Penang BI Pemahaman Set 2 2017 - 1

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Section A

[20 marks]

Questions 1 to 5
Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.

1. Roslan often ____________ television at night.

A watch
B watches
C watched
D watching

2. We will have to postpone the game _______ it rains heavily today.

A if
B but
C although
D because

3. Vijay is a dentist, ____________ he?

A is
B are
C isnt
D arent

4. The gardener told ______ not to play near the road but we did not listen.
A us
B her
C him
D them

5. Encik Adnan waited ___________ for his daughter to finish her homework.
A slowly
B quickly
C hurriedly
D patiently
Question 6
Choose the most suitable proverb.

6. You look exactly like your mother when she was your age. It is true when
people say _______________________.
A the apple of someones eye
B a rotten apple spoils the barrel
C the apple doesnt fall far from the tree
D an apple a day keeps the doctor away

Questions 7 to 9
Choose the best answer for each blank.

Swee Chin likes helping her uncle in the farm. She helps her uncle to milk the
______7______. She also loves to feed the goats ____8____ the pen. Her younger brother
spends his time ______9_____ the eggs from the chicken coop. Both of them enjoy spending
time there.

7. A cows
B dogs
C horses
D donkeys

8. A in
B of
C into
D above

9. A collect
B collects
C collected
D collecting
Question 10
Choose the word that has the same meaning as the underlined word.

10. You must always be quiet in the library.

A loud
B silent
C noisy
D calm

Question 11
Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation.

11. A watch out! There is a drain behind you.

B Watch out! There is a drain behind you.
C Watch out! there is a drain behind you.
D Watch out. There is a drain behind you!
Questions 12 to 15
Based on the picture, choose the best answer to fill in the passage that follows.

Madam Tan is teaching her pupils about poetry. The pupils are __12__ attentively to her. Lina is
the ____13____ pupil in the class so she is sitting in the front row. Her best friend, Adam is
sitting ___14___ her. Madam Tan is giving the pupils tasks on jazz chants ___15___ poems.
They really enjoy Madam Tans poetry class.

12. A listen
B listens
C listened
D listening

13. A short
B shorter
C shortest
D as short as

14. A on
B into
C above
D behind

15. A so
B but
C and
D since
Questions 16 to 20
Read the e-mail below carefully. Then answer the questions that follow.

To: Date : 15th May 2017
Subject : Mothers Day Time : 8.30 p.m.

Hi Nuraini,
How was Mothers Day? What did you do for your mother? As for me, my family and I
had a special celebration yesterday..

My sisters and I cooked Mamas favourite dish, chicken soup. We found a splendid
recipe from a website and decided to try it. It turned out to be delicious. Mama loved it very
much. Papa and my brother, Hakim, purchased a tiramisu cake with a special note of love written
on it.

A couple of days before the event, Papa brought us to the shopping mall to get Mama a
gift. Although the others wanted to give her a branded leather handbag, I thought that a pink
pearl necklace would be a more suitable gift for her. She could wear it with her new maroon baju
kurung. I was outnumbered.

So, on that special day, we sat around Mama in the living room. Hakim presented her
with a bouquet of roses and recited a poem that he had composed for her. I gave her the handbag
and said that it was from all of us. Mama smiled and thanked us for everything. What a
wonderful day for Mama! I would like to hear about your Mothers Day celebration. Till then,

Best regards,

16 The above e-mail is mainly about ______________________ celebration.

A. Fathers Day
B. Mothers Day
C. Childrens Day
D. Mamas birthday
17 Ainun obtained the recipe from a _____________________________ .
A. new magazine
B. local cookbook
C. recipe website
D. newspaper clipping

18 The word outnumbered means that _____________________________ .

A. the minority wins
B. the majority wins
C. everyone wins
D. no one wins

19 Choose the correct statement about the special occasion.

A. Mama got a pearl necklace as a gift.
B. They celebrated the day at a restaurant.
C. Hakim bought a chocolate cake for his mother.
D. The daughters cooked Mamas favourite dish.

20 All the following statements are false except _________________________ .

A. The handbag was bought two days before the special occasion
B. They bought all the dishes from Mamas favourite restaurant
C. Mama was given a stalk of sunflower
D. Hakim read a story on mothers love
[30 marks]

Question 21
Write a suitable response for each picture in the space provided.

(a) Answer:
Let me help you.

[2 marks]

(b) Answer:
What is he
[2 marks]

(c) Answer:

[2 marks]

We saw a ball hit the

Question 22
Read the letter below and answer the questions that follow.

Dear Siti,

Nice to hear from you. How are you? I really hope you are doing well. Right now I am
busy doing revision for my UPSR trial exam. The exam is just around the corner.

I received your letter two weeks ago. You mentioned your financial problems in your
letter. I do understand that living expenses in Johor can be higher than any other places.

