02 قاموس لین جلد

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PART 2 C -

Riad el - Solh Square

19 6 8
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Edward Willi a Lan,e' A- 'X J;YIS LEXICON

lU ' J1a~j

to contain .:rare ord , -

ew incomplete
tim fs,:all th
cotins 4,,
s - classicl a
words, therefore
thir neve

Book II, whic Dr Lan SWI an1ichil

cotmpae Jwas

Edward William Lane's ARABiC - ENGLISH LEXICON

Book I contains all the classical words. their derivatives.
and their usages. It appears in eight separate volumes
and took the author more than thirty years to compile.
Book II, which Dr. Lane contemplated and which was
to contain rare words and explanations. was incomplete
at the time of his death in 1876 and therelore never
In describing Lane's Lexicon, Dr. G. P. Badger wrote,
This marvellous work in its fullness and richness, its
deep research, correctness and simplicity of arrangement
Car transcends the Lexicon of any language ever pre-
sented to the world. w















[Boor I.]

The fih letter of the alphabet: called ,,1 .,

L [but] great in patience. (S.)_The naWvel. (I.)
which is one of the names of letters of the fern.
1.1. The breat (j., Zj in his "Khal, el- Red ochre; syn. ;, [read by Golius ;ija];
gender, but which it is allowable to make mabe.:
Insrn," l,1l, TA) of a human being, (TA,) and (Mj, Is ;) with and without.. (Mj, TA.)
it is one of the letters termed ;,;j . [or vocal, of a bird, and of a ship: (g,TA:) or the
i. e. pronounced with the voice, and not with the sternum, or breast-bone: or the middle of the , Jl n-, (Ibn-Buzurj, ],) as also *
breath only]: and of the number of the letters breast: or the part rwhere the heads of the bones ,,.ai, (Ibn-Buzurj, TA,) i. q. ' l , (I,)
termed ;6 , and t Jj!_, because it of the breast come together; as in the Nh and i. e. The part of the belly that is betwen the
cannot be uttered in a ease of pause without a M:(T:p (g.) An Arab is navel and the p~es. (TA.)
strong compression, and a strong sound: and it related to have said, jj1 1 f L ao..: see what next follows.
is also one of those termed ,i;.., . from . , jd1
. [How delicious i 013 of rice
which is the place of opening of the mouth. (i.e. rice prepared with sugar and jsh-meat) .qP. (1) and V. ( accord. to some copies,
(TA.)_.It is sometimes substituted for 5q, when with the breasts of geese!]. (TA.) And you say, but not in others nor in the TA) A grinning, and
the latter letter is doubled, (Q,)or is so sub- a .1. r,.,' J ,;e [Tlhe ship cave the water frowning, or contracting,of the.face; or looking
stituted by some of the Arabs; (AA, S;) as in sternly, austerely, or morosely. (QC.)
with her breast]. (TA.)
.. ot. A gainer, an earner,or an acquirer, of
t.~.-, for LqiJ; (AA, S,1 ;) and , for
wealth, or property. (TA voce
. (AA, S.) An Arab of the desert recited -ll- o.1
to Khalaf El-Ah,nar, . 1. .,.., aor. ,($, K,) inf. n. .,.., (A,) le i;
gained, earned, or acquired, ($, K,) wealth, or
.. , ,;,.i . ~ ,,.,.. y. property: (. :) but [SM says,] I have not seen 4 UL1. [an arabicized word, from the Greek
[AIy maternal uncle is ' Ooweyf, and Aboo-AliW, that any of the leading lexicologists has men- Kaoxc, Thecathoiwlicos; i.e.] the primate ofthe
oho feed nwith jlesh-meat at niightfall]; meaning tioned this addition of wealth, or property. (TA. Christiansin the country of El-Ishin, [r~idintj]
Wsi. ........................
in the [chief] city of El-Ishrm: under Aim is
and j . (S.) It is also sometimes sub- [See, however, .t., below.]) The rijiz (Ru-beh ithe [o E in: undrihi
stituted for a single ' (S, .) AZ gives the Ibn-El-'Ajj&j, TA) says, the ',L. [or L, or jJ,J, i. e patriarch]
following ex.: . ~ * ~! - ,. *of Antioch: then, under Aim, is the [or
P~~~~ under whom is the _a [or
[And God is mindful of my roork and my earn- bishop], in every province: then, the [or
i- 11.,.
s(,T i. e. Altold
ing]. (f, TA.)mr Also lie so'ld ... , i. e; priest]: then, the ,L [or deacon]: (] :)
*r1Jid [red ochre]; (IA}r,.i;) and so 4.-. (IAar,TA.) accord. to Sgh, a judge, or ruler: in the Tckmileh,
[0 my Lord, if Thou accept my plea, a brayer
.1. Thich, gro, big, or bulky: (, :) or a wise man, or sage. (TA.) t and 3 do not
(or mule) shallU not cease to bring me to Thee (i. e.
strong: (A:) applied to an ass, (A, 1,)or to a occur in any one word, unless it is arabicized
to thy teml)l.)]; (S;) meaning _ (1.) [and wild ass: wild(.8,
as: :):) asasalso
also without .
*]- l an ,22l - '.'. , without.o: (. :) )or the a beginning
word imitative of a sound: (S and * at
of the section in which this word
' o 1and 1 are also mentioned as pl.I .s4. (TA.) Accord. to the K [and the is mentioned:) accord. to El-Jawileeltee, they
occurring in a verse, for ;..~, and i.. - [because A], it signifies also Whatever is rude, or coarse; do not occur in any Arabic word unless separated,
originally ;. 1 and ._.d ]. (S.) But all these thickh, gros, big, or bully: (i .jl- 1c,Jarae do not occurin any Ambic word unlem s eparated,
J :) as in ,~.' and lj,J : accord. toLth, they
substitutions are abominable, (S, Ibn-'Osfoor,) and bu~~ L,j^ ~~ A t! thin wccond.to Lt' they
only allowable in cases of poetical necessity. (Ibn- Ibut ins.the L, we find 41h- ~.4. .LI -
[meaning occur in many words, most of which are arabi-
cized (TA ib.)
'Osfoor.) It is further said that some of the Arabs, that 1.,. applied to the part of the back termed ized. (TA b.)
among whom were the tribe of ]udai'ah, changed Jalb signifies thich, or big]: and .1q. ;is .
L., when occurrin- immediately after , into ; as meaning a thick, gross, big, or bulky, make. ;.
and said, for EIS, [originally ;.1;,] .'1;: this (TA.)- [Hence,] 4.q1, The lion. (A, Sgh, 1. jt.., aor.:, inf. n. ; . (8, A,j) a 4nd
.- . ,,~ (145~(,)He, (a bull, 8and K, or a calf, A,)and
is what is termed an.we..: Fr attributes the ]~.)-And b~ l4., (8, A,K~,)or,accord. to ,
sei$ , (:S,A,J ,) or, accord. to L. she, (a cow, 1g,) lowed. ($, A, .) ;1j
substitution of C for j to the tribe of Teiyi, and AO (g) and the Mj (TA) and Sh, (TA in art. . -.
some of the tribe of Asad. (TA.)-Some of q. v.,) without o, (S~,TA,) A doe-gazelle is like jllS.; and is substituted for the latter in a
having her horn just cone forth; because the reading of the ]1ur vii. 146 and xx. 90. (Akh,
the Arabs also changed it into Sl;
saying ;
horn when it first comes forth is thick, and after- . S)- Also, (S, A, C,) inf.ns. as above, (]g,)
for *, and .A. for $U , and , wards becomes slender; (S, C ;) thus showing He (a man praying, A and TA) raised his voice
for ,.m (AZ,
. . in art. j .) i[As a nume- her to be young: (S:) or a doe-gazelle, and a in prayer, or supplication: (Th, ]:) he cried
ral, denotes Tlhree; and, as such, is generally cow, strong in the horn. (A.) [See also art out: (F-s-Suddee, TA:) he cried oet, callingfor
written without the dot, but thus p.-, or thus _, .t_ , . ., aid, or succour; hubled, or a~ed, himelf,
-s. _You say also, .1,4.J31 ` X v and raised his voice: (A:) hehumbled, or abased,
to distinguish it from C, which denotes eight.]
I tSuch a one i l r in body, or person, himel, with earnest supplication; ( 1;)
Bk. I.
370 30-[o [Boox I
to God; (C;) and cried out, or ealled, for aid, of the night; accord. to which explanation it is or extirpated, his genitals; (Mlb ;) [or his tes-
or vccour. (i.) [Accord. to eatAdeh, .j,,)4- tropical: or what is betnween the beginning and ticles; or his penis; as is implied in the TA:]
in the ]Cur xxiii. (6) signifies jo,j,., as written the third thereof: or a Ihile thereof: (TA:) or and _, inf. n. -r, (Mgh, TA,) [or , .,]
in the TA; but this is app. a mistranscription a portion thereof; (Lb, K;) and of people. (.K.) he had his penis and his testicles [or either of
Also A thick, or gross, or coarse, man. (Ibn-
CU*,- They nanifest grief and agitation; these] cut off entirely, or extirpated. (Mgh,
'Abbid, ].)
&o.]-Also t It (a plant) grew tall; (A,K ;) TA.*)_.,~ 'JIS,, nor., inf.n. .. ; and
like a one ys. ,I1 :,L.. (A.) And t4'.t; Ire cut off the hump of the camel:
t1.~j, ;tJ Tlh plants, or herbage, of the land v*
accordl. to Lth, a signifies the cutting off
,tall. (A, ].) jt.. The .. [or female hyena]; (S, 1 ;) a
entirely, or extirpating, of the hump. (TA.)
name thereof, of the measure ;, determinate
a,pplied to herbage, (As, A, Ii,) Fresh,
without Jl, (S,) imperfectly decl.; (K ;) as also
J";J 4.., (As, S, Msb, TA,) [aor. ,] inf. n.
juicy, or sappy: (X,* TA:) or tall, and full-
vti ;, (t, ]s,) accord. to Ks; (S ;) and J, , (A,,) , or () or A., (A,)
grown: (As,TA:) and abundant. (A,L.)_
without ., (S,,,) the US not being changed into or both the second and last, (Msb, [the first is
~j. z,,, (i,) and t;j;, (As,,A, ],) and, disallowed by MF,]) He fecundated the palm-
I as in 4t; and the like because the ., though trees [with the pollen of the male tree]. (A!, e,
oacord. to AV, t;1, (TA voce j,,) as also
literally suppressed, is considered as though meant
Jy, (],) t A copiou rain; (As, ~, A, ;) to be retained, and because the Uj is considered A, Msb, TA.) You sav, ,1r,.Jl ' .j .1, (,)
that makes the plants, or herbage, to grow tall: as though meant to be quiescent; (Aboo-'Alee or ,JI, with fet-b, (A,) or both, (Msb,) [The
(A:) or the second, a rain that mahe. a sound, the grammarian, $, TA;) and JlJI, (K1,) like time of the fecundating of the palm-trees came].
or nois. (TA.) the first, but with JI. (TA.) - Also, j1l"l, ..
~= t ~,i (8,) aor. ', (TA,) inf. n. ,
accord. to Ibn-Es-Secd, The wolf: but MF (IS,) He surpa~med, or overcome, the people, or
wsee .. deems this strange. (TA.) compony of men; (S, J,' TA;) accord. to some,
in grounds of pretension to respect or honour, or
Xi~.: see above. in beauty, and in any or every manner. (TA.)
;;;Ir, ^ [He is one who cries out, calling And ;.JI ; She surpassed the [other] women
for aid, or succowr; wio humble, or abases, -a'"- in her beauty. (TA.) The saying
Aimeif, and raise Ahiu voice; much, or o.ften, by
;l: s. see art. .
night]. (A, TA.)

[She overcame the womm of the whole world by

-. 1q..: se art. -.. means of the string] relates to a woman who
1. i. '4.q.,aor. :, Hifsoul rose, or heaved, measured round her hinder parts with a string,
by reason of grief or fear; (A, K;) a dial. and then threw it to the women of the tribe, that
wvr. of 'Ai, aor. ~3'. (TA.)- Also, both they might do with it the like; but they found
of these, His (a coward's) soul pursedJflight: Z.i.; A receptacle of the kindl termed J;, it to be much exceeding their measures. (TA.)
or was frigAtened. (TA in art. q..)- - - covered with shin, for tAe perfames of the seller See 3, in three places. . Sec also 2.
!], aor.:, He came, cameforward, or adranced, of perf,mes; as also L^..: originally with .: 2. J The reaching of the [whiteness
towards him. (i.) pl. like ~,o [i. e. iq.: thus in the TA, with- termed] J~., in a horse, to the knee and the
out .]. (15.) See also art. 4 -..
The return to its place, (tlj, Lth, , hock: (S :) or the rising of the n,hiteneu to [the
,) or the fright, (j, as in a copy of the A, extent of] what is termed .J. (].) You
[which latter is agreeable with explanations of 04 say of a horse, , p [In him is a riing of
the verb given above,]) of the heart, when in a se:
ee art. o_m. the Je;~ to the knee and the hoch]: and in
state of commotion on an occasion of fright. this case, the horse is said to be : and the
(Lth,8, A, .)-~Tbe soul (,.L) of a man: subst. is t ~ [meaning a whrAiteness of the legs
(IDrd, A, V :) or his heart: orfirmness, or con- ,;34: see art. ,.p. rising to the knee and the hock]. (f.) [See
stancy, of heart: or strength of heart wmhen one t,..~-.] The act of shrinking [from a thing];
Ahrs a thing and knows not what it is: (TA:) or the being aere [from it]; or the act of itAh-
sometimes, [ w.1~.]
without,: (]:) pl.
Quasi kS4
d'anwing; (, ], TA;) outwardly or inwardly.
(0) and S1... (TA.) You say, lw ~, 3. &jlb.: see 3 in art. i. (TA.) You say of a man, [He
APJI 8Such a on retraim his soul, or Aimself, shrank, or was averse, or withdrer, and went
fro flight, by reason of his courage; (., A ;) away]. ($.) And a ll ,ll4
t The
people forsook, or relinqished, the obeying of
is strong in heart; as also AtqJIl .S;: ($ in 1. , aor. (Myb, TA,) inf. n. , (S, A, God. (TA from a trad.) The act of fleing.
art. k j:) or both signify is courageos. (1] in Mgh, Msb, O) and .,r, (A, ], MF,) He cut (IQ.) You say of a man, , 11e Jfled. (TA.)
art. aj, q. v.) And h41J u4 1; [Infi,m, or it; or cut it off; (S, A; Mgh, Meb, ] ;) a also EI-.otei-ah says,
weak, in soul, or eart]. (A,TA.) And 4 * 4i. (, TA.) - :c_l. 4,
inf. n.
I,' - -I; *
t.W.- l jJ0, (A,) or U'. only, [without .,] and l., le cut off entirely, or extirpated,
(ISk,TA,) see art. 4j'. And C4.
Ja His his teticles; (TA;) [as also 1~.l; for] ,
heart became strong. (n in art. J4j, q. v.) (A, K) and ,A. and :t (TA) signify the [And we, when ye flee from your vwomen, like as
See also S '-. cutting of entireiy, or exti;rlting, (A, ]8, TA,) the wild ases have fled from the pr~sene of their
,j.: see what follows. of the testicle, (K, TA,) or of the genitals: (A:) young ones]. (TA.) And t said of a man,
[or] .A signifies [or signifies also, as inf. n. [if not a mistranscription for ,] signifies He
,.vZ_&. The breast, or chest; (, A,
A ;) as of .*,]j the having the testicles, (, TA,) or
nwnt quickly, fleeing from a thing. (TA.)-m
also tj... and ' ,u : (A:) or it , genitalt, (Msb,) entirely cut off. (S, Mob, TA.) The act of satitfying with water (K, TA) the
q.v. (lbn-'Abbid, ]i.) - The forpart (j) You say also, ', meaning I cut off entirely, earth, ( J, TA,) or cattle. (~, TA.)
I BooK I.]

envelope, of the spadix, or flowers, of the palm- (1 :) or the shank-joint of a horse or the like

3. jtA. The act of vying, or contending for

supeiority, in goodliness, or beauty, j'c., (X.,) tree; also called : the former word was un- ('.Aiei~ljt . [commonly appliedtl, as in the 8
as, for instance, in groun(ls of pretension to known to A'Obeytl: both occur, accord. to dif- and , voce j, to the upper extremity of the
respect or honour, and in lineage: (TA :) and ferent readings, in a trad., where it is said that pastern, i.e. the fetlock-joint, which seems to
4.*a thc vying, or contending for superiorit.v, a charm contrived to bewitcll Mohammad was be the meaning intended in this instance,]) in
in goodlinect, or beauty, (1R,) ,e., (TA,) anid p)ut into the , or ~.., of a ao.a: accord. to the ttj$ [which here a) p . means the fore leg,
in food: (K:) but [SM says,] I kniow not Sh, (TA,) it means the inside of a b [which not the arm]: or, accord. to AV, the part where
whence this addition, respecting food, is derived. latter here app. signifies, as it does in some other the Jo. [or shank] is set into the hoof: ( :) or
(TA. [See, however, what follows, from the A.]) instances, the sl;thelc, not the spadix, of a palm-
Q He vied with me, or the part of the &" [or patern], of a horse,
say, *' "~ i **l tree]; (]C, TA ;) in like manner as the inside of
contended with me for superiority, and I over- a well, from its bottonl to its top, is called 4: where the .if [or shank] joins upon the ,
[whichl seems here to mean the upper pastern
came himn. (TA.) And _ G" ol.l. the pl. is , . (TA.) Hence the well-known
bone]: or, as AO says, the part where a horse't
-. ' The nwoman vied, or contendedlfor prov., 1;1 X C ,q.. [They are merely en- %i1Ujoins to the upper part of the ,_. : or,
su))eriority, w7ith her fellou, and surpassed her velopes of the flowers of palm-trees; therefore as he says in another placo, the place where each
in beauty. (TA.) And * ' . ,.l ,2
>i wecary not thyself to effect fecundation]; applied tibia and kind shank, of a horse, met; [the hock-
He vied with hlim, or contended with him for to a man in whom is little or no good; meaning joint;] expl. by Ac.lj ._ djw U o;: and
superiority, in the entertainment of Vuests, and he is like the spathes of the palm-tree in which the place of junction of any two bones, except in
he overcame hima therein. (A.) are no flowers; therefore weary not thyself by thei back-bone. (TA.) -_ Accord. to Lth, Vhite-
attempting to make him good; CA 1 being ness of the .'Uiw [a word which I have not found
4. .l It (camels' milk) had, or produced, anywhere but in this instance] of a hore or
fori o ,;J. (MF.)
what is termed ., [q. v.]. (I..) similar beast, extenling to the hairs that surround
i,&.. A well-knowvn garment [or coat], (Ms.b, the hoof. (TA.)
5. . lie cladfl himself wvith a Lc.. [q. v.].
(MA.) [And so, app., *, .1, explained by K, TA,) of the hind of those called,1'La.: S~q A cutting off of the humnp of a camel:
Golius, on the authiority of Ibn-Maroof, as sig- (TA :) accord. to 'ly6l, a garment cut out and (]g:) or a cuttittng in the humnp of a camel:
nifying He put on a vest, or tunic.] sewed: accord. to Ibn-I .Ijar and others, a double (TA:) [or the state of having the hump cut off;
garment quilted writh cotton; or, sometimes, if of as seems to be indicated in the . :] or an erosion
8: see 1, in threice places: ee also 5.
wool, a single garmnent, not quiltled with anything: oqf the hump (f a camnel, by the saddle, so that it
, ,.
R. Q. 1. _ lie dealt, or traflched, in (MF:) [most probably not so munch resembling, does not grow larye. (g, TA.) _ See also 2.
,,t [pl. of , q. v.]. (TA.) the modern garment more generally known by 9 .1

the same name (for a description and representa- ~. lButter, or what is produced by churning,
R. Q. 2. i.q .:!i (, TA;) i.e. tion of whicll see my " Modern Egyptians," ch. i.,) of camels' milh; like as o4 is what is produced
lie prepared what is called cp: (TA:) or as a kind of 3e still worn in Northern Africa, by churning of cows' or sheep's or goats' milk
. [q. v.]. described in this Lexicon voce Uj~o.: accord. to (Msb in art. N :) twhat rises upon the surface,
he put what is called into a
(AZ, TA.)
Golins, " t nica ex panno goitpino, cui pallium (T, S,) or wvhat has collected together [or coagu-
seu toga imponlitur, cu,tt subductitio panno et lated], (.4,) of the milk of camels, resembliny
. A well: (A, K :) or a well not cased ivith inter(cdentegossipio punctim consuta: Italis con- o,j, (T, 8, ]g,) whlichl camels' milk has not: (,
stone or the like: (, A, Mb, I:) or a well sona voce giuppa: si ita cum gossipio consuta 1:) when a camel shakes about a skin of camels'
containing muck water: or a deep well: (A, :) non sit, ajl tunica illa gossipina dicitur:"] pl. milk, suspended to him, whlat is termed ,,t
or of some other description: (A:) or a welU
(Msb, ]) and ,-r .. (S, .) - I. q. ;j collects at the mouth of the skin. (T.)
in a good sittation with respect to pasture : or
one that people have Jotund; not one that they [A coat of mail; or any coat of defence]: (g:) ~y~ The earth, (Lb, I,) in general; (Lh ;)
lthave dug: (X~:) or a iUll that is iwt dtleep: (Lth, pl. ,.. (TA.) Er-R&'ee says, sometimes written ,,4., as a proper name, with-
TA:) or a nwell that is titde, or ample: (El- :
out the article, and imperfectly decl., like .
Killbeeyeh, TA:) or a wvell that is cut through
(TA:) so called because it is cut, i. c. dug; or
rock, or smooth rock, or stones, or smooth stones,
or hard and s.mooth and large stones: (Aboo- because it cuts, i. e. dissunders, the bodies of those
labeeb, TA:) of the masc. gender; (Msb, TA;) [We have coats of nail, or of idefence, and long buried in it: (Suh, TA:) and hence tet; and
[not fem. like ;] or masec. and fqm.: (Fr, spears: with them we ply distant war]. (TA.) tA...., siginifying a burial-grouml; from 1,.jJt
~The part ofa spear-head into vwhich the shaft
Mb :) pl. [of pauc.] t,A..I (Mqb, K) and [of and accord. to Kh; but others derive
enters: (S, g:) and the " is the part of the
mult.] t. and a.. (S, Mob, K.) _ A well these two worls from (TA:) or rugged
spear-shaft that enters into the head. (TA.)- land, com-
that is dug wherein a grape-vine is planted; like land: (As,S, K:) or hard orrugyed
as one is dug for the shoot of a palm-tree: pl. [In the TA, r1. a.. is also explained as mean- posed of rock, not of soil: (IAnr, TA:) or earth,
ing i.s.11 Xj J.. I. Tthe part of the spear- or dust: (Lh., K:) or the surface of tihe earth;
4,.. (ISh, TA.) -The inside of a nell,from
head that enters into the slutft[: but it seems that (ISh, ., 9;) whetiher plain or rugged or moun-
its bottom to its top, whether casedeaith stone or
tainous: (ISh:) a word without a pl.: (.:) also
the like or not. (Sih, TA.) - The '.of a well C>s has been inserted here by a mistake of the coarse, or big, lumps or clods of clay or mud;
intended is
[app. meaning A hollowed stone, or stone basin, copyist; and that the true meaning
the part of the spear-shaft into which the head or of dry, or tough, or cohesive, clay or mud;
for water, placed at the mouth of a well: or, plucked from the surface of the ground: (TA:)
perhapsl, a hollowed stone placed over the mouth; enters; though in general the shaft enters into
or crumbled clods of clay or mud; or of dry, or
for many a well has such a stone, forming a kind the head.]-The part in which is the &a.L
tough, or cohesive, clay or mud: (IAr, TA:)
of parapet]. (Zeyd Ibn-Kuthweh, TA.) I [A [q. v.] of a horn. (Zeyd Ibn-Kuthweh, TA.)_
and with ;, a lump, or clod, of cltay or mud; or
kind of leatheen bag ;] a ;!j1 of which one Iart The Cl,~ [or bone that surrounds the cavity of dry, or tough, or cohesive, clay or mud. (IS.)
is sewed to another, (}!, TA,) wherein they used (see art. ~) of the eye. (~.) -- The contents
to prepare the beverage termned '4, until, by (d_) of the solid hoof: or the horny box (0i) s : see whlat next follows.
use, it acquired strenyth for that purpose; men- of the solid hoof: or the joint between the ,3L -1.~
LP, ~ a-, a
tioned in a trad., forbidding the use of it; and [which seems to mean here, as it does in many c [lapp. a contraction of U -.], or t..t,
also called (TA.) The spathe, or other instances, the hind shank,] and the thigh: A seller of .,e,; [pl. of ,., q. v.]. (].)
[BooK I.
[i. e.] in which th whitme [of the lower part of and a , and a jerbo. (TA.) And ij5
s ',,. ..; and e art. . the bg] reaches to te knee and the AocA or tL He cameforth unepetdy upon pe ,
Ands and tio AdoA: (TA:) or in whicA thA
or company of me. (TA.) And ; q The
e:e what next follows, in two plaoes. Jt..3 reach to his ke s: (Lth, TA:) or in locusts isvaded, or cau sn y upon, the
which tae witnes rims to [te eatent of] what
*'-,*, (C,) or * A~ ., (A,) or both, (],) country. (TA.)
and ', [which is the pl.], (L,TA,) The is termd .JI; (], TA;) or ore than this,
[perhaps a mistake of a copyist for ess than this,] 4. mi,said of land, (f,) or tl.I maid of a
tomcA f a ruominant an (a, A, ], TA) in wo a not to reac to tAe knes: or in mthich place, (,) It ab~ with [the kind of tru,
whicA L. [q. v.] is put, (f, TA,) i.e., (TA,) in tha whitmu~ r~achs to tLe Aairs tAt su-
whichA is put shmet cut in P~ ; (], TA;) cal~d] 4 , (m,)or .,, (so in ome copies of
round his hof (TA.)_ l a ;: I~ A
or in wAic is putflA-m t to be mud as proti- the ],) or [rather] 4 [a pL or qusi-pl. n. of
*t having in te middle a part wider than tMe
sio i travelling; (TA;) or i ich mltd (So in other copies of the ]g.) miq1
rest, ollowed out lie a cupola. (Fr, TA.)
'm- s(, ]) is coe~cted () or put: ( :) or the He hid a thing. (].) And hence, He kid his
shki of te side of a caml, ct out is a rnd .,i tAe gnital, (Myb,) or tae
. ZHaving camelsfr t coctor~ of tA poor.te. (I Ar,
foJr, in Mich is prpared~l -mat, (Q, TA,) tesics (8,,Mgb, TA) and the pnis, (Mgh,) TA.) .- He od seed-produce before it howed
such as is caled i,j, (TA,) ~h ifsh-nmmat cut off entirely, or eatirpated: (g,* Mgh, MNb, itelf to be h a good sate, (f, ], TA,) or befe
tAat is boil onem, and th"e cut into strip, and TA :) or avting the pris cut off. (TA.) it came to maturity. (TA.) Hence, in a trad.,
dried, or salted ad am-dried; the most lausting ., .-. .. s
.,I..: e .. &it l h>, [lie who sel seed-produce
of all provision [of the kind]: (?, TA:) or the befor it show ilf to be is a good tate, or
first and econd both signify ti; in Persian, before it has come to maturity, practiea the like
or I. (MA.) A oowrd is likened to of umry]: ($, TA:) originally with ., (g,) which
a e~ in which .l is put; becaus e of his
L. and aor. IRe retrained, or is suppressed for the purpose of uaimilation [to
turgidnes and his little profitablenesm. (TA.) ]
-Also, the first, A eel, or receptacle, made withLeld, himnelf; refrained, forbore, or ab- .l]. (TA. [See 4 in art. ,q- and
of hi, i mAich waer is ~gie to camel, and in stained; or turned bacd, or retvrted. (1C, TA.) t_Is te.1 Are overlooked the peop, or m-
which one mar~erates [i. e. colocy~Aths, or the You say, ; L,., and , meaning He re- pany of men; or commanted, or had, a view of
pulp tAreof, or ta seds therof]. (TA.).. strained, or withheld, himself, &c.,from Aim, or them; or cane in sightof them; syn (i.)
And A ba~t, (~, ], TA,) of sma /sde, (TA,) it; and regarded him, or it, with reverence, vene-
ration, dread, awe, orfear: (TA:) [or,] accord. sing. of t., like u Ii is of Ui,and
made of sis, ($, , TA,) in which dwt, or
eartA, is removed: (,TA:) or, accord. to 1t, to AZ, 5;,I ; ;.A, inf. n. :. ad
and ., ; of &;>: (g:) or i qL:
q. (]:) or n. un.
it is [* '.,] with fet-b.: (TA:) pl. q. [to which Golius adds _t. and t*., but, I of 1 ;~, which is a coll. ge. n., likeo,:
(.) -* And A drm: pL ,?t [which is ex- suspect, from incorrect MSS.,] means I drew, or (MF and TA, voce o; :) [J vays,] in signifes
plalned in the 1 as meaning "a drum" instead of held, or hAng, backfrom the man; or remained Red ; [or truffles]: or, accord. to EI-Abmar,
"drum"]: u in the saying, ' 1 .t ai behind him; or shrank from him; or shrank those [tru,ffle] that inclin to redn ; l sig.
"ttq.31i [The drums were beten at hIs door]. (A.) fro~ him and hid myscif: and he cites (from nifying those that incline to dust-olour and
Nu;eyb Ibn-Mibjen, TA)
blackness; and , the white; and J ;t .,
A trip~ er. (Golius from Meyd.
the small: (S :) accord. to AIn, t signifies
.. , . ., a., .,,...X a white thisng rmbling
. a b, of hicl no uwe
S lq Food made with tripe; in Persian,
is made: but accord. to IA#r, the black d ;
,1:;C.; (Golius from Meyd;) in Turkish, [And am I otherise than like the beasts drien
away by the emmy ? If they go before, sl,Ahter which, he says, are the beat of $t: (TA:) the
uiAs (MA.) befalls them; and if they remain behind, Aocking]. pl. of is j~l, (,, 9,) a pl. of pauc., (f,)
A caeul hing his hump cut off: (, (, TA.) You say also, He did and ;q., [as mentioned above,] or, amccord. to
]p:) or Aing Ais Amp oded by ta waddle, so not draw backhfrom rm~iling me; did not desst,
tht it doe not grow : (: :) or havg no Sb, this is a qusi-pl. n., (TA,) and t*-, (,)
or abtain, therefrom. (TA.)- It (a sword)
Ahump: (A, TA:) fern. /.. (A, ]g.) - And or this also is a qumi-pl. n. (TA.)_ I.Lq. J4b
recoild, or reverted, ithot peretrating, or
[hence,] the fern., SA woman not hAang promi- without effect: (I,:) or so the former verb
[q. v., i.e. A AiU or m~, &ce.]: pl. m above.
hen] hbttocke: (V :) or i. q. t.,j [i. e. haming [only]. (TA.) - It (the sight, or the eye,) (.)_,A hollow, or cavity, (T, g,) in a mo.n-
smal buttocksb sticking together; or Aving little recoibLd, or reverted: ( :) or so the former verb tain, (TA,) in whicA te water (T, ]) of th rain
.~A in her poserior and thigh&s]: (ISh, TA :) [only]; and disliked, or disapproed, or hated, (TA) stag~ ,, (T,) or co~s: (i:) pl. as
or o o~ and br.s Ae not b~ lare: the thing [that mas before it]. (TA.) You say, above. (.)
(1 :) or wo brast as not become brg: (8h, ;Ji>c j,C .Aeq My eye rco;iod,or reerted,
TA:) or ual in the breast; from the ame frm the thiyn. #.: see the next preceding pamgraph.
(P.) And of a woman of die-
epithet applied to a bshe-emel; (A;) for a woman '. .0--- .-
1 i
: see :q, in two plac s. -Also A
having saull brets is like the aemel that has no pleasing upect you say, Ya t,J C>al
sho~aer board, (*V]) on which he cuts his
hump: (TA:) or hagaing no tAigh.; (i;) i.e. [Verily tMe y recoil frm her it dislike].
havi lan thighb; a th h vng no thighs. (A4, TA.)- H dislied, disapproved, or hated: leather; also clled ;. (S.) And The p~ace
(TA.) Also, the mas., tA pubes aing ltl ( :) or so the former verb [only]. (TA.) You where thefale ribs of th camd end, and th~n s
A6.1s 6 may, ;Ha e edilicd, &c., thing. (TA.) far as te naWl and ~r. (V.) -And The
(TA.)- [Hence, alo,] i. q. &rIs .8.
[s meaning The pudedum muiebre]; from _ He inclned his neck: (] :) or so the former part of the belly aled th b. thereof; us
the rm word s applied to a amel [having no verb [only]. (TA.) . He id Ai,mslf; (1, TA;) also iQ.; (Ibn-Buzurj, TA;) i. e. the part
hump]. (TA.) [app.frofear;] as, for instance, a * [q. v.] betmwen t nae and the p~ (T& in m.
in its hole. (TA.) _- e, or it, came, or ment,
'~ The middle, or main pWt, (; o,)
of a forth, or out: ( :) [or so the former verb only.]
(u.) You say of a serpent, 4di It cam forth q (]K) and *4 (8b,!) FPa, or
A horee in which tM [wAitm t~d upo. Aimfrm its ole (~, TA) o as tofrightm co ,rdy: (, ]g:) femn. with: and therere
JsawmJ rec~ to te m and the Aock; (p;) him; and in like mranner one aye of a hyen the pl. is formed by the addition of j uad .
BooK I.] 373

(8b, TA.) MafrooI) Ibn-'Amr Esh-Sheybinee behind me, occurs in a trad. (L.) -You say another. (B.) You say, j )1 LS j, (I),
also, 4 and ,b, meaning, t She repded Az, Msb, 1,) aor. , inf. n.Oe and ~, (Mob,)
him, or rejected him; namely, a man who sought a chaste form of
the verb, of the dial. of El-
her in marriage. (T and TA in art. ,i ..)
-,, 0. . * . lijiz, (Az,TA,) or of the Benoo-Temeem and of
* 1 C 0
7. itc,l [inf n. of j~] iq.Q,1k*i1i (V,) many of the people of El-gij&z, (Mob,) or of
[But I am not fearfad of the viciitudes of meaning Quick going or journeying or traeUlling. Temeem alone; (LI, TA;) [but mid in the Mgh
fortune, nor despairing of the farour of God]. (TA.) to be of weak authority;] and ?V"."l; (Th, s,
(1, TA.) 8: see l. M9b,],&c.;) both these forms of the verb men-
tioned by AZ, Fr, A'Obeyd, and.others, (Myb,)
.~.: see what next precedes. but the latter is the form used by the generality of
&, The loeut, or locusts: (f, V :) so called the Arabs, (Lb, TA,) and by the grunmarians [in
1. ., (8, M,b, V, &c.,) aor. 5M:b,) inf. n. general]; (TA;) He compded him, again#t hi
because of the coming forth thereof [suddenly or
jq (~, A, Myb, 11, &c.) and ; ., (M, ],) rUil, to do the thing: (1I4Tb, Az,, Meb,V:) Vt'
unexpectedly: see 1, last two sentences]: (;,
which latter, accord. to MF, is an inf. n. of the originally signifying the inciting, urging, or in-
TA:) as also , t[q. v.]. (TA.)
intran. verb only, but it has been heard as an ducing, another to reto a thing to a soed,
inf. n. of the trans. verb also, (TA,) and i;.,
IL I.! A land abounding with [the tryjles right,orgood,state. (B.) And.4L. mjl #t %
(Lb, ],) He set a bone; reduced it from a
called];,.. (f.) fractured state; (, A, Mqb, , &Cc.;)as also
Re (a judge) compreled him to ubmit to, or to
t j%g, (A, IAmb, ],) inf. n. jee,;
perform, the sentenc. (L)- Also 1 q., [aor. ,]
(TA;) and
.tI, (Ibn-TaIlah, MF, TA,) but this is ex-
inf. n. 'e (8, Mb, V) and q, (Mqb, ,)
t.qJl, not a pure Arabic word, because it com- tremely strange, and not found in the lexicons of
which latter, accord. to MF [and the Mgh], is
an inf. n. of the trans. verb only, but it has been
pries the letters and . without any ofthe letters celebrity, (MF,) and not heard by AO; (TA;)
heard as an inf. n. of the intrans. verb also;
of the kind called t ;l [which are j and J and [and Lq.I.] One says also, * t,,., (A,
(TA;) and tj~ l,(T, },]g,) and t*pi.I, (T,
IAmb,) or Lbq, (Msb,) He (a bone-setter) set
j]; (~ ;) The idol: (?,V:) or idos: (Ksh and 't. 3; ( ;) It (a bone) became set,
in iv. 4 :) or the name of a certain idol, (Bd his arm, or reduced it from. a fractured state: or reduced from a fractured state. (T, $, Myb,
and Jel on that verse,) belo ng to .Xureysh; (A:) or put upon it the ;Ep [or splints]. (Myb.) .)- And [hence,] the first of these verbe,
as also &,lJ: (Jel :) and that wahich is wor- Hence, (TA,) . (AAF, M, ], &c.,) in n. with the same inf. ns.; (];) and t jq,.1, ($,*
shipped instead, or to the exclueion, of God; *.J (8, A,s ) and ;.~ [but respecting this V,) and jy.l1, and rV3, and tjta.,I; (];)
whatever it be: (Ksh, B.d,1l:) said to be ori- latter see above] and );.; (1;) and 'e, t He (a poor man, ], and an orplhan, TA) beca,ne
ginally `..JIl, i. e., (Bd,) he, or that, wherein (JI,) inf. n. 3
; (TA;) and t~.1l; (Ibn- restored from a state of poverty to aklh, or
is no good: (Bd, 1I :) and the diviner: (P, 2 :) Talhab, MF, TA; [but respecting this form see competence, or su.iciency: (?,'* :) or receioed
and the enchanter: (S,K , Kull:) and the like above ;]) and ty.l; (1 ;) 1 He restored a a benefit, or benqflt: (s:) v .)1
i syn. with
thereof: (?:) or the Devil; Satan: (Kull:) man from a state of poverty to wealth, or corn- ;ail t [Ae recovered, or became recovered,from
and enchantment. (Esh-Sha#bee, 1].) Accord. petene, or svficiny: (AAF, ?, A, ], &c.:) or his embarrassment, &c.]. (A.) [And t It (any-
to Esh-Shabee,;l1 1.q .Jt , in he benefited a poor man; conferred a benefit, or thing) became retored to a sound, right, or good,
the ]ur [iv. 54], means They believe in enchlant- bensfits, upon him: (M, ] :) but the former is state.] EI-'Ajjaj bas used ;.; transitively and in-
met and the Devil: or, accord. to I 'Ab, by the more appropriate explanation: (AAF, TA :) transitively in the same sentence, saying,
~qJI is meant Ioyel Ibn-Akhtab; and by and this signification is tropical; (IDrst, MF, .,,,' ., , . ,
Z,jkUILJ, Kaab Ibn-El-Ashraf: (TA:) or the TA;) the poor man being likened to one who has
words relate to these two men, Jews, who, in a broken bone, and his restoration to wealth, or [tGod hath restored the religion to a wsoud,
order to induce ],nureysll to join with them in a competence, being likened to the setting of the right, or good, state, and it hath become restored
league against Mohammad, prostrated themselves bone; wherefore he is called 6j,as though the thereto]: ($:) or, accord. to some, the second
to the gods of Jureysh: (Ksh, Bd:) or to vertebra of his back were broken: (IDrst, TA:) verb is corroborative of the first; the meaning
certain Jews, who said that the worship of idols is in the A it is mentioned as proper, not tropical; being, God hath desired, or purposed, to rstore
more pleasing to God than that to which Mo4am- but the author of the A afterwards mentions the religion, &c., and hath completed its restora-
mad invited. (Bd.) It is said in a trad. that li ;' aus tropical in the sense of :;; 4 [I tion. (B.)'
what are termed f,iJl and bi.Ji and l recovered snch a one from his embarrassment, 2: see 1, in three places
are ~Jl . [app. meaning of tingig wAcrein dc.; repaired his brohan fortune, or his condi-
is no good: or kinds of divination: or from the tion]. (TA.) One says also, J 5.l
IJ1 . !. 4: see 1, in five places.- e,l also signifies
Deil]. (v.) t[I repaired the brooen fortune of the man;] I He imputed to him [the tenet of] j..J l; (Q, L,
restored the man to mealth, or competence, or ;.) he calld him a *S: (L:) like ,u ;,L,.
jciency. (AHeyth,TA.) And,,e,l '. t[I signifies " he imputed to him infidelity." (a.)
1. ;ji, (f, A, Mgh,w L, Myb, ],*) aor.,, nut th affairs of the orphan into a right, or .h.e: see 1, latter put, in two places. Also
(Mgh, Mqb, ,) inf. n. '~, (T, Mgh, M;b, ], good, state: or] I gaoe to the orphan. (MYsb.) t What had gone from Aim (a man) retumed to
&e,) i. q. '6. (T,* , A, Mgh,* L, Mob, ],* And ~. S He restor~d anything to a sound, Aim: (V:) or some of is prAioperty tat had
&c.) i. e. He drew it; &kc:(T, TA:) formed right, or good, state. (ID^t,TA.) And l"e gone from him returned to Aim. (T, TA.) t He
by transposition. from the latter; (A'Obeyd, S, t [May God render Ai Sound, and strong] (a sick man) became in a good tate. (V.) t It
A;) accord. to some: (Mb :) or it is a dial. said in relation to a child. ( and in art..) (a plant, TA, and a tree, O) bere g n, and
var. of the latter; (M, L, ], &c.;) of the dial. And Q 'll ; 'l: t mad the put forth leavs (], TA) and fe gre twigs,
of Temeem; (T, Mph ;) not formed from the amount of the property equal to that wuhich henmdry: produc fr soots in its diy par*:
latter by transposition, (Ibn-Es-Sarrdj, IJ, M, L, renders iti cmbent on the posesor to pay the (TA:) it (herbage) bem so~Aat rtored to
1[,) for both are equalll conjugated: (Ibn-Es- a good state aer having ben eatn: (,*e TA:)
poor-rate, by [adding] such a thing: the name
arrij,IJ, L, Mb:) and l4t.! [inf. n. of ,.L,ql] of that thing is jq- t[app. 1 j,]: or gre after havm bee eati (.)
( -)-- e
1 and the (a man, ) magwnipd i ; beAd prody,
signifies the ame as U ,.. . (c.) J. person who does thismis tmnned 94. (Myb.) amhtily, or ind e . (, A, I4,) m t e (a
,AS. iC, meaning A man pulled me fom ~pg alo signifies He compelled, or constraimd, man) obtained wealth, or property: (V:) but
874 [BooK I.
Lh explains it as meaning, intransitively, he soleice; or proud, ha,uglty, or insolent, beha- because the measure j; [or Jolai] does not
obtained wealth, or property. (TA.) viour; ($, Mob, ] ;) &c. (1., TA.) Hence,
exist in the language, for as to J._, mentioned
7: see 1, latter part, in two places. |. i,, [Titere has by Esh-Shihab as against the objection of Fr, it is
been no prophetic qo.ice but a kingly office has
8: see 1, in five places. You say also, ,Lol of the measure ~Jij3,MF,TA,) and t1j ,
succeeded in its place through some one's self-
1' L 'i [t A calamity befell him from ,a9naification,
pride, haughtiness, or insolence]; and ' JlOr, andt Jl, (,,) and t
which he ill not recover]; i. e. * ,.; , i. e., but kings have magnified themselves, or and t (*, ) and t Iv (Es-Su-
[t there is n,o recoveringfrom it]. (TA.) behaved proudly or haughtily or insolently, after yootee, MF.)
10: see 1, latter part. _ 1, t lie ex- it (A, TA.) - td,(S, 1) and a~.,.
erted himself much, or exceedingly, or to the (Th, Myb,) or the latter is a mispronunciation,
utmost, in paying frequent attention to him, or is the correct form, (g,) and the former is so J and J,:
tahing care qf him, or putting his ajhiris into pronounced in order to assimilate it to AQdij1; b ... ... see Jue..
a right, or proper, state. (A.) (Mob, 15 ;*) the latter is the pronunciation of the
.1l,. and e :
scholastic theologians of the persuasion of Eslh- ~3~1.,,~:
..,, in computation, tThe addition of some-
Shhfi'ee (El-Ylifidh in the " Tabseer," B) in old
thing for the purpos of reparation. (TA.)
times, but the term used in the conventional Jl.. A thing of n,ich no account, orfor mhich
[Hencc,'JIl t Algebra; more commonly called
language of the modern scholastic theologians no revenge or retaliation or mulct, is taken. (8,
4IUJ1. %jq.JI perfective addition and compensa- is t *; JI; (B ;) and t also, is a post- A, Msb, g, TA.) You say,
X.jJI, Z;" MJ H.is
tim subtraction; or retoration and compensa- blood went unrevenged, unretaliated, or uncx-
classical term; (TA ;) The contr. of lJ..iIl; I.
tion; because of the frequency of these operations
piated by a mulet. (S,A.) And ;14 C;:. A
in the reduction of equations.] The contr. of (S, 1 ;) the sect who /hold the tenet termed '.~
[q. v.]; (Mbl);) a sect of those who follow wound for which is no retaliation, nor any
j.gJ: (M,Ml.b, I :) it is the assertion that God
their own natural desires, whose founder was El- exliatory nulct. (A,TA.) And ;. , A
compels his servants, or mankind, to commit acts
l.oseyn Ibn-Mo.ammad En-Ne adr El-Bafree, war in which is no retaliation, (1J, TA,) nor any
of disobedience; (Meb ;) ie virtual denial&that
who assert that man has no powner; that [(Ihat
actions proceed from man, and attributingthema
are termed] voluntary motions are of the samet expiatory mulct. (TA.) And ;% sJi [(Th
to God; the sect that hold the tenet thus termed
predicament as a tremour; though this does not mine it a thiing for which no nulct iu eacted]:
asserting that man, with respect to his actions, is
oblige themn to deny the imposition of duties; i. e., if the mine fall in upon him who is working
like the feather suspended in the air; whereas
(Lb, TA;) a sect who assert that God compels in it, and he perish, his hirer is not to be punished
.s signifies the " virtual attributing of optional. his servants, or mnankind, to commit sins: (AHeyth, for it. (S and Msb from a trad.) And ;1. ,j11 .
or voluntary, actions to man; asserting that
man creates his own optional, or voluntary, TA :) n. un. t .. or J.. (Mob.) [The nell is a thing for whict no mulct is
exactedl]: i. e., if a man fall into an ancient well,
actions:" (IbrD:) A'Obeyd says that it is a
post-classical term. (g.) A king; (AA,T, J
ad v, . see
jJl>nnd jl, aeJ -.
q. and peri,h, his blood is not to be expiated by a
mulct: (TA:) or, as some say, it relates to a
M,1 ;) of uncertain derivation: (M:) and a
:I^. : see 1. hlired muin's descendilltg into a well to cleanse it, 1
slaw, or servant: (A 'Obeyd, Kr, I, &e. :) thus or to take forth sometlling from it, if he fall into
bearing two contr. significations: (g :) and a )o.y. and J'. &c.: it and dic. (TA in art. ,.) And *." 1.l
man: (AA, A 'Obeyd, g, &c. :) [sce 5 . J:] . se J ,.>
and a young man: and [a] courageous[man]. (I1.) ~'4~. and O L *q: L,_. The wound of the speechleu beast, if it get
loose and wound a man or other thing while
-[Also, app., Aloes-wood: I..J is explained
in the ]. as signifying tJI,which means wood
:l~; and N:.l
: see ,.,... loose, is a thing for whichl no retaliation or
expiatory mnulct is exacted. (T, A,* M 9b.) -
in general, as well as aloes-wood in particular; J5p.>., (S, M4b, 1], &c.,) inmperfectly decl., Clear, or quit, of a thing: so in the saying,
and to this is added in the TA, . Le.jS, as because having the quality of a proper name and j,Lg. .i., 0.,
J.. .O
a til (I am clea;, or quit, of it].
though the meaning were the wood with which that of a foreign word, or being a compound
one sets bones; but I think that j is a mis- regarded as forming a single word, as some say, (15. [See also UJi.]) ~A torrent. (.)
transcription for j~. ; and that the meaning is (TA,) originally Syriac, or Hebrew, [R,'"1,] Anything that corrupts, or mars, and daestroys;
aloes-wood with which onefumigates.] (Esh-Shihab [El-Khafajee],) A proper name of (so accord. to some copies of the ]C,and the TA;)
a ., .. anangel; (TA;) [Gabriel: andalso, of aman:] as the torrent, &c.: (TA:) or anything tiat is
o: osee signifying the servant of God: (A 'Obeyd, , corrupted,or marred, and destroyed. (So accord.
MYb, .K, TA :) or (rather, TA) the nman of God: to other copies of the ]5.) ~Tueday; (S, I5;)
3S,j and S.,q- and &
cc.: see what ~A 'Obeyd, TA:) being said
to be composed of an ancient name thereof, (S,) used in the Time of
next follows. Ignorance; (TA;) as also t.t. (1K.)
yi, (S, MYb, TA,) signifying "servant," or
) and ; and . and "slave," (Myb,TA,) or rather "man," (TA,) and
|;l.: see what next precedes.
and V/'. (1) and t ,~ (Aboo-Nar, TA) 4kl,(',Msb,TA,) signifying "God:" (Myb, t
TA:) or both together signify tle servant of | and ,5cq Splints; pieces of wood with
and ' i.e' (?,) and ;j1,. (a) and -- the Conmpasionate: or the servant
of the Mighty, ,whichbones are set, or reducedfrom a fractured
(8, Mlb, t, one of the forms most known, of the
or Glorious: (TA :) this form of the word is of state: (., ] :) or bones which are put upon a
measure ;. , like and z
ani and %: |
the dialects of l[eys and Temeem: (TA:) and diseased part of the person, to reduce it to a
and :_.j, said to be the only other words of there are other dial. vars.; namely, IJ, e sound state: pl. .q.. (Mqb.)-Also, both
this measure, though, as MF says, this requires
without., and jg., (S, ]I,) and 'J', words, A wide bracelet; syn. 1'j: (, ]5:) a
consideration,TA) and t,:.,se. (1) and ';.,3>
(g,) and t'). ;', bracelet (j1..) of gold or siloer: pl. t4. [or
(Et-Tedmuree,TA) and tj. (1, like Js,,~ and '3$j,, and ?je,:l,
|.+, as above?]. (A'Obeyd, TA.)
[&c.], TA) and ;. ($, Kt 1) and ?t (Lb, (Es-Suyootee, TA,) and tjnd, (K,) and tjl. ,

Kr) and *P.n-(Lb,TA) and )#'' and t. , (Es-Suyootee, TA,) and '&k, . (S, M:b, , which eg".: see ,.
(1g,) all inf. ns., (TA,) [or simple subst&,] mean- is the form most known and most chaste, and
ing The uality denbted by the epitht ;; (1;) is of the dial. of El-Iijaz, TA,) and
i. e. self-agnification, pride, haughtiness, or in- (Meb,V, reckoned of weak authority by Fr, jL;.. One who magnifljs hi,nelf, or behaves
Boox T.]
prondly or havughtily or insolently, and does not purpose of cutting off its fruit], and retains its said in a trad., -. * _ Oh $, t
hold any one to have any claim upon hinm, or to d(- excellence, surpassing therein other jpalm-trees. 1I1 --t , 4> , L [Heartsare created mith
serve anything of him: (K :) one wrho slays when (A.ln, TA.) -Also, hence, as Az thinks, (TA,) a disposition to the love of him mwho does good to
in anger: (8, A:) one nwho slays unjustly: (K :) lI uge, tall, and strong; a giant. (T, A,* K.) them, and the hatred of him who does evil to
imperious, or domineering, by absolutefforce and And, with ;, (S, A,) and also without e, (A,) them]. (TA.)-Also, (.K,) inf. n. as above,
poner; overbearing; tyrannical; a tyrant: (TA:) applied to a she-camel, i Great (S, A) and
(TA,) i. q. o.j [cvidently as meaning He corm.-
any one nwho exalts himself, or is insolent and fat. (S.)
pelled him, against his will, .'")1 ,i to do tite
audacious, in pride and in acts qf rebellion or
disobedience; rrho is bold, or audacious, and im-
~.~.: see ).. thing; for he who is created with a disposition to
* .1 * 4;,
aJ do a thing is as though hc were compellcd to do
modlerate, inordinate, or exorbitant; or exces- . and .e: sec .~.
sively, immoderately, or inordinately, proud, or it]; anld soo. . I, (K, TA,) inf. n. JL '.(TA.)
corrupt, or unbelieving, or disobedient, or rebel- :.. see
see = ;.' tIce (a man) became like a mountain
lious; or who exalts him. ecf and is inordinate in (J..a) in bigness, thicknets, coarseness, or roughl
.: see .
infidelity; or n'ho is extravagant in acts of ness. (TA.) -_4 ,IJ_ (K, TA; in the
disobedience and in n'rongdoing; or nwho is ~m,_(S,) and ,.' l , (S, A, K,) names CK, a.n; in a MS. copy of the J1, without
refractory, or aversefrom obedience; (1K, TA;)
of I Bread; (S, A, ;) and wk i1 is a surname any vowels;) tTheir iron n,as, or became, blunt,
as also *t;..: (K :) or this latter signifies one .* '&j such as would not penetrate. (K, e TA.)
nwho magnifies himself much, or behavres very thereof; (., K ;) and so _ ..1: which last also
signifies the ear of corn: (T in art. . u:) and i. q. 3. Jer.. He (a man) alighted, or descentled
proudly or haughtily or insolently: (S :) and the
' A ,JI[grain,or 7vheat, bruised, or brayed, and and abode, or sojourned, or settled, in a mountain.
former, one nsho proudly, haughtily, or insolently,
(AA, TA.)
disdains the service of God: (Lb, TA :) fem. then cooked]. (.Har p. 2'27.) _-J~ _ Ski-. i. q.
with o: pl. mnase. J .L.and 1
.~.L. (A, TA.) 4. j...l le came, or went, or betook himself,
_ [Such a one exerts himself much, or H, (a digger)
to the mountain. (ISk, Ii.) t He
j,~J.l [A name of] God; so called because exceedingly, or to the utmost, in payingfrequent reached a hard place, (S, Is,) or stone, (Mgh,)
of his magnifvyifi,r limself [above every othler attention to me, taking care of me, or putting my
in his digging. (TA. [.JIl, meaning "the
being], (.K,) and his highness: (TA:) meaning affairs into a right, orproper,state]. (A.)-Sec
the Compeller of his creatures to do whatsoever also 1. (igger," Golius seems to l;ave misunderstood as
meaning "the boof" of a horse.]) [Hence,]
lie nvilleth: (3!'. and Jel in lix. 23:) or the Com-
sec . I lIe (a poet) experienced difficulty in diction,
pellr of his creaturesto obey the commands and
prohibitions nrhich lie pleaseth to impose upon (K, TA,) so that hte aid notaing original, nor
,,.i. '[an i,if. n. of 1]: see 8. anythiiing in the way of repetition. (TA.)
them: (Msl., TA :) accord. to Fr, from .l,
annt the only inlt:lnce known to him of an epithet e.. I: see And Jl..1 a4i-a i t le sought a thing that
he n'anted, and failed of attairingit. (TA.)_
of thile measure Jwl fiom a verb of the measure , One n,ho sets bones, or reduces them from And t .i.. k Li L W'e asked them, and they
i.I exept .Jl; [q. v.] from iS1r : (Az, TA:) afracturedstate; a bone-setter. (S, A, K.) re/fused, and didl not give. (Ibn-'AbbAd, Z, TA.)
or, naccord. to Fr, firom , as syn. with ,.I:
A woman possessed by a jinnee, or And ll. i Their iron became blunt, so that
(M.Ish:) it is also explained as meaning the Sat- S;~
prenme; the ]Jighabove his creatures: (Az, TA :) genie; syn. '~ ' ; but this is held to be of it nould not penetrate. (K,' TA.).) 4.l IHe
or the Unattainable; and hence applied to tle weak authority. (Mgh.) .found him to be a i c.
c~,a ntiggard: (1,
palm-tree [of which the brlnches cannot be TA :) it is considered as implying fixedness.
reacheld by tle hand]: (IAmb,TA:) or it may ,-1, The lion. (K.) (TA.) See also 1.
signify 5 the Restorer of the poor to wealth or 5. tI .. They entered a mountain: (u :)
ir: see a r.
competence or suaficiency. (Az, TA.) [God is ,9I ,-
or, accord. to the 0, you say, j.ljl
also called] is . l t Tle Eta-
meaning, the people, or company of men, entered
blisher of hearts acror(ling to their natural con- e anditsvrs.eat.
the mountains. (TA.)
stitutions which lie hath given them in the 3~c and its vars.: see art. q..
mothers' wombs, disposing them to knon, .lim t.Bifg, thick, coarse, or rough; (TA;)
and to confess limn, both the unfortunate of ;Is also tk., applied to a thing (S, O,V) of
them and the fortunate. (TA firom a trlul. of any kind: (K :) or this latter is applied to an
'Alee.)- Also 1A name of .ljjJI [the constel- , [Gypsum;] i. q. ,~. or s.,' (1K,) arrow s signifying t coarsely, roughly, or rudely,
l.tion Orion]; (A, K ;) beCeuse it is [represented] w'ith nwhich one builds. (Kr, TA.*) p,nred. (1K.) You say ,ejl rJ ,.j, (1,TA,
in the form of a crowned king upon a throne.
A.t. The place of ; [i. c., in ,rtich [in the CK, erroneously, JIrJkl . .,]) and .. jl,
(A.)_--,.Jl ' t The cubit of the king: (A, (TA,) t A man having a biq, thick, coarse, or
gypsum is fotnd, or prepared;] as also ..
TA:) or the lonq cubit: or, as .t thinks, by head, and face; (TA;) having little
[i. c. t ;, or, more probably, it is a mistrans- rough,
j..JI is here meant a certain foreign kin,, whose s.eetness. (K, TA.) [See also o.M.] And
cription, for t-. ', like to. (originally
fore arm wns of full length. (TA.)_;jI 43 4ka,o) and"U;. &c.]. (TA.) Jt, & '. . t A big, thick, coarse, or rough,
1 A heart that receives not admonition: (A :) or and heavy, man. (jHam p. 818.) And ai n11'
that admits not compassion. (K.)jt;., (Seer, or "~.:
q *a.. see ,.t-.. (IK.[in one place in the CIC 1A.. and iQ, but
K,) without ;, (Seer, TA,) applied to a palm-tree
only ZJ# accord. to the TA,]) and j4 (s,
("L.), signifies S Tall and young; (Seer, ]g,
K) : A wroman big, thick, coarse, or rough, (,
TA;) as also t;j.: (1 :) or is applied to palm-
K, TA,) in make; (S;) large in make. (TA.)
trees collectively (vj1 ), and signifies tall, and 1. eJ.-, (S, M.h, ;,) aor. ' (Msb, R) and,
And ; ;" tA big, thick, coarM, or rough,
above the reach of the hand; (T, S;) and the (1K,) inf. n. J., (KL,) He (God) created him. iU SA
a. make. (Ham p. 821.) 4,d .. Jl '.
epithet applied to a single palm-tree is with;; ($, M. b, , KL.) So in the phrase, ~
shle-camel having an inereasing hump. (TA.)
(S, A;) in this sense; meaning kess than 0, : I..., (M;b,) or ,,.iJl s., (1,) lie (God)
And Je and tJ t A word not made
(A:) or, with ;, it signifies a young palm-tree, created him with an adaptation, or a disposition,
Also (], TA, [in the CV,
that has attained its utmost hteight and has borne to such a thing, or to the thing; adapted him, or thin. (TA.)
fruit: (M:) or that has been ascended [for the diposed him, by nature thereto. (Msb.) It is J.k,]) A court [of a house]; syn. iLG. (-.)
376 [Buox I.
;.: see . _.:--.and -Also Dry ,v.: see what next follows. a bad, or an ugly, face. (V, TA.) [See also
tree. (i.) *jq and .Jq. and t j.. [accord. to the
; M~Euch; or nummero; (,;) as also C1[ like J~, but correctly like j.,,] and j;
?J.g. (1i.) So in the phess . L [Much and J.;, (8, 1,) aecord. to different readings
'=: see Jta, in three places.
property; or umero _ A of the instance occurring in the Kur xxxvi. 62,
cattle]; and ' ,.
the first being the reading of the people of El- 3,4, applied to a man, t Great, larg, or
numrou tribe. (s.)- See also J~., in two Medeeneh, (9,) [and the most common,] A great big, (, TA,) in make; as though he were a
plaOes. company of men; as also ;i and 'le.: mountain. (TA.)
s. (A mountain: or] any of the nountains ( :) or [imply] a company of men; (v;) as
()U;l [lit. "pegs," or "stakes," a term applied also V .., accord. to Kh; (?gh, TA;) and so
to the mountains because they are supposed to q and Vii4 and at.. : which last three 1. ( Mb,
c9, ?, ,) aor , i,f. .
make the earth firm, or fast,]) of the earth, that (Myb, V) and ;- (0) and L.-; (Mpb, 1;)
signify also the same a 3.1I [a nation, or people,
is great and lon ; (Mgh, 1 ;) or, as some sy, and ;' , (g, ISd, MYb,) aor. '; (Myb, TA;)
only such a is long; (Myb ;) such as is isolated &c.]: (H:) it i said [by some] that is pl. He (a man) wa, or became, uch as i tarmed
being called &./t,
or LU: (V:) [and also applied [or coil. gen. n.] of t L meaning a numerous 0s' (9, Mob, H) and mse.'e; (9, ;) i.e.
to a rocky tract; any rocky eleation, honwoer company: (TA:) I. is pl. of t-.q: one conard/y, (15,) or eak Aearted. (Mob.) And
little dlvated:] and sometimes it means stone; ~ He held bac, or rfrained, from him,
?. i
[or rock;] such, for instance, as is reached by the says, . [eMay God remoe far
or it, through cowardice. (TA in art. ,-p.)
digger: and hence it is applied to EF-aaf& and fiom pro~perity, or succeJ,] your companien:
El-Marwch: (Mgh:) pl. [of mult.] JL3, (9, (Fr,TA:) and J.. is pL of ti;.. (B in 8. '4 q, inf. n. 0q..,3 He attributed to him
Mob, 1) and (of pauc., Myb) J. (Myb, ]) xxxvi. e2.) cowardice (,-.). (s.) And .p, inf. n.
and Jl4. (1.) - [Hence,] t A man who does as above, He is accused of cowardice. (15.)
.4. Much, or an abundance, or a. large
not remoe from hi place: you ay of such a quantity or nmber, of anything; as also ?i.. 4. ..I He found him to be such as is termed
one, J . (TA.) ._. A niggard. (1, TA.) (H-) mSee also s.: and see what next jls.; (9, Mqb, H;) i. e. a coward, or cowardly,
[See 4.] . The lord, or chief, of a people, or (K,) or reak-hearted: (Msb:) or he reckoned
follows, in two places.
company of men: and their learned man. (Fr, him a coward; (M, K ;) as also t '... (1g.)
H, TA.) ,. J ail tTae serpet: ( :) IL, (S,Msb, ) and and .(Sgh,
5. '3 It (milk) became like [i. c.
because it keeps to the J.'- (TA.) -t Calamity, MF) and 't (AA, ,]) and tV'. and cicewe]. (H.)-And hence, perhalps, (TA,) tHe
or misfortune. (IS.) t The bowt that is made t 34.. and 1 , (,) but this last, accord. to (a man) becapme thick, gross, coars, or big.
from the tree called &; (, TA;) because MF, is unlknown, (TA,) Nature; or natural, ($, TA.)
this is one of the trees of the J". (TA.) nativ, innate, or original, constitution, dispogi- 8. "~.l He made cheese of it; i. e. of milk.
t The echo. (Iar p. 472.) tion, temper, or other q~uality or property; idio- (T, K.)1 See also 4.
syncrasy; syn. . (AA, 9, gh, Myb, O) and
J : see . and * b; and a.,($, M,b,
M* H,) the
iaJl (Mb, H) and all these signifying
first of which is the most approved, and the last
,*: see .. -Also, applied to the iron the 'ame: (Mob:) pl. of the first .,.. (S) the most rare, and said by some to be used only
head, or blade, of an arrow, or of a spear, or of in a case of neceuity in poetry, (Lth, Mb,)
Hence, in the Hur [xxvi. 184], ': 5 .'"t i4.4l,
a sword, &c., i Blunt; that will not penetrate [Cheee;] a certain thing that is eaten, (9, Mob,)
into a thing: (Ibn-'Abbd(l, ],* TA:) and so, (8,) meaning 'i.t, (Jel,) or .aJ , i .Se.
eoll hnown: (f:) n. un. "4.., (TA,) a word
with ;, applied to a ,,J. (TA.) And the preceding created beings: (Bd :) El-
having a more particular signification than O,
Easan read with damm [i.e. * J or aJ]. ($,) meaning a eh.) [or round, jlattenel, loaf]
(9) - See also J.., in three places:._and see thereof, (Mgh,) [or a chees, or piece of cheese,]
4 (H, TA, [in the Cg i ,]) and a~4 as also i4- (TA) and (S,TA.)
T.. m Abo
The face: or the a, [or external skin] thereof: uh Of, or relating to, a mountain or moun- ; and t , [inf. u. of g -, used as simple
or the part thereof that is turned torwarde one. subts.,] Cowardice; ea-heartednee;] the
(1i.) Also, (1,) or the former, (TA,) A vice, taint; contr. of l~ . (The Lexicons e passim.) quality denoted by 1.w (8.)
Jault, defect, or blemish. (.) -And Strength.
Natural; i. e. of, or relating to, the ~ : see i*, in two places.
(]g.)_Ahbd Hardnes of the earth, or ground.
natural, native, innate, or original, constitution,
(Lth, B.) m 8ee also 4. : and see . .: see .
disposition, tempera., or other quality or property;
ILA A camers hump; (9, H;) aslso t AL.. like a.g ; i. e. eential; resulting fom the A s ler of 4 [i. e. cheese]. (TA.)
( .)- See also ,.: _wand se i.ee , in two Creator's ordering of the natural dispoition in - And a rel. n. from eq. JI d [The chee~e-
placer. the body. (Myb.) market] in Damascus. ('.)

;i;,r: eo itc..- Alo The origin, or stock, JP1% ~The body, with, or without, the members; .t, (8, Msb, n,) an epithet from '4, (s,)
(1],TA,) of any created thing; (TA;) and so syn. applied to a man and to a woman, (9, Mob, 1,)
and i ; (L, TA;) as being likened
t (1, TA.) - The fundamental nature, to a mountain in bigne [?]. (TA.) One says, in the latter case like jG;. and sj;, (Ibn-Es.
or composition, of a mountain. (TA.)_.- 8arraj, S,) and with; also applied to a woman;
W C0..41, meaning, t [May God render
AJlI. .,. I A garment, or pice of cloth, good (M, M.b, ] ;) and *t 'e, ($, ],) from ,
beautiful] his body ('..): and ([rendergood]
in respect of the th,rad (Q, TA) and the weaving. (9,) applied to a man and to a woman; and
his created jh [or mind, with its qualities and
(TA.) l j i t A big, thick, coare, or attributes: but I rather think that , is here ?tvl; (i;) A coward; or cowardly; i.e.
wont to dread things, so as not to oenture upon
rough, man. ($,1g;)o See also J* , in two a mistramnseription for ;J/,, meaning make]. tAenm bo/ldy, (, TA,) by night or by day; ITA;)
(Ibn-'Abb6d, TA.)
places: ~ and see L,q.. nweak4arted: (Mqb:) A. is contr. of .4:
L.: see a .. J~: see &. j.lJe.: tA man having (Mob in art. .& :) pl. mas . ";, (Myb, H,)
BooK I.] 877

[properly of .]andr-.
f , (Lth, M,b, i.f; A dmeller in the ptq, meaning .)~. 8. .I The deeming [one] rude, coars, un-
TA.) ,1. t[ej is one ohoe dog is (TA.) kind, hard; or chturlih. (JK.) - And Thefear-
ing [a person or thing]. (JK.).-And Iv.q.;
cowardly,] means he is extrmely generous: C~.I [More, and most, corardly, or erak-
He dilihed, or hated, and feared, it, or Aim;
(1, TA:) because, by reaon of guesnt' coming hearted]. (TA.) You say C> C ~I, i. e. namely, a country, or town, and a man. (JK.)
to him, his dog does not growl. (TA.) And [More conwardly] than a vwhitling bird: (8 in - He disapproved it, or didiked it, and did not
you .y, .j J 1 :
tar.P art. jA :) or, u some say, than a thief. (TA in find it wholesome; namely, water, (En-Nawhdir,
meaning 8uch a one is courageou in heart, mild that art. [See also Freytag's Arab. Prov., i. 326.]) 5,) cc. (1.)
in face]. (TA. [Expl. by dq.jl Uq., which
seems to be a mistranscription.]) ,~.. [A cauw of cowardice, or rak-hlear.ted- &4, Largeness, (?,) or width (JK, M, 1) and
nes]. One says, Lit 1 j31.a
l [Children beauty, (M, V,) of the4". [orforehod]: (JK,
see ... - Also The part above the are a cause of co,rardiceand a cause of niggardli- 8, M, :) orprotuberance, or prominence, thereof.
temple, on the right of the forehead, and on the nss]; because one loves continuance of life, and (M, 1.)
left thereof; the two being called L .: ( :) property, on account of them. (f, TA.)
A,r. [The forehead;] the part of the face
the side of the forehead, [so Bd in xIxvii. 103,] which is the place of prostration: (Ay, Myb, ] :)
from the part over against the place where the or the even part that is between thu eyebrows and
hair fall off, to the temple, on the right of the
the aLi [or pla wre the Lair grows in the
forehead, and on th.left threof: so say Az and 1. .q, (8, Mgb, g,) aor. :, (Mgb, V,) inf. n.
fore part of the Aed]: (Kb, JK, MNb, 1 :) so
IF and others: the forehead (11.Jt) is between (IHam p. 355,) Iie slapped, (8,) or struek,
of a man, (?, Mqb,) and of others: ( :) [or,] of
the OtL: (Mqb:) or the 'e4. are the two (K,) or hit, (Mqb,) or struck himn on, (Ham ubi a horse; the part that is below th ear and abore
borde of theforehead, on eitr thereof, in suprk,) his [orforehead]. ($, Myb, ], and theeyes: (TA:) pl. l. (Myb,sTA.)- .[Hene,]
Ijam ubi supriL) And [hence], (IV,) aor. and
the part bet,e.# the two eyebrows 41i, tA certain Mansion of the Moon; [the
inf. n. as above, (TA,) SHe turned him back (1K,
[so in the copies of the ]., a mistake TA) from tie thing that he wanted: (TA:) or Tenth Mansion ;] (f, ], Vzw;) condsting of
for C. blJI 4' tl in the part n~xt to the two : he met him, or encountered him, with, or he said foutr stars; (f;) thefour stars [I, %, l, and a,]
in the nec/k and heart of Leo; [regarded by the
eyebrows]), rising to the place where the growth to him, or did to him, a thing disliked, or hated:
of the hair terminates: (1 :) or betwenm tuhe place (1, TA, T1:) or the encountered him, or con- Arabs as tAe fore-part, or forecad, of Leo;]
(l1zw in his deser. of Leo;) between ach of
where the gro*vth of the hair terminates and the fronted him, with speech in wlichrwas roughness:
eyebrovs: (TA:) or the ~ is the borders (in (JK, M, TA:) or hhe encountered him with that which and the net to it is the sace of a whi?'s
the T, thIe border, TA) of the forehead, between which he didiked, or hated; or he accused hin length; theanorthrnmowt of thm called by astro-
the twvo temnlles, uniting with the a4l [or place thereof to his faee; (M, TA, and YIam ubi logers ~,Al. (15zw in his deser. of the Mansions
whdre the hair grows in the f,Jre lMrt of the supra;) or so *,jA '~. (8, TA.)-_;WI , of the Moon.) - Also t The moon (, TA)
itelf: but [it rather seems to mean the upper
head, or the hair of that part]: (K, TA:) and it (JK, S, K,) inf. n. as above, (JK, S,) HIe carne
part of the disc of the moon; for] it is aid in
sometinmes occurs as mincaint theforehead: (MF, to the 7roter, (JK, S, 1],) when there was at it no
the M that a certain unknown poet huas meta-
TA:) [see an cx. voce ', whlere it is used in apparatusJfr drawing, ($,) i. e. no pulley j'c., phorically assigned a ~ to the moon. (TA.)
this last sense, and is fem., perlhaps because syn. (JK, TA,) or thaving no means of dranring, so -Also
that he only looked at the surface of tle rwater. q., S The chief of a people, or om-
with a, for] L. says that it is always masac.: pany of men; (JK, Mgh, 1, TA;) like as one
t ~~~9-. lI (Z, .) [Sec also .1 t.' I4 It (win-
(TA:) pl. [of mult.] a uid [of pauc.] ,,;.1 say the . thereof. (Mgh, TA.) _ The
ter) came upion tleIpople unpreparedfor it.
(Msb, 1.) and -1. (1.) generom and manly, or manly and noble, perons
(A, .)
U;: .~~~~~o
see wh ,e.
-~ Also One who keelpc, or 2. *
of a people, or company of men: or men ezerting
The mounting a fornicator, or an themsl~ in the case of a bloodwit or a debt or
guards, the produice of land in thie deert. (TA.)
adulterer, upton an ass, and turning his face other obligation, (], TA,) or in repairing the
_ Sec also wlat next follows.
toywards the tail; whence the trad. of the Jews condition of a poor man, (TA,) and who come
not to any one but he is ashamed to turn thwm
i;t. (;, Mgh, Msb, 1) and tV .. , (S, M. b, respecting the adulterer, ~ ,!
1],) the former of whichl is the more common, [lie shall oave his face blackened with charcoal, back, (1S, TA,) or who are seldom or neer
(MNb,) A place of prayer, (M.b,) or commnon and be mtunteld on an ass with his face toatrds turned back by anyonc: so, accord. to Aboo-
Sa'eed, in a trd. in which it is said that there
place of prayer, (Mgh,) in a _ [or ldesert the tail, and be flogged]: (Mgh :) or the mounting shall be no poor-rate in the cse of the J.
tract]. (Mgh, Meb.) - A burial-ground: (1 :) tim fornicators,or adulterers, upon an am, and (TA.)_tA company, or collected number, of
this is sometimes called LC. because the place turning the backs of their heaids towards each men, (JK, g, Mqb,) and of horsee: (JK, Mqb:)
other, (JK, Mgh,) and parading them round
of prayer is generally in the burial-ground: or, of hormes, the best: (TA:) and [simply]
about; thus accord. to the Tekmileh: (Mgh:)
(Msb:) accord. to Kb, these two words, in this hor; (Lth, f, M, Mgh, 1 ;) a word having no
or the blackening [with char,.coal] thefact of two sing.,
sense, are from .q.JI and ',.l.J; but others fin'icators, or adultrers, (_.. or n. un.: (M, 1] :) accord. to Lth, (TA,)
ji in the ] having this last meaning in the trad. above men-
derive them from 'q.. (TA in art. .) .- A
being a mistake for, J1, i. e. j, TA,) tioned; (g, Mgh, TA;) because horses are the
[desert trhet stch as is termed] _... (', J.)
and mounting tlum tupon a camed or an as, and best of beats. (Mgh.) t Abjectnes, or igno-
-A place that produces much herbage: and turning theirfacs in contrarydirections: accord. miny; (JK, M, 1, TA;) and a state of annoy-
lecel, elevated land: (AHn, 1:) or the latter, to analogy, it should
mean turning their faee ance, or molestation: (Z, TA:) thought by I8d
ievel, elevated land, that produces mucYh A!bage:
(Aboo-Kheyreh, TA:) accord. to ISh, it i smooth, towards each other; for it is from 4a 1: **J : to be from -. meaning "he encountered him
with that which he disliked or hated," or "he
without trees; but it may lave in it hill, and a also signifies the bending, inclinig, lowering, or
accused him thereof to his face ;" because the
tract abounding with tree: and sometimes the hanging down, the head towards the gromd: and
a4. is loevl, without hills and without any tract it may be hence; (i. e. it may be hence that it is doing this causes one to experience abjectnews, or
ignominy. (TA.) It is said to have thir meaning
abouding withA tres; but it is not in sand nor in applied to him who is mounted on a beaat in the
manner described above; TA;) because he to in a tmad., in which it is said, .I ,i il 1ni
mountains, though it mnay be in [high grounds
whom this is done bends down his head in shame a.1it A4-Ji z4 , .,! i. e. For God hat1
mch as are termed] JI [pl. of ,l] and in
and confusion: or it may be from dq meaning relmd you from abjectnes, or ignminy, &c..
[haet ar termeod] ,U5 [pl. of (TA.)
C4;:]. "he did to him a thing dislied, or hated" (].) and mi dilted wita waUr, and blood drawn
Bk. I.
378 [BooK 1.
from a vein [of a camel], which the Arabs used see above]; t Re collected the [tax called] ~1/,l-, or q., (as in different copies of the 1g,)
to eat: or in this trad., (TA,) .. Jlli
is the name (S, Mgh, Msb, K, Er-Raghib,) and [other] pro- written with I and with jS, (TA,) The camel-
of a certain idol (ISd, 15,TA) that was wor- periy. (Msb, TA.) The last of these verbs is waterer's going in adlvance of the camels a day
skipped in the linm of Ignorance: (TA:) and said in the . to be originally with ., though pro- before their coming to the rater, and collecting
i-J,t and il4t were two idols. (. and 1, in nounced without .; but IB says that this is not for them nwater in the drinking-trough, and then
art C.) the case, and that it has not been heard with . bringing them to it (IAqr, K, TA) on the morrow.
(TA.) You say also, 4,JI1 e.~' t []Ie coUected (IApr, TA.) [App. an inf. n., of which, in this
;j R'
r.i }; Ve came to a water that itfrom the peopqe, or company of men]; (M, K,* sense, the verb is not mentioned.] So in the
was ;alt, so that the drinking thereof did not verse,
TA;) and . ~ t[[ie collectedfrom them].
take away the thirst of our cattle: (ISk, JK, 8:)
or that was altered for the worse in taste and (M, , TA.)_A Iso _ [or . ],(TA,) first pers.
colour, from some such cause as long standing, -.. ~', (Zj, TA,) t He appropriated a thing $
j4. ,r~~~~~~~~~~
f~ -
0 ' -Cr
- - -- -r

though still drinkable; or covered with the green ptirely to himself, exclusively of any partner; 33J! tAWUlL,lZ
substance called and with leaves: or thatt chose it, or took it in preference, for himself. [Slowly I satisfied their thirst; not hastily: and
was deep in the bottom, difficult to gire to drink. (Zj, TA.) And hellce, (Zj, TA,) lt.L tI e by going in advance of them a day, and collecting
(ISk, 8.) [See also 1, last meaning buit one.] chose it, or selected it, (Zj, , 1K,) .Lifor him- for them water in the trough, and bringing them
to it on the morrow, I satisfied their thirst; not
self. (TA.) - And ~ and l.~, [originally
i. q. Q, (K,) i. e. A fea,ful, or coma rdly, by pouring the water into the trough while they
man. (TA.) .X,] lie returned, receded, retreated, or nwnt were drinking, without having prepwred any.for
back. (TA.) them beforehand]. (IAtr, TA.)~Also the former,
s1$, applied to a gazelle, (JK,) or to a bird 2. 5 inf.
., n. '.a, ie placed his hands Water collected [in a trough]; and so t!".,
or a wild animal, (g,) That meets one with its
upon his knees, (1., TA,) in prayer; (TA;) or with daiam. (TA. [See .. ])_. A fatering-
face orforehead; and sutch is of evil omen: (K:)
upon the ground: or he fell prostrate; or fell trough (1, TA) in nwhich water is collected:
contr. of * -. (JK.)- Coining to water: so upon his face: (K :) or he lowered his body and (TA:) or the station of the drawer of water,
in a saying cited and explained in art. il1, his hands, and raisedhis buttocks: (Ham p. 801:) upon the [up,er part of the] casing. (.K.)- The
conj. 2. (IAr, TA.) [or] Z~ signifies a man's standing [with the place where a well is dulg: (. :) in this sense,
OI, applied to a man, Large, ($,) or nide hands t pon the knees] in the mnanner of the : and in the next, also written Uj-. (TA.)_The
(JK, M, gO) and beautifil, (M, K,) in the i (S, I :*) accord. to A'Obeyd, what is thus termed brink, or margin, of a well. (Aboo-.Leyl,li.)
[or forehead]: (JK, 9, M, 1K :) or pr'otuberant, is of two kinds: one is the placing the hands The earth that is arouind a well, that is seenflo.m
or prominent, therein: (M, 1 :) applied to a upon the knees, while standing: the other, the afar; (8;) originally L.: (TA :) what is aronnd
horse, having a protuberant, or prominent, fore- prostratingonese.lf, orfalling upon theface, lying
a well: (]g:) and what is around a watering.
head, ,riingbeyond the bone of the nose: (TA:) donn; which is ,.Z: (S.:) or the bending
donn, and placing the hands ?pon the knees; trough: (TA:) pl. :'t. (K.) .. meaning
fem. ,; (S.,I ;) of which the dim. is i-'l.
because it is a bringing-together of the limbs. A gift without compensation is a vulgar word.
(a.) - 1a,~rl The lion; (K ;) because of the (TA.)
width of his q.c.. (TA.) (Mgh.)---.., inf. n. as above, meaning lie
gave to him, is vulgar. (TA.) W!. Wate.r collected (T, S, .K) in a trough, (T,
and 4. .. ! in the trad. t hi .- * is ]K,) being drawn fr.om a ncll, (T, TA,) for
originally L*.l [q. v.]: ( :)- accord. to IAth, camels; (s;) [like L.;] as also ti, (], TA,
[The words belonging to the former of these and so in a copy of the S, but omitted in the CI,)
it is a corruption of the relater, or the . is sup.
two'arts. cannot well be classed by themselves,
pressed to assimilate the verb to .01. (TA.) or *V', (so in two copies of the S,) and t ;i";
being intimately connected with those of the latter,
which are the more numerous and common, and The inf. n., . 4., is variously explained, as also, (so in a copy of the ., [see and
from which they are generally easily distinguish- follows: (TA :) The selling seed-produce before
it shows itself to be in a good state: (A 'Obeyd,
(1., TA, and so in a copy of the .,) and ltjLa..,
able.] (K, TA, and so in another copy of the I, but
Th, S8,1] :) and a man's hiding his camels from
L o , (13,) first pens. ;q, (Ks, S,Er- the collector of the poor-rate: (IAar, A'Obeyd, omitted in the CK,) and t ;: (TA as from
RAghib,) aor.,; (1;) and ts, sor. :, (15,) 1 :) and i. q. ,e#; i.e. the selling to a mnan the ]g, but not in the C15: [perhape a nmistrans-
said by MF to be unknown, and also, because a commodity for a certain price to be paid at cription for V1. X:]) but accord. to IAmb, L.
neither the second nor the third radical is a faucial a certain period, then buying it of him with is pl. ofV "t'. (TA.)
letter, unreasonable, but mentioned by Sb, though ready money for a less price than thatfor which
held by him to be of weak authority, and men- it was sold. (TA.) ;j.m-; see W...
tioned also by IAgr, as extr., like tIl, aor. Mt,; 8. '.t.l t The drawing forth property from ;~~.: see L and L.
(TA;) and Lap., (TA,) first perns. ., (Ks, 8, the places in which it is known, or presumed, or
TA,) aor. '; (TA;) inf. n. [of the first and accustomed, to be. (TA.) _ t The collecting in see ,.. -Also tA mode, or manner,
second] Ug (8h, K) and [probably of the last the way of choice, or selection. (Er-Righib, TA.) of collecting the [tax called] 6.i ; and so t,
only] L and Co.. and ;. and [of the last, but - See also 1, last sentence but one. Also which Lb calls an inf. n. (TA.)
whether in the first or the second of the senses t God's particular,or peculiar, distinguishing of
men by abundant bounty, from which various 41q.: see what next precedes: - and see ~..
here following is not shown,] i_~.; (g; [or this
blessings result to them without their labour; as
last has a different application, explained below;]) happens to prophets and some others. (Er- ;;..: seete
He collected water in a trough or tank for beasts
Raghib, TA.) - Also ;.1., t lie forged it:
kc. [Ks, 15, k1, Er-Righib.)- And (hence,
and he extemporized it. (TA.) Hence, in the i;jl and eee.
metaplhorically, Er-R&ghib, TA) the first of these
verba, (.8, Mgh, Mhb, 1, Er-Rlghib,) and the Kur [vii. 202], l1 . ;: cI ljlti t They say,
t.-: see T..Thetaxca/l/ d;jt[lor ].
second, (1,) and the third; (f,M 9b,TA;) inf n. Wlerefore hast thou not forged it, (Fr, TA,) or (TA in art. 31.) [Originally an inf. n.]
produced it, (Th, TA,) or invented it, (Jel,) or
(of the first, C, Myb) (., Mgh,
M. MyIb, ], Er- LC.' [a pL of which the ging. is not mentioned]
put it together by forgery, (Bd,) of thyself?
R6ghib) and (of the last, 8, Mb) .ln.(., M 9b, (Fr, Th, Bd, Jel, TA:) or wherefore hast thou Wells which are d ug, and in which tihe soots of
nd e (TA) [and probably j;_ also, which nit sought it, or demanded it, of God? (Bd.) grape-vines are et. (Ain, K5.)
Boox I.] Bo ] -37 379

,.. A collector of naterforcamels: belonging (S, M9b,) or reclining, or lying on the side: (TA:) fighting. (S, K.) _ t It (a plant, or herbage,)
to ;rts. . and U.a (TA.) t The locust that of a man standing erect being termed jiL became tall, and tangled, or luxuriant, or abun-
(O) that collects everytfing by eating it; as also (Msb) or ,,ti; (TA;) and , applying in dant and dense (Z,] :) or became tall (j;a!,
;sq. [q. v.'. (TA.) The Arabs say, ,; .1I1 common to what is termed 4. and what is q. v.), and such as might be grasped nwith the
termed gtj, in relation to a man: (Msb:) or tand. (AZ, S, ]I.) It (the plumage of a
&t1J1 I4ta1 4. ";l, i. e. t [When the
ai. is used only in relation to a man upon a bird) became rufled. (g.)
year of drought comes,] the locust and the wolf
[come with it]. (IApr, TA.) horse's or camel's saddle, wearing a turban: so Y (AZ, S, n1sb, K) and J (10)A tlhing,
says IDrd on the authority of Abu-l-Khattah El- (M.sb,) or hair, (AZ, S, Y,) and t trees (...),
aelw A n,atering-trough,(S,) or largewatering- Akhfashl; but he adds that this has not been (K., TA,) much, or abuntdant, (AZ, ., Myb, ],)
trough, (1J,) in rwhich water is collected (8) for heard from any other: (TA:) pl. [of mult.] and thick, or coarse, or rough, (MNb,) or tangled,
camels: (TA:) or a watering-trough that collects A 1' (A, TA) and [of pauc.] 1. t; the latter or luxuriant and tdense, (]K,) anl soft: (TA:)
water: (Er-Rzgahib,TA:) pi. f,y. (S.) Hence, or thick, or coarse, or rough, and short: or dense
as though formed from ,-., witllout regard to
in the K]ur [xxxiv. 12], ._l_.*iiA'. ; [And the augmentative letter [;]; or it may be pl. of and black: (K:) or the blackest hair: or the
bonls like watering-trough.s, or great watering- thickest, or coarsest, or roughest: (Lth, TA:) or
..', and thus a pl. pl. (TA.)- Also A body;
troughs]. (S.)-t A company of men. (1K, anything large, big, or bulky, and dense, and
[a corpse;] syn. ... ; as in the saying, in a
TA.) tangled, or luxuriant. (1K.) You say i.i. L4_
trad., ,Jpol it1i
1_Q t God, remove
[0 An abundant, thick, or coarse, or rough, beard.
.;3... ;jj A hollowed pearl: (Ihbn-Wahb, the earth from his body, or corp7se: i. e., let it
M.sb:) or a thick, or dense, beard. (TA.) And
TA:) the latter word thought by El-Khatt.bee not press against his sides in the grave]. (TA.)
(TA.) 4a.,o
a A horse'sforelock moderate in respect
to be formed by transposition firom A".4. [And The body of a tree: see 7.]
of quantity and length: such is approved. (..)
-: -i [a coll. gen. n.] Young paln-trees, or And ;. . t A ,nany-leared, big, tree. (.,
shoots of palm-trees, that are cut off from the KI, TA.).- J . A species of ant, large and
1. '_, (S, Msb,,TA,) aor. ', (Msb,TA,) in n. ,nother-trees, or plncked forth from the ground, black; as also J-.: (IDrd, TA :) or . sig-
c, (A, IS,) I1e pilled it up, or out; as also and planted: n. in. with ;: it is thus called until nifies a black ant: ($:) or a large ant: and
it yields fruit; when it is called .ka: (S:) or
t ':...I; (S, Is.h ;) or the latter denotes a quicker J, is its pl. [or coll. gen. n.]. (K.)
action thl,n the former; and properly signifies he what are planted, of the shoots of palm-trees;
(AHn, K;) not what are set, of the stones
tooh its whole a;. [or body]: (TA:) or the
(AHn, 'TA:) or shoots of palm-trees when they 1iJ Leaves that have become gradually scat-
former, hc cut it; or cut it off: (A, L, K :) or he
are first pulled o' fi'om the mother-trees: (As, tered, or strewvn. (K.)
cut it of]fJ'om its root: (L :) or he pulled it up),
or out, lby the root; namely, a tree: (A, :) he -TA: [as also A. :]) or, with 3, it signifies a 3-A BIroad, or wcide. (.) _ Standi,,g
uprooted it, or eradicated it. (A.) ~.~. said palmn-tree producedfropn a date-stone,fo-r which erect. (s, )
of a collector of honey, lIe tookh the honey with a hole is dug, and which is transplanted nith the
earth adhering to its root: (AA, TA:) or what
its . and its .jt_, i. c., the bees that had
fiils in succeusion from [app. a mistake for at] 1. nor., (S, Mgh,Mbb,g) and C, (n,,)
died in it. (I Aar, TA.) the roots, or lon.er parts, of palm-trees. (Abu-l-
inf. . .;(S, Mgh, Msb, 5) and , (1],)
7. (M,L, TA) and vZ. (M, A, L, Khatt.b, TA.) -And Grapes that fall at the
said of a bird, ($, Mgl, Msb, K,) and of a hare,
TA) It was, or became, pulled up, or out: pro- roots, or lower parts, ofithe vine. (ISd, TA.) and sometimes of a gazelle, (Msb,) or of a [young
perly, its nwhole a. [or body] nas taken; said of a~. and V .~..A thing with whichl gazelle such as is termed] ./s, (K,) and of a
a tree: (TA in explanation of tihe latter:) it was, [q. v.] are uprooted: (M, .:) an iron implemnent camel, (Msb, .K,) and a jerboa, (g,) and a man,
or became, cut, or cut off; (A, L;) or cut oj' with which young palm-trees, or shoot.s of palm- (S, K,) lie clare to the ground: (., ] :) or kept
from its root; (L;) pulled up, or out, by tithe trees, are pulled up or off. (S.) to his place, not quitting it: (Y :) orfell upon his
root; uprooted, or eradicated: said of a tree. (A.) in the case of a bird and
,L_..: see what next precedes. breast: (M.b,* 1:) ;
8: scoland7. a hare is like j, in the case of a camel: (Msb:)
a. A tree [pulled ul, or out, by the or in the casc ofa bird it is like ".J.~ in the case ofa
.. , so in the 8 [and L] and other lexicons,
root: or] that has no root in the ground. (A.) man [so that the verb means he sat]. (Mgh.)-
but in the K it is implied that it is t , (TA,) Also, (]K,) aor.;, (TA,) said of seed-produce, It
_-.. q. ! _. The fourteenth metre of verse;
ie,' wra.r: or any particles, of the nings of the rose a littlefrom the ground. (Q,* TA.) - Also,
is though it were cut off from the ; (TA;)
bees, (S, K,) and of their bodies, (8,) intermi.ced
the metre consisting of (A.Hn, I.,) aor. ', (AIIn, TA,) inf. n. A,
with the honey: (., ]:) [or] the of honey; said of a raceme of a palm-tree, Its unripe, or
(K ;) i. c. the young bees, or the wings, titat are * a
ripening, dates became somewhat large: (AHn,
upon honey; as in the M and L &c.: (TA:) or (]. [So originally; but in usage, the last of the 4:.) or it becanme large, and kept its place.
the bees that have died in the honey. (IA#r, TA.) three feet is cut off. Accord. to the TA, the first (T, TA.) - Also, inf. n. ., said of the night,
- Also Dead locusts. (lA','.)
foot is properly written J ' -, as in some : It became half spent. (Th, IB, TA.) .,,
:._a: see -. . ,Also Elevated grond (S, copies of the 1..]) also signifies He collected clay, or mould, and
TA, but not in all the copies of the former) such earth, or dust, and ashes. (s.)
as has a form visible from a distance: (TA:) or 2. , (S, Mgh,) inf. n. , (KL,) [lie
ground that i elevated so as to be like a tmaU 1. J''., aor. '; (Lth, Msb, 1;) and j'#., a hare, and the like, to clearse
made a bird, and
[hill of the hind called] "1I. (].) The aor. '-; (i;) inf. n.. . and Jlf4; (Msb, V ;) to the ground, then to be shot at, or cast at, anl
envelope of a fruit ; (1 ;) [or of the spadix of a both of the former verb; (Myb, TA;) [but both
so killed: see a :] he kept, or held, a bird
palm-tree;] like ~ ; the , being a substitute mentioned in the . as simple substs. ;] It was, confined, that it might [be shot at, or cast at,
for J. (TA.) or becamne, such as is termed j`., explained and] die: (K.L:) ie turned an animal on his
a The body, or corporealform or figure, below. (Msb, I.) side to be daughtered. (Golius,'as from the KL,
but not in my copy of that work.)
(o,u,) of a man, (S, A, Myb, ],) [absolutdely, Q. Q. 4. ,j. He (a bird) ruffled hisfeathers
or] sitting, (S, A, Msb,) or sleeping, [by which is ($, ]) by reasuon of the cold. (TA.) - _ He 5. .. 3 He (a bird) mounted his female for
meant, as in many other instances, lying down,] (a man) became angry, and prepared himselffor the purpose of copulation. (TA.)
48 a
380 [BooK I.
._, 8eed-produce rising a little from the as also (T, II) and t
Ttit.,t and like: (TA:) or l. [and .] he kneeled; put
ground; as also t .. (I(, TA.)_ A raceme and * ". (T, TA.) himnelf in a Ineling posture; which is the mode
of a palm-tree having its unripe, or ripening, of sitting of him who is contending or disputing:
dates becoming somenhat large. (11, TA.) secelt. - :;
Hence, t A hare. (TA.) (AZ, .lar p. 512:) [or he put domn Ais Anees
upon the ground and raised his buttocks; i. e. he
. : asee the next preceding paragraph. .,.. pl. of ~. [1 v,] (TA.) _n Also A kneeled with his body and
thighs erect, or nearly
hill such as is called It ; and so V ' (: ) so: see ,l:]
: ge 4:. - and. and ~ j U liefell [upon his
., 0 AP and * i. (TA.)
knee]; and Vs.U l1.. [theyfell upon the knees,
'soq: se-e .
;6: see~
. and sank bachwards so as to rest the body uepon
Clay, or miould, and eartiA, or dust, and the heeli or un the lef foot bent sideways
ashe, colected. (V.) 14.: see .t...-Hencc, tA man wnho keeps
to the region of cities, towns, villages, or cu/ti- beneath; for] . is the manner of sitting of the
',q.: 3.i;...:_ d:. vated land, and does not travel: (Mb :) a man 4L ' [in prayer]: (Ram p. 287:) or e., (g,
i4: seo 1,4 .* aand ^.4. who sleeps much, and does not travel; as also TA,) inf. n. .;. and ., (A,) he stood upo
body, with the limbs or members;
-t !The ,* ($,1and * and V;Sl.: ($ :) [see the extrernities of his toes; ( ;) like l..; from
also itq. :] stupid, dull, wanting in intelligence; which AO reckons it to be formed by substitution
syn.. _,--: and i. q. o6 [app. as meaning a
person; not, as J seems to have held, a corporeal, or not penetrating, harp, vigorous, or effective, [of .b for S]; but IJ says that they are two dial.
in the performing of affairs: and a forbearing, vars. (TA.) Aboo-Thumnmch says,
or material,form or thing or substance, such as
or clement, personage, chief, or man of rank or
is seen from a distance; see . ]: ( :) or,
quality. (..) - See also .t:..
accord. to An, it has the latter meaning, i. q. [I contending, or disputing, mith themn one time
,,; and r has the former meaning, .~.. A bird, (Msb, I,) and a hare, and some- standing, and falling upon my knees whe/. they
that of.-./ ($, Mob) and : (Mqb :) or, times a gazelle, (Msb,) or a [young gazelle such
accord. to AZ, j i is syn. with 3 'tA,($, as is termed] L.;., (,) and a camel, (Msb,
"' '- ' '
Mbh,) i. e ..q. (S.) One says, ..m~1 La ]g,) and a jerboa, and a man, (K1,) cleaving to II,) inf. n. ~.'; (TA ;) I collected camels, and
the ground: or keeping to his lptlce, not quitting sheep or goats. (Sghl, g.)
J,q.I ' lL and e..q., meaning [toiv goodly,
it: (IQ:) or falling upon his breast: (MSb,*
or beautiful, is] the body, or person, of the man! 3 : .1 J' i ; , (I, and so in
I ) as also *.: (K :) [or the latter] and
(AZ, ?.) J cites, as an cx. of this word in the some copies of the S,) or ; " Jl ,; ;
sense of o_i., from a verse of Bishr, .t;.. doing so much, or often: and *i... doing
so very much, or etry often: (Mhsb:) and the (so in other copies of the S,) [I sat, or sat mith
first, also, sitting upon his legs like a bird: pl. him, with my knee to his knee, each of us sitting
obmerving thut by 411 is meant the Kagbeh
.,... (TA) [and i., accord. to Freytag]. upon his knees, in contending or disputing: see
1]: and 4,.. alone, (? voce ~Jl..,) [signifies
but IB says that the right reading, as found in sew;
~a*d i. .ij~ , in the Kur [vii. 76, the same,] inf. n. t; (]g and TA voce;ySt..)
his poetry, is 1, and *; and that the mean- &c.], means [And they becam,e, in their abodc,]
[and '. ;: see also 6].
bodies cast upon the ground: (TA:) or extinct,
ing is, A [long] hump like the ,1 [or body]
or motionless; and dead. (Bd(.) .. JI Tlhe 4. 4q.1 (9, o) He made him to sit upon his
of the she-camel that i* placed [and conJined
stars composing the constellation of the Scorpion; knees: [see 1:] or he made him to stand upon
without food or mater until she dies] at rthe grave
of a dead man. (TA.) One says also, ,"A l;.. also called .ljell: see LjW. (L and TA in art. the extremities of his toes. (K.)
;Ulddl Qt,4If: [He brought uts crumbled bread >11
d.~q.4 l Iq [They sat together upon
moistened with broth and piled up, like the body 4_. One ndto does not quit his house, or tent. their knees], (S, .K,) in contending or disputing;
of the bird of the hind caUed Li]. (9.) (Lti, TA.) [See also ,*.. ] inf. n. t;l and L.., which are [properly
inf. ns. of 3, but are] thus used as inf. ns. of a
re it,
"tQ1 as used in the saying of El- ~;.,.: see l'. : _ and ;1:.. verb to whiich they do not conformn. (TA.)_
Farajeych, (l,) so in the copies of the 15, [or
_.q t[and ' A ptlace where a bird, ie., b..ain. JJU l i ,I".:JI is like j*14.Zjt [The
El-Farameeyeh, accord. to the Cl],] but correctly
of EI-Farezda!~, (TA,) cleatve to the ground: or to which it keeps: or vying, one with another, in lif.ing the stone, for
where itfall upon its breast. And particularly,] trial of strength]. (TA.)
The seat, orform, of a hare: (TA:) [pl. ,..] 1.., or ', [pl. of q., q. v. - Also] A
' I_ -' a.o-- .,ol _ _ A bird, and a hare, and the like, that company, or congregated body, of men; (TA;)
is confined, or set up, to be killed; (A 'Obeyd, S, or so tV ;,. (Bd in xlv. 27) [or t /s]: and
means The water itself: or the middl thereof: companies, or congregated bodies,
Mgh;) that is made to cleave to the ground thereof. (TA.)
or the place where it collected. (I, TA.) [The It has the former meaning in a trad., where it is
poet says, And her aged she-camels passed the (..;J), and then shot at, or cast at, until it is
night in the water, &e., .... like the companies killed; (S, Mgh ;) which manner of killing is said, 4to' ;'' . -A;
of mourning women having the head, or the face, forbidden: (S ) or any animal that is set up and [They shall become, on thAe day of resurrection,
&c., uncomred: but what is meant by c1 Jli shot at, or cast at, and [so] killed: (A'Obeyd, a company, or congregated body, each people
J_', unless it be nwith one having a saddle upon TA:) or a sheep, or goat, that is shot at writh followinng its prophet: or here the pl. meaning
her, (Jl being sometimes used in the sense arrows: ('Ikrimeh,Mgh:) or a sheep, or goat, is more reasonable]: and the latter in the trad.,
that is stoned (Sh, Mgh,TA) until it die, and is j. > j) [Such a one is of the com-
of t.,) I am unable to conjecture. In the CId,
then eaten. (TA.) panies, or congregated bodies, of [ell; or IHell-
and ._,JtCW are erroneously put for I;
fire], accord. to one recital: otherwise, Vj' ' .
,.d.,. a:. i:.
,&;, of those that sit upon the knees therin.
. Incubus, or nightmare; (T, V;) what 1. .;t. and b 10) %Z;4 ,i,, (S, (TA.)~-J1
(S, Msb, is also said to have been A certain
comes upon a man when he is sleeping; (T, TA;) idol, to which sacrifices were performned. (TA.)
M9b,) aor. 'and,, inf. n. . and (S,
what comes upon a man in the night, preventing Mqb,V,) Hesat upon his knees; (IC,TA;) for *j": see what next follows, in two places:
him from peaing; i. q. ,; (IApr, TA;) the purpose of contention or disputation, or the I _- and see '..
Boot I.] 381

dissipated or dispersed, and passed away; and

'and t ,4/ and tV;. Stones collected people sitting upon the knees, (Bd, Jel,) in an
upright posture, not at ease: (Bd:) or congre- so t the latter verb. (AA, TA.) - It (anything,
togetaer: (9, ] :) or the stones of earth collected
gated; (Bd, Jel ;) from ;.. signifying "a com- TA) was, or became, little in quantity, or scanty.
togetAer like the [mound over a] grave: and the
pany," or "congregatel body." (Bd.) Whence, (j, TA.) - It (a person's life, TA) was, or
fint, a hillock: or a htap of earth: (TA:) or
became, strait, and difficult. (j,' TA.) - It
collected earth: (yam p. 399:) or a quantity (TA,) QIOlJI ij. The [forty-fifth] chapter, of
(a plant) was, or became, scanty; (S;) did not
collected of earth &c.: (yam p. 381:) and (hence, the Kur-dn, next after that called ,ll.JI.(9, grow tall. (9, j.)_
]lam p. 381) a gave: (TA, Yam pp. 381 and W,j'l, .' The land
TA.) -[E.Jl, or #- J L tJI, tThe
899:) pl. i~, (TA, Ilam p. 399,) or 0 . i became dry, and of no good. (L.)_ , oj1

constellation Hercules.] [Our year nwas, or became, one of little rain:

(/lam ib.) It is said in a trad., ;i.l ~ j,jJ ;
see,.]. (A.)
4. saw the tombs of the martyrs [to be] I[~.. A place of sitting upon the knees.]
collections of earth. (TA.) And .~.Jl (pl. 3: see 1.
of *'-, TA) and .aj&,Jl s (pl. of * *., TA) 4: see 1, in two places.
signify Il'l,at are collected, in the sacredterritory, R. Q. 1. _ He mentioned a .t.; ,~ andf _ and ? Paucity, or
of tite stones of the jL% [or pebbles cast at Minc]: scantiness, of good; ($, C;) which means both
[or chief, &c.] oflhi people. (T A .). ,
(8:) or this is a mistake; ( ;) pointed out by She gave birth to a t- .. (TA.) And n;ijgardliness and poverty: (A:) straitnesi of
~gh in thc T 9 : (TA:) the meaning is, mhat are the means of sub.istence; as also t ~.. (TA.)
collected together of the stones that are set [in I eJ . She brought forth her child a
One says, * .L.;. . ;i iJ (g) and al 1,
heaps] at the limits of the sacred territory: or (A.)
I1., (LTin art. 3f.) [May God decree strait-
the ,,LL;l [or stones set up around the Kaabelh] ne.s, or di.fficulty, to him, and poverty]: a form
see the following paragraph. - Also
upon which victims were slain in sacrifice. (8, of imprecation. (TA.) ~ .. ns an epithet,
TA.) AIso i. q. ;j, [A live coal; or piece A lown, an ignoble, a vile, a mean, or a sordid, fem. with;: see l-. , in three places.
man; possessing no manly qualities. (AA, T,
of.fire; &c.]: (v:) or so t ;_t. and *o?: .K.) [Tllus it bears two contr. significations.]
(TA:) or i '. ,.: (Fr, TA:) asserted by see , in four places.
Yasgooh to be formed by substitition [of 4p for ;R (SA,A,10 and t(K)A chief,
5]. (TA.) Andl The middle [of a tihing]. lord, master, or man of ankh or quality or dis-
(IAqr, K, TA: but omitted in the Cl~ and in tinction: (9, A, K :) or one nwho is liberal, boun- (_ (It ) and * , and .T l (s)
a MS. copy of the .K.) Anid Tie otlody, w:ith A man niggardly, or avaricious; ( ;) posessing
tiful, or rmuniicent ; or one ieho is noble, or
the li,nl,s or membhers; syn. : (K :) or so genuerous: (TA:) and one n'ho hastens [to render little good. (S, X.) [Hlience,] ;t.~ 1jlDry
-Sp ' !' `k,
o,:q: pl. t .. (Sb,TA.)-And, S. A rcat, aid] in cases of evil: (A :) pl. (of the former, land, in which is no good. (L.) And ~*
or large, man. (IShi, TA.) See also t.. S, A, TA, [or of the latter accord. to analogy,]) (S,) or ., (A,) Ai year in which is little
,~. , A thick and short
i1;t: see ,., in tilrce plaices. .w
" (8, A, I) and (of thel same, A, TA) rain. (S.) Also
horse: fem. wiil ;: pl..1 w. (g.)
4.t~ (A, K) and t1 _: (K :) it is said
fi. i. q. _ [npp. as meaning A person;
in the S that these two are pls. of the first pl.;
or the hftly of n man, like .t nandl i..]; as ~..: see e .
the S in the former of them being substituted for
also t t... (Sgl, K.) - [Andl hence, perhaps,] the t5 in tIhe latter of thlenl, whichl is rejected; ;.l. (applied to a man, TA) Sqlow in emitting
Incubus, or niyhtmare. (TA. [Bliut in this scnlse for one of thlese two letters must be retained, but his seminalfluid; syn. J!p1q 1 Jb,. (1N.)
it is written in the 1'A .., withlout ., andl with- both cannot be together: thlis assertion in the ;,
out any syll. sigin.) = Also i. q. olj. [lequital, however, is well refuted by MF. (TA.) 1.J. I: see j...
or compen.sation]. (1K.)-Andl Qunntity, mea-
sure, size, btilh, or ertent; and a,t.ount, sun, or
nu,Lber, (K, TA,) as, for instance, of a pecople,
1. ., aor. inf. n. nl
_ and1. 'a., (A,1 ,) nor. :; (K;) and *..qI,
, lie
or comrlany of men. (TA.) t,

denied a thing; disacknowledged it; (L, MFj) (9, Msb, j,) and t*_., (1K,) and t_ t,
4c.: see the next preceding paragraph. in an absolute sense, whether knowing it to be (A,) said of a [lizard of the kind called] .', (A,
,. Sitting upon his knees: or standing upon otherwise than as he represented it to be or not. Msb, K,) and of a jerboa, and of a serpent, (Meb,)
the extremities o!f his toes: (J :) and [simply] (MF.) [It is uned by gramnalians, and often [&c., (see _.,)] It entered its burrons, or hole;
sitting: or [hneeling with his body and thighs by others, as relating to something past, or sup- (S, A, : ;) betooh itself to it for refuge; or
erect, or nearly so; i. e.] putting down his hnees posed or asserted to be past; and thus, in a more
- , - -- - resorted to it. (Msb.) - [Hence,] :
[upon the ground] and raising his buttocks: restricted sense than .3j.] You say, ~ .. ,
(TA:) [see also 1, of which it is the part. n.:] and ri, [and :.;
.. or ,j,.w'Jl (see
sJ :.i'.)] His
inf. ns. as above; [and Vo~ .; (see
eye sank, or became depressed, in his head. (,
pl. ~ and . .; (1 ;) or these may be pie., 3 in art._,.-, where a~ ...is used in explaining A,y V.) _1 J t[The sun et,
'tpi; and see what follows;)] lie denied, or
like 5 and ., pis. of JQl; or inf. ns. used disacknowledgedl, his right, or due, knowing it or became near to settinJg]. (TA.)-And .isq.
as epithets [as is indicated in the J]. (Er-Righib, ~.,.Jl t The sun rose high, (74,) so that the shade
to be such, (9, A,' Mb, V, MF,) and also, not
TA.) You say 5~. .. [A company of men knowring it; (MF;) the doing of which is also receded and contracted. (TA.) ' said of a
sitting upon their knees] ; (, Mgb;) like as you termed #;,*i:(TA:) but accord. to some, it is man, tHe retreated,or retired; remained behind;
say j~ ~. and 1**
i. (e.) And made trans. by means of ,, only by its being or held back. (S, TA.)_.t Il ,?- t The [rain
hence, in the ]~ur [xil. 73],7 .3 ';,il i, ; made to imply the meaning of i&. (MF.). called] ithheld nitself: (A :) th
he [or]eason
, mand l,pq. also, with kesr to the ~ because Also He found him to be niggardly, or
Hei.., called] j did not give us rain. (J.).-And
avaricious: (Q:) or he found him to posses
of the kesr of the letter following it, [And ne 'j&.J1 '~ 4. taood, or prosprity, kept back
little good; i. e., to be either niggardly orpoor.
nill lea a the wrongdoers therein, sitting upon from us, (i,* TA,) and did not betide us. (TA.)
(e~,,) aor. ~n. ,
)infn. ~8ee also 4.
their knees.] (S.) And ; ,,0 > di: (8,) He (a man) was, or became, niggardly, or 1
see 1. (TA.) And, in the jur [xlv. 27], t,.iJ avaricious; ( ;) possessed little good; (9, V ;) 4. *j He made it (a [lizard of the kind
Zil. LitL( (TA) And tho shalt nsee esry as also t.n1: (9:) or his property became called] [&c.]) to enter its burrov, or hole;
3.2 [Boox T.
(S, 1;) as also t~.4.: (K:) and it (rain) ($:) entering secretly into [their] habitations:
[dim. of You say, ,
constrained it (a ,o [&c.]) to enter its burrow, (KL:) and also tremaiaing behind; applied to oa.-, He is one whlo follows his own opinion
wild animals &c. (TA.)
or. hole. (A,* TA.)_[Hence,l .l nI only, (S, A, 1},) who has his gain to himself ex- I
F drove tkem into their dwellings]. (A.) ',, (K,) pl..;. :l,d., (S,A,) A hidning- clusively, (TA,) and does not consult others, nor p

- WI LJI ;..I..l : Drought, or dearth, place; (S, A, K ;) a place of refuge. (1K.) mix with themn; (IK, TA;) as also av-j . ec;
brought the people into strait, or narrow, circaum-
stances. (A.)-And l1.i jl'~.
. . . 6 4.
j.a,. c' or t_.:
. .- .
see ;o.Z'..e
[q. v.;] meaning dispraise; (S, A, TA;) the man I
1; t Ile con- being thereby likened to a [little] young ass. p

strainedhim, or compelled him, to have recourse (TA.)

to, or to betake himelf to, or to do, such a thing.
(I,'* TA.) ll'... _a.~.1 : The people, or com-
-A,_1_. * [A tent] apart f.ont the tribe. I
1. , (Ks, S, Mgh, K,') aor. ', (Mg,h, (TA.) p

tmny of men, entered upon a time of drought, K,) inf. n. ~, (S, K.,) It scratched it, or the
like, (namely the skin, S, Mgh, K, or a man's ,L L. One wvhose sidle ( TA) is hit,
(i,) and difficulty. (TA.) ._..;JI ~.-e-t
side, Ks,) so as to abrade the surface, (Mgh, K,) or hurt. (K, TA.)
t The stars (i. e. the stars of winter, TA) occa- P

io,ned no rain. (1 , TA.) or so as to abrade the skin; (Ks;) syn. s..-..,

5 1 see 1; each in two places. (Ks, K,) and ,a..: (Mgh, :) or i. q. a:

or it signifies more than this last: (Ks, K:) or 1.
........ J , nor.:, (S, K,) inf. n.
.,, .3

less than this last: (Lth, K:) and it (an arrow) (T, S, TA) and ., (M, TA,) Mis eyeball,
8. for i , or hol (S, [a. . &c.] made made a mark upon it; [or grazed it;] namely, a
*foritself a bur-row., or hole. (8, K.)
wanil. (Mgh.) You say, a. .j
the globe of his eye, was pIrominent (T, M, K,
:5 'L,a TA) and apparent: (TA:) or was large (S, K,
10: see 1. [A thing struck him, and abraded the .urtfatce of' TA) andt prominent; (S, TA ;) as though a l,orge
~ A deep-bottomied cavern. (II.) the shin ofh isj;ce]: and de [in hin, or it, is pearl catme forth fomn the eyelids. (Jm,TA.)
abrasion of the shin]: (S, TA:) or ,.- is U 4st k. :lie looked into, or exfviied, I
'_ (S, A, Mgh, Msb, 1) and ,(lit. (S, on P
not in the face, nor [anywhere] in the body hiJ deed, and san the evil that he had done:
K) The burron,, or hole, (M, ]l,) of a [lizard of
[except in the side]. (L, TA.) It is said in a (K :) and it may mean he looked into his face,
the kind called] ./,, (A, Mgh, Msb, MF,) and
i of a jerboa, and i of a serpent, (Mgh, Msb,
trad., respecting Mohammad,a j o ; andfl rem;udled him of the evil of his deed. (Az, I
MF,*) and t of any venomous reptile or the like, JL: Hefellfrom a horse, and the skin of his side TA.) Tlhe Arabs also say, .a.t, ,O '. i ,
and wild beast, (AM,I,) or of any creature that is was scratched, or lacerated, or abraded. (Mghl,* meaning t I will assuredly shom thee tahe evil of
not of a large size; (TA;) and [the den] of a TA.) [See also ..--. ] the e.ffect of tly hand. (Az, TA) I
hyena: (g in art. j-.:) pl. [of mult.] of the
_. A young as.; (S, Msb, K;) domestic 2. 'a~.., inf. n. , Ilc looked sharply,
former, ij (8, Msb, g [in the Cg I ])
and wild: or before it becomes big: (TA:) or or intently. (K.)
and [of pauc.] jl .a. (., g.) And [hence,] from the time nwhen it is brought .forth until it I
the former, (A,) or t the latter, or both, (IAth, becomes bigfrom sucking: when it has completed
TA,) The vulva of a woman; the pudendum
o't-.:1-: see ; :i:l.
, ; see.

the year, it is called ,A,J: (As :) [or the latter

muliebre: and : the anus. (IAth, TA.) You is applied to a
wild ass of that age:] pl. [of I
say, j.!) La. t [Protect thou (0 woman) pauc.] .l.,t l (so in a copy of the S) and [of l The part [nwhich is next belo,, or around,

tay pudendum]. (A.) And it is said in a tiad., the eye, and] vwhich is called the, .. ~ of the eye.
mult.] l.t and U~. (S, Msb, K) and
(by 'Aisheh, A,) t?Ol,nJI a i lI e.; li (IDrd, Az, L, 1K.)_ And, (Az, .K,) in one copy I
(;, TA) t When a womnan has the menstrual dis- , ... (MI.b) and ;. .: (As, TA:) [dim.
[of the work of IDrd, i.e. the Jm,] (Az,) The edge P

charge, the vulva isforbidden: (TA :) or, (accord. uLe :] and fem. .. (S, K.) It is said of the gland of the penis. (Az, JI.) - CUit~:
to one reading, TA,) j1p..~Jl .j, i. e. both in a prov.,J&")l .k3 ,J -,, (A, TA,) i. e., see c:. I
(A) the vulva and the anus (TA) areforbidden; Seek thou, or pursue thou, the young as nwhen P

(A, TA ;) one having been forbidden before. the full-grown asses outstrip thee: applied to O~ -: see .
(TA.) -[Hence likewise,] the former siglifies him who seeks much, and it escapes him; so
also tA hole, or aperture, (e..,) Atlnce rain- one says to him, Seek thou less than that. (TA.)
l~-. A man having the eyeball, or globe of I
nater.fiows. (Q and TA in art. ,kJ.) [Meyd gives ;ziJl in the place of ~J .] Also the eye, prominent and apparent; (TA ;) or.
: A mare's colt; (A, . ;) as being likened to a large and prominent; (S, TA;) as also , ,
ijI~ ($, ]) and _.4(1) tA svere, hard, young ass. (TA.)_.-And S A gazelle; (Ibn- in which the . is augmentative. (S, TA.) And
or distressful, year; (, J];) one of drought, 'Abbid, kI;) in the dial. of Hudheyl: (TA:)
'":' '.fi.'
i A man whos blacks of his eyes
dearth, or unfruitfulness, (s,) and of little rain; or a young gazelle; (A, TA;) in that dial.; occur-
because it drives the people into the tents, or ring in a poem ,,re prominent. (TA.) You say also, l_ ,y.
houses. (TA.)
of Aboo-Dhu-eyb; but accord. .. -
:';% , and 'J.
', meaning Such a one
to one relation, the word there is .i;. (TA.) P
is looking at me intently. (T, TA in art. j.)
/ 15.~ ,j i. q. *;.- or *;_,p (accord.
to different copies of the ],) i.e. t An eye deep, - _ The side, (.K, TA,) of a man: (TA:) And 4. and I,~, [which are pis. of I ,]
or depressed, in its sochet. (TA.) It occurs in a and a lateral, or an adjacent, part, or place, or applied to men, simnify Raising the eyJes, and I
looking fixedUy; or stretching and raising tahe
trad., in a description of Ed-Dejj(l; but Az says tract. (Sh, l(.) You say, ". 1 His
sight; or openitng the eyes and not moving the
that [in this instance] it is correctly ,.j,, with . side was hit, or hurt. (TA.) And ,.i j,J; eyelids. (L, TA.)
(TA.) A.Jj. Such a one alighted in the adjacent

part or tract. (TA.) A man who retires to Os:'d. ', (so in copies of the S, and in the
;51~_: see .- , in three places.
a distance, apartfrom others: (S:) wvho alights L,) or t 'ti"l,
. (so in a copy of the S, and
>.I. [Entering a burrow, or hole: and also] apartfrom others, and does not mix with them: so accord. to a copy of the KL, in which the I
tremaining behind, not having come up to others; (IDrd,l :) who lives alone, with none to in- sing. is written bi.la,., though Golius, on the
(Ii, TA;) applied to a horse or the like, &c. commode him in his house. (AHn.) You say, authority of that work, writes it "i4,)or
(TA.) _j.l [is its pi., signifying] Entering 1.ga. ;M i~ Jj; Such a one alighted alone; V write, accord. to Lth, (TA,) or bas t I
into burrows, or holes, ($, J,) and hiding-places: apartfrom others. (TA.) (as written in one copy of the S,) The two blacks


of the eye [or rather of the tn'o eyes]. (Lth, 8, against the mouth of the well, so that its water small quantity of thefood called o~, 1 in a vessel,
L, TA.) pours out, and sometimes it becomes rent. (S, g.) not jilling it. (1..)_The quantity that is lad7ed
out at once, of food: or a handjid: (IAr,-:)
Lqa.: see IiJ_. 4. J ~1
, (inf.n. l ,. Msb,) Be, or
IB C pi. _.I (TA.) _ A portion of scattered
it, took away, carriedaway, or removed, him, or
it; (S, Msb, ;) said, in this sense, of a torrent: herb,age in the ;j (a mistake for ,3, meaning
(MAsb:) and extirpated him, or it; (, Mgh, the most elevated pisot, TA) qf a desert, (I, TA,)
i. 'i_, aor.:, (1g,) inf. n. ' _, ('TA,) Misb;) said of a torrent, (S, Msb,) and of time, resembling waters on all its sides, such as that tlhe
seeker of water knorots ot which of the Vwaters is
He, or it, stripped off; scraped off, or other'isec or fortune, and of a calamity. (TA.) See also 1.
the nearest to the extremity thercof. (TA.)
remored, its supe,ficial part; (];) [anid so -He, or it, did damage, or an injury, to him.
1;lta. for you say,] S P1jl3 JeJ *... (KL,* MA.) [See also 1.] It is said by one of t~.- Tlhat carries aaruy everything; ppl,lied
7'0 torrent stripped off [or swept awvay] the the sages, i. _,. . 1 iJ.I j; ;. [He ,vho to a torrent; (S, K;) as also t.; (TA;)
supel)ficial parts of the valley. (TA.)-_ lIe, prefers the enjoyments of the present life mars his and to death. (S, g.) - Death [itself]. (.S, .)
or it, took away, carried away, or removed, the enjoyments of the lie to come]. (TA.) And you Afflux of the belly, arising irom indigestion:
,- .. ..---
whole of it, or the greater part of it, or much say, Jii &It 'zi,i-1Vant
. reduced hinm to (S, K :) or a pain that attachks in consequence of
of it; or swept it awayr: (], TA :) or, as some poverty, (K,;TA,) and caused his property to enting flesh-tmeat briead. (TA.) [See
say, vehemently. (TA.) And ia/..ta.; [an inf. n. pass awnay. (TA.) And LJI : ~. I Thle year also a;iu..]
of 4 u....] signifies The taking a thing, taking
n,as, or became, one of drought, and dearth, or
it away, removing it, or sweeping it atway. (TA.) ~.),_. A bucket (.;>) that takes and bears
sterility. (Msb.) [Accord. to Fei,] .l. is away water. (S, Kl.) -Food of the kind called
- He, or it, destroyed, and extirpated, him, or
met. used as meaning tThe making to suffer
it; as also t' a. . and d4 ' -._ . (Mgh.) &J remaining in the middle of a bowl (IA.r,K.)
excessive loss or detriment. (Mshb.) [It is also
- It (a bucket) took it and bore it awvay;
used as a simple subst., meaning Damage, har,m, t_.: see jt_.c
namely, water. (S, .K.) li-e collected it, .L
or itnjry: pl. ,i...] - ie imposed upon
fir'" himself. (K.)- lie laded it out with his tA_oj 1w4 5:Jt . The thing pased by
him,, or tasked himn with, (namely, his slave,
hand or wnith a lulle, namenly, food, (IAn.r,K,) and
Msh,) that ,vtich he vwas unable to do. (M.sb, approaching, or coming near. (S.)__. .
bevcrnge, (TA,) J for him. (IAar, K.)_ lie TA.)_[Hence, perhaps, tHIe strained it, orA year that renders the cattle lean: or a year
threwv it (a thing, IDrd) by kicking it with hIis wrested it; namely, a word, or an expression.]
thitat destroys people, or impoverishes them, or
1;s,t. (I Drd, K.)_- 1 (K) ndl tO-i. _lIe approached him, or it; was, or became,
injures theitn ( , ) by slaughter, or by
(TA) lIe snatched away the ball (K, TA) firom uear to him, or it. (S, K.) [See also 3.] -lle
the grotund. (TA in explanation of the former. matring, or destroying, the cattle. (TA.)-And
approached it, or drew near to it, (namely, a
Sec also a~.i.) - [The inf. n.] . also sig- road,) baut did ,tot enter it. (TA.) And _ 1 'a_., alone, .A calamity; (K;) because it
nifies Tho act of eating (AA, 8, TA) what is said of an enemy, and of a torrent, or rain,
se, extirminates people. (TA.)
calledl ., (8,* TA,) or butter with dlates, or lie, or it, ,l,proached them, or drew. near to J3. A man affected with the fluix of the
with dried dlates. (AA,S.)_ And The act of them, but missed them. (TA.) lie wvas near Ielly termed j~. (S, K.)
.strihing, or smiting, with the sword. (AA, S, to.filling short of accomplishing it, namely, an
TA.)- And The act of ejectinp, or exlelling. lihir, oir (f loinl'whtat evas requisite therein; or
(KL.) -And The doing damge, or an injury. n as near to being remnis. therein. (TA.)
(KL. [See also 4.])- And - lfe in- 6. IA.
. They reached, or hit, one another Q. 1. ,_., (S, Ii,) inf. n. a1., (TA,)
dined with hikm., (K, TA,) o agyainst rilth stares, (IK, TA,) in the 0, with bows, (TA,) lle prostrated himn on the ground; thremv hins
and sw,ords, (1~, TA,) in fighting. (TA.) Hence
another: and in like manner, J - [he in- donn: (S, .K:) and sometimes they said, a..
the l,lrasc, in atrad.,
tradi., . 3;. il, (S.)~ lie reproved, chid, or reproached, him
clined to him]. (TA.) c .~ lIe (a man)
i. e., Vhen Kureysh slhall contend together in fob his deed; or didso severely. (Sgh, }.)
was offected wvith the flux of the belly termedl
.fi:lhtJbrdominion. (TA.)_ne ;w l/~.
Jl_.. (TA.) ''hey7 contended toetlher in snatchinig an'ay the Q. 2. 1;a .3They congregated; collected
3. ,_.., inf. n. ~"aL : see 1._ ball (l ' ~) with the goff-sticks, (1,*TA,) themselves toyether. (S, ]K.)
(S, K,) inf. n. as above, (TA,) also signifies lie after rolling it along. (TA.) J-'. An army: (S :) or a numerous army.
]pushed, or pressed, against, or upon, himn, or it; (.K.) MF holds it to be formed, with an aug-
(5, K, TA ;) and so _l: (TA:) and clave 8. a/1n.1 : see 1, in three places. - Also He
seized it, took it, or carried it off, byforce. (IK, mnenttive J, from meaning "the taking,"
to hinm., or it: (.Iam p. 62:) and J [which or " carrying," a tlhing "away." (TA.) A great
TA.). lie took it up, namely, the food called
is also an inf. n. of the same verb] signlifies the man: (1.:) or a man of great estimation or
.t., with tie thriee fingers. (Sgh, lK.) - He
pushing, or presing, one against another, or one dignity. (S.) -A generous, noble, or high-born,
upon another,in war: and the striving, struggling, exhtausted it, namely, the water of a well, (K, chief or lord. (l.) - Great in the sides.
contending, or conflicting, in an afftair. (AA, TA,) with the hand or wvith a vessel. (TA.) (IAar, .)
TA.) llence the saying of El-Ahnaf, .t t,lI I ;a: see the next paragraph.
'. 'lThe lip (S, O) of a solid-hoofed animal,
,;,,,v. .~ o,,--~ .. ~,}, s ,..q-., .,.
,.' A portion of clarified butter. (Sgh, 1.) (S,) [i. e.,] of a horse, a mule, and an as: (1[ :)
[I amn, among 'Tenecem, only like the milking- -See also the next paragraph.l An affection and metaphorically applied to that of a man,
vessel of the p)astor,] upon vwhich they press, or
resembling ju. [or pain and griping] in the which is properly termed i.: (TA:) not, as
crowad, together [on the day of coming to water].
belly, (g, TA,) arising fton indigestion. (TA.) some assert, peculiarly the upper lip: (MF:)
(TA.)_-lIe was, or became, near to him, or
[See also jt..] .] The playing with the ball; pl. J,j-f. (TA.)- Also, (K,) "'i*,.
it. (S, IF, K.) So in the phrase ,.,UI ... , t
[He wvas, or became, near to committing the as also .. [inf. n. of .. , q. v.]. (K.) (TA,) Two callosities (Q1j) in the two arans
crime, or sin, or act of disobedience]. (IF, TA.) of the horse, (K.,) resembling two marks made
&.q. .A portion of water remaining in the
[See also 4.] - Z_ jAq. He repeUed from tides of a matering-trough or tank; as also with a hot iron, facing each other, in the inner
him. (TA.) -_ [The inf. n.] Jad.- also signifies ~ Lt.. side of each arm. (TA.)
(Kr, ]i.) - The water that is ex-
The act of fighting, or combating: (i:) and haustedfrom a cell: or, that remains in tihe well Ja~~. (with an augmentative O, ) Thick.
slaying. (TA.) - And A bucket's striking after the exhausting [of the rest]. (g.)-A lipped. (S, .. )
1 1
884 [Boox I.
And a place whemently hot; (8, ;) as also fortune became good; or his good fortune in-
l .G ,U *or.', inf n. and
.; a;9 t,.e- (1i ) El-Aasha says,_;_1_ ;>11 [app. creaed in goodnm: or, perhaps, his di~ty
meaning tDcath is like a burning, or fiercely- became great; from whlat next follows]. ,~ .
_, , aor. :, inf. n. and _. [accord.
burning, fire]. (..) See also a . ...... . 0ea {S, *A,) or Pi-;, 8 A
to the C ,g_] and ; The fire burned,
burned up, burned brightly orfiesly, blazed, or .#jaJI The main part [or the thick] of tlw war (Mgh,) aor. ,, in n. o, ($,) He was, or be-
.flamd; a(, TA;) and had many live coals, and or battle: (1}:) or the straitness thereof: (TA:) came, great, or of great dignity or estimation, in
mucAh flame: (TA in explanation of the latter and the vehemence of thefighlt or slaughter, in the mny eye, or in the eyes of men, and their minds.
verb; and so the former or the latter is explained scene therof (K.) You say, , JII , Im (S, A, Mgh.) It is said in a trad. of Anas, j;IA
in a copy of the ., in which it is imperfectly
written:) or the former signifies it became great:
S [He warmed hinmself with the heat, or vehemence, Le' t,C.. jl.3 ;.,l W~ 1:;I . l, i.e.,
of the battle]. (TA.)_-_ .,a.tJl Fire: (TA:) [A man of vs, when he recited the chapter of
(TA:) and , 1 it became vehement; said or, [as an epithet,] fire burning, burning brightly ri,e Cow and that of the Family of 'Imrdn (the
of fire, and also of war. (.yam p. 810.) _. 4, orfierely, blazing, orflaming. (Ham p. 77.) second and third chapters of the Kur-n),] usd
aor. ', He kindled fire; made it to burn, burn 1
up, burn brightly orfiercely, blaze, or flam. (1.)
to be great in our eyes. (S.) .~' ~ J.,.(.,
A, K,) or 1. ~, (L,) or , (Mqb,)
4. q.l, (.,],)inf n.;.t l, (TA,) lIe S
refrained, forbore, abstained, or desisted, from 1. , ', (S, Msb,) inf. n. ., (S, Mgh, aor. (S, L, Msb, K) and ', (L, Ir,) inf. n .u.,
it; (, 1g;) namely, a thing; like ~. l: (.:) Msb, I,) lie cut it, or cut it off. (, Mgh, MSb, (., .K,) or .. , (L, MSb,) being a simple
but the former is a rare dial. var. (gar p. 95.) '.) This is the primary signification. (Mgh.) subst.; (Msb ;) and e. ,..; (L, ] ;) Ie was
Both these verbs bear contr. significations; being You say of a weaver, lt& He cut off a piece serious, or in earnest, '(, A, L, MSb, l,) in the
used as meaning .He advanced, or mentforward: of cloth [sufficient for a garment or the like, from affair, (S, A, },) or in his affair, (L,' or in his
and also he receded, or dreo back. (MF.)~
the web]. (S, K.) And J .l ., (S, Mgh, L,) xpeech; (Mob;) yn. (L;) ontr. of ,i.
tLi , 1..lie, or it, was near to destroying, or
killing, such a one. (1.)~ See also 1. aor. (S,
', L,) inf. n. (, L, K) and ; . (L, Myb. [In the 8 and A and X, the inf. n. is
(Lh, Mgh, L) and 1~.; (Lb, L; [in thc L, the said to signify the contr. of J'; and in the ,
5. ,*.3 He burned with vehmence of dsire,
last two forms are mentioned as inf. ns., and the it is also said to be syn. with .I)-And
or covetowu~n, and niggardline ; (1Y ;) as also 9
formner of them is mentioned as inf. n. in the .. l i,_(As, 8, L, Msb, j,)nor.; and , (S, Msb,
_1 from *1 `. (TA.)_Hence,
Mgh; but in the K, they arc only mentioned as i,) inf. n. ,, (S,* , TA,) or this is a
also, (TA,) i. q. j 'ISt[app. meaning He became simple
syn. with ...; and in the S, it seems to be 3-
straitened in disposition]. (g.) You say also, subst., and the inf. n. is ; (M.b;) and di t,4.I;
implied that they are simple substa., or quasi-
Lt^ . j, ~i.e., 4L. [app., He becomes (As, 8, L, 1C ;) signify also lHe strove, laboured,
inf. ns.;]) i.q. ,. ; (Lh, , Mgh, ];*) [like or toiled; exerted himtueilfor his power or efforts or
straitened in disposition against ua]: a phrase
mentioned by EI-Muadhiree on the authority of ;. 4 . and a,. ;] i. e., iHe cut off the fruit of the enideavoursor ability; employed himselfvriorously,
Aboo-TA1ib. (TA.) palm-trees. (Mh, L. [See alsob .1....]) And strenuously, laboriously, diligently, sttudiously, se-
... *
- .el
6: see 5, in two places. a3L1 ,.f ~,1. The shA-camel's teats were cut dulously, earnestly, or with eneryy; was diligent,
of by some accident that befellU her: (As, TA:) or studious; tooh pains, or extraordinarypains;
'a.. The burning, burning brightly or or, in consequenes of injury occasioned to her by in the affair. (As, S, L, Ms., g.) And _-
fiercely, blazing, or flaming, of fire; (Ham
the jt.. [q. v.]. (S.) And (,4 [inf. n. of JI le strore, laboured, toiled, or exerted him-
p. 77;) as also t 4.: (TA:) or vhemence of self, in going, or journeyting, or in hit eoure,
signifies The cutting off the teat of a
burning or blazing orJflaming: (B4 in xxxvii. 95:) or pace; t he hastened therein: and in like
or it is an epithet applied to fire because of its camel. (KL.) You say also, ;L.1 J.5 ~ May
rednes [or as meaning red]. (Yam ubi supra.) thy mother's breasts be cut off: a form of impre- manner, 1 ...I t he hastened his course, or
- See also .. cation against a man; and implying a wish for pace. (L.) And . ... , [mcaning His labour,
his separation. (A 9, L, from a trad.)-See also 5. or ezxertion, or energy, was, or became, great,
in,-, aor. , inf. n. ;., It (a garment, TA, or extraordinary: or] meaning 1.~. ,on ijl!
or a thing, S, Msb, TA) wtras new; (S, L, Myb, [his labour, &c., increased in labour, &c.]: or it
,~ A fire
burning, or blazing, orJflaming,
1;) [as though nemly cut off from the web;] may mean rwat was not [his] w. became .. ;
whenmtly; (.;) as also ,em.: (yam p. 810:)
from . as signifying "he cut," or "cut off." wherefore, i. e. because it would be so eventually,
and any fire having one part abovt another; as
(L.) [See also 6.] ., like 3, (MSb,) it is here so called. (.yam p. 33. [See also
also * and Va~ ; (1 ;) of which last ,.-,; .. ,
the pl. is .~ : (TA:) or Aaving many live sec. per. ;.., [like its syn. ",] (L, *..q. ~.q, above.]), ** 40 (A, L) i The
coals, andflaming much: (so in a oopy of the :) affair, or eent, distresed, or afflicted, him.
M9b,) aor. ; (Msb;) or .., with damm,
and any atfire in a pitor the like; (., ,;) (L.) So in the saying of Aboo-Sahm,
(Mgh,) sec. pers. ,, (,) [aor. ;] inf. n.
from the saying in the lgur [xxxvii. 95], t,i
,ggmmq.Jl ) .jiJU L4i al IjZX [They said, Build
q.; (S,* Mgh, L, Mb ;) He was, or became,
* ~;
., M a
R. , u 5t
fortunate, or possessed of good.fortune, (S, Mgh, * _@z;aZH
ye for him a building, and east him into the great L, M9 b,) or of good worldlyfortune; (TA;) he
fire therein]. (g.) And ,w..jl is one of the [0 Khdlid, his Lord iiU not approe of the
advanced in the wormld, or in worldly circum-
names of T. fire [of Hel]; (., TA;) from servant, or man, (meaning the son,) when cutting,
stances; (Mgh ;) A* by the affair, or event,
or biting, disobedience to a parent distrsse the
which may God preserve us. (TA.) See also a a &. ~~~~~3.
whether good or evil; (L;) or .tiJk by theold man]. (L.) .. , nor. , inf. n. W and
9- A -, .i
thing. (Msb.) And W JJ~ , as also
, It (a house, or tent, ) dripped, or let
.;14 Niggardly, tenacious, stingy, penmurious,
J They become poesed of good for- fall drops. (<.)
or avaricious:(.:) from : 4 , meaning tune, and riche, or competence, or sufficiency.
"the straitne, and vehemence, of war." (TA.) 2. .q-, inf. n. ,J4 : ee1. See also 4,
(Ibn-Buzsurj, L.) [You say also, ,. jq.t: so in in three places. ,..qJ also signifies The
l : ee Also Live
r coals G ) a copy of the A: probably a mistransription for making [or weaving] stripe of different colours
vhmuntly burning or blazing or flaming. (1.) *s. o-, which see below: if not, meaning His in a garment. (KL.)
BooK I.] 885

9- i1Ut 'i*s (6 L, ,* inf. n. a>

And Aj l .,-
1. The people, or company of men, se. Also, (., ,) and t j..b.., (S, A, Mgh,
came to what is so termed: ( :) and ascended s,) and t ()
(L,) iq.q. . (S, L) or ii_. (V) [He con- , (, Yb, ,) and t'
tended with him respecting a thing, each of thtem upon the surface ( ) of the ground: or went
and t
- 3 ,,
1.., tj.~., the last two with damm,
asserting his right therein: so accord. to ex- upon sand auch as is termed ,... (TA.) - See
also 1, in three places. (]~,) applied to a man, Fortunate; or poussessed
planations of dl1. in the lexicons: but I think of good fortune; (S, A, Mgh, Mb ;) or possessed
that the mcaning intended here is, he acted 5. j, [originally It became cut, or cut off. of good norldlUy fortune: (TA:) or pOssing
seriously, or in earnest, with him in the affair; -And hence,] It (an udder) lost, or became
greatfortune, or great good fortune: ($ :) [the
and this is confirmed by its being immediately deoid of, its milk: (S, K :) and [in like manner] words here given from the 8 are there coupled
added in the TA, after eWe., "and ~.1 " signi- aor. .,
a, inf. n. , it, (a breast, and with synonyms of the same form, thus;
fies " as-,above mentioned:" s ee
as an udder,) became dry. (AHeyth,TA.)_ Hence
ie, and V; , and;;
'J! expl. by 'O. as contr. of jj]. Also Ne also, [It was nenwly made; as though nenly cut
exerted his full effort, or endeavour, or energy, offfiom the web;] said of a garment: (TA:)
and ? 5; on the authority of ISk:]
with him in the ajhir. (So accord. to an ex- and it (a thing, S, A) became new: (., A, 1. :) .t , with damm, as an epithet applied to a
planation of the inf. n., i;;1, and it (a thing, or an affair,) originated; was
in the KL.) man, is said by Sb to be syn. with ,.as; and
originated, or innovated; or was done newly, or
4. ' 1 ,.1" The palm-treest attained to the for the first time: and sometimes Vt..%wl is used its pl. is O~o only. (L.) Also .~-, A
time for the cutting off of the fruit. (.,A, L, intransitively [in the same senses]. (Myb.) [Also grandfather; the fatter'sfather, and the mothw.'s
father: (S, M,b, ] :) and ta higher amcendant;
Mb,4,.)_[Hence, perhaps,] Zs* 'j a .' t It (an action, as, for instance, ablution, and a
I (myself, TA) relinquished, or forsook, him, or compact, or the like,) was renewed. See ~. as an ancestor: (Mb :) and V ~; a grandmother;
the father's mother, and the mother's motluher:
it. (1. )_; , andm *al,, (., A, L, K,) syn. with with .syn.
,,.q.t.] (]r:) [and t a falenal ancestor:] pl. of the
and t (e, L, K,) ie made
md., it new; (A, A, 10: acsee 4, in two places: - and see also 5. former, ;~1 [a pl. of pauc.] and sj and
L, ] ;) namely, a thing, (S,) or a garment: (A,
TA :) or he put it on, or wore it, new; namely, . Fortune, or particularly good fortune, I ,j.: (s:) and of the latter, 1.A. (TA.)
a garment. (TA.) One says to him who puts syn. '., (, A, Mgh, L, ,) and ' , (., A, HLence, accord. to some, a ' . 'ji b.e
: see
' a M'.a 5, .5
on a new garment, t ,e.l~lj d?9j .el [ lVear L, ],) in the world, or in wordly circumstances; See also J and see
out, and make, or put on, mn, and praie the (TA;) advance in the world, or in nworldly eir- ,.
Clother, meaning God]. (..) And you say, cumstances: (Mgh:) pl. [of mult.] ;3.~ (.) see .. , in two places.
w: See also o.
6 .*,
/a: > of and [of pauc.] ;1.
[Tle and ,.~.1. (TA.) You - Also The side (,...) of anything. (g.)-
such a one was, or became, rent, or pierced rith say, lji. )s .a3^j 3 j Such a one is poassesed And A well in a place where is much herbiiye,
holes; therefore he made a new tent of hair, of good fortune in such a thing. (L.) And it or pasture: ( Myb, .K:) a well abounding wit&
cloth]. (..) And : l * , and D. and is said in a trad. respeeting the (lay of resurrec- water; (];) [and] so .4..; (KL;) but
9 o. , lHe originated, or innovated, the thing, tion, s _ j .&JI 1,A...1.,3 And lo, the A 'Obeyd says that this is not known: (L:) and,
or aoffatir; or did it newly, or for the first time. people tvho ere -epossesed of good fortune and contr., a well containing little water: a scanty
riclhes in the world were imprisoned. (L.) And vater, or water little in quantity: a water at
(Myb.) And ;. j t:. : [lie renewed the
a prayer,
(L,) ,in -I
-~J 1jJ , N~j The
Th cthe extremity of a [desert such as is calledi] i':
ablution termed . and , n1 !i[the compact, ina prayer, (L,) ,,~J.I 4" J4.A 1
or contract, or covenant, &c.l. (TA.) _ good worldly fortune of him who is po~ued oJ (I :) an old water: (Th, :) an old cell:
*p.k1 j'~ Such a one established, or settled, such fortune iviU not profit him, (Mgh, L,) in (KL:) pl. (in all these senses, TA) ;
the world to come, (L,) in lieu of Tliee; (Mgh, (Msb,TA.)
firmly his affair, or case, therebly, or therein:
so says A., and he cites the following verse: L ;) i. e., of obedience to ThIee: (Mgh, and , [accord. to some an inf. n., but accord. to
,05 . -elL. ell .l[
Mughinee in art. :) or in lieu of t/e good others a simple subst, (see .,)] Serious,est,
fortune thlat comneth fromn Thiee: or, as some say, r.
* o-b
will niot defend him from Tlhee. (Muglnee ubi o~
or earn.i.ne.., co. tr. of/3~,
; A
,)in in
supit. [See also anothier explanation below.]) speech. (Myb.) Hence, Oij Jq ~,Jq, Z'
[le established, or settled,.firmly his case thereby, Ience, ' a/ !.)1 [or .JJ.]; and, accord. to L [There are three t/hings in relation to which
or therein, and knew certainly that he was fJbr
some, .':see some, see ,,..~One's
:.. One's lot lot in
in life;
ltfe; and_
and wwat is serious is serious and what is josting iis
it, (alpp. mneanling a war, or battle, .e., whichi ' ~~~~~~~~serious] : a saying of Mobainmad, whereby he
the means of subsistence that one receivrcsfron the rio]: a saing of ammad, whereby he
is fen.,) or for another whereof the dust would bounty (L, of God.
) One sa , forbade a man's divorcing and emancil)ating and
be lihe Itlur]: Aboo-Na 9r says, It Ihas been re- bountSuc ,, ao. hsaith, s.One- -marrying and then retracting, saying " I was
lated to me that he said, 1l t ~..t means .~1 . IJ .. I Such a one htas in this thing, or jesting;" as was customary in the time of
t .. ; [and so this phirase is explained in the state of .ffairs, means of subsistencc. (A'Obeyd, paganism. (Msb.) f. and t .~l signify
1 ;] but the former explanation I heard from L.) - lRichnes; comnpetence, or sa,/icineny; or the same; (S;) but th;e former is the more
the state of being in no need, or of having no wants, chaste; (TA;) j. and . being thlus used only
himself: (L:) or this pihrase meuis ,.el a.,
or of having f,,v wants. (S, L, Msb.) lI . '9 as prefixed nouns: (., ]:) As says that tie
[so in two copies of thile , app., t his afair, or
.JI 1 . 1,. [explained above, is said to meanin is, proceed[Dti
case, becane easy, or practicable, thereby, like
mean] Iiches, &c., will not profit the posor i . , . Dos ti noed
ground termed , whlichl is easy to walk, or thereof n,ith Thtee; for nothing will profit him t?
travel, upon; see the next sentence]; p"1 being ut in
actin obedience
but actin~ in obedience to to Thee:
Tlhee: A" here licre sig-
sia- that a. is put in the accus. ease because of the
put in the aets. case as a siccifiattive, like lC nifies JJ.~. (S, Msb.)-.Greatne.ss,ormajesty; rejection of the [prep.] - r: AA savs that the
in the pirase . nmUa,'
ning r.,. (Mjfihlid, S, Mgh, 3.sh, K ;) accord. to some, meaning is, l ,~.l l(hat aileth thee ?
[ TIF'
(S.) ,-. also si,,niies It (a road) was, or specially of God: (TA:) so in the i.ur lxxii. 3: Doth it pnoceed fromm thee in seriousness, or in
became, wrhat is ternmed .. [i. e. hard,or level, (S, TA:) or his freedom fiom all wants or the earnest ?]; and that ~. is put in the accus. case
&c.]. (, .) And , l ,~, I Theground
-9l lihe;like;~~
syn. J4. y. .'(.0Hne ,
(g.) Hence, A,~~ (Mghl,
- -jtj, Mh
ns an inf. n.: Th says that the phrase as it occurs
hath become to thee free f'omn soft places, and TA,) in a trad. respecting prayer, (TA,) Exalted in poetry is J~.~ l, with kesr: (. :) but when
clear to tly view. (TA.) - Also He walked be th?y greatnes, or majesty. (Mgb, TA.) _ it occurs withj [in the place of , or with in the
along,or traversed, rwhat is termned J.. (i.) See also .. ls,as an interrogative phrase, voce sense of , as a particle denoting an oath,] it is
Bk. I.

386 [BOOR I.
t) j. [or 4.I]j, with fet-h: (,,K:) you [in meaning]. (L.) You say also, ;L. li. ,. (Th, L, K :) pl. ;-. [like jJ pl. of A., or
say, ,Li ') j., (1, in the C] .',) ,M .~r, meaning Lu.i ,el [t In this is a perhaps a mistake for ;]. (L.)
meaning, Dy thy grand.father, do not [such a very, or an extremely, great danger, or risk]. ; lard ground: (S:) or hard level ground: I
tbing]: or by thy fortune, or good fortune, do (S.) And _,tjl . jll IiJ This is tle learned (IIar p. 5'22:) [see also .~.:] or rough level
not: (TA:) also, when you say, ,a. ,j ' ~ l, man, the extremely [or the very] learned man. ground: (v :) or roughgroutnd: or level ground:
[or i.Zi, for ; (q. v.) is substituted for a particle (L.) And t ._,qlt 1. Tltis is a learned (TA:) or a level and slpacious tract of land; a I
of swearing, as in isj .i l,] the meaning is, man, a,n e;ti,emey [op-F a ve'y] learned man. tract such as is called .1'~, and such as is called
I adjure thee by thy truth, (Lth, I8,) and by thy (L,' K.) _Also : las/. (S, L, K, TA.) So in .Li, containing no soft place in rwhich thefeet
seriousnes, or earnetness, (Lth, TA,) do not: the phlrase ,,l . . js t Suchl a one is in sink, nor any mountain, nor any [hill such as is I
and when you say, 3 'j t ..j l, [or j.i ,] hat*e in an offauir. (S, L,TA.)=Also .]zecuted called] 4~l; sometimes wvide, and sometimes of
the meaning is, I adjure thee by thy .fortune, or seriously, or in earnest, [in wvhicht therc is no little width: (ISh :) [an(l] a con.picuous road:
good f.ortue, do not: (Lth, 1 :) AbIoo-'Alee jesting,] and ce sice; syn. .
Esh-Shalowbeence asserts that it implies the sig-
J iL (Bd in xxxv. 25:) plh. .l.I. (ISl.) It is said I
[meaning / oj. . &! i.,; (see .;) in a prov., ':U:l f . [.eI ,owo
nification of an oath. (MF.) In the phrase
thus used as an epithet having an intenlsive
t* wallhs along hard, or hard antl level, ground is
J;hi t) A,.l, AAF says, we may consider
s as put in the place of a denotative of state; signification because it is originally an inf. n.,
secure from stum,bling]; (S, TA;) meaning, he I
ol the phrase may be originally j-iA 'j O! i-..l, or as some say, a simple subst.]: (L, K :) applied who ptsllues the course marked o0ut bly common
consent is secure f'rom stumbling. (TA.) And
,l being suppressed, and its government annulled: in this sense to a punishlment: (L:) and also
[therefore it may be rendered, in the former case, applied to a pace. (IK in art. h,..)t _See also s.. ,LCf occurs in a trad., meanling Level I
ground. (TA.) - Sec also .-
.- Also Sand
Is it with seriousness on thy part, thou doing ;~ : and see * .hi.
such a thing? and in the latter case, Is it with that is thin, or fine, (1., TA,) and sloping dlonn.
scrious,neu on thy part that thou wilt not do such ;oJ.: see .,a., near the end of the paragraph. (TA.) - And .A thing resemnbling a 'aJ_ [or I
a thling? i. e. dont thou mean seriously that thou ganglion] in the neck of a camel. (]i.)
o~ The bank, or side, of a river; as also
wilt not do it? or in this case, ..1 may be
.. and t (IAth, L, K) and t ~ (TAtil, ;I.' and t;.n The cutting off of the fruit
ised as a form of adjuration in one of the senses I
of palm-trees. (S, A,* L, MIsb, JC..) You say,
explained above, and 'ji * j may mean, that Mgh,L) and , (Mgbl,L, K,) accord. to some,
thou do not such a tiling; or j.i. may mean but correctly .; so called because cut off from .l!.l I Ij
t and .l.JI[This is the time, or
(explained above, and so in the three exs. the river, or because cut by the water, in like
season, of the cutting off of thefruit of the palm-
below,) and j, thou wilt not do it:] and, manner as it is called j.CL becluisc it is abraded
tree.S]. (S, A, Msib.) Some say tlat L~. sig- I
nifies particularly [as above,] tilhe cutting off (of
as AHei says, there is lhecre a nice i,)int, which is by the water: (Mgh :) or the part of a river the firuit] of palm-trces; andl .lj., tile cutting
this; that the noun [meaning the pronoun] to that is near the land; as also t a..: (L :) and off of all fi.uits, in a general sellse: otlers say
which ,n. is prefixed shouhl agree in person the shore of the sea: (MIF:) accord. to As, j.! that thecy signify the tlllec. (TA.)
Also The
with the verb which follows it; so that one should is an arabicized word from the Nabothean aS. timne, or seas.on, of the cutting q/f' of the fruit tf
say, ji..p6l
. ,, . 'LS and J-L" , .).j.l and (L.) - The stripe, or streak, that is on the back palm-tIrces. (S,* L.) You say ;l. and ; ~. ,
qf the ass, differingfromn his general colour. (S, like;l . annd p, alld Jti and JL J ; (Ks,
l; 9J e~l; because o~ is an inf. n. corrobora- A, * YI.)
And t A streak (Fr', S, K, TA) in any-
ting the proposition that follows it. (MF.)_ Also, thing, (TA,) as in a mountain, (Fr, S,) diffcring S;) whence it seents as though the mcasures
[and in tlihi ease, likewise, accord. to some an inf. n., in colour firo,t the rect of the mountain, (S,) Jk and jtWd were uniformly applicable to every I
but accord. to others a simple subst, (see, again, wvlitc and black and red; (Fr, TA ;) as also in noun signifying the time of the action; such
~,)] A striving, labour, or toil; exertion of one's the sky: (A, TA :) pl. ;*, (Fr, S,) occurring nouns being likened to and lj (,S.)
sef, or of one's potwer or efforts or endeavours or in the Kur xxxv. 25; (S;) where some read I
ability; vigorousnes, str,entousner, laboriousness, sn, pl. of ;V- ;1: see yq;.,
and tq..
[app. o ], which is syn.
diligence, studiousane, sedulousness, earnestnea,
with i{,; and some, . [q. v.]. (BUJ.)-A ;~j., (ISk, , A,1 g,) or ;i~., (L,) hIaring
or enery!/; painstaking, or extraordinary pains- little mnilh, (ISk, $, L, ],) not in consequence of I
teaking; (fi, L, Msb, 1 ;) in aftairs, (S,) or in an sign, or mark, syn. la.., (Th, K,) of, or in,
any injury, (ISk, S,) or not from any imperfec-
anything. (TIa, TA.) - A beaten way, marked
nafir. (Msb, IP.) Hence, l.~ [meaning In a with lines [cut by t/he feet of the men and beasts tion; (L;) applied to a ewe, (ISk, S, I.) but
great, or an extraordinary, ldegree; greatly, that have travelledl along it]: (Az, L:) or a not to a she-goat; the epitlhet ; being used
much, exceedingly, or extraordinarily; very; road, or vway: pi. o.: I
(Msb:) and s-, in the latter case: (ISk, S:) or a ewe or she-goat
uery greatly, or very uihuch; extreimely]; as in also, [app. another pl. of o~, ] signifies paths, having no milkh; as also t ~'.: (A:) pl. ,ol1
the phrase, (Mqb,) ' C,.~ W J [Such a or tracks, forming lines upon the ground. (Az, (S,L) and .... (L) Also A fat she-anss:
one is beneficent in a.great, or an extraordinary, L.) See also ;l.. I
[Hence, app., but accord. pl. -~. (AZ, I.)
degee; very, exceedingly, or exCtretely, bencfi- to the S fiom tile same word as signifying "a
cent]: you should not say l~.. (f, Msb.' [In streak,"]y .sn, of the measure jtj in the sense of the
C>l 5j. etj , (S,A,TA,) or
my copy of the Myb, it is C.Alt I ..~ a : measure jy , [i.. c. i.4,] Cut, or cut off. I
,s1 , (9,) : Iie set up,on a way, or nmanner,
but the context shows that there is an omission of performing the affair: (A :) or he formed an (S, M.b.) A poet says,
here, and that, after l,.., we should read, as in opinion respecting thle affair, or case. (Zj, S, A,
the ;, 1~ J3 1'9.]) 1 [in a phrase of this gi.) _ See also i~.
* iJd.. ii 1,:;;G. "
kind] is put in the accus. case as an inf. n. [of
which the verb is understood; so that, in the ex. *.u:see , in two places: -and see [lZfy love of Suleymd hath ref~ued to perish; but
given above, the proper meaning is, ~ ..,g.-- Also A rag; or piece torn offfrom
her cord (i. e. her tie of affection to me) hatk I
become worn out and cut]: ( :) rasm,a.. sig-
I,r Q.~s l striving in beneficence with a great a garment; and so t ;.: thus in the saying, nifies "new" more commonly than "cut,"] this
striving]; because it is not from the same root *.. i . and . [Tl7ere is not upon him a verse appears as though it involved a contradic-
as the precedilig word, nor is it identical with it rag]. (.) _ A collar upon the neck ofa dog: tion. (MF.)_Applied to a garment, or a piece

Boox I.] 887
of cloth [sufficient for a garment or the like], or bounds, much, (S, M,) and creaks by niglt, udder cut off. (Khalid, TA.) [And hence,]
Newly cut off [from the web] by, tse weaver: (TA,) and bears a resemblance to the v.' [or tA milch animal (TA [in the g app. restricted to
(, :) and so (without ;, S) applied to a locust]: (S, M, .K:) and a certain insect like the a ewe]) wtho.e milk ha passed away, (18k, ., Ig,)
A t; (, A;) thus applied to a fern. n. because ,.r;.., (M, L, ]C,) except that it is generally by reason of Jsomne fault, or imperfection: (ISk,
syn. with j';; (S, ISd;) or, accord. to blackish, and short, but in some instances inclining $:) see also .~.: or a ewe, or she-camel, or
she-ass, having little milk; haoing a dry udder:
Sb, because by Z in this case is meant Ijl, to wrtite; also called y.yo : (M, L:) or i. q.
or haring dry teats, being hurt by the j!p. [q.v.]:
and for a like reason in like cases; (.lam p. 55 ;) *.S~ and '.: (El-'Adebbes:) pl. 1. A.-
but one also asysa ; (ISd;) and accord. to (S.) Accord. to IAyr, A certain insect tlat (L:) and o..l ta breast that has become dry.
some, ,,q,u is of the measure Ja, in the sense of clings to a shin, or hide, and eats it. (TA.) (AHeyth.).tA woman small in the breast:
(8, :) or having sJort breasts. (TA from a
the measure and therefore the ; is regularly See also .
A a. trad.)-tA desert, (; 8, ],g,) or land, (ie;l,
affixed to it: (yam ubi suprA:) the pl. is ,.' (Mbr, >4. act. part. n. of ,.; (Mgh, L;) Cutting, A,) in which/ is no water: (8, A, K:) a desert
Th,, A,]g)and ;.; (AZ, A'Obeyd, Mbr;) but
or cutting .ff (Mgh.) jjl ..i l Ac.1
. Art (;jiL) that is dry. (TA.) - .- I.1l,, and La
the former is the more common. (TA.)-And
hence, (L,) applied to a garment, (L,TA,) or a thing, thou serious or jesting? (A.) It is said in a .1; tA year of drouAht, and of drynes o the
(., Msb,) New; contr. of._.i, (Msb,) or contr. trad., 1J4 '- fe' te; fi ^' sw" s [BY earth. (TA.), - 1~ I.1: see ,r, in two
of JiL; (.,L;) from as contr. of : no means shallany one of you take the property of
,.' I ' O,~ ' places. .. also signifies More [and most]
(K:) pl. [of pauc.] o~ and [of mult.] ~ and his brother in play and in earnest]; by which is
easJ to walk or ride upon, and nwore [and most]
meant taking a thing without meaning to steal it,
;,4. (L.) You say, i. ,:. 1, au;o..but meaning to vex and anger the owner, so that plain or level; applied to a road. (TA.) And
phrase mentioned by Lb., meaning 1.. :~" Mfore [and mort] fortunate; applied to a man.
the taker is in play with respect to theft, but in
[i.e. Their old nworn-out garments beeamne replaced (ISd, A, L.)
earnest in annoying. (TA in art. O:'*.
by nenw]: or 1;. may be here put for ~.. .Jj1S'.'1 *.ju..A she-camel having her teats
Such a one is stri.ving, labouring, or toiling;
(L.)-And henlice, (rA,) Cn and JJi ! "
exerting himself or his poner or eflorts or endea- cut off in consequence of injury occasioned to her
The niglht and the day; (, Mob, K;) because vours or ability; &c. (TA.) And * .l.. O.i, by the 1*a [q.v.]. ($.) See also .~. And
thley never become impaired by time. (TA.) You thus with the two similar words together, (As, 8, ~.u A [garment of the kind called] ot
gay,. la.Jl l C "l and o 1 L,) signifies the same [in an intensive degree]. having stripes of dlifferent colours. (S.)
[I nill not do it mvbile the day and the night (L, TA.)== j L. )1. Land, or palm-trees,
~ .*: saee,G ... _* /;1 1;Li, a phrase
succeed eoarh other,.]: (S:) or ojIJ.iaJ lt. of n,hick the produce, cut therefronm, is a hundred mentioned by Aq, said of a she-camel, meaning,
and I~,."J [while the day and the night return camel-loads: >l. being here used in the sense of Verilf she is quick in her pace with the man:
timne afer timne: i. e., ever]. (A.) - Hence *~.~'. (L.) It is said in a trad. of Aboo- but Az says, I know not whether he said ti.
likewise, ~. also signifies A thing of which Bekr, L_ : t31~.
?.. 3l. Jaj, meaning or ij, : the former would be from ~.a; and
one lus hnd no hnowletdge. (L.) -And henice, lIe gaveto 'Aiselk railm-trecsof which the quantityl the latter, from .1. (L)
(L,) .. JI signifies Death: (1:) or is applied of the dates cut thereJfron was a hundtiredl camnel-
,n~: see what next precedes.
us an epithet to death, in the dial. of HlIudheyl. loads; but the phirase heard from the Arabs is
(L.) Accord. to Akh and EI-Mughbfi9 EI-Bi'diilee, .y.c. _: tile former is like the saying oe 3:~ see ., in two places; and l .
e; .. ,
o,1,.. means The cmnenwement of death.
,e,.9l 9._ ,;,~)l~,; and the latter, like L:' See also , in two places.
(L.) Also Theface, or sumrJce, of the earth,
or ground; [as though it were cut;] (8, , TA;)
and so t ;J, and S ., and ', (1,) and o 1q.The main part of a road; (S, Mgh, Msb,
3 -s~~~~~~~~~~~~~~3
;) its middle: (Mgh, Msb, and M voce . :) 1. ,.rj4, (A, Myb, 1l,) aor. ', (.K,) inf. n.
t... (TA.) See also :, in two places.
or its even part: or the beaten track, or part e,, (S, A, M9b, I(,) It (a place, S, A, gI, or
;a~. IVhat is cut off from the roots, or along which one walks, or travels; the conspicuous a country, or region, Msb,) was, or becarne,
eradicated, of, or from, palm-trees &c. (L4, TA.) part thereof: or a main road that cotmprises affected with drought, barrenness, or ldeaurth; or
other roads, or tracks, and upon which one must with d,rought, and dryness of the earth; (S,
3.. The hkind of pad, or stuffed thing, (;U,) pas: (TA:) or a road, or wvay, absolutely; as A, Mgb, 1L;) as also ., (A,) inf. n. -;
and thefelt, stuck, or attacked, beneath the two (KL;) or ,j; ( ;)and t ,...I; (A,1;)
also * ,!: (Zj, MF:) or a road leading to
boards of a horse's saddle: there are two such
water: (AHIn, TA:) it is so called because it is or c;, aor. -; and jt4.; ; both said of
things, called 'o: (S:) or the Cj13,q.N marked with tracks, forming lines: (T, TA:) pl. tile earth or land (,.i;jl): (Mb :) and t .4.
consist of the felt that is stuck, or attached, in the
.1,., (S, A, Mgh, Mob, ],) occurring in poetry %j:l the countries, or regions, nere offected with
inner tide of a horse's and of a camel's saddle:
without teshdeed, but disapproved by As. (L.) tdrought, and the prices became high [therrin].
(L:) but ;i.,j.~ thus applied is a post-classical
word: the [classical] Arabs say 4~., (8,) or, o,.jl ~. ;v means t Such a one isfollon,ing (TA.) -. q, (., M, A, MNb, 1,) aor.; (M,
as in J's own hanidwriting, a!n. (So in the
the right course of action or the like. (Mgh.) Msb, 1) and ', (1~,) inf. n. ,,, (Mqb,) He,
You say also, ij_JI ;l.. . _Jct[He is on the foundfault n,ith it; dispraised it; expreted dis-
margin of a copy of the S.) - See also 1..
road, or main road, of truth]: not, however, approbationof it. (S, M, A, Myb, ].) So in the
A ., s,a
U$O": see in,
intwo places. J..U b1>. . . but .lJtil o.,.j.. and iJj.., saying (S, A) relating to 'Omar, (A, TA,) in a trad.,
8 .a .. ',JI 1 3: . (S) or 4. I (A)
~,": sec .. and .a;. (MF.)
[He expreused disapprobation of night-discourse
Hard levl ground: (S, :) [see also ~.1 [Havintg some part, or parts, cut, or cut after nightfall, or after the first third of the
.. :] smooth ground: and rough ground: (TA:) off: fern. ~ -].
-[Hence,] A ewe, or night reckoned from the disappearance of the
a smooth tract such as is caUed hj. (AA, TA.) she-goat, or she-camel, (TA,) having her ear cut redneus of the twilight].
,off. Qg, TA.) - A ewe, or she-goat, having her 3. .. I,ljtI :l , (ISk, , A, TA,) inf. n.
.~ [The cricket ;] i. q. Jl (, M,) teats cut off; (Sh, TA;) as also t oLo.~ [q. v.], kiiW, (TA,) Te camel expeined, or he
sma thing, (,) tat leap, or Mpring,
a smaU.flinig thing, (]g,) that leajt, or sprintjs, applied to a she-camel: (As, TA:) or having her experienced, drought, and barrenness, or drynrm
388 s- to [BooK r.
of the earth, this year, and have become in such pl. subet.], (TA,) lands affected with drought, peifidy, or faithlessnes, or treachry: (M, 1:)
a state as not to eat anything but dry and black &c. (?, I.) And t and wrong, or injury: (?, M,~:) and e conduct,
;i'. [fem. of S]
hA , dry A [or panic gs]: (ISk, $, (M,]K) A deart affected with drouglht, &c.; or iu treatment. (S.) You say,
TA:) or haver not met with, or found, anything (I ;) in which it neither little nor much, neither
but what was bad, by reaOn of drought, and bar- . .o.a1 Such a o,e fell into misfortune: or
pasture nor herbate. (M,TA.) And Vt i.. 0j---
renn~, or dryness of tAhe earth, this year. (A.) into Perfidy. (TA.) And lij
4JI1 Such a one is environed by a tract affected
4: see 1, in three place. _1 -... The with drought, &c. (S. [But this phllrase is gene-
T7'ey suffered wrong, or injury. (AZ, , ~.)
year became one of drought, barrenneus, or rally used tropically, as meaning t Such a one is And .f~.. .90 iej The people, or company
dearth; or drought, and dryes of the earth. ungenerous or illiberal or inhospitable. See art. of men, committed wrong, or injury, and sle
(A,eTA.)--,il ,~-1 lThe people, or com- .. ]-) And Z. a;.o (Ig in art. jJ) and ;l; him who was not a slayer: (TA:) [as though
pany of men, expeieneed drought, barrennes, or t,,,4. (MI, TA) [A year of drought, &c.]. See they came with violence upon sand in which eggs
dearth; or drought, and drynes of the earth. of the ,~ were deposited, and so destroyed
aslo 10 1, in two places.. Also i. q. p [A the eggs, which had occasioned them
(t, A,Mqb,K.)[.lIenoe,] 4 i W,' W;#-;ivice, fault, defect, &c.]; (S, A, . ;) a significa-
no harm.]
S WF alighted as guests at the abode of the sons tion which may be either proper or tropical. And . ; -t.l He l committed wrong, or
of such a otne, andfound not entertainmet with (Er-R%ghib, M F.) itnjry. (TA.)
them, though they were in the enjoyment of X-- . .g *.
~4o. .,/j: see o. [.. !iq. .. as syn. witdl : femn.
plenty: (A:) (or] l
tI re alighted
as gusts at the abode of sech a one, and [found .~- Hence,] ,l. J: ee ....- [Henoe
;dW,. 1 5?13 UJ: see ;i
J) , in art. also,]
that] he did not entertain us. (TA.) [The latter, L' A year of much smow. (L in
if corret, is from what next follows.] 1 l- I.. . art. _ ,.4 is (also] [-.) said in the M to
-. 5I
s.,fJl lie found the land to be affected with .r, and ,.,q.: see ,,~. be [used as] a subst. applied to whlat is termed
drought, barrennes, or dearth; or with drought, ~t.O~.':
~,-, [i. e. as syn. with the latter word used
see .,~, in three places.
and drye of the earth. (~, A, ~.) as an epithet in which the quality of a subst.
,~~~ ,,Gt.4. .l .
.~: see .,. , in three places. is predominant; app. meaning A place, or the
5. /A ;2J1 1i W t Ido not deem it like, aoffected with drought, &c.]. (TA.)_[Also,
diagrmab, or unsuitable, to accompany thee; ,... Finding fault, dispraiing, expresing as a
comparative and superlative epithet, meaning
,yn..~.~. (.) disapprobation: whence the saying of Dhu-r-
Alore, and most, affected with drought, &c.;
Rummeh, 0 .e
JDI. Drought, barrennes, or dearth; contr.
contr. of $-. 4 I.]
* v i -*A
of (;)i it.,;q. , (A, Mqb, ,) i.e. t.jl., in a trad., where it is soaid, ,J tlShj
drought, or supAs/n of rain, and dr~ye of the * ts'* *, i;o-; ,* t^,P, (1, ' TA,) or tj w,
earth; (Myb;) -drynes and barrennes of the meaning [0O thou smooth and even cheek,
and (TA,) [And there were in it ,t.li that re-
earth: (IJar p. 570 :) and ' q.. is a name, gentle speech, and mnake] rhereof he wvho dis- tained the water], is said to be pl. of 9.'..l, 9.5

or subet., for r,..pJ1, (],, TA,) meaning Jm.,I; praises it occupies himsnuef vainly, finding no which
is pl. of t .. , (0,TA,) like u ,as Lwt
as in the saying of the rAjiz, cited by Sb, defect in it. ($, TA.)_. Tt is also said [uas in
the ]K &c.] to signify Lying; and the author of is pl. of ,$1, which is pl. of ; (TA;)
* the 'Eyn says that it has no verb belonging to it and signifies hard parts of the ground, that
c s.d jlj L 5
[in this sense]; but this is a mistranseription retain water, and do not imbibe it quickly; or,
[for as some say, land harving no plants or herbage,
.: AZ says that .1.', witl h has
[Verily J feared to se drought, or barrenness, the signification from V ,.` meaning "drought" &c.: the word
liere first given. (M, TA.)
&c., in this our year, after it had been abundant is thus written in the two aWtcois, of EI-Bu-
in ferboage]; .'.. and (S, 1, &c.)
&.c and khlazrce and Muslim: (lAth, TA:) but some say
being used for Q`.gJl; or,
accord. to one reading, it is tC4,, with a like.h;j?, (Sb, M, C,) the last of whichl is of thkat it isan anomalous pl. of.. i.-, like as X
doubled ." added; the change being made for weakest authority, because of a rare measure, is of ,>.a: and there are other rcadings; namely,
the sake of the metre. (M, TA. [Respecting whereofit has been said that there are only four .,St~I and ,vjtm and ,jll and ., pl. of
lW1!, ee 4 in art. ,.-..]) _ Also A place, examples: (TA:) in all of them the O is said >;, and o ., pl. of ; . (MF, TA.)
(I, A,I5,) or a country, or region, (Msb,) affected by some to be radical; but others, with more
reason, hold it to be augmentative: (MF:) Sb ,.pO_. and its fern., withb: se ,'j.
w ith drou~ght, barrenneu, or dearth; or with
drouht, and drynes of the earth; and so. says that it is augmentative: (S.:) A species of
locut, (S,,) well hnowrn: (I:) or the male 1.r,~ Land searelyever, or never, abundantin
t , (~, A, MAb, V,) and V . and locust: or small locust: or, accord. to Seer, i. q. Iterbnge,or in thl goods,
convenientces, or comforts,
*..~,, (],) the last derived from .,j~. ~ [a hindof cricket], that creaks by night, of life; scarcely evr, or nerer,fruitful, or plenti.
though this verb has not been used, (T'A,) and and hops and fiies: [but see .g. :] or, accord. ful. (.)
t -J~ (M, A,) of which the pl. is , . to the M, it is smaller than the isgo; and is *.... ...
~~,.*_: see ~ .
(A.) You ay also ij;l [in which ,.'o found in the deserts: pl. ., (TA.) p.
is an inf. n. (though app. obsolete as such) and ..,j.,,J1 [i. e. JI .~ The ,.,.. creaked]
therefore applicable to a fern. sublt.] (ISd, TA) is a saying of the Arabs, used as a proverb;
and . (1 , A, Msb, g) and V (A, Myb) alluding to a difficult afflitr by which a person 8. ,:.. Ile mzade, or prepared, a , ,
and ' % (Meb) and V:, is troubled in mind; originating from the fact i. e., a grave, or sepulchre; or did so for himself.
(Lb, M, Myb)
that the ,.,., when its feet arc scorched by the (S,g;, TA.)
and l4; , of which last the pl. is heated ground, does not keep them steadily upon .A grave; a sepulchre; pl. 1.4. (,
(Mqb,) A land affected with drought, &c.: ( it, and a creaking sound is consequently heard,
M, A, &c.:) and -. 5 . 1;, Mqb, ) and ~.1; (, ;) of which latter,
] (', , as though produced by its legs.
(TA.) ,,-e Tlhe J cites an ex., but in thlis instance it is the proper
to eaeh part were applied the term .por [used
sand; because the locust [or ] deposits name of a place. (TA.) It is of the dial. of
as a subet.] from which is formed the pl. .S.~, p its eggs therein: and the walker therein falls
(TA,) and ~,*s., (1g,) which is here an inf. n. evil [or encounters difficulty]. (TA.) -[Hence
into Tihlameh: the people of Nejd say J....: (Mb:)
or [as some say] the . in the latter is a substitute
iued as an epithet [and therefore applicable to a it signifies also] Misfortune: (f, M, g :) and for the :. in the former; for :,L*,.1 is used a
1 1
BooK I.] -~o -- J~ 380
pl. by common consent, and jl~. l is not used: rain;" and he replied, 1 ~ t I.i , a disease that befalls but once in a man's life;
(TA:) but 8uh affirms, in the R, that the latter ,."1J t [I have indeed prayed for rain by words (MF;) He (a man, 8, or a child, A) had, or
which are the stirrers-up of rain]; making the became attacked by,
pl. is used by Ru-beh. (TA in art. J.~.) t ( smal-peo]. (,
prayer for forgiveness to be a prayer for rain, in A, 1.) [And &5j 1.iI lThe small-pow came
allusion to a pas~age in the .Kur, lxxi. 9 and 10; forth, or brohe out; as in the T]~: for its inf. n.]
thc efficacy of the J~ signifies the comingforth, or breaking out,
1. ~t,, aor. :, inf. n. ., le mixeil any- and meaning thiereby to deny
.1v. (A,' gh,* L) 5 ,,also pronounced of the (1 .) j.q., aor.
,Sj. ', inf. n. 3a1,
tlling. (L.) i&lj ,.'(S, A, Mgh, L, K, )
t ;j.4i, ($, .K,) thus pronounced by El-Uma- lie, or it, mws, or became, adapted, disposed,
e_'.j3, aor. and inf. n. as above; and * J_.,
wee, (.,)is moreover the name of t A particular apt, meet, suited, suitable, fitted, fit, competent,
inf n.. *.3; (L;) and ' _..;. l, (S, L, ,)
star or asterism, one of those which the Pagan proper, or worthy. (O.) You say, J~ [and
and t ~m.l; ; (K ;) lie stirred about the b.pj' Arabs asserted to be bringers of rain: (L:) said ai] lIe was, or became, adapted, disposed, apt,
[or meal made of parckhed barle or 7w1heat], and
to be Ot1>,o [the llyades; or the five chief stars &c.,for it. (A.) [And I t..a4 1i ;t. He
the like, writh water, [or milk, (see what follows,) thereof; or the brightest star thereof, a of
wras, or became, adapted, disposed, apt, &c., Jbr
or clarh.ied butter, or .fat of a sheep's tail, J'c.,
Taurus]; ($, A, L, l ;) [which is called by this doing such a thing. See ;l.] He
(see ;J,)] until the rhole became of a uniform. name of jlo.1s] because it rises latterly [sith
ctnsistence: (L:) or he stirred it about with a respect to the Piciades], (S,) or because it follows made, or called, (j'.,) him, or it, adapted, dis-
posed, apt, meet, suited, suitable, fitted, fit, comn-
.tO..: (A,L:) or he stirred about the w"v (W.N, i.e. ,) the Pleiades: (Tin art. ye:) petent, proper, or worthy. (1.)
i4 mill, and the like, with a :,~ until it [whence] it is also called 1 5a._..g. [" the
became mixed: (Lth, TA :) or he beat and mired urger of the stars," properly, "with singing"], 2. ,; .: see 8. ; : see L
the >j, with a { -: (Mgh:) i.q. a.J: (..') or, .~1s
. [" thie urger of the asterism," 4. J', ;1~l t [and , How
Hi] well
(5,l :) and t .. , inf. n. ,3A, he mixed meaning, " of the Piciades"], and _ . 1 l adapted or disposed, or howr apt, meet, suited,
it; in the p, 'LJ;but the right reading is [" the follower of the asterism," or, "of the suitable,fitted,fit, competent, or proper, is hefor
ri, as in the L and other lexicons: (TA:) Pleiades "], (1Kzw,) and l.Jl and tlJI ["the nwhat is good! or wO n,orthy is he of rwhat is good!
and *t u.;C l he drank it (s., [but this is per- follower"]: (Sh:) or it is a smaU star or asterismn, (A.) Avid 'ik ,i oje~.I to, and a j~l,
hlnpl a mistranscription fi,r d.. he beat it]) with between OCjJ$ and JI [or the Pleiades]: How well adapted or disposed, or how apt, meet,
tie C~ . (L, TA.) (IA9r, 1 :) [perlhaps meaning the four stars that &c., is hefor doing that ! or how wortthy is he
are the chief stars of the lI 1yades exclusively of to do lthat ! (TA.) The usage of J..., signify-
2: see 1, in two plices.
a Tauri:] or three stars, (Mgh,TA,) like the ing " he was, or became, adapted, &c.," refutes
4: sec 1._jt ~l
C l brandled the camel. three stones upon rehich a cooking-pot rests, (TA,) the assertion of certain grammarians that these
on tlheir thigyhs uith the mnark called . (K0 .) likened to a three-pronged '.e; (Mgh, TA;) two forms of the verb deviate from gencral rule.
on the [auroral] rising of which, heat is expected:
8: SCe 1, in two places. inf. n. y J (})
(TA:) the Arabs regarded it as one of the .l1I 8. ; a;nd
'~..J1: see the next iaragrnl)h. which [by their auroral setting] foretokened and .; (TA;) lie raised his building high;
rain. (lAthl.) Ql',.I is a name by whlich or constructed it.firmntly and strontgly, and raised
~.A_ The instrument with wNhich . is
some of thle Arabs culled t The two Wings of it high; syn. e. (Q, TA.) [In thle CXC, we
stirred about with wnater 4.c.; (S, A, 1, &c. ;)
.ojy.l [or Orion]. :(Sh, TA.) - _ also read ;1 as though the prononn * referred
which is a phce of *cuod the end rhereqf has
several siles; (S, L;) or a piece *f wood at the si"nifies t A certain mark made rwith a hot iron to the word jl..., which precedes, und thus the
lead of nhich are trwo cross pieces of wood; (A, upourn the thighs of camels. (1K.) verb signified " he built a wall ;" but it is shown
Mgh, L;) and sometimes having three prongs: Beverage, or wine, (..,l,) stirred in the TA that the right reading is that given
(lAth, TA :) p1. t . (L.)- It is some- above.]
about: (S, K:) and in like manner, blood, when
times used tropically, as relating to evil, or it is stirred about in the body of a gored animal Q. Q. 1. l .'; .liepas.ed the pen over
mnischief. (L.) [Thus it means I A stirrer-up by the goring horn. (L.)
of evil or mischief; or a thing that stirs up, or
n,hat had become obliterat.:*t,of the triting,(k, K,)
mhereby one stirs up, evil or mischief.] - Also Blood drawn froom a vein, used in in order that it might become distinct. (.) And
'.~ 1jI... le renewed the rariegated,orfigured,
t Any one of the L,tw [or stirrers-up times of dearth, or drought, (S,K,) in t e Time
tyork of the garment, or piece of cloth, aofter it
of the sky, or of rain]; (L ;) these being the of ignorance: ( :) or blood htich n'as mixed hal gone. (~, .K.) [J says,] I think it to be an
wcith something else, and eaten in times of dearth:
;jl [or stars, or asterisms, rwhich, by their (TA:) or a hind of food of the Pagan Arabs, arubicized word. (S.)
auroral settings or riings, rwere believed by the being blood obtained by opening a vein of a sie-
Pagan Arabs to bring rain c.]; (S, L, ];) camel, chich blood was received in a vessel, and ~., A.rall; or a nwall of enclosure; syn.
of those .1_jl that seklom or newr failed [to bring drunk. (T, TA.) Ll: ; as also *1', [which is the more
tain], accord. to the Arabs: (Mgh :) the & in common]: (S, A, Msb, 1 :) pl. of the former,
the pl. is added to give fulness to the sound of ;q, (1;, MAb, lK,) sometimes used as a pl. of
the kesreh; for the regular pl. is { , and auc., (Sb, TA,) and ... ; (g;) and of the
.L ;, (K,) aor. ', (TA,) le mnade a,~ latter, (8, Msh, .) _ Th basis, or
the sing. of . .t, should by rule be l...
[aplp. here meaning a vaUll of enclosure]; sylln. foundation, of a waUll: (g:) and the side of a
(A,IAth,Mgh.) One says, .;' :.~
(L) or
L._.: (K :) or he built a jl,.: and he founded
1 ! >Jl; (A) t [Its stirrers-up, or it. (HIam p. 8 18.)~ He concealed himself by nwall: (Lh, K:) !1., in both these senses, ;..
the stirrers-up of rain, or the stars or asterisms mesan of a ,l~. [or wall]. (Th, I.) l (TA.) . JI is applied to The [mall called the]
?. ,
rhich rwere the bringers of it, sent forth rain]. e (A, K) of tIhe Knbeh; (g;) because
It is related of 'Omar, that he ascended the (A, I,) inf. n. .; (TA;) and , (Lh, {,) in it is a part of the [original] foundations of the
pulpit to pray for rain, and, having only offered aor. t, inf. n. &,.; (Lbh, TA;) and #j.., (S, house: (TA:) and it is also called .. Jl. (A.)
a prayer for forgiveness, descended; whereupon A, ],) which last some disallow, because this form - t A fence, or dam, raised of branches, to
it was said to him, "Thou hast not prayed for denotes repetition, and the verb signifies the having retain rwater; likened to a wall: (As, Mahsb :) or
980 J3[-ooI [1300Bool I.
a fence, or dam, to confine water: pl. j..: disposed, apt, meet, suited, suitable, .itted, fit, rhyme, has changed the noun into a verb; and
(Suh, Mb :) and s, [which is also a pl.,] sig- competent, or proper, for it, or him; or he is this is one of the worst of poetic licences (L.)
nifies fmee, or dams, between houses, which more, or most, worthy of it. (A.) [See an ex. in [Hence,] ;l l .
_ LI '1 [The year of
retain water. (TA.) - [The pl.] j s~alsoa verse cited voce L.L.] drought cuts off, or destroys, the herbage]: (A,
signifies Garden, or walled gardens, (J.li.,) of TA:) and Jl* J. de troys the camclj or
;;~..b ol A land in which is u [or
grape. (TA.) rmaU-pox]: (L.b, S :) or a land in which is much the like. (.5, 0, I.) And u;1 L 1 e
thereof. (.K.) See also Lj, in five places. 5 The drought prevented the growth, or increase,
3ij.: see ;6A.
of the herbage. .(, TA.)_ [Hence also,]
58~ and S., ($, ,f1b, 1) [SnmaU-pox;] ;~. (S, Mghi, Mqb, ]) and t;J.. (Mgh,
att, inf n. , tIle withheld good thingsfrom
certain pustules (Mgb,]) in the body, (V,) rwhichl 1) and . (Myb, TA) Having the $. [or
his family, or household. (TA.) And A1 ,&.. ,
break forth (Msb, 8) from the skin, full of small-pow]. (8, Mgh, Myb, ].) And i~,
aor. , inf. n. as above, t His mother fed hinm
water, and afterwardsopening, (Mgb,) and gene- .. l1 [Iiaving the face marked tvith the small-
rating thick purulent matter; (]g;) a wellU-knownn with.badfood; (Zj, ;) as also ?sCq.I, (., l,)
pox]. (A.)
disease, that attacku people once during life. . . ., . 0 - inf. n. ~.' l; (TA;) and , (K,) inf. n.
J~: seeJ~: and see also , inl
(TA.). ., ,j8l LSfJ I an nappellation applied o~-: (TA:) and t, and tj.Jot. t I/e (a
two places.
to Trtcffle (;l.), denoting disapprobation. (TA pastor) co;fined him [a beast] to bad pasture.
fiomi a trad.) (TA.) as..Z , (.,) inf. n. as above, (.i,) also
signifies t I confined him, restricted him, or the
;%~: sce J: and see also 5.y. 1. -s1 f, (s,. Mslb, ,') aor. , (bMib,)
like; syn. .. : and tI inmprisoned him: (S,
inf. n. c M, K,) lie cut qff the nose;
(S, Myb,
j.~ A place having a n'all built around it; .K:*) and so witilh : ($:) or ,~.. and
:lld in like manner, the ear; nnd the hand, or bothi signify tdie continting, or restricting,a person
a n,alled place. (S, k.) _ See also .
arm; and the lip; (, Msb, K;) and a similar with evil management, and with contemptuous
Also Adapted, disposed, apt, meet, suited, suitable,
fitted, fit, proper, competent, or wtorthiy; syn. part: (TA:) and d . signifies the. sam treatment, and nrant of goodl care. (Alleyth.)
8.LS. (., A, Myh, ]g) and j -: (Mhb:) fern. as .;..~.s [I cut off his nose]: or ~.s. signiifies = O.q, aor.:, (Myb,) inf. n. ., ($, Myb,
witlih ;: (TA:) pl. masc. ~? and :.q.: [absolutely] the cutting off; or cutting so as to 1,) (a man) aJs, or bera me, mutilated, or
separate. (TA.) In tihe following saying of a ma,imed, b,y the cntting off'of hij noto, or hit ear,
(.,] :) pl. fem. O1o. and ,.t.. (TA.) poet, the verb is used metaphorically, (S, MIsb, K,*) or his hand or arm, or his lip, (S,
, , .. . .. a., ','" IK,) or the like: (TA:) or, accord. to some, you
You say, i.i. ..! (8, A, Msb) and iJ
(TA) lie is adapted, disposed, apt, meet, &c., do not sty h,
but .: (TA:) and ,J..
.for such a thing; (8, A, Mb ;) and [naturally] [lit. And nosed fortuie became mutilated in the
tJI T7 she
.. elp, orgoat, icas, or becatme, mnutilatedl
nose; meaning, tbecame msarred]. (TA.) And in by having its ears entirtly cut off. (M;b.)-
drawn to it. (Hamni p. 707.) And el ... !~ci
the following phirase, occuning in a verse, 1 Oia [lienee,] also, (S, .,) nor. as above, (K,) and so
J.i J' Tlhou art adapted, disposed, apt, meet,
&c., for doing such a thing; or wnorthy to do it. a;.- iil ,M', the poet means, [As though the inf. n., (S.,) [as though meaning tle rewas, or
God cut of histnote] and put out his eyes: see a becamne, itj!tt,7ed;] he (a chill) luhad bad food:
(.8.)And JMd Oi t . .il, (<,) and in
similar saying in art. o,;, voce .,.. (TA.) (8., IS, TA:) and he (a young, weaned camel) had
like manner you say of two persons, and of more,
badJbod: or wtas ridteen whil [too] young, and
(TA,) and V; , (g.) Verily he is one who s., ( aor. and inf. n. as above, (TA,)
in consequence becamne weah. (TA.)
is adapted, di,sosed, apt, meet, &e., for doing lie mutilated him, or maimned him, by cutting off
[such a tlhing]; or worthy to do [it]; syn. ;W... his nose, or his ear, or his hand or arm, or his lip, 2. s.., inf. n. ;.: see 1, in five places.

