Quantum Ag Instrument Users Manual 2017-05-01 v1 A4

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Quantum Agriculture Instrument

Users Manual
May 1, 2017 Version 1.0

The Quantum Agriculture instrument is a state-of-the-art, multi-channel energy capture,
imprinting, and broadcast tool designed to seamlessly integrate the waveforms produced by
magneto geometric information cards, physical samples, electronic signals/frequencies, and
other radionic instruments. Key features include:

Input: Four channel signal capture from on-board helical coil sample wells and
neodymium magnet-driven information card reading banks, with the ability to
independently set potency levels from 1X to 10MM on each channel.
Input: Auxiliary input of external frequency information and/or sample wells through
a pair of banana jacks and/or a 1/8 (3.5mm) stereo jack.
Amplification and Phase Control: A pair of in-line amplifiers provide signal gain and
phase reversal for making both copies and opposites of original signal inputs.
Timer: Process signals in continuous mode or utilize the onboard timer for imprinting
and/or broadcasts ranging from 1 minute to nearly 30 hours.
Interrupter: Pulse outgoing signals at one of three tempos: Slow (4.0 Hz), Medium
(7.83 Hz the Schumann Earth Resonance Tone), or Fast (12.0 Hz).
Output: Amplified signal output is delivered to one onboard helical coil imprinting well
and a set of Aux-Out jacks - two banana and one 1/8 (3.5mm) stereo - for signal
export to additional imprinting wells, radionic instruments, antennas, and other
Power: Operate via an external power supply or off-line for 24-30 hours using the
internal rechargeable lithium-ion battery. This battery is automatically recharged
whenever an external power supply is connected.
Memory Hold: All previous instrument settings are saved when the unit is turned off.
Old settings may also be cleared from memory by pressing and holding the Main Power
button for two seconds.
Sleep Function: The Quantum Agriculture instrument extends battery life by
automatically shutting down after 30 minutes without use.

1. Start-Up
A. MAIN Power Button: The MAIN button toggles main power ON/OFF for the entire
instrument. Press this button to turn the instrument on and off.
OFF: Everything off and dark
ON: All LCD displays will illuminate and display the word OFF.
MAIN, PHASE, and START lamps will illuminate.
PULSE lamp will also illuminate if that mode was being used in last session.

Memory Hold: All settings are automatically stored from the last time the Quantum
Ag instrument was used. Turn MAIN Power on, then:
INPUT Bank Potency Levels: Turn on each bank to see each previous setting.
TIMER setting: Turn on the timer to see last setting.
PHASE Mode setting: Mode indicated by LED lamp color displayed.
PULSE Mode setting: Mode indicated by LED lamp color displayed.

Memory Clear: To clear all stored settings, press and hold the MAIN Power Button for
two seconds, then release. The instrument will clear the memory and turn off.
B. Power Management: The Quantum Agriculture instrument may be powered by an
external power supply or via the internal rechargeable lithium-ion battery. The MAIN
lamp indicates the power state as follows:
Green lamp = External Power is connected.
Green lamp = Battery charge is between 25% and 100%.
Red lamp = Battery charge is low! Less than 25% charge remaining.

External Power Supply: The power supply delivered with the instrument is self-
switching and can be used almost anywhere in the world, though a wall socket adapter
may be required. Plug the barrel plug into the POWER jack on the instrument, then
plug the power supply into the wall socket.

Power Supply Specifications:

Input = 100-240 volts AC
Output = 5 volts DC
Minimum Capacity = 1.0 Amp
Output Connector = DC barrel plug (5.5 x 2.5mm)

Lithium-Ion Battery: The internal battery has an approximate life of 24-30 hours
depending on modes selected when the instrument is in use. The battery is
automatically recharged whenever an external power supply is connected to the
POWER jack. It will take 4-5 hours to fully recharge a heavily depleted battery.

Battery Specifications
Rechargeable Lithium Ion Battery
Model Number: 18650
Output: 3.7 volts
Capacity: 3400mAh

The internal battery is expected to have a working life of 7-10 years, depending on
usage. If the battery will no longer hold a charge, contact your Quantum Agriculture
representative to arrange replacement of the internal battery.

Sleep Function: In order to maximize battery life, the Quantum Agriculture instrument
will automatically shut down after 30 minutes without any user inputs and if no
broadcasts/imprints are taking place. Restart the instrument normally using the MAIN
Power Button.

2. Inputs
A. Internal Inputs: Four identical INPUT banks capture subtle energy fields from
witnesses and samples placed in Pyrex helical coil sample wells and patterns of
information from Magneto Geometric-style cards. INPUT banks 1-4 can be used in any
order or combination.
a. Activate the desired INPUT bank using the Power switch for that bank.
b. Place sample/witness in well and/or information card in slot for that bank. Wells
and card slots are both active when the bank is on, and both may be used
c. Select desired potency using the UP and DOWN arrow buttons for that bank.
Single Step - Press once to move one step in the desired direction.
Quick Advance - Press and hold arrow button for one second, then release.
UP arrow will move from: 1X to 1C to 1M to 1MM to 1X
DOWN arrow will move from: 1X to 1MM to 1M to 1C to 1X

d. Available potency settings include:

