agrees explicitly
Abanio) and unequivocally in writing signed by him or
personally manifests clearly and indubitably in
Guidelines in fixing bail: (1) ability of the
open court and such manifestation is recorded,
accused to give bail; (2)) nature of the offense;
that whenever a prosecution witness mentions a
(3)penalty for the offense charged; (4) character
name by which the accused is known, the
andreputation of the accused; (5) health of the
witness is referring to him and to no one else."
7.a.) Right against self incrimination dismissed or otherwise terminated without the
express consent of the accused. (PEOPLE VS.
Generally, it applies only to testimonial ALMARIO, 355 SCRA 1)
compulsion. As such, forcing a person to give a
sample of his urine to determine whether a 9a) When must an accused be present in
woman is pregnant (Villaflor vs. Summers, 41 trial?
Phil. 62); whether a person is suffering from
sexually transmitted disease (US vs. Tang Teng, During arraignment, promulgation of the
23 Phil. 145) or under the influence of prohibited decision and when he is to be identified by the
drugs (PEOPLE VS. BANIHIT, G.R. NO. witnesses for the prosecution, he must be
132045, 339 SCRA 86, AUG. 25, 2000; present.
9b) Requisites to waive right to be present in
100801- 02, 339 SCRA 1, AUG. 25, 2000) does
not violate the persons right against self-
incrimination. Likewise forcing one to try a pair During arraignment, promulgation of the
of shoes, pants or shirt does not fall under the decision and when he is to be identified by the
above proscription. witnesses for the prosecution, he must be
present. However, he can validly waive his
7.b.) Does the right against self-incrimination
presence after arraignment when he state in
applicable to civil and administrative cases
open court or in an affidavit that whenever a
witness mentions his name during the
Yes but unlike in criminal cases where the presentation of the prosecutions evidence, he
accused could not be presented by the admits that he is the one being referred to.
prosecution and his right not to take the witness (Aquino vs. Military Commission, 63 SCRA 546;
stand is absolute, an adverse party in a civil or P vs. Judge, 125 SCRA 269)
administrative cases may be presented by the
10)When is there inordinate delay?
other party but could refuse to answer only if the
question propounded calls for an incriminatory In JAIME BERNAT VS. SANDIGANBAYAN, May
answer. 20, 2004, it was held that the right to speedy trial
is violated only if the proceedings were attended
8) When is a penalty considered cruel and
by vexatious, capricious and oppressive delays.
unusual (p v estoista)
The determination of whether the delays are of
(P vs. Estoista, 93 Phil. 647). It is only when the said nature is relative and cannot be based on
punishment is shocking to the conscience of the mere mathematical reckoning of time. Particular
community and disproportionate to the offense regard to the facts and circumstances of the
charged that the penalty becomes cruel and case. As held in the case of DE LA PENA VS.
unusual. In fact, the Supreme Court held in SANDIGANBAYAN, certain factors shall be
ECHEGARAY VS. SECRETARY OF JUSTICE considered and balanced to determine if there is
that death through Lethal Injection is the most delay, as follows: Length of the delay; Reasons
humane way of implementing the death penalty. for the delay; Assertion or failure to assert such
right by the accused; and Prejudiced caused by
9) Requisites of double jeopardy the delay. There is no violation of the right to
speedy disposition of his case because
There is double jeopardy when there is: [1] valid petitioner failed to assert his constitutional right
complaint of information; [2] filed in a court of to a speedy disposition of his case. During the 8-
competent jurisdiction; [3] the accused was year period prior to April 19, 2002, petitioner did
validly arraigned; and [4] the accused was not complain about the long delay in deciding his
convicted or acquitted, or the case was case.
17 and 18) two types of immunity (Galman v the jurisdiction of the Sandiganbayan which is
Pamaran) not a penal law. Ex post facto law prohibits the
retrospectivity of penal laws. RA 8249 is not a
Immunity statutes may be generally classified penal law. It is a substantive law on jurisdiction
into two: one, which grants "use immunity"; and which is not penal in character. (PANFILO M.
the other, which grants what is known as LACSON VS. THE EXECUTIVE SECRETARY,
"transactional immunity." The distinction THE SANDIGANBAYAN, ET AL., ROMEO
between the two is as follows: "Use immunity" ACOP & FRANCISCO ZUBIA, JR., G.R. No.
prohibits use of witness' compelled testimony 128096, January 20, 1999)
and its fruits in any manner in connection with
the criminal prosecution of the witness. On the 25b) what are the 7 features of Ex-Post Facto
other hand, "transactional immunity" grants Law
immunity to the witness from prosecution for an
offense to which his compelled testimony In order that a law is an ex post facto law, the
relates." (Galman v Pamaran) same must be one a. which makes an act
done criminal before the passing of the law and
19) Requisites of trial in absentia which was innocent when committed, and
punishes such action; b. which aggravates a
The requisites of a valid trial in absentia are the crime or makes it greater than when it was
following: The accused was duly arraigned; The committed; c. which changes the punishment
accused was notified of the hearing; and The and inflicts a greater punishment than the law
accuseds absence [during the trial] is annexed to the crime when it was committed; d.
unjustifiable which alters the legal rules of evidence and
receives less or different testimony than the law
24) Supervening Fact Doctrine?
required a the time of the commission of the
It simply provides that an accuseds conviction offense in order to convict the defendant; e.
shall not be a bar to another prosecution for an every law which, in relation to the offense or its
offense which necessarily includes the offense consequences, alters the situation of a person to
charged in the former complaint or information his disadvantage; f. that which assumes to
when the graver offense developed due to regulate civil rights and remedies but in effect
supervening facts arising from the same act or imposes a penalty or deprivation of a right which
omission constituting the former charge or that when done was lawful; g. deprives a person
the facts constituting the graver charge became accused of a crime of some lawful protection to
known only or were discovered after a plea was which he has become entitled, such as the
entered in the former complaint or information. protection of a former conviction or acquittal, or
(Section 7, Rule 117, 2000 Rules of Criminal a proclamation of amnesty (KAY VILLEGAS
Procedure; P vs. Tarok, 73 Phil. 260; P vs. KAMI, 35 SCRA 429; MEJIA VS. PAMARAN,
Villasis, 46 O.G. 268; Melo vs. People, 85 Phil. 160 SCRA 457; TAN VS. BARRIOS, 190 SCRA
766; P vs. Buling, 107 Phil. 712; P vs. Adil, 76 686; PEOPLE VS. SANDIGANBAYAN, 211
SCRA 462; P. vs. Tac-an, 182 SCRA 601; and P SCRA 241).
vs. City Court of Manila, 121 SCRA 637

25a) Requisites of Ex-Post Facto Law

Only if the law sought to be applied is a [1]

criminal law or penal in nature; [2] it is applied
retroactively; and that [3] it is prejudicial to the
accused. Otherwise, the same may not be
invoked as when the questioned law involves

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