(].) ; .j..~ properly signifies A place, and (i, K, TA,) or the like; (TA;) as also . -. |. ' lie wmale him to exp-ience evil
hence a thing, an affair, and a person, adapted, (S, TA.) [Hence the phiasc,] dJ t 1.~ (S, ]l) treatment, and derided him; as when one cuts off
disposed, apt, meet, &c.; like 'ai. and ;Ib.*: [(May God decree) to him mutilation, or maim- the ear oJ' his slave, and sells him. (TA.)~AlIo
and t; . , Made, or called, adapted or dis- ingj, by the cutting off of his nose, or the like; or Ile saidto him i)J 1.S, [cxplained above; see 1].
posed &c., though said by Aboo-Jafar Er-Ru- caus it to befall him: or] meaningE I Dj% (s, .5.*) [See also , .]
aee to be a pass. part. n. having no verb.] Also [tmay God make injury, or diminution of mhat 3. 1..., inf. n. (, ) and
a;n l,
I-v- l Verily she is one who is is good, to cleave to him]: (Q :) said in impre-
(1],) t Ie reviled, being reriled by another, (K,'
adapted, disposed, apt, &c., for that: and : eating a curse upon a man: similar to J I'.`,
TA,) saying .J t. ; as though each of them
"P ,a3 for doing that: and in like manner q. v.: the first word being governed in the aecus. cut oiff the nose of the other: (TA:) and, (v,)
you say of two persons, and of more. (TA.) case by a verb understood. (TA.) One says also, or accord. to some, (TA,) the contenled in an
And Jl t*
*1;j.~ .'1 L." This affair, or 1.J_ . ~,- }, ~aphrase mentioned by altercation; as also &tqtJ.; (., 1], TA ;) [but
thing, is one that it adapted, apt, meet, &c., for IAgr, but not explained by him; thought by ISd the latter is said of a number of persons &c.] You
that; syn. 1,... (.0) And * i... 1,1I, to mean, 1 Act thou, in commanding, as though say, ka&l- t?. >j .. .. J, (Th, .,) and
This affair, or thing, is one that is adapted, thou mutilatedst them by cutting off their noses t Co~,3 also, (Th,) SI left the countries with their
[until they become submisive]. (TA.) In the
apt, met, &c.,forhim to do; i. e. he is adapted, vipers eating one another; (Th, . ;) not meaning
apt, meet, &c., for doing it. (TA.) phrase tV? 1 1 I C. [TIh voice of the
eating in reality, but rending in pieces, or man-
as that has his ear, or ears, cut off, (see i,.,
3wu An enclosure for camels, (AZ , ,) gling, one another: (Th:) and IglI tt~ J.hto,
below,)], occurring in a verse of Dhu-l-Khiral
andfor lambs andkids and calves 'c., (TA,) made Ep.Tuhawee, (.,) accord. to J, but not found by and tt.. j, 1A year in wAhich th vipers at one
of mae of stone; (AZ,. ;) as alsot~.: (TA:) ggh in the verses of that poet, and said to be in another, by reaeon of its severity. (Th.)
if of mud, or clay, it is called f ]j.: (AZ, TA:) the Book [of Sb], though lB denies this, asserting 4: see 1, in three places.
or an enclosmre (.jj)for sheep or goats. (TA.) it to be in the Naw6dir of AZ, (TA,) Akh says, 5: see 3, in two places.
~Nature; or natural, or native, dispostion, the poet means .~ Lq$1 , like as you say, 6: see 3, in three places.
tmper, or other property. (].) 4;.bJl j, meaning JL. "jUl: Aboo-Bekr What is cut oJf of th.antor parts of
. it' & Ie, or it, is more, or most, adapted, Ibn-es-Sarrij says, the poet, requiring ref for the the nou, to itsfurthest, or uttermost, part: (A,
BooK I.] E -
eaten by camels, which
TA:) an inf. n. used as a [proper] subst. (TA.) one of the nings had been shortened; (TA;) as plant of El-Yemen,
and tJ~3 .l: and so, all, with .' thereby become in no need of water: (M, TA:)
..- l... : see 1. ,m.t Unwholesomeness in also tj,~.
1J particles, cast up by
. '..l J; . [The or the froth, or floating
herbage. (Q.) (g ib.). [Hence,] Jl1.A
beverage; (El-'Otbee, Hr, ] ;) as though it were
orfed on bad sailor rowed, or paddled, with the oar, or paddle]. cut off from the beverage. (El-'Otbee, Hlr, TA.)
- A child having bad food; 4 J-, (TA,) or j3.
food: ($, K, TA:) pronounced by El-Mufaddal (AA, TA.) And ; _-iE iia . Cries, shouts, noises, clamour, or a con-
with ); but As repudiated to him this pronuncia- A;AJI, aor. :, inf. n. J., (Mgh,) [He rowed,
fusion ofcries or shouts or noiset: and the sound
tion; (f, TA;) and his objection was confirmed or paddled, the ship, or boat;] he put the ship, or
made in running. (Sgh, V.)
by a young man of the Benoo-Asad called in as
boat, in motion with thie J~.* [or 1.L.].
an umpire. (TA.) J,_. [pl. of ilq-,] Gazelles going with shotrt
(Mgh.) - Also J.. H'e (a man) swung the
a.c What remains, of tlt nose, ear, hand or arms; (V, expl. by i~ , steps: (agh, I.)
4, ; in the 0, 0J.e,
arm, or lip, after the cutting off [qf the rest]: .O1lShort: (Lth,V:) applied to a man.
as is said in the TA;) as a man does in walking,
(e, / :) the place of the cutting off thereof; like [the fem.] 'T~.l A ewe, or she-
moving them about: and the meaning seems to (TA.) -And
4.k from 1, and ii
"93 from iJI. (TA.)
be, rewalked quickly: (TA:) you say, U. , goat, having somewhat cut offfrom her ear. (4.)
(A, A1, &c.) and lt. (K, TA) SA 4.2 bhe (a man) was quick in his manner of J,_: see JJap.h
year ofdrought; because it cuts off, or destroys, malking; (AAF, TA;) and so with 3: (S in art.
(,3~,) the herbage, and abases men: (A, TA:) J.b. :) or J.. signifies a repeated interrupting Jj'. Straitened: so in the saying, 31
or a sere,or calamitous, year, that destrojs the of the voice (e ylJI '-) in singing to camels j l.q,; JaJq.i [Verily the means of living
camcels or the like; ($, 0, ]K;) or that destroys to urge or excite them. (K,* TA.) - Also, (1K,) are rendered strait to him]: (1 :) but in the L,
everything; as though it cut off its nose or the
inf. n. ,.,
.- (TA,) lie (a gazelle) went, or hJ+,}I,.. (TA.)
like. (L.) -See also 1j..
malked, writh sdort steps. ( ,* TA.) And. jit'.. The wing of a bird: ($, M:b, I:)
l~. : Withered herbage: (v:) or herbage Sie (a woman) nmalked like those that are short: And hence, (15,)
sometimes with 3. (Msb.)
that is unwholesome to thefeeder upton it: (K:) and she (a gazelle, and a woman, TA) went with [An oar; a pad&ile;] a certain appertenance of
or tall, unn,holesome, and withered. (TA.)-_ short steps; as also ',4.~.: and so, both, with 3. a ship or boat; (AV, , Mqb, ];) a piece of wood
Ahd hence, 5;J1 esignlifies : Death: (8, TA:) (K in art. J.iI The at the head of chich is a broad board, with which
written by some tl.JI. (TA.) sky cast down snow: (1]:) and so with i. (TA.) one p'opels a ship or boat; (M, TA;) and
*J~i, [signifies the same;] a certain thing
t..1 A}lutilated, or mained, by having his 2. j.,4, (.,) inf. n. , , (, KI,) lie
wvith which a ship, or boat, is put in motion:
nose cut qoff, or his ear, (S, Msb, ]K,) or his hand denied, or disacknowledged, farours, or benefits;
(Mgh:) pl. itm..: (Myb:) from J.;a. said
or arm, or his lip, (f, ],) or the like: (TA:) or was ungrateful, or unthanhfidtl,for them: (As,
of a bird: (As, S, M:) also called j1 . (IDrd,
fem. J ..4 : (J, Msb:) and the latter, applied to ., I:) or he deemed thegifts of God small: (El-
a she-camel, haring the sixth part of her ear, or Umawee, 8, ] :) or he said that he was in an evil !, Meb) and and tjli.. (TA.)j.And
the fourth 1par.t of it, or more than that, to the state when he was in a good state: (TA:) or hesaid, hence, as being likened thereto, I A whip: and
liwlf, cut qff; and to a shle-goat, having a third LaS 3
.4 j [app. meaning There is no- so d
with . (TA in this art. and in art. .-.)-
part, or more, oq 'ler ear cut off; or, accord. to thing due to me nor by me]; (K ;) thus explained And for a similar reason, S The neck. (TA.)
IAmh, any ewe or shle-goat having the ear lopped; by Mohammad on his saying that the worst of
s- A [skin of the kind called] j having
(TA;) or a ewe or she-goat having her ear entirely deeds is %... 1J: (TA:) [accord. to Golius, the legs cut off': and so with 3. (V,,* TA.) And
cut off: (Mgh,M~b:) and? 5. an ass having he blasphemed; and identified by him, in this
f.,..1 .~ A man having the arms, or hands,
the ear cut ofJ; (8,) or having the ears cut off. sense, with the Hebr. P ] It ... is said in a trad.,
i c,tt off. (TA.)-_And [hence,] the latter, tA
(K.) It is said in a prov., jL 1 j' l il 4a.# ljhsr.~ (S, TA) Deny not ye, or di.
niggardly man. (TA.)_--And ',, l J,_,
t~. [7Thy nose is a part of thee though it be cut acknowledge not, or be not ungrateful or unthank-
,1, and ae I, and jjl, (TA,)
off]: aplilied withl reference to him whlose good ful for, the bounty of God, and deem it not (YJ,TA,) and
nnd evil al.tachlces to tlhee though lie be not firmly small. (TA.) tfShort in respect of the sleeves, (V, TA,) and of
of the shirt, and of the maist-
connected with tliee by relationship). (TA.)- . 4: see 1, in two places. _- D.~.. They raised the arm, and
.'J4I one of tlhe nppellations applied to The cries, shouts, noises, a clamour, or confused cries t rapper. (TA.)_ See also
,it. (F,: K.) or shouts or noises. (Ig, TA.)
: ce . . Also tA plant, or herbage, 7: seel.
qf which the upper part has been eaten: ($:) or r
oI which the upper part and the sides have been like ,.;
. 4Agrave; a sepulchre; (S, Myb, K;) 1. aor.' (S,li) and, (1,) inf. n. 3,
for the Arabs made J and D inter- (s,) HIe twisted it firmly; (?, !;) namely, a
partly cut off or eaten. (AHn.) changeable: (Fr, :) the former is of the dial. of rope. (.) He made it firm, strong, or com-
Nejd; and the latter, of the dial. of Tihameh: pact. (TA.) - [Hence,] J..J1 LI.
(Mqb in art. s~-:) [accord. to some,] the t [A girl of beautiful compactur; of beautif d,
former is formed from the latter by substitution compact make]. (S.) - [Hence also,] a Ji
1., aor. , (IDrd, K,) inf. n. [of j for .o]: ( :) IJ argues that this is the
(TA,) lie cut it; or cut it off: (IDrd, 1 :) and ti; j 5 : t [He did according to
case because the former has not ,... for pl.:
so dJq. (TA.)~J , (Ks, ,1s,) aor.,, it has this pl., (Fr, S, R, TA,) used his own particularray,course, mode, or manner,
(TA:) but
of acting, or conduct, to which he wasa strongly
(Ks, IDrd,$,) inf. n. t, (Kes, ,i) or -, by Ru-beh. (R, TA.)~ Also, said in a trad. to See also 2.-i
disposed by nature]. (TA.)
(L as on the authority of Ks,) lie (a bird).flew be the beverage of the jinn, or genii, (S, TA,)
[with his wings] clipped, appearing as though he Beverage that has not been covered [at night j~t--, inf. n. j..q, It (a thing) as, or became,
turned his wings backward: (Ks, 8, ]i:) or con- according to a precept of the Prophet]: (latadch, /ha. , and strong. (T, TA.)- _ ._,J ,3
tractedhis wving somewhat, in order to descend in , ]S:) or of which the mouth of the skin con- 0JIt- The grain became strong in the ears: (,
his flight, and then inclited, or declined, infear ltaing it has not been tied [at night]: (f:) or
O, TA:) or, accord. to the ]g, it means [i. c.,
of the hawk: (TA :) and he (a bird) went quickly, a certain plant of El-Yemen, the eater of which
(~ in art. J.~. ,) ,cith his wings; generally when needs not to drink after it: (S, ]:) or a certain came into the ears]. (TA.) - said of a
392 J3 [Boox I.
young gazelle, &c., Re became strong, and haem made strong] the building, or construction. JJloJ The ground: (., Myh, 1 :) or hard
foloed hi mother. (I.) [8ee also ,J]-- (TA.) ground: (TA:) or ground haingfine and. (JI.)
'j.;, aor. ', inf. n. J , [aid in the 8 to be [Q. Q. 1. , He ruled a book with lines;
a subet. from 3, q. v.,) He contended in an alter- such as i .0.A .;;, [q. v.,] i. e., (TA,) a thing lie
are ruled round a page, &cc. See Jj '"]
cation, dispruted, or litigated, wehemently, or vio- an ril, of hide, or leather, which boys, and
lently. (Mlb.) j . B.ard, and strong; as also t,. menstruous women, wear round the waist in the
(,* TA.) -Also, and J-, A strong. firm, manner of an fjl. (], TA.) - A [tribe, suck
a. ;, (?, Mb, ],) inf n. j,.3, (Msb,)
He threr him down (., Msb, O) upon the al., or compact, penis. (K,* TA.) -Also, (II,) or as is termed] a.j.: and a region, quarter, or
the former, (., TA,) Any menber, or limb: (., tract; eyn. ';6.U (S, :) and so "M, in
(Myb,] ,) i. e., (TA,) upon the ground; (.,
TA;) as also t J, (J(,) inf. n. J~.: (TA:) ) pl. ,.. (, TA.)- Also, (g,) or the both these senses, as used in the phrase, j. 1
former, (TA,) Any complete bone, [app. witlh its j;; ([Thi is according to the way of Ahi
or the former signifies he did so mueah, or often.
flesh,] not brohen, nor mixed wnith aught beside:
(TA.) You say, J.mi3pb [He thrust him, region, and of his tribe]. (TA.) You may also,
pl. [of pauc.] jlI and [of mult.] Jq.' (K,
or pierced him, with a spear or the lihe, and ',) iSA; L,,3, ;in the Ig, erroneously, L,u%,
threw him down &c.]. (, Msb.) [8See also 3.] TA.)- Also, (I,) or [the pl.] J., (Lth, (TA,) i. c., .^ j c,l [He went his orwn way], (4,
TA,) The bones of the arms and legs (Lth, K,
3. !J ., inf. n. ii;L1 and JlC., (8, Mgh, TA) of a man: (Lth, TA :) and of the fore andl TA,) and 4_.Ci [towards his region, or quarter,
H,) conteindel in an altercation,or disputed, hind legs of the victim termed ;i;.
He (TA from or tract]. ( A.)-state, or condlition. (1I.)
or litigated, with him: (8, TA:) or did so tehe- a trad.) - A partticular way, course, mode, or manner,
mently, or violently, (Mgh, n,) and ably, or of acting, or conduct; syn. iLb., (S,I,) sad
powerfully: (Ig:) [or he did so obstinately, or Je.: see J
melyfor the purpose of convincing him; for]
aiF. < (i.) You say. ,;49 J;.&, i. C.
ijJ,b. signiifies the disputing rtespecting a ques- J... Vehmemnce, or violence, in altercationor [lie did according to iis own particular way,
tion of cience for the purpose of convincing the disputation or litigation; (S, . ;) and ability, or &c.; or] j,. , &ZL
opponmt, wAhethr what ho says be wrong in power, to practise it: (8]:) [or simply contention [explained above: see 1]. (TA.').,1. deter-
itself or not: (Kull p. 342:) [he wrangled with in an altercation; disputation; or litigation:] a niniation of the mind. (TA.) tThe mnatge-
him:] or J>1, inf. n. W>" and JI., as subst. from ~;1_: (S: ) or inf. n. ohf jO,' [q. v.]. ment, or ordering, cf a people's a/fairs; the
abore, signifies originally he contended in an (Myb.) - Hence, as a term of logic, A syllogism ex.ercise of the ofice ,f. (AA, TA.)
altercation, or dispnted, or litigated, by advancing composed of things well known, er concedecd; tite
what might diwert the mind from the appear- object of rwhich is to convince the opponent, and Jl A boy becoming, or become, strong,
ance of the truth and of what was right: and to make him to understandwhofails to apprehend rigorous, or robust. (..) A shecamel's young
accord. to a later usage, of the lawyers, he corm- the premises of the demonstration. (TA.) one above such as is termed ell, 7ehr;h is such
lawred evidence [in a discussion with another as hasa become strong, anl icalhs with his mother.
person, or other perwsons,] in order that it might s3ee , ~q.
-Also One wvho contends
(A4, $.) [See also j..]
appear wkich of thoe evidene was a preponderant: in an altercation, disputes, or litigates, 7ehe-
and the doing this is commendable if for the mntly, or ciolently, (Myb, g,) and ably, or J.&4C: and Jx..4: &c.: see art. J ..
purpose of ascertaining the truth; but otherwise powerfulUy; and so and JI (K.)
it is blameable: (Mb :) accord. to Er-RBghib, j~; fem. se
c. j._, in daree
Jl.~. signifies the competing in disputation or -. t fem. of J~l. -Also syn., in two laces. - Also, [accord. to moit of the gram-
contention, and in striving to overcome [therebyj]; senses, with IJ.q., which see, in two places. marians ,, but accord. to some Jj.,] The
from j .JI ;J~, meaning, " I twisted the hawh; syn. ; (, ;) as also t ~ :
rope firmly;" as though each of the two parties J.~. A rivulet; a streamnlet; (S, Mb, ];)
(I:) or an epithet applied to thc hawk [and
twisted the other from his opinion: or, as some [whether natural,or formed artificially for irri-
may, it originally means the act of wrustling, and gation; being often applied to a streamlet for therefore without tenween]: (TA:) pl. j.xlqt
ithroring down anothir upon tahe iiJI. [or irrigation, in the form of a trench, or gutter;] (.)
ground]: accord. to Ibn-EI-KemAl, a disputing it is less than a 3.L,; and this is less than a J: os1--l.:see wiat next prece(les.
that has for its object the manifesting and esta- (Mgh in art. as
u:) also Jj: (1:) pl.
blidsing ift tenets or opinions. (TA.) [See also J) A .A3 [or palace, or parviion, &e.,]
3pl~.. (M,b.)....Hence, ,J.' . ! I'hIe/,' (S, I, TA [in the CIC ; l is erroneously put
affair, or case, was, or becamnte, in a right, a
for cJJI]) strongly construclted: (TA:) p1.
4. ;J.i. ,Sie (a gazelle) had her young one regular,.or an orderly, state; like the J.~.
[(itflciently 'rown to be] walking with her. rwben its jlom is unifbrm and uninterruptefd. j,L.. (S, .) -. See also J.
(Zj,I1.) (TA.) And t.JI J~oat.L-! t The caravan Jl~. A piece of rock or stone: [oan oblong
5: see 7. of the pilgrins formed an unintcrrupted line. roofing-stone, of those whiich, platcl side by side,
(TA.)..[Hence also J3q. as meaning tA
6. I1l).L,3 TAey contended in an daltercation, form thla roof of a subterranean passage, &c.:]
disputed, or litigated, [or did so vehemently, or
hind of small vein. (Golius from Ibn-SeenL)] pl. ;A (TA.) - Sco also ja.
violently, &c., (see 3,)] one wnith anwther. (KL,
- Hence also %qt;b J~ t [A ruled line,
MA, &c.,) 3s'J. : rsee . [IIence,] j.~ .. ,
(suc;i as is ruled round a page, &c.,) and a
7. J;j. l Jie fell doan upon the ground: column, and a table, of a book]. (TA.) IA compact coat of mail; (., TA ;) also
( he became thrown donm. upon the 2JI,,
h:) t t'..q.: (S, ;:) pl. [of the latter] o,. )
j.ta. applied to a rope, Firmly twisted; as -tA man (1g, TA) of slcader mah, (TA,)
i. e., the groundl; and in like manner tJ.3, he
became thronm diown, &e., much, or often. (TA.) also t J,.ob.. (TA.) _ A camel's nose-rein slender in the [bones caUlled] , of firm, or
(S, 1) of hide, or leather, (S,) firmly twisted: compact, make (Jil'I. [as though firmly
8. Jll! The act of building, or const7ncting. (., :) and a cord of hide, or lecther, or oJf twisted]): (I, TA:) or lender, sli, thin, spare,
(TA.) EI-Kumeyt says, [goats'] hair, [that i put] upon the neck of the
lean, or light of flesh?; not from emaciation:
camnel: (1 :) and the [hind of women's ornaomenat
(.:) and .;4Ji JS,, as some say, of irm,
trmerid] ;? (.,15) is sometimes thus called:
or compact, mnahe. (TA.) And JJ~. +A
(S, TA) i. c. [Parilions of which the masons . :) PI) wonman small in the belly, and compact in es :
I (1 )

onof 393
Boot I.] J. -- ~.
(A in art. .h :) or jIaI %, a girl of JSi~
A gift; (e,M b, ;) as alsoo 1: Arabs [of the clasical times]. (V.) This and
bea, aful comnpcture; of bautiful, compact (1, .K :) dual (of the former, TA) jIq~ and the former together are called [the] ,i..
make; syn. J,A "as.
(.) Also 1 (Lb, M, V ;) the former, regular; (M, TA.)
(TA.) - ; o is also an anomalous dual of
o s.;
a-.; t [A fore arm, or an uppr arm,] of TA;) the latter, anomalous, (M, ], TA,) form.ed Sj.,
Is; q. v. (Lb, M, .)) 8See also what next
l follows.
firm or compact, make. (,aTA.) And L. by commutation. (M, TA.) You say,
a~J and '.. t
[A shank of beautiful com- i a. and tVc, (Z,~ ,) &A. but not ;.
m r,Sj
[I have not obtained from
pacture;] well rounded; well turned; syn. L_ which MS.is used by the vulgar, (C,) [A kind of pad,
such a one a gift ever]. (TA.) And hence the
or] a stuffed thing, ($,) or a stuffed piece (g,
'>. (Jg, TA.) prov., -lj. U-: see art. . (8 authority
TA) of a ., (TA,) that is put beneath a
in that art.) - See also 1t..
horse's saddle, '(I,) or beneath the two boards
:1.. Profit, utility, or avail. (S, TA.) So in of a horse's and of a camel's saddle;
L t
At .o, (M9 b, l,) and *I., first pers. the saying, ;L_1 !J..I l (OL7OJI) of
'jJ [Such a one lone
[one on either side; for] there are two of such
";.,'t., (IB,TA,) nor. ', (1];) inf. n. (Msb. is of little profit, utility, or avail, to thee; will nuffied
stuffed things: (S:) the pl. of the former is
TA) and 1.~; (Mb ;) and :i ti.~,
.. (Mqb, stand thee in little stead]. (S.) ;Jl1', (8b, (Sb, S,) which may be used u a pl. of
1,) and t ,~..1, (S,) the prep. in the former of 5.-.[originally .-. ] Munificent, or bounti- mult., (TA,) or ;-, so in [some of] the
these two being suppressed in the latter; (TA;) copies of the V], [but omitted in the ClB and in
ful. (TA.)
and t 1...I; (TA;) lie gave him a gift. (S, my MS. copy of the J,] following the Tn, as on
IB, Mb, , TA.) - [Hence,] .4, ,i 1. >1.. Asking, seeking, or demanding, ($, K,) a the authority of A 'Obeyd and AA and En-Nadr,
t He drer his evil fortune, or ill luck, upon him: bounty, or benefit, (.S,) or gift: (K :) pl. il.q. (TA,) and g.i ItS [in some copies of
(S, IB,
an ironical cxprcsion; [for it literally mcans he (TA.) the $ 1~, but the former (which I find in two
gave him, or bestowed uton him, his evil fortune.] L5. 1 [More, and most, profitable, useful, or copies of the S) is said by IB to be the right; J
(TA.) - Hence also, t. j~i! It (a avriling]. It is said in a prov., ~ lb'>. ,or rather this is a coll. gen. n.,]) like u a is
~.-m ,,b .~e -
thing) sufliced thee. (Msb.) L:A W t I .. bl ~. [More profitable than rain in its season]. of k: (IB, TA:) the pl. of , is Q.
1 HIis deed, or art, did not profit him, or avail (Meyd.) (?J
(S.) [See also ;.., and ;U.]
hi,m, aught. (Msb.) And I1U J * S C4
:.., '
(K in this art.,) or ,1,,
Qp (A in art. jJ.,
t lTis ldoes not stand thee in any stead; does not
and 1K in art. CM,) [the latter is the term commonly
profit thee, or avail thee. (B.? , ;.., (M, L .E : see 1 in art. _ . One says of
known, An arithmetical square;] the product
IB, Myb, I,') [aor. ',] inf. n. ... ; (I;) and the locust, &r .5 , meaning It eats
of multiplication [of a number by itslf]; as
':~.w; (V in art. I..;) and t ~.! , (S,
everything. (TA.) 1.k jJJ 1 whten you say, the .I~. [or .I,i-] of three [in
M,b, ,*) and tVA; i 1 ; I sought, or de- found no means of avoiding, or escaping, that, some copies of the ], of thre multiplied by
ma,ded, (s,) or awhed, (lB, M.b,g,) ofhim (~, is sometimes said for .lJI o~.1 i. (Vz, TA in three,] is nine; (],'TA;) also called jCi. (Myb
IB, Mb, ) a gift, ($,) or a thing meanted. (V.) 4~
in art. j'..)
inart.j.!~.) [Seeij..]
[See an cx. of the last of these verbs in a verse art. ~.)
cited in art. U.] Hence, I. [inf. n. of 2. J_I inf. n. 4..3, He made, or J~J1 JI: see .

t St.!.]: whence, in a trnd., L YP '". put, to the carmers saddle a [a.;' or] 4~.'. . and A young gazell; yn. J' :
in Jl a t ad.,
Jmeaning ng i (TA.) (V, and so in a copy of the :) or a young doe-
[with blood: gazdk;
4jB [i. e. And they knew that tiere was not, in 4. .S~.1 It (a wound) flowed gazlleU; syn. MJjI: (so in another copy of the :)
the posesion of A3arn,dn, property for which see aJ?]. (K.) said by As to be lihe the jU of goats: ( :) or
they should ash as owed by him]. (TA.) the male, and thefemale, of the young of gazelle,
$~ A kid: (S :) or a male kid; (IAmb, when it has attained the age of six months, or
3: see l.
M.b, K ;) the female being called ,tlc: (IAmb, seven, and has run, and become strong: or, as
4: see 1, in five places. Also $~. 1, He Myb :) or a kid in his first year; (Mgh, Mb ;) some
say, the male thereof: pL Qti1.. (M, TA.)
obtained a gift. (S, Myb.) not, yet a year old: (TA:) one should not say
8: see 1, in two l)laces. k~: see k~a, in two places. Also Flo
q.; ( ;) this being a bad dial. var.: (Myb :)
10: see 1. in.q
ing blood; (Lb, V;) blood not flowing being
pl. (of pauc., TA, applied to three, $) 1 (,
termed : (LIb, TA:) or the former, blood
I1.~ i. q. ;., q. v. _ Hence, (]ar p. 32,) Myb, R) and (of mult., TA, applied to more
adhering to the body; and the latter, blood upon
I~., (!V,) also written t.$F, (18k, TA,) or than three, 8) I.. (S,Mgh,MYb,.) and :
the ground: (AZ, :) or the former, a streak of
1. , (v,) and, accord. to the g, .1 (K:) t~,. [as pl. of S~] is not allowable. blood: ( :) or the first quantity that ~ at
but this latter is not known except as signifying (S.) .. Hence, as being likened thereto, (M, once,ofblood: once, of blood: (TA:) pl. 1on-.(?.) - A piece
"a gift," (TA,) A common, or general, rain; TA,) .. JI1t A certain star, (S, M9b, K.,) of musk. (V.) -The colour of the face. (Ig,
(B, 1, TA;) of wvide extent: (TA:) or of which [the star a of Ursa Minor, commonly called TA.) You say,
Ja 4;' 44
&IMl[The colour
the uttermost is not hnown. (I.) One says the pole-star,] that revolves with '; !Q, (i,)
of his face became yellUow i . (TA.) I. q. UJ
also 1, ' .., meaning A rain having a rain by the side of the [north] pole, by wohich the
follo~ing it; making the latter word masc. Aibleh is known, (S,) or aecording to which the [A side; a lateral, or an outward or adjacent,
because it has the force of an in n. (TA.) )ibleh is turned; (Mb ;) the bright star at the part or portion, region, quarter, or tract; &c.].
And 1. j 'Ii.t I L,I C Ui [0 God, extremity of the tail of the Le~r Bear; (Kzw;) (V.) (..) So in the saying, ,t.u~ [ [app.
meaning He is keeping to hi own ide h is
water us rwith a copious rain, and a rain that the star of the bible3; (Mgh ;) also called ' ..
shall cover the land]: (, TA:) occurring in a .~j&JI; (Mgh, Mb;) and called by the astro- fo~
following his own course; like the phrase i .
trad. respecting prayer for rain. (TA.) -And nomers t . l:kA:
.JI,in the dim. form, to distinguish :-Lk.: or he it by himself; like *. .; ;;
n. je. Amnple good; (];) of wide extent it from what next follows. (Mgh, MF.) [See and 4~j.]. (TA.)
to men. (TA.) ~iJt 1'J4 V,
*. also Hence also, (M, TA,) A certain
-JI.]_ jlt. The locust; because it eats . i.e.
TA) i.e. [I will not come to the] eoe like sign of the Zodiac; (?, ];) [namely, Captricor- .bl*.
a,djj,; (S, TA;) or to the end of tiine. (I, nut;] the tenth of the signs of the Zodiac; >td) >.t) everything: but the appellation [more]
is ,t... (TA.)
TA.) I (Mgh;) that next to the ; tunknown to the
I commonly known
Bk. I. 'jO

1 in art. C:,W,) [the latter is the term oommoniy


S.~ -- ,J- [Boot I.

1 lSJq [erroneously written in the CId, in this anytAing (9, L, 1) of clothing: (., L:) pl. J' neously explained by Golius as meaning " uterus
art and in art. ^., without the sheddeh to the (B4 in xxi. 59.) inftecundus vel interrupte conceptionis"]: (Fr,
.] sa.fron; (Az, IF, ];) as also Vi.'- .: S, L, .:) as also ;1.,.. (Fr, , L.) .._ ~
(Sgb, V:) the former a rel. n. from aQ.%ji, or ,:j.a: see 1j... _ :,l .0' A tooth m kch
a4.4, a town of ,_4!, in Syria, said to produce l,~4, with fet-b, The act of separatinga tlting
broken; or broken in pieces. (t, TA.)
saffron: it is mentioned by Az and IF in this from another thing (;f.l >, J , accord.
to some copies of the I. and the TA; [see 1;] itj~.(As, L, and so in some copies of the ]:
art., being held by them to be of the measure
J,A` [originally tOjjtq.]: by J, in art. -'., as accord. to other copies of the ]g, [probably by in other copies of the 1], and in the TA, i$,1. :)
mistranscription,] the superiority of a thing ovr Soft stones: (AV, L, ] :) as also ;1. [q. v.]:
being of the measure W. (TA.)._ Also W ine; (As, L:) n. un. (of both, As, L) with
anotrher thing, o L.'iY
h j.); as also ;. (AV,
(H, TA;) as resembling saffron in colour. (TA.) L, J~.)
.l~. (I.)- See also what next fillows.
", see what next precedes. !see, . > _ei iL [A
31~.' and t l., (S,L, I,) the former of gift, or
stipend,] not cut short, or not intrr~upted;
wvhich is the more chaste, (S, L,) and VtlJ., (L,
syn. C91.de,. (A 'Obeyd, 8, L.)
]g,) substs. from ke. the act of" breaking ;" (]. ;)
1. ,J~., (9, A, L, Myb,) aor. !, (L, Msb,) What is broken, of, or from, a thing: (S, L:)
or what is broken, or cut, in pieces: or broken
inf. n. ., (L, Mqb, H,) He cut it, or cut it off;
pieces: so in the gur xxi. 59, in which the word 1. ~', (S,A, Msb, ],) aor. ;, (Mb, ],)
(9, A, L, Mb ;) namely, a thing; (S, Msb;) as, is read in these three different forms: (L:) some
for instance, a rope: (L:) or/e cut it off utteorly; in n.
n. .; ($, Msb;) as also , (9, TA,)
also read I~.', which is pl. of j,.; and some,
(L, I ;) and ;J3... [inf. n. of t*.' ~.] signifies inf. n. j., of the dial. of Temeem, (TA,) or
IjS1 , pl. of ~..: (Bd :) or the first signifiesfrag- formed by transposition; (9, TA; [but see art.
the same as 3, i.e. the ciutting off utterly: nrints of a thing much broken; [as a coll. gen. n.;]
( :) and ci'~4t [ink. n. of tJ1..], the act of
..- ;]) and t4 .. ; (S, A, I ;) Ie drew it;
and the n. un. is t1~;.,.: (Lth, L:) [or] it is an dragged it; p~led it; tugged it; strained it;
cutting: (KL:) or ,. signifies he cut it off extr. p1. of t.. ; (L;) or i. q. 5 ; and extended it by drawing, or puUing or tuggrg;
utterly and quickly; and in like manner t#.i is a dial. var.; or is pL of tL . (Bd.) stretched it; extended, lengthened, or protracted,
[applied to many objects, or as meaning he cut it, it; ($, A, H ;) namely, a thing; and sometimes
&cc.,repeatedly, or many time, or in many piece, [See also j..] Also the first, Small pieces, or
relating to an ideal object. (TA.)_ ' .>.,,
or much]. (L.) [Hence,] jLI partickl, of siver: and * 1 1 piece. of
JX, aor. ,
6.~ ~4 .s, or-; silver: (L:) or the latter, cuttings, or clippings, .;U1, (S,) , (,) or ;'J ,
inf. n. L. and 11:. and 1J.~., He cut off th (9, L, g,) of silver. (M and L in art. ji.)- (A, Msb,) l, (, A, Myb,],) or ;ei (9,
fruit of tihe palm-trees; syn. .p..y: (L1I, L:) or, Also Stones containing gold; (Ks, S, L, g ;) so A, Msb,) : He drank ($, )from the wsmel, (9,)
aceord. to some, .1Jq.. signifies the cutting off of called because they are broken: (Ks, S, L:) or or of the water, (,,) by putting his mouth into
all fruits, and 1~ relates particularly to palm- stone. containing gold #*c. which are brohken; as it, [a draught, or two draughts:] (, :) or
also *;1.. (Msb.)_ And i. [app. i1J. or he conveyedtl [or drew up] into the iianernost parts
trees. (TA in art. -. ) [Hence also,] .jJ~
tl,..], (L,) or V L., (TA,) i. q. j) [Distinct of his nose [a draught, or two draughts, of the
1Ji., in a trad. relating to the battle of Roneyn,
parties, or portions, &c., of men or things]. (L, nwater]. (Msb.) And I.Q t. ?She (a camel)
tCut ye them off utterly; externinate them by drank her milk when she was milked. (A. [But
slaughter. (L.) - Also, (9, A, L, Msb,) nor. , see what next follows: and see also 5.]) _ ,
(L,) inf. n. J.q-, (L, V,) He broke it; (f, A, L, ;1j.: see ;lj , in four places.
of a she-camel, (Y, I,) and of a she-a~ also,
Myb, l;) namely, a thing, (9, Msb,) or a hard ,Jj.1 and t ;j,k Cut; or cut off: or cut aor. , inif. n. ,1 , (TA,) t She became scant
thing: (M, L:) and lJ.l [inf. n. of :.lq], off utterly: or cut off utterly and quickly: and of mnilk; (S, ];) she drew her milk (1;. .4:.)
also, signifies the act of breaking. (KL.)-.Also, also broken: (L:) pl. of the former, ~. and from her udder so that it went away lupwards.
(L,) inf. n. q., (L, 1,) He hastened it; or ha- .1 (Bd in xxi. 59) and 31j., which last is (TA.)_- ., (K,) or A C. .. , (, ,A,)
tened to it. (L, lg.') lt is said in a prov., re- extr. (L. See the paragraph headed 1~., in aor. , inf. n. j (TA,) He rweaned him;
specting one who boldly ventures upon taking a three places.)_ Also the former, (A, K,) and namcly, a colt, (, A, ],) and a young camel,
false oath, .l1 '
. lIe
H'I1hastened to a,,.,., (A,) and , ;,. (8, L, K,) Meal and a lamb. (TA.) And one says of a mother,
it as the ass hatens to the plant called J ... (L) of parcded barley or wheat; syn. J.. ; (8, A, " ,. : She remned her young one: so
L, I ;) so prepared Lby being moistened with accord. to Lh, who does not specify the kind.
2: see 1.
water or toith clarified butter 4c.] as to be (ISd, TA.) And accord. to the T, - is said
6: see 7?. drunk: (A:) and t L... is [a men of the kind of a child, or of a lamb or kid, meaning: He mu
7. ,n.1 It became cut, or cut off: (S, L, Msb, caUed] a:. made of coarse L.".; so called weaned. (TA.) -44 and t le
H.. trans-
:)or cut off utterly: or cut off utterly and because it is broken and made into coarse par- ferred, or removed, it (a thiing) fiom its place.
quickly: and in like manner, *.IJ [said of a ticles: and a quantity of w~, or the like, such (.K.) - She repelled him, or rejected
number of things, or used in a frequentative or an as a man eats or drinks at one time. (L.) himtn; namely, a man who sought her in marriage;
intensive sense; being quasi-pass. of 2]. (L.) ;jt.i4: see. (T, A, TA;) as though from the saying & ..
8: see 1, in two places. *_. '[which see below]; (T, TA;) [i. e.] as
;'I~" and its pL ,l~ see ;1~.,
se: in two though she contended with him and overcame
R. Q. 1. M'Jq, in. .n.L.i : see 1. Ilaces. him, and thus he became separated from her;
jA piebrokenoff; aragmnt: pl.;1 .: i.N~J: see .,J.-, in two places. (T, A, TA;) as also d~'. (T, TA.) [Accord.
to the TA, ' ~t has the same meaning; but
so in the phrase, Il.l1. [I broke it in , %i.[fem. of J.l] t An amputated arm or I think that this is a mistake of a copyist.]_
piece., orfragments]; occurring in a trad., relating
hand: used figuratively: see ,j.1, in art. ,. sJ,lt.k- C) ,> t SuCh a one severed the
to an idol. (L) [See alsojl~.]
(L.) - .. _~j t A bond of relationship [cut, bond of hit union. (M, TA.) And i M
;4i; L TEhere is not upon im a piece o or severed, or] not made close by affection; expl. f, ', : Such a one ered the bond of o
rag; i.e., any garment to cover him: (L:) or by . I.11ay [a well-known phrase: erro- beteen u. (A, TA.) - ila ,. , aor.
BooK I.] 305

(AHn,l,) inf. n .,.- , (AHn, TA,) He cut K.)- And The stopping, or a stoppage, of the months. (A, TA.) tA she-camel, (S, K,) and a
off the .. [q. v.] of the palm-tree, (A Hn,,) flow of salia vil).(a jIl (e.) she-ass, (TA,) scant of milkh; (, , TA;) as
to eat it. (AHn, TA.) - .. Ii,l . tHe ran also andd. t 'i: (}g:) pl. [of the first
w,. The pith that is at the head of the palm-
quickly. (L in art. s..) See also 7. ... and second] 4'1, and .I.. ($, 1.)
tree, from which the [fibres called] Jie are
,JW, ($,A,g,) aor. , inf. n. . , (TA,) pulled of, and which is then eaten; as though so
51i~. (M,10) and the latter formed
The greater part qf the month (., S, A, 1, called because pulled off [or cut] from the tree;
by transposition, (L and TA in art. i.t,) A
i.e. . St,TA) passed. (8, A, g.) = qJ., (TA;) the heart, pith, or cerebrum, ( of
aor. ', He overcamne him in a) .1(K) [lit. the palm-tree; (AI.n, $; TA ;) so in some copies kind of food, prepared with sugar and rice and
Persian ;1}~,
drawing, dragging, pulling, &c.; (see 3;) but of the K; (TA;) i. e. the _ of the palm-tree: flesh-meat: (M, ] :) [from the
also] used figuratively [an meaning S he overcame (S:) or, as in some copies of the K, and in the as observed by Golius:] it might be hastily
him in contention]. (TA.) You say, I.j. M and L, only such as is coarse: (TA:) as also imagined to be arabicized from ,
.1 jI,; but
~4j..i [I contended nitlh him in draRving, draqg- t .~.: (K :) n. un. 4. ($, K.) [Sec also this is not the case: (TA :) [n. an. withl : or]
ging, &c., and I overcame him thlerein: and also] a1$-. is a cake of bread (j4.) Itn into the
t I contended waith him and I overcame him.
(T, A,* TA.)
3JjlPi s. . A portion that is dran,n by a oven (,J;), and having suspended over it a bird
or some jesh-meat, the gravy of which flows upon
single puUllofspn thread,or yarn. (S.) [Hence,]
3. W114. He contended with him in draming, ., .,, . a l
dragging,pulling or tugging, straining, or stretcth- Jib jkc. Uax. i XHe gave him not aught. (A, it as long as it is cooking; also called QAi l .1,
because it removes one's anxiety for seasoning,
ing, &c. (L in art. .. ) And JJI ~lt. [He TA.)_ j;l- e 4~ t Betnween me or condiment. (.Jar p. 227.)
contended with him in pulling the rope]. (Mgh and the place qf alilhting is a piece [qf land or
in art. tj.) And i;1 4 . Ie contended country, or a tract], meaning a distance: ( :)
or a far-extending piece [of land or country].
writh him in pulling the garment, or piece of cloth.
(iS.) And . .,.. i' j t.,' and , 1. ;, (A, TA,) aor. ', (Tr,) inf. n. ;,
(A.) And ;jSl I l.., inf. n. ;4$ , They
t Between us and the son.s of such a one is a (A, K,) le cut, or cut nfl', or severed, (]g, TA,)
p,tled the thing, every one of the,n to himself. mall space, or short distance; i. e., they are
a thing: (TA:) and (K) he extirpated, or cut
(Mbh.) And iq. s;l3.: see 1, last sentence: near to us. (ISh, TA.)
off entirely, (A, K,) a thing; (A;) as also tj .;
[a plhrne having two meanings: for] you say,
I,4 (1, TA,) inf. n. (TA) and .. , . p1s? i M.1 -. [He tooh his nway into (S;) and t jjI, inf. n. ;iJl1. (AZ,1.)
the valley of Jedhelbti]: (i :) or, as given by
(I-ar p. G36,) meaning t Tbey two contended [in } see 1.
any manner], each n,ith the other: (],TA:) and Meyd, [and in the A,] l.j [they.fell into the 4:
prov.: (TA :)
[in like manner,] * Slt.!J, (K,) inf. n. .wi_, valley of Jedhebat]: a celebrated 7. j l It became cut, or cut off, or evered.
applied to a man who has missed the object of
(t,) t They tn'o contendled
- , :4` -
P -
(S,* 8.) You
his aim or pursuit; (1K, * TA;) ,,j. being
(g, TA.)
say also, 141.* ,lS-- [There
(As, IAar, , A, Msb, 1) and t;' (AA,
were contentions between them: then they agreed]. said to be derived from - JI ..j. "he
weaned ;
the boy;" because, in weaning, a child sometimes , .K) The root, or lower part, (AI, %,A, Meb, ],)
(A, TA.) And ;,JI O t I contended with
'I , or. ..... JI of anything: (As, E, A:) or (so in thie ]g, but in
him for the thing. (S.) See also 1, in two dies: or from JI
other lexicons " and") particularly, of the tongue:
places, beside the instance in the last sentence. eJ$, explained above: or, accord. to some, the
(Sh, A, Msb, l]:) and of the penis: (Slh, :)
right reading is .: or, as Az says, on the
5. I lie drank it; (A, g ;) namely,
t4. and of a horn (8,' A) of a cow (S) or of a bull;
milk: said of a pastor. (A.) authority of As, the most correct reading is (A;) or the horn [itself] of a cow: (TA:) and
from ,JI ; "the serpent bit him;" the latter word, the root, orfoot, or lowest part.
6. ;JI _jlW. 7'hey contendled together in
and the prov. is applied to him who falls into of a tree: (TA:) and the former word, the base
pulling the garmnent, or piece of cloth. (A.)
perdition, and to him who wanders in perplexity of the neck: (EI-Hejeree, 1 :) pl. J.~ (I.)
[Ilence,] 4li Lj I [They contended tfrom the object of his aim or desire. (TA.)
together in discourse, talk, or conversation]. (A.) [See also another reading in art. .. '.] Hence ,J J-. '_11
L~ ;Jj; Love took up
Sec also 3. - And see 7. its abode in the bottom (J,1l) of his heart. (A.)
7. rJ.l It (a thing) was, or became, dranwn, OjY... The sandal-thong that is between the And [hence] it is said in a trad., ,.Jj; aL l ;.'
great and seconml toes. (K, TA.) You say, L* Jd-~i ..!.r~.J , [app. meaning, Verily
dragged, pulled, tugged, strained, extended by
drawing or pulling or tugging, or stretched, &c.; .J" . 1 He did not stand me in stead reason, or intellect, or rather conscince, each of
it dragged, or trailed along; syn. .,Jl. (S and of, or avail mne as much as, a sandal-thong that which is a trust committed by God to man, and a
B in art. q.) _ It was, or becane, transferred, is between the great and second toes. (AA, TA.) faculty which renders him responsible for his
or removed, from its place; anmid so /?,j. faith and works, (see, in art. X.,l, an explanation
..,.C4, indecl., [su a proper name, chianged in
(f.) -, ,J.'1! also signifies t Quick going or of a;.l as used in the l]ur xxxiii. 72,) hath taken
form from ,] (TA,) Deatlh: (lSd, :)
iourneying or travelling. (f.) [You say, .,.J Jt1, up its abode in the bottom of the hearts of men].
so called because it draws away the soul. (lSd, ($.)-Also, both words, The origin, or stock,
and JlI j, (the latter occurring in the TA.)
f'.on which one springs. (TA.)... And the for-
TA in art. , &c., like j l .J, men-
ve1* see o. mer, (8, A, Mgh, Myb, ]i,) and the latter, or the
tioned above, see 1,) t IIe rent, or journeyed, latter only, (],) or the former only, (TApr, TA,)
or travUelld, quickly.] And .JIt 1MI,pnl. .,,I.Ur:: see ., ... A root of a number; (A;) an arithmeticalroot;
and).ljl . . t,J
They brought,or purvyed, (Mgh, ] ;) [a square root;] a number that is
41J*. Hairs, (TA,) or coarse hairs, or a multiplied by itelf; (Mqb;) as wrhen you any
n,heat, or corn, or provisions, from qfar. (A, coare hair, (V,) tied, and mnade into a snare,
TA.) that ten mltiplied by ten is a hundred; (Mgh,
(TA,)for catching larks. (~, TA.)
Myb;) and three multiplied by thre is nine;
8. 4 et-: 1._Also He seized it, or
see .s.. :A she-camel that has ewceeded the umal (A;) in the former of which castes, ten i the
took it, or carried it of, byforce. (B, TA.) jjq., (Mgh, Meb,) i. e., the jJ. of a hundred;
timeu of pregnancy, and passed beyond the time
- And t He called, suntmoned, or invited, him. (Mgh;) and in the latter, three; (A;) and in
[of the year] when she had been covered: (Lb,
(Jam p. 645.) TA:) or a she-camel that has extended, or pro- each case, the [square or] product of the multipli.
tQ/uick journeying or travelling. (ISd, tracted, te period of her pregnancy to eleven cation is called the Jl, (Mqb,) or the I~-.
~ t. ., (A,)

386 jJq-JJ4. [BooK I.

or thAs Yt 86,: (Mgh:) [pl. of pauc. j11iJI, fern. with 3: (S, Mgh, Msb, 1 :) pl. mansc. [of the term .;] a subst. from , 1 [inf. n. of
and of mult. . t.] It is of two kinds, lit pauc.] 1h. (Yoo, 0) and [of mult.]q U 1.. .(TA.)
(Yoo, Mgh,
, Msb, 1) and Atc. (L, Mqb)
[i. e. rational],and .l [i. e. surd, or irrational]: i.1" Young; (, 1, TA;) not arried at
the latter known only to God, accord. to a saying and t.W.(., Mgh, Msb, g) and i (Yoo, puberty: (TA:) originally a.~.; (;, ;) the
of 'Aiseh. (Mgh.) O;) and pl. fern. ..,Jq: (?,Msb:) it is a .. being augmentative: (8 :) the S is either to
6 0 c., name applied to the beast in a particular time, not give intensiveness to the meaning, or to denote
denoting a tooth growing or falling out: (8, E :) the fernm. gender; the word being considered as
;ji; and ;j. (S, 1) and ;j3 .. nd ;j. and but it differs in its application to different kinds implying the meaning of ,. or it. (TA.)
of beasts: (Az:) applied to a sheep or goat,
j;l. and ;J,.q, (, TA,) the last-of which is it means a year old; (IAar;) in his second Jt.. _ [A lamb approaching the age
written in some copies of the V [and in the C15] year: (Mgh:) or, applied to a sheep, a year in which the term ~j.. is applied to him: expl.
;ia~, (TA,) The young one of a wild cow: (S, old; and sometimes ess than a year, by reason in some copies of the K by jl;: in others, by
1 :) pi. of the fint and second, fi.*. (S.) ISd of plenty of food; (IA9r;) or eight months Oji:] in the copies of the 0 expl. ' by I.
thinks that ;J. and ;q. are Arabic, and that old, (Az, Mgh, TA,) or nine; (TA;) or, when lj1~ : .in the TS and in the A, by Oit, which
from young parents, from siZ montlh old to
;jj. and ;;. are Per'ian. (TA.) See also
seven; and when from very old patrents fromn is probably the right reading. (TA.)
eight months old to ten; (IAar, Mgh;) and the
sheep thus called is a satisfactory victim for sacri- (Quasi nc#.. )
j,1. or J;j 4 : we what next precedes.
fice: (Mgh, TA:) and applied to a goat, a year
in its second year; (AZ;)
J;,b A wild cow having a young one. (ISd, old; (Az,Mgh;) or ajn.: see art. L:.
is but the goat thus called is not a satisfactory vic-
i.) Hence we decide that the . in tjl:n.
augmentative; and because it often occurs as an tim for sacnerifice: (Mgh:) applied to a bull,
means in like manner in hisusecond year; (Mgh;)
augmentative in the second place. (ISd, TA.) 1. (A,Ag,)
(An,, aor. ,, (s,) inf. n. ,
[In the 8 it is regarded as a radicaL] or in his thirdyear; and the bull thus called is
not a satisfactory victim for sacrifice: (TA:) (AA, S,) He cut it; or cut it off: (AA, $, 1:)
see applied to a horse, it means in his third year; and so with v. (TA.)i ... said of a bird,
(IAgr;) or in his fourth year: (Mgh:) [but see a dial. var. of J~.: ( :) both signify He (a
;Uii :] and applied to a camel, in hififth year; bird) vent quickly (IS, TA) with his wings;
generally, when one of the wings had ben
(Az, Mgh ;) fern. with ;; and this (a ) is
4. .,, (g, Mgh, Mqb, I,) inf. n. l.., shortened; (TA;) as also t.i.1.q and ?Jj,.il:
(Mgh, M,b,) He (a beasp became suck as iU what must be given for the poor-rate when the and so, both of these, with . (1.)-[Hence,
[See also
denoted by the term t.~; (TA;) said of the camels are more than sixty. (Az, TA.) Jtw~4.IJ p J ; and kA
!4 or
or young man. (~.)-tOn-
offspring of thdie sheep or goat, he became in his ... ].-A youth, i. q. J~.;r q- v.-]._ He (aman)
scond year; of that of the cow, and of a solid- who is light-mitted,or weak andstupid, like a youth: ,wa quick in his manner of walking: (AO,.:)
hoofed beat, he became in hi thirdyear; and of opposed in this sense to JJ1 as meaning "old:" and so with i: (AAF, TA in art. ~.o-:) as
that of the camel, he became in his fifth year: (IAar, TA:) or one vhosu teeth have fallen out,
also JI,.3.. (TA.) And -.. ti She (a woman)
(8, MNb, 1 :) but sometimes, when said of the here and there, [as though likened to a beast thus
walked like thoe that are short: and dhe (a
ofibpring of the ewe, it means he became six termed that has shed some of his first teeth,]
gazelle, and a woman, TA) went with short steps;
mtonth old, or nine montAs old; and such is allow- because he has drawn near to his appointed term
as also .t;J l: and so, both, with . (O.)
able as a victim for acrifice: (S:) IAar says, it of life. (TA: [but it is not quite clear whether
denotes a time, not a tooth (Mgh, Myb) growing this explanation relate to p.1 or to jtj.]) -C.W lmJ. ;. The sky cast down sow:
or falling out: (Mqb:) and said of a she-goat, [A novice, or recent bejginner.] You say, im and so with . (TA.) ;~,1JI s. i.q. aq..
s:.. 4 qI means he becarme a year old, and some-
,t ry ' . t [Such a one, in this affair, (TA.)
times, les than a year, by reason of plenty of 4: see 1, in two places.
is a novice, or recent beginner,] when he has
food; and of a sheep, e-l means, when fbom
begun it recently. (.8, Z.)_, _1- 1 *. aJJ 5: seeo l.
young parents, he becamefronsm i months old to
new, like a youth.
emo; and when from very old parents,firom I Time, or fortune, is ever 7: eoe 1.
eight months old to ten. (Mgh, Myb.) [See (6a' TA.)-Hence, (TA,) E,1iJ.1 A-)1 : Time,
JI..1 .a, (@,TA,) in the K t 5 but the
6j , below.] or fortune; (S, I;) as in the saying, ;il former is the more proper, (TA,) i. q. -
JI., .,f-l : Time, orfortune, destroyed them; ( ;) The rwing of a bird: and so with v. (M 9b
6. :,)i
He (a man) pretended to be a 4
and .Ill Jj,l t I will not come to thee in art. .... )And [hence, An oar; a paddle;]
[or youth]. (TA.)
eor. (TA.) [See aiso art. ,j.] And accord. to a certain thing awith which a ship, or boat, is
e, The trunk of a palm-tree: (?,* Msb, ] :) some, ($,) The lion: (S, :) but this is a mistake. propeUed. (S,* TA.) - And hence, as being
or, accord. to some, only after it has become dry: (IB, L)_-And hence, (TA,)
i t
likened thereto, A whip: (Abu-l-Ghowth, . :)
J. I t Cala-
or, accord. to some, only after it hat been cut: and so with v. (TA in art. j .-.)
mity, or misfortune. (QTA.) ..-
ik-.yl IJ,.5
(TA :) or the truna of a tree whn th hesad has o ._~A [skin of the kind called] ,j having
or affair, at it wat at the
gon: (]am p. 6 56:) in the ]5ur, xix. 23, it is t I rmnewed the thing, and TA in,
which had been the legs cut off: and so with .. (
applied to the trunk of a palm-tree which had first: as, for instance, a war this art. and in art. J-..)
beoome dry and was without a head; (Bd;) extinguished. (TA.) And jac g i [signifies,
therefore this does not indicate any restriction nor in like manner, t He recommenced Me thing: or] ~l....: see lh;1..
the contrary: (TA:) pl. [of pauc.] elJ-I4 (Meb) he commnmced the thing. (TA.) And jdV !
and [of mult.] . (f, M 9b.) -The beam of :The thing mas commenced: (TA:) or the
a roof. (MNb, TA.) thing returned to its first state; it recowmmnced.
1. jIh, (aor. ', T,) inf. n. ,J., It stood
(IV in arL J.)._ JleqJt Wir t SmaU moun- firm, (~, TA,) like the J. of
i" A beast (Lth, Mgh) before ths .' [q. v.], erect, and was
taiu. (].) a tree. (TA.) And He uset himslf up as an
(Lit, Mgh, Myb, 1j,) by one year; wAen it
3.M. [The stat of being mwhaut is denoted by antagonist to others, in fight. (TA in art. n..)
mny for th first time be ridde and sd : (Lth:) I
Boo L.] J3-. --.-. B97
And maid of a chameleon, It became erect; as ;q.. dim. of J .,q. v. (TA.) - A rope cut off, or svered. (TA.)-
also *t?J .l. (TA.) You say also, tj , A man nhose extremities havefallcn off in piee,
;Qt1; , ;f t He slept rduring the night] erect,
3i1S [part. n. of j, .] t Erect, in his place, piece after piece, in consquence of tAe dise~
not mnoving therefrom; likened to the J? that termed ,*~. (TA; but in this last sense, the
iitAhot commotion, upon the back of his beast.
is set up in the place where camels lie down, at word is there written without any syll. signs)
(TA.)-Jj, ( ,) aor. , (g,) inf. n. ,
their watering-place, for the mangy camels to rub
(M,) Ile was, or became, joyful, glad, or happy; ;.a. The root, source, origin, or oriial,
themselves against it. (..) You say, "S. ,
U also tJ.4. (S,1.) or the fundamental or essential or principalpart,
4l;). l slept [during the night] erect,
; He
4. ,j,.i He made him joyful, glad, or happy. without commotion, upon the back of his beast. syn. J..l, (;, Myb, g,) of a thing, (?, Meb, TA,)
(,, V.) whatevcr that thing be; (TA;) as also :;j;:
(TA.)- See also 6jZ.
8: se 1. (s, K:) pl. [of paue.] j.i and [of mult.]
;j.. (K.) - The family of a people; their
10: see 1, in two places.
kinsfolk: whence the saying, in a trad., ' A.
j..: see what next follows, in two places. 1. ijq., (S, Msb, K,) aor.: (Msb, K, TA) ;' ;')91 ,)i C> J-J [Thuere was not
and ' also, (accord. to some copies of the I,) a man of kureyJh but he had kinsfolk in Metkeh].
j.q (S, K) and ?j.i (V) The trunk, stem, inf. n. (.s,Msb,
s, K,) He cut it off; (8, (TA.) [And app. The main stock from mhich
stump, or lower part, (.l,) of a tree ,c., after MNh, .;) and so Vt .: (] :) or ,.,.. signi- tribes are derived: for,] accord. to some, it ranks
the branch or the like has gone; pi. [of pauc.]
fies he cut of many tlings; or cut off much, before ,:. (TrA voce - The
Ta.) place [or
3.,, and [of mult.] j~. and ?J, and orfrequently: and .. signifies also the cutting place] of growth of the teeth. (TA.) A poet
3ijJ., (i,) which lost is pi. of J..: (TA:) off quickly. (TA.) [It is like ,4i.] You says, (S,) namely, El-IaIrith Ibn-Walleh, (TA,)
or a large trunk, or lower portion, of a tree;
say, Jo. )j, (Myb, ~l,) aor. ;, inf. n. as above,
(,* g;) p1. lj..l: (S:) and a branch, or (Msb,) He cut of, or amputated, his arm, or
piece of wrood, like the fruit-stalk of the racenie hand; (Msb,l;) as also t . !qi,
(kl,) inf. n. *
of a palm-tree. (K..) [Iecnce,] V 0J J. , >t ;-:~ . (TA.)-[Hence,].:% (S, TA,) [Now, when the hair in the middle of
' b-; i
[or sJ1] tlie returned to his or;iginal state,
i Such a one severed the bond of his union; as my bosom, extending downwards to my navel, has
or condition. (TA.) Also, the former, A post, nlso ~.. (TA.) .- , -.(S, Msb,) aor. become white, and I have bitten upon the place of
or piece of wood, that is set up (., K) in the place growth of my canine tooth]: i. e., I have become
(Mqb,) inf. n...q, He (a man) had his arm,
whelPe camels lie down, at their wvatering-place, (S,) old, and eaten upon the .1 of my ,U$. (TA.)
or hand, cut off, or amputated; was maimed of
for tlhe mangy camnel to rub themselves against - The lower, or lowest, part, or the foundation,
it. (~, K.*) Hence, (S, g,) the saying of El- it. (S, Mqb.) You say, ,. , ~ . I .,$ c
of a wall: (Mgh from a trad. :) or the remains
H.lobab Ibn-EI-MIun(lhir, (S,) '.. , 1 t ., tl .J~.. [What is it that has maimed him of his thereof: or a portion thereof. (TA.) - See
arm, or hand, so that he has become maimed of
_..qJI t k.j t [I am their much-rubbed little also .
rubbing-potl, and their propped little palmu-tree it?]. (TA.) And ,41 ,c,.', aor. ', (Mob,
loaded with fruit, or their honoured little palm- K,) inf. n. . ., (Mqb,) The arm, or hand, was ;. Quick; ,svift. (g.)
tree &c.: see art. ,.].: (S,* g,* TA:) i. e., cut off, or amputated. (Myb,;.)- .m. j Ie
I ant of tlhose by means of whose counsel, or (a man, g, Mosb) was, or became, affcted, or lJ. The place of the armn, or hand, where it
advice, peoplle seek relifct; like as the mangy snitten, with the disease termed .l .Iw. (S, Mgh, is cut of, or amputated; as also ~.4. (1.)
camels seek reli(ef from their mange by rubbing Msb, lg.) "'.~ The defect, or dficiency, of him who
themselves agninst the lpost above mentioned, has had his arm, or land, amputated, or who
2: sce 1.
(TA,) adl one havi,ng a family that will aid and has lost the end-joints of his fingers: so accord.
defend mc: (TA in art. . :) the dim. is here 4: see 1, in two places. ;$ also signifies to the copies of the .: but in the L, the defect,
used for the purlose of agbgrandizement. (K. The being quick in pace, or going. (Lth, TA.) or deficiency [resulting] from the amputation of
[See al9o art. _..]) Anid hence, (TA,) j. You say, ; ) .... , (s,) or.JI .. , (s,) the arm or hand ( .. '1 >). (TA.)--I
Jl : lie is a gentle manager of cattle: (8,c , He (a camel, S) hastened, or was quick, in his . .JW -. ,, with damm, meaning [I heard
TA:) likened to the J. that is aset up. (TA.) pace, or going. (S, K.) And ._o,.l said of a hitm not utter] a word, is not of established
One says also, , i.e.,
c [pp. horse, (Lh, K,) and the like, of such as run, (Lh, authority. (ISd, TA.)
meaning, t Verily he is one who is constantly TA,) He ran vehenently. (Lh, g.) _. 4.1 A piece cut of (S, g) of a rope &c.,
engaged in contending for stakes, or wagers; ^.;lJI O lie abstained, or desisted, from the
(S,) or of a tihing of which the extremity has
.j b being here an inf. n. of 'j1; not a pl. of thing. (S,* K.) -_ %ic .A.k~ He decided, deter- been cut off, the lower, or principal, part remain-
OFj; for if it were the latter, the explanation mined, or resolved, upon it. Qg.) i::g; (K;) as also Vt. . (TA.) -A whip:
would be ..L,]. (K.)- A small quantum 5: see 7. (S, KI :) because it becomes cut by that which is
of property, or a small number of cattle; (K;) 7. .a..Jl It ma, or became, cut off; ($, K ;) beaten with it. (TA.) - The part of a whip of
as though it were the original stock thereof. as also .Aa.: (K :) [or the latter is said of a wchich the slender extremity has become much cut
(TA.) -The summit, or head, of a mountain; number of things; or implies muchness, or fre- [by uxe], the lower, or principal,part remaining;
and a prominent portion thereof: pi. .JI.l. quency:] the two verbs are syn. [respectively] pi.. .: (L, TA:) or the remaining part of a
(g.)- T?be aidle of a ,andal. (g.) whip; its lower, or principal,portion. (Aq,TA.)
with '-! and '". (TA.) -_ [Hence] you
J: see what next follows. -A thick piece of wood, havintg fire at the end
say, ,..Il , . 1 tH nHas, or became,
of it or not; [i. e. a brand, or fire-brand;] like
O'J~.[in copies of the V with tenween, but cut off frmn the company of riders upon camel. ,jj.. (AO, S and TA in art. J..)- tA
correctly without tenween, for the fem. is .,] (TA.) And En-Nabighah says,
company of men [as though cut off from others].
Joyful, glad, or happ,y; (8, K ;) as also t J..; * ;. ' ' ' (TA.)
(1 ;) and t 3lq. occurs in poetry: (IDrd, K :) [Suleymd hasa tured away, and the bond of her
.U~.:see '.._ Also The uppermt pith
pl. .. (Q.) You say, .ML ,/4 ',1 union with me hasubecome severd]. (.) of the palm-tree; which is the best; (4;) like
his oul is jo.iul, glad, or haapy, by means of ;$j : see the next paragraph. - Also A cesa-
at.. (TA.) - And Dates that co~m forth
that. (TA.) tion of the supply of corn or other provisiuon. upon one base. (TA.)

398 [BooK I.
.,1.. [Eltplantiatsi.; a rpeeies of leprosy; decides affairs. (I.) TA man wnho, loving and ?&~.', [in form] like L5j!; (TA;) exoept
the Ieprosy that pervaded Europe in the latter being loved, nhen he is sensible of evil treatment that 1. is more indicative of keeping to a place:
part of the Middb Ages;] a certain disease, quickly cuts the tie of offection: (A, TA:) or (Kh, TA:) or he stood upon the extremities of
(., V,) arising from the spreading of the black the latter, t a man who quicklly cuts the tie tf'
bile throughout the wehole person, so that it his toes: (As, 1 :) accord. to Th, ; is [the
love, or affection. (S, K, TA.) ,l... ,.j standintg] upon the extremities of the toes; and
corrupts the temperament of the members, and 3a~3l ,. .ia I t A man quick in running,
the external condition thereof; and sometimes is [the sitting] upon the knees: (TA :) and
or fleeing, in war. (TA.) And t 1.4.a J
ending in the diasundering, or corro.ion, (so accord. to IAar, 3... means [a man standing]
accord. to different copies of the 1P, TA,) of the vJ1, and .u, andl :5,t, tA man nwho'desists
upon his feet; and '1.., [one sittingl upon his
members, and their falling off, in consequence of from, and relinquishes, wvar, and journeying,
knees. (S,TA.) Accord. to EI-Hsazn Ibn-'Abd-
ulceration; (g, TA;) so called because it dis- and love, or natural desire. (L4, TA.)
sunders the flesh, and causes it to fall off; Allah El-Kiatib El-Tsbah4nee, 1~., iuf. n. -,
;Jq.oj' A man (S, Mob) af]ected, or smitten, said of a bird, means He stood u,ion the extre-
(Mqb;) or because the fingers, or toes, become
with the disease termned La.; (S, Mgh, Msb,
cut off: (TA:) it is a cracking of the shin, and mities of his toes, and warbled, and went round
a dissundering, and gradualfalling of, of the K;) as also , (]K) and t. tJ, (Kr, K,) in his nwarbling; which he does only lihen seek-
which J erroneously disallows: (.K:) J says, ing the female: and said of a horse, it meais lie
jesh. (Mgh.)
one does not sayv,. l: (TA:) [and Fei,] they stood upon his toes; and in like manner when
.*ji. ij A tract towards which one journeys said of a man, whether for dlancingf or for some
separatinglovers or objects of love. (TA.) say that .i- 1, of the measure of ,.l, is not other purpose. (TA.) A poet says, (S,) name.ly,
said in this sense. (Msb.) En-Noman Ibn-Nadleh, (TA,)
,.a Cut off; amputated. (, Mb, TA.)
[See also., I".] i6Ao : see ;l-.a, in two pl;ces. ,... ..

&l. What remains, of seed-p)roduce, after

J^... .YU
the reaping. ($.) [See also .1*~., in two
[When I will, the husbandmen of a village sting
places.] ;t4. or Lj4.: see what follows, in-two to me, and a female player wvith the cl/iob,l.s,
.;1. [an epithet] of the measure jW'l from places. standing upon the extremity of a toe]. (S, TA
. !..JI meaning JIJ: so in the phrase ..lj . j.~. The root, or lowest part, of a thing: but in the latter, ._..: 3 L, [upon every
CS,JI ),,. [Wont to sever the bond of love], in a or tle first thereof; (K ;) the beginning, or com- toe].)- Also, inf. n. ,$~, He, or it, wras, or
verbe of Owe Ibn-Thalabeh. (Ham p. 334.) mencement, and fresh state, thereof; its.first alnd became, erect, and straight; (TA;) and so
fresh state. (TA.) - A piece, or portion, (S,
t ! ninf.n. ii.4.n (Az,TA.) See 1
A'i.! Having his armn, or hand, cut off, or IS,) of the lowest part (S) of
a palm-branch, (S,
amputated: (9, Mob, I :) or having l,st the end- K,) [i. e. a stump thereof,l remaining upon the as applied to she-camels, in two places, voec ..
joints of his fingers: (. :) fem. ;j4.. :. (Mib :) trunk n:hen the [rest of the] branch has been cut _It (a camel's hump) bore Jftt [so th/t it
pl. , 4 q... (S.) It is said in a trad., ., . off; (S,K;) as also t;L., (S,) or ;GJ. became elevated]. (.K.)_ ,- Ida.' lIis
(1.) [Accord. to the S, the a is an augmentative nostrils wvere, or beean
me, raised and extended.
(TA.)_ Er-Ri'ce, describing a strong, or btudyv,
(A 'Obeyd, S,) i. e., [He who learnu the Kur-ain letter.]-The stump of a [tree of the kind called]
she-camel, says,
and then forgets it shall meet God on the day 3aa-, remaining nlhen the tree has been cut down. ' . .. .... ..
of resurrection] having his arm, or hand, cut (TA.)-The stump of a hand of which the * ', a ld > . .
off: (A'Obeyd, TA:) or having lost aU his greater part has been cut off; (TA;) nwhat
limbs, or members: (ACt, TA:) or t having his remains of a hand that has been amputated, at meaning Her elbow did not stand out farfroma
pla cut off; haeing no tongue with which to the extremity of the t,ro bones of the fore arm. the side by reason of [the distortion termed] .j
speak, nor any plea in his hand: (lAth,TA:) (T',TA.) One says, 0jy~ de" and .i"ij (TA.)
or t haing his means of acceeu cut off: (TA:) [He struck him with the stump of his amputated 4. ....I: see 1, first sentence. - Also lle
or t with hiJ hand devoid of good and of recom- hand]. (TA.)_ Wltat remains of anything that (a young camel) bore jit in his humnp. (Ks, S,
pnme. (JAar, El-Khat.tbee, TA.) And in another has been cut off. (IAar, TA.) - [PI. .. lJ..] I.) El-Khansa says,
trad., *.iJt ,0L0 3iS t ' I, a;L l -You say, .s oa lI t He took it alto-
[Every oration from the pulpit in nhich there gether; ( ;) as also 4,.1.e,. d..I: (Ks,B, They bear fat [in their humpsn], and hao o,,,t
is not an achnowledgment of the unity of God K:) or he took it in its first and fresh state:
ticks clinging to them. (IB, TA.)= He lifted
and of the mission of Mohammad is like the arm
and Fr also mentions the phlrases t*e*J . o.jil a stone, (AA, 8, TA,) in order that he ntiyht
of which the hand is amputated]. (TA.)_
and * .L.' (TA.) knowo thereby his strength. (TA.) One s:0s,
01kJl J.JI [The amputated hand;] t a name t * 1~_t C)3J
SX [Th ey lift a stote,
of the star a of Cetus; (so in the Egyptian Al- ..... e.Ml.: see what next precedes. in order to prove their strength, and vie, ooe
manacs;) [i. e.] the star that is in the head of with another, in liJting it, for that purpose].
Cotus: so called because it is less extended [from
,j. (TA.) t5., in the lifting of a stone, is lilke
the Pleiades] than that called , .. ;1 ,L1I. .A+3:($,TA:) ; ;1j meaning 'e,
1. I1., (S, K,) aor. ', (TA,) inf. n. .. $ and
($rzw. [See et .A,J in art. .]) *0I.~.3 [They vied, one with another, to lft the
kL.m. Ja; t A sandal of n,hich the [thong d.4, (s,) 1 It (a thing, TA) stood firmly; as stone, for trial of strength]. (TA.)-*.. I
also t L.5 (. '.)
, You say also, LisikC .
called] J3 [which is between two of the toes] ~ 'd~ [in the C.K, erroneously, ,ip,l He raised
flie [or it, for instance, a stone of those
is cut, or cut off, or severed. (TA.) . See also his eye, or sight, and cast it before him. (g,TA.)
(three in number) upon which a cooking-pot is
placed, as is implied in the S, (see ,)] re- 6: see 4, in two places.
Aiq- : aee .4_. _ Also A man tried, or mained firm upon a thing. (S.) And I,.iJ. 1. 9. 5..J!: see 1.
proved, and strengthenedby experience in affairs.
5 1
je.L . The ticks stuck, and clave, to the
(TA.) 12. i ;l see 1.
side of the camel: (ISd,K,TA:) and ,)..J t Ii
..lj,... ,4 and t , [the latter of a ,.3t and 3j~ and ,~/. (S, M,b, 1i) [A
clung to the camel. (TA.) - I.. Lq. [lHe sat
very ram measure, (see 41aj,)] tA man who upon his knees; &c.]; (AA, Fr, S, V ;) as also brand, or fire-brand;] i.q. ., (AO, ,1,)
Bo1K 1.] ,j1 -^. 399

i. e. a thick piece of trood, having fire at the end ;. [in the CK, erroneously, -is9 Jk"1i,] for vwhich he should be punished, or an injurious
oJ it or not: (AO, S, in explanation of the first:) Keeping constantly to the dwelling, or to the action, (S, Msb, 18,0) against (lUi [and !,, as
or a thick piece of fire-wood, wotfiaming: (AO, camel's #addle and the dweUing, ( Jl and in the K voce a',]) another or others, (~,
TA, in explanation of ?Ul i j/. :) or a thick Jj.ll,AA, S, K,) not quitting it: (A A, S :) like .K,) or himself; (A, 1;) [as though he drea
stick, one end of which iu a live coal: (Aboo- it upon the object thereof;] syn. atq. ,j.. (9,
Sa'eed, TA :) or a thick stick upon rwhich fire is JQ.il & . (AA, S )-_And A man
wrho 107lowers, or abases, himself; (El-Hejoree, ISd, TA.) It is said in a trad., j 1i a4ic
taken [by kindling one end]: (ISk,TA:) and i; 9I .& [He promised, or snore, allegiance
TA;) as though he clave to the ground by reason
a piece (:;z3, K, or Har p. 471) of fire:
H[[i, to himn on the condition that he should not inflict
of his abjectness; from 11,. ;J0 Iq.
(K, Har:) or a portion qf.fire-mrood that remains (in injury, meaning a punishment, upon him but
[q. v.]. (1Sd,TA.)
auter flaming: (Er-Raghib, TA:) and a live for an offence committed by himself;] i. e., that
coal: (. , ] ) or a flaming live coal: (Mb :) he should not be punished for the crime of
or j. X." ; .. means a piece of live coal; so another, of his children or parent or family.
in the language of all the Arabs: (Mujahid, S, 1. , aor. ', (, A, Msb,) inf. n. ; (S, ;) (TA.) _-ij l j.: see 4, in two places._
TA :) pl. [of the first] C5. and [of the second] and .~., inf. n. -( S , K)
. [and app. ~ , 1
[q vi J /,, nor. a ', inf. n. ,t, tHe
t.bm4 (8, Myb, 1K) and (of the third, TA) iJ~. said in the TA to be of the measure ;iai from
3' made the final letter to have hkereh, in inflection;
(Msb, TA, and so in a copy of the S) and l.., . 1 1.J], withl teshdeed to denote repetition or fre- i. q. ~i&,
q. v.:] ,I is used in the conven-
(AAF, 1I,) which is held by ISd to be a pl. of quency of the action, or its relation to many
tional language of the Basrees; and ~dki.l, in
the third. (TA.) objects, or intensiveness; (S ;) and t'_.., inf. n.
that of the Koofees. (Kull p. 145.) -- , (9,
.1.: sce 1'.~, in art. 5~.. ;'; (.S,L, K;) and ;~l, inf. n.;l; (L, K;)
A,) iuf. n. ., (g,) SShe exceeded the [usual]
in which the ;s is changed into , though you do
, [part.n. of 1; femrn. L .: pl. masc. tine of pregnaney. (A.) t She (a camel) arnivd
not say 5.~! for I -.', nor Cj.~! for at the time [of the year] in which she had been
tJ..; pl. fern. 6.~I and 1,]. A rajiz says,
(L;) and ',..!; (K;) IHe dragged, drew, covered, and then went beyond it some days wnithout
(,) namely, 'Amr Ibn.Jebel-EI-Asadee, (TA,)
pulled, tugged, strained, extended by dran,ing or bringingforth: (S,TA:) or wtithheld herfawtus
S pulling or tugging, or stretched, (A, L, Msb, K,) in her vwomb after the completion of the year, a
13-01 j- L"
a thing, (A,) or a rope, (S, Msb,) and the like. month, or two months, orforty days only: (1,0
S TA:) Th says that she sometimes withholds her
cS jj --- (M.sb.) You say, aJ. 'j.... iThey dragged
fcetus [beyond the usual time] a month. (TA.
i. e. [The continualfine rain left not thereofsave along their hinder skirts. (A.) And 'il t.l [See also ;j. .]) : She (a mare) exceeded eleen
the three stones that were the supports of a cook- He dragged, or drew along, the spear. (TA.) months and did not foal: (g, TA:) the more
ing-pot] remainingfirm. (S, TA.) I. q. :;. And ihbI.I ~y ; 4a.Jl t - she exceeds the usual term, the stronger is her
[Sitting upon hi knees; &c.]: (Fr,TA:)` or t[Such'a one draws forth talk, or discourse, or foal; and the longest time of excess after eleven
sitting upon his Aeesl, woith his feet upright, [rest- nens, or the like,fri.om its most remote sources]. months is fifteen nights: accord. to AO, the time
ing] upon the extremities of his toes: (S:) or of a mare's gestation, after she has ceased to be
standing upon the extremities of the toes: (AA, (A in art. ~. ) And t I.J' . )IL.'J . S d tlo
covered, to the time of her foaling, is eleven
S:)see also 1: p]. [masc.] fij. (S.) Aboo- t [What drew thee, led thee, induced thee, or months; and if she exceed that time at all, they
caused thee, to do this thing]. (TA in art. .)
say of her, .. (TA.) 1 She (a woman) ivent
Duwdd describes mares as :4.JI 5 ,. Also , nor. L, (TA,) inf. n.' , (K,) t He beyond nine ,nonths without bringingforth, (I,
i. e. Standing upon the toes. (AA, S,' TA.) drove (camnels and sheep or goats, TA) gently, TA,) ezceeding that term byfour days, or three.
1+,. (1,) applied to she-camels, (TA,) means (K1,TA,) letting them pasture as they went along.
(TA.) - tIt (the night, e4tJl,) was, or became,
That bear themuelve erect (* ;j) in their (TA.) And ljil k,..!& I . t He drove the
course, or pace, as though they lifted their feet camels gently, they eating the while. (A.)_ long. (L in art. _,, a..) ', (TA,) inf. n.
clearfrom the ground; (I, TA ;) on the autho- -. ; (K;) and , (;).1; tile (a camel)
rity of Aboo-Leyla: (TA:) [the last words of [Hence,] t* 1. At thine ease. (TA.) El- pastured as he vent along: (IAqr, 1C: [if so, the
the explanation in the Ig are iW Y Lt: in the Mundhiree explains j.. A~ as meaning t Come aor. is contr. to analogy:]) or he rode a she-camel
TA, ' JI -j YLS: I suppose that'.,Jt is for ye at your ease; from .J' in driving camels and and let her pasture [wnhile going along]. (J.)_
.*Jl cI; and that the pret. of the aor. here used sheep or goats, as rendered above. (TA.) You o~. :;11 tThe
72 .0 [or auroral setting or
say also, e;' O1 '; I . .! o rixtng of a star or astrism supposed to occaion
is '~.; for i, which is of the regular form of
(S, A, Msh,* TA) S That waJ in such a year, rain] caused lastting rain in the place. (TA.)
a part. n. of such a verb as i9J, means " raising andhas continued to this day: (Mob, TA:) from 2: see 1, first sentence.
the feet clear from the ground in walking &c. :" ^J1 meaning the act of "dragging," &c.: (TA:) 3. * 1 , (S, 1,) inf. n. (TA,)
TL;., or ;1,
but in one copy of the ], I find i: and anothler or from i (TI,) He delayed, or deferred, with him, or put
or from
reading in some work seems to be ~; for] him off, by promising him payment time after
(Msb.) !.. is here in the accus. case as an inf. n.,
ISd says, I know not 1i~ with the meaning of or as a denotative of state: but it is disputed titme; syn. JWj, (S,) or L.: (15:) or he put
,'I nor of .l: and Ay says that Slr. means whether this expression be classical or post- off giving him his due, and droN him from his
quick, or swift, camels, that do not stretch them- classical. (TA.) [See also art. ,.] ",'J! "., place to another: (TA:) or i. q. *ltq., (so in
copies of the K,) meaning, he committed a crime
selves forth in their course, or pace, but bear said of a numerous army, means t [It madle a
them~elvw erect (. . ). (TA.) continuous track, so that] it left no distinct foot- against him: (Tg:) or al,t.. (TA, as from the
prints, or intervening [untrodden] spaces. (TA.) ]K. [But this seems to he a mistransetption.])
.. [act. part n. of 4]. ag-l 924 l j. _..
1 .1o'J;l JI 4 ,. The horses fur- It is said in a trad., tJ ' ' rjJ i.e.
ro0ed the ground with their hoofs. (As, A, TA.) Delay not, or defer not, with thy brother, &c.:
ho^j*1 Lio (8) o, j ,r W i [and do not act towrards him in an evil, or
bij9I, (TA,) occurring in a trad., (9, TA,) de- --'y .j., (, A, Msb, ],) nor. ' and :, (K,)
inimical, manner; or do not evil to him, obliging
scribing the unbeliever, (TA,) means [Like the but the latter form is disallowed by MF as not him to do the like in return; or do not contend,
pine-tree] that is firm (9, TA) and erect [upon authorised by usage nor by analogy, (TA,) inf. . or dispute, woith him:] or bring not an injury
the ground]. (TA.) ^., (1,) He committed a crime, or an offence upon him: but accord. to one reading, it is
400 [Boot r.
j1).3 %, without teshdeed, from ;5 JIl, and animal having a ,.~, (S,TA,) [i. e.] any cloven- 'See also ... _ . ' i. q. j'.
" : see art..*,
meaning, contend not with him for superiority. hoofed animal, (Msb,) He ejected the cudfrom (TA.)
(TA.) hiJstomagh and ate itagain; ruminated; chened
;.. [A jar;] a well-known vrel; (Mqb;)
4. J1.He pierced him witA the rpear and left the cud; (9,* MSb,' ],* TA;) as also t.1l. an earthen vessel; a vezsel made qf potters' clay:
it in him so that he dragged it along: (9, ] :) or (Lb, ) (T,IDrd,S9,* :*') or anything made of clay:
so 1 .^i:(A, Meb:) as though [meaning] 10: see 1, in two places.J =s , I (Mgh:) dim. OW^: (TA:) pl.j;1 (T, S, Mgb,
he made Aim to drag along the spear. (TA.) made him to have authority and power over me, Mnb, 1) and ,l. (Myb) and t., (T,
T , Mesb,
He put the g j", i. e. the rope, upon his neck. (], TA,) and submitted myself, or became sub- 15,) [or this last is rather a coll. gen. n., signify-
(Ivar p. 308.).. , .. eql [lit. He made him miasive or tractable, to him; (A, 1, TA;) as ing pottery, or jars, &c.,] like .3 in relation
to drag along his rope; meaning,] t he left him 1though I became to him one that was dragged, to 1j.); or, accord. to some, this is a dial. var.
to pature by himself, where he pleased: a prov. or drawn alog. (TA.)_ C41
of 3jn. (Myb.) Beverage of the kind called
(L.) And Lj j~ [lit. He made him to drag t He (a young camel) refrainedfrom sucking in .e. made in such a vessel is forbidden in a trad.:
along hAi halter; meaning,] 1he left him to do as consequence of a purulent pustule, or an ulcer, in
(Mlgh, TA:) but accord. to IAth, the trad. means
he would: (9, 1, TA :) he left him to his affair. his mouth or some other part. (TA.)
a vessel of this kind glazed. within, because the
(A,TA.). .. JI e,-1 t He deferred for him beverage acquires strength, and ferments, more
R. Q. 1. ., (, Mgh, Msb,) inf. n. .,j -
the payment of the debt: (9, A, :) Ae Zeft the (S,*K,0 TA,) lie ta stallion-camcl) reiterated quickly in a glazed earthen vessel. (TA.)
debt to remain owed by him. (Meb.)'-~1 his voice, or cry, (9,* Mgh, Msb, 15,*) or his See also w.e : and see what here next follows.
LAWt He sang songs to him consecutively, suc- braying, (TA,) in his windpipe. (S,* Mgh, Msb,
cesively, or uninterruptedly; syn. lal3: (9, 15, K.*)- He, or it, made, or uttered, a noise, (9, K) andn, (O ) A mall piece of
TA:) or I he ang to him a song and thenfolloed sound, cry, or cries; he cried out; vociferated; wvood, (K,) or a piece !fwood about a cubit long,
it up with consecutiw songs. (A, TA.) _1. raised a cryj, or clamour. (TA.) It (beverage, (S,) having a snare at the head, (9, 1K,) and a
or wine,) sounded, or made a sound or sounds, cord at the middle, (9,) with t which gqazelles are
Q14. 1LJ, (9,) or J.#..i ! p.1,(Ay, ,*,) inf. n. caught: (S,K :) when the gazelle is caught in
(15, TA,) in the fauces. (TA.) AndjI! ,,..
;' (1 ;) and 1jJ1 t bq.,(A9, ],) inf. n. it, he strives with it awhile, and strupgles in it,
t The fire sounded, or made a sound or sounds. and lahours at it, to escape; and when it bas
.;; (i;) tHe slit the tongue of the young (M9 b.) Also, (A, Msb,) inf. n. as above, (K,) overcome him, and lie is wearied by it, he
weaned camel, that it might not such the teat: (9, He poured water down his throat; as also
becomes still, and remains in it; and this is
1F,TA:) or J 1a1w+1 signifies tthe slitting t j.j.: (1]:) or he rallonrved it in consecutive what is termed [in a prov. mentioned below] his
the tonguj of the young weaned camel, and tying gulps, so that it sounded, or made a sound or becoming at peacc with it: (S, e TA:) or it is
apon it a piece of stick, that it may not such the sounds; (A, Msb, TA;) as also t the latter verb. a staff, or stick, tied to a snare, which is hidden
teat; because it drag along the piece of stick (.K, TA.) It is said in a trad., (of him who in the earth, for catching the gazelle; harring
with its tongie: or ;1j.' is like aiiU1, signi- drinks fromI a vessel of gold or silver, Mgh, TA,)
-- - 6, j~
cords of sinew; whlen bis fore leg enters the
fying ta pastor's making, of coarse hair, a thing 1' ~ . sHesihall drink diown snare, the cords of sinew beeome tied in knots
like the whirl, or hemispherical Ahead, ofa spindle, into his belly the fire of Itell (Az, A, Mghi, Msb) upon that leg; and when he leaps to escape, and
and then boring the tongue of the [yorng] camel, in conecutive gulps, so that it shall make a stretches out his fore leg, he strikes with that
and inserting it therein, that it may not such the sound or sounds: (A:) or he hall make the fire staff, or stick, hIis other fore leg and his hind leg,
teat: so say some: (ISk, TA:) the animal upon of IellU to gurgle reiteratedlyin his belly; from and breaks them. (AHeyth,TA.) fai . l j
which the operation has been performed is said to ,-,,- said of a stallion-camel. (Mgh.) Most It.iC He struggled with the ;q. and then became
be V t
and ~.t
(TA.) [But sometimes read ;jtl, as above; but accord. to one reading, at peace with it [see above] is a prov. applied to
it is JUI, (Z, Msb,) and the meaning is, t The him who opposes the counsel, or opinion, of a
t~. signifies merely lIe drev awray a young
fire of Hell sliall produce sounds in his bellUy people, and then is obliged to agree: (S,' TA:)
camel from its mother: see As voce l., in like thoe which a camel makes in hit windpipe: or to him who falls into a case, and straggles in
three places.] Hence, iU,J ;. He prrepented the verb is here tropically used; and is mase., it, and then becomes still. (TA.) And it is said
him from speaking. (A.) 'Amr Ibn-Ma#dee- with g, because of thie separation between it and in another prov., ,.!t --. l jj [lie is
Kerib Ez.Zubeydee says, jlJI: (Z, TA:) but this reading and explanation lilke hinm who searches in the earth for the ;^.].
are not right. (Mgh.)_You say also, .iJ! o;.. (AHeyth,TA.) In the phrase j^. .. ,11 ,
lie poured water down his throat so that it mnade
in a saying of Ibn-Lisin-el-Iljummaral;, referring
a sound or sounds. (],0 TA.) to sheep, [app. meaning Wfhen they ecape from
And if the psear of my lople had made me R. Q. 2: see R. Q. 1, in two places. their two states of danger,] by tYj. he means
to peah, I had rpoken; but the spears have prc- their place of pasture (' ) in a severe season
. ') and - 19, for o;" and ,.^ 11 9: [when they are liable to perish], and when they
ented rpeech]: i. e., had they fought, and shown see art. ..
their valour, I had mentioned that, and gloried in are scattered, or dispersed, by night, and [liable
it, (s,) or in them; (TA;) but their spears have t The foot, bottom, bate, or lowest part, of to be] attacked, or destroyed, by the beats of
prevented my tongue from speaking, by their amountain; (, A,1;) like J.': prey: so says ISk: Az says that he calls their
(A,TA:) or two snares, into which they might fall, and
flight. (.., TA.) ~.l as an intrans. verb: the place wheAre it rises from the plain to the
perish. (TA.)
ee B. it1 t t1The well wa, or became, rugged part: (IDrd, TA:) or Jo4JI .1 j..il
such as is termed wq. (Ibn-Buurj, TA.) ii A mode, or manner, of dragging, drawing,
is a mistranseription of Fr, and is correctly
pulling, tugging, straining, or stretching. (]K.)
7. , l It (a thing, $) mwa, or became, dragged, 11J4 l/ll [i.e. ;1^ signifies "a moun- The stomach of the camel, and of a cloven-
drawn, pulled, tugged, strained, ettended byt dram- tain"]: (1 :) but L1.M, is not mentioned [else- hoofed animal: this is the primary signification:
ing or pulling or tugging, or stretched; it dragged, where] in the 1I, nor by any one of the writers by extension of its meaning, it lhas the significa-
or trailed along; yn. . (S, .)--See on strange words; and [SM says,] there is evi- tion next following. (Myb.) - The cud which a
also 1, last sentence but one. camel [or cloven-hoofed animal] ejects from its
dently no mistranseription: :qJ1.. occurs in a stomach, (Az, S, lAth, Mgh, MSb, 1,0) and eats
8. .1 and ,al: ee 1, in three places. ~ trad., meaning the foot, &c., of the mountain: again, (1g,) or chews, or ruminates, (Az, lAth,
.n1l said of a camel, (9, MSb, ]g,) and any other and its pl. is ;1. (TA.) - 1. ,J: see 1. Msb,) or to chew, or ruminate; (S;) as also
BooK I.] jar. 401

t .>: (1(.:) it is said to belong to the same camel [to the saddle of which one end of the rell- tive of form,]) that drags its tail; ($, ;) for
predicament ma . (Mgh.) Hence the saying, rope is attached]; so called because its bucket which reason it is thus called; one of tih moat
is drawn upon the edge of the mouth thereof, by dleadly of scorpionu to him whom it stings: (TA:)
' '..dL i 0^W1i
Js I -il
reason of its depth. (Ay, L.) PI. i! ,-.- (A, TA.)
do that as long as theflow of milk and the cud go &-- ]l.
[the former] downwards and [the laitter] upwmards. jt A rope: pl.';.l. (Sh,TA.) A rope C^. * :see jtn, last sentence.
(,A.i [See also;.)])AAnd iA
'j1 for a camel, correspondingto the j$l. of a horse, . .e The thing [or machine] of iron with
[The. flow of milkh was procured by the cud]: (., I,) different from the .A j. (8.) Also The nwhich the reaped corn collected together it
alluding to the beasts' becoming full of food, and noerein of a camel; syn. ;Aj,: (5 :) or a cord tilrashed. (]g.) [See y and ~.j...] See
then lying down and not ceasing to ruminate of leather, that is put upon the neck of a she- also .j./
until thio time of milking. (IAr, TA.) And camel: (Mqb:) or a cord of leather, lile a ALj :
4r &.' 19 t Hem ill not bear rancour, and applied also to one qf other kinds of plaited _ see tqe.~Also The bean; or beans;

or malice, against his subjects: or, as some say, cords: or, accord. to El-Hlawazinee, [a string] syn. J9; ($, ;) and so . : (]:) of the
the wiU not conceal a secret: (TA :. and ta of softened leather, folded over the nose of an ex- dial. of the people of El-'lr4. (TA.) - See
2p+ }e ~ and o? CAt he does clleent camel or a horse. (TA.) [See also ;Ua..] also j .
not speak when affected with rancour, or malice:
(TA in art. `. :) [or the last has the contr. sig-
i'~.The art of pottery: the art qf making ; , an onomsatopceia: (M.b:) A sond
which a camel reiterates in hi. windpipe: (
means t he will jars, or earthen vessels. (TA.
[See *-.])
nifcation: for] / ] :) the sond made ly a camnel hoen disquieted,
not be silent repecting that which is in his bosom, ;. . A crime; a sin; an offence which a or vexed: (TA:) the sound of pouring sater
but will speak of it. (TA in art. .a&.)_ Also man eommits, andfor which he should be punished; into the throat: (TA:) or the sound of the
The mnouthfSil with whic/h the canel diverts and an injurious action: (8,* Mqb, g,*TA:) syn. descent of water into the belly: (lAth, TA:) or
oceupies himref until the time tvhen hi. fodder r,/., (Meb, ][,) and t_: (S :) of the measure the sound of water in the throat mhen drunk in
is brought to himn. (1.) !i in the sense of the measure Xl: (Mb :) consecutive gulps. (Mb,) [See R. Q. L]
, A female that exceeds the [usual] time pl. ;1,. (A.) See also what next follows. ;1.je
* - 0' A camel that reiterates sounds in his
oqf pregnancy. (A.) A she-camel that with- windpipe: ($:) or a camel that makes mach
holds herfwtus in her womb, after the completion .J0J!0. a 1 ;, (S,A, ,') and C,. noise [or braying]; as also *p,.. and 1 .
of the year, a month, or two ,,ont/u, or forty jL=1j, (1;,) and C and S.1, . O'4, (S, (1..)-The sound of thunder. (I.)~A certain
days only; (K, TA ;) or, three months after and ' ;Jljt -0>, (],) means iJ.
a;,) 0, ,l plant, (8, ,) of tweet odour; (v ;) a certain
the year: tdey are the most generouis of camels hwrb having a yelloUonler. (AH.n, TA.)
(S, A, IC,) i. e., [originally, I did so] in conse-
ttat do so: nonee do so but those that usually
qsenre of thy committing it, namely, a crilne: .uq.. A large, or bulky, camel: (I:) pl.
bring forth in the season calked e'Jl ( J and then, by extension of its application, [because
not those that usually bring fotrtilh in the scason of thee, or of thine act &c.; on thine account; .+.M. (Kr, .k,) without j [before the final
called J4I (WIl): and onily those do so for thy take;] indicating any causation. (Bd letter], though by rule it should be with'L.,
except in a case of poetic necessity. (TA.) And,
that are red [or brown], and such as are of a in v. 35, in explanation of Jq~. fA and 'A*as a pl., Large, or bulky, camels; as also [its
white hue intcrmixed with red (,... 1 ), and ... I.) ne shlould not say 1.1p.,, (S,) or pl.]'.. I.: ( :) or large-bellUied camels: (TA:)
such as are nsah-colored: never, or scarcely ever, '.15 . (A.) and generous, orexceAllent, camnels: (I,TA:) and
such as are of a (lark gray colour withiout any a herd, or collected number, (g,TA,) of camels:
admixture of white, because of the thickness of a..;(written in the Towashech with fet-! to (TA:) and ; ita a complete hundred (V,
their skiins, and the narrowness of their insides, the also, TA,) [The eel;] a kind offish, (., TA) of camels. (TA.)
anid the hardnets of tiheir flesh. (IAar, TA. [See ],) long and smooth, (1,) resembling the serpent,
also 1: arid see .]) -Also t Ashe-camel and called in Persian LL jt )i; said to be a '.q-:' (, ) and t _'. o) [The herb eruca,
that it made to incline to, and to suckle, a young or rocket;] a certain leguminoue plant, (, J,)
dial. var. of :J.; (TA;) not eaten by the Jews,
one not her on,n; her own being about to die, elU known: (L;) a plant of which tlhre are
they bound its fore legs to its neck, and pat upion (Ii,) and forbislden to be eaten by 'Ale ; (TA ;)
two kinds; namely, j' [i.e. eruca sylvestrit,
it a piece of rug, in ortder that she mitght kinow
haring no scales: (.:) or any Jith having no
scales. (Towshechlle,
TA.) or nwild rocket], and & Z [i. e. ersca sativa,
thisi piece of ray, nwhich they then put tpon
anwther younny one; after which they stopped up orgarlen-rochet]; whereof the latter is th better:
k.4~ The otmnach, or triple stomach, or the its water, orjuice, removes scars, and cawus milk
her twstrils, and dlid not unclose theia until the crop, or craw, of a bird; syn. h.a .; (S, ;)
latter young one had suhcked her, and she Perceitved toflow, and digeyats food: (TA:) AIHn says that
as also i?t [q. v.] (.I) and ,i. (AZ, TA.) the j. is the Jii [q. v.]; and that the
from it the odour of her mtilk. (L.) -Also,
applied to a horse, (S, A, Ks,) and a camel, (K,) You say, dsa - . # liJI, meaning, : He ate it. . je'>q is the : [but ace this luast
That refuses to be led; refiuctory: (S,, A, ] :) (A, TA.) See also art. CS.. word.] (TA in art. ,,.)
of tie measure j3 in the sense of the necasare 0. *a 0.
f~. t A man who leads a thousand. (T, end ij*l. A mill, or mill-stone; syn. o:: (:)
J~ ; or it may be in the sense of the mcasure
of art. jAL.). _ .. ,. (., A,) and ' . because of its sound. (TA.)
J.U: (As, TA:) or a sloV hlorse, either from ... ,
3l,., (S, K,) t An arny, and a troop of horse * -.q: see jt.q. -.. Also That driaks much;
fatigue or from skortn, s of step: (A 'Oheyd,
et,., or the like, that marches henarily, by reason oJ (I; [in the Clt misplaced;]) applied to a camel:
TA:) pl.. (TA.). Antid tA womanL crip- itx numnbers :. (A., S, I :) or dragging along the
apparatus of rar :. (A:) or numerous. (TA.) you say iS,lq . Jo. (IAir,TA.)
pled; or affected by a disease tlat deprires her And hence,
of the power of walking : (Sli, K :) beceuae she mA potter; a maker ofjar, or earthen vescls. (TA,) Water that makes a noise. (l.)
is dragged upon the ground. (Sh, TA.) t (TA. [See ;..]) a-
4. [act. part. n. of 1; Dragging, drawing,
A deep welli (Sli, 8, K5;) from which the
A &C.].- _ . l J. : Rain that draws the hyena
nater is drarrn by means of tie l.P [q. v.], jlp.-A small, (A, A , TA,) yellow, (A, TA,)
fetale (TA) scorpion, (, A, K, TA,) like a from its hole by its violence: or the most viont
($, A,) and by minteat of the pulley and the piece (f straw, (TA, [tlus I render ,I,S Uk rain;'as though it left nothing without dragging
hands; like and E.j;: (A:) or a ,cellfromt 'J1l, but I think that there must be here some it along: (TA:) or rain that leav nothing with-
which the water is I'ra,n [by a man] upon a mirstranscription, as the words seenm to be descrip- out making it toflow, and dragjing it along:
Bk. I. 51
402 [BooK I.
(lApr, TA:) or the tor,ent that dran'sforth the and Eljl ._Jl]: or [the tract called] ;i.4J enters to take the piece of meat, the stone falls
hyenafrons its hole: (A:) and in like manner, upon the entrance, and closes it: (TA:) pl.
'L..mI, I [which is probably the same; or the
.. idl ?. the torrent that has torn up the tract], in the sky, along whiich (l;) the [nander- 'l>'., (accord. to some copies of the 1,) or
ground; as though the hyena were dragged along ing] stars [or planets] take their ways: (TA:) 5,e.., (accord. to others,) mentioned by AZ as
init. (IA.r,Sh,TA.) Yousayalso ol ,; -, or the gate of Heaven: (J:) so called because one of the forms of pl. repudiated by the Arabic
and 1l . ;q- 1 ; . (A.) - 3j. t Work- it is like the trace of the .o [or place along grammarians except in some anomalous instances.
ing camels; because they drag along burdens; which a thing has been dragged, or drawn]. (S.)
(A, Mgh ;) or tropically so called because they Hence thile prov., ^.q 1.A . . I Reacha ;J.~1 The Lail [here app. meaning the
are dragged along by their nose-reins: (Mgh:) the middle of the sky, 0 milky way, ( .. being stomach, or triple stomach, or the crop, or craw,
or camels that are dragged along by their nose- for oo,) and the palm-trees of Ilejer will have of a bird], and the IAt .- [hlcre app. meaning the
reins: (S, ], TA: [but in the copies of the S, ripe dates. (A,* TA.) gullet of a bird]; like .,t.I; ( ;) i. e. the
and in those of the Ig, in my possession, J.y is ;~ _ [pass. part. n. of 1]: see 4, latter aXIbL.[meaning the stomach, or the crop, of a
put for f,J, though the latter is evidently meant, portion. bird]: it is said in the T, on the authority of AZ,
as is sllown by what here follows:]) 4. is of that k?JI and kpdJ1 and ljJI signify the
the measure liMi in the sense of the measure ;i..o of a bird. (TA.)
aa~: it is like as when you say aebalj ' in 1. j%, nor. ', inf. n. ;l>. (S, Msb, K) and : see,.
the sense of id.s, and
L. in the sense of aA^. and i!l.,
with S [in the place of '],
~jO~: (?:) or it means such as carry goods, or
which is cxtr., ( nnd Sl. and ,
a,) (S, K,)
furniture and utensils, and nwheat, orfood. (AZ,
thus sometimes, without ., like as one stys lve
TA voce 1, q. v.) It is said in a trad. that and ;,.a, (S,) [all mentioned as inf. ns. in the 1. '.~?, (S, A, I1gh, Msb, .K,) nor.:, (Mgh,
there is no poor-rate (a;;) in the case of such TI, and app. as such in the .K, but only the Msb, K,) inf. n. 3 , (Mslb, TA,) lie (a camel,
camels, (,,, Mgh,) because they are the riding- filrt is explicitly mentioned as an inf. n. in the 8 S, A,Msb, K, and a man, S, or other animal,
camels of the people; for the poor-rate is in the and Msh, Msb,) nas, or became, afiected with what is
and t l? .is said in tile Msb to be a
case of lasturing camels, exclusivecly of the work- sirnplc subst.,] He termed . [i. e. the ma,nge, or scab]. (S, Mob,
was, or becance, bold, daring,
ing. ( "R, ;t-. t:Tlhere is no brave, or courageous; (S, Msb,*K, TA;) so as .,.
.K.) j. WLeJ is a form of imprecation
profitfibr mne in this to attractme to it. (A, TA.) to attempt, or venture upon, a thing without against a man [meaning TWhat aileth him? may
~J.a. jtm. is an expression in which the latter consideration or hesitation: (TA:) [said of a he have the scab, and be despoiled of all his
word is an imitative seqtuent to the former; (S, brute and the like, as well as of a man :] and wealth, or property: or may he have his camels
t t.;w1 is syn. therewith. (IJ, W p. 146.) affected with the mange, or scab, and be despoiled
I;) but accord. to A 'Obeyd, it was more common &c.: or may his canmels be affected with tht
to say $a.,
with U: (s:) and one says also 2. ,C9 ,!, (inf. n. : , R,) I em- mange, or scab, &c.]: it may express a wish that
t O
t.. C)b,,-. (TA in art. j..) boldened him, or encouraged himn, against him. he may be affected with .: or ,... may be
(S, M9b,' K, TA.) put for .... 1, to assimilate it to .. : or it may
J is mentioned by Az in this art., meaning 5: see 8.
Rain that draws along everytlhing: and rain that
he for . (L.)_ See 4. AO t i. q.
occasions the herbage to grow tall: and a large 8. , il, (s,g,) or ?r,', (Msb,) He &..bj [meaning His land had its herbage
and heavy [bucket of the kind called] Z0c; became emboldened or encouraged, or he enm- dried upl) by drought; or becamne such as is term?d
explained in this sense by AO: and a bulky boldened or encouraged himself, against him. (S, "1., fern. of w~.1, q. .]. QCi.)
camel; andl, with ;, in like manner applied to a M:b,*., TA.) - j.;ll i; .1 le ventu,edt
ewe: Fr says that the j in this word may be upon the saying hastily and unhesitatingly. (M.sb.) 2. q,,, (A, Msb, g,) inf. n. a-, (.M, A,
considered as au%nelatative or as radical. (TA.) .K,) or ., the former, whlich see also below,
10: see 1.
[See also art. j.4.] being a silmple sulbst., (.I61,) or bothl, but the
ie. Boldness, daringness, bravery, or courage; former is ii.reg., mac inf. ns., (TA,) lie tried,
;JI.. [fiem. of jL., q. v.: and, as a subst.,] A as also e..: (S: see 1:) the quality of venturing mad(le triat of, mnade experiment of, tested, proved,
road to water. (g.) upon a saying [&c.] hastily and unhesitatinlyly. aswayed, proved by trial or exlperimnent or ex-
jJb, A river, or rivulet, qf nwhich the bed is (Msb.) perience, himn, or it: (A, .:) or he tried it,
fornted by a torrent. (;,~ I,0 TA.) madek tridal of it, &c., namne:y, a thling, time after
ejn . Bold, daring, brave, or courageous:
time. (Msh.) [You say also. , for jy't ,.
1 1 The jinn, or genii, and mankind. (S, Mb,* , TA:) pl.-,~I, accord. to a MS.
mieaiing lie triead o irs: anid henice, i. q.]
copy of the K; [and so in the CJI ;] but in the
M, t, , with two hemzehs, on the authorit? jj l ..,.4). [lIe becamIe experienced, or
[The place, or track, along which a thing
of Lb; and so in some copies of the K; anPd expert, in vtffairx]. (T, TA.) And .;'1 d4,.
is, or has been, dragged, or drawn]. You say, [.ffai.rs, or events, treld him. &c.: and thus,
~ . _ ,:1l [I saw the track along which/ his, sometimes 'ov, like -Lt, occurring in a trad.,
rendered himn experienced, or expert]. (S, TA.)
as some relate it; but the reading commonly
hinder skirt had been dragged]. (A.) See also And. W3. ; a ; %L L. [Afoul action
_Ijil: and t
. - A place of pawture. (TA.)
j known is .1., with the unpointed C. (TA.) was never found to be chargeable upon him].
_The j53. [or beam] upon which are placed .--. . 2...'..JI ' .Bold,daring, brave, or coura- (S voce L.)
the extremities of the ,b.,jlj [or rafters]. (Q ) geous, in venturing [against an adversary, or upon
4. .,,.l le had his camels [orfound thn to
an undertaking]. ($.) -_ Jl The lion; as
: see 4, in the latter portion of the para- be] affected with whtat is termed .. [i. e. the
also & ; (0, })
graph. mange, or scab]; (S, A, L, ;) as also t ,-.
,p.JI I[The Milky Way in the sky;] the a.; A chamber (I, TA) constructed of tones, (L,I,) which may be for 4 ; or used
with a stone placed over its entrance, (TA,) for for .,j.-t, to assimilate it to <._
of the sky; (1[;) the whiteness that lies
the purpose of entralping wild beasts: (], TA :) mentioned above; see 1. (L.)
in a saying
across in the sky, by the two sides of which are the piece of flesh-meat for the wild beast is put
th J- [or two constellations calledlJ1,J in the hinder part of the chamber; and when he Q. Q. L t. He put on him [i.e., on his
- -PI
or ginally
ings]. orapairofmoollon
-jj4.o3 aa
tomb 33 is
and ($, envelopuforthefeet,
TA.) ,jjjl,
the e.
You (AJA.)
art.ijj, in

BooK I.]
.: and for the nith ndth its scabbard and its suspensory belt or cord;
(another's) foot or feet,] v 'jq[i. e. a sock or ,:
' 5l+or see
stocking, or a pairof socks or stockings]. (~, C.) 1latter, see CJQ~. . 3yn.
syn. wlj. (TA. [See also . -])-
tThe scrotum. (K.) - ,,L ,./I~ t [The
Q. Q. 2. y. Ie put on [i. e., on his own . and Oi . ~1:see O, in five places. pericardium, or heart-purse]. (K in art. ^,
foot or feet,] y. [i. e. a sock or stocking, or &c.)-,.
&C.) Ji 1~. t The cavity of the nell;
t4J. and --. : sec what next followvs.
a pair of socks or stockings]. (S, K.) And in (M, K ;) or tits interior, (Lth, S, M, A,) from
like manner, ij).-J. ' [He put on a pair .~-. (S, MF, TA) and cLy-', (hMj, MF, top to bottom. (Lth, $, M.) You say, A!
1TA,) which are the two forms commonly known, toptobottom.
of socks or stockings]. (TA.) t,to
-21t Case thou its interior with stones. (A.)
(MF, TA,) or, accord. to the R, * O'-. and
sec tOi e., or, accord. to the L, ., and some- ~. A certain measure, (M,A, Mglb, g,)
times f , oaccord. to some
or, copies of the or quantity, of wheat, ($, Msb,) consisting of
.,. [The mange, or scab;] a certain disease,
(A,) ndell knownn; (?, A, ;) accord. to the K, [and so in the C.K,] , .and *.4., four 3AA( [pl. of a3]: (M, A,Mb,K:) or
me(lical books, (MSb,) a gross humour, arising which are evident mistranscriptions, or, accord. ten ;ja; eachi L thereof consisting of ten o....1
beneath the shin, .from the mixture of the salt to the 'In(ryeh of El-KhafAjee, ?r', which is [pl. [PI. of e..]; so that the - is the hundredth
phlegm, (MSb, MF,) or the philegm of the flesh, more strange, (MF,) but this last accords [most part of the whole: (TA:) or, as some say, a
(so in a copy of tihe MSb,) with the blood, accom- nearly] with its original, (TA,) [for it is] a measure differing in differnt countries; as is
panied with pustules, and sometimes with emacia- Persian word arabicized, (S, TA,) originally the case of the J,~ and ~ and Els &c. (MF,
tion, in conseqltence of its abundance; (Msb, .~j.; (TA;) The r [or opening at the TA.) For the pl., see what follows. -Hence,
M F;) or [an eruption consisting of] pustules
neck and bosom] of a shirt: (1K, TA:) or the (Mg),) (Mgh,) t A certain quantity of land; (S, Mgh,
upon the bodies of men and camels. (M,TA.)
part around the neck, upon which are sewved the Mqb;) Msb;) as much as is sown with theameasure of
You say, A <JI C)* LS cL1[More buttons: (IB and TA in art. i;t:) or the [part seed so calledt; (A, Mgh ;) like ns mules and the
transitive, or catching, than the mange, or scab, called] 4. [q. v.] of a shirt. (S, TA.) -_ O ) space that they travel are termed ,s,: (A,
among the Arabs]: (A, TA:) a proverb. (TA.) or t.l, Mgh :*) it is sixty cutbits by sixty cubits; accord.
, (Fr,S, ' K) and tdi.., (1.,TA,) Mgh:*) 3
-tRust upon a sword. (1K.) _-:A rsemn- (C.K,) Tlhe edge (S) of a swrord: (K:) or a to Kudihnch, the extent termned JUl multiplied
blance of rust ,upon tke inner side of the i. [or
thing [i. e. a case] (1B,TA) of sewedl leather by itself; the J,1 being sixty cubits; the cubit
eyelid], (M, I,) sometimes covering the n,hole of (TA) in which are put a sword and its scabbard
beinc, six
being ,L . ; and the ab3, four Lt.~:
it, and someti,ces part of it. (M.) You say, nitih the cords or belts by which it is suspended;
the tenth part of the . is calledit3, and the
). iU~.k i [In his eyelids is] a resemblance (K, TA ;) i. q. 41,): (.: [see also ,.j,:]) or
tenth of the ;j. is called ;. ; so that the jei is
of rust upon their inner sides. (A.) t A vice, a large sword-case in which are a man,'s sword
ten l l: (Mgh:) it is a distinct portion of land,
a fault, a defect, an imperfection, or a blemisl. and his whip and what else he requires: (Ftr, dffering differing according to the different conventional
(IA r, K.) TA: [also called L.~ and Oi.t" and t.c.:]) usages of the people of different provinces: it is
: see 1. in the L, the first is [also] said to signify tl6 suid that the widthl of six moderate-sized barley-
scabbard of a sword. (TA.) corns is called tl;
the ; is four l
- ,.5 4-~~~J
A Aplice of seed-produce; (S, K;) as also is six %,L/J; ten tjl are called -
a i;
:,a. [a word of a very rare form, (see the
the tlj
t .J.: (K :) and a tract of land such as is is the
fb,lj )] The north-nrest wind; a wind of the ten ;j.3 are called J,.l; and the .
termed [i. c. a field, or land, sown or for by itself: the J,1
hind termed . , that blows in a direction betwveen extent termed J1 multiplied
sowing, writhloit any b,uiltling or trecs in it; or by the a:a_ is called ;ei3; and the
that of the [north wvind, or northerly wind, called] multiplied
land cleared fo. sowning and planting; or a J11;
J,l multiplied by the tlj is called - : so the
JO and that of the [wvest wind, or westerly
separate piece of land in trhich palm-trees .c. ..j. iis ten thousand cubits: or, accord. to
wind, called] j;, and that dispels the clouds:
grow; &c.] : (K :) metalplolrically applied by ]udfimeh
1~udimeh the Scribe, it is three thousand and
(S, TA :) it is a cold wind, and is sometimes
mirn-el-Keys to [a grove of] pallu-trecs, where attended by a little rain: (TA in art. .,S, q. v.:) six hundred cubits: (Msb :) pl. [of pauc.] ',.l
0 ,J
he says or the [north wind, or northerly wind, called] and [of mult.] te^ ($, Mb,]) and
- ' a. a.5
tW R JL0.: or the cold of that wind: (K, TA:) or,
d-- ~ - (R, TA.) See also --. Also v alley;
(K,) as also .jl, 11 (TA,) the south.east iind;
[Like a grore of palm-trees, or like the plinta- the mrind that blows in a direction between that
--- ------ k - __M ------ __------ ---- ---
_- (Lth,
1(Lth, Ma
Msb, K; [accord, to
to the second of which,
tion qf Y]etAiib]: (AlIll, TA:) or land plrepared qf this is the primary signification ;) i.e., in an
of the [south irind, or southerly wind, called] and, with the article JlI, the name
for sowing or lplanting: (AHni, .K :) or a piece absolute sense;
the lanul . and that of the [east wind, or easterly of a particular valley in the territory of Ieys:
of land dirliri,sg in 'ondition from
wind, called] 1. (K,TA.) Also, with the
ali(joining it, [i. c. a lpatch of land,] producing ivind, (TA
(TA:) :) pl. &t.l.. (Lth, TA.)
good plants or kerbaye: (Lth, TA :) the pl. [or ailicle article JI, a name of T/he seenth enarth: cor-
ruther coll. gen. n.] is * 5S (Lth, AHn,) like responding to , , a name of "the seventh
a'1 ) [A sock or stoching, or a pair of socks
lheaven." (TA.)~Also A wteak man. (K.)
lieaven." or stochings;] the nwrapper of the foot or le :
us ; is of ;', and . of io: (Agn :) or
(g :) or a pair of rwoollen envelops for the feet,
.,? signifies a l13; and its pl. is Jq.t. (IAnr, .;r, m
($, Msb,,&kc.,)
.b not ;, (ISk, Msb, usedfor used for warmth: (TA:) an arabicized word,
TA.) - A skin, or a mat, which is placed pon K,) or'this or this latter is of weak authority, (K, TA,) 0,
or peculiar to the vulgar, ($, L,) A provision- (g,Mqb,)
(S, M 9 b,) from the Persian v,jjJ, originally
the brink of a nell, lest the water should be scat-
tered into the well [app. in falling from the bucket ba.q bag for travellers: (I, Iar p. 174:) or a bag, 4 j,S, i.e. "tomb of the foot:" (TA:) pl.
into the channel of the tank or cistern &c.]: or or receptacle, for travelling-prorisionsand fur a.j;^ 4?1_"
. 1_" and .| 1 q; (@,A, Myb, 1; ;) in the
(a skin, TA,) that is placed in a rivulet or stream- goods or utensilts Jc.; syn. ?:a.:
goocu (K, TA:) or former of which, the ' is added because it is on- -J

let (Jj4. [which is applied in the present day such a receptacle made of shleep-skin, in wrhich ginally a foreign word. ($, TA.) You say, ^
to an artificial streamlet for irrigation, in the form nothing is kept but what is dry: (TA:) pl. [of .,j.q.JI ?J,"jt ,p p 0 C, il [He, or it, is more stink-
of a trench or gutter,]) that the nater may flow mult.] J (S, g,) the
muit.] .r (. , Msb, 1) and .r.,
down over it [npp. from the well to the tank or latter a contraction of the former, (TA,) and [of ing t than the smell of socks, or stockings]. (A,TA.)
cistern &c.]. (M, g.) pauc.] at4.. ($, Msb, g.) - A sword-case; A maker of ti. e. ocks or stock-
.jA : see l, last sentence but one. or a case, or receptacle, in wnhich a sword is put ings]. (TA.)
31 *

hvndred cubits: (Mqb:) PI. [of pauc.] 4^1 t

-"^-- C7^ [Booi I.
.,~,.! (., A, Mgl, M. anml
) a(A t. . seeing that their goodly qua;lities are rendered 1

Mgh,ll ) anld t'o^ or (J accord. tiL) foul by comparison with hers. (IAar, TA.)
%t-j.j~ A kind qf fish, (S, Mgh, g,) mell
different copies) [Alangy, or scabby;] affectcer, known,
at>s is a subst. from . ': (M.sb:) or it is :nown, (TA,) also called i;n" an
with what is termed ,-.: (S, A, Msb, I :) ap and .l , (Mgh,
an inf. n. of that verb, (M, A, g,) and is one of
plied to a camel, (A, Meb,) and to a man: (Qd TA,) resembling a serpent, called in Persian
the inf. ns. from which pls. are fornned: (M, TA:)
A :) fem. (of the first, Msb) ',-. (A, Msb) ani its pl. ~.aLi ;L; [snake-ftch,
[snake-fish, or eel]; forbidden to be
is .e;, (M, Mgb, TA) and.J1+ eaten by the Jewns: whether it be lawful to the
[of th secondl] k4.: (A :) pl. (of the first, S'i (M, TA.) En-Naibighah
says, Xtislims
Muslims is disputed: (TA:) :S
Mqb) . ($, A, Msb, O) and (of the first, 8 is a dial. var.
Mgh, TA, or of the second, Mgh, or of the thirn (,S
(S in art. Z3.)
agreeably with analogy, TA) g5 4 (., Mgh, ]i [To this day, they (referring to females) havle bee,
and [of the first] 1,j which is like certain pie) tried with every hind of tryings]: and El-Anshiii Q. 2..: see 3, in two places. ,
of substantives, as J.3l.; and j.i;, (TA,) an( (AJI He took the greater, tnain, or chief, part
_, *
0qe - ._ -rv1
-- 3i .__ a,
(of the first contrary to rule, like 3t1 and UtL i of the thing. (v.)
and J,&which are pis. of 4.1..i and Jmi and1 y~ ~~~."c, I a; 1 'J9a;JI i4;,:.0
i 1ial'l e Q. 3.. .! Hie, or it, drew Aimself, or itself,
jd;l, Msh, or of the second, 1B, K, or of ~,. [How often have they tried him., and their tryings tojcther; contracted; or shrank: (TA, Rar
which is pl. of the first, 8) ,;1~:(S, IB, Msb, qf Aboo-KuddmehAe have not increased aught save p. 297:) from &.L' signifying the "earth
his lo,ity and contentmnent!]; .jtq.3 being here collected around a tree." (.Har ib.) Also, and
K:) this last occurs in the following verse [ol
'Amr, or 'Omeyr, I bn-El-Hobib, or El-Khabbfil; f a pluralized inf. n. made to govern an objective It (a thing,$) collected itself together,

complement; which is a strange fact. (M, TA.) or becacme collercted, ($, I,) and kept to a place.
these variations being in different copies of the
K; hut in the TA art. j.i, and in a copy of the [But in this latter instance, we may consider (1..) lience, in a trad., VLtjoUt_ ll 0 ;es;
. in tIhat art. and in the present one, 'Omeyr Ibn. i...i 1it as a first objective complement of -j,t And the A bitabb, by reason of it, nanely, the
El-Khabblbl)]: nn(l %Z, understood before jl, as a second objec- vehement drought, became collected, or drawn,
tive complement of the same verb.] toglethe, [in one place, and kept to it]. (TA.)
- lIe (a man, TA) .fell from a high, or higher,
,.~. A man who has his camnels affected wvith to a lot, or lonctr, plitre; as also tf.3 (,
whant is termd
e .d [i.e. the mange, or scab]: rTA.)
(1, ]P) lVithin us, though it be said that mwe hare whence the prov., .j J ! 9 [Thlere is no god ,:see what inext follows.
made peace, one with another, and we are on to one who
has his camels affected with the
good terms outwardly, is mutual rancour,: as the mange]; as &,;Y. [and accor!. to Golius, as on the
though he renounced his god by
soft wool of the mangy camels (while disease lurks frequently authority of the S,, bitt this [ have not
swearing falsely by him that he had
beneath, withiii them, TA) gronw by reason of no pitch when it was found in any Lexicon hut his and that of Frey-
demanded of him [for the
[eating] the p.i [or herbage] that becomes grecn tag,] The root, lowest part, base, stock, or somrce,
purpose of curing other camels]: (A:) or 'l
at the end of sammler (in consequence of rain syn. J.l, of a thing; ($, Mgh, whatever
falling upon it, TA) and ie injurious to animals d.nJ [There is no oath to one w/ho has his the thing be; (Mghi ;) as also t ,4..: (TA:)
that pasture ulpon it: (N, TA:) and it is said by camels affected nwith the mange; for the reason and the place of collection thereof: (Mgh, TA:)
IB, and in thoe N, thaet l,q. here, is pl. of above mentioned, or because he is likely to deny or the eatot that is collectedt at the roots, or lor
that he has mangy camels lest his camels shouldl
..J, not, as J says, of . : .. but MF observes parts, of trees: ( :) or the earth collected
be prevented from coming to water: and hence around
that Ji is the pi. measure of several words of a tree: (Iar,p. 297:) or the root of a
also,] - 1 tree
the measure J;a, "as
i;_ w)0 [lMore lying than one to which the earth it collected: (Lth, TA:)
j and .a., and is even who
hast his camels affected with the mange]; pl. _ea.. (Mgl.) One is related to have said,
said by IHsh and Ibn-Malik and A.Hei to be another prov. (Meyd.
[See Freytag's Arab.
regularly applicable to sings. of this latter mea- Prov., ii. 382.]) *-- 1^ -* aJ ,>'
I [El-
sure; whereas no grammarian nor Arabic scholar a.sd are those, of the Arabs, to wvhom most othMrs
asserts that a word of the measure Oa assumes ,q c One arho has been tried, or proved, in 1congregate; therefore wthoever lo~ his genea-
affairs, and whose qualities have become known: !ogyj, let him come to the/t]:
sJhl an the measure of its pl. (TA.). [Hence,] (T, TA:) meaning .;jl.
or one who has been tried, or proved, (TA.)
And .. ,WJS means TAe greater,
~,jt~l S ! A mord reddened by mnch rust, and strengthened by experience in affairs: ( :)
main, or chief, derees of the punishment of Heldl.
which cannot be removed from it unless with a [experienced, or expert, in affairs:] or one nhose
(Mgh.)_The base (J.a) of a sandhill oer-
file. (A.) - And *4. ,J5l t Land affected qualities have been tried, or proved. (C, TA.) ookiring
what surrounds it. (Har p. 90.) And
with drought: (S, A, Mpb,K :o) or salt land, And t,.:. One having e~perience in af.fairs. tthe pl. (.*n'.), Places
elevated ahovethe gro~nd,
affected witIh drought, and containing nothing. (1,TA.) In general, but not always, (MF,) the romposed of cloy and earth collected
Arabs used the former of these two epithets (TA.) - together.
(I8d, TA.) .. And tl4J!i The sky; (., M, A, The earth collected by ants; (TA;)
s;) so called because of the stars (8, TA) and [which are virtually synonymous]. (S, MF.)_ 6in ant-hill: (4 :) or J.;.1 -'A,;3 signifies
the milky way, (TA,) as though it were scabbed >^1t;
Weighed money. (Kr, . .),, ant-hill. (S.) - The earth, or dust, that the
with stars; (., IF, ISd;) its stars being likened The lion. (Sgh, .) [It is also employed as vind raises, or sweeps up and scatters. (J.)
to the marks of ,'.; (A ;) like as the sea is an inf. n. of 2, in accordance with a usage of rhile 2 1 [or epiglottis]. (g.)
called j~.t, and like uathe sky is also called.i. which there are many other instances; as in the
sa.ving,] "'~4~sll
Clj *'" see
w 3. _ : -Sj [in the C. ,
because [as it were] patched with stars: (AAF, saving,] .J e jl [TlIou art about to 1
ISd:) or that tract of the sy in which the san hare the proof, or experience]: a prov., men-( ,rroncously, q ,(
and moon revolve: (M, 1 :) or the lonest heaven: tioned by AZ: said to him who asks respecting a ' rA, [in the CK, erroneously," , ]) i e.,
(AHeyth, TA:) and accord. to the M, ^.. [so thing which he is about to know of himself: A wide, elvated pubs. (TA in art. .J,..)
in the TA, app. ,] is applied as a determi- originally said by a woman to a man who asked
nate [pmroper] name to the khy. (TA.) her an indecent question which he was himself
And 1
q,. tA beautijil girl; (IAqr, ;) so called about to resolve. (TA.) 1 4 ,., (,5,A, ,,&c.,) aor. , (K ,Mb, &.,)
because the women separate themselves from her, : e see _!~. i nf. n. (, Msb,
Ms. &c.,) ie wounded him;

in 2.
by Adisputed:
is kind
thesee qf
acalkd fish,
whether it(g,be
inain, Mgh,
is ]g,)(Mgh,
a dial.
chief, totomell
Boox I.] o: - ^
produced an effect, or made an impression, upon and to reject his relation: (L :) or were corrupt: (Myb.) - And tThe members, or limbs, of a
Aim with a weapon: (L:) he cut him: (A, man, with which thing are gained or earned;
(T, S,0 TA:) [for] ,'! signifies [also] the
MF :) or clave, or rent, same part of his body: (S, K, TA ;) or with whMich one works; (A;) "
being faulty, defective, and corrupt. (8, [.)
(MF:) syn. 4.J : (v :) and d^.(, (,,) the hands or arms, and the feet or legs: (g,
One says, J11 A, Ig, TA:) because they gain, or earn, or do,
inf. n. b, (TA,) signifies the same (4) in . of 'Abd-
(., A:) these words are from a good and evil. (TA.) - [And ? The oryans
an intensive sense, or as applying to several EIl-Melik; and the meaning is, [I have admo- of the body: thus, for instance, La~ . is
objects; (S;) or he wounded him much. (L.) - nished you and ye have not increased save] in applied (in the Mqb, art. ,,) to tile eye, which
Also, (s,) or &iL" , (A, Mbh,) inf. n. as corrupt conduct: or in what gaineth for you is termed (in the TA in that art.) the seeing
above, (Mqb,) [lit. lie wounded him with his censure. (TA.) JLq. (;J21Jl _lJq.I).] Also +Mar.:
tongue; meaning] : he reviletl him, or vilifled see the next paragraph. [and the like:] because they bring gain to their
him; (A,](;) he imputed to himn a vice, or owners by their breeding. (AA, T.) You say,
fault, or the like; or spokhe aainst him. (M.ib.) 5. asubst. from ;~. (S, T,I ;) A wound; Aiv;. J t T He possesses not afsmale beast that
And 1lj .,eit L~~. [lit. They woundled (L;) and so t ,', in its original acceptation; bears young: he possesses not that which makes
him with dog-teeth and grinSlers; meanling] t they hut some of those skilled in the science of lexico- gain. (TA.) And Jj l ,I liWI 6.kb,
reviled him, or vilified him, anl imn7puted to him logy say that the former is employed to denote the
effect produced upon bodies by iron instruments and t'i, ..Mk, (1,) and ,Il .M, (TA,)
vices or the like. (A.) And hence, (MQb,) t. t This she-camel, and this she-ass, and this mare,
and the latter, that produced upon
&W.JI (A, L, Msb, K) [and y.--, as in many and the like; unimpaired by age (iLL. [i. q. ~.-- .])
objects of the mind by the tongue: (MF:) the is young,
of tbe law-books,] said of a judge, (A, L,) or
other person, (L,) t lie nn,ulled the witness's
pl. of the former is 4and ! [which is a in the womb, (K, TA,) and in youthful vigour,
and one of which the ofpiring is wished for.
claim to be legally credlible, (L, K,) Iby happening pl. of pauc.] (S, L, g) and ;(T, A, L;) (TA.)
to discover in him a jblsxehood ,5c.; (1.;) he but the second of these is of rare occurrence, (R,)
evinced in the witness something that caused his only used in poetry: (8, L:) [respecting the
testimony to be rejected: (Msb :) he censured the also signifies
third, see what follows:] aZ.l,. 1. ;.., aor. , inf. n. . : see 2, in nine
witness, and rejected what he said. (L.) And
the same as .:; (Msb;) and its pl. is :.% places.-,,/ jL,sJI j., (A, L, Mqb,) aor.
3J.fi .. t lie invalidatedthe man's testimony. and inf. n. as above, (L,) : The locusts stripped
(L.) And i;. t -JI [lie, or it, invalidated (S, Mob, K) and ,. (A, Msh) and , 1 ;
the land of all its herbag,; (A,* L;) ate what
the testimonjy ; or annulled its claim to be legally (A;) or is a ol. gen. n., of which -a was upon the land. (Mbb.) --.. .;;JI j,
credible]. (A, TA.) - Also ,,*
aud, . t t is the n. tin.; or, accord. to Az, this last has not :t[The year of drought destroyed them]. (A.)
I lie gained, acquired, or earuned; (S, Mgh, K, a sing. sense, as Lth asserts it to have, but is a - 1 ,JJl ;J~ t The land had its herbage eaten
TA;) or applied hiw.seIf wvith art and diligence pl. of ^.', like as ij%a. ' is ofa, and a.q. by locusts; (S ;) was tsmitten by locusts. (Mb.)
to get, obtain, gain, acquire, or earn; (S, K, said of seed-produce, t It was smitten
of ~, and .1.1. of Je. (L.) -_.j.
TA ;) a thing: (TA:) he nwrhed, or wtrought,
[or eaten] by locusts. (K..)-And said of a
with his hand, and gained, acquiredl, or earned; a-.. ! A thing nwhereby testimony is invali- man, (S,) tle had a complaint of his bellyfrom
&c.: (Msh :) from in.1/. (Mghl.) Yotu say, dated, or its clbtimn to be legally credible annulled:
having teaten locusts. ($,o.) , e , (],)
JIls J* , nnd Such a one as in the saying, i J..J , ! [i[ast thou any- inf. n. j, (TA,) S It (a place) was, or became,
thing to adduce whereby to invalidate the testi- destitute of herbage. (g, TA.).-t He (a man)
[n'orks, and earn .tnstenanee, or] tainst, acquires,
or earn., and collects, bfor his fatnily, or house- mony ?]. ?, (A, TA.) J ai . I had no hair upon him [i. e. upon his body, or,
hold. (TA ) And 1. #. C.. , and ' .., .1 J ;.1 , . .'L,s, said by the judge except in certain parts: see.D1.]. (S: but
. ~.'; ! Ve,y evil is that which thy 'hanl.s of EI-Medeenchi to one of the parties in a law- only the inf n. is there mentioned.) -:t e (a
have d(ne, or nrought, or effected: a metaphor suit, when about to give judgment against him, horse, K,TA, or similar beast, TA) had short
taken from the signification of "cutting," or means : I authorize thee to adduce anything hair: (TA:) or had short and fine hair: as
"wounding ;" (A, TA;) accord. to El-Khlafajee, whereby to invalidate the testimony; [therefore, also V.,~.'1. (K, TA.) [See .j.L] - See also
a metaphorical meaning conventionally regarded if thou have anything wherebly thtoui matyest in- 7._ Also, (S, lg,) inf. n. as above, (S,) t He
as proper. (TA.) ,l3JI t1'_- 1
, in the l]ur validate the allegation, adduce it.] (A,* TA.) (a man, S) became affected with the cutaneous
[xlv. 20], means t HIave com,nitted crimes, sins, p1;~.s-/-;
pl (, A, Msb,K;) each of eruption termed 5j., from having eaten
or evil actions. (TA.) _1 , nor. as above, whlich is masc. and fem.; (, K ;) Wounded. (S, I.)
H[e (a man, TA) received a mound. (K., TA.) (Msh.) The pl. is not formed by the addition of 2. , (A, L,) inf. , (S, A, L) He
- And lIe had his testimony/ rejected as not antd j because the fem. is not formed by the stripped, divested, bared, or denuded, of garments,
legally entitled to credit: (K.[, TA:) and so his addition of ;. (TA.) o; clothes. (S, A, L.) You say, &e o.,
relation. (TA.) a~. : see - (A,) or 4 C, (Th, L, K,) as also ? .b^., (s,)
2: see 1, in two places.
see what next follows. and ,t .;, (Th, L,) lIe stripped, divested,
8: see 1, in four places. or denuded, him of his garnents, or of his gar-
10. c . - I Ie deserved that his claim to be 5l.
A surgeon that dresses wounds. (Golius ment: (Th, A, L, K:) [this is the only sig-
nification of the verb given in the A as proper;
legally credible should be annuUcei (A, TA.) on the authority of Ibn-Ma~oof; and so in the
And t It (a tradition, or narrative, A, or a thing, present day; as also its other significations given in that lexicon being
1. .)
Myb) deserved to be rejected [as unworthy of the,i said to be tropical :] or wl . " saig-
credit or regard]. (A, Msb.) ,i.... ;,k. sing. of Ij... (Mgh, L, Msb, TA.) nifies I pullkd off from him hit garments: and
... ')Jl means t Them traditions derved to be .-. The latter signifies : Beasts, and birds, of ;sI , * :-; , sor. , inf n. j.q', t I removed

rejeted on account of their great number and prey; orthat catchgame: (5, A, Mgh,L, Msb, from the thing that which was upon it. (Mob.)
the fewness of such as were true: (A :) or, by lg:) thus the falcon is a a.jq., and so is the - t He peeled, or pared, a thing; divestaed it
reason oftheir great number, obliged tlose who dog trained for hunting, because it gains for its of its peel, bark, coat, covering, or the like; as
were acquainted with them to annul the claim of owner: (L:) and this appellation is applied alike also ? j,., (L, k,) aor. and inf. n. u above:
somne one or other of their relaters to be credited, to the male and the female, like .41;and ;.I;. (L:) and Vthe latter, the peeled off anything,
406 s,p~. [Boox I.
,:, Op friom a thing. (., L.) - t He stripped as a man throws off his garment. (TA.) And uas an appellative subst.' (A.) *-- 1 .
skin of its hair; as also ? ,.. (L, 1.).t- It t He (an ass) went forreardfrom among the she- and *e*~. tIHa (a nan, TA) vas shot,or
s truch
(drought) rendered the earth, or land, bare of asses. (L.)1j ,j ttHe devoted himself with a misile, on his back. (i.)= See also
herbage: so in the L and other lexicons: in the to the a.fair, as though throwing asi(le all other what next follows.
* j.:
t, but the former is the right. (TA.) things; he applied hinself exczluively and dili-
t L- q. .. ,. [generally signifying He pruned gently to it;] he strove or laboured, exerted him- ;Q, (R,) fern. with ;; (S, ;) and I,
a tree or plant]. (S, TA.)_ i [He bared a self or his power or efforts or endeavours or (S, A, ,) fem. lj. (A, g ;) and am, . (TA,
sword;] he drew forth a sword (S, A, 1) from ability, employed hinmelf vigorously or diligently as from the K,) which last is an inf. n. used as
its scabbard; (A;) as also *.4., (TA, and so or with energy, or took pains or extraordinary an epithet; (TA;) : A place (A, 1]) destitute of
in sone copies of the KI in the place of the former pains, in the affair, (S, A, ~, and H.ar p. 430,) herbage: (, A,g:) you say ;'L i l,.i(,1[)
verh,) aor. as above. (TA.) [t He detached a not diverted therefrom by any other thing. (lar and t .. (A, ) and * .&., (TA,) and tl
company from an army: see ib.) And ;i;trJ .,3 t [IHe devoted himself to,
tHe d.]_[t ;..: of whichi last the pl. is [;. aid] ;lq.l.
dimsted a thing of every accessory, adjunct, applied himself exclusively and diligently to, or (.) _- Also, the first, t A man affected withitie
appendage, or adcntitious thing; rendered it strove &c. in, religiout service, or worship]. (A.) cutaneous eruption termed ~, from having
bare, shere, or mere.] - t He made the writing, And .MIJJ
tJij . ~ t [He devoted himself to, eaten locusts. (TA.)
or book, (L, ],) and the copy of the ]ur-in, applied himelf exclusively and diligently to, or 6-b- 09.
(L,) free from syllabical signs, (L, 1],) and from strove &c. in, the performance of such a thing]. ;t,~: see Also tAn old norn piece
additions and prefaces: (L:) he divested the of rag: dim. t . . (TA from a trnd.)
(A.) And *'JI ) qJ, and , le
l lj
lur-.n of the diacriticalpoints, and of the vowel- ;.jq [The denuded, or unclad, part, or parts,
sigst of desinential syntax, and the like: (Ibri- strove or laboured, exerted himself or his power
heem [En-Naklia'ee]:) or he wrote it, or read or efforts or endeavours or ability, in pace, or of the body]. You say ;jl 1 ;1
it, or recited it, without connecting with it any going; he hastened therein; like .. . j,. and t 411 (A, F.) and t .m.1, (T, A, g,)
of the stories, or traditions, related by the Jews (L, TA.) -_ _J ; see 2. Accord. to [A woman thin-sktinned, or fine-stinned, and
or Christians. (Ibn 'Oyeynch, accord. to the L; or Ahmad, as related by Is-h.ik Ibn-Mansoor, plump, in respect of the denuded, or unclad,
A 'Obeyd, accord. to the TA.)._ L >~.,and (TA,) + He affected to be like, or lhe imitated, part, or parts of the body: or] n,hen divested
;j., iHe separatedthe cottonfrom its seeds, rith the pilgrimrn of MAehkeh, or the man performing of clothing: (T,A, ]:) the last of these words
a a, : or separatedand loosened it by means the pilgrimage of Aeltkkeh. (~, TA.) is here an inf. n.: if you say *q..J1, with
kesr, you mean, [in] the [denuded] body: (1g:)
of a bow and a kind of wooden mallet, by striking 7. ,j.~.1: see5,firstsentence. [Hence,j .o.'l
the string of the bow with the mallet: syn. [and so when you say Ijl, and sq...l; or
. ;j
'~ J. t1t The camels cast, or let fall,
this last may be regarded as an inf. n.:] J..
) .. J' >;., (ISh,g,) and l their fur, or soft hair. (L.)- See also 1.-
t It (a garment, or piece of cloth,) became thread- is more common than /-. l. (TA.) [In like
(TA,) which latter alone is mentioned by Z and
Ibn-EI-Jowzee, (MF,) tI HIe pformed the rites bare, or napless, (S, L, g,) and mooth; (S, L;) manner,] you say, ;3 .l1 i fj. and ;pj.
and ceremonies of the pilgrimage (7.J1) spa- as also v ;~.. (L.) _ Said of ahorse in a race:
and t .a1'; like as you say, "aI., ..- and
rately fromn thoe of ;.,*aJIl [q. v.]: (ISh, Z, Ibn- see 5. -JI 1: ee5..'1, j..1 , whlich signify the same. (S.) It is said
El-Jowzee, K :) or the former signifies he made (S., A, L,) in the g, erroneously, icJ14'> 1, of Mohammad, t 1;yl1 C.Li , i. e. He mu
the performnance of the pilgrimage to be freefrom (TA,) , The journey, or march, (, A,L,) became bright in respect of what was unclad of hit body,
the vitiation# of worldy tiesires and objects. extended, (S, A, L, ]g,) and of long duration, or person. (TA.) - Also t Plain, or klevel, and
(gar p. 392.) [See also 5.]_ .4 U [with us,] (S, L, ]L,) without our pauting or ba,e, land. ($.)
ren.aitingforanything. (A.)
see 5. -... liJl ,op.; ( ;) and t.j..., (L, ,) lj.J ($,1) and .1... and t j- (V)
aor. and inf. n. as above; (L;) f tHe asked, or 8. t The attacking one anothet 7rith t The yard of a horse &c.: ( :) or
of a solid-
begged, of the people, or company of men, and [drawn] swords. (KL.) [You say, b.sq. tT,hey hoofed animal: or it is of general application:
they refused him, or gave him against their will. so attacked one another; like as you say, l/.] (1] :) or originally of a man; and metaphorically
(L,].) Also, (],) inf. n. as above, (TA,) of any other animal: (TA:) pl. (of the first,
J.A garment old and worn out, (L,J,TA,)
t He wore, or put on, j.., i. e., old and worn-
of which the nap has fallen off: or one between TA) 1 (1.)
out garments. (1.)
that which is new and that rwhich is old and rorn see
5. jaj. He mat, or became, stipped, divested, out: pl. ;V. (L,TA.) You say >,^ 5.,
bared, or denuded, (., A, L, Myb, Ig,) [and he S;,y [a coil. gen. n., ! Locusts; the locust; a
(A,) and * i. [alone], (., L, TA,) t A [gar-
striiped, divested, bared, or denudled, himself,] hind of insect] well known: (S,Ml),K:) so
ment of the hind called] S.erworn so that it has
a$, .Aof his clothes or garments, (A,* Msb,) become smooth. (S, A, L, TA.") And [the pl.] called from stripping the ground, (A, Mt:b,) i. c.,
or > A,>of his garment; (L, ] ;) as also eating what is upon it: (Msb:) n. un. with ;:
s,.,. (R, TA, in the CK ,) as a subst., (S, Msb :) applied alike to the male
s/n,Jl, (A, L, I,) which latter, accord. to Sb, and the
(TA,) t Old and wtorn-out garments. (R.) It is
female: (S, Myb, ]K:) , is not the masc. of
is not a quasi-pass. verb, (L,) [but it seems that said in a trad. of Aboo-Bekr, 0t C. 3.a ,4i ;.,,. but is a [coll.] gen. n.; these two words
he did not know -, in a sense explained above, -1 oJq. l 1 ._l...1, meaning t There being like . and ;i, and . and , and
(see 2, second sentence,) of which it is the quasi- is not in our poion, of the property of the
pass., like as ,n. is of ;1 andan l , &c.: it is therefore necessary
.].--!It1.t (an ear of Muslinms, save this threadbareand worn-out aiJa3. that the masc. should be [in my copies of
corn, A, 1g, and a flower, TA) came forth from the S,
(TA.) ~ tThe pudendum, or pudenda; [app. "should not be," but this is corrected in the
its envelope, or calyx. (A, ], TA.) - t It (ex- because usually shaven, or depilated ;] syn. ,, margin of one of those copies,] of the same form
pressed juice) ceased to boil, or estuate, (I,) [and
so became divested of its froth, orfoam.]- t .He (1],) i. e. i;j. (TA.) - And t The penis. (.) as the fem., lest it should be confounded with the
(a man) was, or became, alone, by himself, apart t A shield. (]i.) ~ tA remnant of roperty, pl. [or rather the collective form]: (. :) but some
or of cattle. (1i.) See also . say that .p.. is the masc.; and >j~., the fom.;
from others; as though detached from the rest
of men. (Har p. 430.)_ t He (a horse) out- and the saying ;tn O I1!~. '~ij [as mean-
striploed the other hIorses in a race; as also ,: see $, .. ing I saw a male locust upon a female locust],
.,J1, and J.Jl snwtI; like t;
tjI ,. SA wide, or spacious, tract of land in like a1W u. L~ 1;, is cited: (TA:) it is
as though he threw off the others from himself which is no herbage: (S, A, ] :) an inf. n. used first called oj.; then, es; then, -.; then,
BooK I.]
he who was named by the cor naked, [or dravn,] sword. (A.) - [tDivested
A ,'; then, ~6'-a; and then, >lv': (A'Obeyd, Abu-l-Jarood being
as f eceery accessory, a!djinct, appendage, or adven.
TA:) At says that when the males become yellow Imam El-Bakir "Surhoob," explained by him
the sea: they held that Mo- t itious thing; rendered bare, shere, or rmere;
and the females become black, they cease to have a devil inhabiting
'Alec and his descendants to rbstract. In philosophy, BIodiless; incorpo-
any name but >lj. (ATn, TA.) [Hence,] H! hammad appointed
the office of Imiinm, describing them, though not rreal; as though divested of body.]~Sec also
.sJI~, (T in art. i;q,) or ; 1, (TA in
i wI.J
naming them; and that the Companions were
that art.,) t The egg of the locust. (T and TA guilty of infildelity in not following the example
.- d $L, ,spl I-, (S, K,) or of 'Alec, after the Proplhet: also that the appoint- ;j~ tiPeeled, or pared; divested of its peel,
ubi supr&.)_ is
ment to the office of Imam, after El-IHasan and I barh, coat, covering, or the like. (S, L.) ,-l
,1S1 .1I, (A, L,) t I know not wchat man, (S, 1) ., tLand qf tchich the herbage has been
El-Hoseyn, was to be determined by a council of
,) or what thing, (A,) took him, or it, awtay. t!uten by locusts: (S:) or' land smitten by locusts:
their descendants; and that he among them who
(8; A,
A .) Mslb:) or land abounding with locusts; (A 'Obeyd,
iroved himself learned and courageous [abovc
tj [a coll. gen. n.], n. un. t ;.: (S, others] was Imiim. (MF.) [Sd, K ;) a phlrase similar to S -e;bjl; the
epithet having the form of a pass. part. n. without
Mb :) the latter is of the measure a!ii in the a.1 tA man having ino hair upon himn; (,
that is imaginary. (ISd,
sense of the measure .a-J'; (Mab ;) signifying A, L, K ;) i. e., upon his body; or except in cer- a verb unless it be one
rA.) -,;, -. tA man having a complaint
SA palm-branch stripped of its leaves; (S, A, tain p7arts, as the line along the midtldle of the eaten locusts. (S.)
,f his bellyfr om haring
Mqb, ] ;) as long as it has the leaves on it, it is bosom and downwards to the belly, and the armss
not called thus, but is called as..: (g:) or a from tithe elbows dornrards, and the legs fi'ot ., and tj .: see O.', in four places:
palmnranch in n,hatever state it be; in the dial. the knees downtwards; contr. of .l, which sig- and see what follows.
of El-I.ijAz: (TA:) or a dry palm-branch: nifies " having hair upon the whole of the body:"
(AAF, 1 :) or a long freds palm-branch: (1K :) (IAth,L:) [fem. / Ij.: and] pl. ;. (A, TA.) ;.,.~ tA horse having short, and little, hair:
pl. n. (TA.) - [Also, i.&., tA tally, The people of Paradise are said (in a trad., TA) (EM pp. .39 andl 40:) or .sharp, or tviorous,
,,J 40 J in parce, [and] hiving little hair. (IHar p. 4.55.)
by which to heep accounts; because a palnu-stick to be )" ^. []Iaving no hair upon theirbodies,
is used for this purpose; notchies being, cut in it. and beardlexs]. (A, TA.) -Also alpplied to a -,_U1 1 > _.il (AZ~%,A,TA,) or *
.And hence, .,.,L...t- tAn account- hIorse, (., A, K,) and any similar beast, (TA,) .j.Jl, (so in a copy of tlhe A,) said to one who is
meallnin, t Ilacivi/ short hair: (TA :) or having sily, or bashful, [meaning tThou art] not free
book: and lI,.JI t a . tThe register of the
xhort an,d fine hair. (S, K.) This is. approved, fi.om shyness in appearinfg [bfoure others] : (AZ,
taxes, or of the land-tax.] - . . J. t Choice, (S,) and is one of the signs of an excellent and a TA:) or t thou art not celebrarotel, or well-hnomn.
or excellent, (A, L,) and strong, (L,) camels. generous oriibn. (TA.) PI. as above. (A.) In (A, TA.)
(A, L.)_-See also !.1, in two places. like manner, .liI ~ 1 means t Ilaving short,
or short and fine, hair upon the legs. (TA.)_
i;1. tAnythiing that is peeled off, or pared,
Also t A cheek upon lwhich no hair has grown. Q. 1. j. [from 1.'] put his hand
from anotier thing. (S.)
(TA.) And tA sandal upon wihich is no hair. upon the food (K,TA) that was before him on
. jj. n. un. of .. jq- as a coll. gen. n.: see (L fioml a tlud.)_-Applied also to a place; and the table, (TA,) in order that no other person
the latter in four places. _ Also fem. of the the fern., lI, to land: see ?-, in three places. might take it: (.K, TA:) or he ate with his right
latter as an epithet.- Also t A detachment of -Also S Milkfreefromfroth. (A.) And the hand, and prevented [others from eating] with
horsemen; a company of hlorsemen detached feem., t Wine that is clear, (AHAi, K,)freefrom his left hand: (IA.ar,K:) also, (.,) or ,,.
(,-, 8, A)from the rest of the force, (s,) or dreys. (AHIn, TA.) And t A sky free from .1. .i 1 ., (TA,) he ate greedily, gluttonously,
fwom. the main body of the horsemen, (A,) in clowls. (L.)-tSimooth. (Ham p. 413.)-tA or voraciously: (p,TA:) or -all U! )
some direction, orfor so'ns object: (S, A:) or a hcartfrieefro?mconcealed hatred, andfirom deceit, he put his left hand upon .fiod that ras before
company of horsemen among whom are no foot- dislonesty, or diasimulation. (L.) -_ Complete; him on the table, in order that no oter .person
soldier', nor any of tihe basr sort, or of those tf (A, K;) frieefrom deficiency; (A, TA;)
as also
might take it; as also-..^..: (Ya4oob, :) or
whom no account is made: (A:) or horsemen ~..; (S, A, K ;) applied to a year (.lc), (S,
;Usl if. ~.r. he ate, and male an end of,
among nwhom are no foot-soldiers; (K;) as also A,) and to a monlth, (Tl, TA,) and to a day:
devoured, or con.smed, what was in the vessel;
t?j,. [as though pl. of J~'], (g, TA,) with (.:) fern. as above, applied to a year (.).
as also a,,P. [q. v.]. (Sbl, TA.)
damm, (TA,) or t>.. (So in the CId.) [See (A.) Accord. to Ks, (S,) you say, di. a 1
an ex. under the word ', last sentence.] Ji'l and JL , meaning S [I have not
.J c,~: 6bsee what next follows, in two places.
seen him, or it,for, or during,] two days, (S, A,
;.h^- dim. of h;b,, q. v. sleiv,- an arabicized word, (S, g,) front the
I.,) or two months, (S,K,) [or two years,] coin-
]: so in the pletS. (A, T'A.) - : A horse nont to outstrip Persian, (S,) originally J\ a.;$ "guardian of the
le, dim. of .o [fern. of
phrase C Jl.,. i The middle of the bach of others; (K;) that outstrips others, and becomes cake of bread," (S, K,) and ejA. and II
Jfleh. (L.) selparate from them by his nviftneu. (IJ, TA.) and (KI.) One ,who puts his hand, (g,)
the neck, which isfreefrom
And the fem., t A voracious she-camel. (A.) or wvho puts his left hand, (s,) upon food, (],)
;1 t One who polishes brazen vessels. (.) =It is also used as a subst.: see q.: :-and or upon a thing that is before him on the table,
j". t An unlucky man; (S, I ;) one who see -l,jl.-AlsotiThe sea. (AAF, M in (8,) in order that no other pe'XUona may take it:
strips off propnrity by his ill luck; (A;) or as art. ,~ ) -.. And the fem., tA smooth rock. (S, :) or who eats nrith his rigyht hand, and
though he stripped off prosperity by his ill luck. (., TA.) prevents [others from eating] with his left hand:
*. and one who eats greedily, gluttonoualy, or tora-
(TA.) - Also, and V (A,) or j , ,.-, and sometimes without teshdeed, ;4'1,
ciously: or the first and t third signify, (1(, TA,)
(., !g,) t A year of drought: (A, V :) or a year A certain plant which indicates the places where
or signify also, I a spunyer; (1l,TA;) becaume
of severe drought and dryness of the earth; (S;) trujles (?b) are to be found: a certain herb,
of his greediness, gluttony, or voraciousless, and
as though it destroyed men. (TA.) or leguminous plant, said to have grains like his boldness. (TA.) A poet says, (nwnely, El-
&>Jl.:see what next precedes. pepper. (En-Nadr, TA.) Ghanawee, TA voce ee )
. -' t A man qjected from his property. . . .,
JI A ect of the Zydeeych, (of the * . c; j 5.)-
(IA*r, TA.)
Shee'ak, TA,) so called in relation to Aba-l- W
Jdrood Ziydd the son of Aboo-Ziydtid: (S, I :) .n.: asec ;i~., in two places. t A bare,
,'yD)q -J,.. [Boox-L.
[ n thow.art among a gredy company of men, ;) and in te aid of the hochkjoint, externallk
put not thy left Aond upon the food as a OJ']: and internally; (A'Obeyd, Mgh, L;) derivet
(Fr, B:) or the last word is S., meaning, from 3., because resembling in form the rs s3j and UI^ : se .
(accord. to Sh, a also
a .;o , TA voce Jw),) (jU) thus called: (Mgh:) or an inflation of th
one that taksm afragment [offood] with his left Jinea of a hore's legs, occasioning swelling
Aand, and eats with his right hand, and, wluh
which are lilumed to [the rats called] ol$3j.
haat the party hAa'it contumed, eats what is in
(A:) or a amreUling in the side of a hore's hooJ
Q. 1. .A,. (V,) inf. n. L44,
(L,) He
Ais l hand. (TA.) hastened, made haste, sped, or mwu quicA, (L, g)
and in hi stiflejoint (a i'), or in the hinder par in walkinc, or going, and in work; (L;) like
of his hock, mhich grow; so large as to preen ,v. (g.)
his wallting and working; also written.
(ISh, L in arts. ^.. and ~ ;) and likewin , .)
affectiwg the camln: (ISh, L in art. . :) th, 1. j,.., (S, ],' TA,) aor. ', inf. n. jXm, (,
o. i. q.
3J i..: explained in art original word is with 1. (TA.) - Also : Th Mgh, TA,) He cut it; or cut it off. (,
faulty parts, or knots, of a tree, which are pares
Mgh, TA.) You smy also, ,jl ;.J mean-
i.b- and 3jq, off; likened to J1.b. (A.) ing, The land lad its Aerbage cut, or cut off:
(A:) or became witihout hirbage; its herbage
jjq. and j$,s, (T, JK, TA,) or a3ie (., I ue Land containing, (S, L,) or abound.
having been consumeni by the locuirts or tte s
g) and Ui;., (IAlr, V,) the last asserted by ing with, (u,) [the largefidratscaUlled] alj^.; or
goats or the camels or the like: (Fr, TA:)
]lAr to have been heard by him from a man of ($, , ;) like ;,: J I. (A-)_ ;,. a;;
chaste speech, (TA,) A cake of bread: (JK, ., and ,ejl ;j,. aor. , signifies [the ames, or]
:) arabicized words, (T, JK, , E,) from i;.(, (M, L,) or 3J. o.J (Mgh,) t A beast, or horse, the land became rhat is termed j U; asbo
(, TA,) which is Perian, meaning "round:." affected with the hind of swelling temed t .jjli. (TA.) . It (time, or fortune, Ci)LJI,)
(M, Mgh, L.) And 0.91 :~ Jj [ man destro,ylel, exterminated, or extirpated, him or it.
(TA:) pL 4. and . (JK.) wrhos legs are a.fected with simnilar swellings]. (A, TA.) -Also, (1,) nor. and iuf. n. as above,
(M, L, TA.) (TA,) ie slew hism. (,' TA.) = Also j.,
jq. [The large ~f rat; so in thc present (K,) aur. and i,,f. n. as above, (T'A,) He ate
Q. 1. a,,, [inf. n. of;j.,] (C, g,) in rela- day;] a species of )j [or rat]: (S, A, Mgi, L, ?uickly. (1,'*TA.) _ And j, (]C,) inf n.
ij;.., (TA,) ]ie ate mucrh; was a great eater;
tion to food, ($,) i. q. j ,.;(f, ;) i. e., The :) or the mnlejU: (T, M, IAmb, L, Msb :) or
(K, TA;) not learing anything upon the table:
coveting thefood that is before one with tAe left the large male jU; said to be larger than the
(TA:) or (K and TA, but in the C] " and ") Ahe
hand, [while eating with the right hand,] in order jerboa, of a dusky colour, with a blachness
in his ate quichly; was a quick eater. (IK, TA.)
that no other person may take it: accord. to
tail: (L:) or the large j4 that is in the deserts,
Ya4oob, the . is a substitute for the .o. (TA.) 4. .,j. l: sec 1. .,il jj.l, from
or uncultivated plaint, and that doe not frequent,
And s.j signifies He ate, made an end of,
or kep to, houses: (Msb:) pl. ,l.' , (R, A, j,.~. o;l, (S,) is a phrase simnilr to 1. 1, ($,
devoured, or consumed, what was in the bowl or TA,) and sig,iifies The peolple journeyed in a
vesel: (IA , Sh, 1j, TA:) and he ate entirely M0h, L,M9 b, 6,) or v1 (TA.) dW ;1 land such as is termed jjq-: (TA in art. , :)
the bread. (I.) _ Also *.r., He talked much. j1 ~j. [lit. May God multiply the large also (TA) they were, or became, aeficted with
($, .)- And He hastened, made haste, sped, rats of thy house, or tent,] means may God fill
dearth, scarcity, drought, sterility, or barrenne
or was quic; (Kr, ;) as also. .. (K.)_ thy house, or tent, mith vwheat, or Jbod. (A.)
(1, TA.) - [And hence, app.,] l jj.
?l, *A,j He passed the [age of) sixty. And olt,~.
J ': [lit. The large rats of TheIo she-camel became ltan, or emaciated. (1.)
(lAr,].) his houe, or tent, became di/spered,] has a contr.
; the f two
[probably Voracious: see above: and meaning. (Rar p. 274.) see jq.; thc former, in two pla,,
.. J AsaI Ort
oA of .. ,
hence,] Black locusts, hawing green heats. dates, (L, Msb, ~,) of a large size: before the j^+.: I
(Ji.)- Loquacious; or a great talker. (Ig.) fruit is cut [from the tree], rats collect beneath: j^.: see j^.. Also j^. ;. A year of
so called wthenfresh and ripe: when dry, J^.' : dearth, scarcity, drought, or sterility (S,L ,'
called in El-Koofeh i.U": (L:) and a sort of TA:) pl.jl.l. (S,TA.)
pabn.ltree, the last in the time of the ripening of
1. S-., inf. n. ;, He
i (a horse [or similar itufruit in El-Iijdz: (Ay, AJn,L:) or [simplyJ ?j
. ;l, (S, CMgh, M9 b, i,) and tj, and
beast]) became affected with the kind of rweding the palm-tree. (T in art. .1.) Hence the saying,
*tJ.,and ,j., (S, 1,) and ,' l , (s,)
termed }^j [q.v. infrk]. (A.) .. 0i1;i ,j ^>l lJ.bi bj3lsl ~ jll [When El. Land in rwhich is no Iterbage; (Fr, S, Mgh;) a
t Te wmound, or ulcer,fonned itsef into a knot, Khartdn (the Eleventh Mansion of the Moon) though the herbage or the ruin were cut off from
or lamp, (Z, :~,) like wrhat is termed J;, or rises aurorally (see jJJl j' it: (S :) or from which the mater is cut off, o
in art. j), the
,.q. (]g, accord. to different copies. [The former that it is dried up and without herbage: (M9b,
dates called 1^ t are eaten]; for EI-KhaM- in explanation of the first:) or dried up, pro-
reading is app. the right.])
tln ries [aurorally] in the last part of the hot ducing no herbage: (Jel in xviii. 7, in explana-
S. b*. t He trimmed a tree, as tAhogh by re season, after the [auroral] rising of Je. [or tion of the first:) or of which the herbage has
moving its pj^., meaning its faulty parts, or l Canopus], and before the season called
) 1. been cut: (B4 ibid., in explanation of the first;
knots, which are likened to ol~ [pl. of k]. . : (Agn, L.) and A in explanation of the last:) or that pro-
whence ,3;.. (A.)-.[And hence,] ;.^.. duces no herbage: (I:) or of which the erbage
Zil (in the CV ,l3.) A sort of date: has been eaten: (IJ: or this is the signification
j.jI J T/ime, or fortune, tried and strengthned
of the last [only] acco.ding to the 8:) or not
him by mean of experience in affairs. (T, L,I pl. ~,. (g.)
rained upon: ( :) or, accord. to some of the
t A man freed from his faults by ex- expositions of the lCur, by the first is meant the
;^. t Any swelling, (A 'Obeyd, $, Mgh, L, V,) tmere in affiairs: see 2: (4&:) or an inztelli- land of El-Yemen: and by the second, accord.
and inflation of the sinewr, (A 'Obeyd, $, Mgh, 5 nt, or a sagaciou, man: (M, 1 :) one who has to El-'Otbee, [land] tat ttat , or reiews, mscA
L,) in te hock (A 'Obeyd, $, Mgh, L,]) of a een tried and strengthened by experience in water, and does not dry it up: and as to t j ,
horse (l 'Obeyd, Mgh, L) or similar beast; (, tffairs. (T, Q, M, L, V-) it may be an inf. n. used as an epithet, as though
BooK T.] JJ -- O.. 409

meaning j ^l4B, i. e., of which the herbage has He, or it, made a sound; (TA;) a also ).t ,1: (IDrd, ., A, 1 :) such, for instance, a the sound
been ate;: asbo t?j /1 is explained as (Mgh, TA:) [or both signify he, or it, made a of the beaks of birds, (9, A, Mqb,) pecking, (A,)
signifying land of which tlh herbage has been low, gentle, slight, or soft, sound; as appears upon a thing which they are eating: (S:) and that
consumed by the locusts or the ~ep or goaU or from what follows.] You say, >Wl ,-b,t (A,) of bees eating flowers or blosoms: (A:) and of
th cams or the like: (TA:) and tjt - ;j or).bt j', (Mqb,) He spohe in a loyn, gentle, a tribe [or crowd of men, more particularly a
or soft, voice or tone; or with modulation, or heard from some distance; i. e., a hum]: (TA:)
a barren descrt: (A,'g:) [see also j,L :l the
melody; syn. .,ii, (A,) or a..i. (M;b.) and of a camel-driver singing to his beasts to
pl. of j; isj , like a *rs is pl. of A;; urge or excite them: (A:) and the slight sound
And ,^., (S,)inf. n. n., ((; .;and y,.i3;
of a letter of the alphabet: (TA:) and low,
and that of j. in jl,.l, like as l;, is (8,1 ;) He spoke: (15:) or Le aid a thing, gentle, or soft, speech: (Mqb:) or when the
pl. of _.: (.:) and one says also jt1 q, , and spoke in a low, gentle, or soft, voice or tone,
word is used alone, [i. e., not coupled with
(]K, TA,) as well as jl~.1 )i. (TA.) or with modulation or melody; expl. by fZb another noun as it is in the second of the two

iJq., (9, A,) or tij., with fet-h to the j, (1., i-, ,'A (Lth, 8.) And t m, 1 is also used examples here following,] it is with fet-l: thus
in the senses here following. It (a bird) caused one says, L2 ^ _c-: Lb; (A, 1;) i. e., I
TA,) lictirpation: (9, A :) or destruction. (i4,
the sound of itl passing to be heard: (S, A,* 1:) heard not any sound of him, or it: (TA:) but
TA.) Hence the saying, )t1 . ULt and in like manner it is said of a man. ('i,
j,A female that hates, by reason of the vehe-
;i you say, V , j.. ; a ;, G with kIer;
accord. to the TA; but not found by me in any
mence of her hatred, wiU not be content sae (A, 1 ;) i. e., I heard not any motion, nor any
copy of the ].) And t It (an ornament, .,)
with extirpation [of the object of her hatred]: sound, of him, or it: (TA in art. :.r)pl. [app.
made a sound (8, A,* 1) like that of a ,j [or
of the third] (11am p. 200.) [See also
(9:) orp,.~ 41 ~,. *.,.t, (A,) or Ij. , bell]; (TA;) as also ) b1. (A, TA.) ) And
(TA,) is hater was not content sa with exstir-
It (a tribe, made
ma,) its sound (,,q) to be
pation of him whom lie hated. (A, TA.) You heard: or, accord. to the T', made the sound of r,,s~: see what next precedes, in two places.
say also, , j- j l OL.
J, [or ;iJj the ,,j of a thing to be heard. (TA.) ' And
thus, only, the former word is written in the sile (a man) raised his voice. (TA.) VAnd He .,j. [A beU;] a thing well known; (Mqb;)
and TA in art. jj,, and I think that the latter is
(a camel-driver) sang to camels for the pur- the thing that is hung to the neck of the camel
correctly written in like manner, as in the ? and
poe of urging or e2citing: (S, 1 :) or raised his (S, Mgh, 1) !c., and that malk a sou,d:
A,] God #rotehim with destruction [and cwtir- wice in doing so. (A.) - [Hence, app.,] ~,,j, (Mgh:) or, accord. to some, the [littkl round
patior]. (TA.)
aor. ; (Lth, AO, 8, ]) and , (],) inf. n. , , bell called] j4 : (TA:) and also that which
0.6 $
&j A bundle of [the kind of trefoil called] (Lth, AO, ],) He ate [a thing: because a slight is struck [to make it md]: (Lth,., ): ) the
thing that is struch by the Christiansat tl time
'J (A, Mgh, Myb, O) or the like: (Mgh, Msb, sound is made in doing so]: (AO, TA:) or lhe
1:) ora hanlful thereof: (Mgh, Mb :) pl.jy... licked [a thing] with his tongue. (].) You say, of prayes: (var p. 616:) pl. ; (Mgh,
(A, Mgh, Mgb.) Jahjltsll ~... The bes ate the [trts called] Myb.) It is said in a trad., ki'ijIl . - j
ac: (. :) andZ -,J , (Lth, A,) and -L.u I ,O t! ; [The angels will not accompany an
ji=: see ;^., in three places assemblage of persons journeying together among
[put tropically for j~! because honey is made
jl;, applied to a sword, (9, ]~,) Cutting, or whom is a beUl]: (.,TA:) the reason is said to
from flowers or blossoms], (Lth,TA,) tithe bees
sharp: (I:) or cutting much, or very sharp: be, because it guides other to them; for Mo-
ate the Jfloners, or blossoms, making a sound in so
(B i) or lenetrating: or that cuts off utterly, or doing: (A :) or liched the Jflowers, or blossoms, hammad liked not to let the enemy know of his
entirely. (TA.) - Hence you say of a she-camel, approach until he came upon them suddenly.
and thence made iowney. (Lth, TA.) And :..
likening her to such a sword, . jl (TA.) - See also br..
.,, az'wtl, and .,l., The beasu licked the
t Verily she is one that eats and breaks the trees. tree, and the herbage. (TA.) And ' ;t11-- t.a The act of r ing [a person or persons]
(TA.) See also j .. notorious, or infamous. (TA.) [See 2.]
I; The cow licked her young one. (TA.)
j it That eats much; (A, ];) [when applied ,'j. Voraciou&. (IAIr, ].)
to a man,] that leaves nothing upon the table 2. ~jil ,.fn, inf. n. ., He rendered
the persona notorious, or infamous; [as, for in-
when Ae eats: (S, A:) or that eats quickly:
stance, by parading them, and mahing public
- 1 jq [as though p1. of `q] Bes: (g:)
(] :) applied to a man, and to a camel; (TA;) or bees eating foweyrs, or blouom and making
and to a woman; and to a she-camel, as also proclamation before thm; accord. to the usage 1
a sound in doing so: (A :) orOa..J I Cg-
tjlp.; (.;) or [any] female: (TA:) or, applied of the verb in the present day;] syn. * ,.
nifies the male of bes, (TA.)
to a she-camel, that eats ecrything. (As, TA.) (K,) and j, (Ibn-'Abbad, TA,) and ;y.
(A.) ' 1-
e. ,1 , (8,) and j.,aJ~ , (TA,) ,4. [A speci~s of millet;] a kind of grain,
3,4, applied [to land, and hence,] to S a
inf. n. as above, (15,) t[Events, and misfortunes,] (Mpb, 1,) we nomn, (C,)rsmbling 5il, but
woman, lBarren: (S, A, 1] :) the woman is mluer: (MNb:) or,acoord. to some, a pecii of
likened to land that produces no herbage. (TA.) rendered him experienced, or expert, and sound,
orfirm,injudgment c. (.8, i, TA) :.): (Mb :) or i, q. CoL: (S in artn c ,
[See also j.]jjl*a
Dry and rugged and TA in art. J-' ;) or a wellknown grain,
land encompassed by sands or by a [kleel tract 4. ,.Jq-: see 1, in six place.-__ .. w^,. which is eaten, like e,o,, of which there are
such as is called] pU: (1,1 :) pl. jl.: (., t [Hoe made a sound with the ornament]: said of three species, the best whereof is th yellon,
TA:) mostly applied to islands of the sea. (TA.) the owner [or wearer] of the ornament. (A.) [j&S1, or the word may bej.sl91, the rmallUt,]
,pJ,1 m.r^. t Hel struck [or sounded] te bell. and weighty: it is likened to rice in its poacvr,
j..~ , applied to a she-camel, Lean, or ema-
(TA.)-eJI - C,X The animal of prey or virtue, is more astringent than ;,sL., promotes
ciaied. (I.)
heard my sound ( ,): (ISk, , A, 1 :) or tLe low of urine, and constringes: the word is
heard it from afar. (TA.) arabicized, from [the Persian] *~j. (TA.)
i., see jjq; the latter, in two places.
5: see L
7: see 1. ,.. (S.) and , (TA) tA man (TA)
experienced, or enpert, in affairs, (, TA,) and
,.,. (., A, Msb, 1) and ' .. (8, A, ) rendered sound, or firm, in judgment Pc. (TA.)
.L ,~, [aor., app., ' and,, as seems to be and 'V,j~-- (Kr,ISd) A sound: (ISk, A, 1:) And with ;, t A she-camel tried and povd by
implied in the 1g, inf. n. ,- which see below,] or a tonw, faint, gentbe, slight, or soft, sound: ue, or practice, in pace and riding. (TA.)
Bk. I. 6,2
410 h-^- E^ [BooK I.
,..,~ [Uttered with a sound: or roith a lore, (,.al) of death: (TA:) or the verb is some- hindered by some obstacle: (A, O, K :) or it is
gentle, slight, or soft, ound]. Every letter of the times used in a general manner, in the former of said on the occasion of any affair which was pos-
alphabet is L.~., except the soft letters, (A, the senses explained above, and in the place of sible and which has been hinldered by the inter-
TA,) namely, I,., and U. (TA.) ,i and in that of GA and in that of u: vention of some obstacle: and the first who said
(Mf F in art. ,,o, q. v.:) and the above-mentioned it was 'Obeyd Ibn-El-Abram, when El-Mundhir
phrase also signifies (A) he awalloted his spittle [on one of the days when it wais his custom to
writh difficulty, or trouble, or labour, contending slay whomsoever he met] desired him to recite
1. ,, (;, A, g,) nor. t (M$, ;) and , against anxietic, or griqf. (8, A, R.) You say some of his verses: (Zeyd I bn-Kntlhweh:) or the
(g,) inf. n. ,,n , (A,TA,) HI bruisd, brayed, also, ;: ,,. first who said it was Jowshla [in some copies of
~, (S,) or -' , (A,*
or pounded, it, (S, A, g,) and he ground it, the K1,Showshan, which, as is s;id( in the TA, is
TA,) inf. n. as above, (TA,) He is near to dyiag;
namely, alt, and grain, (A,) coarsely, notfinely. a mistake,] El-Kilabee, whlen his father, having
accord. to As: (S, TA:) or his soul reaches his
(8, A, g.)-hIe stripped off, rubbed forbidden him to ploctize, and sceeing him sick of
fauces: (TA :) or he is at the point of death, his
qf, abraded,or othernrise removed, its superficial grief thereat, and at the point of dcath, gavo him
soul having rearcedl his fauces. (A.) And permission to do so: (K, TA:) whereupon, nfter
part; syn. J. (sc.) -- Ilie scratched, scraped,
oi SNHdedies. (TA.) And 3~. ;
aiLt I4 saying these words, he recited some verses, and
rubbed, grated, chafed, or fretted, it; syn. ;
[app. meaning Thle she-camel was choked vwith Ihe (lied. (TA.)
(g, TA;) like as the viper does its fangs; when
cud: or swallored her cud with d.fficulty]. (TA.)
its folds rub, or grate, together, causing a sound ~.cb. nA strangler. (TA.) Suffering in-
And djo. ,.' He swallo,wed his spittle. (A,
to be heard. (TA.)_ lie soratched it (i, tense, or violent, grief (TA.) [See also ~d.. ]
namely, his head,) with a comb, (8, A, ],) so as TA.) And A 4.i, O t [lap&p. meaning,
to raise its scurf; ( Such a one swallows his choler against thee].
;) as
u, also .. (TA.) see p,~.e .
- He rubbed and pressed it (namely, the skin,) (A.).. -,b^. He strangled him. (IK.) You say,
with the hand, in order that it might become _*.b J3; , %:2 U l lie escaped fronm them,
smooth (], TA) and soft. (TA.) wmhen they had str'angled him [so as almost to kill
2: see 1, last signification but one. him]. (TA.)
1. ;aJIl , aor.:, (S, Msbh, K,) inf. n.
.- The sound of a viler's comingforthfrom 4. . ibjq..l He caused his throat, orfauces,
(S, K,*) or (Mash ;) and ', aor.
a,.; *,
the skin [or slough] lihen the former rubs, or to be choked by his spittle. (S, l.)
inf. n. ~.'; (S, Msb, K;) but the latter is dlis-
grate, one part againut another. (S.) And
The sound of a viper's fangs, when they rub, or if Spittle: (A, 1 :) or spittle by nwhich one allowed-by As ; (S;) IIe swallowed the trater;
is choked. (S.) - [The choking, or strangula- (M b, K ;) as also *t a !l:.~ (MRl) :) or the
grate [together]. (TA.)-And The sound ariing 9
tion, or rattle, immediately preceding death. See latter significs he eroallomed it at once. (Srlh, 1g.)
from eating a rough thing: or this is with ,m.
(TA.) 1: and see also D;ifculty, trouble,
D-fi.] See also 5.
or labour; syn. ,... (TA.)
A thing, (S, V,) such as salt, (A,) 2. [ ,I He
Heq.made hinm to s,vallow the
bruied, brayed, or pounded, (., A, ],) and ..).' [A man having his throat, orfauces, water.] . is The pouring beverage into the
ground, (A,) coarsely, not finely: (., A, :) or, c/wked by his splittle. - And hence,] Haring his throat against one's will: but sometimes it is
applied to salt, it signifies ~ ., L [app. mean- soul reachinghisfauces: or near to dying: (TA:) used of that which is not ageinst one's will. (.H;r
ing such as ham not been purified], (S,V, TA,) or at the point of death, his soul having reached p. 115.) And ;.^ signifies lie gave him to
that crumble; as though one part thereof were hisfauces, so that he is chokedl by it: (A, TA:) drink gulp oftefr gulp, or Xsp after. saip, or sip
rubbed against anothier. (TA.)-_Also Coarse or dying: (TA:) or made, or suffered, to escape, after sip. (Hiar p. 350.) [And hcnic,] .,.-.
flour, such as is fitfor [making tie kind offood after seil: (Lth:) or oppressed by grief or
sorrow; (S, ;) as also ti',.. and ',,c.l: 1 , (K,) or li'31 &.eS., (S,) inf. n.
caled] J . (TA.)
(AD], K:) or affected by intense anxiety or j, (K,) t IIe made him to repress, or re-
,r &it^ TV/Watfall, of, orfrom, a thing grief: (TA:) [see also strain, choking wrath, or rage. (S, TA.)
-. pl. . .; (A,
coarsely bruisld or brayed or pounded, wrhen
nwhat is bruised &c. thereof is taken. (.8.)- V;) like as .P is pl. of ,,.. (A, TA.) 4. s-..1 Ile made it (a rope or a bow-string)
You.sy,X- ".^ ;S' to have one or mo.e of its strands thick [or rather
,lj). also signifies What falls from the head cYouay lI, or .l.U, Such a one thicker than the others]. (TA.)
nihen it is combed: (A, TA:) and whatfalls and escaped, or wnas made to escape, being near to
becomes scattered fr.om wood: (A:) or cuttings, death; (TA;) or being at the point of death, his 5. l.IIe snallowed in consecutive portions,
chips, parings, and the like. (TA.) soul having reached his fauces, so that he was one time after another, like him nwho act.s against
jl, [from the Persian ,,l!, A digestive choked by it. (A, TA.) And. cl'J *;~ his own will: or, as IAth says, he drank in
stomachic;] a thing that causesfood to digest; Such a one died oppressed by grief or sorrow. haste: or, accord. to some, he dirank by little
S.) - In the following prov., ,j,; Jq..J JI._ and little. (TA.) - [And hence,] ,aiJr .3
as also. .bl. (. in art. /..)
i.a..JI1 [The , . interposed as an obstacle in (S, Mob, 1]*) SHe repressed,or restrained,choking
A thing having its superficial part
stripped off, scraped off, rubbed off, abraded, or the way of the ij.S], j..JI signifies the thing wrath, or rage; (S;) as though he swallowed it:
(Mb :) and [in like manner] you say also, . '
otherwise removed. (TA.) - Skin rubbed and choking the throat orfauces; (S, A;) and ,.j~1I
i: ! I he reprssed, or retrained, wrath, or
pressed with the hand in order that it may become signifies the cud: the meaning being, the thing
choking the throat or fauces hindered from chew- rage. (TA.)
smooth and soft. (TA.)
ing the cud: (A:) or the former signifies the 8: see 1.
choking, or haring the throat, or fauces, ob-
structed; and the latter, the poetry: (TA:) or j~. A twisting in one of the stranlds of a
the former, the swallopwing of spittle in dying; rope, (S, K,) or of a bow-string, (K,) so that
-. >t j,^ , aor. :, (1Drd, A, K,) inf. n. and the latter, the sound, or voice, of a man in it appears abowv the other strands. (S, V.) [It
,jbj; (IDrd, K;) or A, .. , aor.; ($;) dying: (Et,-RiyAshee:) or the former, spittle is app. an inf. n., of which tho verb, if it have
hut IIlt says that thc former is the right; (IB;) asvaUowed: (.Har p. 150, q. v.:) and also, the one, is .] = Sc also e.
His throat, or fauces, became choked by his chohings (. i) of death: [see also ,~b :] and
spittle; he was choked with his spittle: (IDrd, the moving to and fro of the two jal,s at death: ,~- A rope, (g,) or a bow-string. (TA,)
A:) or, accord. to some, he suffered the chokings (TA:) the prov. relates to an affair which is having the tvisting termed ^. in one of its

t- Jj. 411 I
Boox I.]
(I:) or, accord. to piece, or tract, of sand,goodfor producingplants, cattle of the people]. (S, TA.) - [He shovelled
strands; as also t :
or herbage, in which is no softness, or looseness: it, or scooped it, away, or up, or out.] You say,
IAir, a bow-string tat is even, except that there
is a prominence in one part of it, nwherefore it is (Sgh, L, :) or land in which is ruggednss, 42. ;4i. l[He scoolpd it up, or out, with I
[q. v.] resembling sand: (L, ] :) or a hill of which one both his hands]; i. e. something dry, as flour,
rubbed and pulled with a piece of a ,.
side consists of sand, and one side of stones: (s]:) and sand, and the like. (e in art. C>k.~.)-
until that prominence disappears: and t the i t E is larger
or what is termed * .s-r an,! j^. It (herbage) wva eaten up utterly. (TA.) I
latter, accord. to ISh, a bow-string not uniformly
than ]what is termi.d r: ". is also ex-
nor well twisted, htating in it prominences, so
that one of its strands appears above the others, plained as signifyi,.g sand of nwi;ich the middle 2. d.^, inf. n. : see 1, in four places.
or some appear above others. (TA.) is elevated, and ofrrhic!, the sides are thin: and, -JS, *.h t Time, or fortune, or misfortune,
accord. to IAth, V,.l signifies a wide place, in destroyed, exterminated, his property, or cattle,
U^,: see what next follows, in three places: wnhich is ruggedness : (TA :) or this last, a plain, and reduced him to poverty. (TA.) A poet (of
~ and see aL ., in two places. or sofft, ,place, intermixed with sand: (Iam the Benoo-Teiyi, TA) says,
p.. 5 7 4 :) . is sing., or n. un., of ).: (8,
.. A gulp, or as much as is swallowed at once,
of water being like a i1aJ of K:') or, accord. to some, this last word is a
of water; a s. * LjJ 1 hjl. 5
food: (Mqb:) or a sup, or sip; or as much as sing., like t^.1; and its pl. [of pauc.] is it.
is supped, or tipped, at once; or a moutlful of and [of mulL] t~/.: the pl. of . is'Ogq-: t [And if mnifortunes have destroyed my property.
what issupped, or tipped; (syn. #s;) of water; or cattle, and reduced Nme to poverty, I have not
and the pl. of tcL . is ;.: and the pl. of t.txc seen any one in a state of perdition like the two
(;,.!as also L and *i;-.: or I
is lAjIs..: and the pl. of t ..l is. 1. sons of Ziydd]. ($, TA.)
andq asi . are substs. [signifying the act of
(TA.) 4. j..1 It (a place) wras invaded by a torrent
nsallowing water] from ;" fs " be swallowed
the water :" (] :) or V i.. signifies a single act see ,~e, in four places. such as is termed .jI. . (.K.)
of swallowing water: (IAth, L:) and U, what 3Lw.^. dim. of U,. q. v. 5: see 1, in two places; and see ,.
one snallonws: (L, 1i :) or a mouthful which one
rwallows: (TA:) or a small draught : (lAth:) : see aj_. 8: see 1, in three places.
and its pl. is .~.. (Msb, TA.) The dim. is j~.;: see L, in four places. J..: see .. - Also A smooth side of a
Ladq.. ($, ]g.) And hence the prov., ;.l mountain. (Aboo-Kheyrch, I.)
&,q. A she-camel in which is not as much [milk]
. jlt
U i, (Sgh, K,) the verb being as mill satisfy thirst, but only some sups: (K :) 4, : see the next paragraph.
intrans., and a.. being in the accus. case as a pl. b (L, KK) and it4t..: (L:) J explains
denotative of state, as though the speaker said, ,j. and -. ", P ($, Msb, ]K, &c.,) the latter
a; ---,, ,, , ', a.. the former pl. as signifying she-camels having a contraction of the fonner, (Msb,) [An abrupt,
little milk; as though there were not in their . Kash
mater-worn, banh or ridge;] a bank (,
Cs.Tlj; (S, g;) or ttv~ K;;) Such a one
(K udders more than some sups; and the sing. he
and Jel in ix. 110) of a valley, the lower ipart of
escaped [from destruction] wrhen his spirit, or the does not mention. (TA.)
413 , . .
which is excavated by the water, and hollowed
remains thereof, had become in his mouth; (L, ase e Pin two places. out by the torrents, so that it remains uncompact,
] ;) or near thereto, (,) as a sup [or little sup] of unsound, or weak; (Ksh ib.;) a bank, or an
rater to the chin [of a person drinking]; (TA;) acclivity, of a water-course of a valley and the like,
or when death was as near to him as a little sup when the nater has carriedaway firom its lower
of water to the chin; (L;) or when at his last ., , (.s, Msb, .,) aor. :, (S, Msb,) inf. n. part, and undermined it, so that it has become
gasp: (Fr, :) applied to one who lhas been at . (S, Myb, 1) and Mq.., (Lb, K,) lie tooh like what is termed a 0j~, with its upper part
the point of destruction, and then escaped: (S :) away, carried away, or removed, the whole of it, overhanging; (L;) a portion of land (or sand,
or, accord. to AZ, it is thus; Xi.Ut sY^ (S, Msb, K,) or the greater part of it, (S,) or S in art. .*3) wvhich the torrents have partially I
which may mean he made me to escape &c., or much of it: (S,oK. and [in like manner t. ; swept awvay, or worn awvay, (1 .i3 , or
he excapedfiom me &e.; in the hlatter case, ,Jl for its inf. n.] . signifies the act of carrying ;j4., Msb,) and eaten; (S, Msb, ] ;) a por-
being for &Z and [it is said that] Ja... anway wholly: (kIL:) and t A3j;.l he took the tion of the lowver part of the side of a vally, and I
is prefixed to X.J.UI because the motion of the whole of it. (TA in art. %...) Also, (inf. n. of a river, eaten by the torrent; (M, TA;) the
chin indicates the nearness of the departure of the J3 .., TA,) lie swept it away, namely, mud, side of the bank of a river, that has been eaten
soul: or the meaning of the words related by AZ (S,K,) from the surface of the earth; (TA;) and by the vater, so that some part of it every little I
may be, he made rne, i. e. the remains of my , .. , (19,) inf. n. .; (TA;) and vwhile falls: (Har p. 47 :) and the latter, [or
soul, to escape; the last two words being a sub- eacbh,] a place which the torrent does not take
stitute for the pronoun affixed to the verb. 'a. ': (K :) or t _ signifies the act of
away; as also ;.J.; (];) [i.e. a bank, or
clearing away mud or the like well; in Persian, I
(Sgh.) One says also, Ij. 1 i U4l, mean- ridge, that remains rising abruptly by the bed of
.so;~j jt: (KL: [Golius, app. misled by a
ing lIe outwent me, [or escaped ne,] and I sval- a torrent or stream:] pl. [of pauc.] (of .,,
lomed my spittle in wrath, or rage, against him. mistranscription, has explained the verb, Jffi.., as
LcU,,'1 a; on the authority of the KL, by "bene effudit:"]) TA) J1^-.l, (1[,) like ,Utl pl. of ,i, (TA,)
(TA.) And '
and [of mult.] (of ;, though it is implied in
'lvJi j4 t [There is nothing that is swallowed and 5J! t J;.i he mept away the thing
(d^.) from the surface of the earth. (TA.) You the K that it is of Js4., TA) li^,Plike ;..
more praisenorthy in its result than what is
swallowed of wrath, or rage, which ne repress, ,sal also, j l e b,) or
M bi~.,
(M. or., inf. n. ($, K) pl. of a.', Jl.
(S,) and (ISd, TA.)
or-restrain]. (TA.) ,J .,; (S ;) and * 2a.
- ; (S, 1g ;) The tor- . A torrent that carriesawvay etrything;
rents nreept it aweay; (TA;) [or swept it partially (S, Msb ;) i. q. Jt.m applied to a torrent; as
: see c anay; or wore it away;] namely, a portion of also tV..'; (K ;) and ? j~-. a torrent that I
land. (., M.b, l. See J..) And, of a death it paJsses, by reason of
(S., R and t as, () and * ( sweeps away that by which
K) and t ;4 (1) An even piece, (5,) or a commonly prevailing, J."l ,aU Jp.' its copiousnes, carrying away everything, and
round piece, or hill, or hillock, (l,) of sand, that t [It rseptaway, or destroyed, men, like the sweep- sot 1 applied to rain. (TA.)_ A very I
produces no plants, or herbage; (S, . ;) 'and, as ing away of the torrent]: (TA:) and * voracious man: (1, TA:) a man who devours
some add, that retains no nwater: (TA:) or a ., j
~)1. I [It sweeps anway, or destroys, the all the food: (S:) one who eats vhemently,
1 6'2 *
[BooK 1.
leaing nothing remainlng. (M, TA.) - SA man t

who muwrrsi mrch, or often, and is brish, lively,

I I,-. in which they made ;Jjj to be in the nom. cue,
tjq.~ A certain red dye. (As, , K.)-_The as though the meaning were ,iOl iQ S [it
sprightly, or active; as also * j,;4.. (g,TA.) rednes of gold.
($, 1.) _ Pure; applied to red n,as right, orfit, or proper, for it, (the tribe of
-IA sword that sweeps amay everything. (TA.) and othler colours. (K.) Also, (S, ],) and Fezarah,) to be angry; nearly agreeing with an 2
- t A sort of measure of capacity; as also
* JiLJ, (1,) Wine; (8, ;) i,tferior in good- explanation of.A,. given by Golius s on the
j1l: (l, g :) a certain lage measure oj'
ne. to surh as is termed Jio.: (S:) or the authority of lbn-Maroof, namely, " meritus, dig-
capacity. (ISk, TA.) nus fuit"J: but, he says, ijl?. is in the aceus. 2
coloun:,f wine. (S,R.) The phrase lt. L.,,
jl;~: see what next precedes. used by EI-Alshi, [lit. I delprived it, namely, case; the meaning being, l-;.: Ii .,.-l
wine, of its colour,] means I drank it red, and [which will be found explained, on the authority
J. 34X [(A capacious bucket: ee 3 iln 'ilcharyed it in urine white. ($.) of IB, in what follows]: AO says that the mean- 5

art. ]. (; in art. .) ing is, l l1 G J;f, :i" i. e., ) ;

