Baby Lab Honors Project

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Buckley 1

Madysen Buckley


Biology Honors

Nov 11th, 2015

Biology Honors Project Checkpoint 1- Quarter 2

I. For my Baby Lab that we had done in class, my daughter, Taylor Mehl, had

been given to myself, Madysen Buckley, my husband, Rachel Mehl on

November 2nd, 2015.

II. Taylor had inherited four autosomal dominant and recessive traits through

Rachel and I such as her freckles, nose size, hair curliness, and eyelash length.

Taylors, freckles, which both Rachel and I have, turned out to be homozygous

dominant, as well as her nose size, hair curliness and eyelash length. Taylors

freckles were present and her nose was a small, round button. Also, her hair,

just as her parents, was straight and her eyelashes were short, just like

III. One trait that Taylor had inherited, incomplete dominance wise, from Rachel

and I was her eye color. Incomplete dominance is when some heterozygous

genotypes allow both alleles to partially show by blending together. Taylors

genotype had been mixed with B-Brown eyes, and b-blue eyes, which created

her very own genotype, Bb. This combination led to the phenotype oh her

Hazel eye color.

IV. One polygenic trait that Taylor inherited was the color of her skin. A

Polygenic trait is a trait that is coded for by more than one allele. Taylors

phenotype BB, which codes for B-Light skin.

Buckley 1


VI. In my karyotype, the disease that is indicated is Down Syndrome. The way I

AA AA can tell Taylor has Down Syndrome is that she has one more

AB AB chromosome in a set, which is called Trisomy. The symptoms

of Down Syndrome are flattened facial features, a small head, short neck,

protruding tongue, ect. The prognosis, or long-term outcome, for Taylor will

possibly not living past age fifty as well as a long-term learning and social

disability. The type of assistance and treatment Taylor will need in her future

because of her disability, will be learning developmental help, social

development help, help with her speech, help with learning numbers, and

verbal short-term memory help.

VII. Citation:
"Down Syndrome." Causes. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Nov. 2015.
"Down Syndrome Prognosis, Prevention." - Down Syndrome. N.p., n.d. Web. 12
Nov. 2015.
"Development and Learning." For People with Down SyndromeS. N.p., n.d. Web.
12 Nov. 2015.
"What Is Incomplete Dominance in Genetics?" Education. N.p., n.d.
Web. 12 Nov. 2015.

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