Well, last month my teacher talked about money and she gave some tips on how to
manage it. She said we must set a budget first. According to her, this is a good habit to control
our cash flow. It will help us to spend our money wisely. Besides that, we must not over spend
our pocket money.

Other than that, we must know how to differentiate between what we need and what we
want. Please avoid from shopping at malls which are generally more expensive. Just shop at a
night market or any mini market and you can save a lot.

Last but not least, she said by managing our money well, we will be disciplined and will
not borrow money.

I hope these tips are useful and will help to solve your problems. Bye for now and take

Your friend,
Write True or False in the space provided.

(a) Siti is Salinas relative.

(b) Salina received the letter two weeks ago.

[2 marks]
Write your answer in the space provided.

(c) What happens when you manage your money well?


[2 marks]

(d) How do you manage your money when you go shopping?

Give two suggestions.


[2 marks]

(e) What do you think about borrowing money from others? Give a reason.


[2 marks]
Question 23
Read the diary below and answer the questions that follow.
Holiday Camp at Summer Skye
Diana s Diary
2 June 2017
1.00 p.m. : registered and checked into our rooms
2.00 p.m. : assembled at the hall
the organiser briefed us about the programme
divided into groups
3.00 p.m. : taken to the nearby pool
learned to canoe in pairs
5.00 p.m. : gathered at the field
played traditional games in respective groups
6.30 p.m. : rested, refreshed and had dinner
8.30 p.m. : listened to a talk on First Aid
11.00 p.m. : went to bed
3 June 2017
6.00 a.m. : woke up
6.30 a.m. : exercised in the field
7.30 a.m. : refreshed and had breakfast
8.30 a.m. : went for nature walk in the nearby jungle with binoculars
enjoyed the beauty of nature
watched beautiful and rare birds
12.30 p.m. : returned from nature walk
had lunch and rested
2.00 p.m. : went up the small hill
experienced flying fox
3.30 p.m. : participated in team building activities
5.00 p.m. : checked out our rooms

Tick () the correct answer.

a) On the 2nd June, Diana .

learned to canoe
went nature walk
exercised in the field
[1 mark]
b) At 8.30 p.m. they

had their dinner

learn about first aid
went to bed
[1 mark]

c) Match the phrases in List A to the suitable phrases in List B. An example is

given below.

List A List B
The organiser briefed them 6.30 a.m. in the field
They exercised at Diana watched rare birds
Diana had lunch about the programme
During the nature walk after the nature walk
[2 marks]

Write your answers in the spaces provided.

d) What is the need of the binoculars during their nature walk activity?


[ 2 marks]

e) In your opinion, why the team building activities are included in the Holiday


[2 marks]
Question 24 and 25
Study the recipe and read the email below. Answer the questions that follow.

Malaysian Deep Fried Banana Fritters Recipe

4-6 ripe bananas, peel and slice in half
1/2 cup self-raising flour
1/4 cup corn flour
1 tablespoon rice flour
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
a pinch of salt
90ml cold water
1.5 tablespoon cooking oil (to add to batter)
cooking oil (for deep frying)

Instructions :
1. Mix together the self-raising flour, corn flour, rice flour, and salt.
2. Slowly add cold water and whisk until you get a smooth batter with no
3. Slice the bananas into halves.
4. Then add to batter. Leave it for about five minutes before frying.
5. Heat oil in a frying pan or wok.
6. Deep fry the well-coated bananas until they are golden yellow.
7. Place the banana fritters on paper towels to absorb any excess oil before

From: Date: 7th July 2017

To: Time: 10.00 a.m.
Subject: Deep Fried Banana Fritters Recipe
Dear Huda,
Im sorry for the late reply. I was caught up with my revision as the final exam is just
around the corner. Im glad to know you enjoyed the deep fried banana fritters prepared by my
mother when you came over to my place last weekend. Her banana fritters are to die for. We
usually have them for tea.
There are different varieties of bananas. My mother told me that Pisang Raja and Pisang
Abu are the best banana varieties for banana fritters. Do not use Pisang Emas. I have attached
my mothers secret recipe for you. I cant wait for you to try it. Please let me know how the
banana fritters turn out.

Question 24
Tick () the correct answer.
(a) Based on the recipe, which ingredient is not used in the recipe?
rice flour
wheat flour
corn flour
[1 mark]

(b) What types of bananas are suitable for this recipe?

Pisang Raja and Pisang Emas
Pisang Emas and Pisang Abu
Pisang Abu and Pisang Raja
[1 mark]

Question 25
Write your answer in the space provided.
(a) State two reasons why banana fritters are popular amongst Malaysians.

[2 marks]

What do you understand by the statement?
Her banana fritters are to die for.


[2 marks]

(c) How do you like to eat your banana? Why?


[2 marks]

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