.. a s .-... UJI,J;: sec above.
ab1pe.: ee, Up" 14a~.i l i;,ja, and -~ also, [both having the
A^. same signification, i. e., the threst required Fezd- 2

Jjl.: see J. -Also tA death commonly, .. ja

or generally, prevailing, (., , TA,) tamt s7eeps L "-, nor. , (1g,) inf. n. ; , (S,) [like rah to be angry,] from .ljb a;1 mean-
,j.,] Hfie cut it, or cut it of; (S, K.-) .. ing '. [Verily I wvill do thus]: (8, TA:) accord.
away, or destroys, (eJ4,) the cattle of the
to Fr, the meaning is, J-li .. idl ;-I
--- -, 2

people. (8, TA.) And t Plague, or pestilence. iWI, (]g,) or ;tLJI j-. .jn., (.,) inf. n. as
(s.) ;J,J1 means t A plague, or pestilence,
ai)ove, (TA,) le shore, or sheared, or cut off the the right reading being, w fet-
.iJ;, with
wool of, the sheep. ($, ,*TA.) And. -, to the j,; [so that the verse means And verily
that happened in the time of Ibn-Ez-Zubeyr;
I tooh lor clipped somnhat]fiom it; [namely, thou didst thrust Aboo-' Oqeyneh with a thrust of 2

(8 ;) or, as Lth says, CJl$Jl

tI& means the thi spear that occasioned, or cautisl, Fezdrah,
the wool;] like-4. (S.)--, J l- ,,, (S, aJter it, to be angry against thee :] for he is ad-
plague, or pestilence, that befel the people of El-
'Irda [in the year of the Fliglt 60], spreading M b, K,) aor. as above, (TA,) iluf. n. j. (K) dressing Kurz El-'Okeylec, bewailing his death; 2
wide, and sweeping areay tie piople like the and l-!, and ;l, (8,* ,) lie cut the paln- and Kurt had tbrtst Aboo-'Oyeynch, who was
swreeping away of the torrent. (TA.) And Eril trees; (Mhb;) 9 [meaning] he cut off thefriuit oJ' Hisn Ibin-Hudheyfeh lbn-Bcdr EI-Fczaree. (IB,
fortune, or an affliction, that weeps asway, or the palm-trees; (B, K;) as also .itj.I: (S:) T'A.) - And A, (S, M9b, ],) nor.;, inf. n.
destroys, (Lth, I, TA,) a people, (.K,) or the 2
and in like manner, ;Jl ... ' he cut off the .', (Mghb,) lie committed a sin, a crime, a
cattle of a people. (Lth, TA.)
dates. (TA.) You say, -. 1 1.'I L., & and .fault, an o.ffnce, or an act of disobedience; (f,
J^; : see Jl,._ Hence, as being likened r.,d.JI, (8,) i. e., [Tlhi is] the time of tle cuttiny Mob, g;) syn..A, (Mi,, gJ,) and ._.l -- 'i;
to the torrent thus termed, (TA,) S A quick, or ff of tllefruit of the palm-trees. (TA.) - (Mqb;) [perhaps because he who does so brings
swifJ, oJ, [or hack, &c.]. (8.) And tAn upon himself the consequence thereof; u though
J I ~, , inf. n. H.q,
le compiated by conjec-
au; lapp. meaning a tmild as, because of his ture the quantity of fruit upon the palm-trees; originally .j. i ":, .l ;I.... he drew
swiftnes.] (.sgh, I.) And, accord. to some, A
K;) and so t. I: (Lh, f :) [like j~ and upon himself the effect of a sin, &c.; (comparo
male ostrich: (as in the Ij :) but this is a mistran-
L,i.] - -P (8, g,) aor. (S,)
, inf. n. .., and .. ' ;)] as also ..^i.1, ($, Mb,
scription for ~jj, with 3. (Abu-l-'Abbes,T, .- ~
(TkI,) also signifies lie gained, acquired, or K,) inf. n. ;.,1. ; (Mb ;) and t... !p; (~, ] ;)
gSh, L, TA.) 2

earned, [wealth, &c.,] (,, Is,) l~s fJor his and t.. .3. (El-'Okberee, Har p. 207.) You
J);: asee jc , in two places. - Also .family; and so t .. (K.) And yvou say, say, ;;a,d an, (g,) d .. ,id
i Greedy; having an inordinate diesire, or appe-
.a~?3 .eZnd tal
and , meaning He used by a poet for,nl& or.^ll, (IA, TA,) He
tite,for.food. (V,TA.)-And SAn unfortunate committed against them a crime, or an offence
man. (I, TA.) uent forth seeking [sustenance], and practising
for which he siwuld be punished; as also I i.4.1
shill, or artifice, for his family. (TA.)-
.:,.see M~ _ -. [Hence,] J^ C; (Q.) They said also, .. 41I t... 1 [He com-
.J S ' .,L in the gur [v. 3 and 11], is mitted the sin, or crime, &c.]; making the verb
[Fingers, or fingers' ends,] that take much food. explained by some
as meaning And let not a trans. (TA.) And a poet says,
(IAIr, TA.) people's hatred by any means occasion you. or
*iU- A broom, or besom; (I ;) a thing with cause you: or it means let not a people's hatred 2

which mud is swept away from the surface of the by any means induce yoe, or incite you. (S, TA.)
ground: (,0 TA:) [applied in the present day Some read ', with
w; damm to the .;
to a shovel: and a hoe: and a rahe:] as also and Zj says that [And thou seest the inteUigent envied, or much
. and ..j.. signify the envied: he has not injured the honour
of men, 2

t' t.J : vulgarly, ' i ..; [now applied by same: but some say that the meaning is, let it
nhilc his honour is reviled]. (Th, TA.) ;.,
many to a drag for dragging rivers c.;] of not by any meaon lead you into crime, or sin;
aor. , (]K,) inf. n. .. , (T{,) He (a man, TA)
which the pl. is %.;.. (TA.) .l- being like Ir, led him into sin, &c. betooh himnself to
eating the aL.!l. [in the Cl., 5
(TA.) Fr says that the asserting ._.. to
.4p t A iman who has had his property, or mean .;-.i. [or rather .J; , for this is evi- erroneously, ,I..,] of the palm-treex, (AA, K,)
or cattle, destroyed, or exterminated, and wrlw [i. e., the dates wchich had fallen in the cuttiny,
dently, I think, the right reading, though I find and] which were a,mong the branches. (AA,TA.)
Amt ben reduced to porerty, by time, or fortune, 2

or misfortune. (TA.) i ;B;. in the TA as well as in a copy of the S, in =. -,said of a man, also signifies ae.;
another copy of which I find _.' and ;~._.., [His sin, or crime, &c., was, or became, great];
'rJ, ;t Lean, or emaciated. (M, TA.) [See suggesting that the right reading may perhaps be
and so like .5 [both
-: t., are thus explained,
what next follows.] :.,.. and .~J.,] is nought: they who so explain in dififlcnt places in this art., by the author of

.sJ. t A ram whose general fatness has it having been confused in their judgment by the the TA; and the explanation in the latter ease is
gone; (Ibn-'Abbad,] ;) and so a camel. (TA.) saying of the poet Aboo-Aamm, (8, TA,) or, as followed by ,i.l L51, i. e., he committed a tin,
some say, El-Iowfazan, (TA,) or, accord. to &c.; probably added by him to show that the 2
-Lean, or emaciated; as also JL~. (TA
some, 'Ateeyeh Ibn-'Ofeyf, (IB, TA,) reading found by him was not --. : but b,
in art. .L-.) You say, ;. t 'e (a man,
Ibn-'Abbid, TA) came in a lean and laz state * 1 .-
l [ think that the righlit reading is .,%..1A hiA
(~.{ 'i-). (Ibn-'AbUd, l.) ,-4 C. .5t - xu l body became great; and this is confirmed by what

is *saying
inis'- 21

BooK 1.]
here follows:] ,,^.l1 explained in the copies of ( both of...: the pl. of .
b,) .. isa,.. former of the last two phraes] is .J .
the ] by ;a [in the TVs ja.. &
aq- s; ] (TA.) - See also ;'. see
pq: 9m;1 - '. .ai,Jt ~ [It (their deed) will earnfor them,
)r occasion them, rqepentance; and that of the
should be .j, a triliteral; and the meaning is . The body; syn. 1.'.; (, Mob, K;) or atter, it will occasion that such and such things
." .,i::'and in like manner, the three signifi-
J,; (Th,TA;) as also *~~.: (1K:) or the shall happen]: and some say that .... means
cations here following, assigned in the K to ?sr.l
belong to .-. (TA.) It (his colour) was, or j[,,of q. v.] and ) !.
[q. v.] of thc and s., and that '9 is a contradiction to
~.., ancl
,he words preceding it, and that a new proposition
became, clear. (]g, TA.)--lie (a manw, TA) ,/: (T, TA :) pl. (of pauc., TA) ..p~l , (Mgb,
lithen begins; asG 5in- the Igur [xvi. 64] where it is
was, or became, clear in his voice. (V,* TA.) 15,) which is also used as a sing., (TA,) and (of '5J-

uid, Ci1 . .,J

siid, '9J, i e., [Nay, or] th ease
. .j.t. It (blood) stuck to him, or it: (K1,*TA, mult., TA) .,. and ... (1K.) ,c
,.1., Id,
is not as they have said: the fire. [of Hell] is
and so in a marginal note in a copy of the 8:) is a phrase mentioned, but not explained, by Lh: their due. (TA.)
and in like manner, tar to a camel. (The same ISd thinks that it means He threw upon him the
marginal note.) ncight of his body; as though the term .e .. q'9: sce sec the paragraph next preceding.
of his body. (TA.)
2. [..w. He cut off vehemently, or much. applied to each separate part a-l-
L.j People cutting off the fruit of palm-
the authority of a gloss in the KL.)] _ [Hence,d] i .JI 'y;
l Ti heavenly] bodies trees. (S, K, TA.) [In this sense it is app. a pl.
(Golius, on
-,m inf. n. .Mi3 , KWe went forth from that are above the .', of the orbs and stars. of pauc., or a quasi-pl. n., of.-, q. v.] - Also
orfauces; syn. .L_. (i.) Ripening dates cut off from ithe trees: and this
them. (Lth, 15.)_- l ~ T'Wse completed (KT.) T lhe throati,
The phrase ~1 l e. , used by the poet Bense, sense, not the former as is implied in the S, is
the winter. (TA.) [See also 5.] meant by Imra-el-RKcys, where lie says,
Maan Ibn-'Ows, means tIt is a great, orfor-
4. '#J1 _l*.1 The dates attained to the time midable, thing, or matter: [properly,] the throat * L= a #b 1.%e
for their being cut off. (TA.) See also 1, in (i;j1j ) will not casily sanallonw it. (TA.)-The
six places. * ,2, ; j;aa^e
voice; (.8, K;) mcntioned by ISk and others;
so explained as used in the phrase [They mounted, at Antioch, upon a variegated
...;', 3 [It became cut off. And hence,] (.S;) and
t It (a year, J") became comnpleted; (Az, 1, ~yar,J, W, 01* [Verily such a one is good cloth, like the ripening dates cut o.ffirom palm-
TA;) as though it became cut off from the pre- in respect of voice]: (TA:) or highness, or loud- trees, o1 like the garden of Yethrib]: he likens
ceding year: (Az, TA:) it ended; ($;) and so ness, of the voice: (15, TA:) you say, '91 ;.i i the variegated cloth and wool upon the tiP to
the winter: (TA :) and it (a ntighbt) puased away, 4.j..I [I knew him not save by his voice, or his red and yellow ripening dates, or to the garden
(., 1,) and became comnplefed; (15:;) it ended. hrighno., or loudnes, of voice]: but some disap- of Yethrib because it abounded with palm-trees.
('T'A.)n1i; .a. , a phrase used by Si'ideh prove this: (TA:) A1lAt says that the vulgar are (TA.)
Ibl,-Ju-ciyelh, means lie passed eight nights. addicted to saying, aJ.I I.teL ,iUSuch a one a-^. wee
(TA.) [See also 2 1- ,~- lIe accused is clear in voice, or in throat: but it is a mistake. seec-: .
him of a sin, a crime, a fault, an offence, or an (S, TA.) Colour. (IAar, ., Msb, 1K.) One 5 ~u: ec *w
act of disobedience, (Abu-l-' Abb6is, , 1,) which may say, of wLt; [or filth], 4
p.-. j, meaning
8,) or ..*1 (erroneously said in the K to be [,14.]
he had not tcommitted, (Abu-l-'Abl,'s,
And It has no colour. (Msh.) = .~. (app. as pl. like , 51 TA) >, and ,,. Dry dates: (AA, S,
though he had not committed any (K).)
of- *-, TA) 2%e utensils, or apparatus, of the M, 1.:) mentioned by ISk among [syn.] wolds
j~. Ilie guarded against the commission of tin,
Sec pastor. (K.) of the measures Jla and e, like tl. and
or crime, &e.; like ,.U. (lar p. 207.).
also 1. . Also lie calk.d, cried out, iswouted, or nd J.
a, and , ', &c. (..)-Also,
.o , a .A. 9 (8, Mb, M , &c.) and 2. . 1, ), (lAir,
oariferated; from .^. meaning ;y. (Iar K,) being here a redundant connective as in both these words, (AA,S, K,) but the former
p. 207. [Btat seejt.]) several other instances, (I Ar, TA,) and 11 j
"' not heard in this sense by 18d, (TA,) Date-
1e' > ' (1) and j j, (Ks, K, stonei; stones; (AA, S, 15;) and so ;.: (mentioned
8: sce 1, in five places. ., and jt
in in one copy of the S, but not in tlheo TA, [pro-
[in the CY .. '9,]) in which the . is elided in the copy of the S above
... lIot; syn. -, (s,) or [rather] _..; (1;) consqcuence of freqtency of usage, as the U is in bably an interpolation
mejitioned:]) and t a. a date-stone; as in
contr. of .o; (Lth, TA;) a Persian word, (S,) b-- _ for 4 i and the 5 and . in ,. '
(TA.) You for the saying of 'Ows Ibn-Il.aritheh, .A..1 jJl.3
arabicized; (S, K ;) originally ... -S,; (Ks, TA,) and . 'lj (IAar, TA)
s.. . i
say . ,.,ojt A warim land: (AHJn, TA:) or a and ,q- '9 and *j.' 9, (O,)originally i. q. 4eJjIl ^>ojUl; 4.JI I ,>. Lail [Nto, by
hot land: (Il)rd, TA:) or a vthentently hot Him who has prodluced the lwlm-tree with its
J3 j and ;i. J [There is no avoiding it; it is
land: (1K:) pl. .`', (A.Hn, TA,) which, ap- absolutely necessary; &c.]: then, by reason of fp.tiit f.ntit fr'om the date-stone, and fire f-om broken
plied to countries, or regions, means the contr. of frequency of usage, employed in the manner of stones]. stones]. (TA.)
jJ.. (8.) _ A boat (J3j) of El-Yeimen; an oath, as meaning U~ [verily, or truly]; ... Dates (,,~) cut off friom the tree; (S,
(V ;) alto called j,": (TA :) pl. as above. (15.) wherefore, as in the case of an oath, J is prefixed TA;) as also ; (TA.) And ;0_
[In the dial. of Egypt, The largest kind of Egyp- to its complement, (Fr, 8, Msb, 15,*) so that they A cut tree. (TA.) See also .lp,., withl which
tian boat used on the Nile for the conveyance of it
it is syn. in two senses: in the latter sense having
say, p [Verily I wni come to thee], 4, 4- -

only j.,j
grain and mnerchandisc in general, but used
(Fr,g,1k,) and I~. C. j '. [Verily I j-.* for its n un. - Also A thing with which
when the river is high, and also in the coasting- date-stones are brayed, or crushed. (TA.) See
trade, and generally carrying from 5,000 to will do thus], (S, M,L,') and I, .t1 ) j2.
also- . . - Also Large-bodied; (,*15 ;) and
15,000 busltel of grain.] and j. 1I 'j and ISi'j [Verily it was thus, ;
or verily such a thing happened]: (IAr, TA:) so * ; ..2 : (K:) pl. (of the former,8) ../..
A. A3sin, a crime, afault, an offenr.e, or an ISd says, Kh asserts that.~. [or-.,~ '9] is (S, V.) 1.) The fem. of the former is with; : (K :)
act of disobedience, syn. ,~, (.8, M.sb,'* ,) only a reply to something said before it; as when [but] one says also [but] .4, meaning Larg
AkT., meaning .Largo.-
whether intentional or committed through inad- bodied camels advaned in age. (S.) In El-
a man says, " They did such a thingi" and you boilied
vertence; (Kull voce ;) as also -; (8, say, .. -. *..1 .,- '9), or I.i O. u1 gijdz,
Iij&z, The [measure commonly temned] ~ is
M 9b, :;) and * ;: (1:) transyression: ii.l,; and Az says that ' in ,-. ' is said to be thus called; accord. to Z, the '." of the Prophet.
(TA :) pl. [of pauc.] ;l- and [of mult.] j., a [mere] connective; and the meaning [of the I (TA.)
The fem. of the former is with i: (V:)
4. ., e . - *
A^.- , [Boox I.
~.. i. q. L.,.^ ; (.I ;) i. e., (TA,) The old and worn out. (TM, TA.) - , (i,) inf. n. for dates: (Towsheeh, TA:) or the place where
dates that hare falken whn/en they are cut offfrom
e~', (TA,) lIe groundtl grain (K, TA) vehe- dates are collected [and dried] cwhen they are cut
the trec: (S, TA:) so says As: (TA:) [but mently: \TA:) of the dial. of Ifudlheyl. (TA.) fluom the tree: or, accord. to Lth, the place of
ace the latter word as explained on thc authiority the j in the dial. of the people of El-Yemen,
of the $ in art. ... :] anid, (K,) or as some say, 4. ej)1 He collected dates in the ->.~. the generality of whom pronounce the word
(TA,) dates cut off from thc tree: or n'hat are (ISd, K.)
[e3.:,] with kesr to the t.: (T,TA:) or the
gotten (. ) thereof, after their b,tjig cut of; 8. et..i lIe made, or prepared, a ep.
being picked upfrom the lunower ends of tlhe branches. .; i. e. the place in which fresh ripe dates
(K.) are thrown to dry: (Mgh :) or the j, in twhich
(K, TA. [See ,..]) And The Ji of ueheat and
J~'.A hollowed stone, [or stone basin,] from whteat is trodden out; and also the place in which
barley; i. e., the extremities thereof, uhich are fruits are dried: (Msb:) the p,lace of witeat;
bruised, and then cleared, or picied: (~, TA:) trhich the [ablution termted] #. is performed;
(] ;) nater being poured into it; called by the and sometimes [the place] for [drying] dates and
but the term more known is 41j~., with J1l.
people of El-Medeeneh ,a,~ [app. y')o, per- grapes: (M,TA:) its pl. [of milt.] is O.,
haps a dial. var. of or a nlistranseription
o,.A, (Mgh, Msb,TA,) not A5l., (Mgh,) and [of
a. The last of one's ofispring: (g :) as
for this]: so in the M: in the Jm, the wr,*l, pauc.] OCIP and ;ijl : (TA:) A 'Obeyd says
though thiere were a cutting off after it. (TA.)
witls which the ,.i is performed. (TA.) - See tha;t jo and '_p.. are of the dial. of El-H.ijaz;
- Sece also =1:and see : and a,
9 also ,~_ [In the present day, applied also to and ,.si, of that of Syria; and ,4, of ElI-'Ird1:
4,t.Cutting off, or one who cuts off, theftuit A stone mortar in which things are pounded.]
(TA in art. sj:) t :~. is of the dial. of the
of the palm-tree: pl. ..A^ and .;l.. ($.) [See See also , in two places. people of Egypt, who use it as meaning the j~ of
9 . e :.al
o , ' *5 '- .
also ^4J~.] .W .*,.. (TA) and .1 t"4 'a
The body, with the limbs or members; seed-produce, twhich is [somnetimes] walkled round;
(, .KS ) The gainer, acquirer, or earner, [of the and its pl. is el;to. (TA.) [See also a.. ]
,tustenance] of his famnily. (S, , TA.) See syn. _ ; said to be a dial. var. of . ; or
also ~ , in two places. the Oj may be a substitute for the . of.*j..; but a dial. var. of jq.-, (S,g,) meaning
the former is the more probable, as the word has A certain red dye. (I Sd, TA.)
. '..A sinner; a criminal; committing, or a pl., namely, !p&..1, and this is scarcely ever the
a cuirnitter of, a sin, a crime, afault, an oqfnce, case when a word is formed by substitution. Oj~., napplied to a garment, or piece of cloth,
or an act of disobedience; as also . (1.) (TA.) Hence the saying i (T, K,.;,) and to a skin for water or milk, &c.,
, . i. q.
nnd (TA:) and particularly A~.l % (T, TA,) Old, and worn out: (T, TA:) or
,;11 and 91 [lie threwCupon threadbare,or worn, and soft, or smootht: and in
significs the unbelierers: (Zj, t:) so in the lur him, or it, the wreight of his body]: (Lb, TA:
like manner alpplied to a coat of. mail: (S, I :)
vii. 38. (Zj, TA.) You say, a... ;is [see also j ,. under which other explanations as also te
&*-l- 9 a J n a : (TA :) or, applied to a coat of
_3, [ns also ... ,~] He is committing a crime, are given:]) or he thren; his weights [meaning
mail (5.), in which case it is with ;, that has
or an qffence for rhich he should be punished, his whole weight] upon him, or it; nd so miI
oaaint hinmself and his people or party. (TA.) become smooth from much we.: (HIm p. 60:)
v1. ac, a: or, accord. to the A, he di;posed,
or iil,jected, his mnind to it; or persuaded hitnmself' pl. '1 : (S, TA:) anil, applied to a commodity,
.^.~_ (fem. with ;, S,) A complete year (S, or utensil, or an article of furniture, used, and
and month; (lbn-lHini, TA;) a year past, to do it; namely, an affair. (TA.)
a) worn out: and to a skin for water or milk, Idried
comlpleted. (AZ, TA.) OIj~ The anterior[or unler.] part of the neck up, and rougfh, or coarse,fromn use: (TA:) andl
.j~.: see..., in two places. of a camel, fron his 4. [or the part a little to a road, worn, or effaced. (Abui-l-Jarr&h, S, K.)
below the und(ler jawv] to the place where he is Also The young one of a serpent: (S, 1 :) or
stabbed: ($, Msh), K:) and in like manner, of a of a viper, (Lth, M, TA,) such as is smooth.
horse; (S, TA;) the inner [or undler] part of the (Lthi, TA.)
j ^. [A hind of galoche;] a thing that is neck, fromn the pit of the ulpermost part of the see
raorn orrthe [kind of boot called] ; (S, Mgh, breast to the. extremity of the neck at the head:
and, metaplihorically, of a mnan: (TA:) pl. [of
Mqb, ;) called in Persian g .-: (Mgh:) or Bisee
. b - Also Tery oracious:
mult.] J~. (S, Msb, ) and [of pauc.] j.,1; (I :) of the dial. of Hudheyl. (TA.)
a smaU ll (JK, TA) which is wornmover the
(Msb, TA ;) which last is used by Tarafeh as a
[ordinary] i.: (TA:) an arabicized word;
sing. (TA,* and EIM p. (8.) You say, of a Oj,- A whip of which the thong hat become
(S ;) [probably from the Persian ., "leather," soft, or mooth. (.K.) Az says, I have seen them
camel, ,. sJt;q. U5il [He threw the under
and which is said by some to be arabicized,
w, make their whips from the C:^. [pl. of C1!:
but by ISd to be a genuine Arabic word, mean- part of h/is neck upon the ground]; meaning that q. v.] of camels such as are termed Jt [i. c. in
he lay down, and stretched out his neck upon the
ing "a kind of JZ :" or it may be from j_", the ninth year, or nine years old], because of the
given as its Persian equivalent in the 1's:] p1. ground. (M.sl,TA.) See another cx. voce 0,.- thickness thereof. (TA.)
t, . (N.1' . [And see a verse cited in the first paragraph of
art. ._.] You say also, .. jJI . --,
meaning ThTe truth, or right, or just claim,
became established, or settled. (T,TA.) Also 4. j4.t [in its primary sense app. signifies
1. O.', (9;, g,) nor. ', (S,) inf. n. C) .~,(S,%The inner [or under] part of the
penis: pl. C '. She (a bitch, and any female beast of prey,)
],) said of a man, and of a beast, (1Sk, S,) lie
became accustomed, habituated, or inured, to a and ^.. I, as above. (TA.) whelped; or had a whelp, or whelps: see .
thin?g, or an affair. (ISk, S, l.) And L-..' (Accord. to Golius, as on the authority of J,
Whtat one has ground [of grain]: ,
~al si al.,, inf. n. as above, I.is hands TA:) of the dial. of Iludheyl. (TA.) - See Cunmfwatu abiit vel asportavit eum fera: but I
have not found it in any copy of thde , nor in
became accustomed, or inured, to the nwork. (M1, also .. .- Also, and ? ., (T, S, M, K) any other lexicon.) And hence,] said of a tree
TA.)-.-Also, said of a garment, or piece of
cloth, (9, I,) and of a coat of mail, (K,) and of and ., (.,)
Q or t q'., (so in a copy of (, .), It had upon it [fruits such as are
a skin for water or milk, (S,) It became thread- the S, but in other copies not mentioned,) The termed] I [pl. of j ]; (A,TA;) said [for
bare, or Worn,o and soft, or smooth: (9, J :) or, place in which dates are dried: (9:) or aj.: instance] of a ij. [or banana-tree]: (Awn, TA
said of a skin, and of a book, or writing, it became (4 :) or the O .. is for grain; and the , in art. jj, :) and [in like manner] said of a herb,
BooK I.] 0jr -
or leguminous plant, (-l:,) it had .;.; (1K in her my flesh to young ones with swollen bellies, dr,aught, called ,)1.J: a.6 here having the mean-
art. L0 ; [in the C]~, erroneously, . be- and short. (Skr p. 57.)
;]) b.. ing of &.]. (1Sk, S in art. s.) - [One snays,
longing to the present art., not to art. S also, of an inf. n., and of a part. n., that is regtl-
(TA.) larly formed, 0- - 1 i; ,S mcaning tlt is
conformablLe to the ver.b.]
;J and 9^ and (of which the first is
cj 1. 5',g said of water (S, M.gh, :IMb) &c., (S,)
the most chaste, Mqb) The whelp, or young one, or of water and the like, (.K,) more properly thus, 2. .C. lIe sent a deputy, or commissioned
of the dog, (S, Msb, ],) [and so, app., ;s. as in the K, nor. , (TA,) inf. n. . (S, MgIh, agent; as also V,,l. (R.) And b. .;_
q. v.,] and of the lion, (1K,) and of any beast of Msb), 1K) and 'Z (S, I.) and 3, (S,' Mhb, lie nuade, or appointlled, a delutl, or commis-
prey: (S, Msb:) pl. [of pauc.] .I, (S, K,) K,) [which last see below,] It ran, or passed sioned agent; (ISk, ,* TA ;) as' also t' otjll.
originally .n (S,) and .1 (LhJ,K~) and along quichly; originally said of water: (Er- (S,' TA.) Hence the trad., (TA,) ') .
i.t-1 (1K) nild [of mult.] 1; (S, E ;) ,., as Righib, TA:) or it floned; syn. jL ; contr. of %:J1!(S, TA) By no means let the Devil makc
pl. of ,.., being anomalous; (TA ;) or it is pl. 3j3 and ';C. (Msb.) _ Said also of farina, in you his .fodllcers and his commissioned agents.
of ,'j [and therefore not anomalous]. (S, TA.) the phrase .- 1Jl! L S.'Ll C. [Tlhe farina (TA.) Youl say also, s._ 5 t';.-1 [IIe sent
-And the same, (1R,) or the first of these, (S, pervaded the ears of wheat]. (L in art. C .), him to accomplish his needlful affair]. (TA.)
EI-Biri', Msb, TA,) only, (TA,) t The small of
And of a horse (Mgh,M,b, h) and the like, 3. ;1j., inf. n. il;_a. (S, .;) and
MIbl, KIgb,
anything, (El-BAri', Msb, 1C,TA,) as also ?j>.;
(Msb, K1,) aor. as above, (TA,) inf. n. k- ', (s, K,) lie ran with him. (S, M-gh, Mb,
(TA;) even, (1K,) of the colocynth, (As, S, K,)
and of the melon, and the like; (1R;) as, for (M.h, K) and CJ. (Msh) and 5? (Lth, 1)
R.) You say, A;i
(S,) [IIe ran;] from the same verb until I passed beyond him, or outwent him. (TA
J. .0 .I ran writh himn
instance, (TA,) of the pomekranate, (S, TA,) and and S. ,.-
of the poppy, (Ai.1n, TA in art. j:,) and of the said of water. (Mgh.)-And of a ship: you in art. ,..)-[l[e vied, contended, or coinpeted,
O ., (TA,) andl of the cucumber, (S,TA,) say, a;iI-l ;.e, (S, TA,) inf. n. .S. (TA) with him in running: and hence, tin any a.ffair;
as also j . M.lQ,) likened to the whelps of and L,
(S, (S, K,) [The ship ran.]- And of like oL.] You say, J,i J,;j li, ol.'ll_
dogs, because of thlcir softness and smoothness: the sun, and a star: you. say, o ;9', anor.;,
.JL ft[Ire vied, contended, or competed, with him
(Myb:) or what is round of the fruits oftrees; inf. n. i. , [The sun pursued its course:] and in such an afahir, and did like as he did]. (Mgh1
as the eolocynth and the like: (TA:) pl. [of .) And ... AJ! ~ olt t[lIe vied,
.f .,o..l ^,. The stars travelled, or passed along, in art.
pauc.] ja. (M.M, K, TA [in the CK, erroneously, contended, or competedl, with him in discourser].
from east to Ivest. (TA.)-1 . J!- ,
3^-]) and [of mult.] fj/ (As, Mbh,5.)_ (S.) And "t. .1 (TA) and t* 1J
lFruitwhen itfirst groms forth, (AHn, K,) in (Msb, and Har p. 152,) inf. n. kj) and .. ; dJ (s, TA) t [They viedl, contended, or competed,
its.friesh,.juicy, state. (At.I., TA.) -- tThe seeds, (Msb ;) andl | 5-."' & inf n. 5..l;i (Ham
one with another, in discourse]. And it is said in
(M, TA,) or envelope, or receptacle, of the seeds, p. 2'24, and llar p. 1,52;) Ile betook, or directed,
?. - ' .WI L. cFe t.le
(19,) of the M" [app. mealningll, thle rund and himnself to such a thing; made it his object; a tral., i.WI
tvho seeks hnon;ledge in order that he may run
compact pericarps(in some of the col)ies of the aim.ed(l at it; intendedl, or purposted, it: (Misb, and dis-
[i. c. vie] with the learned in discussion
15, erroneously, as is observed in the 1TA, ~..l,)] and Har ubi supra~:) and he hastened to it: his hnowledge to others, to be
aphrase, an objective putat ion, to show
that are at the heafld qf branches. (M, K.)_ (MIsb:) but in the latter
and it is use(l in rela- seen and heard. (TA.) And in another trod.,
A tumour in a caimel's humwp; and in the complemnent is understood;
withers; so called by way of comIparison [to a tionII to somethling disapproved, or disliked; (Ham t y sW i)j ..JtaI jt_ J t [Contend not
whelp}: (TA:) and in thef(tuces. (.) See and Har;) properly, &.I ; ,~1., (H.am,) or for superiority with thy brother, (so explained
also what next follows, last sentence. Je! ;i, [, s..- . (Ir.) lenee, per- in the TA, voce a1, in art. ~,) nor dispute
,^: see a ,c in thlree places. A huntsman haps, the saying, I,jz ; .J .. [fre- with him, nor irvangle with him]: (EI-J{imi'-es
beat, or disciplined, or trained, his dog for the quently used as meaning A controversy ran, or .Sagheer:) or, as some relate it, ')j .Ot.6.I , '
purpose of t.he chase (.-1 ~(; ); and ran on, respectiny such a thing between suell and o.W. (TA in art. ., q. v.)
thereupon it was said, w..., [app. meaning such persons]. (Msb.)-- : JI SJ
;, (Sh,
qj. 4. 6ll He made it to run; (S, ;,' TA;)
He beat, or disciplined, or trained, his nwhelp]: TA,) and , J.. 5 (TA,) t The thing was said of water &c., (S,) or of water and the like.
and hence this phrase became proverbially used, permanent, or continued, to him. (Shi, TA.) (1K,* TA.) [Hence, hej ,~..l, or L,*s, ie shedt
in instances here following. (Z, TA.)_ - I. q. [And, more commonly, t The thing happened, or tears.] Also He made hint to run; namely, a
, [as meaning iSef]. (TA.) You say, .'.5. occurred, to him. Whence, J.bjQ., as pl. of horse (Mgh, Msb, 1Z) and the like: (Myb, :1)
,3... ...
ds3 . ,l~, meaning tHe disposed and subjected W~., used as a single word, by late writers, in which sense [as well as j,jq-] is used
himuelf to it; (S, TA;) namely, a thing, an meaning tEcents, or occurrences.] as an inf. n. (S.)-i" S.. [lie madte the
affair, or a case: and he endured it with patience: o1,') tIt is like it, or similar to it, in state, ship to run]: (S :) in this sense, also, .~ [as
and in like manner, i: ,.r,.,: (TA:) condition, case, or predicament. (TA.) [It (a
well as R~j1] is used as an inf. n. (S, 1,.)
3.-. a . 0 --- --
and , k5 iI he endured
.- the thing with word or phrase)foUosav the same rule or rules, or .1as syn. witlh J. ; and -h..' ou! l:
patience. (S, TA.) Alsoo ; tI ocrcupies the same grammatical place, as it (ano-
ther word or phrase). And similar to this is the see 2. -- 1 - 1: see 1. a -.*,~.I [and
endured with patience the wvant, or loss, of it: ~1 -1 v saying,] 'J
(TA:) or my mind became at ease [respecting it]. A] t I made a thintg permanent, or continual, to
O t [The d(lebt and the pledge are subject to him. (IA.r, TA.) [And hence, bothl of these
(AA, IB, TA.)~Also (V, TA, [in the C1l
phrases, in the present day, t I made him, or
v ,]) SA short she-camel. (V, TA.) the same laws as the thing sold and the price].
appointed himn, a permanent, or r*ular, allon-
(Mgh.)_ [Also tIt acts as, or in a similar
e and 4.~ applied to a bitch, (S, l,) and ance of bread'c.; I provided for him, or main-
manner to, it: and +tieacts in his stead: see
a female beast of prey, (TA,) Having a whelp, S... Hence the phrase, I.. tained him.]_ [2l d, o1~1
! t lie mnade
. s. ,.c..
or young one: ( :) or having waith her her it to be like, or similar to, such a thing in state,
says, tlt acted upon him, or affected him, like, or in a condition, case, or predicament. t lie madle it
wvhelp, or young ones. (9.) El-Alam
similar manner to, such a thing: as in the prov.,] (a word or phrase) to follow the same rule or
s),~JI k s$L 5... t [It acted upon him, or ru/es, or to occupy the same grammatical place,
And a lJ na hain youg ones 'ha da' for'
And a hyena hawing young ones shaUL dragfor affected him, like, or similarly to, the medicine, or as such another. t He made it to act as, or in a
416 LS. -j- [Boox T.
sinmilar manner to, such a ting.] -[Hence,] ning [or permanent] daily allowance of food or and,t;! (;I) O.e says., 1tjq b_^1
s~ 9 ) t[A noun that is the like. (S, TA.) [Hence, in the present day,
l i.; 9.. ,
and , t Generosity is [a quality] of
imperfectly declinable]. (TA in art. z., &c.) 4-L jol Bread made of inferiorflour, for 5cr-
his nature, &c. (Lb, TA.)
jj1 said of a herb, or leguminous plant, vants and other dependants.]
(L4k,) mentioned in this art. in the ]: see ;..: see :.. :...1: see what next precedes, in two places.
art. q..
.~. [A place, and a time, of running, &c.].
6. ^ il ! 1jq.: see 3. Hence, in a
The channel of a river [and of a torrent ec.: a
trad., .19A1 5 ,SLj5- t [Natural desire, or LSs- [The eel;] a certain fuh, well known. conduit; a duct; any pauage thromgh which a
blamable inclinations, or erroneous opinion, con- (1: mentioned also in art. ~., q. v.) fluid rns: pl. (TA.) Also an inf n.
tend with them for the mastery: or] they vie, or of [q. v.]. (8, , &c.)
compete, one with another, in natural desires, &c. JQ/~, like ., (S,) The stomach, or triple
stomach, or the crop, or craw, of a bird; syn. j. [Making to run]. It is said in a prov.,
(TA.)- See also 1.
:-. : (S,L
.: mentioned also in art. j~., q. v.:) *-.;~JI . ,b [Every one who makes
10. 1j.l He demandedl, or desired, that Ie io called because the food at the last runs into it,
his horse to run in tAe solitary place rjoices,
should run. (TA.)..See also 2, in two places. or because it is the channel through which the
because no one can contradict his account of
food runs: (Er-ltighib, TA:) thus pronounced
, and + 16 , for jS ,Y and e 1. : his horse's fleetness]. (Mgh.) [See Freytng's
by Fr, and by Th on the autllority of Ibn-Nejdeh, Arab. Prov., ii. 315
see art.. and 316, where two other
without.: by Ibn-Hini, [i ,] with ., on the
readings are added: r. , s JS,
i. and see1 in art. 1*..
ste4l: authority of AZ. (TA.)
i; e., is possessor of a fleet horse; and , >
p.: see j .; 'z a;h, and C. ;.. applied to water [and the like], [ll inn;il, j.t. L , i. e., is one rwho otstrips.]
* .V3o., I did it because of thee, or of thine act; or.flowing, or] pressing forinard, in a donnnward
on thine account; or for thy sake; i. q. ,i and in a level course. (Mis.b.) - Also, [as mean- ;,e. : t~ see 1.
l; like .0O #*>[which see in art. q4]. ing Running,] applied to a horse and the like.
(Mlb.) ._ a Li.~ t A permanenat, con-
tinuous, charitable donation; such as the un- 1. .~, (S,A,Meb, V,) aor. ,
(S, Msb,) inf. n.
ai,q' i. q. L,qJ as inf n. of 5ss. said of water alienable legocies wrorided for various beneolent
(M 9b, 1) and the like: (]:) and also A ,node, prposes. (TA.) j., (S, Mgh, Msb, I,) nnal ;', (.K,) [but the
latter secils to be an inif. n. of uan.,] lIe cut
or manner, of running [thereof]. (TA.) You
ijL. A ship; (M, Mob, ;) because of its (Mgh, Mab, l) wool, (Il)rd, S, Mlgh, M.b,) [see
say, QtI."I 1 i? xI ;;.l. [How vehement is the running upon the sea: (Msb:) an epithet in jim.,] an3d, as some say, other things, (Msb,) or
running, or manner of running, of this water 1]. which the quality of a subat. predominates: a dense thing, (Mgih,) or hair, (A, K,) and dry
(v.) , ily. (TA.) - The sun; (V;) because of its herbage, (1;,) and sced-prodluce, (A,) and wheat,
. and , and , ( (A) and running from region to region: (TA:) or the (S,) and pilm-trees, (S.,ISd, A, Mgh,) meaning
* ~,t.(, gk)zand *t ;q. (lAr, g, TA, [in sun's disk in the shky. (T,TA.) And Uly.JI their fruit; (Mgh;) as also t".. (.K.) You
the Cg j.1J]) Girlhood; the state ofaa ,--fJI The stars. (TA. [But see art. .... ]) say, , C - * j. , and t jjj~ , in the
( 6 . ) One says, ;34 1, A' That -The wind: pl. as above. (TA.) - A girl, sense of jj~. [I cut tle slhech, a species of
was in the days of hergirlhood. (.) j~ ; oryoung woman; (S,* Mgh, Mqb,*0 ;) afemalec wormwood, ,)c.]. (S.) You say alao, ,- ,'.jq
J .: >see. of whitch the male is ternmed A' ; so called
a ,;JI[I siore, or sheared, tihe ram and thice
because of her activity and running; opposed to
ewe]; but of the shle-goat and hlie-goat you say,
'q.: see the next preceding paragraph. j~.: (Mgh:) and :a female slave; (Mgh
'. . (TA.) And i. I j.., (Lh, A, Mgh,)
5St A commissioned agent; a factor; a voce .. ;) [in this sense] applied even to one
who is an old roman, unable to work, or to em- nor. ', inf. n. and j and Jl, (L, TA,)
deputy: (, Mgh, ]:) because he runs in the
ploy herslf activdely; alluding to what she was: [like and lie cut off the fruit of the
aflirs of him who appoint* him, (Mgh,) or acts
(Mb :) pl. as above. (Msb, ].) _ t The eye palm-tree. (Mgh, TA.) - See also 4, in four
in his stead (1.~ .~ ): (g, Mgh:) [in this of any animal. (TA.) - tA bene.fit, favour, places.
and other senm following] used alike as sing. boon, or blessing, bestowed by God (I5, TA) upon
and pl., and also au [masc. and] fern.: (V ) but 2. , inf. n. jj,, HIe dried dates. (Myb.)
his ervants. (TA.)
sometimes, though rarely, k^. is used for the 4. q1 It attained to the proper timnefor being
fern., accord. to Alit; and accord. to J [in the
* A kind of running: pl. (TA .)
cut; (, Msb, TA;) said [app. of wool, and] of
You say sqC.I j5 b," A horse that has several
and Mtr in the Mgh], it has
a, 1.Ifor its pl. hair, and of herbage, (A,) and wheat, (AZ, 8,
hinds of running. (TA.)-_See also b Msb,) and barley; (AZ, Mob ;) as alsot j._l,
(TA.) And A m~ysnr, or peron sent, (M,K,)
that runs in an affair. (TA.) But accord. to ($, Msb, ],) said of wool, (M.4b,) and of wheat;
Er-Raghib, it is weaker [in signification, or in ,' ': see what next follows. (S, ;) and *3., [aor., app., , as below,] said
point of chasteness,] than ,.J* and ,.3 [which of wheat. (TA.)- _.Jl The shece [a species
are given as its syns. in the $ and V]. (TA.) _ 1t The act of running: (S, and so in some of wormwood] attained to the proper time for
A serant. (TA.) -A Aired man; a hireling.
copies of the V: [in this sense, erroneously said being cut: (L, TA:) or t-JIje. tThe old man
(Kr, 1.) - A surety; a guarantee; one who is
responsible, accountable, or ansrerable,for ano- in the TA to be *1J L]) or t ,... (So attained to the proper time for dying. (V.)
ther. (lA'r,g.)_.The word signifying "bold," in this sense in some copies of tho K.) - Also, [SM says,] JI seems to be a mistranseription,
or "daring," is 'j, with . (p.) (~, K,) and V: 1, (V,) t A custom, or habit, for .J I: if not, it is a tropical expression.
(S,) or manncr, (K,) that one adopts (S,K) and (TA.) [But see 4 in art. jj~., and 8 in art. j .]
eeae ~and and ;. follows; (1 ;) [like &c.;]
&. and so b. 1 >f--l .J
l Thetsheep attained to the proper
The office of a ii., i.e. a commisioned without teshdeed: (TA:) and t nature, constitu- time for being .'orn; (., TA;) as also ..
oaqent, factor, or deputy; (~, ;) and ofa mae- tion, or natural disposition; [in the CV, 'il!i (TA.) - .I j~.l The palm-tres attained to
se,jyer: (5:) ns al so t . (TA.). A run- is erroneously put for "ol.1J;]as also t. the proper time for hlaving theirfruit cut off;

Booi I.] 417

(,,1 ,TA;) as also tjq. (g.).-l[Hence, app.,] jjq. What is cut, or shorn; a masc. n.; and, with it; namely, a thing; ($, g;) as also .. ,
.;I1j . The dates dried (.,;) Uas o as also V;j.j., fem.: (1 :) or the latter signifies a dial. var. mentioned by IAr; (TA;) and
d t;j.q:,
aor. , (M,Mb, 19,) inf. n. J, (1, 1,) or j: sheep of which the wool is shorn; (S, A ;) and is , (?,Mqb,g,) and ~ l.3. (8,g.) I
and i;s:_L. (S:) Th A poet says,
(MOb:) you ay 3j-ie , , Dates in which similar to 45jn and
says that a subst. of this class is only with ;, like
is dryn~s. (, TA.) _,lIt '.- The people the three wordsjust mentioned: Lh says that it may
attainedto the propertime for the shearingof their be with i and without ; and that the pl. in both [And verily the man is satisfied, or content, with I
sheep: (]:) or hadtheir sheep shorn: or had their cases is of the measures jai and j;W: [in this the skank of the sheep or goat &c.]. (TA.) And
osed-produce cut. (a,L).)-J11 .l le as- instance, jp&. and ;l'j :] but ISd says, I hold you say W ;.'j ;i, Food wereof os is not
signed to the man the ;,. [or rool, d&c.,] of a that , is the measure of the pl. of a subst. of
satisfied with a little. (TA.) And UJ .W I
shleep. (1.) :j,. ~l [IIe ha, in this, competence and] sui-
this class without ;, such as ~j, of which the
ciency. (Mgh.) And : ',Ql
pl. is S,; and j;.W, of that which is with ;,
8. :.I and 3J1.: see 1, in three places
(.,Mgh,5,) or [simply] ;J;, R'7 475,)
(Crp. I
10: see 4. suclh as a ., of which the pl. is ;Si,j. (TA.)
inf. n. j,, with damm, ($, TA,) and jjq; (TA;)
8. i. q. :j. (Bd in xv. 44.) j.^. and j., Cut, or shorn. (K.) See and . (IApr, 1,) and ;'j.;l (Mgh, and
qj.[A single cutting, or shearing, or the like.]. also ;y.-. Ijar ubi supra;) The camelsd were atsfd, or
(Q) See1. 9--- 3- 0 ! content, with green, or fresh, pastm or hrbage
jlj~.: see ajS : _and jlj5. [so as to be in no need of woater]. (., Mgh, g,
3 [A mode, or manner, of cutting, orshear-
TA.) And , V;'4,., [.He mu cotem to
ing, or the like]. You say, i... ' ,;. [He ;j3^ : see jjj3.
abstain from, or be without, conjugal intercours
cut it, or sheared it, &c., in a good manner]. e;j,Ajfock, ortuft, of wool; as also t*# with his wife]. (M in art. Jl.)
(!,TA.) [In the CId, ,;j is omitted after (S, B;) which [latter] is a tuft of wool, or of 2: see 1, in two places: -and see also 4.
a$,".; so that the reading there is L ;.,~..] wool dyed of various colours, (i4',) that is hung
- Also, (., g,) and :0, and ,:.. and j. (Wei): (.:) or
4. jj.l It (a thing) satisfied, sufficed, or co-
(1,) What is cut, of dates: (, :) or [a Jeece; upon a wnoman's camel.vehicle tented, him. (S, Mgh, 1].) [Hence,] j..~ I!J I
i. e.,] the wool of a sheep [shorn] in one year: the latter signifies a tuft of woot tied with threads , [or ., :.,] It (a thing) satisfied, suiced,
(., 1 :) [and the hair of a goat, and of a camel, or strings, with which the woman's camel-vehicle
or contented, in lieu of wanother thing or other
(see 3,) when shorn; a sAorn crop of wool, and (Cv<) is ornasmented: and j-.1. [pl. of the things; stood, or served, in stead thereof. (Myb.) I
of goat's hair, and of came's hair:] or the wool former] and.. I_.' [pl. of the latter] signify tuJb
of a ewe, (15, TA,) or of a ram, (TA,) when of dyed wool which are hung upon the camel-
~~S.And Mig, M~h, ) and
shorn, and not mixed with any other: (~, TA:) vehicles (.1S$) of women on the day of going o and Cj. S!.:" and ;1 > , (S, ,)
so accord. to A'.it: (TA:) or wool not used as also :, - and :'I ;('k without. and I
after being shorn; (] ;) in which last sense you forth on a journey; also called .: or with damm, and Oj a d ,fjJn
anq ,,
say also tj yJ . e: (TA:) pl. ij~ and j5.: jSlj 9., (TA,) or 'j. ", signifies a kind of (15 in art.
(L,) ,,,) I satisfied, suffice.d, or con-
(L b , 15 :) the latter like fl,: as pl. of ,3.o, with-
beadi(jpi.) with which the girls, or slave-girls, tented, thee as such a one; I stood thee, or sewed I
desert are adorned, thee, in *ead of such a one. (., Mgh, g.) And
out regard to the difference of the vowels [in the (jl. ,) of the Arabs of the
sing.]. (TA.) One says to another, .. 5@') resembling ,.: or tufts of wool, or of wool dyed ,Q1J C, !b= (s, kc,) inf. n. ,r,;+ 1
l tlij"l,
q.1 [Lend thou me the wool of a sheep, or of variou colours, ('4,) which were used in (TA;) and t t* ., ($, 1,) inf. n. j (v,))3, I
the place of anklets. (TA.) or ''; (TA;) He satisfed, or contented, the
of two sheep]; and the latter gives him the wool
of a sheep, or of two sheep. (g.) And one says .: see j . camels with green, or fresh, pasture or herbage
of a man with a large beard, p. "s l 32. [so that they were in no need of water]. (., ].) I
.j- An ingtrunmentforcutting or shearing. (8. _ 1j.! is also syn. with L ..; the former being
[At though he were biting] the wool of a shorn
hep,. (1, TA: in the ClC, ;4 - .)
of the dial. of Temeem, and the latter of the dial.
2ji-: see jijq.
of El-.lij6z; (Akh, Mb ;) and one may suppress I
j: see ;St, in two places. the ,, and say j.q.l: (Mgh, Mb:) this last is
used by some of the lawyers in the sense of [k$,,
jlj' and tjj. The act of cutting, or shearing, eli. e

wool, (Mgh,* Mb,) and hair; (Mgh;) and of 1. ,j!.., ($, Mosb, ,) aor. :, (Msb, X,) in n. i.e.] IJ (Az, Mgh, M 9b.) One says, ,lj I
reaping; (Fr, ,, 1];) and of cutting seed-produce *s., (S,) iHe divided it (a thing, .8) into parts, 't; A sheep, or goat, made satisfaction for
(Mgh, 1) before it has attained to maturity; or portions; (., V ;) made it to consist of parts, thee (., Mob,' 1, TA) as a sacrifice; (TA;) syn.
(1 ;) and of cutting off the fruit of palm-trees: or portions; (, Mb ;) as also (.8. M
ob,, ',J; (8, Msb, 1X;) the verb being here a dial. I
(Fr, ?, Mgh:) and the time, or season, of shearing g,) inf. n. Zasj, (S,) or .j)3:(Msb :) when var. of Jn. (.8, hAnd
C.) i &,.lJ
s [and the like]. (TA.) You say, .j l. that which is divided is property, as, for instance, aL. The camel, or cow, makes satisfactio, for
,!lji4, and jjJlI, This is the time of cutting, or slaves, only this latter form of the verb, with seven: or serte in stead of seven. (Ngh.) And
teshdeed, is used. (TA.)_ Also, aor. and inf. n. 1
shearing, wool: (Msb :) and of reaping: and of , l, a.,[This will mahe satisfaction,
cutting off the fruit of palm-trees. (P.) as above, He took a part, or portion, of it;
for this: or this will smerve in stead of this]: and,
namely, a thing. (Iam p. 117.) And a.Jl j ., accord. to 'Alee Ibn-'Eesa, &gj_ also, suppress-
j3j. What one cuts, or cuts off, of anything; I
(1V;) the cuttings of wool or any other thing: inf. n. as above; and Volj . ; He curtailed the ing the ,. (Mgh.)- Also, said of pasture, or
he made the herbage, (I, TA,) and of a meadow, (TA,) I It
n. un. with;: (TA:) [as, for instance,] rhat is poetry of two feet in each verse: or
redundant of a shin or hide when it is cut: ( :) poetry to consist of two feet in each verse. (TA. was, or became, luxuriant: (1:, TA:) because
or t Jlj. signifies what fallsfrom a skin or hide [See ;qj .]) - Also He made itfirm, fast, or satisfying the beasts that feed upon it. (TA.) _- I
(A, A) or other thing (C) when it is cut. (S, A.) strong; or he bound it firmly, fast, or strongly And, said of a company of men, They had their
8ee also ;w.. (, .;) namely, a thing. (1g.) . . (, :g,)camel satisfied wnith green, or fresh, pasture or
aor. :, (TA,) iaf. n. :'., ($,) [and app. :' herbage [so that theyj were in no need of water]. I
j.: see jj. also,] He was, or became, satisJfied, or content, (TA.)i lj She (a woman) brought forth
Bk. 1. 53
418 [BooK T.

females. (l. [But see '., from which it is satisfied with green, or fresh, pasture or ierbage A j1j 'J;
Msh ;) as also (ISd, TA;) or ceased to
derived.]) m!olJ1 Hefurnished an awl (";i- , [so as to be in no need of water]: pl. ;. increase. (Lth, Mgh.)
8, 8, or U1, 8), (S, I,) or a knife, .(Msb;) (S.) The pi. is explained, by IKt as meaning 4. ;l, (1,) or .;I jj .,t (ISk, S,) H
Gazelles: (TA:) [or] it signifies [or signifies
with a ;ikj, i. e. handle; (M,MNb, ;) as also gave to him, or to the people, a sheep or a goat,
also] W'ild bulls or cows; (1, TA;) because
~ijql. (Myb.)-)-. I U31 I jql He put they are satisfied with green, or fresh, pasture
for him, orfor them, to slaughter; (ISk., S, ;)
meaning a ene or a ram or a she-goat; (ISk, S;)
the ring upon hisfnger. (i.) or herbage so as to be in no need of water.
or a sheep, o goat,fitfor slughter: (TA:) and
5. lijJ It became divided into parts, or por- (TA.) Also, the pl., Palm-trees; as not needing Sl: jl. I gave 'to him a ewe or a ram or a
tions. (Myb, KL.) See also 1. irrigation. (TA.)
she-goat, and he slaughteredit: (ISk, TA:) and
8: see 1, in three places. j;-l dMore [and most] sati.ifying or s. cing .;j,
', or i;, I gave to thee a camel, or a
or satisfactory: hence, Q:lq1 i>.! I ..*l1 sheep or goat, that thou pmightest slaugfhter it:
.e: sec .. Tt is said by El-Khatt.bee to
he a name for ,Ji [app. meaning ,$l, i. e. [The horsefman is more satisfactory than the (A:) [but] accord. to S1k, one does not say
Green, or fresh, pasture or herbage, (see 1 and footman]. (Mgh.) aij3 .nj.~, Iecause a she-camel is fit for other
4,)], with the people of El-Medeeneh; and occurs L.. t., purposes than that of slaughlter: (Q:) and accord.
in a trad.; but the reading commonly known is I .. and li are used as inf. ns. of 4 [q. v.]. to some, one shoul(l not say 10j-j. *j..l, but
. ('rA.) ;jjp. ej,l. (TA.)sjj.l He (a camel) attained
se e 5 - Also A strong, fat, to the.fit timcffor his being slaughtered. (S, I.)
;j. A part, or portion, (Myb,K, TA,) or
ditision, (TA,) of a thing; (Mqb, TA;) properly camel; becamse sufficin, for the wants of thce -- i;..Jl jj~.. The palm-trees attainCil to tlw
and conventionally; (TA;) as also :; ( ;) rider and carrier. (TA.) Also, and ie., A .fit time fotr the cutting qff f thefruit. (S, ;.)
a constituent part of a thing, as of a ship, and of woman who brings forth femnales. (TA. [But - [And licnce,] p.Jl j.1 1The old man at-
a house or tent, and of a sum in reckoning; (B, see '4, fiom which the verb is derived.]) tainedtl to the .fit timne for his d;/ing; (.;,TA ;)
TA;) [an ingredient of any compound or mix- '1 .0 $ .5 ..
heing aged, and near to his perishillg; like as the
;Ij. and ; are used as inf. ns. of 4 palmi-tree attailns to the fit timni for having its
ture;] a share, or lot: (TA:) pl. .l: (8,
MIb, K, &c. :) it has no other pl. (Sh, TA.)_ [q. v.]. (TA.) firuit cut off. (TA.) Youths used to say to an
[A voln,ne of a book.] A foot of a verse. . Divided into parts, or portions. (TA.) old man
A b meaniig, Th,s haxt
(TA.) - In the ]Xur [xliii. 14], where it is said, [Having a part, or portion, tahen fromn it: attained to the fit time for thy dying, 0 old
,:,. ;jl. '. sj Izj, (1, TA,) or, as ome see 1.] - A verse curtailed of two [of the ori- man: ndl he would say, L,*j.,k, ;t
read, Ij;., (Bd,) it means Female; (:, TA;) ginalS]fet: [like the tj and tLa &c., which i. ., "[0 my sons, and] ye shall die youths :" but
i. e., tlhey asserted the angels to be the daughters were originally of six feet each, but of which accordl. to one way of relation, it is Z,j"I; from
of Gol 8: so says Th: and Aboo-Is-h6l: says that every known example is of four only:] Qr a verse
it means, they asserted God's share of offspring .1 j "thic
.1 wheat attained to the proper time
consisting of two feet only: [as a kind of the for being cut." (S.) .iI d )j,l The peopple
to he the females; but that he had not found this
.'J, and two kinds of the ... : to each of nttainled to thefit time for the cutting o#f' of the
in old poetry, nor had persons worthy of con-
fidence related it on the authority of the Arabs which, or, accord. to some, to the former of fruit qf the palm-trees. (Yz, TA.)
[of the classical times]: Z disallows it, asserting which only, when thus consisting of only two 5: see 8.
it to be a lie against the Arabs; and Bd follows feet, the term ` . is also applied:] the former
him: El-Khafitjee says that the word may be 8. I,jt4.. t 1Tey reviled each other (;, TA)
is said to be ,. ill _f; and the latter,
used figuratively; for, as Eve was created of a vehemently, or excessively. (TA.)
,,:,j. (TA.) 7: see 1.e
part ('. ) of Adam, the word oj. may be-applied
to denote the female. (MF, TA.) 8. j.l1: see 1, in two places.-u. - 11j'j.
ilj. The handle of the [kind of awl called] JilI and V1 j.3 (1, TA) They fought one
i ;>.., nor. and sometimes ', (K,)inf. n. ;,
-, ... (i, 1g,) and of the oLdl: (g:) AZ says (Mgh, another [app. so that. they cut one another in
1I,)lie cut, or cut off, (Mgh, K,) a thing.
that it is not [the handle, or hilt,] of the sword, pice.r]. (TA.) [In the K, this is immediately
(TA.) (S, Mgh,
M Msb,) aor. :, M.b,)
(S, followed, as though for the purpose of explana-
nor of the dagger; but is the han/te of the S; [inf. n. as above,] He slaughtered a camel (S,
with which camels' feet are branded. (TA.) [See tion, by the words L1J3 ~$ E.1. jq.'S;.j:
Mgh, Msb) or other animal, (Msb,) and shinned
also a.-.] - A vine-prop; (1(, TA ;) a piece of it; ( ;) as also *.il. ($, TA.) You say also, but there is evidently an omission in this place, at
wnood with which a vine is raisedfromn the ground. .,J j)., meaning He slaughtered for them a least of the conjunction j.]_ And I'j.i They
(TA.) - In the dial. of the tribe of Sheyb6n, The had a camel slaughteredlfor them. (A.)
camel. (A.) And gi;j,.. ?j-l Ie slaugh-
hinder, or hindermost, ;:, [or oblong piece of tered and skhinned for the people a camel. (TA.) ;'. inf. n. of 1. (S, , &c.) And also tThe
cloth] of a tent. (TA.) _- Al j ., aor. (., ,) and !, (1K,) inf. n. sca (K, TA) itself. (TA.)
[j;- Relating to a part or portion 'or jj (S, 1.) and ;j. and j (L,
(L, ,) lle cut
j;., (not *;j., Fr, S, [but see what follows,])
division; partial; particular; contr. of $ . off the fruit of the palm.-trees: (Lh, S, K :) or, [a coil. gen. n.,] Fat sheep or goats: ($, K, TA:)
as some say, he spoiled the palm-trea in fecun-
_And, as a subst., A particular: pl. ;i' .] n. un. ..: (S, F :) or sheep, or goats, that are
dating them. (TA.) -And v., (TA,) inf. n.
slaughtered; (M;) as also *j..: (K:) n. un.
[i,3 The quality of relating to a part or j., (g,) He gathered honey from the hive.
as above: (M: in the .Kj-:) orj-.j signifies
portion or division; relation to a part &e.; (1, TA.)mD., aor. and ', inf. n. ~., (S,
a sheep, or goat,.fitforslaughter: or a sheep, or
particularity.] Meb, l,&e.,) t It (water) sanh, and disappeared;
goat, to nwhich the owners betake themselmes and
became low; or became remote; (S,;) decreased;
:*;q. Satisfying food; as also 1 j.; (Fr, which tley slaughter: and anything that is mlawfl
wnt away; (TA ;) Jflowed away, or retired, (A,
1 ;) like s. and '. (Fr, TA.) to be slaughtered; n. un. of jj,; which is some-
Mgh,* M 9b,) from the earth, or land: (A, Mgh :)
it (the sea, and a river, Lth, ISd) ebbed; contr. times [written t*,]J with fet-l to the j. (TA.)
&5t-. [act. part. n. of 1]._ 5i. J;. I _- .I T11'he~ish which beasts or birds of
ofJ.; (S, ISd, 1; [but in this last sense, only -
)4 i. This is a man aulicing thee as a man. is authorized by the ]g, and app. by ISd also, as prey eat. (, Mg,h.) One says, . ,- (.,
(K, TA.) - .ajt;. A doe-gazelle that is the aor.;]) i.e., retreated, or went back; (S, 1)0 They slew them: (S :) or they left them cut
- tj- 419
Boot I.] iSe

in piees
r ; [for the beast or birds of prey]. because cut off from the main land: (S:) or It (a watering-trough, or tank,) had but little
because of the retiring of the water from it: remaining in it. (~,' TA.) _He put a little
(1.) And J iy L. [They became a water into a skin. (TA.)l~U0 t, (4,)
(Msb:) pl. ;Ijq: (S, Mgb:) [also, a peninsula:]
pry to the enemy, cut in piece]. (Mgh.) See
and a piece of ground or land. (Kr, TA.) inf. n. as above, (TA,) He caused the impatience
also 'ij.- Also, and 'V)q, (Fr, S, Mb, ,)
( of wuch a one to ceam : ( :) he aid to
the latter with kesr to the t, (Myb, J,) arabi- ;l.. ($, A, Mgh, Msb, R) and tj.. (g) and
"tj (A) One who slaughters camels (A, Mgh, him that wvhich comforted him, or consoled him,
eized, (V,) from the Persian [;$], (AHln,)
R) and other animals. (Msb.) and hltich caused hki grief and fear to ceae.
[coll. gen. ns., meaning Carrots, or the carrot;] Msb,
a certain root, (L,'J) owhich is eaten, (S,K,)
?eU known: (TA:) n. un. with ;; (V;) or see what next precedes. 4. 'j. ~t.., and a;, He lcft, or cnaud to
ji..: (Ay, ?, Mqb:) the beat kind is the red and renuain, a remainder: (0, I :) or Iss than half.
meeta, wrich gros in winter: it is hot in the (TA.) = . lt He caused him to be impatient:
;ja, (Mab, K,) or ;j, with kesr to the j,
extreme of the second degrce; moist in the first (S,I :) or he caused him to want s#u.ficient strength
(S,Ibi-Malik,) contr. to rule, as the aor. of the vcrb to bear what befeU him, and to be impatient.
degree; (TA;) diuretic; (J4, TA;) lenitive;
is with ldamm, (Ibn-Milik, TA,) and sometimes
emollient; (TA;) strengthening to the venereal (Mob.)
faculty; emnmenagogue: the puttingof its pounded 'lojji [or Jj'],(Msb,) A place wherc camels
places. i 'ewl 1s. Tl7eey
leaves uponfstering ulcers is advantageous: (l, are slaughtered, (, Msb, K,) and other animals, 5: see 7, in two
(Msb,) namely, buUls and coNs and sheep and divided among themuelove the rpoil. (TA.)
'1'A:) it is dificult of digestion; and engendlers
bad blood; but is made waholewou nwith vinegar goats, and where their Jlesh is sold: pl. jj. 7. tj l It (a rope) broke, (K, TA,) in any
and mustard. (TA.)-[See also .. , in art. (TA.) In a trad. of 'Omar, persons are enjoined manner: (TA:) or brohe in Ahalve.; (],TA;)
to avoid Ij__, (S, TA,) meaning as above; but if it have broken at its extremity, one does
,becausc of thcir uncleanness; (TA;) or because not say Ejr... (TA.) And 11 ,j:q1 , and
Adr: see ;jq., in three places.
the witnessing of the slaughter of animals hardens t ej~3, Tte staff, or stick, broke (I~, TA) in
;Ij The time of the cutting off of the fri.uit of the lceart and dispels mercy: (IAth, TA:) or the halves. (TA.) t? ;3 is also said of a spear,
palm-trCees. (Yz, TA.) [See also 1.] meanin- is, places of ausmbly; because a camel &c., meaning It broke in pieces.
and of an arrow,
is slau-htered only where people are collected
jAPM A camel [that is slaughttered, or to bc together: (S,TA:) the t;; is one of the
slaughtered]; (l$;) applied to the male and the piluccs in which it is forbidden to perform the 8. j'. ql He broke it, and cut it off: ( :)
femalc: (8, Mqb:) or (ns some say, Sgli, Msh) usual prayers. (Mgli.) or he broke it off, and cut it off, for himelf;
properly a she-camel that is slatughtered: (SMh, namely, a branch, rod, or piece of wood, from a
Myb, Jr:) but the former is the correct ssertion; ij,i~ or 3ijy: see j,_, in two places. tree. (S.)
(TA;) though the word is fem., (1Aijib, 8, Msb,
,..' (S, Msb, K) and tV/ (Kr, ],) but
TA,) on the authority of hearsay; (TA;) thele-
IDrd ascribes the latter to the vulgar, (TA,)
fore you say, . 1.. [the camelfor slaughter
pastured]: (IAmb, Msb:) or when used alone, , E1. [if. n. of L] signifies The act of [The onyx; so called in the present day;] certain
it is fem., because what are slaughtered are mostly ct2tting; or cutting off. (TA.) [See also 8.]_ beads, or gems, ('L,) (Msb,) the beads, or gem,
sbe-camels: (TA:) and when used as a commoni [Hence,] JYI a . He cut of for (jj.d, [here rendered by Golius "Muresna seu
term, it implies the like of predominance [of the himn a portion of the property. (S.) _ And concha Veneris," though he also gives what I
fem. gender]: (Il6shiyeh of Esh-Shiilhb, TA:) regard as the only correct signification, namely
[the shares into which the Jjq is divided in the "onyx,"]) of El-Yemen ($, 14) [and] of China,
game called J1 are described voce : :] pl. 5.*,
(S, Msb, ,)He passed the valley to the (K,) in which are whiteness and blacknes, (S,
Msb, ],) and to mwhich eyes are likened, (8, ,)
;q* (?, Msb, 1C) and `SCi and 'j4. (Meb, other side: (Msb:) or hte passed the vaUey [in
and ir. particular, by Imra-el-l]eys, tlu eyes of
any manner]: (5 K:) or he passed acros it; i. e.,
C the last of which is pl. of j4, like as wild animals, because their eyos, while they are
crowed it: (S, K:) and in like manner, ,jo;l the
is of jsJ.. (TA.) - See also ;j. alive, are black, but when they die, their white-
land: (J:) and ojtlI the deert: and E, ness appears; (TA;) a hind of stone having
j;>, of a camel, The extremities; (., A;) the place. (TA.)-nj., (S, Mob, ]g,) aor. many colours, brought from El-Yemen and
namely, (.,) the fore and hind legs, (;,1,1 (S, Msb, g) and China; (yzw;) so called because interrupted
(Mob,l ,) inf. n. tjq
Xj.q.jI, and the head, (.,)or nech: (A, by various colours; its blacnesu being inter-
(K,) He was, or became, impatient, (S, J,)
1 ,0
:) because the slaughterer receives them; (8;) rupted by its whitenea and it yellorwnessu: (IB :)
t 1 [of the thing]; (S;) and sU [on
'Aisheh's necklace [which she lost on the occasion
they being his hire, (., V,) or right, (A,) noi
account of such a one]; (S and K in art. 'JI, &c.;) ) that subjected her to the accusation of adultery]
being included among the shares in the game
jIa being the contr. of .. a: (S, K :) or hc had was of t.' of l?haflAri: (TA:) the wearing it in
called ,4Ii. (TA.) But when a horse is said
not sujiicient strength to bear mihat befeU him, (0, a signet induces anxiety, or disquietude of mind,
to be 5,I;JI 1, (m,) or ^o.JI _,, (M,) ) M9b,) and found not patience: (Mqb:) or hc and grief, and terrifying dreams, and altercation
what is meant is thickness of the fore and hindamanifested grief and agitation: (TR:) or he with men; and if the hair of one who experiences
legs, and abundance of sinews; and the head i S asm, or became, affected mith grief: or he was, , difficulty in bringing forth be wound upon it,
not included, because largeness of the head, in EL or became, affected with most violent grief, such she brings forth at once: (V: [and ]aw says
horse, is a faull. (., M.) as prewented him and turned him from that te the like, and more of a similar kind:]) n. un.
which he was directing himself, orfrom his object, 14q. (1,OTA.)-
;lj! The trade of him wvho slaughter camel and cut him off therefrom: this meaning of cut, , e. (M9b,V, TA) and
See also what next follows.
(Mgh, Msb, ][,.TA) and other animab. (Myb.' ting off being said by 'Abd-el-6adir El-Bagh.
dadee to be the primary signification. (TA.) t;., (8, O, L, Msb, ]g,) but AO says that it
jQq. IAn island; land in the sa [or in a
river],from which She water hasloed away, a O. C, inf. n. *j4i, It (a full-grown unripe e should be with fet-t, [p,;.,] (i,) The place of
that it appears; (Az, Mgh;) and in like manner date) became ripe to the extent of two thirds oj f bending, or ting, ( , f, Myb, ], or
land which a torrmnt does not overf, but whicJh it: (g:) or to the extent of half of it; (J[, TA;) ) ~; , A, V,) of a aley: (A,, , Mb,]:)
it srround; (Az, TA;) land from which ti e from the bottom: (TA :) or became partly ripe : or the middle thereof: or the plachere it eds:
tide retires; as also Qjg: so alleo and
(i:) in like manner one says of a grape. (TA.) ) (IDrd, g :) or its side: (Mb :) or the pla~ of
[Boos I.
passing, or crossing, of a valley: or a wideninj! wood is also called
zij acl.; the latter word j~, accord. to the 'Eyn, in selling and buying,
part, of the narrow places, thereof, whether i't being thus
used as an epithet. (TA.) Also Any is is [The selling, and buying,] by conjecture, with-
prodce plant c. or do not produce them : piece of wood that is put crossvise
between two out measuring and without weighing; and by
(TA:) or it is not so called unless [it be a part
] things for a thing to be borne upon it (C, TA) rule should be tVjq, with kesr; i. e.,
having i~dt, and producing trees c.: (M 9b if formed
I :) or it may be without plants, or herbage, o r is called its ,jl. (TA.) in accordance to the verb [which is jlr.]: (Mgh :)
the lie: (TA :) or a place, in a aley, in rwhici or the selling or buying a thing not knorwing its
hi" Interrupted by various colours [like the
measure nor its eigt : (Mb:) or conjecture
are no trocs: (IA4r, B :) or a place, of a valley
taking a round and wideform : (TA:) pl. 4;
or onyz]: (IB :) or anything in which are in in elling and buying; as also tj- t. g. and tand.
bc and nwhitcness; as also t ,: (i:)
(Mvb, L.) - A place of alighting, or abiding and ' iuiy and t 2!j and t ~i.': (], TA :)
, and flesl-mcat in wvhich are haitence and rednes.
of a people. (i.).] levated land, or ground arabicized, from Jj, (Mqb, 1,TA,) which is
l,y the side of which is a lok, or deprwsed, part (TA.) [Hence,] 0ja 5y and Date- Persian: (Msb.TA:) they say
(Q.)' A be-hite: pl. as above. (Ibn-'Abbdl stones of nwhich some, or some parts, have been ti) iJj, mean-
scraped, or abraded, ing " excess in speech, by conjecture :" accord. to
J.) - See also ~. so as to have become mlite,
the red being left of their [original] colour: (I:) the Jm, its primary signification is muchnest, or
V. : see what next follows. copiousneu: (TA:) some say that the most chaste
likened to the v. (TA.) And t _ form of j!,ja is t,., with kesr; [because
jq-. (M 9b,I ) and Vt; and t ~ . (1) ($, ) and tj_; (V;) the former, says Sh, this is a regular inf. n.
and t j,J (M,b, J) and V l. of jj4.;] (MF,TA;)
(O) part. ns. accord. to El-Ma'arree, but he adds that lie him- and some, that the triple
vocalization of the min
of ijq.; [Impatient; &c.;] (M 9b, ;) but the self held the latter to be the right;
Az says that J!i,*.Jij. is a kind of J.jl [i. e. conjecture], since
last two have an intensive signification [very he heard the former from the people of Hejer, all assert it to be a Persian word arabicized,
impatient, or having much impatience; &c.]. and it has the authlority of A'Obeyd; (TA;) it cannot be so and be also an
Full-grown dates that have ripened to the half; inf. n., conformable
(IA#r.) to the verb and to rule: it seems that, when
(Q TA;) from the bottom: (TA:) or to the tlicy they arabicized it, its original was gradually for-
,ijc: ee what next follows, in two places. zextent of twvo thirls: ($:) or that have becone gotten,
so they formed from it a verb, and derived
34' A littl, or smanl quantity, of property, partly ripe: (TA:) fem. vith : ($, K:) and from it, and made it analogous.
or wealth; and of water, (Q, ],) remaining in a in like manner you say t ; dates that Oj~ j!k~ and t'.Jj. and O and t (
skin, (Lh.,lIDrd,) and in a leathern bottle, or have ripned to the half. (TA.)
other vessel, (IDrd,) and in a pool left by a and t .. g.. (TA) A thing sold, or bought, of
., . .; .
, in three places.,o- unknown quantity, whrether measured or eihed.
torrent, but not in a well, (TA,) as also Vta : see ,
(TA.) [See also j'_..]
(IDtd, 1) and [the dim.] Vt ', (IDrd,) and A watering-trough, or tank, having but
of milk, in a skin; (Lb ;) or a third part, or little water remaining in it. (Ji.) %Jjq./: see Lt~, in four placeL.
nearly that quantity, of water, in a trough, or ,*, *5.
see -13j11..
tg' A pregnant female exceeding the term
tank; (18h ;) or a quantity of water, and of
of her bringingforth. (i.)
milk, le than the half of the shin or other vessel,
and of the trough; (TA;) and, as also Vt ., 9-e; ~ , ' .: ace s e t , q.
omemhat rmaining; (0, ~ ;) or the latter, par-
1. o [inf. n. of j.4.] significs The taking a ailjo. and 3i4. and jil'.: see J14.
ticularly, of milk; (IA;r;) or both, accord. to
thing [in the smanner termedj and
nijt (i
some, [a remainder consisting of] ies than half;
(TA;)and the former, a portion [not defined] [i. e. by conjecture, not knowing the measure nor
J Afiherman.
A (El-'Azeezc, .)
of property, or wealth; (8;) and particularly tite weight]: (S, TA:) or the taking largely, or LIA) jj +
LI tOne who pours furth his
a portion of a ock of suep or goats; (Aboo- copiously: (IF, Msb, TA:) ard it is [from] a seeh mitiwui without rie. (Mob.)
Leyli,]9;) as also *iiaj; Persian word. (Mob. [See Joi, below.]) And
(8;) thus in the 3i3ja,e A fulhing-n.t. (El-'Azeezee, g.)
handwriting of Aboo-Sahl El-Harawee; but in you say, .J1 i L, inf. n. cJ,. He gave
the Mj of IF, V '~, of the measure gi in large measure: (IKtt,MMb:) and 'iJ -> we
the sense of the measure mij.L~: (TA:) the pl. jot He gave him lage measure. (Jm, TA.)
of j. is J . (Ish.) -And [hence,] tA 3. ijl., (Msb, TA,) inf. n. UjW (S, Msb, J-.
part, or portion, of the night, (., 0, 1,) past or 1. 135-, (S,) oroj.r, Jj, (S,) aor. , (L)
1, TA) and (8,J,TA,) He sold, or bought,
to come, (TA,) u than half, (0, ,) of the
a thing not ktw7ing its measure nor its weight: inf. Inf n. Jjm, (S,) He cut it (a thing, $) in two
former part thereof or of the latter part. (I.) piow, ($, g,)with a sword. (gC.) - ai5 , j.
(Msb:) or he conjectured in selling and buying. 1piece,
A place in which i a collection of tres (]K,
(l.) - He acted in an easy, or afacile, manner, rheyChey cut the base of the neck of a she-camel, that
TA) among which the camels or other beasts are (Msb, wuas slaughtered and dead, in the part between
TA,) in selling or buying. (Mob.) -_ wu
made to rest at night from the cold, and are
coqfind whln thley are Ahunry, or returning
And hence, JjlA t cHe periled,endangered, !he the two sulderjoints, in order that the neck
night become relaxd; not cutting the whole of
from water, or under rain. (TA.) - Also jeoparded, hazarded,or risked, himslf; as though :t,it; previously to skinning.
he acted in an easy manner with himself. (TA.) (yIam p. 689.)_
n. un. of *j as syn. with ' J. (TA.) .;JI dijj., (1,0 TA,) aor. and inf. n. as above;
6. d jj;a IHe picked out, or elected, the;
Lnd t dlj.I; lThe saddle st it; namely, the
good in it; syn. as [in the Cg, erroneously, withers of
s , : ee e*. ;;]. (8. gh, 6)
a camel. (~,OTA.) j .', aaor. _,
(X,) inr. n. (, ],)He
He, (a camel) had a
8. jjq.l He bought a thing by conjecture, not Fall, gall, or sore, in the wither, in consequnce of
ukm and sme
a: , in three places. knowing the measure nor the weight. (AA, ]I.) vhich a bone came forth from it, and the place
: see e,'.Also The piece of wood J-; Of unkown quantity, nwhether meastured tthreof Istreof became depressed: (S, :) or he had his
which is placed in the trellis of a grape-vine, or weighed. (Nh, TA.) withers
vithers cut by the saddle: (I :) or he had a gall,
crosswise, upo which are laid the branches oj or sore, in the witherst, pnetrating into the ite-
the ine; (?,] ;) not known to Aboo-Sa'eed; ,ji A portion of a number of cattle: (K:) ,.ior, rior, and killing him. (TA.) The epithet applied
( ;) it is thaw placed for the purpos of raising and of hair. (TA) to a camel in this case is . tJj
.;;(, ];) fen.
the branches from the ground; and this piece of : see what next follows, in two places. t j.. . pL
PI. 0p.. (0.)
See also s... jj.,

BooK I.] JBK
--. ] 421

aor. A, (Msb, V,) inf. n. a~., (MSb,) said of also signifies The selling, or buying, fruit [by
1conjecture, while yet in a rudimental state,] in its
firewood, (M 9b, TA,) &c., (TA,) It was thick
and large. (MSb, I.) - Also, (1~,) inf. n. as 1. .j', (, MMb, b,) aor. , (Msb, 1,) inf. n. calyxes, for money. (IAqr, TA.) Abo qjn,
above, (M,) SHe possessed good, (S,* 1, TA,) ;.j, (Myb,) He cut it, or cut it off; (S, Msb, (9, ],) inf. n. as above, (TA,) Hefilled a skin;
strong,firm, (TA,)judgment, (S,'., TA,) [and 1;) namely, a thing: (Msb:) [like . &Jcc.] (8, 1;) and so ;*'., (8,* ,) inf. n. . jY.
natural diposition, and intelligence; for] ilj. _1Ji.JI ,j He cut off thefrdit of the palm- (s.)-.....Jtq -ji4, (~Fr,g,) inf. . as above,
is used in relation to judgment and natural dis- trees: (Msb:) [like J.;3J i.: but see another (Fr, TA,) The camel satifi4d their thirst [as
position and intelligence: (ylam p. 770:) and explanation, below.] And ajt. ;l j though theyfilled themselves] with water. (Fr,
i5 l ~iljai, signifies +firmnes of judgment: [He cut off a portion of the fruitfrom the palm- g.)-And .*, (IAgr, ,) aor. and inf. a. as
(TA:) and j;bl I i ia.J, tchasteness, or trce]. (TA.)_-, .j, , (8, ISd, MSb, ],) above, (iA*r, TA,) He ate one meal and was
above, (TA,) and so the inf. n., (S,) He filled thereby: (IAIr, 1:) or he ate one meal in
clearnsu, or eloquence, and firmncss, in speech. aor. as
made the letter quiescent; (8, ISd, Msb, 1;) i.e., every day and night. (Th, L.)m i;jUI j.,
(Ijar p. 8.) the final letter of a declinable word; (9, ISd, (Ltl, Y,) inf. n. as above, (Ltl, TA,) He per
4: see 1. sL Jj. t l e made his gift Msb ;) he cut it o.fffrom motion: (Msb:) or as
formed the reading, or recitation, so as to pit
large. (TA.) And *Ui,1J JI ) Jj.l, (S,) or though lie cut off from it declinability: (Mbr, the letters in their proper places, in a distinct, or
!l2l t. , (MSb, TA,) : He gave to him largely. TA:) from .jm. in the first of the senses ex- perspicuous, and leisurely, manner. (Lth, ].).
(8, Mob, TA.) plained above: j; in a declinable word being And j. in writing means The making the letters
like 'k,, in an indeclinable word. (S.) It is even. (sg.) -o.: He voided part of his
10. I." u Ij. Jj. l~-l tile esteemed his
said in a trad. of En-Nakha'ce, ;j
.'. .JI excrement, part thereof remaining: or he caJt
judgment, or opinion, good [and strong and firm
(see j.jc)] in this [matter]; syn. o!.- .A.., meaning that neither should be prolonged in forth his excrement. (s.)
utterance, and that the last letter in each should 2: see 1, in four places.
be without a case-ending, i. e., hc quiescent; so
j~w Large and dry firewood: ($:) or dry that one should not say [in prayer] .SI sit [nor 4. .j~.l He sold his palm-trees. (TA.)
firewood: ( :) or thick, largefirewood. (Msb, 4
1; a.~.j c .~.j_Ji, but ".i in the former 5. Lail 'v The staff became split or
1.)--StMuch of a thing; as also tV,..: (1g:)
instance, and W in the latter]: or, accord. to Z, cracked. (j.)
or the latter, great, or large; [and so the former:]
0. " -- O that one should not exceed the due bounds in the 7..*jeJl [It became cut, or cut off.- And
you say JO. tW .. and 'Jb. S[a great, or large, pronunciation of the hemzeh and the medd: (TA:) hence,] It (the final letter of a declinable word)
gift]: (S, TA :*) and tJ' .-..1 I [a great, or or that one should abstain from giving fulness became, or was made, quiescent. (9, TA.) - It
large, recompense]: (TA:) pl. J,..; (s, ;) and depth to the sound of the vowel, and should (a bone) broke, or became broken. (i.)
either of the former or of the latter. (TA.) And elide it entirely in the places of pausing, and
avoid excess in the pronunciation of the hemzeh 8: see 1._ JlQI X . & AjCq.i He took a
[the femrn.] 4,.I [A woman] large in the poste-
-iors.(K, TA.)-_t Generous; munificent. (QC, and the medd. (Mgh.)-_Ij, --- .. 4~. portion of the cattle, or property, and leIft a
I,~j He uade such and such things to be portion. (R.)--~eJ j..'q.I He bought his
TA.)- intelligent; firm, or sound, in judg-
binding, or obligatory, on such a one. (K.) And ;)el.i [or enclosurefor camels &c.]: (A5n, ] :)
ment. (l, TA.) You say, ,Sljt J.. C)W
.' .. 'jq, (1K,) inf n. as above, (TA,) i. q. of the dial. of EI-Yemimeh. .(AI, TA.)-
S [Stch a one is firm, or sound, in judgment]. ;I .j,.t 11He bought the fruit, only, of the
(8, Myb.) And when this is said to you, and you kl,ll; (K;) i.e., Ie made the oath to be
unconditional, wvithout exception, absolutely or palm-tree: and Ci ) J~. .jjI he bought the
desire to deny it, say, k$1JI v ,J :Nay, palm-treeo of such a one. (TA.)
decidedly or irre~rsibly binding; (TK ;) L'ta.
unsound in judgment; from J"., [inf. n. of Jj.,])
relating to a gall, or sorc, in the withers [of a
.l. (TA.) One says also, l..`; L.Z LZ.. jr. [an inf. n. (seo 1) used as an epithet]. You
[He swore an oath in an absolute, a decided, or say .ij .L
camel]. (A, TA.) You say also j. 'a! tA
manner]. (TA.)
An indissoluble and irrevoersible
And r.'1 jl., decree or ordinance or sentence; like_, .
an irreversible,
woman posscsingjudgment: (8:) or intelligent;
(TA,) He decided the affair (Meb.).-A reed-pen (.,i) hating the nib evnly,
firm, or sound, is judgment; as also '. : (]I,) inf. n. as above,
irreversibly. (K.) And j .. . ' I not obliquely, cut. (9,"V,* TA.) - The moden
(s:) [but] IDrd says that %!a., [app. a mis- of the letters
decided the mnatter between me and him. (TA.) Arabic character, (f, V,) com~p
transeription for i.~,] as syn. with ai, is not
And t .., I ,i).J I will do that decidedly; of the alphabet: (i :) accord. to AIkIt, (TA,)
of established authority. (TA.) -Applied to a so called because it was cut off from the character
word, or an expression, (., g, &c.,) i Strong, without any indulgence therein. (Msb.) And of H.imyer, (], TA,) i. e., the J:'', which they
(P.,) sound, correct; (P., T1g;) contr. of 4 j.;. [He a.sserted it decisively]. (TA passim.) have still in El-Yemen. (TA.) A thing that
*-I~.($,g.) And applied to language, tCkaste, And .?*'91 .. He decided, or determined, is stuffed into a sh-camel's vulva, (EI-Umawee,
clear, or eloquent, and comprchenive. (TA.) upon, or upon doing, the thing, or affair. (TA.) S, J,) that she may think it to be her young one,
- Also, this last phrase, He nwas silent respecting [when it it taken forth,] and incline to it, [and
tyjq.: see j the affair; and so ?.4.. (I,' TA.)_-And therefore yield her mik;] lihe th ; [q. v.].
s.& .b He held back, or refrained, from it (El-Umawee, l.) A thing, or an event, that
i J .jjq:se j .e through cowardice; anad was unable to do it; comea before its time, or se~ : (] :) that which
.j. A piece, or portion cut off. ($, .") -_ A and so ,J*.: (1o:) or . l t the people comes in its time, or season, is termed .. (TA.)
large portionof datat; (S, ];) as also *. (].) lached power or ability. (..).. ' : 1.' ;, A portion, share, or lot, (s,) of palm-
[app., The camel stopped, and would not quit Ais trees (TA) [and app. of the fruit of a palm-tree,
J!;tI iJ . (9, g) and JlJ.I (0) The time place]. (TA: but the verb .Aj. is there without &c.: see 1, third sentence].
of the cutting off of the fruit of the palm-tree~. any syll. sign.) . . 'I,)l ,-, (A'Obeyd, S,
(9, 9.) 1:.. [The sign tAat is written oer the final
inf. n. as above; (TA;) and ~.m/1; (15; and letter of a declinable word wshn it is quiOcnt].
.;: see Jj., in three places. the act. part. D. of the latter is also mentioned in
.A sfingle act of eating. (S.)
the 8 ;) like ,,. (S) [and L .]; He com-
jjC4; ferni.e pl J: . see j : puted by conjecture the quantity of fruit upon Ljq. A hundred [ead] of mattle, and upwards:
and for the fern., see also j'.. the palm-trees. (A'Obeyd, , .) _ And .; or from ten to forty: (Q :) or it is pec~liarly of
422 -ari - _wm
I [Boo& I.
camels; like L.j_: (TA:) or such a portion ai such a thing, for it, or for wnhat he had done] ; a satisfaction, good for good,
and eoil for e ;il
is termed A. of camelb; and such as is termed a also .lja.,
($, ,) inf. n. itjc.j and ' (Er-Raghib, TA;) sometimes a reward, and
ai) of sheep (, ) [See also 8.] (.K:) or, accord. to Fr, [contr. to many instance, s sometimes a punishment: (AHeyth, TA:) [the
in the l]ur,] the former verb relates only to good ; former word is an inf. n.; see 1;] the latter, a
.jlt. A full water-kin or milk-akin; as alse and the latter, to good
and to evil: but accord 1 quasi-inf. n.: j1. is pl. of the latter, or of the
tj4..: (],OTA:) and [the pl.] jl..fl/ld to others, the former may relate to good and Uo former, or of stj., accord. to different writers
milk-skins. (1 .)-Also, applied to a camel, evil; and the latter, to evil. (TA.) [See alsc Dexplaining the saying of El-IoWei-ah,
and jlt_ applied to camels, Satisfied with jq~._, below.] One says, in praying for another
*atcr (g.) I gI1 *,j. MMay God repay him good: anc *
requite, or recompense, him for good [that lie hais [I'hoso doth good, he will not want his rewards,
e...: .
done]. (Msb.) And 'jl. IZ!punishea or his remat-ders]. (TA.)_[Hence,] ,,ltiIt ;l.
;#j" [ Cut, or cut off. - And hence,] applied him for his crime, or sin, or act of disobedience. In the time betnween the complimentary prayer
to the final letter of a declinable word, Made (MUb.) And Ulij &; j HeI.requited, com. addressed to a sneezer (called -* '-J1) and the
quiescet. (TA.) pensated, or recompensed, for him, suclh a one. snee:e; [or as soon as one can compliment a
(TA.) _ ip* sj .:see 3. meezer by repeating the usual prayer of .t.
3: see 1, latter part, in two p)laces. _[l olji. .i (God have mercy on thee).] (TA voe 4j )
1. S., aor. ,(M,b, g,) inf. n. ., (Mb,) He prayed for a reward for himnfrom God: or _ - [And b3 An apodosxi; the complement,
It (a thing) paid; gave, or rendered, as a satis- said to him,
May God rcmard thee. (Golius, on or correlative, of a condition; also cullcd '.It
faction; or made, gave, or rendered, satisfaction:
the authority of Z.) _- S.jk,Sa and , .,J,, q. v. in art. .,-. - And : O.~.. A
(Myb:) or satisfed; fficd; or contented. (I.)
He employed a particle, and an advcrbial noun, particle denoting compensation, or the comple-
And Cw.JIt I paid th debt. (Myb.) And as conditional; to denote that, with wvhatfollows, .ment of a condition. And A conditional
a m. I paid ^uch a one hit right, or it expres~ a condition with its complement. For as J1; also termed :j,, and e.d . aloue,
due. (TA.) And ;!i1 I u. t This instance, in the S, voce '., it is said, , and ... - :.- J HIe is possed of
garmnt doe not ncff me. (TA.) _ And hence,
'yj t1;8-~.#t l~JI, i.e. .. is sj.ficieney, or comletence, or wealth. (TA.)
(TA,) .S., (., Mgh, M b, V,) [aor. and] one
of the adverbial nouns that are not employed
inf. n. as above, (Mgh,) It (a thing) paid for l [act. part. n. of 1, q. v.]: see L._
conditionally, or to denote that, with what follows,
him; gaw, or rendered, [a thing] as a tatisfaction
they exypre a condition with its complnement, un- - -), X P
Ji , Thij is a man suji entfor
for him; mads, gave, or redered,satisfactionfor
Aim; (%,Mgh, Mqb,* 1 ;) and some of the law- kes with to, affixed thereto. See . , below.]
thee a a man. (s.)
yern. use j, j in this sense, like 4 (Az, t " *;.jl. [I vied, or contended, with himn LJ.I.: see . ~Also Wild bulls, or cows.
Mgh Mb ) 5jq. is of the dial. of El-;ijfz, ir repaying, requiting, compensating, or recom- (TA') [See b?1"]
pensing, and] I overcame hi,n [therein]. (..)
and !..i of the dial. of Temeem. (Akh, M 9b.)
Hence, in the ]ur [ii. 45], W a-m W.i Sj; 3 .S 4. .;l~ : see 1, in seven places. =Also He
~. and ji':, are used as inf. na. of 4.
furnided a knife with a handle; a dial. var. of [See 1L] (KI.)
L't [A oad shall not giw anything as a atisfac-
tion for a soud, i. e. for another soul: or a soul j1.I: (Mqb, ]:) but lSd doubts its being so. j. [act. part. n. of 4. It is said in the TA
shall not maAe satisfaction for a oul at all; (TA.) that '. " d , applied to a camel, signlifies Sffic&in
accord. to the latter rendering, %Z being put in s
6. iSAj , and iee,demanded pay- for a load or burden; and its pl. is .jl .
the accus. cae after the manner of an inf. n.]. ment of his debt. (I.) And that s LSn, applied to a man, significa
You say, ~.,. jim,
(8, MQb.) You say also, 6 :;;ji A shp, @J
or goat, made satiufactionforthe [as a macrifice]; by such a
,.s I demanded payment of mty debt [owed Sufficing Jbr his affair. But .j" in thse
one]. (S.) - .jt;.3 [They two repaid, instaces is evidently a mistranscription, forj' ;
(8,TA;) au albo .tj.l: (TA:) Benoo-Temeem requited, compenated,or recompensed, each otlhr]. and .jl..6, for jl,... Mistranscrilptions if this
say J., with .: (g, TA:) this luat, thus ex- (TA in art. hp*,J) kind are of frequent occurrence in Lcxicons.J
plained, is a dial. var. mentioned by II r (Mqb.)
8. sljqt He sought, or demanded, of him re- ;,:. and ;:. are used as inf. ns. of 4. [See
And IlS ' I,b t ' 'Sji Such a thing stood, payment, requital, compensation,
or recompense. 1.] (C.)
or served, in lim, in tha place, or in stead, of
ch a thin withut snicing. (Zj,.) And (g.)
J.bp - Lq,;. [a coil. gen. n., of which the n. un. is
- &JJq;
~,h and l k, >.la; A L ',.., (A, Mgh, 1g,*) or *. , (8, Mb,)
ittis stands, or erve., in lieu of much; and this, with ;]: see what next follows.
of this. (IA4r, TA.) And S aor. ', (Mgh, Mslb,) inf n , (A, Mg-h, Msb,
- t&kSj4 ' The tax that is taken from the free non- K,) lie felt it with his hand (S, A, Mgh, i) for
c> and CM 5J and
e (a though the aug- Muslim subjects of a Muslim government;
(S, the purpose of teting it, that he might form a
mentative letter [I in .i.o-I]were imagined to be lAth, Mgh,' Msb, i ;) whereby they ratify the
judgment of it; (Mgh, Mb ;) as also 1
rejected, TA) O,W '.qi'. and Oi ;(j4_ He compact that ensures them protection: (lAth:) (S,
satisfied, sufficed, or contented, him as such a [from Lj. ;] as though it were a compensation
Mob, g.) You say, , ,-. (Mgh,) and
one; Ahstood, or served, him in stead of such a for their not being slain: (IAth, Mgh:) [or from 0~ -, (A,) The physician fdt him, (Mgh,)
and felt his arm, or hand, (A,) to know if he
one; a dial. var. of ,let. (I.) And t sjql.I the Persian ~' and also, (metaphorically, nwere hot
or cold. (Mgh.) And L0:1JI He
,e* kS It (a thing) satisfied, Juf~ficed, or Mgh,) a land-tax; (Mgh, lg;) a tax that is
felt the tsheep, or goat, to know if it were fat or
contented, as another thing; it stood, or served, paid by the owner of land: (TA:) pl. $.4,
in stead of another thing. (Mgb.) And tV 1j., (S,) or t' .S', (Msb,) or both, (1],) [but the lean. (A, Mgh.) w.q. is also, sometimes, with
with the [second] objective complement sup- latter is, properly speaking, a coil. gen. the eye. (IDrd, ., MUb.) You say, ,
n.,] and
pressed, It wa suff~nt for thee. (Mgh.)_ (IDrd, 8, A, 1) : He looked sharply, orintently,
fi;., (], [in the ClJ, erroneously, :*"-) like
11 ;;, (Mqb, TA,) and v *O,I, (11,) or or attentively, at him, or it, for the purpo~ of
vt:-?. (TA.) intvestigationandclearperception. m? TA.) IDrd
', Qj, (.,) and (,)
(VJ, `aor. and] in n.
cites as an ex. a verse (of 'Obeyd, or 'Abeed, [for
as above, (., V,) H repaid, requited, compen- Repayment, requital, compensation, or I find it written without any syll. signs,] the son
sated, or recompensed, him (Mob, ], TA) [for recompense, for a thing; as also tV ( ;)0_.;of Eiyoob El-'Amberee, TA,) in which occurs
BooK 1.] 43
. , I I.] I
the expression _l e, .. : (S :) but Sghl says he may form a judgment of it: (Mgh:) and small pebbles. (TA.) [Accord. to some copies ot'
t the latter, the place which the physician feels the ]s, Rough Jkin (C p Jq).] Fro:en
that the right reading is e-... (TA.)_,. -
[to knowr if a patient be hot or cold]: (S, Msb :)
w.jjl t He traversed the land. (Aboo-Sa'eed nater, (K, TA,) resmbling hail [strened on the
pl. (s,A, Mb,K.) You say, t ' ground]. (TA.)
El-Yeshkuree, TA.) .;-Ij . , (S, Msb, K,)
t;j. [The place in which one feels him is hot].
and t t..... ;, (S, A, Meb, K,) t He searched, or etL Hardness, toughneu, callouness, [coarse-
sought, .for, or after, news or tidings; inquired, (A, TA.) And L- i [Hown dost ness, or roughnes,] of the hand, from work. (S.)
or sought for information, respecting news or thou find the place in w;hich one feeLs her?]; - Rigidity, or stiffnes, of the neck, (8, I, TA,)
tilings; searched or inquired or spied into, in- referring to a sheep or goat: to which one in a horse or the like. (S, TA.)
vestigated, scrutinized, or examined, news or answers, "Indicative of fatness." (A.)-[Hence,
tidings: (Q, I~:) he searchted, or souJht, re- t Anything external which indicates the internal L... "o A hard, tough, callou, coarse, or
peatedIly, or leisurely and by degrees, .for news or condition.] It is said in a prov., (S, A, Msb, .K,) rough, hand. (K, TA.)
tidings. (Msb.) You say also, LiJ ' U,, relating to camels, (Msb,) t1
v .l, l,(S,,A, C1_ [IHard, tough, rigid, or tiff: see 1].
and E*. O', lie inquired, or sought for in- K,) or t. ats , (M.b,) or lt.l .- t;_, You say rq. Jew [A hard, or hard and
formation, respecting such a one; as also .4 , (A, I~,) t [Their mouths, or their palates, are the rugged, mountain]. (TA.) And .i. ; y..
which latter verb occurs in an extr. reading of things lwhich indicate their internal condition:]
[Hard, or hard and rugged, rocks]. (TA.) And
verse 87 of ch. xii. of the 1]ur: or the former for if they eat well, he who looks at them suffi-
signifies he so.ught after him for another; and ciently knows their fatness, (S, Msb, ],) without *1c..;' A rigid, or tough, plant. (TA.) And
the latter, " he sought after him for himself:" or feeling them: (S, V :) if one see them eat well, ;t. .bjl Hard, or hard and leel, and rougAh,
* v~3 signifies [he acted as a spy;] he in- it is as though he felt them: (A,TA:) or, accord. ground; (TA;) a also t ;..q.. (Ks, 1.) And
quired respecting, or searchedor inquired or spied to AZ, they feel the herbage, to test it, with their
"l. t; A rugged place; as also .
into, thingis which others veiled or concealed by heads [or mouths] and their palates: so that, 1
reason of disdainfulpride or of shame or pudency; accord. to his explanation, the term A. .. is (TA.) And..liJSl L .. $ A beast, or horse
and , "he listened:" (TA:) in the last tropically applied to these parts. (TA.) The or the like, having rigid, or stiff, legs, that will
of the senses here assigned to it, the former verb prov. relates to external evidences of things ex- hardly bend. (TA.)
is used in the gur, xlix. 12, where it is said, plaining their internal qualities. (1i.) [And t,1... [in the CI4o-,h-.] Hardness, toughnes,
11 <)j~,
9 for lI._ ; (Mujfihid, Bd, i;) hence,] Ia t Il Jl c (K) t The camels rigidnes, or stiffness; and ruggedness, or rough-
*or the meaning here is, and do not ye inquire cropped the herbage with their mouths. (TA.)- nes. ( TA.)
respecting, or search or inquire or spy into, private You say also, 4l. 't, '., like as you say
circumstances: or tahe ye rhat appeareth, and 1l.1 d . t[app. meaning ;.>: see i
Such a one is liberal,
leave ye what God hath concealed. (M.ujdhid,
munficent, or generous]: and in the contrary
K.) You also say, ill 't .e1 J tHe
case, J V l (A,) or ' .,t (15) or
examined or spied into, and sought out, for them, 1. t, a .:, (. , 1g,) inf. n. -,(, KL,)
the circumstances of the people. (Mgh.) both, (TA,) signifying -l ,.jX j [app.,
It (blood) stuck, or adhered, (S, V, KL,) d [to
not liberal]; (I, TA;) and not ,./JI tI'j
5: see 1, in five places. him, or it]: ($,K :) and it (blood) became dry.
[which is explained as meaning of ample bosom,
8: see 1, first and last sentences.-_':.I and judgment, and love; and of ample way, or
uell Jjjll, (A,) or kl, (,) t The camels course of proceeding: but I rather incline to 4. o..1 It (a garment) mu made to stick, or
sought out the first sprouts of the herbage with think that the right reading is r,?l b!j, and adhere, to the c.. [or body]. (Fr, .)__ Also,
their mouths: (A:) or cropped tuhe herbage with the meaning, of ample, or large, mind, or heart]. inf. n. L , It (a garment) was dyed so that it
their ~.~, (K,) i. e., their moutlu. (TA.) (TA.) You also say, U1i fI d;-.4 1 (A) stood up by reason of [the thickness of] the dye.
or .. (TA) t [app., Ve.ily in thy bosom, or (ISk, S.) [See . ]
,bp~:see M- .
mind, or heart, is narrowness; or in thee is
5. .from lilike roa / I:
hOL* : see -... - : The lion that marhs illiberality.]
(S:) [apparently signifying He bwame, or as-
his prey with his clams: (], TA:) or one that
traverses a land. (Aboo-Sa'eed El-Yeshkuree, L_~.: see ,~, throughout. - It may also sumed, a -n, or body; or became corporeal, or
incarnate; and thus it is used by late writers, and
TA.) - LL~.JI A certain beast, that will be in be used as an inf. n. of ~.. in the first of the
the ilands, that Nill search after news, or tidings, senses.assigned to it above. (Mgh.) in the present day: but.,_.3; generally signifies
and bring them to Ed-Dejjl [or Antichrist]. he became corpulent: accord. to the TA, oJq.3,
(Lth, L, K.) said of a man, is like .. ,;: accord. to the KL,
the former signifies he became possessed of a body:
.,. a dial. var. of 1I,., (Msb,) and sing. of 1. L.., aor. , inf. n. ', and ;L.., (,) accord. to the PS, he became corporeal, or cor-
y,,I, (Mob, TA,) which is syn with ,l, thus in the corrected copies of the IK, but in some pulent.]
(Kh, ?, A, ,) signifying The five senses. (TA.) copies the latter inf. n. is written O'L-, (TA,) It - The body, writh the limb or memb, [or
See *a - (a thing, TA) was, or became, hard, tough, rigid, whoe person,] of a human being, and of a jinnee
or stiff; (K, TA;) as also tL.., aor.;. (Mob (or genie), and of an angel: (El-Bai', L, Msb,
h..*d., J A spy, who searchesfor, and brings,
information, news, or tidings: (Q,* Mb, TA:) and 1 in art. .
#..)_,;L, aor. :, inf. n. K5:) it is thus applied only to the body of a
or one who is acquainted with private affairs of , His hland became hard, tough, caUous, (S, rational animal; (EI-Bari', Msb;) to no body
an evil nature: as also * (K) [and TA,) coarso, or rough, (TA,) from work. (t, that is nourished with food except that of a human
being; but to the body of every rational creature
?*l 1,:] and ,m,.l; signifies one who is ac- TA.) .L. 4 1 . His joints became rigid,
that neither eats nor drinks, such as the genii and
quainted with private afftirs of a good nature: or sti (TA.)
.. - ,/,l -. c The ground the angels: (L:) [the genii, however, are com-
(TA:) pl. -,lj. (A.) became hard, or hard and level, and rough: from monly believed to eat and drink:] or, accord. to
. , explained below. (Ks, 1.) ISd, it seems to be applied to a body other than
,A (A, TA) and 1 L (8, A, Mgh, Msh, that of a human being tropically: (TA:) the
K) The plac~ which one feels with his hand, (A,* :,w Hard, or hard and level, and rough, [golden] calf of the Children of Israel cried, but
Mgh, 1B, TA,) for thec purpose of testing it, that ground, ( ;:. Ks, .C, TA,) rembling did not eat nor drink; [wherefore it is termed
424 [BOOK -.
.>;] and in the !5ur [vii. 146 and xx. 90], (IA*r, A.) [Hence,] j t:mJI t!* of the anAlet]; applied to a girl, or young woman.
!1~is a substitute for 4A, or it may be meant .s..jl (IAr, A) They (women) shall by no (A, TA.) mSee also what next follows.
for ,. I1: (L:) [but eee another explanation me;mu go forth to the mosques in the shirts that < and t.q [A bridge; and a dyke, or
of ... , u there used, below:] or ~ is syn. are nt the body. (IApr.)- See also ,-.' . causeway:] that on which on crose oer a
with 0,~ [which is'generally held to signify the
01-q river or the like; (S, Mgh, Msb, 1 ;) as a tJ'A5
14: see .
body without tAh head and arns and lgs]: ($, and the like; (TA;) rohether built or not built:
(Mgh, Mb :) and a bridge of boats; boats bound
A:) the pl. is ;tl. (Lb, Mb, TA.) Lb men-
together, and tied to stakes in the bank, buing
tions the aying, . V)"l she is 1. r.,-. (s,) aor. ', (TA,) inf. n. oj, (A, over a rivaer; see 5;iJ : (TA:) pi. (of pae..,
beautiful in reapect of body]; as though the sing. ], KL) and 9, said of a man, (s,) He was TA) ~.1 (g) and (of mulL, TA) j. (f,
of which the pi. is thus used were applied to every daring, courageous, or bold: (A, KL :) he acted
eparate part. (TA.) &Safron; (, Mo.b, V1;) with penetrating energy, or sharpness, vigorous- Mob,KI.) [Hence,] m 1 1 .JiI j
! conveys the
us also ';% : (Lth, IApr, ISk, ?, A, Mb, ]:) nes, and effectiveness; syn. .s. and JW. (B.) 1..jJ [Death it a bridge that
friend to the f,.ied]. (TA.) And ,;cU,L j;.
or a similar dye: (s:) and Vthe latter signifies You say, I.; L . .', aor. ', inf. n. ;J4, lie t
also a similar dye, (Lth, M 9b,) red, or intensly entured upon such a thing daringly, courageously, itq; U 1 [He made his obedience a britgl
yellow: (Lth, TA:) or bastard saffron; syn. or boldly; (, A;) as also n.A:to *his3-safety]. (A, TA.)
(S:) and
jLa; (Mqb;) and so the former word. (L.) 4.
t 1.,~ he emboldened himself against it, or jy.. Daring,coumragow, or bold: (S, A:) or
_ Also, (8, L, 9 M b, ]1,) and ?t,..
(L, 1) and him. (A, .) And o.oa i '', (A, M6b,) courageouw and tallU; as also t q.: (:) or
courageous; and also tall and bulky; applied to
'tm (L, Mob, 1) and 4.~t
. (L, ]) and aor. , inf. n. .- _ and o;, (Msb,) lie acted
a man; and so t.q.: (TA:) femrn. of th former
,t1q., (R,) tBlood; (s;) as also t., as daringly, conragcously, or boldly, against his withlout, and sometimes with, i: (M1.b:) and of
being likened to saffron: (Ham p. 215 :) or dry enemy. (A.) And C1 J.i .Oih ' HI
the latter with i: (TA:) pi. of the former j-
blood: (R, L, Mgb, 1]:) pl. of the first as above. dares not to do such a t/hing. (A.) -- (K,)
and . (1K, TA.) It is not aplied to a he-
(TA,) He (a man) arched, or vaulted,
(.Ham p. 127.)_ Some say that t 1. c, in inf. n. ,, camel; but with ; is appllied to a she-camel,
[or bridge]. (1.)-It is said of [the nimeaning Bold to traverse rugged, or d.ifficult,
the ]ur, [in two verses referred to above,] means a y
A red golde calf. (.) giant] 'Ooj (c$), in a trad., -, I tracts. (Mob.)
.ij,,. 1 , i. e., : [He feU down upon the Nile jl.. Very daring or courageousor bold. (TA.)
-.. uee .e:- and see also 1 .
ofEgypt, and] became a bridlge to them [for the
;M: wsee .- q, in three places. space of a year]. (A.) - And one says, ...
jWlit ..,Ab8, and 1 y.q1,: Thlc travelling-
: see J.. camels crosd, or pamed over, the desert, (A, X(,)
1.._.., (~, Msb, ]g, &c.,) aor. 1, (K,) inf. n.
,Ir. Blood sticking to () a person; as also as by a bridge: (A:) and ' ttI 'Lj,*t;.
S,) was,
, .. (..)- see also . i The ship crowtd, or passed over, the sea: (A:) aLL.., (M.I), TA,) lie, or it, (a thing,
or rode upon, and pased throwuh, tlhe sea. (1.) or became, great, or large: (, K :) or so ,,
aor. :, inf. n. ,: and thc former, it (a thing)
'& (L, 1] in art .J.) and .J1; (S, L, (K ;) [and was, or became, great, big, or buity: (Mb :) or
2. _., (A, g,) inf. n. ;
1g, TA, in the C1V ' .J1) the name of A certain tj...I; (see #;)I]IIe encouraged him; em- hie, or it, was, or became, great, or large, in body:
idol, (., L, ],) which was wor~ipped in the time
boldened him. (A, K.) (KL :) or he, or it, was, or became, eorpulent;
of paganim: (L:) the J is an augmentative or corporeal, or bodied; as also V.q. (MA,
letter accord. to J and most of the leading lexico- 4: see 2.
logists; but F disapproves of the mention of the 6. Aq.3: see 1, in two places. Also He
word in this art. (TA.) stretched himself up, and raised his head. (1.) 2. .. , inf. n. &*,'ic, or it, made, or
- L.to1 4 jAr4 .
He put himself in motion to rendered, corporeal; or great, large, big, or bulky.
'. Red (B . )_Also, ($, Myb, ,) and
(En-Nawadir, g) with the staff, or stick. (KL.) - [He made to be solid, or to have length
sometimes ., (IF, Mqb,) and V,.., (,) him (V.)_ -I3jwl They acted with mutual daring and breadth and thickness.]
A garment dyed with saffron: (V:) or with or courage or boldness. (KL.)- Theyjournjed
5: see 1.- [Hence,] j14 _3
bastardsaffron: (lAth,TA:) dyed with jLr: (app. with boldness, or emulatingone anotherinbold-
t Such a thing assumed a form, or shape, [or an
(IF, Mb :) or saturated ith dye: (.:) or one nss]. (TA.)--JSL. . i.SJIl [for .-. --] embodimenat,] in my eye. (TA.) And
P L [Upon such The horses conwy the brave armed men anay, e1 ~ . : [app. Such a one as, or became,
a one is a garment saturated with dye]; and or along, or acros. (A.) an embodiment of generosity]. (TA.) And 2t
', f ,4 [Upon him is a garment aturated 8: see 1, last sentence, in two places.
.. 0..
4 .Oi ? [app. As though Ac er gene-
with red dye]; and when it is standing up by
'~l: see ;, in two places.-Also, applied rosity embodied]. (TA.) -~ U'. . tlie
reaon of [the thickness of] the dye, it is termed
to a he-camel, Sh]arp, spirited, or vigorous; syn. chos such a one (S, K, TA) t9 [from
b.q.d: (18k, S:) the pl. of this word isn. ,.
,bl [as contr. of;e]; s also e and%AI n among the pople, or party], (S,) or .?;
(.) - ee also what next follows :- and see
applied to a she-camel: or (so in the 1 accord. 4U.L9 [from the kinsfolh, or tribe, &c., and ant
to the TA; but in the CIg, "and") tall: (K :) him]: (TA:) as though he directed hlis course,
,...4, ((, A, V,) or ',. , (A,) the latter or taU and bulky: and with ;, applied to a she- or aim, to, or towards, his ._. [or body]; like
camel, it has this last signification; (TA;) or
is the original form, becaume it is from ...1?, signifies strong, and bold to endure travel: (A, as you say, ', meaning "I directed my course,
meaning, "it was made to stick, or adhere, to the TA:) the masc. epithet applied to a he-camel is or aim, to, or towards, his 4T, and his. "
body," (Fr, .,) like ... and,.L, and _,.. rare. (Lth, TA.) -_AsoLarge, or bulky; ap- (S.) [See also 5 in art.,.~.] One says also,
and J., , (Fr, TA,) A gam t worn nt the plied to a camel, (S,],) &c., ($,) or to anything,
li2.. A J1(+l C> 31U 10 (Choos thou her,
body (IAr,., A, ) by a woa so that 4he (],) or to any limb, or member: (TA:) fem. a ~me from among the cme, and stack
swats in it: (TA:) and a garment worn nwt with 3. (,$.)_--}. J. ;. a , and 0, her]. (TA.)_ . t He betook him-
th body dyd with safron: (A ) pl. '.g2. FuIl or phmp [in the for armn, and in the plac elf towards the land, or country, (, dei,) ng
BOOF I.] _+,*-- >- 42i
to go thitaur. (S.) --. j ,,, (S, ,) anm1 study to discover occult things, signifies Thce ,.A l

' ~JI, (8,) t He mounted, or ascended, thie and the S: and a .;JI
.L'I, every. 1 A, .,) aor. ', i,f. n. ., (.,)
greaterpart of the sand, (S, g,) and of the moun- thing beside trese two, of the heavens and the
He ground it (namely wheat, ., or grain, A)
tein. ($.) [See also 5 in art. .] [elements termed] 't;il therein. (KT.) coarsely; ($,A;) as also at t. (S.)_.
r..'J tii q. ;..U~ . (S,i, TA;) i. e., Hs dil, or corporal bruised, brayed, or pounded, it: and he broke it:
ventured upon, embarked in, or undertook, the Lc..- Bodily, or corporeal.]
pI (s, :) as also * '. (K).._ He beat himn,
main part, or bulk, of the affair: (TIZ:) or he or struck hin, with a staff or stick. (8, ~.)
[.- .. Dodiline.s, or corporeity.]
constrained himself to do it, or performa it; as
also . 4: (Alboo-Mijen, Ahoo-Turib,TA:) 4: see 1, in two places.
,l t~) : sec , in four jplaces.
or both these verbs signilfy he took it, or imposed ;l. (A, Ig, TA) and * . (TA) Loudness,
it, upon himself, or he undaertook it, in spite oj f L~: see ,;. or vehemence, of voice or sound: (A, ], TA :)
difficulty or trouble or inconvercnience. (Aboo- and a rough sound coningsfrth from the .m .
Turaib, TA in art. _..) You say nalso, i ..;l.q: see what next follows. [or air-passages in the nose], in which is a hars,e-
, , _ an1 _uLn..ul l t [ alap . /-. Great; layce; (S, Ml,, ;) asalso 1.: ness. (1S, TA.) You say, t b JI
meaning Such a one undertakes, in spite of d6i- .(S,K:) big; bulky: (M.h:) fem. witih : (X:) In the neigqhing of the horse is a rough sound:
culty or trouble or inconvenience, those things, or (TA :) which is one of the qualities approved in
pl. j..L. (S,MPI) [and . also, like as ;,,
affairs, that are causes of difficulty or trouble or
inconvenience; i. e., difficult, or troublesome, or is pi. of &O].' 1: and corlpulent, large in body, or hlorses. (IDrd.) And ,c i4. ,i./l . ;i U.
inconvenient things or afairs: supposing the big-bodied; (K, TA;) as also *l&~, applied ,.sJ In the sound qf the bo,a is a roughness of
two nouns to le pis. of wlhich the sings. are t,vanging on the occasion of shooting. (A.Hn
to a man. (TA.) You say, .e lt... C. TA.)
2__ and I4'.t, of the measure JI.*, like
[It is one of greut affairs or events]: and i.
AW" and 4.. and "a' (originallv i i-) ,,: see a:., in two places.
&c.]. (TA.) _., LI ;.'9 '.t. . [meaning the same, or of g,eat
afilictionw or calanities]. (TA.) And , [like- ^ e *- Wllent coarscly ground; as also
The body, writh the limb. or members; wise, or
lJr1,]signifies areat affairs or (S.)-And,
(,):. [as an epithet in which
syn. ,; (AZ, S, MCb;) as also ) iX and events. (TA.) ,J)l,e-.._ signifies [also] The the quality of a subst. predominates,] (TA,) as
;Q!: (AZ, S, Mgb :) or _+ and t C1_~ bulk, or the greater, main, principal, or chief, also t* (. , g,TA,) What is coarsely
are syn. with jp; ; (AR, ;) or signify tlhe part, of the affair; and so Aegl t.1.t. (S.) ground, (S, , TA,) of iheat c., (S,) or of
9whole body and limlbs or eNmbers of a man, (K, -[The pl.] _ also signifies t Intelligent men. n'heat and the like: (]~, TA:) or the former,
and T and Msb in explanation of .q,) anl of grain wnhen bruised, brayed, or pounided, before
(TA.) ,_91 .l.. El evated land over thich it is cooked: and t the l itter, such as is cooked:
a beast, a camel, and the like, (T, Mh,,) and of
aly other species, (i,) of :large m;lkc; (T, Mib, irater has risen: (K,* TA :) pl. (K.) but ISd says that this distinction is not of valid
I9;) anld s.It. is syn. witlh ,a [appI. as authority. (TA.) - Also, the fornier, i. q. b.W
.-_.Il OGreate, larger, bigger, or bulkier; or
meaning "a person"]; and t i.L. signifies grmatest, largest, biggest, or balkiest. (S, ].) Sec [Meal of parched barley or wheat, coarsel!/ qround,
which is made into a kind of gruel]; (EI-Farisee,
the wthole._.:ofaman: (As,S:) or_.si- also .
S,K ;) anid so t the latter: (A:) or t the latter
nifies [a body, or material substance; a solid;]
is the n. un. (El-Flrisee.) You say, ''
a thing having length and breaith andti thickness; .l .: see 5, last sentence.
so that, when it is cuit and divided, no portion t ' Give thou me to drink [some] d.
thereof ceases to he a whereas a va,; (A.) Or F.. is not called *-., but is called
.. : omitted in some copies of the S.
;J~, q.v. (TA.)- And the former, (Shli, lI,)
[meaning "a person "] ceases to be a ,L by
its being divided: (Er-Rlaighib,TA:) a thing that 1. t_, (S, M, Msb, K,) aor.', (M, Msb, I,) or 'a.., (TA in art. ,,) lWheat coarsely
is capable of being .divided in length and breadth inf. n. . (M, K) and , .. (M, TA,) He, or ground, and put into a cooking-pot, iito whichA
and thickness is called s _-, and also, it, (a man, M, TA, or a thing,, Mb,) rvas, or some Jfleh-meat is thrown, or some dates, andl
becatuse it is a subject of investigation, or inquiry, became, hard, tough, rigid, or stijf: (M, Msb, then cooked: (Sh, :) also called e i: (TA:)
in instrucLion in the mathematical studies, ]K :) [see also L..: or, said of a man,] Ie was, or a soup madle of coarsely bruised n,heat. (TA
or became, hard, rough, harsh,or ungentle; contr. in art. A,.)
; (KT:) pl. [of pauc.] .1 and [of
of W. (S.) And oeJI , inf. n. 3~ and
mult ] .q. (s.) You say, 1 'm: see ,;!~, in seven places.
L.., The hand, or arm, wnas, or became, dry,
(M, A, s, in art. 7 ,) and ... ] .. , (t, or tough, or hard, (S, TA,) in the bones, with ;.t. Having a rough, (S, ],) or loud, or vehe.
M, ib.,) and i (T, oM,A, ib.,) little flesh; (TA ;) and in tie same sense the ment, (A,) voice, or sound: (S, A, K :) applied to
i He became fat, after leannes; (A;) hisgood verb is said of other things. (S.)_ It (water) a man, and a horse, and thunder, (A, .K,) &c. (K.)
state of body returned to him; (M, ;*) his congealed, or froze. (S, TA.) - Also, inf. n. You say, ;.Jl ;.l1 J. A man having a
rondition of body became good, after extenuit a- .-. , le (an old man) attained [rough, or] loud, or vehenent, voice. (A.) And
tion; and health, or soundness, thereof retuined [so that his limbs became rigid]. the utmost age
(S, TA.)
u h; sr9Jx (A,) or ;Jl 1, (S,TA,) A
to him. (T.) And t.A4Jt .... Z1 [Verily horse in whose neighing is a rougfhness.
he is slender, spare, or lean, of body]. (TA.) 3. ;L,., (,) inf. n. Si_, (TA,) He treated (TA.)
him, or regarded him, with enmity, or hostility. And u. q1; , (A,) or .sj,I (S,)
-_ LIsIl lK A L.t [The materal sub-
(KI, TA.) Clouds that thunder vehemently. (As.) And
stance of dTffaerent natures; also called 4s
the asven material jubstances, and Aeo.i.1; ie 4 . Z A hand, or an arm, dry, or tough, il" ~,,, [.L;. being the fem. of-. ,] A bow
or hard, in the bones, with little flesh. (TA.) having a rough twanging, (AHn, ~,) when one
namely,] theet;.. [which are thle four element.,
fire, air, earth, and water,] and tse three pro- And l I_, .. l/ tl; A beast having tough, shoots with it. (AHn.) _- ;'l. is also the
ducts composed of these, (KT,) which are minerals, or hard, legs. (TA.) And e.4 L Stif; name of One of the sounds of nhich musical
vegetable, and animal.,. (Note in a copy of the rigid, or tough, and hard, spears. (TA.) [See modulations are formed, (Kh, .,) which are
three in number; [app. meaning the treble, tenor,
KT.) T h wlb wit
used by those who also .CM, in art. Lr..] and bass, clefs; the list being that to which this
Bk. I.

426 [Boox I.
term is applied;] the sound thus called being men, coent f.orth from one country, or town, to away: or rendered htim vile and despilcala (u E
from the head, (Kh,) issuing from tat..a . another. ($, 1, TA.) It is said in a trad., A,jl): or may God cause &c. (g1.)
[or air-pasuages in the noe], having in it a s:. ... jI tTIhe Greeks rose, 12. accord. to some, or '~ "&.
og q,l
rougthnes and hoarsnes, (Kh, V,) and followed and advanced from their country [in the time of accord. to others, occurs in a trad. of 'Omar; E
by a gradualfall (jo.J) [of the voice] modulated 'Omar]. (TA.) (TA in art. . ;) [and J says, and so Az
in accordance to that same sound, and then fol- 2: see 5. accord. to the TA,] the former, if used like the
loned by a sound [in my original ~t~, but I 5. l.J, (s,) inc n. _j ; (S, Mgh, ;; [in latter, is not improbably correct; but I have not 5
think it probable that this is a mistranscription for beard it. (S.) [See art. ... ]
the CK, ;..I is erroneously put for _-l I;])
LIC<, or -g. , or the like, for, though j or 3, inf. n. (Mb ;) and
D.;; (S,)
might perhaps, by straining a metaphor, be applied inf. n. ;L',;; ($, ;) both signify alike; (S;)
to denote a varied sound, its being understood in The rinds of pomegranates: (K:) of
He eructed, or belched; i. e., emitted a sound the dial. of El-Yemen. (TA.)
this sense seems to be forbidden by its being here accompanied with wind, from his mouth, on an
added] like the first. (Kh, TA.) [This explana- (S,K) and t and t and E
occasion of satiationof the stomach, (Mgh, Msb,)
tion is perhaps illustrated by the fact that the bass intentionally: (Mgh:) or it (the stomach) emitted tk.A.t.' (1.) and .
in the music of the Arabs is often formed of one , (S, 1.,) applied to
wind (K1,TA) on an occasion of its impletion wheat, or food, Grous, or coarse: (S, I, TA:)
prolonged note, falling and rising.] -Also , withfood or drink. (TA.) badly and coarsely ground: (TA:) or without E
[,j being understood,] A pebbly plain, fit for seasoning, or condiment, or anything to render
palm-trees. (1g, TA.) 8. .jit ,l:.l, and ;.,l :I', t [Hefound
the country to disagree writh himn, and] the country it savoury: (1K,TA:) . [probably , 4]
~, M(,)or *:., (A,) or both, (s,) disagreed with him. (S, 14.) signifies also anything disagreeable in taste, and E
h i.ch
A mill (, 1K) trith whch is ground: choking: (TA:) and gross, or coarse, and dry,
:4. A light bow: (S, .K:) or a bow that makes or tough: (IAth, TA:) and what is dry, or
(S:) or a small mill with which one grinds a ringing sound: (Lth, TA:) or a light rod of tough, of herbage. (TA.) Also, the first, A
coarsely. (A.) E
the tree called &.: (As, S:) pl. :, (:',) bulky and stroaig camel: (ISk,TA:) a thick-
" ._: see what next precedes. anomalous, and asserted by II-Ish to be rare, (TA,) boned horse. (Ham p. 207.)
and ;gA. (K: in the C., .) -. _
:see :- 5.' A rougfh, or coarse, (or, as some sny,
:*., A light arrow. (Ya.koob, TA.) A large TA,) short woman. (1K, TA.)
number (IAqr, ], TA) of men, and of cattle.
(IA9r, TA.) : see -. Also Anything rough,
gross or coarse, disagreeable to the taste, and
1.q., (,g,)
-aor., (1g,) inf. n. "L.: see .e . - Also tDaybreak: [or,]
chokiny. (1.) A thick, rough, or coarse, gar-
'.',- :, KL,) like ;ja, (TA,) and 'l4, accord. to 'Alec Ibn-.Hamzch, the blowing of tkhe nient, or piece of cloth. (S.) - A rough, or
wind at daybreak. (TA.) coarse, and old, worn-out, skiii for water or milk.
(KL, [or ltq, so Golius on the authority of the E
KL,]) [like - ;., and .D ,] Hi soldo ;lif: see :.U, in two places. (TA.) Rude, uncivil, utiinild, rotgh, speech
or language. (TA.)-.And (applied to a man,
[or stomach] heaved, by reason of grief or fright: 54.t ,iE A ringing bow. (TA. [See also TA) Afoul, or bad, eater. (K, 'A.)
($, g; and so in the 0; but in one copy of the I
.'t, voce f.., in art. j~...])
X(, by reason of grief or joy: TA :) or [simply] ' 4. Big, or bul:ky, and courageous, brave,
heaved, or rose: (T in art. , :) and heaved, or t.i. A belch; i. e., a sound accompanied nrith or bold. (IAar, K.) = [Also, aceordl. to Golius,
became agitated by a tendency to vomit; ( ;) roind,from tie mnouth, on an occasion of satiation as on the authlority of Ibn-.Maoroof, but in this
i. q. . and C.L;i: (Sh,TA:) and ,q of the stomach; (Mgh, Mob;) a subat. from 5; E
case probably a mistranseription for ,., A
-i # My soul [or stomach] awved, or became (A4, ?, Msb, 15 ;) as also ot~. (S, K) and wooden thing uplon vwhich clothes arc put.]
agitated by a tendency to vomit, or became heavy, Vt .:(1]: but the first and last of these three * Z- p

(-. ,) "in consequence of pain from something words are omitted in some copies of the K :) or ,.P_ A man (Sli) coawse in his means of E
t the second of these three words, accord. to subt~enc. (Sh, g.)
that it iidiked. ([Sh, TA.).-.JI L-4
some, is a superlative epithet, signifying a great, U~ : see . Thic h,gro.s, hig, coarrse,
He nausatedfood, in con~scquc of indigtion.
or frequent, belcher. (MF.)_ Also tAn in- or rough, (.S,and Hatm p. 207,) and shiort. (Ham
(TA.) .--... il C. The sheep emitted a wund waion of the night, and of the sea. (1, TA.)
from their throats. (Lth, l.).-., ul ,;L The torrent and the night (JjJI JeJI) are
ib.) -_ .ZV1 . L Thlick, gros, or big, in
t The earth put forth aU its plants, or uwrbage: called body. (T, TA.)
,;,r"t! [the two blind things] because I
like as they say, t,.bl zl;U [lit." the earth their invasion is vehement. (TA.) ~,:,J. : see .
vomited her victuals"]. (TA.)I- l 1

tiw [The meadows, or gardens,] put forth E

[their good things]. (TA.) - (A )1 L _ aor.' (As, S, A, Mgh,) inf. n. ".-;
1. -, aor. A; and , aor. '; ( ;) and
S [The countries, or townn, &c.,] cast forth [their (As, S, ;) and ,..,(A,)itnf.n. ... ,; (1;)
inhabitants]. (TA.) - t_.it. St 1 ,1ot :, aor. ;, inf. . I 0.; (TA;) said of lie took, or sent,forth his beasts to pasture, (A4, E
S [The mas] cast forth [their raves]. (TA.) wheat, or food, (..taJb,) It mua grou, or coarse: S, Mgh, 15,) not to return in the evrmning: (At,
Also . said of the sea, t It rushed on, (TA,) (1, TA:) it was badly and coartely ground: S, Mgh:) [or] hc pastured his beast near to the
grew dark, (I, TA,) and mas tumultuous with (TA:) or it was without seasoning, or condintent, tents or houses: (A:) [or] . signifies also
its waves; (TA;) and [in the Cg "or"] im- or anything to render it savoury. (R.) And one's pasturing his horses before his tent or house,
puded over one. (1, TA.) And in like manner the first, It (a thing) mu thick, g'ros, big, coarse, after their covering: (.K :) or a people's taking
said of the night, S It came on suddenly, (TA,) or rough. (TA.) _And , aor.', inf. n. forth their horses and pasturing them before
grew darh; (~, TA ;) and [in the CV "or"] 4.'-, He (a man, TA) vwa a foul, or bad, their tents or houwes. (L.)-And ' 1 and
impended over one. (l5,TA.)_..j., t ,14 eater. (1, TA.) - mHeground it coarsely; t.e also signify The leaving or neglecting [a
The wild animals made a single leap, or spring. namely, wheat. (1, TA.)--, d511 _. God thing]: (15, TA:) and dismising [it]. (TA.)
(TA.) -si .4 t. The people, or company of caued iis youth, or youthful vigour, to pas ,i11 f', meaning He etranged himself from
Boox I.] A -

the Kur-dn, is said of him who has neglected the camels' milk: (.K:) or it is correctly of gentral third signify he constrained himself to do it, or
reading or reciting of it for two months. (L from application: or is properly of n'ine; for this is perform it: (Aboo-Mi4jen, Aboo-Turib, TA in
a trd.)~.&l C' jWl J ' . The cattle went what is most frequently mentioned: and it is also art. . :) and I Ij 1' He did such
used as an epithet: thus you say 3j.A io. and such things against his will, and in spits of
forth to the places of pasturage from their
(TA.) - tA certain kind offoold: (1, TA:) or difficulty or trouble or inconvenience. (TA.) [See
-4. l X;.3.1
or,ners. (A.)--a X The man conj. 5, last
a kind offood eaten at daybreak. (TA.)- tTlle also an cx. of t~.3 in art. .~;
journeyed awayfirom his family, or wife. (A.) is said to mean
[last part of the night, called the] : (K :) sentence.] ;dl ,
sentence.] 41
_.e.a,~l .-,, (aor. ', 8,) inf. n. j;, (S, A, because near to daybreak. (TA.)-tMliddaiy: [I have imposed upon myself difficulty or trouble
K,) S The darn broke, (S,) or rose, (R,) or came (K :) because of the appearance and spreading of or inconvenience, in coming to thee,] so that I have
forth. (A.) its light. (TA.) journeyed, and become in want of the water of
the water-skin in the journey: or the meaning is,
2: sece 1, in two places. [A beast] made to pass the night in the 1I have sijered, and imposed upon myself, dffi-

~.: see , in three places. pastiure, away from its owner, not brought back culty or trouble or inconvenience, so that I have
in the evening: (K,* TA: [see also ,:]) or
sweated like the water-skin: or by the aj. of the
: Camels or sheep or goats pasturing in not pastured near the water: (IAr, TA:) or 's
their place, not returning to their owners (As, S, that is pasturednear to tle nwater. (El-Mundlliree, ati is meant its U, i. e., its k, by which it
1) at night: (1 :) or [simply] not returning to TA.) And y?d k. llorses pastured (S, K) is carried; and the phrase means i.Jli .t
their owners. (As, TA.) [See also .. ] JI~ [in the place of pasturage that is pro- a1 a j mill [I have imposed uponi myself, in spite
tA people nwho pass the niglht with the camels, hibited to the public]. (B.) of dfiiculty &c., in coming to thee, the carrying
(As, 9, ],) in their place, not returningto their of the water-skin]; alluding to journeying and its
tents or houses: (As, :) who goforth nrith their difficulties: (Hlar p. 511 :) [and in like manner,]
beasts to the place of pasturage, and remain in . ( in art. O.-)
their place, not returning to the tents or houses:
one says, ace i0I ., ;, : t
the doing this is not considered as travelling, and 1. ., aor.:, inf. n. , lie was, or be- The sportsman, when he has not taken any game,
therefore is not a legal reason for shortening the came, affected with the most vehement desire, and has returned disappointed, says, ",
ordinary prayers: (A'Obeyd, TA:) and . eagerness, avidity, cupidity, or hankering, (S, 0, Ui 4J.1 ;i4J [app. meaning I have not had the
signifies the same. (TA, as on the authority of .K,) and, (O, 1K,) as explained by an Arab of the trouble of bringing to thee so much as a hoof of a
A 'Obeyd. [But perhaps this latter is a mistran- desert to As, (IDrd,) nwith the worst hind thereof, gazelle or the like]. (AZ, TA.) And . i
or, as ex-
scription for , : see what follows.]) TA man (IDrd, O, 1,) for eating &c.: (TA:) L.tb
0 , i.e., I have not eaten, to-day, food,
plained by another Arab of the desert to AsY,
who is away (.,j, , TA) from his family, or is said
Kb, on the occasion of the disappoinltment of
(IDrd,) he took his own share, and coveted the
wiJc, with his camels; (TA;) as also t.: any one seeking a thing. (AZ, TA.)
share of another: (IDrd, K:) and V* sig-
(1K,TA:) and in like manner the former is ap- 2.
nifies the like; ( ;) or i. q. , q. v. (.K.) 2., - 1 (s,S., Msb, 1g,) inf. n. ';
,lied to a company of men; and so v [a pl. of
(S;) and *14.S; (S, Mqb, g;) He imposed
_-. also signifies The being impatient on
q. v.]: you say .; and q. (L,
account of separation from an associate. (TA.) upon
upon him, or made him to undertake, the affair,
TA.) 1The herbs, or leguminous plants, of [the as a task, or in spite of difficulty or trouble or
And The beingfrightened, terri.fied, or afraid.
season, or rain, called] the (L,K ;) as also
(; inconvenience; or he ordered, required, or con-
*~.. (L.) And y [all. y or.] strained, him to do the thing, it being diffcult or
5: see 1. troublesome or inconvenient. (S,Msb,K.) Hence,
also signifies A pasture-land in which horsesfeed.
(TA.) 6. 1JQ 3 Thlieyi straitened each other in (S, TA,) in a trad. of Zeyd Ibn-'Amr
: see .~-. = Also A [quiver of the kind I pressing to the water, and [so I render ti.iLa]
caUed] a3j ; ($, g ;) i.e., a ilb; and so.; vied, each with the other, in endeavouring to
sati.fy their thirst; (K ;) on the authority of an [Whltatever [Whatever thou impose upon me, in spite of diffi-
accord. to ISd, a [quiver of the kind called] ii., Arab of the desert. (TA.) culty &c., I undertake it, in spite o'f dfficulty
of shin., slit in the side in order that the wind
may enter it and thefeathers may therefore not part. n. of Affected with the most &c. &c.]. (S, TA.)
be eaten: (TA:) or, accord. to Z, i.q. , .l vehement desire, &c.: pl. ; (, IK,) and 4: see 2.
(IAth, TA.)_And A large jJI~. [or sack]: .. ..and nd U. are also pls. [of the 5: see 1, in six places. ,_, _1.l I
(S, ]:) pl. [of pauc.] o.1 and [of mult.] j. same]. (TA.)_ - .. I Tihe lion. (TA.)-. mounted, or ascended,
mounted, the greater part of the
(TA.) i ).j A man in whom are combined sand: sand: some say thus; and some say ;.
,) of a pasture-land in impatience and fright and a heavy, or a heaving, (TA.) _ iII L.,.Us 6 I directed
;Ut. The owner (,.
state of the soul. (TA.) my course, or aim, towards such a one, [and chose
which horses feed. (1 .) You say, "He is the
One who assumes afalse disposition, and him, (like . hiit&,(likeLl-Q , q. v.,)] from among the people,
jIl2. of our camels." (A, TA. [But it seems
or party. (Abu-n-Nadr, TA.)
to be implied in the A that it signifies the same that which is not in him. (TA.)
as >'q as explained below.]) _. A state of destruction,perdition, or death.
:1 [comparative and superlative of
(AA, TA.) - See also
ht;. One who takesforth horses and camels to More, and most, affected with most vehement
the pasture-land, and remains there: [see also desire, &c.]. (TA.) _..: see
Bee .~ Also Bad money: pl.
;.4:] pl. ; (TA:) [and ',~ is another (I
(IKh, TA.)
pl. of the same:] see .-- Also [the pl.] 4. _.': see ,.*-, in two places.
seellt-, Also Fat-
Camels, and asses, going whithersoever they will. 1.. .s ,,.., aor. , inf. n. (S M(b, O) nen.
ness. (AA, K.)
and i.l4, (Msb, K,) He took, or imposed, upon l : see ace _4
a r t?A drink that is taken at daybreak:: himely the affair, or he undertook it, as a task,
(A, A, 1) you sayy,: a.J I We dranh or in spite of dificulty or trouble or inconwnience; _. Weight, or heavinss; (9, ]g;) u also
the morning-draught that is taken at daybreakh: (S, M.b, g ;) as also .'", (, M.b,,' g,) and It, (.K,) and saccord. to the j, but
(S, A:) and it has no verb: (S :) or it is only ojf &qJ: (Aboo-Turab, TA:) or t the second ana correctly m,in the A and L: (TA:) [and
KA a
428 - J~ [BooK I.
an unpleasing,and a dificult or troubleome or at or ai]. (Lth, TA.) [The n. un. is with;i: sec arrows [lhaing ample room] may not become
inconvenient, affair:] a subst. from I,S ' art. pi.] detached; for the arrows are put in the quiver
I1.j explained above: see 1. (TA.) You say with the points downwards: each of these two
,;~L A preparer of .a [or gypsum].
L W LIs ' (s,) or kinds is made of two corresponding piece of
, (TA,:A (, Ic.) ---
Such a one threw upon me his weight, or heaei. tood: (TA:) the pl. is . . (., A,Mqb, g) and
neu: ($, TA:) to which Z adds, or his dificult, 1o4 [pl. ofi sdl] Place. in whic)h "'. (Msb.) You say, S;.,A..l l.
or troublesome, or inconvenient, affair, that hi ,; [Or gypsumL] is tmade. (.)
4L,ZlJl [Tluey inverted, or inclined, the quivers,
had imposed upon himself, or that was i7mposes and poured forth the arrows]. (A, TA.) And
upon him. (TA.) ~Also The .j. [i.e., th(
.*3l .; W 4. ,~[WFith him is a quiver
bell!; or the chest; &c.]: or the breast, with thc
in vwhich are the daughtersof death; i. e., deadly
ribs that contain it: (K:) or the breast of a aI. ;, [aor., accord. to rule, -, and inf. n.,
canmel: (S, TA:) and the part [of the shin] oJf probably, 'L,] He wa shlort andfat. (IAar, ]g.) arro.ws]. (A, TA.)--_Also The largest of drinkh-
ithe camel's breast, and of the rest qf the body ing-vex.sels. (MF, TA.)
thereof, with which the [kind of quiver called] 4. li1 .lie was, or became, proud; or exces- -.n. A man (S) short, and ugly, or con-
Oj) [i.. e i] is coerCed. (TA.) You say, a sivrely proud, corrupt, unbelieving, or disobedient. temnptible; or uyly/, and small in body: (g, ]:)
(Sgh, K.) or weak, and lextitute of good: or vile, or mean,
meanilng lIc threnw his breast upon him,
(TA.) L'. [probably an inf. n. used as an epithet,] and despicable: (]{[) or a low, mean, or sordid,
4,, 0
eJ3 applied to a man, (S,~ Large; big; bulky; or and weak man: pl. . (TA.)
.4., [app. pl. of , like as .~ is pl. olf trrge in body,, corpulent, andflesihy: (S, ,,TA:)
4a,i. The art of manking qnirers of the kind
Iat men: (IApr, K :') and tall, cr,vJt? or tall, ltige in bo,il,; a great eater and drinker,
or cunning, anpd wicked or malignant, mcnu. who exults, and cibehaves insolently and ungrate- called .aa., pl. of . (A, 1..)
(IAqr, TA.) .fIdly to God : (Fr, TA :) occurring in a trad. l&a_.: see what next follows.
dlescribing the peoplle of IIell. (S.)
;..a_. A mnnl nho tanlE, or iimposes, upon him. A,-. [and app. t a also, as seems to be
sef, or nho undertakes, oflairs, with energy or
indicated in the .K, whelre it is mentioned as a
vigour, or in an extraordinory ldegree, in spite oJ
di/ficnilty or trouble or inconvenience. (Msb.) I. .a , (g, ,) aor. , (K,) inf. n. _, surnlame, but in the C.; written J&.,] A maker
(TA,) lie prostrated him; he threwv him down of quivers of the hind called , *b. (A, 1C.)
(1K,) or, as in the book of Kr, upon the ground; (S, K, TA ;) like iu.; (S;)
(TA,) Thlick, gros, coarse, rouyh, rugged, rude, as also ... One who often prostrates, or throws
., (K,) inf. n. .. ; (TA
big, or bulky. (KI.) See also .. down, others, [in some copies of the ,
and *, (S,g, [in the C}; erroneously written
.a~.,])like ti erroneously, , .,]) but is not himself prostrated,
_.I_. A man taking, or imposing, upon himself, fromti f., (.,) inf. n. .
or undertaking, an affair, in spite of dilficulty or ($, TA [in the latter, in one place, probably by a or throwrn down. (g, TA.)
* .. S, ..
trouble or inconvenience. (,Nlhb.) See 2. mistake of a copyist, writtel ALn~].) _ lIe in- or .- (accord. to different copies
verted it, or hins; he turned it, or him, upside of thie 1K) Dead, or dying; s vn. . (s.)
The lion. (1.)
donwn, or over, or in.side out; syn. .3. (.K.)
,_1A: see 5 in art. . - lie collected it; (1 ;) mostly used in relation
to that which is small in quantity, paltry, or in-
considerable. (TA.).=, (A, K,) and , 1- d~, aor. ', inf. i. (.8,A, M.b, g)
.a.a., (A,) lie made a quiver of the kind called and La.., (1K,) said of hliair, (S., A, Myb, If,) It
4 ..0- 9 ...
a . (A, .) was, or becamse, cr;.Lp, or eurly, or twisted, anl
oz: naa , ,: sce art. O: ,- contracted; (M.sb;) was, or became, the eQntr.
2: see 1.
4of ;, (iK,) or of J-?.: (Msb:) or wras, or
5: see 7. became, slxort: (Kr, K:) and , [aor.: ,]
2. . lie plastered a building with ,~. 7. .l and t ; (.) and * ' (Msb, TA,) inf. n. .. , (TA,) si,nifies the
[or gypsum]: (Mgh, ] :) or he made a house (S, 1) He became prostrated, or th'ro,vn donn samne; (Mshb,TA;) asalsotj;,. (1}.)- -tIt
upon the ground. (S, g.) became contracte(l, and compacted in lumps;
therewith: (Moh:) i. q. ,.', (, TA,) which
is of the dial. of El-}Iij6z. (TA.) Q.Q. 1. : seel. (L;) as also ; (L, ;*) said of earth,
(]K,) or of moist earth. (L.) [The inf. n.] j
(', Ighl, M 9b, K) and ,.., (S, Mgih, Q. Q. 2. 3:
1.iSsee 7. is also somctimes used in describing the state of
I,) but the former is the more chaste: (TA, a~ A .4S. ' [or quiver] (A, K) for arrows the froth, or foam, of a camnel's mouth, when it
fromnt an Expos. of the Fs:) the latter is dis- ($, A, Mgh, M,b, K) of the Itind conled ,.,~ is accumulated. ($. [Sec ... ])_ Also, said
approved by IDrd, and disallowed by ISk;
($, A, Msh, 1) and for those that are called J. of a cheek, inf. n. ;., t It was rough, or
(TA;) and it is said in the Bari', on the authio-
rity of Allalt, that the latter is the form used also: (Vam 1p 154 :) but some make a distinc- coarse, and short; contr. of J.I. . (L.)
by the vulgar, and the former is that which is tion between .a. and ia.: the former, they 2 . , (, A, Mb,K,) inf. n. (,
correct: (Msb :) [G6ypsum; a certain substance] say, is for ,,LUj; and the latter, for j.;: (Mz, A, M1sb,) ]Ie crisped, or curled, or twisted, and
with which one builds, (S,) or plasters; (Mgh ;) MF:) accord. to IDrd, the i;S. is only for .', 1contracted, it; (Mqb;) made it the contr. of
well known: (Myb, ] :) arabicized; (., Mgh, and is of leather: that whichl is of wood is called J.';, (K,) or of (M.b:) or made it
M 9b, ]k;) because : and w. do not occur in J~c.: and that which is of two pieces [of wood] short: (1K :) namely, hair. (8, A, Msb,
any Arabic word; (Msb;) or, accord. to AZ, joined together is called C,i [i. e.
c 3]: (Ham 5: see 1, in two places.
there are some [Arabic] words in which they ubi supra:) accord. to ISh, the .a is round
both occur, as has been mentioned in art. ~,1.: and wide, with a cover on the top, over its mouth: j.', applied to hair, (S, A, Msb, .,) Crisp,
1or curly, or twisted, and contracted; (Msb;)
from .b, (Mgh, ], [in the CK i,]) or, as the al.j is smaller, and its upper and lower parts
are of eqltal size; whereas the la4. is wide in 1on,tr. of Ja.,, (I,) or of . (Mb:) or
some say, .; which are Persian: (TA:) in
its upper part, and contracted in its lonwer part; jshort. (Kr,K.)_Applied to a man, ($,) Haciny
the diMl. of die people of El-.ijiz, , [i. e. wide in its upper' mrt that the feathers of the jhair such as it termed : (, M.b, l :) [or]

1^ J the
it; [having
- fIn points
for the
A -1of
tnio room)
11 corresponding
- are each
1 put
-- innot
0 .'pkem
. 11 . - 1
Bool I.] ~-b.~
man: (A and TA in art L,3, q. v.:) or
so IJ:~.: (A,TA:) fem. with ;: (S, Msb, I stupid
fai. sB [Do mischief, O she-hyna]; a prov.
18 :) pl1. 1a.. (A, Myb.) - As an epithet of 1. 'a, aor. , (, Mvb, 1,) inf. n. ,;
used in declaring a thing to be vain, or false.
praise, it has two meanings; namely, t Compact (Msb;) and t 1 .J; . (1V;) said of a beast or
in limbs, and strong in make; not flabby, nor of bird of prey (S, Mgb, 81) having claws, or talons, (K.) And
slack, or incongruous, make; (L;) or big, or (S, ],^) or a hyena, and a dog, and a cat, (TA,)
bulky, and compact; (Ilam p. 238 ;) or, as some and metaphorically of a rat or mouse, (Msb,) He
say, light, or active: (TA:) and having crisp, or voided his dung. (S, Msb, 1.) [for AI, 1 Be afraid, 0 she-hyena, and look
cyurly, not lank, hair; because lankness is the nwhere is a place to wchich to fee]: (,,* TA:) or
6. , (8,1 ,) or 1t ;, (TA,) Ic
prevalent characteristic of the hair of the Greeks 1 /jh [i.e. turn aside, this way and that]: (S
and Perosans; and crispness, or curliness, is the bound upon his (i. e. his own) waist a ropt of the and TA in art. tj :) a prov. applied to him who
prevalent characteristic of' tle hair of the Arabs: kind called jI.. (S, , TA.) seeks to escape, and cannot: (TA:) or with
but very crisp, or frizzled, or woolly, hair, like 7: see 1. reference to a coward, and his submissiveness.
tlhat of the Zenj and the Nubians, is disapproved. (1K.) And jla.' ~ [Rise, O she-hyena]: mid
(L.) - [lence,] Generous; bountiful; muni- ., originally an inf. n., (MIsb,) Tlhe dung of
to a woman, in reviling her; likening her to a
ficent; (T, S, A, ;) alluding to a man's being a beast or bird of prey (S, Msb, ]) having claws, she-hvena. (ISk, TA.)
an Arab of genecrous disposition, because the or talons; (S, 1 ;) as also ;t .4; (1 ;) which
Arabs are characterized by crisp, or curly, hair. is like ) in relation to a horse: (TA:) or the j;I. A certain mark made with a hot iron
(A.) As (lid not know ~. in this sense; but it dung of the hyena: (A:) [and of the dog, and u,pon [the part called] the 9U ..: (1 :) accord.
occurs in many verses of the AnAir. (T, TA.)_ q. v.: to the Tedhkireh of Aboo-'Aleec, one of the marks,
cat: see 1:] or dry dung upon the m,
As an el,itlet of dispraise, it has also two mean-
(K :) or dung that come,sforth dry: (IAth, TA:) to made, of camels. (Ibn-HIlheeb, TA.)~A
ings; namncly, t Short, and incongruous in make:
and I that of the rat or mouse: (Msb:) pi. rope which a nlan nwho wvaters ties to a stake, and
(L:) [contr. of ':] _and INiggardly; (As, j-a.. (R.) _ See also j3,a. ~ Also Costire- then binds upon his naist, wvhen he descends into a
T, S, L, 1;) as Iulso .j.l , (S, 1,) and nes.. (TA.) n'ell, lest he should fall into it: (S:) or a rope
J.,'i ,a~,, (S,) anld &lo'l , (A,) or this which a draner of water binds upon his waist,
,'j.' A nark left by the rope called jaq. (Th, (1;, TA,) when he descends into a nwell, (TA,)
signifies t havi,y short fingers, (K,) and .,- 1) upon the waist of a man. (Th, TA.) lest he should fJll into the well; (1, TA;) the
Q1, anRld JSII J~., (gar p. 96,) and end being in the hand of another man, who, if he
see~ .
;, 4 Jl; (A ;) contr. of [>Jl L, and] falls, pulls him up with it. (TA.)
.. Ii L,~ anid tLJl ~. [&c.]: (1gar ubi supra:) O1p M.1 [in which the latter word is imper-
and mean; ngencerous; bae: (L:) and ^ fectly decl. because it is a proper name ending
4,. t- 1
with the augment OI,] The [black beetle called]
I.IiI Imean, or ignoble, in respect of rank, quality,
J~ , (Kr, K, TA,) in a general sense: or, as
reputation,or the likhe. (A,]K.)-A camel having see: seU >...e;I The place of
some say, a certain species thereof. (TA.)-
much fur: (IK :) or having crisp, or curly, and the [two marks made by cauterization which are
abundant,fur. (S.) [Ience,] L11J j a sur- And Ob-. AI, (K, TA,)
or ;s-. A., (so in a
called the] O;'*j, in the buttocks (.1) of an
t Soft moist eartl;
copy of the K,) The ai..j [orfemale of the vultur
name of 7'he cancl. (L.) ass: (1, 1 :) or the places of cauterizationin the
percnopterul]. (Kr, ].)
as also .: (S:) or moist earthi. (1.)-t A hinder part, upon the [tw,o portions of the thighs
mess of the kind called 4. that is thick, (L,k,) J,a~ A bad kind of dates; (Msb, 15;) also called the] 0eJ , of an ass: (TA:) and the
not flowi,g; (1.;) as also t (L, K.) metap)horically called ;j~ tj.. [the rat's, or part, (S, ,) or two parts, (A,) which the tail
IAgr cites tie tfllowing wor(lds of a poet, accusing mouse's, dung], because of the bad smell, and the strikes, (S, A, K,) upon the two thighs of a horse,
a womah of blii conduct: dliminutiveness, thereof: (Msb :) and you also sty (S, 1,) or of a beast, where he is cauterized:
;ji.t 5
,3: (TA:) or a species of the Jjj, (A:) or the two edges of the haunches projecting
i*9 CC ' - L
a is,
Lt - L 5. i.ow tJ1ii.L3j
a--- m
which is the worst kind of dates: (S:) or a over the thighs [behind]; (Ae, S, ]1;) i.e., the
two places wrhich the farrier marks, making lines
[And she mixes thick ~ wvith thefood prepared species of the [kind of palm-tree caUed] Jj that upon them [with a hot iron] ( J.~.t/): or the
with JmI]; meaning, she confounds men together, bears mnnaU things [or dates] in which is no good. heads of the upper parts of the two thighs: or the
and does not select him who is to have intercourse (As, TA.) [See :.JI ,a., in art. .j-.] depressed part of the haunch and thigh, in the
with her. (L.) - t Froth, or foam, accumulated place of thejoint. (TA.)i See also a.
JSk)r': see)a~ .
upon the fore part of the mouth of a camel. (;,s
,,_.., (S, A, 1],) like AUl, (1g,) indecl., with .... The rump, or podes; or the anus; [itn
L.) And .iUI j.t tA camel having froth, or the present day, the latter;] syn. ; (S, 1 ;) and
kesr for its terminiation, because it deviates from
foam, accumulated upon the fore part of his
its original form, which is ;c.%, and is of the ? 4:a,. and t aS!. and * ;,t1 the same; syn.
mouth. (;,'L,1. *). - t A cheek rough, or coarse,
fem. gender, and has the quality of an epithet in -..; (1 ;) or the last (;t.W.), as some say, i. q.
and short; not jel. (L, 1.) And t A round
which that of a subst. is predominant, so that the )A1' a.e.
face, with little l [or beauty], (15, TA,) or, ns thiing to which it applies is known by it like as it
in some copies of the g, .j [or flesh]. (TA.) is known by its proper name; and as it is pre- ;br A man ecry, o, often, CosSirs; (8 ;) as
And ;~'s4. t ! A short foot; (A, TA;) cha- vented from being perfectly decl. by two cautises, aso ;w,, j ls. (TA.)
it must be indecL by reason of three; as we also
recteristic of low origin. (TA.) - It is also
applied, in the manner of an intensive epithet, to say with respect to 3.1, a proper namne of dcath;
the plant called XLL; and in like manner, with (S ;) The she-hyena;
(~, A, I ;) a name of that
animal (S) because of the abundance of its dung; Q. Q. 1. I elc(a man, TA) depitd
;, to the plant called . (TA.)-e.. . IU
(, A;) as also s;la., and t -, and t A,. his ordure, or excrement, at once: (], TA:) or
tA she-camelcompact in make, and strong. (TA.) in a dry, or tough, state. (TA.) The.* is aug-
(15.)Hence, q. l ..1 [More mischievous
.r.ay..: see ,., in two places. mentative. (Sgh, TA.)
than the shew-Ayena]: a prov. (A, TA.) And
aa-N Moist earth contracted, and compacted 4W 3 (K1) Be thou litke the he-goat in ,, (S,1,) anddt,.u, (TA,) and t .. tiq.;
in lumps. (L in art.ai.) stupidity, 0 she-hyena; a prov. applied to a (AZ, S, and 41 in art. .. ,) the first of which
[Bool I.
is poet-clamical; (, ];) and the last, the tern "and") a large, wide river: (Ibn-El-Ajdabee upper part to be their lower part]; (, ;) and in
used by the Arabs [of the clatnical ages]; (f ; )K:) [if so,] bearing two contr. significations : the words of the lur [lvi. 81], $ ;
Human ordure, or excrement; (AZ, TA in art (v :) or (in some copies of the K " and") a ful
X .n.GIk[And do ye make the thanks that ye
,~.a;) syn. /: (,] :) or the first signifiess river. (K.) Also (from the last of these sige
should render for your sustenance to be that ye
the place in which the ,.~ falU: (IDrd, ]:: ) nifications, TA) :A she-camel aboundirig withl
charge with falsehood the Giver thereof by attri-
the .a in the last word is augmentative; and it Nmilk. (B, TA.)
buting it to the stars called ,l1 ? as expl. by Bd
pl. is . . ('.) You say, ,.t~ ' . and Jel]. (TA.)3 He pronounced (Er-Raglib,
.4. [He east forth the excrements of Ath K) a thing by a true judgment or decision, (Er-
belly]. (v.) 1. J , aor. , inf. n. Jac. (g, Mob, ]) and i ghib,) or as a legal ordinance; (1.;) as in the
jand.and and a;taq (V) and J , (Q, saying (of the Legislator, TA), .,-;j-l I' Ja-
vaq.: see the next preceding paragraph. TA,) He male a thi'ng; syn. r; (Msb, I;)
* ... . .. 0.. L..) 31.ij [God hath pronounced the
bo~.q; p]. ;l + see: . but having a more general signification than prayers that are made obliyatory to be fve]. (p1.)
,ri and f and their equivalents [as will be And lie pronounced (Er-RSghib, K) a thing
1 A man (TA) who depositts his ordure shown by what follows];
(Er-RAglhib, TA;) and by afjlrejudgnent or decision, (Er-RUghib,) or
or e~crement, at once: (V:) or in a dry, oi rso t Ja..: (n:) both these verbs signify the according to his own judgment, heretically; (1;)
tough, state: as ao i.. (TA.) same. (S.) -He made a thing of, or from, a ts in the saying [in the l]ur xv. 91], i q. ^
thing; as in the saying [in the lur xvi. 74 and
W : see what next precedes. sep. c.jsl [Wlo pronounced the Kur-dn to be
xlii. 9], ;: $jli . s J [Ele hath lies, or enchantment, &c.]. (Er-PIghib, ].)-
made for you, of, or f,rom, yourselves, wives]; He called, or named, (e, Myb, ],) a thing; (Mqb;)
and [in the kur xvi. 83] L).Jl ' J q0..~jas in the saying [in the gur xliii. 18], l ..j
1. dA/q, (~, I~,) aor. -,((,) inf. n. .. , (TA,) ) Lii [And He hath madefor you, of the moun- .UUil X v JJ J [And they
He prostrated him; threw him down upon the taint, places of retreat; as caves, and excavated have called the angels, who are t;,e searants of the
ground; (9, 1 ;) cast him upon the gronnd; houses or chambers: so explained by Bd]. (TA.) Compassionate,females]: (S, .K:) or, as some
like ea; (TA;) namely, a man; ( ;) as also - lie created; (K, TA;) brought into being, say, the meaning is, have described them as, and
t m_.1. (Ibn-'Abbad, ) -.l-He pulled it, or or existence; (TA ;) as in the saying [in the p ronounced them to be, females; like as one says,
: ... . a. ,.
plucked it, out, or up; ( g,;) namely, a thing, .Kur vi. 1], .,;JI_ :LA,Uil J.a. [And hath ,,U_1 ,Wsl .j e 'J ~.a [Such a one described
(9,) or a tree; (], TA;) and turned it over, or created, or brought into being, the darhnesses and t7eyd as, and pronounced him to be, the most
uptide dowm; (TA;) as also *1g.. (lI, TA.) the light]; (1, TA;) and [in the Kur xxi. 31] learned of men]: or hae held, or believed, them to
4: aee l. is.0 lJl l Ia..j [And We have befemales; like as the verb signifies in the saying
7. ~ 1 l [He became prostrated, thrown
created of water, or the seminalfluid, everything in the l~ur [xvi. 59], :.RWl d' j~'la [And
down upon the ground, or cast upon the ground: livin]; and [in the ]ur xvi. 80, &c.,] Jj4 they hold, or beliere, God to have' daughters: or
see its part. n., below]. - It (a thing, 8, or a s:;'lj tleJI ,* [And lie createdfor this may be rendered and they attribute to God
tree, 1) became pulled, or plucht, out, or up. you the ears and
the eyes and the hearts]. (TA.) daughters]. (TA.) You say also, .ts.! . ,
( , 15.) _lHe made, or prepared; as in the saying [in the meaning I asserted Zcyd to be related to thee [as
8: see 1. lur lxv. 2], .. *aJa.H [He will make, or a brother; or I called Zeyd thy brother]. (K.)
JtL. : see what next follows. prepare,forAim a way of escape, or safety]; and le
l. thoght ; as in the saying, .l J
[in the gur lxv. 4] .. l >. a1 J',. [lIe >li [lie thought El-Baufrah to be Baghddd];
j1 applied to a torrent, i. q. J. [That
iU make, or prepare, for him an easy state of (I;) and oin the saying, '". I~." ai [I
carflu awasy everything]; as also J1..: (1 :) his cirmcutanca; i. e., will make his circum- thought him to be a slave, and consequently I
and that overturns everything upon which it stances, or case, easy to him]. (TA.) - He reviled him]. (Iam p. 31.) --. le made knonwn,
come. (TA.) made; meaning he made to be, or become; he or plain, or perspicuous; as in the saying [in
constituted; he appointed; [in which sense it is the Igur xliii. 2, of which one explanation has
'Aa A place where one is prostrated, or
throw down upon the ground. (TA.) doubly trans.;] ( ;) as aS,
n in the saying in the been given above], l,u, l "e ul [ Vrily
lur [xix. 31], X.J j;Lm. 3 [And He hath we have made it known, &c., as an Arabic
Jg4i Prostrated,or thronn down upon the made me a prophetj; gur-dn]: ( :) or the meaning is, we have
(S;) [and in the elliptical
grouw6; as also t j. . (TA.) phrase, va.l i He made him to be superin- revealed it [as such]. (TA.) - lIe exalted, or
0 ...
tendant, or the like, over it; set him, or appointed ennobled; as in the saying [in the 1Kur ii. 137],
_.aq.: see what next precedes.
him, over it:] and in the phrase, L _ 1iJl J' . Ij aol . [We have exalted you, or
ennobled you, as a nation conforming to the just
[He made that which was bad to be, or become, mean; or just, or equitable, or good]: (] :)
good]. (K.) - He made a thing to be in a par- it may be rendered, we have made you a nation
Q. L .~ [inf. . of . l.]a compound ticular state or condition; as in the saying [in &c.:] or, as some say, the meaning is, we have
word from the phrase .la& ' [May God the lur ii. 20], l: J 1.Jl [Who rj";tcalled you, or named you, a nation &c. (TA.)
make me thy ransom]. (lbn-Dibyeh, TA.) [You hath made for you the earth to be as a bed]; - Also, inf. n. ~., He put, or laid, a thing;
say, '* , meaning Hie said to him d1l and [in the gur lxxi. 15] I_; X ,JI. Jq.3 or put it, or laid it, down. (g.) And ' 4J.
[And hath made the moon, in them (the heavens), , 3_ He put, or thren, one part of it upon
to be as a light]; and so, as some say, in the another. ( - HeH.) inserted a thing into a
saying [in the ]ur xliii. 2], Ld Oe. eLtLq. thing; as in the gur [ii. 18], l, lj Oj.L ..
'jq. A smoa river; a rtvuet, streamlet, or [Verily me have made it an Arabic Kur-dn].
brooh (IASr,., V ;) or one that is larger than (TA.)- [He made a thing to be in an altered, .*1wi [They inuert, or put, theirfinge into
their ears]. (TA.) - He put into the heart, or
a J~ .: (> :) or, as in the NawAdir, a small or changed, state or condition; i. e.,] the verb
rvmr, larger than a J~o: (TA:) or a rimr, signifies also the changing a thing from its state mind; as in the gur [lvii. 27], 3 0,.~ L.q
(IDrd, IJ, TA,) abolutely: (TA:) if small, it or condition; as in the saying [in the ]ur xi. 84 a"' '" a.3l Xd [And me put into the
is a njj: (IDrd, TA:) or (TA, but in the g and xv. 74], iL. tl Li~ 1 [We made their hearts of thos who followed him pity and cornm-

B00K I.] 431

passion]. (TA.). [He appointed, or assigned, took, or received, wages, pay, or a stipend. aJt: see j~, for each in two places:
or stipulated to give, or gave, wages, pay, or a (Mgh, TA.) aAnd Jan
stipend, &c.]. You say, '5k~ j ", -- [I ap- 10: see 4. I
pointed him, &c., wages, pay, or a stipend]. i3e..: see J.;, in two places.
(Msh.) And I. J;,1 ;a
d.J Il e stipu-
j4. ShSort palm-trees: (S, K :) or shoots, or
offsets, of palm-trees, cut off'from the mother- J&l_ [act. part. n. of ja'] Giving [wages,
lbted with him to give him such a thingfor [doing]
such a thing. (1g.) And 'J. [alone] He gave
trees, or plucked forth from the ground, and pay, or a stipendl: &c.]. (K.) I
planted: or bad palm-trees: or palm-trees that
wages, pay, or a stipend, to another to serve .for rise beyond the reach of the hand: ( :) n. un. j0~.a applied to a bitch, ( g,) a, and to any
him in war, i. e., in his stead. (Mgh.) And with ;: (S: [in the Ki, not so correctly, pl. of animal (S, K) or beast of prey, (8,) Desiring,
dJ : l..4 I gave to him wages, paT!, or a il.:]) and palm-trees such as are called .t (S,) or loving, (K,) copulation. (S,K. [See 4.])m
stipend. (8,' Mgh.) And t. t ala., and [q v.]. (K.) Also, fcm. with ;: see ,J., in two places.
3 .Lacl, lie gave to him nwages, pay, or a ,. Wages; pay; a stipend; or a thing that Ja'.' Taking, or receiving, [wages, ,pay, or a
stipend. (K,TA.) And it is said in a trad., J-
is appointed, or stipulated, to be given to a man stipend.] (1g.)
| ;1 JtL~YI;>o
.>* [IC gnave,or for work, or service; (, Mgh, Msb, * K;) of
stipulated to give, to his people, or )party,a more general import than 6I. J and .,.:; (TA;)
hundred camels on the condition that they should as also V;Jila ($, Mgh, Msb, 1) and (as some I
Q. accord. to the K, hut Q. Q. accord. to Sgil,
su,render]. (Mgh.)Ir.--eb ~ a. lie set
albout, began, commenced, took to, or betook him- say, Msb) ?l,. (As, Mgh, Msb, 1) and Vt31. ,M.~:: sec art. ,q.
self to, doing such a thing; (],*TA;) he became (Mg,h, Msb, ) and tj.. ($, Mgh, Myhb, ) I
occupied in doing such a thing. (TA.) J. is andl t J,_i (.K) and j .: (Iar p. 134:) pl.
hum: sce art. &..
also, sometimes, an intrans. verb included among J~ (TA) and (of .a. or il.., Mgh) t,.
the verbs of apl)ropj)inqualtion ($4,U.JI j.WI); as (Mgh, TA.) Aftervards, (Mgh,) or Vt .JIand I
in the saying, t ila~ and ala_. (,TA,) , Wages, or pay,
or the lkhe, which one gives to a man wvho goes to
W 21 n'or (Mghl, K, TA) as a substitute for the girt, 1. *, (S, Mgh, M1b,) sec. pers. ;,
(K, TA,) that he may aid himself thereby to ,wrue :,or. J. (S, Mgh, Myb, K) and ~i,
(., K,)
[And I was beginning to be, or at the point of in the war: (Mg- :) pl. of the last thiree woris the latter aor. mentioned by AZ, but rejected by
being, in such a state that, wthen I rose, my gar- Jl0.. (TA.) Andl ., (TA in art. j,) or I
ment heavily burdened me, so that I stood nip as Ks; (8 ;) and sec. pers. C4Aq, aor. A,.ii , (Sgh,
t 'JI.., (1K,) A bribe. (K, TA.) And t ivM 9b, K,) of the dial. of B'enoo-Asad; (Mlgb;)
stands up the intoxicated drinker]. (K.)=o.,
jIl lVhat is given, or stipulated to be given, to inf. n. .3tland *Jye., (., Mgl, Meh, K,)
(., .,) nor. , ( i,)int. n. J.a..; (S;) and
himn who dives for goods orfor a man drowned. which are assigned by J and ?gh to J4 nor.
tJ0a.. ; (1 ;) It (water) had in it manpy 0.^ , (TA.)
pl. of ',.:(. , K :) or had in it dead 0 .9 Ju.; (TA;) It (a thing, Mgh, or a garment.
(l~.)-Anml 0~, (TK,) inf. n. j;., (IAar, 3. an d and Watcr having in Mb, KM , and also said of other things, .) was, I
1I, Tl1,) lie (a boy, T]I) was, or became, short it man!/ , pl. of Ja.: or having in it or became, dry; it dried, or dried utp. (Mgh,
andfat. (IApr, ]. [In the explanation of lJl dlead QJC.. And t la.
(K.) o.l A land Mal,.) lence the saying, cL~. . ;',;5
in the CI, .. ;l is erroneously put for >JI.]) abo,unding with 0 .. (K.) JU.' lie )whoexperiences an emission of semen I
And lie (a man, TI~) persisted; or persisted in sleep, then ristes in tlhe morning with what is on
obstinately; or persisted in contention, or liti- : see
his garment, of the senen, dry. (Mgh.) And
gation; or contended, or litigated; ,.' being I
j;otJ , -. an elliptical phrase, for .~JI ,I 4.
syn. with tI. (Ahr, g.)
[The water of the river dried up]. (Msb.) And
. [Thc species of black beetle called can- ,,. ....
3. ., (A, g,) infC. n. n. a and , *e1 J. ' ,i Such a one does not remit, or
(TA,) He endeavoured to conciliate him by means tharus;] a certain insect (a.j); ($, ~;) a I
certain black insect,found in moist places, (TA,) become remiss, in hit work, or labour: (TA:) or
of a bribe. (A, V.* [In the Cl, o is erro- that rolls along a little ball [of dung] called does not cease to go to andfro. (}.Iar p. M89.) _
neously put for dtyj.])
a,).- [in which it deposits it. eggs]: ($ and K _., inf. n. Jn4, said of a man, tile rnos, or
4: see ,., above, in three places: -and in art. C. :) [see also ,L.: it is strangely became, silent; he did not speak. (Mb.)n I
5. * , ., ,1l
see Ja, above. ~j.1Jat He put down the explained in the Msb as tbe AQa., which is the 1! ; J.Jl .1a , i naor. , inf. n. e, I ol-
cooking-pot (., O) from the fire () with the
piece of rag called Jt.. (., V.) - i.' and
male of the ; .. lJ pL ,. (.,
Mb, K.) lected the thing to me. (Naw6dir of AZ, TA.)_.
- Hence, as being likened thereto, (TA,) t A jlA_Fl I,hq. They collected together their camels,
t --.d L.l- said of a bitch, (., 1],) and of other black and ugly and small man: or one who is wont and took them away. (8gh,' 1,0 TA.)
animals, (1,) of any beasts of prey, (p,) She to persist, or to persist obstinately, or to lperist in
deired, (., Er-Righib,) or loved, (K,) copula- contention or litigation, or to contend or litigate: 2. , (, M, b,) inf. n. (s. M k , P, ) I
tion: (., ], Er-R4ghib:) metonymically used in and JlA3, (18,) He dried it. (Myb,Il1.)
and (as some say, TA) i. q. j [a watcher, an
this sense. (Er-RAghib, TA.)
obMer, &c.]. (1, TA.) ,5-dAh ,..A, (i,) inf. n. 'A., (,) lie clad,
B. (;,JIl,It3 They stipulated aong them or attired, the horse with a J4.j. (., .) I
selwes to give the thing as wages, pay, or stipend: JI~ A piece of rag wvith which a cookhing-pot
is put down (8,V)from the fire; (S;) as also 6: see R. Q. 2.
(K :) from J0~... (TA.) You say also, Js.3
%I-1 ~ -w ,oWl [The people stipulated Ji,and t alaq: (K :) pl. Jj (S, TA) and
ht. 8. 1Jl , L; j. Ie consumed nhat n.as in I
among themselvt to give vwages, or pay, to such JS!". (TA.)~ See also JURm.. the vcesel; (;) i. e., drank up all of it; as also
of them as should serve as substitutes, on the ,.l. (TA.)
occaion of being orderedforth to war]. (TA.) j-.? The young of the ostrich. (IDrd, g.)
R. Q. 2. '.I It (a garrnent, or piece of I
8. ,a .I: see 1, first sentence. -Also He JJ1.: see ., in three places. cloth), having been moist, dried so.far as to retain

482 [Boo 1.
sose moiAre: (. ]9 :) if it has dried entirely, ai#.: see what next precedes, in three places. the cooking-pot, and turned it upside-down: (TA:)
you say of it, J. .J: ($:) the verb is originally I Also A great 3j [or bucket]. (i.) and aAl.i! ) l t; He turned the cooking-
VAi ; the medial J being changed into :: pot upside-down upon the bowl. (. )
JWti What is dry of a thing that one has
it is like J-4L , originally .I. (Lth, 4.) , ~ ti;, (TA,) He
dried. (i.) You say, 4cX il jjl [Put (8, g,) [like ;,l] and
throe him down, or prostrated him, on the
On-: alewe Me. thou apart what is dry thereoffrom what isfreah
and moist thereof]. (TA.) ground; (g, V, TA;) namely, a man: ($:) and
..The epath of the palm-tree; the envelop t i4-I [signifies the same; or] Ahe thre him,
,Acn. Dry herbs or herbage: ($,1 :) or dry or it, (l, TA,) on the groundn (TA.)- See
of the J1; (AA, A'Obeyd, 9,1 K;) as also .;
leguminous plants or herbs, of the kind that are also 8.
(AA, TA;) or [in other words] the f1. of the
eaten without being cooked: (TA:) or of this
4: see 1, in four places.
L.; (I;) i.e., the envlope that is with the kind and of such as are thick and inclining to
,8: (Lth, K :) or, as some say, the envelop of bitterness; as also Ij 5 : (TA in art. %. :) or, 8. q1.lHe pulled, or plucked, up, or out, or
the &h when it ha become dry: (TA:) pl. ,. as some say, iJl1 .- . to. (TA in the he uprooted, (S, K,) and threw down, or away,
(A'Obeyd, TA.) [See ..] ..- A receptaclesuch a thing, (S,) or plants, or herbs, such as are
present art. [But what this means I know not;
as is termd .l.j that is not to be tied round at its the verb being evidently mistranscribed.]) termed 1;., (I,) and trees; (TA;) [but see
mouth. (V, TA.) - An old, worn-out water-shin .. 1 ;] as also t 4.;, (]i,) aor. and inf. n. as
or milk-skin, of which half is cut off and made AJA.. What has become scattered, or strewed, above: (TA:) [or] both signify he cut a plant,
into a bucket: (S, ] :) and sometimes it is made of dry herbage ) and of [the kind of trefoil or herb. (IAar, Nh.)
of the lonwer tart of a palm-tree hollowed out: called] ".J, (9, 8, TA,) and the like. (TA.)
(Lth, 9, ] :*) or a thing that is hollowed out in ." What is cast forth [of froth, or foam,
%1on3 A thing, (S, Mgh, Msb,) i. e. a hind of and particles of rubbish or refuse, (see 1,)] by a
(u. [probably a mistranscription for ,-., i. e. of])
armour, (IAth, 1i,) [a cataphract,]with vwhich a torrent: (ISk, S :) the fioth, orfoam, cast forth
the trunks of palm-trees: (A'Obeyd, TA:) or a horse is clad, (9, IAth, Mgh, Mqb, K,) in war, in by a valley [flotintg with nater]; and by a cook-
worn-out milk-skin or butter-skin: (IA;r, TA:) the manner of a coat of mail, (Mgh, M9h,) to ing-pot, (K, TA,) in boiling. (TA.) - Hence,
or a water-skin, or milk-skin, of which part is defend him fiom being wounded; (lAth;) and as being likened to the froth, or foam, of the
cut off at thefore legs, and in which the beverage sometimes norn by a man, to defend him in war: cooking-pot, of which no use is made, (Fr, TA,)
called .1 is prepared: (I~t, TA:) or the lower (K:) of the measure Jlta, (Mgh, Mqb,) thdie i.q. 1tt [meaning XA thing that is worthless,
half of a water-skin or milk-shin, made into a being augmentative, (Aboo-'Alee the Grammarian, ueless, or unprofitable]. (Fr, K, TA.) It is said
bucket: (1Drd, TA:) or a thing of camel's shin, .it w'"t LI,
9, IJ,) to render the word quasi-coordinate to the in the lur [xiii. 18],
like a essel, or like a bucket, in which the rain-
clas ofj.U.; (IJ;) from , because of its meaning t.4 [i. e. t Nro as to the froth, or
water is taken, holding half the quantity of a
water-skin or the lihe. (TA.).. I An old man; hardness and toughness: (Mgh, Myb :) pl. J4;.j. scum, it passeth amvay as a thing that is worthless,
(] ;) s being likened to an old, worn-out water- or useless, or unprofitable], (Fr, $, Jel, TA,) and
(S, Mgh, Myb.) It is said in a trad., ,.
skin or milk-skin: mentioned in dithe L from El- thrown away. (Jel.) You say also, ,hey %
UMj3; and one says, i.1J.I;
Jl1. [botil]
Hejeree, and by Pgh from Ibn-'Abb4d. (TA.) 'tk., meaning [The froth, or scum, pased away]
meaning, tMahe thou preparationfor pooerty.
-Anything hollow, such as has something within (TA.) driven from its vater. (TA.)_ - ,,J1 '.e i',
it, like the nut, and the ;4k. [or fruit of the occurring in a trad., is explained by lAth as
m.LA 6Having a mi.-13 upon his horse. meaning t The first, or foremost, of the men or
,et., &c.: in the CI, the ;,]. (Ibn-'Abb6d,
]~, TA.) -The body, or substance, (,;,)of (Mgll.) people (..,1/r,): but Bkh and Muslim read
a thing. (TA.) -An obstruction thiat one sees (instcad ,f.A-.) .lUI, pl. of .. A. (TA.).
between him and the /ibleh. (Ibn-'Abbad, yI.)- Also, [like LU.',] An empty ship. (O,
(: )
J1L . jA* es is a good manager of cattle, L4, , K,) anor. ., (K,) inf. n. :, ($,) It
(a valley [flowing with water]) cast forth froth,
(I,) acquaintedwith the art of lpsturing them,
or foam, (9, ~,) and particles of rubbish or
and of coUeeting them at their proper time in the
refuse; ( ;) as also * til; ( ;) but this latter 1. . ie, or it, became wide: (f :) or
place of pasture. (TA.)~See also what next
is said in the O to be of'weak authority. (TA.) became inflated, or swollen. (A.) And ,*a.t
And l l -. and t lUt.Il, The cooking-pot
-;?-., His (a kid's, S and Msb, or lamb's, Msb) sides
(,1) and t aU,, (.gh, V,) but the latter cast forth its froth, pr foam, (9f, K,) in boiling:
(., became widened, or distended: (.8, Mqb:) and
is rare, (sgh,) and ~i../(9, V) pnd ?m.A, (i,) ( :) or i. rioti. it cast forth its froth, or ;"t. ?jq-i [and t*p~ (1] in art. )] his
A company of men or people; a. collective body foam: (lIam p. 132:) originally L and (a horse's) aides became inflated, or swollen. (A.)
thereof: (Ks, 9, ] :) or a great number (g) ~,J.l, without .. (Er-PRghib, TA in art. jA.) - He (a lamb, g, and a kid, TA) became what
thereof. (TA.) You say, hA,l 4 ~ 4' . U , (15,) or I' ; is termeda .; as also t,4.J and .a,1: (1C:)
[I was summoned, or invited, among the collective (IAgr, 0,) He (a man, IAar, 0) nrept off the and V J- ~ and t .Aq...l she (a kid) became
body of people]. ($.) And ;.ul 4 ljl. (, scum and rubbish of the valey [after it had a ;pi'. (ISh,TA.) And t He (a boy) became
flowed, or while it was flowing, with water]. what is termed i,.; as also *;J (TA) and
) They caue in one colective body. .) JAi 1
(IAsr, 0, g.) And ;lt Lq. He cleared off the :q...: (A:) and this last verb, he became
,.r..t . 4 , (, Mgh,) or ,
froth, orfoam, of the cooking-pot. (1, TA.)- large in the side. (L.) -i'. (C, A) n ! ;,
(,) means [There shall be no gift of poil] until
TA,) inf. n. as
it is divided altogether: (9, Mgh, V:) a saying Also ;.jl t;, (9, Z in the F/a, (v,) or ~7'
t' (A,) aor. (:, inf. n,);. ;
of lbn-'Abbis: (9, Mgh:) aecord. toone reading, above; (8, TA;) and 'tlCi~; (Z ubi suprk, (S, K;) and tl,d l; and tpe.1, inf. n. h-
TA;) but the former is that which is commonly
td.. JUi, i. e., [until it is divided] among the and ?a., inf. n. g13; (] ;) He (a stallion-
known; (18d,TA;) the latter is rare; (IAth,
colectite body of the amny first. (V. [Golius TA;) or the latter should not be said, though it camel) ceased, (S, 1g,) or abstained, (A,) fiom
(here copied by Freytag) appears to have read, occurs in a trad., (., TA,') accord. to one rela- covering, (C, A, ]i,) and avoided it; having in-
. ~J0 ~; and hence to have said, of *q., tion; (TA ;) He turned the cooking-pot upide- dulged in it so much thmat he as wearied; ( ;)
erroneously, "de pecore non dicitur nisi totu down, or inclined it, (C, Z ubi supra, TA,) and and his seminal fluid becaume little: (TA:) you
grow sit."]) poured out what was in it: (? :) or he emptied say of a ram, . (C,A,) not 1g-. (s-) And
BooK I.] _s -J4 433
lp.l Wie jh, (IAsr,TA,) and c t ,i., rior of the body: ( :) or the cavity of the signify they became displaced, (,Vi, TA,) and
(IAyr, f,) and ?,q.1l, and * j4., (IAar, TA,) chest: or what comprises the belly [in the TA quickly defeated, (TA,) and went away; (M, V,
He (a man) abstained from the woman; (V;) the chest] and the two sides: ( :) or the place TA;) or these two and the fourth, (TA,) or all
he abstained from szual intercourse with her. water the ribs curv; and so in a horse dec.: the four, (]iar p. 373,) they hatened in defeat
(IA#r, TA.)-, ! Cij He recowered (TA:) the middle of a horse, ($, Msb, IL,) and andflight: (TA, and Ilar ubi supri:) and
from the disease. (V, TA.) of a camel: and, as some say, the middle, and
main part, of anything: and thus, the main part
i.l, ((f,)and t- .. l, (.8, I,) ,as
the iand
S: see1, in two places. e^, *; ) 4. The swift ( , K,TA) in blowing. (TA.) - i,
of the sea: (TA:) pl. .4 and ;j.A, accord. to
thing, or ajhir, cut him off from him, or it. inf. n. J.., It (hair) became shaggy, or
(IAar, L.) the I; but the latter is pl. of 'A. in the sense dishevelled, and .frouzy, or altered in smell, in
of "a round cavity." (TA.)- Also [the pl.] consequence of its bein,g eldom dressed; or dusty
4: see 1, in three places.m jAw. also signifies
He cut, abandoned, orforsook, (S, K,) another,
;&4 signifies The holes tltat are dug in the and ,natted, by reason of its being seldom anointed;
groundforprops. (TA.) (If, TA;) and became raiedand spread. (TA.)
(,) or hiis companion, or friend, (K,) and left
~j4. is also trans., signifying He made a bird
off ~iiting him. (S, K.) And . . .Z;. [1 ...'A kind of quiver like the iL- , but wider,
to take fright, and fly away; or he scared it
d,I I left, or relinquished, that in which I was (Lth,S, TA,) in vwhicl are put many arrows:
away: its quasi-pass. is tJAi.I [explained above];
occupied. (.)- Also It (a thing, TA) was, (Lth, TA:) or a [quiver of the kind called] 5.' the reverse of the rule commonly obtaining:
or became, absent, or hidden, or concealed, (K, [q. v.], of skins, in which is no wood: or of wood, (Mb :) or the former verb, as in the 0; not the
TA,)from one. (TA.) in nwhich are no shinm; (I;) or in which is no latter, as in the If; he made a male ostrich to
5: see 1, in three places. shain; as in some good lexicons: (TA:) or of hasten, or speed, in hij pace, and to go away in
7: see 1. skins, and slit in its side, that the wind may enter the land, or country; or made him to spread his
8: see 1, in two places. it, and the feathers in consequnce may not be wings, and run quickly, or go away at randloa
10: see 1, in three places. eaten: (TA: [see also e :]) or the same as and sniflly: (TA:) and jt . hse, or it, made
the ia. and the JLt;: (El-Ahmar,TA:) or an animal, or animals, to tahe fright, and flee,
dA lanmb, or hid, n.hose sides hare become a quiverfor
J,, wide, of wood. (yam p. 358.) or run anway at random; or scared away it, or
widened, or distendcel: (Mshl:) ora lamb, (IAml),
Myb, I,) and a hid, (K," TA,) that has become Hence, i w. e *, ;ri [There is not them: (TA:) [and, app., he frightened; Je4;
large, and begun to pasture, (Ii, TA,) and whose in his quiver aught save two pieces of wood for
being also said in the TA to be syn. with U,
side have become tvidened, or distended: (TA:) producingfire]: a prov. applied to him in whom whiclh, I think, is evidently a mistranscription
or a lamb, (ig,) or a hid, (, Mgh,M,.b, ,*TA,) is no good. (Meyd.)
for 3 ;.] You say, .._j,l jJID ,JL. [The
that is four montlu ohl, (S, MghI, Mlb, If,) and hi'..: see ;.
whose sides have become widened, and that is sporteman scared away the wild animals]. (TA.)
weaned, (A'Obeyd, S,) and has takhen to pasture: ~, applied to a horse, (,Myb, V,) and And jSi 5. V.jMi,j;3, [TThey cainu
(A'Obeyd,TA:) or this is sometimes four months, with i applied to a she-camel, ( Large in the
L,) to them, and scared tlem, or frightened them, or
and sometimes five months, after the birth: or a middle: (S,Msb, I:) and ll a horse made them to flee, away from their stations].
young lamb, and a kid, after it has been weaned, (TA.) And A'Il I : I 1L. The wind put
inflated, or swollen, in the sides. (A.)
when stio months old: (IAnr,TA:) 11l. [of pauc.]
in motion the male ostrich, and drove hitn away,
,lIql (i) antd [of mult.] ;ti.. (Msb, I) and .'A.. (S, A, If) and **4 (Lb, 1) An im-
pediment to venery; (Lb, A 'Obeyd, 1, A, 1 ;) or along: (I:) and [in like manner] La: I
j i.: (i :) fem. witIl i: (Q, A, Mgh, Msb, g :)
or ;j&n. signrifies a female kid that has become and a cause of diminishling the seminal fluid: [t the ship]. (TA.) Anld 4 1 'tl _4
satiated nith leguminous herbs and with shrubs, (A'Obeyd, TA:) applied to food: (Lh, :) and
The wind rmote the clouds, and put them into a
and is independent of its mother: (IS, TA:) such is fasting said to be; (A 'Obeyd, S, J ;) and
state of commotion, (iK, TA,) and made them to
IAmb applies it to a female lamb and a female die sun, (A,* TA,) i. e., sitting in the sun; and
such, also, the sleeping between daybreak and speed along. (TA.) And A;t4 l 'j hi
kid; and this is correct, though sonme say that it
tf le wind carriae away the rainleu clous.
is applied to the latter only. (TA.) -A boy sunrise, or in the first part of the day. (TA.) (Mgh. [See also 4.]) Whence, app., (Mgh,)
when his belly has become widened, (A,) or when
his jeh has become sn,ollen out, (g,) and hA has IS.:_ 1 I tThe sea cast ash upon the
begun to eat: (A, K :) ferm. with S. (s.) [See shore; (Lth, Mgh, IC ;) a verb like ,s; occur-
a;nd sec also .JA A well, (Myb,K,) 1.i, , Msb, V,) aor. and;, inf. n. J ring in a trad., in which it is erroneously said to
or a wid well, (f,A,) not cased, or walled round,
(Msb) and j3., (Mob, I,) He (a camel) took be jt/A. (Mgh.) - Also, (I,) aor.,, inf. n.
frighlt, or hied, and fled, or ran away at j4., (TA,) IHe prostrated a man; threw him
within; (., A, Mob, I ;) as also ' ;'.: (R, random; or became refractory, and went away
TA:) or, of which a portion is cased, or walled down upon the ground. (J4.) You say,
at random; or ran away, or brohe looe, and
round, within, (I, TA,) and a portion is not: went hither and thither by reaon of his rpright- LL'J~, meaning lis thrust him, or pierced him,
(TA :) the former of the msc. gender: pl. ;t.. lineu: and )Ji.l he (a bird) took fright, and [with a spear or the like,] and displaced and
(M9b.)_ [Hence,] 4JI .k el (A, i*).f~ away; or became seared away: (Msb:) or protrated him. (Mgh.) -He threw goods one
[Such a one's wll is in a state of demolition; the former, he (an ostrich, I) hastened, or tped, upon another. (IDrd, Myb, TA.) - He, or it,
meaning,] such a one has nojudgnent: (A:) or (S, f,) in his pace, (TA,) and went away in the oveowrturned, or turned upside-down. (TA.)-
land, or country; as also JA.t1; (IDrd,V ;) Also, aor. ;, (I,) inf. n. J4., (TA,) lie peeled,
ha no inteUigence. (g.) And jJ- 6,L ,
both, said of an ostrich, mean he spread his pared, stripped, or scraped off, a thing; (AZ,
[Verily thy ell is falling in ulon me; meaning]
gthy mischief is coming quickly upon me. (A, wings, running; (YIam p. 655;) or spread his I, TA;) as, for instance, flesh from the bone,
TA.)_[The pl.] j,. also signifies [simply] wings, and ran quickly, or went away at random and fat from the skin; (AZ, TA;) and so 14;,
Welld. (i.) _ And hence, (TA,) : She-camels and swiftly: (TA:) or CtI'l -1J1 . means the (],) inf. n. J+*;: (TA:) he rmnoed flesh
abounding with milk. (J, TA.) ostrich fled: (Msb:) and & ' ~.41, said of from the bone: (VI:) app. formed by transposi-
anything, ht J&d from it: (TA, YTam p. 555:) tion from _L .. (TA.) -Also, (Msb, I,)
ji.: sees. aor. t, (Mqb,) or;, (f,) .Heswept away mud
and Ij~., aor. -, inf. n. ji; (Msb;) and
.A~. A round space in the ground: (,j :) ?l.1l (8,Myb) and ftl~ l and tI11.3; (Myb, I, TA) from the ground; (TA;) and so
or a round and wide cavity in the ground: (L:) (Mb ;) they (a company of men) fled quickly; tj,.. (4f.) [It seems that Golius found, in a
pi. jt. (.)- Hence, (8,) The belly, or inte- (., Msb;) or the second (1) and third (6, I) copy of the VI, p.JI erroneously put for 'ij l;
Bk. I.
[Boo& !.
an ""imfor q; for he has explained the jt~:see what next followsi. J&Al.` Turning an'ay, or going back, or retreat-
fermer verb as meaning "1combussit atmamen."] l.What is cast forth by a torrent, (S, ~ ing; going away. (TA.) - See also J~
3: see 1, in five placcs. TA,) of rubbish and scumn, or of rotten leaves 34... applied to a camel's hump, Heavy:
4: see i, i n six places. -You say also* .zAq. mixed with scumi; (TA;) as also tjtii,., like [properly, an instrument of overturning:] appliedl
-..ia..; (TA ;) and ?atq. ( K~,' TA.) - Thte as an epithet to a camel's huimp that is sto heavy
& 5n t T'he wind carriedaway the dust; froth of milk. (C.)inAIuch (IS) of anythiing: as to overturn the aniimal when, after rolling on
made. it tofly away. (s.) Antl _,eW' JAm..l Thte (TA:) or of wool; as also VJ A: (K~:) or the ground, hie desires to r.ise. (TA.)
clouds, or ejaist, beca me re,,itoicd, or clea,peil qff. mnuch wrool. Q5.) Tlap ewe is represented as
5: see 1. -Yout say of a cock, J4J, mbean-
~~ 3.,3; [I ami delirered of lambs, andl I
1 j;
1. ii , (I ,) inf. n. C> ( A,k~
,ng 4A. [i. e., t Hec reo etll the feathers
SH am, shorn of mnch/ wvool, and I amn mtilledt of lanughtered it she-ca,,,el, and gave her flesh for
around hi3i#eech]. (1Ihn-'Abbidt, K, TA.) heavy bore/fuds, and thout hast not seent cattle the foodl (Ii, TA) to the people, (TA,) in bowls
7: see 1.- JAe!. also sigvnifies; ?It renit like of me]: by ~4 j~.t is meant I amn shorn
away, or del(partee; said of thte shad(e, (Is, TA,) [q!f mnuch n'.ool] at once; for nouight of hter wool
and of the niglht. (TA.) - lie, or it, became f.lils to the rrouind uintil all of it is shiorn. (5.)
2.I;ka. They madle bowls (CjlAqr. [probably
overturnted, or turned ulps,idledlonn. (TA.)..... 31hn. is applied, by 1) urlu m l,as an epithet meanaingc they preparedi bowlis of foodi: accord. to
3. -- a scutellani;'
i^..~Jl1 ,Z. a. 7'hc tr.ee, IItpsowu rponi by a violent to hair; [meaning Melte/a, or abundant;] aand it Frcytag's Lex., C;_ means "lappostait
is not applied as an ellithiet to anythingr save what hut lie dloes niot aninic hiii authority]). (TA.)~
wind, became uqprootedl. (TA.)
is mitidi, or abundant. (s.) Ed-D)aW;'d [or Anti- C;i andl It (a grape-viaco) attained it#
J5 A4~1. It is nib inlf. a1. used as all
se.:ae christ] is described, in a tradl., as ,a!Jl JtA~. the state of havinig an JL [.e, a p,' t c]
epithiet; and umcatns A peoplc, or party, fle!chaq
Having much hair: (TA:) and ~t,l t1
quickly; un also taLl~... (Mfgl.) - Also A 5: ace 2.
[also' liees this nicaniing. (Ilam p. 4419.)
cloud thlit ht's poured fort/h its srater and goine
away(, ) quickily; (Ql;) because it is theni J,Aa- A ivi . that smites the clouds, C The eyeliil; h,otha the tiiplper. and thee lo,ner:
lighter andi quticker. (I.arp. 37:3).) -A ship; andi puts them into a statr nrf cmmiotion ; (k(;) (S5, Mybi, Ki:) of the ninse. genider: (Mylb:) pi.
. - .a *. .a . A
(;)because the windl dlrives it along(lh.) or that makes them. to pe alony: (TA:) a (of paue.] ej,&. and C>m- and [of intnlt.] C!*c.
(TA:) pi. JJ4- (KS.) Ant.,: block ants: 3nfij wind; (TA;) zasalso * ag'tiI. and *JA (K.)...T...I'e upper surface, andt the lower, of a
(]g:) large black ants: (TA:) a dial. var. of (XC1:) pl. of theo first, (i. c., of J'ia' JA~.. eake of bread: bothi twgether beinig called ""
(LI.i, TA.) -The scabbard, or shteati.,
(IS.) -Great, or large: so in tho plhras ..

iiUA. U z6 3 [Fear fell vipon the J3,im. [A great, or large, quiantity of hair. ex- (.t.S , 1~, or iJ~, Mqb,) of a sword:(S
people] the pe,opkle feare.d. (TrA.) . Aile..i. tending beyond the ears]. (Ki.)-Ace agedwomian; IM1b, Ii)[or] the c'ase, or recelptacle, in which
A leafy tree; a tree haviny myany leaves. (1~.) (I~, TA ;) as also *: (K:) pl. of the is [Iput] the sworud toge,ther n'ith its .*A and
~See also what next followsm. former as above. (Ii.) #isupetsxon? belt or crdpt: (,5 voce l.~ih :) [but the
fi,rmer si.reification onjly isi commoaily known:]
iikA4. (~ )and ? Li4"*. (TA [there said in
one place to be but this is most probubly J.: see andl [it is said thatt l signifies tile same;
Q(K;) but this is doub,ted 'by IDrd: (1, TA:)
a mistransCrilptioni for >~] A fleece of wool:
see LAac1:...and "Lk. ..- Also pl. [of pauc.] 1 Ah.A and [of mutt.]1 (Myb.)
(V i:) [a word used in the sense of]I a pass.
part. n., like At in theo phrase JUA QI;k. (s5.) ~it .~j , ( i,) or y.;.` it . (s ) l4 at one take s1 - TheeJh [app. here meaning stock] of a
itself, in thec
fromn the head [ipf the contents] of the cooking- grape-c'ine: (Is:) or a gralpe.vine
.j ,(AZ, S, Mob,* ]g,) and pot with the ladile. , ) dlial, of El-Yenien ; (T, TA ;) so calledl as being
(AZ, 8, .,*) which latter was un- imagined to lie the receptacle of theo gnxpell: (Er-
? ~~
JUq.. an intensive epithet fromn JA~ in the first Ri~ghib, TrA:) or a species tf grape: ( 1Sd, ]g:)
knbown to Aoi, (s) invited themp to my felst, or of the senses explained above; i. c., A camel that
or the skin if the grape, in wihich is the juice:.
foods (AZ, ~,Myb, ~,0) in commnon, (AZ, S, takes fright, or shties, and fleesr, &c., much, or
(IAgr, TA:) or a climbingy shoot of a grape-wine:.
Mqb,) wit hoet distinction, (lilob,) or wlith their.
often. (Mab.) [See alsoC ,i- (AHna, TA:) or the shtoot of the grape-vine: (T,
company and corn monalty. (1~.) And ~.> j& a:. un. witha : (T, 5, M:) or, accord.
J ~ 'j ~ i l ~i (A k hb,
~h~ 8, M lh,*) and itm:see
to IAys, ai.i4 is syjn. writh La&~ [app. a mistmn-
Such a one wtas invited among the die- JI.Ma. part. n. of JAq.. in the first of the senses serip)tion for L sea in l r p vine]: or, accord.
tingquished petsons, Pant among the commnonalty. explainedi above: (Mab:) [and in other senses.] to sotise, as 1Sd says, thee leaves of the grape-wins.
(Akh, ?.) And A general invitation; - Hastening, or slpeeding. (TA.) See J34'---
(TA.) [h1ence,] `,.j : The juice of thevine;
co nitr. of Ibs ) ,4 . ( l.) A n d .il. - Disquieted, disiturbed, nyitated, or flurried. (A, TA;) wvine: (TA:) [or it may originally
4.. *a (], 1 TA.) - See also
JJLAqp.., and &ULj;, (Fr, ~, IS,) Thte people tame mean tears; then, rain; and then, wine: for]
in a comnpany; (Fr, ~;) and and ,i~a name of [Thie mnonth] ;.aiJI j3, (1~, wine is also called L: and ~.3 ) q
withheir omn .atty. (Fr, ~, Ii) Accord. TA,) in the time of piagranism. (TA.) means'the cloudis. (TA.)...-.A hind of tree, of
to somne, (s)t signifies
1.A,. A collection, or 1:see in twoplcs xsweet odour. (A 1Iin, kZ.) -A certain plant, of
an auemblage, of any things; (~,IS ; as also the kinid called j!~l that grows in a spreading
~.m t: (s ) and Y?iU c., T A,) oro tgh se -~LA.J, in three places.
ae maniner, and, when it dries utp, contracts; hawing
(i)a company, or an aseby ~ gh, l~,) of J..1t Cowardly, or a coward, (~ ,TA,) gr.ainas lilke the i.:k [or fenuglreek]. (Agn, TA.)
men, (,TA,) going along qutickly. (TA.) that is frightened at everything. (TA.) A he-
c ~see ~a.
e%ld,or 1 9L4., [whether with or without ostrich (~, K)
thiat takes fright, (Is,) and flees
from everything (~ ,TA) that he sees; (TA;) a A [bowl of the heind called] Ia.3 i:
tenween is not shownJ] Feairful; ,a'ont, or apt, to
take f..ight and flee, or runi awaty at random. as also *JAA.. (K.) - A bonw of wvhicht the arrowc or like a au.ai: (s:) the largest hind of 3a.ao;
goes far. (K.) -See also (Ks, ~ in art. 3.aa.., AI;) next to which is the
(TA.) [Sco also 34.

