Rizal Refcrit 1

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Jobby Jay P.

The Role of an Individual in History: A Reconsideration - A Reflection-
To begin, this article is all about the analysis of the cultural evolution of
the society which covers the different ways of solving different kind of situations
in the society. This article is to be incorporated with the life and works of Jose
P. Rizal during his existence and some of my realization about certain facts.
From the article, early 18th to 20th century was the age of enlightenment
(apparently when Jose Rizal existed). At the early stage of the regime, it is the
age of the awakening of people and philosophy of enlightenment appeared.
According to the article, The role of an individual in history was recognized to
be rather great. In particular it was considered that an outstanding ruler could
change history dramatically just having in mind such an idea and having rather
strong will and sufficient means to accomplish this. At this time, Spaniards,
particularly the friars had a tough time dealing with us due to the awakening of
the indios through the works and even the death of Rizal. It is even applicable
in the present time, which we are confronted with different kinds of situations
and we, in the society has the potential to change history like what Jose Rizal
did in the past.
In the article, there are 4 phases of modeling the change of role of an
individual in various phases of society states. First, is the stable society of the
monarchy type, wherein it was a relatively quiet role of individual although
different situation in the society arise. Second, when the system is starting to
decline, The country is on the threshold of social-political explosion. Third
phase starts when the regime dies under revolutionary pressure, where society
starts solving problems on its own. Lastly, the start of the new regime, which is
new and independent to the other. In the four phases, I can see Jose Rizal which
is the key of the new regime which is the free Philippines. By his works and in
lieu in the first paragraph, people were enlightened to change and decline to be
mistreated and to be free to the bonds of the Friars. After the death of Rizal, it
sharpens the struggle of our country in winning over our problems and shaping
the society.
As a conclusion, it all boils down to what Rizal did to our country. His
utmost love to our country resulted to our freedom today. As a student today, I
can say that in any ways, it may be in a major and in a minor situation, I can be
a potential change to the society just like what Rizal did way back then and
according to the article.

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