Bibliográfia Cikkhez

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Baudrillard, Jean (1996): A szimulkrum elsbbsge. In: Testes knyv I.

Szerk: Kiss Attila, Kovcs

Sndor s Odorics Ferenc. Szeged: Ictus JATE, 161193.

Bradbury, Ray (1981): Cm nlkli essz. Miami Herald, 1981. oktberi hirdetsi mellklet.
n.p. URL:
y, 2014. aug. 31.

Burrett, David (2003): Mousewitz and Duckau. Daily Telegraph, 2003. aug. 29.

Eco, Umberto (1986): Travels in Hyperreality. Ford. William Weaver. San Diego, New York
s London: Harcourt Brace & Company.

Fjellman, Stephen M. (1992): Vinyl Leaves: Walt Disney World and America. Boulder, CO:
Wesstview Press.

Heilbroner, Robert (1995): Visions of the Future: The Distant Past, Yesterday, Today and
Tomorrow. New York, NY s Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

Lyotard, Jean-Franois (1984): The Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge. Ford.

Geoff Bennington and Brian Massumi. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

Marcus, Greil (1999): Forty Years of Overstatement: Criticism and the Disney Theme Parks.
In Designing Disneys Theme Parks: The Architecture of Reassurance. Szerk. Karal Ann
Marling. Montral, Centre Canadien dArchitecture/Canadian Centre of Architecture, ill.
Prizs s New York, Flammarion, 201-208.

Marin, Louis (1984): Utopics: Spatial Play. [1973]. Atlantic Heights, NJ, Humanities Press.

Sklar, Marty (1999): The Artist as Imagineer. In: Designing Disneys Theme Parks: The
Architecture of Reassurance. Szerk. Karal Ann Marling. Montral, Centre Canadien
dArchitecture/Canadian Centre of Architecture, ill. Prizs s New York, Flammarion, 13-18.

The Walt Disney Company (2014): Reports and Financial Information. URL:, 2014. aug. 31.

Watts, Steven (1997). The Magic Kingdom: Walt Disney and the American Way of Life.
Columbia and London: University of Missouri Press.

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