BooK I.] 435

a.L;! [Iproperly so cilledl], which satisfies the zjLm.l;]

_i/ 1.l;] originally without ,. (Er-.RAgib,TA.) eat, (AZ, f, K, TA,) nort fed them previously,
hunger of ten [mcei]; then, the aa.., which And
And .I1 ti. TIe torrent drove away [things drivinythem veAhnmently. (TA.) j?lJ .JI l:
satisfies five; theru, thec , which satisfies two in
in its course]. (Msb.)-J..: Jl 'i., aor. as above, see 1. _ ,j,l.4. The land became like the
men, and tihree; then, thc a4.., which satisfies He turned away fromn tIe man; aroided him; '.c., or rubbish and scun cast forth by the
one man: (Ks, S in o :) it is peculiarly
art. _ or shunned him: or he drove away the man; torrent of a valley, or by a cooking-pot, in
applied to a rece/tacle for hinds of food: (Er- from
from J*il tU~, explained above: sometimes respect t.,f the departure of the good thereoJf. (Er-
Rig,hi,,TA :) ll. [of ,,i,l,t.] lic. (S, M;b, K) mea,ning, with hetred. (M.sb.) And oti_ fle ILighib, TA.)
and . (Sb, TA) anid (of lpaUe., TA) C.
withdren', or removed,far, or to a distance, Jiomn 6.place.
withdrepr, y e.: make see 1, in thiree lplaces. [Said of a
hint: whence the saying of Moliammad lbn- persotn prostrating himself, or lying down, it
(S, M.sl, Ii.) [llenc%e,] ;. Z.a' [1Iiis bow,l
Sookah, dr.' JS W [When my Imeans lHe drew up his body from that on which
s.as turned upside-down; meaning] he was slain;
properly became little, my brethren 7rithdrew far he rested. And ,
property ,J~ generally signifies
a phraise simnilar to . J. (A in art. j.) He, or it, recededl, u,ithdre,, r.emoved, or became
fronm me]. (TA.) And d'it liV. e did not
-,A s,all 'ell; (K ;) as lbeing likened to the heeli, remnote or aloof or separuted by some space or
kleep, or cleave, or hold fast, to his property.
a;hq. for fIowd. (l'h-l{;iglih, TA.)_t A generous interval, from hi,J, or it: and he drem away,
_AndLtA.i, (, K,) aor. ', (S,) inf. n.
( -_And
,nan: (K :) .1 1. isan appellation arpplied to Q shranh,or flinchedl, from himn, or it.] It is said,
a generous man ,hvo entertains many gttests and ili. (S, IS)
K) and , (K,) Hle treated him, or of
bch'aveil tomards him, coarsely, roughly, rudely, of the ditflrcnce between and J;11,that
feeds manya: (IAnr, TA:) he is called LAC. behaved
unkindly, hardly, churlishly, uncivi!ly, or s,irlily: the former is by cuitting the external jugular
because peolilec arc fed in the 'AC., and the veins;
(S, kZ:)
1K:) you should not say -. (S.) Tihe veins; and the latter, b _JIl ) J l ,*
epithet .1k is added because of the whiteness of
pass. J' .tl By cousing the act to take effect upon
thle camel's Iumpi) in the i;A. (TA.)_ Also pass. part. n. is * .. and . : (S, anld .
i. q. ij*& [mnean,ingi Some wine, or a kind oJ' in
the place thereof nhile standing aloof]; meaning
in art. sA :) the latter formed in accoirdance
that the J,) strikes from a distance, not knowing
wine: see alsbo ,. 4JI ., vote ]. (lAir, witli
with of, in which thc ~ is
is changed into ~.
whether hle will llit the place or not. (Mgh.)
TA.) (Fr, S.) _ lIe did ro hin wrhat disdlceased, gcrieved,
(r And [Ihence] you say, s~ _ , - ~JW t [Hae
or vcxcd, him; did to him n'hat he disliked, or
hated; did eril to him. (TA.) So in the trad., relinquised,l i. e.] he gare, to him, h; right, or
,1 .... a-. #- , a ilue.
dIue. (TA in mat. ~ .) - He inclined, or
1. L., (I.,) nor. , (TA,) imf. n. :Ui~.; and ,f,W &ey-r > [Ile
[lle 7hl0o perfornms declined,
declined, or turned, fiom side to side: and Jrom
*~ l ; It did not eelp, or clear, to its place. the pilgrimtage to MIckkelh and does not visit me,
right to wrong. (.Har p. 12.) [See 6 in art
(g.) You say, C' Ali_R , (Mgh,) i.
gAlg' i. e. does not visit my tomb afterwards, eitlher on
and tJ, * liis homewald journey or by journeying to El- ss ]
(S, Mgh,) Hllis side did not
Medeneilh for that special l)urpose, does vwhat 8. 'a.1
o le removed him, or it, from his, or
rest, or a'ts r,stles, or unseasy, upon the bed; or
its, place. (1I.)
shrank frinm it; (S, Mgh ;) and heaved, or rose,dhpleases
dspleases mnel. (TA.)_ - ; it.I . The

from it: (Mlgh :) or the lirmer, his side did not
womnan neglected to take care of her child, or to 10. a.l lie esteenmed it (namely, a bed,
keep, or cleave, to its place upon the bed: and Ihe
payfi.eqiicttt attention to it. (TA.)
payfrequent &c., K) J..-, (S, K,) i.ec. thick, coarse,or rough.
latter, it became withdrawn, or removed, from it. !'*. -1 (TA.)
(TA.)_ lie demanded, or required, of him that
(TA.) And 5;iJ I i (s, Msb, 2.
2. " [il . nii.of 5. signifies, in Persialln, he
he should do nwhat was displeasing, grievous,
OSy*p.. Uc. [alpp. as meaning, The orderigll one vexatious,
vexatious, or evil. (TA.) i. l He became
TA,) nor. and iaif. n. as above; (M11) ;) and to
to act, or to treat anothler, coarsely, roughly, coarse,
coarse, rough, rtudle, unkind, hard, churlisht, un-
t .t; (S, Myb ;) The saddle heaved, or rose, rudely,
rudely, &c.]. (KL. [Accord. to Golius, as on civil, civil, or surly. (KL. [See also 1.])
from the bach of the horse: (S, Msb :) or did tljio
this authority, "i. q. '.A., sign. iujuria qffecit;
not keep, or cleave, to its place upon his back. d'uriter. see r
duriter et inique tractavit: seu transit. ejus."])
(TA.)_ [lIence,] it is said in a trad. of 'Omar,
a_%.. A sinyle act of coarse, rough, rude, un-
,W ---
;. '; 'l Ve,rily 1 recoil, 3. -A -
3. and 't .q.., He
kind, hard, churlish, uncivil, or surly, treatment,
shrink, or am averse,.f.om some matters of know- caused
caused his side tnotto rest, or caused it to be or behariour. (TA.) - See also A*.-, in three
ledge, or science, and ignore them, or neglect restless,
restless, or uneasy, upon thle bed; or caused it to
shrink places.
themt. (Mgh.)-AIso t., (M.b,TA,) aor. as shrink therej.i'om: and he heaved it, drew it
above, (Msb,) [and so the inf. n.,] said of a
or raised it, [making it to be separated by some : see
garment, or piece of cloth, It nvas thick, coarse, space or interval]from the bed. (Mgh.) And ,; is inin make; [signifying Thickness, gross-
or rough: (MSb, TA:) anid in like manner said ljcnce,(M6,h,)
hence, (Mgh,) ,& ^..t. (Mgh, TA) &
ness, coarseness, roughness, or rudeness:] and in
of a reed-pen, it was thick, coarse, or rough, in (TA)(TA) lIe put, or set, his upper arms apart, or
turijed nature, or disposition; (TA ;) signifying coarse-
its nib. (TA.) - [And lihence, (see ,*~., below, remote,
remote, fronm his sides. (Mgh,TA.) [Thus the Anerrs, or rudeness, (Mgh, Msb,) in
ness, roughness,
Muslim is enjoined to do in prostrating himself in one'3
and .Ie ns, or became, thick, yross,
HJ,) one's intercourseand dealingswvith otlers; (Mgh;)
coarse, rough, or rude, of makeA: and, more com- prayer.] Anid ,$i, A X> -JI 5i (S, unkindness, hardness, churlishness, incivility, or
monly, coarse, rough, or rudle, of nature or dis- M9b,)
M9b,) and * lA/..l, (S, ],) and * l., (1g, [said surliness; a predominant quality of the people of
position, or in his intercourse and dealings with in in the TA to be a mistake, but a similar usage the desert; (Mgh, M.b;) from Aq. said of a
others; unkind, hard, churlish, uncivil, or surly. of of this verb has been mentioned above on the garment, or piece of cloth; (Mb ;) contr. of,
(See also 10.)] It is said in a trad., t1 $. l, C4, authority
authority of the Mgh,]) He raised the saddle saddle (,) or of ;J (g ;) as also t 4, (g,) accoid.
i. e. [lie owho abides in the desert] becomes coarse, from
from the back of the horse: (~, Msb, K :) and
.6.69 to Lth; but Az says that he knew not any one
rough, or rude, of nature or disposition; [or un- in in like manner, .ie.l c[- ,-.t I who allowed this latter: (TA:) so, too, j
kind, hard, churlish, &c. ;] by reason of mixing raised
raised the saddle from the back of the. camel]. and
and t'w., in the sayings 4. eA and ;* [In
little with men. (TA.) - -4 a i *. Such a (M, (M,TA.)
TA.) him
him is coarsenes, roughnes, or rudeness, &c.]:
thing was, or became, heavy, onerous, burdensome,
htil He made, or caused, him, or it, to be,
4. (s:)
and 3,~JI .'hWUi *Such a one c a
or oppresive, to him. (Q.) -oh& - or
or become, distant, remote, far off, or aloof. person in whom coarsenes, roughnes, or rudmeneu,
'l,1!.: and ,.1 14.: see 3. -- J
(TA.) - See also 3, in two places. =-. 1 i &c., is apparent: ( :) but accord. to Lth, ;h.
1 The coohkin-pot cat forth its froth, or J1.1AfI He fatigued tAe cattle, [in some copies of [whether ;3k"
i*d. or ;_ is not shown] denotes a
t th;
the ;. is put for 1SJ] and did not lt them
foam; as alwo .:.l; (TA;) [like ;.*q and , moro constant quality than 'U,.. (TA.) You
6S a

this verbaway
has y-ftoin
(S mentioned
lite man; above on
aor. avoided iiif.
him; the garment,
n. shranh,
.L&,!., or piece atid
rubbish offrom
scityn ra3t ;)
or it.] contr.
It isbyof
fol-th said,
496 [Boot 1.
say also, ; , ' , meaning He is suffering 0 M j l.~ ' 2 #-- I
him; honoured him; (], TA;) as also tqJI3:
coarsmm, roughness, or rudene , kc. (s.) And (TA:) he eawlted him (TA) in rank, or station.
*~~~~~~~~~~~ .5J~ a.. .
eo lS .e I S[The rouhnesu, or rudeness, (S.) It is said in a trad., .ij 1 T 11i.L,
tc., of time, or fortune, smote him]; and 21' 4
j how
m0,greatly distant to thee is our country ! meaning [Magnify ye God, and He willforgive
[its rough~e , or rudenesses, &c.]. (TA.) tO.erefore threaten in thy land as long as it seems you: or] say ye, A, . ?I,j Q 'JI Q1 0 ThAou
fit to thee, and menace], means L.1tj L who art poused of greatnm, or majesty, and
4;The rubbish and scum cast forth by the [&c.]. (S.)_ Also J, (S, aor.,, inf. n. bou,ty], and belies in his greatnes, or majsty:
torrent of a valley, and by a cooking-pot. (Er-
~j'~ and J~. , (l,) said of a man, (S,) He it is also recited otherise, with ; (TA in the
Rfghib, TA.) [See also art. 1..] - And hence,
became old, or advanced in age, (S, ]i,) andJfirm, present art.;) i. e. dl i11, meaning "Resign
as being likened to the ;.l of the torrent, SThe
or sound, in judgment. (].) And ;J.L said of yourselves to God ;" or "quit ye the danger and
first, or foremost, of men, or people. (TA.)
a she-camel, She was, or became, old, or advanced straitness of belief in a plurality of Gods, to avail
[But see art. .]
in age: (Abu-n-Nasr, :) and so f;j.i said yourselves of the freedom of EI-ldslm ;" (TA in
(act. part n. of 1:] applied to a garment, of a woman. (TA.)
[l. s yt zj,l -ri art. a. ;) but the former recital is confirmed by
or piece of cloth, (Mgh, Mqb,) and to a bed, &c., [The girl married before she had arrived at another trad., namely, L.viJY , sjl qts 1
(S,0 ], TA,) Thick, coars, or rough. (Mgh, puberty, or the beast covered before she was offit [see art. J/J]. (TA in the present art.) [Hence,]
M9b, TA.)- And [hence] applied to a man, (S, age,] was too young [to bear offspring]: (S:) a
TA,) meaning Thick, gross, coarse, rough, or prov. (TA.) [Thus the verb bears two contr.
see 3._. s He gave Aim much. (S.) You say,
rude, of make; and coarse, rough, or rude, of significations. See also * .. ]
nature or disposition; coars, rough, rude, un-
iJ1 J , ($,
u~~l 9 *li... l (S, TA) He gave me not
kind, 'hard, churlish, uncivil, or surly, in his MsI,' 1,) .j1 i C, (S,)
or .Jj" ,,a, (K,)
muclh, nor gave he me little: (S:) or the gave me
aor.;, (MIb, KC,) or : [contr. to rule], (S, Sgh,) not a camel, nor gave he me a sheep, or goat.
treatment of, or behaviour totcards, his com-
or both, accord. to Ibn-Malik and others, (TA,) (TA.) A poet says, (S,) namely, El-M!.rrAr El-
panions: pl. 1L.. (TA.) You say also, i.'
inf. n. j,1", (S, 1,) [and i*. accord. to the .K, FaF'asee, describing his eye, (TA,)
a~l. 1~.l [A man thick, gros, coarse, rough,
but this is an inf. n. of'j], The people, or com-
or ruas, of make]: and jL..JI 1i. niggardly pany of men, went forth, or emigrated, ($, M.b,
and inco,npliant; coarse, rough, or rude, (1, ]g,) like ~., (S, K],) from a country, or tonn, tIt wept, and shiedfe tears, and shed many. (8,
TA,) in his intercourseand dealings with others; (Msb,) [orfrom their places of abode,] to another TA.) You say also, ;; U , e J.l 1He
> t;i
oppressive vwhen angry and irritated against his
country, or town. (S, Msb.)~ JjIl ll, (1v,) gave his horse a large feed of millet. (TA.) -
cornpanion with whom he sits. (TA.) And J.,
ie gave him a 4Lq, i. e., a sue-camel that had
j*11 e, [ Obdurateagainst admonition]. (TA [aor., accord. to rule, ' ,] inf. n. g., (TA,) They
took the main part, or portion, of the [prepara- broughtforth once. (, .;) You say, J. t
in art. i..) ~'%.l ' He gave me not a she-camel that had
tion of milk termed] .1.. (~.) [See also 5.]
i 1
- Thou hast brought this as brought forth once, (S, K,0) nor gave he me a
an injury (". ) upon thyself. (K.)-.1 34, young, or small, camel. (S.) - q.l : see 1.
[You say, /.L_1 C How great, &c., is he, or it !]
(S, K,) aor. ', (S,) inf. n. J. (s,K) and !-.,
(IV,) He picked up, (S,) or collected with /his j.l lie was, or became, strong: and He
w:ai, or became, weak: thus bearing two contr.
hand, (],) the camels', or similar, dung; (9, ;)
significations. (Ibn-'Abbad, .)
and t.,lI signifies the same, (S,) or he piched
(~,) or J9, (K, [in the Ce, erroneously, 5. I4cJ He took th greater,main, principal,
it upforfuel. (K.) [See in..] See also 2.
is put for j,]) or both, (TA, [but see what or chief, part of it; the main, gros, mau, or
follows,]) and t., (lyam p. 218, see this word 2. J.S, inf. n. ji.n, said of a thing, i. q. ,, bulk, of it; (S, R.;) as also tiq1.! (K) and Vt41i.
below, under 14.,) [in its primary sense, It was, [as meaning It included persons, or things, &c., (lbn-'Abbad, ]~. [In the C], in the explanation
in common, or generally, or universally, writhin of the second and third of these verbs, 41'~. is
or became, thiek, grou, coarse, rough, rugged,
the compass of its influence, or effects]. ($, TA.) erroneously put for 1 .4.]) See also 2.---
rude, big, or bulky: (see J~ :) and then,] it,
So in the phrase 1,JL Cq , l ,... [Hence,] He sat upon him; namely, a horse.
(a thing, M9b,) or he (a man, 8) mas, or became,
[Clouds that include the land in common, or (1L.) And ijlj/ Jl X, .3(S and V in art.
great; (j, Mfb, ], TA;) [said of a thing, mean-
generally, or universally, within the compass of ,i) Ti,e stallion-camel mounted the Ah-camneL
ing in siz; and] said of a man, meaning in their rain; i. e., that rainupon the land through-
estimation, rank, or dignity: ($, TA:) or a'4. out its general, or universal, extent]: (S, TA:) (TA in that art.)
signifies greatnm of estimation orrank or dignity: or, as in the A, thundering clouds, covering the jlq i. q.
6. a (S, 10 and 5. (s.)
but j ., pre~mgreatne thereof: (Er-Rghib, land with rain. (TA.) And so in the phrase, You say, . J.4' O> (8, ') Sucl a
TA:) the latter is an attribute of God only; (A 9 ,'jI1.Ljl J. The rain included the general, one exalts himself above that; holds himelf above
in ,am p. 807, Er-Righib, TA;) except in few or universal, extent of the land within tie com-
it; disdains it; or is disdainful of it; *yn. d-
instanoes: (A ubi supr :) or it means the great. pass of itsfall; and covered the land o as not to
nm, or ujesty, of God: (C, Mb :) or his abso- leave anything uncovered. (IF, Mgb.) - And ';s, (S,) or ,1la; (s;,) as also dL Ju
ut inqdence. (B4 in ly. 27.) [j,.j ;, hence, [in a general sense,] He covered a thing. (TA.)-.See also l. In dl. : see 4:.. and 5.
referring to the name of God expressed or under- (M.b.) It [or he] ascended, rose, mounted, got, 8: see 5: and see also 1.
was, or became, upon, or over, a thing; (Ilam
stood, is a phrase of frequent occurrence, meaning,
p. 4;) as also Vg/j. (H,e.)- - c clad a R. Q. L j,. [app. It sounded; or made a
To Him, or to Whom, belong might and majety, sound, or sounds; said of a little bell, such as
horse (e, 1) or beast (O) with a j~. [or covering
or glory and great#~ s]lU 1 _. a J '
for protection from the cold]; ( I;) as u, also is called ,): said also of thunder: and it
[H is too grat to be comprehended within sounded vchemently; or made a vehement sound,
limit#] and -ulja.il 1 *;Ji [He is too
'J4 (g.) or ve~ement sounds: and he threatened: (see
grmt to be perceived by thosenses] are phrases .i~li, (, 1,) inf. n. J I, (TA) [He, "i4.L',which seems to be the inf. n. of the verb
used in speaking of God. (ErE-Rghib, TA.)_- made it j1, i. e., thick, &c.: mcotr. of t,;: in these senses:) and,] said of a horse, he neighed
5 46 clearly; or had a clear nigh. (.)~ " ,.
The saying of EI-Abmar, see H.am p. . And hence,] He magnif~d

Boox I.]
C, and C,l", and J1;, co
(s,) inf. n. " ., (g,) He put it (a thing, ) round flat cakes, wahich are dried in the sun,for andVti4j
in motion (9, K) with his hand. (S.) And J fuel.] You say, 'i.JI _ hj 9) j j t t ~t!1. (..) Jemeel says,
HII (a player at the game called .r l)
He [Verily the wons of such a one, their fuel is the I
moved about [or sAhqfled] the gaming-arrows. dung of camels or sheep &ec.]. (0.)- Also
(TA.)- He mixed it. ( twisted it
H.)_He (metonymically, Mgh) applied to Human ordure.
vehemently, or strongly; namely, the string of a (Mgh, M 9b.)
bow or the like. (Ibn-'Abbad, ].) meaning [Thes remains marking the site of a I
*am A large [receptacle made of palm-leaes house, I paused at the relic thereof that was still
R. Q. 2. It mau, or became, in a state
1;. woven together, such as is called] WU,for datesa; standing: I almost died, in the early morning,]
of motion; or was put in motion. (K.) -It (.K ;) a receptacle (S, Mgh, Msb, K) for dates, on account of it (4.1 >), or, as some say, I
rwas, or became, agitated in the mind. (K,' TA.) (;, Mgh, Msb,) made of palm-leaves; (.K;) [a
became of its greatnes in mty eye. (9.)lAecord.
-He sank into the ground. (S,..) It sank, thing made of palm-leaves woven together, gene-
or became depre.ed; syn. ". (V.) One rally used as a receptacle for dates, but also to Zj, j'; is a particle syn. roith ;. (MugLnee.)
The foundations of employed for other purposes, as, for instance, to an inf. n. of j.. (K, TA.) _[Hcnce,]
says, *tX st ;.
lay upon the mouth of a watering-trough, where
the house sank, or became depressed; syn. tte water is poured in, by way of protection;
- (S.)
see fijl:] pl. j". (Mgh, Myb,K) and ji;. J -.: see ,, in two plnces: -also, and I
The sail of a ship: pl. (S, (5.K)- Sec also i;. its fem., with ;, see Je', in thrco places:-
See also ~., in two places: maid J.: and and see ''.
j0 "'. _ Also Contemptible, mean, or paltry:
.: see :i-nand el~;; of which it is I
in most instances a pl. J3 . The deck, or part resembling a roof, of a
thus bearing two contr. significations. (K.)
A. A great, momentous, orformidable, thing, ship: a sing. wonl. (IMgbh.)-[See j; and
J. The greater, main, principal, or chief, affair, matter, case, or event; as also t* (S, i4, of each of wliici it is a pI.] I
part of a tlhing; the most thereof; the main,
gross, mass, or bulk, of it; (S, Msb, K ;) as also ]K, TA) and : (TA:)(t or V [as also Je.q, in its primary acceptation, signifies
tJ'*,.. (1K.) You say, ,. m, (K, TA) and nnd ta signifies a hard, difficult, severe, Thkick, gross, coarse, rough, rugged, rude, big, or
or dlistressing, and a great, momentous, or for- bulky; applied to a material substance; (Er-
;14.(ESSgb,h,K) [lIe took the greater part of
midable, thing, or affair, &c.: (Mqb:) pl. [of Righib, TA;) opposed to ,ij; (, Er-Ringhib,
it]. A horse-cloti, or covering (Mshl), ) of a
horse or similar beast, (8, Mgh, Msb, 1g,) for 4.,] J'~.; (TA;) and of V ., * . (C,
TA;) as also tJ., (v,) opposed to 3J: (9, :)
protection (Msh, K) from the cold; (Mq);) as 1.) El-1tfrith Ibn-Waalch says, I
e [and then,] great; (Msh, K ;) as also tjq. and
also tj.: (K :) [in I'Persian J. :] pl. [of mult.]
t*a.. (K) and *J, (9S,K ,) which is also
J~. (S, -4Mgh, Mgb, K) and [of paic.] J').1,
.1 g5 4 -1
(Msb, 1,) and ;l.. is pl. of JO .. (, TA.)_
explained as signifying larye, big, bulky, or large I
The cover of, or a thing nith nhich one covers, a
9-.. ...4 .. * *li
, .3 in body, (.,) and Vt Jq.: fem. i;. and
book, or volume; whichi latter is hence called * L..: (K :) [also] great in respect of estima-
t . (Er-ltRfiglfhib in TA; but, in this sense,
tion, rank, or dignity: (S, TA:) !p. [of pauc.] I
written withoutit any vowel-sign.)-The place of [AIy people, they have slain, 0 Umeymeh, (;~1 U..! and iL and [of nult.] :>q. (TA.) You
tIle pitching antld constructing of a tCet or house. ,
-ay, ) sij; z a, i- e., j ''jJ ;5 [lie
a- being apocopated, for 4o.l,) my brother; so, if I
(]5.)m.AlN,, (S, 15,) and tJ~., (g,) The rose, I shoot, smy arrow will strike me; and verily, if has neither slender, or fine, or small, no; thick,
(AHn, 8, 15,) the n,hitc and thc red and the I forgive, I shaU indeed forgive a great thing; or gross, or coarse, &c., or great]. (.i.) And
yellonw; (AHIn, 15;) plentiful in the countries of but verily, if I asault, I shall indeed weaken my t ZJe." [Large tress; or trees as] olposed
the Arahs, both cultivated and wild: (AHn, TA:) bone: see Yam p. 97]. (S.) And Bcshlneh
to J , [or sh,rubs, or busaes]. (Lth, Mgh in
a Persiinn word, arabicized; (AHn, * 8, gh ;) Ibn-I.azn says,
art. J1.) And t i JJU_ Thick, or coarse,
from j.: (Sgh, TA:) and the jasmine: n. un.
a *- - [garments, or dresses, of the hind caUlled] i ;
with ;. (15.) . See also J..: and 0'~.
opposed to yJ J-: (Mghll in art. 3 :) or the
: sec , in six places. Also The things termed ,5 , of commodities, are carpets,
[And if thou invite to a great affair, and a gene-
stalhs of sced-pr,oduce [or co,.n] vwhen
it hau been
a . rous act, any day, manly and noble persons, the and [the garments called] lZe'i" [pl. of ,C], I
realed; (S, ), Mgl,, K;) as Ialso 3 and tJ: generous of mankind, invite us]: (TA:) or L.' and the like; (1;) contr. of j,; suell as the
(1K :) when it has been removed to the place
of j~. and i,, [cloth called] .lj , and the mat, and the like.
whIere the grain is trodden out, and has been is here an inf. n. in the place
trodden, and cut by means of the .j, it is like d&c. (Yam p. 218.) - Also, i. e.,
&. (TA.) And a 'i .signifies A great she-camel; I
called '. (AH.n, Mgh.) And, by amplifica- j., A small, (K,) an easy, or a mean, paltry, (P, K ;) big-bodied. (TA.) You say also, I
or contemptible, thing, affair, matter, case, or .~ :~m.4 [He ground it coarsely]. (9 in art.
tion, applied to The stalks remaining upon the
field after the reaping. (Mgh in the present art.
event: (9, K, TA,:) thus bearing two contr. sig-
,q..) 1Ja.l, meaning The great in dignity, I
nifications. (S, 1.) Imra-el-.eys says, on the
and in art. .. a.) is not applied peculiarly to God: when it is
occasion of his father's having been slain,
a, (9, Mgh, Msb, 1) and tI and .... , 0 .,' A J a applied to Him, it is because of his creatinlg the
great things that are indicative of IIim, or because I
(1,)the second whereof is that which is most known
He is too great to be comprehended within limits
[in the present day], and next the first [which meaning [By Benoo-Asadas slaying their lord:
or to be perceived by the senses. (Er-ltRghib,
seems to be the most chaste], (TA,) Camels', now surely everything beside it is] a mean, paltry,
or sheep's, or goats', or similar, dung; syn. ?: or small, matter. (9, TA.) _- ,I TA.) And a .i means A great peotnle; lords, I
(9, :) or a single lump thereof: (Mgh, Msb, AibJ. I did that on account of thee,for thy sake, chiefs, or people of rank or quality; (1K ;) a good
S :) or such as has not been broken. (K.) [Com- or because of thee; syn. JU. j .; (9S,K; asu people; (TA;) a people qf eminence, nobility,
dignity, or high ranh. (..)- Also Old, or
monly applied in the present day to Such dung
advanced in age, andfirm, or sound, in judgment:.
Aknaded with chopped straw and formed into also V?, .. (, (1) , andar .k.0 , (V,K,)
438 [Booz 1.

pI. L4: (1 :) which pl., as meaning old, or that no one precedes him except a courageous i. A Ma...m [or boolk, volume, nriting, or
advanced in age, is applied to camels, (S, .g,l,). man nwho cares not for him, and n'ho is stubborn n,ritten paper or the like,.] in n,hich is science:
M well as to men. (!g.) Iencc,'in a trad., j.hU~ and notorious. (TA.) - See also J.L... (S, K :) and any book, or nw,iting, (A 'Obeyd,
J,Aq. tT' 'y 6,. i PJ [A nduIblees pre- L;L. 5 [lapp. inf. n. of ,) , q. v.;] lThe S, K,) is tlhs called hy the Arabs; (A'Obeyd,
S ;) as, for instance, that of Lulcmin, and one of
snted himslIf to them in the form of an old man sound, or rounding, of a ., ($,) or of a poetry: (TA:) and so in the hrasecused by En-
advanced in age]. (TA.)! 1. in the sense ,r,.. [or bell]; (TA;) and of thunder: (S, K :) N;ibighali (Edh-Dbuby&nee, TA) lIb 4.
last explained above, is also used as a sing., and and vehemence *f sound: and a threcatening (IK, JIl [Ttheir book is that of God]: or, as some
is applied to the male and the female [of camels]: TA) from behind a thing covering or concealing.
recite it, hlie said w,t-, .1., meaning,
or signifies such as is termed 'i, [i. e., a she- (TA.) their abode is one of pilgrimage and of sacred
camel that has entered hetr sixth year,] until she
"~4 T1bWhat is J [app. meaning great sites. (S, TA.) See Jq. _ [en cnce,] Science;
has becoru a Jylt [in her ninth year]: or a male in estimation] of a thing. (Ibl-'Abbad, TA.) and the doctrine, or science, of practical law.
camel thlat has become a ;j: or it is applied to Also The fruit of the ;jH- [or coriandet.r]: (S (AA, TA.)
a she-camel, and ta.. to a he-camel. (g.) And Mgh,lP:) and, (Mgh,) accord. to Abui-l-Glhowtli,
,P~ A horse clad with a j; a s alsotj_.a ;
[the fem.] t i'. [ulsed as a subst.] signifies A (S,) sesame, or sesanmun, (,, Z, Mgh, TA,) in its (TA;) which latter is likewise applied to a camel.
sh-camel that has broughtforth once: (8,0, 1:) husks, before it is reaped: (S:) or it signifies
(I n-Abbad, TA.)
and [simply] a she-camel; as in the saying, i L also the grain of sesame or sesamum. (..)_
tThe heart's core (, liJI (S,Z, ,TA.)
(). 'J. .' i. Clouds that include the land in
Uj.; j .a4 He has neither a she-camel nor a
common, or generally, or universally, within the
ee, or she-goat: ( :) or camels. (JK and TA You say, i s) .
.: l ' [I hit his heart's
corn.pass of their
r,ain; i. e., that rain upon t/e
in art. 3.) [q. v., voce .';l].) Also (i.e. ea.Lt-.) core]. (.) And aJ .iI j J) --1 land throu.lhout its general, or universal extent:
A great palm-tree having muchfruit: pl. J ; I [That rested, or remained, in his heart's core]. (S, TA :) or thundering cloud.x, corveing the land
(bC;) [or rather this is a coil. gen. n.;] or, accord. (Z,TA.) And o.W . t ' n:ith rain: (A, TA :) or clouds in which are
to some copies of the ]K, the pl. is Ja . (TA.) o^J' ~. J1t [Speech that canme forth fromn thundler and lightning. (As, TA in art. h,..)
- Also i. q. ;L [IPanicurm, or panic grass]; [Seee also .]
the core of the heart to the meatus of the ear].
(], ] ;) a weak plant, with which the interstices (Z, TA.) J-
Jy.*.: see .... ~ Also Water into which
of houses are stopped up: n. un. with ;: ( :)
or ViL . signifies a species of.,i: (TA in J-l-: asee . . [q. v.] hasfallen. (TA.)
art. , :j pl. -. (, g.) An ass that bray. clearly; (S, ;) as
A man verJ excellent, or elegant, in
mind, manners, addrem, speech, person, or the
L*A . [used as a subst.]: see the latter part of also t ; (El-Mol)eet,K;) which is in like like; in nhom is no fault, or vice. (.). A
the next preceding paragraph, in three places. manner applied to a she-carmel. (El-Moheet, camel that has attained his full strength. (K,
TA.)-A boy light in spirit; btish, lively, or
TA.).2 Ag1*... <41 Camels having mall beills,
;-: ece L.-, in four places. sprightly, in his work; (.i;) as also ....
"..;: see ,;L., in two places. (Ibn-'Abbad,l.) - . -' Jq.'.. 1 I re-
of the hind called j., hung upon them. (g.)

- .a rel. n. from 3, ; A seUer of J'- [pl. vealed to him what was agitated in my mind. J Clouds in which is the sound
(lbn-'Abbid, 1,* TA.) of thunder: ($, ] : [in the CI., in this instance,
of )5.]for horses or similar beasts. (TA.)
Jl Goingforth, or emigrating,froma country, crroneously written J4
:]) or sounding:
lS): we >. and in like manner
or town, to another country, or ton,n; (Myb;) (TA:) [see also J,'.:]
r.; (., Mgh, Myb, 1) and t ai. (Mgh, [aa also Jl.; (see art. . ;)] and so rol., (S, tjt,J4..a aplied to rain. (K,TA.)-. A strong
Myb) A cow that repeatedly seeks after filths [to Mvb, l,) its pl., (Msb,) applied to a people, or chief: or [in the CK, "and,"] one whose voice,
eat them]; ($, I ;) the milk of which is for- company of men; (;, Mob, ;) originally aplplied orfame, (,.z ,) reaches far: and bold, vehement
bidden: (e:) a beast that eats .', meaning to the Jews who were expelled from EI-Hlijiz; in repelling or defending, eloquent, or able in
spceeh, (K,) who subjects himnself to peril, or
human ordure; (f, Mgh, Mb ;) the flesh of as also 1... (Myb.) - Hence, * a..,as a
which is forbidden: (Mgh:) pl. [of the former] subst., meaning The poll-tax; (Msb;) as also danger. (TA.)
;.,' (Myb) and of the latter Jld'; (Mgh, aJl', (S and Myb in art. ..~.) You say,
Mb ;) the latter pl. occurring in a trad., in
a.JI . ;) [Such a one w7vas employed as 1. '..', 1 ($, A, Mgh, Msb, ],) aor.: and ;,
which some erroneously substitute for it ;.jl$..
collector of the poll-tax]; like as you say, J& (S, Msb, K,) inf. n. "4 ($, Mgla, Myb, IC) and
a.l.Jl. (S, Msb.) flqt. as a femrn. epithet ., ($, K,) lie drove, (A, K,) or brought,
jb [A little bell, consisting of a hollon used as a subst.: see '2~. conveyed, or transported, (Mgh,) a thling, (S, A,
ball of copper or brass or other metal, pesfoi.ated, Mgh, Msb, K,*) or things, such as camels, sheep,
and containing a looe solid ball;] a small ,,a. JJI. (as a subst.): see Jt.; of whlich it is
goats, Ihorss, captives, or slaves, or any mer-
[or bell]; (MNb, ] ;) a thing that is hung to the also pl. andl fern. charndise, (TA,) fronm one place to another, (A,
neck of a horse or similar beast, or to the leg of a 1.1 [Thicker &c., and thickest &c.; see ~ : K,) orfirom one country or town to another, for
hawk: (Mgh:) pl. Jq4.. (8, Mgh, Msb.)
and] i. q. jI [more, and most, great &c.]: (, the purpose (f tr'flic; (Mgh;) as also t.J.I,
You say, s.;t S; [Such a TA:) fem. .. (Ham. p. 45.) With the (A, K, KL,) and *,t .-. (KL.) And ,.
one hangs the little bell upon his neck ;] meaning, article, [as a superlative epithet,] it is applied J1
Ol; Jl and t"l! signify the same;
such a one imperils, or endangers, himsef. (TA.) to God; (S, TA;) and so, by poetic license, ( ;) i. e. tI brought, drew, attracted, or pro-
Abu-n-Nejm says, cured, the thing to myself. (Ps.) [Hence,] 1l
0~-1. (TA.)
1 t
0 v1U $j.4i 1_t tThis iJ of the things that
a subst. [signifying The act of magnify-.
bring, draw, attract, or procure, brothers, or
[Ecxcept a man who ties the string of the little ing, or honouring]; (g, TA;) like .?. (TA.)
bell;] meaning, texcept a bold man, who imperils f*nds]. (A, TA.) And L ' 1jq -
-[Hence,] 1 , like O,
I [The calamitie of time, or offortune, or offate,
himself: AA says that it is a prov., meaning,
except a man who makes himself notorious, so t&e.:me brought, drew, or attracted, him, or it]. (A, TA.)
BoXK I.]
[Hence also, accord. to some,] ,
' , a (0, g;) and lpJ l, (,) inf. n. :itwm; (Mgh;) forth males; ($, X;) because the males that
they produce are driven, or brought, from one
trad., explained as meaning, The owner of cattle [the second of which is the most common;] They Place place to another, and sold; opposed to ,4m.1
hall not be required to drive them, or bring them, raised cries, shouts, noimes, a clamour, (S, Mgh, "his camels brought forth females:" ( and
to the town, or country, in order that the collector TA,) or confused cries or shouts or noises. (Mgh,
a male. (TA.) '..,Jl
may take from them the portion appointedfor 1R0) And -A qU ",., (S, Msb, V.,) aor. ', his camel broughtforth
the poor-rate, but this shall be taken at the (.i, Msb,) inf n. ;,.J, (S,) or $.[;, (Msb,) HIe C-i-1 ',,i .1' May thy camels bring forth maes,
waters; and when the cattle are in the yards, chid, or urged on, his horse; as also tw.. and and may and they not bring forth females, is a form
they shall be left therein, and not brought forth of imprecation against a man, implying a wish
V1.~.; (V;) the first, rare; the second and
to the place of pasture, for the collector to take that he may lose the milk [that he would have
third, usual: (TA:) he cried out at his horse,
that portion: or, as some say, ~ '~9 means, otherwise).
otherwise]. (TA.). He aided, helpld, or assisted,
(S, K,)from behind him, and urged him to out- He put
nor shall one have a horse led by his side, in a anotlier.
another. (S, .i.) [So, too, .HA..]
strip [in a race], (S,) aor. ' and ,; (1I; but this
race, in order that, wnhen he draws near to the explanation is erased in the copy of the l in its an an amulet into a i44. [whichl must therefore sig-
goal, he may tranfser himself to it, and so out- author's handwriting, as being a repetition; and nify the piece of skin in wilich an amulet is
strip his fellow: and other explanations have been rightly, accord. to MF; though this requires con- enclosed, as well as an amulet enclosed in a piece
given: (Mtb :) [accord. to some,] J ) here sideration; TA;) as also .J.ql: (S:) he urged of skin: see 4..]. (!.)- , 4 (l,
means, they shall not drive, or bring, their cattle his horse to run, by striking, or goading, or by
i,) inf. n. w , (T,) ie co e his ,;J [or
to the collector of the portions appointedfor the crying out, or the like; as also t",J4.l : or, as
poor-rate in the place vwhere he alights, but he some say, he led behind his horse that he n camel's
camel's saddle] (S, I) ,rith a LL, i.e., (s,)
n,ith a piece of fresh, moist shin, zwhich he left
shall himself come to their yards and take those riding another horse to urge on theformer, in
upon it until it became dry [and tight]: (.8, ]C :*)
portions: or [ here is from tile verb contending [in a race] for a stake, or wager; as or he covered the head of his ,^ wrrith a piece
in a sense whichl will be explained below, an(l] is shown in an explanation of the tradition cited
of hid's, or lamb's, skin, and left it to dry *upon
thle trnl. relates to lorse-racing, and means, one
above, .. .L 9.
' (TA.) It is said in the it. (T.)
shall not cause his horse to be followed by a manw
crying out at it and chiding it; nor sIall he have , ur [xvii. 66], *.) 0 &
5. [.. '. rendered by Golius Clamorem ac
a horse woithout a rider led by his own horse, in And raise thou confused cries against them, murmur murmur excitavit, as on the authority of the ],
order that, when he drarws near to the goal, he (Mgh,) or cry out against them, with thy forces 1I do not find in that lexicon nor in any other.]
many tran,ifer himself to it, and outstrip upon it: riding and onfoot. (Bd. But see another expla- 7. ;.k1l It [a camel, sheep, goat, horse,
said in a well-
(Mgh:) or ',J, whlich is forbidden, means nation in what follows.) And it is captive, or slave, or a number of camels &c.,or
the collector's not coming to the people at their known prov., 4 i . It, i. e. a any
merchandise, (see 1, first sentence,)] was
waters to take the portions appointed for the cloud (X.1_), thundered, then refrainedfrom driven driven [or brought] from one place to another [or
poor-rate, but ordering them to drive, or bring, raining: applied to a coward, who threatens, and from one country or town to anothler, for the
their cattle to him: or it relates to contending for then is silent: but accord. to some, it is with t pumPose PU,P~ of trajc]. (K.)
a stake, or wager, and means the mounting a in the place of C. (MF. See art. ... )-
8. w,. l: see 1, first and second sentences.
man upon one's horse, and, when he has drawn [Tcnece,] .J"., aor. and '; and . .; He -Also - Also tHe (a poet) took, or borrowed, from
near to the goal, following his horse and crying threatened with evil; (K, TA;) followed by an the
poetry of another. (TA.) - And He sought
out at it, in order that it may outstrip; which is accus. (TA) [or, app., by Ui& before the object]: or demanded [a thing]. (glar p. 44.)
a kind of fraud: (8:) or it is used in both these or (so in the TA, but in some copies of the K
cases: (A 'Obeydl: [his explanations are virtually "and,") he collected a company, a troop, or an 10. !'.&. ~.I He sought, or demanded, ordeired,
the same as those in the :]) or the meaning of that it [a camel, sheep, goat, horse, captive, or
(K, TA.) [It is said that] ; ?;.jJ,
the trad. [so far as the former clause of it is con- army. slave, or a number of camels &c., or any mer-
cerned] is, that the contributions to the poor-rate in the lKur [xvii. 66], means And collect thou cliandise, chandise, (see 1, first sentence,)] should be driven
shall not be driven, or brought, to the waters nor against them [thyforces], and threatenthetnm ith [or brought]f,om one place to another [in which
to the great towns, bit shaU be given in their evil. (TA. But see another explanation above.) he was, orfrom one country or town to another,
places of pasture: or it means, [or rather ,tqJI And %cA *t .l signifies also Tlhey collected forsale]. for sale]. (.K.)- ee also 1, first sentence.
means,] the collector's alighting in a place, and themsilves together against him, (S,B,0) and
then sending a person, or persons, to drive, orr aitded one another; like I.,l. (S.) .. R. Q. 1. , (,) or U" , , (TA,)
bring, to him the cattlefro,m their'places, that he e ic, aor. ', inf. n. 14,lIe committed a crime inf inf. n. :, the second , not being incorporated
may take the portion thereif appointed for the against him; or an offence for nwhich he should into the first because the word is quasi-coordinate
poor-rate: or it [relates to horse-racing, and] , aor.
a. and , to the class ofr, (8,) I1e put on him a gar-
be punished. (K,* TA.)
means the snding forth a horse in the race- g, Accord.
(8, K,) It (a wound) healed: (V:) or it (an ment 'f the kind called A;,... ( ].)
course, and a number of persons' congregating, with a to Kb, the first .,o in 4 is [augmentative]
ulcer, As, or a wound, S) became cowered
and crying out at it, in order that it may be
shkin in healing: (As, S:) as also q,,t,.. (;, like the j in j . and ;;j: accord. to Yoo,
turnedfrom its course: or a man's following hij
L.)-And It (blood) dried; became dry; as
horse, and spurring on behind it, and chiding it, the second is [augmentative] like the kS in it;
and crying out at it: (JC, TA:) or the shaking a also 1. (Lb, ].). ., aor.', It [app.
and . (IJ, TA.)
thing behind a horse that is backward in a race, a company or troop] assembled, or became collected
that it may be urged on thereby, and outstrip: together. (K.) R. Q. 2. 4 4, (1Y,) and .!rZ44t, (A, M9 b,)
or one's riding a horse, and leading behind him Re,
He, and she, put on a garment of the hind called
2: see 1, in two places. 1 The inf. n. h
another, to urejs it on, in contendingfor a stahe,' also signifies The act of bringing together: or .~:i.; or clad himself, and herself, therewith.
or wager: or the crying out at a iorse from collecting. (KL.) (A, Msb, ]g.) And &
(A, 4 , J lie cowver
behind, and urging it to outstrip. (TA. See himwif
himself with his garment. (liar p. 162.)
3. [,.Jq. is explained by Golius, as on the
also 1 in art. ,.) _JM9 .. l gained or authority of the KL, as meaning He helped, or
lIe 0
,;: me
see ,1..- Also The blackness of
earned; sought or sought after or sought to gain aussisted: but this is a mistake for l.t.; for I nigbt;
night; TA;) and so
(K., TA .t.. (Iar p. 480.
[provisions r&c.; generally meaning he purveyed]; find ia.'J,. explained by C.i.. jS~j in a copy
[The latter evidently tropical in this sense, and
and eedsrcised art or cunning or shill, in the man-' of the KL, and the order of the words there shows
perhaps the former also.])
tagemof his affairs; for his family; as also) that it is not a mistranseriptiou for itql-...]
?t4q.l (Lb, 1;.)_l- aor. and , (I,) 4. , .l: see 1, in eleven places, in the latter 4;. (w, 8) and 9';L) A camelr
[in a. $4, and perhaps i;l also;] and t19j; half of the paragraph. ~ Also Hiscamels brought saddle' saddle of the kind called ,.j, with what it
tHe (a poet) took, or borrowed,frm
[Boox I.
contains, or compris: (7:) or its cower: (Th, copies of the V:)
or ioevrity; adversity; difp. leather, (,, TA,) in which is put the sword 2
:) or its piecs of wood: ($:) or its curoed culty; trouble: (TA:) and a hard, distressful,
piecs of wood: (TA:) or sheathed, and in which the rider puts his whip
its wood, without [th or calamitou, year. (C.) and implements 4c., and which he hangs upon the
thongs called] 511!
and other apparatus. (, ;; or the k'l; [see these two words] of the
TA.) Also, both words, Clods, (V,) or tAhn .: see
s 4e, in two places. 2

camera saddle; derived from iL. meaning "a

clouds, (,) in which is no water: (e,V:) oi *1;; (S, A, Mgb, M b, ]g, dc.) and t?C.; piece of skin that is put upon a , :" (TA:)
clouds appearing, or extending sideays, ( je., (i;) the latter mentioned msan ex. of form by ror the case (1jS) of the sword-sheath, or scab- 2
(ir the horizon,] like a mountain [or mountain- S8b, and tbought by Seer to be syn. with the
bard: (i:) or c.J j14, occurring in a
range]: (V, TA:) or a cloud like 1hat which i. former, but not explained by any one except the
trad., signifies the case (.,.j) with its contents:
termed S1 ([q.v.], but narrower, and mor author of the 1y; mase. and fem.; (TA;) A
or the sword and bow and the like, which require 5
distant, and inclining to blacknesu: (AZ, TA ir [woman's outer wrappinggarment called] aim.: some trouble to draw forth and use in fight; not
(S:) or this is its primary signification; but it iss such a weapon as the lance. (L, TA.)
art. :) pl. 4i . (TA.) [See also /. metaphorically applied to other kinds of garments:
s4. A thing, or things, drfivren, or brought (El-Khatljee, TA:) or a shirt, (K, TA,) abso the first, and t (, .l.i,
TA,) or , (o 2

(1, A, Mgh, M 9b, I,) from one country or tows lutely: or one that envelopes the wvhole boly: in the C]C,) A clamorous man; or one who mahe
to another, (f, Mgh, Mqb,) orfrom one place t6 o(TA:) and a wide garment for a woman, les a confused crying or shouting or noise. (]C,TA.)
another, (A, ],) for the purpoe of trafic; than the iAJ.: or one writh which a woman
(Mgh;) a hores, &e., (,) camels, (T'A,) aheeF covers over her other garments, like the ;M"J.: two places.
I 4S1: see the next preceding paragraph, in 2

or goats, captives or slaves, (Lth,TA,) or any or the [hind of head-corvering called]j" : (] :)

merchandise: (TA:) and so V, thus in the eso in the M: (TA:) or a garment vider than
handwriting of the author of the 1 in his lasit the jto., but les than the JIj, (Mg,l, L, Msb,) .,, . ; see . 2

a.UU. anda. : sJe:

copy of that work, and mentioned by more thani with which a woman covers her head and bosom:
one, (MP, [who adds that it is correct, but SM (L:) or a garment shorter, but wider, than the .., applied to a male slave, (A, Mgh, .,)
thinks it a mistake,]) and t 4 and 1 : j: s; the same as the ;.: (En.Nadr,TA:) One who is brought from one place or country 2

(V:) [see this last, below:] p1. [of the first] or a woman's head-covering: (TA:) or the [kind or town to another [for sale]: (1, l :) or one
4i..1. (i.) Hence the prov., AL ,i of wrapper called] ,j't: (1Agr, TA:) or a gar- who is brought to the country of the Aluslims
I4ji TAe failure of provisions cause the wnent with wrhich the person is entirely enveloped, [for sale]: (Mgh:) pl. 4. and 'LA~. (s.) 2

camels, drimn, or brought, from one place to so that not even a hand is left exposcd, (Har It is also applied [in like manner] to a woman:
another, to be dispoed in files for sale. (TA.) p. 102, and TA,) of the kind called ;o, worn pi. L. and S .. (Lb, *.)
-[And, app., Mal camels; like iA&.; because by a woman: (TA:) or a garment, or other .4 A thing that is driven or brought from 2

they are driven, or brought, from one place to thing, that one use as a covering: (IF, Msb:) one place
or country or town to anotherfor sale;
another, and sold; (see 4;) opposed to --, pI. . (S, Mgh, Mob.) - Sec also 4.14. (T, S, TA;) such as an aged she-camel, and a
q.v.].Also Personswho drive, or bring, camels ._t Dominion, oereignty, or rule [wvith nwhich he-canmel, and a young she-camel such as is called 2

and ssheep or goats ['c.]from one plare orcountRy a person is invested]. (g.) , - v, and any other thing; but not aplplied to
or town to another,for sale; and so [ibts pi.] stallion-camelsof generous race, that are used for
.$ij.q (S.) [(In the present day, Tj; I and L4: seS X41 , in tlhree places.
sig- procreation: pi. : or the pl. signifies camels
nifies One who brings slaves from forei 3n coun- e 4tq: see . that are brought to a man sojourningat a water,

tris, particularly from African countries, for wiw has not means of carriage; wherefore they
sale.] Also, (8, A, ],) and Vii4, (;, A, X L,J.: see tbe next paragraph, last sentence.
put him [and his companiouns or goods 4c.]
Mgh, V,) [the former an inf. n., and so, perhaps, 2
,,4Q., (g, TA, in the CK c;L,l4, and so in thereton: (TA:) or a.IJ. siglifies male camels:
the latter, but often used as simple substs., the the TA in art. -
&.,) and without teshdeed, (}g,) [see also ~.' :] or camels that are ladlen with
latter more commonly, meaning] Cries, shouts,
[i. c.] 9 ,t4., (S, Mqb,) and, accord. to some, the goods or utensils .'c. of the pcople: and it is
noises, or clamour: (?, TA:) or a confusion, or
used alike as pl. and sing. (li.) See ., with 2

mixture, (A, Mgh, J,)of cries or shouts or noiss, t ,Ci4. also, (Myb,) not heard by AI5n from which
the Arabs of the desert but with teshdeed, it is syn. (Q.)
(A, Mgh,) or of crying or shouting or noise. (s.)
And dithe former, An asembly of men. (TA.) though many others pronounce it without tesh- .Lm..: see .J. _-Also t An affected habit
deed, and pronounced in the latter manner, he or disposition. 2
(Ibn-Abi-l-Iladeed, MF.)
i;4 Tbe smaUl piece ofJskin, (.,) or the crust, says, it may be a dial. var.; (TA;) [a coil.
or scb, (A, V,) that forms over a wound (, A, gen. n.;] A certain plant; ( 1 5;) or a certain s seee .
V) when it heals: (S, C:) pl. 4.. (A.)_A grain, or seed, of the kind caUed I [i. e. ~; .Ros-water: an arabicized word, (I;,) 2
piece of shin that is pnt upon the [kind of camel'sr pulse]; (Msb;) the [grain, or sed, called] ,
saddle called] mi. (8, X.) [8ee 4.] [A which is a thing resembling the ,AGl: (S:) or from the Persian [-' J]. (TA.)
piece of shin in which an amulet is enclosd: a dust-coloured, dusky hind of grabn or seed, it; and V 4 and VijLb (1g, TA) and 5
see 4.] - An amulet upon which is sewed a piece which is cooked; of the colour of the AL., exeept ,t:iA.
(Cs) and ti 1". and t i4:', (g,
of skin r (K:) pi. as above. (TA.)-A detached in its being of a more dusky shade; but larger:
portion of cloud: ( :) [or] a cloud covering the (T, TA:) a certain kind of grain or seed, renm- TA,) applied to a woman, Clamorous noiry, very
loquacious or garrulousw, and of evil dispo~ition:
s,ky. (IA%r,TA.) [See also J4.] A piece bling the AL., of the kind called j,i, welU (]C,TA:) or Zl. 2

signifies, thus applied, rude

of land differing from that rwhic adjoins it; a known: (TA:) [a common kind of vetch, or pea,
and coarse: (TA:) the J in this word is not a
patch of ground; syn. M.L. (XC.) One says, the common lathyrus, or blue c/hickling vetch, the
lathyru~ sativus of Linn., is called in Upper substitute for the j in Li,e [which has a similar 2
0jP r;f; Ij .1 i.C. e- 33z j [app. Egypt, and by some of the people
meaning t Verily he is in a good station or posi- of Lower meaning]: for it is from '1JI. (IJ, TA.)
lion: see art. p]. (TA.)_A detachedportion Egypt also, ;LJ4:] n. un. with ;. (TA.).
,J% (A) and t aIt; (L) and t i;; (-- ar
of herbage or pasture. ([C,* TA.) Also the first, (t,) and V ;44., (TA,) and p. 194 &c.) [all signify]
Also Sve- t A caus of bringing or 2

rity, or prsure, of time or fortune; (:, T;) t X, (MP, on the authority of Ibn-EI- drawing or
attractingor procuring of a thing:
like i; : :) andAunger: (so in some copies Jowzee,) [like ; and 1^ or A (Har p. 194, in explanation of the last:) thus
of the h:) or hemence of hunger: (so in other thing like a [[or sword-ras], of skin, or .1Jt a4. means t the caum of drawing tears: 2

BooK I.]
441 I
about. (TA.) And the latter,
(Id p. 15:) pl. of the second, ; as in the acting with penetrating energy, vigour, or effic- Jwebso flying
(TA:) and Flakes of snow falling quickly and continuously.
phrase I It . t[the t; drawing, or procuring, tireness, (, 1, TA,) in an affair: I
going, or journeying, vehemently: (TA:) and (TA.)
cas of datiny]: (L,TA:) pl. of the third,
the assaulting, or attacking, (AZ, j, TA,) of a .1J A man bald in tlh two ida of khi iad:
4i.;. (gar p. 430.) You say, , jL W i man, (AZ, TA,) and of an animal of prey. (].)
( :) or in the two sides of the fore part of Ahis
Jl ; j I S[Forery decre offate ther See also 3. You say, ; I O0 C l;d [Be
ead: (Mtb:) or in th fore part of i headd:
is a drawing, or procuring, cawe; andfor eery not bold to do eoil or mischief, or to show open (Mgh, L :) or a little more bald than he who is
Jlow of milk there is a milker]. (A,TA.) And enmity or hostility, to us, 0 such a one]. (A.) ternnd t1i: (L:) it signifies more than il,
[bence] the pi. ,Jl. signifies t Calamities, mis- And Co a 4 '. In his face is [apparent]
and less thn ~ .{ and ;.l: (Mgh:) when a
fortunes, evil accidents, adverMties, or difficulties. boldnes to do evil or mischief, and a show of man is bald in the sides of his forehead, he is
(TA.) Bee an ex. in the first paragraph, near the ope enmity or hostility. (A.) And ;.& c termed "tjl; when the baldnes is a little more,
beginning._ . j and $ Wounds,
AJI He charyed, or made an assault or attack, nl ; when it extends to the half, or the like,
or uleers, healing, or becoming covered withahin upon the pople or party. (AZ,TA.) And - 5 l; and then, e.ql: (A'Obeyd,TA:) the
in healing. (A 9 , TA.) and the pl. 5L (L, Msb) and
UJlt 'a [He assaulted rith the asaulting fem. is i..r:
.(L)- .-. Having no horn; applied to
LJ.A.: see the paragraph next preceding. of the wvolfJ. (A.) And t;i He came ~
a bull and a hegoat: (A:) and in this sense the
:.I;. A person who puts an amulet into a upon us; or came down upon us and overcame fem. is applied to a ewe (T, M, M,b) or she-goat,
can of skin: after which it is sewed upon [the us; or detroyd us; syn. u. (ISh, TA.) (T, M, A, Mob,) and to a cow: (T, M, A:) and I
headstall, or some other part of the trappings, of] And,..Yl . H + 1went at random, heed- in like manner [the pl.] . is applied to cown
a horse. (TA.) lesly, witholt any certainaim or object, or with- or bulls hAaing no horns; (1~,TA ;) erroneously
-...- . - out consideration, in the affair; or pursued a said in the I
to be like
i (., ).
. (TA
headlong, or rash, coursn therein. (TA.)
t A [woman's camel-vehicle of the kind called]
'r,e_, appllied to thunder, (V,) and to rain, 3. J_.'- [the inf n.] signifies The acting ti^ that has not a high head or top: (Ibn-
(TA;) Boisterous. (Q, TA.) - ;-. : see openly with another in an affair: (As, ]I:) and
Kulthoom, IJ,., J]:) or without a top: (T:)
the slhoing open enmity or hostility with another.
or one that is of a square form: (Aq, IJ :) pi.
.:." r:A ;jd.i [i. e. bead, or gem, or similar
(, .) You say, ,JI .;c Iz acted
ft~ l, ((, IJ,) like as J!j; is pl. of ,ji; a
stone] (T, I~,TA) used by the Arabs of the desert,
opnly with the man in the affair. (..) And
very rare form of pl. of a sing. of the measure I
OjJ4 ~Jlq. Such a one showed open enmity or
(T, TA,) [or by the women of the desert, as a (IJ.) t A flat roof not surrounded bil a
charm,] for captivating, or fascinating, men; hostility with me; as also t L et.. (A.)-. Ja;. maU or anything else to prevent persons' falling
(g,' TA;) or for bringing back after flight; Also The contending with anotherfor superiority fron it. (IAth,.K)--f.. 'ai tIA town having I
(T, V ;) orfor procuring affection after hatred: in strength; syn. .l. (S) and S.JI. (;, ].) the for-
noSfortres: (A,TA:) pi.
t iJ:
(T,TA:) Az mentions it as a quadriliteral-radical You say, .I "g,. [app. meaning
word. (TA.) The Arab women used to say, tresses being likened to honms. (TA.)- 4bl
p ' ' -1 Such a one contended with me for superiority in
strength, and overcame me therein]. (TA.)
q..1~t [A hill] not having a pointed summit.
[The contending with another
(TA.) And f
3: ; t [AJ
't. smooth [hill].
Wt a And i. q. Sl (A.).-.t- . ,..bl t A land in which are no
Sor superiority in greatnes; ,'c.]. (i.) I
[I have .fawinated him with the yenjelib, and he trees. (TA.) - CJ.I ;c t A hard, distresing,
Q. Q. 1. . He shaved his head: (Fr, ,
shal not sek another, nor absent himself, nor or calamitous, day; as also l.. (A, TA.)
ceae to remain at the tent-rope]. (LI, TA.) s ) the a is augmentative. (.)
see 5l I
Baldnes in the tmo sides of the head: (S,
wppe!' parts hare
K ) or in the two sides of the ore part of the t1.1* A plant of nhich the
head: (Msb :) it is more than ?j, and les than been eaten. (TA.) I
1 , aor. , inf. n. ., IIE (a man, , ', (S, Msb,) which is less than .: (Msb :) iti.. Eaten: (8, eaten until nothling of
L, t&c.) was, or became, bald in the two side of or baldness in tlhe fore part of the lhead: or bald- it is left: ( :) herbage so caten. (TA.)
his head: (~, I :) or in the two sides of the fore neu that is a little more than what is termed
part of his head: (Myb :) or in the fore part of
c, A man () mho eats much; a grat I
his head: or a little more bald than he who is eater; voracious. (., P.)- See also
termd j;l. (L.) [See also 5I.]
anld L.Li A part, or place, in which is baldness _1a _LE. i. A year of Irotught, barrenness,
. (., Myb.)
-- h;j'dl ..Jq ., inf. n. as above, The herbage such as is termed or dearth. (TA.) Insolent and audaciots.
of the land was eaten; as also .. (TA.) .,,Land that producaes no herbage. (L.) You say, C0 3AU [Such a one is
And 5ij l r..mq The branches of the tree (J.) impudent, insolent, and audacious]. (A, TA.)_
mrwe eaten, and it became reduced to its stem, or
~. A torrent that carri~ amay everything A bold wolf. (TA.)
root. (Agn,TA.)m _ lkl, I aor. in its course. (., ].) *.q- A she-camel (8) that bears with hardi-
(0, ],) inf. n. ,.Z; ($;) and * J.-, inf. n. ness a seve year, preserving her milk; (8,1! ;) I
~lIj. Wide (Q,TA)and bare, or open, (TA,)
g'3 ; (TA;) The cattle ate the trees: or ate as also 'i. (L.) - See also .J.
land. (1, TA.)
the pper parts thereof: (TA:) orfed upon the
t;;*A tree haoing the head, or upper part,
upper parts thereof, and peeled them. (Q, ].)m
(L.) - A plant, or tree, that has buen
See also 3. eaten.
air. (TA) and l (S, ] [the latter being
eaten and has grown again. (TA.)
1: see 1. -_ [the inf. n.] signifies also pl. of the former]) What Jlies about in successive
C*I i.gq. , [Contending oith another I
The acting, or advancing, boldly, (],) or tery portions from the heads of reds and papyrus-
boldly: (s :) or being bold to do evil or mischief; plant (8, ], TA) and other plants, in the wind, for superiority in greatM ; 'c.: see its verb,
ranb/ling cotton; (P, TA;) and spd~' ($.)...The lion. (].)_. A she-camel that yields
and shnoing open enmity or hostility: (A:) and (TA,)
Bk. I. I
442 [BooK I.
milk abundantly in ninter: (., ]:) or that were, or became, affected, or smitten, thereby. t,.A., (applied to a man, 8, A, Mgh,) IIardy,
crop. the twigs of the dry trees in winter, in a (L, TA.) And t lJ.ql They (men) were, or be- strong, sturdy, (S,* A,* L, (,*) and enduring, or
year of drought, and becomesfat upon them, and
came, affected, or smitten, thereby. (L, ].). patient: (L:) not ake [q. v.]: (Mgh:) pl. [of
so prereshr milh: (IA~r, TA:) pl. VtC'~ : 9.~ ~ ~ #
.m.., aor. ', inf. n. ;'j. and ;.. and either] ,i, ( L, K,) or ,i;, (so in some
(, V :) or this is pl. of ;J4 and tC4.. as (or this last is a simple subst., L) and >.4.., (an copies of the I(,) and -.. 4 and ;.; [a pl. of
epithets applied to a palm-tree and a she-camel inf. n. like P. and J,;, ($, or from .. -, pauc.] (9, L, K) and ;.. (].) And [the fem.]
that cares not for the want of rain. (AHn, TA.) M in art. j.~,) He (a man, S, L) wvas, or becamne, .;L A hardy and strong she-camel; strong to
And 1J.. A she-camel that eats the . and hardy, strong, sturdy, (,*L, K,*) and enduring, labour and to journey; that heeds not the cold:
KJr, whether they have leaves upon them or not. or patient. (L.)
and also sn!ift: pl. ; ,lt: (L:) andla she-camel
(TA.) 2. , (TAtr, T, $, Mgh,) inf n. ,~, (T, that yields a copious jflow of mill: (Thx, TA:)
1 .: see 'Ci. Also Years of drought S, Mgh, ],) lie shinned a camel (IA'r, T, T, sing. of v~, (S,) which signifies she-camels
that carry off, or destroy, the cattle. (~, 8.) Mgh, O) that had been slaughtered: (9, g:) one abounding with mtilh; as also '.g, (Is,) !,l. of
seldom uses L, thus [in relation to a camel]. t;.i ; (TA;) or she-camels having neither
(S.)_-.Also He covered a thing with shin; as, for milh nor young: ( :) [see also J4:] or she-
instance, a pair of socks, or stockings: (Mgh:) camels that yield the most greaty, or unctuous,
1. ; , (., A, Migh, &c.,) aor.;, (Mgb, ,) and in like manner, [he bound] a book: (A, 1]:*)
sort of milh: and so the sing., iJq, applied to a
inf. n. ,,J., (8, Mgh, Mgb,) He hit, or hurt, his and he clad a young camel in the skin of another
ewe or a she-goat. (S.) ;L. (pl. of i., TA)
shin; (g,];) like as you say, a.I, and rW4: young camel: (L: [see U.~:]) thus the verb
is also applied to palm-trees, meaning Large,
(9:) he beat his thin: (Mgh:) he beat him; bears two contr. significations. (Mgh.). [HIe hard, hardy, or strong: (S, K, TA :) or such ns
namely, a criminal: (AMgb:) he struck him with ordered to be flogged. (Freytag's Lex.: but
a whip, and with a sword: (TA:) he flogged without any indication of an authority.)] 1 [1ie, are not dafected by drought. (TA.) And ej
him (A,1 ) with a whip, (J,) or with whips: or it, rendered a man hardy, strong, sturdy, and ;.%~ signifies A tongh-shlinned, excellent, date;
(A.:) ,s. is sometimes written and pronounced enduring, or patient: so in the present day.] as also * L'L: and a hard, compact, date. (L.)
. 4 .. (MF on the letter .. ) You say, J.,JI s.J., 3. HJt
e contended with him in fight, 4, (S, Msb, , &ec.,)the only form of the
inf. n. as above, He inflicted upon him theflogging whether the fight were with swords or not. (A word mentioned by the genenility of the lexico-
ordained by the lawv. (., L.) - .JI .cJ.. The in art. .. b.) You say, .Jl eo'j.4, (L,) inf. n. graphers; (TA;) o{c&urring at the end of a verso
erpent bit: (J :) or, accord. to some, one says with kesr to the second as well as the first letter,
3jtl. (S, A, L) and s , (A, L,) He con-
of the serpent called 1, specially, LJj .4 t i., agreeably with a license allowed to a lpoet
tended with him in fight with the sword. (S,* A,
[it strikes witA its tail]. (TA.)..;.. in such a case, to give to a quiescent letter in a
. h., L.) And .i.t/.,sJt They contended with rhyme the same vowel as that whichll the preceding
(1],) aor. and inf. n. as above, (TA,) I He lay them in fight with swords. (A.) And I..3lt,.
with his young woman, orfemale slave. (/g,TA.) letter has; (8;) and tJJ., (IAgr, S, i,) like
J, (](, TA,) and 1 JJI.3i (.S, A, L, and so .: and and 1 and Jd ; but this is said
[lhence,] 5,s , [t i. q. ., C p], a metony-
in the CK instead of 1b..) j..Jtl, (9,) and by ISk to be unknown; (S;) The shin of any
mical phrase: - p .. meaning '" l, lj'. I1, (., A, L,) They contended, one with animal; (K ;) the integument of the body anil
and QJ ":.~'l, also termed J,.JI., and another, in fight with swords. (S, A,' L, I.) limbs of an animal: (Az, Msb:) or the exterior
ijt'I;l: the similar act of a woman is termed [See also *ja_.] of the ;j [or upper shin] of an aninmal: (M.sb:
JU'j1i. (TIar p 672.), ;s .ni.
% He 4. 4!11 6s.Lbt ]tHe constrained, compelled, or [but thisis a strange explanation) pl.
; (S,
smote the ground with him; (TA;) he threw, him necesuitated, him to have recourse to, or betake Msb, lC) and (sometimes, M.sh) ;-1 [a pl. of
down prostrate on the ground. (A, TA.) And himself to, him, or it: (so in some copies of the pauc.]. (Msb, .)_[Tthe pl.] ;ti sirnifies also,
'4. liefell down (IS, TA) upon the ground ]g:) or he made him to stand in need of, or to and t~tl4 likewise, The body and limnbs (8, A,
by reason of much leepiness;*,tas also ; ;. want, him, or it. (AA, L, and so in some copies L) of a man; (S;) tile whole person, or body and
(TA.) j ,-
.,oJl *;, in a trad., means of the K and in the TA.) ~,m j .. [or limbs, of a human being; (L, 1K ;) and his self:
[I used to ~ert my strength, or energy, but] .t..]: and ;A.. l: see 1. (L:) so called because enclosed by the skin: pi.
sleep mould overcome me so that I fell donn. of the former, .t.l. (L.) You say, .l t
(L.) .__. ; i. : He compelled him 5. jj. He affected hardiness, strength, stur-
dinews, and endurance, or patience; constrained , J.. Hon; like are his person and
against his will to do the thing. (A, ].) -
himself to behave with hardiness, &c. (.,*A,* L, body to the person and body of hlisfather ! (L)
i.. jsi ,44 (or, as related by A3 it, ,~, And ,j.'l jiSj and ts.tXl (A, L)
].0) So in the phrase ' ,h
iv .3 [He con-
with i, TA) Hel is imagined to posesu every Such a one is large and strong (1) in respect of
good quality. (A,Jg.) But the saying of Esh- strained himself to behave with hardiness, &c., to
those who rjoiced at his misfortune]. (A, TA.) the body and limbs. (A, L.) And l,j
Shafi'ee ;j. l C
X,A means t Mujdlid
In the phrase #.4.3 [He constrained himself .?~.. , Repeat ye the oaths to the persons,
used to be pronounced a liar, (J, TA,) or sus- to endure with hardines and patience the los, or themselves: occurring in a trad.: said on the
peeled and accused of lying. (TA.)-;..4 want, of him, or it], the verb is made trans. by occasion of a man's entering among others of
,.Jf1, (9, L, Mgb,) the verb being in the paim. means of Xp because it implies the meaning of whom an oath had been demanded. (L.)-
form, (Mqb,) or J.q, (A, ],) a verb of the J3. (L) - Also'He feigned, or made a sahow .i.JIl also signifies t The penis. (Fr, L, ]: but
same form a C; (;) [or both may be correct, of, hardiness, strength, sturdines, and endurance, in the CK, in this sense, it is written ,;lJ.)
like '.' and ,b, in the same sense;] and or patience. (L.) Agreeably with this explanation, its pl. . is
t 6: see 3. said by Fr to be used in the glur xli. 20: (L:)
'i,, ; (g;) [but this last I believe to be a
8: see 8. m~;'1l .q.t, (AZ, TA,) or . W or as meaning the pudenda: (L, :) but ISd
mistake for z*Jqt., like j. ;] The land mt, holds that this word there means the skins, with
or became, affected, or smitten, by hoar-frost, or U,ll, (V,) He drank all that was in tlhe tessel; which, as in manual operations, acts of disobe-
rime. (9, A, L, Msb, V.) And 1il ,Jq. [in (AZ, g, TA;) as also .. t. (AZ, TA.)
2 dience are performed. (L.)
the TA .J4]The herb, or leguminous plants, .U;
(sometimes pronounced .. , ) and '.4p: see 'A....-Also The skhin of a camel,
BooK 1.] 443

or othler beast, with which another beast is clothed: (s;) like . (Mb.)_ Congealed, orfrozen, from .Ja; the former signifying he sat up; or
(L:) the shin of a young camel, which (being water; ice. (TA.)~ See also ,d.. sat after dleeping, or prostration, (Msb,) or after
stripped off, ) is put over the body of another lying on his side; (B, TA;) and tho latter, lhe
young camel, in order 'that the mother of the '.J4. [dim. of '..]One of the ,;'t.J [coats, sat down; or sat after standing: (Mh), B, TA:
shinned young one (smelling it, 8) may conceive or tunics,] of the eye. (TA.) and see other authorities to the sanicame effect in art.
an affection for it [and suckle it]: (8, ] :) or .W :) for ,,. is a change of place from low
kJ..3j [A dlealer in shins;] a rel. n. from
the shin !f a young camel, which is stuffed with to high, and .~J is a change of place from high
panic grass (.*W), (K, TA,) or tome other plant, ;, pl. of . (TA.) to low: and one says, l. _l., b not SWi
(TA,) and put before a she-camel, in order that ;. One wvhose office it is to fliog others with '1;, meaning [lie sat] leaning, or reclining,
slhe may be induced thereby to affect that which a whip. (Mgh.) [In the present day, An execu- upon one side: (Msb :) but both these verhs
is not her young one [and so yield her milk], tioner, in a general sense.] sometimes signify he wtas, or became: and thlus,
(1g, TA,) or, to affect the young one of another. ---65 *-- [it is said,] L , . and talj. L signify
(L, TA.) ~ A ewe or she-goat whose young one ..1a..: see j~.., in two places.
dies at the time of her bringing it forth; as also he was, or became, cross-legged: and C a -
.~ '.;: see '., in two places. ;.91 la.. in like manner signifies he was, or
4',,: pl. [of the former] ; . and [of the
latter] ;laA.. (TA.)_-Also, [asa coll. gen. n.,] ', A piece of skin which a wailintg woman became, [between her four linmbs,] (EI-FTiribec,
Great she-camels, having neither young ones nor holds in her hand, and with which she slaps (S, Msb,) because the man, in this case, is resting
milk; n.un. with;: (8:) [see also ,.:] or l~) her face (S) or her cheek: (. :) pl. J,.i ; upon his own four limbs. (M 9b.) . ['
great camels, among which are no little ones; and 4ll .', like c~ .. and ell 'd, signify
(Kr, K ;) or, as ISd thinks, this is pl. oft' ;.4
(I ;) n. un. with; : (TA:) and (app. as a quasi- the same; i. e. He sat with him: or the latter,
pl. n., TA) sheep or goats, and camels, having [as syn. with 'tA.], for -;?and jtlw* are he sat by him; like "assedit ci."] An instance
neither young ones nor milk; (K;) app. meaning often interchangeable as measures of words of of the inf. n. ,6t. is found in a trad., in which
having no little ones to wthich they give such: this kind. (TA.)
it is said,&1 ,p1 " 'i *h,-
(Mohammad lI)n-EI-Mukarram, TA:) or she- .M,. Covered with shin: thus applied to a [But when ye come to sitting, perform ye the
camels having no young onies with them, so that pair of socks, or stockings, meaning having skin duties relating to the road]. (TA.) [The trnd.
they endure patiently the heat and cold: (Fr, put upon the upper and lonwer parts. (Mgh.) commences thus: .Ai.I
TA:) or she-camiels having no milk, and the c - JIj';
[A book, or portion of a book, bound: and
young ones of nhich have gone awvay from them; Beware ye of sitting on the roads: and then,
hence, A volume: pl. ] -. A bone after the words before cited, (in which, however,
includiig wihat are called X'I ,, and such covered only by the shin; having nothing remain- in my copy of the JAmi' cs-uaglheer, instead of
as are above these in age; and also such as are ing on it but the shin. (K.)A horse [rendered
I find .Jt.l , which is pl. of '-.jl,)
called je and;-% and j,; but when hardy and enduring;] that is not frightened by, o,_....11,
(.K,) or not impatient at, (S, and so in some it is added that thie duties thitus alluded to are the
theicy have given birth to their young, they cease the putting away or uside
copies of the J,) being beaten (S, J4) with the lowering of the eyes,
to be termed -'o.,and are called ;jt, and *tW: what is hurtful or annoying, the returning of
whip. (TA.)~ A certain quantity of a burden,
the pl. is y. and [pl. pl.] ;31J.I. (Az, TA.) or load, of known measure and weight; (1;) six salutations, the enjoining of that which is good,
and the forbidding of that which is evil.]
liard ground; as also t J 1 : (S:) or hard hundred pounds' weight. (IAar, TA in art. ... )
c., .. '6I;1 . The aquiline vulture lay upon its
and level ground; as also . .. : (K :) or level 'C One who binds books, or covers them breast on the ground; syn. - .: a saying
but rough ground; (1 ;) as also t O.: (TA:) with shin. (1..) applied to him who is of the seceders. (A, TA.)
pl. (of the former, TA) .. and (of the latter, se: i.see : ~and see also [See also J.],. also signifies tIt (a
TA) 1.. (8, TA.) You also say . ,.a)l, thing, as, for instance, a plant,) rea,uined, or
withi fet-h to the J; (AHn, TA;) and , ;..q.e [Ilaring his skin hit, hurt, or beaten: continued. (AHn, TA.)- Also, (aor. , inf. n.
with a quicscent J; (Lth, AlIn, TA;) and woul flogged: &c.: see also ;1].- ;l _.~, TA,) lIe came to .,JI, (TA,) or [the
;o..' also; and j.1~.-. (Lth, TA.) Land affected, or smitten, by hoar-frost, or rime. high country called] Nejtld: (T, ., A, TA :) and
Also, as a suabst. or an inf. n., (L, [see .,X-,]) (S, A,.L, Msb, ].) - ;. is also an inf. n. in like manner said of a cloud; it came to Nejd.
of 5.m[q. v.]. L(, ]g.) (TA.)
HlIardiness, strength, stt.rdliness, (,* A,* L, ]~,*)
and endurance, or patience. (T.) 3. .Ja, inf. n. .11 and ,-, [lIe sat
h1... A place of contending in fight with
swords. (L from a trad.) ivith him.] (TA.) You say, 9 .t '9FA
.J.: see
,,.i%aJ [Sit not with him with whom thou wilt
. .. not be congenial]. (A, TA.) And b,mlt - '

o.,~?71. [Generous in oriqin, or disposition;

3.4,-. a more particular term than .. w; (S, L ~,, (?,A,Mqb,l],) aor. , (A,K,) in n. pleasant to sit wvith;] is said of a man. (TA.)
L;) signifying A piece, or portion, of skin. (L.) ~.' (.8, A, Msh, R) and t', ., (S, A, K,)
One says also ,ddl ;q.- [app. meaning The He placed his seat, or posteriors, upon rugged 4. ..1 l []ie seated him; made hinta to sit:
or he made him to sit up]: (S, K, TA:) he gave
eyelid]. (TA.) And tW.,. C ; A people, [or rather elerated] ground, such as is termed
him place, or settled him, ("L,) in sitting. (TA.)
or company of men, of ourselves, and of our ~Ji: this is the primary signification: (TA:)
Ainmfolk. (TA.)I See also Z. [and hence,] He sat; i. q. auj [when the latter 6. 1yJ;ni [They sat together; one with
is used in its largest sense]: (MNb, and so S and another;] (S,A,TA;) LJt. 1 . [in thesitting-
;'.db: see ... , in three places. L and A and in art. Wa:) you say, ; - places]. (S.)
.k. A woman flogged with a whip; as also and taW/ , [He sat cros-legged]: (Msb:) 10. A la - I [lie asked him, or desired him, to
with 3: pl. k ,S. and (Lh,L:) the accord. to EI-F"rabee and others, contr. of.Ui; sit: or to sit up]. You savy, 4z IU
former pl. thought by ISd to be of the former and thus it has a more common application than [He saw me standing, and he asked me, or detired
sing.; and the latter, of the latter. (L.)~Hoar- .W [when the latter is used in its most proper me, to sit]: (A, TA:) but this is at variance with
frost, or rime; i e. dew that falls (,A, A,) and restricted sense]: (Msb:) but j also sig- what we have mentioned in the beginning of the
.o the sky (Q)upon the ground (Q, A, ) and nifies the contr. of .;: ('Orweh Ibn-Zubeyr, L art., respecting the distinction [between jJ. and
congeal; (Q, j;) also called . - and in art. Wa:) properly speaking, . differs j,J]. (TA.)
444 [Boor I.
J.. Rugged ground or land: (, 1j :) this is [Be thou grave] in thy sitting-place. (Fr, Sgh.) drought, or barrenness, or dearth. (9.) And 2
thie primary signification. (TA.) -[Also, app., -_ The people of a - ; (Mqb, TA ;) ellip- j.tI ta.. Time, or fortune, or misfortune,
lElevated ground or land:] a place lelated and
tical, for _ J. j.1: (TA:) an assembly, or a destroyed his property, or cattle. (TA.)
hard: or, as some say, a tract of land extending
company of men, sitting [together]: (Th, TA:)
widely. (Ham p. 688.)_.. [And hence,] .j1 4. Aj.1 Ile (a man) removed the ij. [or E
not well explained as being, with the article JI,
What is elevated above the jjb [or lowr country]: clay] from the head of the [jar called]
syn. with ,WI1: (TA :) persons sitting, or sitting
(TA:) applied especially to the country of Nejd. [i.q. jj]. (IA,r, ].)
(1', , M, ].) [Persons sitting: or sitting up:] up. (A, TA.) [See also ; ..] You say, *ai 2

8: see 1; and see also 2, in two places.

a quasi-pl. n., accord. to Sb, or a pl., accord. to hPJ.ql t [The aembly of persons sitting together
;.: said to be used as sing. and pl.
Akh, of t*.J broke up]. (Msb.) And ..alJ.
; I saw kee. A [jar of the kind called] 5;: (M, g:)
and fem. and mase.; but this assertion is of no them sitting. (A, TA.).- tAn oration or a dis- or an empty ;s: (AO,A , Msh,
M :) this is said
account: (ISd,L:) or the people of a : course, or an exldortation, ( ; ;,) (S, Mb) by AO (.) to be the primary sigenification
delivered in a ,Jw; like LUiU. (M;r, in the of the word: (S, Mb :) or the lower part of a
(Ll, ISd, L,I:) [t,.1- is also a pl. of,Jl.;
Oj when it is broken: (ISd, ?gh, I:) and a 2
like as uj, originally 5A is of OQl: or it is Preface to Hlar.). It is also' used in the same
[receptacle such as is called] O;J>, (AA, ?, Hr,
an inf. n. used as an epithet: see ..:.)] you manner as u;r and you say &I
y,o..: $h.
M.sb, k1, [in the C.K, erroneously, J;J,]) and
say company of men iuting: or [meaning tThe object of reort, with ,nhomothers
sit and conoerse, such a one]; like 9~J i'u. .1.., (AA, ~, Mob, g,) of any kind, (AA, ?, 2

sitting up]. (S.) [See also ... Also AA.]- M9 b,) such as a saddle-bag, or pair of saddle-
woman who sits in the .W [or court of the house], (Kull p. 140.) [See arts. am. and w,,.. But
this usage I believe to be post-classical.] -[Also bags, and a sack, in whlich bread or other food is
not quitting it: (I1:) or shie who is of noble rank
tA stool; meaning, an evacuation. So in medical kept: (Hr, TA:) pl. [of mult] J,4 (f, M, 2
(J, TA) among her people. (TA.) books.] M:b) and [of pauc.] j'j. and J.;t, which
4: see ,.-, in two places. last is rare. (Msb.)_-Also A [skin of tle kind
''i ;: see ', in two places. 2
aJ~.A single sitting: or sitting up. (Mob.) called] 3j rwithout head and without legs. (IAar,
g.)-_And A skinned animal, (AO, S,) or a
. L, A ,node or manner, (TA,) kind, (Msb,) skinned sleep or goat, (KJ,) of which the belly has
or state, (S, A, Msb,) of sitting: or of sitting up. and J'l1: sec art. A.-.. been taken forth, (AO, ~, g,) and the head and 2

(, A,' Mb, g.) You say, aii legs of which have been cut off; (K ;) the body
[Ile has a good mode, &c., of sitting]. (A, of a skinned sheep or goat, without head and
Myb, 4.) without belly and without legs: or, as some say, 2
1. ( Msb,
, b, g,) aor. ;,inf. n. ,4, (S, a body of anyl kind without a head upon it: (L:)
Li4. A man ($) who sits mucJ; sedentary. 1M sb,) lie peeled, or a beast withoutfat, and without back [to bear],
pared, stripped, or scraped, it
(,V.) off; (, M.sb, I, TA;) namely, a thiing; (TA;) antd without belly to concive: (IAth, TA:) or
as, for instanice, (S, TA,) the mud, or clay, (S, the skin tf a sheep or goat, and of a canet: (Ay,
~ ~a nd~ A..- Msb,TA,) from the head of a [jar ofthe kind

Msb :) pl. _..%w. (Sb, L) and sometimes ,J.:

CA,Mqb,g) and * =(TA, as called] (S,TA.)
A. You say also, ;j (Sb, TA:) and [it is also said that] ;iJI js
found in a copy of the 1], [but this is an intensive
form,]) and t/ j.,. (., A, 4) A companion with 1 ,- IIe stripped off his nail from his signifies the skinned sheep or goat that is without E

finger. (Lth, TA.) And accord. to some, head anl without legs and without belly. (Q,
n'hom one sits: (A, Mbh, 1C:) fem. of the first
signifies The scraping oif, or stripping off, the Mb.)_ Hence, i. e., from ;W JlJ5.l, (f, Msb,)
with 3: (TA:) and pl. [of the same] ;' (A,
skin with somewhat of thefiefl: and the act of t Rude in disposition or in make; coarse, or 2
4) and [irreg., being by rule pl. of ,1..,] f . pulling, or draming, out, or up, or off; or dis- churlish; (S, M, Mob, ;) as also tV ; ( ;)
(4.) You ay, J qA and * [lie is placing. (T'A.) - Also i. q. df. [H]e took awtvay, meaning that the person so termcd is empty,
my compalnioa with whom I sit]; like as you carriedaway, or removed, the whole of it, or the withlout intellect: (M, TA:) appllied to a Desert,- 2
^ V# and u (s.) grcaterpart of it, or much of it; or he swept it Arab, (S,) or to an Arab: (so in a copy of the
an.ay]: (1:)or, as sonic say, significs a Msb:) or it is so applied as though meaning one
s: ee ,. more intensive and more exterminating action with his skin; not having assumed the gentle and
soft /habits of the people of the towns or villages E
,jIq.l: see _4, in two places. -Also A than .. .. (TA.)_-And lie cut it off; (S;)
or cultivated lands; for when one does this, it is
man, and a cloud, coming to [the high country or pulled it, or plucked it, out, or up; or eradi- as thiought he pulled off his skin and clad himself
cated, or uprooted, it; (.I;) and exterminated
ca//d] Nejd. (TA.) You say, j~.., m- with another: (M9b:) or ! stupid, foolish, or 2
d~.I .I sanm them running, coming to Nejd. it; (F, ;) as alsot?.A.L. (]s.)-_' e unsound in intelclect; likened to a skinned sheep
He struck him with the sword: ([j:) or he cut, or goat because of the weakness of his intellect.
(A, TA.)
or cut a piece from, or cut in pieces, his flesh (IAth, TA.)-Also Thick, or coarse, dry bread:
see 1: _ and see [with the sword]. (A, TA.) ' ;11 JA4 The or bread not rendered savoury by anything eaten

." A sitting-place; (S,Mb,;) as also herbage was eaten to the uttermost. (TA.)_- theremit/h: or the edge [ofa cake] of bread. (4.)
t with; ; (Fr, Lb, igh, l ;) similar to O1t; and ht *~ , . H e suffered the loss of some- [See also '4..] 1 A male palm-tree, (Lti, J,)
Ji.: (fgh, TA:) [a place where persons sit what of his property, or cattle. (TA.)~mil., with the spadix of which the female palmn-tree is 2

together and conve'se; a sitting-room:] a thing aor., inf. n. j. and , tIle

I'.a nwas, or fecundated: (Lth,TA:) pl. i-3J. (TA.)~
upon which ole sits: (MF:) some make a strange became, rude in disposition, or in male; coarse, A certain nwell-kinown bird. (]I.)
distinction between and t 4.*, asserting or churlisi. (1.)
aW.q. [inf. n. of un. of J., q. v.].- See also

the fiormer to be applied to the chamber or house 2. C ZJI$ * The years of drotught, or bar-
(,.;) [in which people sit]; and the latter, to a renneSs, or dearth, destroyed his cattle. ($.) And
place of honour upon which it is forbidden to sit Ja,.-A :4, (S,) or J' , (g,) The year of A part of a hskin that is peeled, pared, 2

without pernmision; but the former is the only stripped, or scraped, o' (L, g.)
drought, or barrenness, or dearth, exterminated
correct form of the two: (MF, TA:) pl. J .
the cattle. (1i.) And ,Jl,.l ' ..l [It de- 4L. A broken piece of dry bread, (R, TA,)
(S, Mb.) You say, i .n Oji and t, LL; stroyed their cattle] is also said of a year of great tldch, or coarse, (TA,) and without anything to
BooK I.] 445
,,.,,0 0*- .;,,
render it savoury: (J, TA:) pl. .j. (TA.) ,:, . .. .
s : see q... flies a pair thereof; a pair of shears: (?:) or
[See L,, of which it may be regarded as the and
aq '1 . signify alike, i. q. Lwlj~; like
Lean, or emaciated; (.K;) as also
n. un.] A piece of anything: (Sgh, ]:) pl. as as one says ol,A and ol.lj, and .U and
above. (TA.)-The portion of a reed for writing , ... (TA.)
$Li: and Ot..L is also allowable, as a sing.;
that is between its k.' [or place where the paring
(Msb;) anthor;zcd by Ks; (TA;) and in like
is commenced] and its point; as also iaZ.. (I.)
;l. (S, M, MA, Mgh, K) and .J113- (IApr, manner, tO,.O. (Myb. [But see . lj.])_
J)N' Clay; such as is put upon the head of M, K) and I~ (.K) A,sac/c; in Pers. jl.; t Tlhe moon; (Az,K ;) as also ': ((:) or
the [jar called] 2. [See 4.] (IAar, 1].) (MA, PS;) [not so well rendered in the KL by the [newv moon, or moon wrhen it is termed] .JYh:
(K1:) likened to the i. [as meaning the blade
je;- Peeled, pared, stripped, or scroped, off; ., which means a saddle-bag or a pair (f
of a pair of shears]. (TA.) -[llence also, pro-
as also ?Jl: . (I.) It is said by some tha:t saddlc.bays, like the Arabic 9.;] a certain kind hably,] tA certain mark of camels, made with a
the last word in the following saying of lCeys of .4 [or receptacle], ($, M, K,) [for corn .c.,] hot iron. (Ibn-HIabeeb, .. )-[licnco also,] tTho
Ibn-El-lihateem, iell knownn: (M, ]:) it has a loop, into which tick, or ticks. (gK.)_ Aid, accordl. to some, as
is inserted a stick, or piece of wood, called lil:, being likened to thlese, because of their smallness,
(TA,) tThe shee,p of Afekheh: (A 'Obeyd, TA :)
is pi. of the former in this sense: but accord. to (S and K in art. Ji.,) this being also inse,rted into
or ce7rtain shleelp with long and hairless legs,found
ISk, [the meaning of the verse is, As though the loo100 of another jJl^., nhen they are bounyd
upon the camel: (1.K and TA in that art.:) or it at Et-7?'.f (1g.) And t The male of the gazelle,
emaciated locusts without heads and writhout legs
has twro loo)p, one of vwhich is insertedl into the and of the sheep: pl. .. (K:.) And tA kid:
occupied the tnwo sides, or the whole, of the part
of her breast where the necklace lay; for he says other, ($ and .I voce Aia,) [and then the stick (Kr, . :) pI. as above. (S, TA.)
is put through,] on the occasion of putting it on a
that] the poet likens the ornaments upon her aJ J..l The ivkole of a tliing; (S, g;) as also
camnel: (TA ibid.:) the word is arabicized; (M,
to locusts without heads and without legs. (TA.) ?J. and *.. . (;K.) Youl say, ;Il " J.
TA;) said to be from 1_.I, (TA,) or UI.,
' ,e;. [An excoriated leg]. (TA.) __ahL (KL,) but correctly from Jl3~., which is Pers.: ^Z' I took the thing r/holl:. (S.)
[or ig. ] A year that d(lestroys the cattle; (TA:) the pl. is J1J.' (S, MA, Mgh, 1) and
(S, g;) as also t 1_..: (S, :) any bane, or ;ele, (Sb,$, MA, Mgh, V1,) the latter occurring a;L. : see wlmt next precedes.
calamity, that destroys the cattle: pl. /G.. and in poetry, (TA,) and -;WI". (S, ]J) was some- J4q. A shinned sheep or gont (S, K) wVithout
,i. and '... (TA.) You say, a~_.,:;. times used, (S,) but this is disallowed by Sb. ($, tke intestines and nrithout the legs, (S,) [or] when,
M.) The saying [of a rajiz], cited by Th, tie shanks and the redundlant parts have gone.
i:1 "A great destruction of their cattle befell b L. L
L . . .I - i 51 (]g.) And the ch,ole fles of a slaughtered camel.
them. (S, TA.) And .: J.,, and (s.) - See also a.-..
and t. Years that destroy the cattle. (.i.) * W l i .~Li3 ,,~ olc: eCC_.
And J.i/ also signifies Torrents. (TA.)~
[I love AIdweeyleh fwith a true love; with the
See also' '... love of tite owner (lit.father) ,,f the sack for the ai. 4 Shorn nool. (K.)
jil. [act. part. n. of ]. - ih [or ', s.ack;] means that the speaker hlad a vehement j.; Shorn c-.goat.s. (I..)
love for the food, or wheat, that was inl his ;JI.
Wl]1 A wo,i,,l of the head that Ipeels off the (M.) Another
says, ~ . see,s .
skin with theflesh: ($, K :) or that peels off the
skin but dloes not penetrate into the interior. .,i.. Cut, or ctit ff. (m,b.) _A sltrn
sheep or goat. (K,* TA.)
(Msb.) And aW3 ia. A spear-nound, or the
like, that does not penetrate into the interior; ,=_ A bonc having the flesh cut off with
[0, lovely is what is in the black sacks, of biscuit thke ,.. (TA in art. *....)
($, K;) opposed to .. (..)_. t
and meal of plarched barley sweetened wcith sugar-
i. q. qtc. [A time, or season, thlat sveeps away, candy !]. (8.)
or destrons, the cattle]. (TA.) See also ,.. Qulasi C .
', IHaving a portion, or portions, taken '~.': see Q. Q. 1. in art. .
from its sides. (S, .K.)- ]aving somerwhat 1. ' , (S, Mil,,K,) aor. , (Mqb, .K,) inf. n.
tl ereof remaining. ($, 4.) So explained by ,4;, (E, Msyb,) Ile cut it, or cut it off; (S, Mlsb,
Abu-l-Ghowth as occurring in the saying of El- ;) [liko .j. .] IIe shore it, or sheared it;
Farezda], namely, wool, (Myb, 1,) and hair, with the ,; - and t ;t. Rock: (, K :) or a rock;
or mass, or piece, of rock: (IM :) or a rotnd
OL. , (Mb,) or .. (TA.) And ;.* `. stone: (Mgh, Mb :) or [a stone] smaller than
I took [or clipped somerwhat] from it; namely,
wvhat is termed
e J.., of such a size as that
wool; like ~--. ( in art. ... ) And . whRich is thrown with a ballista: (L:) or a great
i.e., [And a biting of fortune, 0 Ibn-lfarwdn, .Jl Hie shore, or sheared, the sheep or goat. stone: (g~ar p. 95 :) or the latter word, [a stone]
left not, of the cattle, save] such as wore destroyed, (H.ar p. 19 0.)_;j3JI .,, (., K,) inf. n. as like the head of a kid; or less, such as may be
or they were such as had only a remnant remain- above, (s,) He took the Jiesh that was on the carriedin the hand by grasping its side but ovr'
ing. (.) - A man ($) iwhote cattle have been bones of the slaughtered camel; (S, .;) as also which the tio hands will not meet, with wrhich
destroyed by years of droulght, or barrenness, or date-stones J'c. are bruisel, or brayed: (ISh :)
dearth. ($, 1.) And ' .#4J A people, [pl. of the former, ,,iq; and of the latter,
or party, whose cattle have been destroyed by a 6: see what precedes.
.xeLt. Accord. to the Mgil and Myb, theo is
year of drought or the like. (S, TA.) f'The fat of the j,, [or thin integumeit an augmentative letter; but most of thi lexico-
.: see -...Also A skinned sheep that covers the stomach and bowels or intestines] graphers regard it as radical.]_[IHence,] CJ
of a sheep or goat. (4.)
or goat. (L.)_-;- ' jo.~ Bread burnt by onL,., said of one known to be a niggard, mean-
the oven, (., TA,) so that its outer parts stick to _.4 The instrument with whichk one shears (t, ing, t He gave somnething. (LIar p. 95.) Andl
it. (TA.) K, TA) wool and hair: (TA:) and ijt ) signi- .. 0 '9..4 4 ; t lie thrcw his wreigt (re')
446 [Book I.
upon him. (g. [See &,U. '.LG SAUi, voce flowrs with water, the water does not reach them: Msb,) ;M,t to men, or the people; (Msb;) as also I
jtl .])_ Also ',, (L,) or (1,) AA.L,(ISh,TA:) and, some say, the mouth ofa vallry: 9~,4;'saili of a thing: (S, Mgh, M.b:) it (tin-
mas of rock rising out of shallow water. (IAir, and some, a part of a valley uncovered by the formation, or tidings, S, Msb, or t an affair, or a
torrents, and so made apparent: (TA:) and [the case, Mgh,) mas, or became, apparent, or plainly I
L, K.) - And the former, t A strong man; and
dual] 0:, (JK, M, TA,) or 31 :1., (S,) apparent, overt, conspicuous, manifest, notorious,
so 9 Lj'4: ((:) or a man having a strong
the two sides, or borders, ofa valley, (S, M, TA,) plain, obvious, or evident, ($, Mgh, Mlsb,) ~. to
voice; and so * .. 14. (L.) - Also, 'A ., when there is in them hardness: (JK, M, TA :) me, (S,) or ,-1; to men, or the peo)ple. (Msb.) I
Many camels: (.8 :) or camels comnposing a large
occurring in a trad, or, as some relate it, V,C:')L., One says, ,.1 t%-:a;' The sun became un-
herd: or camels advanced in years; as also
t; .: (IC:) and sheep exceeding in number with an augmentative ,: (TA:) p1. J.. (S.) obscured, or exposed to view, and ceased to be
a hundred: (L,K:) you say ,l. ,h (L-) -A great round rock. (JK,K.)_-A large eclipsed. (TA from a trad.) Er-lRAghib says that I
-And Oxen, or cowm: (L:) and the same word, [hill, or the like, such as is caUed] i;Ul; as also L Lq.JI is sometimes by the thing itself; as in
(K,) or t ,',, (AA, L,) a single ox or con. t ;t., with an augmentative j. (TA.) the phrase [in the ]ur xcii. 2], ;j.1 I l ; Jj41
(AA, L, g.) The place of alighting and abiding of a people, [By the day when it becometh clear, &c.]: and I
or company of men: (JK, ], TA :) and a yard, sometimes, by the ce, and the action; as in the
or wide space, in front, or extending from the
see above. sides, of their dwelling. (JK.)-_And A meadow saying [in the }ur vii. 139], .J d.j ' 4"l
in which water collects and stagnates: pl. as [And when his Lord became manifested to the I
oeg above. (JK.)i Dates, (V, TA,) of w"hich the mountain]: Zj says that the meaning in this
L.'.,. applied to land (/,f) Stony: (s:) instance is, appeared, and so say the Sunnees;
stones have been picked out, (TA,) macerated
and ~ .~ is [its pi.,] like j?lI+. (TA.) - See and mashed nith milk, (IK,* TA,) then given to El-Haaan says that the meaning is, 4 Jg I
also I. , in two places. drink to nomen; (TA;) having afatteningpro- ~..j1! [became manifeisted by light, the light of
perty; (I, TA;) as also t i4.. (K.) thie empyrean]. (TA.) S.;, [aor. ,] inf. n.
: see , in two places.
4: see &i.,f.,in two places. -'4. (S, Mgh, Mb, ~) and 'Q,
; (i;) and I
t LylI; (., Mgh, Msb, g ;) lie, (a man, Msb,)
aei. A mode of nearing the turban, in nwhich or they, (a company of men, Mgh, Miyb,) went
W.L9. Theflower of the pomegranate: an arabi- the [or side oj the forehead] is uncovered, forth, or emigrated, (S, Mgh, Mb,) oI.i " I
so that the part rhere the hair grows is seen.
cized word, fiom ;l., (IC,) which is Persian, from the country, or town, (, Myb,) and C.
(JK, Sggh.)
composed of J "a flower," and ;U "a pome- .*.w;t fiom their homes: (S, Mgh:) [like
granate." (MF.) It is said that whoever swallows a"c';. A place from which the pebbles have
J.:] or they (a company of men) dispersed
three grains of it, of the smallest that may be, been removed. (JK, 8, ].) - See also Aq., .themelves, or became dispersed, ~.,J *,
(g,) on the condition of his taking them with his last sentence.
and .', from the place: (R:) or '4. means,
mouth from the tree, before their opening, at I.4 Bald in the fore part of the head; (.;)
in consequence of fear: and t .. in COn- I
stnrise, on a Wednesday, (Tedhkiret Dawood,
TA,) will not have ophthalmia in that year. (1.)
i. q. 5.l:
(TA:) or [it denotes more than the sequence of drought: (AZ, K:) or. ll,ij...
latter; meaning] bald in the greater part of the signifies they left their place of abode in con-
head: ferm. ~.: pl. lm.. (Msb.) [See ,In..] sequence of fear; the verb in thlis ase being I
Abm~~~9- - Large in the forehead, having the places of tran by itself: but if they have left for some
1. ~., nor. :, ($, Msb, ],) inf. n. 'A.., growth of the hair receding. (K.) - t A bull other reason than fear, you say, .... C:.
Myb, TA,) *le n'as, or became, bald in the fore having no horn; (Ks, JK, S, I;) like . (Mqb:) accord. to IAar, . significs he fled, I
part of the head: (S, ]I:) or in the greater part (Ks, S.) being driven away, from his Ihome. (TA.) [See
of his head. (Mgb.) [The latter seems to be the :,.* 'A tent, or house, or chamber, (,) also 12.] - I~., aor. , inf. n. k., He had
correct meaning: see i. below.]-^-.." in which is neither door nor curtain. (JK, I.) that degree of baldlne whtrich is termed *'M; I
Iis court, or yard, was, or became, twcant, or (K;) i. e. baldness of the fore part of the head;
void. (J g.) '.4, (~, Jg,) aor. '-, (1g,) inf. n. (8, K ;) like !J.: (S :) or baldnes of half
I, (TA,) He uncovered a thing; or removed
~a.jL. Bullets, syn. (,Mb, s
Mbj.., ,,) or
of the head; (Q, K;) which is the beginning I
it [from a thing that it covered or concealed]. of : (s:) or baldness leuss than what is termed
(, TA.)_ - He raised the turban, nhile folding ,rounded things, (En-Nadr,TA,) made of clay,
4 -i.. (K.) And ~Jl ', inf. n. ., sig-
it, from the side of his forehead (. >)' (g, (En-Nadr, Ms), TA,) wvhich one shoots [from a
TA,) [like O;.!j,] and from tlhe fore part of his cross-bow]: (K :) n. un. with ;: (En-Nadr, nifies the same uas,. [The part above the temple I
Myb, TA:) a Persian word, arahicizedi (Msb ;) became bald]. (A 'Obeyd, TA.) _ 3q., [aor. !,
head. (TA.) - He removed the pebbles from a
place. (0, Ig.) - lie turned back a person from in Petsian meaning
n., "a ball of thread;" inf. n., app., o.4, or perhaps , but the
a dificult, or hard, thing or affair. (g.) pl. t,i.; applied also to "a weaver;" (S, ;) former seems to be indicated by what follows;] I
i. e., tl~ is so applied. (TA.) Hence, , (S, Mgh, Msb ;) and * ; (MA;) He made
A.., (JK, ,) or tf (I,) Baldneu in the
;a'*4. [The cross-borw for shooting bullets]. it, or rendered it, clear, or unobscured; exposed
fore part of the head; (S, ] ;) w"hich is the
beginninpg of L.; like .: (f:) or baldness
(., Msb.) it to view, displayed it, laid it open, disclosed it, I
oruncoveredit; (8,Mgh, MA;) namely, a thing:
of the greater part of the head; M.b ;) more Quasi (.8, Mgh :) he made it, or rendered it, apparent,
than , (JK,) and more than a, which is or plainly apparent, overt, conspicuous, manifest,
a*r6.: see art. 4..
notorious, plain, obvious, or evtident; (S Mgh,
more than ln. (M.b in art. .)
.... ..
Mob, MA ;) namely, t an affair, (Mgh,) or t in-
a,..: see _.. Also The part that faces formation, or tidings. (Mob.) You Pay, s.
one of the bronws, or brinks, or edges, of a valley: 1. ~., (8, Mgh, Msb,) [aor. ',] inf. n. "-., yJ,~ , inf. n. .". and j4. (8, Msb, ) and I
(S :) or the side of a valley; (], TA;) the bank, (Msb,) It (a thing, and fan affair, or a case, h(Msb,l) and
toq o (: : anod atl5.rid;
or border, thereof: (TA:) or elevated parts in Mgh, or t information, or tidings, M9b,) was, or
the interior, or lower part, of a valley, rising becatne, clear, unobscured, eposJed to view, dis- (6, Mob, 9;) He displayed the bride, ,Wi.LF I
above the mater-courme, so that, vwhen the valley played, laid open, disclosed, or uncovered, (Mgh, to her husband: (i:) or he looked at th -bride
I .

Booa 1.]
BCOR~~~~~~~~~~ 1.]' meaning "the first of the horses in a race ;" but accustomed to embark in, or surmount, lofty and
displayed: (9:) and you say also, & ;
things: when I put donn the turban, ye
;.t.j (TA) She mas shown to her husband, and as being not known in this sense on any other difficult
authority.] will know me]. (9, TA.) Sb says, (TA,) '~ in
he looked at her displayed: (.Har p. 30:) and
this case is a verb in the pret. tense: 'Eesh Ibn-
I ;j a'j Her husband presented, or gave, to 3. r e41. ., inf. n. i9..A, I acted openly :.
'Omar says that when a man is named ;iior
her a female slave (9, C) or some other thing at with iim in the affair; as also ^.-j.. (O.) or the like, the word is imperfectly decl.; and he
the time of her being displayed to himn; as also
4. c.sl as an intrans. v.: see 1, in two places. adduces, in evidence, this verse: others say that
V s (Q:) and &.'Q1 z4a. The ,. may be here without tenween because it is
female hairdreseradorned the bride [to display -,-r 1 'if 1*. 1 They cleared themselves away,
imitative of a phrase, as though the poet said,
or removed, from the slain person. (9, Mgh,
her to her husband]. (TA.) You also say, .
Msb, TA.) -_* L .1 He hastened, running: j t*'1 .J. Jlij .j-l XL Ut: (9,TA:) accord.
jX91l O~ t Such a one displayed, discovered, (K :) or hastened somenwhat, running: (TA:) or to IB, it is without tenween because it is a verb
disclosed, revealed, or mnanifested, the af.ahir, or S.~le signifies he became distant, or remote, and with its agent [implied in it]. (TA.) -Accord.
case; as also V sj., and c -.: (K1,' TA:) hastened. (So accord. to some copies of the ]g, to some, it signifies t The daybreak, or dawvn;
or , 6L. he displayed, discovered, &c., where we find rl ..sl.~.l instead ofif l~ (liar p. 498;) and so ' : (TA:) accor(l.
to such a one the affair, or case; as also .t ~ .)=.M.)~As
~l a trans. v.: see 1, in four to IHamzeh, t the beginning of day: and accord.
[i. e.,. e.], , .. and [. -[
- c.
-y1 s
to some, t the moon. (lIar ubi suprti.)
or )~ f
U ~.]. (So accord. to the CK.
5. &;5. : see 1, in three places:-and see L.>: see 1, voce I and see :'.
and my MS. copy of the K. [The reading in
also 7. j;tsl li e looked at the thing,
the TA is, in my opinion, p)rcferable to the : see i..
(K in art. ,). standing upon a higher position.
latter.]) And atLJI *s iutGod mill mahe (TA.) [See also 8.] ;i: A female slave, (9, 1,) or some other
manifest the hour, or time of the resurrection; thing, (.K,) that is presented, or gicen, by the
or will make it to appear. (IS in art. .~: 6. 'JIt.i Our states, or conditions, became
disclosed to each other; the state, or condition, of husband to his bride at the time of her being dis-
[but it belongs to the present art.:]) so in the
each of us to the other. (S.) played to him. (,' .) One says, I
]~ur vii. 186. (TA.) And s-- '; t - -,

7. s~l.' It became removed, or cleared away; [Vhat is herbridalpresent?]; and is answered,

t lie declares, or explains, his mind. (S.)i "Such a thing." (S.)
said of anxiety, (S, 0,*TA,) and of an aflhir
~.JI ~,~, inf. n. :", (S, Msb, KI , [in the
[&c.]; as also t' .. (K,* TA.) You say, . A thing, an affair, or a case, that is
C] , , but b. it is]) with kesr, (S, Msb,) and
.I)l q.JI Anxiety became removed, or apparent, manifest, plain, or evident. (S, ], TA.)
1, (1K,) I remo,ed, or cleared off, the rust - And Achnowledgment, or confeuion: so in
from the svordl; (Mlsh;) I polished, or fur- cleared away, from him, (S,) *1W L.
the saying of Zuheyr:
bished, the sword; (S,K;) and 113ii the mirror; like as the darhness becomes removed, or cleared
away. (TA.) *
(s];) and the like; (TA;) [as, for instance,]
a.ill the silver; and so L'.. (.K in art. ~..) 8. e'.l He looked at him, or it. (1.) [See * t,'s;;;ip;ji jM 1
And Jz' S E4. [I cleared my sight also 5.] Hence, ,,jial ~l, explained above: [For verily the means of deciding the truth are
wvith colyrium]: (s:) [whene,] le applied see 1. (TA.)-See also 1 in two other places,
]I three: an oath, and incongruityof circumstances,
collyrium to his eye or eyes. (IAar, TA.) Anl last two sentences. _ ;1 I .a . . and acknowledgment, or confession]: (.:) but
L%. t I rcenoveld my anxiety, or I raised the turban, uwhile folding it, fiom the Az writes the last word V3.", with kesr to the
caused it to depart, from me: (S, ,*TA:*) side of my forehead ([ .
'S): [like a,s meaning an evidence, or a proof, alnd wit-
and ;,JI t* .1 t lie removed, or cleared eti..] ~l L- It became polished, or fur- nesses; from ;91.. [inf. n. of 3, q. v.]. (TA.)
awray, from him anxiety. (Lth, TA.) And bislhed; said of a sword [&c.]. (TA.) (16, TA,) or pW
Lgr!i. 5,1_ a~
D zi;,
,~JI ~"g i t God remnoved from hi,n 12. J_. I e wrentforth, or emigrated,from (so in some copies of the ]K,) [I remai;ned with
the disease. (TA.) _ ., and *..l, (9 , one cofintry, or town, to another. (IAr, I.) him, or at his abode,] during the whites of my,
Mgh,) or ;', and t $.I, (Msb, ]1,) and [See also 1.] or a, day. (Zj, V, TA.)- See also the next
~t e1.I, (K,) He, (a man, S, Msb, or the Sultan, paragraph.
Mgh,) or it, (drought, .K,) caused them, or him, j. el t A man who is well known, celebrated,
to go forth, or emigrate; or expelled them, or or notable; (Mgh;) of whom it is said, ;*19l ", , .: see the paragraph next preeeding.Also,
him; or drove themn, or him, forth; (9, Mgh, i. e. he has made affairs clear, unobscured, or (, M gh, ],) written by EI-Muhellebee t $4i,
Msb, 1 ;) [from their homes, or from his home.] manifest; (9, Mgh;) or io r1 , i.e. his case (TA,) and t ., which is more correct than the
And jJI X., inf. n. ", or 1.., (accord. to has become clear, unobscured, or manifest: (Mgh:) first, (Mgh,) or it is allowable, as also t X., the
different copies of the ]1,) and ; 1 .L [thus written or one rrhose case is clear, apparent,plainly appa- former of the last two mentioned on the authority
without any syll. signs]; and * La.l; (TA;) rent, or manifest; (K, TA;) as also tJQ.. ' l: of En-Nabhbs, (TA,) Collyriun,: (S, 1(:) or a
He smohed [out] the bees, in order to collect the ( :) applied to a man who is upon an elevated particularhind thereof, (1(, TA,) that clears the
honey; (Ii;) he drove away the bees by means and conspicuous place; and applied by El-.ajjiij sight; (TA;) [i.e.] iq. Z" [antimony, or an
of smoke. (TA.) to himself, as meaning that he was one whom ore of antimony]; (Mghl, TA;) so called because
2. .: see 1, in six places. Also, inf. n. every one knew: (TA:) and also, (],) for this it clears the sight. (Mgh.) ;j " C WVhat i;
i;; and .', He (a hawk, or falcon,) raised reason, (TA,) the name of a certain man, (S, (,) his honourable name, or surname, (v,) or his good
well known, (IK,) of the Benoo-Leyth, who was surname, (],)by which he is addwesed? (9, g.)
his head, and loohed, (1J, TA,) seeing the prey: a person of great daring. (TA.) A poet says,
(TA:) or he (a hawk) closed his eyes, and then (?,) namely, Soleym Ibn-Wdtheel Er-Riya4ee, s Clear, unobscured, exposed to view, dis-
opened them, in order to se more clearly. (Ibn. (TA,) played, laid open, disclosed, or uncovered: appa-
Ilamzeh, TA.)...And [hence,] J', '..inf. n. rent, or plainly apparent, overt, conspicuous,
4Lq, He cast his eyes (9, ) like the hawk manifest, notorious, plain, obvious, or evident:
amaan.J kow ba o b
looking at the prey. (S.) [~ is also men- (9, M 9b, 1, TA:) Jl. thus used has not been
tioned (in ]ar p. 161), on the authority of Mtr, [I am a man well known, celebrated, or notable, heard. (Er-R6ghib, TA.) It is applied as an
as signifying He, or it, outstripped; from J'L.it I c.; and he rwho rises to eminences, or who is epithet to information, or tidings, (Mb, TA,)

[Boor I.
and to analogy, or rule. (TA.)- L . .AL VL [act. part. n. of 4. Hence,] 141 i (TA,) or LJ1 4'., [perhaps a mistranscription
eeing eye. (IB, TA.)
ZOiL :_
, C l' And either war that sAaL Ilfor ;.,] aor. , (Myb,) inf. n. . ,, (, Mtb,
Sure information or tidings. (s.) _ ause you to emigrate, or abasing peace. (TA.) TA,) The ram, (TA,) or sheep or goat, (S, Meb,)
was hornieu. (S, Msb, TA.) ~, (',) [aor. ',
.j'i ;1l Xa, ;t gHe informed me of th J;j1 The first of the horses in a race. (
trw, or real, state of the affair, or case. (TA.) accord. to rule,] inf. n.q., (TA,) He left it
in ar1t. .) (namely, water [in a well],) to collect; as also
;. [A mudicine that clear the com~pleziot t .1i. (1.) And 1 1. [The ell was left
or thin]. a(C voce d, dc.)
Some words are mentioned in the A under thiu for its water to collect]. (TA.) And AJI 'L,.
,1;". The act of rendering apparent, open head belonging to art. 1q, q. v. He left the well for some days until its water
man(fest, plain, or evident: rendering clear, o0r should collect: whence the metaphorical phrase,
unobheured; exposing to view, displaying, layind9 &w.1. t* , Ct5, [explained in art. ,.,]
open, disclosing, or uncovering. (TA.) occurring in a trad. (1Iar p. 68.)_Also lie
1. , (, Nh, nqb, r. -, inf. n.. t~
j; Gtoing forth, or emigrating, from hiiS (Mqb,) said of water, (S,) &c., (S, Myb,) I , filled it (namely, a measure, ', such as is called
country, or town: [like Jl.:] and so ilq. became much, or abundant; (S,Myb;) as ale J'J, O) so that it had what is termed..;
?.qlI; sid of a thing: (TA:) and, said oir and so t.; (S, ;) and t. (s.) And
applied to a company of people; [as also iJ. ;] water,
aor. a (S, and,
nd) (K,) the former olf ~4.' It was filled. (T, TA.) See also
(Mqb;) or to people who have gone forth, or which is of the higher authority, (TA,) inf. n. last
emigrnted,from tkeir homes; ($;) and particu.
larly to those tributaries, (Mgh, M9b,) namely, .eea, (S,Mch, ,) it became much, or abu;nant, 2. 2,jt 1-.: The,,~ [q. v.] of the land
certain Jews, (Mgh,) whom 'Omar expelled from (, Mgh, g,) in the well, (S,) and collected (S, became full, or abundant.
(ISh, TA.) -_,n
the country of the Arabs; (Mgh, M9b;) and ; ) after it had been drawn from; (S;) as also [in
the C .K~ ] It (herbage) became such as
afterwards, to such as have the poll-taz imlnod t *.qt1.l. (K.) And . Tliey became many.
upon then, of the people of the Bible, and of the c(TA.)??_ 1 i,
is termed ,.; as also t. (], TA.)_
(s,) aor. and , inf. n.
Maginm, though not haring cmigratedfrom their .,,., He made a . [q. v.] of his hair. (Z, TA.)
(TA,) The water of the well returned by
homes; (Mgh;) [i. e.] the free non-Mulfimsub- Sce also 1, last sentence but two.
degres, (R,TA,) and became much, or abundant,
jects of a Auslim government; because they were
expelled by 'Oiar from Arabin; (v;) the word and collected; (TA;) and t -, 1 signifies 4. _., as an intrans. verb: see 1, in two
being fem. because denoting a aL.k"; (Mgh;) the same. (S.)_ [Hence, .' , a1. .:, a places. n..1 : see 1, near the end of the parn-
tropical phrse, explained in art. ~ .,.] graph, in two places._ Jlie lft him unrihaen,
and its pi. isnJt (Mgl, Mb.)_ Hence,
so that he recovered from his fatigue; namely, a
(Mvb,) tV ij. [as a subet.] is applied to The J*CJI, inf. n. ,, with damm, 7Th measure
horse. (g.) And .. 1 lie (a horse) nas left
voll-tax that is ezacted from the peron last beramefull orffled. (KL. [But only the inf. n.
unridden. ($.) - [lence, lle rested him, or
mentioned above; (., Mgh, Mb ;) as also 2I: is there mentioned: so that the verb may be
(.:) first, in this sense, applied to that which which
w., see below.])- oihlt, (S, K,) gave him rest.] You say, ;1 L. 4 L..5.. I
wns exacted from the people expelled from Arabia aor.' and ;, (., TA,) inf. n. ... (n, K) and Oexo [Rest thyself a day, or two days]. ($.)
And hence, in a trad. respecting thile L.j; [or
by 'Onmar. (M,b.) Yot say, U. Ji j~, .- ; (~;) and t ; (S;) The hors abstained
i4.JI [Such a oneu as employed as colletor of from covering, (., ,) so that his seminalfluid quince], .ljtl , i. e. It rests the heart, and
the pall-tax]. (., Mgh, Myb.) consolidates it, and completes its soundu,eu and
See also 1., (JL*) collected. (.K.)_Also, (nor. of the former
in art. .. verb as above, TA, and inf. n. ~ and .A, liveliness. (TA.) One says also, . . -
agIt. (as a subst.): see what next precedes.
1g,) The fatigue of the horse vent away; (S;) 5A
i5 J ,; i [ Verily
[he recovred his strength afterfatigue;] he re- I relieve my heart with somewhat of tdiversion,
.lj. Ih Iaring that dgree of baldness which is covered from his fatigue, being left unridden; in order that I may become strong therwbt for
termed 'n-; i. e. baldnrs of thefore part of the (0, TA;) and so ,_. [of which see also the that which is substantial, or solid, not rain or
head: or baldness of half of the head; (., ];) pas. form, below]. (MI, K-.) [And hlenee,] frivolous]. (..) And .hln.I He gave the
which is the beginning of *: (8:) or baldns , [inf.n. .1. , q.v. infr",] HIe rested; said of a land ret from tilling. (TA in art...o
lese than what is termed .Ly: (]:) or baldnres man [as well as of a horse]; (TA;) and so . gave him the [or suwpl)ly of water, that had
of half of the head, and the like: (A'Obeyd, TA:) (.Iar p. 324.) - Also, said of a bone, (J,) inf. n. eoUected after drawing,] of the well. (Th. TA.)...
fer.w Ij;. (IS.) [See astfiul, or ., (TA,) It had much flesh; its flesh became
ea.]_BB ,1t,q1.l The grape-vine lIad all its branchles
hand~ome, inface, bald in the sides of the fr- much, or abundant. (K.) -Also i. q. -j [He, that were above the ground cut off. (AIHn, TA.)
head. (/I,)- -:T.i; . A wideforehead. (O) or it, became high, &c.: perhaps said of water in 5: see 2.
-1-j ti;_ tA eloudlessky: (KR,,e,:) and a well]. (T, TA.) -Also, inf. n. . t-, ie 10._1..I, as ani intrans. verb: see 1, in five
' 1 ta cloudles, bright, night. (TA.)_ rose ( ;!)in hisMpace, orgoing. (TA.) Also, places._ It is Said in a trad., O{j _f. '>
,J4L -1 $: see %q cHl, in two places. -Also (], ],) inf. n. .q- (TA) and ,;~ ., (S, TA,) said
(i. e. i. l ,rl)t The lion. (TA.)~ "; -- of an event, (1,) of the arrival of a person, (.,)
[ Whoso loveth that men] should collect themselte
J) and
], 'r ", I did it on account of thee, It dram near; (., ;) it came to pass: (:) to him, standing in his presence, and confining
for thy sahe, or becaue of the; syn. jiitf and t .1 signifies the same, (., Msb, K,) said of themselves to him, [let him tahe his sitting.place
an event, of sepa~tion from another, (S, TA,) in the fire of Hell:] or, accord. as some relate
and of an object of want: (TA:) ,a.1, [q.v.,] it, -.-; see art. ,; (TA ;) and, as some,
Ji'l '.j "ia: see what next precedes. with the unpointed :, in this sense, was not '~,.2. (TA in art. , q.v.) _
known to AV. (TA.) -_And, said of the
,L ; dsing. of I4 , which signifies Thefore .,I.t The land put forth its plants, or herbage,
parts of the head, which are the [first] place of and the eAL., [two plants, in. n. not mentioned,] (l~, TA,) so that it became lihe the [hair termed]
baldnes: (Fr, .:) or what is sen of the Ahad It attaimnd to the state of having a a4. [app. A,. [i. e. .. ]. (TA.) mAs a trans. verb:
when onefronts theface. (TA.) meaning tuft, orJloer-bud]. (TA.) '1 l ."C, see 1, near the end of the paragraph, in two
BOOK I.] 440

places: -and see 4.;11 i',! a

[The water that leahs from its j, , [or seatms: in the the fill of a bowl, without a head: accord. to
supply of water that had collected after drawing] CIK ,.]: (]K:) a genuine Arabic word. (TA.) ISk, only said of flour and the like: one says,
was drunk. (TA.) Also, (5, 1.,) and * a., (S, K, and Ham ;i, l .;,. &UisI [Hegave me the bonylful
R. cQ. 1. ,, (., TA,) inf. n. , (K,) p.746,) A company demanding a bloodwvit (S, of Jlour]: bit ..*. meaning the " resting " of a
He spoke indistinctly, ($, K,) not from impotence, K) or an obligation that must be discharged, (TA, horse is with fet- b only: (Mqb:) or, accord. to Fr,
or, accord. to tile T, from impotence; (TA;) and Ham ubi supra,) or peace; or coming for .,
one says .i ,jJ t. 1 with kesr, meaning the
some other purpose: (.Ham:) pl. [probably
antld *' signifies the same. (S, 1.) _ bovful of water; and Mb I.4, with
Jl Aji
Also, (TA,) inf. n. as above, (Mgh, K,) with _.5, pl. of the latter, or perhaps of both; or it damm; and with
fet-b only; and
which is syn., accord. to Ez-Zowzanee, may be..~, as pl. of both]. (TA.) You say, one does not sayv.~, with damm, except in
(Mgh,) lIe concealed (Mgh, .K, TA) speech, z~l~ 4. ;t . antd *L
t Ile came relation to flour and the like, meaning the quantity
(Mgh,) or a thing, (g, TA,) in his bosom. in a great company &c. (S, K.) that rises above the head of the )!j, after the
(Mgh,K,TA.) You say, ja~ si I~,
lie concealed a thing in his bosom; did not reveal
a..: see ,:-and see also 4*,
in two being filled: one says, L.If-jtl l. J I when
it. (TA.)_Also, (TA,) inf. n. as above, (Kr, places._- Also The collective mass of the hair of one puts what thie hcad of the k will bear,
g1,) le destroyed, or hilled, (Kr, K,TA,) anlother the head, or the head of hair, (,, . and gives it: (8, TA:) in the T, it is said that
or others. (TA.) S, Mgh, K,) when more in quantity than what is iJjI a.~L. &klmeans Giv thou him [the
R. Q. 2. , .: see R. Q. 1. Ilience, termed ;jA.: (S, Mgh :) or the collective nmass of quantity of] a 'JJ n'ithout a head: hitt [SM
the hair (?" '~, wtvhen it hangs down says,] I have seen in its margin written that the
.jl O; t [lle held backhfrom the thing,
not daring to do it ;] he did not dlare to do the from the head to the lobe of the ear, and to the rilght meanin,g is, the quantity borne by the head
thing. (.Ham p. '240.) two shoulder-joints, and more than that; what of the , .. (TA.)-See also ., last sentence.
does not cxtend beyond the ears being termnied
ar, an inf. n. used its an elpithet, (Myb,) Mluch, ;Ji: (TA:) or the collective mass ( ;q..: see ;l, in three ,lyaces: and.,
or many; (S;,M1sl, K;) as also t., accord. of the hair of the ato [or anterior part of the last sentence:i -and see also -od. mIt is
to the coplics of the I, I,ut correctly t, , as in head]: accord. to some, wvhat reaches to the two also a. pl. of .' (S) [and perllaps of. likc-
wise: (see this latter :)] and of i~. (TA.)
the L. (TA.) You saty _ Jtl (MIb, TA) and shoulder-joints: (Msb :) in the M it is said
. (TA) Much rtrope,t!/y, or many cattle. to signiifv tihe hair; and in like mannier in the
.n ;. . r (8,1g) and ; at (K) A well of'
(MHI).) And it is said in the Kaur [ixxxix. 21], Deewian el-Adab: but ISd adds that it is also much ,nater. (S,J.) AAho,re th,,t,
i. . . - said to mean hair more in qlantittlfty than that
c d . J I :~ ', (~) A,nd tl,ey love property wvhich is termed J: accord. to IAth, the hair of after any run, runs again; (T, S, K;) applied
4 to the female as well as the nale: (T, TA :) a
nwith mnuch love. (A 'Ohbyd,TA.) Aboo-Khair&sh
E:l-IludhIalee says, the head thatfalls upon the tio shoulder-joints: in horse that goes much. (KL.)
3. ,S. . ._ .. ,
the Muhedlhdhliib, nhat extends beyond the ears:
in the Mu.kaddameh of Z, what extends to the ~n~ A plant, or herbage, that has grownn
(TA) i. c. [If tlhou forgive, 0 G'ol, Thou for- lobe of the ear: accord. to IDrd, much hair: sometnvlwhat, but not attained its full height: (S :)
or much, or abundant, herbage: (1~:) or herbage
givest] ,,such sin. (Mlgh.) j, Jl .,', in a trad. (TA:) [see also lJ and jij:] pl. _ (M~b, standing u)l and s)preading: (AHIn, ]g :) or that
resleccting pnraycr for rain, nmealis Copious, abun- TA) and .l.: (TA:) dim. ' ..(TA.)
has gronwn up until it has become like the a.` of
(dant, extensive rain. (TA in art. ~j.) -The lience, ~ " _ n J- J., meaning [lIe hair: (TA :) a plant, or herbage, when it first
greater, or main, portion of the &J." [i. e. mid- sawv a spot, and washied it] by a moistening of
appears in the ground is termed u,. I; then,
day, or mid-day in sumimller, &c.]: and of water; his .. : or wv;th ithe iater of his 3.: the pre- _,*C; then, yi); then, '6; and thltn, [whlen
as also0 4., (as in some copies of the K,) or fixed noun being suppressed. (Mgh.) - Also
9ap it is dry,] ,L~: (S in art. .. :) pl. .l.
t ~: (so in other collics of the g, and accord. [app. t Aflower-bud;] the IcS [rendered by Golius
(.K.) Atld, with a, A [plant of the kind termed]
to the TA: [the former app. tlhe right: if it "nodosior pars"] of a plant, from which the
were the latter, the author of the 1g, accord. to a .flower comnes forth. (KL.) [See an ex. above, a;.3 that has becomc halfa month old, so that
rule which lie has sellom neglected, would have voce ~... If from a4 applied to hair, it would it.fills the mouth. (].) .- See also r-.
added ,.Zs; as SM has here done, unless his seem rathier to mean A tuft.] One says also,
,L.~.: see .A,... - Also Tbe state of being
transcriber have thus written by mistake for 'SI, ;j'JI "d._ S... [app. meaning lie satiated, or satisfied, with food, and nwith drink.
cwL :] or . signifies the water, of a wvell, threw anway the husk of the walnut: then ate (TA.)
it]. (TA.)
that has collected [after it has been dra,nfrom]: dim. of , q. v. (TA.)
and ) i, the place in which the mater collects: s:ee .. , in two places: - and see also
The bean, orbeans; syn.-I . (AJn, .)
(s:) and also, this last, the water itself: (TA: * -'

[i. e. the supply of water that has collected after 3G... l.., a3

draning: see 4, last sentence but one; and see ;A.. A state of resting; (Fr, S, Mob, I ;) as t: "see le.
10, last sentence:]) the pi. (of .~.. 3
[or of this also t o-4: (TA:) particularly of a horse. ;t.: see what next follows.
and of .. also]) is ;cq. (S, ) and ;. (Fr, S, Msb.) [See..., of which it is an inf. n.] O1 r, A measure, (S,) such as is called ,
See also ., last sentence: and see what (g,) filled .so as to Iave what is termced.A;
(1s.)-; L : see ,. 5t Ie; j1, next follows.
(S, ];) as also ;L~a.: (.K:) [fem. of the former
and Jml .,.JI, &c.; see ,e , and art. JA.
.;L~ Ihat
T. has collected of the seninal fluid Lf*. Hence,] .. [A] full [bowvl].
, also signifies People of the lowest, or baset, of a hore [after his resting J'i.om covering]; as
or meanest sort. (T,TA.)~Also The measuring also t;.. (I. In the Cg a**,.c.)
(g,.)-Also, and tL.. and t~..,
to the head of the measure; [app. an inf. a., of Lt, with O , (S,) an irreg. rel. n., applied
(, Mgh, Mb,l ,) [but see what follows,] The
which the verb is , ; see 1, last sentence but quantity [of flour or the like] that rises above to a man, (Sb, i,) ]laving a long a: (S, 1 :)
two; and so tl. and L,~ and t;t.q. (].) the head of the [measure termed] .. , (S, Mgh, or having a great and long I: (Sb, TA :) bIat
#.: see ,. in two places. Also The V,) after the filling, (Mgh,) e=ceeding the IjI.1 if you name a person a., thie rel. n. formed from
part, or place, of a ship, in which collects the thereof; (, Mgh, ;) as abo V ,: (I:) or it is t f (Sb, S) only. (Sb, TA.)
Bk. I. 1 57
[Book f.
,qm..q.: see what next follows. 1TA) in war or battle: (S, TA:) pl. as above. not obeying a guide to the right course. (TA.)
(TA.) The pl. is also applied to horses, (S,) And tHe (said of a man, S, L) hastened, or went
;;. f The skull; i. e. the bone that contains
meaning t whose owners have no spears; the quickly, (S, L, 1g,) 4t to him, or it, so that his
the brain: (Q, Myb, ] :') or i. q. Ji. [i. e. the spears being regarded as the horses' horns. (Ham, course nwa not turned for anything. (L, TA.)
bone above the brain, or a separate portion of the p. 90.)--Also t A building having no [acro-
skull, or a distinct bone of the skull]: ( :) or the _* ..~ , in the 1]ur [ix. 57], means t They
terial ornaments such as are termed] J.: (S:)
bones of the head; (IAqr,Mgh,TA;) all of tln; hastening, or going quickly: (A0, S, L:) or
and the pl., t Mosques having no .J (Mgh, hastening so that nothing turns them back, like
the uppermost of them being the Ll.; (IAgr,TA;)
TA) upon them, (TA,) [i. e.] upon their valls. the horse that is termed C
or the A*1a is the A4
.-..- altogether; (ISh,TA;) .. : (Bd, Jel:) or
(Mgh.)- t A flat house-top having no parapet,
and the JJ is said to be a piece of the 2 : running like horses that overcome their riders
or surroundingwall. (TA.) - t Slort; having
(TA :) pl. *. , (g,) [or this (in the Cg, no elevation. (TA.) - t A woman's anterior and run away so as to be ungovernable by them.
erroneously, ._..q) is a coll. gen. n.,] and pudendum. (J~.).-And, as being likened there- (A.) And 1t vp "*, occurring in a trad.,
.~t [is the pl. properly so called, and that to, or the reverse may he the case, (TA,) tA bowl. tIle hastened after him, or it, so that nothing
which is more commonly known]. (TA.) (]~.) - Also, the fem., t Smooth. (IApr, ~.) turned him bach. (L.)_l- I ;_ S The
Sometimes it is used to signify A man; so that And hence, because of its smoothness, (IAar,
woman went forth from 'the place whler she
one says, 1&,. *. J [Take ye TA,) t A helmet: (IAar, .:) to which the
used to pass tihe night, in anger, without the per-
epithet. [q. v.] is applied because it covers
from every man, or head, a dirhem]; like as mi&sion of her husband. (MIsl.) And
the head: but this meaning of "a helmet" was
one says, lJ 5 p*: (Msb:) andl 5;l not known to ISd on any other authority than y,.j
', , so in the $ and L &c., but in tile .
l5h j2 that of IApr. (TA.) ;,i;j ; ,. [which
., is evidently a mistakc,]
[Trhe timm imposed the tax, or land-tax, upon A place where water remains: or to
(TA,) S Sie wnent forth Jri.u the Itouse, or tent,
the heads; upon every head so much]. (Mgh.) nhich it reaches, and where it ends. (TA.)- of her kh,sband, to her opwn fz;mily, before he
_- A wooden bowl: (9, k:) a bowl of glass; t The breast, or bosom, or mind: (K, TA:) divorced her; (S, L, K ;) inf. ni. . (L, TA.)
as also j.. (Az, TA.) _ A kind of measure because it is thc place in whichl are collected the Anld tAI l . . . Slhe ,ett t, ,herf,anily
for corn or the like. (J.)_ Also t Chiefs, or knowledge &c. that it retains. (TA.) You say, n'ithout the permission of her lt.s;batd. (A.)
lords, of the Arabs; because the 2- q, is the /, 1 .. ,,c, i. e. .. I r,j ,.t t
head, which is the most noble of the members: "'i. '-*qI. The ship quitted her c,urse, (A,
[Ite is possessed of ample 7power and migltt, TA,) and becamne ungovernable by the .sailors;
(TA:) also, (TA,) [the pl.] .. has this and free from distress of mind or from narrowv-
meaning. (T, V, TA.) And t Any sons of a ness of mind]. (IAqr, , TA.) And ;W J l
father that are persons of might, or power, and tThe desert led the people, or party, far anwayt,
_e".11 ! Verily he is contracted, or straitened, in
eminence, or nobility: (T,TA:) and [the pl.] by reason of its great extent. (A, TA.) _ .
mind by affairs, or events. (IApr, TA.)
o.t.. the tribes (J3.i) of the Arabs which #a - . o1~ a4tt The object of his desirc baffled his e# brts
comprise 0;J, and in relation to which persons a.. A thing in which resting is usualy to attain it. (A, TA.)
are caUced; as Kelb Ibn-Webreh; for when you known to take place. (TA.)
' . [A trick of overcoing_ the rieler, a,nd
say ', you do not need to call the person in .a~ A boy (IDrd,TA) having a head of
running away wtith him]. Youl say, eit
relation to any of the Ca1 : (S:) or the tribes hair such as is termned a .. (IDrd, ]g, TA.)
~ 'j L tl I [At beast ,I,nisie,or
(JO1i) in relation to which the ;Oa are called;
L... A woman tvwho makes her hair toform easy, or gentle: there is not in her. a trick of
as also L.1. (s.) -A well that is dug in
salt ground. (S, Sixty
x.) head of camels. a .~. , to make herself like a man: the doing of overcoming the rider, and runiniy away 7wit1
which is forbidden. (TA.) him, wnor a trick of hicking]. (A.)
(IF, IB, TA.)-~/ jlJI n L;.t. The piece of
wood at the head of which is the ploughuhare. t (T, S, A, Mglb, L, Mlsh, 1;) and V
(TA.) (MghI, Mlsb) A horse that overconmes his riiler,or
1. et-, aor. :, inf. n. gains the mastery over him, (S, A, Mgbl, L, Mob,
,,l [lGreater, and greatest, in quantity, and (S A, Mgh
15,) being refractory, (Mqb,) and runs arway
in number, &c.: fem. :t. IIence,] &jlj1Msb, IJ, &c.) and C (, A, Myb, I) and with himn, .(L,) or runs awvay so that his rider
$h L; ft, in a trad. of Anas, means The .~, (u,) or this last has not been heard, cannot govern him, (A,) or goes away at random,
revelation being the most that it used to be. (Sh, (Mgh,) He (a horse) overcame his rider, or without a,ny certain aim, so as not to be turned
TA.) - A bone having much flesh. (1.) You gained
my also 13,.WI
"'. the mastery over him, (S, L, K,) running by anything: (Mgh :) or that will not bend his
say also AJU .l . 3;il, A woman having much away with him: (L:) or broke loose, or ran head: (TA:) the former epithet, (T, Mgh, TA,)
and the latter, (Mgh, Mob,) applied alike to the
Jluh (~, TA) on the bones. (TA.) And l.! away, (Msb,) and went at random, without any horse and
the mare: (T,Mgh, Mgh, TA:) and
&jAj.l :. [A woman havi,ng much lesh on certain aim, so as not to be turned by anything: the former has two meanings;
one dlenoting what
the elbows: or, as seems to be indicated by J, (Mgh, Msb:) or ran so as to hrave the mastery is a fault, for which the horse may be returnedl;
having no prominence of the elbows; and if so, over his rider: (Tyam p. 5i68 :) and . -.... (T, Mgl, TA;) i. e., that labitually taAkes his
from 'tq. applied to a ewe, in a sense explained (A, Mgh, Msb) he overcame his rider, (A, Mgh,) own way, so that his rider cannot turn hinmfrom
in what follows]. (~.)_.. and ran away so that he could not govern him: it; (T, TA;) or as cxplained before; (Mgh;)
iMl elq.JI :;, ' ,
(A:) or became refractory, so that he overcame the other meaning being quick, or sm/ft, and
Meb, n,) [and w"i i., rc.,] and !ih. t, his rider: (Msb:) and sometimes, (Msb,) this brisk, lively, and sprightly; and this does not
(I],) [and il ta JIl, &c.,]They came all together, verb also signifies he was quick, or sn,i.ft, (A, imply a fault (T, Mgh, TA) for whichi hlie may be
(,oM b,;,) high and low, none of them remain- Msb,) and brisk, lively, or sprightly; denoting returned. (T, TA.) -_ [Hence,] tAnythling [i.e.
ing behind, and they being many: (QI, n, in art. in this case a quality that is approved; whereas a man or any animal] that goes at random, or
.j :) see art. ib. (S, k.)- Hornkls, applied in the senses before explained it denotes a quality heedlessly, without consideration or certain aim,
to a ram (Mgh, Myb, V) or he-goat; (Mgb;) that is disapproved: but in the last sense it is not obeying a guide to the right course: (TA:)
obsolete [unless tropically applied to a man]. and the former epithet, (Msb, .,) or each of the
and so ,t1' applied to a ewe (I~, Mgh, Msb) or
(Myb.)_. [Hence,] tHe (said of anything [i.e. two, (M, A,) Ia man lwhofollons his own natural
she-goat: (;, Mb :) pl. .. n. (Mgh, Msb.) of a man or any animal]) went at random, or desire, without consideration, not obeying a guide
And [hence,] tA man having no spear (0, j, heedlessly, without contideration or certain aim, to the right course of conduct, (S, A, Myb, I,)

Boox I.] 451
so that he cannot be tut ,ta back. (S, .K.) And but this is doubtless a mistranscription; see like manner, * ~k. a year in rohich is no
SL: [is pl. of t accord. to analogy, and] ;])I He was, or became, niggardly, penu herbage, or pasture, no plenty, or fruitfulneu,
rious, or avaricious; (L, A, K;) as also and no rain. (T, TA.) - A she-camel having
signifies t Men routed, defeated, or put to fl;ght,
no milk; (S, M, 1] ;) and so a ewe or a she-goat:
in mrar. (IAU r,].) - - ejlj t [A desert [or ,]; .^ o(M.sb;) r o: (A :) and (L:) or having little milk: (T, TA:) and [accord.
that leads one far away, by reason of its great ' he
.. posscssed little good: (A,TA:) or.
extent: see 1, last sentence but one: likened to a signifies the refraining, or holding bach,from bene- to some,] a uslo she-camel; syn. ZJ 1 ; (L, K.;)
horse that is termed Ct.]: occurring in a poem ficence. (.ar p. 149.)_ - :g - as. but [this is app. a mistranscription for i;
little milk," and] ISd says that the
of Dhu-r-Rummeh. (TA in art. _~.) t.My right, or due, was, or became, incumbent, "having
or obligatory, on him; or established against explanation X2 does not please him. (TA.)
t~ An arrow, (.8, ,) or a small arrow, him; (A, K,* TA;) as also -35. (A, TA.) _See also o...., in two places. - A kind of
(L,) without an iron point, having a round head, e. lie cut it, or cut it off. (R.) cloth or garment; as also ;ic,. (1.)
with which the art of shooting is learned (S, L,
1) by a boy: (S, L:) or one with nwhich boys 2. h., inf. n. .'; (K;) or t . ; (so .ta., like A.li, (K,) or d .t, (S, A, L,)
play, putting upon its head a date or some clay, in the L;) It (water, and expressed juice, L) said with reference to a niggard, (S, A, L, K,) in
in order that it may not n,ound: (L:) or it wvas about to congeal, concrete, become solid, or dispraise, (.K,) as an imprecation, meaning ! May
signifies also a date put upon the head of a piece freeze; was at the point of congealing, &c.; a stagnant, or an unimproving, state or condition
of wood, with which boys play: (1K:) birds are expl. by . eil Jtm.. (L, K.) = [And the (Jta.JI ,~.) be his lot [or his constant lot]:
shot at with it, and hnocked downn, without being former, It caused water &c. to congeal.] (A:) or mnay he not cease to be in a stagnant, or
killed, so that the shooter takes them: and it is an unimproving, state or condition (. Jtj '
4. ~l: see 1, in two places. -Also, inf. n.
also called C": (T,TA:) or a boy's arrow, Jt_.JI). (S, L.) ,.' is [a proper name,] indecl.,
ll, e nwas entrusted with the management of
upon the end of which he puts a lump of chen,ed with kesr for its termination, because it is trans-
a tirs among a people or party [in the game
dates of the size of the .o' [here meaning formed from the inf. n., namely, ._, like
called JI: see .]. (T,TA .)=.. I
stopper] of a bottle, in order that it (the end) may jl., which means iJ'. 1: (S :) and the contr.
go more directly, and be smooth; withoutfeathers, L*. S I made my right, or due, incumbent, of dJ l.. is dJ t, (S,* A,) which denotes
and sometimes without a notch. (AHn, L.) or obligatory, on him; or established it against praise. (S.) El-Mutalemmis says,
Also That [hind of plant] at the extremities of him. (A, K,' TA.)
vhich comeforth wvhat resemble ears of wheat, soft, * Ws sj ot tv 4t
(L,g,) like foxes' tails, or (L) resembling the heads : see B'., in two places.
I 'I j 'A 0',a
,41t ---

of the and the ;t.~ and the lihe: (L, K :) : see .'.
a coll. gen. n.: n. un. with ;: (L:) pl. ; i. e., Say thou $>,&. to her, [I;,]J and say
. pl. [or rather quasi-pl. n.] of JA.;., q. v.
and in poetry ; (L, K ;) the latter allow- not to her [ever, when she is mentioned,] I_.
(S, Msb, K.).. Also Congealed, orfrozen, water;
able only in cases of necessity. (L.)= See also ice: [see also , and. (S.)
mentioned witlh .t..:] and
snow. (K.) See also what next follows. ;.: see ;l, last meaning.
: see j~., in two places.
,~. and * J. Elevated ground; as also see ~10..
'~..: (M, K:) or a hard, elevated place: (,
;~, [app. Elevated tracts,] softer, or more
TA:) or ~ signifies rugged ground: (TA:)
plain, than what is termed , and more inter-
1. '..4, aor. ', inf. n. anda ,d. said of or an elevated, rugged place: (As, TA:) or a mixed with soft, or plain, tracts, sometimes in, or
water, (S, M, L, Mob, K,) &c., (Mob,) [i. e.,] of small isolated mountain, not high, sometimes by, that [hind of high ground] which is tsrnmed
anything fluid, or liquid, (s,) It congealed; con- rugged and sometimes soft, and producing trees,
crated; became solid, or contr. of fluid or liquid; onlyfound in ruyged land; so called because of
J., and sometimes in, or by, soft, or plain,
tracts. (ISh, L, TA.)
froze; syn. .A; (S, M;) contr. of I,S; (Mob, its dryness; it is the smallest hind of a,.11, round
and small, not extending along the ground, rugged
;) as also ,-. (L, ]l.) And said of blood, 1j.aJI .4: see .L
&c., (9, M,) It congealed, or concreted; syn. at the top, and producing herbs, or leguminous
.. U: (M:) or became dry; dried. (S.) See plants, as nweUll as trees; differing from . k$g.x One of the names of the months, (Msb,
K,) applied to two of the Arabian months, to-
also 2._-Also, inf. n. .. , tHe, or it, re- [q. v.]: (ISh, L, TA:) pl. [of mult.] tn~. (ISh,
mained fixed, or stationary. (KL.) You say, S, M, K) and [of pauc.] ;.', l. (S, M, .)- gether called ;CiL', (TA,) and distinguished
is_ . . L I [I ceased not to beat Also, the first, A stone: pl. %;l. (Fr, TA.)
';Jj by the appcllations of j'l iS;Lt and l;a.d
him until he became motionless]. (A.) - t [He, ji.)l [thefifth and sixth months of the Arabian
t4..t [A thing that does not grow, or increase;1 year]: (S, K :) it is of the measure Jlti, from
or it, was, or became, incapable of growth or
that is incapable of growth, or increase; an inor-
inrease; lifeless, or dead: see . H. ganic thing; as a mineral and the like:] an .o4JI; (S;) the two months to which it is
t He
was, or became, stupid, dull, wanting in intelli- inanimate thing; a thing that has no soul: [an applied being [said to be] so called because,
gence; inert; not sharp, penetrating, vigorous, epithet used as a subst.; or an epithet in which when the months were named, these two fell in
or effective, in the performing of a,hairs; or soft, the quality of a subst. is predominant:] pl.1 the season of the freezing of water: (ISd, L,
without strength or sturdiness, and without endu- ;.lj .. (Har p. 13.) [See also Msb:) [but this derivation seems to have been
.] invented when the two months thus named had
rane: see, again, , -t..] Also, inf. n. J,
Land (,.,l) upon which rain has not fallen. fallen back, into, or beyond, the winter; for
said of a man's state or condition [as meaning, (T, S, . :) or dry land, upon which no rain hat when they received this appellation, the former
It owas, or became, stagnant, or unimproving]. fallen, and in which is nothing: (T, TA:) or
of them evidently commenced in March, and the
(A.) - Also ,, aor. , inf. n. ,, S She land in which is no produce: (A:) or, as some latter ended in May; therefore I hold the opinion
[a camel, &c.,] had little milk. (T, TA.) And say, rugged land: (L:) or sterile, barren, or of M. Caussin de Perceval, that they were thus
'~; ~ ',His eye shed few tears: a phrase unfruitful, land, in vwhich is nothing; as alac called because falling in a period when the earth
alluding to hardness of the heart. (Msb.)_- >;~.: pl. -. (AA, L in art. -.. )- A had become dry and hard by reason of paucity of
Also ., (L, g,) aor. ', (L,) [inf. n. ; ; year (L.;) in which is no rain: (.,]:) or in rain, from ;i., an epithet applied to land upon
andt.an-; (A,TA; [in a copyoftheA, ;.3jl, which it no produce of the earth: (A:) and, in which rain has not fallen, or from kj l.,t an

[Boox T.
epithet applied to an eye that sheds few tears; of grorwth, or increase; inanimate;] as stone, in by fire, I have awaited the sound over the fire, 2
which opinion is confirmed by the obvious deri- contradistinction to a tree [and an animal]. (Kull.) and I have deposited it in the hand of one taking
vations of the names of other months, L. and [See also L...] You say, Jl) lj : 2.. U no part in the game but only shjffing, or dealing
, and aL and Jl.:] afterwards, when Sli15 (A,L,f*.) :to thee belongs, or shall belong, .forth, the arronws for the players]; meaning, I
the lunar months superseded the solar, the same what con.ists of gold and silver [or the like in- have awaited its sound, which was like an answer
names were retained: (Mqb:) [see o.j, and animate things], of this prope,'ty, and wt,hat con- procecdilg from it, when I straightened it and
j'.lI:] Lp.q.~ is determinate, (15,) being a sists of live stock, thercof: (L,.I:) or il/at marked it, over the fire: (S:) [or, accord. to the 2

proper name, (TA,) and of the fem. gender: consists of stones, thereof, and rwhat consists oJ EM (p. 105), wherc we find 1;J'b in the place
(Msb, 15:) if you find it mase., it is becaume it is trees, thereof: or what is solitd, threyof, and of oy.j, tihe ncaning is, and of tnany a yellow
t7what isfluid, or liquid, thereof. (L.) - [Ience arrow, &c., I hare an,aited the returning and
made to accord to .nJl: all the other names of 5
its application in lexicology and grammar to t A gaining, whilc we were assembled at the fire,
the months are masc.: (Fr, IAmb, Mqb:) the
noun that is ntot an inf. n. nor derived frons an &c.:] or x~ here means a man taking twitl
pl. is S ., (Fr, L, 1,) agreeably with ana- inf. n.; a noun having the quality of a real sub- both his hands so as not to let anything go forth
logy; and if the form ;1n [a mistranscription stantive (ef.n,wl), opposed to that n,hich has from them: (AA, TA:) or, accord. to As, it 2
for o&;, like y3t_, pl. of tS_.,] were used, the quality of an ideal substantic (): here means a man entering upon .tmindd&, which
it would also be agreeable with analogy. (Fr, and t a verb that las but one tence and no inf n., was in that [the poet's] time a month of cold:
L.) The former of these two months is also as and,
aJi &e., opposed (as is said in tlhe (8, 1K :) or one whose arrow does not gain any- 2
called * ub t ~.; and the latter, ~ L.~. ; TA voce .3) to. ': it may be rendered (and thing in the game called .JI: (L:) or a person
(K ;) which mean, respectively, Jumnddtd thesfifth so I have rendered it), in these cases, apltsutic.] in nwhom one con.fides, and who it tenacious of
mnontlh and Juniddd the sixth month, from the that which is in his hand or possession, and not
- t Lhfeles; dead. (Kull p. 147.)_ t itaupid, 2
commencement of the year. (TA.) Lebeed says, to be deceived. (A 'Obcyd, TA.)
dull, wanting in intelligence; inert; not xlarp,
[describing a pair of wild asses,] penetrating, vigorous, or .ffective, in the per- ;.A~ A pltace in which icc is kept. (MA.)
* - .- . '. forming of affairs; or soft, wvithout strength or
I,$ '), i L sturdiness, and witlhout endurance. (TA.) It LSJ... j Ie is m!y neighbour, his hous, 2

S S is also applied to a man's state, or condition: you or tent, adjoniing mine. (.K.)
4-te0 Jfi !.-
[Until, wlrn tley both pau, and come to the end say Jlj.l 1I J..; t [A man in a stagnant, or
of, Jumddd, completing six months, they satisfy uniminlroving, state or condition]. (S, L.)-And

themtlvecs with green pasture so as to be in no to the eye: you say ~.,l&.t An eye that 1: sec 2, in two places:- and see also 4:
need of water, and his and her absinence from sheds no tears; (Ks, K ;) as also V jl~, (Ks, and 5. - Also .i. lie gave himn [liw,
water becomes of long continuance]: thus cited K,) and .; .- (S, 1;) or this last signifies or burning, coals]. (s.). lie put him aside, 2

by Bundar; JL being in the accus. case as a tan eye that sheds few tears. (A.) And J-.j apart, away, or at a distance. (Tli, .).,
denotative of state, and by l.q.s being meant .iol ~1 ., (A, ]:,)
and Ci Jl J, and '.ill ,_.I , aor. ', The sun conceialed [or us it
IL..l ELq..: or, accord. to IAyr, the poet
O1J v i. ., (A,) t A man whose eye sihedsfew were put out] the mnoon [by its proximity thereto:

said aL, meaning the six months of winter, tears; (A ;) or whose eye
sheds no tears. (1.) see C1.]. (IAar, TA.) . 4_ [snid of the
which are the months of dew; and Aboo-'Amr -See also ;1.. Also, (L,) and 1 moon, It becamne concealed by its pro.imity to
Elih-Sheyb6nce says the like. (MF.) Alin says
that the Arabs applied the name of jtL.~ to
(M,A,1g,) and ,.il l.,,t (A,Jg,) Niggcrdly, the sun: see an ex. voce .~ : and see also 4]. E

- Also, (.,) aor. , (TA,) 11c (a horse) leaped

'%he whole of the winter; [see above;] whether penurious, or avaricious; (M, A, g ;) niggardly while shachled; and so 1.
the winter were at the same time as the months of that which it is incumbent on him to gi've:
so called or not: and Aboo-Sa'eed says the like. (L :) and Vt _ , also, a man of little, or no, 2.., inf. n. ;3; (g;) and*l '; (Vyb ;) 2