1X 1C 1M 1 MM 35 X 35 C 35 M
2X 2C 2M 2 MM 36 X
3X 3C 3M 3 MM 37 X
4X 4C 4M 4 MM 38 X
5X 5C 5M 5 MM 39 X
6X 6C 6M 6 MM 40 X 40 C 40 M
7X 7C 7M 7 MM 41 X
8X 8C 8M 8 MM 42 X
9X 9C 9M 9 MM 43 X
10 X 10 C 10 M 10 MM 44 X
11 X 11 C 11 M 45 X
12 X 12 C 12 M 46 X
13 X 13 C 13 M 47 X
14 X 14 C 14 M 48 X
15 X 15 C 15 M 49 X
16 X 16 C 16 M 50 X 50 C 50 M
17 X 17 C 17 M 55 X
18 X 18 C 18 M 60 X 60 C 60 M
19 X 19 C 19 M 65 X
20 X 20 C 20 M 70 X 70 C 70 M
21 X 75 X
22 X 80 X 80 C 80 M
23 X 85 X
24 X 90 X 90 C 90 M
25 X 25 C 25 M 100 C 100 M
26 X 200 C 200 M
27 X 300 C 300 M
28 X 400 C 400 M
29 X 500 C 500 M
30 X 30 C 30 M 600 C 600 M
31 X 700 C 700 M
32 X 800 C 800 M
33 X 900 C 900 M
34 X

B. Auxiliary Inputs: Located on the left side of the Quantum Agriculture instrument case
are two sets of auxiliary input ports:
Banana Jacks: Red (+) and black (-) jacks for use with auxiliary sample wells and
other input devices. For KRT Standard Sample Wells, match red and black jacks
on the Quantum Agriculture and KRT instruments. For KRT XL Wells, connect to
either of the gray jacks found on the XL Well.
Stereo Jack: 3.5mm stereo jack for use with signal generators, computers, music
players, and other sources of external frequencies. Simply connect the desired
external device to the appropriate Auxiliary Input jack(s), then utilize that device
according to manufacturers instructions. Incoming signals will be seamlessly
integrated into the mix created by the Quantum Agriculture instrument for
imprinting and/or broadcasting.
3. Timer
The Quantum Agriculture instrument has the ability to operate in Continuous mode or
Timer mode. Continuous mode will remain on until stopped by the operator or until the
internal battery is completely discharged, when operating remotely.

A. TIMER Button: The TIMER button toggles between Continuous and Timer Modes.
Continuous Mode On: LCD display shows the word OFF
Timer Mode On: LCD display shows timer setting in Hours and Minutes

B. UP and DOWN Buttons: Select the desired TIMER settings using the UP and DOWN
arrow buttons for the Hours and Minutes. Minimum Timer setting is 00:01 (one
minute). Maximum Timer setting is 29:59 (29 hours and 59 minutes).
Single Step - Press once to move one minute or one hour in the desired direction.
Quick Advance - Press and hold arrow button for one second, then release, to jump
10 minutes or hours in the selected direction.

After START of program, Timer LCD display will count down by minute to 00:00, then
turn off the instrument and display OFF.

4. Phase Mode
The Quantum Agriculture instrument has the ability to imprint/broadcast through In
Phase (making a copy) and Reverse Phase (making an opposite or a remedy) signal
output modes.
PHASE Button: The PHASE button toggles between In Phase and Reverse Phase modes.
The active Phase mode is indicated by the PHASE lamp.

In Phase Mode: LED lamp displays green. Use this mode to make energetic
copies of signals captured from information cards, input
wells, and/or Auxiliary Input jacks.
Reverse Phase Mode: LED lamp displays red. Use this mode to create opposites
waveforms that are 180 degrees out of phase from the

5. Pulse Mode
The Quantum Agriculture instrument has the ability to pulse the outgoing signal broadcast
at one of three tempos using the PULSE button. In PULSE mode, the outgoing signal is
turned on and off at the indicated frequency.
PULSE Button: The Pulse button toggles the Pulse mode from Off to Slow to Medium to
Fast, then back to Off. The active mode is indicated by the PULSE lamp.

Pulse Mode LED Lamp Pulse Rate (Hertz = cycles per second)
Off Off None
Slow Green 4.00 Hz
Medium Yellow/Orange 7.83 Hz the Schumann Earth Resonance Tone
Fast Red 12.00 Hz
6. Program Start
Use the START button to start and stop imprinting and broadcast programs set on the
Quantum Agriculture instrument. The unit is not operating until you press START!

OFF: Instrument IS NOT imprinting/broadcasting. LED lamp displays red.

ON: Instrument IS imprinting/broadcasting. LED lamp displays green.

The START button can be used to momentarily pause timed imprints and/or broadcasts.
The timer will resume countdown after the START button is used to restart the program.

7. Outputs
A. Imprinting Well
In the lower right corner of the instrument is a Pyrex helical-coil well labeled OUTPUT.
Place any items to be imprinted inside this sample well prior to starting the program.

B. Auxiliary Outputs
Located on the right side of the Quantum Agriculture instrument case are two sets of
auxiliary output ports:
Banana Jacks: Red (+) and black (-) jacks for use with additional imprinting wells,
radionic instruments, scalar broadcast antenna, and other output devices.
o Increase Imprinting Capacity by adding an external imprinting well.
For KRT Standard Sample Wells: Match red and black jacks on the
Quantum Agriculture and the KRT Standard Sample Well.
For KRT XL Wells: Connect either of the jacks to either of the gray
jacks found on the KRT XL Well.
o Analyze the impact of your programs using a radionic instrument.
KRT instruments: Connect the red and black output jacks on the Quantum
Agriculture instrument with the red (Aux) and black (Ground) input jacks on
the KRT instrument. KRT antenna remain plugged into the blue jacks on the
KRT instrument.
o Broadcast your programs remotely using scalar/radionic antenna.
KRT Standard Reaction Plate/Antenna or Perfect Spiral Antenna: Plug the
blue plugs on the antenna into the red and black output jacks on the
Quantum Agriculture instrument.
Stereo Jack: 1/8 (3.5mm) stereo jack for use with other external output devices.

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