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Course (Catalog) Description: This course is a capstone seminar in general
management and can be only taken upon successful completion of the five
preceding courses. The knowledge, theories, skills, and techniques derived from all
previous courses will be integrated. Analysis and diagnosis of business problems
will be applied in order to formulate strategies, tactics, plans, and policies for the
improvement of organizational performance. Accomplished through practice in
rational and responsible decision-making processes, the course will develop a well-
defined approach to solving the technical, economic, and human problems of


At the conclusion of this course, the student should able to:
1. Providing recapitulations and summaries;
2. Making observations that integrate concepts and discussions;
3. Citing relevant personal examples;
4. Asking key questions that lead to revealing discussions;
5. Engaging in devil's advocacy;
6. Disagreeing with the instructor when the difference of opinion serves as both
counterpoint and a way of exploring all sides of a concept, issue, or practice;
7. Presenting one of his/her thought items to the class;
8. Working with others to come to a common understanding of topics -- in and
out of the classroom;
9. Offering a different and unique, but relevant insight into the issue;
10. Moving the discussion forward with a concrete example to generate
a deeper, richer appreciation of the conceptual issue; and
11. Transcending the I feel syndrome, meaning your comment is embedded
in some conceptual or experiential framework.

Introductory Lecture
Week 01, 02
The Dynamics of Business and Economics
Ethical Business Policy and Strategy
Week 03, 04
Business Ethics and Social Responsibility
Week 05, 06 Business in a Borderless World
Managing Unionized Employees
Week 07, 08
In-Class Handout: Labor Relations in a Global Context
Managing Human Resources
Week 09, 10
The Nature of Management
Organization, Teamwork, and Communication
Week 11, 12
Motivating the Workforce
Options for Organizing Business
Week 13
Small Business, Entrepreneurship, and Franchising
Customer-Driven Marketing
Week 14
Dimensions of Marketing Strategy
Accounting and Financial Statements
Week 15
Money and the Financial System
Week 16 Financial Management and Securities Markets
Final Exam
Week 17

1. Paperback O. C. Ferrell and Geoffrey Hirt. Business: A Changing World.
Sixth Edition. McGraw-Hill Irwin, 2008.

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