(L.)- See also j.l.. good; possessing little, or no, good. (s.) lie collected togeter (MQb, K) a people, and

l. 'i A wintry night. (Aboo-Sa'ced,

,,tM., (as its pl., IAar, L,) Linits, or bounda- anything. (M.b.) a:, 4.., inf. n. ;
ries, or boundary-marks, between lands, (IAqr, (S,A, K;) and , (M.l,,) and t*., ;
L.) [Seee .. ] L, f,*) and between two dwellings. (L.) (K ;) Sits (a woman) collected teogethter her hair,
.; . !A sword such that Ie nho is struck with s..q: see o. , last sentence but one, in two ($, A, Msb, ],) and tiedt it in knots, or made it
it becoens motionless ( ,j): (A,TA:) or a places. The person who is entrusted with the knotted and crisp, (s.c&, S, A, MsI,,) at the E

sharp, cutting, sword. (AA, 1].) bach of her neck; (S, A, Msb, K ;) not letting it
management of affairs in a game of chance (jL3
hang down loosely: (S :) or plaited it: (T, TA:)
.. , applied to water, (Mqb,]1,) &c., (Msb,) [here meaning the game called ... 1]): (K:) and j,.- h collected together hit hair at the 2
[i. e.] anything fluid, or liquid, (],) In a state [i. q. .. :] or the person entrusted with the
of congelation, concretion, or solidity; freezing; management of a.ffairs among a people or party, bach of his head: (Mgh:) and ,t;, j
site collected together the hair of her head, and
as also q . ; contr. of 4 t: (Meb, X :) you (T, K(, TA,) r/to does not take part in the game
plaited it: and oC, ftj~ he disposed his hair 5
say Ltas [ well as *t]: (Msh ) or called y.J1, except that he shtvffes the arrows in ,.ISL [or lochs hanging down loosely from the
V '. signifies what is congealed, or frozen, of (~i ,.'y) for the players, and has them placed middle of the head to thit bach, or plaits Aang~ng
water [&c.l; ice; (., A;) contr. of : (S :) in his hands, and is confided in with resxpct to down]. (TA.) - And . It (a thing) nocsi- 2
[see also ,.:] it is originally an inf. n.: (8, them, and comprei him who has incurred an tated a people to unite togetuher. (TA.)- Also,
Mhb, ]1:) [or it is an epithet from ,, like obligation to fulfil it: (L, TA :) or one wiho (inf. n. as above, 8,) eli(a commandler, Ay, A)
, from ,_..:] and ?~o is a pl. [or rather takes no part in the game called J..J1, (who is detained the army in the territory of the enemy,
a quaui-pI. n.] of >1i. (., Mb,l1,) like as called -%-,) but who sometimes shitt(fle, or deals (S, !,) or on the frontier of the enemy's country,
is of;?t.: ($ Mb:) you may, 1 forth, the arrows, (1lt, ) for the players; (A,) and did not bring them back ($, A,})from
so in the following verse of farafeh: tie frontier: ( :) the doing of which is forbid-
'.s1 [The frozen waters have become many]. den: (TA:) or he detained them long on the 2
(v.) [Hence,] i.I1,. d-. A hard piece of frontier of the nemy, and did not gie them
mnarrow. (L.) - t Re~aininfixedl, stationary, pormiion to r~trn to theirfamilies: (A!, TA:)
or motion/le. (B4 and Jel in xxvii. 90.) - t A Ad of many a yelow arrow, changed i our or he collcted them on thefrontiers of the nemy,
thing that does not grow, or increase; [incapable [And of many a yellorw arrow, changed inlour and kept them from returning to their famiie.
BooK I.]
(TA.) See also 4: - and 5. -- J- I ,1., A, MgI1,) Ie .fumigated, or perfumed, himself 1) and of ;. (TA) in the appellations $ 1u
(A, Mgh, Mob,) inf. n. as above, (Mgh, Msb,) with aloes-nood [or tile like]. (AHn,A, Mgh,l.)
Hie fumigated the garment wfith perfume; (A,* 10. L.o (Msb) or ; XLCQI
) and
1: sec 4: . and 5: and 8:
Mgh, Mqb ;) as also t j.]t: (Mgh, Msb, K :) and 2. - Also, [and vulgarly ~'.,] lie per- %L,~Ik, (TA,) which were three in number, (8,
but the formner is the more common. (Mgh.)
And, ,, j- TA,).or , formed the purification termed s.t;l with M.b,!,) called jol1 '.! and .A l o
And ,1. , (MFgh, TA,) or * D,, , j~, (Mg)h, M.s), K,) i. e., with stones, (AZ, and .a l o (C,) at which ;a1 (i. e. small
accord. to different modes of writing the surname , b,,) i , stones A,
, .S , .~~ .. X, NF71),) Or mallsiones. (higli, TA.) pebbles, TA) were cast; (S, K;) each of these
of a certain No'eym, i. e., .. 1 or s s(, being a heap of pebbles, at Mline, and each two
(TA,) [and accord. to different copies of tl*e K.,] ,~ : see what next follows, in two places. heaps [or rather each heap and that next to it]
1~~ mosque ~ with~~.4sno'erihlpr~e
perftme: (Mgh:) - - A live, being about a bow-shot apart: (Mqb:) accord. to
.ll: or burynin`j, coal; a piece of
[or perhaps it may mcan lhe strewed the gou li or bnin coal; a pice Th, from "hc put him aside, apart, away,
of thetnmosque n',ith pebbles; from otnti.~.... from; like
like smkelessuning .fre.: (Msb:) or buningJfire:
o. .he _oq.
ls ,it .e (.K:) [but the former is the correct explanation :] or at a distance :" or from 1. "he hastened ;"
d,r - , from ..~- or a.- or .] _- And when cold, [before it is kindled,] it is called ,_ because Adam pelted Iblees in Mine, and lie
[or l_J .1] lIe putui,.4h-7)eat u]POn live (TA) [or . &c.]: and whien reduced to hliastened away before him: (],OTA:) or from
coals [to roast]. (A.) Also, (A,) inf. n. as podr by brni ;j (L in art. :) from I~, "they collected together:" (Mgh:) or
abov,.1.(, a j~lgrm,
A) ) trew thc powder by burning, ~ : (L in art. ,Mj :) from
above, ($, A,) lle (a pilgrim, A) threw; the ;. o t ,. . from . "lie collected it together." (Mgb.)
pebbles [in the valley of Mixia]; (S;) and so ~ "e collected together:" (M3gh :) pl. ~.
(TA in art..O.) li ce,
-z (S, Msb, K) [or rathier this is a coll. gen. n.] and See also .q.
-, ' '' ' .
(A i ~n.) hece,and , -. (Msb.)-[Hence,] ' s
[The day of the throwing of the pebbles, by the _ an -. (' j;l. An assembly; an agemblage; a collec-
pilgrixns, in the valley of Mini. (A.) .[See :t[Live coals are in my liver]. (A.) tion: (.K :) a people asnemnbled together. (TA.)
l ~, (inf. n. as above,
S.1q. a~iIII .p.~.., (inif. n. as above, A,) A,) Ifeli ~[lHence also,] ., l, ;.JI t [The three live - ,1;e .1Lt He counted, or numbered, his
coals; meaning the first three degrees of beat]:
cut off the heart, or pith, (jt.w.,) (f the palmn- l c camels in one herd, (Ag,TA,) by looking at their
ctree. (.o,e . eArt or pt , ()L h e) the Iirst is in the air; the second, in th e arth, aggregate. (As, T voce
tree., (~t~ A.~ .or dust; andlthe thlird, in the w ater: [or, accord. J, q. v.) _ji
4. "'f,nn t;'" an.
4. j,;, nand ,Ij;andl *aj. j...q: to the moderni Egyptian almanacs, the first is in tVtg1., and with tenween, [i. c., app., 5t) ,
see _'L) 9' j...l The thing, or the air, and is cold, or cool; the secondtl, in the not, as might he thought at first sight, ,L.q.., a
affair, included the conmeon mass, (K,) or thed water, and isis lukewarm; lukewarm; and and the
th thfird, th form which MF disapproves, though it is said in
tird, inin the
e/sole nmas, (TA,) oJ the sons (if sch/ a one earti, or dust, and is hiot: the first falling exactly the TA that his disapproval requires considera-
within t/he compass
itsitit,eora;mst*f its relation or relations, a zodiacal monthi before the vernal cquinox; and tion,] They ca;ne all together, or all of tiem. (g.)
o relto reaios
it .or
effect or cflects, &c. (K, TA.) _.1 each lasting seven days:] whience theo saying, 0 -
or ~~~~~~~~~~its
e,..act jo_r. ejL tfk cTta, &e.s atKthe~n~ ,n~ A place of asse1tbly of a people. (,,].)
jL 1IlIe comnputedly conjecture the quantity of t [Tat as at t
the firuit upon the palmn-trees, and then rechoned, tine of thefallin.qof the live coal]; i. c., when the -...,.. IIl The night and the day: (S, 1 :) so
anl sunmed up the quantity so computed. ( heat hliad acquired strength. (TA.)~ Any body called because of the assembling [of people there-
HC wolo in]; like as thelicy are called p_ Ll because
li does
oewo sos iss termed ?J
ered.,n~ (TA.)_.
. . (TA.)-_
of men that have united together, and become one
, ' li-r'rdtehossfrrcn b,.and, and that do not Jbrnn a confederacy with people held converation therein: (S:) or tAe two
JI . ,epard
l ll tne horsefor ac any othe,'s: (S:) or a body of men that con- nights during nwhich the moon becomes concealed by
:,'c. . e el, h with ici foodba,ely 3n1;i,'ienit to
... t tgregate by themselves, because of their strength its proximity to the stin. (TA.) And . '1 jo , -

sustain thepn, after they had becomefut, (lt.l,) and their,great valour; [said to be] from the
!([Aar, S,) or 1.j.~. ', (Lh,Th,) iT/e
inoon in
and collected them tog.ether. (a.) .i9l ./n.l same word signifying "a live coal :" (Mb :) or the night ,'hen it is concealed by its proximtity
S ,l,,
isiti(, or il&; (K;) and t , any people that endure patiently fiftghting with to the sun: (TA:) or the moon in the end of
1 )
s or- inf (TA;)nnndthose who fight them, not forming a confederacy the [lnnar] month; because the sun conceals it
(]C,) inf n. . (TA ;) and t,'~., and 7" with any others, nor uniting themselves to any
'n l; ( ;) Thte people, or party, agyreed others: (Lth,TA:) or a tribe that does not unite ,(o,, i.c. vly): (1Aar, TA:) or the dark
together to do the thiny, (f, and united for itself to any other: (g:) or that comprises three night:(S :) or the night in which the noon does
not rise, eitherin the firstpart thereofor in the
it. (..) [See also 5.] ., . 1 , and hundred horsemen, (K,) or the like thereof:(TA:)
last: (TA:) or the last night of the [lunar]
o.1 : see 2. _jWl j,el, inf. n. j~, lie or a tribe that fights wvith a company of tribes:
& ---
0~~~~~~~~~~ month. (Aboo-'Amnr Ez-Zihid, TA.) You say,
preparedthefire [app. in a ,. ]. (S,K.)= (TA:) pl. Mb,l.) You say, ,
(., Mb..
1 - IQC 4-*S.) Csl zJ U;l4. [lIe came to us in the
p..,.l said of a camel, He had hisfoot rendtlered j.q. ;L~ The sons of such a one are a people darkest part of the
even, so thiatltiere rwas no line between its pha- able to tlefend themselves, and strong. (TA.) moonles night, or oqf the night
langes, (K, TA,) in consequence of it. is in nwhich the mnoon did not rise]. (Thli, TA.) And
appellation especially .. . I.. .,
been wounded by the pebbles, and become hst,rd. i p ~ C l J to
- W 1 j La5 [I will not do
(TA.) Al . said
Also, saidd of ah caeble,
and n bof
a to thrce tribes; namely, Benoo-Dabbelh Ibn-Udd,
of a camcl, (S,)and of a and Beau-l-Hirith Ibn-Kab, and Benoo-Numeyr that as longas the moon in t/he end of tie lunar
man, (TA,) He hrestened, or mm quick, in hitradBit--iihIb-",adBnoNmy nmonth becomes concealed by its proximity to the
man, (TA,) He h ;stened,or was Tick,in hi Ibn-'Amir; (S, A,K;) the first of which became
pace, or going; (8, 1;) and ran: (TA :) you extinguished by confederating with Er-RibAb, sun; i. c., I will never do it]. (Lb, TA.) _
not say jne..
_shoul (s.) _ Sec also 1. c and the second by confederating with Medhliij; ):.JI m WH'hat is collected together, of the
Xik l /l, The night had its moon concealed by the third only remaining [a ; ] because it hair, andtied in knots, or rmadeknotted and
its proximity to the sun. (K,* TA.) [See also 1.] tfbrined no confederacy: (S :) or it is applied to crisp. (TA. [See 2.])
5. . It (a people, or party,) collected Abs and El-.Hrith and Dabbeh; all the off- p ep v::see~q, in threeplaces.
together;(A, Mgh,TA ;) [and] so t 4; this spring of a woman who dreamt that three live coals
verb being intrans. as well as trans.: (Mb: issued from her Cj. (S.1.)_, Also A thou. c~. A plait of hair: (T, M yb,
.:) and
[see 2:]) and ?,q. it (a tribe) collected together, sand horsemen. ($,V.) One says ^. s. i. q. ilelj [app. here meaning a plait of hair
and became one band. (Ag,TA.)-It (an army) [A troop of a thousand horsemen like the live hanging down; or a lochof hair hanging down
became de:ained in the territory of the enemy, coal]. (, TA.)~ A pebble: ($, ]:) or a stone: loosely from the middle of the head to the back]:
and was not brought back (, K) friom the fron- (Meb:) or a small stone or pebble: pl. ;` . (TA:) and t . a lock of hair: (TA:) pl. of
tier; (;) as also . l. (..) Seealso 10. ..
8 . . ~ . n~.l ( M gh i, M 9b , E t - To wsh eeg, TA) a n d , . b..the fonnrmer . . (T, Mob.)
8..;~.~ .alt q-I, (],) and .1, (Agn, (Mgb, Msb.)- Also sing. of (S.,Mb,
L;1.: see't
454 [Boox I.
;t~ (1, A, Mgh, Msb, ],) and Vt.1 (.) (TA,) and ', , (1.,) A vessl for futmiyation; sp,rings, or bounds, quickly: (] :) and jr1 .
[each a coIl. gen. n.] The heart, or pith, [or a censer; (Mb ;) a vessel in vwhich live coals are l*.%:. a quick as; (S, ];) or an ass that
cerebrum,] of the palm-tree, (S, A, Msb, ]g, TA,) put, ($, .K,) with incense, or somne odoriferous leaps, jumps, springs, or bounds, quickely, and is
that is in the summit of its head, rwhich part is substancefor.fuimigation; (I ;) a vessel in which sw/ft; (TA;) the latter word in this phrase used
cut off, and its outer portion is stripped of from aloes-wood is burned: it is disapproved, because as a muse. and fem. epithet, though its final letter
the pith within it, rwhich is a white substance, Fenerally of silver; but not so what is termed is a denotative of the fem. gender. (~am p. 277.
like a piece of the hump of a camel, large and a;s..~i: (Mgh:) or f.`. signifies the thing [See below; and see also EJ~ "]) Umeiyeh
soft: it is eaten with honey: (TA:) from it for tnhich the live coals are prepared: (S:) [and lbn-Abee-'Aidh (S, TA) El-Hudhalee (TA) says,
come forth thefruit and the branches; and when
~.' 8also sig,nifies a blacksmith's fire-place:
it is cut off, the tree dies: (Mqb:) the spathe
coms forthfrom it, amid the part whence tvwo (IK in art. -:)] pL
p l4.. (S.)
branchls divide: (TA:) the head of the palm- YU Flesh-meat put upon live coals [to
tree; a soft, tvhile substance: from ' "h e roast]. (A.) [As though I and my she-camel's saddle, when I
collected together ;" for a similar reason termed frightened her, were upon a srift wild ass satis-
0- -a
Sb: (Mgh:) n. un. t.. (A,TA.) [See also '~.~ (s,Z) and ' (TA) One vwho collects fled with green pasture, so as to be in no need of
together his hait, and ties it in knots, or makes it w,ater, in the sands]. (S, TA.) He likens his
~/$.] You say, ; a.JJl H' has a shank knotted and crisp, at the back of his neck, not she-camel to a wild ass, to which he applies the
like a piece of the heart of the palm-tree. (A.) letting it hang dowvn loosely: (S:) or who plaits
epithet) , that is, swift; meaning, jl. u5>
And S1.. l;.a.JI i [Legs like the heart the hair of his head. (TA.) lIc who does so
of the palm-tree are within their anklets]. (A.) (while he is a.. , TA) is commanded to shave 5.~. (TA.) As says that this is the only
.akbr El-Hudhalee says, using a double trope, his head. (S and TA from a trad.) =Also, bothl epithet of the measure ,Ws heard by him applied
likening the fresh juicy stalks of the p.gi to the to a male; and that IAor cited the verse above
the former and t the latter, and t j., which
w is
pith of the palm-tree, and then applying this ex- a possessive epithet, without a verh, One wthose to hiim saying t , meaning Jlj!.. ,
pression to the legs of a woman, business is tofumiyate garments [,).c.] with per- [i. c., "shllying and turning aside from the hollows,
fumne. (TA.) narrow at the top but wide below, in the ground :"
- 2 but this is probably a reading of some in the place
of Jtl. L._~, whichi ends the next verse,
t [Wen their anklets are bent, (for the anklet of 1. j, (S, A, &c.,) aor.;, inf. n. j~ (S, agreeably with what is said in the L in art. ,~ :]
the Arab woman is formed of a piece of silver, or Mqb, I) and f.$. , (K~,) or the latter is a Az says that $ . .1 may be explained as for
other metal, which is bent round so that the two simple subst., (Msb,) said of a camel, (., I,) Lq;q- j5 `P t_U,
i. e., .pon an as haring the
ends nearly meet,) they are choked, or entirely and of a man, (A, K,) [He went at a gentle trot
or run;] he went a pace quicker than that termed mode of pace termed j~; and jj.n &i; has
filled up, with plump legs like the pith of the
papyrus]. (A, TA.) j&, (. , A, Mob, 1;,) but not so quick as that a similar meaning. (TA.) ..- Sce also ..
termed .. (,) or not so quick as a vehenent ;.. (., K) and *:. (1K) [The sjcamor
': aee
._; (TA;) he went the pace with which corpses fig: and the sjcamorefi-tree : fus sycomorus;
4q.: ee ;....-- Also tA well-knonm apper- are conretyed [to the tomb; which, according to also called the Eyyptianfig:] the male fig; (',
tenane of a hip or boat; [i. e., the head of the the practice prescribed by Mohammad, is a quick TA;) which is found in tate Ghaoer, or Oh6r,
mast; a kind of truck, which is made of harder pace]: (TA:) or simply, he went, or wvent along: [here meaning the Valley of the Jordan,] (TA,)
wood than the mast itself.] (TA.). And hence, (M4b:) and he ran; syn. l.: (Mgh, MCb:) and is sweet: (K, TA:) this is the yellow: tae
1 The Ahead [absolutely]: but accord. to Kr, only and he went quickly. (Mgh, Msb, TA.) You black makes the mouth bleed: (TA:) it is of
the vulgar call it so. (TA.) say, ;jtl.J:. j.~ He went a pace quicker than various colours, or kinds, (ejlj1,) (l, TA',)
j~I occurs in a trad., where it is said, ';"L that termed j; [with the corpse upon its bier]. abundant in Syria and in Egyypt: n. un. ;:
Iyl3 .opl # j# It,
* meaning I entered (A.) And , t jJl :j The man went (TA:) [afruit] resmblinag the 54 [or common
the mosque when the people were in their most away into, or in, the country or land. (Kr, K.) fJ]: (S:) Al:n says, of dithe kinds of fig is the
collected state. (TA.) [2. ;~., if used, He rode a camel such as is fig of the .. , a sweet, moist fig, which ha long
fruit-stalU, and wiich is dried in the tun: and
,.~: see ... :-_.and see also _, in called . or ijt.... See the act. part. n., below.]
there is another species of the j, thefruit of
two places. - Also, (, ]g,) and ', (t,) A a subst. from :..; [signifying A gentle nwhich is liles the jfig in make, but its leaves are
hard solid hoof: (AA, ?, V:) and a hard, trot or run; a pace quicker than that termed smaller than those of tih fig, and its figs are
strong, compact camel's foot: or one that has , but not so quick as that termed _.a, yeUlow, of a smallU size, and blach: it is found in
been wounded by the stones, and become hard. or not so quick as a vehement &c.]
&; the Ghomr, or Gh6r, and is called the male fig:
(TA.) the yellow is sweet: the black maks the mouth
(Msb.) You say, l . j~.JI _, (A,) and
?: r,see, in two places: and j.l bleed: and it fig has no stalk, but cleave to the
t.jl.Jl ..M aiU6, and in like manner ,jd1,
wood. ('Abd-el-Lateef, Account of Egypt: White's
J. :l:-and
I see also 4,. (Ks, S,) [He, and the she-camel, and the mare
ed., entitled Abdollatiphi Historie Aegypti Com-
or hors, runs at the pace termed U ]
';;: see .- Also, (Mgb, Mob,,) pendium: p. 22. See also De Sacy's notes to his
See also ji, in two places. transl. of that work, pp. 82-86.)-[;j,.JI also
and , (],) Aloest-wood, (Al[n, Mgh, Msb,
jlt., applied to a he-camel, (, ,) and ;j , signifies t The pudendum muliebre: opposed to
,,) and the like, (Mgh,) or other substance, applied to a she-camel, (K.,) TI at is ridtden by
(Mqb,) with whiichl clothes arefiumigated, (Mgh,) :;.JI as meaning "the anus."]
the 'j,...; (.S;) that goes the pace described
or with nwhich one perfumes himself by burning
above, [voce j. and] voce ;;.-: (1, TA:) ~S., .: see j~.
it: (Myb:) pl. ` ;. (Mgh.)
[the latter is also said in the TA to be ~.zl C.
Uer of
.. A seA .. (TA.)
".q*. and *j." , ($, Mgh, Msb, ],) which JAl.l; but the correct reading seems to be
latter is sometimes fem. [like the former], (],)or J..tJIt ;.9.1 e'; and the meaning, of those *"_. One who rides th camel called jl,
fem. when by it is meant the fire (j1l), and that carry tAe vehicles clled J.*"I,, pl. of (S,*TA,) or who ride the ds-camel callUed ;jl,q-;
muc. when meaning the place [of the fire], J,m.O.] .jtq j*a.. An ass that leaps, jumps, (0,* TA;) as also t .. (TA.)
Boox I.]
intensive signification;] and+?.~l. (TA.) [Sec more common as meaning Coitus conjugaliJ, or
also the inf. n., C', below; and] see 2; and 10.-- the act of compressing]. ' .a j'~ -. 1,
1. ,n~, (A, Msb, K,) aor. , (Msb, TA,)
[1 'B'. He broulght them trwo togethler, into a and H. hired the hireling for a certain
, BHe
inf nn. . (S, Mb, 1) and _...; (TA ;) pay every weekh. (Lh, TA.)
state ofJunion, afterseparation; and particularly,
and aor. '; (TA ;) It (grease, As, S, A, reconciled them; conciliated them: and he, or it,
4. .~1: see 1. ;21 . signifies I put
MSb, K, and clarified butter, and water, A, 1K, united, connected, orformed a connexion between,
but . is more commonly said of the last, K, them two: see 3 (last sentence) in art. j.]- the thing together; such, for instance, as spoil,
or plhmder. (S.) You say, 1. ; l, mean-
or . is incorrect when said of water, As, TA) Aej 4j.s liIe put on, or attired himself with, his ing I collected together from every quarter the
congealed. (As, ., A, MSb, 15.) clothes. (TA.)__JI .lJ %.i Tl girl camels taken as spoil from the people to whobn
i.'4 A tough date: (IDrd,' M, K,' TA:) a put on the
t ; the the 3 . and tie i; (S, they belonged, and drove them away: (AHeyth:)
date ripening (As, ., Z, O) altogether, (As, Z, TA;) i. e., : became a young woman; (S, 1, or 1t.signifies [simply] the driving of camels
g, TA,) but as yet hard, not mellow, or digestible, TA;) became full-grown. (TA.)__ X- , . together, or collectively. (a.)- _ '7 also
or casy of digestion: (As, S, Z, K :) pl. *.~. lW iol*, and o1 >I, tI-I have never gone in to significs The composing and settling a thing rwhich
(As, TA.) [See Also A A..]distinct number, a Ywoman; or I have never had a roman con- has been discomposed [and unsettled]; as an
or herd, of camels. (0, K.) opinion upon wvhich one determines, resolves, or
ducted to me as mny bride. (Ks, K.)_ I-l.
, . Grease, (A,) and clarified butter, (TA,) .,', , and :-?ia p.: sec 4.-. ,W1 t~.: decides: (TA:) or jA; ~ 1% l Ja,"
and water, (S,) or it is improperly applied to the see 4. [ .-' also signifies He composed, ar- (AHicyth, K,) i. e. the determinining, resolving,
last, (Ay, TA,) in a state of congelation. (S, A, ranged, or settled, a tlling, or an affair; as in the or deciding, upon an affair, so as to make it
Mgh, TA.) - A plant that has lost itsfreshness, firmly settled, [after it had been unsettld in
pl,hrase d. l :: see art. J.:,. - Also It
or juicineu, (A.Hn, K,) and become old, and the mind, or] after considering nhat might be its
comprised, comprehended, or contained.]-Also issuac, or results, and saying at one time, I vill
hard, or tough. (AHIn, TA.)- _ . ao A lie pluralized a word; made it to have a plural,
(15,TA.) do thus, and at another time, I wrill do thus.
tough rock, (TA,) firm in its place. or plurals. (The Lexicons passim.)
(AHeytll.) You say,j.A'l ;, , (Ks,S,Mgh, e
[In the TA is added `r;L: but this is evidently 2. t., (Fr, Msb,) inf. n. . (,) He
Msb,K,) and rl Ls, (Mgh,' Myb,1,) I
a mistranscription, for ;i'-, which adds nothing collected; brought, or gathered, together; gathered determined, resolved, or decided, upon the affair;
to the explanation.] up; assembled; congregated; mustered; drerv to- (Ks, S, Mgh, ' MSb, V;) as though I collected
gether; or contracted; [thus I render . , as myself, or my mind, for it; (TA;) as, for in-
~,~, [The b,:atlo;] a kind of 96; (Mgh,
explained above;] much; with much, or extra- stance, a journeying, and a fasting, (Mgh, Mgb,)
Msb, TA;) well known: (15:) n. un. with ;:
ordinary, energy, or effectiveness, or the like; and a going forth, and a tarrying or an abiding;
(K:) and pl. l.0: (S,Msb, ]:) an arabi-
vigorously; or well. (Bd in civ. 2; M!b, .) (TA;) and in like manner, sr IIHe deter-
cized word, (T, 8, 1,) from the Persian; (T, S ;) 5.Jl mined, resolved, or decided, upon his affair; as,
Thus in the .Kur [civ. 2], o.bx... ^4 ~
originally , .. (T, 1.) (.,*Bd) TVho hath collected much wealth, and
for instance, a fasting: (TA:) and ta1il , .!
hath made it a provision for the casualties of
I determined, or settled, the opinion. (TA.) You
fortune, or rechoned it time after time: (Bd:)
[or nwho hath amnased, or accumulated, wealth, say also, 1 1 5. .i[Determine
1. ',S., (., A, K,) aor., and L, (TA,) inf. n. &e.:J or who hath gained, acquired, or earned, thou, or decide, upon thine affair, and do not
., (s,) IHe shaved it, or removed its hair; wealth, &e.; thus differing from ~., explained leave it unsettled]. (a.) The saying, in the ]5ur
(S, A, ] ;) namely, his pubes; (S;) or his head. above: but it is allowable to say ' I.'O , [x. 72], ,* j ~. ..L qU means Then
(A, 15.) And ;!a S/he shaved it; namely, her without teshdeed; (Fr;) and thus it is [generally] determine ye, or resolve, or decide, upon your
pudendum; or removed its hair: and it (;, read in this passage of the ]ur. (Bd.) See also 1. affair, (Fr,Ibn-'Arfe!l, Bd,) and prepare for
q. v.) removed it; namely, hair. (A.) _,...., (TA,) inf. n. as above, (1.,) She (a it, (Fr,) or t .i4!, [wllich has the former
hen) collected her egs in her belly. (1, TA.) of these meanings, as shown above,] (Alleyth,)
,,, applied to ;jy [q. v.], Tlhat removs
., (inf.n. as above, S,) They were present on and call ye your companions, (Fr, S, Bd, 15,)
hair; (S, ;) s also . (.) .._Applied 1
_.nSlf being governed in the accus. case by
to a year ( t That shaves
t;), off, (S,) or nips, the Friday, (S, Mgh, Mob,) or with the congre-
the verb understood, (Bd, TA,) becanse the verb
gation [then collected], (Mgh,) and performed the
shrinks, shrivels, or blasts, [lit., burns, see j~1,] in the text is not used with .l,. for its object,
prayers [with the congregation] on that day. ($
(g,) the plants, or herbage. (., 1.) (S, 15,) but only the unaugmented verb: (8:) om
Mgh.)_ Hence the saying, ) , ' 1jl
the meaning is then determine ye, with your com-
e.a., applied to the pubes, Shaten, or having 9'i43 ~4.a , -% 'l i[T,e first Friday panions, upon your affair; (Bd,l;) so says
its hair removed, (S, A, ]g, TA,) by means of that was observed by tlhe performance of congre- Aboo-Is-1-h., adding that what Fr says is erro-
;ij [q. v.]. (TA.)_ Applied to a place, t [Slhorn gational prayer in the time of El-Isldm, after neous: (TA:) or then determine ye upon your
of its plants, or herbage; or] having in it no the observance thereof in EI-Medeeneh, weas in affair and the affair of your conmpanions, for .lj
plants, or herbage. (], g.) See also t. Ju-dthd]. (TA.) ,;. ,. (B.d.) It is also said that the phrase,
3. 1.. ~6 ;., (8, ],) in n./M; in the 15ur [xx. 67],., I U means
(TV) [and ], He combined with him, Therefore determine ye, or resolve, or decide,
upon your artifice, or stratagem: (TA:) but
1. '4., (8, Mgh, Msb,) aor. :, (Mgh, TA,) (~d,. 1 1i.I, S, K, TA,) and aided him, (TA,)
.r, (Bd,TA,) meaning
inf. n. q., (S, Mgh, Msb, 1,) Hfe collected; to do such a thing. (,* K,* TA.) It is said in a some read , '. ' l
trsd. of Aboo-Dharr, , I ;J i j .e. therefore combine ye aU your art;Jice; leave
brought, or gathered, together; gathered up;
nothing thereof unexerted; (TA;) and this latter
assembled; congregated; mustered; drew to- 't 'i L. T ' [which may mean Nor any com-
gether; or contracted; (Mgh, Er-RAghib, B, reading is favoured by the phrase o..4 t
bining, or nor any coming togetler, for us after- [in verse 62 of the same cb.]. (Bd.)_A]so The
;*) a thing; (Er-Righib, Mgb, B;) so that
ward:esee 8]. (TA.)_,a,.I &.., (Msb,) agreeting, or uniting, in opinion. (1[, TA.) You
the several parts or portions became near to-
gether; (Er-Rghib, B;) or a thing in a scattered, inf.n. L. (.,Mqb,9) and Etcl, (Mgh, say, .11 Iyl meaning They asred, or
or dispersed, state; (Fr,. ;) and a number of Msb,) lHe lay with his vife; compressed her. were of one mind or opinion, upon, or respecting,
men; (Fr;) as also t .; [or this has only an (? Mgh, Myb, ].*) [The latter inf. n. is the the affair; (Mgh, Msb;) [and so ...i- 1 ;
[BooK 1.
and d t laJq3.] - Also The preparing [ a (Msb: [but it is implied in the Mgh
that the [between 'Arafat and Minb]; ($, Mgh, Myb, Ig;)
thing], or making [it] ready; syn. .ll1t. (1C latter verb in this sense is not of established
determinate, like ;,&sU: (TA:) so called because
TA. [In the C](, erroneously, .l1jl.]) YolU authority.]) [See a similar ex. voce &j 3 I.]_ people collect themselves there; (S, Msb;) or
say, : I prepared,
~j, or made ready [He, or it, was, or became, compact in make or because Adam there met with Eve (Mgh, Msb)
such a thing. (TA.) And .A f' frame, compressed, contracted, or the like. after they had fallen [from Paradise]: (TA:)
Il,a. Prepar
And hence,] He (a man) attained to kis full [or, app., a name of the tract from 'Arafdt to
ye for yokr affair. (Fr.) - Also The bindinF,
C state of manly vigour, and his beard becamefull-
the teat of a she-camel all together oith the Mt ,, grown. (., TA.) Mine inclusive of theem twro places: and hence,]
The verb is not thus used in
q. v. (C.) You say, JlI .. 1, (S, TA,) an,d speaking of a woman. (S, TA.)_ [IIence also,] -. , the day of A4rafeh [wllen the pilgrims
Jii.l .1q,(TA,) Hs so bound the teats of th halt at Mount 'Arafat]: and . Al the days
e ljl _.. .. t [He was quick and vigorous
,f Minci. (IDrd, l.)-As an inf. n. used as a
she-camel; (?, TA;) and so t 1. (TA. in executing the needful affair, or in accomplish-
- Also The drying [a thing]; drying [it] up ing that which was wanted; as though lie com-
subst., properly so terined, (,* Mgh, Mqb,) it
also signifies A collection; a number together;
making [it] dry; syn. ;Cj1 pacted his frame, and collected all his energy:
JL4. (' an amncmbly; a company, troop, congregated or
see t.4. , below: and see also 10]. (TA cllectire body, party, or group; a mnaw; syn.
TA. [In thle C, erroneously, ' J,.A1.]
) in art. ,;S.)_ [Hlence also,] .J1l ; .I' cl., (S, Mghi, L, Mob, g,) of men; (9, L,
Hence the saying of Aboo-Wejzeh Es-Saydee, 0
, The cooking-pot boiled. (Z, TA.)- [Hence also;
] ;) as also * _ (L, Msb, TA) and *
* t) Af191 glj' .Z.I said of a thing, or an affair, It was, or
became, composed, arranged, or settled.] (MsI;) and 't 'a; (L, TA) and t ~.': (0,
1 :) but t *C. is also sneed as signifying a
i. e. [And the vehement mid-day-heats] dried upr 10. t jiQ 1 [He dcsired, or collection, a number together, or an assemblage,
every pool left by a torrent [of the hard and demanded, the collecting together of every body oJ of other thin,s than men; [of beasts, as camels,
elevated grou nds and of the soft and even ground]. soldiers; or he summoned together every body of hlorses and the like, bulls and cows, and antelopes,
soldie.-s]: said of him who demands, or summons, gazelles, &c., i. e. a herd, troolp, or drove; of
(TA.)- -;jl 'S.1 .il The rain made the armies, or military forces. (S, TA.) [But this (logs, i. e. a parck; of sheep and goats, i. e. a
whole of the land, both its soft tracts and its hard usage of the verb is perhaps post-classical: for flock; of birds, i. e. a flock or bery; of bees,
tracts, to flon: (I :) and in like manner you Mtr says,] With respect to the saying of El- and lociusts, &cc., i. e. a swvarm;] anid even of
say, L. jjl ; m.*1 The land flowed in its Abeewardee, trees, andl of plants; (L, TA;) it signlifies a collec-
soft tracts [as vell as in its hard tracts; i. e., III tion, or on ass.cmblage, or agpregate,of any things,
in eery part]. (TA.) [Seo also 10.] conaisting of many and of few; (Mib ;) [as also
[A north wind, cold and vehemennt, inviting to t ._ . and t ;]; a number, a plurality,
6: see 8, in three places: and see also 4, latter
collect themselves together the she-camels whose
half. and a multitude, of any things: (TA:) the pl.
mill has dried up, they having passed seLen or 60 - 0 Jj

7. , jI C*aJ [He withdrew kimselffrom eight montlu since bringingforth, or since preg- of 1.- is .. (, nMgh, Msb, K.) And
men]. (TA in art. i..) nancy], it seems that he has compared this verb )articularly, Al 4 army; a militaryfore ; (TA;)
with the generality of others of the same class,
8. 1.l It (a thing in a scattered or dispersed is also t . (q, ].) Whlence thle pirase, in
[and so derived the meaning in which he has
state, Q, and a number of men, Myb, [and a here used it,] or that he heard it [in that sense] L trad., L4.~ dJ, [or, more probauhly,,
number of thlings,l]) became collected, brought from the people of the cities, or towns, or villages, L,] meaning For him is, or shall be, the like
together, gathered together, gathered up, anem- of an army's share of the spoil. (TA.)
and cultivated lands. (Mgh.) _ ; used Also
bled, congregated, mustered, drawn together, or Trhe plural of a thing [or word; i. e. a proper
contracted; or it collected, collected itself together, intransitively is syn. wnith I1, which see in
,lural, according to the grammarians; and also
gathered itself together, came together, assembled, two place., and -. a. (Msb, I.)_ .. Lpplied by the lexicologists to a quasi-plural
congregated, drew itself together, contracted it- J,JI The torrent collected itself together fiom
oun, which the grammarians distinguishi by the
self; coalesced; combined; (V, TA;) so that tits every place. (S, Mgh, K.) -_ ,lil.
seeral parts or portions became near [or close] The valley flowed in every place thereof. (TA.)
erms a .. amnd , and so ,t
together; (TA;) a aalso t (],) with . [See also 4, last signification.] - .S,,) and t ~.'., except that this last is what
[substituted for the j;]; (TA;) and * 3 and s termed , . .! [app. meaning a subst. which
*j,Il His affairs, or circumstances,all combined
tc..I. signify theame: (Myb,J :) and tl,r;n in a manner pleasing to him. (Mgh, I.) oes not govern another as its complement in the
signifies they became collected, &c., [from several i OjLl ;en. case like as ~, and 4. do, being thus
1 (6, Mgh, 1O) The horse
place~s, or] hence and thence. (8,I.) [See also 10.]
exerted all his force, or energy, in running: kened to wihat is termed .;j ,.O, i. e. an in-
You say also, ~1 L t..1 (Mgh) and a (Myb) (]K, TA :) the last word is here in the accts. case ransitive verb; so that you say of .LJI, for
[meaning He was, or became, in company with as a specificative. (Mgh.) You say also, 1 '
him; came togetherwith him; met with him; met 1 istance, a.'1l e.aJl the plural i 1d.'g;
,J, meaning They exerted [all] their strength, fr in this manner I always find it used when it
him; had a meeting, or an inte-viewv, with him].
force, or energy, forfighting themn: and hence, as this signification, which is frequently the case
And em.
1,. ; : (V, :) see S, . t la~ . sJ .,JI esl [app. meaning Verily n several of the older lexicons, and in some
first sentence: and ee the sentence there next
the men, or people, have exerted all their strength thers; not,
following. And in like manner, t1 ~ .J 91 l o.LI ]; (TA;) [where-
for fighting you]. (A, TA.) .. ; JI
OUi They combined, conspired, or leagued,together s] you say, [ae..', :l L ,JI and] t i%
The people, or company of nen, all went away,
against such a one. (Ibn-Buzurj, TA in art. . .) not one of themn remaining; like as one says of a ';.l ~.l , (~, g,) i. e. the L [or plural]
[See also j. 4)l 5. Ilj.a.ql in 4, latter half.] valley flowing in every place thereof. (tTA.).... 'f.,Jl is ,.' 1J; (] ;) for t l*JI is what
You also say, 49) I [Their s1 *l I... The herbs, or leguminous plants, amprises a number [of things]. (~, 1.) See
opinions agreed together, or were in unitson, upon, all dried up. (TA.) [so this last word below._ And see also the
or respecting, the affair]. (Er-Raghib.) And ext paragraphi, in three places.- The worst
a.. inf. n. of 1. (S, &c.) [Hence,]
j , art of dates; (S, Mgh, M.a, IC;) beeause they
fai- ; The condition of the office
The day of resurrection [when all mankind will re collected together and mixed, (Mgh, Mb,)
of lmdm occurred together [or were combined, or be collected
together]. (IDrd,K.) Also, with- fron among the dates of fify palm-tres:
they coezisted, in such a case]; as also t. out the article Jl, A name of -E1-li-uzdelifeh Mgh :) and afterwards, by predominant usage,
Boo I.] 457
1 05
[any] bad dataes: (Mgh,* Meb:) or a certain C. : see the next preceding paragraph, in l.; is also syn. wsitk a -. [meaning Things
hind of dates (I, TA) mixed together, of ~veral six places. collected togetlur; or a coUeetion of things];
sort, not in requet, and not mixed but for their (K ;) as in the phrne [a colleo
badnes: (TA:) or it signifies, (Mgh, 1,) or sig- i-. pl. o,ta
of , fem. of ~ . [q. v.].
tion of pebbles]. (TA.)Y.. ou sy also
nifies also, (S, Myb,) palm-treaes (AB, ., Mgh,
Myb, ]) of any hind, (AB, Mgh, Mqb,) growing
a%. is [a subst.] from t.l , like as [its ', 5.,
meaning A handful of dates. (, .)
from the datstones, (S, ]J,) of which the name contr.] ui is [a subst] from il: (Mgh :)
I[i.. Of, or relatingto, a plural.]
is unknown. (An, S, Mgh, Msb, _ led
Re.) and signifies A state of union, agreement, con-
gum; (Ibn-'Abbid, I;) [aplp. because collected gruity, or congregation: or sociableness, social- One who fasts on Friday by aimself.
and mixed with gum of lighter colour.] - The ness, familiarity, companionableness, companion- (IAar, Th.)
milk of any camel having her udder bound with hip, fellowshiip,
f riendship, and amity: syn.
*.at 3,#, --- 5*
the jl. [q. v.]; ([i. e. the milk that collects in il: as in the saying, l ;. . l.l..l .: sasee . as signifying "a plural," in
the ud&er so bound;] that of any camel not having [May God make permanent the state of union, thlree ilaces. [The primary signification seems to
her udder bound theicwith is called 013;) as &c., subsisting between you two]. (Aboo-Sa'ced, be the last there mentioned; whlere it is sidl,]
also * (R-)
g.). _1J is What comprises a numnber [of things]:
.K.)-_llenc, (Mgh,) Migh,
(,, M.I
Msh, 1~,) the original form, (TA,) of the dial. of S,I:) on says, .,I t t .JI (.8, TA) [i. e.
t.I.JI, (TA, and EM p. 102,) and l ,. Wine is what comprises a number of sins: or]
'Okeyl; (MIsh,TA;) and .a_.l I, (-,MSb,
(C,,MSb, ],) and J ' L~, (MSb, ], and so that in which sin is comprised, and known to be:
K,) the most chaste form, (TA,) of the dial. of
in the margin of a copy of the $, as mentioned in El-Hij;iz; (Msb, TA;) and a the saying is a trad.: (TA:) or , 3 l i,t% sig-
2 .1.J , (Msb,
the TA,) and .JI t . , (Msb,) The fJist; the K,).of the dial. of Benoo-Temeem; (Mgb, TA;) nifies the plurality ( ) f sins. (Misb.) Hence
hand clinched; (., Myb, 1;) the hand with the and, in consequence of frequency of usage, ;aa.JI also the saying of ElI-Iasan El-Bnsreer, M !il
fingers put together and contracted in the palmn: alone; (Mgh;) A well-knowvn day; (1K;) [the
(TA,' antd EM ulbi suplia:) pl. t~. . (K.) You da(y of the congregation; i. e. Friday;] formerly of these natural desires; for wnhat the/ inrolre is
may, A sk. ~ I beat him, or struch him,n called (TA) the day of4jaJI: (S, TA :) called error, and the phlace to which they leadl is thIe .fire
with my fist. ($, M.b.) And to.- , ;i.1.I ..A because of the congregating of the of Hell]. (TA: in the L, t&.tac*3.) Andl it is
They beat him, or struck him, with their [clinchted] people thereon: (Msb:) Th asserts that the first said in a trad(l., I:. J 41 4r: i. e. Tell
whio named it thus was Kaab Ibn-Lu-ef; and he ,ne a saying eomprising [virtually] a phit,ality qf
hands. (TA.) And * Ja .' Li ;t. is related to have said that it was thus called
sayings.. (TA.) [See a similar phrase b,elow,
Such a one came with a quantity in his gra.p as because Kureyshl used to gather themselves to-
much as filled his clinched hand. (S,TA.) And gether to Kufci, [on that day,] in [the building
voce eq..] [hllence also,] tl ;t ; A ,tone-
cooking-pot qf the largest size: (Ks, L:) or j;
. significs [also] The quantity that a called] j
j;Il ;: (TA:) accord. to the R, Kapb atd t.
and, ., (S., ., TA,) a cooking-pot
hand grasps, of money &c. (Ijam p. 778.)- Ibn-Lu-ef was the first who collected a congrega-
1 p s#, ($, M bph,0) and & tion on the day of 3M01i, which was not called that comprises a slaughtered camel; or, accord.
to the A, tihat comprises a sheep or goat: (TA:)
~t3, (Msb,) i. e. [I took, or seized, such a one] ;4a.J. save since the coming of El-Islam; [or it or a great coohing-pot; S ,;) as also ,.
was not genersally thlus called before El-Isl(im;
bythepart where hits garm7ents met together. (M. b.
.. .,.t. for it is added,] anid lie was the first who named (Sglg,K:) pl. [most probably of this last]
_..1, ~and t~ , I Their offair, or it a..J 1; for KiKrcysh used to congregate to [like as m). is pl. of Jj &c.].
&C, (..) - Yol
cae, is concealed, (~,}I,) undivulged by themn, and him on this dlay, and he used to preachl to them, say also, ;L& ,Jtl O ' S,ch a ono is aN
uknwn by any one [beside them]. (S, TA.)- and to put them in mind of the mission of the
object of resort for his counsel and authorit!/ to
,,,a, and ,t The month paed apostlce of God, informing them that lie should be the sons of such a one. (TA.)-[Sce also 3.]
away wholly; all of it. (K, TA.) > of his descendants, and biddijng them to follow
him and to believe in hii: (TA:) or, as some .,. see .
. %;, (S, Mgh, I,) and . (m, ,) say, it was thlns called in the time of El-Islaim
She is as yet undevirginated, or undeflowered, because of tlheir congrregating [thereon] in the '~. In a state of collection, congregation, or
(1, Mgh, 1,) by her husband. (S, Mgh.) And mosque: accord. to a tadnl., the Ansar named it union; being together; met together; [as also
or' She was divorced being thus, because of their congregating thereon: t, ;Jcontr. of tiJA.. (S, IP.) You say
yet a virgin. (TA.) And . .zJ'., (S, Mgh, (TA:) or it was thus inamed because God collected . .. 3 A people, or number of men, in a state
thereon the materials of which Adam was created:
Msb, 1,,) and t _, (Ks, 8, Msb, V,) and of collection, &c.; being together; mnet together;
(I 'Ab:) those who say ;r_ 1 regard it as an
, (g,) Site diedI a virgin: (Mgh, MSb, syn. . .: (TA:) and in like manner,
epithet, meaning that this (lay collects men much;
15:) or it signifies, (S, 1.,) or signifies also, t L4.. Jt. Camels in a state of collection; &c.
comparing it to ;p and o'J and : (TA:)
(Mgh, MSb,) she died being nwith child; (AZ, 8, (TA.)_-[AI, or the whole, of any thiings o.
Mgh, Meb, 1] ;) whether suffering the pains of the pl. is . (S, Mg h, b, K) and ,lt.
thing.] See ~1, last sentence.-[As an epithet
parturitionor not: (AZ :) or heavy with child: (Mlb, J) and ;, (S, Mgh, Msb, K) and
in whichi the quality of a subst. is predo)minanit,]
(]:) occurring in the first sense, (Mgh,TA,) LtaO.; (Msb, ;) of which the last is pl. of A tribe [or any number of mei] in a state ,y
or, as some say, in the last, (TA,) in a trad., in aa.~., [as well as of aa.~., accord. to analogy,] collection, congregation, or union; being together;
which it is said that a wonman who so dies is a but not so '~. (AI.at) [nor either of the other
martyr: (Mgh,TA:) it properly signifies she met together; syn. * . . (9, X.) See
pis. mentioned above]. In like manner you also C , in four places. A man compact, 01
died with something comprised in her, not sepa.
rated from her, whether it nwere a burden in the say azy.JI1 J~.[The prayer of Friday], and, compressed, or contracted, in mahe, or frame:
womb, or her maidenhead: (?gh:) [the pl. is in consequence of the frequency of usage, aJI ILJt ?5i.) strong; tho has not beconu.
f-a Ja--- alone. (Mgh.)_ ~- jI, with the a quiescent,
t,;qI; for] you say, :L.J11 :.il The
1. decrepit nor infirm. (TA.) _.JJIJ e4
is also a name for [The week; i. e.] the days of
wom n died [being irgins: or] being with child. A man having his arms, or nweapons, collected
the week [colectively]; of which the Arabs are
(AZ.) You say aluo, '. blU A she-camel with said, by IAtr, to have reckoned the Sabbath together. (TA.)_.~S.J! jt, and. ,.,
yong. (TA.) And tVe ol. A oman it (,.,JI [i. e. Saturday]) as the first, though they A man of right, not disordered or unsettled,
child. (TA.) called Sunday the first of the days. (Myb.) - opinion, orjudgment, or counsel. (TA.)_.
Bk. I. 1

4,58 [Boo, I. 2
J,h3 - r.l
" (AHeyth,l ) He deter- a.J1 is a mistake: (.I:) so says Lth; but all or, sometimes, in the eighthl,] without the exceptive
mined, resolved, or decided, upon the affair, so as others allow it; for the Arabs prefix a subst. to particle. (TA.)
to make it firmly settled, [after it had been un- another signifying the same thing, and also to its 2

ettled in his mind, or] after considering what ial.. used as a subst.: see thie next preceding
epithet, as in the phrases in the Kur 4JI s,.-
might be its issues, or ~rmltt, and saying at one paragraph.
[ch. xcviii. v. 4] and 3-:i1 -~3[ch. xlvi. v. 15]:
time, I will do thus, and *t another time, I will
do thus. (AlIeyth.) (Az, TA:) [pl. ^1 .]_ .ol [Collecting, comprising, or containing, 2
- [A great
town comprising a large population; a compre- a greater, or the greatest, number or quantity;
AL: see ts ., in two places. hensive great totn]. (Msb in art. j.*4 [where it more, or most, comprehensive. Of its usage in a
is given as the explanation of a;,]; and }I in superlative sense, the following are exs.]. &.1 j! 5
s(nd I
[are mentioned together, but
not explained, in the TA: the former signifies, art. .Sq3[where it is less properly given as the i5LC 1j . 41 h:[When
aind probably, judging from analogy, the latter explanation of '].)_ and la...: he took a false witnea, he sent hiMn to the market
likewise, as also t , One nwho collects much; see t~..-_t_ eye!:
see the paragraph com- when it comprised, or contained, the greatest 2

or who collects many things]. - .t~ : see mencing with number of people]: .I being here in the accuL
JI1; last signification.- UI
case as a denotative of state with respect to the
1_. A shie-ass pregnant lwhen beginning to be so.
,3.: and the reason why .i. is not here said 2

ta. Anything of which the several component (s. 0, K.)". A [collar of the hind called] [instead of C)l.] is that ," is sometimes mase.
)narts are collected, brought, gathered, or drawtn, Ji; (S, ;) because it collects together the two (Mgh.) And &,-1 J ) C. .~ ; t, JW
toletlher. (IDrd, g.) - [Hence,] as an epithet, hands to the neck: (S:) pL E1A . (TA.)- [Do thou that vwhiclh is mont comprehensive in 2

applied to a woman, it means Short. (TA.) .~ .lgAn affair that collects people together: relation to the principles of the ordinances apply-
[Hence also,] Q;(JI 1 Th/e cluster of the or, as Er-RAghib says, a momentous affair, on ing to the case]. (MAb in art. J. .) [As a
account of n,hich people collect themselves to- simple epithet, Enitire, complete, or whole: fern.
Pleiades: (IDrd:) or persons who collect together 2

.for the rain of the Pleiades, which is the rain gether; as though the affair itself collected them. ,lt. You say,] :t . ~ A beat free from
called ~j.*l, looking for the f'uitfulness and (TA.) [Similar to this is the saying,] ;qkl defects, entire in all its limbs or members, without
,AlJ,I ,IJ Ate.. Prayer is a collector of all mutilation, and without cauterization; (TA;) a
herbage ecnUltingfrom it. (IAnr.)_Andt~ 2
beast from the body of which nothing has gone.
.Ml1 A medley, or mixed or proniscuous multi- peopic. (Mob.) - It is said of Mohammod,
I(, .K) 'l - JU' [may sometimes have the
tide or collection, of men, or people, (S, Msb, 1,) (Msb,) .AJ1I iO(. liEe used to
like meaning: or,] accord. to IAar, (TA,) A she.
t!f various tribes; (S, .1;) as also t speak comprehensive but concise language; lan-
.. alone: camnel extremely aged, (1, TA,) so that her 2

(TA :) or the latter, people scattered, or in a gtiage conveying many meanings in few words. teeth have become short, and almost gone. (TA.)
(Mob, 1. [In the CIS,._fWlI is omitted.]) And It is also a sing. having the meaning of a
state of disjpersion. (Ham p. 30'2.) _ also hence the saying of 'Omar lbn-'Abd-el-'Azeez,
signifies The place [either properly or tropically] pl., (, 1~,) withlout any proper sing. of its own 2

n,'hich comprises the origin of anything; (S, TA;) (S:) its pl. is b.o1: and its fem. is I.b:
the source of descent or extraction of people; and meaning [I wonder at him wvho vies nith men in ($, . :) and the pl. of thlis last is . though
hence applied by I 'Ab to main tribes firom which endeavouring to show his superiority of intelli- by rule it should be formed by the addition of I
other tribes are derived; or, as some say, used by gence,] how it is that he does not [know the way

and o to the sing., like as the pl. of ~; is

him as meanin vaarious classes of men, such as to] confine himself to conciseness, and abstain
firom superfluity, of spel)ech. (TA.) In like man- formed by the addition of . and ,; (s;) the
are termned lj;; and '.,,1.(TA.)...[And The
original form from which ~- is changed being
,main, or most essential, part of a thing. Thus,] ner, (TA,) it is said in a trad.,.l .. 2

meaning I have had communicated to nme the ; ; or it is ,a.; it is not n, becausen

;t. .. means The lhead of the man.
Kur-dn, (K, TA,) in nhich many meanings are .~1 is not an epithet, like as .. is, of whlich
(TA.) _.. I t; Tlie contraction (M.>) of conprised in a feov nords. (TA.) i . ;; the pl. is .~; (L;) for it is d(eterminate, though 2

the envelopes of the floners qf dates, in one place, of the measure of an epithet, whlichl is indeter-
.taOJI, also, signifies Prayers, or supplications,
?upon [the germs of] the fruit, or produce, thereof.
combining petitionsfor good and right objects of minate; (AAF;) and though it is in concordance
(TA.) with the noun which precedes it, like an epithet,
desire with praise of God and *vith the general 2

Cft.. [act. part. n. of 1; Collecting; &c.]- prscribed observances proper to the case. (TA.) it is shown to be not an epithet by its not having
a broken pi.: (L:) it is a simple corroborative;
EA41 one of the names of God.; meaning Tzhe You say also, .l * - : I
(, 1g ;) and so are ia~. 1 and "'1.' and ;
Collector of the created beints for the day of praised God .ith words compri~ng variou 2

reckoning: or, as some say, the Combiner of forms of praise. (Msb.) [See also ,..]_ not used as an inchoative nor as an enunciative
things of similar natutes and of things of con- nor as the agent of a verb nor as the objective
J~.j A man who combines tsuch qualities
trat7J naturc, in existence. (IAth.)_ lThe belly; that lhe is suited to hardship comIllement of a verb, like as are some other
and to easiness (f 5
[because it collects what passes from the stomach;] corroboratives, such as -":. and ';-" and .
circumstances. (As, T in art. .... ) And
of the dial. of El-Yemen. (TA.) - Also, (Msb,) (.) You say, . 1
j .. t_.. (T and M and . in art. -A) A ,tan . ., [I took my
or A.bJI .I, (t, K,) [The congregational right, or due, all of it, or altogether]: and ,-;
mosque;] the mosque in which the [congrega- combining all kinds of good qualities. (T.g in ;;:y.J1 [I saw the n:omen, all of them, or all

tional] prayersof Fridayare performed; because that art.)- ra~,. I.; A beastfit for the jLJtI
together]: the last word in this and similar cases
it collects the people for a certain time; (Mab;) and t/he .. [i.e. for the addle of either of the
being imperfectly declinable, and determiiate,
and you may also say, .e.JI.j, meaning hkinds thus called]. (gh, JL~1_
, and because it is a corroborative of a determinate 2

.IJI q..... , (i, .,) like as you smy jJIt Le. alu, (1.,) accord. to IShI, (TA,) A he- word: (S, TA:) and X~ 1 13l.. [They came,
camel, and a she-camel, titatfail of puttingforth
;.iel and C. I s.~, [the latter] as :meaning the tooth all of them, or all together]: and 'el..4 ylj
called ,.oU at the time expected; expl. 2
[I saw them, all of them, or all together]: and
cx0 :LJ' mjJ-;for it is not allowable to prefix. by 'j3, '.: but this is not said except after
X..1 Oj-j [Ipaedby them, aU of tm,
a noun to another of the same meaning except four years: (K :) so in the copies of the KC; but
with this kind of subaudition; or, accord. to Fr, correctly, accord. to the ( and T$, this is not or all together]. (Msb.) Fr mentions the phramses,
-.-- ... ..~ 2

the Arabs used to do so because of the difference said after four years, [app. reckoned from the ~.1 y ,JI;~, [The palace pleased me, all
of the two words themselves: (S:) or j_ usual time of J.tj., for this is in the ninth year, of it, or altogether], and ;a. j1i [The house,
Boox I;] 4509

all of it, or altogether], with the accus. case, as affair determined, resolved, or decided, upon: motion, and strength of limbs, not languidly.
denotative of state; but does not allow i ,.,. ! (S, g:) an affair agreed upon. (TA.) [The (TA.)
former signification applies to both of the above-
nor ~ to be used otherwise than as corrobora- !l.k11
l The main par o?f the desert;
mentioned phrases: the latter signification, per-
tives: IDrst, however, allows to be used
1e..l the part in which [as it were] it collects itself;
lhaps, only to the latter phrase.] _"3i.a.. a ;.
ms a denotative of state; and this is correct; and syn. 4Al _3. (TA.)
[A discourse in rhyming prose, or the like,] in
accord. to both these ways is related the trad., which is no flav, or defect. (Ibn-'Abbid, K.)
,,a. .q. I_Li and Ci~1 [And pray ye
,1;A year of dearth, drought, sterilit1, J. -
sitting, all of you, or aU together]; though some
make iC~ [here] to be a corroborative of a or unfuitfulness: (Ks, K :) because it is an 1. J,., (K,) aor. ', inf. n. J., (TA,) lie
pronoun understood in the accus. case, as though occasion of people's collecting, together in the collected [a thing, or things]. (.K.) [See also 4.]
place where herbnage, or plenty, is found. (Ks.) Also, (S, Mgh, K,) aor. and inf. n. as above,
the speaker said, j ~.. 1 [I mean you,
And -&- .j,i (S, TA,) like a,; ; (TA;) (S, Mgh,) He melted fat; (S, Mgh, g ;) and so
all of you, or all toether]: (K in art. .:) or
[in Goel. Lex., erroneously, 2* ;] and ti..f., V..1., and V.:q.,': (A'Obeyd, S, Ig:) this
C.~ in this case is a corruption committed by last was sometimes used: (S :) the best form is
the relaters in the first age; and he is in error like d3JJ~; (TA;) A. desert in which people
.. ': (Fr, TA:) accord. to Z, t. I signifies
who says that it is in the accus. case as a denota- collect themselves together, not separating them-
he made the melted grease of fat to drip upon
tive of state, for corroboratives are determinate, sel.ses, fromfear of losing their way, or perishing,
breadl, putting it again over the fi,e. (TA. [See
and the denotative of state is literally or vir- and the lihe; as though the desert itself collected
tually indeterminate. (Msb.) [Respecting the
Je.. ]) itl J'J, meaning May God melt
them. (S,TA.) And aa ,o.;l, like a;..
usage of this corroborative together with others thee like as fit is melted, is a form of imprecation
A land of dearth, drought, sterility, or unfruitful-
similar to it, see -.L] You say also, IJ. ness, wherein the camels upon vwhich people journey mentioned in a trad., as used by a woman. (TA.)
are not dispersed to pasture. (TA.) j 1- J~ He put the he-camel apart fromn
_,~., amand with damm to the .,
the she-camel that vwas fit to be covered. (TA.)
[They came, all of themn., or all together,] (S, : see t.
Msb, .,) the latter mentioned by ISk. (Msb.) -=j ,, aor. '; (S, Mgh, Mb, K ;) and J.-,
as syn. with aor.; (Msb;) inf. n. Mgh, MIb, K,')
And you say, ,. 4 j .l [I took, or 42.a.: see t : _and t~,
originally iL..'; (Msb;) He was, or became,
received, the property, all of it, or altogether]. as.-. Also Sands collected together: (K :)
beautiful, goodly, comely, or pleasing, (S, M,
(Msb.) And * .- , also, is used as a corrobo- pl. l4t. (TA.) And A vacant, or void, land, Mgl, K,) in person, (M, R.,) and good in action,
rative: (S, Msb:) as in the saying 4b . lj., destitute qf herbage or vegetable produce, and of or actionr7, or behaviour, (M,TA,) or also in
meaning They came, all of them: (S:) and water. (AA, K.) moral character: (]g:) or elegant, or pretty;
Jl.I "- ., like .. l [explained above]: i. e., delicately, or minutely, beautifel: (Sb,
ix ie: see
(Myb:) and e occurs as its fem.; but this Msb:) or characterized by much goodne, beauty,
c~,f Collected; brought, or gathered, to- goodliness, comeliness, or pleasingness, in his mindl,
is extr. (TA.)
or in his person, or in his actions or behaviour;
'm.. and . , (S, Msb, K,) the latter gether; gathered up; assembled; congregated; and also, characterized by much goodness com-
mustered; drawn together; [or contracted;] (S,
anomalous, like 3.. and 54 &c., (TA,) A municatedfrom him to others. (Er-RAlghib, TA.)
K, TA;) [fiom several places, or] hence and
place of collectigj, and the like: (S, Mb,* :) [See Jt., below; and see also e]
thence, although not made as one thing. (~, Sgh,
[p!. .] [Hence,] .w. , in the L, K.) It is said in the Kur [xi. 105], , IU3 2. ,.., (S, ,) inf. n. (]s,) He,H, or
]lur [xviii. 59)], means The place where the two U,.I j ~.. That is a dayfor which mankind it, embellished, or adorned, another.. (S, g.)
seas meet. (Bd.) And in like manner, where it
is said in a trad., L9a se ; ' _ *. '.
shall be collected. (TA.)_ See also 5.. Hence the saying, _ .Jl . .. I
embellish thee,
p;' [A place in which a thing becomes .Lu . ;.. [If thy wealth do not
.~?' , [in whiclh C seems to have been dropped thy beauty of person, or of moral character, will
collected, brought together, or the like; or in
by the copyist between ~ and ie,] the (TA.) And you say,
which things have become so; where they collect not suffice thee]. dl'1
meaning is, [And he struch h,ith his hand] the themselves, come together, or unite; or in which .k, inf. n. as above, meaning, May God render
place where my neck and my shoulder-blade meet. theyj are comprised, or contained; a place in iim beautiful. (TA.)m.He gave a camel to he
(TA.) [Hence also the phrase J_..a1 .. a 4, which is a collection of things]. You say, L..l1 eaten. (I, in art. .jJ,.)nIedetained an army
explained above: see t., near the end of the para- ij3l 4'; [The egg is that which comprises the long [on the frontier of tile enemy]; (]g, TA ;)
graph. And , j 1 4..,.'~ meaning Tits concur- youny bird]. (Mgh in art. ) And like [q. v.]. (TA.)
rences of affairs, or of circumstances, or of events.] ,.I
JI signifies the same as eJ*.. ., which 3. J&.1., (V,) inf. n. ;1 , ($, TA,) He
- A place in which people collect, assemble, or see, in art. u.b). (TA in that art.)_-[Also The coaxed him, or wheedled him, with comely beha-
congregate: (Mqb,* TA:) and [in like manner,] collective mass, or whole, of the hair of the head: viour or speech (J )eJ), not rendering him
~ - signifies an auembly-room; a sitting f(see 4,, in three places:) * "CI. pure, or sincere, brothierly affection: (ISd, g :)
room in which people assemble: (TA:) [pl. of or he associated writh him in a good manner:
bo.th C ] You say, . et,l0
-J- i ; meaning the whole head of hair: see also .] (R:) or Ihe treated him with comely behaviour.
1,41l ) ~)jap.Ij t.L. 4Jl [This language, or .,~: see C~., in five places.-A man (S, TA.) One says, ;, j ;I
,1j i4c
discourse, it more, or most, penetrating into tihe wrho has attained to his fuU state of manly vigour, [Keep thou to blandishment and coaxing, &c.].
ears, and more, or moat, circulatingin the places (S, Mgh, TA,) and wthos beard has become full- (TA.)
of assembly]. (TA.) - See also as syn. grown: (TA :) because at that time his powers 4. J.1l He collected a thing (M,b, ) without
have become collected, or because his beard is discrimination, or distinction, (Msb,) orfrom a
with atL., in two places; and see 10, first
then full-grown. (Mgh.) [See the verb, 8. And state of separation, or dispersion. (1.) [See
sentence. _- [The whole of anything, considered
see an ex. in a verse of Suheym Ibn-Wetheel
us the place in which the several Lfarts thereof also 1.] And ..l It nas collected into an
cited in art. j), conj. 3.]_l- *WI [He
are collected: see an instance voce A&: and see aggregate. (TA.)j-H reduced a calculation to
threw him downn gathered together, or in a heap]. its sum; summed it up: (f, ]4, TA:) and in like
also' .]
(S and Msb and K in art. %.) 'u,._ manner, he summed up a speech, or discourse,
.i, (.8, I,) and del ~, (TA,) .A., He wallted quickly, (., TA,) with vehenence of and then analyzed and explained it. (TA.)
400 [Boos I.
8ee also 1. - He made good and large [or .-.. j. among us, it signifies a full-ron,n he- selnarated: (Er-Raghib, TA :) pl. cJ... (v.)
liberal]: so in the phrase, i;.:.l J.. (S, K) camel:] or it signifies such as is termedt ; [or [Ol &< 'iw. generally means A large Jnm of
Le made the benefit good and iarge [or liberal] one in his seventh year]: (S, ISd, ] :) or stch os ,money; and in a similar sense Lt.~ is often used
(O) C,~ o,J [to such a one]. ( [lie
[.) is termed J~.[or one in his fifth year]: (I Sd, in relation to various things.] It is said in the
acted with goodness, or mnas good and liberal: IK:) or such as is termed jjit [or one in his ninth, lur [xxv. 34], 4 ;i .j; ;ii.jUi
and he acted witll moderation, or was moderate. year]: (ISd, Mgh, Msb, ]:) or such as is termed
You my,] .a J ,q. [ie was good and S [or one in his sixth year]: (ISd, K:) or, e-l- ;-. d;JI;, i. e., [And those tvho dlite-
liberal, or, perhaps, moderate, in his benefit]. (s.) accord. to Z, one that has covered: (TA:) [see lieved said, WVherefore was not the Kur-dn sent
down, or revealed, to hinm] agregated? (TA:)
And 6 J.,- H.1
e wna moderate, rnot also and
ae, and
n, ;, :1 pl. [of pane.] [or in one aggregate?] or at once? (B.d.) [Hence,
eztravagant, in demanding, or desire. (Msb,' J.il, (%,Mgh, Msl), K,) which may be pl. of
1a-.J. Das meaning Upon the n'hole; to rum up.]
I., TA.) It is said in a trad., 1i Lt J.., (TA,) and J. (M.hi) and [of mult.] -And hence, in grammar, (TA,) [A proposi-
o ;,:-g i o?l s3j, [BIe ye moderate j3lt (S, Mgh, Msb, .K) and . (.K) and l.. tion; a cl.use; a pirase; sometimes, a entence;]
in demanding, or desiring, the means of sub- a lhrase composed of a suljcet and an attribute,
(Mgh, Meb,K) and [quasi-pl. n.] J~.. and a;il~ [i. e., composed
sistence, for every one is accommodated to that of an inchoative and an enuncia-
and Jl, (K,) which last is disallowed by some,
which is created for him]. (TA.) l.JI .I tire, (in wlhich case it is termed a~ 0 ,1 i~, ) or
The people, or company of men, had many as will be seen below, (TA,) and [pl pl.].r / l f a verb and its agent, (in which case it is termed
camels; or their camels became many. (i.) (M, Mb,I,) which is pl. ofJ, (M.ib,,TA,)
4;lai ai ,)] (KT,TA,) [&c.,]),hether affording
or it may be pl. of [L., (TA,) and .',j'
5. J:;q He beautified, embellished, or adorned, a conpletc sense, as .j [Zeyd
ei is standing],
hi,nself. (g.)- lie affected what is [or [which see also voce J. and . (.O) and or not, as eL [If . he treat me with hlonour].
beautiful, goodly, comely, or pleasing, in person, JSl.~., (S, K,) pl. of al.,.. and Jt.~., (IHam (KT.)
or in action or actions or behaviour, or in moral p. 527,) and t...1. (g.) One says of camels,
when they arc males, withouit any female among see
character, &c.]. ( Yon say,
V.) l 3.
;. [lie afected beautiful, goodly, comnely, or them, OSi . , ~ [These are thite he-
. k~. A btuildling, or structure, in theform
pleasing, qualities, more than he possessed]. (TA camels (f the sons qf such a one]. (ISk, S. [See tf a ec,mel's hl,mp: (TA:) [a ridged roof: so in
in art. ~.) _ lie nas, or became, patient; or also 'J..]) And thiev said also C,)~. [mean- tile present day: p1l. '..1..]
restrainedhimselffrom impatience; or constrained ing Two herds of camel&, thuis forming a dual
himself to be patfient: (Mgh, TA:) from from the pl. Jl], like as they sai(ld W. JL . inf. n. of .: (S, Mgh, Mh:) [when
meaning "patience." (Mgh.) Hence the saying, (ISd, in TA voce Je.) It is said in a prov., Iused as a simple subst., meaning] Beauty, goodli-
* Si.-jj. ,_' j'0IJI ;i ;. J'92 C. [Ile does not conceal ness, comeliness, or tpleasingness, syn. -- , (,
himaseyfnwho leads the he-camel]. (TA.) And in nr, Mgh,* .K,) in person, (M, J],) and goodnes
And when poversty, or straitnesrs, befalls thee, then in action, or actions, or behaniontr, (M, TA,) or
be patient, or restrain thyself &c. (Mgh in art. another prov., j;. ).hl .1 1 +1iejour'eycdl
also, in moral char rcter: (s1:) or elegance, or
,.,.-.) Be ate what is termed J., all the night. (K, TA. [See also Frcytag's Arab.
i. c., prettine.ts; i. c., delice!y, or minutenes, of
meltedfat. (9, 1.0) Prov. i. 230.])) . I also signifies A certain beauty: (Sb, Msh :) or riunch goodnesx, or beauty
fish (IApr, K) of the sea, (IApr, TA,) tlAirty or goodliness or comeliness, in the mind,
8. J1q: see 1, in two places. Also lie cubits in length: (tI :) or, or in the
as some say, person, or in the actions or behaviour; and also,
anointed immelf mithfat. (TA.) ~ And lle ate
Qf a camnel. (1( in art. h:,*.)
.j l is tle name of a very greatfish, also called much looiness that is comm,nnicated from its
the JQ, [i. e., the whale,] thirty cubits in length: possessor to another: (Er-Rlallilib, TA:) accord.
10. J,L.,,l lie (a camel) became a J.', (S, accord. to some, this,
(TA,) or t.,JI j., (Mgh,) to ARs, [when relating to the person,] . is in
I],) i. e., such qs is termed I,j [or one in his
eventh year], (.,) or such as is termed 'jjt [or
is what is called the r and - (Mgh,TA) the eyes; and Jl[.., in the nose. (TA in art.
and ._.J, [i. e., wiphias, or sword-fish,] wiich o--..) [Sce also j] One says, J1 .L.;.
one in his ninth year], or, accord. to Z, one that
pa.es by nothing without cuttiny it. (TA.) [In 1J. 1, (ISd, ,,) or I.i Ja ., (IDrd,
had coveredi. (TA.)
the present day, j l J1.~ is an appellation of TA,) mecaning, Keep to that which is most comely
The pelican.] J..,.JI '" in the dial. of for thee to do, and do not thus. (IDrd, ISd, Ig.
[But see what follows.])-Also Patienoe. (Mgh
' .seem Li. and J.~; the latter in two Egypt, i. q. 1_ et1JI [The chestnut]. (TA.)_ in art. ,..) Aboo-Dhu-eyb says,
places. . signifies also tA woman's husband. (L in
(~, Mgh, M 9b, 1, &c.) and ij , ((,) arts. .&.1 and oQ. See 2 in each of those arts.)
which latter is so rare that it is said by some to -Also tPalm-trees; (K ;) as being likened to
be used only in poetry, in cases of necessity, the he-camel in respect of their tallness and their
(MF,) but it is a correct dial. var., (TA,) a word bigness and their produce: in some of the copies (S,* TA, the former of which cites only the first
of well-known meaning; (1 ;) i. e., [A lhe-camel; of the ], J,J l is erroneously put for ,l.11. hemistichl, and the latter substitutes .. JI for
but commonly applied to the camel as a generic (TA.)- See also ...
its syn. ilJ,) meaning, [Keep thy patience, 0
term; in like mamner as J . is applied to the
J~: see '.., in three places. thou wounded heart: thou wilt find whom thou
males and the females; but properly,] the male
lovest, and be at rest: or] keep to thy patience,
of the Jl; (TA;) the mate of the Ul; (Fr,$, ,. A company, or congregated body, of men.
or tity constraint of thy!/self to be patient, and thy
Mgh;) among camel, corresponding to J4.j (ISd, .)-_See also shrinhingfrom what is.foul, and be not impatient
among u; (Sh, Mqb;) JUti corresponding to . A strand of a thick rope: pl. in an evil manner. (S, TA.)
".. o. A 0.
4. [or rather
;9-, an,d A to . , and i' to Adj .; (Sh, coll. gen. n.] 1 .: or many strands of a rope, Jl: see Je:. and ;JI~.
TA;) [in general] peculiarly applied to the male; put together [to compose a
cable: see ;.'].
(Mqb;) exceptionally to the female, as in the (TA, in two places in this art.) -Hence, ij~ A piece of fat melted. (IAr, T,4)
saying * A.q ~ j, (i,) i. e., I drank the (TA,) The aggregate of a thing; (1g;) the suns, [See also J3.].- A fat woman. (IAVr, ].)
milk of my shm-cad; but ISd doubts the cor- whole, or total; (KL, P ;) it implies muchness, - A person, (15,) or woman, (M,) who melts
rectnes of 'his: (TA:) [as corresponding to or numerousness, and means any aggregate un- fat. (M, g.)
Booi I.] J40 -- 461
Meltd.fat: (0, Mgh:) or meltingfat : makhe, (TA,) like a he-camel. (7, TA.) An d the lawyers, [conjused, or] requinhg eaplanation.
orfat that is mdted and collected: (g, TA:) or with i applied to a she-camel, (;, I,) Resmblin 1 (TA.)
fat that is melted, and, whenever it drips, mad,e a he-camel in greatness of make: (8:) orfirm
to drip upo bread, and then replaced over th4c 1(, TA) in make, (TA,) like a he-camel (8, TA' ; l;. [act. part. n. of 3, q. v. - Also] Oan
fire [that it may drip again: see who is unable to anstwer a question put to him by
.]: (TA :: )in greatness of make and in strength. (TA.)
another person, and therefore neglects it, and
nd Vt*l., also, signifies [the same; or] meltoa d ;. (S,], i&c.) and and , " (CR)bears malice against him for some time. (TA.)
gre. (Mgh,TA.) [See also3j..]--Hence
and and t'Po. (IJ,) [A cable;] tA
acoord. to Abu-l-'AIl, beeause, when a man be.
rope of a shtip, (S, ,) i. e., the thich rope thereof
comes fat and in good condition, his Jt. becomes
(TA,) that is also caaed 53, (S, TA,) consistint
apparent, (yam p. 155,) as also tj .. and '3l.; t;J. Beads made of silver, lie pearl; (8 ;)
of [a number of] ropes put together: (S:) and
(,) or this last denotes a higher degree of beauty
? IL.4. also signifies [the same; or] a thick rope, things in the form of pearls, of silmwr; ( ;) one
thano .g, , 8gh,) and has no broken pl., of which is called Ail., (S, K,) pl. 6i;.:
.5 , because consisting ofmany strands put together;
(TA,) and J~q, . (TA,) Beautiful, goodly, pL _Xl94; (Zj,TA;) (Har p. 181:) or pearls (I, TA) themselves:
which Mujfihid explains
comely, or pleaiwj, (;, M, Mgh, 1,) in person,
as meaning the ropes of bridges; but I 'Ab, as (TA:) or the first is the proper meaning, and
(M, j,) and good in action, or actions, or beha.
the ropes of ships, put together so as to be lihe this is metaphorical: (EM p. 161:) [said to be]
viour, (M, TA,) or also in moral character:
the waists of men [in thickness]. (TA.) In all a Persian word, arabicized. (TA.) Also A kind
(]:) [like the Greek xaAX, the Latin pulcher, the of belt (U;i*") roten of leather, in which are
forms mentioned above, except the last (Jkt),
the French bea, &c.; and so j6.:]
or elegant, the word is read in the phrase [in the Kur vii. 38], beads of eery colour, worn by a woman at a
or pretty; i. c., delicately, or minutely, beautiful:
(Mhb:) [or characterized by much goodness, or
- - - 4,. <_~
j... [Until the cablee t1. [q. v.]: or silvered beads. (X.)
beauty or goodlines or comeliness, in his mnind, or shall enter into the eye of the needle]: (;, TA:)
in hit person, or in his actions or behlaviour; and I 'Ab reads aJ , (S, TA,) and so do 'Alee and
also characterizedby much goodness communicated many others: l.q is pl. [or rather coll. 6en. n.] Q. 1. ;, (T, A, ],) inf. n. *, (A,) Be
from him to others: see j~:] pl. of the first of ALO, a strand of a thick rope; or, accord. to collected together (T, A, ) a thing, (TA,) or
51;n: (TA:) fem. L .,(., Mgh, Msb, 1,) IJ, pl. of -jL [q. v.]: the first is explained by earth, or dust, (T, A, TA,) one part upon another.
applied to a woman; (S, Mgh, MOb;) as also Fr as meaning ropes put toyether; but Aboo- (T, TA.) -...,E- 1 j. , (0, Myh, ],) inf. n. as
V ,".q, (Ks, S,1],) [said to be] an instance of [the TTalib thinks that he meant Vtj, without tesh- above, (S,) He collected the earth, or dut, over
measure] `,W having no [niasc. of the mcasure] deed. (TA.) ~_ theits grave, (., Myb, 9,) not plastering it with
1 ` C1 , (S 1s,) thoug,ht
clay, or mud, (,]V,) nor making it even, or levl.
J!I; (TA;) [but see above;] or this is applied to by IDrd to be not Arabic, (TA,) and tj;JI,
any female us signifyingr perJect, or complete, in (IK,) but IDrd dotubts its correctness, The calcu- (TA.) -- 'tJ] He took the main part of
body. (Ibn-'Abbitd,].) It is said in a trad., d!i"1 lation by means of the letters 1,+o, , 4c. (TA.)
the household-goods, or commodities: and in like
jl_J ~ ,Jc. manner the verb is used in relation to plants, or
Verily God is comely in
Jl*" An owvner, or an attendant, of a camel herbage. (Kitib el-A4d&d, TA.)_ - .. _
ded,, (TA,) or an Abundant leatonwer of good
or camels: (KL,,TA:0 [see also e1_:]) and
things: ]ie loveth those who are of tlhe like cha- l .Jl, (Ks, S, .K,) or dJ, (Lth, TA,) or 9], (AZ,
racter. (E]r-Rdglhib,TA.) And you say, --. ;iJl ownners, or attendants, of camel*; (g,g, TA,) He acquainted him with a part of the
.*Jl [lie treated him woith comely, or pleasing, TA;) similar to and ,jtm; (S, TA;) as news, or story, and concealed what he desired, or
behaviour.]. (TA.) And ,Je4,,' A.._ [Ile the former is to ;LZ. (TA:) [See an ex. of the meant: (Ks, S, I :) or he acquaintedhim nith a
coazed him, or wheelked lim, 'irth comely, or latter in a verse cited voce Ill.] part of the news, or story, incorrectly, or not in
pleating, belaviouror peech]. (ISd, g. [See 3.]) the proper manner, and omitted what he desired,
i;:~.: see J. or rnant: (Lth, TA:) or he acquaintedhim with
-... Ji ,;{ [The kind of plants called] Jl.;
a mall portion thereof, omitting most of what
because they embellish by their presenee, and j.,4. [act. part. n. ofJ. . And also part. n.
was necessaryfor him to know, and relating it in
render good, the seasoning of food; or because of 4]. The Arabs say, *._ S a manner different from the proper nay: (AZ,
they take away the J*., i.e., the grease of the [Become beautiful, &c., if thou be becoming
beau- TA:) and accord. to the Kitib cl-Add&d of
flesh-meat, and dry up the food. (.lar p. 227.) tif4l, &c.]: but when they mean the quality Abu-t-Teiyib the Lexicologist, it seems to have a
o. -*-
JJL*.: see the next paragraph. [alone], they say, J .13 [Verily he is beau- contr. signification; for he says that a ,
tiful, &C.]. (Lh,TA.) A man posseng a ..,Jl means, I acquainted thu with tithe main
: see J,.: -and ~cAlso A part of the nws, or story. (TA.)
,1 [or he-camel]. (TA. [See also JL.])-
herd, or distinct number, of camels; ( ;) men-
A herd, or distinct number, of camels, (S, ,,*
tioned before as a pl. of J.4 [q. v.]: (TA:) or, TA,) mnale andfemales, Q. 2. L ".V~ He held up his head wnith an
(TA,) with their pastors asumption of superiority
of he-camds among which is no he-camd; as over us; domineered
and their owner: (S, ,TA: [also said in the
also t. and t*AJt.; ( ;) but this is oon- kC to be a pl. of over us; or ecalted himslf abowe us. (TA.)
4: in the CJI, iltil is
todictory to a saying of ISk [respecting JI..], erroneously ;I [originally inf. n. of ]: see the
put for 1 .Jl:]) or a word formed to
mentioned above [voce J.;.; where all these denote a pl., meaning camels, (yam pp. 122 next paragraph.
three words are said to be pls. of ,]: (TA:) 490,) males and females; (Id p. 122;) derived (not which is a form of the word
and also hors: pl. jl;, which is extr. [as a from ; (Id. p. 490;) like Ji (Id. ib. and mentioned by Et-TilimsAnee, MF) A quantity
pl.; though, in relation to a,., it may be a TA) from , (yam p. 490,) and Jl [from of sand riting above what is around it, (., Myb,
coil. gen. n., forming its n. un. with 3]. (AA, 1.) 4>]. (TA. ).AlsoA great tribe. (.kHeyth,]C.) 1g,) and collect'd together; (S;) as also with
J?;': see what next precedes. ;; (L;) so callSd from its abundance and height:
[More, and most, J,.g., or beautiful, (Mb :) or a large quantity of sand, eaped up,
tlee A number of gazells together: and of and extensive: (Lth, TA:) and Vwith 3, sand
pi~eon. (Ibn-'Abbaid, ].) compacted together, and eatending in an oblong
a- j4 [pas. part. n. of 4, q. v. - Also, form upon the smrface of the earth. (TA.).._
o;Lq. applied to a man, (., Myb, ],) Large applied to a phrase or the like,] properly, In- The generality, or main
part, of men, or people:
in make: (8, Mqb:) or tall in body: (Myb:) or cluding, or implying, a number of things, many (S, A, ] :) and the emint,
elvated, or noble, of
firm [m' make], (i,) or big in limbs, complete in and unexplained: (Er-RAghib, TA:) as used by them: (TA:)
and a great number of ~ ::pe
46r [Boox I.

(Mqb:) pl. #t..; (A, Mqb;) which signifies by 4a 5 or by ;e.; poscwed by a devil or senses, are app. inf. nas.: (see 1:)] the last, t,.,
also collective bodies of men. (TA.) You say, Ij demon; (see Bd li. 39;) and hence meaning also signifies night [itself]: (15:) or [so in copies
to tho TA, but in the CIV
J JI j T~his is the saying of the generality, bereft of reason; or tnad, insane, unsoundl in of the K, accord.
"and,"] the dense black darknes of night: (,
or main part. (A.)..The generality; the greater, mind or intellect, or wranting therein: the verbs
main, or chief, part; the mnain body, main, gross, may generally be rendered he wvas, or became, 1K:) aiid *V , the veiling, or concealing, or
nass, or bulk; of anything; (1;) as also V~. possessed; or mad, or insane]. (S, Mgb, .) protecting, darkness of nigrht (ISk, ..)- Con-
(W 95.) Also, (K,) or * ;., (TA,) A .. j,l -., (S, A, TA,) inf. n. y'., (TA,) cenlinent: so in the phrase, y i
noble, or high-born, wtuoman. (J, TA.) t Ttheflie made much buzring: ($:) or made a Thlere is no concealment vith this thing. (4,
gladsome buzzing in a meadow. (A, TA.)- TA One of the Hudhalees says,
;" t.: see ;~, in three places. ..'I ;', inf. n. ;, IThe herbage became
Sj?.sr An intoxicating beverage: (AO,1K:) tall, and tangled, or luxuriant, or abandant and
dense, and putforth its flowets or blossonms: (., [And thiere is no concealment ,iiith vehement
or [beveraye of the hind called] cij made of
TA:) or became thick and tall and full-growsn, /hatred and the lookiny ngith aversion]. (TA.)
grapes, that is three years old: (1:) or i. q. = [The genii; and sometimes the angels;] ac-
and blossomned. (M, TA.) And ,.,j;l -,
;(A ;) which is expressedjice [of grapes] cord. to some, the spiritual beiigs that ure con-
(Fr, 1,) inf. n. .t, (1,): The land produced cealed from the senaes, or thtat conceal themtelvers
cooked (Mgh voce , and TA) so as to be
pleasing herbage or plants: (Fr, TA:) or put from the senses; all of snich beinys; (Er-Ughlib,
reduced to one third, (Mgh,) snlch as is lawful to forth its.flowers and bloutosu; as also .. .
to (1, TA.) TA;) the opposite of ' ; (S, Mgh, Meb,Er-
be drunk: (TA:) or the bevr'age called .-
llRtighib, TA;) thus comprising the angels; all of
which what has gone fiono it has been restored, 2: se 4.
and which is then cooked, and put into vessels, these bcing ;.; (Er-RIlhlih, TA ;) thus called
4: sec 1, in four places: = and see 8. = Also because they are feared hut not seen: (.:) or,
andl beconmes very potent: (AHln, and Mgh ubi
".1 He (God) caused him to be, or beconme, accordtl. to others, certain of the spiritual beings;
sulpra, and TA:) or juice of grapes cookhed until
hualy of it is gone and half remnaim: (KL:) called '~. [originally signifying possessed bya , for the spiritual beings are of tlhree kinds; tho
SJ,v~ because used by most men. (TA.) or by ;.; and hence generally meaning bereft good being the angels; and the evil being the
of reason; or madt, insane, unsound in mind or devils (Om.e:l); and the middle kind, among
pke Large, big, bulky, or corpulent. (TA.) intellect, or nwanting therein]. (~, Msb, g.) [And nwhom are good and evil, being the 4.t; as is
whoever, or whatever, be the shown hy the first twelve versen of clh. lxxii. of
;. A she-camel compact in make; (K;) so, vulgarly, * _,
agent.] - ,. I.. [llo,v mad, or insane, &c., is the lur: (Er-PI ghlib, TA:) or it here means
s though she were a JV~ of sand. (TA.)
he!] is anomalous, (Th, $,) being formed from a intelligent inviiblc bodies, predominantly of the
fiery, or of the aerial, quality: or a peciae of
verb of the pass. form, namely, 4; (Th, TA ;)
souls, or spirits, diested of bodie : or human
for of the ,., one shonld not say, 4,0.l Gi; souls sqeparate from their bodies: (B(.1 :) or the
1. -:,., (, Mgh,l,,) aor. ', (1Vgh, TA,) inf. n. nor of the J li should one say, .Ii: (S:) are the angels [exelusively]; (I ;) these
veiled, concealed, hid, covered, or Sb says that the verb of wonder is used in tllis
OI*, (TA,) It being so called in the Time of Ignoranee, hecause
protected, him; (., Mgh, 1K;) said of the night; (., case became it denotes want of intellect [which they were concealed, or becanse they concealed
., (., Myb, ],) aor. , (., Msb,) admits
of degrees]. (TA.)- '~. . also significs themselves, from the eyes: so, accord. to some,
1V;) analso sa
'~ L. j; [app. meaning He fell into, or in the Kur [xviii. 48], where it is said that Iblecs
inf. n. O , (a,) or n-, (1K,) or both; (TA;) upon, a place containing, or abounding wvith, was of the q: and so, as some say, in the Ikur
so in the ]1ur vi. 76, meaning it veiled him, con-
cealed him, or covered him, with its darkness; J1] (TA.) [vi. 100], where it is said that they called the
(B!;) and t41: (, Mgb, 1:) or this last partners of God: (TA:) but some reject the
5: see 1, in two places....c'.& 3, and
signifies he, or it, made, or prepared,.for him, or explanation in the K, because the angels were
'Hl+, (4, K,) and *t J, (S,) Ile feigned created of light, and the 'c. of fire; and the
gave him, that which should fveil him, conceal
him, &c.: accord. to Er-Raghib, the primary himself . '4 [i. e. posessed by a S'.i, or by former do not propagate their kind, nor are they
signification of an is the veiling, or concealing, -; and hence generally meaning bereft of to be described as males and females; contrary to
reason; or mad, insane, &c.;] to him; (S, g ;) the case of the ,t; wherefore it is generally
&c.,from the ense. (TA.) And C j~.means
not being really so. (TA.) said that in the phrase [in the 15ur xviii. 48,
It (anything) was oveiled, concealed, or hidden,
f'om him. (1.) - He concealed it; namely, a 6. ejtR and : sce
-j41: _and see also 5. above mentioned] &q?JI '. '. 'I01, what
dlead body; s also t ..: (., TA:) or the is excepted is disunited in kind from that from
8. 1, (accord. to the C,) or I (accord. which the exception is made, or that Iblees had
latter, he wr2pped it in gra~-clothing: (Q:)and
to the 1K,) He ,was, or became, veiled, concealed,
he b%ied it. (TA.) And Sj 1 adopted the displositions of the '* : (Mr",TA:)
hididen, covered, or protected, or he veiled, con-
I concealed the thing in my bosom. (8.) And cecded, hid, covered, or protected, himself,(, ](,) or, as some say, the S. were a species of the
lo3s V .I., (Ps,) or l4e, (g,) said of a .from him, or it; (]1 ;) as also .. l. (S, angels, wvho were the guardiansof the earth and
woman, (.,) or a pregnant femrale, (1.,) She con- 1.) You say, :.t;_ 1IHe was, or became, of the gardens of Paradise: (TA:) * ';., also,
cealed [or enveloped in her womb a child, or veiled, &c., or Lse veiled himself, &c., by a thing signifies the same as e;,: (.8, Mb,1:) so in
an embryo, or a foetu], (TA.) f., acor. , n,hereby he was veiled, &c. (-.) the last verse of the gur: (S:) in the ]ur
inf. n. cm-, It (an embryo, or a foetus,) was con- 10: see 8, in two places:-and see also 1. xxxvii. 158 meaning the angdes, whom certain of
cealed in the womb. (I.) -. Also, [inf. n., pro- i;'! is also syn. with .;,,.!; (S, ;) the Arabs worshipped; (TA;) and whom they
called the daughters of God: (Fr, TA:) a singlo
bably, and and t..al , explained '. I1meaning ijla..1, i. e. He excited him to
individual of the am. is called fem, with
below,] It (the night) wras, or became, dark. mirth,joy, gladness, or sport. (TK.)
(OGalid on the authority of Ibn-Maroof.) 3 :] (S, TA:) and I,, also, is syn. with jc.:
o. The darkness of night; as also 9; and
'oq-, ($, Myb, 1,) inf. n. ($, 1) a,.and 4 (Msb :) or tAJI means thefather of the ~; (.8,
ft$L., (.,TA,) the last [written in the C]5 O t
($) and .; (and nd t , and '
C* , Mgh,TA;) [i. e. any father of jo.; for] the pl. is
but it is] with fet-h: (TA:) or all signify its
and (1 ;) H*;g.;e (a man, as, or intense darkness: (TA:) or all, the confusedness Olu, like Otia. pl. of L`L.: (8, TA :) so says
bawam,, &, [uriginally signifying possessed of the darkness of night: (K:) [all, in these El-l5asan: it is said in the T, on the authority of
BooK I.] 4103

AA, that the $. is, orare, of the .: (TA:) or times concealing tree: (Er-Righib,TA:) and things in memory: (M,TA:) or its f.; [L e.
palm-tree: (S :) or taU palm-trees: (Mgh:) or the heart's core, or the mind, or understalnd-
C~n. is a quui-pl. n. of XO-; (M, I ;) like .1.- shadoming trees; because of the tangling, or
ing, or intellect]; (s;) which is more deeply
and >t: (M, TA:) so in the lur Iv. 5i6 and 74: luxuriousness of their branches; as though con- hidden: (TA:) and (sometimes, TA) the .aoul,
in reading the pasage in the lIur lv. 39, 'Amr Ibn- cealing at once what is beneath them: then a or spirit; (1Drd, 1 ;) because the body conceals
'Obe?d pronounced it iJq.: (TA:) it is related :..t ; because of its dense and shadowing trees: it: (IDrd, TA:) pI. ,ijLl.6.)(IJ, You say,
that there were certain creatures called the X 1.., (Bd in ii. 23:) or a l: -of palms and other
,jAil &d 4L~. i Lt [His heart does not rest
who were upon tie earth, and who acted corruptly trees, dense, and shadowing by the tangling, or
ther in, and shed blood, wherefore God sent angels luxuriousnes, and denseness, of their branches; in its place by reason of fright]. (TA.)-A
who banishedI them from the earth; and it is said as though it were originally the inf. n. of un. of secret and bad action. (TA. [Before the word
that these angels became the inhabitants of the d;, and meaning "a single act of veiling " or rendered "secret" is another epithet, which is
earth after them. (7,j,TA.) ,. Xv j "concealing" &c.: (Ksh ib.:) then, with the illegible.])
[Such a one pased the night a guest of '*.] article Jl, [Paradije,]the abode of recompense; jt;.: see ~ ~ and what here next follows.
means, in a desolate place, in which oas no one because of the Oiv._ therein; (Ksh and'Bdlib.;) 3
that might cheer him by his society or converse. or because the various delights prepared therein jj,a.: see o,, first sentence, in two places.
(TA.) The saying of Moosd Ibn-Jibir, for mankind are concealed in the present state of ~Also, inf. n. of '; (8, K ;) [originally sig-
existence: (Bd ib.:) [and] hence ,;l...JI [the nifying A state of posession by a "' , or by -. ;
* $ y J i j A i Ls p 5
gardens of Paradise], (so in a copy of the S,) or diabolical,or demoniacal, pousesion; and hence
may mean And my companions, w/ho were like
:i0 ztl; [the gardens of continual abode]: '(so meaning] lou of reason; or madnes, insanity, or
th.e O., did not flee when I came to them and or
in another copy of the 1:) [for] the pl. of l;. unsoundnes in mind or intellect; (lMgh;)
ivformed them, nor was my tongue, that is lilte intellect: (Sb, TA :) [it may gene-
and . ' (Msb, TA) deficiency of
, file, deprived of its sharp edge: or by hiis is O . (Mgh, Mgb, 1) rally be rendered possession, or intanity:] ,..*
, he means his feimiliar ,", such as were and -i, but this last is strange. (MF,TA.)
is a contraction thereof; (f, .;) or accord. to
userted to aid poets when difficulties befell them; [Dim. t?':., vulgarly pronounced ;, and some, an original form: (MF, TA:) and tV ,
and by his , his tongue: (HIum p. 182 [where applied to A garden; as though it were a little
other explanations arc proposed; but they are also, (an in n. and a simple subst., Q,) signifies
Paradise.] the same as , .: (, Msb, :) as also *t..,
far-fetched]:) or by his Z.# he means his heart;
and by his p., his tonyue. (S.) The Arabs a.. A thing by rohich a person is veiled, con- (., ],) and *', but this last is vulgar. (TA.)
liken a man who is sharl ) and cffective in affairs cealed, hidden, covered, or protected : an arm, or -Also Persistencein evil; and pursuance of a
to a ~q and a CUe,: and hence they said, armour, with wrhich one protects himself: (.:) theadlong, or rash, course. (tyam p. 14.)
anything protective: (s :) or coats of mail, and
; ,, meaning t'ie became weak and abject. any defnnrve, or protective, arm or armour: *. Anything veiled, concealed, hidden, or
(],am ubi suprk.)-The greater, main, or chief, comered: (':) applied as an epithet even to
(TA :) pl. ';.. (S.) A piece of cloth which
part, or the main body/, or bulk, of men, or of' a woman wears, covering thefore and hind parts rancour, or malice. (TA.) -Buried; depositedl
mankind; as also * i'C'; (K ;) because he of her.iead, but not the tmiddle of it, and covering in a grave. (IDrd, ..) -An embryo; afcettu;
who emtcrs among thel blexconmes concealed by the face, and the two sides of the hosom, (I,) or, the ch/ild, or young, in the belly; (., Msb, ]i;)
them: (TA :) or the latter menas the general accord. to the M, the ornaments [~j instead of [i. e.,] in the womb: (Mgh:) pl. L4 (M,Mhb,
assemblage, or collective body, of men: (IAar, .] of the bosom, (TA,) and having twao eyJe- p) and X . (ISd, 1.)- And the former of
,* TA:) or what veils, coneals, corers, or pro-
tects, pne, of a thing. (AA, TA.)-: The flowers, holes, like the ^@. (s.) these pls., Waters chohed up with earth. (TA.)
.1 a 3* 'p See also . -- ilso The vulva. (TA.)
or blossoms, of plants or herbage. (IS, TA.). Lq: see its syn. X : =: and i, .
:The prime, orfirst part, of youth: (], g, TA:)
or the sharpness, or vigorousn~, and briskness, cpd4 A grave; (, g;) because it conceals LL;4: aee -.
livelines, or sprightlimne, thereof. (TA.) You the dead: (TA:) and so * ,., of the measure Lc;. , accord. to the copies of tie l~, but in the
say, 4 t ji 1 l : That mas in the jeah in the sense of the measure j3i. (Er-
M t -, (TA,).A [garment of the hind called]
prime, or first part, of his youth. (., TA.) And Righib,TA.) Grave-clothing; (IK;) for the
jJJ~ * 4U1 tI 1 iU do that thing same reason. (TA.) -A garment that conceals
j., ('if,TA,) of a roundform, (TA,) like the
in the time of the first and freshd state of that. the body. (TA.) [See also dm1..] A dead tC. C., TA,) worn by women: (TA:) in
a body; (S, ;) because concealed in the grave; the T, said to be certain well-known garments.
(, TA.) a may also signify t The madness,
the word being of the measure jWi in the sense (TA.)
or insanity, of exultation, or of excessive exulta-
-: w. .u- -- -ii
of the measure _La, like ,iA in the sense of
tion. (TA.) And one says, jU iWI ah.-.: see Lq., last sentence.
4.,*l, meaning t Fear thou the sie-camel, for Wk;. (TA.)
. Of, or relating to, the , or La.. (K.)
se iU in hur eil temnper on the occasion of her . .: see i 3.
i. q. .1 [app. See,. In the saying,
bringing forth. (TA.) -Also
a . q.: see Co, first sentence, in two places;
, as meaning t Seriousnes, or earnstness]; ; and see the same in the latter part of the . * J LL. e ')
because it is a thing that is an accompaniment of paragraph. - Also A garment: (] :) or a gar-
thought, or reflection, and is concealed by the ment that conceals one; as in the saying, pi --
heart. (TA.)
t.' 41 * [There is not upon me a garment [Mercy on thee! 0 Jiinneeye, ,(4r' 'being for
a. A [garde, such as is called] ejt : (, that conceals me save rhat thou s,eet]. (S.) [See 'a.,) doth it appearfit to thee tit ,thAokouldt
Mgh:) or a garden, or walled garden, (a ., ,also t,..]--The.M.- [or surrounding adjuncts, reriore my ~ason?for the time hath come for
Mob, ]J,) of tree, or of palm-tree, (Msb,) or or appertenancesand conveniences,] (I, TA) of a thee to do so], a woman resembling a ;. is
of palm and other trees: ( :) or only if con- house; because concealing the house. (TA.) meant, either because of her beauty, or in her
taining palm-tree and grapevines; otherwise, The interiorof a thing that one does not see; changeablenes. (TA.)- The tallnes, or length
if containing trees, called M~.i.: (Aboo-'Alee (;) because concealed from the eye. (TA.).. and height, of a camel's hump. (TA.)
in the Tedhkireb,TA:) or any 1.q havig The heart; (T, S, M, Msb, ];) because con-
tre by which the ground is conceabed: and some- cealed in the bosom; (T, M;) or because it holds ; . fem. of q.,q. v.] ~See also '4.
464 [Boox I.
and &4 and t La
nd (Q, ) ancd : seeOO, otiq.
Uiq. and (TA.) - Also t;. A ewe, or a
2.i (I) and (as some say, TA) she-goat, having her horns bending backnwards.;
os[Peossed by a or by ;om, or by
() are sings. of eb;.1, which signifies Tht a devil, or demon; a demoniac: (Esh-Sheybinee,
(Esh-Sheybanee, V ;) and, so TL'. (TA in at.
(see Bd li. 39:)
bones of the breast: (t, V:) or the heads of th c and hence meaning bereft of reason; or mad, )..
ri of men and of others: (M, TA:) or tha insanes, unound in mind or intellUect, or wanting
eztremities of the ribs, newt the sternum. (T, TA.: therein: (see 1:L" A shield: (.,1:) so called hecause of
, :) it may generally be ren- its being humped, (1, TA, [in some copies of the
dered possesed; or mad, or insane:] part. n. of
former of which, for d$J._., we find j;i.. 9
see what next precedes. bF: (Msb:) or anomalously used as pass. part. n. &, i. e. having no piece of iron in it,]) and on
of ($,* X(,l:
, TA:) one should not may account of its bending form. (TA.)
C;,.: see Co.. Also A elwhite serpent. : .: (..A.:) [p]. CPJ 0.
Z3;_ *-. * ,
1'... A grave. (s.) [App. so called because
(Lth, ., Mb :) or a small white serpent: (Mgh: ) A taU palm-tree: (Q, ,TA:) pl. 9 .
die grave of an Arab of dithe desert generally has
or a great serpent: (Zj,TA:) or a species oJf (3,TA.) And X ~ . t A plant, or haerbage, a small oblong humped mound raised over it.]
serpent (AA, M, ]O)having black-bordered eyes , tat is tangled, or luxuriant, or abundant and
(M, !,) inclining to yelowm, (M, TA,) harmlte: dens, in part, and strong. (TA.)
And e;l
and abounding in hounse: (M,V :) pi. OI , _ij; tLand producin mnuch herbage, that has
(AA, TA,) or o.-. (TA.) not been depastured. (TA. [See also what next 1.
1. Ie brohe his sidle: (., ] :) or Ae hit,
follows.]) or hurt, his side. (TA.) [The aor. of the verb in
IiS dl.~ i.q. i lI [IBecause tha this senso is probably t, and the in n., accord.
thou art tiaus]; (9, ;) from whicil it is con. a* ej 1Land haoing muchk herbage, so to the TI, is .]....I led kim by his aide;
tracted by suppressing the J and I, and trans that it esrxtends in every way. (V, TA.) (, A,*A," Msb, ;) namely, a horse (9, A, Myb,
ferring the kesrch of the J to the ~. (l.) A TA) or dithe like, (., A,) and a calitive. ($, TA.)
jiq~ and C*Z%: see art. ;O_.
loet says, In this Csenase, its nor. is J, (A, Mgb, TA,) and
* ,I s G .1 ; a the inf. n. . (, A, Meb, I~) and q..
[Because that thou art in mny estimation the
(I.) IHence,
goodlicst of all mankind]. (v.) The X is omitted 1. Ael& L+, (As, S, L, ]g,) aor.:t, inf. n. :p&, wliichwhich is forbidden (., A, TA) in a trad., [in

