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Evidencia 7: Exercise selection criteria in distribution channels

Realice un informe en ingls donde desarrolle los siguientes puntos:

1. Elija uno de los siguientes productos:

Chocolatina importada.

Carro Mid-range ($ 40- 70 millones).

Botella de agua.

Una exclusiva marca de joyas.

2. Despus de seleccionar el producto y de acuerdo a la naturaleza del

mismo, elija una estrategia de distribucin: selectiva, intensiva o exclusiva.

3. Analizar y explicar las ventajas y desventajas de los canales de distribucin

escogidos de acuerdo al producto.

4. Describir las caractersticas del canal de distribucin para el producto


Para realizar esta evidencia leer el Material de formacin denominado English

World distribution channels.

Distribution channels.

1. Choose one of the following products:

Water bottle.

2. After selecting the product and according to the nature of it, choose a
distribution strategy: selective, intensive or exclusive.

- Water bottle: intensive

3. Analyze and explain the advantages and disadvantages of distribution

channels chosen according to the product.

The main advantage provided by this strategy is a high number of sales, but also
has disadvantages such as an increase in the price of the product or harm the
image of the product due to meet the product in inappropriate places

The channel length is long, since the manufacturer sells to wholesalers who in turn
sell to retailers.

4. Describe the characteristics of the distribution channel for the product


This type of distribution aims to reach the largest possible number of

establishments, therefore, products such distribution will be almost always
products often, defendants routinely use

This strategy we try to make our product is in all possible outlets. We try to make
the product is available to the consumer in the largest number of outlets. In this
strategy the company tries drive sales by providing consumers a point of purchase
nearby. This strategy involves strictly followed the lead product until the last last
village shop.

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