as in the phrue i ;i for 'f

(AV, *,) Hle bent down over, orfell prostrate whicli
. (Ks, upon, him, or it; (As, S, L, 15;) namely, a man, relafing
which it is said, J. jj . (A, TA) ',]
relating to horse-racing and to [the collecting of]
TA.) (Th, L,) as one does in speaking to another [who the poor-rate, (TA,) means [in the former case]
is sitting], (Th,) or to shield or protect another A man'slcadiug, flf the aide of a horse that he
C.tej [an inf. n. used as a simple subst.,] from
blows, (L,) and as a woman does over a rides in a race, another horse, (9, A, ],) without
Ihgat is said by thie jp [or genii]: or, accord. child; (TA;) or a horse, maid when a man has a ritler,
(TA,) anal n,en the horse that he rides
to Es-Sukkarce, strange, utcouth speech or lan- bent down to preserve himself [from an arrow has had becone languid an,d neak, (K,) or wchen he
guge, di.ficult to be understood. (TA.) &c.]; or a thing; (S;) as also b aor. , fears that he 7ill not outstrir upotn it, (.,) or
1. .. .. irhen
wrhen he drans near to tite goal, (A;) tran]Jr,r'ing
Od.: see . inf.n. L*.; (15,TA; [in the Cg, erroneously, himself himwlf to the other, (S, A, K,) in o,rder that he
t;. ;]) as also * 14, (A, L,B,) likewise said may outstrip: (A :) and in r,laition
ir,_ A shield; (., Mgh, Myb, ]1;) because of a man bending over another to to thc poor-
shield or pro- rate,
mte, it means the c.llertfors alighltinty in the most
the ow,ler conceals, or protects, himself with it; tect the latter; (L, TA;)
and VtL.., and t i4j, remote of t phts he ,,hece cc tlh e portion appointed
(MAgh, MI, ;) as also t."a (Lb, g) and tc . (S, 1,) and t Li1. (TA.)-.j.- .4 foo. the pooro-r,tt is t, be collected, and then
lie for
an,d t &i.: (15:) pl. Cl_q.. ($, Msb.) Sb held persered, or rasfatigued and or.tlcp.iptg
ortlcrint thatt the o .lsr
lite li;he [that contitute
slow, (Al, [which
it to be of the measure Ju, from ~; that p'ortion] shtall be ld', to him: 01o'the yoinq of
but his has these two different meanings,]) and bent dowrn,
opillion is opposed by the faict that the word is of in his running. the owner qf! tlhc io'oplrty !o a dtistace, [oraside,
(T,TA.) =: , aor. ,(Lth, or nr out of the wa'/,] with his ;,ropserty, so that the
the form which is significant of an instrument,
by the doubling of the Oi, and by the syns. jOL.. ,>)inf . Lnp., (Lth, S,) said of a man, (S,) lIc collector it obligled to go to a distance in quest of
had a bendlingfornydarl of the tuppecr part oJ' his it. it. (g. See morc in art. .-J., first paragraph.)
anid bi4. (MF, TA.) It is Mid in a trad., that
back over his breast: (Lth, 1:) or oas htunip- - lie lle placed, or put, at a distance, or he put,
the luiad [of a thief] shall not he cut off save for
backed: (~:) or he had a bent and humped )r or sent, arvay, or Jar anay, or Jir off, or he
the value of a ; which in the time of the ,.emovefifar
removefid far away, alienated, or estranged, him,
Prophet was a dcen6r, or ten dirhems; for this is bach: but Lth denies that L. significs the being )r or it; (1;) as thoulh Ihe put him, or it, aside,
the lowest amount for which that punishment is humpbacked. (TA.) [See also 41.] or as thougl he walked aside; as also .t14..
to be inflictedl. (Mgh.) You say, j j- :TA.) And lie pushied, thrust, or dlrove, him, or
[lIe turnaed his shield], meaning HIe dropped g, away, naside, or to a distance. (I~, TA.) And
shamlae, and did wviat he plean.ed: or he becanme ;;s, 4,., (g, (S, K,') or .JI, (Fr, Zj, M.b,)
nbsolute master of his qa..ir, or case. (15,ITA.) ~~~~8 ) Lor.
nor. ; (M, Msb,
~~~~~~~~~~~a K;) and t ".-, (Fr, Zj, , A,
,.And I 3:.iJ
.,;i [I tur,ned torards him gfb,
Myb, 1,)but this has an intaensive signification;
the outer aide of the shield], meaning tI became 41, applied to a man, (S,) aving a bending ( Mybout;) and t
Myb;) ; (Fr,.. Zj, A, i ;) le put
hostile to him after reconciliation. (]Iar p. 205.) forwardl of the upper part of the back over the aiside, or aw/ay, or he wrarded oj#;from him, (8,)
- Also A [woman's ornament such as is com- brcast: (Lth, K:) or humpb/ackcd: (S:) or oir he removedfrom him, (9, M h, K,) or removed
haing a bent and humped bac; but see what Jrar far from hilm, (MRb, .,) the thing, (9, I,) or
mionly caUed] tC. (Az, g.)
Lth says, voce din: (TA:) or i. q. li,l and cvil. (Fr, Zj, A, Mgb.) It is saidl in the l]ur
., . ,.... a5 .,-- .
1;q.* A place in wrhich one is veiled, concealed, JOl., mceaning a man having a bending in his [xiv. it;owner
38], .w)1 O!I 0. Lo ~'.1 [And
hidlden, coered, or protected; or in which one breast totards his back: (AA, TA:) accord,. to p,ut Thou awayfromn me and my sons our wor-
veils, conceals, hides, covers, or protects, himself. Ay, applied to him who has been stnaigit in the ahipping sent, of idols], (,) or, accord. to one reading,
($.)._A land having in it '~::(9:) or abound- back and has then been affected witl what is V l'as 1J. (TA.) - He yearned towards, longed
im,,,w,ith 'q. (15.)m See also ;: . (g.
termed L(: it is also applied to an ostrich: fem. Jror, for, or Ikup-tioit]
desired, himn, or it. (1!, TA.) ~.11 ",

M which,
BooK I.] 465
aor. ', [lile rent aside, apart, out of the way, to nor had his Aeep or goats. (TA.) Hence, lt; 5: see 1: land 3, in twro places: -and 4.
a distance, orfar aavy, with him, or it: or, like ,TO4 [A year of little, or no, milk]. (S, TA.)
*d;4,in a sense explained above,] he placed, or 6: } see3.
-_ J1 ; Tlhe camel., with the exception of 8:)
put, at a distance, or he put, or sent, awray, or
one or two, brought forth no young. (AZ, TA.) 10: see 4.
far awray, or far o; him, or it. (V, TA.)_
The camels did not conceive, so as to have milk.
4 J uyu (S, w) aor. ,inf n. t; (TA.)l ~i. [as an inf. n. of which the verb, r,,~, a word of well-known meaning; (;)
(i;) and t '; (so, app., in the TA;) lIe if it have one in any of the following The side, or half, or lateral half, syn. ,, (A,
senses, is
alig/hted, or descended and abode, or settled, as a
., ] also signifies A bending, or curving, and g,) of a man &c.; as also V,1.i and t'.:
stranger, among the sons of such a one. (S, V,*
tension [of the sinews] (j 3 ), of the hind leg of (K :) or the part of a man that is beneath the
TA.) One says, 1itl -- j .~ .i 1 [E, a horse; which is a quality approved:
($, 1 :) arm-pit, extending to the flank; as also t ,
cdllent are the people, they,] to the ncighbour who or, accord. to AO, a turning aside of his fore
because it is the side of the person: (Mb :) pl.
is a stranger. (S. [See also ,..]) And ' legs in raising them and putting them dona: but (of the first, Msb) ;q. (Meb, O) and [of the
i4t U;--Do not thou by any means accord. to As, it is in the hind legs, and ;_ 3 is same, a pL of pauc.,] ,i (Clg) and [of ,1'.]
refuse me because of being remote (?, A, TA) in in the back-bone and in the fore legs. (TA.)
r1pl (Lh, ISd,tc, but not in the CK) andl
repect of relationship. (A, TA.) [See also Zi;_ [See also 2 in art. a;and see also .] [app. of ~ (like as JUlij is a pl. of Xj) or of
mentioned below as a subst.] - i ;q., (1, (like SJ - -- is pl. of which is ori-
3. 4 uq4, (A, ],) inf. n. 4d.' and ,
A,V,) aor. t, (TA,) inf n. ,.; (1C;) and (I,) He ras, or became, at, or by, his side: (A, ginally in.) or of both these] t4. , (M,
( ,)
~,.t.I; (TA;) Tlhe wind was, or became, such ]5:) and lie walked, or ment, by his side. (A.) which is extr. (M, TA.) [Hence;] -l ;.aj
as is termed ,.e . [i.e. south, or southerly]; ~Also i. q. #,`.t~; (A, ];) i. e. lIe was, or ciw AS.and ejM V Jt1 [I sat by the
(vg;) it blew in the direction of the wind tlhus became, [distant, remote, far off, or aloof, from ,ide of such a ones: both meaning the same. (..)
called: (A, TA:) or the former, (S,) or -; him; or] apartfrom him; or in a part, quarter,
And t ".. 1 JI : [Verily
t he is iJ,flated
(TA,) the wind changed, or veered, so as to become or tract, diferent from that in rehich he (the
other) nw; (TA;) thus bearing two contr. sig- in the ride]: r.J . being here one of tlhose
.,jQ5 (S, TA.) -[And hence, (see '
nifications. (A, V.) 1q.. and * Ltv.3' and words which are used in the sing. senseo though
i(IAar, 151) or ZW jl, (TA,) aor.
* . and t '.. all signify the same, (S, K,) in the pl. form. (Lh, TA.) And JI ;i;
(1] ;) and ., nor.:; (Tl, ~ ;) [inf. n., app., [lit. lie gave him the side; meaning] he wasr, or
i. e. He rwas, or became, distant., remote, far off,
, for the verb is said in the 1] to bo like .~ became, submisive, manageable, easy, or tract-
or aloof, or he nt, or removed, or retired, or
and ;] tIle was, or became, disquieted by withdrew himself, to a distance, or far away, or able, to him. (A.) And .;I J1om lie nwho
vehement desire to see himn, or to meet him. (], far off, or he alienated, or estranged, himself, cleaves to one, keeping by one's side. (1. [Difler-
TA.) ~ ., aor. , (S,) inf. n. ,. (S, 1.,) or he stood, or kept, aloof, from him, or it; he ing from 11 j, q. v. infr.]) And ,.t.il
He (a camel) limped, or haltcld, lby reason of shunned, or avoided, him, or it; as also t 4 , ,.J1, [in the g,ur iv. 40] The travelling-com-
[pain in] his side: ( :) or he had an offection (IO) [and .'?,1J]. You say,AU; l ,..,j.- 1;anion; the comnpanion in a journey: (S, 1:)
resembling ~ [i. c. limping, or halting], (g, [Remove thylself far from the mean, orignoble; or he rmo is near one; or by one's sile : or the
TA,) bnt not the same as this: (TA:) and, (Q,) stand, or heep, alooffrom them; s/un, or avoid, comnpanion in every good affair: or the husband:
or accord. to As, (S,) his lungs clave to his side them]. (A.) And lIe
m per- or the wifc. (TA.) And /a Q.,fi
(S, A,
by reasonof vehement thirst: (., .1 :) or, accord. siWted in removing himself Mgh, Msb, K, e&c.,) with which t','J1
to a distance, or is syn.,
to the Armb of the desert, as ISk says, he became
estranging himself, fromn his family. (S, A, J. (1g,) [and sometimes ,J.I, as will be seen in
bent, or contorted, by reason of vehemence of [In two copies
of the ;, I find ,.,t. here written what follows,] A rell-hnonn disease; (Mgli;)
thirst: (S :) and he (a camel) had a pain in his
with fet-4 to the :; but it is expressly said in [the pleurisy; called by Ilhe first of these three
ide from vehenmence of thirst. (TA.) The epithet
appellations in the present day;] a serere disease,
is t ',; which is applied by Dhu-r-Rummeh the TA to be with kesr.]) -See also 1.
being an inflammatory tumour in the [pleura, or]
to an aDs. (S, TA.) .-- , '; [app. z'.. .] 4. lc;1t: see 1, in the former half of the para- membrane wvithin the ribs: (Msb :) or an uler,
The buchet inclined to one side in consequenc; of graph, in two placeLs- .. , (8, 1Ath, Mgh, or a purulent pustule, that comes within a man's
1 the breahingof one or two of the thongs attaching Msb, 15, &c.,) inf. n. '.l; (IAth, TA;) and side: (S, TA:) it is a severe disease in the side:
it to the cros-bars. (L, TA.)~ ,, and t, ; (IB, 1;) but the former is more com- accord. to El-Hejeree, it is in either silde; avid
and '..4 are syn. with .1 they assert that when it is in the l,ft side, the
in a sense explained mon than the latter; and the latter, than the next
below: see 4. . here following; (IB, TA;) and ., (S, Mb,
Mt patient perishes: accord. to ISh, the ale; wlichll
. lie had, or became affiected
is an ulcer that penetrates into the belly: or tle
by, the disease termned . .1o [or pleurisy]: 1,) linf. n. it4;, agreeably with analogy ;] and
ulcer (a4. and >) that comes fo,th nlithi,;
(, Mglh, Mi.b:) he had a complaint of his side. *;.', aor.;; (L,TA;) and ,,..l, and ;..1, the side, and dischlarges internally; the surffrcr.
(u.) _oo l They were, or became, affected by (15,) and t,,.3; (L,TA;) Herwas, or became, from whtich seldom recovers: he whlo suffers from
the [south, or southerly, wvind called] , . ($, in the state of one who is termed h. ; (S, IAth, it [and dies in consequence], or, as some say, he
A,V1.) And also, [in allusion to the fertilizing Mgh, L, Mqb, 1 ;) i. e., under the obligation of who is afflicted by a complaint of the side (nlso.
effect attributed to the wind so called,] They were, performing a total ablution, by reason of sexual lutely) while warring in the cause of God, is
or becamte, affctted by that wind in thteir cattle. intercourCe and discharge of the semen. (IAth, reckoned a martyr: (TA:) [soldiers in a cam.ni
(L, TA.) TA.) 4 4 ' J, said by I 'Ab, of a man, and paign are notoriously more subject to it tnhan persons
of a garment, and of the ground, (TA,) and in most other circumstances; and it is app. for
2. 44: see l:-and see also 3. e, of water, (Mgh, TA,) means tHe, or it, will this reason that] it is termed iis1'l .15 [the
inf. n. .,,e lie
l, did not send the stallion-camel not become polluted (Mgh, TA) by the touch of disease of the eourageous chiefs]. (A,TA.) jJ
among his she-camels, nor the ram or he-goat him who is t o that one should need total ,4,.I, of whliclh ,j1 I 15 is thle fem., signifies
among his ewnes or she-goats. (5.) _.jlo ablution in consequence of the touching thereof. Having a comnplaint of his side by reason of [tle
'he milk of the people's camels became little: (TA.)- I~.~.I They entered upon [a time in
(S :) or the people's milk ceased; (1, TA;) or which blew] the [south, or southerly,] wind termed diseaseabove mentioned, or what is termed] U I.
bewame little: or the people's camels had no milk: (TA. [See also .])_ A poet says,
v,;.JI.~ (S, A, lj.)- See also 1 in the latter
and Z-. said of a man, his camels had no milh, half of the paragraph. * O f .
Bk. I.
466 [BooK I.
[The people are a aide and the prince is a aide]: fiirJCq . es! ; i L sl U-_ [in the Iuir is one's neighbour, but who belongs to another
(Akh, 9, TA :) as though he reckoned the latter xxxix. 67] means t .j.; , i. e. [ O my grief, people; (T, S, A, Mob, K;) cwho is not of one's
equal to all the people. (TA. [This is cited in family nor of one's lineage; (A;) who is of
or regret, for my negligence, or remissncss,] in
the 1 and TA as though it were an ex. of ." another lineage than he of whom he is a neigh-
respect of that vwhich is the right, or due, of
in the sense here next following: but it seems to bour; (T, TA;) waho is not a relation: (MF:)
God! (A,Bd,TA,) i.e., (Bd,) in respect of
be rather an ex. of this word in the sense first or one who is distant, or remote, in an absolute
obedience to God ! (Bd, Jel:) or, in respect of
explained in the present paragraph.])_ - I. q. sense: (TA:) or the person nvho is not a relation
[the means of attaining] nearness to God! (Fr,
'_U. [A side; meaning a lateral, or an outward TA;) or, nearness to God in Paradise! (IAir, to another, and who comes to him, and asks him
or adjacent, part or portion, region, quarter, or TA:) or, in respect of the nay of God, to which to protect him, and abides nrith him: such has the
tract; or a part, region, quarter, or tract, con- IHe hath called me! i e., the profession of his title to respect that belongs to him as neighbour
sidered with respect to its collocatior.or juxta- unity, and the confession of the prophetic office of the other, and to his protection, and as relying
position or direction, or considered as belonging of Moliammad. (Zj, TA.) The saying of the upon his safeguard and promise. (TA in art.
to a whole; a vtcinage, or neighbourhood]; (S, j^.. [Differing from .1 j'I, q. v. supra.J)
Arabs, aL, C.dW93 al ; &..;i.I1 [may
;) as also v. ($, Myh,1)
Mb and t.;_..
be rendered t Fear God in respect of his (thy It is said in a trad., ..1 l L .. They are
and t (,g) and 4. (S) and brother's) right, or due, and impugn not his the strangers of mankind, or of the people. (TA.)
(L, TA.) It is said tiat the primary signification
honour, or reputation: or] means, accord. to the And in another trad., .. .JU'X ~ 4I1q
of is tho part of the body mentioned in the copies of the ]i, 'i ' [slay him not], or, as in
beginning of this paragraph, and that its use in the mJt vt *4.. U U%ZJW [Re said to a girl,
the L, and in the original draught of the author
sense of 6J.lis metaphorical, as is the case of Is there any news .fromabroad? She ancered,]
[of the K]] U;5 '9 [slay him not clandestinely, It is for a stranger coming from a journey
and jL_.; but a'..U is mentioned in the or on an occasion of inadvertence], from l;ti), [to give such news]. (TA.) And one says, --
Mtb as the primary signification of V,. ; and throw him not into trouble, or trial: (TA :)
9S V
'G. l [He is a person not related to me].
(MF, TA;) though its primary signification ac- or, accord. to some, .cj. means in detracting
cord. to the g and ISd seems to be that first from his reputation, or reviling him. (P, TA. (A.) Also, Vthe same four words, (of which
[See also Freytag's Arab. Prov. i. 240.]) A poet, only the last is mentioned in this sense in the S,)
mentioned. (TA.) You say, V.1. 1. and
cited by IAar, says, That nill not be led; intractable. (g.)._ is
? .4%4. and 9 and t i: - [They ivalked, also an epitihet from 4Lt,J1; (S, Mgh, Myb, ;)
or nent onfoot; on either sidIe of him]. (A,TA. a ) signifying A man under the obligation of per-
And :? - (, L$..
) and- t [0 my tno friends, refrain, and be mindful formning a total ablution, by reason of serial in-
of God in respect of my reputation; (see also tercourse and discharge of the semen: (lAth,
and t A't (L, TA) They n'ent alongjourney-
,.Jl ;)] mcaning, in detractingfrom my repu- TA: [see 4:]) and is used alike as msc. and fem.
itg on either aide of him. (S, L.) And ,.1 (S,Mgh,Mb) and sing. (9,A,Mgh, Mb,]) and
tation, or reoiling me: or, accord. to MF, in my
9 W1L and 9? l Wle K wvere apartfrom them dual (Mob, TA) and pl.; (, A, Mgh, Myb, ] ;)
cams. (TA.) And one says, %:.W te
[on two aide and on one side]. (TA.) And lji being regarded as quasi-coordinate to the clas of
. [They alighted in the side of ,:'. t WVhat didst thou, or Rwhat hast thou inf. ns.; for the inf. n., when used as an epithet,
done, in the case of the thing that I want ? (L, must renain, in form, sing. and masc.: (MF in
the ralley, or in the tracta beside the valley]. (A.)
TA.) art. J :) or one may use the dual form i Z=.;
And t . j,; '9 ej Such a one will not
approachour quarter: ($:) thus accord. to AO; _--: see , I1 p,l: see ;L (K;) and sometimes they used the pl. .,t.
with fet-4 to the ;: IJ, however, says, people ,_. also signifies Short; (1i;) applied to a (S, Mb,sbs ) and ', ($, Mhb,) and the fem.
are wont to say, ,Jj
0 1J4 Li [meaning man. (TA.) pl. CA..; (Meb;) hut not ., (I, TA,)
I am under thy protection and in tlhy quarter]; _.: see -. It is also applied as an applied to a female. (TA.) It is said in a trad.,
but that the correct expression is t A.., with epithet to a wolf, because he pretends to halt. ,4 e k3 '9, meaning [TAe
the O quiescent. (IB, TA.) The Arabs also from guile, or cunning. (L,TA.)-Also A man angels nsill not enter a house, or chamber, or tent,
said, 't . vwho goes aside, or to a distance, from the beaten in which is] one tvho usually neglects the total
2 ai..JI, meaning t The heat is
may, for fear of guests' coming to him for entcr- ablution wvhen under an obligation to perform it
on eith'erside of Snheeyl [or Canopus: i. e., during
tainment. (K, TA.) for the cause above mentioned. (lAth, TA.)
the period next before, and that next after, the
auroral rising of Canopus; which rising began, X_, (El-Firabee, S, A, Msb, K,) which is ".e.: see , in four places: and see
in central Arabia, at the commencement of the sometimes used in the sing. form as pl., and has ._ A,1lso Rietiement, or seceUion, from
era of the Flight, about the 4th of August, others: (K, TA:) and in a trad., in which it is
no fern. form, (TA,) and t.q. and 9..,
O. 8.]: this is the greatest heat. (TA.) One (El-Faribee, 8, Mob, 1],) which is said by Az enjoined, used as meaning retirementfromwonen;
also says, 4q.i, X t~ .I. [meaning They in art. tj to be seldom or never used by the avoiding the sitting by them, and the approachlintg
surrounded him on all hiis sides; lit., on his two Arabs, but is mentioned by him in its proper art., the place that they occupy. (TA.) You say,
sides]; dividing the surrounding parts into two,
but not meaning that any of these remained (Msb,) and t I, (Az, S, Msbr ],) are syn., J3
, JU. A man ,f retirement. (TA.) And

vacant. (Expos. of the exs. cited as testimonies (El-Firnibee, 8, Msb, K,) signifying A stranger; .iO Jlie alighted, or descended and abode, or
by 8b, TA in art. J..) - AbPo, [and V 1 , (K ;) as also : (S:) or a man who is settled, in a place aside, or apart. ($, TA.) And
which is thus used in the L in art. .^., and by distant, or remote: (Msb:) or distant, or remote, . le [sat apart, or] retiredfrom others.
in respect of relationship: (Az and Msb in ex- (A, TA.)_ The state of being a stranger; as
many authors,] A part, or portion, of a thing;
planation of the third and fourth :) [or not a rela- also ta, ..(K [Both are there mentioned as
(L;) the greater, or main, or chief, part or
tion; as will be seen from what follows:] and simple substs.; buit the latter is an in n.: see
portion thereof; most thereof; (L,g;) or agreat
part or portion thereof; much thereof. (L.) t jt4. [as an act. part n.] signifies one alighting, O~
c.4 4.~
; and what next follows it:
Hence, [or perhaps from . in the second of
or descending and abiding, or settling, as a and see also 4.]) Both also signify Remotenes in
the senses assigned to it above, conveying the stranger, among a tribe: ( :) pl. of the first respect of relationship. (TA.) 1Also, a~., A
idea of juxtaposition, and thus of comparison,] ;C.l1, (A,TA,) and of the second .,t., (S, piece of shinfrom the side of a camel, (, L, ],)
~- . j J~.U ul [Thi islittlein com- TA,) and of the fourth $ .. (Msb.) bjJI of wrhich is made a hind of milking vueel (4.),
parison with the magnitude of thy love; or $4t1l [occurring in the Kur iv. 40] (T, ,A, (S, L,) larger than the jl~, but smaller than the
simply, in comparison with thy love]. (TA.) - Msb, 1~) and ..JAI je. (TA) The person who a,q. (L.) ~ And Every kind of plant, (Q,) or
BooK I.] 467
every hind of tree in general, (1K,) that produces fruitful]. (s, TA.) And 11 . [ Our Led by one's side; asalso t $_ and t _ :
[new leaves such as are termed] J~4 in the season neighbourhood, or the tract surrounding us, be- (K1:) or you say tiVq. j4;.., meaning horses
of the . [whichi i may mean either summer or canme affected with drought, or burrenness]. (TA led by the side; the teashdeed denoting application
spring]: (], IK:) or every kind ofplant that pro- from a trad.)i- .oI.J I 4eJJ~j [perhaps a to many objects: (S, TA:) pl. [of tile first, aud
duces leaves in that season without rain: (TA:) mistranscription for .[j l] i A man easy to deal of L'., q. v., or only of this last,] 4.L and
or a name given to many plants, all of them .j with, compliant, or obsequious. (A.) _[. ;J [quasi-lil. n.] ... (K.) One ialking by the
[Ierhlaps meanc;ing, resembling roots, i. e. strag- is also a title often given by writers of letters and
yling, or spreading like roots]; so called because side of another; (A;) [and] so t.;.. (]i.)
the like to any great man to whom others betake Any animal or man that is obedient, tractable, or
less than loare trees and higher than those that themselves, or repair, for protection; and some-
submissive. (S, TA.) You say, t , lie
have no root-stock (i.3j) in the earth; com- times to God; meaning Thle object of recourse;
prising the 5 and ; .o.and Jol.. and g: the refirue; the asylum: similar to ,j l, q. v., became compliant to him. (A.) = See also -.
andjJ~ [so in the TA, but I do not find it elsc- and used in the same manner, i. c., alone, and, Also, applied to a man, [Jl,l'. hlaving a paian
where, anvd think it may be a mistranscription for without the article, prefixed to the name of the in the side; or having the pleurisy; like ... ,,:
lj., of wlichl ij~ (the name of a certain sour persoin to whom it is applied, or to a pronoun; and hence, or from , q. v., irregularly formed,]
tree) is probably the n. un.,] and t*i&; which but the latter is generally considered as implying as though nwalking on one side, bent or crooked,
greater respect than the former.] lt--ia: so in the L: in the M and K, on the
are smaller than y and superior to Jje: all
this has been heard from the Arabs: (T, TA:) or 1q. 1 i: see (.K) authority of IAar, L:-. [to which I am unable
green andfresh .tLAo: (TA:) or rhat is [of a to assign an appropriate meaning, except its nmo-
U;C A cord tied to the head and neck qf a dern one of lagging behind]: so in the saying of
hind] bletrecen A and .4; (AI.In, K, TA;) beast, by n,hich he is led, or drawnn. (KL.) a poet,
being [in the TA t.&j, but this is evidently a , j. . S
[Iience,] ,AJI ,. ,JA A horse easily led;
mistake for , 1 ,] of the kind of which the root
remains in the winter while the branches perish: or easy to be led; tractable; [obedient to the
_t;.;] (S, A, K, TA ;) as also t --- 0`."' ''1 C~i ''
(AI.n, TA:) or h rlage of nwhich the root is deep I :Et.
in the earth; such/ as the U and the (TA. [Sec 1, near the beginning.]) [ 1unger increased in him (lit. in the two sides of
(TA voce Ihis saddle-bags); so that he seemed as though he
.) .. '. of the fern. gender, and, accord. to Sb, walked on one
sitle, bent thereby; for he rAho
both a subst. and an epithet, [so that one says has a pain
A..: sec , in four places: - and see in his side nwalks on one si(le, in that
~r~ ~, as well as .d.: alone and. manner]. (TA.) =, Also An excellent kind of
.. JI,] (TA,) [The south wind: or a southerly dates, (K, TA,) well known; (TA;) one of the
';. A thing from which one retires, or with- nwind:] the nwind that is opposite to that called the best kinds of dates. (Mgh in art. , Mtb.)
drans hitmsel; to a distance, or far anway, orfar Jl. Z: (S, K :) [consequently, the wind that blows ^2.: see -. '-, in four places: and see ,l .
off; from, which one stands, or keeps, aloof. (Jr.) from the direction of the south lpole, accord. to
See also i;. _ Accord. to lAth, its primary
the S;] the wind that blows from the direction of signification is Distance: and
t: see ', in five places. [IIcncc,] hence it signifies
the left hand of a person standing opposite to the The state of himn owho is under
L: e L2> and Wo weree remote, or !/ibleh [by which is here meant that corner of the the obligation of
performning a total ablution, by reason of sexual
retiredl,fr.,t thoem; or out of their may. (TA.) Kanbeh in which is set the Black Stone; which
intercourse and discharge of the semen. (TA.)
_ Also, (S, A, 1 ,ls, K,) and t*. (M:b, corner is towadls the east]: (Th, TA:) or the - The .perma genitalia
[itself]. (.. [But in a
TA,) A c,urt, or yard, or an open or a wide wind that blon's.f'om, the quarter betnween the p)lace marginal note in my copy of
that work I find this
space in Jfont if a house or extendliny from its where Canopus rises rS. 295 E. in central Arabia] last signification rejected
as erroneous.]) Sec
sides: (X, A, K, TA:) and a place t' alighting and the place where the same star sets [8. 29' W.
also the next paragraph.
or abode; or a settlement, or plaice of settling: in the same latitude]: ('OmIrah, TA:) or from
(A:) a imansion; an abode; a habitation; or a the quarter between the place where Canopus .; A led horse or mutle or ans; (S, TA;)
pltace to which a mnan betaaes hiinsetJ; or repairs, rises and the place where the sun sets in vinter a horse that is led [by one's side], not riddlen:
for lodlying, covert, or reJuiye, in a city or toton i [W. 26( S. in central Arabia]: (A., TA:) or it is (Msb:) pl. 4q.. (A, TA.) _
or village or other place oJ' settled habitations; a. hot tlind, that blows in every season; blowing The [two equal] loads on the two siles of
syn. J*.j: (1K :) aLnd a vicinage, neighbourhood, from that part of the tract between the quarter
camel. (.)_[IIcnce, app.,] 'j!s 4 CO!
or tract adjacent to the place of abode or settle- wnhence blovws the cast wind (IJI)and that whence 6J a;_.t Fear thou God,
to nwhom there is no
nment, of a pcople or company of men: pl. ' . blows the west nind (J;jI1) which is next to the equal. (A, TA.)_ Also , (S,) or * i,,
place where Canopus rises: (T, TA :) or the wind
(.) You say, . j Cl I am in the (K,) or both, (TA,) A she-camel that one gives
that blows from the quarter betveen the place
court, or yard, of Zeyd; and in his place of uwhere Canopus rises and that nwhere the Pleiades [or lends] to people, (S, M, K,) with money,
alighting or abode, or settlement. (A, TA.) And set [W. 260 N. in central Arabia]: (IAar, ] :) (M, TA,) in order that they umay bring corn or
"lJ i(A,
, TA,) and [the points whence it usually blows seem to differ othe,r provision for him; (S, Nl, K ;) also called
(S, A,) the forner meaning Such a one is possessed somewhat in different parts:] As says that the - PIl;.
pl. (s.) Also, (Kr, ,)
of an amprle J~) [or mansion, &c., as explained r-.
.- is attended by good, and by fecundating and .,m~.., (M, TA,) The nool f a ~$; [or sheep
above]: (TA:) [and the latter, such a one is Sur- influence; and the Jl.,Z by drying up [of the in its tihird year]: (Kr, M, K :) it is better an(l
rounded by a plentiful, or fruitful, tract:] or earth &e.]: (TA:) accord. to IAar, it is hot in cleaner than what is tcnned ,:iS_,which is the
both mean t such a one is generous or bountiful every place, except in Nejd, where it is cold, or wool of a [or sheep in
cool: (MF:) pl. t..l (T,.) and [of pauc.] or before its second
[or hospitable]. (A.) And .'. LJI year]. (TA.)
-.. .. (T, TA.)_ One says, of two persons,
(S,TA) [meaning Such a one is environed by a
when they are on terms of sincere friendship, [ Of, or relating to, the quarter of the
tract a.ctctd with drought, or barrenness; as
explained in the S in art. : but generally ' ij
... t [Their wind is south, or sou- wind termed the . .; south, or southerly.]
used tropically, as meaning tsuch a one is tn- therly]; and when they are separated, _,: ,.t~. oas an extr. pi.: see , first sente nce.
generous, illiberal, or inhospitable]. And , y.. t [Their wind has become north, or
... il 4,u. [The neiyhboutrhood of the people, or northerly]. (TA.) _, _ : see..
tAhe tract surrounding thenm, became plentiful, or _, applied to a horse and a captive, (TA,) & l; pl. sec
g1.: , in eleven places.
,59 s
468 [Boor T.

[Hence, ,j- t He was, or became, gentle,

9dP edged in its lowest part, (TA,) wirh nwhich earth back his lineage to an ezce!lent stock, or origin].
easy to deal with, compliant, or obsequious. And is raised upon, or against, the L.Wi and ;RJi (TA.)
.,..JI Xzj t A mhn who is gentle, easy to [or raised borders of watering-trough.tor the like,
d.al with, complia;nt, or obsequious; contr. of and streamlets or irrigation]. (1., TA. [In the
4J1l 4ii; sco art. ;li: and seee t. C1, C;tWIMl is put for 1tJt.])--The ex- ;. .', (9, A, 1g, &c.,) aor. :,, (- , Mb, g,)
treme part of the territory of the foreigners R.greeably with analogy, of the dial. of Temeem,
And] .t4JI ;4 i t [She is suslected of
towards that of the Arabs: (S, K:) and the and the most chaste form, (TA,) and ', (9, MoIb,
easine, or compliance], (1 in art. r4J,) townards nearest part of the territory of the Arabs to that
him who desires of her that he ?nay lie with .er. 1g,) of the dial. of l]eys, (TA,) and :, (9,)
of theforeigners. (S.) See also _.
(TA in that art.) [Hence also,] .il L; (CI) inf. n. p,4 (S,Mgh, Msb, ,) He, or it, in-
'../_; and its fern., with ;: see . - clined, leant, orprol,pended,(S, A, Mgh, L, ],) .JI
and * t and 4.. and a'n
V* (O ) The t,vo
Also, the former, (TA,) or t J,., (1., [but this (L, Mib) and dJ (L) [to, or towards, it]; as also
sides of the nose: ( .:) or the two lines that sur-
ound the two sides of the nose of a doe-gazelle: is said itn the TA to be a mistake,]) A ilorse nide *~:~, (S, Mgh, 1g,) andt-t. (1 [but, by
(Sb, TA:) pi. [of the second, agreeably with in the space betneen the tino hind legs, (.K, TA,) in some
the omission of a after it, this is made
analogy,] $.". (TA.) - See also ,i;.. [It without nwhat is termed 5 i [whicll is an awk-
copies of the 15 to relate to what thecre follows
often signifies The vicinage or neighbourhoodof a ward kind of straddling, with the hocks wide
it].) It is said in the l]ur [viii. 63], I... O
apart]: it is a quality approved. (TA. [See also
people &c.: and a region or quarter or tract of j~i UA (M gh, L) And if they incline to
a people or country: like a.i.U.- The bank of a 2; and see _ .])
peace, incline thou to it :_ being hero made
river; and any bank, or steep acclivity. - And
A limit, bound, or boundary: see a tropical usage w . A man wIotse sheep or goats [(c.] have fem. because syn. witlh ;JL,~. (L.) You say,
few young ones; [and therefore, having little iJA 1 _ and .1. (A.)- Ie (a man)
of its pl. ( '.a+) voce. - And ,:.J L
milhk;] (TA in art. .. d;) contr. of .. (S and incline(l, or leant, on one side; and leant upon his
means Beide, asile, or apart; and so l t., and TA in that art. [See also 2.]) bow: as also t -1: and 4. tCl. he leant
9 q. ; Ut
6. sJL ^. $ , in posi-classical
writings, means A portion, and particularly a -~ The van, orfore part, (.;,TA,) of an upon him. (L.) And "-...4 She (a camel lying
army. (TA.) on her breast) leant on one side. (AO, TA.)_.
large portion, of Iproperty: and .t.. alone, in
the same, a sumn,and particularly a large sum, of 1 -1 The right and left wvings of an army: lfc (a manl) set about a thing, to do it twith his
oer it. (T, TA.) -
money. - The latter, also, in post-classical wri- (I: [Golius has erroneously written :~- , hands, hIis breast leaningq
tings, signifies, like , q. v., t A man's honour, and has given J as the authlority insteadl of the a,up U& -, ,inf n. and H-, (a
or reputation,which should be preservedinviolate; gI:]) or "~. signifies a portion of an artmy man) rested himself upon his elbows, having set
so used in the K voce ., in an explanation of (;Sb) that takes one of the two sides of a way: them upon the ground or upon a cushion. (ISh,
the latter word taken from fIAth; i. q. .,4i and but the former meaning is the more correct. TA.)_- t and ,AJle [inclined to them;
a- , as in the T]I in that case.] - Avoided and (IArAy, TA.) or]followed thenm and submitted to them; namely,
depistd. (1, TA.) - [Hence, perhaps, Ii t 1 :, [Thie
pass. pert. n. of 1 [q. v.]._ See also a sect. (ISh, TA.)._ j _ .
. Let thou, or leave thou, such a thing alone:
, -. _ Also Affected by the disease termed sun inclined to setting]. (A.)-- , (A, L,
see an ex. voce 1.]-. See also ,-, in four
places. _- And see ..,.1J ,il [or plcurisy]: (s, Mgh, Mqb, TA:) Msb,) aor. , (L, Msb,) inf. n. LC1,)
, (S, L,
and said to mean also having a complaint of hiJ said of the night, (S, A, L, Myb, ],) and of the
I see ,.u, in two places. side, absolutcly. (TA.)- And Affected by the evening, (A,) and of the darkness, (L,) It in-
,O~1: see ,_-, in three places.-.You say [south, or southerly, wind called] .r'. (S, clined to going, or to coming: (A:) or it came
TA.) [And Affected by that n,ind in one's cattle: on, or approached. (S, L, M.sh, ].) - Also,
also, 1t. U , (A,) or ..LS '*, (TA,) see 1, last sentence.] atj4 ..... A cloud with the same aor. and inf. n., said of a bird, It
He has no concern nor acquaintance with such brought by the blonwing of that wind. (9, A, I.) contracted its wings to descend, or alight, and
a thing. (A, TA.) The saying of Aboo-Wejzeh, approached like one falling, and repairing to a
' ... (9|, AAF, 1) and t 4. (AAF, 1) place of refiuge. (L.) ', said of camels,
Mluch (A'Obeyd, S,AAF,1) of good (A 'Obeyd, They lowered the fore part of the neck [in run-
means 11cr familiarity passes awaay nith the ning]: or they went quickly, or rmiftly. CTA.)
;) and of evil. (15.) You say, fjc..J uU~ 5i
r; [or south-nind], and her promnises pa.x said of a ship (i. ), She
And, inf. n. :
.t. Verily with us is nauch good, and ;; 1, away with the Jt. [or north windl]. (IA:.r, TA.)
came to shaUllot ater, and stuck to the ground,
,,,nch evil. (S.) And . ta means Jluch
(A, L,) so as to cease from motion. (L.)
[Nwhcat orfood]. (Sli, TA.)
,?: inf. n C, He (a man) gare with his
_: sec what next follows.
tz i. q. J..l [as meaning The stock, or [tL;, or] hand. (TA.)sm..., (S, L,) aor. ',
'.4 A shiehl; (S, A, K ;) because it wards stein, or the root, or base, or lowest part, of a inf.n - , (L,) He hit, or hurt, its Cte. [or
off from its posscssor what is displeasing to him; tree or plant: and the stock, or origin, of a man]; wing]; (., L;) i. c., the Ctl. of the bird. (s.)
(A, TA;) also witi damm to the * [alp.
act. part. n. of 4]. (.K.)_ A thing by which a
,, (S, A ;) a dial. var. of , or a word mispro- And
nounced: (E :) or, as some say, a root (of a tree)
.i e He, hit, or hurt, the arm (CL)
of such a one. (K. [In some copies of the 1, by
person or thing is veiled, concealed, or hiddlen; a of which the Li~jt [i. e. root.stoch] is erect in the the omission of a _, this signification is erroneously
veil, curtain, or covering; (g, TA';) for a house, ground: or the part of the L, [i. e. stock, or made to relate to
or chamber, or tent. (TA.) -A thing lihko a I: so in the copies ured by
stemn,] of a tree that is in the ground, above the
door, upon which the gatherser of honeyj stands; MF and SM, who state that the right verb is
j.5 [or roots properly so called]: (L, TA:) pl.
(15, TA;) he being let down [upon it] by means ]) , -; = ./- (S, W ,) with 4amm, (a,) like
of ropes to [the plhce of'] the honey [in the face [of pauc.] :,t_1. and [of mult.] .b1.. (TA.)
One says, : and , meaning '-, (g,) inf. n. (TA,) He (a camel)
of a rock or mountain]. (TA.). A thing (c.
[app. bcre meaning a rwooden implement]) re- Ji. 1" [i.e. Such a one is of thy stock]. (f.) had his 1t. [the ribs so called] broke by
senblig a comb wvithout teeth (15, TA) and thin- And J~ 4~ Ai i A [Verily he traces reason of the heaviness of his load: (S, ]:) or
B3ook I.] 469

he (a camel) had the first of his ribs brolken in (IJ, ]g :) the sing., though mase., has the latter others, theae saUll be no straitening of you. (L.)
the part next the breast. (TA.) [i. also pl., which properly belongs to a fem. sing. [of - See also t . last signification.
signifies He regarded an act as a crime, or sin. this form], because U~ is assimilated to q.j; . Inclining, leaning, or propending: pl.
Thlus,] &"-
; .a ,J ~ . .' in a trad. (IJ ;) [or rather, I think, to o, which is fern. ;]
t.' likec as .; is pl. of l. (L, TA.)
respecting the property of the orpihan, means but some assert Cl.. to be both masc. and fem.
Verily I regardas a criyne, or sin, (y,) my (IF.) [Hence,] Ct l.- g .; *A [Ie has il_. sing. of 5t.l;
(., I ;) which latter
eating, or devouring, [aught] thereof. (TA.) the wing clipped; meaning] t he is one who lacls signifies The ribs of the breast: (A:) or the ribs
strength or power or ability; he is impotent. (A, that are beneath [those called] the A!)1, of the
[2. a.., inf. n. 5e3, lfiefrnished it withi
TA.) And ;._ tJ pii [He abased hi..eif part next the breast; (S., ;) like the of
vvines, or tthe like: see t to himn: lit. he lowered to him his wing: but see the part next the back: (S:) or the anterior
an explanation of a similar phrase in the Kur, parts of those ribs; so called because they incline
4. .: see 1, first sentence. -Ab. Il He
below]. (A.) And kl .'. ., (Fr, L, over the licart: or the short ribs that are in tie
made him, or its to incline, lean, or propend.
,) in [some of the copies of] the K, j1.Jl, anteriorpart of the breast: or, of a camel and a
(S, g.)
(TA,) t They quitted their homr.s, or accustomed horse and the like, the rihbs against which lies tle
5: see 8. shouldler-blrtde: and of a man, the ribs of the
places. (Fr, L, AC.) And 3ls ._ I O iJ
8. : eec 1, in three places. -Also HIe
t Such a one iJ in a state of disquiet, and con- back which otre called jSl;, six in number, three
(an old man) leant towarlds the ground, supporting founded, or perplexed, unable to see his right on the rigyht and three on the left. (L.)
himself with his handls upon his hknes, by reason of !l 'G
' &
' '~.1' '.
courtse. (L, A.*) And -,1 jL_ ,, ! A piece of leather upon itAe fore part
his weakness. (Mgh.) And He (a man pros-
tiating himself in prayer) rested upon hlis palms, ! Such a one employed himself vigorously, labouri- of the camel'r saddle, upon nwhich the rider leans
putting his Jore arms apart (from his sides, ously, sedulously, or diligently, in an affair; (A, wvith his hands, thus resltiny hinself. (TA.
[See 8.])
lAthl), not laying themi on the ground; (so that R;) managing well. (s.) And U. & C>.
tiey became like the n,ings of a bird; lAth); as j-AJI [lit. 1Vre are on the ning of travel; meaning] [Furnished with nings, or tthe like].
also i5. IAth,Mlgh,I
(Sh, .)--t ! in t me are about to travel, or journey. (1K, TA.) _[Hencc,] 3j,rJt _ i*.h3?: see c
a she-camel is The going quichly, or stiftly:
(Sh, K:) or the goiiy so that her hinder part as
And ,.I ~lq. tA certain star [,] of Pcgasu.; -_ 1
a~..4.. Si tA she-camncl mritic in the
one of thefour bright stars, in Pegasus, which 0C' [app. here meaning the forehead]. (TA.)
it nwere leatns tonwards h'rfifre part, by reason of
form a square; the othler tlhree being that at the
her.vehemnt pressiny on, (ISh, (,0) by her
pttslhing J;rnvard he, hindl legs towards her extremity of the neck, called ;.[,,AJl ., [i. e. a
breast: (ISh:) and in a lhorse, the running nrith of Pegasus,] that called hr;iiI.,;,. [,6 of Pe-
a uniformn leaninj on one sidtle. (A, 0, ].) 2. 1; ,..'. (S, A) He colleted, or as.mobhxl,
gasus,] and the star [a of Andromeda] that [i.e.
c armies, militaryforces, &c.]. (A.)
10. I It (ltheicnight) began. (L) belongs to both Pegasus and Androm eda. (lszw.)
[And ;~ ' T tT/ufin of afish.] And 1.. 5. '.. J e toolt, or prepared, for himself,
;l)JI ~. (sA.,M.,tb,l.)and *m .. (S,Mob, a ~. [i. c. an army, a miilitary force, &c.].
:.) A part, orportion, :f the night: (.,A, :) or J. TIthe two rwings, or blades, of a spear-head
(A, TA.)
a gteat, or the greater, part thereof: or the first or of an arrow-head. (L.) And o,41 ct;_
part thereof: or a part thereof, abott the htalf: o~ [a coil. gen. n.] An army; a military
t The wing (jt) of the mill or mill-stone. (L.)
force; a legion; a bodly of troops or aoldiers;
(L:) or the darkness thei'erf; anid its confused.
.. , j . i ' Andja -.: :Thie two wi,ngs of an army. (L, .;) a collected body of men prepared for
nem. (MsHI.) C~ dib [As though it eree (A, TA.)
And 5jl.)l l7'e tno sides of war: (Mgl :) auxiliories: (S, L, Msl, K :)
a portion, &c., of a night] is said of a numerous
the valley (A, L) down which the nwater runs, on n. un. * 5 [signifying a trooper; a soldier;
army liheavily encumbered. (L.) [Sec also an ex.
the right and left. (L.) And olm-L. 0 .o an auxiliary]; like as LjJ is n. utn. of J:
in a verse cited voce 51.]
j!' 'S and 0lt~ " [A mes of crumn- (Msb:) pl. of the former, ; (, A, Mgh, Msb)
A sidel (, M.sb, 1]) of a road. (S, Mqb.)
bled bread moistened writh broth, having two side-
-And The ri'inage or nelihblourhood, or the garnishes of bones wtith some meat remaining
and [pl. of pauc.] .$t. (Mgh, Myb.) It is said
region or qutarter or tract, and the shador or in a trad., t " " Ij (S, A, L) Soul
upon them]. (A, TA.) - See also ., in two
shelter or ,)rotection, syn. 4c.. and * , (S, are troops collected together: meaning that they
places. -Also The side, syn. J,_.. (0.) So are created of two parties, each party agreeing
1k,) as also te., (.K,) of a people, or party, or
in the saying in the Kur [xvii. '25], ,.J lj together, and disagreeing withl the other party,
conimpaiy of mien: (S :) the latter word thus used like two armnies opposed, each to the other. (L.)
is tropical. (TA.) You say, 1 He J.UI ~l', meaning J'k.Ui. ljllj
_Also Any kind, or species, of creatures, or
pa.ted the night in the vicinage, &c., of thc people. I [And make soft to them (thy two parents) thy created things, regarded as alone, by itself, or
(, TA.) And - . C tI am in his submissive side; i.e. treat them with genitleness
ul apartfiom others. (g,*TA.) It is said in a
and svlmisiveness: or the former words may be
shadowl, shelter, or protection. (TA.) - See also prov., J-WI 1 I;,. 4 ,I KVerily to God
literally rendered lower to them tie wing of stb-
the next preceding paraingraph. belong hinds, or species, of created things [by
misireness; meaning be sulbmissive to them].
means of which He effects his purposes as by
. The . (S, .K) [meaning inga] of a bird (Jel, TA.) -And A part, or portion, of a
armies or auxiliaries], of whichI is honej: (Z,
or flying thing; (S;) i. e., of a bird or flying thing; as also *tt'.. (O..) g. :) first said by Mo'iwiyeh, whlen he heard that
tbing, the limnb that corresponds to the v of a EI-Ashtar had been given to drink some honey
mnan: (bHsb:) and also the . [i. e. arm, some- l;. A sin, a crime, or an act of disobedience:
containing poison, in consequence of which he
times also meaning hand, (see a signification of (AHeyth,S,A, IAtlh, L, Mlsl),K:) or an inclining died: and used on the occasion of rejoicing at a
,)] of a man: (L, TA:) and (1K) the upper thereto: (lAtli,* L, TA:) and anxiety, and annoy- misfortune that has befallen an enemy: it occurs
arm, or arm from the shoulder to the elbow: ance or mnolestation or hurt, which one is made to in the history of El-Mcs'oodee thus; I,. Z o 1
(Zj, L, .K:) each of these is so called because it bear. (L, TA.) sc
1. '.., in the .Kur ii. 23&5, JIJ )i. (MF.)-_Also, [as a term used in
is on one side of the body: (L:) and the arm- means, accord. to AHeythl, There shall be no sin,
Syria, and afterwards by the Arabs from Syria
pit: (1. :) pl. 1_.;+; (i, Mb, g) and . : or crime, chargeable upon you: or, accord. to in Spain,] A city [with its territory; i.e. a
470 [1BooK I.
province, or district]: ( :) or particularly a latter, the bier: (As, IApr, Msb, V:) or the (MLgh, Msb :) L4.JI is from yJl. (S, TA.)
city of Syria [with its territory]: (AO, TA:) former, the bier; and the latter, the dead person: You say, j' Jt.U1M This is'homofeneous
pl. ;t41. (TA.) Syria consists of five L)t.l; (Mgh, Msb, ] :) so accord. to Th, as related by
Aloo-'Amr Ez-ZAihid: (MSb:) or the former is with this; syn. 'aJ'b : (Mgh, MSb:) so says
namely, Dimashb [or Damascus], Himy [or
said by the vulgar to mean the bier: (As, TA:) Kh. (Msb.) And ,)Li
' 1;Li5
Emesa], linnesreen, El-Urdunn [or the Jor-
dan], and Filasteen or Falasteen [or Palestine]: or the former signifies the bier nith the dead [How will he be sociabie with thee rho will not
(., M,A:) they were thus called because the person: (K :) or the dead person upon the bier: be congenial with thee?]. (A.) And of a man
military forces were thence collected. (A.) [See (S:) and the bier is not so called unless the dead who has not discrimination nor intelligence, one
person is upon it: (AAF:) when the dead person says, t s j,; - Ji ,4-. [Such
is not upon it, it is called w .. and __;: (AAF, a one resembles the beasts, and does not resemble
kSoat.: sce ot-..__Also Of, or relating to, men]: (Mgh, Msb,* TA:) so says Kh. (Mgh.)
:) but the vulgar say jL4, with fet-h; ($;)
a of Syria. (A.) But As says that this usage, (Mgh, MNb,) in the
whiclh is not allowable: (Lth, As, Mg,h, TA:)
first and last of the above-mentioned phrases,
s s4.. An armny, or a military force, or ijLj [so in tile TA] signifies the man: or the (Msb,) is post-classical. (Mgh, MSb.) The usage
collected. (TA.) See also ,". bier with the man: (En-Nadr, TA:) ;jl. is of the term .A4 by rhetoricians [to signify the
derived from j;'., in the first of the senses complete or partial conformity of two or more
assigned to it above: (A, Msb, TA:) so some words] is post-classical [like , "]. (TA.)
assert: (IDrd,TA:) but ISd says, I know not
,e*,~ and ~;~. and ;O.: see art. j.. whether this be correct: (TA:) or a ;jL; is so 6. :lWJI .J.q.3 [The two things were, or be-
called because the clothes are gathered together came homogeneous, congenial, similar, or conform-
when the man is upon the bier: ('Abd-Allah able,] is a phrase of the scholastic theologians, not
Ibn-El-Insun, TA:) some say that it is Naba- [classical] Arabic. (TA.)
:see Q. Q. 1 in art. ~.
thean: (TA:) the pl. is .J;U. (S.) The Arabs
say, A3 lef him a corpse, or dead.
IzijC ,-.; [A genus, kind, or generical class, com-
J.D priing under it several species, or sorts; or
(A, TA.) And ;. S [so
comprised under a superior genus, in relation to
Q. 1. [ JL. He, or it, made him to cleave to in the TA, The man was beaten until he wa left rwhich it is a species, or sort;] a ".p of a thing;
the stones. Hcnce,s 1
ie,] [May a corpse]. (ISh, TA.) And i.4j. '. , (8 ;) or of anything; (Mgh, Mb ;) any ,. of
his armnu, or his hands, cleave to the dust, or earth, meaning, He died: (Lth, Mgh:) or he has been a thing; (A, 1. ;) [as] of men, and of birds, and
and the stones, by reason of poverty]. (M in carried, or lifled, and put [into his bier]: this of the definitions of grummar and of the art of
art. ,,..) they say when they give information of the death versification, and of things collectively; so accord.
(Q, 1]) and 3~ (K.) Stones; (S in of a man: (TA :) and they say also, ) l to the lexicologists; (1Sd, TA;) a term of mure
art. J0 ;) used in the sense of [the pl.] .jj4: 3j'., meaning the same. (Lth,Mgh,TA.)_ common import than 6
[whichl is a specie, or
(Sb, TA:) n. un. JJ~.: (TA:) or what a man Also CjL [or ;jL.] A wnine-skin [when emptied; sort]: (8, A, Mgh, MSb, ] :) thus animal is a
can lift, of stones: (15:) or, as some say, any as thoungh it were a body without a soul]. (1g.) and man is a &, (Mgh, Msb,) because the
stone: (TA:) or a mass of stone like a man's A certain impudent man of the Arabs, 'Amr Ibn- latter is of more particular import than the former,
head. (T, TA.) [Hence, j.~,. J ,3: see .Ki's, says, though it is a , in relation to what is under
it; but the scholastio theologians reverse the
.# -
#- 51
case, (Mgh,) for with them .q. is of more par.
: ,., (. in art. J~.,) or , (Kr, K,) 4 i-A Iji CC UU C:L.2 0 ticular import than t: (Kull p. 139:) thus also
A place in which are stones (Kr, ., 1K) collected
camels are a,.; of beasts: (A, K:)pl. 't4;.
thgether: (Kr, 1:) but ISd doubts its correct- [And I used, when I saw a wine-skin laid pros-
[properly a pL of pauc. but used also as ohe of
new. (TA.) And a.~. ,., (i,) and some- trate, its corpse being wailed orer, to wveep, or
accord. to Th, as is said in the TA in art. L(t, malt.] (Mgh,Myb,l) and ',-. (IDrd,1.K.)
times with fet-b, (8gh, 15,) i. e., to the
to sing]. (TA.) - t Anything oppressive and You say, ,A11t plj
lil ,M% [Men are
[3~..t,] (T:,) A land abounding with stones. grievous, i ;i; to a peopl. (Lth,K) of sveral hitds, and most of them are impure].
(.gh, 1].) t ,ickh prson. (Sgh, 1.) (A, TA.) And [.4- ' ', meaning i1 1
J'.. Strong and great. (.K.) [i. e. Such a one is of thy stock]. (. in art. :..)
;5jl;.., [from jSl4, pl. of *j',] Ons who
recites [or chants the profession of iAe faith 4c.] - [Hence, '! ,.]- A generic noun: and
before the dead [in a funeral-procession]. (TA.) ; .. dl a collective generic noun.]-
1. , , aor. , (A, Mb, 15,) and , (A,) j_,: see l. ...fi0 signifies IIe left by wrill, of his
inf. n. '., (TA,) He veiled, concealed, hid, or property, to the children of his father, [or his
covwered, it. (A, Msb, 1 H.) collected it; or
He kindred by the father's side,] exclusively of all
gathered it together or up; (15 ;) as also t , 2. L , (TK,) inf. n. , from , relations of the mother: and so, &.e.
inf. n. j.. (.gh,TA.) You say also, J'.JI., (., 1,) [He made it homogeneous, or congenial, (Mgh.) - The assertion, in the 1, that J;'
saying, on the authority of IDrd, that As used
part. n. ,, The man was gathered up [app. with it; or similar, or conformable, to it: expl.
to say l, 1 as meaning L.J..JI is avulgarism,
as a corpse is gathered up in the grave-clothes]: in the T.K, not well, by &.Lbs; but the inf. n.,
(TA:) or t he died. (IIar p. 122.) with tolerable correctness, by L ' .sl is erroneous, is a matter for consideration; for
13 cJ.t.L.t e.. The usage of the term Ay said not this, but [what has been cited above,
2. , inf. n. '.J: see L._ It is used by in rhetoric, to signify the use of two or voce Ao..i'., or] wihat will be found below, voco
El-H1asan El-Ba;ree as signifying He put it more words completely or partly conformable, is -~ .-. (TA.)
(namely a corpse) upon the bier. (1],* TA.)
post-classical, like , an inf. n. of .]
[ 1 ... Generic; generical.]
;L;q. and j'4 signify the same, (Mgh, Msb,
~,) namely, A dead person; a corpse: (K:) 3. w.lq,[inf. n. a_l. and , It was,
[ &4eGenerical quality.]
but the former is the more chaste: (Myb:) or or became, homogeneous, or congenial, vith it; or
the former signifies the dead person; and the similar, or conformable, to it; syn. 4.L; : s_ Homogeneous; congenial; similar;
BooK I.] Bo
.-- 471
confornmable; syn. ;.5L. (VI.) But IDrd way in his judgment; ewho acted wrongfully, un- .,.' ?t jg, in the l]ur [v. 51, means
asserts that As used to reject the saying of the justly, injuriously, or tyrannically, tlerein. (I.)Not affec,tinq an inclining to sin; intending, or
vulgar, l1. v.i 1. [This is homogeneowus &;t e carried himself in a pu,posing, it. (Meb, TA.)
with this, &c.], and to say, It is post-classical. ' oerd and self-con. ded manner, [affecting an
(S.) [See also 3.] inclining of the body from side to side,] in his
gait. (TA.) [And He inclined on one side in
1. 1X;*, aor. ., (IApr, ]p,) inf. n. .;
his gait: said of one who is lame of one leg:
(IAqr, TA;) and t1n4, inf. n. ;Oj ; (AZ,
1. ~ (T, S, Mgh, Msb, g, &c.) and %.J.,
sec0 - eA] i > L4. He}[c affected
g ;) Ticy cast stones of [or with] this ,:
a declining, or deviating, from his course, or
(]g,) the former being inf. n. of J. and the (.KC,)or t4;
way; Ie purposely declined, or deviated, there- (K,,TA:) and ts:, I,i.
latter of ./-, (TA,) The act of inclining, or from; (K,'TA;) syn. J (1g.)
C. And in [app. meaning they constructed a ,j:], (Lth,
declining (T, S, Mgh, g, TA) in speech and in
all affairs: (TA:) and declining, or deviating, like manner, :. '
iJ J [lie affected an TA,) is said by such as hold the . to be radical;
.from the right course; acting wrrongfully, un- inclining to the thing; intentionally inclined to (K ;) or it may be that the a. is augmentative,
and that the verb is [denominative,] similar to
justly, injutiously, or tyrannically; (T, M9b,* it]. (TA.) You say, ',) .J H. inclined
j from C=. (TA.) J
], TA;) like ~.., which some erroneously to a sin, (, Mfgh,) [or affected an inclining to
it, (see the part. n., below,)] intending, or pur- Tlhey cast at us with the mentioned by
assert to be the act of a judge only. (T, TA.) El-Farisee on the authority of AZ. (M.) An
You say, %.., (T, S, Mgh, Msb,) aor.;,inf. n. posing, the commission of an act of disobedience.
Arab of the desert, in describing the wars of his
w ; (S, nMib ;) [and app. b.h., aor.;, inf. n. people, said, ;j_1 ; *U [c,
LJ .;] and *t . !i; (T, MSb,TA ;) He in- .. aq is [an epithet] like j, applying to a
we are cast at with the 'jf;, and another we
clined or declined [in speech and in any affair]: sing. and a pl., [being] also an inf. n. [of , are shot at with arrows]: (,*M :) also men-
(T, 8, TA:) and he declined, or deviated, from q. v.]: Abu-l-'Iyal EI-Hudhalee says, tioned by El-Farisee. (M.)
the right course; acted wrongfullUy, unjustly,
injuriously, or tyrannically; (T, Mgh, M)b, TA;) J.,., , , s..
2. ~. t4 and *tL;, [app. Thcy
constructed the engines of the kind called"
. against him. (Mgh.) Hence, in the gur (JK.) See also 1.
] .

[ii. 178], ti 4 ',4 X JL4. X (W,TA,) i. e. [W7erefore didst not thou repel the adversaries,
[And he wvho feareth, (or, as is said in the g in rwhn thou saivest them inclining, or acting wrong- Q. Q. 1. i;~ : see 1 and 2.
art.i .., knotceth,) from, or on the part of, fully, against me with tongues and eyes?]: or, 0. The stones of the joq.. (M, TA.)
the testator.,] an inclining [to a wrong course], accord. to one reading, 1.. [which is a pl. of [But] IAar says that `F
[app. .] means The
or a declining [.from the right course]: (TA:) It jI.]: (Skr p. 128 :) [or, as some say,] people wvho manage the ' .. (TA.)
or a maniJest inclining or declining. (Er-RAghib, is a pi. [or rather quasi-pl. n.] of t JL%., like
TA.) You say, .j . ., aor. ; [He ,j~ 'dim. of - , q. v. (Sb, S.)
as j;is of 1;: or it may be for .i-?
inclined, &c., in his testament;] and so t . %_..;4: see what next follows.
(K.) And t ;1- signifies lle deviated from
thlat vwhich was right. (K.) And v*?J.. .: see b;:. l, in two places:_ and see ',,e' (s, M, Mob, ) and j (M,b, )
[He declined from the right course, or acted also 1, last sentence. and j2:..= (Lth, IAar, Mb, 1) [A hind of
wrongfully or unajustly, in his judgment]. (TA.) balista;] an instrument [or engine of war] with
5tW. One who carries 1imself in a proud and
Or * .l1 relates peculiarly to the case of a which stones a-e cast (S,M, K,TA) at the enemy;
self-conceited manner, (Jl', [for which Golius made by binding
[in sonime manner] very tall
testament: and 6. signifies absolutely lie here copied by Freytag, appears to have read wooden
poles, whereon is placed what is to be
declined, or deviated, from that wvhich was right. Jtu;, with the unpointed :,]) rwith an inclining cast, which is then struck with a long pole, and
(C.) And you say, , : 4 aor.:; [of the body from side to side]: (Shli, .I :) or one so cast to a very distant place: [this imperfect
and i;4, aor.; inf. n. ~.., (g, TA,) which who affects an inclining [of the body from sid(le to description (the only one that I have found of
is of the former verb, (TA,) and (g,TA,)
(, side] (Gn4.;) in his gait, and carries himself in this engine) seems to show that it was of a very
whlichl is of the latter verb; He turned away a proud and self-conceited mnanner therein. (TA.) simple and rude construction:] it is an ancient
from his course, or way; deviated therefrom. L:seee .; and see also , in two instrument, anterior to the invention [or use] of
gunpowder and cannons by the Christians; and
(TA.)_ Or [app. a mistake for "and"] places.
was used by Moliammad in the siege of Et-T6if;
signifies Depression (Jp& and .. a5l) in one
l.. [fer. .li. ] Inclining [to a wrong but the first [of the Arabs] who used it in the
of the two aides of the breast, or cheat, (b;
jl,) course], or declining [from the right course], or time of paganism is said to hlave been Jedheemch
with eoenneu of the other side: (]g :) the verb acting wrongfully or unjustly, [absolutely, as EI-Abrash, of the Mulook et-Tawl'if: (TA:) pl.
is .. : and the part. n. is tJ* and * , also t and t A4. and ,., or pecua- -'._ (S, Msb, K) and (Lth, TA)
fern. [of the latter] ,ln. (TA.) iarly] in his testament. (I.) You say, fijG and .'t, (Sb, S, Mab, .g) and j.Al.: ( :)
d;_ :tUt.q.[.ie found him to be one nho
3. .J'.. [an inf. n. of which the verb (._.)
deviated from the right way in his judgment; dim. -j. e : (Sb, S :) it is fern., (Lth, S, Msb,
is not mentioned]. You say, 9j. , K,*) prefcrably, (Lth, TA,) and in most instances;
who acted rrongjidly, unjustly, injuriously, or
lle persisted in removing himself to a distance, tyrannically, therein]. (1I.) And V., _ (Msb ;) and hence it is also called s,l l; (M in
or estranging himsnuelf, from his family; (Aboo- An adversary who inclines [to a nwrong course], art. ,5l ;) but sometimes it is mase.: (Msb, K:)
Sa'eed, g;) like G .,,t. (Aboo-Sa'eed,TA.) or declines [from the right course]; (K;) who and is arabicized, (S, Mob, .K,) from the Persian
4. hA.q. lie committed an act of inclining [to a acts wrongfully, unjustly, injuriously, or tyranni- (S, J)O .te; - X, i. e. "How excellent am I!"
wrong course], or declining [from the right course, callUy. (TA.)- Inclining; [or pendulous;] (S,) or ,Y ~ X, i.e. "I, how excellent am
or acting wron.fully or unjustly or injuriously or applied to a penis. (TA.) - laving a bending I l" (~;) '[Golius asserts it to be from the Greek
tyrannically]; like as you say, .,1, meaning back; (S, . ;) applied to a man. (S.) - See
M6.yavov; but this is the original of ' ,
"he did a thling for which he should be blamed." also 1, last sentence. -_ Big, or large; applied to
which has a different meaning: its derivation,
a bowl (.). (TA.)
(s.) See nialso 1, in five places. _Il.. He however, seems to have been unknown to the
found him to be one who deviatedfrom the right A..: see 1, in two places. Arabs in general; for] some say that a ; is of
472 [BooK I.
the measure jLA;, [so in copier of the ., but la?., (S, Msb,) I He committed, [against him, his having committed a crime, &c., he being guilt-
correctly j~, as in the M9b and TA,] because or] against his people, or party, a crime, or an less [thereof]: (TA:) I;1JI being like .
offence for nhkich he should be punishled; (Mb ;)
of the phrase e j- [see 1]: (S, Myb :e) or, (S.) You say also, C;
o LtL ; [He
(M.hb,) accord. to Sb, (S,) it is of the measure as also t tJL. [or ' _t']: (TK in art. ~. :)
accuses us qf committing what we did not commit].
[and ! he brought an injury upon him, or them :]
eL> ; (., Mb ;) because cd41_ is its pl. and (Abu-l-'Abbds, TA in art. *...)
the dim. is t .; and because, if the . were and ,L JlM
I s aor. , inf. n. L.L, (.,)
with kiesr, (TA,) t He committed the 'ime,offence, 8: see 1. ,J- ;* 't;e;. l lT came to rain-
augmentative as well as the Oi, tihere would be
or injurious action, against him; syn. &] o. water, and dranh it: (I :) a phrase mentioned
two augmnentative letters at the beginning of the
(]V: [see art. t :]) thus used, also, the verb is with approval by IAyr, but not explained by
noun, and this may not be in substs. nor in epithets
hlim: thought by ISd to have this meaning. (TA.)
that are not conformable to augmented verbs; metaphorlical, from ;'JI .: (Er-R4ghib,TA*:)
and if thile were made an essential part of the - [in the C.K :.] hlViatever is gnthered,
word, the noun would be a quadriliteral-radical, and so in the phrase, I1, .'., meaning lie
and augmnentative letters are not prefixed to words brought topass an evil thing or action. (Mgh.) or plucked; as also til.: (K :) or whatever
of this class except nouns conformable to their [See also Ata1a., below.] It is said in a trad., is gathered, or plucked, fsom trees, (S,) .'r.;(so
verbs, like t..-a: (8, TA :) but MF says that
in a copy of the S;) as also t it.: (s:) so that
, ;j - .- y@U; j t [An injurecr shall

these disquisitions are unprofitable; for in his not bring injury jsae on himself]; meaning that these two words are of the same class as j and
opinion, all the letters of the word are radical, one shall not be prosecuted for an injurious action 'a.: or the latter of them is a n. un.: (TA:)
since it is a foreign word. (TA.) committed by another, of his relations or of others. or the former signfies nihat is gathered from
(TA.) And a poet says, trees lrhile'fresh; (Msb;) as also t. .: (Msb:)
La~.; [app. A maker of the kind of engine
called Cjf;q..; being mentioned as a surnlame :] or this last is an epithet applied to fruit, signifying
a rel. n. from '; . (..) A Ayj)*N 5 L5.- just gathered or plucacel; (S, ] ;) or geathered,
or plucked, while fraesh: (TA:) and .s ,
[which may be rendered, t Thinu injurer whom also, pl. O1, significsfruit gathered or plinched:
thou shouldst punish is he who brings an injury (Har p. 69:) '- also signifies .frtit [rcatly to
4,. [and ';,.] A certain [musicall instru- upon thee: but sometimes the mangy camels infect be gathered or plucked]; so in the ]ur lv. ,54:
snent, which is beaten like the joP [or lute; the sound ones so that these become mangy; and (Jel:) and is applied to fresh ripe dates: (Fr,
namely, the Persian harp; two specimens of thus a crimninal sometimes brings punishment KI:) and grapes: (TA:) and tru.ets, and the
which are figured in Note 26 to Chap. iii. of my upon his relations: for] A'Obeyd says that .t-4. like: (S:) and even cotton: (TA:) and herbage:
translation of the "Thousand and One Nights "]; -.l' a >. is a prov. applied to the case of a (S:) and gold, (1K,) whlich is collected from its
mentioned by EI-Khafitjee in the Shifa el-Ghaleel; man who is punished for an injurious action; mine: (TA:) and corries, (.K,) as though
and often spoken of: it is an arabicized word; because brothers [sometimes] bring injury upon a gathered from the sea: (TA:) and honur, (.K,)
man [by occasioning his being punished for an vhlen it is gtrthered: (TA:) pl. l;.l (1.) and
(MF,TA;) from the Persian e : and applied
injurious action which they have themselves com-
[also] to the J., [J1 or ji, i.e., tamnbourine,] e1,' ori'inally
.. ,
Cr~.$ rainally
(TA.) llence .
thile saying,
mitted], as the latter hemistich of the verse cited
with which one plays. (TA.) above indicates: but AHeyth says that this provey.
l t[and ] A player on the 4q. above means .jl 4C 5;j i1
JM tJJI [The
mentioned. (TA.) person bringing thee good is he who brings, or will
bring, upon thee evil: perhaps initended as a [This is what I have gathered, and the best of it
caution; for the Arabs often suspect that a bene- iJ in it; wthen every gatherer but myself kqs his
i ., iv.].
n of q. (-gh, .) factor has some evil intention]: and he cites the hand to his moutl]: or, accord. to one reading,
following hemistieh: 414; (which has the same meaning, TA in
t4-I, applied to a man, i. q. 41J, q. v. (.gh, art. dp.): a prOV., ascribed by Ibn-EI-Kclbee
15.) And [its fem.] f'y., i. q. '., ($gh, Xs,)
[meaning Sometimes the placeswhere the mangy to 'Amr Ibn-'Adec El-Lakhmee, the son of the
applied to a ewe, or a she-goat, meaning Having
camels lie down, and which afford benefit to other daughter of Jcdheemeh: he says that Jedhecemeh
her horus bending backwards. (TA.) the people to gather for him truffles,
camels, infect the sound ones]. (TA. [See also had ordered
and some of them ate the best that they found;
Freytag's Arab. Prov., i. 298.]) You say also,
but 'Amr brought to him the best that he found,
il ja 1[Thou hast brought this and addressed to him these words: and 'Alee is
1. '1 .-,(,Mgh, Myb, ,) nor. , (S, aJ an injury upon thyself]. (. in art. Ja..) related to have repeated tllenl on an occasion of
M.b,) inf. n. u., (., TA,) or .., (so accord. 3. 40 jt.., inf. n. iUm.A, He aceted him his entering the governmeint-treasllry; meaning
to one copy of the ., and written in the accus. case that lie had not dcfiled hilnmself withl anything of
of a a'_ [or crime, &c.]. (TA.)_ See also 1. the tribute belonging to ti:e Muslims, but had
li in the IYam p. 355,) and ~';.,(Ijam ib., but
4. .sjl said of a tree, (S,g,) or of a palm- put it in its places. (TA.)
there without any vowel-signs,) Hre gathered,
tree, (Msb,) It had ripefruit: (S:) orit attained
plucked, or took from thet tree, the fruit; (Mgh, iL..: see +, in two places.
to the timefor the gathering of itsfruit: (Msb:)
TA ;) i. q. t' 1. (., MSb, I) and 1tA43: or it attained to ,naturity: (1 :) or, said of a : see .' Also Dates cutfirom the tree.
(I :) and in like manner one says of a thing similar tree, it had fruit to be gathered and eaten: and, (TA.)
to fruit. (TA.) One says also, J 1.4 and 1, * said of fruit, it became ripe: (TA:) and, said of
[He gathered it, plucked it, or took it from the grass, or herbage, it became abundant. (KL.) i'.., primarily, The act of gathering,plucking,
tree,for him]. (A'Obeyd,].) And I1 . . -And ,fl .l The land had muchi ,or taking from a tree, fruit: [see l:]_then,
[Igatheredfor thee truffles]. (TA.) And (S, Mb, ]i,) i.e. herbage, and tru.ffes, and the t The bringing to pass an evil thing, or action:
(Mgh, Kull p. 147 :) - then, tEvil, [itself]: -
L,hj lie collected gold from its mine. (TA.) like. (S.) then, +The doing aforbidden action: (Kull ib.:)
Aboo-Dhu-cyb uses this verb metaphorically, in 5: see 1. ;J K,) or sus ;"
1-s (S,K specially used in this last sense; though it has a
thie phrase i!it, meaning : [He acquired] Lt., (TA,) tHle accusedhim of a crime, an offence, general application: (Mgh :)_[as a simple subst.,
eminence, or nobility. (TA.) - You also ay, or an injuriousaction, that he had not comm7itted; it generally signifies] A crime, an offence, or an
t, (S, rsr(Myb,) inr n. (8, 1 ;) i. o. he forged against him the charge of injuriousaction,for wh7ich one should be punished:
Boox I.] 473

(Mqb:) or an action that a man commits re- affected him severely; harassed, embarrassed, himslf difficulty or distress orfatigw, or eerti/ng
quiring punishment or retaliation to be inflicted distressd, afficted, troubled, inconvenienced, his power or efforts or endeaours or ability, [or
upon him in the present world and in the world fatigued, or wearied, him: (Msb:) it (disease, the utmost thereof,] to repel him, his enemy doing
to come: (TA:) or any forbidden injurious L and ], and fatigue, and love, L) rendered the like: and hence abt came to be used by the
action: (Kull p. 134:) and in the language of him lean; emaciated him: (L, K:) he burdened Muslims to signify generally he fought, marred,
the lawyers, especially a nounding: and an am- him beyond his power; imposed upon him that or waged mar, against unbeliever and the libe.
putation, or a maiming: (Mgb:) and t ' which was beyond his power; as also to.1 : (Mgh.) You say also, il ,
t. s^mt, in n.
signifies the same as iL't: (H.am p. 24 1:) the (Mgh:) and, [as also he importuned
herl,] ;1~ ($,Myb) and i3jl , (S,) [Hefought, c.,
him, harassedhim, or plied him hard, in ashing, way of God; i e., in the cause of relig .]
in kthe
pl. of k1t;n is A.I, and tl,'; but the latter
begging, or petitioning. (A.) [Hence,] JS,
of these pi. is of rare occurrence. (Myb.) 4. .al, as trans.: see 1, in six plaoe .. Also
said of a man, He was sererely affected, harassed,
ie made, or incited, another, to strie or labour
.: spe what next precedes. _ Also A [gar- embarrassed,distressed, offlicted, troubled, incon- or toil, to ezxert himelf or his power or efforts or
ment such as is called] .i;, (], TA,) of a round venienced, fatigued, or wrearied: (S, L:) or w,as endeavours or ability, &c.; trans. of 1 in the first
grieved, or made sorry or unhappy. (L.) And
form, (TA,) made of [the kind of cloth termed] of the senses assigned to it above. (JK.)_.-..1
,.. (K, TA.) lie was thrown into a state of dijfculty, dietr,
Drought befeU them, and they consequently be-
b A gatherer of fruit [&c.] :-and also tA came sreveely distressed. (.) And 1%. Tsey nffliction, trouble, inconvenience, orfatigue. (IL)
committer of a a4 [or crime, &c.]: (K,' TA :) -J&L t,~l IsIe consumed, or asted, and die-
were, or became, afflicted with drought, barrenness persed, his property: (1 :) or gave it away, and
pl. 4. (s , K) and ef.. (Sb, 1) and [of pauc.] or dearth; or with drought, and dryness of tle
o~, vwhich last is extr., (S, ,) or doubtful.
dispersed it, altogether, hers and there. (En-
earth. (L.) And sa... J ilOI - ; Nadr, TA.)~-As intrans., He (an enemy) strow,
($.) Hence the prov., l 1 Itjt;1, explained laboured, or exetted himself, in enmity, (I, TA,)
,.M 1,l ., for :L" . -:, A man vwho imposes
in art. ;4.' (S,TA.)-[Hence also,] .A4JltTihe I4s against us. (TA.) - He acted with energy,
wolf. (IAgr, TA voce .., q. v.)_ Also i. q. upon himself a dificulty, or trouble, orfatigue, or
a dfficult or setrere task, or nwho strains, or strainrs or wvith the utmost energy: so in the phrame ;.
f;: (lAr, Az, TA;) i. e. A fecundater oJ'
himself, in the carrying of his weapons, or arms, .%~U He marched, orjourneyed, and did so with
palm-trees. (Az, TA.) by reason of weakness. (Mgh.) And ; ,, - energy, or with the utmost energy; and aJ i o.
i. q. 41,.J [p]. of .4q]; (i; and t La.Jl Ie jaded, harased, distresed, o.S. 5He swore by God, and did so with energy,
similar to JtJal and o1)l. (TA.) fatigued, or wearied, hi, beatt; i. q. t*' : &c.: in which cases one should not say ,,.
(K :) or le tasked, or plied, his beast beyond his (Aboo-'Amr Ibn-El-'AIk, L.) - He took the
ponwer in journeying, or marching, or in respect course prescribed by prudence, precaution, and
'L;q.d A place of gathering, or plucking, of pace. (S, Msb.) And Ja .,l 5ic ~. sound judgment, . 1 L. in the affair; syn.
fruits, &c. (TA.) wis. lbI [I importuned him, or harassed him, ,tI.4. (L, lK.) - lIe became in a state of dffi-
to do such and such things]. (L.) -Also, (g, culty, embarrassmcent, distress, affliction, trouble,
Msb,) aor. as above, (A,) and so the inf. n., inconvenience, or fatigue. (L.) - tlt (a thing)
L , ($, A, L, &c.,) aor. :, (.K,) inf.n. (Msb,) S lIe deprived it (namely, milk,) of its became mixed, or confused. (1K.) H e entered
(TA,) He strove, laboured, or toilcd; exerted butter, (S, A, R,) entirely: (~, I:) or churned upon land suck as is termed , .: Ashe went forth
himself or his power or efforts or endeavours or it so as to extract its butter and render it sweet into the desert; and into the plain, or open
ability; employed himelfvigorously, strenuously, and pleasant: or mixed it with water: (Mhb:) country. (JK.)_-It rose up; rose into avie;
laboriously, diligently, studiously, sedulously, ear- or diluted it so that it consistedfor the most part appeared. (JK.) You say, .;i,l;1 %.I The
nutly, or with energy; was diligent, or studious; of water: and in like manner it is used in relation people, or company of men, came within my sight,
took pains,or extraordinarypains; (, A, L, V;) to broth. (A.) Hence, (Mob,) la. tHe
her: (L, Mab, from or view; syn. :.~... (AA, j.) And s .. l
Ij $6in suck a thing; ( ;) or . /int91the lay rith her; or compressed
.,J Hoariness appearedupon him, and became
affair; (A;) as also te.I; (A, r;) and so a trad.:) or i. q. tJa;, and tji_.[which has a
much: (TA:) or :became much, and spread:
jah-q, with respect to speech and actions: (L:) similar meaning]. (L.)--;t l'I o tile de-
(A:) or became much, and was quicrk in its pro-
or ).1 5 ~, aor. and iaf. n. as above, ke did siredthefoodeagerly; longedforit; (S, K;) as
t.Ll and t 'I gresC,(B, TA,) a,d spread. (TA.) And ,,&
Ais utmost, or umd his utmost power or efforts or also to. l. (K.) And
endeavours or ability, in prosecuting the affair: t Tlte food was eagerly desired, or longed for. ,ao;l dJ The land became open to him. (L, 1'.)
(Mqb:) and t l and t.s. he exerted un- (S.)-Also ! He ate much of the foodl: (S, K:) And in like manner, LJI d .rl, (L,) and
sparingly his power, or ability: (S, A, 1 :) or SJI, (L, ],*) The road, and ttke trutk, became
he left nothing of it. (A.) You say also, l.
.1 tV h) exerted unparingly his open, aprarent, and manifest, to him. (L, K.)
power, or ability, in the prosecution of the affair, jl, o6,., t Th/is is herbage, or pasture, of
nwhich tbe cattle eat perseveringly. (AA, TA.) And yj.l jti j.,I tTlhe thing became, or has
so as to effect his utmost. (Myb.) You say also, become, within thy power, or reach; (Aboo-
l 1,9 ,Lt",a j,tq.! Do thine utmost in It (a state of life) wvas, or became, hard,
Sa'eed, ;) and offered, or presented, itself to
difitnlt, strait, or distress.ful. (S, K.)
this affair: (Fr, g, :*) but not b.. (Fr, .) thee. (Aboo-Sa'eed, TA.)
And N1 VSR : He took pains, or put himself 3. >t, inf. n. of 1_,.. properly signifies The 6: see 1.
to trouble orfatigue, to form a rightjudgment or using, or exertinlg, one's utmost power, efforts,
8: see 1, in five places. I;;;t as a conven-
opinion. (MA.) And , A ;--- endeavours, or ability, in contending with an
oldect of disapprobution; and this is of three tional term means A lawyer's exerting tlcfaculties
j~Jn~'* tI ezerted my judgment and my kinds, namely, a visible enemy, the devil, and [of the mind] to the utmost, for the purpose of
mind so that I attained the utmost of my poer, one's self; all of which are included in the term as forming an opinion in a case of law [respecting
or ability. (T, L.)_ - .. S He tried, proed, used in the Y~ur xxii. 77. (Er-R6ghib, TA.) See a doutbtful and difficult point]: (KT:) the seeking
or examined, him, (L, ],) ., ' *ul tre- also 1, first sentence. You say, 3.Wl o.t., (JK, to form a right opinion: (KL:) [investigation
of the law, or the working out a solution of any
speetin ~good qualities, 4c.]. (L.)j',., (Mgh, A, Mgh,) inf. n. as above (JK, Mgh, ]) and dif~ldty in the law, by means of reason and com,
L, Mb,) aor. , (Mgbh, L,) inf. n. , (L, Mb,) *i1t , (JK, ],) He fought with the enemny: parison: and] the referring a cass proposed to
It, (an affair, and a disease,) and he, (a man,) (V :) or he encountered the enemy, imposing upon the judge, [respecting a duubltfl and dil'ctul;
1B I. Wi
m4- --. , [Boox I.
pOint,]from the metlhd of analogy, to the Kur-dn : see svq., in five places. Also Milk verance, on account of its pleasantness and s~et-
and th Swnge. (L, TA.') d*
mized [with water: see ;~
]. (JK.) ness. (L.)i* See also ,~, in six places.
Power; ability; U also ; (g, A, ;1;. Hard land: (JK, S:) or land in which
IAth, L, Mqb, ] ;) the latter of the dial. of El- is no herbage: (TA:)
or hard land in which is
/lijz, and the former of other dials.; (Mqb;) no herbage: (s :) or level, or even, land:
or ..1. j, (A, M9 b, g,) aor. , (M,b, g,) inf. n.
and t;%~ (A:) . in the ]ur ix. 80 is rugged land: also used as an epithet; so that you , and j t,, (Er- Righib, TA,) It (a thing,
read both . and V,.: (a:) nd . signifies say .3t,4 ulj*: (TA:) or level, rmooth land, in A, Msb) was, or became, plain, apparent, con
alo labour, toil, exertion, efort, endeavour, which is no hill: (JK:) or the most plain and spicuous, open, or public; syn. 2~, (A, Mb,)
enrgy, diligence, painstaking, or extraordinary even of land, wAether it have produced herbage or and I.., (TA,) and jia: (l:) or the radical
painstaing: (L: [me .:]) or .has the not, not having any mountain or hill near it: signification is, it (a thing) was, or became, te-
signification first mentioned above, (Fr, ., lAth, and such is what is termed a ,1o~': (ISh, TA:) ceedingly plain to be perceived, either by the w~e
1. or an open tract of land: (Fr,TA:) or sterile,
M,b,) and '~., with fet-b, is from of sight or by that of hearing. (Er-Righib,
barren, or unfruitful, land, in which is nothing; TA.) [Accord. to some, when relating to what is
4 el 1,Jm J, (Fr, .,) or from ., 1 , visible, it is tropical; and when relating to what
being an inf. n. from this verb, (Mqb,) and signi- as also t.: pI ... (AA,L.)=Also The
is audible, proper: but if so, it seems to be so
Sies, [as also t;..,] one's utmost; the utmost fruit of the SIil; (IA,r, 1;) and so. much used in the former sense as to be, in that
of one'sW power or ability or efforts or endeavours (IAr, TA.) sense, conventionally regarded as proper. See
or eney. (Fr, ?, IAth, Mqb, K.) You say, ~ :ePasture much eaten by cattle. also J,,,-, aor. :, [inf. n., app.,
~ .JIJ, (M 9b in art. &, &c.,) and J, (S,A,K.) And WI. ,a4 X1t Land of which and ; ,]J He (a man, TA) was, or became,
(, A,) or *., (Mgh,) [and '1 ;' ,] He the herbage is much eaten by cattle. (A.) great, or bulky, (K,TA,) [and therefore a con-
exrted ns~aringly hi power or ability: (Mgh:) 7rpicuous object,] before the eyes of the beholder.
[or his utmst ponr or ability or efforts or en- (TA.) [And He nwa, or became, pang, or
... , : see goodly, in aspect: see e , below.]_ Ablso,
deavour or ergy; as shown above.] And &
;,q, (A, L,) and t;j~ .., (A,) He accom- (A, Msb, ,) inf. n. ; ., (A, M:b,) It (the
,1_.. [Striving, labouring, or toiling; &c.: voice) rose [so as to be plainly heard]; was, or
plied the utmot of his powe or ability; did
see 1. Hence,] ..u U' [Our journeying is became, high, or loud. (A, M#b, ].) - Also,
his utmost. (A, L [Like '~"'. i' See also laborious].
(TA in art. _.1.) And .M ' (S,) inC. n. I., (TA,) He, (a man) m, or
''. , 0' i* , below.]) And ? i.eJ is yn. [Inteme labour or exertion,
,4 became, high, or loud, of voice. ($, TA.)--j;.
or the lihe: or severe
with ,; (]~ ;) as in the saying, CIt , / difficulty or distress &c.]: an intensive expression, aor. , (Msb,) inf. n. ., ($, Mb,) He (a man)
.l ! (JK, T,) i. e. I wil anuredly accom- (1, TA,) like L .a. and ;,' , (TA.)_ was tnable to see in the sun. ($, Myb, TA.)
plih th utmost of my power, or ability, in the t Eagerly desiring [food]; longingfor [it]: (JK, And in like manner said of the eye. (.)
offair. (T& [In a copy of the A,.1 'o-I ; and 6 ) pl. ;4 ot~., (Msb,TA,) inf. n. v.; (TA;) and 'jf ;
(JK.)_.. . 4 Hungry
so in the TA, I believe from that same copy.]) and greedy, leaving no food. (A.) (A, Msb ;) and V ;~.t (A, Msb, TA,) [and
[So, too, is t.$;s; as in the saying,] jl;. 0-b ,
^v,! JI ;] and t o...; (TA;) He made it
ja,*.. A man thrown into a state of difculty, plain, apparent, conspicuous, open, or pblic.
T he utmost of thy power, or ability, and
embarrassment, distress, affliction, inconvenience, (A, Msb, TA.)__;L ,., and t .,,";
the utmost of thy case, is, or miU be, thy doing trouble, ( ;)
orfatigue. (L)
[such a thing]; syn. J,1;J [q. v.], (JK, I,) and t ,eat, in'. n. jt;.,; (S ;) and & tA~l;
--~ 0 6.-J

and Jtf ' i . (TA.) 4. 1 JU , -*' , He is one who takes the course (K;) and ?ja.; (TA;) and J0& 1 ., and
prescribed by prudence, precaution, or sound
1J, in the lur [v. 58, &c.], means Who judgment, for the; syn. L.c - .&, and .jJt, (TA,) and AZ;!*,, (Sgh, Mb,
(L.) And
TA,) aor. :, inf. n. , t
snor by God with the most energetic of their .s,.'... A sincere, or faithful, and careful, and ;~; (TA;) and
oatahs: (V,* Jel:) or the strongest, or moat d3.j. t9,..; (Sgh, Msb, TA ;) e uttered the
forcible, of ther oaths; ~q being originally adviser, or couneUor. (L.) .... A speech, and the saying, and his srupplication, and
an inf. n., and in the accuL case as a denotative man in a state of diffiulty, embarrassnent, dis- his prayer, and his recitation, with a plain, or
tres, affliction, inconvenience, trouble, orfatigue: an open, voice; openly; publicly: (8, Mb,],
of state with i ' understood before it, or as
possessing little property; poor. (L.)-And A
an inf. n. (B!.) Also Difficulty, or grievous- TA:) or A ', (A,) and JiJIp, and V-*.;
man whose beast is weah by reason offatigue. (L.)
ns; embarrasent, distress, affliction, trouble, (8;) and al; ; (A;) he uttered his speech,
inoneience,fatigue, or weariness; (?, A, lAth, ;,. fSeverely affected, harassed,embarrased, and the saying; and his recitation, with a raised,
Mgh, Myb, ]( ;) so accord. to some who say that distressed, afflicted, troubled, inconvenienced, or loud, voice; aloud: (8, A:) and ,. Ij
*'j,, with damm, has the fint of the significa- fatiged, or wearied: (S, Mgh,L :) distressed, he raised the voice [so as to make it plainly
tions assigned to it above; (Mb ;) as also or afflicted, by disease or difficulty: (JK:) heard]. (Q.)- LtyL , and t1-I, and
t ,;~: (Mgh:) a disase, or dfficulty, that afflicted with drought, barrenness, or dearth; or t.A.., lie made knonm thle acts of disobedience
with drought, and dryneu of the earth: (L:)
distrsss~ or afflicts, a man; as also t that he had committed, by talking of them: he
and angry. (JK.)_A hard, difficult, strait,
(JK.) Hence, ,Qtl ,~.',(Mqb,) i. e. A state of or distressful, state of life. (TA.) -_ Milk who does so is termed ~.J1. -~t~ and
difficulty, or trouble, to which death is preferred: deprived of its butter (8,A) Aentirely: (S:) or simply ..l. (TA.) And o,j p l t n.!
or largeness of one's family, or houehold, com- mixed wvith water: (Msb :) or diluted so as to Ile revealed what nas in his bosom. (A.) And
bined with poverty. (L, I.*) [Hence also,] consist for the most part of wvater; and in like 4 % W JH tv. ". He revealed the
;1; a., [i. e. t;, y,] i. q. ta,.: see 1. manner, broth: (A:) or churned so that its story after he had concealed it. (A.) And t'+1
(iV.) - Also Small pro~uion, upon which a man butter is extracted and it is rendered sweet and j.*l He made the case, or affair, notorious.
possessing little property can live (JK, L) with plsant: and used as meaning eagerly desired, (TA.)-Also ,vat He discovered it (,TA)
or longed for, and drunk without its occasioning
diffculty. (L.) And j ;i What a man disgwt, by reason of its sweetness and pleasant- ocularly. (TA.) - He saw him (a man) without
who posseus little property can afford to give in ne: (Mb :) or eagerly desired, or longed for; any veil (K,TA) intervening; (TA;) as also
payment of the poor-rate required by the law. and so food in general: (JK, L:) or eagerly j.q.l: g(:) or he looked towards him, or
(L, from a trad.) desired, or longed for, and drunk with perse- regarded him. Qg.) You say, a.* o, l 1
Boox I.] 2*4 475
. J,
- I
L emnJ. T;ere is not in the tribe any one and acting openly, or being open in one's conduct or man (?, A) of pleating, or goodly, awpect; (9, A,
whn. my eye regards as worthy of notice or converse, nith others. You say,] la&aWl 141i; .;) as also t.e: (]:) fem. of the former with
rpect by reason of his greatness therein; syn. They showed open enmity, or hostility, one with ;: ($:) beautiful: (:) of goodly aspect, who
. . (TA.) And :iji .;,I tW l The people another; syn. k IjlJ. (. in art. .) [And pleases the beholder by his beauty: and a fae of
looked towards such a one without any veil inter- s1r3 He feigned himself unable to see in the goodly, or beautiful, fairness: (TA:) and *j.!
tnning between thern and him. (TA.) - He sun: see the part. n., below.] a man (TA) of goodly atpect, (1,TA,) and of
treated him, or regarded him, with reverence, goodly and perfect body. (AA, TA.) - Also,
8: see 1, in eight places.
vneration, respect, or honour: (V :) or (TA) he
regarded him as great in his eyes: ( K, TA:) he 10. ... l: see 1. - Also He took it forth. (K,) or ;e'" and JjwjJ, (A,) Adapted
saw him to be great in aspect, or appearance; (TA from a trad.) to, or constituted for, goodnesc: (A,] :) because
( ;) s also n .l ( I) ]g, and * ... ,1: (A:) Q. Q. 1. .: see 1, in four places. he who beholds him desires his beneficence: (TA:)
he wa pleased with his beauty, and his form, or pl. ,J. (A, 1.) Also Milk not mi.ed with
appearance, or state of apparel or the like; as I.~.: see ;n~., in two places. water: (Fr, S, 1:) orfriom which the butter has
also te j..J: (L,I,*g:) or he pleased him by been takenforth. (TA.)
'~.: see j~., in six places.
his beauty and form or appearance &c.: (A:) ;.' [an inf. n. (see )1 Pleaingn, or
or it pleased him by its beauty; as also Vt . .~: see ., in two places. goodliness, of aspect; (?, A, 5;) as also ,,
(TA.)_ - Ihe san it (an army, $, A, K, and a 3,* A thing that is plain, apparent,conspi- (IK) and ".: (TA:) [and a quality pleasing to
people, TA) to be numerous in his eyes; as also cuous, open, or public. (.K.) You say, *.q ; tj behold: for] Abu-n-Nejm says,
' ;~; (, A, K.) I ;eJI,, (S, K,) aor., (S, A, &c.) lie saw him, or it, [plainly,] without .. , - -- ,, , , 3-

inf. n.,, (TA,) lIc cleared out the well, (S,g,) the intervention of any veil: (TA:) and V * ;*+ *uL21 Uk owkj .1j
and took forth from it the black fetid mud that [signifies the same: or] he saw him, or it, nith [And I regardfairness in women as a quality
it contained; as also Vtajn.: (S :) or both exceeding plainness: (Er-Rtighib, TA:) or the
pleasing to behold]: (s :) and '. signifies the
signify he entirely, or nearly, exhausted the wvell former signifies he saw him, or it, wvith his eyes,
fornm, or appearance, or the like, andgoodlines of
of its water: (1K :) or the former, he reached the ocularly, or before his eyes, (S, A, Bd in ii.. 52,
aspect, of a man: (1] :) or what please by its beauty,
water of the well, (K, TA,) in digging: or so Msb,) without anything intervening: (S:) so in
of theform or appearanceor the like, of a man, and
'" alone: (TA:) and accord. to Akhl, .,. the .ur. [ii. 52], o 4. ,i' . : (S, Bd:) his goodliness of aspect: (S :) [and simply at~et,
ibJll significs I cleared out the mud that the and [some say that] o. is here originally an or outward appearance.] You say, tA. ' C-
water covered in the nell, so that the wvater
inf. n. of .r in o; ".l -, [like t 1lq,] Sons goodly in stature and in aspect: (IApr, TA:)
appeared and became clear. (S.) 'Aisheh said,
and metaphorically used in the sense of a.;.A.: it or in stature and in cheeks: (1:) but the former
describing her father, ,ljl1 ,; -.I, lit., lie
is in the accus. case as an inf. n.: or it is thus used is the more agreeable with authority. (TA.)
cleared out the filled-up wells of abundant water
so as to make the water well forth; alluding to as a denotative of state relating to the agent or the And 'JM ,
_ 1 C How goodly is the
his rectifying affairs that ihad become disordered. object: and bome read ; , as an inf. n. like form, or aprpearance,or the like, and the beauty
(TA from a trad.) .l. lVe came to them a_u, or as pl. of lt., and as such it is a deno- of aspect, of such a one! (S, A:') [or simply,
the aspect; for] you say also, tD. l.l [How
in the morning, at the time called tL .teJl,(, A, tative of statc: (Be.:) or o.. is here from '.n.
], TA,) when thjey wvere inadvertent. (S, K,TA.) ;a ,1l: (Akh, S:) accord. to Ibn-'Arafch, it here
evil is his aspect!]. (A.) And jJl X J;
signifies unconcealedfrom us: (TA:) and in the and t* .J1 A man goodly in aspect. (TA.) And
._..-. 1j9.'. lIHe traversed the land (,K) with-
.Kur. iv. 152, ocularly; not concealedfrom us by > t* j~
out hnowledge. ( .) ; lI slwok the *. [I saw his aspect, and so
milk-skin to make butter, (Fr, S,gI,) and took anything. (I,*' TA.)- You say also, o. ~ knew his mind]. (A.)
forth its butter. (Fr, TA.) 1 [and t* s. He spoke to hirn plainly, with an
3j.": see the next preceding paragrmph.
open oice, aloud, or publicly]. (S, TA.) - And
jt:JlI The sun dazzled the eye, and confused the
tjt i ;.ly ~; and t Ia. [He met him in the 1 Jt;*J>l sii ~i; [Such a one iu
sight, of the traveller; syn. ,.- (..), chaste in secret conduct and in public behaviour].
daytime, openly, or publicly]. (g1.)
3. .^.: see 1. . [Its inf. n.] ;l signifies (A.)
j--..[A blaze covering the face of a horse: or
The fighting [with any one]face toface: and the the quality of having
such a blaze:] a subst. from l .q : seee,., in four places.
showing open enmity, or hostility, with any one:
and the reading, or reciting, a thing aloud: and j.^1 applied to a horse. (TA.) ._ A cast in the a word of well-known meaning, (Meb,)
the speaking loudly. (KL) You say, ,ljJ y, eye. (AA,TA. [Seee also .:..]) [a coll. gen. n., Jenvels; precious stones; gems;
pearls: any hind ofjewel, precious stone, or gem:
(M 9b,) inf. n. S . (8, Mgb) and 1'.q, (Msb,) .: see ; .,
and also applied (as in the T, M, Mgh, Myb, and
He showed open enmity or hostility, with another.
1t;' and 1;!: see ;..., in three places. , voce j., q. v.,) to native ore:] any stonefrom
(s,, Myb.) And r. ... I acted openly
.~~~~~~~~~~.. which is extracted, or elicited, anything by which
with them in the affair, or case; syn. #4 .nlct. J~e': see .. _ Also, and t s ., An lone mnay profit: (1K:) n. un. with ;: (S:) [pl.
(JK.) [And j^lq. He treated him openly with army seen to be numerous. (A.) - And the
1... :] it is of the measure ~j3i, (Myb,) and is
enmity &c.]--,, , I., (TA,) inf. n. ;3q... former, Bold; daring: in the IS, erroneously, from ,j,.I signifying a thing's "becoming ex-
and tv., (1],) [is explained as signifying] He ceedingly plain to be perceived by the sense of
vied with them, or strove to overcome or sutpass je~.(in the TA, here, t ', but in another sight:" (Er-R.Aghib, TA:) or it is of Persian
thmn, in the affair, or case. (.K,*TA.) [But placc, ,) iglh, loud, or vehement, speech; origin, (TA,) arabicized, (9, TA,) [from ;.,]
,n,,U, in the TA, and a,iiJIt, in the ]g, are here
(Msb,l, TA;) as also t't and t*gjg : (K:) accord. to most persons. (TA.) . . q.
evidently mistranscriptions for 1 and aibLJl.]
and so applied to the voice; (Msb, TA;) as also The diversified waty marhk, streaks, or grain, of
4: see 1, in eight places. _j~ also signifies
He begat sons goodly in stature (IA9r, 1.) and t &j"n. (A,TA.) Also, and ~ (TA) and a sword; syn. .3. (T and V voce vi.]-
in aspect, (IAr, TA,) or in cheeks: (1]:) or, a t 5jj,q. (A, TA) and ?;,q.(A) and4 all :~ j . [Th emsence of atAing; or that
squint-eyed son. (IAr, 1].) whereby a thing it what it is; the substance of a
and e,A S - (m,) A man having a thing: the costituent of a thing; the material
6. [,pj. signifies The showing oneselfopenly: high, loud, or strong voice. (?, A, TA.) - A part thereof;] that upon which the natural con-
4 -7 a [Boo IT.
stitutiou of a thing is as it were based; or of ($S, :) opposed to ,J1t:
(TA:) so called furniture,
furniturc, accoutrements, or apparatus, (Mqb,)
which its natural coaustitution is made to be; [o; [accord. to some] because there is a full stress in of a bride, [i. e. her paraphernalia,] and of a
as IbrD thinks to be meant in thc ]g, the collectir r, the place where any one of them occurs, and the tmveller, and of a corpse: ($, M9 b, 5:) pro-
parte and materials of a thing, of which its naz- breath is prevented from passing with it until the vitiou
visions and other requisites or a traveller: (gar
tural consutitution is moulkd;] expl. by ... ; ta stress is ended with the passage of the voice. p.
p. 104:) pl. [of pauc] o 1, and pl. pl. ;s ;
J"q. iJA, (,) or, main some Lexicons, [as th (Sb, l.U;_Water wnh/ich, having been
(S, 1;.) _ Accord. to some, Houselold goods or
JK and the Meb,] 4di.
51 "d L [which ia buried in the earth, has been drawn until it has .furniture and utensils: accord. to 'Alee Ibn-
virtually the ame]: (TA:) p.gJ1 and ;ItJ c become sweet. (TA.)_ . ~- A well (Z.) 'Eesi,
'Ecsi, xczellent goods that are conveyed from
and 3*&JI and i1JI are all qyn. terms; and th cleared out, and cleansedfroin the black.fetid mud country to country: and hence the j..
country of the
which it had contained. (S.) - And Wells fre- bride: (Iar p. 104:) or exceclent goods that are
first hau other significations; but in the classiceait
quented [and in use], (}~,) wvAther their water be conveyed
conveyed as mserchandise. (Mgh.) - Also the
language it dgnifies . 1, i. e, %:p
i-- J. sweet or salt. (TA.) former, WIhat is upon a camel that is usedfor
[the original of compound things]; and not whaB riding [consisting of the saddle and its apper-
:h..;: see, above, 5 a 1 ,-
subsists by itself. (Kull.)-.[llence, j.UI . '. tenances]. (K.) It is said in a prov., ) .,
t TA indivisible atom.] - In the conventiona K I .: see J: and see also j~... ojt;.,
ojl., witl fet-h [to the t], (As, 6,
],) i. e.- He
language of mcholutic theology, .A.~.. signifieiS
Substance, as opposed to accident; in whiced a, . Feigning in thhe 8sa
took .fright and fled or eent away at random,
and did not return: (:)
and or it is said of a thiing
sense, some ausert the word to be so much usec ing, cited by Th,
that goes away and does not return: (As,$:)
am to be, in this sense, conventionally regarded m
originally relating to a camel from whose backt
proper. (TA.) See alsojj,'. the saddle with its apparatus tumbles, falling
[Like the looker that feigns himself unable to see
i,,,. A jeweller; a seller of,.4q [or ,h.' ] in te sun4- (TA.) between his lege, in consequence of which he
(TA)._.[In scholastic theology, tOf, or relatin takes fright and flees or runs away at random, so
to, substance, as opposed to accident.] that he goes away into the land: (An, S,]:)
,0aI a - .,., signifies
significa he wrent; (jLw; for which in the
.1: Sm, .~. -Also A man having the 1. 1 see 4, in two places. CK is put L ;) and the meaning of the phruse
eyeball, or globe of the eye, prominent and appa. is, he went stumbling upon his apparatus. ()
rent, or large and prominng; syn. i_4: of ;e2. j, inf. n. J;, lle Jitted out, equipped,
In the T it is said, The Arabs say, je&j se 11 4',
retbling swch as is termd J1.4.: fern. Ijsp. furnished, or supplied, a bride, and a traveller,
(TA.) And this latter, An eye having the ball, or and a corpse, (S,Msb, g,) and an army, (S,) 1't , meaning Tle camel took fJight and
with her, or his, or their, j4.' [i. c. requisites, ran away at random, beating the ground with
globe, ~promnnt and apparent, or large and pro-
ki.r feet so as to thtrow down the apparatus and
minent; syn. Miak.: (V :) or resembling what equipage,furniture,accoutrements, or apparatus]: load that were upon him. (TA.)~ Also
(S, Msb. l]:) he provided a warrior with a beast the
is thus termed. (TA.) - Having a pretty cast in foriner, The pudendum of a woman. (S, J, TA.)
to ride, and with other requisitesfor his espedi- former,
the eye: (AA, ] :) fern. au above. (L.) - That tion: 0
(TA:) he prepared him or it. (TA.) You A-:
cannot see in the sun; (?, A, M9 b, ]g;) applied to
a man, (A, Mb,) and to a ram: (S :) fernm. as say also, LJ. 1' j . [lHe fitted out the
horsemen and sent them against him]. (v.)- )e-
ito- Ui, (S, 1Z,) or ,z :1 (A0, TA,)
above: (?, A, MNb, ~ :) or mweahk-sighted in the
A horse quick, or swift, in run;ning: (A0, )
sun: (L4, TA:) or that cannot see in the daytime; See also 4. or
or the former, a horse that is light, or active. (].)
1 ssignifying "that cannot see in the night:" 4. C4l' uI .-1, (As, JK, S, Mgh, Msb, -vee ;ga, Zt", and tj, A quick death. ((.)
(TA:) and the fern., a woman who cloms her eyes I,) inf. n. jI4e; (Msb;) and &;U a
': aor.
in the sun. (A.)-A horse-having a blaze that ,
,~ Q see what next precedes.
(Myb, K,) inf. n. j ; (TA;) Ie despatched,
covers his face: fern. as above. (1].)_ Also the 0.2
or he hastened and completed the slaughter of, jt~ ~ One for wihom are prepared travelin
fern., Open, bare, land, not concealed by anything:
the wounded man; (As, S, Mgh, Msb, 1g ;) hA provisions and equipage, that he may perform
(A:) or plain land, in which are no trees nor hills
made his slaughter sure, or certain: (JK, I:) ilte the pilgrimageforanother. (Mgh.)
(, TA) nor sand: (TA:) pl. $G - (A, and te1'., with teshdeed, 0.
signifies the same, but
TA.) - And A company (, 1() consisting of denoting jit~
jt One wlho sends forth traders with ex-
muchness, or frequency, or repetition,
the distinguished part (TA) of a people: ( :) of the ce1lent goods: or who traveLs with nuch goods.
action, or its application to many objects,
the more, or moast, ecellent persons of a tribe. (Mgh.) Hence, app., the vulgar term
(/.) and intensiveness: (Mqb:) or ... JI1 u t;;;.
You say, [with reference to distinguishied Teniq
meaning A rich merchant. (Mgh.) And
signifies he slew the wounded man. (IDrd, TA.)
persons,] 5v" b How is your company? j3.h~
<jjj.h TraveUing-companionswho assist one iis
You should not say, .OJ! ku Zl'., (S,) or
(?.) the loading of the beasts. (Mob.)
.k jc.l. (ISd, TA.) 1
_.. se,e~J.~ : and see also ,, in two see the next preceding paragraph.
places. 5. j3J He fitted out, equipped, furnisded, or
supplied, himself; or he or it became fitted out
,. ((,.) and tl;4 (1) A man accus- or equipped or furnished or supplied; with his or 1 LAW.P.
tomed to speak with a plain, or an open, voice; its jt [or requisites, &c.]: (.K:) he prepared 1 1. a4it u; ]g,% and
(8,1g,) , (K,) which
openly; or publicly. (, J.) atter, accord. to IDrd,
. .a hin,self. (S, 1.) You say, i.i s.' ,, (.S, is the more common,
it~k : see what next precedes. 'TA,)
'TA, aor. , in. n
n. (era, and
]I,') and ,!t, (',),jj I prepared myself for ' ).
1Lnd C;ttc, (K,) He betook himslf
such a thing. (8, ~.) to him by
j~ . Notorious; applied to a thing: (TA:) reaon- offright or fear, seeking protection, and
and so _ applied to a man: (A, TA:) and 11. . WIi al ;.jjLt l: see 5. oeing about, or ready, to weep; like as the cAild
t plain, apparent, or conspicuous; applied 9 etahes himself to hi mother by reason of fright
jt., (Q, Msb, &c,
&c.,) so accord. to the seven ' (As, S,
to a thing. (TA.) - ..
aj.JI J1.JI [The readers in the lIur xii. 59 and 70, prfear,
rfear, and to-,)hifather, (Aj,) being
(Az, Msb,) pbout,
about, or ready, to meep; (A 9, $;) as also
letters that are pronounced with the voice, and
and Jt;., (1, MSb,l ,) but the latter is rare, 's, JP J..
not with the breath only; the vocal letters;] the exce(A0,
(A0, 8.d.) _ ecfare
(Msb,) or bad, (Az, TA,) or an erroneous pro-
letters (nineteen in number, g) that are comlprised brdeo &J1 &J1r . e infn. :eell tw ; (TA;) and
nunciation of the people of El-Barah, (Lth, TA,)
in the #a~ * ,* p -- & * - The requisites, (Msb, ,) equipments, equipage, I Q-!,*J;
- (?. A, wTA;) His soul l caved, (., A,)

or to
(As, ?' and
;) K,)
A accoutre~tt,
or _qoodir
,fear,inf or
to paraphernalia,]
n. camel
seeking (Mgh.)
by are
like ,;term
- to
;) as whose
BooK I.] 477
and he ma about, or ready, to weep: (A:) or .$,A,V) cast hr young one: (.,A:) or cast a'
o., [or ignorane, &ce.]. (g, .) And tj.
Ais soul eamwd, and quitted him. (TA.)I.-.b Aer youn one wit its fir grown, (As, ]K,) before %U
l. H feigned ignorance [to Aim]. (i.)
;jJI~j jJI J ,He ma ready, or about, to desire, it ma perfect: (A :) or cast heryoung one before
its form was appars: (AZ:) or in an imperfect 10. ; 1,.l He reckoned Aim, or eteed Aim,
and to mourn: (IDrd:) and 10 t ,;1 gi. He
state: (TA:) or lij' ' , inf n. . l she&D jW.
J*l. [or i9~orant, &c.]. (, TA.),
ma ready, or about, to weep. (El-UJtnawee, .) He, or
(a camel, and a woman,) cast her young one im- it, xcited him to lightneu, or meity, and u-
_ J1 Y-. .;4,
(AA, ],) and (j,) perfect inform. (Msb.) stoadinon.
steadines. (,].)-:;q . ;! it.1
eor.:, inf. n. , (AA, g,) He,asfriglhtend
at th tAing, or afraid of it: (AA, b:) or Ae u,b: see , , in two places. :
1 The wind put the branch into a state of commo-
tion. (Q, TA.)
fld roms tAe thing. (gh, .)j-J 1t4 . [The act of a camel's, and of a woman's,
,, They came quickly to m,frihtened. (A.) castingan imperfectfc!t.;] a subt. from - ;a1 .t J;o; an inf. n. of 1: Ignorance; contr. of :
_, ,, . He remoes, and said of a camel and of a woman. (Myb.) (, Mqb,'
Mqb,' ] :') [and silliness, orfoolishnue: and
o equickly, from land to land. ( )_, %~
rrong conduct: (see 1:)] it is of two kinds;
, q', applied to the young one, or fmetus, of namely,
.~9l *J inf. n. He., came to the peopl,
He simple, which is the on-~istene of
a camel, (S, A, M9b,) and of a woman, (M,b,) knowledgeknorledge of that which should be Anown; and
or company of mn. (TA.) i. q. ~ [pass. part. . of , q. v.]: compound, which is a decisive belief not agr~-
.4: see 1, in three places.l-C I, He ($, A, MCb:*) or, ([,) as also ? , on the able with the fact, or reality: so accord. to
haeteedAch a on. (Ibn-'Abbid, I.) Ibn-El-Kemil:
Ibn-EI-Kemal: or, accord. to Er-RIghib, it is
authority of Fr, being, as he says, like 5, in
of three kinds; namely, the minds roidnes of
A flow of tears (A,] , TA) fallin3 one the ],, erroneously, t, (TA,) an abortion: knorvledge,
knoivledge, which is the primary meaning; and
ofter another on the occasion of , [or the or a young one perfectly formed, and into which the believing a thing to be d'ferentfrom wAat it
betaking onesclf to another by reason of fright or the spirit has been inspired, without its living: is; is; and the doing a thing in a manner diferent
fear, &c.]. (TA.) ,A company of men; as (1K:) or 1t,4. signifies the young one of a camel from that in rMhich it ought to be done: or,
alo t .: ( :) or the latter signifies a accord. to El-garlfdlee, the proceeding in dubious
that is cast before itsform is apparent. (TA.)
party, and a multitude, of men. (TA.) affairs without knowredge. (TA.) It is said in a
uwhl: see the next preceding paragraph. prov.9
-,.~ Quick; rwho removes, and goes quickly, prov., 4-
'. .tJtu ,i& [Doubt it sUcient igno-
from land to land. (g.) '*.~, applied to a she-camel, (., Mqb, ],) rance].
rance]. (Myb.) And it is mid in a trad., .>. I
and to a woman, (Msb,) act. part. n. of .
L.4.: sce
w e. ';
'~&.. 1a [Verily there is, among the kinds of
[q. v.]; (S, Msb, ;) as also with ;: (Mb :) pl.
knowledge, tvhat is ignorance]: this is one's
1 _-LCI". (5.) learning what is not requisite, and neglecting
1: see 4, in two places. b.a;;" A she-camel that is accutomed to what is requisite; or a learned man's affecting,
or pretending, a knowledge of that which he does
cast her young (S, A) in an imperfect state. (TA.)
8. . , (l,) inf. n. ,:1 , (TA,) Ic en- not know. (TA.)
deamoured to prevent him, or to turn him arimy
: see
ace .al.
[from a thing]; and strove to be befd,re him;
syn. ,mJ. and 4.L. (I..) Hence tie saying, 1. ,j ; (S;) and l, (Sh, Msb, K,) and .~.:see what next follow.
in a trad. of Molpammad lbn-Meslemehl, relating
4 !,. (JK) [and (see JAl]; aor. :, j&t;.
&tl.. and t3j ., [but the latter has an inten-
his endeavouring to attack a man on tie day of
Ood, MI Zt - W But Aboo-Sufydan
(g,) inf. n. J; and Jl. (., Msb, g) and sive signification,] Ignorant: (Mqb, ] :) and
i.- ; (TA;) He siUy,
silUy, or foolish, in conduct: and wrong in coan-
endeawoured to turn me away from him ( t was ignorant; (S;) Ahe was
characterized by ,J3 in duct: (Msb:) [characterizd by ;. in any of
), and put me away [from him]. (TA.) any of the senses as- aj
signed to this word belowv: (TA:) and )h was the senses asigned to this word above:] pl. JiO.
4. . U ovrcame me in contending for ignorant of it; he did not know it; (Sh, JK,
.re (, KL) KL) and and j4. and and ,'5ny.:
the thing; as also ' . (p.) You say, M 9b, IC ;) contr. of '. (Msb, V.) You say, (XC:)
(. :) see rq... The former epithet is mostly
A4% I ; o1eI, He overeame him in contending o;"i s, '~ l.~ The like of mc will not be used in dispraise: but sometimes not in dis-
for tih thing, and made him to quit it, or put ignorant of the like of thee. (Sh, TA.) And pmise;
praise; as in the saying [in the l]ur ii. 274],
him aoay from it; as also " ., nor. '~.'; L& i ie acted in an ignorant or a ;AI& jL41m;J1
JLI4 .JI * i. e., The ignorant of their
(A, .) And ;EJ,Ies j;J Such silly or foolish manner towards another: and [ri;al]
[real] state [would reckon them possessed of com-
a one was slain, and the people ererovercome so wrongly. (Msb.) And s;;1 j .,q ti [i. q . petencel.
petence]. (TA.) .lq. means Jt. ,.
that he was taken from them. (8.) And .G (1,
, (1~, TA,) i. e., He id ignorant [of him, or it,
4.b, Hle was ignorant, or silly, orfoolish,
~ehJ.q ~1I Iatq.JI The beast, or bird, opinion, orjudgment]. (Sh, TA.) And j.j1.in his or] of hit, or its, state, or condition. (TA.)_
qf prey caugAt the game, and re removed him, He neglcted ,JbJI
j.a4JI The lion (Is, TA) tlat is ignorant of the
the truth, or the right, or due; [or
and overcame him in contending for that which
he ignored it;] syn. Li,,. (Mqb.) See also 6. prey. (TA.). [In the Cli, ,~' 1. ,A 1J is a
he Aad caught. (?, A,* Mb.) - _ is also
-j. 1 'J t The cooking-pot boiled vehe- mistake for ,~'1 4.qJ. ]
sn. wisth Jw,l. (A, g.) Thus, sometimes, ($,)
mently; contr. of-.;X; . (TA.) o..- 4.....
IJb >. , ;1, (?,) or ).s'9 O, (Mghl, TA,) jyc~ : see l.tn.. Also Great as an epithet
signifies I hurriedhim so as to prevent him from 2. q, (Msb, l,) inhf. n. jic , (S, ,) e applied to a smooth rock ( (I.)
doing such a thing, or the thing; (?, Mgh, TA;) attributedto him J;. [or ignorance, &c.]. (S, 0,6.
and made him to quit it. (Mgh.) -You alvt~
ai.L (IDrd, JK, It) and t' ' . and t*.
say Msb, 1].)iAnd He caused him to faU into
also, - 1 A .qe
He roued him, or made Lq.. (TA.) (IDrd, ) and * ;a (a) A piece of wood
kim to ris, ,rom his plaee. (A,* TA.) And with which one stirs liw, or burning, coab (.),
3. tii .; The acting with Icvity, and in an
[elliptically] i,t1 C1 We roued the enemy, ignorant or a illUy orfoolish manner, with any (JK, V, TA,) or wine (s ); (so in some copies
or made tl~ to rise, frm their places; and one. (KL.) [You say, 4 W., of the I; ) of the dial. of El-Yemen. (TA.)
meaning He so
remowd them t/erefrom, or made them to quit acted with
Aim.] UU4.
1 4' [A pagan; a pagan Arab; one of
them. (Mgh.)~ _ . I ! She (a camel, AZ, A4,
6. *J 13 Hcfeigned, or made afalse sAho of, thou who are called collectively V a.J1; and

the or[or
the ignoranu,
in conduct:
reckon &c.].
manner ffl~ igT
m.ong And
478 [Boox I.
sometimes jtlal, pl. of j.aIJl: and particu- both instanoes; ( ;) and t , (S, 1,) and
larly, a pagan poet;] a poet of the first, or t.i;
_ (JK, 1];) He grinned,fronming,or
earliest, of thefour class wvhich are ranked in looking sternly, austerely, or morosely, in hisface: .* [Hell; or Hell-fire;] (T,S,],&tc.;) a
chronological order; of the clau which was suc- (8 :) or he met him, or reyarded him, with a dis- name of the fire with which God will punish,
pleasing, (JK, 15, TA,) fromning, or grinning and (T, S,) in the life to come, (T,) his [disobedient
ceeded next by the . (Mz, 49th t.)
frowning, (TA,) face: (JK, V1,TA :) or *,. and unrepentantand unbelieving] servants; (e;)
[8ee also .:,.] a proper name of the abode ofpunishment: (Bd,
signifies he shorved a sour, a crabbed, or an austere,
ii. 202:) a word rendered quasi-coordinate to the
ifl:JI see what next precedes_..[Also, or] face. (T1I in art. c.) A poet says,
quinqueliteral-radical class by the doubling of the
t j.".jl i;JI
l, (JK, S, 1,) in which the latter third letter: ($:) accord. to some, it is an Arabic
word is a corroborative, ($, 1,) as in "JY ii word, applied to the fire of the world to come
&c., ($,) [The time, or state, of ignorance, or because of its depth; [see the last paragraph;]
paganism; or of intense ignorance;] the time of ($,' TA,) i. e. [Many a region] that exhibits to (T, TA;) or originally syn. with 1CW [fire, or
the 5j [(or ceusation of the mission of apostle, the impotent that which he dislikes, [or that frowns the fire]; (Bd in ii. 202;) and imperfectly decl.
and of the effacement of the igns ofthir reli- upon the weah, or impotent, I have cAhidden therein because determinate and of the fem. gender: (T,
gion]. (JK.) One ays, lyeJ,
l U5 JJ i a strong she-camel that laves the marks of het S:) accord. to otlhers, it is an arabicized word, (T,
[That as in the time, or state, of pagan- footsteps upon the ground.] (S.) You say also, S, Bd ubi supra,) imperfectly dccl. because deter-
ism, or of intense iguorance]. (S.) .1e.p. t;! " t [Fortunefrowns upon the
JI minate and of foreign origin; (T,TA;) some say,
generous]. (TA.) And W..fl
i -- [2A y originally Persian; (S;) others, from the Hebrew
;;;~ JAn affair, or an event, or a case, and a .. l1 .b, (TA,) [or as Golius says, D,'l tN" "the
land, and a habit, a property, a quality, a prac- object of hopefrow:ned upon me] is said when one
has not attained his object of hope. (TA.) Valley of Hinnom," where children were burned
tice, or an action, that induces a man to believe a alive as sacrifices to the idol Moloch.] -Seec
thing to be d~erentfrom what it is. (Er-Raghib, 4, L,J, t.. 1 The sky had clouds such as also ;,.
TA.) A desert (;j H ) in twhich are no signs of are termed ] . (1T.)
the way. (v.) And ,-5 .4. A land in which b: see 1, in six places. [~T. Of, or relating to, . ., i. c. Jell,
are no signs of the way: (TA:) or in which one or Hell-fire.]
will not go aright (1, TA) unleu by means of the 8.._,..' He entered upon, (1.,) or journeyed
[signs of the way called] A1J: (TA:) pl. Jhq p,
in, (A, TA,) the portion of tihe night termed .. a (S 1,i,Ham p. 817) and . and
.. (A, K, TA.) l* '], with cach of the three vowels (IS, TA)
which is the contr. of. laL: (TA:) accord. to
the 5, it has neither dual nor pl.; but it has both, A coarse, or rou.gh, and contracted, and to the :, (TA,) [but accord. to the K1 it would
as 'Iy 6d and others have affirmed. (MF, TA.) ugly, face; as also t ; ( ;) or, as in some of ratl,er seem to bo ; 1 ;q and A4,] and t ,
the lexicons, .. (TA.) And .,jl ~. (K1,) applied to a well ( , , 1, or e, Ham),
' .: 'see J. Frowning, or contracted, inface; or grinning in Deep; ($, 1K, Ham ;) in which he who ftlls into
J. [A cause of, or an incitement to, igno- face, with afrowning, or contraction, or a stern, it perishes. (IIam.)
rant, silly,foolish, or w'ong, conduct;] a thing an austere, or a morose, look: (S, Mgh:) or
that incites one to J;;.J. ($,! .) Hence the coarse, or rough, in face: (JK, TA:) applied to
a man: (JK, 8, Mgh, TA:) and to a lion. (JK,
saying, L .. 01jl [Children are a cause of -. The air: (15:) or [the atmosphere; i. e.]
silly, orfoolish, conduct]. (..) TA.) And [hence,] .q.JI The lion. (]S.) what i* betnen the heaven, or sky, and the earth;
-... . v..
See also A . (, Mgh;) the air [or the region] betrween the
: .- see,. heaven, or sky, and the earth: pl. f,l.. (TA.)
Ji ! A she-camel light, brisk, or agile, in ta.: see a.~, in two places. = Also A big
'3-Jl t, in the ]ur [xvi. 81], means In
her pace, or going. (TA.) thec air between tie heaven, or sky, anl the earth:
cooking-pot. (15.)
(Jcl:) or in the middle of the sly: (1Catileh,
J~.. [Unknown]. You say, ij4Jl Z,S TA:) or in the air that is remotefrom the earth.
V,J ,_,
a~ and V'a , (JK, S, 1,) both mentioned
[I ventured upon traersing the by Fr, ($,) A portion of the night: (JK :) the (Bd.)_A low, or depressed, part of the ground;
desert notwithstanding its unknown character]. first of the last portions of the night, (JK, S, 1I, (M, IC;) as also tj.: (. :) or a wide part
(., TA.)-.[A man of unknorm origin. A book TA,) extending tapp. from midnight] to near the of a valley: (S, Msb:) pl. (in the latter sense,
of unknown authorship. _ In grammar, The period a little before daybreak: (TA:) or the Mqb, or in the former, g, TA) '.,. (M9 b, K)
passie voice.] - 3... remainingportion of the darkness of the lastpart
1a : A she-camel that and [of pauc.] s"..il (TA.) It has the latter
has never been milked: or that has no brand of the night: (15:) or the former signifies, [or
meaning in the saying of Tarafeh, [addressing a
upon her: (], TA:) and a she-camel that has each,] the beginning of the night, extending to a
fourth part: or, as some say, the middle of the lark,]
never conceived. (Z, TA.)
night: (KL:) pl. of the former , . (JK.)
' Making himself like the J [or
You say, a.v ) e ,>. and t' ;. [app.
ignorant;feigning himmlf ignorant]: or reckon- [The wide part of the valley has become vacant
meaning A portion, or a portion at the com- for thee; so lay thinc eggs, and vwhistle]. (AA,
ing, or esteeming, Jlt.. (gIar p. 572.)
mnencement of the latter part, of the night pased]. 8.) Az says, I entered, withl an Arab of the
(A'Obeyd, TA.) _ Also the former, Eighty desert, a [hollow place in which water collected,
camels: or the like. (i.) termed a] J:._, in El-Khal.1k, and when we came
1. , sor. ', inf. n. i . ] (8, ) and ii, t Clouds in whichisno water: (JK, S,]:) to the water, he said, -. Y Il X
(V,) Hle (a man) beca,mefronaing,or contracted, or that hae poured forth their water (1K, TA) OLi; ~j: [This is an abyss of water: one know
inface; or grinning in face, with afrowning, or with the wind. (TA.) not the utmost extent of it]. (TA.)_A vacant,
contraction, or a stern, an austere, or a moroe, void, or desolate, place, in vwhich is no one to
look: (8:) or he was, or became, coarse, or rough, .~ , applied to a man, (JK,S,) Impotent; cheer by his company. (Ham p. 203.) - The
and contracted, and ugly, inface. (1.)- Also, (JK, ,V1;) nweak; as also ,~. (].) See inside, or interior, of a house or tent; (] ;) and
said of the pubes, It was coarse, rough, or big. an ex. in the first paragraph. of anything; of thc dial. of Syria; also termed
(TA.) '' , (., 1J,) and .. ,aor. :, in t ;3., (TA,) and t .; (AC; [in the CK

BooK I.]
'lj;%lb is erroneously put for 1la;. ;]) in forth. (TA.)- [Hence, also,] l.., (8, A, idhim who prayeth to me;] therefore let them
Mob, TA,) aor. < (S, Msb, TA) and , nrvwer me; (TA;) i. e., let them annr my call
which last, the I and Oi are augmentatives for the abby obedience, (Jel,) when I call them to belief
purpose of corroboration. (TA.) - [Hence,] (.8, TA,) inf. n. ,;.; (TA;) and ' .., 1t; (8,
and obedience: (Bd:) accord. to Fr, what is
l ~jf. AQ1 1 desire concealment, or secrecy, A, TA;) SHe traversed, or crossed, (., A,* Myb,
is 3.,1 [q. v. in
TA,) or cut through by journeying, (TA,) a here meant [by the last verb]
and he desirespublicity. (A in art. .-) 04]: (TA:) [or let ti,m gie me thir
country, (S, TA,) or a land, (Msb,) and a desert, 8aart.Tears
;.W: see , in two places. and the darkness: (A,* TA:) and signifies zssent, or consent, to my call; or let them obey
a a. 1. likewise the pouncing down of a bird. (TA.) A (1 ny call: for you say, .. J!l and t ,
~jlj.: see ^. Hence the saying of Selman, of which there is authority in this
aO 5- *Ve r. 0 , . a .a a- rajiz says, 'for the latter
&il.tp rn
I ai C I X, [explained in Lrt. in the TA, but the former is more common,)
art. S]. (TA.) [It generally signifies Inner,
A L.4 A '
.,~WI tj.~ A;rl
- 1~ 8
and] J t .l, He obeyed him, or complied
: vith his desire, in doing a thing, [or consented to
inward, or interior; and secret, or private; I
a aI lo it,] iwhen summoned, or invited, to do it.
opposed to ,lj; and is now vulgarly pro- t [She passed the night cutting through the black -
(Msb.) _ ,;l
:Msb.) iql t The land produced
nounced aly.] It is a rel. n. [irregularly darkness, like as the tailorcuts through the voollen gants, herbage. (Ham p. 94.)-_.*.
tunic of the valiant chzief, making the opening at 1,lants, or
formed] from ~. signifying "any low, or de- the neck and bosom]: (S: [but in one copy, in- ht Tears running, or flowing; as though called
presed, part of the ground." (T in art. .) for and answering the call. (HIar p. 71.) ~ The
stead of ,-, I here find ,''; and in art. jO,f br
J,:1) and Sh remarks that this [verb , or rorms
forms '. and .r.i [as verbs of wonder] are
the inf. n. ,] is not from ,.Jl [meaning not used: therefore you say, lI^ j*I. s l L and
1. ~ is a dial. var. of [aor. of ;.. and "the opening at the neck and bosom" of a shirt not yll ,4jt1 [How good is his anser,or reply!];
&c.], because its medial radical is ,, and that of , ,t.. . 5 -.
meaning lie comes, or will come]: (K :) men- not i nor,.y.l~ .,.l:
t& nor do you say, j
,n.%qJ.I is c.: (TA:) [i. e., l, aor. , is 0,
tioned by Sb, who gives as an cx. j.lJ3,.. I Wl .79 ,..tI [meaning He is better in answering,
originally J-., aor. , .. One says also, of
[for L Ul,I.i I wviU come to thee and or replying, than thou: but see j"I, below].
inform thee]. (TA.) news, jl X
,;1,,,., t [It traverses (Sb, TA.)
the earth from country to country, or the laund
6. IM.5t.,3
t,oj3 i. q. Uw 'L, *v~ ~: ; [Th ey re-
from towvn to town]. (S, TA.) And of proverbs,
turned one another ansnerfor answer, or answers
;iI1 .j- t They are current in tAhe countries, for answers; they answered one another; replied,
;jJ and JI). and jJl..: see art. Jq.. or towns. (TA.)_-It is said in a trad., one to another; 1held a dialogue, colloquy, ' conference,
J>P ;
J ts jl t "WTeI Tlt disputation,or debate,together; bandiedwords, one
A rabs disputation,
were rent from us, like as the mill-stone is rent 7vitA nith another]: (K.:) t ,1 and ,Ij,3 both
from its pivot; we being in the midst, and they signify i. q. _. (, TA.) In like manner
1. .(., TA,) aor. (S,TA,) inf. n.
, (iar p. 33() around us. (TA.)m _, 1 l.: scee . one J
says of turtle-doves, (A,) of pigeons, of bray-
-.fi (S, A, I, TA) and ,
ing camels, and of neighing horses. (TA.)-
lie made a holc in it; or rent, or tore, it; (S,A, 2. ,.r.: see 1. Also, said of the light of [Hence,]

, TA;) as also t~hq.l: (1I,*TA:) he made a the moon, t It illumined, and rendered clear, [by [Hence,] ,ptl3 wj TiT,l first
hole through, or in, or into, it; petforated, pierced, penctrating,] a dark night. (TA.)= and the last parts of his
and speeck correspond, or
-i; r
or bored, it: (TA:) he cut it: (S, A, K, TA:) are consistent. (A,TA.)
[from shield "] He shielded him. (TA:
he cut it in like manner as one cuts a [or 7. ,.4Jl[It (a garment) became rent, or slit:
so accordl. to an explanation of the act. part. n.)
an opening at the neck and bosom of a shirt dc.]: see .]. - Said of a cloud, or a oollection of
(L, TA :) he made, or cut, a hole in tle middle 3. inf. n. jiq, He returned him clouds, It cleared away [so as to leae an o
of it; cut a piece out of the middle of it; hollowed answfor ansaner, or answers for answers; held space]. (S, Msb.) It is said in a trad., 4,tq1j
it out; or excavated it. (TA.) You say, .. a dialogue, colloquy, conference, disputation, or
words with him.] ,ls. IL4M h a;t l$ XJ ,jI' And the
a."i XHe made a hole in the roch; (A, TA;) debate, with him; bandied clouds became gathered and drawn together, and
perforated, pierced, or bored, it. (TA.) Hence, See 6, in two places.
cleared awvay from the city [so that they became
in the Xur [lxxxix. 8], '" 1=1 ;3.- j 4.' 411, (., A, Msb, TA,) inf. n. CI1 (S, like a crown]. (TA.) -[It (a place) wau, or
)jtt (Fr, ?, TA) And Thamood, wtvho made holes Msb, g, TA) and "1- (1 ,*TA) and 41 , became,
became, clear, open, or unobstructed.] See a .
in the rocks, (Fr, TA,) or cut the rocks, (Bd, (Kr,TA,) or this last is a simple subst., (AHeyth, = ;-.thl SheShes (a camel) stretched forth her
Jel,) [or hollowed them out,] and made them ., TA,) like ~U., and ;JU, (, A,) used in the neck, to be milked; (1 ;) as though she complied
dnelUings, in the vralley, (Fr, Bd, Jel, TA,) i. e., place of an inf. n.; (AHeyth,TA;) and t4;.1 with the desire of her milker to be restrained [for
in Wadi-l-1.urL (Bd, Jel.) You say also, ,#., and J , .. !; that purpose]: but Fr says that he had not found
(A, ],TA) and 't ~1 ,
~",1, (~, A, ,) aor. <, , [inf. n. .3 ;] ](,TA;) [for] 1.~ and 't~4 are syn.; a verb of this measure from ;.I. (TA.)
($, ], and Myb in art. ~ ;) and aor. . ,, (S, TA;) He answered him, replied to him, 8. 1,A.I%: see 1, in three places.- H dug
($, ],) [inf. n., app., , originally <,se; see responded to him, (Mob, TA,) either affirmatively a well. (1.) And said of a wild cow,
a verse cited below, and a remark of Sh thereon;] or negatively. (Msb.) And i~S ... 1 He answered, She hollowed out, or excavated, a place to shelter
herself from the rain. (TA.) - He put on, i. e.
and t4 .; (A,I;) He hoUowed out, or cui or replied to, his saying. (Mgb.) And 'X ..A1
clad himself with, (T, S, ],) a garment, (T,) or
out in a roundform, the of the shirt: (S, , ll, (, TA) .He answered, or replied to, his
a shirt; (8, ]C;) he entered into a shirt: and in
and Msb in art. :) or Ih cut the ~ ojf quetion. (TA.) And ;'; ,./l, (Mob, TA,*) like manner, t the darkness. (TA.)
the shirt: (A:) or he made a ~. to the shirt and ;t; * 1, (8, A, TA,) and J t1,o 1.. ,l,
0 ,Aq.1 and )_!l, inf. n. 1;!;
(] ;) as also ~4., (1, and Msb in art. ,, (Meb,) and * . l, (gar p. 307,) said of
oee 4, nine places.
inf. n. . (f.) And ';J, I He cut God, (8, A, Mb, TA,) [He answered his prayer;]
the garment, or pece of cloth; [or cut it out ;]] Heacceptedhisprayer; (Msb;) Herecompensed .b
1la+: ee 1t. in art.
is c#.
as also * v. (A.) And X} .,A,
1 -, inf n hi prayer by gift and acceptance. (TA.) It -,I [an inf. n. (of 1, q. v.,) used in the sense
.,ocutoutthe andaL (TA.) And :.UIlb said in the Vur [ii. 182], 1 ,, , ii;;. of a pass. part. n. Hence,] a tribe is said to be
~ .0-] The horn cut the ih and camn je
[i. e. ;.iJI 1 U [I anser the prayer of 1 -rl" " as meaning Cut [as it were] from one
-" - c^
[Boox 1.
father; [sprung from the loins of one father, 1
wide gap, or opening: any gap, or opening, rwith- from U&I, ia& , [i. e. from
ocourring in a trad. (TA.) -A fire-place; [! 0o out buildings: (TA:) pl. 3,, -
. "he obeyed,"] (M,
(,q and ;. L,
L, TA,) and to . [" more,
called becaue hollowed out;] syn. tb. (l ) (TA.)- The former of these I% or most, excellent
pI. also signifies in all
.A large j; [or bucket; because of its hollo in giving," from JIr " he gave"], and .I.lt
"w The pudenda of women; syn. t2 (TA.)_ [PI.
form]. (Kry,.).. A Aield; (,;) as ali so See also <jq. [pl. of 'j a "fecundating" wind, (in the aur
ti;.. (TA) and t.,. .: (i:) [see a ven xy.
xv. 22,) from ciA "he, or it, fecundated"],
cited ,ooe , :] p]. of the first -;t*Ji. (TA se i. q. .1'j-, q. v. (S, .) So in the (M,
L, I, TA,) and the like; (M, L, TA;) and
.A garm t like the 3jgS: [so called because it phrasse, l C-I di1 (Verily he is good if so, the word is anomalous because a word of
has a slit in the middle, through which the heau in respect of aner or reply or resronse: or the a
the measure JU of this kind is not derived from
h put:] (v :) or a woman' sAift. (~.)- here it seems rather to signify, agreeably with a verb of
S-e analogy, the mode, or nanner, of answering or more than three letters, except in certain
abo Ro. ~ [A kind, or sort.] You say, o j cases of deviation from the constant course of
replying or reponding]. (S.) speech:
speech: (L, TA:) the meaning is, I What part
C>C y ;Ai ' [In sch a one are two king
temper, or diionition]; i. e., he does no)d AAn .I. anrwer, a reply, or a response, of the night is that [in which prayer most quickly
(Mqb, TA,") to a letter, or writing, and to a penetrates? or] in rwhich prayer
remain in one temper, or disposition. (TA. is moat quick in
And Dhu-Rummeh says, ) aying, or question; and this is either affirmative being answered? (Mgh:) or what part of the
or negative: (Mqb:) [accord. to some, it is only ni.qht night is that in which God is moatt quick in
* after a question or demand; but this is not cor- ansnyeKn.q ansn,ering prayer? (L, TA.)
meaning Thou hearest two kinds of the souna rect; for it is often a reply to an affirmation:] ,',.*
[pass. part. n. of 1, q. v. :] Anything
or voice, [or mutterings,] of the ghools. (TA.) eet anl[q. v.] is syn. therewith; (S,f;) and so cut in the mnidlle, or of which the middle it cut
are v [q. v.] and Vr: (Q,:) the pl. of out 011
'r~, meaning The [part called] O3 of out; as also *_.a.~; (T, TA;) and the latter,
shirt, (ee art. ~,) is, accorl. to some, fron n+19 I is )t1 and ;ll. (Msb.) [Hence, in anything hollrowed out in the middle. (TA.)
the root o.^, because the middle of it is cut out : grsmmar, _1m _;, A responsi'v, or replicativc, . ,.
'. An iron instrument with whicA one cuts
accord. to others, from the root ,. (TA.) particle. And J,"' r An apodosis; the con- [or [or perforates or hollows out]. ($, TA.) - See
; is an inf. n. of ,1.;, (Kr, TA,) or plkment, or correlative, of a condition; as A >51 also .
simple subet. (AHeyth, S, TA) used in the placi in the saying, oi
q i;ln; also called ,. . 1 onre of the names of God; The An-
of an inf. n. (AHeyth, TA. 8ee 4.) Hence fr . , ando. qus i And s i o,AThe 3Rlere?.
sn'erer of prayer;
1l4. ;L; ; . [.(He Ateard ill, and tAherefor complement of an oath.] - Also The sound of a and petition by gifs He and
w/ho recompenxe. prayer
acceptance. (TA.)
anr~td ill]: (., A, V :) a prov., and therefort bird pouncin~ g down from the sky. (TA from a
not to be reheased otherwise than in the origina 1trad.) a~
a~.: see ,1.
way, a above: [not to be altered by the substitu. ..
,A_- [An excelent well-digger:] a surname '13R.
r,)..4: see -. [Hence,] a - 1
tion of 41. or 141- for 4'.:] its origin is said
given to Malik Ibn-Kab El-Kilaibee, (AO, ISk, tA land of which one part has been rainedupon
to have been this: Sahl [or Subeyl] Ibn-'Am]
r , 0,) because be dug not a well nor bored a (1, (]C, TA) and not another. #a (TI'A.)
had an insane son; and a man said to him,' I1 rock without making it to yield water. (AO, &
. An instrument with which palm-sticks
,1, i. e. " Whither is thy tending ?" to which ISk, .)-tA traverser of countries; one wrho and canes 4c. are bored by
thet maker of cages or
he (thinking that he said, 1 el [" Where is 3travels much. (TA.) Hence, r, 1 crates or the like. (TA in art. "-.)
thy mother I "],) answered, " 8he is gone to buy tOno who travel, al the night vithout sleeping.
.,) .: !Speech,Speech, or language, of which the
flour:" whereupon his father uttered the words (TA.) And ',.1
tOne who traverdse the c tereral
several parts correspond, or are consitent. (A,
of this prov. (TA. [See also Freytag's Arab.
countries and gains realth. (TA.) And ... TA.)
Prov. i. 608.]) See also lr. . 1 ael; bird o tTAh guide of the dserty. (TA.)
is a dial. var. of jIS 4et.:
(V: [see art.
X>dl q.J1i The lion. (s.)
. A A garment rent, or slit. (yam p. 338.)
a. :]) accord. to AO and Sh, it is without .:
accord. to the former, it means A doe-gauelle
j1. [AnNews e that traversethe earth,fromn
wh her Aorn hat com forth; and accord. to
the latter, when her horn ha cut the shin and
country to country, or ton-to town: (A, A :)
or i.
]j, q. 3be [tapp. a mistranscription
for ( ~,) -71
el, (S,AJ
A,) aor. ., (?.) inf. n.
lie (a man, ) extirpated, or extermi-
conmeforth: (T, TA :) or it means having smooth 'E,

horns; and if so, it hua no [known] derivation. iolj it,. meaning recent news that traversu nwted, nated, (S, A, ~,) a thing: (S:) He (God, $)
(TA.) [See also art. LSj-.] the land]. (.) And [the pl.] 3I,k tTidings tewroyed tetroyed (S, A, 1O) a man's property, or cattle,
(,) by what i ter~ed Aa.;.:as alo
(, A:)
A depress~d place amid the houses of a from afar. (1A.) And J i,1.l . tCuarrnt
t l,., (S, A,) inf. n. M..'.i; ( ) and t t.l,] ;
people, into which the rain-water.floa: (TA:) proverbs; such as traverse the countries. (TA.) 4
a pit, an excalation, or a hollow, (T, B, TA,) 81) inf. n.
(,) !. (1.) You say [also], ;_1q
,1q, [see 4,] in the following question, put
round and w,ide: (T, TA :) a gaup, or an open- )W1 i.e. L
to Mohammad, (TA,) or town Jo I 1i, isA )Jll SJW I, aor. Z-j~, inf . as.
ing, in the clouds; and in mountains: and a bove; and
either from ,.z,.jI (K, TA) "I traversed a '1*;m.; and . ; Tae
T.T bane,
clear space (t ,,. es) in a [stony tract the land," (TA,) and signifies . More, r
or most, 0 pest, or tite like, destroyed the property, or
such as is called] Z^: (p:) a place (AHn,1) penetratin.g to the places wlhence the answer is c,attk; attle; as also ., aor. ,, inf. n~-..~:
that is clear, (Algn,) plain and smooth, (AHn, imagined to proceed;
(1u,TA;) or [it signifies. (:Mob:) M.b:) and one says of anything, such as drought,
g,) such as is termed ;1;, writh few trees, like a mnore, or most, quick in being ansuered,] from 0rdeartli, r dearthi, and civil war, or conflict and faction,
round JSti [or wide and depread tract], (AIin,) 5 .. JIi 1 .c.,
9 , of ;c.,
the measure %:iJW, [i. e., & Jl1JI l. and . I, meaning it extirpated,
in a tract that is hard, or hard and level, or originally
;ye "the prayer became answered," o r extermninated, the property, or cattle. (TA.)
level but rough, (Agn, ]C,) and such as is of laroe
which, however, is a verb not in use, like as A,nd .nd L,1. . .A, (S,) or a , inf. 'n.
eztent, not in ands NOr in a mountain; so called
ptand .; are imagined to be derived fiom
because [for the most paei] clear of trees: (A.Hn:) ,id t;
nd and tv~.i..; (TA;) and * t!;
and an intereningspace betaeen houses; ( ;) as i. and to:; (Z, TA:) or it signifis more, or ( A,
S, TA;) i. c. [The calamity, bane, pet, or
also t ,q.: (TA:) and a wide, or spacious, most, quick of answer, [from .nlb ,] and is [ano- tAw he like, or drought, or dearth, destroyed or]
,nd smooth tract, between two lands: (i:) any malous, and] similar to [" more
b; obedient"], cmdirpated
;:tirpatedl [them, or] their pro)erty, or cattle.

BooK I.] 481
(TA.) And ei . JI ' t. 1l Th7 enemy de- He was, or hecame, excellent, or egregious, in (V :) and iili'J ;1. :He is affected writh
stroyed, or made an end of, his property, or some quality; sometimes, though very rarely, in longing desirefor nucha female; like as you say
cattle; syn. , J51. (TA.) _Also 4., aor. a quality that is disapproved.] - And .q, (8, 't4. (A.) One says also, J,,JI , :. Love
tj, A, Msb, l,) of the class of JU, (Msb,) aor. as
inf. n. t ', He destroyed the property, above, (S, Msb,) inf. n. - ', (S, A, MSb, I,)
affected him with longing desire, (3l, , L, ], in
the CV Jt,) and overcame him. (V.)_ [Also,
or cattle, of ahi relations. (IApr, TA.) And, with damm, (S, MSb,) lie mas liberal, bountiful,
aor. t, He de,iatedfrom the road, or beaten munificent, or generous: (K :) or he affected, or app., ..- , aor. , inf. n. ;l., (as in a sense
track. (IA,r, I~.) constrained himself, to be generous: (Mqb:) or explained above,) tHe became affected, or ore,-
he gave without being asked, to preserve the come, or diJtresed, (see ;j.,) l,/ dr,on.sines, or
4: see 1, in three places.
receiverfrom the ignominy of asking: (MF:) or slumber: for]3, C is syn. with y,,*: (L, TA :)
8: see 1, in five places. he gave what was meet to him to vkhom it wvas
0a... .. and you say, l;1l Ot.r tDrowsiness, or slumber,
a-.^: see meet: (El-Karmainee, TA:) or he gave what was
overcame him; (L;) as though sleep rained upon
meet to him to whom it was meet, notfor a com-
him. (TA.)
41 [act. part. n. of 1]. You say aaS Li pensation; so that it has a more special significa-
2: see 4:. and see also 1.
A lstructlive batne or pest or the like: (Msb:) tion than ,i1. (MF.) You say, J0, l.
and ;4 . a year of drought or dearth or [lie wa liberal, &c, nith his property]: (S:) 3. jl._. He vied with him, or contended ni/it
sterility: (Mgh:) pl. ,1_4.. (Mgh, MSb.)_ or J4.J .. heItaffected, or constr,ained himself, himfor superiority, in liberality, bounty, mun;fi-
[And hence,] The locust. (IAr, T in art .q..) to be generous with the property. (Msb.)- cence, or generosity. (S, TA.) You say, `,>.3
Hlence, (Msb,) ... .,' (S, Mib, ,) aor. as t . ~l IIe voied with him, or contended &c., in
;,t.f [fem. of 5.., q. v.: and hence, as a above, (S,A,) inf. n. (TA) and ;j;q, (S, liberality, &c., and overcame him therein. (TA.)
subst.,] A bane, a pest, (Msb,) a calamity, or TA,) S lIe gave up his spirit, (A, Msh, TA,) at
the like, (S, Msb, K,) or a great calamity, (Mgh, death; (S, Msb;) like as one gives away his 4. t.ql IIe made it good, goodlyt, approvruale,
.. ei
TA,) that destroys, or extirpates, men's property, property; said of one in the agony of death: or excellent; (S, A,* ;) as also 6,)l", (S,* K,)
or cattle; (S, Mgli, MSb, ~ K, TA;) as drought, (TA:) and hec gare away his life, in war. like as they said JlU! and J*,l, and JtIl and
or dearth; or civil war, or conflict and faction, (Msb.) And you say also, J.l, and ,.,AI and 1, and ;J1 and CIl;
- 'il t [Hi
and the lile: (S, TA:) drought, or dearth, that soul, or spirit, resigned itself, or departed]. (S;) and t* , (.,*A,) inf. n. . (S.)
destroys, or extirpates, men's property, or cattle; [Hence,] ;11 :}l H e gave him the cash, or
(MSb in art. ./~
.)-iJl . ., inf. n. -',
as also a. .:(WAiil, TA:) or a calamity The rain was, or became, copious, or abundant. ready money, good. (, A.nd
And tI
that befallg a mnan, and destroys nUll his property, I gave thee a garment, or piece of cloth, that was
or cattle: (A'Obeyd,T:) or severe drought or (S.) And ':..j1 .;1..,(A, Msb,) inf. n. ;, good, goodly, or excellent; or in a good state.
dearth, that destroys, or extirpates, men's pro- with fet-h, The sky rained. (Msb.) And jlt. (A, TA.) - lie gave him a dirliem, or piece of
perty, or cattle: (ISh :) sometimes it is the effect t inf. n. .. and ;j., T/he eye shted many,
silver. (If.). .,;fl ,: .:see 1. lie, or
of large hail; and sometimes, of excesrive col or or abundant, tears. (Lh, ] 1.
1.)- said of a
heat: (T:) or (accord. to Esh-ShMfi'ee, Mgh, horse, (S, A, L, Msb, . aor. o,) as above, ($,) it, slewr him, or hilled hi;w. (L.) ~1Jq.l, (inf. n.
MSb) a blast, or blight, or calamity arising.fiom inf. n. b. ;i.~.., MSb,) lie said, gave utterance to, uttered,
($, L, Msb, .K) and it-; (Msb,
the atmosphere, that destrojs the fruits, (Mgih, and some or expressed, rwhat was good, approvable, or ex-
copies of the K;) and t., (A, L, K,)
MSb, TA,) or some thereof; (MghL;) only relating cellent; he said, or did, well, or excellently;
inf. n. ^q.;
.. (TA;) and *.t.l, (L,) and ... I;
to fruits: (TA:) pl.. (A, Mgh, MSb.) (L, ;) ife became fleet, or 1s Wgli (L,Myb,]0) .a3l Jvj C$-; (Mqb;)
swift, and excellcnt,
It is said in a trad., 1r1.J , ., which is (L,) la|t ;L, ($, L, V,*) as also j,.; (L;) and ..., inf. n. .,e. (L.)
3h in in?Ais running.
an elliptical pllrase, meaning lie commanded to (A, L, ].) [See an ex. in a verse cited vocc lA;, [You say, ;4.i jU Ilie said, and said well: and
remit the poor-rate in respect of things affected in art. .*j..] - See also 4, in two places. -_ _ h._1 ,; lIHe did, andt did nell.] And > w.$
by a blast, or blight, (Mgla, Msb,) namely, pro- dI IIe inclined to him, or it. ('I'A.) - l lIe c.a, and ... 1, lIe did well, or excelleUntly, in

perty, (Mgb,) or fruits, (Myb,) so affected; (Mglh, his,ivwork. (L.) _Said of a hlorse, and , 1like-
o~e.came him in liberality, bounty, munificence,
Mib;) i. e., that no portion thereof, (Mgh,) or wise: see 1. - Also He had with him a horse
of the remains thereof, (M8b,) should be taken or generosity. (g.) See 3._ . ;. , aor. ,
inf. n. .. , It (rain) rained, or descended, Upon such as is termed . [i. e. fleet, or swift, and
for the poor-rate. (Mgh, Msb.)
excellent]: (S :) or he became possessed of such a
5.d: see wlat next follows.
them copioualy, or abundantly. (L.) And 1q..
They mwere rained upon with a copious, or an owrse; (A, I;) as also ,%^l. (~.)- ;ll
4 She brought forth a child, or children, of liberal,
C:~ Property, or cattle, destroyed by a bane, abundant,rain. (L.) And ~,1;,(, L, ,,) bountiful, or generous, disposition. (A.) And
or pest, or the like; as also . [belonging to inf. n. .; (As,TA;) and 1; (15;) Tihe .jJB tl,r He begot the child, or children,
art. C,.], and t .;.o (Mob.) earth, or land, was rained upon with a copious, of liberal, bountiful, or generous, dispoition;
or an abundant, rain: (S, L, V :) or, so that the
( ;) and in like manner, OlC1 Ita.1 [His
t~. [A person or thing] that destroys, or moisture of the rain met that of the soil. (Aq, two parents so engendered him]. (TA.)
extirpates, ererything. (g, TA.) TA ;)_, ($, A, aor. ; ,,(., 1,)
V,) inf.n.
;.. (S,' J:,. 5. .. He chose what nwas good, goodly,
TA,) tile (a man, $, A) thirsted,
or became aJcted by thirst: (S, A, ]:) or approvable, or excellent, among all thingt. (.Ham
thirsted vehenently: (accord. to an explanation p. 299.) He affected nicety, or refinement; he
.L ;l., anor. , inf. n. bj. and j,., It was, or became, nice, exquisite, refined, or scru-
(a thing, ~, or a commodity, an article of house- of 1.. in the ]:) or was at the point of death,
pulously nice and exact; or he chose what ras
hold-goods, or the like, MSb, and a work, or per- or destruction; (V;) as though destruction rained
excellent, or best, to be done; and exceded the
formance, TA) was, or became, '4 [i.e. good, upon him. (TA.)_ [Hence,] Ji 1 lb 1' l usual bounds; o in his worh of art, or
goodly, approvablei, or excellent; the verb being t Verily I am affected with a longing desire to
the contr. of ;, as is implied in the A and V]:
his manufacture; syn.
j_J. (A,TA.) And .j.
meet thee: (A:) or 4i* &l,j (VC, TA [in ..;C
(?, A, MNb, I :) in this sense, accord. to some, .;j t[He was dainty, nice,
the CV, erroneously, IwYj] i Verily I am affected exquiite, refined, or scrupulousy nice and exact;
of the classm of jt; accord. to others, of the class
writh a longing desirefor thee, (V, TA,) i. e., to or he chose what mas excellent, or best; and e-
of ,.,J. (MBb.) [Also said of a man, meaning meet thee, (TA,) and am impelled towards thee:
ceeded the usual bounds; in his food and his
Bk. I.
482 [Boos r.
apparelJ; (JK and V in art. 3j;) ihe was be pl. of 4;1 .3 [an inf. n.]. (L.) You say also, ;;Iq: see ;.
studious of his diet and apparel, always eating ) I )jl.q . L; [Copious showers of rain
equuiitefood and wearing sumptuous clothing. o-, originally of the measure ja -,(S, Meb,)
fll upon him, or it]. (A.)_See also ;l_w.
(TV in that art.) _- ;#: see 10. U ti~. 3 as the Basrees say, i. e. , (Msb, TA,) the
I chose, or selected, the best, or most excellent, i.. [an inf. n. of 1, (q. v.,) in two senses; as being changed into L. because of its being meksoor
_# a
(t^s ,) thereoffor thee. (TA.) also ;.: and an inf. n. of un., signifying] A and preceded by U., and the augmentative U.
single affection of thirst; a thirsting. (S, .) being then incorporated into it; (TA;) or, as the
6. 15j1iq.3 They considered [or tried] which of
them had the best argument, or plea, or allepation: -See also olI. Koofees say, of the measure JAi, like L; &c.,
(1, TA :) so says Aboo-Sa'eed on the authority because there is found no sound word of the
t Saffron. (S, .) measure ,a except j4., a woman's name, and
of an Arab of the desert. (TA.) And Oj. l
.l.l They consider, or see, [or try,] which of the unsound is accorded to the sound; or, as
:dy, used alike as mase. and fem., (, K,)
then will be best in narration,or talk, or discourse. [iberal, bountiful, munificent, or generous: (S,* others say, of the measure jea., [and so I find in
(A.) -_[Alo They vied, or contended together 1K:) or one rwho affects, or constrains himself, to one copy of the S,] originally t-, thle kesreh
for superiorityl, in liberality, bounty, munificence, be generous: (Msb:) or who gives w ithout being of tllce being, accord. to them, suppressed because
or generosity.] asked, to preserve the receiverfrom the ignominy difficult of pronunciation, and the quiescent j and
of asking: (MF:) or who gives wnhat is nmeet to k5 thus coming together, [the latter receives the
10. ,...l lie reckoned it, or esteemed it, rejected kcsreh, and] the is changed into U. and
him to whom it is meet: (El-Karmanee, TA:) or
good, goodly, approrable, or excellent: ($:) or incorlporated into the [augmentative] ,gS; (Mb ;)
wvho gives rwhat is meet to him to lwhom it is meet,
he found it to be so: (K:) or he desired, or Good, goodly, approvable, or excellent; contr. of
not for a compensation; so that it has a more
sought, that it mnight be so, (A, K,) and chose it,
special signification than .a: (MF:) pl. [of :k.sj; (A,1 ;) applied to a thing, (S,) or a
or selected it; (A;) as also D. (A.) Yout
,.t-. .~. .- pauc., mase.,] ;l^ and (of mult., TA) Jy., commodity, an article of household-goods, or the
say also, dil j [lie esteemed his judgment, like, (A, Msb,) and a work, or performance:
(S, A, K,) like as J. is pl. of Jl.u, but the )
or opinion, good: or fonnd it to be so]. (TA in (TA:) pl. ;)t.. (S,A, Msb, 1.) and o;., (1K,)
is made quiescent because it is an unsound letter,
art. J..)-l1 desired, or sought, or demanded, the latter a pl. pl., [i. e. pl. of ~J,] (TA,) and
his liberality, bounty, mnunificence, or generosity. (S,) [in some copies of the K .j+",]and 1k-i1,
(1.)- He desired, or sought, that he (a horse) (S, .,) contr. to analogy, (TA,) or o._l, j.., ($, K,) witl hemz, [and, acordl. to some,]
contr. to analogy. (S.) [It is also applied to a
might be such as is te,rmed [i. e.
el.Jfleet, or [reg as pl. of ;I.,] (A,) and :l (S, K) man, meaning Excellent, or egregious, in some
smift, and excellent]. t]S.) , It came and ;, (CKI5, [in some copies of the K omitted,]) quality; sometimes, thoughll very rarely, in a
or happened, well. (KL.)
or ;s., or iJ., [written in the latter manner quality that is disapproved.]
.q. Copious, or abundant, rain; (, L, K;) in a MS. copy of the 1K,] with S added to the
~I1 [Letter, and best; more, and most,
as also t ;oa.: (S :) or rain tihat thoroughly [proper] pl. form [... or ye.], accord. to the
goodly or approvaldle or excellent]: see 5.
irrigates everythi,y: (M:) or rain that is not doctrine of Sb: (TA :) ,.~ is used as a fem. pl., [IM'ore, and mnost, liberal, bountiJul, munificent,
exceeded: (M, L, ]K:) accord. to some, wlho (S, Msb,) and is like_; pl. of;ly. (S.) Also, or generous. Hence,] i . ).a,; [More
observe that the phrase, mentioned by Sb,;&..sl applied alike to the male and the female, (S,) A liberal, &c., than J.dtim]: a prov. (Meyd.)_
l0J~ j ~l [Thon hast asailed us rwith a storm courser; a fleet, or snift, and excellent, horse; [More, and most, fleet, or swift, and excellent;
of reproach or the like not to be exceeded, and (L;) a horse fleet, or snift, in running; or ex- relating to a horse. Hence,] i.J1 ')- >. s
with that which is above it,] is one of hyperbole cellent in running, or in the motion of his legs;
y. 1 [More fleet, &c., than the courser that
and reproach. (M, L.) It is an inf. n. thus used as also ;~.': (Bd in xxxviii. 30 :) or that out-
as an cpithet [and therefore applicable without strips others: (Jel ib.:) i. q. l: (, L, .K:) surtpaes others]: a prov. (Meyd.)
variation to a fem. as to a maae. n., and to a dual pl. t (S,A,,,B,L, Msb, 1,) which by rule ^).lJ: see .Lq, in two places.
and a pl. as to a sing. n.]: (L:) and is also pl.
should be -l, like Jlt, but this latter form
[or rather a quasi-pl. n.] of (, L,1K,) like ;.~ A field, or garden, rained upon: (A:)
has not been heard from the Arabs; (L;) or [or rained upon copiously, or abundantly.] And
asn - is of,_... (m,IJ) You say, -. ;
;L. is pl. of .i., or of .; (Bd! ubi supra ;) i . .bjl Land rained upon with a copious, or
[A copious, or an abundant, rain; &c.]: (L:)
and 4" [A cloud yielding a copious, or and has
b1lq.also for its pl. , [a pl. of pauc., an abundant, rain. (S, L, K.)_tA man (S, A)
and irregular, or this is pl. of .. , and therefore, affected with thirst: (S, A, K:) [or, waith veho
an abundant, rain; &c.]: (IAir,L:) and
ment thirst: (see s;1. :)] or at the point qf
;,q. :g_ l [A copious, or an abundant, rain, though irregularly, retains the j substituted for
death, or destruction. (..) - And [hence,]
&c., became stirred up for us]: (8, k :O) and j,] (S, L,) and >"l.l, [also a pl. of pauc., but t Affected witA longing desire. (L.) - Also
you also say, [contr. to the usage mentioned agreeable with rule, or this is pl. of ;.,] (L,) t Overcome by dronsines, or slumber: (TA:)
above, or as though S. were an epithet from or distressed by drowsiness, or slumber, .Jc.
and .~? (S, L) is pl. of ;t... (L.) 1Ience,
Slq, and this originally -, like , from (Lh, L.)
; j;l
U. 1t He came on, or advanced,like a horse
fh, but used as a subst.,] O; O fj
that is termed 1~.: and ; . l or., ' t I rent .~ : see 1. - Also A man possessing
[T7tvo showers of rain, copious, or abundant, &c.].
to him, or it, like a horse that is so termed. a horse such as is termed .).. [i. e.fleet, or rrift,
(~, V.) *, lj3, [app. signifying the same as
(Mgh in art. .M.) You say also, l; lIj. l and excellent]: pl. I. [by rule pl. of;l:$. ,
)j used as a pl.,] occurring in the following
verse of Sakhr EI-Ghei, He ran a long run. (A, TA.) And ;l U. q. v.]. (A, TA.) --. XPresent death.
1;,; and an i,nd d l; Is (S, A) (, TA.)
* a k
5 , ..-. tIl'<
. .1 ..
and l;l (A, TA,) We journeyed a long march
;1'Ca One wrho says, utters, or expreus, or
or stage, and two long marches or tages, and long
marches or stages. (S, A, TA.) 7ho does, (I, TA,) much, or often, (TA,) what
[Its dust makes spopt with the wind in the morn- is good, goodly, appr ble, or excellent; (g,
ing and vening, or night and day, and to do ;l. [accord. to the TA inf. n. of , which TA;) as also ,: (TA:) [or rather the
the violent showers of big drops, and the pouring see in two places,] tThirst: ( ,.K:) or vehemence latter is a simple, not an intensive, epithet:] the
ofcopious, or abundant, rains, &e.], (L, ,") is of thirst. (1g.)_Also, [accord. to the 1] E. , former is applied to a poet, (, A, 1:,) as syn.
a pl. having no sing.; (1;) or it may be so, but this is corrected in the TA,] t Drowsinus, or with the latter, (,) or as meaning who says, or
like ~ W. and W. - and oe it.; may slumber. (TA.)
or utters, much, or often, rohat is good, or excelent:
BOOK I.] 483
( :) and botlL are applied to a workman, or an not pressing]. (S . B ut4a j3,lk,arndlB1.Q a , and ).'r; (v;) lik.e li , pl. A14 nnd ani
artificer: pl. of the former o.s l.. (A.) signifies absolutely He abode in Mehheh, and and S1j), the only similar instance: (TA:) fem.
ElI-Aedeeneh; not necessarily implying con-
with ;. (Mgh.) ,It .3'jtJI [in the Xur
formity with the conditions of iJitl required iv. 40] is TJhe relation, or kinsman, rwho is abiding
by the law [though generally meaning .for the in one's neighbourhood: or who is abiding in
j see art. 0.1 purpose of study: and so in the neighboilirhood of one town or district or the like while thou art
the great collegiate mosque called the Azhar, in in another, and who has that title to respect
Cairo: so that the term )tt, means a student which belongs to nearness of relationship: (TA :)
of Mekkeh &c.]. (TA.) or the near neighbour: (Bd,Jel:) or the near
1. jlq., nor. J~, (TA,) inf. n. .., (
relation: (Jel:) or he nwho is near, and connected,
]ie declined, or deviated, from the right cou,rse; 4. o~ , (8, A, &c.,) inf. n. ;jt- (M1gh, I) hy rclationslhip or religion. (Bd.) 1 JIq.:
(I,A;) and so ,ij1I1a j : (A:) he nantlered and .t, (Kr, K,) [or the latter is ratler a an(l XJ1 ;jl and _,.'J1 jI : see art.L.
from the right way: (TA:) he pursued a nwrong quasi-inif n., like aU. from sUtbl,] lie protected
course: (K :) or he left tle ri[iht way in journey- him; granted him refrtge; (K;) preserved, saved, ji; . A stranger [w1ho has becomne one's neigh-
ing: and it (anytlin,g) declined. (TA.) You rexcued, or liberated, him; (S, A, Msb, K ;) firom bour]. (TA.) _A perxon whom one protects
say also, j.JI ;L 1 . lie declined, or deviated, ('A) wrongful, unjust, injurious, or tyrannical, fr'onm wrongful, unjust, it!jur1ious, or tyrannical,
from the road, o; way. (S, Mgh, M.11.) - And treatment; (S, K ;) from punishment; (8, A;) or treatment. (;, Mgh, Mob, )..- One who seeks,
1w, (8, Mgh, M.b,) nor. as above, (MRb,) and from what hlie feared: (Msb:) he aided him; suc- or nahs, protection (Msb,1) of another: iJ.
so the inf. n., (Mglh, M.sh, ],) lie acted wronl- si,gnifying he who seeks thy protection. (TA.)-
roured him; delivered himfrom evil: the I having A p,otector; (A, Mgh, MRb, K;) one who pro.
.fully, un!justly, injariously, or tyrannically, (S,*
a privative effect. (Mgh.) It is said of God, _ ecets another .from that which he fears; (Mb ;)
Mgh, ]I i,, K,) a. aygainst hi,n, (S, TrA,)
e jl. oj lie protects, but none is protected one nwho grants retfige, or protects, or preserve.
.., in his judtlgent, (M?b,) or .,JI k in
atgainst him. (TA.) And in the Kur [lxxii. 22], (Allcythi.) ,' ,, i . ?to.Ll . _ They are
judgment. (S, TA.) Z,jl
Jt. tThe 7dlants,

or herrjey, (pf the landl grne tall: (A, TA :) and ~1 i- c> J i

&ie JWU
3i Verily none *vill protectorsfron&that thing, is a pbhrase mentioned
protect me against God. (TA.) - tJljt.. IHe by Th, respecting whichi ISd says, I know not
so ;:1%.. (TA.) = See also 10.
put the householi-goo(ds, or commodities, into the hlow this is, unless the sing. be supposed to be
2. #jy-, (Q; A, K,) inf. n. -, (1,) Jle repository, (]C, TA,) and so preserved them from originally)., so as to have a pl. of the measure
attributed, or imputetl, to him, or charged him being lost. (TA.) -It is said [of God] in a ah [as r is originally ]. (TA.)-_An
waith, or accused hi,&ef, nwrongfitl, ;just, in- trad., 'J.."e I je lIe meales a division between aider, or assister. (IAir,lklsb, K.)- A con-
jurious, or tyranhicl, conduct; (., K ;) contr. the seas, and prevents one firom mnixing with federate. (IA.nr, M.lb, I.) - A woman's husband.
of . . (A.) = lle prostrated him (., K.) by anotherand encr oaching upon it. (TA.) (Msb, 1.) - A man's wife; (Msb;) as also
a bllow, (S,) or )y a tihrust of a spear or the like; jl..: (S, M,A,Mgh, Msb,I :) or the latter,
5. j_~3 IIe became prostrated; (S;) hA feU
from jt. "lie, or it, declined ;" (A;) like j'.' thc oldect of his love: (M:) and the latter also,
dowvn; (K ;) by reason of a blow. (S, TA.)_ a woman's fellom-nife; (Mgh, Msb, TA;) so
(S.) - lie threw it donna, (T..,) and overturnedl
It (a building, TA) became throtsn doaun, or
it; (K,TA;) namely, a building, and a tlent,
tlemolished. (IS.) - ]Ie (a man, TA) laid him- called because the term ;/ is disliked, (Mgh,
&c.: (TA:) he. took it to pieces; nanmely, a self down on Msb,) as being, of evil omen. (Mgh.) - A
his side (K) upon his bed. (TA.)
tent (A.) partner nwho has not divided with his partner:
6. ,3;3 and Vl,! (8, ) are syn., (,) so in the trad. . 1;
1q..JA [explained in art.
3.0jJ., inf. n. and ;1./ (S, M.5, lg)
signifying Thenj became mutual neighbours; thely ; as is shown by another trad. (Az, Myb.)
and ?1i,., (S, M, and some copies of the K,) or lived near together: (K,' TA:) the [radical] )
-_ A partner, or sharer, (Msh, K.i,) in imtnove-
the last is a simple subst., (Msb,) and jt,., (M, in the latter verb remaining unaltered because
able property, such as land and houses, (M.sb,
and so in sonic copies of thie K instead of ' this verb is syn. with one in which the ) TA,) and in merchandise, (K, TA,) n,hether he
of whichl forms the second (j;1) is more chaste must preserve its original form on account of divide the property with the other or not, (Msb,)
than the third (., TA) and tihan the fourth, as the quiescence of the preceding letter, namely, or wvhether he be partner in the rwhole or only in
relating to the verb in the sense lihere following, lIj.1c., (e, TA,) and to show that it is syn. part. (TA.) - One who dirildes rcitl another.
thonugh some disapprove of it, and assert the thilirdtl therewith: but 13j..l1 also occurs. (TA.)_ (IAr,].)- . IThe ~.. [or pudendum] of a
and the fourth to be more chaste; (TA;) He [Also They boundl themselves by a covenant to
nwoman: and ! the anus; as also v 34.. (lA9r,
became his j4. [or neighbour]; (K ;) he lived in protect one anotlher.]
K, TA.)_ The part (IA.r, K) of the sea-hore
his neighbourhood, or near to him: (Mlsb, TA:) 8: see 6. (IAnr) that is near to the laces where people
or he lived in a dwelling contiguous to his. (Myb.)
__Also ;,$a., (TA,) inf. n. ;l~/,(K,) and i;i,.' 10. .m.. andlt., (1,) the latter like ;1j. have aliyhtedand taken up their abode. (IA',].)
is said to be a quasi-inf. n., anid more chaste than as syn. with 'j., (TA,) lIe sought, desired, j, an inf.n. used as an epithet, (TA,)i. q.
jl-; as relating to the verb in the sense here or asked, to be protected; to be granted refuge; ;1%,.; (X, TA;) i. e. Declining, or deviating,
tollowing; (TA ;) Ie bound himnself to him lby to be preserved, saved, rescued, or liberated. (.K.) from the right course: and acting nrongfully,
a covenant to protect him. (K, TA.)_And And #,jb.. lie desired him, or asked him, to unjuttly, injuriously, or tyrannically: (TA:) pl.
proserre, sare, rescue, or deliver, him, (S, A,
t jki , and ej U.; inf. n. [of the latter], applied to men, t j4., (IC,) in
Msb,) 94jUi friom such a one. (S.) And whichi the j remains unaltered contr. to rule,
and ;j Z, lle protected himself by a covenant jI l liHe had recourse to him for refuge, (TA,) and t ;1_, (A, IC,) as in all the copies of
with the sons of such a one; from "j,t" sig- protection, or preservation; he soulght his pro-
the I, but some substitute for it, as a correction,
nifying the " living near." (TA.)_ And I^, tection. (TA.)
?; q., [found in a copy of the A,] which, how-
inf.n. n ., . q. . ; [lIe con-
;I. A neighbour; one nrho lives near to another; ever, requires consideration, (TA,) and : J*..
fined himself in a mosque, or Place of wmrtslhp,
during a period of days and nights, or at least (S, Mgh, Misb, g ;) one who lives in the next tent (O.) You say &, A road, or way, devia-
during one wihole day, fasting from daybreak to or house: (IAar, Th, T, Msb:) pl. [of mult.] tingfrom the riglit course. (TA.) And ;J. J.
sunset, and occupying himself in prayer and l;ew c (Msb, KY) [and ;1 (a pl. not of unfre- I4 C& He is declining, or deriating,from
religious meditation, without any interruptionby quent occurrence, and mentioned by Freytag as our way. (TA.) - Also, for jy j35, meaning
affairs distracting the mind from devotion and used by El-Mutanebbec,)] and [of pauc.]. Wronged, or unjustly treated, by the judge.
61 a
Jjq- -jjq- [Boox 1.
(Mgh fiom a trad.) -.. JJI JLlt* , ) and ajnd j.. and jl, 1
(1,) E mwent, valid, or good [in law :] (Mb :) or had effect.
Ie p)ossessers, of property, an zextraordinarb or pased, in, or along, the place, and left it
(Mgh.) [And I ; 1 1 jljt. Ittma alow..
A J;i
abundance. (A, TA.) See also js. behind; (AIgh, K;) [whether this be meant for j
one signification or two, does not appear; but in able to him to do so. And Il, J - .l j
ijwq: see ;j 4 ., in three l)laces: and; : either case it is evident that one signification is It may be so; por such a thing may be.] - j.
m nd see also 4. he passed through, or over, or along, and beyond, in the sense of ,j4.l: see 4, second sentence, in
.... .... p .. the place; and this significationl is of frequent two two places.
ia.. and q.i^ see J^r
occurrence;] as also ~y jlq; (k;) and tjl. l; 22: see 4, in nine places.
5 eq.Jt C>-J #i Verily ha is good in respect ojf (Mgh;) and ojl, (Mgh, Ii,) inf. n. j;
3. *jjlc.and jle., inf. n. jI.:
Ilthe mode, or manner, of jl [i.e. living as aI (I, TA; in tie C.K j.v ;) and t ojl; see 1, in
neighbour, or binding hinmsef by covenant to pro six places.._,.Jlj ., and ;.J11, inf. n. jjl;
(M1gh;) lit., he traversed, or crossed, its j., 3J3
tert others]. (TA.) and so tjtq.J3, alone; lIa exceeded, or trano.
i. c., middle, and passed through it: (Mgh:) or gressed,
a- he
greased, the proper bound, or limit, or measure;
went, or passed, in, or along, the place; (As, acted extravagantly, exorbitantly,
j^, A rain accompanied by vehement thunder, or immode-
(C:) or by a vehemennt sound of thunder: ( :) ) , A, Msb, TA;) as also N jlt., and tjjj., rately: he, or it, nma, or became, excessivw, ex-
or a copiorts rnin; as also i.t. and ;j_; (~ in (TA,) and tj.l, (A,) and t*jil: (1: [so it trava.qant,
travagant, exorbitant, or immoderate. (The Lexi-
ait. Jit ;) nnd, accord. to A9 , 13j.: (TA:) and appears from its being said that jlq.l is syr. cons &c. passim.)- ,. ; u 1l ;$j14. (S,
an exceetlingly great torrent. (TA. [In this last t with _1,L:]) and in like manner, jI the Mqb*) I passedfrom the thing [to another thing];
sense written it) a copy of the A jq., and there road: (TA:) ~.'1 (Mqb;)
?jjl. and j . signify the (M8b;) as also t ji4 ; ($, Msb;) i.q. ;j.
said to he tiolpical.]) See 1jt: and see also art. same: (TA:) or t;jel.l (An, $, Mob, 0) and I($.)-- S` . jta..c: se os._[lence, app.,]
-Yolu say also js J, (s) [app. meaning ttjj.. and tmj.3 (A) signify he left it behind !1_. 1_ 5 io h It was of my disposition
A camel ntin years okl that brays loudly: or] him, (AF, S, A, K,) and traversed, or cromed, it; to be casy, or facile, in selling and demnnding.
(Ay, S, A, Msb;) and t j, and s tjjl. also (TA from a tmad.) ~ j..: see 4, in two
hatrd and strony: and J^ eat a bulky camei.
(TA.) signify he left it behind. (TA.) You say, ,. places.
C-I JS't., which is like ; [Ipased amid,
sce 3. _ Aklso The patrt of the exterior or among, the houtses: (see 4. j..1 and 1.lt: see 1, in six places. m jl.
the remarks on the IIe lie made him to go, or pans along; as also
coart or ,ordl of a hotuso that is coextensire *aith letter j :) or I nent to
and fro amid, or among, V".:
the house. (K,'T. .) A buuldant and deep water. the houses, in a hostile attack
upon them: or nwent or
V t: (TA:) he made him to pass through,
or over, or along and beyond: (S, IF, Mb, 1];)
(1(.) Vlhelice t#jy. applied to rain. (TA.)i. roundabout them]. (Ibn-Umm-.K6sim,TA.) And
m also [~o t j..,
as as will be shown by an ex.
Ships: a diial. lar. of J t s,; on the autlhority of rL zako4, i. e., ~ ? ;i.; [I passed by, and below, and t j^, and] t o; , for which we
J2;'id, (Ii,) surninied Al)u-l-'Alih: (TA:) said in beyond, such a thing]. (TA.) And J jl. He
find j.t. incorrectly substituted in the 1]. (TA.)
the artKj.;an,
to be trnge; bUt si;l;llar instances .re pased by him, or it; syn. ~ ji, and 4 j,!
.~ acod
to A*, )lC:(e- n and A A rijiz says,
well knowiat. (M F.)
jl": see 3, in two places.r
,c. (M and K in art. .*.) And j4
He 0 - , J a
Also, and trtoi, passed, or crossed, over it. (L.) jl. and fj1.-l * .,.
J t>acl. S
or tho latter is only ni inf. n., The covenant are syn. [in this last sense]. (TA.) You say, * Jo_ l, I_ Sl
betn'ee,a tno lparties by YC#hick either is bound to
protect the other. (TA.) !MA Ai! .iS&;1#(A, TA) AMay God [Leave ye the road to Aboo-Seiydi,ah until he
aid thee [to pass, or cron, over, or] to pan along, make mahe his ass to pass through, or over, safely].
: see v int next precedes.[Also a pl. and to leave behind thee, the .Sird$. (TA.) And (v.) And it is said in the Iur [vii. 134, arid
of;.] it is said in a trad. respecting the Sirat, li C:Ib X.
x. 90], 'j-.t l ! [And me
. Cjp Jl U.e1. [And I, with my sea]. mafle
mafde the Chtildren of Ixrael to pass through the
u4m sce ; -Also T fide and big; ap-
plied to a [hueket of the kind called] and
.: people, shiall be the first nwho mill pas over it]: sea]. (TA.) You say nlso l .0 jts., inf. n.
so, with 3, applied to a [skin of tie kind called] j~ being here syn. withjp. (~ ji
j,!?J, lIe led for themn their camels one lby one
2et Jl ;5,W: see 3. _ t ejs*. .i until they passed. (I..) -11e
etyi;il [ made it to pass,
e. (A, TA.) jl_
[The piece of money pased, or mas current, and he ing or be current; as also Vj.:
t as in the follow.-
j_ [as meaning Thrown edown, or over- accepted it as current: ing phrases.] 1.?M1 i. q, r.;i 4
in the TA written jW.
turned,] occirs in tihe following prov.: oj.. .,.oJJJl, and wvithoutt any syll. signs; but [I
[1 made his name to pass, or be cnrrent, lby
that the reading which I have adopted is right otarnping staml)ing money with it]: (lSk, $, TA:) and
#.7- - -7- - -- W
appears from what immediately follows:] a poet .. o. [I coined, or minted, money in his name].
[A day for a day of thl houehold-goods (or, says,
(ISd,TA.) And ,;sI.Jl ,111 tjq., inf. n.
accord. to the TA, the hair-cloth tent) thrown
^ .. s. to JE >1;;. C ijji J, [The coiner, or mninter,] made the dirhems,
down, or orverturned]: applied in the case of -;, -
rejoicing at a calamity befalling another: a man [Pieces of money whereof there are current and or pieces of money, to pa.ss,or be current. (Mgh.)
had an aged paternal uncle, and used continually bad]: - lie made it, or held it, to be allowable, or to
and Lh mentions the saying, ,iA1I ~i.1 pass for lawful; he allo,ed it, or nnrmitted
to go into the latter's tent, or house, and throw it;
down his household-goods, one upon another; 4~ j3 ld C j,3w [I hare not seen (.,F,TA;) aalso t ;j,..: (?,Tt:) syn. t:
and when he himself grew old, sons of a brother money for expnses pau away in a place as it (s, .:) and syn. of ij1, [the inf. n. of the
of his did to him as he had done to his paternal passes away in Mekkeh]: ISd says, He has not former verb,] C.3j. (,TA: omittcd
in tho CId.)
uncle; wrherefore he said thus, meaning, this is explained it, but I think that the meaning is i"j.
fbr what I did to my paternal uncle. (1g.) (TA.)_ ': Jl j4., inf. n. ji,., The thing was,
You say, .o
I ;J jl., (c, g,') and d1 1A.,
or became, allorable; it passed for lawful: as (S,) IIe made, or held, wrht he dlil to be allow.
;p.:: see 3, last sentence. able, &c. (S, K.) And ilJl ' j.j
though it kept the middle (j".) of the road. .
[This is of the things irhich reason will not
(TA.) You say, 5lj4., and t!, (A, Mgh,)
allow]. (A, TA.) []Ie granted him the
and .g.j,all, (Mqb,) [The sale, and the mar- authority or degree of a licentiate in some one
1. >1 j4., (g, I,) or J (A, Mgh, riage, and the contract, or other thing, wma, or or more
of the various departments of learn.
Mqb,) aor. j, (~,pMb,) lof. n. jl_; (1, Mqb, became, allowable; or] paued as right, sound, ing, for the inutruction of others therein;]

eco Al
oj4-, `
:second C'A-
the 1int
Boox I.] J" 48r
granted him a licenewith respect to the matters Mgh,) or .;lj.l1 jpq3, ([,) lie accepted the aranlicized; (, MSb, g ;) originally j;: (IMgil,
that he had related and heard [from other dirl/nms, or pieces of money, as current; did not Mlab, :) n. un. ;j~.: (13, TA:) pl.i.j.,:
learned men, to teach the same]. (TA.) You say *rject them: (A, Mgh:) see 1: or he accepted (S, K, TA: in the Cg :) tIj.
i/w tree thereof
also, 5 t. X. ' ter Oj j4i1 [lie
- - them as they were, or notwithstanding wvhat mas abounds in the land of the Ar abs, in the province
granted hIim a license with respect to all the mat- in them: (Lth, TA:) or he accepted them not. of E,Ll-Yemen, vwhere it bears fruit and is culti-
ters which he had heardfrom his sheyhhs, to teach withstanding rwhat nwas intermixed wtith them,
vated; and in the Sarnadt (ala.Jl) are trees
the same to others]. (TA.) The licentiate is termed (1, TA,) [of bad money,] concealed therein, and
thereof, which are not cultivated: the wood
f54l*: and the matters which he relates are termed notwithstanding their fewness. (TA.) In the
thereof is characterized by hardness and strength.
Ij . (TA.)_ . 5I Jt.I, (A, Mgh, I],) and phrase - JI C. j 'l [Tle accepting less (AI.n, TA.)--5 j*.., (]K,) or 'I j, with
Jtl, (A, Mgh,) and .aJI, (Mab,) Ie (the than nhat wnas due], the inf. n. is made trans. the short alif, as heard from the phlysicians, in
by means of s because it implies the meaning
judge, A, Mghi) made the sale, (A, Mgh, (,) and Pershi:n _ j_;, (Mghl, under the letter :,,)
the marriage, (A, Mgh,) and tre contract, (MSi.,) of L/t.~ [whichl is made trans. by the same means].
[vulglrly caile(l j, The nutmeg;]
nulm a
to have effect; he executed or pceformed it; (Mgh.) fj3l;i also occurs in the sense of
certain medlicine; (K];) it is of the size of the
(Mgh, Mqb 1 ;) .Jfor him: (K:) he decreedl it. in a trad. of Ihn-Raw Iialh: ) j. .;j 4 Ij gall-nut ( i), ea
eas.ily broken, fwith a thin coat,
(Mgh.) And [in like manner] ajt jl_l, and ._s1i This is thine, or for thee, and be thou (Mgh,TA,) having a p,leasnut odour, (iMgh,)
tOj;, lIe made his judgment, or opinion, to have renmis, or not extremce, in, or nith re.pect to, the or a Idleasant and shnrp odoiur; and the best
effect; he executed or pe7for,med it. (K.) Hence division: and is allowable, though we have not kind is the red, with a block coat, and heavy:
the saying, in a trod. of Aboo-Dhlarr, 01 .i' hcard it. (Mgh.) Yon say also, ,I i j') (TA:) it is good for the [qaection of the face
ec j^ . ) .) 1 He bore patiently, or termed] ;iJ, strengthens the stomach and heart,
; 1~ , i. e., Be.fore they slay mnc, and exe-
with silence and forgiveness, and writh feigned and remnor. cold. (MgIl)- _,r ja..q [The
cute your orde,r upon me. (TA.)== j (S,
neylect, or connivance, in this affair, or case, doatur stradmonirum, or thorn-apple;] also a rer-
]*) IIe gave ,ie water for, ($,) or he wratered
[for me], (K,) my land, or iny beasts. (S, K.) what he did not so bear in another. (,* TA.) tain inedicine; (.;) having the property of pro-
And 4|4 tjc., (K,) inif n. (TA,) lie _ See also 6, in three lplaces. .j i ducing tonpor; resembling thCe ;JI jJ. (see
IIe made use of a trope, or tropes, in his speech. wihat follows); anciing tqpon it small, thick thorns;
watered his camels. (K.) And A.9j j.t. lie
gare to the paarty who came as envoys, or the lihke, (8,1K.) [Seejit;., below.] and its seed is like that of the t,ll [or citron].
the quantity of wvater s,fficient to pats therewith 6. jjtlq.J: see 1, first sentence: and see also 3. (TA.)_ ;i1 j-.. [,Y,x ronmica ;] also a cer-
from one nwaterinq-place to another. (TA.) And tain medicine, (K,) haring a poner similar to
mj3t..3 i. q. JilI, [i. e., ,.JI jjI., explained
.I t j lhL. jt-.I tIle gave him water above,] eb in it, or with respect to it. (I. See that of the white wij&. [or hellchore]. (TA.)-
wherewith to t,rael the road. (A.) And j
3.) _-' j.Ji, (S, A, Mgh, M,b,) and tjaJ3;
[Tle coroa-nit;] ihat is commonly
Give thoun ,esome nrater that I may go my called the J,. (TA.)
way, and passfrom thee. (Aboo-Bekr, TA.)_ (S,A, Mgh;) and 4o b j&Jt.J, (A, ],) and
Hence, (Aboo-13ckr, TA,) l *jl, (Aboo- jy0., and tjj,. ; (1 ;) He (God, S, A, or a ;jy..: see t.., in four places. I Also n. un.
man, Msb) patsed him by, or over, wvithout punish- of j" [q. v.].
Bekr, TA,) anml ;e ;j; ,jlq., (., A,) tHe ing him; or forgave hlim; ($, A, Mgh, Ml, ;)
(the Siltitin) gare him a gift, or prcsent, (Aboo- namely, an evil-doer; (A, Mgh, Msb ;) and He : sce t-.
Bckr, TA,) and he /ave himn a gift, or present, of passed by, or over, without punishing, orforgave,
high estimation. (., A.*) Or the origin of the j A rcertain conste,lltlion (.8);(i;)
his sin or offence. (A, ~') You say,jh.~3 _.UJ
expression was this: .Kt.an the sonI of 'Owf, of a certain si!/n of the Zodiac ; (I ;) [namely,
and 1 tj j, 0 God, pam me by, or Gentini;] said to cross the j. (i. e. the middle,
the tribe of Benoo-l il;l- Ihn-' ir-Im
gave thle government of lFris to 'Abd-Allah Ibin- orer, i'ithout punishing me; or forgive me. (, TA\) of the shy; (S, TA ;) for wilichlreason it is
'Abb;ls; and EI-Ahnaf passirng hy him with his A.) A j.tn.J, followed by a noun in the accus. [asserted to be] thlus called. (TA.) - Also i. q.
army on nn expedition to Kliur6isain, he waited case, also signifies lieforgave him a thiing. (L.) jL:JI [The constellation Orion]: (A and ]~ in
for them ipon a bridge, and saind, j . I [MAahe And the samc alone, Hlefeigned himself neglectful art. :) it has three verFy bright stars dispoiled
of it; he connived at it. (K.) -[Also, this obliquely in the midst thereo!f, cilled by the Arabs
ye thema to paisover]; and lie began to mention
last phrase alone, Hle transcendled it.] &.jlti
the lineage of enaci man and to give him according ,and l U, and tjJI Jl . (I.ar
to his miak: (P :) or from the filet flthat a certain .~1 k.s~: see 5. p. 4o5.)
commander, havis,t a river between him and an
8. jtld: and 4jl1;:I: see 1. Il.. t The act of natering, or giving to drink:
opposing force, sil, 1.L 'iU
i ll t.^
l j. O
[ lihoso Ipsseth this river shall have such a thing]; (S:) or a sningle ,ratcr'ing nf, or giting drink to,
10. *jt.lI 11e asked, or denmanded, of him camels. (TA.) [Sec nlso ;1.] A r:tjiz says,
and whenever one passed over, he received a
permission. (K,* TA.)-He asked, or demanded,
;,i... (TA.) You say also, jl.., meaning tIle of him [the authority or degree of a licentiate;
gave him. (TA.) And it is said in a tradl., i. e.,] a license with respect to the matters that he
.. .b^^eolS _ iIl1 l Giv ye to had related and heard [.from other learned men, * sr i r
the party weho come as envoys, or the like, a to teach the samne]. (TA.) [See 4.] Ille [0 master of the ,anter (nmay r.y soul I thy
similar ;j;l. to that which I used to give thentm. ashed, or demandedc, of him (S, I) water for, ransom) hasten the naterinpg f my canmels, and
($,) or to nwater [for him], (]K,) his land, or his mahe m. dectention little]. (T.A.)_ t Tlihe ater
beasts. (S, K.)le approved it. (.Iar p. 326.) with nwhich beasts are natered, or n:ith tohihr
5. J j;,ap Tlho darknes of the night cleared seed-produre is nnrateed: (AA, 8, K :) [anl]
jq. The middle (S, ) of a thing, (1C,) or of
array. (A.) - .' jq. He relaxed, or anything; (S;) [as, for instance,] of a desert, water lwhich is given one that he mnay travel with
rnmitted,in his prayer; (S,A,Mgh, Mb, ,TA i) (A,) and of a camel, (TA,) and of the night: it the road. (A, MIgh.) [See also i4.i;.]
and so in other things; (A;) and abridged it; (A, TA:) and the main part of a thing, (]i,) Icnce, (Mgh,) t The trareller's pats, (A, Mgh,
and tvas quick in it: said to be from j;,I "the
or of the night: (TA :) pl. jll; (Sb, S, A;) ]K,) given himn to ,revent a~ny one's oqflri;v oppo-
act of traversing, and going, or passing along :" beside which it has no other. (Sb.) ~[The sition to him: (A, ighl :) pl. ;j.l. (A, TA.)
(TA:) or did les than wnasufficient in it. walnut; or wralnuts;] a wvell-knovn fruit, (],) The office, or authority, of a guardian and
(M*b.) - Hence, ..bl; .s ) j~3, (A, nhich is eaten: (Mqb:) a Persian word, (?,) I affiancer. (TA.)
JI. -tA [Boo, I.
;5l [act. part. n. of j4., in all its senses].- 1
(A.) And t -j alone [also] sirnifies A rood I ith the utmost of his endear,our. (Zj, A, g.) -
Paning, or cutrent, money. (Mglh.) See at n(iiE ) in a [or salt tract]. (K.)-A [Hence,] jlJlI j 1t..a:. (S, A,) in the Kur
ex. above, voce jt.. [And hence,] gL.A1 1J , privy, or place where one performs ablition;
syn. [xvii. 5], (TA,) inf. n. as above, (S, A, K,) Th.ey
and Jt:Sl, (K, TA,) for the former of which wte joe. (TA.) A t.ope; a nord, or phrase, ,nent through the midst of the houses ( iji. ),
find, in some colpies of the K, *:JI, which i; used in a sense dijfferent from that nhic/ it tvass and soughtfor
what was ib; them,n, as a man seeks
incorrect, (TA,) Verses, or poem;, and proverbs oriyinally applied to denote, by reason of some for nen,s, or tidings; a i also VtIrt. 1: ($:) or
Current.from country to country, orfrom ton n ta analogy, or connexion, betneese the tto senses; ;thej nrent to and fro among the houses, in a
tonn. (I, TA.) - Applied to a contract, [and a as, for instance, ;1, properly
signifying "a sudden attack: (A, ]:) or the meanninr in the
sale antl a marriage, Allowable; passinJg br lam. lion," appiied to "a courageous man;" (KlT, gur is, they slew you amnid your ho,set; and
.fdul;] passing as right, sound, valid, or good [isI 5c.;) what passcs beyond the meaning to which I,l. signifies
the sarne; going a,d rcoming:
lam]; having effect. (MIsb.) [The beam of D it is originally applied; (TA;) [being of the (Fr,TA:) and, inf. n. a J al,ove, (.K,) and l;-.,
bolise, or clhalilber, utpon which rest the * 2 oi measure j*iL in the sense of tihe measure JaUj;] (8, I,) they went rou:d about (7j, S, A, .K) by
ra/!?lers;] tiot ulpon ultic/ are placed the exrtre night, (S,) among the houses, (Zj, A, KF,) lool,;in
n,tiies of the pieces of nwood in the roof of ai contr. t:of .ii. (K.) [This is also called j4b
if any remained whomn tl ey hat not dsan, ( j,
house or chamnber; (AO,TA;) the palm-trunk, S~ii, and ii jl ; to distinguishl it from wlhat TA,) or doing mnischief: (A:)
and t, ;.1!sig-
(s) or piece of tvood, vhich ynpasses across bet wech is termed s jll., andl U jt, wlhich is A nifies the same as L,., (I, TA,) thle gI,in
tnwo trills, ( olled in Prcsian ve, (S,},J
c,) word, or phrase, so little used in a particialar round about by ntight. (TA.) - x- :lso sig-
n,hirh is the. of the house or chamber: (S:) I proper sense as to be, in that sense, conventionally
Il. [of platie.] jy-l, (S, CI, TA,) in [some of] reqardeld as tropical; as, for instaince, nifies It (anvthing) was trodden: is said
,i,l3 in to he like ,,aj: (TA
lhe copiesc of the j, iincorrectly, j*l, (TA,) [and tile scnse of "a man," or "a human being;" :) a-id you sn)ay, "~ ;4.
lb(pthl these are given in the Cli,] and [of mult.] it being commonly alpplied 4
to "a beast," andl , 1 9 Such a one ccme stepping o,,er :he
tjlj (6, 6) nmland J (Ck, hut omitted in especially to "a holse" or "a mule" or "an people; syn. . (A, TA.*j) And Wrcold.
my AtS. copy of the Kg anI in thc TA,) and J ass."] A aikJ~, whenl little used, becomes wliat to A'Oheyd, . andt both signify I ca,,e
(Seer, JC.) into it, and trodf it; (4;.
is termed Uly j1l_.. (Mfz, 24th i.) T he jl '3. :) meaning,
olW. t A dtaug/t of water; (S,K;) as also is eithier wlrat is termed i->a'! [i. c. a nmetap/hor] any pInee. (TA.) Yout say also, ... 1,
t 3j : (s:) or Vthe latter signifies a sinygle (as iLIA used as meaning,, "a courageous man"), The lion trod upon thoan: or canme info the mil.t,
ta taring, or g;ving of wvater to drink; (S, K; or , of them, and did mischief among thn.m. ('T.;
jl.* [a lOOse trope] (as .1.. used ns [in wvhiiclhthe inf. n. of the verb in thii, sense
[sce an ex. in art. e sX, conj. 2 ;]) or suck as a meaning "a benefit," "benefitction," "6avour," is
mnan passes withf,.om one person to anothter: and or "boon"). (KT, &c.) [;1. said to be *%'~ and :l ..: lint the latter is
also signifies A
Vbotih signify the quantity of water with which tropical probally a mistranseription for 0 .])
thte traveller passes from one watering-place to 8: see 1, in two places.
another; as also t;;gq. (TA.) It is said in a jsm: and ;jlq..: see 4, in thle middle of the ;,
,parngraphl. ,l.. One who treads upon everytlhinq: or
P rov., , 4;)$t, c t For every
i.e., nho comes into the midst of a peoile, a,d does
one that comes to us for water is a single water- sA commisaioned agent of another; an mischief among them. (TA.) - Hence, (TA,)
ing, or giving of nater to drink; then he is executor appointed by a cvill; syn.man;, and The lion. (K, TA.) And in like manier it is
repelled from the water: or, as in the M, then applied to a man. (TA.)
. ja; because he executes what he is ordered to
his ear is struck, to indicate to him that he has
nothing more than that to receive from us. (TA.)
- llence, (A, Mgh,) accord. to Aboo-Bekr,
(TA,) [but see 4,] t A gif, or present: (Aboo- aq.iq. [A palace: or a lpvilion, or
guardianand aefflancer [of a woman]; svn. J.e hind of building wholly or for the modt. part
Ilence niso, (Mglh,) I Kindness and courtesy: ('.) You say, t. ojf.. I a. [This is a isolated,sonetimes on the top of a larger building,
(Is:) or hindnesses and courtesy shown to those woman w.ho has no guardian and qa.aneetr]: and i. e., a belvdere, and sometimes projecting fromr
nwho come to one as envoys or the like: (Mgh:) Shureylh is related to have said, si a larger building, and generaUy consisting tof one
or provisions for a day and a night giten to a room if forming a part of a larger.buildling]:
)J proJti [TVsen the two guardians and (,i , and Yam p. 823:) or a fortress; syn.
.qaest at his departure after ententainment for
three (lays. (AMgh,TA.) It is said in a trad., af.ancers girve a woman in marriage, the mar O.,aJ.: (M, IB, TA:) or [a building] resembling
riage is the formear']. (TA.) The manager
of the offairs of an orphan. (".) a ~.: (M:) an arabicized word, (Lth,JK,
U, meaning, [The period of] the entertain- S, M,) from the Persian ",g: (TA:) its
*nenlt b a guest is thire days, during the first of i4_: see jw, in three plaees. e wjl.
;jlwprimary meaning is a .. ~.. in a state of demoli.
wVlhici thelhost shall take trouble to show him (S,A) A land containing treec of the jm. [or
tion; and a ruined .J: pi. J ,,.1 and ljt.;
large kindness and courtesy, and on tho second
walnut]: (s:) or a land (in the a, 1 ,l [a the latter formed by giving fulness of sound to
nnd tlhird of which he shall offer him what he
place], wliicii is wrong, TA) abounding with the kesreh, or by poetic license. (.nam ubi
lias at liand, not exceeding his usual cuaitom;
(A. [h.a supra.) There were, in the l(arafeh, [thIe great
th/en he shall give him that wh/erewith to journey
burial-ground of the Egyptian metropolis,] numne-
for the space qf a day and a night; and what [iji.u. Tropical.]
is after that shuall be as an almns and an act of rouis j , i. e., what are called Cwl,q.., hmving
favour, wlhichi he may do if he please or neglect jl.A Going, or paing along. (K.) - One belvederes (iil,') and gardens: but most of
if lho please. (TA.) ho travels, or penetrates, alang a road. (Ie.) the .a,Ij were without gardens and without a
4 - One who loves to hasten, or outstrip. (Mg,TA.) well; being lofty belvederes: all of them were
jl lA way, road, or path, (S, ]I, TA,) which
eilled j~. (El-Malreezee's "K lhital," ii. 4,53.)
one tratvels.fron one side [or end] to the other;
(I, TA;) as alo t Sjlh.. (TA.) You say,
4t."1 JW ~ Jh r'jU jaqJ. tSuch a 1. ud-a,aor. T[f inf. n. ~.~.
one made that thing a way to the attainment Of (A, h,) sought for, or aftr, (Zj, S, A, ,)
He 4^The breast; ( ,A,K;) asalsoJ -,
/hiJ w Dant.
(n, TA.) M rij, sigrnifies A bridge. a thing, (Zj, A, ir,) or news, or tidings, ($) and (S)
&O:(t, A:) and [particularly] that
BooK I.] voa.-JY4 487

ofa man; as also Vt*.;.: (VC:) and the middle 10. tn l H'e showted hunger. (KL, P..) - (Mthb.) You say ~' ~'; the latter word
of a man. (1~.)- Also tThe fore part (j~) [Hence,l] sall .S.l t Tie being insatiable of being an imitative sequent; (TA;) or, accord.
of the night; like ,'.; ($;) and so . knowledge: (TA.) to some, signifying "thirsty." (8, d&c., in art.
(TA:) or the middle thereof; (1s;) as also j": ~, a subst., (Msb, TA,) signifying Hunger; ti )-01 iM;* 3 "j A man whose cooking
(AA:) and a great portion thereof: or of the pot is not fll (TA.) _-. L -;4t. ! A
latter part thereof: (s:) or a portion of tie
or emptiness of the belly; (TA;) contr. of ,;
woman slender in the [raist, or] belly. (W,y
latterpart thereof: (TA:) or from the time of a (8, 1, TA;) as also *t sr , [properly an inf. n.,]
TA.) [See art. '.]
quparter to a third thereof. (T, TA.) You say, and Vt , (1K,TA,) and tL :. (TA.) You
J~i1 ? LS,. L t [A portion of the fore say, Icj I&.. [May God decree hunger to C4., [The spaces in which one becomes hungry].
part, &c., of the night pasred]. (..) him]: accord. to Sb, an instance of inf. ns. in the You say, '.J,1 t 1 ,, L i. e.,
accus. case by reason of a verb understood: it is a
b,A^ : see above, in two places. form of imprecation: and the latter noun may not Or'J:I n.. i t;L ,oI [lie, or it, is distant
from mn as far as the space in owhich he who is
be put before the former, beoause it is a corrobora-
satiated with food becomes hungrjy]: (0,1 :*)
tive to it: (TA:) or, accord. to some, & means
and in like manner, OAOjl ,,:h ; [as
X ,. The breast: (IDrd, S, Mgh, 1 :) or "thirst." (S, &c., in art. .'.) And t jlu. sl.
far as the space in which he who is satisfied with
tile bread part of the middle of the breast: and and ?a4.. (8, 1) and Vacy (TA) A year drink becomes thirsty]. (Z, TA.)
tile fore part of the body of a locust. (TA.) - in which is hunger, or emptiness of the belly:
A coat of mail: (S, Mgh, 1:) or mail with dcl,_: see v,.., in four places.
(K, TA:) and * )jl jt and t4.it [the
which tie breast and the .jpe~ [or parts adjoin-
ing the breast] are clad. (M, TA.)-The middle year of hunger, &c.]: (Msb:) pl. -1'(O a. and ,.s: see ie., in five places.
of the night: (, IC:) and (so in the ., but in and bl.: as in the phrases a,..i,l '._ A man (8) who always shows himself,
the 1 " or") the fore part thereof: (K,I :) pl. [Cases of hunger, kc., befell them] and Ij* 3s or is seen, to be hungry: (S,A,O,]:) or, accord.
Cl. (S.) You say, I b- , j11d [They fell into cases of hunger, &c.]. to Aboo-Sa'eed, who is alivays eating one thing
An early portion of the night passed: (f:) or (TA.) And X -aclJ
ULtJI, meaning The after another. (-gh, L.)
[simply] a portion of the night. (M, TA.) It is sucking which occasions interdiction [of marriage
a dial. var. of A.-", [in the first of the memanings with the woman whose milk is sucked and certain
explained above, and also as relating to the nighlt,] of her relations] is that consequent upon hunger
salthoughl augmnented. (TA.) which is stopped by the milk in the time of 1. J,. The being [hollow, or] wide and hollow
' A manufacturer of coats of mail. (15.) infancy of the child; not when the child's hungdr within: (Ps:) or the being empty, vacant, or
is only to be stopped by solid food. (Mgh.) [Sec void: an inf. n. of which the verb is of the class
also 1 in art. t.,] And it is said in a prov., '~ of [i.e; .. , originally J4, like J1.,
s.a.& .t D., i. e. [The dog's becoming fat sec. pers. ..A, aor. Jt.]: (Msb:) the being
1. , (., Myb,g,) aor. ~-, ($,) inf. n. is] by reason of [te hunger of his owners occa- wide, spacious, or ample: (15:) the inc n., or
c#, (Msb, 15,) or ., ($, so in two copies,) sioned by] murrain befalling the camels; (K,* source, whence Ji^lg. ,i. (S.) [See also 10.]
or thlis is a simple subst., (Msb, TA,)nd 1n , TA;) his owners falling into hunger and distress _--- ., [aor. 'J,] inf. n. J., It reached
($, g,) He was, or became, hungry; or emPnty and leanness: (TA:) or t was the name of his J^a. [or inside, or interior, &c.]. (TA.) It
in the belly; (TA;) contr. of Z. (S, g, TA.) a certain man, who was an object of fear, where- (medicine) entered his J....'. (TA. [See also 8.])
below.] - [Hence,] il to. fore hlie was asked for a pledge, and he pledged
[Sce also t
his family: then obtaining possession of the camels, And 'jJI ti.. TIe wound reachedAu I.4q.
(1,) or Aw Jl; (M,TA,) tHe desired, or cattle, of the people to whom he had pledged (Myb.) - PI
a., and t He
(M, 1,') and longed, (15,) [as though hungering,] his family, he drove them away, and left his him and pierced his Js..: (Mgh, Msb:) and
to meet with him; like . . (M,f1.*) And family: (1, TA:) some relate this provey. diffe-
t '^J,inf. n. 4..i, he pierced him in his
bct J1 te. t He longedfor his property. (AZ.) rently, saying [4.. X. "a dog," or "Kelb,"
o.- (TA.) ai;L ', and isi' t "t,
2: see 4, in two places. "became fat," and] .g ["'aby reason of I made the spear-wound, or the
like, to reach his
the distrcss of his owners," or " h i s family"]
4. 1_1, ($, Msb, ]g,) inf. n. ;If.1 ; (Msb; (TA.) [See Freytag's Arab. Provey. i. 015.] ,^.. (Ku, A'Obeyd, S, 1g.) ,11 J%. lie
and ( MNb,
M,q, k,) inf. n. .)_ ; (Msb;) made the arrow to enter the Jj.. of the object of
'_ A single temynporary affection of hunger. the chase. (TA.)
lie constrained him to be hungry, or empty in
(S, TA.) A state of destitution and hunger of a
the belly: ($,* 14, TA:) or he debarred him 2. J.. 3 The makhing [a thing] hollow, or
tribe. (TA.)
friom food and drink. (Msb.) It is said in a empty in the middle. (KL, PY.) You say, ajq.,
prov., ';4a 'i 5 . q.l [Make thy dog to be X t&^-: see the next paragraph. inf. n. 4., [ Ie made it hoUow; hollowed it
hnngry and he tiU follow thee]; (., Y ;) mean-
C- -and*,tL4t-, (Myb, ., TA,) but not out;] he *nadeit to have a J.y-. (Msb.) And of
ing t constrain thou the ignob~le to have recourse a thing that is J~.. (8,1,) , i. e. J-l, ($,)
to thee, by want, in order that he may continue tia
1 4, [as the vulgar say,] for this a mistake,
(TA,) Hungry; or empty in the belly: (1, you say, sM..A
[In it is a hollowing out;
by thee; (1, TA ;) for if he be in no need of
thee, he will leave thlee: and for &, some say TA:) or debarredfromfood and drink: (Mb :) meaning a hollow, in which sense . has
the fem. [of the former] is :L. and [of the pl., namely, , ($,,]. .- See also 1.
*~. - .(TA.)
latter] ;.ff .: (Msb, 1:) and the pl. [of the
4: see 1, in two places._ .J,.lIl Jt4. Ille
5. tj~ He made himself hungry, or empty former] is . (., Myb, g) and L4., with the shut, or cloed, the door. (S, K, TA.) Hence, in
in the beUlly, intentionally, or purposely. (., .) changed into kS, (L,) and [of the latter, or a trad., CL.J,l :ljlj t4'5tj "lj [And
You say, .IjjJ ;_.3 and !13.0! Cj , [Make
perhaps of both,] te,. (, 1g) and alfr (1]*in shut ye the doors, and etinguish the lamps].
thys/f hungry, or make thy stomach empty of
food and beerage, (see art. L;_,) or] abstain art. t") and cl [with thej changed into c. (TA.)
thou from eating the full quantity of food, for contr. to rule, if this be not a mistake for , 5. .. ,3 It was, or became, hollow, or erpty
the purpose of taking medicine. (TA.) in which the , is changed into tS by rule]. witin. (KL)_ m .3: see 8-- '.j .,
488 J. - J[ [Boox I.
1 I
.IaJI The leaf ras in the Jq. [or inside] of deed, (9, 1,) [app. meaning, when 'with the cooking-pot. (Ram p. 719.) And Jj~ .1 Tlte
the [plant called] l-,& not having yet come article JI, written and pronounced 'a.Jl,] in lion that is great in the Jj.. [or belly, &c.].
forth. (9.) the aceus. case i.., by poetic license, ( A,) A (~.) And tj^9l The belly and the [:or
8. ltq.I He entered its J;. [or inside, or specia offah; and so j,.. (s, g.) vulva, or pudendum mulieb,e]; (S. 1 becalem
interior; he entered into the umidst of it]; as also '5U^n The penis of an ans: (El-Miiirrij, :) of their width. (TA.) See also j,. Hence
Vti.3. (9, ]'.) [See an ex. in a verse of Lebeed, and of a man. (TA.) the trad., .lh.1ll 1 1
voce ,J.t: and see also 1.] [Verily what I snost fear for you are the belly
lw: se see and the vulva]. (TA.) _ A con'ardll man; as
10. Jt.. l1 and J'; 1 l It (a thing) became
wnide, spacious, or ample. (9, X..) [See also 1, ,S+. Reaching the Jo'.. (Msb.) [Hence,] also J, at t. -.. ; the Iast explalined in
the ] as meaning having no heart: ih. [of the
first sentence.] q41 lie found it (a place) i1s 'a., (S, Mgh, 1, &e.,) or 'l;. i;i.,
first] Ja.o (TA.) _ A lorse white in the J,.
to be .. 41 [i. e. hollow, or empty within; or (Mib,) A senar-wound, or the like, that reache, [or belly] as.far as the part nwhere the sides termi-
twide, spacious, or ample]. (0, L, ].) the .J., (S, Mghb, Mb, 15,) by which is here
nate, whatever be the coloar of the rest of hlim;
meant [the interior of the body or head, or],
J..q [A hollow; an interior empty, varant, acordl. to IAth, any vital part, as the belly andl (AO, TA;) as also tJy ... (TA.) [See also
or void, space;] a vacancy: pl. .I,;.: this is the brain: (TA:) and sometimes, tla t penetrates .j~.]-- In the convienlionlll langaige of the
the primary signification: then it was used in into the J...: (A'Obeyd, S, Mgh:) antl that science of itilectionl, t [A Aollhno word; i. e.] a
relation to a thing capable of being occupied and passes through also: (A'Obeyd, S:) andl said word having un in/i.mn letter for its medial
of being unoccupied; so as to be applied in the to be such at is in the pit betn,een the collar- raliecal; (K, TA ;) as jl a,dl . (TA.)
sense next following. (Mqb.)-The inside, or bones, and in the pubes; but not in the neck.
interior,(Mqb, KL,) of a house [&c.]. (Mqb.)- nor in the throat, nor in the thlighl, nor in oj'.t !A shut, or closedl, door. (TA.)
[The midst, or middle, of a thing.] -A low, or the leg: (Migh:) not if it reaclhes tile interior of -p.: see _.1.
depressed, (9, ]X, TA,) and wide, (TA,) tract, or the bone of the thigh: (Mob :) opposed to ; ..
mportion, of land, or ground: (9, ~, TA:) what (~ in art. ,.b...)- Hcnce, i --9"..: sec j~.1, in tvwo JIIces.
is al,plied to
is wider than the :; the [water-course, termed]
tA great fault or imperfection or rice. (TA _~ Psee
.: ... l, in thlrce pla('es.- Also A
pJ, and the valleyj, floto into it; and it has aJ from a trad.) - ii3?. W3 A deep [water-coursc, bensirhos c,j [q. v.] reaches up to lis belly:
[or abrupt, water-worn, banks]: sometime it is
wider than a vallcy, and deeper: and sometimes
&c.: see _a.U]: pl. dji.. (.K, TA. [In the (As, S, K:) or a hlorse whomejI read,es to his
it is a plain, or soft, tract, that retains water: CId, icg. is erroneously put for a.])- sides is si9id to he U,4 .j~.. (AA, TA.) [Soec
and sometimes it is completely round, so that it ,,1 51. The deep recesses of the j. [or also.j~I, Ilast me:lnning hut one.]_ Andl nn
retains water: accord. to IAgr, it signifies a c/lest] in the places where the soul has its seat; elfithe.t npili,d to fhe Iir,l h lled. )c , becausc it
ralley: or, as some say, the interior(C>k) of a is white in the belly. (AIlglh xnd Msb in art..".)
valey. (TA.) - The beUy, or abdomen, of a * .l.j i.g
So in the phrase, used by El-F,arezduak,
man: (., ] :) or, accord. to ISd, the interior of
the beUy: and the part upon which close the bIy,JI o ,,u >j3 [And he drove back the
saoulder.bladesand the upper arms and the ribs soul into the midst of the deep recesses of the
and the two flanks .(Oj'l): (TA:) the chest, chest]: (L,TA:) but some reand t1 O. 1r.j , , K, c.,) r. j , (,) inf. n.
or thorax; i. e., the part of the body that is (TA.) - .it.JI
[The cephalic rein;] a rein Jq. (9, K) and J. (K) and ",q. (Az, S,
eparatedfrom the 'ot [or beUy, or abdomen,] that runs along the upper arm to the [cartilage ISd, z, .gh) anl J,. (IStd, i) and 3- ,
by t/he 1 [or diaphragm, or midri]; con- called] - of the shoulder-blalde; it is the ;,. (Ibnb-'Abba'od, ], TA,) in somic coplies of the lI
taining the hedrt and its appertenancu: (Zj in (TA.) _,...; (TA;) anti in like mantnier, Jtq.tI and
his "Klaalg el-Inuan:") pl. as above. (TA.) Jq;l ZIaving a ..; (TA;) [i c.,] hollo,r, tJa..tl; (f1, 1. ;) lie went round, or about, or
bcs also J51.. It is one of the words that are or empty within; (KL, 1'S;) having in it a or rouand about; as also tJ., inf. n.J
ntiot used adverbially except width prepositions. J.~.35 [or hollowing out, meaning a hollow], (g :) or J.~ signifies hicwent round, or abort,
(Sb, TA.) It is said in a trad., J.JI 1.. '-; (s,) and so tJ..: (g, i: [lut the latter is or round about, mnuch, or often; agreeably with
1.. C; [Forget not ye the .j. and rwhat it more properly rendered hollon,ed, or hollowted what Sb says of the measure jW; but accord.
hath collected]; meaning what enters into it, of out:]) empty, vacant, or void: (Msb:) wide, to the 0, jly,, is an inf. n. of J4.. (TA.) You
food and beverage: but some say that JyJI spacious, or ample; (S, g;) as also jt,; ,
say, .s;JI ~ dj.. lie went about, or round
here means the belly and the Ch [or vulva, or (8, TA,) and t -., with tlamm, (J~,) thuis cor- about, in the countries, or districts, not remaining
1ipudendum muliebre], together, which are also rectly written, being, a rel. n. altered firom the fixed, or settled: (Msb:) an, ,i Il tJ., (T,
called V,t^Uy')l: and some say that the meaning original form, like y.
and ;, (Sgih, TA,) TA,) or .5I! J;., (f,) i.if. n. , (T,
is, the heart and nwhat it hath retained, and kept
but meaning wide in the j0 . [or belly, &c.], TA,) or Jly i, (9,) hIe rent about, or round
in mnemory, of the knowledge of God. (A 'Obeyd,
TA.) J-,.'1 is also applied by the people of written by J [in the ;] 'f , with fet-h: about, much, or often, in the countrie, or dis-
EI-Ghliowr (1]) and of El-Yemeni (TA) to The (TA:) great in the ... ; (TA;) ns also,j ; tricts. (T, S, TA.) And Ol'4.c .iJOl', nor.
tents (.bCj) of their J,). [or governors, or (AO,, ] ;) each appilicdl to a man: (TA:) [fem. as above, inf. n. J4. and O'- , lie (a horse)
tollectors of the poor-ratu]. (g.)_ - J; [U^.:] pI. J^... (TA.) You say j.i , traversed the sidet, or lateral parts or tracts, of
s.y1, occurring in a trad., means t The last and tJa., [liollo7v, and hoUloned, pearls; or] the horse-course; which are termed J.ll, pl. of
th'rd of the night: [or] the fifth of the sixths of both signify the same. (TA.) And i'4. ;it J34.. (Mob.) And s. , Jlq., inf n. J. ,
the night: (}.:) not the hlialf, as some assert. An emrpty [or a hollow] cane, or reed: (1 :) and lie wheeled round, or about, in battle. (g.) And
(TA.) in like manner, .s [a tree]; (, K ;) having a ji~~
;' j 4, 9h [lie fld, to wheel
J... (9.) And _t4,.
A wide, or an ample, round, or about, and then returned to thefight].
bucket: (V:) and Jg, '. wide, or ample, (Myb in art. _b.) And llt,., (Mlb,) or t Iln3,
s we e: _;.l.- Also, and without tesh- buckets: (9:) and tq. ;jJ3 a wide, capacious, (s, ,) means Ub/- J- (, M:b, M
Boox 1.] 489
X,) i. e., Tlheyaauailed, or assaulted, one another, Mankimeh of H.lar, (p. 76 of the see. ed.,) is ex- (M,1) and 3.J': (K,TA; in the eq :)
(TA,) dj.~l .J [(in battle]; (?, M 9b, K;) [and so, plained in a MS. of that work as meaning Jsl, or the surrounding parts [or sides] of a grave:
app, rlg.e., inf. n. Jlq,
:] and , ,; A (Do Sacy's Chrest. Ar., sec. ed., p. 185,) i. e., (M, TA:) and Lq tl1 tVt.. the two sides of the
He inserted: but the proper meaning is, he water of the valley: and _e 1 V'q. the two
t .jl. (~, IC.) There were between them turned about, or round about, his_five fingers in
mutual [asailings, or assaults, and] defendings. shores of the sea, or great river: (T, TA:) pl. [of
his boag.] J,.. I 1Accomplish, or-finish,
(Ibn-'Abbid, TA.) And 1..l
J,t, inf. n. j.., pauc.] jlt.., (As, , Msb, K,) pl. of J,.. and
the affair in wthich thou art engaged. (M, P,
The company of men were routed, defeated, or j.., (TA,) and [of mult.] Jl. and aJli.; (so
put toflight, (Q!. ,) and then returned to the in copies of the K, and in the M, but in some
6: see 1.
fight, or charged, or assaulted. (Ig.) And ,i; copies of the g Ji1'. ;and ail" ' .;) . and
. .j.t_.1
. ' is
J)J. :lj l Defeat befell the Muslims: a 7: see 1, in two places. pl. of ,ll... (TA.) Also, as in the T and the
metonymy; used only in relation to the favourites 8: see 1, first sentence. l1J%.l ie turned Mol.eel, (TA,) The portion of rock that is at the
of God; from O'j.1.. (Mgh.) tlj. them from their course. (v.) lIe (the devil) bottom of the mater, (1, TA.) upon which is the
1iJIl, (5gh, TA,) or IYWI jk , (A, TA,) caused them to leave, or forsake, the right wvay. casing of the well; so that if it quit its Idare,
the well falls to ruin: this is [said to be] tbhe
t They became excited to lihtness, or levity, awl (T, TA.) . J ,. J~l . t. !J.The devils primary mcaning of the word: and hence the say-
unsteadiness, dnd carriedaway, and (lriven, (fghl, excited them tolightness, or levity, and unsteadi-
ness, so that they turned anwayfrom their religion, ing, J~. bj ` :L I., [Tbis is water of ,vhich
TA,) or they becarnefascinatead and turned away,
to error; i. c., they carriedthem away and drove the rock beneath it is not to be reached]. (TA.)
(A,TA,) by the influence of devils, (A,Sgh,TA,)
then [.from their religion]. (Sgh, TA.) [See -[And from this word as signifying the casing
from their religion, (Sgh, TA,) or from the rirlght
also 10.] = See also 1, last two sentences. of a well, or the portion of rock above mentioned,]
course, (A, TA,) to error. (A, Sgh, TA.)
t Intelligence; (S, K., TA;) judgment, and in-
,,1J JIlt, (ISd, Ig,) inf. n. j., (TA,) 7'e telligence, or full intelligence, or intelligence to
10. '.i"tl . tJl The devils turned them
dust went away, and rose; as also t Jl.l: wthich one has recourse; (T, TA;) understanding
fromr the right course, to error; fascinated them
(ISd, ] :) or the latter signifies became removed, of the heart; (TA;) and resolution, or fJired
so tiat they turned with them. (A, TA.) And
or cleared away [hy tile wind]; syn. 1l1. (T, purpose of mind; (~, M;) and prudence: (T,
.'sJlJIIn.Z The thing excited him to lightness,
TA )- :l3{ 5 &4 ~ j, [It'is re- or levity, and unsteadines. (TA.) [See also 8.] TA :) %1l in the V is crroncously put for A_$
volved in my bosom, or mind, that I should do (TA.) You say, of a man, jq.. l LSie chas not
-- .. L j.J.l ;Jl..l
... ,~ The horses removed,
it]. (TA.)- See also 4, in two places. 0J.
J intelligence and judgment, or fixed purpose of
or displaced, that by thich they passed. (O,TA.)
;~JI, (K,) inf. n. J., (TA,) lIe chose, or mind, to withhold him, or protect him; like the
4A)l ,LJ~.i T'he ..,tO [or white clouds] J. of a well; (?, 1M,TA ;*) because a well,
selected, the thing. (g.) You say, > I."` were driven together after a state of dispersion, when cased withi stone or thie like, is stronger.
kI I chole, or selected, this from this. (AA, S.) and became ready to rain: (M, TA:) or it menis 9, l.4*. II,
(TA.) And J^3j dl J ~.;j A man having
And 9j. l .ico
I chose, or slected,frorn ,:t, JI .. , i. e., the wind came to judgment and intelligence, or full intelligence, or
them [a choice portion]; (S, K,. TA;) and sepa- them, and removed them, or displaced them, and intelligence to srhich recourse is had; whose J^.
rated some of them from others. (TA.) And dissundered them, and drove them away. (TA.) does not become demolished: and in like manner,
'o. al. ~ , 9JIq., and jhye., lIe chose, or --. :.',J L.Ln.1 1 Ve saw the rainles clouds
selected, from his property, or cattle, a choice
portion. (TA.)
going about, or round about, in the horizon, (A, _o.JI 0e: and in thie contr. case, .. i
TA,) or in the shy. (TA.)
2: see 1, in two places.
:ySuch a one has not intelligence norprudence;
jl_.: see j.-, in five places:-and J.. i. e., his J^. is demolished, therefore one is not
3. ,Ijg, inf. n. aij..: and 4- i=, sure that the 2j' [that rests upon it] may
%.s'p 1.a: see 1.
Jl.: see J . not also fall: and J^ A ,d , and tJLp, /H'e
4. ,jhI,(Msb, K,) and OJq.l, (1K,) inf. n. see ; in two places. Also A has not prudence. (T,TA.)
#ih,(S,) lIe, or it, made, or caused, hitn, or large army, or military force, or troop of horse: I did it on account, or for the ake, or because,
it, to go, move, or turn round, or about, or round (Sgh, 1 :) pl. J.. (Sgl, TA.) A herd of of him, or it. (Ibn-'Abb4d, TA.) ~ See also
about; to circle, or revolve; (, Myb, ] ;) as camels: and a troop of J,4. [meaning horses or J- mand O'~t'.
also t tJI.. (Zj,] .) One says in the game horsemnen]: as also tj4. in both these senses: J* :.a- ce 0.w..
5 see
called j ll, [see this word,] Jl ).1 [Tlu.n (K :) or the latter, which is also explained in the
thou round about, i. e., shuffle, the arrows in the K ns signifying a herd of camels, and a flock of Oj.S. Dust; as also t3I. and tj3., (I,)
3$w]. (S,TA.) And il jS *t JI J- l He ostriches and of sheep or goats, is pl. of the former: both mentioned by As, (TA,) and $ i s. , (1C,)
(TA:) or thie former signifies thirty [horses or horse- mentioned by ISd: [or] all signify ldust which
moved about the arronm, [i. e., Ju.ffled tem in
men]: orforty: (1g:) or le: or more: (TA:)or the wvind makce to turn about or round about, to
the 414,]J (Az, ISd, TA,) and then distributed the choice, or best, of camels: and [in like manner] circle, or to revolve, upon, orfrom, the surface of
them among the people, or party. (Az, TA.) IJ'l. signifies the choice and best; as in the the earth. (TA.) And SmaU pebbles which the
And *.. J,-1 lie brandished, flourished, or wind maks to turn about or round about, to
saying, WJl al. J.l. [He took the choice and
played n'ith, his sword, turning it round about. circle, or to revolve; (~, TA ;) as also t
best of his cattle, or proper.ty]. (Q. [See also 1,
(M h.)
9 And . ,pJtj. q i. , (Lth, TA,) last two sentences: and see O'9'..]) And AKany and t j." (TA.) _ -: see j 1.
and . t/, (I(, TA,) [The wind makes the greatsheep or goats. (1J.)_ Also A male mren-
~j~JI e ^ t The first, or beginning, [lit. the
dust, and the pebbles, to turn round about, to tain-goat that is old, or advanced in age: (M,
revolving, (see 1,)] of anxieties. (Ibn-'AbbAd,
circle, or to revolve.]- . -. L. lj.lqJ I :) pl. JllI. (M, TA.)
K, TA. [In the C], erroneously, .])
i They turned about, or revolved, [in their minds, The wall [that surrounds the interior] of You say,.. oY
C 4,.
t In hi, heart
the idea, or opinion, respecting the matter that a well: accord. to A 'Obeyd, every side of a well, arerewolvinganxieties. (A, TA.)- JLJI j'yt
rat between them.] (TA.) And jJIl 1 31 1
tq fr'om its top to its bottom: and teb. signifies The small, or young, and bad, of cattle: (Fr,
t [Tlgy turned about, or rovolved, thoughts, ideas, the same: (S :) or the former, the side, or lateral $, K:) so in the M and O; but in a copy of the
schemes, or contrivances, in their minds]. (Jel part, (M, Msb, V,) of a well, and of a grave, and M, written O,'.; which is app. a mibtake.
in ix. 4) - [' ' JqL, in the 7th of the sa, and of a mountain; as also tJlt (TA.) Accord. to Ibn-'Abb6d, The choice, or
Bk. 1. 02
400 Jd. - oOt [BOOK 1.
best, of cattle: the contr. of what is said by Fr. and having an opening malde to it at the neck
(TA. [Sce also .. ]) and bosom; in which a woman goes about: (M,
1. ' ., (Q, TA, [in the C., erroneously,
TA:) or for a young girl; (1K ;) the *? being t
oo,q., in two places. _ j: O q.,]) inf. n. ';j, (TA,) It (the face) became
for a woman: (TA:) a small garment in nrkich black. (1:.)
a girl goes about: ( :) or a garment which a
'~jq: sleo j,l. Also A man whoa girl wears before she is made to hep herselfbehind, J. WkhTitei: and black: (S, Mgb, ]:) thus
benteflt are common to the near and the distant; or within, the curtain, and in which sie goes bearing two contr. significations: (8:) and *if-,
-. a &
(1;, TA;) uwhose benefits go round to every one. about: (Z, TA:) accord. to IAgr, i. q. oj.w. also, has the latter signification: (lAth, TA in
(@gh, TA.) (TA.) Imra-el-.eys says, art. ape-:) or '. signifies black tinpged over
J, . , with red: (T, M,TA:) and black intermixed
with red; thic colour of the LJh: (T, TA :) andl
&,;.'Vhat the wind nswCeep away (AHn, M, also ,red: (1.:) or of a pure red colour: (TA:)
O) and round about, (AHn, M,) of fragments of anl, applied to a horse and a camel, of thke
plants and of thefallen leave of treea; (AHjn, [At the like of her the staid would fixedly gaze colg,,tr ter,ndjl ;, (S,g,) intensely black: :) (9
with tenderness of ldesire, when si has become of every
M, ;) as also ,. (,M, TA.) can,iel, and every will nss, seen from a
erect and justly-proportioned stature, betn'cac dist,ance,
is of this colour: ferm. with i: (T, TA:)
such as wears a w,oman's rhitt and such as wears
* and, applicd to a plant, or Irlblge, green, (],)
a young girl's gar.ment]. (9, TA.)_A woman's or intetnse/!/ gyrcn, (TA.) inclining
to blackness:
i ll t The Thc turns (lj) of an affair, or anklet. (Ibn-'Abbid, 1.)- An amulet, a plhy-
(I, TA:) pl. O .; (S, TA;) like ase is of
ervent. (TA.) lactery, or charm of the tind termed ;i3. (IAnr,
..o, (S,) anil-j olfj. (M, TA.) You say
J11^ Ono who goes about, or round about, .K.) - A crescent of silver in the middle of the also, v,. JI le .J!T. i.Vcbl.ctrteri:ed by
nuch, or often, in the countries, or districts, necklace termed ;'J. (IAer, i.)-Silver [it-
(Mph, TA,) not remaining fixed, or settled; self]. (Th,].)_ A good, or sound, .n. [or wt/chst is ttrpoetl Zj,.: (S :) or i. intenely glixten-
inyg anl clener. (Az, TA.) [Sec :also . I)elow.]
(Mb ;) as also vt JJlI [but in a more intensive silver coin]. (IApr, K.) - A shield; (S, 0,1 ;)
sense, meaning whko does so very much, or very sometimes used in this sense; (S, O;) as also See also .. Accord. to lSk, ,j .1 tl mncans
often]. (TA.)_A horse having ajlexible head: tjt.. (Ibn-'Abbid, TA.) - A large woodlen Tlhe nwite ,n.o: o,pp,os,l to :t.;4,,1 Inallin,,
(TA:) and tj;l. a v/ifl horse, that turns bowl. (IAr, TA.) A white .'j, [or piece of the negro. (TA in art. .)_ Also t D)iy:
about hocrsoever one turns him. (~,0 TA.) cloth] that is put upon the hand of him to whom (A), ., 1.:) 1pl. as abuove. (1o.) ,o in tle
Jlr.: see the next preceding paragraph. the players at the game called 4 J1 commit the saying,
., _..., :. ..
arrows [to be slu.jled and distributed, in order .*r * g _ -, -r
see _;-.-. Also Rainless clouds going that he may not be able to distinguish themn by a ... a~ _ . 'I 4,
I t
round about. (A, TA.)- And, applied to a the feel,] when they have collected themselves. ,@"Sj JW613 jt&t,1k

[woman's ornament of the kind termed] t?, (ISd, 1,*TA.) [For the same purpose, a piece [The passinY of the nigats, andl te alternatingof
and to a camel's belly-girth, Loose; not tight; of thin skin was also used: see A .] -A pool of thke day, have changel, 0 ,la,tighter of Ell- loleys,
unsteady; as also t Jt.. (T, TA.) [Hence,] water left by a torrent; because the water goes my colour]. (AO, S.) - And, naccordl. to certain
round about in it. (IF, TA.)~ A wild ass. of tie lawyers, met.iallorically, I The light : and
eALI 4L3.3mj! I A so,nan slender in the the darkness. (M Lb.) - Aind accord. to IAqr,
fraoist. (Z, TA.) (IAgr, I~.)
tThe ,j. [lapp. j3, meaning day-break]. (TA.)
3t; An affair in which one is engaged. (M, J4.- [pass. part. n. of 10, Turned from the
right course, &c. :] excited to lightness, or levity, IOC.a4l' The two extremities of tiuhbow. (Fr,
,.) See 4, last sentence. Az, J.)
and unsteadiness: (TA:) being bereft of hij
J_.l [More, and most, wont to go round, or reason, or intcllect. (AA, TA.) i.. The sun;. (.1;) [i. c.] tie sun's di;*;
about, or round about; to ciicle, or revolve;] is becaulse it Iccoomes black [or of a lblackishl colour
from the first of the verbs in this art.: and hence tinged witI red] at setting; ($;) or it may hbe
the prov., T ,9.4LO;; [More wont to go Ibecanse of its whiteness and clearness; but it is
about, or round about, or more reatles, than a ;1 A vessel, (s,) or Ui [I. e. a basin, or a said to be only apllied to the sun when it is
.5W; a certain animalcule, or insect, that is table, or a tray used as a table], (IApr,TA,) of setting; opposed to as observed by MF:
constantly moving about: se art. ,. dd]. (JIar silver: (IA9r, 1g, TA:) or a white dish or tray, (TA:) [see also j.. tdie sun is also called
p. 61I.) - Also, [as meaning t Afore, and most, of glass or of silver: (Mgh:) or a veml fi ) t ,U~, (K,) because of its becoming black [or of
cir.culating,] applied to language, or discourse. of glass: (.lar p. 200:) [a Persian word, i. e. a blackish colour tinged with redl] at setting.
(TA in art. ~q-.) [See an ex. voce q..] .;1, arabieized; or] a genuine Arabic word: (TA.) A [jar such as is called] eAt.: (IAqr,
j^1 ;9, and and(L, (TA:) pL. [of pauc.] .. , with ., (Ar,,) TA:) or a acS&. sneared with tar, or pitch. (S.)
[See an ex. in a verse of Lebeed cited in art.
M, ,) and ' ) , and 'i~., (M,1],) A and .. ,1, and (as some say, IAar, TA, [of .e,.] See also J. ... And A buckert (;)
day of much dust (T, M, g) and mind: (T, TA:) mult.,])..*. , (1,) with (damm, (TA, in the C.{
^. j,) and [of pauc. or mult.] j.Gt..: (1A,r, that has become black. (1ACr, TA.)_ And i. q.
from J^ signiifying "dust." (TA.)
3..h [whichl may hero mean either A piece of
g :) hut IB says that..;. is pl. of t* q., as is
charcoal, or the blackness of night or the like].
also .,t;l.: [instead of which he should rather
Jt.~ A place in rowhich one goes round, or have said that A. is a coil. gen. n. of wliich the (IA,r, 15.) - And i. q. i perhalm as a subst.,
about, or round about: (TA:) [afield of battle: n. un. is 1t., (though- this requires considera- meaning A red thing]. (1.)- Seec also kiF
a circus:] a place of exercie for hors. ( ar tion, as the former is commonly used as a sing.,) Zi^. The quality [i. o. colour]k in horses,
p. 16.)- [Ilence] one says, ) Jtq . *1. ald that the pl. of the latter is .ltq. :] that its denoted by [the epqifet] O.y'; likb L.k and
' I [Tlhrb remainednotanyscope in thaqffair, dim. isn .: and that it, i.e. .1m, is of the
fem. gender. (TA.) ;;;j; (9;) in horse,, i.q. (:) arda a;: in
or case]. (TA.) the sun, I:.lsQ, the quality denoted by Xi. [as
J~. A certain garmet for womn, (M, V,)
doubled, and s~d togethAr at onu of its two ides,
}see above.
fem. of On-, q. v.]: and blackne; as in the
saying, jWI U_#A. L [J wmi not
1 1
BooK I.] BOO - k]1 431
do it until the blackne of pitch, or tar, become or did to him, or he accused him, to his face, of,
white]: but if you say jtJIi t1 ;`., the meaning that which was, or a thing that vas, disliked, or .... see .
is the t; [smeared with tar, or pitch]. (S.)= hated]. (S, K.) And [in like manner,] 4. .
A smali basket ('aii2), (K,) or JaL,, (1 in art. Ile encountered him n'ith evil [slpeech or conduct]; *1jand ;tj and ;4.: see art. `.j.
JW.,) of a round for,m, (TA,) that iu with the or confronted him therewith: whence ; *,
eUlner of perfumes, (f., 1.,) used for containing i. e. Mayest thou not be encountered with evil;
thitr perfumes: (( in art. etq.:) called in Persian said in chiding a he-camel: see el. bclow. (TA.)
-S -r
Olt s [a receptacle for bottles or tih like]: A woman of Ghatafin, being chidden by her son, esee art. jn.
a -8-
(KL:) originally with .: (.K:) or sometimes and being asked why she did not reply against
pronouneed with : (8:) EI-Farisee approved the him, said,
1> ;.t .1 ~' Ol I,
suppression of the.: (M, TA:) pl. X 4. (S, M, meaning I fear that he
nwould encounter me with
].) [See also A,j.] A smll mountain. (15.) more than this. (JK.)
1. (8, ,) aor.
o, :, (TA,) inf. n. ~.,
;X.i see .Also
__. A cooki
,jg-pot; (K;) [2. e. and t*.l_ are rendered by Goliis Ad (],) He (a man, .) was, or became, affected with
because it is black. (TA.) -And A she-camel dignitatem evexit: spectabilem reddidit: as on nwhat is termed ti'. e, (S, .K,) meaning ardour:
such as is termed .l; [of an intense, or a darh, the authority of the 8: but in my copics of the 8 and violence of amorous desire; or of grief, or
gray colour, without any admixture of white]; the two verbs are ..3l and &;.3;and belong to sorrow: (S:) or intmard love: (M, 1:) and
from O1,. said of the face. (]K.) art. i., though mentioned in the present art.] grief, or sorrow: (K, and so in a copy of the :)
and ardour: and violence of love; or of grief, or
j: see .C _-- Also A qs,ecies of the [4: see 2.]
sorratv: (s:) [see ,...:].and also as meaning
hind of bird called 1U, (S, 1K,) black in the belly 5. *. Ie magnified himself; or was, or consumption; or an ulcer in the lungs: and long
and wings, largerthan the [species called] .5j.q,became, prolud, haughty, or disdainJMil: or he continuance, or oppressiveness, of disease: and a
one of the former species being equal to two of aijected rank, station, or dignity, not posscssing disease in the chest : (] :) or any inward disease
the latter: (S, TA:) or, accoixl. to ISk, the U3 it. (TA.) during which one does not find food to be whole-
compose two species; one called r? and *#..Rank, station, or dignity, (S, K, TA, and sonme: (TA:) part. n. t.; (,K; ) fem. 1 j.
a eJ (TA.)_-You say also, OL; ;t-, meaning I
5j.O; and the other, Lb1; and the former JK in art. ,) with,
w. or in the estimation of, the
found the countryj, or town, to disagree with me.
is dulsky, or dingy, or of a hue inclining to black Sulitan; (JK, TA;) as also t l, (K,) on the
(S.) And i.. -" and '; [IHefound it
and dust-colour, (jxl,) in the back, black in autilority of LhI, (TA, as from the 1C, [but not in
the inner side of the wing, ycllo,n in the throat, my copies,l) or, neaccord. to Sigh, of Ks.: the to disagree with him: a meaning indicated, but
short in the le.s, having in the tail two feathers former word [probably arabicized from the Per- not expressed]. (15.) See also 8. And jq?
longer than the rest of the tail: (T, TA:) or, sian et.; but] said to be formed by transposition ,b9j1l The land stank. (TA.)
u some say, the 4l,. and . are one of from j.3; this being first changed to .; thien, 8. .1,.1IIe disliked residing in it, namely, a
the two species of the UW, and itheic other is the to ,.; and thento o _.: or, accord. to Lh, it country, or town, even if in the enjoyment of ease
bUA; and the former are short in the legs, yellow is not from ', but from [app. , first and plenty: (S:) or he dislihed it, (K, TA,) and
in the necks, blach in the primary feathers of the lIcrs. sing. of .., q. v.]; though lie does found it to disagree with him; (TA;) as also
wings, ofa nwhite hue tinged with red (,&) in cxplain what is ;. tj..: (, TA:) or he disliked it, namely, a
You say, 3 ;1
the tertial.: (TA voce bUs, q. v.:) [but see city, andfound it to be insalubrious: or, as AZ
e 4. [Such a one is posessed of rank, station, or
1, : the is described by Dc Sacy, on dignity]. (S.) And , says, he disliked it, namely, a country, even if it
e.. 0 To sruchl a agreed with him in respect of his body: and he
the authority of the book entitled .'* ;Ut.l ;;J
one belongs ranuk, station, or dignity, among them. says, in his Nawadir, that l.;. signifies the
;l*.nn-~.~l ~1 ~.~ ~, ~..01 ,~r.~h~, thlus: "le
djouni a les barbes internes des ailes et lea pennes (Aboo-Blekr, TA.) The dim. of 1_. [or of . ] year'ning towards, or longingfo., home, and dis-
primaires noires; il a la gorge blanche, orn6e de is . 1L,
(TA.) indecl, with kesr for liking a place, even if in the enjoyment of ease
deux colliers, I'un jaune et l'autre noir; son dos its termination; and, accord. to As, sometimes, and plenty: and disliking it without yearning
eat d'un gris cendrC, mouchet6, mele d'un peu dc .l, with tenween; (S ;) or e.- ,1.', (JK, towards, or longingfor, home: and also the not
jaune: on nppelle cette espdce djouni, pares quc and *lq. e&.l, and :G. *4.. (Lh, K,) finding thefood nor the beverage in a land to be
and ,.. wholesome;
sa voix ne rend pas un son clair et sonore, mais but not nwhen one likes the residing in
qu'elle fait cntendre sculement unc sorte de gar-
, ., 4, (accord. to different copies of it but its food and beverage do not agree wit/
gouillement dans le gosier:" (Chrest. Arabc, the I, but) indecl., with kesr for the termination, him. (TA.) And kS.:j,.I Is heart was burnt
2nd ed., ii. 369 :)] it is stated in the handwriting [i.e. e~. ,~., or ; e,] J-mentioned in the by theffire of enmity. (yHam p. 219.)
of Ay, on the authlority of the Arabs, that . M, (TA,) and t ' .*,
,L.. (IDrd, TA, [see 1,]) ~..gn: see 1:_ and see what next follows, in
applied to the U, is with .; app. meaning that it ejaculations used for chiding a he-camel, not a two places.
was pronounced s (M, TA:) a single bird she-camel: (AV, JK, IDrd, 8, 15:) or one says f. part. n. of 1, q.v.; (8,1;) and *QS
of this species is termed ae.: (S:) and you to a she-camel, t and 14.. (A'Obeyd, TA in signifies the same, being an inf. n. used as an
say also V *W1q, withl fet-l: (TA:) [but art. C,: [or perhaps there is an omission here: epithet. (1.)- Hence, (S,) the former, (., ],)
V., seems to be also used as a n. un., like I think it more likely that what A 'Obeyd said as also Vthe latter, (1, and so in a copy of the R,)
signifies Stinking water; ( ;) or water that has
s~.qJ: for it is said that] i o is pl. [or rather was that one says to a she-camel ct, and to a
become altered and stinking. (S, TA.) - .
coil. gen. n.] of &j.g, like asn is of . he-camnel #...]) J .. and ?a~j. A land that disgresm witA
(Im p. 005.) *^ Theface, or countenance; syn. .; as one. (1.)
also : (Lbi, 1 ) the latter with kesr: (TA:)
$S.'- Contracted in the bosom, (, TA,) by
so in the saying,%, .Jii; and y ~ [He reason of ditase therein, (TA,) to that hit tongue
looked with an evil face or countenance]. (Lb, cannot explainfor him, (1,)or so that his tongue
k/q.,j if. Uner.q , o .( i [ e md ] .)_, - , or e.- : see the next pre- can hardly, or not at all, cxplainfor him. (TA.)
him, or encountered him, with, or hAsaid to Aim, ceding paragraph.
1 1 62
[Book I.
not lIS v JAq
l.S dhJl unless you say d wllich is accord. to rule, and what J says is that
which has been heard from the Arabs, as ISd has,
3. ,1t, inf. n. Ie faced him,frionted or L., or .c [after LSJI]. (ISk, TA.) [Hcence,
H;e, pointed out; (TA;) [and rule is not to be re-
himn, was opposite to him, or was over against X ;W? He begot a child, or children; like .s
garded wllen it is contr. to classical usagc;] the
him: a dial. var. of tI. (IAar, K.) Yon say S. And at ,t4. She brought himforth; gave meaninlg is, He vied twith me, or strov to surpass
also, ;t. d .s. lie passed by me being in birth to him;
like & .jI. And me, in frequency of coming, and I surpassed him
;14 It (a
front, or opposite. (TA.) word) conreyed, or imported, a meaning.]_ therein. (S, .)
[:. ; 4. also signifies lIe brought to pasn, did, 4. o;.bI lie made him, or it, to come. (Kull
executed, performed, or qffected, a thing: and he p. 11.) - [Hence,e] .l i. q. t.: see 1.
said, gave utterance to, or uttered, a thing: like
1. ;1, aor. :. inf., n. ($, M. b, , (S, .I.)-1 .1t I compelled him, constrained
a UI in both these senses.] And I ;.- Ile him, or necessitated him, to have recourse, or
&c., [the most common form, but] deviating from
the general rule [respecting inf. ns. of this class], did thus, or such a thing. (TA.) Hence, [in the betahe him.,Celf, to it; (Fr, S, g;) or made him to
for the inf. n. of a verb of the form j.i having ur xix. 28,] toi ;4 JJ (TA) [Ver,ily, O want it, or be in need of it: (S:) in the dial. of
its aor. of the form j!A is [accord. to the general Mary, thou hast done] a thing hitherto unhnown; Temeem, ,a1. (TA in art. i:.) It is said in a
rule, if commencing with an augmentative .,] a thing deemed strange. (B.d. [See another ex. prov., .P . G [It is an
J3Ja:, though some words, beside :a., deviate voce at, likewise from the Kur.]) And t evil thinly that compels thee to have recourM to
from this rule by being of the measure jaA, [for L~. I did a good thing. (Msb.) And 1 ,9;.J the narrowv of a hoch]; for, as As says, the
He produced a newv sayinig, or new poetrj, not r,j contains no marrow, and only he who
.:Lv. is originally ~:.,] as ~. and 3eC; after the similitude of cannot obtain any [other] thing is made to want
anything 1preceding. (TA
and .e. and ; and . and ,J) and in art. .. ) And it. (S.) And it is said in the lur xix. 23,
- ;.it. (. in art.
r),L and .j. and iha; and t and po U1) or [more commonly] j~.. ., . . I..
;JI , 1 el t l ll4JU And the motion
and b,. , ,* TA) and ia. ($, 1, of the form (M in that art.) [He (a horse) performed, or of the child in her womb compelled her to betake
herself to the trunk of the palm-tree. (Bd.)
of an inf. n. of un., but used as an inf. n. in an fetched, run asfter run]. -_ ;. is also syn. with
ahbsolute sense, like 'ai;.and TiAaand ;., like it1; as in the saying, t
, , TA) U;i:
41 'a!. [A coming;] a subst. from ;.., (S, ,)
g~, (v,) He, or it, came; or was, or became, The building became, or came to be,ftrm, strong, of the measure ;"i, with kesr to the t. (..)
present; sy. j1; ($, ];) or J-*, said of a or compact. (Kull p. 11.) [And hence the phrasc,] and :l.: see what next follows.
man [&e.]; (Mqb;) or J.1._ [meaning it came, s%_~.,1;'(. La,(M, K.,) thus in all the copies of
came to pass, happenreed, tooh place, betided, befell, the K, with the noun in the accus. case; i. e. (K,) mentioned by Sb as an extr. word,
or occurred; it rendted; it emsued; &c]; and Vhtat became, or has become, thy ,ant . syn. (TA,) [but regularly formed, of the measure
it is used in relation to ideal, as well as real, sub- .j.~L La; (M, 1]g;) or ['i/sat was thy want? syn. JW,] and ,.!., also written :,1., (K.,) with the
stantives; so that iiI.u ;4. 1l1 [When the :.JLe to: (Er-Radee, TA:) L being here an ,5 changed into hemzch, (TA,) and ':~,
assistance of God shall come (in the JZur cx. 1)] interrogative, and the [implied] pronoun [in the [originally ~. , of the measure Wi',denoting
is [not a figurative but] a proper phrase. (Er- verb] being made fern. because its predicatc is
Rghlib, TA.) Sb mentions, on the authority of fern.: but some say .... , in the nom. case, [as intensiveness, in the CK] written ~1,] mcln-
it is in the C., meaning Tflhat did, or has, thy tioned by IJ as anomalous, A frequent collier.
certain of the Arabs, i .~ [for . ,&
want become ?] regarding J.1_q.. as the subject of
He come, or will come, to thece], with the hemzeh ,o.., and La as the predicate of this verb. (TA.) (TA.) Onc says, ? *;.Js2 Vcrily he is a
suppresed: (TA:) and he also mentions . frequent bringer of good. (TA.)
_See also 3.
as a dial. var. of i . (Id. in art. eyr, q. v.) [ originally Xm ~, then ),
o-, then
i ,
3. ;- [inf. n. of to.] signifies The act of and then I.., Coming; act. part. n. of 1.]
[As shown above,] ;1. is usea intransitively and facing, or fronting; being opposite, or over
transitively. (Myb, MF.) You say, ,j [.-Zeyd against: (IApr, K:). and the act of coinciding;
came; or was, or became, presecnt. (Myb.) And as also t'.. (AZ, 1g.) You say of a man,
L 14., aor. : sec 1 in art. ,.', in
:1.... Lt q. [1 came with a good coming; ,T, '. 5s1>.. IIe faced me, fronted me, was
two places.
or in a good manner]. ($.) And I,.j -.. 4. 'I opposite to me, or wras over against me,
at a short
came to Zeyd. (Myb.) And sometimes one says, distance. 2. , inf. n. see 1 in art. wr..
(TA.) And ;.. ~j. He pased dee.:

,ii . meaning I went [as well as I came] to by me

being in front, or opposite. (TA.) And ,~ The j; [or opening at the neck and
him, or it. (Myb.) And .Jl X. &. 1l came bosom] (K) of a shirt (S, 1) and the like; (K;)
t;* ;s.~. I coincided with such a one in his
from the town, or country]: and '..'I, X.., as, for instance, of a coat of mail: (TA:) or the
coming. (TA.) And z .;a!J C;,J L, j3;ji. 9 opening of a shirt at the uppemost part of the
meaning ,4l X' [fromn the presence of the
:.i4i Hadst thou passed beyjond this place, thous breast: (Mob, MF:) or the opening in a garment
peple, or company of mvt]. (M,b.) And ;1s hadst met with rain, or coincided writh rain in its
for the luad to be put through: or such an open-
I l The rain [came, or] descended. (Myb.) coming. (TA.)- *,.J [l., [so in copies ing asa sIcoe and a 3j;: (MP :) pl. [of mult.]
And ~iJL l at ;'. The order, or command, of of the 8, and in copies of the K, as from the 8, 3,o, (M 1b, K,) also pronounced ,, (TA,)
the Sul{dn came, or arrived. (Myb.) And ' but in the TA, as fromnt the S, 5.;1., and said to
[like ;i.M for ;.,t,] and [of pauc.] ,Ot;l:
., ($, lMb, j) and T 1 ;., both signifying the be with two hemzehs, though this is evidently (Msb :) this is said to be its properart., (1,'TA,)
same, (~, I,) [I came with him, or it;] I brought wrong,] aor. es.l, the former verb of the mea- not .-'^., because its pL. is .,'.- (TA.) [The
him, or it, with me. (M;b.) And js:JI k ', 1 sure l. (8,) is [said to be] a mistake for Arabs often carry things within the bosom of the
J,4 ;. [Praise be to God who brought thee]; ~.q .s.1Q., since the former verb has an shirt &c.; and hence the word is now applied by
them to A pochet.] - t The heart; the bosom.
and .1 Xi .4,,JI [Prais be to God because, infirm letter [S] for its medial radical and . for
its final, not the reverse, (Sgh, .1,) [therefore] (K.) So in the saying, .Jl U t [He is
or that, thou camteds or hast come]; but not
what J says is not allowable unless it be an pure, or sincere, of hea't orbosom]: (] :) or
.,s. 1. J.a,J1: (, TA:) and [in like instance of transposition; (IB, TA;) but what is trusty, trustworthy, or faithfuL (g. [See also
manner] you say, l.%
... 1 .L--1 '*J1;
_ but given by F [and Sgh as the correct form] is that art. .o.]) A poet ays,
Boox I.] ~- 493

* .. U .. '. ''. ' '.. and ,", 3 (1,) said of a cooking-pot (T, $, A,
Mqb, K) &c., (T, A, I5,) It boiled, or eutuated:
t [And thou hast exasperated a bosom the heart 2. ,. lie plastereda watering-trough or tank
(T, S, A, MIsb, K :) or began to do so, not yet
of rhich was faithful to thee]. (TA.) You say ,withk,1. (TA.) boiling or eJtuating; this latter being said by
also, J..JI ~ t [He is a person of foul some to be the correct meaning. (IB,L,TA.)
.J., withi kesr to the j, ($, Mughnee, ], &c.,)
heart]. (A in art. ,.a.) And ^; .
lilke ,.I; (Mughnee;) and , like .1; and
-t It (the sea) estuated (A,0 K, TA) with the
waves, (A, TA,) so that it n,as unnavigable.
t He cleared his heart, or bosom, of it. (1. in sometimes ;. (Mughnec, K;) or this, where (TA.)_-t It (a valley)flowred mrith much natetr,
art. tj, q. v.)--.~',j'l) t The place of
it occurs, is for -1 e, and is properly written its water, or 7aves, rising high. (S, ].0) - t It
entrance of the land, or country: (1.:) )pl. -'. (a water-spout, or pipe,) poured forth water:
(TA.) .. .',1 ~in the sense of sa being a corrobora-
(TA:) and [in like manner] you say of the eye,
tive pf .~., and its hemzelh and sheddeh and final
1i~: see art. , . _1_, meaning, t it flowed, or oveflonwed, with
vowel being here suppressed : (Mughnee :) a tears. (J5.) -t He (a horse) reared, and became
form of oath, (S, ,) or put in the place of an
W8 ;J . t. Hollowed [sapphires]: occurring oath, (IAmb, TA,) meaning Verily, or truly; excited. (TA.) - : _ ., ($, g,) or '1G
in a trad. describing the banks of the river of .; s_ll, (A,) I His soul [or stomach] haved;
syn. Lie: (S, K:) or a responsive particle, or became agitated lby a tendency to vomit; syn.
Paradise: but accord. to one reading, it is y1y
0. . .. j .0. . (Mughnee,) meaningr yes; syn. _r [which is
.,,..; accord. to another, c or ~.-; -.~; (S, Y1,TA;) or .1; (T in art. j; see
most approved as responsive to an intcrrogation],
and accord. to another, - or .. . (TA.) (Mughnce, : .;,.i in that art.;) as though nwhat was in
K,) or l..[which is most approved his belly rose to his fates: (TA:) or his soul
as responsive to an affirmation]; (Silark. et-Tes- [as it were] turned round, [i. e., he became giddy,]
hcel, K;) not a noun in the sense of i_., for wvith the tendenyj to vomit: (S, K :) as also
1. jl M.- 1 , aor. S-l, inf. n. were it so it would be an inf. n.; nor in the sense *- ',.. ; (K ;) which occurs in the former of'
of l.1, for were it so it would be an adv. n. of these senses in a trad.: (TA:) and -a G.
[perhaps a mistranscription for i;.,] i. q. .t
tinme; and if it were a noun it would be dccl., also signifies his soul [or stomach] heaved, by
of which the nor. is see art.
ae': (hIMsb.)
and would admit the article J1, and would not reason of grief orfright; (s ;) [as also ,.1 ;]
And 41 ,~., inf. n. and ., the latter have Il for a corroborative, nor have ) opposed or when this last signification is meant, you say
an inf. n. like iel&, God afflicted them with a to it, as it has in the saying, 1,q.: (s :) and his (a coward's) soul purposed
calamity. (TA.) flight : or reas frightened: as also t, in
either of these two senses: (TA:) and -.
s.;. C:~: sec art. C:". (Mshi.)
L,,.I &Il his heart quitted its place by reason
[llhen the daukltter of Bl-'Ojeyr says J, sthe offear. (EM p. 9.)_-o i~ His bosom
speahs trtuly: not :chen she says .,~.]: (Mugh- boiled wnith wrath, or rage. (TA.) You say also,
1. , (Lh, L,) or ;I., of the same class nec :) or it is a verbal noun, meaninig I knom; J3J~iJ {
ut [fHis bosom boilt against
.Jjl; as is mentioned by Ihn-Abi-r-Rabee;, me wvith rancour, malevolence, malice, or spite;
as ., nor. , (Mtl.,) inf. n. ., (Lb, 8,
A, L,M.l, , K1,) lie had a lI,ng nech: (A, Ms.b, and by lEr-Rtadee on the authority of 'Abd-El-
or wvith latent rancour, &c.]. (A.)_j..
. . I s
K :) or a lon,y au,l beautJifd neck: (., L :) or a Klhir. (MI F.) You say, ,l' j~ Verily, or
j.,a1 Anxiety boiled in the bosom: and in
slender and lo,y neck. (1., Ki.) truly, [&c.,] I will not come to the. (S.) And
like manner, j_.al .L ,1 . t [COohoing
Jail 0 .r~ Verily, or truly, [&c.,] I will
, of the nc:asure JW, (Sh, Akli,) or it may in,rath or rage boiled in the bosom]. (T, TA.)
be originally of the measure .J , (S,, TA,) The not do that. (K,* TA.) And Wi . .,,~
j j No,
.4 , .u .._ 'JI.. (A, L) TVar, or the ,,ar,
neck: (S,L, Msb,IK:) said by Sh to be used verily, or truly, [&c.,] I will not do [that]. (K..)
[boiled, or raged, or] began to boil [or rage,]
only in praise; and ia;, in dispraise; the use of j. G,ypsum; syn. ,. (IAar, TA.) [In betwreen them. (L, TA.) - In the following
the former in the ]Jur cxi. being ironical; (TA;) modern Arabic, Lime: see also what next follows.] words of a poet, cited by IApr,
but accord(. to Elish-Shiliab, the contr. is often the
case: (MF:) generally applied to tihat of a ;1 Quick lime, and the mixtures thereof, with
woman: (L:) or the part of the neckh ut)pon nhich which are plastered ieatering-troughs or tanhks, t [She arose,shonwing herselfto thee] in herstrength
the necklace lies: or its fore part: (L, :) pl. and baths; syn. : (S, K :) quick lime and and youth, [j~. being for L~.,] :t.., [the
[of pauc.] >.l. (S, L, Msb, I) and [of mult.] gypsum mixed wvith ashes: (IAar. TA:) or quich inf. n.,] meaning as rendered above, is with
* ., .JP
i means A femnle seft lime alone. (TA. [Sec also ,.~.])~ [A lime- sukoon [to the .] by poetic license. (ISd, TA.)

e .,. (L, K.) q.. 1l

in respect of the neck; as though the term burner: so in the present day: see Oj9.]= 2. , [from j,] lie collected, or assem-
applied to each dlistinct part of the neck, and the ileat in the chest, by reason of rage or hunger; bled, armies, or militarJforces. (v.) And _ p.
pl. denoted the whlole neck. (L.) as also * 1.: (S, J :) or cough, or the like. t.. [lIe collected, or assembled, an artmy, or a
x : see ,l.. (Ham p. 56.) It is app. of the measure JWt.; or militaryforce]. (A.)
it may be of thie measure JaS; or jl., [ori- 5. ; -,.;:
: see art. ... see1l. [lI,, from ,
ginally ;q.]. (IJ, TA.) - Strength, or vehe- They became collected, or assembled, as an army,
mence. (TA.) or a military force: or they fornmed then~elres
,; Having a long nech: (A, Msb, K:) or
having a long and beautiful neck: (S, L:) or into an army, or a militarjforce.]
jl_.: see _.
having a slender and long neck: (L, K:) or it is 10. 1,.- [from He
H;,]demanded, or
not applied to a man: (T, TA:) fern. l.l., (S, A watering-troughl or tank made small:
summoned, armies, or militaly forces, ; ' .
or made deep: or plasteredwith gypsum. (I(.)
L, Msb, I,) with which VI;l, is syn.; (. ;) LL from such a place. (A.) And .lle Ii
or this signifies having a beautiful neck: (L:) demanded of him an army, or a military
pl. o, [originally ]. (, A, K .)
And force. (v.)
~1 A long and beautiful, or sender and long, 1. ,4.W, (s, A, Mob, K,) aor. P~., (S, Mob, ,Al-.: see :,AW,in art. Atn-, in two places;
nech. (L.) ,) inf n.. (Msb, K) and ,- (T, $) and see aiitJI, below.
494 i-o- - ~
to, [Boox I.
~qAn army; a militaryforce: (A, ]>) or .4%.Jbl; (TA;) Thte dead bodY stank,
or became
a body of mmn in mar: (TA:) or mmn going to stinking. (9,0 ii:, TA.)
mar or for some otker purpose: (T, V, TA:)
,)a.A naition, people, race, tribe, or/amity of
9. .4 He became a stiniking dead body.
(Mgh, KL.) - See also 1. m kinaatpd; (S, Mob, K(;) sucha as the Turks, and
344 A single rising, or heatving, or the like: thte Greeks, (~TA,) and lthe chines,: (TA:)
PI. ~sq:hence the phrase j,IM"' 1 PI. j 1q (Mi, Myb, TA) and C*,q.. (M, TA.)
(app. meaning The riuingsr of/abe or tlain things
7: see 1. -And Ageneration o/men. (TA.)~nSee also
in the wind, or the like]. (TA.)
to. 0.e h5iI*. (A carcass, or corpse, i. c.] a dead body
j1 pegq Jq...[A cooking-pt boiling, or boiling see ',JIminart. t.
(A.) - t
muck]. [of a beast or a man], thtat Aas becopnw stinking;
t A Aorse that rears
and is eweited wvhen tkou puttest him in motion ($l, Mgh, V;) or, as some say, in a generalmisc; C)5.aJI Small pebbles which the wvind
writh tAy heel. (V, TA.) [wvhether stinking or not.:] (TA:) or, of beasts and makies to turpn abiout or round about, to circle,
cattle, an animal that has died a natural deatha, or or to revolve: (?, K:) btut this belongs to art.
h.~4,TA. #owl; syn. um.A&i; (]p;) [as also been killed othermivie than in tA. mannerprescr.ibed
(TA.) a ee in art.
,,AQ.I, sometimes written VwldJ'JI, without ; by thes law, and has becoie stinking: (Mh)[and
mentioned by some in art. sq.(TA.) the corpse of/a man: (see biteo.:)] pl. [of rniilt.]
~q.(,Mg,P Mybb, K) nnd [of pauc.] bj.0 t ~l.. 6L
-ay.,: see mbl in art. J^~.
Quasi 4r [Hence,] ,y iJ1 Ote ,vlio
sleeps aU lis th iglt, and labour# all the day.
and gq:see .,in art. (TA from a trad. [See also ar.t. .!~pWJa.) IDrd 2. L .. lie
I rote a .()
mentionis thais word in art. jja.. hodnch
to be oricrinally j. (TA.)
The letter c: njasc. and femn.: (T,K,0

1. ~ii4,
ig..i or.JgJ;(J9;) and ~4. jkq. A Yij/tcr, or ransacker, of graves (a TA:) pbl.
TA;) because lie removes the [,gravc-] Clothe.,
and% t~^ (TA.) ..Z4t
]g,) inf. n. ~ a)and from the corpses, and takes thczui; or, as some
(i)[and VC4J Golius, as from tie I,but say, because of Quasi s1..
the stinkin- nature of hiis act.
not found by me in any copy thereof,] and (TA.)
see ^0

The sizth letter of the alphabet: called *:. [and [And her denying inceased his devotion in love: having the measure JtAi as that of its aor. with-
l. (respecting which latter see the letter r,). for lovely, as a thing, to man, is that which is out having also the measure ', (g,) and
It is one of the letters termed IL~,, or non- denied]. (TA.) And Sa'ideh says, therefore by some disapproved, as not chaste, and
vocal, i. e. pronounced with the breath only, disallowed by Az, though he alloVs the pass.
without the voice; and of those termed A.; form ,.., (TA,) inf. n. a (K,) or this is a
i. e. faucial, or guttural, for] the place of its
[Ghadoob hath forsaken thee, (and lovely is the
simple subst., (Msb,) and _..; (s;) and [?^-.,]
utterance is in the fauces; and were it not for first pers. ;.', aor. :; and tVl., in. n. ,
a hoarse aspiration with which it is pronounced, person who rithdrawethfar awray,) and obstacles
it would resemble : next after- it [with respect in the way of thy drawing near have occurred to of the dial. of Hudheyl; (Msb;) and V ,I;
separate thee and her]. (S, TA.) [See also 1k,~ (Msb, .K;) signify the same; (g, Myb, ]1;) He
to the place of utterance] is *: [( having the
below.] _ [Both are also verbs of wonder.] You loved, affected, liked, appr~d,or took pl~ure in,
lowest place of utterance; then C; and then e:] him, or it: (A, ]L, and KL in explanation of the
say, ,.S 4 ., (As, S, and so in copies of the
and C and o nre never consociated in any un- first and lust:) he heldd him, or esteeend him, as a
compounded word of the which the letters are all V1,) and _e.v, (I 'At p. 236, [where both forms friend: (KL in explanation of the firt and last:)
radicals, because of the mutual nearness of their are mentioned as correct,] and so in the Cs,) or I signifies the esteeming [a person or
How beloved, or lovely, &c., is sucAk a one (As, thing] good: (g:) and the preferring, or choosing,
places of utterance: they occur togetller in j';;
9, Ir) to me! (AV, S.) [See also 4.] A'Obeyd
but this is only a compound word in the classical [a person or thing,] as also 'e"1: (KL:) and
language; and as the name of a certain kind of and Fr read this _, saying that it means _
and that the former ". is rendered quies- , ca . '.4..%1 means Ae loved, or eteemed,
tree it is a post-classical word. (Kh, L.) [It C;',
cent by the suppression of its dammeh, and in- him, or it, above another, or others; preferred
is often put for '".-. As a numeral, it denotes himn, or it, to another, or others. (S, A,* TA.)
corporated into the latter. (S,OTA.) See also
Eight.] 'isJ +, ; L, in the dial. of the tribe of Suleym,
4, in two places. Also ,..-, [aor., accord. to
analogy, ,] He stood stiUl, stopped, or paused. is for '.e;t i [I loved not, or liked not, tlhat];
(I.) lAnd _, with damm, He watfatigued, like a for , and a and a for
,..and :".: see the letter C, and see arts. I.
or tired. (I.)
and ~. W. (Lb, TA.) [l.&XpA X" *-_t may be
2. ,,i , He, or it, [rendeed him, or it, rendered I would that it were thu, or that such
an object of love, lovely, or pleasant, to me;] a thing were.] It is said of Ohod, in a trad.,
'A . ,,. ..-..
1. _ [signifying HIe, or it, was, or became, made me to lo~e, affect, like, approve, or take A' j ,..i .- , meaning It is a mountain
loved, beloved, an object of lort, afjected, liked, pleasure in, him, or it. (].) You say, L5 '. whose inhabitantslove us, and rhose inAabitants we
or approved, is originally _ or ']. You ~-1. [His beneficence made himn an object of love: or it may mean we love the mountain itself,
Say, :'J 1t.1 1 ,& [aor. or :,] inf. n. love to me]. (A, TA.) And XA' al1 41 .,_' because it is in the land of people whlom we love.
, i, thing was, or became, an object of love [God
This madefaith loely to him]. (A,TA.) And (IAth, TA.) And one says ti. Ist.
-, ., g ;,, i.
to me. (]. [The meaning is there indicated, but 1 ;jj3 k JL ~ [Thy visiting me hath been . lJI for l ._ i [In an hour, or a time, in
not expressed. In the C1, ;JXI is erroneously made pleasant to me]. (A, TA.) _
which food is loved, or liked]. (TA.) -a,a.l
put for :.JI.]) And i. 1 .. I became loed, [He formed the medicine into piUs, or little clots 4 i. q. & _ [How beloved, lovely, pleating,
or balls: see its quasi-pass., 5]. (V in jm., &c.)
beloved, or an object of love, to him: [said to be]
- And ,. . He fild a water-skin &c. (AA, charming, or excellent, is he, or it, to me!]; (A#,
the only instance of its kind except .,_j, and TA.) _ See also 5 S, ,TA;) and so t 'I '. (A, TA.) [De
.;e.r (s.) And ;._ j lwe4 t , with
kesr, Thou mast not loed, and thou hast become 3. at..., (S,) or aq., (g,) and ,-si cg- Sacy, in his Gram. Ar., sec. ed., ii. 221, mentions
nify the same [as inf. ns. of, l.]. (S, [You the saying, Ji 5 d^,1 ,
'.) - -
loed. (fs.) See also 5.__, formed from as meaning How greatly does tlh belier love
,.4., by making the former . quiescent and in- say, j ,4 . "" They loved, affected, liked,
God! and how great an object of love is le to
corporating it into the latter, is also a verb of approved, or took pleasure in, one another.] And God!]u---al, (?, V,) inf. n. as above, (?,)
praise [signifying Beloved, lovely, pleating, charm- Ita. He acted, or behaved, in a loving, orfriendly, also signifies He (a camel) kyaeled and lay down,
manner with him, or to him. (A, TA.) -See
ing, or excellent, is he, or it]; (TA ;) and so _, and would not spring up: (] :) or wna retive:
also 4.
[which is more common,] formed from the same, or kneeled and lay down: (f:) or wu aj.flicted
by incorporating the former , into the latter 4. 'd1, ($, A, Msb, ]g,) inS. n. ... ; (KL;) by a fracture, or disease, and would not mo~e
after transferring the dammeh of the former to the and 1e., (S,) first pers. ,, (Msb, ],) aor. , from his place until cured, or remained there
C. (ISk, g, TA.) A poet says, which is anomalous, (S, Msb, 15,) the regular until he died: (AZ, $, ]:) or became jaded:
aor. being !, which is unused, (Msb,) [said to (TA: [agreeably with this last explanation the
ob ,! t
be] the only instance of a trans. verb whose act. part. n. is rendered in the f and ], on the
* , second and third radical letters are the same authority of Th :]) or was at the point of death,
490 [BOOR I.
by reason of violent disease, and therefore kneeled ,, (S, Mob, ],) a [coll.] gen. n., (Msb,) .43, " lovesickness.:" then, aJj, "distraction, or
and lay dlown, and could not be roused. (AHeytli, n. un. L .; (S, Mob, K ;) Grain of wheat, bar- loss of reason, in love :" and then, .a& "a state
TA.) Accord. to AO, 5..G .Jl _ ' #' ley, lentils, rice, &c.: (Az, TA:) accord. to Ks, of wandering about at random in consequence of
tJ [in thle laur xxxviii. 31] means I have stuch only of wheat and barley: (TA:) or tuheat ~4c. overpowering love." (Kull ubi supra.) [Accord.
to the ground, on account of my love of tlhe horses, while in the ears or other envelopes: (Mb :) [but to the Msb, it is a simple subst.: but accord. to
[lit., of ood things,] and so been diverted from applied also to various other seeds; among which,
the K, an inf. n.; and hence,] ,_1 tJ 1.,
prayer, until the time of prayer has passed: to beans, (as in the Mgh in art. 04,) and peas
and the like; and kernels; arid] the stones of meaning ~ ,. ! [I love with loving, i. e. muclh,
(TA:) by X,-.JI is meant ,Ji1. (Jel.) Also
lle became in a state of recoveryfrom his disease. grapes, dates, pornegranates, and the like: (Mgh tvwhat ye have loved]. (Har p. 18G.) IIence the
(g.)~And It (seed-produce) had, bore, or pro- vocc :) by some it is applied even [to ber- ph,rase, te.,j_ [Yea; and lithU love
dluced, gr'ain. (,q, .) ries; as, for instance,] to grapes: you say ae. and honour will I do what thou requirest: orfor
the sake of the love and honour that I bear thee:
5. _ lie imanifested, or shonwed, love, or . , as well as .lI i , and . a:l 0-p, and
the like: (TA:) [and hence, to beads: (see or 4. may be here used for _~to assimilate it
afe.ction, (S, ,) l1 to him. (S.) i and
_ :)] the pl. (of ,,, in termination to Laol.. : see what follows]. (S,
"^ nare both syn. witlh ;3. (TA.) - [Also, Msb) is _- (S, Msb,
TA.) Hence also the saying of Abu-l-'AlA Es-
app., LIe became, or mnadle himself, an object of .jfand , like
lII. O'. (K,) ofp ; (TA;) Sindee,
love or affection to himl: see ,?, said to be and (of AC, M.sb) A,t_. (Msb, K) and _t.,
syn. witll * ). ;...
.] lie became swollen, or [or this is pl. of . also,] likc as pl. of
inflated, like a jar (,), from drinking. (A, * ,,1 u t~4c;;>%l#l
a.L. [and of . ]: (Msl :) and ~. is also
TA.) - It (a water-skin &c.) becanme full. (AA,
called [by lexicologists, but not by grammarians,] [A,d by God, I knowv not (and indeed I amn
TA.) - lI began to be satiated with drink.
(K.) - lie (an ass &c.) becamnte filled withl a pl. of L.. (TA.)_[llence,] Sced-produce, speaking t,.uth) whether disease have befallen me
whether small or large. (TA.) in consequence of love of thee, or enchantment]:
water: (S:) and 4.. also is used in thlis And ;1l
(S, TA:) but IB says that the readinll best known
sense, but ISd doubts its correctness: (TA :) one '.j11(S, K~) i. q. .J 1 [Tliefiruit of the tore-
says, %:_ J_ ,X Z.O The camnels drank binth-tree, or pistacia terebinthus of Linn. (I)clile, is t . ..'>; and that lerc,
i,.r, may be an
Flor. iEg. no. 936.)] (1.) An,,d :.IJI; Jl (,R inf. n. of .~.;or it may be pl. of ,, like as
until they e satiated. (s.) .JI r
bm.i is of.;S ; (TA;) or it may be an inf. n.
1.l JiaI [Tl e hoar-frostfor,,nei into grains ) i. q. j.J11I [Tle black aromatic seed of a
species of nigella]. (g.) [But see art. . of ':~: some also read tL~.. ., with fet-h
like small pearls]. (TA in art. .L,.)_ _ And for otlher similar terms, see the latter word to the t, said to mean on account of t!i lo~ of
~j~ 1 u J*;ll [7'he saliva formed, or col-
of each.] - And .,LJI e. and i;JI,l and thee, and of the main amount thereof: (Iyam
lected, in little bubbles upon the teeth]. (Az, TA.)
_. ,3U l ;[Tl3the mnilkh becane deco,n- i;
4a_. Hail. (S. [See a metaphorical usage of p. 2G:) and some read XL;'.. '. "from thy
part" [or " firom thee"]. (TA.). See also
posed, and formed little clots of curd]. ($ in the first of these in a verse cited voce .])
Also a Persian word, arabicized,
art. -..
)h&$ I .J [The butter formed [Hence likewise,] _ also signifies Pinple, or
into little clots, when first appearing in the milk small pustules: [so in the present day: and any (Aait, S, Msb,) from ,_., (AHit, TA,) [or
or cream]. (? and gK in art. >,J.) The verb is similar small extuberances: a coll. gen. n.: n. un. ,. or _.,] i q. tis, (S, Msb,) A jar, (g,
also used in like manner in relation to honey, (K with ;.] (S and K' in art. J.) MF,) wthether large or small, edfor preparing
in art. ,) and t, ($ in that art.,) and _ Love; affection; syn. >., (A,) or ;1;.; wine: (MF:) or a large jar: (Ii:) or one for
medicine. (TA in that art. [See also 2.])_ water: (IDrd, TA:) or the four pieces of oood
(K ;) inclination of the nature, or natural dispo-
1 ,JI _ [The shin brohe out with pimples, sition, towards a thing that pleases, or delights; upon which i.x placed a two-liandled, or tno-eared,
jar: (1K, TA: [in the CK, by a misplacement
or small pustules: so in the language of the pre- (Kull p. 165;) contr. of V: (1Mgh, TA:) 4
| of words, this last signification is assigned to
sent day: see ,..]. (TA in art. .) a nd
and ... and9 4.. [this being said in the S to .,_A.:]) pl. [of pauc.] r,A. (K) and [of mult]
6b. Il3 They loved, or affected, or liked, one be syn. with - and in the ]g to be syn. with rl.,. and '. (S, Msb, V.) From this last
another. (., A,* J.0)
a4~ , and it is used as an inf. n. in an ex. cited signification is [said to be] derived the phrase
10: see The stomacht voce
'4.~.JI.JIA in art. ,] and t..J (S, K) and j l;.. [pronounced jii, L., lit. Ajar-
of the cattle, or camels ,fC., retained the nate, t,1'. (K) and t a3,~ (S) signify the same; stand and a cover will I give thee, or the like],
[that they had flrunh], and the tine between the 1.1j_ signifying the " cover" of a jar, (g, TA,)
($, ]K;) i.e., as above. (.K.) The degrees of
two waterings thereof became long, or became whether of wood or of baked clay. (TA.) [If
Ingthened. (]r.) This is at the conjutnction of _ are as follow: first, .. A, the " inclining of this be the true derivation, the phrase may have
[the periols of] .4iIand aJI [the ninth and the soul, or mind ;" also applied to the "object originated from a person's asking of another the
tenth of the Mansions of the Moon, which, in of love itself:" then, ij31, "love cleaving to the loan or gift of a jar, and the latter's replying
central Arabia, about the commencement of the heart ;" so termed because of the heart's cleaving "Yea; and I will give thee a jar-stand and a
era of the Flight, took place on the 12th of to the object of love: then, '..1, "violent, or cover ;" meaning " I will do what thou requirest,
August, 0. S., (see jl, in art. intense, love ;" from UL% signifying " difficulty, and more :" but this phrase is now, and perhaps
when Canopus rises with them. (TA. [31l is or distress, or affliction :" then, jSc, [" amorous was in early times, generally used, agreeably with
the more common significations of the two words,
there put for J;Al1; but evidently by a mistake desire;" or "passionate love;"] in the ?, "excess
of a copyist. There is also another mistake, of love ;" and in the language of the physicians, in the sense assigned above to the phrase ai.
Ihough a small one, in the foregoing passage: for "a kind of melancholy:" then, .', "ardour
Canopus rises, in central Arabia, after J..Wll, of love, accompanied by a sensation of pleasure ;"
and before ~n.JI; and rose aurorally, in that like 3.} and .; _: see :__ and , in four places:
the former of which is
latitude, about the commencement of the era of "ardour
of love ;",and the latter, " ardent love :" - and '4. ~Also, and te., [but the latter is
the Flight, on the 4th of August, O. S.]) doubted by the author of the TA, and thought to
then, $Sq',"inward love;" and "violence of
v. and . A cry by which a he-camdel is amorous desire," or " of grief, or sorrow :" then, be perhaps syn. with _ in the sense of,
chidden, to urge him on. (TA voce .,JS, q. v.) .,33, "a state of enslavement by love:" then and in the L it is said to be syn. with _ but in
Booz I.] 497

what sense is not explained,] An ear-ring ..jLa.: see . ._.L. Thline utmost: has its proper verb of the mcasure jai, (TA,)
[formed] of one .L [or bead]. (K..) (M.sb:) or the utmost oJ' thy power: ( :) or the and _ (, 1) and .l and , whiill
g, utmost of thy love: or, of thine endeavour (.i. last is also applied to a female, and has for its
a.- n. un. of -_ [q. v.]. (8, Msb, K.) [like I le and an and and
d j3l.~l~. pl. ,_: (15:) the fem. of _ is with ;;
[Hence,] aea t 1 a name of tBread. (ISk,
and a;]). (K. [In the CK o ]).. You (Msb, K;) and so is that of .,.cj, (l5,TA,)
) -.S8ee also i.~, in two places. - [A grain;
meaning the weight of a grainof barley;] a well- say, iS 41 (K,) and tU JL ;c1 L_, [nnd that of 4 ,_,] and that of 4 _: (TA:)
knowrn night. (]g.)- A [smaU] piece, or por- ($, Msb, TA,) and !ll O O. .t., (TA,) the pl. of . is .1_1, instead of .40, which
tion, of a thing. (T, K.)_,&i.l . Tke heart's Thine utmost, (Msb,) or the utmost of thy porwer, wouhl he the reg. pl. but for the repetition of the
(1K,) .; and the pl. ofre
core; (AA, TA;) the blact, or inner, part of (S,) or of thy lore, or of thine endeavour, is ,..: (Msb :) tihe
will be such a thing, (K,) and thy doing that,
tha heart; or i. q. d3)j.; (S, A, K;) which is (S, Msb,* TA,) and that event's taking place. pl. of * _ is 1..l[a pl. of pauc.] and O,..
that [same thing]: (8 :) or a black thinfg in the and . anid
(TA.) Also, and and V ,
u.'.. The (K) anid J.~ (MF) and ,..
heart: (K:) or the black clot of blood that is
within the heart: (T, TA:) or the heart's blood. main body, the masx, or bulk, or greater part or 4t ,', which last is rare (j.jv) [as a pl.], or id a
portion, of water, (S, 1K,) and of sand, (1K,) and
(Oi.) You say, .3 ..U LJ. , , [Such a quasi-pl. n. (1K.) Though t',.. is uncommon,
of [the beverage called] j..: but it is said that it occurs in the following verse of 'Antarah:
woman smote his heart's core]. (A, TA.)=A
particularly to water: (TA:)
want: or an object of nwant; a needful, or requi- the third word applies
or the first signifies the streaks, or lines, of water,
site, thing: syn. t.h.. (1K.)
(As, K,TA,) resembling variegated worh : (As,
L.&.: see .. , in two places:_and _,d.
TA:) or the waves of water that follow one
another: (TA:) or the bubbles (S, A, K) of [And thoou hast taken (and imayine not other-
_[It is also used in a pl. sense.] You say, y
water, (S,K,) or of wine, (A, TA,) that float wise), in respect of me, i. e. of my heart, the
; L_A j.* [le is of the beloved of 7ny soul]. upon the surface; (S, A, K ;) as also thile second place of the beloved, the honoured; or become in
(TA voce ,a..)_And ;d also signifies IVhat (AHn,A) and the third: (AI.n, TA:) [it is a the condition of the beloved, &c.]. (T,
thou lovest to receive as a gift, or to hare. (1K.) coll. gen. n., in this sense, of which the n. un. Also, (IA.r, KL, TA,) and (K, KL,) A
You say, i . 1 Choose thou vwhat, or ,vhom, is with 3:] accord. to IDrd, J1 ~ anld,.t- person loving; a lover; a f.rientl; (KL;) i. q.
thou lorest; ad also t '-14'. (TA.)=Also A .lr1 signify 6S [app. meaning tile ripple, or _.: (IA.ar, K, TA:) [ferm.. of each with; :]
grape-stone: sometimes without teslhdeed; (K;) broken surface, of mate,., such as is seen when it the pl. of the first (i. e. ,) is ,;~ (TA)
i. e. ... (TA.) is slighitly fretted'by wind, and when it flows [and .L_l and a.~., mentioned by Golius as
41 over uneven ground]. (TA.) ., tt. L ,1 firom the S, but not in my copies of the S: both,
a._, a pl., [or rather quasi-pI. n.,] The seeds of
t~t, in a trad. of 'Alec, relatilig to Aboo- however, arce correct: the former, the more com-
desert-plants that are not used asfood; pl. -~ :
Bekr, is explained as meaning Tlhou hast o,trigun mon: the latter, a pl. of I)auic.]. You say ;!J.!
(.:) or seeds of herbs, or leguminous plants, others, and attainedl to the place whcerc thee.flood of
(J3i4,) and of odoriferous plants: (1K :) or of Ell-Isxin collects, and reached the first [springs] 1v4.. . ajj and ,.a [A womnan loving to)
the latter only; (Ks, Az, TA;) and one of such ther'e!f, and d,'Iunl the purest. q' it, an;d become her husband]. (Fr, 8, K.*)-- _ kid.
seeds is called 4 .; (Az, TA;) or ,..; the 1)possessor of its exeellencies: [this is the only ex- (I.ar p. 2 2 7
.) - a.JI: sel; _.
p)lanation of it that I have found :] lut it is also
cll. n. being t_,.~: (Msb:) or different seedls otherwise explained. (llr and others, TA in art. _ ,~C.(K,) or . _ yt, (S,) [A kind of
of every kind: or the seeds of the herbage cualled ,c.)_ I.o also sig,,ilies : Dl) -drops; (A;)
fre-fly;] a fly tat fl;es in the night, (v,) re-
: or all seeds of plants: sing. the same, and the dewv (IAth, K) that is on treex 'jc.in the sen,bling fire, (S,) emitting rayl like a lamp:
't 4: or this signifies everything that is sown: evening. (IAth, TA.) It is said in a tlad., of (K:) AHn says that _L_ and ,,. Mt
and i^., the seed of everything that grows spon- the inhabitaults of Paradise, that their food shall were both unknown to hill, and that nothing
taneoudsy, without bein9g sown: or a small plant turn into a sweat like JCJI by which is respectilg iterln had becn hcard by him from the
growing among the kind of herbage called : meant JIMusly dew: or, perhaps, musky bubbles. Arabs; but that so6ime people asserted the insect
(IAth, TA.) thus called to be the E1l, a moth that, w7hen it
(] :) and dry herbage, b;roben in pieces, and
heaped together: (Aboo-Ziyad, 1K:) or dry herbs 31oc: see %,, in two places: and ....
.flies by night, no person not knowning it would
or legumninous plants: (1K:) or the seeds of wilt =Also The serpent: (S,IAthl, K:) or a serpent (loubt to be a sl)ark q 'fire: Aboo-T;lih says,
herbs or leguminous plants, and of those of the not of a malignant species: (TA:) and the alume as on the authority of Arabs of the desert, that
is the name of a .fying thing longer than
kind called c, and their leaves, that are scat- of a devil, (.,K,) accord. to some; (S;) Iut _,.L
the conmmon fly, and slender, that flies between
tered and mixced therew^ith; such as the 'O' said to be so only because a serpent is called .,sinset and nightfall, resemnling a spark ofSfire:
and ,o" and j.b and J.i and C:, and all k;S. (A'Obeyd, S, TA.) - And a pl. [or (TA :) or, accord. to As, it is a flying thing, like
kinds of those herbs or leguminous plants that are rather coill. gen. n.] of which the sing. [or n. uni.] the common .ly, with a wing that becomes red;
eaten crude, and those that are thick, or gross, is 4.L [accord. to the C.K 1. ], meaning A ,when itflics appearingat a distance liAe a lighted
and bitterish: upon these seeds and leaves, cattle, certain black aquatic insect or small animal (1..) piece of fire-wood. (I;ar p. 500) /,lJI .. i
or camels &c., pasture and fatten in the end of _- ..L A .1 The present world; (15, TA;) (S, 1) and , - t;. U and .imply .n..L JI
[the season called] the ,. . (T, TA.) metonymically used in this sense. (TA.) (S) mean Thie fire of the fly above mentioned:
or of El-Itfobdhib or Aboo-l.obdlib: (TA:)
. see
s.e: -A.a._.
Also, at
,) and , ,m.t: see ,, in two places: = and _. [for] El-:Iob.hib, (S,) or Aboo-HIobailib, (g,)
(Q,)A beautiful arrangement of the teeth in is said to have been a niggardly man, who never
regular rows. (., :.)_ And Streaks of saliva vrr A person loved, beloved, affected, liked, lighted any but a faint fire, fearing to attract
on the teeth. (TA.) And (both accord. to the or approved; (s, A, Msb, ;) as also +-_.. guests, so that his fire became proverbial. (8, 15.)
15, but the latter only accord. to the TA,) The and _.., (S, Msb, ]g,) of which two the El-Kumeyt says, describing swords,
saliva that.flomw over the teeth, or collects in the former is generally used for the latter, (., 1K, TA,)
mouth, in little bubbles. (T, 1, TA.) .. ,,; ,; ,.
in like manner as are used j and an j~d
_: see ., : -. and ... and ~ and j; and 'c;, each of which C'115 4.c.
1 &,11t%
BZk. I.
4)8 %W-~ [Booc I.
[The beholders me, in the aides of thle blades of 4. and 13, and that the noun followiug i
thereof, and the extremities, the semblance of th e is its agent; but this is the weakest of opinions t hapny, &e.; like ; and ;x, and its syns. men-
tioned with it below, may be regarded as its
fire of thefire-Jfly]: ( :) bere thile poet has mad,
e one also says, in dispraise, ,j I"j. (I 'A4 F inf. ns. Golius, app. from his finding ~e- ex-
w.~t,o. imperfectly decl., regarding it as a fern p. 233.)
[proper] name [of the fly above mentioned]. (TA. plained in the KL as an inf. n. meaning The
Or eL.Jl .. jU (S, ]() and simply .l.tel (S .).A An arrow thatfalU [in the space] arounad being happy, &c., ($ ;;l,) assigns to
signify The fire that iq struch by a hor se's hoofs : the butt: pl. 1 as on the authority of that lexicon, the meaning
(Fr, :) or the spars of fire that are made t, of " hilaris lretusque fuit;" but I have not found
.fly fop th in the air by the collision of stones I . ! [.I lfore, and most, loved, beloved, &c this verb in any Arabic work.] - ;,~. _ His
or the sparAs that fall from the pieces of wooo.1 You aay, ll Cj 511 i1 L' This is mor, c shin wras beaten so tkat there remained the marhk
thtat are used for producing fire [by mneatns o an object of love, affection, lihing, or approval of the beating. (i. ) . , (. , )
frictio,a]: (K :) or they are derived from L or is more lovely, charming, or plleasing, to m
e aor., (S,) inf. n. e,-, (.,,) Tlth wound broke
(lAir, ],) signifying "weakness," (IAar, TA, ) than that. And 1t. l lIe
H is then mos t out afresh: (S, .K:) or becamnte healed, but left
[and tiheir meaning is failt fire.] ,.L. belovel of the,n to me.]
.) ,~a,.s. (K,,S,"".)_il,l ,..I . aor- (
A flying insect resmnbling the [species of locust ...: see ?, in three places.__ . I A, Msb, .1,) inf. n. . , (, MFI!,,) flit teeth
called] ."~, (l,0 TA,) spotted with yellonii
nnd t*
a' l and tV.J anid :a..J an became of a yello,v colour maingled n,ith the whrite-
and green: whien people see it, they say, .,. ncss: (gC:) or became yellow; (A, Msb;) syn.
I cpitlhets of l-iledlceeneh. (K.)
e,~. 1~ [Spread forth thy wings (,.) C -. ~U. (S.) [See also ,..]
... , and its fern.: see _, in thlree places.
.obdhib]; whereupon it spreads its two wings
which are adorned with red and yellow. (TA.) 2. .;.~: see 1, in two places. .. Also, inf. n.
;.~.: see ~... Also A cause of love or
r ~, lIe pared it well; namely, an arrow.
l;,_, meaning, ', as in the phrase I." . aiffection: (Jel in xx. 30:) [ipl. ,A..., like
jp1 [Loed, beloved, affected, loved, or approved ,t pl. of a..., &c.] You say, SLi u31
is the thing, or affair; or lovely, charming, ol r/"v$UJI 4_.s. [Se/ch a one was gy,teed with 4. e$e.l: see l. wm _.l lIe, or it, lef a
excellent, is it]; (1a;) and in .j mnark upon Iim, or it. (TA.) And A1 ;,.
'.. [Loved, ,qualities that are the causes of thc loce (ofhearts].
beloved, &c., is Zeyd]; ( ;) is composed olr (A, TA.) OJ:. an. d oa . The blow made a mark, or
.a .
_4.., (Sb, Fr, $, ],) a verb of praise, in the .;,, . ;. marXhs, upon his shin. (TA.)
L,e...: seeL_.
pret. form, invariable, originally ,.- , (Fr, ;,) .)e: see jy., in two plaes:_-and ^., in
| U-';1 _ . q. [ce 6]. (A,
and 6i, (Sb, Fr, ., I,) its agent, (g,) which
two places: - and .. - Also e and &e;
together constitute it a single word, (Sb, 8, K,)
a noun, (Sb,],) or occupying the place of a (,, A, Mqb, .K, &c. ;) but An says, I know not
'e_ : see , in two places.__.,: whetlier it be the former or tho latter: (8 :) IAar
noun, ($,) governing the noun [particularized
by praisie] that follows it in the nom. case; (Sb, see ...... _ .i . ^ a suame of Th se pe t. says both: A 'Obeyd says that some of tho law-
.', 1g ;) the place that it occupies in conastmaction (K.) [See also ~ .] yers say the former; and some, the latter; (TA;)
making it virtually in the nom. case as an in- and that in his opinion it is the former: (.8, TA:)
choative, and the noun that follows it being its Alleyth, that it is the former only: (TA:) Th
enunciative: (S:) [but see what follows.] It is mentions the former only: (Msb :) Pr says it is
used in the same manner as a prov.; (Sb, .;) 1. .e., (S, M 9 b, TA,) aor. :, (Mmb,) inf. n. the latter only: (TA:) and the latter is [said to
[i. e., it is not altered to agree in number or ;. (8, Msb, TA;) and t., (TA,) inf. n. be] the more chaste beausom the pl. is of tho
gender with the noun particularized by praise, /je- 3; (S,], TA;) or the latter has an inten- measure Jwl, and not j): (., TA:) [but a
which follows it;] remaining the same when sive signification; (Msb;) lie mnade it beautiful, pl. of the latter measutre is also mentioned:] A
used in the dual and pl. and fern. sense; so that beautified it, (S, 1], TA,) or adorned it, or etm- learnedl man (As, S, M.b, ]) of the Jems: (.,
e-*. .a .1 A:) or whtether he be a Christian or Jeowih or
one says, j L, and ljJI and jJ bellished it, (Msb,) and made it plain; (TA;)
namely, handwriting, and poetry, &c., (., K, Sabean Subject of a Auslim goernment, who
and ,.nd Jsf and Q 1 and ,lt (c.]; both in relation to the latter verb, and TA in pays a poll-tax for his freedom and toleration, or
(Ibn-Kcysin, TA;) and ipl* Ii.., not *j relation to both verbs,) such as languiage, or one n,ho, having been such, has become a Mudlim:
;3t1I; (Sb, , ;') which shows that the noun speech, and science, (S, TA,) and pronunciation, or one shiUed in the beautifying of languag :
that follows it may not be regarded as g substitute and a recitation; meaning, with respect to the (A'Obeyd, :) or a good, or righteous, man:
fi)r 13: (.S :) [but see what follows.] It is allow- last, the voice [with which he recited]. (TA.) (Kab, .K,TA:) pl. (of the former, M.b) 'J '
able, but bad, to say, IJ.e. ,,j. (TA.) [Therc -Also e_., (., A, L, Msb, but in the Msb (Myb, ],) [but this is seldom used,] and (of the
are, however, various opinions respecting 1,'~ " or," not "also,") aor. , inf. n. (S, Msb) latter, Mob) jt:-. (IDrst, S, A, Mo;b, ], &e.)
and tihe noun that follows it.] Some hold that and .1~;(;) and .1; (S.;) and in an inten- _ Ink,syn. ;1~, (Msb,) and , (K,)
1.. is a noun, composed of .and 13, and sive sense V,~.; (Msb;) ie, (God, A,) or it, wvith which one nwrites: (S, Mqb:) so called because
is an inchoative, and that the noun particularized (a thing, or an affair or event, $, L,) made hiin it is one of the means of beautifying writings;
by praise is its enunciative; or that the former is happy, jo,dful, or glad; (S, A, L, Moh, K;) (Mo1ammad Ibn-Zeyd, TA;) or because it beau-
an enunciative, and the latter an inchoative, affected him with a happinesst, joy, or gladness, tifies, and makes plain, handwriting; (Hr, TA;)
reversing the usual order: others hold that that made hisface to shine, or of vhichs the marlk, or because
of the marks that it leaves: (Aq, TA:)
is a verb in the pret. form; and 13, its agent; or sign, (j ., i. c. J1,) appeared upon his coun- pl. [of pauc.] jl. (IDrst, TA) and [of mult.L]
and tihat the noun particularized by praise may tCance; (Bd in xliii. 70, in explanation of the
j~. (TA.) - I. q. ~.,j [The variegation, or
be an inchoative, of which 1.. is the enuncia. pass. form of the drst of these verbs;) he made figuring, of cloth or
him to enjoy a state of ease and plenty; and of a garment; or a hind of
tive; or it may be an enunciative of which the variegated, or figured,
treatedhim woith honour: (Lth and 8 in explana- clothit or garment]: (IAgr,
inchoative is suppressed, so that .tj I.3. is for
min. . N tion of the pass. form of the first verb as used in .I:) pl. J . (1,TA.) [See also 4....].-A
; j Ui~.4 [Loved, or belored, &e., is this the lgur xxx. 14 :) or treated
him with extraordi- mark, or sign, of the enjoyment of eaxe and
person: he is Zeyd], or .j 4j i .I.4. [loved, nary honour. (Bd in xliii. 70, and TA.) [j, plenty: (A, S,.y: [in one copy of the 8, and
&c., is t/is person: the person praied is Zeyd]: properly signifying IHe ra made
happy, &e., in the Cs, for A;jl1,1 I find, erroneousiy, :.
others hold that 1.~ is a pret. verb, composed may be used as meaning he nas, or became,
a.'1:]) and [hence,] beauty; (An, S,A, ;)

Boox I.]
feet, eaue and plenty: (Az:) and amplenes of
beauty of aspect; or a beautiful and pleasing ~,K,: see j.~:I and see also the next para-
aspect, that satisfiae the eye by its comeliness: graph, in two places. the circumstances of life. (IAth.) [See 1. HIence
4.*,' a- * .*- O
(Ay, ., TA:) colour; complexion: (Fr, IAar, S, 3 the saying,] "'&' ;c. ' *ai - . Jb [After ewvery
One ye~ (S, Mgh, Msb, .~) and t o,_ (1K) A state of happiness, orjoy, c., is a tear]. (A.)
TA:) pl. ;j- (.) and ;. (1g,O TA.)
[garment of the kind called] ,* (S, Mgi,) or a j
says, )g .&Jl, &1I Vcrily he is beau-
L... ._. A A. [ga,rment of the hind called] , varie-
sort of ~, (1K,) of thefabric of Il-Yemen, (S,
tiful, and of goodly appearance: (Am, S:) or of 0&J
Mgh, K,) striped (;. [or llhis word, q. v., may rated;(~',',) (K.,) [i.e.]
[i. e.] striped. (TA.) One
beautiful complexion. (IAar.) And .~ ,, S perhaps signify spotted]); (TA;) a hind o.fgar- says says jee ~ >fl and ;~.eTA.)
( [See also
s,.~j His colour, or complexion, (Fr, S,) or mnent of the fabric of El-le,nen, of cotton or
ij^. lIence the saying,] 5
i^... 1 Jlje-. ,p..
beauty, (A,) and goodliness of form or aspect, linen, striped ( ..): (Msb:) pl. . anid
departed: (Fr, 8, A:) from the saying, ';4- J,y.JI ~X. ? [He clad himself with the
1.j.. (S, Mgh, Mgb, K) and e and j,l.: iiiantle of cheerfulness, and seated himself Jirmly
l,- 'lj j..~l" 4 1~ [Tlre canels came (TA:) [or rather .~.and t. are coll. gen. ns.] upon
beautiful in colours and in appearances]. (Fr, S,
upon the ' couch of happiness]. (A.) - Also,
Accord. to Lth, (Az, Mgh, TA,) .~.. is not a applied to a garment, or piece of cloth, Newv:
A.*) One says also, Jljtj Jl J :
place, nor a known thing, but only signifies jr (, (S, 1K :) and soft and new; (1K, TA;) applied to
where ._ seems to be the inf. n. of ,Aj-" I
[see ]; (Az, Mgh, Msb, TA;) and one says the same; (TA;) and so t*_; (1K;) whichl
made him, or it, beautiful." (..)_Also, (S,
(1K) and *jL. .. ;,- (Msb, TA) and .S t, (TA,) and also signifies a soft thing: (TA.Q pl. of the
1,) and t*. (TA) and V.
And Clouds; syn .,l:
r mj., (Mgh, former e- (QC.)-
(8,15) and ?;Z., (A, 1K,) A martk, or trace, ($, ;2e ., (Mgh, Msb, TA) and (S:)
or clouds spotted (..,.); (1K;) in whichi
A, K,) of beating, (A,) or of a blow that has not TA,) like as one says . ''3 , the word je)
' by reason of the
brought blood, or of a healed wound, (TA,) or of signifying a certain dye. (Az, Msb, TA.) [Thce one sees wvat resembles JeTO
work, or labour: (A, TA:) pl. of the first [or abundanceof their water; but Er-Riyashee dis-
term ~ ;.. is now applied in Egypt to A lady's approve&
second] jy (Yaqcoob, S, 1K) and [of the first outer covering of silk, blackfor the married, and approves of this. (TA.)
(TA;) and whitefor the unmarried, rrorn in riding and '
and third, accord. to analogy,] j.tl; j5j)~ [a word respecting which J says,] its
of the fourth ;l,. (Ya4oob, ., TA,) it having walking abroad; theformer worn also by concu- alif alif [written I] is not the fern. alif nor the alif
no broken pl. (TA.) One says, .J~ t Upon bine slaves. See also s_.] of quasi-coordination; [as F says of the alif of
him are marks [of beating, &c.]. (S.) And .- . J1-z%J,
J.'.-, though he finds fault with J for saying
w91r4l ?jl3. * Upion his skin is the mark of
: see thus of the alif of L;l..~; (see Pt . I lJI, in
beating. (A.) And Jl t'j, -. Upon lis art. I ;)] the name [says J] being only composed
LSt A seller of ink. (K.) t,1. also, is
hand is the mark of worf', or labour. (A.)_ with it, so that it is as it were a part of the word
mentioned as having the same si-nification; and itself, itself, which is imperfectly dccl. when deter-
See also .. _ And se ..- .Also, [like the some say that analogy is a sufficient authority for
minate and when indeterminate; i. e., without
Hebrew '~2r, and the Chaldee "2l,,] like; it: but it is disallowed by F. (TA.)
tenween: (S :) but its alif is the fem. alif; for
.j. I - decl.; (1 ;)
an equal; afellow. (.1.) Sce also not ;t;L, (K,) or the latter is allow- were it not so, it would be perfectly
... ... 0. ...
and J says that it is imperfectly deel.: (TA:)
J~e: e J :- and , _. andsd: . able on the ground of analogy, (MF,) A seller of and
his saying that the alif is [as it were] a part
the garments called e.. . (J1.) [See .M,".] of the word itself is a strange expression, for
t3 give an answer,
,..: see je. ;_ (Msb, 1))and ? A-- and ?ym and which it would be difficult
and which therefore requires not exorbitance:
t;j1 and ; [in the CI5 ; .~] and but but" it is sufficient excellence for a man that his
/, (Msb, K,) the only subst. of this form ';: (Msb, faults may be counted:" (M:) [A species of
_ (K) The young one of the
beside J', (Msb,) [and a few rare dial. vars.,] bustard;] a certain bird, (S, M9 b, 15,) well
15:) pl. y andjeA. (15.) [See also ;
and V. (K) and ?j.. (A, ]) and f 9.' (V, known, of the form of the goose, with a dust-
below.] colour upon its head and bellUy, and the bach and
Meb, j) and t ;.. (A, g,) and t ,; (1 ;)
tnings. of which are for the most par.t of the
or '.r/, without ;, [as also ej~ and '"e,] is a colour of the quail; (Mb ;) or it is a long-neched
pl. [or rather a coil. gen. n.], (-,)and with; it is j4~-:_ >see wllat next precedes. bird, of an ash-colour, of the form of the goose,
said to be a n. un.; (Mb ;) A yelloOness that witth a beak sonmwhat long, and that is preyed
mingles with the whiteness of the teeth; (K;) a upon, but does not itself prey: Az says that it
yellowness of the teeth; (Sh, A, Msb;) wchat is eggs
J ;1.: see i -e.Also The ,SZ4 [i. e. form, does not drink water, and that it lays its
termed in the teeth: ( :) or is when in distant sands: [the truth is, that it drinks
or aspect, or the like, or goodliness of form or
they become green: and when the crust increases aspect,] of a man. (Aboo-S.afwan, Lh.) seldom: the male bird has a pouch, extending
so as to encroach upon the gums, and to make from beneath the tongue to the breast, said to be
the roots of the teeth to appear, this is what ;S_: see /, in three places. large enough to contain seven quarts of water;
is termed '_ and 'A.: (Sh, M,b, TA:) pl. and it has been supposed by some that he fills
. U~ and ~,.. (8, K,) or . with kesr, this with water for the supply of himself and his
u--. (.) which last occurs in a verse of mate:] and Az further says, We used, when we
(Mqb,) and t j",
r.a.: seej , in three places. Also Ex- EI-'Ajj4j, for ~., [by poetic license,] (S,) and journeyed, to proceed in the mountains of Ed-
traordinarineS (ki4lt) in a thing that is described up in one day
1 o_ (A, g) and * n, (K1,) appiness, joy, Dahnk, and sometimes we picked
as beautiful. (1.) [See 1.] A musical per- between four and eight of its eggs: it lays four
Msb, 1:) or the first signifies
formance, or concert, instrumental or vocal or or gladness: (S, pleasure, or delight, and dila- eggs, of a bluish colour, more delicious in taste
ccheerfulness; i. e.
botA, in Paradise; (Zj, 11;) agreeably
tation of the heart, which has a visible effect in titan than those of the domstic hen and than thos of the
with which signification Zj explains [the verb in] ostrich: and others say that it brings its food
the aspect: (TA voce j, :) and the same word frona a greater distance than any other bird;
the verse of the 1]ur [xxx. 14, or xliii. 70]: (lAth) and t . (Az, lAth, 1) and *'_, (K,) fromn
(TA:) and any nrcet melody. (V:.)imSee also sometimesfrom a distance of many dayjs' journey:
a state of ease and plenty; syn. ;'L: (IAth, also, also, that it is constantly provided with a thin
K.: [in the CK and in a MS. copy of the 1, erro- excrement, or dung, rwhich it voids upon the hawk
Zq. : see neously, *a; :]) or a state of complete, or per- mwhen pursued by the latter; thus saving itself,
[ BooK I.
Iy prcrnting the hamAfrom continuing its fligh
J., applied to a man, [Very happy,joyfrl,1, (TA,) assigning the profit arising from
and, as some say, causing itsSfeatllrs to drop oi it to be
: glad, or chccrful;] of the measure JP 4 fron en mployed in the cause
whence the prov., : [see ar rt. 1j.Jl: of God, or religion. (V,
( :) a soft, tender, or delicate, man : TA.) Mohammad is related to have said to
CJL:] (TA :) 5t;l,. is applied alike to tbCpl.' . (AA, TA.) 'Omar, respecting some palm-trees belonging to
1A certain bird: o]
male and the female, and used as sing. and pl. : the *n;aleof the .5J.:or its the latter, (Mgh, TA,) which he (the latter)
youny one. (R.
(V, 1:) but it has pl. forms, (TA,). namelj desired to give in charity, (TA,) j,l t
y, See j.
DtIg4.. (1, M9b, 1], TA) and ~;.: (TA: B,I
,, Jt ., M ,ake
thou tke p,roperty itself to
accord. to Sb, it has not ._, [in the TA ir remain unalienalule, (Mgh, TA,) in perpetuity,
correctly written .ji;, au though it had th e (Mgh,) not to be inkherited nor old nor given
1. c._, (K,A, Mb, K,) nor., (Msb,,)
article Jl prefixed to it, or were prefixed to anothe r inf. n. ~ )anway, (TA,) and assign thou the profit arising
(S, A, Mgh, M.b, .K) and o, tlrerfrom to be employed in the cause of God, or
noun,] nor .tL., [though both of these are men - (Ltl, Sb, g,) lIe conJinef,
rcstrietedl, limited, religion. (Mgh, TA.) [See
tioned as ple. of it in several of the grammarr kept in, prevented from escape, keipt close, kept '.]
of the Arabs,] in order to distinguish betweel n within certain bounds or limiits, shut 2: see 1, in four places.
up, irm-
~$1- and nouns of the measures .' and $J1 prisoned, held in custoed!, detained, retained, ,3. '. ,.e,., (g,) inf. n. X._, (T)
and the like. (TA.) It is said in a prov., arrested, restrained, nithheld, debarred, Iindered,
impeded, or prevented, him or it; contr. oJ i.q. q [fle confined his companion, or re-
' ;o; stricted him, &c.]: or [more probably, and agree-
(S, TA ;) syn. -, (A, Mg-A , Mgb, ]s, ably
* 0-,.j ~ :o" '3- with analogy,] he coi.fined his companion,
* TA,) and all; (TA;) as also t . (S, &c., the latter doing the #ame to him. (Tg.)
.:*) and i. q. d' (Sb, TA in this art) or
[And everything certainly lores its offsprinyg 4: see 1, in three places.
even the bustard; and it flies by its side]: (8 :; Se1 ((1'A in art. k".b) [he took, hell, or
' retained, him or it, strongly, vehemently, or 5. US, u; ,_ He confined, rcstreted,
Mgh:O) [in the TA, ;O j.4,:] it flies by tluI limited, restrained, or withheld, himself (ve.
side of its young one to teacih it to fly before iti firmly; &c.]. You say, .6 ' mean-
;-) to such a thing. (M,K.) ,,4 ~,.,.;:
wings have grown, because of its stupidity: (TA:: ing, JI .lj .., '[Your,mnilch animaltshall Ire held bach
the qjtl~ is thus specially mentioned becaun c not be conJined, or restrainedfrom from the riders. (TA.) 1
it is proverbial for stupidity, and, notwithstand. (TA.) And Xde _~l. 19 [He withheld himself, or held back, in, or
1 ~ t[IIe con.fined, or
ing its stupidity, loves its offspring, and teaches
I restricted, the property to him, by will or otller- respecting, tle affair]. (TA in art j..)
it to fly. ($, Mgh.) Another prov. is, '~' t wise]. (Mgh in art. .Ai.) And &'U.. ;
7: see 8.
4j;lti .. [Such a one is dying with ihe con. -1M 8. w..~1 quasi-pass. of
cealed rief of the bustard]: because the jlt..
[,He confined, or restricted, hIimelf to such He,
H..";or it, was,
or became, confined, restricted, limited, &c.;
moults with other birds, but its new feathen arc a thing]. (S and .1 voce .) And. and he confinedl, restrictedtl, limited, &c., himsalf;
slow in coming: so when the other birds fly, it l.* j C [Iae restrained, or nwitiheld, him from
(, A, 1] ;) [as also t w~.,,; but this latter is
is unable to do so, and dies of concealed grief. :his cou,rse, purpose, or olbject]. (S in art. ;JI;
probably post-classical.] - Said of urine [as
(TA.) [See also i, and .] &c.) And 4;. ' .- [lie withheld, or meaning It became aippressdlJ. ($ and Msb in
on. 3 * . . debarred, him from the thing that he n,anted]. nrt._,.; &c.)-~.. sxn. with'.,
stow: see , .:- and S,.. which
(/; in art. ,:; &c.) [IIcnce,] -.s,., (IDrst, see, in two places. ($, K.)-Also lie alpr
J e,.:
see 3_. Mgh,M9b,],) inf. n. u.; (TA;) and tf ..l, 7priated it to himuelf; restricted it to his own
slwcial possession: (A, TA:) or he *nade, or con-
jMWI. A sitting-place, or a company sitting (S, IDret, Mgh, Msb, [in one copy of the S,
toyether, (J ) of unrighteos perons [or
and in one of the A, ? 1., wihicl is perhaps stituted, it ( rhat is termed -*~.. (TA.)
retMUe.r]: ($, ]:) from ~. "it made him allowable,]) inf. n. ,.; (TA;) and L.., A place of confinenent, restriction, im.
happy," &c. (s.) (IDrd, Mgh,) inf. n. ; (IDrd, TA;) i prisonment, or the like; a prison; a jail; (A,
4,1 Jg,; (,S IDrnt, A, Mgh ;) ! He bequeathed Msb ;) as also * $'., (Lth, A, TA,) which is
; jq,, (M9b, g,) which is the most approved
it, or gave it, (namely, a horse, S, IDrst, A, Mgh, also an inf. n.; (Lth, TA;) or, accord. to analogy,
form, (Mqb, TA,) and tM, (, Mb,) because
it is an instrument, (Mqb, TA,) a correct form, unalienably, ( 1,
uK,) IDrst, Mgh, Mgb, I,) to be t_.i.: (Sb,TA:) pl. of the first, ,, ;
used in the cause of God, or religion; (S, IDrst, (Msb ;) and of the
though sid in the B to be incorrect, (TA,) and A, Mrgh, . second [and third], ,~_
;) i. c., to the na'riors,to rids it in (A.)
~'.; (Mb, ) and See also ...
, (i,) the last rwar against unbelievers and the like: (TA:) it
used by poetic license, (TA,) The place, (?, j,) is said that the chaste forms
are t..1 ul:l a contraction of 4... , which is pl. of
or eartlrn pot, or glass bottle, (TA,) in roich
tL.:.: (TA:) or the latter of these two is some- [q. v.]. ([Ath, TA.)
ink is put: ($, IC,TA:) p1. . ;. (M 9b.) - times used; (Mgh ;) but has an intensive signi-
Also, the first of these words, A thing, or things, fication [or is applied to several oljects]: (Msb:) w. A dam constructed of wood or stones, in
in which happines, joy, or gladnes, it usually * .- is said to be a bad form;
(TA;) it is used a channel of rater,to conJine the water, ($, ,)
found: such are women aid to be. (TA from a by the vulgar,
trad.) [A u of hanppiness, joy, or gladnesm; in preference, tobut is allowablo: tl.I is used thiat people may drink from it and water their
signify the bequeathing or giving beasts; (S, TA;) as also ,.: (El-'Amiree,
agreeably with analogy: of the same class as of
horses and other articles of property that are
and ) P
pl. e.; ($, TA) and ,teo_: (Meyd, in
forbidden to be [afterwards] sold or given, to
Golius:) or a dam Iby which the nater-cours of
distinguish between that which is so forbidden
a valley is obstructed, in any place s,ve it is
and that which is not: (IDrt, TA:) the reverse
confined: (TA:) or stona int in the wmoth of a
>eee the next preceding paragrph. is the cse with respect to -j-- and , ji and river or riuklet or the like, prenting
te over-
eij; for the first of these three is the most chaste, floing of the water: (IAr, TA:) or a ";
and the last of them is disapproved and rare: for water; [i. e. a thing like a .,bp0,,
j~ or wate-
A mua (T) Aaing hi in marAed by (TA:) t .. , in. n._ p_g. signifies t He ing-troughfor bea~st c., in which the rei-ater
t ite oQf ~f (T, )_- An arrow made a tking to remai i itf unalienable, (, is coleted;] (?;) a alo *s.o : (TA:) or0
P (8.) TA,) not to be inherited nor sold nor given away, thing liltke a " for wtur: (AA,]:) pl.
BooK I.] 301

;s (AA,TA:) and tLV a and item.

I;iA L....: sce -. last sentence. not a sing. as it seems to be from the mention of
signify the same as .. : or, accord. to Lth, it in the K, (MF,) and 1Vb,, (A, TA,) and
[,.AS. A jailer.]
the tle. in a piece of iand are what surround at..1l, (A,) which is a pl. (IDrd,Q , ~) of
a [portion of groundsuch as is called] f;o, whiich .t'.. [act part. n. of .. ; Confining; re- ,.A.J, (IDrd,) like as u j. is pl. of j_,
is the same as a i;j , in which the water is con- st7icting; limiting; &c.]: pl. (IAtb,TA.) (8,) and .1, (A,) [also a pl.,] and V~',
fined until tlheJ are full, Iwhen it is made to f.orw [Hence,] Je.J ,..A ' The Restrainer of tIhe which is also a pl., (TA,) [or rather a quasi-
to other parts: (TA:) or a is what is Elephant: an' ecpithet applied to God; alluding p)]. n.,] and j.rl..l, which is likewise a pl.,
to thc case of Abrahal. [See Kur chli. cv.] (TA.)
surrounded by dams [or by rilges of earth] wvich (1K,) app. of a.1, (TA,) and t.?j)l, (A,)
confine, or retain, the water [for irrigation]; And ,.Am-jA sthin that retains the water [&c.j.
[which is pl. of .,1,] A certain race of the
as also 3jt" and i;. (It, TA in art. j.)_ (TA.) And ,j- l Herbage that is abun- blacks; (S, A, Msb, &, [namely, tha Abyt-
Also Water collected, and haring no supply to dant, and retaining the nater. (TA.)-See also sincians; wio, however, are not properly called
0 . .
increase it: (11bn-'Ahbid, 1]:) thus called by the me ~... - Also i. q. m.., or W~ 3. (.yam
name of that by whicll it is confilned. (TA.) "blacks:"] one of whom is called 1.. (A,
p. 88.)
L.- a subst. fromn A..! [signifying A state
Mgh, M.sb.) The dim. of j isJ.. (Meb.)
', :-; and : see , __ . Also, the
of confinement, restriction, limitation, &c.]: you latter, [or both,] The manger, or stable, of a I..JI: see ;0.Jl._ It also signifies The
say, L _ ..Il [,5peechlenesn is a state of beast. (TA.) country of the l.. [or Abyuinians]: (] :) a
rehriction]. (F;, TA.)- [lHence,] A difc:llty proper name applied thereto. (TA.)
: ee ,,~., in two places.
of utterance which Inevents one's rpeaking dis.
tinctly; (A;) a diffirulty of seech, (Mbr,1l5,) W,_e_.4: see., se_L: fem. with ;. For the latter, see .
and hAitation, (Mhr, TA,) lwhen one desires to
a rel. n. from ' 1; (TA ;) [signify-
qspeah; (Mbr, 1r.;) a hesitation in speech. (Myb.) ce ,
e: . in three places. ing Of, or belongingto, or relatingto, Abyuinia or
ii. q , [pass. part. n. of 1,] L-:_ k1. Camiels that remain at the hous; the Aby.sinians.]- [An Abysuinian ;] one of tAh
Confined; restricted; uinited; &c. (TA.) - syn. ".Ij: as though they were restrained from race called .ll. (A, Mgh, Mb.) -.
: Anything bequeathed, or given, unalienably, imeasturing. (TA.) (K) and V 4'a (A, ' o) A black, (A,) or an in-
(Lth, Mgha, Myb,) for the sake of God; wheelicr
tenely blach, (1,)she-camel. (A,1] .)..,4.J
an animal or laund or a house; (Mgh ;) as also A~
vsoan and , an: (Mmb:) pl- J.il XA The blach ant. (M in art. ,.)
of the first , Msl,) and, I,y contrac-
(MNh, 01.~- ((TIo,)
.K ac, - J inf n. i: sace
tion, : (Mpb :) ~ is used as a sing. and and le, ; (K, TI ;) or ; (S ;)
_dim. of ., q.v. (Mtb.) -Also A4
as a pl.: (Msyb :) it is of the meuasure ji in [wlhence it appears probable that the author of
certain ell-khnowrn bird; [the Numidia; which
the sense of tihe measure JL.; and is sonic- the .K is in error in regarding U-le. as an comprises the species commonly called the Gunea-
times used in the phlace of the pass. part. n. of inf. n.;] lIe collected for him something; as hen, and pintado: so applied in the present day:]
m~.: (TA:) it is also particularly nl)lilicd to a also ,.a., inf.n. , 5,3:($S, :) and t
the word is thus, [without the articlc Jl, apparently
horso bequeathed, or given, unalienably,'tq be and ,..1 likewise signify he collected it. (TA.) as a proper name, and] in the dim. form, like
utnd in the cause of God, or religion; (S,A,' You say also, M.i ., inf. n. ,?-?, IIe S and ;aa: (d,TA:) it is strangely
Mgi,]5;) i. e., to the warriors, to ride it in
collected his people. (S..) And *J,Jd .. , inf. n. omitted in the 1]. (TA.)
rear against unbeliewers and the like; (TA;) as
-also V ( gh, 1K) and v (2:)
.t,, iHe gained, or earned, and collected, for U'. What is collected, (?,* and TA in rt.
his fatmily, or houshold; like u,a
asalso b.,) of mcn, and of property; as also :
and , (s,) or ,. (15,) to what is, or are, t ,;_1. (TA.)
bequeathed, or given, rinflicnnbly, (, ,) not to (TA ubi supr :) pL *t; .. (?, and TA abi
2: see 1, in two places. supra.) _A comnpany, or body, of men, not of
be sold nor inherited, (TA,) of ipalm-trees, or
vines, &c., (1],) as land, and anything that is a 4. ^J~ 1 She brought forth her child one tribe; (, 15;) like t,; (TA;) as also
source of profit, (TA,) itself to remain unalicn- like an Abyuinian (.) in colour. (8.) . .l~,1
and , .; (; ;) or u also ao t I_,
able, and the profit arising therefrom to be emn- (1., TA,) of which the pl. is J 1; (TA:) the
pleyed in the cause of God, or religion: (g, 5. I1 ,, They colUected themselvJ together,
TA:) but the which Mohiammninad is related (S, A, TA,) ^ agai,ut him; as also Is. . pl. of a. in this sense is us above. (TA.)
to havc made common property were what the (TA.) ~ &i-j: see L
wee_Jl. se1:
pagan Arabs bequeathed, or gave, unalienably, 8: see 1, in two places. ee J.gmJt..-..: D,;:
sl: -
for (~L [so in the TA, and this I regard as the accord. to some, it signifiesa Any company, or
'~J1:see the next paragraph.
true reading, rather than >A.,which is the read- body, of m-en; because, when they are collected
ing in the Mgh and L,]) the [camels called] j,; Jt, ($, A, Myb, g,) a coll. gen. n., (Mqb,) together, they are [in their general hue] black.
3Ij, and ).., and sch as wa caUed ,I.: and t., 1 l, (A,MF,) or this is a pl., and the (TA.)
(Mgh,L,TA:) Hr, in the Ghareebeyn, gives former is also said to be an anomalous pl., (TA,) La~,).: see A:l..
Myb, 15,) also said to be an
the reading w~., which, says lAth, if correct, and t 1 ' J, (S, A,
is a contraction of , `.. (TA.) [From *_ anomalous pl., (TA,) and wrong with respect to
rule, (T, M,) having no sing. of the measure
ued as a subat., has been formed, app. in post-
1U~, (M,) for they did not use J.,Q as a sing. 1. _-, aor. - inf. n. , (As, 1,, & c.,)
clamdical times, the pl. see
sA~.:De Sacy's He (a beast, Az, $, or a camel, ISd, ) ate
thereof, like .., as sing. of aLi, (T,) but
"Chre~ Ar.," sec. ed.,voL i. p.189.] A ', also, much, (g,) or Aad pain in his bdlly from p~re
i'*.JI became used as a dial. var., (T, Msb,)
[used as a subst.,] signifies tA thing that is be- which he found ,mwhol/ome, or .frou ing
j.JI, (Myb,) and is
quathed, or gi~en, unalienably, in the v of commonly obtaining, for much of kerbage, (ISd, ]V,) wo that hA bhcme
and its pl. is O.JI. (TA.) allowable in poetry in caes of necessity, (T swomen, or ingJated, t by (Q, I8d, V) in his
be~ c.:
and *,) 1, (IDrd, also ued as syn. with belly, (f,) and thr wd not coefort fJrm
and Lwte.: pI.
aul ee
I tb,a.l, (IDrd,) or it is pl. of ;1, with leamm, him (Q,I8d, ].) ht a in iAt, (,) or anthing;
502 [BOOR I.
(ISd, ;) he did not void either thin dung or in a state of commotion, agitation, convulsion,
urine, his belly being bound: (Az:) or he (a [If he do a good deed, he akes toflloovit that tumult, or disturbance." (TA.)
sheep, or goat, ISk, 8) became swollen, or inflated, which annuls it; and if he send forth good nwords,
in his belly, in consequcene of eating [the herb
he ernds fotrth after them that wvhich annuls thenm]. 3 #., see o
called] j;, (ISk, , g,,) which is the jjiJ.a
[i. e. tOe herb lotus, melilot, or bird's-foot-trefoil]:
(TA.) And hence also, (Z, TA,) .JIl Ll ti lie uY- .
made the blood to go for nothing:; unretaliated,
(ISk, :) or he (a beast) lighted upon good pas- and uncompensated by a nmulct. (Msb, K,* TA.') es>, with tenween, and Us, the ,C and
turage, and ate immoderately, so that he became the I [wllic latter is written in the former word
tsmolen, or inflated, and died: (Z, IAth:) or, in -. JI I.l The beating made a mark or
.] beinlg adlted to render thce word quasi-coordi-
scar, or marks or scars, upon him. (TA.)=
spenking of a horse, you do not say, ,,l aJ1.', but nate to j.., (S, TA,) the derivation being
//1 i L.., or s3/.l, or W^., because L(g,) (A,) ii.
. n. (AA,S,) The
l, (,
water of the well went away, and did not return firom li., (TA,) A marn short and biybellied;
it means that the hors's belly became swollen, or (S, TA ;) as also jl
(AA, S,I) as it was; (AA, S;) as also t .. , and . ,:;~ : (S :) [see
inflated: (I8d, Z, L:) you say also, eJ the last of these words below:] or filled with
aor. -. (TA.) - >' Jam.1 lie turned awcay
his belly became swollen, or intflated, so that he wrath, or rnage; or by repletion of the belly;
died: (Az, TA:) or his (a man's) belly became from, avoided, shunned, and left, such a one.
(.K;) as also i and ti~..: (Ks, Lh:) and
(IDrd, g.)
swollen, or inflated, by food .c.: (Mbr, TA in this last, a womanl short, ugly, and bigbellied;
art. lIs.:) and 4.. is also said of the skin, Q. Q. 3. s.'! lie (a man, TA) vnas, or (. ;) also related with . [i. c. ;tUl.,, or, as it is
meaning it became swnollen, or inflated. (TA.) became, sw7ollen, or i)nflatedl, in his belly: (1K, wliitten in the L, it.i, but this I tbhink a mis-
[See also Q. Q. 3; and see I.:. below.] TA:) he (a man) 7,as short and bighelliedl: (S :)
transcription]. (TA.) When you form the dim.,
Hence, app., i. c. fiom i . said of the belly, he (a man) rvas, or becane, filled wvith nrath, or you may re:ject the CO, and change the I [which is
(Az, TA,) or it is fiom this verb said of a beast, rage; or by rpcl)letion of the belly; as also k.l~t: the final letter] into U, so that [the dim. becomes
(Z, lAth, TA,) 'J,s~ .Is., (Az, S, Mob, K, &c.,) from L._. (TA.) [Scc 1.] oriainally ' for which, accord. to a well-
aor. -; (Az, Msb, K;) and Is.., nor. ; (AZ, l [inf. n. of s.~, q. v.:] A beast's hating known rulc,] you say * lZ, with kesr to the Is,
Az, Myb, ] ;) the latter, says Az, hncard by AZ the belly snollen, or i,flated, so that vwhat is in and with tenwecn; for the I is not to denote the
from an Arab of tho desert, but I have not heard it does not comeforth, in consequence of eating fem. gender, that the letter preceding it should bae
it on any other authority; (TA;) inf. n. , much: (S:) or pain in the belly, of a camel, with fet-h, as in [J..I. and LJ~] the dims.
(Az, ?, ], [but in the Myb it seems to be indi- from pasture which he finds unwholesome, or of J ' and .jjg4: you may also retain the Ci,
cated that it is 4._,]) with the ,, quiescent, from herbage of which he has eaten much, so
that he becomes swollen, or inflated, therefromn, and reject the I; saying t~ 'a.: and thus you
(Az, $,) thus differing from the inf. n. of .
(lSd, .K,) in his belly, (TA,) and nothing comes may do in the case of any noun havinlg two letters
said of the belly, (Az, TA,) and I.", (Az,S,
Myb, 1,) which latter, accord. to AZ, is the forth from him: (ISd, K:) or a swelling, or adlded for the purpose of quasi-coordination: you
inflation, of the belly, (.K,) or a beast's huavin may also put a compensation for the letter rejected
inf. n. of L. like ,,; (T, TA;) Sllis work, in either place, or not: if you put a compensation
or deed, became null, or void, or of no account; the belly s'eollen, or inflated, (ISk, 8,) from
it went for nothing; it perithed; (Az, Myb, TA;) eating [the herb called] 5jl: (ISk, ,S, :) [see 1:] in the former instance, you say with
and a swelling in the udder or other thing: (g :) teslldeed to the US, and with kesr to the b; and
for like au he of whom one says zi 'k
or, accord. to the M, the slighte.t sn,elling in the in the latter instance, you say t -e .. (S, O0
perishe, so does the work, or deed, of the hypo- udder: or, as some say, swelliny, or inflation,
crite: (Az, TA:) or it becamne ineffective of TA.)
wherever it be,from discase or other cause. (TA.)
reward; its reward becamne annulled. (S, K.)
And hence also, (Z, TA,) a.* .. , aor. -, (Z, It is said in a trad., J L. C4J1 L. :.,I
see . .
Myb, V, TA,) but not , also, as is implied in L,, I kll. [Verily, of what the (rain, or season,
the 1], (TA,) and in this case the inf. n. is ,.. culled) &' causes to grow, is nwhat hills by infla-
(Mqb,* TA,) with the .' movent, (TA,) Slis tion of the belly, or nearly does so]. (S, TA.) - a:K. and & A man, or child, vollen,
blood (the blood of one slain, K) went for The scars, or marks, of a wound, or of whips, or inJlated, in his belly: (TA:) orfilled with
mothing; utnrtaliated, and uncompensated by a anger: (AZ, TA:) or who becomes angry, deem-
upon the body, after healing: or the svollen scars,
miulet. (Msb, 7, TA.)._-. said of the water or marhs, (of whips, TA,) not lacerated: when ing a thing slow or tardy or late: (IAth, TA :)
mangled and bleeding, they are termed . or refrainingas one who sceks or deires, not as
of a well, i.q. 1Is,,
q.v. (TA.) -_ Said of a
one who refuses: (TA:) or the former, becoming
wound, (~, Ibn-'Abbid, K,) aor. :, (1K,) inf. n. [pl. of .&] : (1 :) the exsrescentflesh upon the
angry; and the latter, nvollen, or inflated: (IB,
., with fet-1h to the .,, (S, .K,) It had scars scars of wounds. (.Sgh.)
TA:) or the former, deeming a thing sloro or
remaining ajfter having healed: (lbn-'AbbAd,
.. part. n. of i..; A camel [or other beast tardy or late; and the latter, bigbellied: and the
] :*) or it broke open again; or became re. latter also signifies cleaving to the ground. (TA.)
crudesent; syn. tj. [which has the signification having his belly swnollen, or infiated, so that what
is in it does not come forth, in consequence of See also .s;
given above on the authority of Ibn-'Abbad as
eating much: or] having pain in the belly, from
'vell as what follows it] and ,..d. (S.) [See also
pasture which /he finds unwnholesomne, or from
.. below.] herbage of which he has eaten much, so that he is 1. L., ($, Misb, 1g,) said of a goat, (Lth,
4. [1a_.1 seems to signify, in its primary swtollen, or inflated, therefsom, [in his belly,] and TA,) or mostly said of the camel and of the goat,
acceptation, lIe made him, (namely a beast,) or nothing comesforthfrom him: (K:) [see iLa..:] (1.,) and sometimes of a man, (TA,) or &;,.
, .. ....

it, (the belly,) to be in the state termed , pl. Ul.bl (1) and IJak . (M, TA.) You say said of a she-goat, (Msb,) aor.;, (S, Msb, ],)
vhhich see below. - And hence,] Al lIsl also iqcj-aIl . j.~ A horse swollen, or in- inf. n. L;, (S, }]) and l.' (Msb, .K)and u3L.,
,lIe (God, 1, J, or a man, Msb) made his roork, fated, in the flanks. (TA.)
( He,
H;,) or she, broke wind. (S, Meb, 1.)-
or deed, to become null, or void, or of no account;
to go for nothing; to perish; (Msb, l~, TA;) SL. The disease in which the belly is swollen, [Hence,e] , 2Jb i I They revile such a
to be ineffective of remard; or he annulled its .or inflated, from eating [the herb called] jl3: one; and act in an ignorant, or a ilUy, orfoolish,
reward. (S.) So it signifies in the lJur [xxxiii. 19, (K :) or, as Az says, accord. to some, it is with and a wrong manner towards him. (TA.)
&e.]: aud you say, L,,ma I J 0 1 the pointed t, from ,it signifying "the being see
BooK I.]
(" mentha pulegium of Linn., or penny-
[The ai. A single emission of wind from the anus, smord: or ha cut the Jlesh [or his fPash] above
royal; so generally called in the present day, in vith a sound: (K :) or a slig/ht emission thereof. the bone [with the sword]: (TA:) or Ah rmote
Egypt and other countries; accord. to Golius, (IDrd, TA.) [or s~vered] his neck wvith the sword: or he smote
applied by the Moors and Egyptians to ocimum him with the sword. (IA,r, TA.) And jia.
3L_ b' is said to a female slave, [in reviling
(i. e. basil), which, he says, the Easterns call ;1 'js He cut the trellises of the grape-
her, meaning O thou stinking one!] (.K,) like as
alJI j.~.; but he should have said LSI.JI vine. (TA. [But this has another meaning, ex-
one says to her ,j> G. (TA.) plained above.])
".1l, which see below;] a certain plant of
swuet odour, (V,) of sharp jfavour, the leates J1~_: see '.' 2. , (A, TA,) inf. n. j, , (Sbh, ,)
mhereof are like those of the ot [q. v.]; of He mad firm, or fast, (Sh, A;, ,) a knot.
j >.cs, (As, S, Msb,) or, accord. to Milik
which one kind grows in the plains, and another (A, TA. [See also 1.]) He striped, or wove
on the mountains; not depastured; (TA;) caUlled Ibn-Anas, .elJ l 3j.r., (Msb,) and iO. with stripes, (A, ]:,) a [garment of the kind
in Persian c.;i(l, (K, in the C1K .iJl,) i.jlJ, (s, and TA in art. .. ,) or '- .-, called] ;t.~. (A, TA.)
or 4jh1, (S,) or : (TA:) AHn says, (K, in the CE .o.Jjs,) A sort of Oi;, of
bad quality: (As, S:) or dates such as are 5. J'.3 IHe bound, or tied, the 3.4, i. e.
on the authority of an Arab of the desert, that it : ..[see :d., below:] (1:) or i. q.
the 5
is a cause of diminishing the seminal fluid; that termed 0J3j; (Msb, 1];) dust-coloured, small,
the horse rolls upon it and it diminishes his and somewhat long; of bad quality: (As:) so ~4'. j [he raised, or tucked up, his clothue;
seminal fluid; and it is put into tlhe pillow wvhich called because of their badness; (Msb;) or so or girded himself, and raised, or tucked up, his
is placed beneath the head of a man and it called in relation to [a man named] Ibn-H.obeyk. clothes; &c.]. (IDrd,1l.) And 0JLLE -X-4
diminishes hit seminal fluid: (TA:) it resembles (TA.) It is said in a trad., . '1 c v She (a woman) bound, or tied, her'j3U [q. v.]
thie sweet-smelling plant called the *t [q. v., in LDi' ij j aJl .JI [He (Mohammad) upon her waist. (IDrd, bC.)
the CI, erroneously, t.A]; (,* TA;) and grovws forbade two sorts of dates; the jO~. and
8: see 1, in four places; and see .
abundantly by water: (TA:) [a coll. gcn. n.: -. JIl of]: (S:) or 3. jl
i.&. ,>:
j.Jl: ((MIsb:) meaning, in the case of the l.JI jl-1 and a.Jl and AC1 and jl
n. un. with ;: and] pl. l... (IKh, TA.)-
.JtI _. and .1i [Mentha
Atl aquatica, or poor-rate. (S, Msb.) and 4l.JI and J.4.JI (TA) and .lJIl(Bd in
li. 7] and ,...iJ1 and .L.-J1 (TA) are various
water-mint,] kj3I 1 5r,3i1; ( ;) so called is a contrac-
readings in the ]Rur [li. 7]: J.Ji
because it grows upon the sides of rivers, and 1. /..., aor. (S,E) and ', (g,) inf. n. ', tion of 4.J, of the dial. of Benoo-Temeem:
because the crocodile cats of it much. (TA.) (S,K,) lie bound it, or tied it; and made it fast, ..A..JI is a contraction of JL,..JI: ,.1JI is as
tUl L', or biJI j_, [Marjoram, sweet mar- or firm: (g: [see also 2:]) he mnade it well:
though its sing., or n.un., were aL:: 4L.&J1 is
joram,l] . (1. J
.)_cH 4 [Coin. (TA :) he wove it well, (S, K, TA,) and firmly,
or compactly; (TA;) namely, a piece of cloth: as though its sing. were !e.: 4.JI is the
mon artemisia, or mugrort,] .JI
,j, [or common reading, and is pl. of .tL- [q. v.] or
(S, ]g, TA:) he made the effect of the work
-L,.iel]]. (, TA: in the C 1 .t;.. J.) therein to be beautifdl; i. e., in a piece of cloth: of ' ': 4._l is of a form unused [in any
_,-ll sj. [Chamomile] $t.(K.) and '.Lt.lt signifies the same: (.:) or this other instance]: (TA :) j..JI is like .l l [as
latter, he matlde it (i. e. anything) firm, or com- though its sing. were '.j: (Bd:) ikJI is
o:31J [Mlarum; so called in the present day ;
pact; and mnade it wvell. (IA.r, S,Mb.) It is
;}1; (I9;) also called . ' j;. (TA.)T said of 'Aiishelh, in a trad., ,L3 affirmed to be a mixture of two dial. vanrs.:
. , - 3
~JI.. is of a rare measure, like Jtl &c. (TA.)
-- k.---q'.J I a nd 5h;ijil.~ ',J_I [Basil- j-I ;.J1 She used to bind the Ijl [or
royal] Ji.aol JI [from the Persian .,L.: or waist-wrapper], and *nake it fast, beneath the .i. q. Sj. [i.e. The part of the jljt (or
shift, in prauyer; (S;) from ;,~, q. v.: (TA:) waist-wrapper) wlhere it is tied round the waitt;
A, &c.]; (g, TA; in the Cl i lJIt;) which part is folded, or doubled]: (Sb, 14:)
or ,ie.iji3i'* j W-
rwhich is the Sul4dn of the e i; also called
.lJ whence * J,.. ?l, meaning "the binding, o0
she used, in prayer, to bind an 1jlj over the xhirt.
jitI X ljl. ; and which is townn in Iouses.
tying, the jIjl :" or the folds of the ;j~, let
(Msb.) [It is said that] t~l_l is also syn.
(TA.)_ J.I.I j..JI [Common clinopodium, witIth Ll, on the authority of A;: (S:) [i. e., down, before the wearer, for. the urponm of his
or wild basil,] 'j,i; (K, TA; in the CK that] ,I,l carrjing anything therein. (TA.) And An jlj
is syn. with .Iv~1: (Mlsh:) [and
'i. ' "jil;) [a word of Persian origin,] meaning that] ljtk [itself]; as also t .. (Hajum p. 37.) And A
.A.t.; signifies (g,) oror-,Oe-
cord, or rope, which one binds on the waist:
the musk of the Franks. (TA.).' I 'Jill,
&V ,91 ;-; ~: so says Aboo-'Obeyd, as on (1 :) and *,~ tiC [also] signifies a cord, or rope,
i. e. . , s; jJI[which is Garden-basil: the authority of As: but Az says that this is a
or an ijij, or other thing, with which the mait
u., ,,Jl
1 is said in the 1p, art. , to be ae.JIl mistake: that what As said was, that 3I;_m1, is bound; pl. ,i.": whence the saying, X
with .q, is syn. withl.L; I9,as ISk relates.
j.G.2il, with wide leaves; also called J'.JIl ! ;.i iJ, t.
meaning I Such a one prepared
(TA.) One says also, .4- . o1&,l1 s.--L
.i4tJl]. (TA.).__ .t 7 p [delissa, citrago, hinams;elf to go away; or applied hinmself ewlu.-
Ot~3Jltt.SI vr 4~i le [I bound the en-
sively and diligently to an ajfair. (.art p. 160.)
balm-mint, or balm-gentle,] t..q.J. I. (TA.)
closurefor cattle with canes, or reeds, (or perhaps
And The thong (i,;J [in the C. , erroneously,
- i.',ll m.JI What is eaten of JI Jal we should read e?i.:, i. e. with twigs,) like
[see art. .]. (K.) li;l1]) that connects the head to the [pieces of
as the trellises of the gtape-vine are bound with wood called] of the [carnrs saddle
Lo_, (S,O,L, TA,) in the K, erroneously, cords: see also the last sentence of this para-
called] ., (0, TA,) and of the [saddle called]
graph]. (Az, TA.)-[In the present day, i
jOm., (TA,) .Emission of wind from the anus, .j) ; (TA;) as also tJ3 ,.. (..) P1. (of the
with a sound; (S, O, L, K, TA ;) mostly used in also signifies He sewed the leaves of a book: and
former, TA) i_. and (of tho latter, TA)
relation to camels and sheep or goats; (K;) he bound a book.] 1 1 t." also signifies The act
accord. to Lth, in relation to goats; but some- of cutting: and Jmiting [or severing] the neck.
times used in relation to human beings; a simple (K.) One says, tfJo' , aor., and ', j.I: see ' ., in three places._-Also An
subst., as well as an inf. n.; (TA;) as also in n. ._.., (IAar, TA,) He struck him, or enclosure for cattle ( ), [made]
[" with canes,
t jt. (0) and t. (TA.) smote him, upon his middle, or waist, with the or reeds, (. , [or perhaps we shoutld read
jq.- J. [Boom I.
, i.e. wih
t t wi.,]) put croswie, and tan Righib, TA,) and the milly way: or ideal as also t li'.t.(TA.) [And accord. to the
bound, or tied: (Az, TA:) or pi~c of wood put tracks: (Er.Righib, TA:) or traks of clouds: CK,
CK, ,_m. also signifies
gnifies the same as 'lM. [i. e.
togptAcr like a i;., and thn bound in the (TA:) or beautiful li3J. [which is generally t The endearvonrin to conciliate; &c.]: but
middl mithl a co;d, or rope, that join thm understood to mean, in this instance, streaks, the reading in the TA, and in my M8 copy of
topgtAer. (Lth, TA.)-The J1ib [i. e. selages, or the like; but may also be rendered stages, one the ]K, is 4tI.: which, however, occurs after.
or the lihA,] of a garment, or piece of cloth. abovu another, to the number of seven]: (Zj, wave,in
wards in the I as a meaning of ~J and ofj,b.]
(Z,TA.)-The black throads with which are TA:) or structures, or construction: (Mujahid, mm
- .L , ( Mth, g, M,b, ],) aor. :, (Mqb, g,)
umwd tAh bordrs, or xtremities, of a (cloth of TA:) or beautiful construction. (I 'Ab, TA.)
See also the paragraph, above, commcncilig with inf. n. , (S, Mgh, Mb, , TA, [in the CV
the kind called] g. (Ibn.'Abbhd, TA.)I-A
J.,]) snaid of a woman, (R, Mgh, Mqb,) and of
streak, or ie, (iL,) in and and the like; any female beast, (Msb,) She was, or becama,
as also t 4;.: pi. of the fo:mer J; and of and 'J Bound, or tied; mad. pregnant: (ft, M9b, 5:) J
pp."ant and j; signify-
the latter tU,.: (:) or A., the pl. of .1L., fast, orj
frm: (g, TA:) made well: woven nwll: ing the same: (AO, ,ISd, g:*) or the former
(TA :) made beautiful in thte cfet of the work applies only to human beings; and the latter,
signifies the ridge of sand [that are formed by
therein: applied to a piece of cloth: (1, TA:) J
tAe mind]; (];) the ripples (LO) of sand, and and the former, to others. (Msb, TA.) You say i4 dI J.-j. j
[app. as meaning,firmly, or well,
of water, when moved by the wind; pl. of t-. made,] to a bow-string also. (TA.).For the [The time of his nmother' bein prenan witA him].
and of ':. (Az, TA:) [i. e.] former, see also .tl., in two places. (.) - [HIence,] 'ie' signifies also :The being
1 .sig
full. (ISd,4g,TA.) You say,, .Jl 1 ; and
nifies L. j . [the ~ pt of water]: and so ie.. and its pl. ASL;.: see ,jL., in seven
,jA JI jai.4u [the rimpl#e, or wary forms, places. ,ir,
,Q%, aor. :, (5,) inf. n. J;., (,T5:,)j: Hes
became full of beverage, or mie, and of mater,
of crisp hair, appearing as tAough it were (K, TA,) and his belly became smollre [(thkrrith,
[. 0, in the present day, signifies A sew.e. of
trumped]: (1:) [and the like of other things: the like that of a nprenant woman]. (TA.)- And
lIaves of books: a binder of bookh: and also
this in what is meant by the following passge :] an 1! The being angry. (,* TA.) You say,
ornamental sewer: and a maker of the kind
P, sa., o. t'; W * j 'e l of lace called 4j.] tt Suclh a one became angry. (T4.)
Striped; applied to a [garment, or 22 ;jl ja., inf n. 3, (M, A, 1[, in the
particularly to one of the kind called] . . .cg,
C!, and in my MS. copy of the K, erroneouly,
' a.;
JI.,s: (s:) [respecting the jl4 of a coat of mail, (A, TA.) -- /JI : see ,L_., in the latter tjPJ)
tj5l,]) The seed-prodluce shotforth (JJJ)onu
here mentioned, ee what follows: in like manner,] part of the pargraph. part thereof upon another, or parts tAdereof upo
t ;.' (T, 1) and ' . and A~., all upb. others: (M, IC, TA:) or the ears of tAhe seed-
.3g;: see ,e.. _ [Hence,] A strong produce [or corn] became compacted and JlU
of 4, [or rather . is a coll. gen. n,] horse; (V ;) firm, or compact, in make: (TA:) with the grain. (A, TA.)
signify the streak of locks of hair; (V ;) or of or trong in make; applied to a horse &c. ($.)
a helmet; (T, ]; [in the CId, i.1l is erro- And albi cl; A, beast having a well-knit 4. 'Ltb ,._l Tie [trees calkd] .t! p~
naeously put for i4l ;]) and likewise of sand, frame. (Sh, TA.) And ]j g J_
OJ duced their J, or ,;.; or] scattered their
such as are made by the wind: (T,TA:) the Even, and kigh, in the back and rump. (Lth, blomonu,
blouoms, and organied and compacted their
fruit [i. e. titair pods with the saed tAherein];
J4 of the sky, (M, B,) sing. ,4e; a ' , (:,) are TA.)
the tracks of the stars: ( :)
i, and .t.. expl. by ;4 Ig ;li [meaning j;L1 ]:
signifies also streaks, or tracks, in the sy : and (A, O, 5:) from "'d~l [q. v.], like it
(A, from
the heaven; because in them are the paths of . ,0 , (,) aor. , inf. n. .. (TA,) He 1... (AA, O, TA.) -; ,.., ($, 15,) in. n.
the stam: and 4J, the streaks of a mountain: bound, tied, or madefast, him, or it, with a rope, 3 , (TA,) lIe fecundated it; syn. de.ill.
(TA:) and ;J. .i-, the rows ofrings of a coat or cord. (5, TA.) - [Hence,] .~ signifies M
[also] t The making a covenant. (KL.) - And
of mail: (T7C in art. _,_:) [in a pasage in 5: see sec l.
the f, cited above, it seems to be implied that it tThe obtaining Zlt [i. e. a promis, or an 8: see 1, in four places.
means the rimples, or folds, thereof:] or the asurance, of security or safety]. (KL) - And
scale of silver with which a coat of mail is orna- Tue placing a snare for game. (KL.) And The J~
J~ i. q.'>j [a meaning A rope, or cord];
mented; likened to the cales on the back of a catching game with, or in, a snare. (KL) You (S;) a certain thing well knonn; (MNb;) a
fish, by their being termed the i;t~. of a coat say, I_., (Az,ISd,Mb,K,)aor. , (Mb,) thiiiy
thing rith which one ties, bind., or masfast, a
of mail: (TA in art. :) and .tm.JI it; , inf. n. );.; (M 9b,TA;) and t.,,o., (Az,S,
beast 4-c.; syn. L~: (M, 5:) and i. q. c.-i ,;[-a
the blackne.. of th part abo the rwing of the ISd, M 9 b, KC,) and t 'd~ ; (TA ;) He took, or meaning a halter]; (M, M,b, ;) us in the ]ur
pigorn. (Ibn-'Abbid, A, ].) The phrase a..Ij caught, the gane witA the ;iJ._ [or snare]: (Az, exi.
cxi. 5; (TA;) and so .,: (M, Y:) in the
ISd, Myb, V :) or he set up the iJ.. for the
I, former sense, the pl. [of pauc.] is *' ( m, ]:)
jt4., in a description of Ed-Dejjil [or Anti-
christ], means The hair of his head is rimpled gcame. (ISd, ~.) And t..JI h4 T"he sare and JI_J (M, ]5) and [of mult.] J_ (;, M,
(; .' ) by reason of crispne; like stagnant [cauh.t him, or] clung to him: and hence, t3j Mgb,
M9 b, ]O) and (M, ]) andd lit.. (L voce
water, and sand, when the wind blows upon &d. e.~ !.[Mote which his eyj caught]; a t.. [and J_..~ agreeably with a usage of the
them, and they in consequence thereof become metaphorical phrase, used by Er-R'ee; the eye Ambs,
Arabs, which is, to add; to any pi. of the mea-
being likened to the snare; and the motes, to 9'
rippled (4,I.1~); and marked ith streaks: sure J.h or of that of J, (see ,)] and
game. (TA.) And lJ j , . t [He s 1
or, u some my, it is AIJ ti. i, u in the ], t,.,Utob.,
tSt_, which is anomalous, as in the phraue
premted, as by a sare, or by a rope, from
meaning the unme; (TA;) or crisp-haired: (]4:) ;,J4J.I jsl,. [cords of pearls], occurring in a
quitting his place]. (TA.) And ;.j a*g; l
or ,iii ;l , (IDrd, 1,*TA,) meaning the tmd. or this is a mistranscription
[app. meaning t Her husband entrapped her. trad.; Pti for t1;q., (5,
same: (TA:) or ) or or laid a snare for Aher]. (TA.) And 1: TA, [in the CV -l;,_]) with : [and ej] and S:
aj4 Jo . .j;. (TA.) In the phrase, in the z.l I[Deathennared him; or took him]. (TA.)
(ISd, (TA :) and in the l~tter sense, the pl. is jY~.
]ur [li. 7], 1JI.;) [l.jIj, it is said that Z, TA.) And ai)U 2 . " Such a woman smote (M, M.b, 1.) In a tad. in which it is mid that
I.JI meuui the trac of th stare, (, ErF his heart with her love; [or captivated him;] a man's hand is to be cut off for his stealing a

j) to
Boor 1.J 8o0

J ;, the Je~ of a ship may be meanu. 'Mgh in sometimes to each of the trro external jugular tJ,(.8, Mgb,) or ;;JIl
art.-~ .)- [Hence, tA bond; caus*of union; eins;] also called ,jl j; a vein betwren (M!b, ],) L e. Heforbade tbe sellng of the off-
or link of connteion:] conneiom Wit another by the windpipe and tae [two sinews called the] sprng of the offarg (;, M9b, ) in the belly
the bond oflove orfriendslhip or the l k; (g, ], (Mqb, TA) of the she-mel &ce.; (Mob;) ti. e.,]
QtI ;I ; (Fr, TA;) a certain vein in the neck,
TA;) pl. JC.: (TA:) mutual connezion by the off.smpring of thefoetw (A 'Obeyd, $, M9 b) in
($,) or in the jI.. (Mb.) -tThe j3t [or the belly of the she-amel [&c.]; (A'Obeyd,
such a bond. (ISd, Mob, ].) You say, )t
part between the sAoulder.joint and the neck]: M9b ;) [i. e.,] what tAeftu will bringforth, if
015 rk- 1*j t Suck a one married his (.:) or ,J:1 ., (C,)or -i,JIJ";, (TA,) sig- it be afenale; (Mgh;) the &in lL.,I being the
daughter to such a one. (LIar p. 223.) And j nifies the aiiji [app. here meaning, as it does in
sign of the fern. gender; (A 'Obeyd, Mgh, Mob;)
bjk. - t He aids such a one in some other instances, oblong muscle] that is be- or a sign of intensiveness of the signification:
seeing, or idemanding, a woman in marriage. tmeen the neck and the head of the shoulder-blade: (IAmb, TA:) for the Arabs in the Time of
(TA.) And it is said in a trad., C. t;Z;t c,, or a sinew between the neck and the shoulder- Ignorance used to sell the offbpring of the off-
IU COi. '' qnji t t Vcrily there is be- joint: (g:) or jfI- j.; signifies a bond, or spring in the bellies (T, M, Msb, TA) of pregnant
twes; us and the party a connezion by the bond ligament, betreen the .,1tr and the neck; (T, beasts, (T, Mob,) or of sheep or goats: (M, TA:)
of love or friendship or the like, and we are Msb, TA;) or betnween the neck and the dtoulder- or the meaning is, what is in the belly of te she-
camel: (A 'Obeyd, Esb-Shifi'ee, 1 :) or the pro-
sering it. (TA.) You say alh, JSj1 .9 ilI joint: (Lth, TA:) or certain sinews. (Q.)- duce of thae grap-ine before it has attained to
t A certain wein, or nerve, (,ja,) in thefor arm,
t Verily he is large, or liberal, in disposition; [or maturity: (M, ] :) but Sub disapproves of this
(;, TA,) extending from th;e ,tet until it be-
in the scope of his friendsip;] and J,Jl `0' last explanation, as a mistlke occasioned by the
comes concealed in the shoulder-joint: (TA:) or
nato,ow therein. (TA.).-A covenant, orconm- ljJI ,J3 is [a oein, or nerve,] in the arm: ; in a.L.Jl. (TA.) - tAnything that is in ano-
pact: (S, Msb, K, TA:) :a covenant, or an ther thing: thus, for instance, the pearl is the
obligation, by which one becomes responsible for (W:) or A'jl;1 0J signifies the sinews that j.:. of the oyster-shell; and the wine is the J.
the safety, or safe-keeping, of a person or thing: appear upon the tmo fore arms; and in like of the glass bottle. (A, TA.) Fulnmes; (ISd,
(1, TA:) and I a promixe, or an asrurance, of manner, thoe of a hors. (TA.) One says, K, TA; [see J ;]) as also ,j.. (IAr, v.)
security, or safety; (A 'Obeyd, S, Msb, S, TA;) JA&;S ); ic j, (S, TA,) a prov., (S,) - Anger: (,TA:) anger and grief; as in
such as a man, desiring to make a journej, used meaning ! He, or it, is near to thee: (T, S,
[and still uses] to take.from the chief of a tribe: $gh :) or within tthy power, or reach; or possble, the saying ,. a t In him i anger and grief:
(Az, I8d, K, TA:) from the sme word as mean-
(A 'Obeyd, TA:) pl. jl.. (TA.) You say, or practicable, to thee; or eaty to thee. (ISd, Z,
ing the "pregnanoy" of a woman. (As, TA.)-
itLi" J3%_t *' -A : Tiere were between TA.)_. Also, (1g,) or 2,Ui ! ,a, (TA,) t A
them covenants, and obligations nwhereby they certain tein, or nerve, (,sj,) in the back, (V,
J.. Ja;. A cry by which p or goats are
chidden. (6gh, g.)
were resionsible for one another's safety, and TA,) etendingfrom the beginning thereof to its
they broke them. (TA.) And it is said in the end.. (TA.)_yWI Q6 ,JG.J, (:,) or Jle L:;_: see ^_
[iii. 108], ,,A1 s Jeaj ail C,JI, (M,) tThe sinews of the two hank;. J_ The .fuit, or produce, of the [kind of
I UnlesU [they have] a covenantfrom God and a (M
, JLaJ (f,)
'9 or *JSL.. trees called .L, ($, K,) in general: ( :) or
covenantJrom men: (Ibn-'Arafch, TA:) for the
.J1,L (M,) tThe veins (j .) of the peni. the pod, or receptacle of the seeds, of the and
unbeliever requires a coveioaait from God, which
consists in his being of those who have a revealed (M, K..)-.. 'klJlA also signifies The station of ,*C; [so accord. to AZ; au appears from a com-
sripture without which he cannot retain his reli- the horae collected for a race, before they are let parison of paasges in ar. Jb in the T and TA ;]
gion nor enjoy protection, and a covenant granted go. (K.) [Probably it was marked by an ex- that of other [trees of the kind called] .tL being
to him by men. (Er-1R6hib, TA.) And it is tended rope; and for that reason was thus called.] termed _;': (TA:) or the fruit, or produce, of
~Also Heariness; wight, or weightiness; pon-
also said in the ]ur [iii. 98], uXI l"-j- ~ the ., ;esmbling the [speces of kidAny-ben
deroumne; sy.. (AZ, g.) calledJ . ; (IAyr, TA;) or of thea and
i. e. [(And hold yefast] by the covnant of God:
(TA:) or tthe means of approach, or acces, unto J..: see 'L.. JlG and ' Os, .) whieh is a curd thing,
OGod; i. e. the .Kur-in,and the Prophet, and containing small black grains, resembling letil:
intelligence, 4c., which are the means of obtaining J.4A calamity, or misfortune; (, ;) as (M,TA:) or, acord. toAO, a pcies of tre;
the protection of God; for Jf. is metaphorically aluo ,,..*: (K :) pl. J_... (, .) ISd acites as is the J~: (Az, TA:) pl. (or rather
applied to any means of access to a thing: (Er- as an ex. the saying of EI-Akbhtal, this is a coll. gen. n.,] and [the proper pl. is]
RAghib, TA:) or these words of the gur mean J.,i.. (].) Hence, in a trd. of 8ad, C
t and fallow ye the Jfur-n, and abstainfrom mJI Ik,i..JI " [We havn no food
schism. (A 'Obeyd, TA.) And in like manner,
the saying of Ibn-Mes'ood, .XIi n, '
* J,4' ?L z E except the z . and the leave of the ]. (,
[And I was sound of heamrt until cdamities befell TA.).-A kind of ornawment by women,
means t Keep ye to the Book of God; for it is a me from tts replendentfemalet, eAibiting their ($, V, TA,) fashioned in the form of the fruit
security for you, and a covenant, against dthe beauty]. (TA.) - J J. tA learned, saga- thu called, (TA,) and put upon neclat~, (,
punishment of God. (A'Obeyd, TA.)-: An TA,) ud in tahe Time of Ignora. (A, TA.)
cious, intelligent man. (IAr, ]g.*) [And j.
elongated, or extended, tract of sand, (T, ?, M,
also signifies t Very intelligent, or ery cunning. -A certain herb, ( ISd, g,) smweet, or
Mgh, V,) collected together, abundant, and high:
Pl. Jl;.] You say, C't;. aJ i l, mean- pleaant, of the herbs termed jL : so ays
(T,TA:) or ie 1X1 means a long, ex-
ing I Verily he is one who paoes much intelli- ISd: and in one place he says, a ertain tree
tended, tract of sand, collected together, and ele-
oated: (Msb:) [or simply a long, or long and gence, or mucA cunning: and verily he is a gentle which [the l~zards termed] .,t eat. (TA.)_
elevated, tract of sand; likened to a rope, as is manager of cattle. (lSd, 1g,TA.) See also what next follows.
indicated in the Mgh :] pl. J.. (TA.) - [tA Jgm: see a.. It is also an inf. n.; i.e., . (M, A, ]) and t4, (M, A,) or t ,
long, creeping, or twining, stalk or sAoot or branch; of ... (~, Mgh, Msb, 1.) -- And it is also a (,) tA grape~ e; (M, A, ] ;) its hrmnes
likened to a rope or cord: pl. 31;.: often occur- being likened to ropes, or oords: (A, TA:) or
simple subst.: (], TA: [in the CI, l
a stock of a grapevine: ( :) the first of these
ring in descriptions of plants by A.n and others.] is erroneously put for .,ul:]) [i. e.] it also words has the latter signification (Mgh, TA)
_8ee also 4 'j.j JI; t [a name signifies The fetua in the womb: (Mgh:) pl. accord. to As: (TA:) or it signifies a stoch of
applied to each of the two carotid arteries, and J_bl. (1g,) It is said in a trad., J C- a grapvine having its branc pread upon its
BL I. 64
506 [Boox I.
trdlises: (TA:) or the first and second signify Ji3 k isJjlg; .'. [r,.ighten thou the wolf to cited above, the last word, accord. to some, is
a branch of a grape-vine: (?:) or, accord. to catch him n'ith the snare]; 3Jl3 meaning the ttJ0...JI,
e. 0
(TA,) which means Jt.Il, (,TA,)
Lth, i_. [thus in the TA, without any syll. wolf: applied to him whose threatening is not and this is the reading best known, signifying
sign,] signifies a grape-vine: and also a t3} cared for: i. e., threaten another than me; for the place ofgestation in the womb. (TA.)
[app. here meaning an arch] of the branches of I know thee. (Meyd, TA.)_ [Hence,] 'L I
a grape-vine: so in the T: (TA:) and t.4i. O4Jl j5Lu.. t [W1omen are the snares of the see
c: what next precedes.
aild t*?. [are coll. gen. ns., and] signify grape.
Devil]. (TA.) And ?jJ1 ,j;. t T/he causes s:ee .e~., first sentence. - Also Hair
Vines. (1g.) _.j. . A sortt of grapes of
of death. (IK.) And l1 iL&. ' t Ifc is one crispled, or twisted and contracted: so accord. to
El.t-Tdif, white, and pointed at the extremities.
whvo takes good care of the camels, so that they the k.; in which is added, ..JI t.Z; but the
(TA.) _ See also J: i and see what next
follows. do not escape from him. (TA.) _ For the pl. right reading is A.JI
-' [lile the rope or
l;L:., see also L.., in tieo places; in the first cord]: or having its locks twisted like ropes or
UL,. Pregnant; (, Mgh, Mob, I ;) as also
sentence, and near the end of the paragraph. cords: [thus many Ethiopian races, and some
t2i_.; (11;) and t'^.. also occurs in the of the Arab women, twist their h:lir, like cords;
snme sense: (ISd, 1 :) applied to a woman, (S, jl_.
One who binds, ties, or mlakes fast, a and thus, generally, did the ancient Egyptians:]
MgIh,) or, accord. to AZ, to any animal having ;rope, or cord. (TA.) Hence, (TA,) l$ I1 or, accordl. to the M, i. q. j; [meaning
a nail, ($,) or to any beast, as, for instance, a plaited, or tristed]. (TA.)
.551, a prov., (1K, TA,) meaning O binder,
sheep, or goat, and a cat: (Msb:) pl. of the
or tyer, of the rope, bear in mind the time of J).,. A wild animal caught, or entangled, in
first L . ( .MMh, g. M,
MMg , ) and ; " .le(Msb,
untying. (TA.)-_The setter of th/e snare (;J%L ) a ;t_. [or snare]: (S:) or one for which a
1) and AI,Jl,., ($, TA,) which last is pl. of j . : for game; (, TA ;) as also *',y.-. (TA.)
(TA :) and the pl. of 4i . is * i;,, (.K,) which XL.~. been set, though he may not as yet have
It is said in a prov., .l1I j1l.41 l1 ($) faillen into it: and t J., [in the CIF erro-
is cxtr. (TA.) One says, 5 1J3
t The setter of the snare became confoundled'n ith neously .~] one that has fallen into it,
,j La t [The night is pregnant: thou knon,est
the shooter of the arrows: (TA in art. ". :) (1Sd, K,) and been taken. (ISd, TA.)
not n,hat it will bring forth]: meaning that the or, in this instance, (S,) kaw.JI sibgnifies the
events of the night are not to be trusted. (TA.) 7vnarp; and ,4I, the woof. (S, K.) And in : see what next precedes. Also [The
Sec also,i'.. another provey., _:l4 G . ULt They place of the htobble; i. e.] ! the pastern of a
-- andn i5L and j Ojf, or re- kindled mischief among themselves: (.i,TA:) beast: (T, TA:) or the pasterns of a horse:
(S, :) originally used in relation to a bird
lating to, one that is OS.,i.e. pregnant. (S,I.) 0.taJI [properly] signifying the owner of the
caught in a suare. (A, TA.)
;I.; and jUI, the shooter , ith o, or the
Li_~: see S - [Hence,l :'Lf
. Full see
s l.
owner of J. : i. c., their case became confused:
[of beverage, or wine, and of water; see.];
and sometimes it is applied to a lparty whose casc
ns also O;: . fem. of the former U ; and has become turned from its proper state, and who
of the latter t1, .. [which is anomalous]: (AHn, become roused, or stirred up, one against another.
1. oc , nor. :; (S, ;) and ' .; inf. o.
ISd, K, TA:) and ,;La man full of beverage (Az, TA.) One says also, sU ui& 41.. j~ (of the former, TA) _ and (of the latter, TA)
or wine. (Z, TA.) - And e."; AIngry; (, t lie turned it upside down. (KI.) And aq.l .; (.K ;) He (a man) had the dropsy; as
TA;) fullof oi ai
anger; against nuch a dL .4;_., and e..1 , J.A, tTurn tlou it also 1
&t : (KL:) he had a disease in the
one: (TA:) fem. with ;. (ibn-'Arafeh, K, TA.) upside donwn. (TA.) - An nchanter. ($gh, belly, whereby it became large and rmollen. (I.)
CJ".: see the next preceding paragrnph. .K,TA.)-zA [lizard of the kind called] , _ [Hence,] 4i , aor. :, (v,) inf. n. C~,
[By rule, it should be with tenween, like c9., that feeds upon the aU- [q. v.]; (S, M,: ;) (TA,) t He becamefilled with anger against him.
and should form its fem. with 3.] and so a gazelle. (TA.) seC
seektl: (K. TA.)
Oj.[. A rope [in the form of a hwop] by 4. a..1 [It caused Ahim, or his bellUy, to become
- . . means of which one ascends paln-trees; (9, M, largeand swollen]: said of a disease [app. dropsy]
K ;) made of bark, or of [the fibres of the palm- that has befallen one; or of much eating. (TA.)
jOL.: see J0~.. Also t A:luch hair. (Az, tree called] .. (.Har pi). 544-5.) 8: secl.
TA.) The tree calUed ,U [q. v.]; as also
* O
_1: wsee voce
J: see Ja.e
J0._l and aji.l: see ail.a..
.,e.. (1g.)
3J1e ' t One who stands in his place like and t * i. q. J - [all which are
._ The time of pregnancj: (g:) [or the
the lion, not fleeinq: (?:) or + courageous: (s, npplied in thc present day to A boil]: (. :) and
time of one's m7other's pregnancy: for] yb)u say,
TA:) and an appellation given to t a lion; (1, [small swellings or pustules, of the kind termed]
TA;) as though he were prevented, as by a Q i tJi.~ LU~ Xb 'that was in the time ttw, (K,) like j: (S K:) or a thing that
snare, or by a rope, from quitting his place; not of such a one's mother's being pregnant with him.
(S, TA.) So in the saying of EI-Mutanaikhkhili comes upon the body, or person, generating pus,
quitting it, by reason of his boldness. (TA.) or thick purulent matter, and swelling: pl. [of
al _. (Q Mohb,
Mb ) and V sl,l (Lth, Mb
hi ) the former] C;jO . (K.) Also, the former,
VL 1 - lL 1 * SM ZS1
An ape, or a monkey; syn. . (Kr, I.)
and jJt (Lth, 1) A snare; or thing by
[His possessions by means of which he preseves
mneans of which one takes, catches, or snares, The dropsy; (S ;) a disease in the belly,
game, or wild animals, or birds; (, M, 1 ;) of himself shlaU not presroe him from death: that
was written for him in the time rwhen his mother vhereby it becomes large and swloUen. (K.) -
whateter kind it be; (M, TA;) a a!;, and the The yellow water [of the blood; i. c. the serum:
was pregnant with him: or the last word is
like: (Myb:) or J&.m. peculiarly applies to the a superabundant effusion of which, in the body,
J).3l: so in the TA in arts. jL. and J.: see
cord (i..) of him vwho takes, catche , or snares, constitutes dropsy]. (TA.)
gamne or the like: (Er-lA,ghib, TA:) pl. of the what here follows, in the next sentence]: or
the meaning is that here following. (TA.)_- L^;: see O.
first Jlt., (Msb, TA,) and of the second [and
[The register of God's decrees; which is called]
third] ijwl;. (Myb.) It is said in a prov., the first woriting: (ISd, V:) but in the verse : see O..l: and see also ..
Boox I.] k>-- -30- 507
o-, .1J
, .. A A certain email beast or reptile, (., 1 without [receiving] any faoour, or benefit: or
,well knon; (RK;) the a: (Mgh:) or in a general sense. (K.. [See also *.t. below.])
GL, (Ms, g,) [aor. in n. ,
a tpecieof the [hind of lizards termetn] 'o; (],) He, or it (a thing, Msb, TA), was, or You say, ID ;q._ and I.j$ He (God, or a
of stinking odour: (Mqb:) so called because of beame, or drew, near. (MSb, 1g.) And hence, man,) gave him such a thing without [recsivin,g]
the largenes of its belly; from 0.E1 [q. v.]: (TA.) i any favour. or benefit, and without requital.
e~ I was, or became, or
also called t I': ; (S, Msb, . ;) and sometimes (Ijam pp. 3-27 and 604,) - And also, (1.,) aor.
drew, near to.fjify [years]; (S, ISd, TA;) [as
the article Ji is prefixed to it, (S, Myb, K,) so as above, inf. n. t1., (TA,) He denied him,
also c.7,.I Z_.; for] IAr says that It1.
that it is called C>W.Jl ..1, (., Msb,) by poetic refused him, or refused to give him; (, TA.;)
and lJ t.. both have this signification. (TA.) on the authority of IA~r only. (TA.) Thus
license: (TA:) it is of the form of the J~ [or the verb bears two contr. significations. (L.)
-- t -ml' 1 f J' ... The ribs joined to
chameleon], broad in the breast, and large in the
the backbone; (I ;) and in like manner, with _ i, - . L. l e defended, protected, or
beUy: (TA:) or, accord. to some, (TA,) it is
the same meaning, one says of the entrails: and guarded, what was around him; (AS, , ];) as
the femae of the 4;m: (. and MSb and K in
the ribs were near to the bachbone. (TA.) And also t t.., inf. n. i_.3. (8, 1.) J cites as
art. , , and TA in the present art. :) accord.
to As, it is a small reptile resembling the [hind of
.,j.;t, ,r_, (K,) inf. n. as above, (TA,) an ex. of the former verb, from a poem of Ibn-
i. e. [The extremities of the ribs, projecting over Ahmar, the phrase j L .. [Uas though
lizard caled] -. ,: (Msb:) or, as somc say, a meaning A stallion did not defend them]; refer-
certain reptile of the size of a man's hand: or, the beUly,] were long, so that thley rereo near one
ring to she-camels: but accord. to AHn, it means
accord. to Ibn-Ziy(d, a dust-coloured reptile, another. (g.) And .j.l %' The water-course,
did not regard them; being occupied with him-
with four legs, and of the size of a frog that is or channel of a torrent, became [contracted,] so
self. (TA.) You say also, ,,.i, , . ,
not large; and when the children hunt it, they that one part thereof was neat' to another. (g.)
and ,L.t j [Such a one fights is their
say to it, --- _, (8, Mgh, MSb, K,) nor. , (Mgh, defence; or defends them in a distant quarter:
Msb,) in n. .. , said of a child; (S, M, Mh Msb, but generally meant ironically: see 1 in art.
K,) before he stands; (Lth, TA;) as also ' ,b.]: both signify the same. (Abu-l-'Abbas,
[Umm-el-Hobeyjn, spreadforth thy two wings: aor. , inf.
. n. . which, however, is rare; TA.)
werily tihe commander is looking at thee]: they (Msb;) He crept, or crawled, [or dragged him-
2: see 1.
hunt it until fatigue overcomes it, when it stops, self along,] upon his posteriors;
(Mgh;) or so
standing upright upon its two hind lets, and 3. t1, (Mb, ,) in. n. !Q.1. (Msb,],
spreads forth two wings that it has, of the same L.; k m.: (8:) or he went along upon his
KL) and L., (],) re vied, or contended, with
dust-colour; and nwhen thecy hunt it further, it posteriors, protruding his chest: (g:) or went him in giving. (KL.) - He aided him, or
spreads forth wings that were beneath those two along onfour [or, as we say, on allfJburs]: in this assisted him: he treated him, or behaved towards
wings, than which nothing more beautiful in last sense it is used by the lawyers. (Mgrli.) And, him, with partiality; was partial towards hinm:
colour has been seen, yellom and red and green said of a man, lie went along upon his hanls, or and inclined towards him: (] :) he treated
and white, in streaks, one above another, very arms, and his belly: (K :) or upon his hands, or him in an easy and a gentle manner. (MSb.)
many; and when it has done this, they leave it: arms, and his Inees: or upon hiis 7i7steriors?:or
_ t
-- ;L mL.,(S, MA,) inf. n. jlWl. , (:,
no osifpring of it is found; nor any genital upon his elbows and knees: (TA:) [or he crept, or
Mgh, KL,) He abated the pries, or payment, to
organ: (TA:) the appellation e 1 is deter- crawled: for] you say, la.. 1 ;.. La, meaning him in selling: (MA, KL, PS:) or he treated
lle came not save creepling, or cranling: and
minate, like ?,, C.t t and ~..jI wtl; (S, M.b;) .. ` ... .- him in an easy and a gentle manner therein:
I'*..a1 5~' q.J IC [Such a one escaped not
anid [so is * 4':, like iLG'; ($ ;) but deter- save creeping, or crawling]. (TA.) Also, said (T :) from ' t. signifying " a gift." (Mgh.)
minate as a generic appellation: (S, M.s :) the of a camel having his fore shank bound up to his
4. ~.tU Lj He shot, and made his arrow
suppression of the article does not render it in- arm, He crept, or crawled, along: [or he dragged to fall short of the butt (IAQr, ) and twen to
determinate; which is contr. to rule: (S, K :) himself along on the ground:] and, said of a leap so as to hit the butt. (I Ar, TA.)
the pl. is . .1, [which is strange,] and camel, he lay down, and crept, or crawled, [or 5: see what next follows.
.- , at'
,i dragged himself along,] by reason of fatiyue:
.,I (Msb.) - The Arabs say, in one of 8. .1.He drew together and confined hiJ
or; as. some say, being constrained to ascend a
their imprecations, , *aj:u.ai ., difficult tract of sand, he protruded his chiest, back and his shanks (, Mglh, Myb, and Har
meaning t [AlMay God pour upon thee] the night. and then crept, or cran'led. (TA.) -[Hence,] p. 179) with his lI' (,) or with a garment,
(Ibn-Buzurj, TA in art. ,...) said of an arrow, It glidled along the ground, or piece of cloth, or wnith some other thing, (Mgli,
Msb, and IHar ubi supra,) when sitting, to be like
4-.: sce the next preceding pararphl, in and then hit the butt: (S:) or so i eff
him who is leaning [his bach against a wall]:
two places. (Msb.)_ And j . l L., (K,) inf. n. ~, (TA,)
(Har ubi suprzi:) he drew his legs against his
. 6.s The cattle clave to the ground, motionless, by
C,.1 Having the drop.y; (, Mgh, Mb ;) as reason of emaciation. (..)-And belly nvith a garment, or piece of cloth, confining
/.t J , them tlherewith, together with his bach, and bind-
also ' 7,e.. (KL) [and ' ' so0;in the Lex. (1g,) inf. n. ., (TA,) The ship ran. (1.) - ing it, or mahing it tight, upon them, so as to
of Golius; and so in the present day]: having a WJL It (a thing) presented itself, or its breadth, presrve him from falling, [wlun he sat,] like a
disease in the belly, whereby it becomes large and or width, or its side, to him, or it; syn. , 1, wnall: (IAth, TA:) and t signifies the
swollen: (J :) fern. ( , 1,) applied
a;'.., to a (1g,) or ,.., ; (Mgh;) as do, for instance, same: (TA:) or ?,J .. l he innrapped
woman: (S :) pl. ~. (TA.)_.Hence, (TA,) waves to a ship; (TA;) and as clouds, like a himself with the garment: or he drew togeth~ .
the fem., $ Dig-bellied; (1g,TA;) applied to a mountain, before they cover the sky. (S.) And and confined his bach and his shanks with a turban
woman. (TA.) And t A foot (. ) having , or. n, . ., The sands rose
inf or the like: ( :) for the Arabs not having walls
much flesh in the a [app. here meaning the up, extending sideways (Li..'): (TA:) or ex- in their deserts to lean against in their usembling,
pulpy portion of the sole]; (s];) as though it tended Widely. (IApr, TA.) l, (S, Msb, K,) the man used to set up his knees in his sitting,
were mwoUllen. (TA.) And tA pigeon (.;.,.) aor. as above, (TA,) in. n. _ (TA) and and put against them a sword, or surround them
that does not lay eggs: pl. '>_. (]s.) [and his back] with a piece of cloth, or knit his
(., TA,) or this is a simple subst., (1.,) and the hands, or arms, together upon them, and rest
inf. n. is t., (Msb,) or this last also is a simple against them; this standing him in stead of lean-
s:ee the next preceding paragraph.
subst., (S, t,) He gaw him (S, Msb, K) a thing ing. (I;ar ubi suprL) The doing this in one
-'ai.t..lng,y.(i.) (Mhlb) without any compensation (Msb, O) and garment is forbidden, in a trad., lest, by accident,
64 a
[BooK I.
what decency requires to be concealed should like a child; or from m; like as ., is from or mith a stick, or piece of wood, (Mgh,am.)
become exposed. (lAth, TA.) You say also, ,..l or nwith the end of a tone or of a stick or pice
,~,, (.Ham,) or from 41.,U1 _: (TA:) or,
[He confined his legs against h bellUy with his of wood. (Az, M9 b.) And jl ',,
as also Y.s,, a collection of clouds overpeering (A, M^b,)
hands, or arms, in sitting, to support himself by inf. n. as above, (~, Msb,) He removed the leavr
so doing]. (;, Mqb.*) [See also .] (h., in [some of] the copies of the IC, erro-
i"1)l [by rubbing or scraping], (Mgb,) from a branch,
with the sword is practised on the occasions of neously, 3 , 1 TA) from the horizon upon the
earth: or heaped up, one part above another. (S,) or from trees. (A.) - Hence, ii"iit ;, ~
making a covenant for mutual protection, or war, (A, TA,) inf. n. as above, (TA,) I God dstroyed,
or appointing a chief, and the like; because the (K, TA.)
or may God destroy, his property: (A:) or God
sword may be wanted in these cases. (ylam U .: see the next preceding paragraph. caused his prolrty to pasu away, and so reduced
p. 711.) him to poverty; .r may God cause &c. (TA.)
,_. Near; applied to a thing of any kind.
t.: ee o?. -And ';>JI . -:-, (A,* TA,) aor. and inf. n.
(s.) [Hence,] ,j1 jtl;. Having the leads of as above, (TA,) lHe repelled him, drove himn
m. A grape: (K:) or grapes when tey first the ribs connected [by means of the cartilage.],
back, or turned him back, froms the thing. (A, 8
gro,/fonm the berry, not from planting: (TA:)
one ,vith another. (Az, TA.) And &tiJ 2 TA.) __; i dLe. t I:e payed him hastily a
pl. ,. (..) .i,J.1 Verily he is protuberantin the two dides. hundred di.heims. (A, TA.*) And b,, jLt"
(S.) _- laving the shoulder-joints elevated to, or t lie inflicted upon him hastily a hundred iashes
toward(, the neck; (QK;) applied to a man, and
i;. a subat. from Lt.$n, (YagJoob, $, [,) likewise to a camel. (TA.) -An arrow tkhat ruith a tvhip. (, A.)-;jJl - i.q. ;

a also t [He put the thing; put it down; &c.]. (g.)-

. (s,Meb, ) and i 'a (g) and creeps along (.Kt, K) upon the ground (.Kt) to the
See also 6.
t :1.. and t ^.1_: (Ke, :) meaning [The act butt, (Kt, K,) having fallen short of it: (Kt:)
or an arrow that glides along ti e ground, and 4. .,~1 It (the kind of tree called .;;)
denoted by ._I; i. e. 't;.1l:and also] a
then hits the butt: pl. i, .. (Msb.) Hence the dried, or dried up. (J.)
turban, or piece of cloth, or tome other thing.
with which a man performs what it termed saying, in a trad., OW! ; je. te/~. 0), i. e. An 6. .ta.j It became rubbed and scraped off;
/t;-j: (H.ar p. 179:) pl. ,. (Ya4oob, TA) arrow juch as is termed ., , though weak, as also tV4Jvl: (1 :) it (a thing) became scat-
and y.. (Ya4ooh, S, TA.) [See an ex. from having hit the butt, is better than one that goes tered, strcen, or dispersed; or became to by
a trad. voce beyond tiw butt by its vehemence of passage, degrees, part after part; syn. .. (S.) And
. ':and see also a verse of
and its force, not having hit it: meaning, by the
El-Farezda4 cited voce ;.] Hence, OJ. 3
J. two arrows, one who attains the truth, or righlt, jjj3l1 lt,3, (A, TA,) or lit.; (3I;) and
and ' 4, mean t He rose, or stood up, or a part thereof, though weak; and another who t-Jl, (A,) or-... tJ; (g ;) and *,:, (K,)
and t He sat. (gar p. 179. The former phruse goes beyond it, and far [aor., app., :, the verb being intrans.,] inf. n.
from it, though strong.
is also mentioned in the S.) And the saying, ;_..; (TA;) and * (g;) The ";
(TA.) A thing presentingitself, or its breadth, leaves
wa,l Lg;iUa-Jl
[The tlings used for the became rubbed and scraped of: (A:) orfall (K)
or width, or its side; as also t15'; (K ;) as in
purpor of .;tul are the walls of the Arabs: from the branch &c.: or fell succesively, one
the saying of E-'Ajaj1, describing a [vesscl such
see 8]. (TA.) And the saying, in a trad. of El- as ofter another. (TA.) And 3J,lI -:l. 3 T,e
is called] j.3,
Abnaf (when he was asked in a time of war, tree shed its leaves, one after another. (Myb.)
"When is forbearance?"), tV; hjl, S G.;. ;1lilA
[On the UI di
J ~t And ,-l..- , _j1 His hair fell oJ
occasion of .Lh.l]; meaning that forbearance is i. e. [So it,] vwhen waves present themselves, or from his head. (TA.) And ,1ti ... tj Hir
to be approved in peace, not in war. (TA.) their breadth, &c., to it. (TA.) [Hence,] lj teeth feU out, one after another. (TA.)_
Ijl.JI on Friday, when the Imim is reciting the ..,6. Overpearing [Hence,] .Jj .l tHis sinsfellfrom him.
sands presenting themselves, or
khutbeh, is forbidden; because :"k I1induces (TA, from a trad.)
their breadth, &c. (TA.) And j1. -j A
sleep, and exposes the purity of the worshipper
heavy, ovs7pering mountain. (TA:)_ Also A 7: see 6, in three places.
to be annulled. (TA.) m 8ee also a . . certain plant: ( :) so called because of. its R. Q. 1. /: see ',,;A.
y.: see .~: and see also :%. height. (TA.) And i,El. A tract of sand (ti.),
(1,TA,) elevated and overpeering, (TA,) pro- R. Q. 2: see6.
._; wsee ;~_, in two places. ducing that plant. ([, TA.) ~. (indecl., with kesr for its termination,
'r.i; (,Mgh, )h,a sublt. from ;. "he gave TA) A cry by wrhich birds are chidden. (v.)
him without any compensation" &e., ( a,)salso c~: see t;.-. Also Dead; [as though
95 *. (M b,9 ) and ti; and ti3; ( ;) l. aor. . .. -, inf.
x. us~..::
see 11 in
in art.
art. strewn upon the ground, in fragments;] applied
all held by L!i to be inf. ns.: (TA:) or meaning ~nu. to locusts (:.): pL. ; .tl; (s;) its only pl.
A gift. (8, Mgh.) And the first, The dowry of
4a-: see O" (MF.) [Hence, app.,] C Ut.bf and 1 i.
a woman or wife. (TA.) See also i., in
S - .3 S They destroyed them. (A, TA.) - Dates (')
two place. A and a.: see art. y,.
a . not sticking together. (K,' TA.) [See also ,..]
~.: aee -A., s._AA colUction of cloud; -_ A Jleet, or swift, horse; (S, A;) au though
syn. ,a...; because it creeps along; or from aS
he scraped the gronnmd; (A;) light in pace, and
1i. meaning us~, wherefore it is also called 1. A_3, (A, Mgh, Mqb, ], ec.,) aor. ', (Mgh, wide in step: pL as above: (S:) or aflect, or
,.,la: (Mgh:) or applied to a collection of aI swift, and excellent horse; (;) that runs swiftly
Mb,) inf n. c.., (M, Mgh, Msb,) He scraped
cloud as meaning that prewnts itself, or its it, or rubbed it, off, (Az, Mgh, Msb, TA, and and much, or thatfurrow the ground muc writA
breadth, or width, or its side, or stends sideoays, .Ham p. 310,) or rubbed it and scraped it off, (A, his feet: (TA:) also geneu and igh-bred
(?, lHam p. 785, and EM p. 1,) heaped up, ,) or wcraped it off by little and little, (Az, (L .oS [app. as applied to a horse]): (1:)
(EM,) in the tracts of the horizon, (.am,) like TA,) namely, a thing, (TA,) as, for instance, and aJleet, or smi/ft, camel: (1:) a quick-pacd
a mwnrtain, before it cowrt the sky; (}, EM;) blood, (A, TA,) or semen, (?, A,) or something and light-paced camel; as also * L: (TA:)
as alsot ; ( ;) so called because near to the dry, (yam ubi supri,) from a garment, (8, A, and a male ostrich. (;.) The Hudhalee says,
earth, (g, jam,) as though creeping, or crawling, ]Ham, TA,) or the like, (1, Hlam,) with the hand, (8,) namely, El-Aqam, (TA,)
Boox I.]
mentioned by few. (Mughnee.) _ It is used as O. JI [The people visited thee: ecen the
a preposition governing the gen. case, in the same cuppers]. (Mughnee.)- It is also used as an
manner as ji ($, Mughnee) in respect of mean- inceptive particle, (,, Mughnee,) preceding a
(8, TA:) he likens himself, says As, in his run- ing and government, (Mughnee,) denoting the nominal proposition, (Mughnce,) as in the fol-
ning and fleeing, to a male ostrich, as is shown end of an extent; ($;) [signifying To, till, until, lowing verse (of Jereer [so in a copy of the S]):
by what precedes this verse: ( :) by 1jl .L or to the time of;] but the word that it so governs
WI; c_., i. e. :fleet, or
is said to be meant a.lI. must be a noun properly so called, not a pronoun
except in a case of poetic license; and must
srnfi, when emaciated by journeying; the subst.
signify the last part, or portion, of what is signi- [And the slain ceased not to emit their blood into
X, being said to be put for the inf. n. kSj:
fied by that which precedes s, as in the saying, the Tigris, so that the water of tle Tigris was of
(A,* L:) some of the Ba.rces say that the poet t. C' "... .
means a camel; but As disapproves of this, be- y~.
9 ja ~ c q . l [I ate the fishl, even to its a mixed colour consisting of red and white]: ($,
cause to that which he liere dcscrilces he has head]; or must be prefixed to the word signifying Mughnee:) and preceding a verbal proposition,
before applied the epithet %.: ISd says that that part, or portion, as in the saying, [in the of which the verb is a pret., as in the phrase,
in his opinion he likens his horse or his camel to Iur xcvii. Inst verse,] )4M iirn. - [in the Iur vii. 93,] jU lio [So that J..
a male ostrich, because of the epithet JMA., pre- [A night of peace, or of salutation, is it, until the they became numerous, and said]: (Mughnee :)
ceding, and becunse neither the hlorse nor the time of the rising of the dawn]. (Mughnee.) It and preceding a marfooe aor., as in the phrme,
camel cats the colocynthl, but tllis plant is cropped is also followed by a mansoob aor., as in ~- [in the lur ii. 210,]J l j mi [So tsat
by ostriches; jS..v mcilning the colocynth: IJ the Apostle said, or, as in the S, so that this was
i.AIif_ [Ijourneyed until I entered it, l.;l1
says tlhat j.Z here signifies a tree of whiclh bows the case: the Apostle said], accord. to him who
here virtually meanting ' 1j], X; being here reads )j ; (IHsb, in De Sacy's "Anthol.
are made; and the poet means that if the trees
thus called are tall, they conceal him, and lie is understood after yS, and the iI together with Gramm. Ar.," p. 82 of the Arabic text;) others
the more lonesome, or sad; and that if they were the verb being rendered in grammatical analysis reading jn , which, as well as 3Ji, here means
short, his eye would range freely, and he would by an inf. n. governed in the gen. case by U~' jU. (Jel.) - [Respecting the ca cs in which
be pleased, and would run gently. (L.)~See [so that 41&r,I I j.~ means iM :s.; t. .]: the man9oob aor. is used after a.., and those
also kj_ near the end of the paragraph. this is one of the casc in wlhich 5 differs from in whiclh the marfoo aor. is used, the following
; applied to i. q. [i. e. Moi- .;;ll for one may not say, ...; .11 . [with observations are made.] When t,. precedes a
tened, or stirred about, nvith water, &c.]. ((.) JI understood after t1]: and in the same sense future, the latter is mansoob, by reason of i[
[See also l .] it is used in the phrase, [in the Bur xx. 93,]J derstood before it, as in the saying, 0 1

A disease that affects trees, in conwequence *j- L. il . [Until lMoses return to us]. l..;.i' h'S [I journeyed to El-Koofeh
it: see above]: ( :) it is not
of which their leavsfall off. (TA.) (Mughnee.)-lt is also syn. with , denoting until I entered
mansoob unless the verb is a future: if it is
a cause or motive [of action &c., signifying To
'. [app. -. , as pronounced in the present future with respect to the time of speaking, it
the end that, in order that, or so that], as in the , j a. 1 0, !.
day; pl. .;.; now applied to A bit of any- must be mansoob, as in Uw..i; tW UI
saying, .qJI)i.. j.A.I [Become a Alus-
thing; properly, a paring, or scraping;] apiece [cited above]: if the verb is future with respect
of peel or barh or crust or the lihe. (TA.) lim, to the erd that, or in order ihat, or so that,
to what precedes, only, it may be manyoob, as in
thou mayest enter Paradise];being in this case,
.Am. Cries, shouts, noises, or clamour; or a likewise, followed by a mangoob aor. (Mughlnee.) J", jl .j _. [mentioned above]; or it may be
confusion, or mixture, of cries or shouts or noises, - It is also used [as a preposition virtually go- marfoog; but not unless [somehow] denoting a pre-
or of crying or siwuting or twise. (L.) verning the gen. case, O1 being understood after sent time; (Mughnce ;) and if present with respect
to the time of speaking, it must be marfoo, as in
;.A What is ndbbed and scraped off; or it,] in the sense of '1, meaning Except, or unless,
wthat becomes scattered, strewn, or dispersed; or the saying, Ieto.1! L . l s.1Vi
CI (, have
likewise followed by a mangoob aor., as in the
what becomes so by degree, part after part; of following verse: journeyed to El-Koofeh so that now I am nter-
a thing. (., TA.) A word of this clats generally ing it]; (;, Mughlnee;) but if not really present,
ends with ;; (TA;) [as &.* and ;jlh &c.; it is not marfoo* unless denoting a past event as
but t 31; seems to be also used in the same * _t_ > Li 6J thou,h it were present, u in 'j .j JI 1j
sense: and hence the phrase,] . k.s.j. t [explained above]; nor may it be mat;
[Tlu giving of superfluities is not liberality: unless denoting an effect of what precedes it;
o in the A, but in the K to~.m., (TA,)
s;, (giving is not liberality) except, or unless, (or so that you may not say, ~ ",ZI
There is not aught of it in my hand. (A, ]C, here we may also say until,) thou be bountiful
TA.) -Also A disease that attacks the camel, nor Z. LV.I unles the Lt is regarded
hen little is in thy posseion]. (Mughnee.)
so that he becomes emaciated, and his jflsh and as prefixed to the entire affirmative pirase that
It is also a conjunction, like j, [signifying And,
fat and colour change, and his hair fall of. JAm; nor may
or rather even,] (S, Mughnee,) but on three con- follows it, nor 1.j tim .
(TA.) it be marfoop unless it denote a complement to
ditions: first, that the word following it and
;.Zp A palm-tree of which the full-grown conjoined by it be a noun properly so called, not what precedes it, so that you may not sy .S5,
unriMpe datea fall off and become scattered, one a pronoun: secondly, that this noun signify a L j.lm._,as the inchoative would in this case
after another; as also Va..: (V:) and the part, or portion, of what is signified by that be without an enunciative. (Mughnee.)- [The
latter, a tree that scatte itt leaves. (TA.) which precedes U., as in LJ . tl;.JIl following verse of El-Farezdal is cited in the
as an ex. of gm used as an inceptive
1I.: seeo Ae. itL.JI [Tih pilgrimsarrived: even those onfoot], Mughnee
S. , ,. -. e- ' particle:
is a particle, used in three *emes:(Mugh- and t. Lt;a. a.Jl .I [I atle the fish: even i.I- it G A4, 'I - L_&~
..-.. L1h '
nee:) it is a particle denoting the end of an ex- its head]: thirdly, that the noun following it and 8 ?* j .i s -.- r--*.
tent; (Mughnee, l;) which is its predominant conjoined by it denote either the greatest or the
meaning; (Mughnee;) arted by some to be least [literally or figuratively] of what are in-
always its meaning: (TA:) and denoting a cause, cluded in the signification of the noun that pre- and it is there added that ,~I / .. dZmust be
or motive: and syn. with i as an exceptive; cedes as
Ua.,in j_ ,1IW;8l ..o [Men understood in this vene before y;~: but I rather
(Mughnee, ];) which last is the rarest, and is harv died: even the prophets], and j_ LY1A, WI 5U~
h-M ;.ii think that 1_0~ uci.pm
~ a conjunctve particle, and
is here ,n
[Boox I.
that the meaning is, And alas, my wonder! the l

and his end is dying]. (TA.) [But see what

people revile me: even Ku!yb revile me, al1e tollows.j
go. - IF says that no verb is formed from
though their father wroe NahAsal and a thougi b1' i)1;cl, ,aor, ($,L, K,) inf. n :, lji;.
%A;a. signifying " death;" and so, after him, J;
he were MujdAi'.] - It should be observed thai (L,) He remained, stayed, abode, or dwelt, in
and Az says that he had heard no such verb:
1 j. may be used in three different ways in somo a place, (, L, ],) and became fixed, or settled.
but IKoot mentions ,u, aor.:, inf. n. Jz.., a
sentences: thus you may samy, using it as a pre ($, L) s :, aor. , (L, ,) inf n. S (L,) signifying He, or it, hilld him; or caused him
po ition (in the sense ofj, . 1 ,Ia .J It (anything, L, O) was pure, (L,) or pure in to
to die. (Msb.)
origin. (i.)
t;[I ate the fih, even to its head]; and, using W#,
-L , 2.
8 , in. n. bA.Zm. Death: (, Mb, K, &c.:) pl.
j;.m. .
it as a conjunction, 1 ., J L.. [vewn its head] i, He chose it for its #&
purity and excellence. (1.) (S, .K.) You say, a.; h .. i., (A'Obeyd, g,
nnd, usin it as an inceptive particle, Ltrl LJa Mgih, Msb, g,) and d
Mgii, ;ia., but this is rare,
l . Anything (L, 1) pure, (L,) or pure in
[for JjS.e t I b bJ. so that its head wma eaten] and
and ai;l bi.;, (1],) which may mean j~.
(Mughnee.)_It is said in the l that origin. (6)
2o or it may mean dj es;1, the J.il being made
renders makhfoo4 and marfoo9 and manpoob , mA. Origin; syn. J1 ; (IAar, $, L, ];) app. predominant, (TA,) He died
upon his bed;
and that therefore Fr said, Xi;e . ij, in respect of rare, or lineage, only, as several of (A'Obeyd, (A 'Obeyd, Mgh, Mob, ] ;) [a natural death;]
u:S, U- [" I shall die with something respectin I the lexicologists have exprcssly asserted; (bM F;) re.tpipn.q re.piring until he yielded his last breath; (Mqb;)
m_(remaining unsettled) in my mind"]: this ii
as also '- (, L) and i and %G= not from slaughter, nor beating, (A'Obeyd,S,
Msb, K,) nor drowning, nor burning, (A 'Obeyd,
said on the suppositionl that 5b. deviates i: (lAar, L:) ph. v l. (A.) You say, Y C $g,h, M#b, P,) nor by a wild beast, Jc.: (A'Obeyd,
government from an established rule, which is jj.. .;3 ., ($,) or 3.. . . (A,) [Such TA:) TA :) the nose is particularized as meaning that
that a particle which governs one part of speelh h a one is of a good, or an excellent, origin.] And the spirit passes forth from it with the breath;
governs that only; those, for instance, whicl h 1,, 2 j* [He is generous in ruespect of or because they imagined that the spirit of the
render manyoob and mejzoom governing verbisorigin]. (A,L.) - Also Nature;
natural, or sick man passes forth from his nose, and that of
only, and the particles that govern nouns govern. native, disposition, temper, or the the wounded man from his wound; (IAth, ];)
like. (L, .)
ing none but nouns: but the truth is, that C You say, of a man who ha done an act of kind- or because the spirit pases forth from
the mouth
governs only the gen. case; a marfoor noun oi rness and reverted from it, *; J1 Cj He and the nose, and the latter of these is made
aor. after it would be so without it, as .inl returned to tis natural dispoition. (L.) predominant: (O, TA:) and bA; is put in the
this case is only an inceptive particle; and a accus. case in the manner of an inf. n. (TA.)
manyoob aor. after it is rendered so by XI under. This phrase was used in the time of paganism,
stood, so that o,. in this case virtually governs by Es-Semow-al: (Msb, TA:) or, accord. to
a noun in the gcn. case [as has been shown 3l.. The circuit, rim, or surrounding edge, some, in the phrase attributed to him, the right
above]: therefore the remark quoted above from of a thing; what surrounds [the witole of] a reading is not a/0l i ; .L, but ^aI, j ,L.A;
thoe is faulty, and confounds things that should thing: (S, :) pl. , ($. )-The hoop of a and the former was first used by' Moonmad.
be distinguished. (MF, TA.)._ 0Some say that sieve [and the like]. (TA.) - The anus; syn. (Vain (iHam p. 52.) It is said of a human being: (,
'f is [a noun] of the measure ui;i, from l JI A;LA; (g;) or such is the meaning jt Mgh:)
Mgh:) and then of any animal when it dies
without any accidental cause: (Mgh:) hence, of
Vtj.JI the ceaingfrom a thinj, having finitsed !wJl, and & pZ: (Mgb in art. t:) and the a fish that has died, and floats upon the water.
it; or the becoming unoccupied by a thing; like extremities of its skin; i. e.the
place rhere the (Mob, TA.) It is said in a trad. of 'aimir Ibn-
,. from s..Jl: but Az disapproves of this, external skin and tte extremities of the ;1 Fu&yreh,
becaue, were it so, the pronunciation termed [or rectum] meet: or the edges of the ; [or
J3L would be allowable in its case, and it is not antus]: (TA:) or the part betceen the anus and
[And man, his death coes from abor Aim]:
so: ., he says, is a particle, not a noun, nor the anterior pudendum: or the line between the
meaning that his caution and his cowardice wiJli not
a verb. (TA.)_ ... am. is originally L* Si [Till two testicks. (K.) _ j3)l 1a_ The circuit of repel from him the decree
of death when it befalls
when? until whaen? or hor long?]: the I of bL the edges of t gristls of th ear. (TA.) him: originally said by 'Amr Ibn-Mmneh. (L,
is elided because the expression is used interroga- ;2ll 1;._ Thc edges of 4,6,
the eyelids, which meet TA.)~ TA.) Aa. a_ . [A dead serpent] is a phrase
tively, like as it is when any preposition is pre-
when the eye is closed: (TA:) or the jo ofthe like X& 1L. 35; : (Z, TA:) the latter word is
fixed to it if used interrogatively, as in W and
eyelid, (1 accord, to some copies, [and this is here an epithet. (Z, IC.)
.g and .. (8.)-- In the dial. of Hudheyl, the right reading, meaning its edge, jj being
; is said for ;.. (L.) here used tropically, its proper signification being
the " part " of a shirt " that surrounds the neck,"] 4CE.
1QD ;"4 11 I , or ej1a, (as in diffe- as is said in the TA,) internally: in most copies L ',, aor. , inf. n. ii and X ts, ;H
rent copies of the J in art. u~j,) They left not of the g Z4J LJ walked wih short steps, and quickly; ($,];)
1 , [in the Cg J " I ,] maZktd
of them so much as thou mighteat rub thy hands said
therewith and then blow it awaoy in the wind with .j [not cj1]. (TA.) AI 1j. Thue said of a man (T, O) &c.; .like s;;, except that
afe.r rubbing it off. (V ubi supr&.) part of theflash which is around ithe nail. (TA.) this is said peculiarly of the camel: (T,TA:) and
C.I "..- signifies the same; (ISd, ];) or he walked
'': seae ;_~. with a moving, or shaking, of his limbs, and with
:i. S Quicknses, (1, TA,) and hatte, in
,tortJ_steps. (TA.)_- 1 ; * L1 t 1, (j,)
1. J aor.,
'a., is a verb mentioned bn.Iloot, Dr or 1a. . j g1 ,C (g,) I know not hir,
anything. (TA.) [App. an inf. n., of which the
and Il,[H and others, as derived from ..o sig- )r or in what direction, tey wesnt, or haw gone. (&,
verb is * ] Henoe the proey., ji - nifying "death," though J says that no verb
I;. I t [Theworst pace is that which is quick is formed from this word; as IF and Meyd and l. ) a~, a,) (v,) zor.,, inf. n. ;., (TA,) He
scrapedit up; orsarchd,orso~ht,forit, or afte
and hasty: but in Freytag's "Ar. Prov." (i. 654,) Az also assert: (MF, TA:) and jf . is its
t,it, in th duwt, or ~arth; namely, a thing; syn.
inf n., as well as pr. of L.: [accord. to SM, .'. (g, TA. [In the CV,', .. ])__.H (an
at lt igq. [ qickior wifl, -c]. ithene
(.) is intrans, signifying He died; for he rays,] )euich,
the saying in the A,
ostrich, ], and#any bird, TA) dWg it up, or oL-
o L, ) Z prJIei'owed it out, (1], TA,) with his wings; (TA;)
h. J no.
( T.
ajsJI al o [Man labours, and goes about: ,iamely, inamely, sand, (1j, TA,) and pebbles. (TA.)

fish aan
is stops.
from signifies
aTA.) (TA.)
35A any
him the
his [In
lt! aor.,,
and same;
id "of
used IA' C'*0
(g, n.
the namely,
mw Al.
Jik-e his
no ltts;.,
when (TAJ
the or
caumd aAim]:
is oya.
BooS I.] 511
8: see 1. note it is stated that there is an omission in this ex- pnonounces a judicial decision: (S,' ~, TA :) p1.
A1. : see planation, the right rendering being UA .;.,., (K,) like a ;*i is pl. of 1*1. (TA.)_

aL. A man despised and little in the eyes of J.* tI. (TA.) One says, _. ) j. [It is [Hence,] because, u they [the Arabs] hold, or
others. (Az, TA.) soft, yielding, crummy, or easily broken: explained assert, it necessitates separtion, or departure,
in the K. by A.., which is evidently a mistran- (d,~.~e * ".._.,) (., MMb, TA,) i e. 1,,,
J:, eeasee (M.ib,) by its croaking, (Myb, TA,) ,.lJl sig-
scription for ,.L^, syn. with ,,.]. (8, g.)
nifies The %1,i [a name applied to any species
i'..t Slow, or slhort in stlep, and lacltin strength And mor i 1 [It its fresh, juicy, sappy, of crow; and here,
app., particularly to the ra-
or peoer. (Az, TA.) or most, in its s*ft, yielding, crummy, or crum- ven]: (Mt.b:) or
the blackh ,,1;: (., :) and
^ and ~ . Sh,ort, and lean, or ema- bling, nature; _ being a regular inf. n.] [the bird caled]
O1 .,ih, [see art. ,] which
ciated, and smaU in body, or slender in the bonex, (8, .)- It (a J3j [or wart] when it had is red in the beak and legs: ( :) aid by Lb to
become dry) crumbled, or brolte into mall bits. be that which isfondif phccking out it feathers,
(Az, S, I,) and slort in step; (Az, TA;) applied
to a man and to an ass: (TA:) or the former (TA.) And It (a glass vessel) broke in pieces, and which is held to be of ezU omem. (TA.).
one part upon another. (TA.) - He ate a thing
signifies anything short: (AZ, Th, TA:) or small And [hence,] f . signifies also Unlucky, or in-
in body, and mean, or ignoble: (Az, TA:) and tltat wtas soft, yielding, crummy, or easily broken, auspicious. (TA.) - See also ,_l.
tthe latter, anything small, or young: (H.am in his mouth h, . )_ IIa tc thc.1;at , i.e.,
p. 631 :) and also, the latter, a manl that eats the food that remained upon the table, or what _.., of the measure 3nJ, signifies A green
en~ tly. (Ibn-'Abb,ad, .. ) fellfrom it during eating, (IS, TA,) of the crumbs jar (& .j&,
. meaning .): it is also applied
of bread 4c. (TA.) It is said in a trad. that he
to anything [of tet colour termed] and
Wi. The manner of walking of him rwho is who eats and does this will enter Paradise. (TA.)
'i.l is, with the Arabs, _.~I[which may mean
short; as also t . (Ibn-'Abhiad, .) Also mj%S o; He eas, or became, cheerful, brisk,
either that green is, with the Arabs, termed 1,,
sing. of 4;l_., (Ibn-'Abbad, TA,) which signifies livcly, orsprihltly, by reason ofsuch a thing. (1.) or that hL.'~1 is, with the Arabs, black;
but the
Ill-fod beasts. (Ibn-'Abbid, 1.)_ The same pl. 7. _J1I It (a thing, or an affair, or event,) 'former appears to be the right meaning: see
also signifies Young ostriches: ($, K:) the little n,as, or became, absolutely, or decisively, or irre-
,..I]. (AMb.) [See `.iIl: and em also what
ones of ostricha; as also t . (Ibn-'Abbid, ].) cersibly, necesary, requisite, or unavoidable; as
here follows.]
also t..,;. (M 9b.)
;I:.i Young children. (Ibn-'Abbld, TA.) ,,.1 Anything (TA) black; (.F, TA;) as also
Q. Q. 4. f;.! mle cut or cut off [athing]. (K.) jt'. (TA.) [See also what next precedes.]
Lif,j:; see WA3 , in two places.
. [inf. n. of 1: when used as a simple subst.,]
'g%3j~ A certain hind of turban, norn by the A decree, an ordinance, a sentence, or ajudicial
arabs: (Sh, IC:) said by sonic to bc so callcd dlecision; (S, lg ;) accord. to some, adapted to a a -

U:. The j. [or meal of what has been

after a man namezld ~.- , whio wore it. (TA.) particularcase: (TA:) pl. j.. (S, K.) It is parched, or perhlaps of what ha. been dried in
aid ill thle Cur [xix. 72], C1 :; ~ 1 .Ab the sun,] of the J [orfruit of the Theban palm,
i_:i. [It is imposed by Himself upon thly Lord or cucifer ThAbaica]: (., ]:) or what is rasped,
1. i.a, nor. , (.R,) inf. n .. , (S, TA,) lie as a decree judicially decided]. (TA.) And of the J, rohen it has become ripe, and is thea
made it, or rendered it,.firm; or established it, or Umciych lbn-Abi-e-Salt says, eaten: (Al.n, TA:) also, (],) or as some say,
settled it,fjirmly; namely, a thing, or an allhir. B A-- as, -i1 aA I (TA,) the fr uit called] JL, (g, TA,) itself:
~.,o, %:A !.,bte-
(S, ], TA.) - He decreed it; ordained it; pro- (TA:) or what is bad thereof: or wrhat is dry
rrJ)o~41 :Sc SLL
nounced it; or decided it judicially: (TA:) and thereof. O(.) [See an ex. in a verse cited voce
so r ',_.. (T].) [See l..],-Ih necessitated [Thy servants sin: and Thou art a Lord: in thy ; _-] The refuse (Ji) and skin (,i.U) of
it; or made it, or rendered it, necessary,requisite, hands are the decrees and the judicial decisions]. dates: (1.:) [like a. and -,..]The scaly
or unavoidable; syn. dl..S1: (S, I,' TA :) and so (S.)_ [As a term of the law, it is sometimes substancues (.3 [app. meaning bits of the rwa])
... (Meb.) Seco 1.. You say, ; used instead of .j as opposed to :lji.] - Also of honey, or of honey in the wax. (Th, .) -
;U JlI 4 I made it, or rendered it, necessarjy, [an inf. n. used as an epithet, signifying] 1Ve- I. q. C [Dung of beasts, compacted together;
cessary, requisite, or unavoidable; that must &c.] (Az, ], TA. [In the C1, JJl is put for
&c., for him to do, or to suffer, the thing. (S. ineritalbly be done [or suffered] : (TA:) or indis-
[Golius, reading on;.l for ;.., the expla- soluble and irreversible: as in the phrase.~. ,: i-JI.])_ The apparatw (te ) of the [kind
#if baslet, made of palm-leams, called] J: or
nation in the S, has rendered ~ as signifying [an indissoluble and irreersible decree or ordi-
"inspiravit:" and the next explanation given by nance or sentence orjudicial decieion]. (Mob in its -. [meaning the suspensory, by which it is
Ihinl, i. e. "indicavit," is a misprint for "judi- art..j ) -.-_ And [hence,] Death. (MA.)r carried: see this word, which also means the
"suspensory" of a water-skin]; ( ;) its UJ.
cavit."]) Or jf l ;p ,, aor. and inf. n. as Pure; free fromn ad,n&iture; genuine: formed
above, signifies He made the thing, or affair, or by transposition fiom, _ (1.) One says, [or cord by which it is carried, being attacheld]
ecent, to be absolutely, or decisirely, or irreversibly, _..JI .') j He is the pure, or genuine, true, in its &i- [or edge, lit lip, and app., as is com-
necessary, requisite, or unavoidable,forAim to do, brother. (TA.) monly the case, pased through a loop-shaped
handle in the opposite edge, so that tae two oPppo-
or to suffer. (M 9b.) which is pl. of_i,
w, i.~ Blackness; (s;) as also *;. (TA.) site edges are drawn together rchen it is carried:
may also be an inf. n. of_. , and is likewise pi. of
Lo-: see what next precedes. - Also A flash J.l? oririnally signifying "a rope with which
.A1.. (TA.) one's arms or hands are tied together behind his
(;jtJU) broken into small pieces. (.K.)
5. ;_; He made a thing to be necesarny, or back"]. (TA.) _ The E' [or furniture and
lu. The food remaining upon the table: ($,
unaooidable. (,* TA.) _ [Hence, perhaps,] utensils, &c.,] of a house or tent. (TA.). And
:) or what hasfallenfron it duringeating, (K,)
. ;9 J .PW 3JHe wished nuch .a one good: of the crmrbs of bread, !c. (TA.) What is bad of spun thread. (TA.)
or a autguredgoodfor him. (J.)_ See also 7;
[It (a thing that was eaten) was soft, yielding, a.... Acidity, sourness, or pungency; syn. j.,: see art. .
crummn, or easily broke,a.] It is said in the . a.L. (1)
thatAn.I signifies ;l~Jlt: but in a marginal 3l; A judge; or one who decrees, ordains, or 1. ' , aor. !, inf. n. _, He hastened him,
512 A-_*
[Boox '.
or hurriedhim uninterruptdly, or in any man- found a signification assigned to it thdint is appro- A;: see 1C.: - and see wo ; , in
ner. (TA.) And r4. aL., (g, A, M9 b, ]~,) priate here,]) of sand, and of earth, or dust: or four places.
wvhat is dry, or firm, or hard, and coarse, of
aor. ', (Mqb,) inf. n. ._, (g, Myb, j,) with j,: .. l:see and see also t ;.:-~and
sand. (K, TA.)i Bread nithout any seasoning,
which are syn. Vt* [app. a quasi-inf. n.] or condiment, to render it pleasant, or savoury.
and t [an intensive inf. n.]; and t? ' .l; (A 'Obeyd, S, .) -_ - , (8, ,) as also ';Ljl >;l. dj A horse that run resptedly
and *.5., : (;, ,) inf. n. &g,i; (v;) and c..&, (TA in art. ,) [Jleal of parched barley /when incited [to do so]. (8.)
,'~_; (A,g ;) and ".l,; (0;) an; and *:i or nhbeat] not moistened, or stirred about, with
(g, A, ;) He incited, excited, urged, or insti-
water 'C.; expl. by j .L i; (., and in a
gated, him to it, or to do it, (, A, M9 b, ],)
similar manner in the 1;) and in like manner
namely, a thing; (e, M9b;) syn. a,u; (Msb;) I.'. Thikelnes of the lip. (K.) See also
:_ is applied to collyrium (1 ), and to
or _; (S, A, ;) or : is used in relation to what next follows.
musk: or h.-_ not finely ground. (TA.) [See
pace, or journeying, or marching; and i~ in
am_ The i;l; [or maUl potberance] in the
other cues: so says El-.areeree, on the authority also ;_.] _s . j Dates not sticking together.
3, middle of the upper lip, (S,P,) benea the nose;
of Kh. (TA.) You say, .'; ,~., and Vt- i, (IAr,TA.) [See also .~.]
(1 ;) also termed i , with as well ;
[He incited, or urged, his beast,]);JI [ilth .t!;. and tf m.L Sleep; as also ,tiL; and ($ and 1( in art..,j..;) or, accord. to Aboo-
the whip]. (A.) And ,xal ' if iil , and , 4g.LJ;. (TA.) You say, u~. _ -ij L I Haitim E-Sijzee, a-2j.; (TA;) and .i : (].
..1l, .Hemade thd horse to go quickly, or in tasted not sleep. (TA.) And tt,,.. t .l in art. ,,.:) when somewhat long, it is termed
a brisk or sinrightly manncr; or urged him to run and dlft I slept not: (S, K:) As says the latter;
by striking him tvitA the foot, or by beating him. ;iU4J [q. v.]; ($ in art.da ;) and when it is so,
but A'Obeyd asserts the former to be the more cor- the man is termed 1JI. (S in the present art.)
(Msb.) - See also R. Q. 1.
rect: (8':) Th mentions both. (TA.) And "1.i~LC Also The a."; [i.e. the lobule, or lonr por-
2: see 1.
.s.. " I have not anointed my eye withh tion, of tI/ nose]: or the ertremity of this:
4: seeL 4
ep. (TA.) And U;Ml . zi; L [I (IA;r, K:) accord. to IDrd, (t uim,] with
6. ,lJ.i, (., A,) inf. n. Wj, (,) They in- have .not put any sleep into .y eyje]; (A, TA ;) fet-h. (TA.)
cited, excited, urged, or instigated, ot another. meaning I have been rery nwakeful. (TA.) Or
jt.; A man (TA) Amav ng a thick lip. (P,
( TA.)T, You say, . ,Alzl..l U.i; c' ' :.a. signifies Light, or little, sleep. (IDrst,
They do not incite, e.cite, urge, or instigate, TA.) It is related on the authority of an Arab
one another to feed the needy. (J, TA.) And of the desert that it signifies A little collyrium:
and on the authority of El-Fihree, that it is sJn.
(Piety is the
[jI ,i and J, dial. vars. of and -A.:
principal, or best, thing to which men incite one with , i. e. j_ [collyrium]. (TA.) ...
another.] (A, TA.) ,.l or LL*.. Little sleep. (TA.) [See also (0, ii :) pl. JUnl. (TA.)
8. ..gl ile was, or became, incited, excited,
urged, or instigated. (., 8.) See also L This
verb is both trans. and intrans. (IO.) J.t:.: see the next preceding paragraph.
j.a: see what follows, in two places.
10: see 1, in two places. M. : sec what next follows, in two places.
ait. [The grain of the reed called] ;lj, and
R. Q. 1. : see 1, in two place. Also *, in the sense of Lte., A woman inciting, the like, (M, K,) of what is w*o,tldess, (M, TA,)
He moved about [a thing]; or put [it] in motion, exciting, urging, or instigating. (TA.)- And found in ,,hteat, (M, K,) and thrown away; .(M,
or into a state of cornmotion; (i ;) [and so t , in the sense of ' -, A woman incited, excited, TA;) said by Lb to be somenhrat grosser thal
as is implied in the M, voce .0, where it is used as urged, or instigated. (TA.) [So, too, a man.] dust, or earth, and than *rhat are termed j3i;
meaning it (a bird) moved, orJlapped, its wings.] -And [hence,] A sharp man, quick in his [q. v.]: (TA: [see alsoaJl.:]) and bits, or
You say, sui e llt %1 . .Hemoved about affair; as though his soul incited him; as also particlez, that fall off, or are pared off, (J,TA,)
tihe collyium.~tyle in the eye. (A, TA.) And )t . (TA.)-And Quick, or srifk; as also from datex, and barley, and the like: (TA c) or
[hence,] j3 j , l I.)J- ' t They stirred*t5 and ti.Lt . and *,.1.: (] :) pl. of what fills of the husks of barlkJ, and rice, and
of the shin of dates; and of oervything of which
up (1t _.) that affair, and then left it, or aban- the first :1. (L.) You say JlI t r,,J bits, or particle,faU off, or are pared off; when
doned it. (TA.) - He scattered about the uten- [A horse quich, or s,ift, ofpace]. (A.) And it is pickedfor th purpose of removing what is
sils, or furniture, of his house, or tent; as also l.e
_.- (A, Msb) He passed, or wrent away, bad: (S:) the refuse of iij [or leaves of the
t.,*. (TA in art s.) -Also, inf. n. , quickly, or smiftly. (Myb.) And t.g.sj lie mimosa fiava] after picking to remove what is
It mwa, or became, in a state of commotion: (L:)
retreated quickly and teaerly. (S.) And .. 3 bad: (TA:) dregs of oil (S,TA) &c.; (TA;)
or in a state of consecutive motion. (TA.) It
(lightning) was, or became, in a state of com- *~.ta i.e. [A] quick [night-journey to water], the thick, or turbid, portion that remains at the
bottom of that wrlch is clear: (Mob in art. 3J :)
motion, (V, TA,) as some say, (TA,) in the in which is no flagging: (S:) or [a] hard [night-
broken Iteces of straw: (TA in art. what
clouds. (], TA.) - It (rain, and hail, and journey to nater]; as also t'- :. and is rworthless: (]:) what is bad, and what remains,
snow,) appeared and nwent awvay, nithout pouring
(TA.) And t,, J, 6 i. e. [A journey in of wheat: (Lb, TA:) nrhat is bad (As, $, ]) of
down. (L.)lHe (a man) slept. (TA.)
which the second and thirdl and fourth days are dates, (Az, TA,) or, (?, 15,) app., ($,) of any-
Small lparticles of straw. .($, J, TA.)
8._ nwithout water,] in whicAh is noflagging; as also thing; (S,KI;) as also t)L.. (K.) [Henoe,]
Anything bruised, brayed, or broken into small 1i4...: or long and fatiguing, in nwhich is no t The refuse of men or mankind; the bad, or
particles. (L.) - Coarse sand: (Ay, :) or flaging; as also
. (TA.) And t, 'D'. evil, thereof; (T, TA;) as also t .. (T.)
what is 3jIj, (.y,) probably, [says SM,] a
A serpent that is in conmtant motion. (TA.)-
mistake for j).s_ [broken into smaU particles], _ay Light sleep. (IDrst, TA.) [See also
agreeably with an explanation of t.. in the L,
for, as to ji_, [he adds,] I have not found it . : see what next follows.
in any book, (TA, [meaning that he had not %:14 Ree 1. A_ A hill, or rising ground; (Mb ;) as also
BooK I.] 518
Vta;: (Ar, u heard from the Aralbs; and TA:) dnal i and 't;'. (TA.) - Also, (1(,) Hence, ($, Mgh, Mbl,) aor. and inf. n. as above,
or a red [hil suck as s termed] 4v;: ($:) or written in both ways as above, (TA,) The shkins (S,) and inf. n. .~also, (Sb, L,) or this is a
a uma red al: (i:) or a black 4&I con- (jA) of datat;
a- (i;) and the bad thlereof: simple subst., (e, Myb, ,) by a conventional
uting of tone: (M, ]:) U also t i: (. :) (TA:) [like ,J:] pL of kin: (V:) [or rather usage, (C,) or predominantly, (Mgh,) or by
or, as some say, an eated road: (Meb:) pl. this is a n. un., and what is called the pl. is a restriction of its usage in the law, (Myb,) He
~; (VOTA) and : (TA:) and tZ. coll. gen. n.;] like 'ti. and L_. (TA.)_ repaired to Mehkeh, ($, V,) or to the Kab~,
(Mgh, Mqb,) to perform the relio rites and
[as a col]. gen. n.] signifies eleated roads. (TA.) And Straw (;. [in the CV. erroneously, pi.]):
em'nie of te pilgrimage; ($, Mgh, M4b,];)
(].,TA:) or broen pi thereof; (Lb, $, ] ;)
;;: iee ~i, in two places. i. e., of straw: (Lb, :) or straw (O;. [in the
or for the purpo~e of twhe a [q. v.; but this
latter meaning is veryv rare: the usual meaning
Cg, again, ]) separatedfrom tAhe grain. (O.) is, he performed the pilgrimagoe to MekheA and
s.: and
W is raisedwith the hand [to be poured,
kat Mount 'Arafdt, with all the rite and ceremonoies
L 4;t1 C- and js (s, Mgh,
M.lJ Mqb, or to be thrown, or caxt, therefrom; of dust; prcribed to be observed at, and betrween, thoe
I,) the latter of which is the more usual, or more and also t of rrater]; (1L,TA ;) or, as in some two places]: (Mb :) or he repaired to the House
supported by authority, (TA,) aor. t and copies of the ]g, with the two hands: and so [of God, at MekhhA,] and performed the actions
;3~. and] 9 a.; [or rather these signify a pracribedfor that occasion by the law of the
La,w (g, Mvb, 5,) inf. n. _. and ( a .

Mgh, Myb, 1) and tLj, ($,) He poured dust single handful of dust, and t of water, raiecd to Kur.dn and the Sunneh. (L.) [See .~., below.]
(Myb, TA) with hi hand; (Myb;) threw it, be poured or throrm ;] pL ti. , and] Zj. You say also, _., aor.
a:ii , inf. n. t
or cast it; (TA;) or seized it with hi# hand (TA.) See 1. (T, $,) and * 4.t.l, (EI-Hejeree, TA,) He pr-
and threw it; (Mgh, Mqb;) 4i~ [upon him,n, form the pilgrimage to the Hous [of God,
or it], (1,) and * ) [in his face]: (S, m._; pi.ee1.a: at Mhheh]; (T, ;) beeauso
people repair to
Mb:j) ;JI and jl both signify the pour- it every year. (T, TA.) And a iqd. [They
.glm. ueGl Land abounding in dust: ($, :) performed the pilgrimage to Mehhek]. (A.) And
/sg of dust; but the former, not without [.firt]
raising it; and the latter, the mending forth, but IDrd says that it is asserted to be not of esta- t 'j
or down, without raising. (yIam p. 477.) [See blished authority. (TA.)
5,* L. He did not repair to MekheA
to visit the Houe of God, (Aboo-Tilib, Az,) or
an ex. in a verso cited in art. qlt, conj. 6.]
,.ii. One of the hole of the jerboa; (TA;) for the performancew of th rites and ceremonies
Accord. to lAth, the saying, in a trad., 1tW~1 of the pirimage, (Mb,) but hejournmyed for
like 'iit.: (V.:) or the dust, or earth, of the mercantile purposes. (Aboo-T.lib, Az, Myb. [See
,v a j .. t J l means t [Repel ye with]
jerboa, (IAyr, ,* TA,) which he throws up also art. .. ]) And hence, accord. to some,
disappointment [thore wro praise much]: but with his legs from Ai hole: (IAr,
TA:) pl. , a prov., which ee below. (TA.)-
some make it to have its overt meaning [of throw
:il_ [likLe as pl;u.is pl. of ti;U]. (IB, TA.)
ye dust in the faces of those who prais much]. Also, (TA,) inf. n. ., (J,) He came, or
(TA.) The verb is also used in relation to water;
(p) and U
0_. (ISd,TA) Dust poured; arrived. (I~, TA.) You my, C>J L;i1 C~
as in the saying, tzt;,o : 3i 4,
or thrown, or cast. (K,* TA.) t*,Jt' cjl L Such a one came to tu. (TA.) Also, [aor.,
(M b,) and ,:; ~vJi ' , (TA, [and accord. to rule, as above,] in n. .. Hle skatwe
e^l [ 0 would that I were he upon whom dust
the like is said in the Mgh,]) i. e. t [It is ruffi- is poured, or thrown: (in Freytag's Arab. Prov.
[his head; as one does on completing the per-
ciantfor him to throw, and he ued to throw,]
ii. 920, 1.,J
:)] said on the occasion of wish- formance of the rites and ceremonies of the pil.
three handfuls [of water]. (Myb, TA.) _- ing to be in the condition of him of whom the grimage: see ., below]. (TA.).Also,
said of a jerboa means He went so deep into his honourable treatment that he receives is concealed, (IA1r,
hole that he could not be dug out, the direction of and of whom the contemptuous treatment that A, &c.,) aor. ', inf. n.
.~, (TA,) He probed
Ais hole being unknown, and it being sen to be lie receives is made apparent: originating from a fracture of the
head, (],) or a wound, (A,TA,)
filed with dust, or earth, even wii/ the ret of the fact that a man was sitting with a woman,
the ground. (TA in art. j~.) The jerboa throws and a man attached to her approached; so, when with a .CtL , (A, I,) or J., (TA,) for the
up (jL;) the dust, or earth, from his hole. she saw him, she threw dust in his [the former's] purpose of curing it: (TA:) or he probed a
(IAr, TA.)-...J ta also means tl gave Ahi face, to show this man who was sitting with her wvound to know its depth: (lAr,TA:) or he
omesthing little in quantity, or paltry. (F, i.) that he should not draw near to her, lest their examined a cleft in the head to hnow whether
ease should become known. (TA.) there were in it boue or blood: (ISh,TA:) or
~You say also, U.Jj
. or aor.
he dreed and cured a wound in the head reach.
and U..i; (1 ;) so in the copies of the 1~, but : see what next precedes, in two places. ing to the brain: or he pourd boid clarified
correctly l, [or rather ,] which is extr., butter upon a fracture of the head, in consequence
like G- [or , aor. o
[r and s of which the blood was mixed with the brain,
[or aor. Aj [or ,LAi]; i.e. The dust
ai], until the blood appeared, which he took away
became poured; or thrown, or cast. (TA.) 1.. , aor. , (8, A, Mgh, Msb,) inf. n. -a with a little cotton: (TA:) or q.~., inf. n. ,
(S, Mgh, Myb, ],) He repaired, or betook him- signifies he probed a fracture of his head for thke
4. #08l j.-t and 1.t; [He turned, or self, to, or towards, syn. j., (E, A, Mgh, Msb,
thre, up the earth, or ground, earching for 1~,) a person (S, A, Mgh) [or place], in an purpo~e of curing it: (;:) or he made a perfora-
what was in it :] both signify the same. (TA in absolute sense: or to, or towards, an object of tion in the bone [of his broken lhead] (d. 5j)
art. :.) And il jILJi ;A The orses reverence, veneration, respect, or honour: or, with an iron instrument; it being broken to that
bruised, or crushed, the regions [wDith their hoofJ]; accord. to Kh, he repaired, or betook himself, the brain was befouled with blood, and pul~d off
as also L1 . (1.) muchk, or frequently, to, or towards, an object of the shin that had dried up, and then cured is,
this kind: and also he repaired to, betook himself so that it closed up with a [new] skin: it relatea
10. 1,! 2ey thkrt, or cast, dust, each in to, or viited, a person: (TA:) and he went to, to a wound reaching to the brain. (L.) _- Ablso,
another'sface. (TA.) or viited, a person repeatedly, or frequently. aor. ', infn.a.. He cut out andteraetedabone
lt ($, 1Sd, TA) and t (], TA) Duet (ISk, T, $,Mgh, ]..*) You say also, . g~ from a wound. (TA.)~AIso, (A, Mqb,) aor. ',
poured; or thrown, or cast: (I8d,y,TA:) or 9;j 7l* sons of sEch a one continued long (Myb, TA,) inf . t.(,)
D. H o a,ne
dust being poed; or being thrown, or cast: going rep~tedly to visit such a one. (..) another in, or by, an argument, a pla, *n aned.
Bk. I. ff5
[Boox I.
gation, a proof, an eidece, or a tetimony Kaabeh, (Mqb,) to perform the religious rite
aI A mode [of argument or the li] by
(A, Mlb, ].) Bee 3. It is said in a prov., i and ceremoniet presribed to be obsered on that mkick one overcoma in a litigation, dispute, or
&a. (P, TA) He aw pertinaiosin litigation occasion: (1, Mtb, V:) Ks makes no differeno e altercation; so called because recourse is had to
'Xbetween these two words: some say that tbh
dispute, or altercation, and ovc'ame th~in [a e it (.A 1;J, i.e. .a3): (T,TA:) that by
X former is employed to signify the religiou rite
is implied in the $, and expressed in the TA]
and cermoies of the pilgrimage because the, nwhich one rebutl, or refee, an adveraryn in a
or Ak persmred until h p rfomud the pilgrimag
" follow the repairing to Mekkeh, or becaus e litigation, dispute, or altercation: an argument;
[not having intended to do so when he set out
: they are cbmpleted by shaving [the head], o:r a plea; an allegation: [it may be true or false:
see Freytag's "Arab. Prov." ii. 4,52]. (TA..)
' because people continue long going to and fr o see ]ur xlii. 15, and xlv. 24:] (TA:) a proof;
Also, (TA,) [aor., accord. to rule, , inf n. ; to perform them: accord. to Az, it signifies the e an evidence; a testimony: (S, Msb,]:) [a title;
(go;) and : a voucher: often thus used in the present day:]
, (1,) inf. n. ".. ; (TA; ) performance of the rdigiou rite. and ceremonie
He refrained, forbores, or abstained, (J, TA, ) of the pilmage of onf oe year; and somi also applied to a person; like j;.. (A and Mfh
U.. C* from a thing. (TA.) [See also the say 1 and t and TA in art. ;p ;) [as in the saying, '1U CO-
q._: (TA:) or this last sig
latter verb below.] nifies a single pilgrimage,for the performanc, min ' 3 i;- Iq He who preeres insiJ
of its appointed religioua rites and ceremonie,s mind a word, or an authority, &c., is an evidence
8. ~1;., (, A, Mgh, Meb,) inf. n. 1,.~
deviating from rule; (Q, Mgh, Mqb, g ;) for b? against him nwho does not; occurring often in the
(A, Mb, TA) and : x(TA,)
He contendes larger lexicons, expressing the superior authority
rule it should be , (S, Mgh, ]s,) which, TI:
with Aim in, or by, an argument, a pka, an all says, has not been heard of hearsay, or usage, over analogy &c.; and in
from the Arabs: (Mgl,
gation, a proof, an eoidece, or a te.timony. the saying,] L.; ,L& ~ %.il [Two# art an
.Meb:) Ks says that '-t . . - and
(M, Mgh, Myb, TA.) You say, Vt o'1. . He evidence against tyself]; a phrase mentioned by
contended with Aim in, or by, an argument, &cc,c a] , are the only deviations from the model ol Akh: (S in art. -. :) [also, an =ecus :] pl.
and he overcame him therein, or thereby. (~, 'iw 5i;ii in all the language of the Arabs: but t . (A, M8b) and
t (TA.)
a El-Athram and others are related to have said,
A,*Mgh,Mqb.)._. [And hence, t.. He pleaded
in a lawsuit.] We have not heard from the Arab.s .. :44. . 1...: see _, in four place. - Also A
4. Mb~t He snt him to performn th pigrimage l]nor ; ,.; they saying only v..a. :.Rq.: year: (S, Msb, V:) pl. r .. (S,A, MNb.)
to lehAkh, and the religio~ rite. and ceremonie (L, TA:) whence it appears that a~. and You say, i o ,. .i-l [I stayed at his abode
thereof. (M,Mb, .) t4~ were both used: (TA:) the pl. of the
latter is Cg.'..: (Mgh, Msb:) so in the saying, a year], andl .L..b i. [three complete
6. .3 [inf. n. of 1#b- ,] The contending, years]. (A.) See also 't.
one wth another, in a litigation, a dipute, or ,.. ,_^jJ[.He made a row to perform
an altercation; ($, ] ;) the adducing arguments, five pilgrimagu]. :. :see _, in two places: -and see
(Mgh.) Hence, ta,JI j
pleas, allegations, proofs, eidenc, or tetimonics,
one with another. (KL.)
(S, Mgh, Myb) and A4,'Il ), (Msb, TA,) also W;.
which latter is said by jiz and 'Iyad and Ibn- and
aln * The surrounding bone of
8: see 1. -[4, .l He adduced, or Curyool to be the more common, (TA,) [or, the eye, (Msb, TA,) upoa [the upper part
urged, or defended himself by adducing or urging, accord. to Fei, the contr. is the case, for he says,] which go'rs the eyebrotw; (TA;) the bone that
a tAing as an argument, a plea, an allegation, a some pronounce it in the latter manner, (Msb,) surrounds the cavity of the eye, upon [the u pper
proof, an evidence, or a testimony.] You say, [The last month of the Arabian calendar;] lthe part of] which gromws the hair of the eyebrow:
month of the pilgrimagse; (S, Mgh, Msb;) so
.* jL _1 [He argued against called because the pilgrimage to Mekkeh, and (ISLk,TA:) it is aid in a trad. that a female
his adwrsary with a strong, or a difficult, argu- the religious rites and ceremonies thereof, hyena and her young ones were within the
ment, plea, &c.]. (A.) Lt..o of the eye of an Amalekite: (TA:) or
performed in it: (TA:) pl. .a.ll lj: (S,
R.Q.1L ._, inf. n.4
the [supra-orbital]bone upon
: see 1, lat Msb:) they did not say i...I .j agreeably of the eyJebrorw; (S, 1 ;) thewNAich grows the hair
bone that projects
signification. _- Also He retired, or dren bach; with the singular. (S.) [Hence also,] Vt, over the cavity of the eye: (IAmb, Mb :) or the
or did so in fear: (Q, ]:) or he lacked power, jWil Lil [By the pilgrimage which is the upper bone, beneath the eyebrow: (TA:) of the
or ability. (TA.) One says, , "I l"
'l ordinance of God, I will not do this or that mase. gender: (Msb:) pl. [of pauc.] a.1 (W,
I1~.._ . They made a single charge, thing]: a form of oath used by the Arabs. (Q, M.b) and [of mult.] t1. , deviating from a
or assault, upon the party, and then retired, or 1y.) What is commonly termed t-Jl is some- general rule, accord. to which
a sing. of the
drem bach; or drew bacA in fear: ($, TA:) or measure to which this belongs does not assume
lached pontr, or ability. (TA.) - He refrained times termed .3 I Cl.Jl [The greater pil-
this form of pl. because the reduplication is dis-
from saying what he desired, or vas about, to grimoge]: S, 1 [q. v.] being termed :
approved: also, by poetic license, contr.
.ay; ($,If;) like '': (a:) or he did not jb..lo [the minor pilgrimage]. (KulL p. 168.)
to rule, for elj.. (TA.) The expression I
reveal, or manifest, what as in his mind. (M, _ See also t.
TA.) It is said in one of the proves. of Meyd, . _ 1 .~ is used by poetic license for
_.; _ J Y JLi Thou thysef knowest /./: see -, in two places: _ and see also _;;.
~ '.,. (TA.) [Hence,]
better than others [what thou refrainest from z.t both words also signify S The upper limb of the
uttering, or] what is in thy mind. (TA.) -_ He dish (i. q. ,._l ) of the sun, appearing when it
a.&: see e., in five places. Also, (IAbr,
remained, stayed, abode, or dwelt, (g,TA,) ;t,* ],) and a..., (?, K,) the former of which -is begins to rise. (A, K,TA: but in the A, only
in a place; not quitting it; as aso the latter form of the word is given.) -Also,
.3.. the word commonly known, (IAqr in a marginal
[hence,] both words, SA side. (A,0*.) You
(TA.) note in a copy of the $,) and 4l., which w is a say, rJI Ljp L _ l5.. SThey passcd by the
R. Q. 2. : wMe what next precedes. subst. like JALb and ,r,t, (L,) The lobe of the
ear. (I, L, 1.) - And the first, The bore, -or two side of the mountain. (A.)
. and * , the former an inf. n., and the perforation, of the
lobe of the ear. (AA, TA.) ~tn~s: ee the paragraph next preceding.
latter a simple ub&l, (, Mlqb, ],) or the latter - And A bead, or a pearl, that is hung in the
also is an inf. n., (8b, L,) [both used as subst.,] ear; ( ;) sometimes called
4.. (IDrd,
tP _A man upon r]whom te operationtermned
The pil~rimage to Jfehheh, (, g,) or to the TA.)
_ (the probing of a fracture of the head, &c.,)
Boo I.]
hAu bue perjOrmed; ($, L ;) as also .'.t sians as signifying a pilgrim of Mekkeh: but I I.iJ He is adapted or disposed, apt, meet, suited,
(L.) And A fracture of the head that has been have not found it so used in any classical Arabic suitable,fitted,fit, competent, or proper,for such
medically treated, or cured:--andalso A certain work.] You say, .ltJI) Ij J.i1 The company a thing; or rrorthy of it: (Lb, 1:) a dial. var.
mode of medical treatment, or curing, of such a of piugrim to Mekkeh, and of men travellingfor of : (L4 :) you say, Xt t,l a,d i
acture. (A 9, TA.) _t (pl. of , mercantile purposes, came. (TA. [See also art. tL4.. (TA.)
TA) signifies Probed wounds. (K.) _ And ]) And ij., ' . ,3t H3e le ft not
tthis same pl., Roads much furrowed [by the a company of pilgrims to Mekkeh (4... 'lA.), 1ao. A refuge; a place to wrhich one has
feet of beasts or men] (i,.): (L, l :) but it is nor a company of theirfoUowers, or dependents. recoursefur refuge or protection. (LI,].)
uncertain whether its sing., if it have any, be (TA from a trad. [See also arts. C. and ... J])
. _ or .. (MF.)--Also i.q. t*~ Also Overcoming in [or by] an argument, or
a plea, or the like. (Mgh.)
as act. part. n. of 1 .: so in the phrase, Cl 1. , (S, A, Meb,) aor. t, (Mqb,) inf. n.
s_.. I am he mho will overconme him by al...: see tl., in two places:=and see also ~ .~., (Mgh, M b,) He, or it, prevented, hin-
argumentj, or proofs, or the like: occurring in a a._, in two places. dered, debarred, or precluded, him, or it: (Mgh,
tmrd. relating to Ed-Dejjl. (TA.)- See also Msb :) he, or it, precluded him, or it; i. c. pre-
vented him, or it,fromentering. (S,A.) [Hence,]
5L- s..: see
s .
i''I tF l Xjqsm.. it.'v [Brothers of a
,Ip A frequent performer of the pilgrimage
person deceased preclude the mothier frorm re-
to Mekkeh, and of the religious rites and cere-
's. .~.1,. He is one who overcome in [or ceiving the third of the inheritance]. ($, A.).
monies ordained for that occasion: the I in this Also, (A, 1],) aor. as above, (TA,) inf. n. '
word, as in other epithets of the same measure, by] a a.. [i. e. an argument, &c.,] more than
does not [regularly] admit of imileh; but when he. (Mgh.) and . _', (1,) Ze, or it, veiled, concealed,
it is used as a proper name, it admits this, agree- hid, covered, or protected, him, orit; (A,];)
-~....A road, or way: (Mgh, TA:) or the
ably with rule: some pronounce its I with imileh as also t.. (1.) - [And It intervened be-
middle of a road; (M, voce .,;) the beaten tween two things.
even when it is in the nom. or accus. case, Thus the diaphragm is de-
track, or part of a road along nwhich one travels;
contr. to rule. (TA.)
(T, TA ;) the main part, and middle, of a road; scribed as] Ji JS i : 44.
;JI1;4 [A
piece of shin that intervenes between the heart
t1a. act. part. n. of 1; Repairing, or betaking syn. ;l.: (S, Msb:) pl. ~. (A, TA.) and the belly]. (A.) -[And He held the office
himself, to [a person or place]. (Msb.) -And [Hence,] aj am..
a_.. .. tMake thou of ,_., i. e. door-keeper, or chamberlain. You
hence, (S, Mqb,) A man repairing to lehhlch, the affair, or case, [unifornm, or] one uniform
(S, !,) or to the Kanbeh, (Msb,) to perform the say,] eMWJ ",*~ Oi Such a one holds the
thing. (Fr, TA in arLt. .) qo.fce of A. to the prince, governor, or com-
religious rite, and ceremonies of tIle pilgrimage;
(~, Myb, R ;) or for the purpose of the ;.: mander. (A, TA.)
t~ - A surgeon's probe. (., A, 1.) A
(Mob: [but see 1:]) [a pilgrim of Mekkeh; or man much addicted to litigation, dispute, oralter- 2: see 1.
one whfo has performed the pilgrimage of Mekkeh: cation. (f,g.) 5: see 8.
see what follows:] as also , .i , (i, g,) 8. .1 [He, or it, became prevented, hin.
A man repaired to. (S.)~ See also dered, debarred, or prccluded: he became se-
the original form, sometimes used by poetic
..- - Also A man overcome in [or by] a ' cluded; or he secluded himself:] he, or it, became
license: (~:) pl. *.. and (, A,
[i. e. an argument, &c.]. (A,' Mgh.) veiled, concealed, hidden, covered, or protected;
Meb, K) and .; (., 1 ;) or rather the second as also t,,. . (g, TA.) You say, .m.l
of these is a quasi-pL n., a kind of noun which, ~,p1 AC
L,JIt [The King secluded, or concealed,
. .s..:ee...
as well as the coil. gen. n., is often called by the
lexicographers a pi., though not so called by the 4,*" ,~ A blow that is feeble, and himself, or became secluded or concealed,from the
falling slort. (1Air, TA.) peoplc]. (S, A.) And,l.. ~ 1 -_-
grammarians: (MF:) t-. is also used as a pl., : [The sun became concealed, or concealed itself,
syn. with t; like as "tw is with ;,:: in the clouds]. (A, TA.)- [Hence, app.,]
(Mgh:) it may be considered as a gen. n., and is 1 (j,) ~or W..o C." .4Uand
sometimes a quasi-pl. n., like j,:r and .1; L &4 l.., aor. -, He rejoiced in it, or at it; tU 'A ' , , (TA,) [as though meaning
namely, a thing, or an affair or event; (8, I ;) The reoman ecluded herdelffrom the commence-
(TA;) as is also t .; signifying a company of
pilgrims of Mekkeh; or pilgrims, collectively; as also ' ; aor. : (1 :) or the latter, he ment of a day of her ninth month of pregnancy:]
mas, or became, attached to it, and tenacious of said of a pregnant woman, (TA,) when a day has
(ISk, L;) and likewise '2E" (So in a marginal
it; (S, ;) as also s t' , without .; and passed of her ninth [month, during which it was
note in a copy of the f.) is t ._.:
The fem.
l.t. : ( :) orhe laid, or kept, hold upon probably a custom for a woman to seclude herself
rl. tal: (8, ] :) you sayl . 1~ when it, and cdave to it; (Fr, l;) as also d.4.
It in the house or tent]. (]~, TA.)
they have performed the pilgrimage; but when 10. '..a.. L. He appointed him to the ofice
without.; (Fr;) and i t..., (TA,) and .
they have not yet performed it, [being in the act of .. [i. e. door-~, or chamberlain].
-~. (Fr, g.)I.: J I:.~, aor.:,He kept,
of performing it,] you say Xi :'.t , in or nithheld,from him such a thing. (S.) (.s,.. )
which latter ee you would say l1. were not 5: see above, in two places. ,..: see q..M..-Also [The wincdpipe;]
this word imperfectly decl.; fand in like manner, the passageof the breath. (Kg.)
8. dt 1.I He had recours to him for pro-
dil %. _, and _'
dEl r-&;] like as you %~ A hill; syn. i4.1: (]:) or a lofty
tection. (TA in art. .)
sy ;, .Lj j , and 1.h I, Ij. (1.) 46.. (TA.)
t cy ~ Attached to, and tenacious of, him,
[ 'i au., a an. un. of to., considering the latter ~: see
ac -
or it. (Fr- 11 &_J
& 1 Yerily
as a coll. gen. n., like ;.j, of which the n. un. is he is betahing himslffor refuge, or protection, to at~ The had [or crest] of the hip or haunch
1Sje is commonly used by the Turks and Per- the sonw of such a one. (AZ, l[-.) .-- (s, A) [of a man, (seo ^,) and] of a horse;
a10 ^_ [BooK r.
(A ;) i.e. each of te 'G , whih project above, (,TA :) and _>w,
`1 (A,) or tiw t +* eJI ,.t The beginnings of tA dawn ap
or beyond, the ;jU [or two lanks]: ( :) or o (8,)signifies [tLheam e; asalso, ll 4d.; (see peared. (A, TA.)
the dual signifies the two dges of the hip or .;)] what interveg betw,e the heart and , ~: see what next follows.
haunch, that project above, or beyond, the L..L the ;est of the Jy.; (.;) the piece of shin that
~ . _papert. n. of 1]. You say A
[orJlnh]: (1i:) or the two bones abowe the pube, intervene between the heart and the belly : (A,
that project above, or beyond, the sof parts of the TA:) or .i1 4.ioa" signifies a certainfat that So, (A) and t. (
w, nd
belly, on tha right and left: (Zj in his "Khalk clothe the heart: (AHeyth, TA in art. * .:) (A) and n.... (TA) [A king secluded, or
cl-Insin," 5 and ]:) or the heads of the two hip- [or it siginifies, or signifies also, t/te wptum cordis: conceaked, from the people]. And _ i1s!
bo,ne or haunch-bones, next the OGAi~ [q. v.]; see i':] pl . (A, TA.) Hence the say- A woman veiled, or coAcealed by a curtain or the
,Il. [or rather coil. gen. n.] t,..-, and pl. of ing, .e J - 'I 'j; [Fear rent open like. (TA.) And .JI
J, ' ,s '- j- (He i
his midriff: or his setqtum cordis]. (A, TA.)_- deba,rred from goo.] (A, TA.).- tBind; (,
i)aue. st: (TA:) and in a horse, the parts
(f the two hips, or haunches, that proect t TIhe horizon: [because it terminates the view:] ;) and so , ~ .' (TA.)
.~~ (TA.
above, or beyond, the [skin called] j t, of the so in the phrase, _,l. . It (the sun)
%q.,: see the next preceding paragraph.
bellUy. (V.) became concealed by the horizon; occurring in
the gur [xxxviii. 31], and in a trad. (TA.) . see
e_.:, in two plac
'q, (A. thing that prevents, hinders, debars, t A mountain: (A:) or an elevated part of a
or precludel:] a thing that veils, conceals, hides, mountain. (g.) You say, .. J,.., Qj i
covers, or protects; (., Myb, ], TA ;) because it He sat in the shade of the mountain. (A.) -
prevents seeing, or beholding: (M#b:) a thing, ,aor. , (ISd, TA,) inf. n. (ISd,
t The place mhere a [stony tract such as is called]
(A, I,) or body, (Mqb,) that intervene (A, Mpb, Mgh, O) and . and & and . and
K) between two things, (A, ],) or betrween two i; ends. (g.) - t A tract of rand uniformly
1~ , (ISd, s,) He prevented, hindered, with-
bodies; which is [said to be] the primary signi- contiunuos, and long. (g.) _ t The light of the
fication; (Myb ;) [a partition, a bar, a barrier, sun: or the tract, or side, of the sun: (]C, TA:) held, restrained, debarred,inhibited,forbade,pro-
or an obstacle :] and sometimes applied to ideal or [like _..] a side, or part, of the sun. hibited, or interdicted, (ISd, Mgh, ],) .ifroi
things: (Mb :) pl.].. (A, Myb, ].) You (TA.) him, or it: (ISd,TA:) [or %tl is here a mis-
suy, ;"I c W. , [The veil, or cur- .4.., (1K,) or ' *a.,
trunscriltion for ;: for] you say, a / ..
(S,) The office ofdoor. meaning There is so prevention,
tain, was put, or let down, over the women]. (A, keeper [or chamberlain]. (S, K.) - And the
or it: (TA:) and' .a .-,aor. t, inf. n.j..,
TA.) And . ,1- 1,s; : [He has former, The office of door-keeper and guardian
prayers that rend the veil]. (A, TA.) And of the Kaabeh. (TA.) (., A,* AfMb,) He (a }l4ee, or judge, $, A) pro-
hibited him (a young or a lightwitted person, TA)
8J14_ ,,1.It ;fajJ L [Ttere is no veil, or , an epithet in which the quality of a from using, or disposing of, his property according
obstacle, to the prayer of the wronged]. (A, TA.) subst. predominates, (TA,) A door-keeper; (M b, to his oron free will: (S, A, Myb,
It is said in a trsd., L. gl l.,4.aJ 9
'.i 1 > k;) so called because he prevents persons from i;, i .4.e Ahe
TA:) ot '.
(a 1Fi4ee) prevented, or prohibited,
;1;j [He mho gets sight and hnowled~ge of the veil entering: (Mb :) [a chamberlain:]pl. ,4 (S, him from consuming, or wating, or ruining, his
fall into that which is behlind it]: i. e., when a Msb, g) and 4'.*.. (Msb, g.) And ;.", 4..
man dies, he falls into what is behind [one of] property. (Mghi.) -Seealso 5:_-and8.
[Tle door-keeers and guardians of the Kaabeh:
the two veils, that of Paradise and that of Hell: 2. A : ase 5. J j 4 [He made
(ISh, TA:) or, accord. to some, ,.I.JI ! see a4.a.]. (TA.) - Each of the two bones
over the eyes, with tlhe hair andflesh upon them:
a bound, or an enclosure, around his land]. (A.
signifies the stretching out the head [and looking [Perhaps from what next follows; or the reverse
(IF, Myb, .:) or the eyebrow; the hairgronwing
over the veil]; for he who examines into a thing on either of those bones: (AZ, K:) so called be- may be the case.])_ e2&I',p_, (Mqb,)
stretches out his head to see what is behind the cause it precludes the rays of the sun from the inf n.. , (S, L,) He burned a mark round
veil, or covering. (TA.) And in another trad., eye: (TA:) of the
mase. gender: (Lb, TA:) pl. the eye of the camel with a circuldar cauterizing
a saying of Mobammad, (TA,) JiAU
,A dil I instrumnent: ($, L, Mb :) and klI .C'' J .,
. _...pla. ($, Mob, ].) One says, .. L
.,ibm1JI t i I.. [Verily Godforgireththe m- and &., [i.e. t j, , like a is said in the
cant (his creature) as long as the precluding evoent .. 1_.JI [Verily he has the eyebrow made narror
A,] he burned a mark round the eye of the beast.
dhall not have happnd]~: .o,w.JI here meaning and long, by the removal of redundant hairs; or
the dying in the belief in a plurality of gods: made narrow and long and arched; or lengthened (L.) - de..l The camel had a mark burned
(1~,OTA:) as though one were precluded from with antimony]. (Lh, TA.) - [Hence, as being round each of his eyes with a circularcauterizing
true belief by death. (TA.) One says also, likened thereto,] t The piece of nwod that is over instrument. (]K. [Perhaps this may be a mis.
., z rjLm's Xl ,,t ... jv'..nul [Inability s a the lintel of a doorframe. (Az, TA.) [See 4:".] take for -,:.I '.a: or for a,,; ., meaning
bar betmwn man and hi desre]. (Mab.) And - The edge, (A,) or side, (K,) or upper limb he burned a mark round each of the eyes of the
of the disk, that appears when it begins to rie, camel t&ce.: but see what follows.]) 'p. 1,.Z
(T, TA,) or the first part that appears, (Mgh,) (., 1,) inf. m. as above, (/,) The moon became
is a bar between the servant and his Lord]. (MNb.)
of the sun, (T, A, Mgh, (,) and of the moon: surrounded by a thin line, which did not become
- [Hence, in the present day, tA written charm
(T, TA:) likened to the ..h. (A, Mgh) of the thich: (S, ] :) and (. [in the ]1 "or"]) became
or amulet; generally worn in a case (called
,,#..) suspended, on the right side, by a string face (Mgh) of a man: (A:) and ,tJ. 1 . urrounded by a halo in the clouds. (S, :.)
!aing over the left shoulder, or on some other the sid of the sun. (S.) You say, Q4. ,0 5. 4A' He straitened him, (g, TA,)
part of the person: pl. of mult. , , and of 1,J, (T, A, TA,) and .l, (T, TA,) Theit and made [a thing] unlarwful to him, or not al-
paue. ,. and ~,.. ]... [Hence also,] A upper limb of the disk, (T, TA,) or the edge, (A,) hloable. (TA.) And 4i1 ,~ . .~ 3 He
thin piece of fl~sh, (,) resembling a piece of of the sun appeared,(T, A, TA,) and of the moon. made strait to himself what God made ample.
shin, (TA,) in the interior of the body, between (T,TA.) -- tThe edge of anything. (Q.) A (A.) And A. sj' Thou Aa.
the two ddes, interwning betwen the lnngs and woman said to a man who was eating of the made strait and unlawful to me what God ham
the 5 [in the V _ l, but this is evidently middle of a round cake of bread, 0. 'h.lj.made ampl. (Mgh.) And L11; jq.J He
a mistrancription for . ,l the lowr intestine.; Eat of it, edges, (A,TA,)oritssid,. (A.)._ 7 made strait whtat was ample: (Mb :) or he made
for the ,4. is the diaphragn, or midrift]: t [The beginning of the dawn.] You say, :.~ strait what God made ample, and mnade it to be
BooK I.] b17
peculiar to himslf, eclusitely of others; s also a man meeting another whom he feared, in a t a' , sa sing., is mid by P and others to
t ;'. and
d j. (TA.)m-See also 8: acred month, used to say, 1I;-,'_..o (*, be a barbl*ism: it ocursn in a tad.; but perhaps
and 10.- [Henoe, perhaps,] .; 3 It (a meaning It is rigorously forbidden to thee [to the a is there added to asimilate it to ih, with
wound) cloed up, and consolidated,to Aeal. (TA commit an act of hostility agaiunt me] in this which it is there coupled: (MF:) the pI. [of
from a trad.) month: and the latter, thereupon, would abstain pauc.] is ;l qb, Vb:)and [of mult.] j
from any aggression against him: and so, on
S.a q, , (TA,) or ;,+ ,pj .l, (. , Mlb,) (A, Mvb, ) and ~ (]-) A poet says,
the day of'reurrection, the polytheists, when
and V~,..z/. a*nd ;4..3, (g,) He madfor they see the punishment, will say to the angels,
Aimself a jq.. [i. e. an enclosure for camels]. thinking that it will profit them: (Lth, S :*) but
Az Pays that I 'Ab and his companions explain * ,;: 3.CJ1Sd1ClY
(., Mqb, ].)-And hence, (Meb,) ,,j1JI .l,
(Mgh, Mqb, V,) and VI&q.-, (TA,) He placed these words [occurring in the ]Iur xxv. 24] other- When the stallion, seeing the army and the
a land-mark to the land, (Mgh, M 9b, .K,) to con- wise, i. e., as said by the angels, and meaning, gleaming swords, is mute in the midst of the
fine it, (Mgh, Mqb,) and to prevent othersfrom the joyful annunciation is forbidden to be made mares kept for broeding, and does not look
encroaching upon it. (Mgh, TA.)-- t j.I to you: and accord. to El-.lasan, the former towards them, and the dogs bark at their msuters,
word will be said by the sinners, and the latter because of the change of their appearances, and
He sougnht protection by him, (A,* l;j as, for
is said by God, meaning it will be forbidden to children behave undutifully to their mothers whom
instance, by God, eij,UJI l.! from the deoil. them to be granted refuge or protection as they fear diverts from attending to them. (A.)-
(A.) . y ; I .~1 He put tht tablet in his used to be in their former life in the world: Relationdrip [that prohibits marriagel; near-
[or bosom]. (K.) but As adds, it is more proper to regard ness with repect to kindr~ (Mb,.)- Under-
the two words as composing one saying: (TA:) standing, intelligence, intllect, mind, or reason:
10. q./.-: sec 8. .- Also It (clay) became
and the latter'word is a corroborative of the (, A, Mb, :) so in the kur lxxxix.4: (4 ,
stone: (TA:) or became hard; as when it is
made into baked bricks: (Mgh :) or becam,n hard former, like A.1.. in the expression "St ,_. Bd:) thus called because it forbids that which
(Bd.) The same words in the ]rur xxv. 55 it does not behoove one to do. (Bd.) One says,
like stone; (A, Msb;) as also t _.. (A.)
signify A strong mutual repugnance, or incon- UL5j1
J i. il c. In that is an admonition
tlie becamne emboldened or encouraged, or he
gruity; as though each said what one says who to him who pouessa understanding, &c. (A.) -
emboldned or encouraged himsef, (.K, TA,) sIC
seeks refuge or protection from another: or, as See also ,u, in three places.
ogainst him. (TA.) some say, a defined linit. (Bd.) A man says
Q. Q. 1. *._ lle slusghtered hin by cutting to another, "Dost thou so and so, O such a one?" q.. [A stone; explained in the 1k by *'_;
and the latter replies '~, or 1.,,, or t (_, but this means "a rock," or "a great mas of
his throat [in the part called the ;j..]. (1 in
stone" or "of hard stone"]; (i, 1, c.;) so
art. n...) meaning [I pray for] preservation, and acquit-
called because it resists, by reason of its hardness;
nent, from this thing; a meaning reducible to
s:ee . , in three places. ~ Also, and that of prohibition, and of a thing that is pro- (Mgb;) and t.1.l signifies the same: (Fr, :)
t.n.a, (S, A, Mgh, Myb, K, TA,) [the latter of hibited. (Sb.) The Arabs say, on the occasion pl. (of pauc., of the former, S) ; (8, Mgh,
which I have found to be the more common in of a thing that they disapprove, dJ t* ,, with 1i) and ,1i (iK) and (of mult, S) ;l,.m. and
the present day,] and t , (V., [but this I have Ldanm, meaning, Mtiy it be averted (S.)_ [more commonly]i ~j -, (S,5,) which last is
not found in any other lexicon, and the TA, by .Homeyd lbn-Thowr says, extr. [with respect to rule], (S,) or agreeable
imlplicationl, disallows it,]) The _.; (Mgh, o9* '
o, with a usage of the Arabs, which is, to add i to
M3b, ] ;) [i. e. the boson; or breast; agreeably any pl. of the measure JW or of that of J2n,
with explanations of ~ in the g: or] the * 9t .,AJl *j; ' yU.i,
as in the instances of 'tlJ and iltJ.and J"4 Sj
IMrt beneath the armpit, eztendingp to tle flank; meaning, And I ?mrposed doing to her a for- and ;JIm;. (AHeyth.) And (metonymically,
(Mgh, Myb;) [agreeably with other explanations bidden action: and verily tAe like of her is one
of cp.l;] of a man or woman: (~, A, Mglh, to wkom that which is forbidden is done. (S, .K.) TA) i Sand: (IA#r,I :) pi. j;t.~.. (TA.)_
[Hence,] j. )1 The people of the desert,
3.sb, Ii:) pl. (S, Mb.) Hllence the say- t'_.~ is also explained as signifying L.;
[app. meaning a thing from which one is bound who dwell in stony and sandly places: occurring
ing, (Mgh,) 91, " l. O t Sach a one is
to refrain,from a motive of respect or reverence;] in a trad., coupled with ).hL '. (TA.)_-
is the notection of sach a one; (AZ, T, Mgh,
and to have this meaning in the verse above. A,'n 1, and simply . Jl, The [Blak]
MI,b;) as also * . , , (TA.) And 'i
(Az.) - Also, the first of these words, Any Jt?.. Stone of the Kaabeh. (X, TA.) El-Fare;zd
tes _ t He gren up in his care
and [i.e. garden, or walled garden of palm-trw,] applies to it, in one instance, the pl. ,
andprotection. (.)_-Also V~.. (T, ) and nwhich one prohibits [to the public]. (S.) And considering the sing. as applicable to every part
(T, TA) [The bowom as meaning] the fore j1.Jl That [space] which it comprised by [the of it. (TA.) -One ysay, e;l" jp " ,
part of the garment; or the part, thereof, between curved maUll called] tlh .J', (S, A, Mgh, 5:,) meaning t Such a oe is unequalid. (TA.) And
one's arms. (1', .) _ Se also m.:_ -. and which encompasses tih Kaabeh on the north [or
0 I1j ~. - Also An extended gibbous tract v;l~ ;i~ S Llf Such a onsh Am had
rather north-west] side; (f, A, K;) on the side a ery sagacious and erafty and politic man
of an.' (i.) of the spout: (Mgh :) or the _JB.. [itself], made to be an asailant against him. (I, TA.)
:see , in three places :-and : which encompas~ the Kaabeh on the side of the El-Ahnaf Ibn4-eys said to 'Ales, when Mo'6-
pout. (M 9b.) [It is applied to both of these wiyeh named 'Amr Ibn-E:-'AV as one of the two
in the present day; but more commonly to the .0- J$ a.0. .. . .a.
umpires, C;l > J > ,I g ji.3
v4. (6l, A, Mgh, M4b, 1) and Vj_ (S, former.] -Also, ,.~., The anteriorpudendum
Mgh, Mb, ) and t'V of a man and of a woman; and so V : (5, a
iJiis -3y LU yr< t~LOY
' AaA t
, (M, ,' of which the
TA:) the latter the more chaste. (TA.)-A a most eesdingy sagacioW and crafty and
first is the most chaste, (S,) and t .. (S, O
mnare; the female of the horse: (S, A, Msb, V :) politic man made to be an assailant ag~ t th~e:
and TV,q.. (1) [and * u], Forbidden,
and a mare kept for breeding; (A;) as though so appoint thou with him Ibn-'Abbd; for As
prohibited, unlawful, inviolabl, or iacred. (S,
her womb were forbidden to all but generous will not tie a knot but he rall UNtit it: meaning
A, Mgh, Mqb, X.) Each of the first three forms
horses: (T :) but in the latter sense the sing. is one that hall stand firm likh a stow upon ths
occurs in different readings of the ]~ur vi. 189.
scarcely ever used; though its pl., the first of grnd. (L from a trad.) One says alo, ' ;
(4.) You say, J_ ~4 l,i TIhis isforbid~ , the following forms, (as well as the second, A,) i~sr C$WP, meaning Such a one mu coupled
or nlanful, to thee. (A.) In the time of paganism, is used to signify mares kept for breeding: (I :) [or opos ~ with Ais lite: (A:) [as though he
[BooK I.
had a stone suited to the purpose of knocking him 1part of his property and after that lost what
is of ja...,..: see see the next preceding paragrapb, in
down cast at him.] -. Jl ,uJ, occurring in greater value. (TA.) [And hence the saying,] three three places. - Also A small L [or receptacle
a trad., means t For the fornicator, or adulterer, ,j~
z!p= s . tHis property ha become for perfumes and the le]. (.) .- And A glass
disappointment, and prohibition: accord. to some, large, or
ample. (S.)_ See also fiask
flask or bottle (;Qj,i), (1, TA,) of a small ine,
it is meant to allude to stoning; [and it may
have had this meaning in the first instance in yp~.. An enclosure (i- L) for cameel. (S, (TA,)for $j~., [q. v.]. (g, TA.)
which it was used;] but [in general] .this is not Ai
3, .5
).- -. [And hence,] The _~ of a house; ($;) j~l: 1..l: see .,, .
the case; for every fornicator is not to be stoned.
[i. e.] a chamber [in an absolute sense, and so in
(IAth,TA.) [See also art. vG.]-,;~1 Gold: ' ....: We
see j,., in four places.
the present day]; syn. .: (Myb ) or an upper Also, (S,)
and slrer. (r.) Both together are called T
chamber; syn. ij.: (VC:) pl. - and 1.,. or
or .. a- and * (,) The tract aur-
oi;.; . (9.) rounding
(S, Msb, 1) and p.;. and .lC . (Z, Msb, rounding a town1or village: (9, ]:) [pl. !; .]
q.i~ [Stony; abounding with stones]. You 1 .)__ See also Hence the j.te: of the kings (J0I) of El-
* . .3
say i;jq.. jI [so in several copies of the 1; Yemen,
Yemen, whichl were Placesof pasturage, whereof
a~ : see -. each of them had orne, in rwhich no other person
in the C! ;~ ; Land abounding with stones;
pastured hlis beasts: (?, I :) the ~
pastitred of a
as also a,and '.) ( Jt.- and 4. A right, or due; a thing, J J of El-Yemen was his tract of land into wAich
or quality, to be regardedas sacred, or invioltablt;
r,. Theflds aurrounding the nail. (I..) no other person than himself entered. (T.)-
( ;) a peculiar attribute. (TA.)
;~ A severe year, that conf.nes men to their See also
See _ And see al '-
. ....

tents, or houses, to that they alaughter their ;?eU uel see w_

'v_. (s, 1) and '...,_(C) A garden ur-
ge#nerous camels to eat them. (L in art. ,;, on ^1_.The part of the brink (ail)of a valley rounded by a wall; or a garden of trees; svn.
a verse of Zuheyr.) A side; an adjacent tract that retains the
water, (S, J,) and surrounds it; aL~,: a~: (S, K :) or a lon,, or depreed, piete of
or quarter; (ISd,1g;) as also t _'t: (EM
(ISd;) as also t;,v_: pi. of the former O1,. pastu.re:
pasture: (T, TA:) or a place in whirch is mwurh
p. 281 :) pl. of the former tq a, [or rather this (?, .K.) Iligh land or ground, the middl'
is a coll. gen. n., of which the former is the n. un.,] of pasture,
pasture, nith water: (A, TA:) pl. .....
which is low, or depressed; (];) as also Vt; _. : (,
and (9, ]g)~ ) and t 1: a (V:) the last A.) Sce also .. l. for the former word and its
(TA:) and t,;.. [pl. of the latter] low places
is mentioned by 1Sd as being thought by him to
in the ground, retaining rvater. (A.) A fertile pl. pl.: and see ,5. _. 1 (RS,I,
Q &c.)
be a pl. of ;,t_ in the sense above explained,
piece of land, abounding with herbafe, low, or and 1 la' (TA) and tVp_,.. (F) and
contr. to analogy. (TA.) Hence, .,1 The depressed, and having elevated borders, upon
tract or quarter adjacent to thlc abode of a which the water is retained. (AHn.) A place simply .,..1 (Msb, TA) and t (IO) and
people. (S.) And I. 1 U~.. Thre two aide whtere mater flows, or whiere herbs grow, str- tV.I, which occurs in a verse of EI-Akhlal,
(IAar,) [The part which is next below, or around,
of the road. (TA.) And .;.
U.. The two rounded by high ground, or by an elevated river. the eye, and which appears when the rest of the
sids. of an army; (A, TA ;) its right and left (T, TA.) A place witere trees of the hind called
face is veiled by the ..,A or the
fae . :] that part
winFt. (TA.) And .. .. He sat aside. :j
.i grow; where they are collected together;
[of the face, next below the eye,] which appears
(A.) And ,;~ j;I_ He journeyjed asile, by and a place which they surround: (M, ]:) pL
as above. (.) - A wall that retains water from out of the [kind of veil called] ,A.l; (T, S,
hinuelf. (TA.) And 9,~. is also said to sig-
between house: so called because encompassing. A, A, M.b, 1J) of a woman (A, Msb, R) and of 'a
nify the same, in the following ex.: I1 u. man,from the lower eyelid; and sometimes from
LLj ; j She (the camel) pastures aside, and the upper: (Msb :) or the port that surroundslx
lies down in the middle. (TA.) It is said in a see - and J1- Also A the eye (Msb, R) on all sides, (Msb,) and appears
prov., l; U ' i.~ ,iwj Hie lies dowrn refuge; a means of protection or defence: ana- f170m from out of the [kind of veil called] ".: (Msb,
naide, and patsures in the middle: (s:) or i,~ logous with j;A, which signifies "a place of g :) or the part of the bone beneath the eCJelid,
;>,1'as' ~.'O 1Lt ; Such a one pastures in perdition :" whence, tvhich
which encompases the eye: (TA:) and ,
the middle, and lies down aside: (TA:) applied sel1 means also what appearsfrom beneath the
to a man who is in the midst of a people when turban of a man when he has put it on: (g:
they are in prosperity, and when they become in And their sayer said, Verily I lay hold on that [accord. to the TA, the turban itself; but this is
an evil state leaves them, and lies down apart: which will protect me from thee and repel thee a meaning evidently derived from a mistranscrip.
the prov. is ascribed to Gheylin Ibn-Mudar. (IB.) from me; ",.L being understood. (TA.) tion
Lion in a copy of the KC, namely, (1 for
Imra-el-leys says, [addressing Khalid, in whose
,1j_.: see ~Ls.:]) also j _. that part of the face
neighbourhood he bad alighted and sojourned,
and who had demanded of him some horses and against
a.qagnjt nhich the .,W lies: and ,. .Jt the eye
; .... and ., ( ,
(,1g,) each with an [iesey]:
[itse]: (T, TA:) the pl. of j_~ is
riding-camels to pursue and overtake a party augmentative l..
O, ($, Msb,) [The head of the (A,
that had carried off some camels belonging to
windpipe; consisting of a part, or the whole, of
(A, Mob.)
him (lmras-el-eys), on Khilid's having gone
away, and returned without anything,]
the larynx: but variously explained; as follows:] ja~:
)q ace
s: __ and sec also w_, in
the windpipe; syn. ; ($, ~:) or the former two places.
e3 '
:-* - I,a- S [has this meaning, i. e.], the pasage of the breath:
(Mgh, Msb:) or the extremity of the Aj3U, at j_mm~,
_. ~, for which the doctors of practical
* . il . . 4 the entrance of the pasage of thefood and drinhk: law aw say ;_, . only, omitting the preposition
[Then let thou alone spoil by the sides of which a (Bd in xxxiii. 10:) or [the head of the larynx, and the pronoun governed by it, on account of
Ahouting wm raised: but relate to me a story. componed of the two arytenoides;] two of the the frequent usge of the term, A person prohi-
What is the story of the riding-camels?]: hence taucssvey-auperimposdcartilages of the .ih. bited [by a .kdee] from using, or dispoting of,
his property according to his own free weill:
the prov., 4 '.s ml (~...Al
'* ,11 ;(."c~,l), next the c [or
epiglottis], where it is pointed: or the inide, or (Msb:) or prohibitedfromconnming, or smting,
or ruining, hTu property. (Mgh.)- See also
cavity, of the Ua..: and so t';&.: (TA in
[Dominion belongeth to God: then let thlou alone art. j,.~:) or Vthe latter is syn. with ,,_, in in two places.
&c.]; said with reference to him who has lost [q. v-]: (Msb :) pl' . tl. . ,," l:-,see
I )
;,>.. sceew .a..

BooK I.] 619

absiained. (, , TA.) _ j He left, (TA.) And Xi

He_l i.
' jfi, , a$
forsook, or rdinquithed, it. (TA.) - See also 6. [meaning, tHe laid hold of a mran of obtaining
1. oj., aaor. (. , O) and , (1i,) inf. n. _mSee also 8.
acces, or nearness, to God]: said of Moamnmad,
4- (F,O8)and ;J _ and*t a (1i,) [or
8. at j' .l He, or it, wat, or became, de- in a trad. (TA.) And '~ WJigf 1
the last is rather a quasi-inf. n. of !lj1, and, fended, or ht defended himnelf, by it; syn. t,I'. Xa : This is language diposed in regular
accord. to some, it is of an intensive form,] He, (TA.) [See also another explanation in what order, consecutiely. (A, TA.) It is said in a
or it, prevented, hindered, impeded, witAheld, follows.]4R ji.l
.-. They two wvere, or became, trad., pt ' ' -s (Verily
rstrained, or debarred, him, or it; syn. a.', separated,or parted,eachfrom the other. (TA.) j1 i connected wth O JI]: maid to mean,
(8, ],) and &Afr. (IC.) It is said in a trad., See also 6. _ jl .. He carriedit in hit ;.: that the name of_.a.ll is derived from c~..JI;
. ; 13 it is
;9.U And (A, 1:*) like as '..i-1 signifies "he carried it so that it is as though it attached itself thereto,
for the family of the slain person to prevent the a.. .rl He tied his and laid hold of the middle thereof. (IAth, TA.)
in his X X-." (A.) - '
nearest [in relationship] and then the nearstt jIjl upon [or around] his waist; (S, Mgh, Msb,
[after him] from retaliating the slaughter. (TA.) ;j~. A mode, manner, or form, of tying the
;) he made the two ends thereof to meet, and
And one says, J1;tt C' NW tied it upon his waist; (A, TA;) he wrapped it il. (TA.)
I"je.. There was a hooting of arrows or tAe round his waits. (TA.) _ Hence, :l; ji l
like [or a great shooting &kc.] between the people; Jlq.lj It was encompassed by the stony tracts
then they withheld themsclves [or withheld them- called jIt [pl. of ;.^], and by the mountains. Ojl.,; Separate thou, or part thou, tiu
selvoe much]from each other: (g, L:) which is people; ($, A, ];; and T in art. Jj., on the
(Mgh.)ijq...l He, (a man, TA,) or it, (a
a prov. (TA.) It is also said in another prov., party of people, S,) came to the province called authority of IAar;) time after time: (]:) app.
meaning, without intermission: (TA:) or it may
.tx Ut!.Sj- a& C :Such a one's case [rith El7-.ijdZ; ( also
ass,g;) l; (ISk,.S,
mean withhold thyself (IAqr, T in art. Jj.)
reqsect to knowledge or science] cannot be con- K;) and tj'.~.al, (I,) inf. n. jl~. (TA.)
cealed. (A, TA.) i _ j ., (A, M9 b, 1,) CS.e:~.: see 1, in two places.
"._ One who abstainsfrom what is unlawful
aor. ' (Myb, K) and, (g,) in n. j_, (Msb,) a.ta A thing intervening, as a separation, a
[See also *i...]
He, or it, intervened as, or made, or formed, a and indecorous. (TA.)
separation, a partition,afence, a barrier, or an partition, a fence, a barrier, or an obstacle, or
j : see j ., in two places. obstruction, betweenm two other things, (TA,) or
obstacle, or obstruction, betnween them two; he
between two things facing, or opposite to, each
separated, or parted, them; (Meb, ] ;) i. e., two j'~ A severe year, tlat confines men to their
things; (Mb ;) or two persons or things facing, tents or houses, so that they slaughter their gene- other; (Az, A, TA;) as also t; .. (Az, A,
or opposite to, each other. (Az, A, TA.) rout camels to cat them. (L in art. , on a TA.) Hence the province called El-lijz is thus
named, because it forms a separation between
2. l j J , [A flat roof that has verse of Zuleyr.)
Nejd and the Ghowr, or Gh6r; (S, Mgh, TA;)
not been fenced round with a wall to prevent per- .j!I ''j. ' The place [or part] of the ftjl or between Nejd and the Sarah; (Mab, K;) or
sons flling from it]. (KI in art. c..) where it is tied [round the waist]; (S, Msb, K, between the Ghowr, or Gh6r, and Syria (Mgh,
TA;) the place where the end qf the jIjl is folded, Msb, TA) and the Bidiyeh; (Mgh, TA;) or
3. a.sJ ,. ., (A,) inf. n. j A ', (~, K,) or doubled, in wrapping it round: (Lth,TA:)
between Nejd and Tihimeh; (IC;) or because
They reciprocally prevented their cnemy from
like manner] ,.jl.JI ;"_ [thc tuck, or the Hiirhr [or certain stony tracts] separate it
fighting vwith them, or reciprocallyabstainedfrom and [in
from the high part of Nejd; (Az, TA;) or be-
fightinj with them, and moade peacewith themr; syn. doubled upper border, of the trousers, through
which passes the waist-band, i. ce., the band or cause it is encompassed by the Hirar and the
,"wmib, (A,) and syn. of the inf. n. .ai., (S, string t,lat binds them round the waist ;] the part mountains, (Mgh, M.b,*) or by the five HIir6r,
g], TA,) and .41_S. (TA.) It is said in a prov., of the trousers in which is the 'b [or waist-band]; namely, the gHarrah of Benoo-Suleym and that of
pI . il ;; L1 [If thou desire (S ;) the place of the aS3: (1 :) pl. *. Wa]im and that of Leyla and that of Showran
ej4,lt l *jq (Msb, and that of En-N'r. (As, K.)- Also sing. of
the reciprocal proevention of fighting, and the
making of peace, let it be before fightinJ]: (S, TA) and ;.,P and .j_: (TA:) and hence ',..., (K,) which latter signifies Wrongers, or
;jJl . .il [Tlc reciprocal
*j~ o"*- is applied to the garment called jjl itself; wrongdoers, who prevent one from obtaining his
TA:) or
prevention offJightiig, and the making of peace, as also t:j,; of which latter the pl. is'J , right: (S:) or persons who defend men, onefron
should be before fighting]. (A.) [See also art. with two dammehs, [app. contracted into ",] another, and decide between them justly. (Az,
TA.) In the ], the signification of" wrongers,
and pi. pl. 3: Z says that tj and ._
or wrongdoers," is combined with the contrary
4: see 8. signify the same. (TA.)-Hence, 1;oa' explanation given by Az. (TA.) It is said in a
6. I'jt They presvnted one another, or mu- S Patience, (g, TA,) and hardineu. (TA.) One trd. of 1eylch, >. i i iil
tuaUy abstained,fromfighting, [and made peace, says, i'1.JI J. .. j tlIe is patient in diffi- .. .~ '1I [IJ the son of this woman unable to
one with another; (see also 3;)] syn. tst: culty. (TA.) And it is said in a trad. of obtain his right in the absence of the wrongdoers
(S,* g, TA:) said of two troops. (S.)-j-_. t 'Alee, when he was asked respecting the Benoo- who prevent his doing so?]: (S:) or [according
.J311 The people separated themelves, one from Umeiyeh, jq.. lta, .A, or ~,. accord. to to one relation] i '
J 'iaWlLJ e ,As
1 *"I
another; they left, forsook, or relinquished, one different relations, : They are the most patient of
.aJland ljj*..l. (TA.) ;'i.. J;S [Is the son of this woman to be
another; as also l'
3 us in difficulty. (TA.) You say also J . blamedfor deciding the affair in the absence of
iAlso ,oJI1 j.. The people took, or took
o.jl j, (A,TA,) and Ji w l' , and those who defend men, one from another, and
hold of, one another by the j'.. [pl. of oj_];
, [app. a contraction of j:J;,] decide betnween them justly?]: by "the son of this
took hold of one another's jn.-: (TA:) [or :.ijd l ., woman" she means her own son: she says, if he
sought aid, or refuge and protection, one of ano- (TA,) S He is one who abstainsfrom ntiha is un- suffer a wrong, and allege for himself that which
ther: see:jS~ .] lawful and indecorous [especially with respect to
repels from him the wrong, [without having re-
7. ij*1do quasi-pass. of j4_ in the first of
wo0men]; like 1 44. (TA.)_And &'U' '
course'to the judge,] he is not to be blamed.
;i' JIS He ifull in thflianks: the being so is
the senses explained above; (TA;) He, or it, (TA.) [See also iU .]
was, or became, prevented, hindered, impeded, a fault. (18, TA.) - You also say, j j.,
withhlld, restrained, or debarred; he withheld, meaning : He sought aid of him: (A, TA:) or jm~.. Hit, or hurt, in the place [or part of
or restrained, himself; he refrained,forbore, or he had recourse to him for refuge and protection. the body] wiere the jIj it tied. (g.)
[Boox I.
:jT; The place [or part of the body] where I mented a woman, or her legs, with anklets: and legs,
logs, and hobbling in his shackle]. (TA.) And
the JJ it tied. (.) he shackled a man, or a man's legs: see WJ. [hence] liS .qq+ 1 [q. v.].
a; Harin his waist bound [with thA1e l: : .And hence,] 4i; ,;
, I- , inf. n. (TA.) AbSO, te first, Whiteness: (M, .:)
and with 5,a woman haing Aher . bound upon said of a horse, His legs were white in the ioroer pi. p]. J t (]9)
[tlhat part of her person swhich i' termed] the parts, the whiteness extending [upwarde] beyond
the pasterns but not extending beyond the hnes jJ'.a [The partridge; or partridgs; com-
5;j. (TA.) pridng several species, of which those most com-
and hocks; because they [the lower parts of the
monly known appear to be identical with the
leg] are the places of the Jlt...l, e., the anklets,
Barbary partridge and the Greek partridge;
and the shackles. ($, TA.) [See jt;' ex- both red-legged: accord. to Forskal, ("Descr.
3. Rie1.
HII oppos~d him and repelled him,
plained as a simple subst., below.] - [Hence Animal.," pp. vii. and 11,) applied both to this
lapp. with a I , (see the act. part. n., below,)]
also,] 4L W She (a woman) coloured the dye bird, tetrao prd~i, and also to the phaanau
being opposd and repe~Ud by him. (s.)
of herfinger, or of the extremities ofherfingers. meleagris:] a well-known bird; (Mqb;) i. q.
Lp.~.: see what next follows, in two places. (15, TA.) In the copies of the T, 4r is put in .t: (18h,
(ISh, ?:) or the male of the : (: )
A shield made of skin, ($, K, TA,) or, the place of ;:ji, app. by a mistake. (TA.) or the females of the t
i.~ 4d [pl. of 6 ' '8. s,
as some say, of the sking of camels, cut out in a [Hence also,] . in the .', signifies The q. v.]: (Lth:) also called JJ,t - [A t4 ]:
round form, (TA,) without wood and without nwahing a portion of the --a [or upper arm,
there are two e; 5;. [i.u of Ntd]
sinews; (,1, TA;) as also U,: (8:) or of r perhaps a mistake for the ?;S,
or fore arm,] and and and [;4,3 of Tihdmeh]: the former
skins sed one over another; as also i.U,: a portion of the shank, while washing the hand
(18d:) or a smaU shield made of two [pieces of] peie is .ju l ([here meaning of a dark, or
andfoot. (Meb.)-[Hence also,] L5JIl -,-
shine ew~d together, one over the other: (Mb :) an ashy, dust-color], with red feet [or lega];
(TA,) inf. n. as above, (15,) A little milk, as
Il. i , (, , Mb, 1g,) [or rather this is a much as the nmeasure the latter, of the former colour intermixed with
of the , of a horse, white:
white: but .qN.; is found used for the malc;
coil. gen n.,] and [the pl. is] .L4. (Myb.) was poured into the bowvl
The saying of the rdjiz, (9,) namely, Su-r-edh- for the guest, or guests, and ;jd and kS-. ;., for the female:
and then the boml was filled up with water; this (Dmr, cited by Freytag:) a single
Dhi-b, (TA,) bird of the
being done in a case of dearth, or drought, and kind
want of milk: (15,* TA:) or, accord. to As, it
is called (,Mb,M: ]:) J. is
means the bowl for the guet, or guests, was con- a
a pl, as also $ and ; (;) or
means $W j. .,j [i. e. Many a middle of a cealed in the [rather]
[mther] Ja_ is a coill. gen. n., (Mob, 1,) and
,.A, through niggardliness, in
desert in which one loses Ais way, like the back order that the owners the pl., (Mqb,) or quasi-pl. n., (1,) is! g.l
might drink its contents.
of a shield such as is called aiAq,.]: and [by (Mqb,
(Msb, g ;) which is the only instance of its kind
(TA.)..-[Hence also, as '.._~ renders a horse
C..Aq.-l is meant ~a,..J; for] some of the except .J: (, g: in a copy of the MNb
Arabs, in pausing upon a ;, make it .: thus conspicuous,] l i J t Such a one made jj:b:) 5jj :b) itu f,h iJ of moderate temperament.
tocy say, .,. his case, or afair, notorious, or public. (TA.)
1, and &..I
; e: (9, Sgh ) (g,
(1, TA,) more delicate than that of the t. and
these are Teiyi. (9gh, TA.)-t The breast, or -See also 1, first sentence. in..,
inf. n.
that of the ,.l.1, and very fattening: (TA:)
chest; (Abu-l-'Omeythil, 15:) as being likened as above, He made for her a ;)_: (M, ] :)
the swallowrig hai a
f mith4.l of its liver is good
to a shield: (Abu-l-'Omeythil, TA:) pi. [or or he brought her, or put her, therein. (0,15.)
for the epile~y; and the introduction of its
coil. gen. n.] t4.. (Abu-l-'Omeythil, 15.) - [And hence J;.. signifies also He concealed
gall-bladder into the nose once in every mouth
a thing in the : see above.] See also 1, sharpou
sharpwns the intellect greatly, and strengthens
t-La Fighting with another, having a second sentence.
the sight: (1J :) its jlesh is good for the dropsy,
IA..m: (9, g1:) opposing reciprocally. (1.) benefits
4. ;1 J..I He loosed the came's shaccle benefits the stomachli, and increases the venereal
from his left fore leg, and fastened it upon the
faculty. (Ibn-Secn&, TA.)_ Also, or (S,)
right: ($, 0, ]:) or, accord. to the M, he t.lq.., of which ~ is pL, (/,) or is
looted it from his right fort leg, and fastened it n. un. of J.a, [which is a coil. gen. n.,] (9,)
1. ')_s aor. J and, inf. n. ',. (, g) upon the left. (TA.) The young offspring of camels; the little ones
altd J3;, (g,) He walked having khi legs thereof. (9, 1 .)-J-.. ,? A certain game
shackled: ($:) or he raised one leg, and went Q Q.L Je_. see l (Fr, O) of the Arabs of the dert. (Fr.) See
slowly on the other leg: (M, J4:) or he nent rith
short steps, like him who has his legs shackled: , : see what next follows. also I.m..
(lYam p. 221 :) and he raised one leg, and hopped J/... and t J';. (S, Mgh, M,b, g) and
on the other: (TA:) it is said of a bird: (9:) see
tJ..- (Sgh, 1) and ~.. (O) An anklet; see
s) ., in three places.
and it means, (9, ],) in like manner, (9,) as also
itt.., (TA,) he leaped in going; (S, K, TA;) or a pair of anklets; syn. J ': (9,Mgh,
said of' a crow, or raven; (4, TA;) as laps M?b, 1 :) and the first and second ($, Mgh, 'a_. [A hind of curtained canopy or alcove
or the like, preparedfor a bride;] a thing like
(,r ) the camel that is hocked [in one leg] Msb, 1O) and third, as some say, (15,) by a meta-
upon three le, and the boy upon one leg or upon phor, ( Mb,) Sa shackle; or a pair of shackles, aa .3: (M, g:) and a place, (I,) or a tent, or
3 pavilion, or chamber, (q.,) (S,) adorned with
tno. (9')-' " , aor. :, inf n. J3,-; or hobbla; syn. e : (, Mgh, Myb, 1:) and
t the two rings of the ,: clotht
rloths (f, 1) and with raied couches (g) and
(1];) and * ., (Ay, 9. 1,) inf. n. ; (15:) pl. [of pauc.]
with curtains,for a bride: (9,1s:) or the cur-
(A#, 9;) Hit eye sank, or became depresed, in Jt [ (9 , Mgh, Msb, K) and [of mulLt] J4.
tain of the bride, ithin a :. [meaning tent, or
hi head; (A4, 9, ;) said of a man, and of a (Mgh, Msb, 1.) You say, Jq... WLt ) [or pavilion,
pavilion, or chamber]: (Mgh:) pl. 31. (S,
camel, and of a horse: (TA:) and tV., &c.] Upon her legs are anklet. (TA.)
toIne, signifies the came; (Ibn-'Abbid, 1;) said Mgh, 1) and [coil. gen. n.] *,i... (1J.) [See
of a man. (Ibn-'Abbdd, TA.) a.l%1, , and r. .]See also Jn'., in two place.
j ' j. , i.e. Shacles are the ankklets of men; and anklets
inf n. 0
An obstacle was made to intervene are [for the mistres
AJ, of the curtained canopies, mee 4.jL, in two place
betvreen him, or it, and him, or it. (5.) i. e.,] for won (TA.) And , $ --. _'*'.,applied to a ewe, (, a , TA,) Whose
2. [J , inf. n, 'j , originally, He orna- a.Lq.m. v) JS1L~ [He ment forth dragging his fore and hind shanks
are white, (S, 1, TA,)

BooK I.J 521

and the rest of her black: o in the M and 0. and hind leg of one side, 'iL. .tl
a ; looked hard- (, TA:) and so, acoord. to Az
(TA.) [See a1o . vocoe
,, .] .F.t' -,l
or JoL.: when '- (TA.)
A horse that is Ja [q. v.] in three on opposite sides, whether little or much, 3,;. 4.,. It (the breast of a woman or girl)
lgs. (Fr, 1.) was, or'became, smeiling, prominent, or protub
(.8) Hence, in a trad., ' .il ij.l
t;.. [part. n. of j;] has for its pl. 'M., pJ U'i ; "IIt * t [My followesn i rant; (Mgh, ;) s also , ., inf. n.q :
(s:) or was, or became, round, and ~elling,
which is applied by Jereer to crows or ravens be tho ktaving a whits on the foreead and prominent, or protuberant; u also t.*.: (A,
[as meaning Leapingin going, as tdough shackled]. on the wrists and ankles, on the day of resurrec-
TA:) properly, became such as to ham wchat is
(TA.) [The fem. pi.] tqk.t. is also applied tion, fron the effot of the ablution for prayer].
(TA.) [Hence also, because the horse that is termed ', (Mgh, TA,) meaning projection,
to camels, (e, V,) meaning That haa been protrusion, prominence, or rlotlube nce, and
munitten in their legs, (.,) or that hae been ham- is conspicuous,] ii.q.al L S;t -
elevation: (Mgh :) or, as some say, became such
strung, (][,) and in con~eqnce walk not on aU of t He committed a bad and notorious deed. (
their lek. (f8, .) in art. A, q. v.) And the saying of El-Jadee, that thae clin might such it. (TA.). -Is,.I
satirizing LeylA El.Akhyaleeyeh, j;;; She (a womad) suckled the nr-born
*aJ, (8,] , &c.) and 1.;'.., (M, ,) like child for the first time. (], TA.) ' ~
*it;L and a,.,
and .;j; and j, &c., $ I:M :;1 I C-- M
He refrained, forbore, abstained, or desisted,
(TA,) A flask, or bottle; syn. 3jtU : ( :) or from it; (?,V];) quasi-pass. of a'".q , like
a smaU ;j U with a wide head, (., M, 0,) tthe t [For U has committed a glaring, notorious
asA 1 is of -;f-,;which are extr. of their
head] resembling a . and the like: (M, ded]. (Az, TA.) And ' . .l ; tA
kind; (S;) and ,s, l signifies the same;
TA:) or a ;j1U large in the lower part: (I :) day bright and beaming with happines and (. in art. _ ;) but is a rare dial. var.: (Ijar
cheerfulness. (Har p. 377.) - Also A she-
or one like the l1j of [the kind of perfume p. 95 :) or he drem back from it, or him, in awe,
camel's udder having a whiteness in the teats,
called] i;pS: (TA:) pi. j1l. and Jtl_.; or fear: (l[, TA:) or he receded, or drew back,
occasioned by tluhe j. [q. v.]. (1.)~A woman
(M, V;) in the latter of which, the U may be from it; namely, a thing, or an affair: (Mqb:)
who keeps, or cleav,,to the JI3~ [pl. of 'a]:
inserted by poetic liceuse, or as a substitute for and .Jd!I po c ra I dreaded, or feared, the
and in like manner, a man; meaning tone wlho
one of the Js in 4jt-.. (M, TA.) [See also returned, and left them,
eeps rmuch, or habitually, to the company of people, or party, and
after I had desired to go to them. (AZ, M9b.)
women. (Iam p. 238.)
._,... l1 also signifies He (a man) advanced,
' .i. [inf. n. of 2, q. v.: and also used as a or wentforward; and so ,&.. 1: both of these
J y _: see J~. .
simple subst., signifying] WVhitenes in the legs vcrbs thus having two contr. meanings. (MF.)
of a hors, (., Y~,) all of them; (];) or in three See also 1, last sentence.
of the legs; (v;) in the two hind legs and afore
leg; (Jg;) or in a hind leg and the twofeore legs; 8. ,.~1 He performed the operation of
1._ '.m said of the breast of a woman or girl: cupping: (MA, KL, PS :) [or rather he had
(TA;) or in the two hind leg (., J) only; (I ;) 4
or in one lind leg only; (K ;) but not in the two see . .. ,;, (ISk, 8, aor. ! and , inf. n. that operation performed upon him; or had
Jbore legs alone, nor in one fore leg ivithout the ,. , (.,) He (a child, ISk, S, TA) sucked blood dramn from him by that operation; a
other, unlehs ,ith the two hind legs, (AO, S, JI, (ISk,?,]) the breast of his motlher. (ISk, S, quasi-pass. verb, like .l- and k.s;l and
TA,) or with one kind leg; (AO, , TA;) whether TA.) [Hence,] , aor. ', inf. n. , j.t.1 and countless others:] or he sought, or
little or much, so that it extends [upwamds] beyond (S, Mgh, M9b,) He scarified him [and drew demanded, the performance of that operation
tie pastern but not beyond the knee and hock. blood from him with the '. ; i.e. he cupped [upon himself]. (g, TA.) One says,
(S,.) -Also A whitenet in a she-camers teat,
him]; (Msb;) he performed upon1 him the opera- .Sil C>. [app. meaning I had tome of the blood
occasioned by the f.. [q. v.]. (K.)_-And,
tion of the.l I , (Mgh,) or, of th , (S,) drarnfrom mne by cupping]. ($.)He (a camel)
accord. to ISk and the 1, A certain mark made was withheld, or restrained, or prevented, from
who suck the mouth of the a-eq. [to draw the
with a hot ir uona on camel: but sgh says that biting [by being muzzled]. (TA.)
the righlt word is ' ~ ., with >. (TA.) blood]. (Az, TA.)-And [hence,]AJa ;,J
t The erpent bit him. (TA.) And ;__ ..m~ A rising, protuberant, or prominent,
J~4. Wearing Jt4.., i. e. anklets; [or l JS'il The stallions bit the qa. '(TA.) part of a thing: ($:) a projection, protrusion,
adlorned therewrith;] applied to awoman [with- And . prominence, or protuberance; (., Mgh;) and a
l.,q., (TA,) inf. n. as above, (I,)
out; because men do not wear anklets]: if applied rising, or an eleoation: (Mgh :) or the part of a
ftJe ate off theJleshfroma the bone. (., TA.)=mthing that one feels beneath his hand: (El-
to a man, shackled. (y/am p. 238.) - [And
hence,] applied to a horse, (, Mgh, Mob, ,) j;l q.f_,(., Msb, TA,) nor. l, (, TA,) inf. n. Ghooree, Mgh:) or the part of a thing that oue
Having what is termed . , as explained in as above, (TA,) He put a .. A. upon the mouth feels projecting, protruding, prominent, or pro.
the first sentence of the paragraph next preceding; [or muzzle] of the camel, when excited, in order tuberant, beneath his hand: pl. .'. . ( .)
that he might not bite; (., TA;) [he muzzled One says,. There i no projection,
(, ;) as also tJ...: (.K :) white in the
place of the anklet, and above that; wherefore the camel;] he bound the camel's mouth [or protrusion, prominence, or protuberance, to his
the horse is thus termed: (Ham p. 3 :) having muzzle] irth a thing. (Msb.) - Hence, (iHar elbow. (..) L says that..", ',4 means
n Onc's
his legs, (Mgh, Msb,) all four, (Mgh,) wrhite; p. 474,) !,l c .':.a,
(8, M 9b, TA,) and perceiving the feel of the bones [or bone] behind
the whiteneu extending [upwards] beyond the 4; . ;. , (TA,) inf. n. as above, (I.,) I made the shin: thus explaining it after the manner of
pasderns, (Mgh, M^b,) to a third, (Mgh,) or to him to refrain, forbear, abstain, (., TA,) or go explaining inf. ns.: and ISd says, I know not
half, (Mgh, Msb,) or thereabout, (Msb,) or to back; (Msb;) or I witkAeld him, or restrained whether it be in his opinion an inf. n. or a simple
two thirds, (Mgh,) of the shank. (Mgh, Mqb.) him; (.,], TA ;) from the thing, (6, TA,) and subst. (TA.) And Lth says that ,_.J means
When the whiteness is in all the four legs, he is from hit female companion. (TA.) And_.a. One's perceiving the feel of a thing beneath a
termed .: wt in the two hind legs,
when 'aa ai He turned away his eye, or eyes, fr.om garment: [and that] one says,' a*''
ji...Jl when im one of the hind legs, him, or it. (TA.) And
-)q.&: . il ?st I is
'.L'. '.. _l, 1 '.t~
~,- [which
extending [upwards] beyond the pastern, '.J; also mentioned, as meaning I withheld him from plainly means, I felt the belly of the pregnant
e ll ilor j.1l: when in three legs, the object of his want; or preented him from woman, and perceived the bulging of the child in
exclusive of a hind ls or of a fore leg, j;. a attainingit. (TA.) her belly]. (Mgh, TA.) It is said [of a woman's
0 '
: L or l,: when in the fore leg 2. _..: see 4. m~ Also, inf. n. . J, t e garment] in a trad., yi. [lit.
Bk. I. 66
.. - C~- [Book 1.
XIt does not describe thae projecting of her bones]: t'P^
upon his mouth [or muzzle] in order that he may tito thet a [which is said to be a species of .,4].
meaning, the garment does not stick to her body not bite. (S.) (TA.) And .. , pl. of 1;q.*.,
L., Thefruit-sta/s
so as to tell what projects of her bones: it is
made to be a describer by way of comparison. Of
of grapes. (TA.) _ Also A thing, or portion of
(lAth, TA.) - [In post-classical works it is a thing, that one ha drawn and appropriatedto
1. ~ onesel
oneself (TA.)
often used as signifying Bulk, bigness, or mag- 1.
1;. , aor. ;, (1, TA, [in the CI ;,]) inf.
nitude.] n.
n. ';_, (TA,) He bent it, or made it crooked : see
see the next preceding paragraph, in
[or hooked]; namely, a stick, or branch, or slender two places.
;.i_ [A muzzle for a camel, commonly a net
ece of wood; as also *t .a , (](,) inf. n. Sluggish, lazy, or indolent: (.:)
of cord;] a thing that is put upon the mouth P.i ,j- _ Sluggish, from
, '.,> (TA.)_ tHe marked him (i. e. a
or muzzle, of a camel, (S, ],) when Ahe is excited, jJ [q.
camel) with tahe brandi of tite '~ , which
(S,) to prevent his biting. (S, I.) 'c is o.iiie,
hostile, or hostile and plundering, expedition, in
a line wvith a crooked, or hooked, end, like the which
..~Jq, Gentle, nice, or skilful, in operation; stick the partyfeigns to be going in one direction,
called >~...; inf. n. as above. (TA.) anil
and then turns to another: (A, ],' TA:) or far-
syn. bi;2 [in the CId, erroneously, as
uj]an He drew it, or pulled it, [or hooked it,] (S, ]1,)
extendling. (S, .) And 4i4. . t ive
:<' ve
epithet applied to a.... [or cupper]; as also towards towards himself (S) with the ' ; as also journeijed
journeyed a long stage. (S, TA.)
*ga1..b. (S.) -_ The t) [meaning vulva, , 'a .1. (S, K.)_ 1tHe turned him away 1, . 65
or vagina,]of a woman. (J., TA.) (1.,TA) ~
~. 1 Crooked, [hooked,] or curved: fem.
(K, TA) ;.:JI C. from the thing. (TA.)- JUAM.m.:
a.m.~ The craft, or art, of theAt.. or.a.~. eUU.ae:, and s, aor. :, (1K,) inf. n. n., ,1._: PI. pl. a..a. (yam
(.Ham p. 403.) You say,
~ WI:m.'. 'A,' Tite
[i. e. cupper]: (S,* Mgh, Msb, :) and the ope- (TA,) He was, or became, avaricious, tenacious, Thte hawkh is crooked [or
ration that he performs. (S,' TA.) or
or niggardly, of it; (K ;) like d hooked]
hoohed] in the bill. (TA.) And ~1 ;
. (TA.)
.IJ.iIW..J1 A hawk having crooked [or hooked]
. ~A
- cupper; syn. ,~ [lit. one who is jlJ :I,.0 He ._He renuained, stayed, dwelt, or
abode, Jam. (S,TA.) And _,1.I /, [A hooked
in the habit of ,uching1 ; (s ;) one vho pe,forms abode, in the house. (K.) nose;]
nose;] a nose having the tip approaching the
the operation terned .; (S, Mgh;) one who 2:
2: see 1.
mouth, and, Az adds, having its e iOZjd [or two
scari.fles [and draws blood with the". 4.;]; 4. ~,.l1, said of the .a,; [or panic grass], alre] alae] receding in an ugly manner. (TA.) And
(Meb;) as also t o.; (S, M sb, .;) but the j't It put forth its ,oj..; (A 'Obeyd, S, K ; [in ,1 ,.l11 An ear having one [app. the upper]
former is an intensive epithet [denoting frequency tile the K, its L ;]) [i. e.] its leaves appeared. of its two extremities turning towards the fore-
or habit]: (Mb :) so called because he sucks the (TA.)
head, dlonnwvards: or lhaving its edges turning
mouthl of the '&q . (Az, TA.) Hence the
5. ' ._ It was, or becam,e, crooked, [or toicartht
5. towards the othler ear, in the direction of thefore-
prov. L C,e Gj ;jl' [A(ore unoccupied hooked,l hooked,] or curved: (T, K :) said of a thing tIhat head: head: (M, K;:) in either case, curving. (M, TA.)
than the cupper of Sdbdf (the name of a place)]: is And _~ 1 y, t Iair that is crisp, or curly,
termed ~a.t. (T.)
for military forces used to pass by the man to in
in its extremities: or, accord. to AZ, n:avy hair:
whom it relates, and he used to cup them on 8: see 1. - [Hence,] jLJI - 1 ie drew (T:) or hair that is recurvate at its extremities
credit, in consequence of want of employment, the property, or camnels 4c., together (S, .K, TA) G.~and t'i
(.~ ), and intermingling: (M :) or hairform-
waiting for payment until they should return. to himself, (S, TA,) and took, or took possession - S
1 ilig
ing a succession of rimples (.. :.), pendulous,
(: more fully explained in the ]C in art. 4a.) of, it, or them. (S, K, TA.) And I-. tlie lr.a", and
took possesion of it (i. e. a portion of land), ex- wavy, crisp, or curling, in the extremities;
1: see what next precedes.
clusively of others. (TA from a trad.) And as also ' '. (g.)
, : see what next follows. ; S0..~ ..... l, He lIHe appropriatedit " _: tA tA crooked, [or hooked,] or ecurred,
~ _.The red rose: (g :) or [rather] a single (a thing) to h,imsef, exclusively of his companions. brand, or mark made with a hot iron [upon a
red rose:(A 'Obeyd, 8 :) pl. [or rather coll. gen. (T, (T, TA.) And j t,. , ^ 1..t He took anay, camel]: (. :) [originally inf. n. of 2; but in this
n.] , . (A 'Obeyd, S,g.) and stole, the ;property of another. (TA.)- sense,] a65subst., properly speaking, like
sense,] 3 and
Also t He put the property, or camels fc., into em.Zoj. 'm. (TA. [Seealso ' ])
'. , (Mgh, Mb,) or 2 "~ , (TA,) a
good, or right, state, and drew together what
The place to which the 2 is applied, (Mgh, had become a epa~
scattered thereof. (TA.) - And "~. A croohed, [or hooked,] or curved,
Meb, TA,) in theneck: (Mgh, TA:) pl.,, . Acko stajor
stafor stich; as also * ;_. : (]g:) or a stick,
Ac. '~:& tHe straitenedhim. (TA.)
(Mgh, Myb.) (IAth, Mgh,Ham p. 403,) or staf;(IAth, Hamni,)
Crookedness, [or hookedness,] or curva- orpiece or piece of wvood, (M sb,) with a crooked, or hooked,
The scarifying instrument of the .
ture; (S, .;)as also t Q-
. See also Itead,
head, (1Ath, Mgh,) or crooked at the end; (Msb;)
(.IAth,TA.) _ See also 2.-.. - And see L
likelikethe _".Jy: (S, Mgh, Msb, Ham:) one
... : .6 ..
dranws towards him with it the extremities [of the
:see ~!. branches]
1: see__. branches] of trees, and the like: (Ham ubi supra:)
a.: see .q.~. -_ Also Crispness [or re- oror a stick with a croohed, or curved, end, being
"2 a-nd t'... The, 0[orglass veel,l turvation]
curvation] in the extremities of hair. (T, TA. naturally naturally so on tie tree on which it has grown;
or the lihe,] of the ...14; (Az, 9, Mgh,Mb ;) [See j~ ' -. ])-_ A distinguislied
[See place of crookedness or distinguishled from a .IJ, the end of which
the thing with vhich the A.aq operates; (1 ;) curvature isiscrooked, or curved, artificially: (T:) or, accord.
curvature (ISd, TA) of a staffor stick (TA.)
the utensil in which the blood produced by the -The to AZ, any stick with a curved head: (M.b :) or
- The hook in the Aead of a spindle, (S,0 1,*
operation of A.b.. is colUectedby sucking:(IAth, TA,) TA,) with which the thread is cautght prepara- signifies also anything bent, or crooked: ( :)
TA: )pl. ~..' (TA.) tively to the twisting tthereof. (TA.) - The pl. i,... (M,b, TA.) Theappellation 4-
ej~. , (g,) or or e.., (s,) [i. e.] the leaves [or j1 .j>10 l [The owner of the crooked stick or taff]
;~,. A man (TA) who draws back much,
blades],(TA,) of .- 19
bladol, 4 [or panic grass]; (., ~,
was given to a certain man who, in the Time of
or often, in awe, orfear. (], TA.) 9 Ignorance,
Ignorance, used to sit in the highway, and take
TA;)as also t
'JrA '.. (1.)
.. And t* u [of with
,,,j~. A breast sucked. (TA.)=-A man which ;:; is the n. un., if not a mistran- his s~ one thing after another, of the
goods places.
of the passers-by; and if any one were
[cupped, or] operated upon by the _,. .. scription
(S.) scription of C'. ~ ,] Tender, or soft, ft, shoots, that cognizant
cognizant (TA.
of his doing, he excused himself, saying
A camel [muzzled, or] hamnga .... put grow tpon the sides of---the stalks of the .*Q4 and that
that the thing had caught to his C~m. (TA.)

of L:
of.Al;J]. [or
Booz I.] ~35
You my, aj,.i j. i 0. [lit. Such a CTA-.) -; W i-- j.' L A skin that wiU not say, i.L ,.&i L How well adapted or dispo~
ons wil not Aick the crooked stick or staff], hold, or retain, water. (TA.) - a _ L &c., i hefor that! (?, TA.)
meaning t uch a one is of no use, or stands one ':, I did not keep, or retain in mny mmory, of 5: see 1, in eight places.-You my also,
in no stead: the saying originating from the fact it, aught; Hu also j .. i. (Ks, TA.) _ Also, S. owm, meaning He Anero it, or unerstood
that a ew~ is put between the hind legs of the (,) iuf. n. s above, (TA,) He, or it, prenated, it, readily, or wKith quickness of intelligncc.
camel, and if he be inert, or wanting in vigour, (AHeyth, TA.)
or ihheld. (V, TA.) [See l1;..] - -...
he will not kick it; but if he be sharp in spirit,
he will kick it and go on. (TA.) And you say, ,ea _ c,Ill inf n. 6. I.j ..3 They tried one another with enigmas:
L qm*. a 1, meaning t Verily he is one who as above, (],) He remained, stayed, dwelt, or [or proposed enigmas, one to another: or con-
abode, in the place, (8, ], TA,) and becamefied tended, one with another, in proposingan enigma,
puts the caitle into a good state, and pastures and "
manage them wel. (TA.) Also tA branl, or [therein]; (TA;) as also & .a ' (' , '.) or enigmas: (see 3:)] from 4~ [or lq..]
mark made with a hot iron, upon a camel, in the And q.. , (IAgr, lC,) inf. n. s abo:,e, (IAtr,) meaning "intelligence." (Rar p. 189.) You say,
form of a line with a crooked, or hookhd, end, He rtopped, or paused. (lAir, V.) - And
a..a. o.(' [T1e try one oanother with an
liketkesticksocaUed. (TA. [See also I .]) ".a., [in n. as above, (see Bam p. 523,)] He
enigma: or contend, one with anotoer, in pro
- And The [hooked] bill of a bird; because of was, or became, tenacious, or avaricious, of it,
posing an enigma]: (, TA:) L IJl signifying
its crookedness. (TA.) namely, a thing; (8, ];) as also ~ t.U b
~l,;J!. (TA.)
2.q C: see the next preceding paragraph. (TA.) And &oL;?, (Fr, 1, JI,) nor. :, inf. n.
0q.~a [or 1'.], (T1i,) He wam, or becarme at.- 8. Hefound out, ordicomre,d, (. ,)
CJY~ A camel marhed with the brand termed tacked to it, and clate to it; (Fr, S, ;) as also that with which he was tried u an enigma to be
Oq.4- (TA.) explained by him. (TA.)
~ ,~; and 4 ~;_ (Fr, $;) and ^t j.
(Fr, TA.) t* . .3 also signifies He kept to thc 1. ; or 0 . A side, region, quarter, or
.~., or place of bending or turning of a valley. tract: (8, Myb, ], TA:) and an extremity:
11 , (8, ],) nor. y.,_, (8, TA,) inf. n. (TA:) pl. /*al. (8, M9 b.) - A refuge; a
j..., (TA,) He thought, or opined: (8, TA:) (TA.) And jijl 1I4, , I preceded
place to which one has recourse for refuge, or
or he thought, or opined, a thing, and, doing so, you, or outwent you, to this place, and clave to it
protection; as also t . (Lh, TA) and
claimed it (1.), not being certain of it: (V:) before you. (S, TA.) And [hence,] *
[or he thought it and asserted it; as appears from is said to mean t He mwafirst, or foremost, or ;,~. (L, J in art. ,)Ew....Eated ground.
a verse here following, cited in the TA as an ex. (TA.) - A place of bending or turning of a val-
quick, to blame them. (TA.)- ', (V, TA,)
of the meaning explained as above in the K :] and aor. :, (TA,) is also [said to be] syn. with 1t., (K,) ley. (TA.) -Anything by which one is miled,
concealed, or protected; (Mgh, Myb, TA;) as
4. tV .J, and j.. alone, Ihe thought, or He ran; (TI;) thus bearing two contr. signi-
also ?p . (Mgh, TA.) [Hence applied to A
opined, a thing, not being certain of it. (T, TA.) fications: (K:) but this requires consideration.
parapet on the top of a house; as is indicated
You say, lit& t ~.1 U1 I think, or opine, that (TA.) - [Golius, as on the authority of the KL,
in the Mgh and TA.]~-Bubbles upon water,
there is good in him. (8, TA.) And Aboo- assigns to it also the meaning " Hilaris et libens arising fromn the drops of rain: pl. [or rather
Shembel says, respecting Aboo-'Amr Esh-Shey- fuit:" but in this sense it is said in the KL to be
binee, with . for its last radical letter: see art. .a..] coll. gen. n.] of Vk..: (~, 1.: [in the Cl,
erroneously, ;q.~.:]) the latter word, which is
3. ;d3j i '_., (T, 8, ],) inf. n. of the like ~., is explained by Az as signifying a
former skl- and '.1~ , (K,) I contended, or bubble that rises upon nwater, like afJlask; and as
vied, with him in intelligence or skill and know- having for its pl. 1I;,,: and the same word
[I used to think and assert Aboo-'Amr to be a ledge, or in endearouring to show my superiority (;4.._.) signifies also a pool of water, itself, such
trustworthy person, until, one day, mifiortunes
in intelligence &a., (',i,) and I overcame him as is left by a torrent. (TA.) See also _q..
befeU us]. (TA.) _- I t
!j, . jiJI I (8,
He#)repaid, requited, comp~nated, or recom- therein; (i;) from m. [or lr] meating -.. 4_,. is also used, by poetic license, for ,
pensed, the people, or party, [with, or for, such " intelligence." (lar p. 0.) [And hence, I tried q. v. (TA in art. -. )
and such things,] syn. .. l;,; [so in my copies him with an enigma or cnigmas, and orercame
him therein: (see 6:) or] I proposed to him an
see U-,;J&I .a.J di
of the ?, and in the V; but Freytag gives, as the
reading found by him in the $, .. lj, , as though enigma [&c.]: (T, TA :) [or I contended with him means &, [i. e. Verily he is betaking him-
meaning he computed them by conjecture to be in propoming an enigma or enigmas, &c.]: i. e. self for refuge, or protection, to the usonsof such
such and sch in number; which is agreeable with '", ~;.1i: (8:) so in the handwriting of a one; like : : but by rule it bshould be
what follows ;] and Ae tho~Aght them to be so. (8.) Aboo-Zekereey&, and in that of Aboo-Sahl, [and ~.J; and thus, perhaps, it is correctly written].
_ He directed himelf, or his course or aim, to, in my two copies of the g,] but in [some of the
(AZ, TA.)
or towards, him, or it: (Az, TA:) and V copies of] the 8 d;o. (TA.) And ^ '._
;U /I he directed himself, or his cours or aim, to, [He was tried with it as an enigma to be ex- 1_or q_ Intelligene, or understanding;
or towards, the thing. (.8, TA.) Also, (v,) plained by Aim; or he had it proposed to him as (f, Mbh, V;) sagacity, or saill and knowledge:
inf. n. as above, (TA,) He kept a secret: (1 :) an enigma]. (TA.) - ..;~. signifies [also] (g :) [said to be] from "- meaning "he, or it,
or he concealed it: (AZ, TA:) [and t q.1_b has The asking a thing of one much, so as to weary; prevented, or withheld;" because it prevents, or
a similar meaning; for] you may, U-! il4._ ' as aso ;itl.~. (KL.) .. And ., (1, TA,) withholds, a man from doing that which is bad,
.iL ~6, i. e. Thre is no concealment mith me in [accord. to the CV ta_., but correctly] like or corrupt. (TA.) And i.q. ;i. [Quantity,
r~pect of ^ch a thing; as also At1. J. (TA.) ,.,, (TA,) An engaging in conflict, or fjht.
nea~ure, c.]:: pl. .. (, Seo o 1;.;.
- 4 9, said of a pastor, He doe not, _ [Also said by Golius, as on the authority of
(V, TA.)_ ee also 1. J, to signify "an enigma," as though syn. with
or wiU not, keep and tnd, or pasture and defend,
his camelb. (TA.) One says also of a pastor 4. L~ t, and ,How well adaptedor ~q.i; but I have not found it in this sense in
whose sheep or goats [and camels] are lost by di~poed, or Aow apt, meet, suited, switabb,.fitted, any copy of the 8, nor in any other lexicon.]
him,and become dispersed," - '&_. tL fit, competent, or proper, or Aow worthy, is he!
ilu.: see 1-.
[He does not kep hiA ep or goats, nor Ais ca- (g, ]~, TA:) verbe of wonder having no corres-
me, ~ being bt and boomg di~prsd]. ponding verb of the measure 3ji. (TA.) You L'P~ a subst. signifying [i. e. A
[Boox L.
contkno in intelligpne &c.; and particularly, or worthy: (TA, Yam p. 523:) so in the saying, tHe definetd a word; as also t*~, inf. n. ]
in trsyg with an ~g or ei ; ins pro- ~.j~- I s( [He is more, or mot, (L, M,b, V,) or. (L, b, inf. n.
posng an mi~m or angi~ ; or simply the adapted, &e., to be tAu; or worthy of being
propol~ of an enig~a; se 3]; (T, TA;) the (;L;) and j.., ($, L, Mb, ],) [which is
thus]: (TA:) and 1.j . I '~ [Such a one
aubet. denoted by *.J ,
e3 ,; (s;) [or more common,] inf. n. ,j.i.; ( ;) and t0.t,
is ore~, or most, adapted, &c.,forsuch a thing;
ather by the verb J. * agreeably with the (, L,L,) which is the form prefe~ed by Lb,
or worthy of it]. (Iam ubi supra.) Hence, in
foregoing explanation from the T;] also 1~.., (L,) inf n.. ;i; (S;) and t_.L.; (As, S,
a trad., Uijy 1 e.. u~ J 1 1 [The L;) Be edped, or sharpened, a knife, (L, ,) a
(Q, ], TA,) with a !ammeh, (V, TA,) and with
compantis ofRsJi ddn are the most wortAy tribe blade, (S,) a sword, (L, Myb,) or anything blunt,
teshdeed of the U.; (TA; [in some copies of the in EI-Koofeh]: or, as some say, the meaning is, (L,) (and pointed, or made dr-pointed, an
s erroneously written ;]) and Vm it: the most intelligent tribe. (TA.) arrow-head or the like,] with a stone orfile. (L,
( :) or t is the dim. of i..S.: (T, TA:) ) -. [And hence,] el .. , aor. ; (Lb,
~.,:a see S .
and t; t signifies a ayig of which the mean- el l L;) and t (L,) or
(,L1, ,l1 A ' .1; (m,
int9 diffr from the letter, u also 'V ._ , ((~,) A*...1: see in five places. Mb ;) and v; ( in art W, &o.;) He
but 4...1 is preferable, (T, TA,) and 4 s.ee l -..
looked sharply at him, or it; (L;) or intoetly,
t *s'aL:, (K,) like L. ~ ; (TA; [in the C~, or attentively. (Myb.) , (~, Mgh, L, ,)
a~ Niggardly, tenacious, or ataricious.
or tL., ,sl , (Mob,) aor., and ', inf n.
erroneously, a ~;]) [i. e.] t ~.1 signrifies
an e~ ; a rial; (MA, PP, TIV;) and so ;,t.. (s, Mgh, L, Myb, g) and ~;; (L, ;)
9 4._; (P ;) or a question put to one with the e *, : seee,,-. and 'tz ,., (Ae., $, A, Mgh, L, Mqb, ]p,) in n.
view of cauing him to mahe a mistake; (TA;) ;1~.1; (Mgh, Mqb;) the former the more com-
and is from * [or 3. meaning "intelli- mon in the language of the Arabs, but the latter
genoe," because ;1~.t is like a vying, or con- preferred by the early grammarians, (Fr,TA,)
1. ,.., (A, Mgh, Msb,) aor. -, (Mgh, TA,) and the only form known to A4, ($,) who rejected
tending, in intelligence: (Xlar p. 9:) the pl. of
inf. n. ., (S, Mgh, Msb, ]g,) lie, or it, pri- the former; (Mab;) She (a woman) abstained
lqme1 is7.t1 and :g.1, (MA, and kar ubi vented, hindered, imleded, wvithheld, restrained, from the wearing of ornamentJs, (A 'Obeyd, ~,
supri,) gre~bly with a general rule relating to debarred, inhilited,forbade, prohibited, or inter- A, Mgh, L, Mob, K,) and the use of perfumes,
dicted: (S, A, Mgh, Mob, .K, TA:) this is the (L,) and dye for tha handf c., (S, Mgh,) 1*.
worde of its measure, a s ' and I,1. (Seer,
primary signification (Mg,h :) and he repelled, cause forbidden such things, or becamse ste for-
in gar ubi auprL.) One says, e.j . '"
Lb turned away, or arerted, (L, K, TA,) evil [or the bade herself, (Mgh,) and lmt on the garments of
t.b, ", [The qustion of contention with thee like], and also a person from a thing, good or mourning, (A,) after the death of her husband,
in trying thins intelligence by an enigma, or the evil. (L.) You say, , I,C Heo' (S, Mgh,) or on account of the death of her hut-
enigma proposed to thee, it, WVhat is, or was, prevented, or hinderedl, andi nithheld, or re- band, (A 'Obeyd, A, Mcb,)for the period called
such a thing, and such a thing?]: it means a strained, the man from the thing, or affair. ;.aJl: (K :) or sae mourned fur her husband,
certain game, and a question put with the ce of
causing one to make a mistake: A 'Obeyd sasye,
(L.) And .. JI C.. UL. .ij,~ 1 prevented, or and put on the garments of mourning, and ab-
It ie like their saying, Disclose what is in my hindered, such a one.from [fallipng into], or pr- stained from the wearing of ornaments, and the
us of dye for the ham,dt c. (L) The epithets
hand, and thou shalt Aave uch a thing. (S.) served himfrom, eviL (L.) And Jl 1 m i a
One says also, I." 9j.0at . 0.1, meaning 'U' [God hath forbidden us that]. ($.) And applied to a woman in this case are 1.~. (,, L,
[i. e. I am heAwiw contends nwith thee in ,.~_. ~;, (T, A, L) O God, prevent him from Mob, OC)and *,.m (S, A, Mgh, L, M9 b, K) and
intelUigence, or in trying with an enigma, &c., hitting the mark: said with reference to a man t ~ also, but the first [always] without ;,
shooting, or casting a misile weapon, or the like. (Msb,) or both more chaste without . (TA.)m~
respecting this thing]. ($.) Adtatid
(T, L.) And ~. He (a man) mas prevented, or ._, aor. ,, inf. n. ;urn; (S, L, Myb, V;) and
~ [Between them is a contention in
withAleld,firom obtaininggood fortune, cceu, or t*'.a4; (L, ]K;) [and app. t sm., q. v.;] It (a
intelligce,or in proposing enigmas, or between
then it an enigma, with which they try one ano- mtwhat he desired or sought. (L.) And t I ,_ sword, S, Myb, and a knife, L, K, [or the like,]
thOer]. (s.) O~ May God repel, or avert, firom us, the and a canine tooth, L) was, or becam, [edged,
evil, or mischief, of such a one. (L.) - [Hence,] or] sharp, or pointed. ($, L, Myb, ].) -_ [And
8U - He is adapted, disposed, apt,
~,_, (~, L, MNb,) aor. - (L,) inf. n. _, (L, hence,] ~' , aor., f n.S. ;.~,
in t He was, or
meet, suited, suitable, fitted, fit, competent, or became, sharp [or effective] in re~pect of eloqumce,
Msb, ],) He inflicted upon him the castigation,
proper, for it; or worthy of it; as also . and of intellect, or understanding, and of anger.
or punisdmett, termed .; (:, L;) he inflicted
( M , , ,TA,)of which the pl. is ~_; (TA;) upon him (namely, a criminal or an offender (L.) And **' ,u., aor. -, (S, L, /,) inf. n. ;_.
and *.um, ($, M, ], TA,) which last has no [against the law],) a castigation, or punishment, and ., (q, L,) HIe becamne excited agains him
fern. nor dual nor pL form, ($, M,) retaining the that should prevent him from returning to his by sdarpness, or hastiness, of temper; by iroai-
same form as fem. and dual and pl.: (M:) and crime or offmence, and that should prement others bility, pasionatenes, or angriness; (K, g, L,
in like manner you may, iJt , a ;I
vj td frmn committing such a crtime or such an offence: g;) as also * t.7..: (TA:) and I . ,
Verily he is adqpted, &c., to do that; (, 1i ;*) and (~,5 TA:) he inflicted upon him a flogging.
. 4.... ; aor. as above, inf n.1.~;
. (L, ] ;) and tj~.,
. audit
, .and -
. ("m; A . .
(' )- (M,b.)--. . 4 ., aor. ', (L,)inf. n.
(accord. to some copies of the l,) and ?.l;_, (~,
also syn. with ._ [ Veouemntly desirous, eager, .s.; (L, j ;) and :.; (L;) He distin- [in which it is not followed by 4*,,] A, L, ]g,)
&c.]. (KL) g~ished, or separated by some marh or note, or and t.m...t; (L, ]k;) Ahe was angry with him;
marhk or notes, a thingfrom another thing. (L, ($,5 A, L., ] ;) but Az remarks upon the last of
see ~ a.., in five places. ~Respecting
g.~: these verbs as not heard from the Arab ofclamieal
!.0) And j.J, .s.., aor. and inf. n. as above;
this word in the phrasee4a .. , see itJm. (in ($, Mqb;) and t&j, inf n. ,.d. ; (N;) times in this sense: (L:) and Vj w t Ahe
art.i.), near the end of the paragraph. He distinguisdh the hous from tihe parts ad- became easrated by them: ;yn. ...
(AZ, L.)
$.1 More, and most, adapted, di~oed, apt, joining it, by mntioning [or defining] it limits.
muet, suited, suitable,fitted,fit, competent, proyper, (Myb.) ~ [And hence, . in logic, inf. n. ., 3. ),.*. as a trans. v.: see 1, in five places.
BooT I.] ;i

- I;i > M.He repaired, or betook himself, to ables and drinkabile and marriages pc.; what to he , j.l. 9 in the nominatie caM.--
the limits, or boundaries, of a country, or town. are lawful thereof and what are unlanfeul: (T, And t A class, or category: as when a verb is
or L:) the second kind, castijations, or punishments, said to be , ,_ of tke clas, or category,
(L.) And 11 ,j and ad He repaired,
prescribed, or appointed, to be inflicted upon
betook himself, to him, or it. (1,.) As an in- -- [: quarter of the year.] You
him lwho does that which he has been forbidden of
trans. v., inf. n. ,. -J, It (seed-prodltce) nas say, C i o4 .sil : He remained, stayed, or
to do; (T, Mgh, L;) as the ,m of the thief,
late in coning forth because of the latenes of which is the, cutting off of his right hand for abolde, during the quarter of the &ij. (A.)~
rain, (9, TA,) and then cameforth [pointed,] stealing a thing of the value of a quarter of a Sec also ~j,.
without for/ing, or shooting forth into Separate deenar or more; and that of the fornicator or
stalks or stems. (TA.)- L. ..: see 1. J: see .
foraicatress, wlich is flogging with a hundred
. for a year; and that of J_. A snall qutantity of water or milk &c.
8..,.bjI _.3 tjl Our land borders upon, stripes and banishment
., .$ . ...

the adulterer or adullteress, which is stoning; and remaining in a vessel or skin; syn. in.A and
or is conterminous with, your land; syn. 'trY . that of the person who [falsely] charges an honest
(V in art. .3.) _ [And hence,] *.il, (L, K,) or a married woman with adultery, which is are. (K.)
inf. n. ($,) t He H..,,acted tonards him with flogging with eighty stripes [as is also that of :;. [Slarptems of a sword, a knife, or the
reciprocal anger and enmity (L, K) and olposi- the person who has committed the crime of like: see 1]. [And hence,] ! Sharpness, or
tion or contrariety or repugnance, (8, K,) con- drunkenness]: (T,L :) the first kind are called hastiness, of temsper; irascibilit!y, passionateness,
tending tvith him, (TA,) and refusin, to do what .j- because they denote limits which God has or angriness; (Ks, , A, L, ;) as also * .:
was incumbent on him: (?:) like iAl: as though forbidden to transgress: the second, because they (Ks, S, L, ]g:) $sharpncu [or .flbctivenes] in
meaning he became in the ., i. e. the side, prevent one's committing again those acts for respect of eloquence, and of intellect or under-
region, quarter, or tract, in which was (.,r oppo- which they are appointed as punishments; (T, standing, and of anger: (L:):sharpness, pene-
site to that in whichl was, Zj) his cnemy; like Mgh, L ;) or because the limits thereof are deter- trating energy, vigorousness, effctirenss, anti
as 1 means he became in the ,, i. e. the mined: (Mgh:) the latter kind of ,~ is also briskness, in the performance of aiff.ir.; and also,
aide, or quarter, in which was [or opposite to explained as being that [castigation, or punish. in matters of religion, writh ambition to attain
ment,] which prevents the criminalfrom return- nwhat is good: from ~3- as signifying the "edge"
that in which was] his enemy: (L:) and t .3J,
ing to his crime, and prevents others from com- of a sword [e&c.]: (L:) and * the latter word,
(TA,) inf. n. .b., (?,) signifies the same. (,
knitting his crime. (L, K') ?. Ur1 db ,J [or rather both,] 1a man's sharpness, penetrating
in a saying of 'Omar, means Hadst thou seen energy, or vigour, in the exercise of courage;
4: see 1, in three places.
htim engaged in an affair requiring the infliction his mettle; (LI;) his valour,or vrliantnes, in war.
5: see 1, last sentence.
of the _.a. (Mgh.) -A bar, an obstruction, (S, A, L,1g.) You say, ).0I t.; J t Verily
6: see3. a partition, or a separation, (., A, Mgh, L, he is one nwho di.lwlays sharpnesu like that of a
7. .1 It was, or becanme, slendtler. (TA in Meb,* K,) between two things, (S,A, L, ],) or knife. (L.) -- ,. and ,~, as denoting a
art. 1.) - See 1, lutter part. between trwo places, (Mgh,) [or between two
quality of any thing; are syn. (IL.) [Both signify
8: sec 1, lutter part, in thlree places. Jersons,] to prevent their commixture, or con-
fuiion, or the encroachment of one upon the
t Sharpness; vehemnnce; force; and strengthl:
10. . -a \s a trans v.: see 1. Also t lle and] both, t the force, or strength, of wine andl
other: (L:) an inf. n. used as a subst.: (Mgh:)
shaved (, .S gh,,1) his ,ubes (., Mgh) with [a the like; syn. !-# ; (Msb and X, in explanation
1)1. .j~.. (L.)- A limit, or boundary, of a
razor of] iron: (Mgh, IK:) derived from '~-.' of the former, [which is the more common,] in ar.t.
land or ternitory: pl. as above. (L.) [Hence,
(Mgh.) - See also 1, last sentence. j.;) meaning #.; (MF;) and 4'L. ($ and
;JI jt. t IIe, or it, exceeled the proper, due,
L in explanation of the latter in the present art.)
,., for .04,, in the phlrase Walj . t: see or common, limit; was excessive, immoderate, [Also, the former, t Pupngency; acridttes:tx.]
,~..1, in art. _1. beyond measure, enormotns, inordinate, or exor-
bitant.] - [And hence, in logic, tA dIefinition.] .~o,: see m., first four sentences. - You say
.~ Prerention, hiplderanee, an impediment, a It is applied by the learned to the i_' of a also,;j. ,1 tM ; ; L;, (S, A,') and
withholding, restraint, a debarring, inhibition, thing, [or thlat by being which a thing is what it
forbiddance, prohibition, or interdiction; (, is,] because it is [a term] collective and restric- 3Y .a ... s tIL.,(i,) and ',a. (g,TA,)
Mgh, L, Msl, (, TA;) as also v .: (S,L, tive. (Mgh.)-The end, extremity, or utmost with damm, of the same measure as ;j. , (TA,)
1 :) and, both words, a repelling, or an a rerting. point, of a thing: (S, L, K :) pl. as above. (L.) or *ao, (so in the C.K,) I hare no way of
(J. [See 1.]) A poet says, (S,) namely, Zeyd _[t The point, or verge, of an event.] The avoiding, or escaping, this thing. (g, A, ].)
Ibn-'Amr lbn-Nufeyl, (TA,) , .. .. - ,.... .
saying _ . ~ lr Uije .L means t A And I1, , h; .. ~ - ,.1* Ifind not any
Mjuslimeh brought to the point, or verge, of being may of avoiding, nor any way of escaping, it.
.. ...' . . .'.l subjected to an infidet' lying with her: and in (S.) Also, (L,) and I; ,~ , (AMb,) Pre-
like manner, ,.4 , ~ Ji. . tA vented, hindered, impeded, withheld, restrained,
[Ye shall by no mean worship any deity except
Muslim brought, bv beating or slaughter, to [the debarred, inhibited, forbidden, prohibited, or in-
your Creator; and if ye be invited to do so, say terdicted. (L, Myb.) You say, jI I. '
point, or vcrgc, ofi denying God. (Mgh.)
Iye, There is an impediment in tbe way of it, or and Tlij is aforbidden, or prohibited, thing; a thing
The edge, or extremity of the edge, (S, L,)
a prohibition against it]. (, TA.) And one
point, (L,) of anything, (S, L,) as of a sword, unlanful to be done, or committed. (Q. [See
Hay., * ;L; S t 6% , (A,' L) There is a knife, a spear-hlead, and an arrow: (L:) the also what follows.]) And IiS , 4 s;; t
an impediment, or a prohibition, in the nay of part of a sword [&c.] wivth which one cuts: (v,*A, L) Fotbidden be it that it should be so:
that respecting which thou hast asked. (L.) And
(MF:) pl. as above. (L.)-See also ~.., in like as you say, Ut;& .LU1 Ji1 ~.J 'it a. (Q,
'i j;. 9 'There i. nothing to prevent, or
four places. - [And hence, app.,] Arms, or A, s L.) .. I1
g also signifies A disallo?wed, and
hinder, one from it. (L [But this admits of'
another meaning, as will be seen, under the word weapons; as in the phrase a-1j3 [Possessors vain, orfalse, thing or affair. (L.) And ij.
;,_, below.])- [Hence,] A restrictive ordi- of arms or nreapons: or this may mean: persons v_ A vain, orfalm, pretension. (P, L, g.)
nance, or statute, of God, respecti,g thi,gs lawJfl endowed trith valour]. (Iam p. 143.) - A side,
.lj,^ like .A , [indecl., a proper name, for
and things unlanful: pl. >.~. (L.) The >j~ region, quarter, or tract. (L.) - t Station,
E)hm.$, fem. act. part. n. of .;like J1J for
of God are of two kinds: first, those ordinances standing, rank, condition, or the like; syn. L3...
lwes;bed to men (T, Mgh, L) retpecting eat- (KL.) [tA case: as when a noun is maid ;j?4lI; and hence, for ; Jl. occurring in
526 ~. lt. [Boo I.
the phrue, , b..l. also signifies [Iron;] a certain subsianee, (L,)
(O averter, avert him, or ~.,, or .,: see jj..
it]: mid [with respect] to him whose aspect, or well known; (, L, ;) so called because of its
countenance, thou dislikest. (A, 1.) - [It is resistance: (?, L:) ? S&.). is a more particular . and it: see 1, voce .j..
also a proper name for ,,.JI; like j,i for i;t term, ($,) signifying a piece thereof; (L;) [and J.. 0-..
j.....: see .j. - Also A man (L) denied,
or uujlp1;
in the following hemisfich:] an instrument, or implement, thereof:] pl. ,1, t. or refued, good, or prosperity; prevant d, or
(8, L, V) and ($, L ;) the latter (which
(.;1.; with,eld, from obtaining ood; (T, L, ;) and
is erroneously written in the ]5 ;La,.., TA) is so I,^, with damm, (1,) or t.a~; (as in the
[May there be an impediment in the may of her a p1. pl., (L,) sometimes occurring in poetry.
L;) the latter heard only ftrom Lth: (T,TA:)
/il, or mischief: an impediment]. (L)_
(.) It is said in a proey., withebld from good furtun 4c.; (8, L ;) with-
.Jdl,a.: see the next paragraph. ';3."J*' . : .. -. a -
eldfrom sustenance; contr.of ;j..o: (Mgh:)
1 CW y, N LJ ~11 it
0 and witiheldfrom evil. (L, V1.)
(1], TA,) with d mm, (TA,) or t;jt, (so in Verily iron with iron is closn,or cut. ($ and 1] t.;. and see
cl.:&., in four places.
a MS. copy of the V and in the C],) 7Te utmost in art. U.) And in another, -_ 5
of tAy power, or of thine ability, [fill be] thy ?tt [Thou beatest upon cold iron]: applied in .: see ~: nn
d see also ; , in two
doing snch a thing; and the end of thy case; syn. relation to him who hopes places.
foi that of which the
JiL, (V,) [or iJJ,]and , ---u . (TA. attainment is remote, or improbable; and to him
in whom is nothing to be hoped for. (gar 3. Uo.. UL.
;.l.;. The black garment of mourning [wMor
p. 633) - Also t Like iron in hardnes: ap- ,ou: see il.~: and se alsoSOI., in two
by a widow]. (8, A, Mgh, L.) plied in this sense to solid hoofs. (Mgh.) place.
0. ..
.,;. i q. , (A.) You my, ;,i l1b.t, One's wife. (8h, 1].) 1,.: see MIm, in three places: and see
' Such a one is th ecloe, or next, neihbour
T IhM-The office of a doo~r-eeper. (Mb.)- also what next follows.
of muc a one; meaning that the house of the
The art of a blacksmith, or worker in iron.
former is next by the side of that of the latter; t.. (A, 8, 0) and tt~,., but tdie former is
(Mgh.) [The art ofa makr ofcoats of mail.]
(A,* L;) or that the land of the former is adjacent tho more chaste, (TA,) A double-headed .dM
to that of the latter. (8, L) And $ * & 5 j.j : see . a. [i.e. hAoe, or adz, or axe]: (At,, (a kind
1,11 t , i. e. tl.: [le is my net neighbour of '.m Ueed in the present day is a hoe with two
in rspect of houe]. (A.) And .,! l. 1 _. ? ~,., : see ;.^., in art. 1..
-. heads, one at each end of the handle:] or thie
and t1blm. (L, ],) or 1.l (A,) L1oM A door-eeper: (8, A, Mgh, L, Myb,V:) head of a ,i:
id., and the Ahead of an arrow: (] :)
My hous is close, or next, or adjoining, to his so called because he prevents men from entering.
(Mgh, L.)._.A eeper of a prison: (, Mgh, pl. of the former t ~, (A 9, S, I) [or rather this
Aous; meaning that the limit of the former is
like that of the latter. (L, ].) >) because he prevents persons from going out, is a col. gen. n.] and -J?~, (!, TA, [in the Cg
Also, (8, L, or because he works the iron of the shackles. 1.~J,]) mentioned by AO and A9 and A'Obeyd;
M9 b, VJ,) used us mm. and fern. without ;, and
(8. (cee what follows.])_The person who in- (TA;) and the ~l of ;,i~ is
also us fern. with T, (L,) and tI., (8, L, Msb,) t1 .a (TA) [or
flicts the punishment termed _: so in the saying,
but this is disapproved by IKh, (TA,) though rather this, like I.~., is a coll. gen. n.]. m See
allowed by some as agreeable with analogy, jALJ l a,,..J q.I [7he pay of the inJficter also the next paragraph, in two places.
(MF,) and t;l,, (A, L,],) and t.jl, (AA, of the .. is to be imposed upon the thief]; or,
S, L, [,) [Edged, or sharped; or] sharp; ap- ;la., (S, Myb, 15,) or t1 , [lut see what
as some say, the meaning here is, tAe keeper of
plied to a sword, (8, M9 b,) a knife, (L, M9 b, ],) the prison, because, in general, he has the charge follows,] sometimes pronounced 1 , (Mgh,)
[and the like: and pointed, or sharppointed:] of the amputation; but the former meaning is [The kite; vulg,,arly called .1~;] a ce'tain
pl. [of the first] ia.., (8, L, 1V,) mus. and fem.; the more probable, and more obvious. (Mgh.) bird, (8, Mgh,1,)ercll known; (S,] ;) a ce-
(L;) and Lt,.. and Sl.., (L, 1,) fem. (L.) - A lleUr of win ; a vintner: because he with- tain noxious bird; (Msb;) surnamed ,,;.j'
holds his wine until he obtains for it a price that
And .*. .,i and ;& A sharp canine tooth: and '.L.'l M,; (TA;) that preys~pon large
contents him: so in the following verse of El-
(L, 15:) tJm. thus applied has not been heard. Aph&: field-rats (0jI.): (Mgh, TA:) J and 8gh say
(L)_ - [Hence,] .j ,A man who is I 4).9 ' ia1''. t
that the word shiould not be pronouncedl t 1.;
hAarp [or offectiv] in repct of eloquence, and but Agei mentions this pronunciation on the
c . .. . ..
I authority of [some of] the Arab; and accord. to
of intellect or undetanding, and (as also t., ,1 ,; . J! a

) of anger: pl. :i,t and i~L.. and ;l.. IAqr and IAmb, the ,,ol [see above] and this
(L, [And we arose, oAhn our cock had not
yet crowed, bird were sometimes
called alike IF .. and
V.) And ;1G. t Sharp tongue. (S) to a rine-jarsmeared roith pitch, in the poeion
t ~.: the more approved pronunciation of the
And .?" ._ J. [A man who loob sharply,
of its seUer]. (l, L).
in iron. (Mgh, L,].)
A blacksmith; a worker
A maker of coats of name of the bird, however, is with kesr [i. e.
or boldly;] a man not tupected of evil, so tAat
maiL (TA.) Sa~-]: the pl. is t 1~ (8, M.b, 1) and T,,
he should cast down his eyes. (L.) .,jll .ti
.Dd- [in the ]5ur L 21] means tAnd thy sigAt, 1...~.: see (],) both extr., (TA,) [or rather the former is a
or intellect, to-day, is] sharp, or piercing; so coil. gen. n.,] and 1~: (M 9b, ]:) and the
_.~ Short (L, 1) and tAick: an epithet following are
that thou perceivest therewith what thou didst not variations of the name of this bird:
applied to a man. (L.)
know, or what thou deemedst improbable, in thy J.., and ., (TA,) the latter said by A1,t
life on earth: (Jel :) or thy judgment, to-day, is t..; femrn. with t: see ,~., in two places. to be an erroneous form of the word, used by the
peetrating. (L.) [Hence alo,] , ;ls i.]t ~ See also 1, voce ,. - people of EL-.ijhz, (Mgh, TA,) and 1 , ,
(L) and t _. (L, K) IlA harp, or pungent, .l1 [More, and most, sharp: &c.]-You say, app a dim, for 4 ., also pronounced ad~ ,
odour. (L, V.) And J i&.i~ . 5 A she )jjl . a > p t; e is of he most harp, or (T$, TA,) and j., occurring in a trad. in con-
caml whos cudMA a pum~t odour; (], TA ;) haty, in temper, or of the mt irascibe, pa.- junction with .Ail [for ~,1], (Mgh,
TA,) of the
which is a quality approved. (TA.) m .~.- sonate, or angry, of me. (A, TA.) dial. of the people of Mekkeh. (TA in art. j~)
Boox I.] . - ,.~. 527

Hence the saying, Jj, t ~1, , ('S, 5: see 1, in two places.-a ,# j. lIc, or of sand]. (ISh, 1 in art. ,, &c.) And 1Ui
TA,) for which the vulgar say, 1,. IJ., (S,) it, clung, or clate, to it. (VE, TA.) ;tt;., ($, A,) or ~. i$j, ( tA1,)
A she-camel,
[accord. to some, meaning 0 kite, 0 kite, a bullet 6: see L ($, A,) or a beast, (Y,) the prominent parts of
is behind thee: accord. to others, 0 Ifidd, 0 chose hips, ($, A, V,) and the bone of ~hos back,
7: see 1.
Hidd, lBund.uah is beind tAee: Es.h-Shar4ee (TA,) appear, (S, A, 1,) by reason of her lean-
9: see L
nes. (A, TA.) And ; ' 4 i_' and ;l are
(Ibn-FA-$uutalmee, TA) says, (l,) .a/.and Ji.a. 12: sec 1, in two places. -Also tIt (sand) expressions used in the same sense: (L, TA:) pi.
were two tribes, descendants of I;j O4 1,. and was, or became, curved, or winading; or curved,
)~l,J* ,j.... ($, L, TA.) .a.~.1 is the
L Cai , (?, ,) and both of * i ,; or winding, and long. (15.)
name of A rein (3j) penetrating into, or lying
(S, TA;) the former in El-Koofeh, and the latter ,.r~. .S igh, or elevated, ground; so in the rewithin, the bone (.AJ [app. a mistranscription
in El-Yemen: the former attacked the latter, and K.ur xxi. 96; (8, A, Msh ;) as also t 4.a; and
for ali tihe upper portion]) of the fore-a,rm.
obtained spoil from them; and then the latter so ,jl 4 4 : (A:) or ugged and high (K
attacked the former, and destroyed them: (TA:) ..-.. e.,...j (A) and. g iU,. (A, TA) SA
ground: (T, K:) pl. .. l- (S) [and app., accord. dfficult affair: (A,TA:) and,~,.. l(A,TA)and
and hence this saying: (S, 1, TA:) or 1~ is
to the TA, .~rl1 also, a pl. of pauc.]. And
here an apocopated form of ;~..: (S, :) so ,) ,,j.. (1) :difficult offairs; (A, , TA;)
3J.. jL : Sand brought by the wind, [or
sing. [for
(_ n.4. !L or the like]. (.)
says ISk: (?:) and AO says that by it is here
blown together,] and elevated. (A, TA.) And
meant the bird [i. e. the kite]; and by i4, the l,! A severe, cold year. (A, TA.)
hence, as being likened to such sand, (IA*r, TA,) And
thing with which one shoots [from a cros-bow,
namely, a bullet]; and the prov. is used to caution y il t What is scattered, and heaped up, [Hence,] .~A.. je. tA quick driving. (TA.)
a person: accord. to Ibn-EI-Kelbee, it is applied of [the species ofbarey-grau called] L~. (IAXr, - [Hence, also,] ,.~'1 [used as a subst.]
to him who esteems himself cunning in an affair, K, TA.) And h11I ,j. t The elevated ,aves of f Vehemence, severity, difficulty, or distrem; syn.
and is outwitted therein by another: accord. to water: (T, TA:) or the rolling over of water, :.1J. (1K.) [Also tMore, and most, affec-
the A, to him who is threatened with an evil near volume over volume: (1K, TA:) or the rolling of tionate, favurable, or hind.] U .La .
at hand. (TA.) it ~/ also significs The iiWJ~ mater in waves. (TA.) And .a l .,.j t The O*l_.l, said of Aboo-Bckr, in a trd. of 'Alee,
(meaning the fore part, TA, [or the fore part motion and waves of the pool of rwater left byl a means t The most affectionate, favourable, or
from beeath the ear to the middle of the collar- torrent. (IA~r, TA.) And -JI 4J.- 1 TIhe kind, of them, to the Muslims. (TA.)
bone,]) of the nck of sa horse: (A., I :) pl. ;C. rise, or nvell, and abundance, of the torrent.
(Ah,TA.)_Sce also t1a.. (A,TA.)_-tA slope in a declivity; expl. by
jj~, as in the correct copies of the 1,
I,a.. and aa,.:~ see the next preceding 1. .,., (S, A, Mgh, MNb, 1,) aor. J, (Mgh,
paragraph. and in theL; in some copies of the I . ; (TA;)
[in thie C15: j.a..;] as thc , of waves (in Msb,) inf.n. M. Mqb,) and il_,
some copies of the ], of the wind, TA, [an evi- (A, g,) It was new, or recent; contr. of., :
dent mistranscription, .1I for ..il,]) and of (S, A, 1:) it (a thing) camnu into exiUtnce;
L ~j_, aor:, ink. (.S,*A, Mgh,' k began to be; had a beginning; began, or origi-
tA mar left upon the shin; (A4,
Myb, nand
;) o., and .a3, (1,) and sand. (1].) nated; existed newly, for the first time, not
tij.ml_ ; (9, ];) IIe (a man, Msb) was, or ;) such as the [weal or] snelling and thickness
produced by beating. (Ay, TA.) The intense- having been before: (9, Mgh, Myb, TA:) but
became, humnpbacked; (Mghi, Mb ;) he had a
na of the cohl of winter. (A, .) A certain when mentioned with ,j, it is written .i.,~,
lrominent, or protuberant,back, and a hollor, or with damm to the >, (MgS M h, ,) as in the
receding, chest (A,* 1K) and belly: (1 :) [accord. plant: or the [plant called] :. ($.)
saying, t.A.j j L jiJ.l,
1,. (s,) or oi.,&
to the Msb, from ., signifying "elevated .,,.A_: see ,._.. - Also t Affectionate, fa- lJI, (A, Mgh,) meaning Old and new anxieties
ground ;" but the revelse is indicated in the A:] vourabe, or hind. (A, TA.) You say, #,,...
and thoughts [came into my mind, or his mind,
and it (the back) was, or became, humped, or
&a.! 5 ]ie
l is affectionate, &c., to his brother. or overcame me, or him]; (TA;) or old and newn
protuberant; (S, A ;*) as also t.r.a,Jl. (KL.)
. And the first, tlt (a thing) rose, or grewt up (A.) ~ b!; A land abounding with the griefs or sorrows; (Mgh;) the former saying
occurring in a trad.: (TA:) the verb is not thus
or out, high: (KL:) [it u;as, or became, gibbous, plant called ... (1K.) in any other case [in this sense]. (S.) You say,
or conv ; as also .sj 1] %' .. _ , (,
.1~ A humnp on the bach. (Az, S, A, Mgh.) .' d ;,_ A vice, orfault, or the like, origi-
A, 15,) inf. n. as above; (KL,TA ;) and 4,.3; nated in him, or it, not having been before.
_See also ,.
($, A, 1 ;) :He wat, or became, affectionate,
favourable, or hind, to him. (S, A,* 15, KL, (Msb.) And .1
.... An affair, or event,
. like .tli, (1K,) indecl., (TA,) tA yeat
originated: (Mgh:) or happened, or came to pass
TA.) And tliJ ' .- , (1,Q. TA,) inf. n. of drought, barrennec, or dearth: (1:) or a
as above; (TA;) and *,4d; (1g;) : Seu (a year of sevr~ drought. (TA.) (S.) ,.,, is of two kinds: ,.j ,
woman) applued herself constantly to tiu care of whichl is A thling's being preceded by ~o-eist.-
: _.J..:see what next follows. ence: and j13 .,.s.~.., which is a thing's being
her child, or children, aqfer the los of her hua-
band, not marryin, ag!ain. (15:, TA.) ,.~J. .,al Humpbached; ($, Mgh, Msb ;) having dependent upon anotherfor its existence. (KT.)
, or. , inf n. H..arepelledfrom him, a prominent, or protuberant, back, and a hollow,
,,He -1 and ;a_,M [as inf. ns. of which the
and defended him. (MF, TA.) or receding, chest and belly; (g;) and t 'r_ verb, if they have one, is, accord. to analogy,
1, ~.,] relating to a man, signify The being
2. [inf. n. of The act of ele- signifies the same: (Sb, ., ]g:) fem. of tho formner
vating, or raising high, the bach. (KL.) i't._: (Mqb:) and pl. .. (Msb, TA.) ;lI young; or [as simple substs.] youthfulness.
(ISd, g.)
[And, accord. to Golius, as on the authority of t W"." (dim. of g.,.-), meaning A little hump-
the KL, The making a thing gibbous, or convex: backed daughter, occurs in a trad. (TA.) 2. 1j. [He told him, or related to him,
but this meaning which the word has in the pre- Hence, t~ ;JI1, (see a verse of Kasb Ibn-Zu- sominething; he discoursed to him, or talked to
sent day, I do not find in my copy of the KL.] heyr, voce ;JI, in art. J3l,) tA gibbous bier: (A,* him: see also 5]. You say, .N%1 ;J._, (L,)
4. 4a~lIHe (God) rendered him humpbacked. TA :) or (as used in that verse) it means a dis- and ~ .,., (A,* L,) inf n. , a word of
(a.) t He, or it, rendered him affectionate, tresing sate, or condition: or an elevated appa. well-known meaning, ($,) He told him, or related
favourable, or kind. (KL.) ratus. (TA.) And ioa L.j; t [A gibbou tract to him, the story, or narratire,or tradition. (L.)
0Q8 ab
[BooK 1.
[And ... He/ related traditionsof Mohammand: found nen tidings or information: ($:) or he ([Hence] %.s. is a term applied by Sb to
and ijJ 4,
J.rj he related such traditions gained, or acquired, tidings or information. (A.)
Tbe,~a4 [or infinitive noun]; because all jLt,
heard, or learned, from ruch a one: the verb in
this sense being an Islamee term.] -[Hence,] :,J. 3.~ and *.,. and &.P. and t* . are [significant of] accidents [considered as sub-
sisting in, or proceding from, agents]: and the
j, ; I '- tI left the countries, or () and t /', . (L) A man of many stories or
pl. which he assigns to it in this sense is li_l.
towns, resounding with a buzzing, or confused narratives,(I ]g,) and ywho relates them well: (L:)
(TA.) The voiding of ordure; or the break-
roise. (Th, I8d.) or t. ~. .j and t,. a.. signify a man who
relates stories, or narratives, well: and J.j
ing of wind; syn. h,, 1 l: (1 :) or legal impurity
3. ,_ :,1., (TA,) inf.n. ;jl, (s, ,) thlatforbids,or prevent, one's performing prayer
lie polished his sword; (,0 ],*,TA;) [asthougk )t4j signifies a man of many stories or nar-
ic.: (KT:) or a state annulling legal purity:
he made it newo by doing so;] as also t1o, ratives; (., A, El-Wi'ee;) but is used by the
vulgar to signify a man owho relates stories, or pl. .l..i. (Myb.) [See 4.] _ I.q. ) t[The
(TA,) inf.n. l (.-) Hence, ." f;. narratives, well. (EI-Wi'ee, TA.) And yod say rain following that caled thl ,]: (L:) or
i3J1 aZy, W 11iS* . JI tPolish and J. ,JJ~ .j A man who is a companion of ,~1,.'1 [pl. of L nJl] 1 signifies the rains of
l/eane ye thee hearts by the remembrance of kings in talk (S, A, K) and in their nocturnal the commencement, or first part, of tAe year.
(lod, like as the sword ij polisied: [for they (,.) - Young, applied to a man, (A,* L, Mlb,*)
converoations: ($:) and LJ,.,a. one wAo talU
quickly becoame sullied:] a trad. of El-HI.osan. and to a horse or an as or the like, and a camel,
to womcn; (8,A;) or who talks wnith women.
(TA.)m>jt_ and, accord. to IAar, to a mountain-goat: (L:)
-Jtii and , J, words of well- (Az, TA in art. .) And Vt. ~ [He ir pl. .i..~` (A,
known meaning, ($,) are syn.: (18:) [but the L, M1b,) and C3UA . (L.) You
his story-teller]. (A.)
former generally relates to two persons: tie say ,. j",, (Th, , L, &c.,) and t'J.
latter, to more than two:] you say, ..L ,.I_.. . A novelty, or new thing; an innovation; I>,, (Th,S, A, Meb,.,) and j, : , (IDrd,
[Ife talhed, or conversed in words, vithi his com- a thing not known before: and particularly re- ,; [but this is by some disallowed, as will be
panion]: (A:) and I3Jb.. and '1.l.. [ThTey lating to El-lnidi [i. e. to matters of religious seen below,]) A yowng man: (., L, lhb, ]C:)
talked, or conversed in words, toelther, or one doctrine or practice or the like]: (Mgh:) [and and in the pl. sense younsay 'l,.. ClJ.L and
with another]. (TIJ.) so V,.L. '{; for] , ;..l ';3. (pl. of
. TA) signifies innovations of people of
J(.g- _[plia. of I:], (-,) and .:IA J.
4. i..~ ($, A, M.b, TA) and t*.u.a.I (A)
erroneous opinions, (Msb, TA,) inconsistenat with .ZJl and 'JI t,Ia., [or these, as is implied
He (God, ., or a man, Mob) brought it into exist-
the doctrines, or practices, of the just of pre- above, are not allowable,] and ;Jt i.'. [pl.
ence, caused it to be, made it, produced it, effected
ceding times: or rhat is not known in revealfl of t4 ]. (ISd, TA.) J says, [in the .,]
it, or did it, newly, for the first tione, it not having
been before; began it, or originated it; invcnted scripture, nor in the Sunneh, nor in the general if you mention the &, you say J.1 't?.
it; innovated it. (., Msb, TA.) [Hence,] ,.Il contventional tenets of the doctors of tlhe law: [lit. Young of tooth]: and IDrat say, the vulgar
j1( [He browght to pass an event]. (lCur lxv. 1.) and .L_,, [in like manner,] an innovation that say,'Jl '~., , like as you say ' JI M;
is disapproved, not agreeable with custom, or but it is a mistake; for .ka. is an epithet applied
And 6.1. b,.~l He originated an innovation
usage, and not known in the Sunnek. (TA.) to the man himself, and is originally an inf. n.;
[see .o.]. (TA.)_.See also 3....Also ~..i, ' tS', ~.~, occurring in a trad., means He one should not apply it as an epithet to the w
(., L, Myb, ],) inf. n. .. !I, (Mqb,) firom entertained an innovation; [i. e. he embraced, nor to the ,, 'nor to the Wi; but t ,, , is
.JM.tJI, (1,) tHe voided his ordure; or broke or held, it;] or he was content, or pleasd, with
an epithet applied to anything rcent. (TA.)
vind: (L, ]:) it has both these meanings: (L:) it; or he bore it patieatly: or, as some say, it
or he did a thing that annulled his state of legal is 1,. j.9,
j' meaning he entertained, or har- il.1
purity. (Myb.) [See _,..-.]- And He coan-
see .j, tirt sentence; each in
boured in his dwelling, a criminal, or an offender, two places.
,titted adultery, or fornication: (], TA:) and and protected him friom retaliation. (TA.)-
in like manner one says of a woman [J ].
Also i. q. t k,>_. and t OU,_ [in some copies &,: ac .
of the t.A,] and t.,
C [signifying An
5. b.imi [He talked; conwrsed in words; U. .: ee what next follows.
accident, an event, a hap, or a casualty: and
told, or related, stories, or narratives]. (a.) And
generally an evil accident or eoent, a mishap, a 41;,. The first, or beginning, or commenc-
a, 4,.3 [He talked of it; told it; related it]; misfortune, a disaster, a calamity, or an ajlic- ment, of a state, or a case, or an affiair; (, A,
(i, A, Myb, ] ;) namely, a q..., (Myb,) or tion]: ($:) [the most common of these words
Mgh, ;) as also * L;i.,": ( gh,, :)
what is termed M,,... (. , .) And,, is t DI;.; and its pl., 1, is more common and its frAshness; which is also a signification
:"I j.J [He talks to nomen]. (t, A.*) [See than the sing. :]. the pl. of ,~ is, 1.,_1. of both these worda. (l, Mgh.) 80o in the saying,
ablo g.]_ It is said in a trad., l I (TA.) jU,l ~l I_ and t ~I. (A, V) and 3 ,)l ill; !land V&;t^ [Do thou
t dO.ad., (]4,)or, as is said by Fr and others, that thing while it is in its firt and feh state].
: [God shall end the clouds, and they shall laugh this last is * JI ., (TA,) signify The accidents, ($, Mgh.') One says also, t,$ I; _..U `i`
with the bet laughing, and talk with the best or casualties, of time or fortune; or the evil and V1r t~ jhb and ~4? t,jA tI came
talking]: the talking here mentioned, says IAth, accidents, or calamitite, of time or fortune. (A, to him in the beginning, or first period, of khi
is said to mean thundering; and the laughing, ]~.) t:.1 j. occurs used as a sing., said to be youth. (Aboo-'Amr Esh-Sheybinee, TA.) And
lightning; thundering being likened to talking put by poetic license for tV0i: and this it is said in a trad., addressed to 'Aisheb, j9i
because it announces rain, and its near coming:
latter is also used [as a pl.] for L.1j.: so say
or by laughing may be meant the smiling of the
earth, and the appearing of the flowers or blos- Az and AAF: and it is said to be a noun in the
TA,) or, u some relate it, ,s. I il, which
soms; and by talking, the talking of men in sense of 11 1j. and ~l44,,.
: accord. means the same, (Mg ',) i. e. Were it not for the
describing and mentioning the plants or herbage: to Fr, the Arabs say, [using it as a pl.,] :tWa, shortnme of the period that has dtapsed sin thy
thlis figure of speech is termed a Jt~4, and ;jU.JI (The accidents, or evil accidents, of peopl were in the state of infdlity, I ouldd
t time, or fortune, destroyed u]: some say pull down the Kaabeh, and build it [anew]. (TA.)
is one of the most approved kinds of ;.1.
j (TA.)
Ot$3.JI, making it dual of .,., and meaning See also 1., in two place.
6: ee 3, in two places.
thereby the night and day; like as they say [in ,jt*_,
used as a sing. and as a pl.: see l .,
10: see 4...- You say also, Ir. , ,,lie the same sense] O JI and ) sJ4i &c. (TA.) in three places.
Boox I.] Boo - t~2 m29
4..j New, recent; (I ;) contr. of .i: or describing, a saying or an action !c. of Mo- ing a company of men telling, or relating,stories
( :) having, or lhaing had, a beginning; exist- Aammad:] this word and ri both signify a &c., is an anomalous pl., formed by assigning it
ing newly, for the first time, not having been tradition that is traced up to Mohammad, or to the same predicament as words of similar
before; as also Vt$ .: (Myb:) brought into to a SaAhdbee, or to a Tdbi'ee: (TA in art. i. :) meaning, of which l.., pl. of L;., is an ex.
eittncwe, caused to be, made, produced, or dotne, or , _ is applied to what comes from the (L.) See also $-.
srwly,for thefirst time, not having been before; Prophet: s., to what comes from another than
begun, or originated; invented; innovated; as the Prophet- or from him or another: and ;, ;'.,L o,lb t Land upon which the rain
alwso *A . (TA.) _ ee sj~, last two to what comes from a Companion of the Prophet; called .p,.,. hasfallen. (L.)
sentences, in four places. And see ,^.. You but it may also be applied to a saying of the
say also, tL, ~ ,. He is, or neas, Prophet: (Kull p. 152:) the word in this sense,
i. e. the 4o_ of the Prophet, has for its pl.
ecently become a M.uslim. (Mob.) And ^,4.
only . L_; .. and therefore Sb mentions it in .,
I. ,..,, (s, A, K,*) aor.;, inf. n. (9,
,~ ., (TA,) or aI,Jt6 or _, , the category of those words which have pls. ]g) and . (TA,) lIe bound the .~ upon
(Mgh,) Men lately in their Atate of infidelity'[or
in the state of paganism or ignorance]; who have anomalously formed; such as `, , pl. ,jai; Iim, i. e., upon the camel; (, A,IF;) as also
but recently ceased to be in their state of infidelity and t, pI. 3lI,t4. (TA.) [ written t a~.1: (1:) or he bound upon him the q1_.',
[&c.]. (TA.) Also i. q. * [Information; a at the end of a quotation of a part of a trad. is for i. e., the [saddtle caUld] .A, and its apparatus;
piece of information; intelligence; an announce- .~.O.J-! .Read the tradition.]-, , .. _ (Az, TA;) which apparatusconsistsof thoe Jl;jl.X
ment; news, or tidings; a piece of newNs; an [A holy tradition or narration] means wuat
account; a narration, or narrative; a story; with the two girtts called the ,;Ltb and the .,
God has told to his prophet by inspiration, or
&c.]; (8, K;) employed to signify little and by a dream, or in sleep, and the prophet has without wehich a cnamnel is not [said to be] ..
much; ( ;) and
a ' .'~ signifies the same: told in his onm phraseology: the lRur-ain is (Sh, TA.) [See t..] Accord. to J,
(I:) or a thing, or matter, that is tcalled of, esteemed above this, because [it is held tlhat] also signifies lie bounid loads, or burdens, and
told, or narrated, and transmitted: (Msb:) [and its words also were revealed: (KT:) that of divided them into camel-loads: (TA:) but this
talk, or discourse:] and [in like manner] APJ_1 rwhich the n'ords are from the apostle, but the is a meaning that was unknlown to the Arabs.
signifies a thing that is talked oqf, told, or nar- meaning is from God, by inspiration, or by a (Az, TA.) J cites as an ex. the words of El-
rated: (S, . :) or this last signifies a wonderful dream, or in sleep. (Kull p. 288.) Apshi,
thing: (IB, TA:) it has been asserted, says i,.: asee 1~, in three places. [Hence,]
MF, that there is no difference between Z~m.l
and :o_ in usage, and in denoting what is Ji ail. : Youth; the first period of life. [Is it for separation that hler loads are bound
good and rwhat is evil; in contradiction to such (TA.) &c. ?]: but he addls that, neaccord. to one reading,
as say that the former peculiarly signifies that .1~: see ~.. the poet said t.~Il: and this [SM says] is the
[kind of story] in nwhich there is no prqfit nor
any truth; such as amatory stories, and the like right reading. (TA.) -[Hence, .~. is used
u_.-: see j.~., in three places.
fictions of the Arabs: Fr asserts it to signify to signify t lie betook himself to warring for the
peculiarly a laughlable and an absurdstory; differ- USi .: see .. ~, in two places. ake of the reli;ion.] 'Omar is related to have
ing from and
.: Ibn-Hishim El-Lakhmee, said, Lj Uj.. U e a. _ L.a &b, mean-
in his Expos. of the Fe, says that it is only used ,~1.: seee , first sentence.
ing Perform one pilgrimage, then t betake thysJef
tdo denote what is bad, or evil: but Lb replies
Sjh,.; and its pl., .l1a.: see j~., in fou,r to i'arringfor the sake of the religion until thou
against him, in his Expos., that it is sometimes
become old and wveak, or die; ..lI literally sig-
used to denote what is good; as in a saying places.
mentioned by Ysnakoob, which see below: (TA:) 2m.l More, and most, new, or recent: fem. nifying bind the 4l~. upon the camel. (Az,
the pl. of A.o. is &d1.1, contr. to analogy, J,.; as in the phrase J.o. 3 1 !, occurring TA.)_[Hence also,] , (TA,) inf. n. * ,
(9, ~,) said by Fr to be pl. of Va~ $, and in a trad., MIy wife who was more, or most, re- (15,) l.Ie imposed upon him in a sale. (K, TA.)
then used as pl. of , (8,) but lB says cently married. (TA.) You say, ;L. ! .. , (A, TA): I1 imposed
that this is not the case; (TA;) and O,. and tv.l.-: see ,s, in five places. upon him with a bad sale, and & wn7ith bad
are also pls. of , (.., TA,) some- merchandisc. (TA.) The person imposed upon
times occurring; the latter, rare. (TA.) You 'J.m: see j~. : -and see also ,j~., is liliened to a camel upon which a 41.1. is
say, ;1 L .. .: (TA) and
_~ a. tu in two places. - Aiso, applied to a poet, i. q.
(9, A,* TA) [I hearda good story or narrative Wjy9 [A post-classical author: itself a post-clas- bound. (Az, TA.) -And J,3,; .. f
imposed upon him a heavy dorn;y, bj deceit and
&c]; both meaning the ame. (TA.) And y;.' sical term]. (Mz 49th _.) [And 3 JlI
The moderns; or people of later times; opposed fraud. (A, TA.) Also, nor. ., inf. n.
~ V2J_ ,iJl EjiJ [A good story of
to ;.j;ii.] He cast .:~ [or unripe and hard coloyntlh,
kiim became spread abroad amono the peopie]:
a saying mentioned by Ya4oob in his" I16h." h.d..: see %~.
or small colocynsiu, or small and green colocyntih
or nmelons,] at him. (A, TA.) - Hence, (A,
(TA.) And 0 . Z"7j ~2..
1 ' [A pretty story], ,.~. A true, or veracious, man: (.1:) a TA,) _', (s,A,)
A. iuf n. C"" (1')
and d ,jj1o. [pretty stories]. (A.) And man of true opinion: (S :) of true conjecture:
(A, TA:) inspired; into whose mnind a thing is I lIe shot at him wit an arrot. (, A, .)
I.~ CiJ.jt. sJ [S Such a one has become put, and tvho tells it conjecturally and with And Lt~ s.-., inf n. , ? He beat him,
the subject of a story, or of a wonderful story:
sagacity; as thou.qh he vwere told a t/hing, and or struck kim, with a stajf, or stick. (Ibn-El-
and in like manner, as is said in the A,
said it: occurring in a trad.: (TA:) such was Faraj, K,* TA.) - [Hence also,] --4Jl ... ,
~-O~ 1)L.: there said to be tropical]. (IB, 'Omar. (A, TA.)
TA.)- Hence the %.i. of the Apostle of inf. n. li,e cast suspicion upon him. (IC,
'~_. A teller, or relater, of stories, narra- TA,' T1.) And *,4 J a*_ (?, A) : He
God: (Myb:) [i. e.] '. also signifies A tives, or traditions:
[and particularly a relater accused him of the crime, or offence, of anothe.,
narration of a (L:) [meaning
[: 4s-
of, or one Milled in, the traditions of Moham- (9, TA,) and put it
upon lim. (TA.) And '.'
Sy.i, i. a. a tradition, or narration, relating, mad:]d ' l in the sense of X. , signify- *y*>, (S, A,) aor.;, inf. n. m.. (9, TA) and
Bk. I. 1
530 rBOOk I.

C:,$~; and tl , ; (TA;) continuing succulent, or fresh, or green: (T:) bIoy) was, or became, such as it termd j;t
inf. n. .e
lie east his eyes at him; ($,TA;) as also
n. un. with ;. (L.) [q. v.]: (TA:) [or] .tom, nor. ; (Lth, A.,. ,
-Iq.to-: see 5.a./,in five places. A, ] ;) and >j, aor. '; (ISd, ;) inf. n. [of
*'. 91Ej y,.: or he looked itntently, and sharply,
the former] 3;jI (A,K) and ;.-; ($, K;)
at him: or he looked at him with a look whichk
t ihe was, or became, compact in mnake, (As, S,
he [the latter] stupected and dislike/: (TA:) K,) and thick: (TA:) or short andfiesy : (A :)
)thut 5. in looking may be unattended by alarm, 1. ;., aor.: (M, Msb, , &c.) and , (M, and he was, or became, fat, with thickness, (K,
or fear: (Az,TA:) ' ~.3 is like , 1S,) inf. n. _ (T, ., M, M.b, I) and js, TA,) and shortne.ss. (TA. [See;t..])- And
(T, M, V,) He made to descend, or to go down ~, (T, $, A, K,) aor. (T,. $) and , (~,)
(s,) syn. therewith: (I :) and also signifies the
or downwards or down a declivity; sent, let, or (1 ;) anil
lhoking intently, after alarnm, or fear. (TA.)- ilaf. n. )Ob (T,$ , A) annd j~;
put, down, or from a higher to a lower place 3;
Also ., aor. , inf. n. r,',, t lie (a hors) or position; (T, $, M, A, Mel, ;) as also tj.l: tjJ,I, inf. n. t1,,,l; and tj,,., inf. n. j.
looked at the figure of a mnan, or the like, seen (Msb:) [or this latter is not cllhaste; for, accordl. (K, TA;) or tho first form only; (T ;) I Ii (the
from a distance, or heard a sound, and raised to J,] one says, 'ilA skin) becanne swvollen, (T,. , TA,) as also tj.i.jl,
;j~ he lonered the shilp;
his ears, and directed his eyes, towards it. (TA.) ($,K,) hly reason of beating: (T, S, TA:) or
or sent it to a lon'er place, (fi,) or fr,om a hig,he,' beamnte swollen and thick, by reasonF tihereof.
a * ~~~~ 0 0a-
2. ... , if. n. ~.j3: see 1, in two lplaces. to a lo)ver part of a river; (A;) but one should (A, X.)- 'a2tI :;., inf. n. (I t-, t The
not say, j~.l. (..) You say also, . 1 j., eye was, or became, large and #wide: (M 9b:)
4: see 1, first sentence.1JJ~a.l ;.1.l ~.J.. A.JI 'C lie roUed down the stone fr.om the nasx, or became, beautiful. (TA.)
The colocynth-plant bore, or produced,fruit such mountain. (A.) - 7L j Ajj. I Deartth, 2: see 1, in four places.
as is termed 's. ($.) scarcity, or drought, malde them to descend [.friom
4: se! 1, in four pnaces. Also J1 J~
- tkhe desert]; brou!ht them to a descent; (T,8 ;)
A certain thing upon which the women brtought them, (TA,) or brought thelm dotnm, or mnade tile se'wd the garment, or piece o!f cloth, the
of the Arabs of the desert ride; not a J' nor them to descend, (A,) to the tonsns, or villayges. second ti,,'l,
, fte,r the [slight sewving termed] J.,
a vpb: (Lth, TA:) a certain vehicle, or thing (A, TA.) - O , AJ J, lie tum'ed or J:. ( .)
to ride upon, for women, (Az, ., A, ~,) like the down theL A [or mutler'] from the )a,rt beneath 5. i. :.JJ (5,') and t j,. (A) The
AA~, (Az, $, (,) and like the r:3; (Az, TA;) his chin. (TA.) - .:;I j~, aor. ands, tears descended gently, or little by little. ($, A,
/: (, A, ,:) pl. of the former inf. n. o,_1 and ;., Ile shed, or let fall, tears; K.') And A.c;1; I san
as also tA.j
as also Vt j~.. (TA.) And c * 1 ,. O 1, the rain dslest'nli'ng and ,droplpingupon his beard.
and 1~ (, A, 14) and _ (AAF,
(A,I ,*) and ej,_, inf. i. , (K,) STThe eye (TA.)
TA;) and pl. of the latter .J1~: (Ya*oob, g,
sheds, or lets fall, tears; (A;) or flons with 6: see 5, in two places.
A:) Az, however, says that ISk makes no differ- .JI I [The
s tears. (g.) And J2 I j,~ 7. j1,il lie, or it, descended; went wn',n,
ence between the Lj~.and the t 4.1j~, though downwards, donm a declivity, orfrom a hkither
tears maltske the collyrium to flow dlownn]. (A.)
there is *a difference between them accord. to "'~ '"" ' J"'' (A,) aor. l., (TA,) inf. n. ,J-, to a loner place or position: (., A, Msb, K:)
the Arabs, as will be seen from what follows: and [in like manner] j.., inf. n. j, (TA,)
(J,) I The medicine made his belly to discharge
Sb says that Lr.m. is a name given to a j ,l j.~ t1It (a medi- or j.., (A,) he nent don,n, or descended, a de-
itself. (A, ].) [And j
bound upon a A [or small kind of camels cine) caused the nenstrual flux to lescend: sec clivity. (A,TA.) [Hence,] i;' Jl, ~;f!
saddle] when it is bound upon the camel at once ;j...] .~., (T, 8, Mgh, ]J,) aor. ' and , I went ldonwn to El-lla.rah. ($.)_ Also lie
(S, Mgh,K ;) and tj..l, journeyed, or went, towards El-'.lrdi, and Syria,
with all its apparatus: he also says that 9.l,r. (K,) inf. n. .;
comnpoued of (T, 8, A, [,) inf. n. j~.; (Is;) lIe made anld 'Omdn: ol,posed to w_1i, signifies
is a name given to the apparatus
svell, (T, 8, A, MgAh, K,) and to " he jolrnv;yed, or went, towards Nej,l, and El-
the ;j.], pl. of ;tL, q. v.,] which are also called the skin to
Hijifaz, and ElU-Yemen :" (ISk, on the authority of
become thick, (A,) by beatig. (T, S, A, Mgh.)
.,..iJl i ',,[and which are appertenances of 'Omimrah, TA in art. _- :) or the former, he jour-
I ;>1_, (A, I~,) aor. ' and:, inf. n. j;
the .. J,] wlen they are filled, and drawn to- ny!ed, or went, tonwards ElE-'Irdk: and the latter,
[and (K;) and t j l, (S, K,) inf. n. j;l1 ; (I ;) "lie journeyed, or went, towards the Biblch:"
gether, and bound, and tied to the .,I:
or the cx-
lie shows, in his explanation of the verb --. t He twisted the unon'oen wvanrp, (.K,) (Aboo-Sakhr, T, TA ubi suprt :) and *; _ is
tremnities of the unn'oven warp, (S, A,) of the
that this apparatusconmprises the j and J1 1., garment, or piece of cloth; (S, A, ;) like as used as an inf. n. of the former; like as s'." ' is
of the latter: (T, TA ubi supr :) also, the former
nith the two girths called the Oti and the ".~: is done with the ends of [a,'ntents of the kind
verb, he returnedfrom any town or country: and
this is what is meant in the J~ by the saying that called] a-,h [pl. of ,L-,]: (S:) because its the latter, " he commenced a journey or the like,
, Sec 7. -
t .. ,ar,JI also signifies l"l:] Aboo-.a'id El- length is thus diminished. (A.) in any direction." (Ibn-'Arafeh, TA ubi supra.)
Kilabee says that * 3l.s1~ signifies the apparatnt [Hence,] ;;w.l I jJ-, (S, Mgh, M.sb, ],*) - Also, said of a place, It sloped down. (Mob.)
(;I.bl) of the MJ: and Az says that it signifies and 1j.ll 1 #, (S, Mgh, Mbl,,) and .U,l'I , - See also 1, last sentence but one.
the .r with its apparatus. (TA.) - Also A (Myb,) aor. ' ($, Mgh, M,b, ) and :, (K,) j,.: see ,^ in two places.
load, or burden. (., K..) - And [its pl.] .r.,, inf.n.;.~; (S,Mgh, Mb,Jl;) and tj, inf. n.
pj. A single thread, of the threads of a [gar-
Camel with their Jl_. 4 [or saddles]. (TA.) J-t'; (];) and i;lil j.., (A,Msb,) and ment of the kind called] L.b. (TA.) [See ,.1
,._ [a col. gen. n.] The colocynth, or colo- ;o,i,, and L&U.I ; (Msb;) I He hastened, or .~;J .]--i~.~. ,. (Ay, T, ., Mqb,l) and
was quick, in the reading, or recitation, (S, A,
cynths, when unrile and hard: (TA:) or when Mgh, Misb, I,,*) and in the call to prayer, (S, .. ;"> (1s) tAn eye compact and hard: (AV,
become hard; (., TA;) before becomting yellow: Mgh, Msb,) and in the [form of words called T, 8:) or thick and hard: (]:) or wide and
(TA:) or small colocynthl: (A:) or the colo- the] *UlI; (Mb ;) and he hastened the reading, large and projecting: (T:) or large and wide:
cynth or colocynths, and the melon or melons, (M, (Mqb:) or large: (i:) or wide: (TA:) or
recitation, &c. (Msb.) . and j_,
I,) while small and green, before becoming yellow, or sharp-sighted. (s.)
(M,) or wohile continuing succulent, or fresh, or inf. n. [of the latter, accord. to analogy,] U~.,
It (a bow-string) was thick and strong. (TA. ij.~ A herd of camels, (., 1,) like, or about,
green: ([ :) or [more correctly] the melon or
melons; and the colocynth, or colocynths, while [See also jl-..]) And [hence, app.,] I It (a a i, (8,) which is [as some say] from ten to
Boox I.] BO - S. 5H1
forty: when they amount to sixty, they are termed a and *.;;;t (TA) tIe is deed bur- thing has been told me ofJuch a on, and I speak
a Ab.~: (TA :) afJock of sheep or goats. (L4, ;nsome, or troubksome, by him, so that he cannot of it conjecturally, or surmising. (TA.) And
TA.)-See also 3;j~. look at him by reason of hatred. (, 1.) And 4. C ~~ Iformed my opinion of it, not
tI being certain of it; as also c~_S. (TA.) And
l,_~s: ee . X tA beautifWd u;9 &.;,i~ and ;;~
Uic I
made Aim, or it, a conspicuous object, or a thing " & iUS i1 ;~j~ He spoke rrithout any-
eye. (TA.) infull vi~ew of my eye. (., I.) Several lexico- thing to guide him, and without caution. (TA.)
graphers mention these forms in art. j,., re- And ;Jy1 He computed by conjecture the
L5J : see ;iM..
garding the i as a radical letter, as it should not
quantity, meamurc, or the like, of the thing. (A.)
,j.,. (., A,M,b, 5) and >j_ ($,1) and be held to be augmentative, when occupying the
second place in a word, unless on strong evidence. And , a Jid [generally meaning He said it
t t,1;~, (T, 1,) of the same measure as :Lo,
conjecturally, or surmising: but also meaning]
(T,) [in the Cld, erroneously,.m.,] and ~,.1 (TA.)
he said it by means of intuition. (A, TA.) [..'.
and t ; ]A and t;`. '. ($, K) [which is of
(1) j.~. and )jJI:
1 see what next follows.
is also explained in the A as signifying il.,L:
frequent occurrence] and t ;j - and ;-.a-,
or t;j, or Jt~j , (as in different copies of
tTIe lion; (, 1 ;) as also * , in the TA Ly. i&i: both app. meaning An ob-
(]5,) and t ';,, without Jl, (TA,) and t;jllJ: scure, or an occult, mode of judging of a thing.]
the 15,the last of these being the third form given
(1 :) or the lion that is, among othler lions, like .S-~m. is also syn. writh j, (1,) used transi-
in the Cli,) A declivity, or declivou place; a
the king among men; (IAqr;) because of the tively, (T, i,) [app. signifying The aiming at a
place sloping down; a slope; a place of descent,
thickness of his neck, and the strength of his
or by which one descends: (8, A, Msh, 5::) a thing,] by, or with, rwhatever thing it be; (app.
j3~ is at the foot of a mountain, and in any fore legs. (Th, TA.)_-Also ';j'. i Destruction, meaning by any mental operation;] by opinion,
or perdition; (AZ, ];) and so t;j.t.: (If:) or by judgment, or by inteligence or cunning saga-
place. (TA.) You say, 4au p~ '
or a seecre calamity; as though it were a lion in ,Jse1 L _,. (El-Umawee,
[We descended a d.ificult declivity]. (A.) And its severity. (A.) city. (TA.)o
1 - L. . L.b [As though he nwere de- Mob,) aor. , (EI-Umawee, TA,) ink. n. ,
j : see .i.. Also An ear-ring; syn. (H,) He wrent arway, ($, Msb, TA,) orjourneyed,
scending a declivity]: ($:) occurring in a trad.
: (S,1 :)
pl]... (TA.)~I A laxative (TA,) into, or in, or through, the country, or
(TA.) land, without guidance: (~, M9b, TA:) or simply
medicine; (A, g,* TA;) contr. of k. (A.)
$~-: asee what next follows. he went amay into, or in, the country, or land;
~Sce also 6'.%JI.
as also ,.,. (El-Umawee, TA.) - [Hence,
5;,.~. and ' j3~ and V?3;. XA flowV, or
.foing, of tears from the eye. (Lh, ISd, K, see jj... app., the phrase :& J . j_, w
TA.)IAlso the first, (,8,) so accord. to the M, seems to mean A thing came at random into my
.t.. and ',: see ; , in three places.
&c., (TA,) or t *'_.,(1],) Multitude, and con- mind. Sec ... ] - Also ,., inf. n. as
above, lie went in a right course, or direction:
gregation (S, M, 5:.) You sary ;..s- .; see .- (TA:) or in one regular, uniform, or constant,
A tribe numeros and congdegate. (, M.) course: (0, ]:) or, accord. to As, not in one
regular, uniform, or constant, course. (TA.) -
j1. A rope strongly tvisted: a bow.string ;,.~ and . and sce .;,.: in
strong andfull. (TA. [See also 1.]) -A thick And ) j:U ., (Mfb,) inf. n. ,_' (15,)
six places.
spear. (TA.) And Thick and
.1ja. He hastened, or was quick, in pace, or in jour-
; t./: see jv , in three places. neying. (Mob, 1g.)
round knots, or joints, of a spear. (TA.) -A
cake of bread (..4) complete: or having thick j~1 t More, most, or very, fat and thick. 5. .;l.l9 ,J.., (S, 1g,) and Jt. .,, (AZ,
eidges. (TA.)_ sA man compact in make: ($:) (TA.) S, A, 5,) He outght to learn the mws, or tidings,
a boy short and fhy: (A:) a youth thick and without others' knowring of him; (AZ, $, M, A,
j~ 1: see j~.
compact: (TA:) or full of fat antd flsh, with 15;) as als oa, and w ;: (AZ,TA:)
sofnes, or thinnes, of skin: (Lth, Az:) a boy ': J ;i> t [E,nmenagogue]. (1 in arts. or he soughtfor, or inquired re~pecting, the nwrs,
full in body, and of greatforce : (Th:) or a boy J~ and j,q. &c.) or tidings, in order to know, what others kne
fJlU of youthful vigour; as also oj>.: [but this not. (A.)
is an intensive epithet:] (Lth, Asz:) or afat boy: and and or , or
;' : asee ~._: for the first, see
-and ,01~ One who opines, or conjectures, much;
(1:) or a boyfat, thick, and compact in make:
(I8d:) or goodly, or beautiful: (ISd, ]5:) pl. also 7. syn. X v. CrC.)
3;... (TA.) Also the fern., j1m., tA thick, or
bulky, she-camel. (T in art. .Jj.) And the oame,
tl+Buky in the shoulderjointu. (lB.) And .! 1. , m', [aor., app., and ,] inf. n. ,,, 1. j& (g, TA) , aor. , in n. O-,
[the pl. fem.] tCompact and bulky camels or the He threw, cast, or shot. (TA.) You say, J:.. (TA,) He looked at it. (5, TA.) It is aid in a
like. (TA.) - tAnything fuUll of moisture, and .. I shot an arrow. (S.) And 1J ',Ej I trad., ,^jL4! 9;I j And the people, or
of beautiful make. (TA.) And dl ;a. tA tire;v, cast, or shot, at him rwith such a thing. (A.) party, cast the blacks of tAheir eye at me. (TA.)
she-camel having fUl eyes: (f:) or having eyes - ence, . The conjecturing
cJ,, without And ,.~. He, or it, Ait, or hurt, the black of
full of fat, equal, and beautifuL (TA.)_-A evidence or proof. (TA.) You say, ,, , (S, Ais eye. (Q.) - .i., (i, TA,) aor. , (TA,)
tribe congregated. (TA.) - A lofty mountain. A, Mqb, 1],) aot. ($, Msb, 1I) and ;, (]:,) inf n. n.0~, said of one that is dying (.),
in D.
(TA.) - See also ;o...
.o.~,(S, A, Msb, 1f,) He opined: (S, A, 5:) He opened his eyaes, and moved Ais eyelids, or
;j.,. and to;. (. ,:) and ,. (;) or he formd a confirmed opinion: (Msb:) he twin~Aled wit his eyaes. (]I.) You say, G".'
and V * (Th, 5:)and ? i;_and tad,; formned a surmise, or an opinion; or he spohe j 4*JI I saw him that wa dying open his
conjecturally, or surmising: (S, A, V:) he sur-
and V j;.. and Vjj;. and t'.;, (5,) of mised respecting the meanings of peeh or lan- eyes, &c. (TA.) - ee also 4.
which . is the most approved form, (TA,) guage, (A, 5,) and things. (a.) And h ' 2. 3. , (Mgh,) or '.i 3l , (Mqb,) inf. a.
The black of the eye. (., ].) One says, si He says a thing according to his opinion. (, .j!.35(,(M, gh, M,b, V,) H looked hardly, or
S. ; and * 0 (;V ) and TA.) And d ,,;!~ .t,9 v* ' . .1 A intently, (?, Mgh, Mqb, 1],) and rolled the black
3.. - jJ [Boox I.
if the eye, (gar p. 221,) .iJ at him: (Mgh, ~,, Jla.~ j... u i tj~.~ They alighted, or 8. JIaI._o1, andjl ., in the ],
Mb :) and t isi , with an augmentative J, is alighed and abode, in a tract abounding with
erroneously, *~I, Te fire, and the heat,
like i.m.J; [the verb of which it is the inf. n., Ierbage; likened to the a.. of the camel burned, or burned fiercely: (, TA:) and
namely,] aid of a man, signifying he because this is plentifully supplied with moisture.
s;iJ, ji , ;, .. the fire flamed, or blaed: (.,
rolled tAe black of his eye in looking. (8.) (TA from a trad.)
Mgh, ! :) and in like manner, [as meaning it
4. , tjJ..l; (., Mgh, Mob, 1~ ;) and l, 3tJ& A wailed garden; a garden arrounded became inflamed, or made to Jlame or blaze,] the
by a wall: (8, Mb, TA:) of the measure 4ai verb is said of anything: (T, TA:) or .. J;al
4, (8, Mqb, ],) aor. , (Mob, ]g,) inf. n. 3.;
(T ;) and at Ij j.s..l; (.8gh, ] ;) They sur- in the sense of the measurem ;Z: (Mqb :) or AjI, and ';j ....I , thefire, and the day, mas,
rounded, encompasud, or encircled, him, or it; (.8, any round piece of land surroundedby afence or or became, vehmnently hot: (Mb :) and j.1,
Mgh, Mb ;) namely, a man, (8,) ora town or the the liAe, or by elvated land: (TA:) or whateer sid of a day, (AZ, TA,) and of heat, (. in art.
like: (Mb :) or they ment round or rou,nd about, is surrounded by building: (R :) and, by exten- .. ,) signifies the same as...., (AZ, 8 ubi
circuited, or compared, him, or it. (].) You sion of its application, a garden, thwugh without a supri, TA,) from which it is formed by transposi-
tion. (. ubi supriL) And ... I He suffed
say of anything, at 3,.l as meaning It sur wall: (Mob :) or a meadow, or garden, (..ij,)
vehAmnct heat from the sun, and from fire.
rounded, encompassed, or encircled, it; (TA;) having treem: (., :) or a garden of palm-tree.
as, for instance, a house [or a wall] surrounds a and of other tree, (Zj, IDrd, ~,) den e and (Msb.) And ;'JI ,: :- The cooking-pot
louzriant, (Zj, IDrd, TA,) and, as some say, boiled vehemently. (AZ, TA.)_[Hence,] .,*.l
6arden. (Mgb.? Thus you say, :lrj4 i.. d4
fruit-bearing: (TA:) oragarden(4) ofpalm- ,~1~1 1 The wine, or bevera,y, estuaotd, or fer-
, JJ. js [Upon Aim is a black mol
trees and grape-vines: (TA:) or a distinct col- mented; syn. .i,.
vkich whitenessu has surrounded]. (TA.) And (Mgh, TA.) And ._.
lection of palm-trees: (1 :) or a plot of seed- 'Ib ,oJ ~.. ()
'3 a. 'J.~ 1Death encompased him. (TA.) lwproduce: (Kr,TA:) or a : The boso of such a one
hollow in a valley, burned rith anger, ,rrath, or rage. (TA.) And
t la Ij~, a phrase used by El- that retains water: and any depressed place in a
'4.i 4e.... . t He burned against him with
klareeree, means They made the blacks of the vailey, that retains mater, thtough mater be not in anger, wrath,
or rage; (g, TA;) as also 9.
eyes to surround him. (gar p. 186.) ~,.J~1, its bottom: (TA:) pl. ~... (., Msb, K.)
(1.) And ..a1 .aJ, l : Tihe blood became in-
Liii, (],) or LL 3jJ)t ;J~,% (Zj, TA,) Hence the saying,, ;,k;;g J. U& .jj tensely red, so as to be [nearly] black; (., Msb,
i.e. [The meadow] became a 4;l . [q. v.], (Zj, lu..a q.. 1[Thy letter has come to me, and I k(, TA;) and becamne rehelewntly bu,n,ing. (Mob.
,) [by producing herbs such as are tormed have recreated myself in contemplating the beauty [See also the part. n., below.])
; for] without ~ it is a /jj. (Zj, TA.) of its garden-like phrasJ]. (TA.)
.~ and tj The vehement burning of fire,
12: see4e ',^_ (mentioned in the g in art. jP~) A (1C,) and of heat: or, accord. to the T,s
Q. Q.L .J~, and its inf. n. ~..: ace 2. large iJ.;. [or black of the eye]: (s, l[:) a [app. .~] signifies the vehenent heating of a
meaning which shows the J to be augmentative: thing by the sun, and by fire: [seo 1:] accord.
: see sJ,~, in three places._ -Also The (TA.) or some part of the body that is unknown: to AZ, JWI j signifies " tlhe flaming, or blazing,
Ifiu-it of the] 0A.b [q. v.: accord. to FonrkAl (g :) one says, i
AJljI ,>. j
Ct' >'" of fire ;; and 'ij and 'g.. and 'l.. and
(Flora 2gypt. Arab., p. 47), solanum cordatum]: "
[the wolf ate, of the Adsep, or goat, the '..~]: .t;-.it
have all one meaning [app. the third
(IA',A, ] :) [a coil. gen. n. :] n. un. with;:
A'Obeyd says, it is some part of the body of the meanings as igned below to i.u~]. (TA.)
likened to the blacks of the eyes of the [species of thereof,
but I know not what it is: (8 :) or the
antelope called] t: in the handwriting of'Alee eye: (,K:) so says Lb; (S;) and so Kr: .. : see what next precedes.
Ibn-lamzeh, written J~., with the dotted S; (TA:) As heard an Arab of the desert,
but this is not known. (TA.)
of the i;=.. Fire: and the sound of fire: (Q :) or
Benoo-Sasd, say that it means its :,:;i [or the sound of the flaming, or blazing, of fire; (Fr,
J..* (Q, Mb, ], &c.) and j/,. and epiglottis]. (IB, TA.) - Wa , An eye of ;)as also ;j.~. (Fr, TA.) _ t The sound of
i/.j., (i,) but 1Drd doubts thecorrectness which the ball, or globe, is prominent, or large the belly of the serpent, (]g,) or, as some say, of
of this, (TA,) The black of the eye; (IDrd, Mob, and prominent; or of which the black is prominient; the species of serpent termed >i": (TA:) or
] ;) i.e. the round part in the middle of the eye; syn. _. (TA.) the rustling sound of the shin of the saerpent,
(TA;) the greater black of the eye; (., TA;) caused by rubbing one mpat thereof against ano-
,jJ.. S4ort and compact. (IDrd, .) ther; as thoughl it were the confused and con-
the smaller being the .ji [or pupil], in which
tinued sound of a thing . [i. e. flaming,
is what is termned ;1! sil', for it is like a . . see J3d_. or boiling]. (AHIt, TA.) tThe purring of
mirror, in which one facing it sees his figure; a cat: likened to the sound of flaming, or blazing.
(TA;) [the part, of tAw eye, that is surrounded (TA.)
by tlh white; the iris, together with the whole of and its vars. (mentioned in this art.
the anterior chamber of the je ;] rwhat is in the by J and Sgh): see art. j..~;.. aL . .5_A cooking-pot quickly boiling; contr.
middle of the white of the eye: (Zj in his" Khall j.... A difficult, or distrsesing, afiIir or of .;.: (Fr, , A, TA:) in the ]., erroneously,
el-Jlnan :") or, as some say, externally, the black
event; in consequence of which men look hardbly, J..s., like .iJ. (TA.)
of the eye; and internally, its ;jy. [or lens]: or intently. (TA.)
(TA:) [and sometimes the eye, absolutely; as, .,su A day velenuntly hot. (..)_-t Blood
for instance, in a phrae mentioned voce 41, in intenuly red, inclining to blackneu: or, as some
say, intensely burninwg. (Mgh.)
art. ] pl. j.b, (8 M Mb]), [or rather For several words mentioned under this becad
this is a coll. gen. n.,] and [the pl. is] j' 1 [a in some of the Lexicons, se art. j~.
pl. of pauce.] (1.) and ;UI. (Mqb) and .;
(., Mb, ];) which last is applied by Aboo- 1. Jtl I.,., (8, Mgh,) or lt IJ.., (Meb,)
Dhu-eyb to the J3. together wit/h what sur- or both, (g,) aor. j,,m , (Mob,) inf n. nj.. (.,
1. ,'. ",-, and jk,, aor. , inf. n. j , Mgh, g)
rounds it. (TA.) [Henee,] tVj~u. '.* ki The sun, and thefire, was, or became, vehtmently and fU. (.8, ) and "s (f,) Ha
#U I spoke whilb the people, or party, looked hot upon him. (Msb.) drove the camels; ($, Mgh, ;) and chid them:
(1 :) [and t ~l.,.t app. has the former signifi-
at me. (TA.) And fy_l iC,4 Those who hit
the mark in throwring or whooting. (TA.) And
:} see what next follows.
cation:] and he sang to them: (.:) or he urged,
or excited, the camels by singing to them, which
Boox I.] jS~ - 533
is termed tV.; (Meb:) or I. 1.. signifies he 8: ee 1, in two places.
ang to thm. (Mgh.) The Arabs in driving
their camels ued commonly to sing verses of the 1. J., aor. ', (L, Mqb,) inf. n.JL., (L, Meb,
kind termed .j. (TA in art.j.j.) [It is said as long as the night follUom the day. (TA. ],) He cut, or cut off, a thing: (Mqb:) or cut,
that] t f.i. originated from the fact of a Desert- [See 1.])' or cut off, quickly; (IDrd, A, L;) u also
Arab's beating his young man, or boy, and biting :j.I.^ The north wind; (?,];) because it (A:) or cut off quicdy and utterly: (L:) ..l is
his fingers; whereupon he went along saying drives along the clouds: the mawu. form, jSI,. syn. with .. .)
S LS, meaning LS' I; [" 0 my two hands I"]; is not used. (1.) J. t Quichnew in peech and actions. (TA.)
and the camels went on at his cry; therefore his
:,.: see 1, in two places. * A p of flsh-meat; (A, L,]V;) a
master bade him keep to it: (Y> in art. C: )
so says IAr. (TA in that art. [Other (similar) also j. (A,L.)
accounts of its origin are mentioned by MF in
see 1,.., in art. 1. ;, an inf n. having no verb, (As ,L,) Light-
remarking on this passage of the I,A s.])
sig- nes of the toil: ($,L, :) lightnes of the hairof
nifies also He raised his ic wit [the sinaging 01,. I
1J. the tail of a hore: shortnes of the tail of an m;
termed] ,.JI. (Uar p. 576.) [And He breathed
and of a bird of the kind called Ui; or lightness
short (anhelavit), and entforth a woice or sound. lj.. A vying, or. competition, and contention of thefatersofthe tail thereof; or tlightnts
(Golius, from a gloss in the KL)] - You say for upriorty. (],. [There mentioned in art. quicknoe oftkejlight thereof: (L:) and lightlu
also of the north wind, .! j, . i. e. t It S a.; but belonging to the present art., (see 5,) of the beard. (L.)- tLightnes of hand. (f.
dris along the clouds. (.) _ And s :SA like as i~_ belongs to art. -... ]) O who [See
J_.I.]) t Quickuu: or quicknm and light-
I,; t He urged him, incited him, or put him in vies, or competes, and contends for superiority.] nesaor agility. (L.)
motion or action, to do ^uch a thing. (Mgb, TA.) You say, , J4
l IJ a u~[I am he who vies,
-And I. t It followed it; namely, the night dc., with the in this affair], meaningcomeforth
.hj.. and 3 .;. A short woman. (L.)
the day; (a;) as also t.sl: (Agn,y:) and to me as an adversary, by thyeif alone, (T, S,* ;I_;.. ,i tA quick [nightjournsy to water];
so the [wild] he-ass his she-aes; and anything ],' TA,) and compete, or contend, with me [in ($,L,5 ;) like .: (S,A,L:) and far-
my other thing. (TA.) Hence the saying, ) this affair]. (T,TA.) - And .,~_l He eztending, or distant; u also j,.lj.. (L.)
jetI vJI I.. 'il t I miU not do it as long aims at them; makes them his object; kseek, en- And -;ji._ (L) and t...i (.) [A journy
as the night follows the day]. (TA.) - See deavours after, purtues, or endeavours to reach,
offire days whereof the second and third and
aleo 5. or attain, them. (TA.) - And Lj' l 1'' fourth are without water] in which is no languor,
4: see 5. This is the like, or like in form, of this. (As, orflging; (L;) and quich. (I:.)
5. l;K.3, in its primary sense, is from .IJI, TA.)- And ,'lI 1~,. One of the men or
..I1h..: see what next precedes.
and signifies He (a driver of camels) vied, com- people. (Kr, K.) ) See also IA., in art. 1~. )
peted, or contened for superiority, with him, ja,. Depriwed of an arm, or a hand, &c., by
r,.~: see what next follows.
or emulated him, (namely, another driver,) in amputation: fern. j...: [pl. _.:] thus _;
driving camcls, or urging them by singing to .ta. Driving or a driver [of camels; or urging W1 means having the arm, or hand, ampntated:
them; each of them desiring to elicit the ability or exciting them, or one who urges or excites and [hence] t not having the mmean
ofthe other in doing so. (Z, TA.) _[And hence,] of acquiring
them, by singing to them: see 1]: (Mgh:) pl.
He vied, or competed, and contended for supe- eminence, or nobility. (L.) [Hence, also,] j.l
;I_. (TA.) You say 1_. j and t
riority, with him, ($, 1,' mentioned in the 1p .. a~, in a trad. of 'Alee, means t Shall I
[which latter is an intensive epithet]. (..) - It
in art. .~,) in an action or a worh [of any asaul the enemy with a short arm, that will not
is also applied to a [wild] he-ass, as meaning
kind]. (.) You say, J"1 il ',,.l I Driving before him his she-asses. (S,0 TA.) He attain to that which I deire? or, accord. to one
sought to elicit the ability of the people in order is said to be .3 ,Ss.t [A driver before him of reading, it is ;IZ., meaning amputated: alluding
that it might be known which of us was most to his companions' falling short of their duty, and
three she-sses], (S,TA,) and e,,;LS,. [aJrirer
skilled in reatling or reciting [the gur-dn]: it keeping back from the war. (L in arts. J. and
means like as does the saying of a person con- before lim of eight shle-asese. (TA-.) -
..) [Another meaning of 41 ._; will be
tending with others for the superior glory of his J..'I [lit. The driver, or urger, of the asterism]
found below.] -A light-tailed camel: (, L:)
people, "Bring ye a people like my people, or means Jl$Jl [i. e. tthe Hyades; or the five a horse light, or scanty, in the hair of
the tail:
like one of them." (Mb.) It is said of Moham- chief stars thereof; or the brightest star thereof, (A, L:) or having it (the tail, M b) cast off:
mad, in a trad., Xli al --- 4S [He vied, a of Tawrus]: (TA :) and so :Jt kj5. (A, Mb :) a Sort-taid am. (L) 'l_. AiA
or contended, with the Arabs by mean of the [lit. the driver, or urger, of the stars]. (S voce bird of the hind called UJ having a light, or
Kurdn]. (TA.) And one says, 'm
Jil L, -C 1 ptJ1 [pL of the fem. tl,.Jl] scanty, tail; having a tail of which the feathers
and 1'J.1, [He vied, or contended, with his com- means tThe hind legs; because they follow the have become light, or scanty; (~, L;) having
panion in reading, or reciting, and in wrestling,] fore leg. (.) And tThe latter or hinder, or few feathers in the tail: (A:) or short-tailed:
in order that it might be seen which of them was the ast; or hindmost, parts or portions of any- (L:) or t light and quick in Jflight. (A, L.)
the superior reader or reciter, and the superior thing. (Az, TA.) _-.. is also the act. part. n. And Ijm. 1 #.J A light, or scanty, board. (L.)
wrtler. (TA.) - Also He aimed at it; made of 1..~ as syn. with .S~;; and thus means - Lean, lanhk, or light of eh; or slender; or
it his object; sought, endeavoured after, pursued, Aiming at a thing; &c. (AA, TA.)~ - . lank in the belly. (V.) - Smooth; (Kh, M9b;)
or endeavoured to reach or attain or obtain, it;
intended or purposed it; (AA, and ]~ and TA
&c.: see art...~.
&:, IPa thing to which nothing clings, or attache.
(Mqb,* TA.) ;li 1 ,;Jj;,
. in a 1;. of
in art. S.;) as also tolA., (AA, TA,) and kS.1 fem. of ~ : see art. 1..t.
0.1; . J #'JA
.. 'Otbeh Ibn-Ghazwan, means t The world hath
c~l,..1. (lgh, and V~ ib.) Hence the saying of
a~,l _.!* and ;j.1 retired,pssing away quickly, (A,* L, V,*) nothing
Among them is in use
Mujiaid, ;Jti e ',iiI U J' A [I uemd to clinging to it [so as to retard it]: (L, ]:) or
a certain kind of ._. (Lb, 1.)
aim at reading,or reciting, the Kur-dn, and so to the people thereof not clinging to aught of it [so
rmad, or recite]. (AA, TA.) as to retard it]: (A:) or quickly; its latter part
6. J ; Thl camelr urged on one being cut off. (Az, L.) - A sword quick in
For several words mentioned in the V~ under cuttting. (A.) - Light-handd; ($, A, L, I ;)
another. (4.) this head, see art.. .. quickh-handed; (L;) i. e. thtievisth; or quich itN
634 [Boox I.
getting, or attaining: (A:) [and so Q, J&.t, as 3. lji;., (T,,) inf. n. *;j.2,($, 1) and ;li., .i),_: see what next precedes
is implied in the g and L.] El-Farezdak uses (S,) They two were cautious, or in fear, each of
it;_j : see ;
the expremion ulOtjl, J. , (9, L,) meaning the other; Nere on their guard, or in a state of
preparation,each against the other. (TK.) ;?J J..q1.Jl, [like .j.ll,]
What is false, vain, or
thereby Qj%l . (L) s:J;i. t A she-camel
is syn. rwith ;jl.., (S,) and 5jt,; is between ineffectual; syn. (1g.)
quick in pace. (A.)_;i 1 tA sharp, two. (1.)- See also 1, in two places.
quick, active mind. (L.), - .l. A wry 8: see 1, in five places. jl. [an imperative verbal noun] meaning
quick, unpleasant journey or pace. (A.) See Bewvare; be cautious, wary, or on thy guard;
11. ;Lj~ He wma angry, (m,) and prepared or take care. (S, A, 1.) The poet (Abu-n-Nejm,
also 1J... _- -. l;.. 1 TAn affair, or event, himself to do mischief, (TA,)
quick in pasing: (L:) or decisive and quick: and drew himself TA) says,
(TA:) or severe and abominable; (A, L, ][;) together (,i-i?): so in some copies of the ], and
eithout a parallel: (A:) or as though it eltded in other lexicons: or became enraged (1i;"): so
every one, so that he could not attain to it, and in other copies of the X. (TA.) Beware of our apears: bewtare. (9, A.) And
was not fficient for it: (A :) pl. ".* (L, V.) you say, Jl,n - [The cry "Be-
;jJ/: see what next follows, in two places. ware" was heard in tilheir army]. (TA.) When
-. ,1m *~r SAn oath hAich a man takes
;j and ;'J~, (S, A, Myb, ],) the former an the word is repeated, tho second is sometimes
quickly: (], :) or an abominable, severe oath, with tenwccn: (1 :) but this is only in poetry,
whweby one decides a right, or due: (A, L:) inf. n., (S, Mqb,) and the latter a simple subst.,
when requcired by tho metre, as in the following
some ay ,.. (a.) It isu id in a prov., t'i' (Mqb,) Caution, roarines, ilance, guard, or
verse, cited by L.h:
care; (9,A, ;) as also * )j3 ...; (V;) or a '. a
U HSe mvallowed it [i. e. took it, namely, an .. .- 1

oath, Astily,] like as one wallom butter. (TA.) state of preparation;(Mqb;) or fear; (Mgh,' : is - ,JI
1 a1

TA;) and so f '",.: (S, Mqb, ].:) [pl. a
-fid . Si. : An energetic and effctive reso- G.h;; C; I . 4 Of
lution, from which one does not turn to anything. ;I,i_.] You say, toj. ,&I He took care;
[Beware, beware of the horsemen of Ddrim, 0
at cautious, or vigilant. (Bd in iv. 73 and 103.)
(A.)_.:.j,,. t. l:,ht want, quickly ac- Aboo-Kitdlitl, before that thou rel,ent]. (TA.)
And lJ.t_1 w! j : He is a son [i.e. aperon]
complid&eL (A,L.)-_ .JL _ .. A bond of You say also, Jtjl,., [witll the of allocution,]
of resolution, or determination, and caution, or meaning Beware thou. (Lh., TA.) And when
reatiomAip [cwt, or mwred, or] not made close
by qifction; expl. by .j. Ji !: (Fr,,K :) waritne. (S, Andn.) 1j ,Jij: seeejw. you caution a person [aguillst another], f;j.
_..kk M! The male chameleon: (V:) because I.40 [len,ore thou of Zeyjd]; (,' TA;) and
of its frequent changes. (TA.)
!J..j '.j.ia, (15,) which latter means Berare
JJp. j.; , and its pl.: see what next follows. thou, and beware thou ayain, of Zeyd: both then
[also] being verbal nouns. (TA.)
1. ;-_, aor. , inf. n. ; and ?jJm.l; ;_ (S, A,Myb, 1K) and V;J (S A, A,) Cau-
(Mqb, ] ;) He was cautioou, wary, or vigilant; tious; wary; vigilant; on his guard; careful; I.L [A cautioner]. You say, .J;
1 . l
ma on Ai gward; took care; (1, TA;) mas in (S ;) or in a state of preparation;(Mqb ;) as also i. e. 3J [I a thy cautioneragainst him, or
a state of preparation; (Mb;) ar in Scfear; ;^..; (S,A, Myb;) andfearful: (9:) or very it]; (TA;) or -,j.~ [I caution thee against
fared. (TA.) [You say, ,,l ,. and tj.LI cautious or wary or vigilant or careful; as also him, or it]: (1:)known to As as heard only
He wa cautiow, &c., of a thing, or an eent. it;. (1]) and O~.%L.: (A, 5 :) or this last from Lth. (TA.) [See also what next follows.]
And Ij1 ' j .. and t 1 J. He was signifies weryfearful and cautious &e.: (S :) pl. &QJ;1L Persons who make others to fo&r:
oautiou, ts., for Aim, of such a thing. And of the first b and j,t. (S, ]5.) Sb cites, (1:) or rather, as others than F explain it,
both verb are also trane.: for you say,] ,j.., as an ex. of J; . used transitively,
. dJ
OJj. [cautioners, or warners, &c.]. (TA.)
(g, A, Mlb,) aor. and inf, n. as above; ( ;) and 0 01 J 1 3
*;yjJ.l, (TA,) and t1_..; (A;) He wa cau- |
a cp?;J IALJ
0 JA
;J4,41 ' I
; and k1C_: see j_.
tiou of it; guarded, or was on his guard,
against it; (9, A;) prepared, prepard him- sM:
u;f, or was in a state of preparation,against [Cautious, or very cautious, of things not to be ;jJ. [More, and most, cautious,wary, igilant,
it; (TA;) feared it. (M#b, TA.) [And j..- feared, and trusting in that which mill not awv
S4 and tj.ll He ca/tiou of doing him from the decree of destiny]: but this is careful, or ferful]. You say, i1'';jJ.,i
extr.; for an epithet of the measure , is not Morefearful [or cautiou, &c.] than the raven:
it; orAefarod doing it.] And .J; JtI j.. a prov. (Mgh.)
The thing was an obect offear, and so hefeared [regularly] trans., so as to govern an objective
complement. (S, TA.) In the mur xxvi. 56, ;j.~ A thing that is feared. (M9 b.) One
it. (Mob.) And 4 1 i jJ.; [Death w an
some read t "i.; and some, OJ1;_ and says, plj2.. AJ;1i;
i [May God p
object of fear]: and , j. t?j1,. [Hefeared
death]. (A.) tijj;a.: jlM. signifying in a state of prepa- theefrom everything that isfeared]. (A.)
ration; (Zj, Q;) or fully equipped writh arms:
3. ,J [The cautioning another; putting ;j .~ A calamity that isfeared, or regarded
(Sh:) and j)s -, in a state offear; (S;) or in
with caution: ( :) or a troop of horse making
him on his guard; making him to be cautious or a state of preparation;(TA;) or in a state of
a hostile attack, or incursion, upon a people: or
wary or ~igiant, to be on his guard, to take care, preparationwith the accoutrements ofnar; (Ibn-
or to be in a state of preparation;.] the making i. q. ~a_ [app. as meaning a hostile attack, or
Mes'ood;) or cautious, or vigilant. (Zj.)
incursion, aten it comes upon a tribe udd ,
tofear, or be infear. (9, TA.) [You say, j..
jJ. A,rugged piece of ground: (?S,m:) or or unexpectedly; or it may here mean a pn~h-
,t &X. He cautioned him against a thing. And the top of a mountain, when it is hardand rugged, ment, or chastisement; or a crying-out, which is
the verb is also doubly trans.: you say,] r.e l *j but lewel: (Aboo-Kbheyreh:) and rough ground: the primary signification]: (A:) and mar. (1].)
[He cautioned him against, or made him tofear, (TA:) and a rugged [hiUl uch as is termed] _ See also j., in two plaees
the thing, or e~nt]. (TA.) And J [I A,1; as also (:)
(tj.'.: pl. ,lJ and
caution thee against Ahim, or it]. (g5.) And it is l!ja.. (g.) = Also The L. [or feathers of
aid in the ur [iii. 27 and 28], . i) the bacA of the nwek] of a cock: (S, 1:) pl. as L Jyb, (,f,'Mgb, Mfb,, &cc.,)aor. ,, (Mgb,
God maketk you tofer Himielf. (TA.) above. ( ) M,b, ],) inf. n. J,; (8, Mgh, Mb,)Re cut
1 1
BooK I.] BOKJM - 33.
it off: (Mgh, Mb :) or he cut it [so as to lam ear,
ear, and the other end upon the angle of the
(or Ls.-3,1
it] at its e:tremity; (TA;) he cut off somewhat [(or partaboe the temple]: (Mqb:) accord. jul- ;.U, (S,1)and and t . (. ) A side; or a
1 wUh
from the eatremity of it; he curtailed it; as, to En-Na4r, the .4Jd,3 of the $P is the making taieral,' lateral, or an adjant,part; (.,K, TA;) of a
for instance, the tail of a beast: (Lth, TA:) and aa tJ sch as is termed] , [i. e., after the thing:thing: and the upper, or uppermno~ part jjof.s 'sa
h made it to falu; dropped it; rejcted it. (, fashion
fahioAn of SuA~eyneh the daughter of El-.loseyn, thing:(?:)pl.,:J1.1.. 1
tvith(. :) pl.,:J. .. (?,]V.) You say,.J1A
Mgh, Mb,]k.) One says, U.Ps > .i_., as is shown in the 8 and ] &c. in art. .Ac,]
% Jk~ and and A1 4 He toohit
( o,) or , C., (Myb,V,') and 4155i %,A o.,, like as do the Christian. (L, TA.) - Also,
(, TA :) or mit its lateral parts:
(S, Msb,) [l being understood,] I took, or cut inf inf. n. as above, tHe prepared it; or put it into altogether': ran~,
a right, or good, state; and made it; or made it or orwith its higher, or higAhest, parts. (TA.)
off, [somewhat]from my hair, [or his hair,] and ,'
from the tail of the beaJt; (S, ;*) I clipped shilffly, skilfully, or well. (g, V, TA.) And
And oJ.1 ;1 #Uai
h He gave him the
it. (Myb.) And .a J tJ.e. [He clipped the 8
8: seeL nwid,
nworld, or worldly goods, altogether: (, TA:)
hair]: said of a cupper. (TA.) And t i J.;. Dr
or roith the lateral parts thereof: or with thA
J.i. Small, black s~eep or goats, (8, Myb, g,) her,,?r higher, or highAst, parts thereof. (TA.) And
l;tHe cut off a piece from the garment, or of of El-ffijdz; (S, g ;) or of Jurath, (ISh, g,
A writh dsort, or short ,h*pciJ 13~ 1 Theycame altogether. (TA.)
cloth. (TA.) And i- s. ,4 ,i . Icutof TAJ TA,) of El-Yemen, naall,
a portion of his head with tahe mord: (IF,Myb:) and and fine, wool or hair, (ISh, TA,) without tails J~dJ~.:see above, in two place. - Also A
I struck hiJ head with the rsword and cut off a and and without ears: (ISh, , TA :) or the young numerous numerousreMin.9] congregation or assemblage. (V.)-
portion of it. (S.) - Also, inf. n. as above, on
ono of sheep or goats, in general: and meta- And An eminernt, an elevated, or a noble, mn:
tHe elided it, struch it off or out, or rjected it; phorically applied to tgazelles (TA:) n. un. (YJA:) (],TA:) pl. as above. (TA.)-And the pl.,
namely, a letter, [and a syllable,] from a word: with ;. (S, Mb.) -A certain kind of bird: (as
(as some say, TA,) Persons 11 0.00 0for war.
1, prepared
(MA, P?:) he omitted it. (MA.) [t He sup- gh, (.Sgh, V :) or small L [or ducks]: (I :) like like [or (s.)
Whence the phrase, ,OjeJhI3. > Prepare
preued it; namely, a word of a proposition or likewd likened to] the sheep, or goats, thus called: it is tijymlf thydlf (l, TA)for war, 4c. (TA.)
sentence.] And . J! A, (1],) inf. n. as said said by IDrd to be not a genuine Arabic word.
above, (TA,) 1 lIe made the salutation to be light (TA.)-The
(TA.)-.The small tj [or rook], rwhich is eaten;
[of utterance], and concis; (~, TA;) i.e., the (Lth, ;) the mall black birds of the crow-kind,
salutstion in prayer. (TA.) And . J."' caUed caUed ;$43 [pl. of t:,], wahich are eaten: n. un. 1.L JiA, aor. , infn. . (, , TA, in
[He the CV j*.) and bit.W, (0, TA, in the CV
(Myb,) and , lJit J, and ,141, aor. and inf. n. with with . (ISh,TA.)~-The leas of seed-produce,
as above, (Mgh,) t He wat concse, (Mgh, (L,) or of grain. (0, .) JU-,)U13-,) He cut it; ($,9;) namely, a rope,
( :) orhe stretchAd i$, or e-
Mqb,) and quick, in his saying, (Mqb,) and in
the call to prayer, and te recitation, or reading.
aL. AA p~ cut off from a garment. (L, ~tededor it,a thing: (.,)
to cut it witAa reaping-kook and the
TA.) like, (V, TA,) so that there remained not of
(Mgh.)-tlJld J. He struck him, or beat
him, with the staff, or stick: (TA:) and hu cast, UJ.. Short: applied to a woman: ($gh, 1 :) it anything. (TA.)_- tI
U 1 TihaL
or threw, at hin the staff, or stick. (., ]i, TA.) and to a ewe. (Sgh.) bond made an impremnion upon the fore leg of the
It is aid in a prov. of the Arabs, mentioned by ~6. shep,
shep, or goat, (IDrd, ],) by cutting. (1Drd.)
Olt An ear that is as though it were _-tA j,.(IDd,(IDrd,
~J A11
Sb, i. e.
e., -clipped, 0 ( rd, V,) inf. n. jJ., (.,)
-clipped, or cut off. (1],TA.) said [when
[mBeware ye] let any on of you cOast at, or shoot, of vinegar, (IDrd, ., ],) and of milk
the hare: because this animal is of evil omen. alb.k Clippings, or what one cuts off, of a war],
ail sour], and of the beverage called j;, and the
(TA. [But the reading there given is i,$l: an hide, (Lb,?,Sgh,g,) &c.: (S, Sgh, I :) or what like, (TA,) tIt stmg, bit, or burned, his mouth,
is cut off, of a thing, and thrown away. (TA.) by by its strength and sharpness, (IDrd, ,.[,TA,)
evident mistranscription.]) Or J.i.;, inf. n. as
above, signifies He struck, or he cast at, or shot, [Hencej one says, ail. 4S..
t[Hence,] - ~T and
and contracted it. (i.) - And a., (~, Myb,
Aim, or it,from one side. (Lth, TA.).--[Hence,] is not in his travelling-utensils anyfood: (., Sgh, ag,)
aor.or.:, (Mb, :,) inf. n. j , maid of
ph5 4 ~ JJ.H. :e gatve such a one a gf. :) or any smaUll quantity offood 4sc. (Z, TA.) vinegar, (., Myb, I,) and of milk, (TA,) tIt
(Z,1.)-And 4. ;J . tHse broke wind. (Ibn- And z*j_ j3O .6.aJSI >ft [He ate was, or became, sour, (S, Myb, ], TA,) in the
'Abbid, TA.) -4 . J. He moved the a'i
the food, and left not of it anything]. (ISk, .) utmost
utmost degree, (Mlb,) so that it burned the tongue.
about his sde and hi hisnder parts (in the C]~ And M3. , ;. t [He took (Myb, TA.)_
t -_O I 33., and (so in the .
hAmoved about hitinder parts and his shoulder- up and carried away his travelling-apparatus, but in the V "or") j---, aor. ; and 3'0.,
joist) in hit gait: and (in the CV "or") Aheand and left not of it anything]. (ISk, .. ) Accord. aor. :; (~,;) or .j., and j.; (TA;!
wnt with short step. (En-Na4r, ], TA.) to the companions of A 'Obeyd, the word is
331.ka., inf. n. (of both, ) j.; and (of the former,$)
1l3.k, with 3; but this is disallowed by Sh;
3. 4.;., [inf. n. J 1 He#,]clipped it and is wrong. (Az, TA.) j.l.
j.l..and and j1s. and 311.. (g,]) and 31j.
muckh: he took, or cut off, from its lateralparts, and UlJm.; or tthis last is a simple subet.;
tt,.LJI 27T anus, or the podez; syn. _ . (V
whatever it was, so as to mahe it even: (Mb :) ( ;) t le (a boy) wa, or became, skiled in th
hA(a workman, or an artificer,) made it (a thing) (P) Ki"n,
.K rtn, and the work; (?;) or earned tahe
beomingly emn; as though he cut off from it J11;-
J1;. act. part. n. of 1].-You say, , whok
whoe of it, and wa, or became, skilled in it:
whe r requiredto be cut off, so that it became TA:) from
f from everything un mly, and waiedy, J11j; J.SM
0 ' J1l.
' ' ;, i. e. [They are partly, or in (, TA:) from jL 1 signifying 1"the 06.act 'of9
part,] cutting." (Z, TA.) You say, daI. 1 . 1J
neatly, or properly, trimmed. (A, TA.) .4 .i part,] beating wit the stqff, or stick, and [partly,
or This
or in part,] pelting wAith stons; [or Some beating This is the day of his finuhing [the learning
11I [or bijtl] signifies The cutting of the Aair &c., &c., and the other pelting &c.] (TA in the or reciting] of the Ku,r4n. (., .) And 3j._
so as to fornsa 4;L [q. v.], by taking from its present art.; and . and TA in art. J.U, but .. t~. [and t and '-. also,] aor.,; and I ,
ids so as to make it eve [with the cut portion without Lt; before 0w.) aor.
aor.:; t He wa, or becanme, skilled in his art,
ovr the foreheald; (T, Mgh;) as is done by,
or to, a girl: (Mgh:) or ;,,y1 .4..3is a .. 1 J_.. . ; 1*A man chastened, good, or habitual work or occupation, and knm its
.fr;o abstrusitie and nicetia. (Msb.)
custom of women, consisting in the rmovig of fre from eery fauldt, a,in re~pect of speech: and t 0.
b hairfrom [the de oQf] te Aead asfar as a you say also .si I i ; in which the is 2. s.3, [inf. n. of a3.1 tHe, j or it, made,
Ji upon te side of thfac made by putting on added to give intensivenes to the signification: or re~n j
, him silful,] from ij.tI, remts upon
end of a string, or thrad, upon the top of the the latter occurring in a trad. (TA.) analogy, not upon the authority ofhearsay. (MgBh.)

or cut oJ. (1, TA.) _#

said of vinegar, (IDrd, C, ]g,) and of milk [when
j.l~ -3j1 [Boox I.
4. j,.il t It (the heat) rendered it sour, saohabitual work or occupation, and in the ]~ur-hn:
that it burned teu tongu; namely, vinegar. (TA. ternned Jel, exceeding what is termed ;.
pi. I.. (TA.) You say, ; ) O*U (TA.) - Aind Slowmn (g, TA) in walking or
6 L, 3.i. tIH. fi~d, or made a sonUJ3C 3Lt (8,TA) Such a one is skiled, or going: so says Aboo.'Adnan on the authority of
of, shifldnesu to us. (TA.) And *t .jj, (,9 sk1 u, &ha c., in his art, or habitual work or occu Khblid Ibn-Jembeh. (TA.) Thus it bears two
g], mentioned in the latter in art. l.,) withb pation; (TA ;) using the latter word as an imita. contrary meanings. (].)
an augmentative J, (8,) inf. n. WiJju, (A, TA,' tive sequent. ($, TA.)-t Bad, evil, wicked, ;l an epithet applied to a slave: so in the
I He feig~, or made a show of, skilfulness, aon mischievous, or the like; syn. *... (TA.)
[in some copies of the ] "or"] laid claim to saying, >j;JIl l liA 5! H bought a
more thautn he posed; &,.h..,: see ,s .. slave slow [in gait], lazy, (, TA,) deoid of
also * ja;: (. , good: so says Kbhlid Ibn-Jembeh. (TA.)
I, TA:) or tW,~. signifies t the employing 7 * Feigninig, or making a show of, skil-
on,eself, or using art or artifice, with skilfulness, fulnes, cleverness, or ingeniousness:
or dersing ,.~ : seea .
cleress, or ingeniousness: and t;g_
l to eceed hi due bounds. (L.) [See 5.] 9o

!..b t kefeigned, or made a Ahow of, skiflness, .. ? Skilful (I, TA) in a thing. (TA.)_
ci ness,uor ingeniousness,in hki speech. (L.) You See also .aj.
say, *J.a _ e and tji[ 1 [In him is a
For several words mentioned under this head
quality of feigning, or making a show of, skilful-
in the g, see art. 3j...
ness, &cc.]. (A, TA.) 1. dl.l IU.~, [sor. j,,] inf n. D .;j. and
7. 3_mjl It (a rope) was, or became, cut. I.;P, Ies measured thAe sandal, or sole, or made
(15, TA.) Hence the saying of the poet, it according to a meanure; ( K;) and cut it (T,
, 1. uS, (8, Msb, g,) nor. , (Mb, li,) inf. n. 1) according to a pattern: (T, TA:) or he made
* jAjJ,,-i:.. ~;: :.y .MJ~, (S, MSb,) He cut it, or cut it off, (8, Msb, the sandal, or sole, , for me. (Mgh.) And
[The sspensory of the heart is near to becoming K,) in any manner: (TA:) or hastily, or quickly.
severed in constequence thereof]. (TA.) 0Jl: J.4I id J lie cut the sandal, or sole, by
(..)-And [le did it quickily: or] he :,;as the pattern.
(Mgh.) And J ,j;li l;., (8,
Q. Q. 1. P.Ji.,
inf. n. a..: see 5, in three quick in it; [as also , . j.;] i.e., in any Msb, K,) inf. n. j, (5,j He measured the
places. ~ Also, [perhaps originally,] It was, or action. (S, Msb.) You say, -. : Lr A., sandal, or sole, by the sandal, or sole; or made it
became, sharped. (TA.) (Msb,) and s;3W, ). (., V,) He was quick [in his accoriling to the measure thereof; (., M9 b, j;)
wralking, or going, and in his reading,or reciting]: and cutt it according to tlh pattern and measure
Q. Q. S. Jj.,L.*: see 5, in three places.
($, Mob, :) and so in other things: (]C:) by therelof:
(Msb:) and in like manner, *'ll l.i~
i_ JA piece, or portion cut off, of a rope: "other things" being here meant walking and
;JJdtt lie measured tl efe atherforan arrow bj
pl. lj~ and lbbi.; as in the phrase, . the like; for;.'Z, of which the verb is..., thefeatherforan arrov; or made it according
signifies the being quick in walking, app. nwith a to the
lJai. ~JI and Ul,_ [tI left the rope in pieces]. measure thereof. (](.) Hence the prov.,
stretching out of the arms backwards: (TA:)
(i.) [See also what next follows.] and a light, an active, or an agile, wvalhing. (S, (TA,) ;'l ;kI .j. [meaning t With likefor
J,._ (.,:1) and V3j -- (g) Cut: , TA.) [See also ;tj, below.] Hlence, (Mgh, like]. (S,TA.) And the sayiyg, Jall j... w.
],* TA:) pl. ji_;. (Lb, TA.) One says J. Msb, TA,) 'Omar said, (S, TA,) to the ~.; jaik, meaning tI requited him [with like for
J,j.1 i A rope altogether worn out; as though Jerusalem, (TA,) .4lg IS!' J- like]. (Har p. 43. [See also Freytag's Arab.
- IN
l Prov. i. 345.]) One says also, ;lJ.Jl '4-
it were cut: (Lb, g,0 TA:) every part of it .AJlU, (8, A, Mgh,
Msb, TA,) i. e. [ WVhen thou He is
being termed &Ji. (L4, TA.) good in reect of proportion, or conformna.
chantest the Ol,lW, be moderate; not quick: and tion. (TA.) And [in like manner]
a beast is
tAb A b ~tHe has not aught offood. (g, when thou chantest the it ,] cut short the said to be I.--.JI Goolly, or beautiful, in
TA.) [See also lj, with J.] lengtohmening of thine utterance; meaning, be quick respect of proportion, or
conformation. (TA in
in the L..l: (As, Mgh, TA:) another reading art. .i...)-[Andhence,] ~.j
'1,,~: see 1. . t [He
is said to have been given by Z, namely, [.;'i,] did as Zeyd did;] Ie did the 'deed of Zeyd. (J.)
Jl.1. Sharpened: applied to a knife: (Ibn- with t. (TA.) And J , (8,1, ) or WJ, ~ , (T,
'Abbad, ]:) and t l,. signifies the same, The flight of a bird that has its wings TA,) t lIe followed, or imitated, his example (T,
applied to a thing [of any kind]. (TA.) - See clipt, (], TA,) as tluhe pigeon and the like. TA)
(TA.) ., T, in his affair, or case: (TA:) or
also j1.. -. A man chaste, or elo~uent, of 5
k. :lI hefollowed, or imitated, his example
tongue; (, V,* TA;) perspicuou~ in language. ;* A sharp, or cutting, sword; as also Cm,, in his affairs: (Mb :) syn. j..Jl. (T, S, Myb,
(.) A young ass; syn. j .. (1.) witheesr to the , (g,) and with fet-l to the ].)S8ee also 3, in three places.. .- iJ,
S; (TA;) or . (So in two copies of He put on him (namely a man [i. e. on hisfoot])
e.J~-t A loquacious man; who affects to be a sandal; as also tll:
the S.) (s:) the former is
comnded for, or glories in, that which he does authorized by As, but the latter is disallowed by
not posseu. (TA.) .a.. and t lja.. Short in stature and in step; him: Az explains the former
by Ja. sb L.~
(K ;) applied to a man: (TA:) and the latter is [as
-- see . though meaning he gave him a satual upon
likewise fem.; ($, l, TA;) applied to a woman
which to walk; like as 'aJ for ;'l 1L
Jhi.1Cutting, or sharp: (., ] :) applied to a as meaning slwort in stature. (S, TA.) means "he gave him a beast upon which to
knife [&c.]. (..)-t Wine (,l,A!) that has ;.. Swift hares. (IAir, g. [See also l.~..]) ride"]: and accord. to J, (TA,) t'
attained to its full maturity [of strength, so that - And Skilful thieves. (IAr,].) '"jj'*
it stings, bite, or burn, Ihe tongue; see 1]: signifies I gave him a sandal (8, TA.) _ I,..
(AIjn, TA:) likewise applied to vinegar [in the L..im.; see j...One-.. says of the female IJj, (g,) inf. n. ;~, (TA,) He gave to Zyd.
same sense; or as meaning our, or sour in the hare, . J;.,i 3LJl iJ L;- , i. e. (K, TA. [See also 4 in art. U.1..])-_ i..
utmost degree, so that it burns the tongue; see Swift, persitent in running, ashe outstrips the ;3.1. He cut offfrom
it a piece of fieah-meat.
again 1]; as also t,i.. (TA.)- 18killed, company pursuing her upon the hilL (TA.) (TA.)--:I 11U., aor. i.q. :;i (H
or shiifl, and thoroughly learnued, [so as to know O ~J. Quickln~ in walking or going: ( :) out a piece out of te shin, generally meaning in
abstruities and niceties, (see 1,)] in an art, or a accordl. to Aboo-'Adnin, a pace of the
kind a round form]. (TA.)__C IJ., (VI,) Qor.
Boo T.] .oJ I-- H0.7 537

as above, inf. n. j, (TA,) t It (wine, or be- ;.b. [originally an inf. n. of 1, q. v.]: see'i , [He who i a maker of sandab, his pairof sanalab
verage,) bit his tongue; (Agn, V, TA;) a dial. in three places. is good]. (TA. [Freytag (Arab. Prov. ii. 066)
vatr. of JU.' aor. H ;J, which is the word J~ : see um,.: - and see also ,. gives it thus: e ir, *I j h4 H
whosefatAer is a maker of a~d, his pr of
well known. (AlJn, TA.)_m~ J I.
3,.. . gift; (4, andI amp. 56;) a also andalb is good.])
~.,;; i. q. :. [ii.e. He poured with his hand,
1J.; (TA;) or t.1.L: (Mgh, and Yam ubi l. A man wearing a sandal [or a pair of
thre, or cast, the dust in theirfacs]. (IAth, ].) supr :) or a portion that is gien of spoil. (S.)
sandalts]. (TA.)
s. ;ti~, (S, Mgh, M,b, V,) inf. n. 61bl [See also l1.., in art. H,..]-.And A piece,
lh... JA: see 1..
(Mob, TA) and '.jU , (Mqb,) He, (Mgb, Mqb,) (g,) or mall piece, (TA,) of.flesh-meat: (g,
TA:) or a piece of flesh cut lengthwise; or so
and it, (Mgh,) was, or becamn, oer against, or
opposite to, him, or it; (?, Mgh, TA ;) faced, or ,_., accord. to some. (Mgh.) [See also i._,
Jfosted, him, or it; (TA;) syn. ji, (Mlb, Jr,) in art. ._.] - See also :. m., in three places.
1. ji ;pk:JI .Lj., [aor. and inf. n. a be-
and XUi; (TA;) as also t ;1., aor. ', tlI.. A sandal, or sole; syn. ,W; (S, Msb, low,] The shoemaker's knife cut the sandal, or
(Mgh, Myb,) inf. n. ;_.: (Mqb:) [and] the TA;) vulgarly called .j_J.: (TA [there written sole. ($.) And &.' .i3. He cut, or cut of,
latter, (a,) or each, (lar p. 43,) signifies he sat without any syll. signs]:) pl. LJ.i;. (Msb.)_ his arm, or hand, (T, with
w, aa,)knife. (f.)
owmr againS, or opporite to, him, or it. ($, and t The sole of a camel's foot and of the hoof of a
And atl H,j, He cut off a piece of his ear.
gar ibid.) horse (?, Myb, TA) or similar beast; (Mb ;) as (TA.) -- 1JI o J, ..
,., anr. He, or it,
means &ilm- ti [i. e. What is again,t, or oppo- being likened to a j.. (TA.) Hence the saying wounded the skin. (TA.) And 4,Abl Jj.,
site to, her head, of the hair, and does not hang in a trad., (?,* Mb,* TA,) respecting a stray (1,) inf. n. j, (TA,) He rent, or tore, ,nurth,
down below it]. (Mgh. [See another ex. in an she-camel, (Mob, TA,) b1; t jl.. r --- ("8,
or he made many hola in, the skin, or hide. (1(,
bxplanation of f'1.]) One also says, l,bl ;- Myb, TA) t With her are her foot, with which TA.) - ._J H,C ($,Mgh, g,) and #5 ("8)
she may defend herself from the smaller beasts of
--- ,i ; l;i t i I came to a land prey, and [her stomach, which, by her
replenish- or ., (TA,) aor. as above, (S, Mgh, MMb,) and
the herbs of which were oppoidte to the mouthA of ing it, affords her means of long] endurance of so the inf. n., (", TA,) t It, namely, vinegar, and
its sheep, or goats, not rising beyond them. (Sh, the want of water: (Mqb:) [or] it means that wine, or beverage, (", Mgh,) and [sour] milk,
TA.) And ;j;.JI A.LAh t;- '. Be tou she has ability to traverse the land and to go to (Mgh, 1,) &c., (Q,)bit his tongue, (", Mgh, 1],)
over against, or opposite to, th' tre. (TA.) - and his mouth; (", TA;) had a burning effect
water. (TA.)_-tA wife; because she is ;;,,
,ja., said of a girl, She matched her, namely, like the upon it, like cutting. (Mgh.).;...-dL. U Hj
. (TA.)~Also, [originally an in n,]
another girl; she mat, or became, her match i. q. jI [Thef.ont, as meaning the part, place, tHe spoke evil of sucA a one, saying of him what
would griev him if he heard it; re~led, vifided,
fJlow, or equal; syn. ;!jU. (A and TA in art. or location, that is over against, opposite, facing,
or vituperated, him; (1, TA;) [as though] he
~r93.) - [lHence ; - signifying A conformity, fronting, or infront]. (~, .) One says, cut him with his tongue. (TA.) A man who does
a mutal resemblance, or a correpondence, with d;~ [ He sat in the place over against, oppo-
so is termed V.T.'.. (], TA.) See also what
regard to sound, of two words occurring near site to;,facing, orfronting, him; or simply he sat
next follows.
together; like &lij.!
.: see art. C,j ] over against, &c.]. (a.) And J..U~ j and
4. ;,.ri ; (S, Mgh, ,;) also t 1, m, firet
4: see 1, in two places. - lI._l also signifies V43.. and tiA3j~. [in the C.K, erroneously, pers. q.; (Mgh;) He gave him a thing, or
He gace him a thing. (TA.) [See ;jL. and J,j_. and '.] and *.II [He, or it, is
somewhat: (Mgh:) he gave hin a portion, or
see 4 in art. .] over against, opposite to, facing, or fronting, share, of spoil. (8, Mgh, g.) [See also 4 in art.
thee]; (I ;) and Vt.4~. p; i. e. alSji..(Q in
6: see 3. _.]- -_[Hence,] iL .~j,,l t [I gave him a
art. J...) And .jli ;ai. jjtl (O) and ;. thArut, piercingthrut, or stab;] I thrust,pfereed,
[6. itij They were, or became, over against,
or opposite to, each other; theyfaced, orfronted, ft) ( ) and
a, *1. t ij. (f) and .1 j,.' or stabbed, him (L}, TA.)
each other.- And They matched each other; (], O) and .1t j_ and ,, * ;.. and 6. .iZ, .CJ;Jt > j_J3 SThe party, or com-
each of them was, or became, the matcAh, fellow, .1 ~ ,iI. and *jI *j;.. (O) i.e. L,lW [My pany of men, divided among themselves (4, TA)
or equal, of the other.] - Lt l in selling house is over against, &c., his house]; (1 ;) and water equally; like l;JWL. (TA.)-See also
and buying: see ,ham l. [This, perhaps, may [so] #I,) C.itbk.. (Mab.) And 3' o in art. ,h.
belong to art. UHJ.] . ...
%SIl and ,;,l;Ia. [He raised his hands over Hs'.: see a ..
8. HJ.1a He wore, or put on, a sandal, or against, or opposite to, not higher than, his
sandals. (, TA.) Hence the saying, , 1 ears]: (Mgb,? Mb :) both are correct expres-
a~j*, with damm, The diamond mith which
,1 Corre- stones are cut and bored. (TA.)
JlaQlI I [The best of those who have worn sions. (Mgh.) [Hence, ,~1 L-
sanials]. (TA.) A rijiz says, sponding to, or matching, one another; uniformly 4.1.. A piece cut kngthwAribe (A, S, ) of
disposed.]_ See so art. b. flesh-meat: (A, 8 :) or a mal pc (1) thereof.
ejl 7~
6 . s jtil U ' ` C'Iiil '14 0
;jl. and ;1,.. and .a,j Whatfalb, and (TA.) [See also j_., in art. jl..]
[The barefooted whs,e sole it hurt by tAe rugged is thrown away, of skins, when they are pared sayigin a trad., ~
Hence the
~ 4.. i. J6
ground and stones will put on any sandal: a and cut: whence the saying in a trad. respecting t L. t[Fd.tim i only apiece of me: mhat
prov.]. (8. [See Freytag's Arab. Prov. ii. 317.]) the bridal furniture of Fitimeh, that one of her
distrees, or griev, her, distrese, or griv,
- See also L two beds was stuffed with Ija.s, of the malcers of
sandals. (TA.) me]. (TA.)_ 'A .-. t:%. They two came ide
10. 1.1m..,,I He asked him to give him a sandal by side: (JI, TA :) ands5o a'. ; 14, mentioned
[or a pair of sandabl]. (",8 TA.) I.i_ [perhaps belonging to this art., like uas in art. ... (TA.)m A gift; as also v,&
' ~
5J..: see :t[ m., in three places.._You say t~.s. a.nd l
and belong to~ arts. 3js._- anand _._a.]: (TA) and LJ, (Mgh, and 5am p. 56,) or
j .se,.,and art. HJd3. :- and see also T?... q.~. (TA in art. .M-,) and 3... ( in that
also, ?3 3 . Q. ,,t 1l Th two men came to-
gether, side by tide. (TA.) [8ee also Wi, in :T, A maker of sandabls: whence the prov., art., and Yam ubi supr.) [See also 1t.]
art. I...] . ;~ ,I;
.~ ~ _ .: see what next precedes. _ Also A share,
Bk. I. 08
8sJa -^ [Booz 1.
orportion, of /poil; ($,];) and so V1 .1, and (TA.) - Also, inf. n. as above, ! He made a means _IsJ! 's. (MNb.) Omar said to the
1^_ (O) and tI and () writing &c. accurate, or exact; (9,1
a writing beautiful, or elegan, ndfreefrom de-
;) he made women who used to go forth to the moeque,
;3!S [lit. I miU asnuredly make ye to
ij, The gathering of the crop of grape: or fects, by forming its characters rightly, and beome free oomen]; meaning I w/il apredly
the riu syn. JtiS. (]~.)
tmof: See also rectifying its fault: (A:) he wrote a writing make you to keep to the howus: for the curtain is
art. .J_. well, or dlegantly, and accurately, or exactly;
lowered before free women; not before slave-
(TI;) he rote well, or elegantly: (KL:) and
he made an account, or a reckoning, accurate, women. (TA.) [See also .. ]jGmerowu ,
without mistahe, and rithout omission, and with- noble, or well-born; like as is ued to signify
out erarre. (TA.) [And simply cHewrote a "ignoble," or "bae-born:" (Mgb :) and so the
Qj._ A gifj, or preent, for bringing good letter &c.] fem. y._; (S, Mgh, ] ;) applied to a woman;
mew. (1, TA.) See also 4.. You ay, ;, 1 4. .l: see L. Also llis (a man's) camels (TA ;) and to a she-camel: (9:) and so the
.1Li; tj,jl 'PWsHe took it as something be- became thirsty. (9, ].) . Also He (God) made masc. applied to a horse. (.K, TA.) [Hence,]
twen a gift and a thing carridoff by force. a man's liver to become dry by reason of thirst aic 4 ijt [She pased a virgin's night] is
or grief. (TA.) And He made a man's bosom said of her whose husband has not been able to
(I8d, g.) _ See also _ 1JL. ~: see njo.
thirsty; as in the saying, used by the Arabs in
iJ., in ..rt. dcvirginate her (., A, K) in the night when she
cursing a man, j, dl.l
ao1 ) Ito [What aileth has been first brought to him: (TA:) becaue
S.~ 1Alarge, or broad, hnife; or such at is him? May God make hi. bosom thirsty]: or the the ;5. is modest and repugnant: (Har p. 418:)
ued by a hoermaker or maker of sandals. (TA.) meaning is ^1t [app. here used as signifying the in the contr. case one says,t .; aIl: (" , L :)
bird called a.tI, in the form of which the soul
.rj~ . ee 1. was believed to issue from a slain man, and to and one says also Ii; . and ' .
call incessantly for drink until the slaughter of the (TA.) [And hence,] ;.. and ;_. 4 sig-
slayer]. (TA.) nify also tTle first nght of the [lunar] month
5: see L (. :) its last nighlit is called ;" ii and '.)
.,;, sc. pen,. ;C/:.aor.:; (., A, MNb, g ;)
10. 1.. (S, ]g) and 1 . ( T, TA) It ,'tL. (TA.) You say also ~. q.j 5[app. mean-
and ., sec. pers. .j, aor. and J; inf. n. (slaughter) was, or became, vehement, (S, 1,) ing An
ingeqiuous countenance]. (A.) Ge-
. and (M 9 b, ), and ;ji, (6, ,) or and great in extent; (TA;) and the same is said nerous, or insenuous, in conduct: as in the saying
this is a simple subst., (MNb,) and ia_; (TA;) of death. (TA.) - Lt I He ached, or de- of Imra-cl-leys,
and ;-I, (, 8,) a dial. var. heard by Ks, (K,) sired, of her [that she should make what is j 1zUA-t
- ',
^-~ --- & '
and mentioned by Zj and I]tt; (TA;) It (a day, termed] ;Sj. (A.) [See 1, last signification.]
I, A, M9b, ], and food, M,b) was, or became, [ny thA life, my heart is not generou in conduet
hot; (A, Mob, V;) or ery hot. (TA.) And .: see , below; and see also art.. to its, or his, companion]; meaning that it is
,. A . '
JtI /j~., mec.pere. ,J aor. :, Th fire averse therefrom, and inclines to another. (As,
Ldq^: ee art. C:^.
burned up, and became fierce or hot. (M?b.)_ TA.) [Hence,] , ira , 5 A cloud bountiful
. Heat; contr. of >.; (, A, Mgh, .. l), with rain; (A;) or abounding with rain. (5Q,
8ee also 10. -p., se. pen. ;'j2_, aor. :, inf. n.
im., He (a man, f) thirsted; axu,or became, ;) as lso * v., (s,. Mb,' 1,) contr. of .K.)_ A good deed or action. (V, TA.) You
thirety. (9, V.) L4 mentions `" Q , if.Jp; (S;) and *" (, Mqb, g) and 'ta.: say, e. .tL ti This is not good, or well,
(TA:) [see 1, first sentence:] pl. [of the first] of thee. (S;,A.) _ tAnything good, or meel
aor. , inf. n. u [perhaps a mistaLke for ,]
and jlm.: [app. in the sme sense:] ISd ays, ;J. and ';il; (15;) the latter anomalous, lent; as poetry, &c. (TA.) You say . ;
both as to its measure and in the non-incor. t[app. meaning good, or excellent, peech or lan-
I think he means [from] .JI, not i.JI. (TA.)
poration of the first j into the second: it is men- guage]. (A.) - SGood earth, or clay, and *and:
And ;. [an inf. n. of the same verb] signifies tioned on the authority of AZ and others; but (15, TA :) or earth, or clay, in which is no sand:
The liver's beconing dry from thirst or grief. IDrd doubts its correctness; and the author of (S, A :) and sand in whAich i no earth or clay:
(TA.) ec. penr; .
sj., aor. , (9, A, the WA'ee mentions jI.l as a pl. form, but appa- ( :) or sand that hasgood herbagc: (A:) you
Mgb, Meb, ],) in n. jl;._, (, Mgh, Myb~, ]V,) rently to avoid contrariety to rule: the pl. of say ;- ij1j; (t, A ;) and the pl. is 51_: ( :)
He (a slave, $) became free: (9, A, Mgb, Mqb, aslas simple subst., or as an inf. n., but or sand in which is no mixture of any other
:) and t*jJ,.3 in the same sense is agreeable more probably as the former, ia ;I,.. (TA.) thing: (Myb: [accord. to which, this is the
with analogy. (Mgh.) - And ., sec. pers and - t A burning of the heart, fromv pain and primary meaning of the word, whence the mean-
aor. as above, inf. n. H~ (a man) s free- wrath and distrew or affliction or trouble orfa- ing of "free," i. e. the "contr. of .. :" but
, He
born, or of fre ormgn. (a.) _ ., [sec. pers. tigue. (TA.) [See also j5-.] - tDiffirulty, accord. .5.
to the A and TA, it is tropical:]) and
0 a
;ZO.',] aor. -, inf. n. j., He heated water (A,* or se~rty, of work. (TA.) - See also ji.e: e;a.jl I land in which is no salt arth: (A:)
or in rwhich is no sand: as applied to that upon
) &Oc.(A.) _ j., aor. , He cooked [what is and i_.: and . 3L_, voce a..
which no tithe is levied, it is post-classical. (Mgh.)
t~nud] bj . : ( :) and ;J. she made ;X^. - IThe middl, (S, A, 15,) and best part, (TA,)
.~ Free, ingenuous, or free-born; contr. of
(A.) Hence, in a trod., j~1J . c h5 ) Spinkle Zc: (S, of sand, (9, 15, TA,) and of a house. (9, A, TA.)
A, Mgh, Myb, 1:) fem. p.: (S, Mgh,
thou the flour, and I will make of it 3S.pfor t.The best of anything; (], TA;) as, for in-
Mhb,V:) pl. masc. ;l#~ (Msb, ]g) and stance, of fruit. TA.)_ o sing. of J!l in the
thee. (TA.)
(IJ, I ;) not Alm., as some say; nor is ;l~ an term J,il j1pm1, (TA,) which means IH'rbs,
3. j., inf. n. A,'j, He frfed, liberated, or inf. n. as well as a pl., as others say: (MF:)
or leguminous plants, that are eaten without being
emancipated, a slave. (A, Mgh, Myb.) And pl. fem. 9,!, (Msb, V,) contr. to analogy, and,
; J). Hefreed a neck [i. e. a claw]. (9, V.) as Sub says, the only instance of the kind except cooked; (.,A;) u also J.3Jl ?t5V : (A:) or
- Also He set apart a child for the worjhip of such as are slender and succulnt; and ;d;
God and the r~ice of the moJqUe or oratory:
-- .. as
, pl. of ; j;4-; for the [regular] J3ll means "such as are thick and rough:"
(Q, TA:) or he devoted him to the rvic of the pl. of i. is jW; but ~. has this form of pl. (AHeyth:) or the former are such as am dedrr
church as long as he should live, so that he could because it is syn. with it and isLs [as will and oftl; and the latter, " such a are hard and
not relinquish it whil he retaind his religion. be een in what follows]; and Sa, because it thick:" (TA in art. C :) or the former are
A 1
Boox I.] 5SD
kehas are eder and ~ ; and the latter, black (9, Mgh, M#b, V) and worn and crumbling, Pur [xxxv. 20],; jJ j. iJI
J measo Nor
"such as are thick, and inclining to bitternes :" (;,],) as though burned with fire: (S :) or a shade nor heat: (ISd:) or nor Paradis nor
(TA in art. ,b):) or the former are such as are hard and rugged tract of ground, strem with Hell: (Th:) or nor the people of trth, Aho
rough; and these are three, namely, jJIl and black and worn and crumbling stones, as though are in thi shade of truth, nor th people offal.-
thly rer rained down: (TA:) or a lavel tract hood, who are in constant heat, night and day.
,1,J1 and .- ; 1l: or pJI is applied to a plant
abounding with stones, over which it is difcult zj.)
of th hind calledj3oJl, growing in salt grounds. to walk, and hard: (IAr:) or one [irhereof . i S.
(TA.) --r. j i What appears of theface: tAh stons are] black above and white beneath: .OP: see^.
(!,, TA:) or what appears of the eevated part accord. to AA, of a round form: such as is j _ Heated by wrath !e.; as also _:
of the cheehk; ( ;) [i. e.] the bat, or most pro- oblong, not wide, is termed pt!: (TA:) pl.
(9, K:) fem. of each with 5; the former being
minent place, of the cheek; (W p. 28;) and with ; because it is syn. with 'a.;i .[aficted
(Ig,) or rather this is a coll. gen. n., (MF,)
1t; 1signifies [the same, or] the elroated part with grief or orrom]: or ;
and signifies affected
and ;1. (S, A, Mgh, Msb, ) and 1.A.1
of the cheek: (TA:) or the former is whatfronts with griefor sorror, and having the lier burned
one, of thelface: or thefour tracks of the tears, O.y_, (9, ],) with j and Xj like Xj.bjI, (Yoo,
[thereby]: (TA:) or heated in the bosom: (Az,
from each corner of each eye. (TA.) One says, 9,) to which it is made like because it is fem.,
TA:) and its pL is ,1' . (Az,, TA.)I-
0 1;5 * 43 ?[Ir slapped hin on the ball as w,1 ix, (Yoo,) and t i , ($, ,) as though
Silk; syn. .- .: (Mb :) or dressed sik;
of his cheek]. (, TA.*) The young one of a the sing. were r1,I (Yoo, Sb, S,) though this
gazelb. (9, g.) -The young one of a frpent: sing. is not used; (Yoo;) or as though its sing. syn-. .; ~_1 : (Mgb, Mb :) and a gat-
(9, :) or ofa d~ s~erpent: or it is aslender &., mont, or stuff, made thereof: (Mgh:) or stuff
were ,m,accord. to Th, who app. means that rholly composed of silU: or of which the woof is
serpent, like the of a white colour: or a
this place is hotter than others. (TA.) silk: (Mgh, from the Jemi et-Tefareel :) n. un.
white srpent: or a erpent, absolutely. (TA.)
-. The young one of a pigeon: ($, 4:) or the j..JI: see jib. -_ . I X The part of
with ;; (Msb;) meaning oe of the garments,
mae thereof. (TA.)-. JC, [is said to sig- the protuberance behind the ear where the earring or piece. qfo t,ff, called j-." (9, g.)
nwings about: ($,
] :') or it is an epithet, sig-
nify] The male of t he [or kind of collared i;j.: see ., in two places. Alo I. q.
nifying beautiful and smooth and long in the pro-
turtle-dove of which the femae is called tuberance behind the ear; applied to a woman ;j as used in the saying, .s,Jl IJJ &.'
(see (', Mpb,
M.)]: :) Iomeyd Ibn-Thowr and to a she-camel. (TA.)- _ aJ-It is also U. 3
;^, TA,)
(9, meaning Verily I find
thisfood has a burningeffect, or a pungency,
says, said to signify Tihe two ears. (TA.) One says, tlhat
0A t . tl '_ .t in my mouth. (TA.) It signifies A burning in
..o~, Ir.!4.
dN:S 3 ,_. (A, TA) i. e. I [May
L,, .. # i.. a --. the mouth, from the taste of a thing: and in the
0 W;,3 a...:p ,- L *-r $ God preerre thy two eyes and] thy two cars.
(TA.) ~ Chamomile, or chamonmile-flowera; syn. heart, from pain: and hence one says, tJa. ,.
[And notling eacited this desire but a pigeon (see J11,and .Y.., and , and j1I11, [He
.;1;.) that caUlld ; 31, sorrowing and warb- felt the burning ffect of the sword, and of
lilg]: or, accord. to IJ, the right reading is see .-
a: Also A heat, or burning, in beating, and of death, and of eparation.] (IDrst,
the throat: when it increases, it is termed ;j,~. TA.) [See also .. ] _ See also k...
*[l . among ,arb-
other pig , (TA.) [See also .,.] _ Thirit: (.,A:) or ., .. i.a)
[lhat coUled . 31t_ among other pigeons, warb- the heat and burning of thirst: (IDrd:) it may ;W.,: see 2_.
ling]: but some say that 3LJ is the pigeon; and be said that it is with kesr [instead of fet-h
;_ n. un. ofj, [q. v.]. (Mgb.) Also
v., it young one: or;. 3L, is the cry of the (see 1)] for the purpose of its being assimilated A kind of soup of flour and greame or grawy:
jlJW, and is an onomatopeia: accord. to Aboo- in form to J, with which it occurs. (S,]~.) (TA:) orpour cooked with milk, (9, ],) or with
'Adnan, it is ;^. jL, and means the warbling One says, ll i .L. (A, pl]) May grease or gravy: (i :) it is of flour, and ;
of tL pigeon: and gakhr El-Ghef makes it a
God afflict him by thirst with cold: and ;'JLt is of bran: (Sh:) [when a mess of this kind is
compound, and indecl.; using the phrase, s.;W
iJIj by tairst and cold (TA.) And 1jjal "I thickest,] it is '_;'; then, ~s"; then, im.;
. 3L [she calls ;. 3L.]: on which IJ ob-
serves, A4 says, . 3jL is thought to mean the then, ~.. (IAr.) [See also -;L.]
;. jr . The moat svere of thirst is thirrt
young one of the bird; but it is her cry: and he in a cold day. ($.) And 0 _ ";. Thirst
(IJ) adds, the fact that the poet [$akhr] does not Xj^.: see the next paragraph.
in a cold day: (ISd:) a prov., applied to him
make it decl. is an evidence of the correctness of who makes a show of the contrary of that which iaO, urand i{J..: ee a~... ,j .jl
the auertion of Ae; for, were it decl., he would he conceals; (TA;) or who makes a show of A sect of the heretics, or cAisamatics;
have said 3i if it consisted of two nouns friendship while he conceals hatred. (Meyd.)
whereof the former was prefixed to the other so [q. v.];) so called in relation to ]aroor&(:.j,.),
a certain town (Az, $, A, Mgh, M9b) of EL
au to govern it in the gen. case, or 1 . 3l if it f the fe. gender, (Mb,) A hot ind
KRoofeh, (Az, Mgh, Mlb,) from which it is distant
were a compound; as it is indeterminate: and its
.. , of the fern. gender, (M 9b,) A hot wind, two miles; (TA;) because they first asembled
being made decl. by lomeyd does not show it to
(Myb,) in the night or in the day; (AA, Fr, there (Az, f, Mgh, Mqb) and professed the dooe
be not significant of a sound; for sometimes an only to God: (As,
exprerion significant of a sound consists of two M9b;) as also"j : (AA, Msb:) or the former trine that government belongs
S, Mgh:) they dived so deeply into matters of
nouns whereof the former is prefixed to the latter is a hot wind in the night, and sometimes in the
religion that they became heretics; and hence
so u to govern it in the gen. case, like j? jl.. day; (AO, 3, ;) and the latter, a hot wind
the appellation is applied also to any who do
in the day, and sometimes in the night: (AO;
(M, MP, TA.) thus: (Mgh, Mb:) they consisted of Njdek
:) or the former, a hot nind in thl night; like and his companion, (,) and toe holding thir
. (Mqb, ]) and 1t. (9, Mgh, Mqb, nd , the latter in the day: ( :) or the former, in the
tenets: (TA:) they were also alled L'1,
in art. C:.) The vulva, or pudendum, of a day; the latter being in the night; accord. to
because their ensigns in war were white: (T
woman: (Mqb, j:) the former a dial. rar. of Ru-beh, as said to AO: (Mqb:) pl. 3,kJ. (A.)
voce 3m.J:) a man of this sect is caled
the latter; (V;) originally .[q. v.]. (M 9b.) .The heat of the sun: (V:) or heat [abso-
lutely]: (ISd:) constant heat: (v:) the fire of Ct 9 ;i (9,1( ;) and a woman, as well u the
h. A stony tract, of AiC th dtoM are eUll: (Th, ]:) pl. as above. (TA.) In the sect collectively, igj..: (Mgh, M,b:) which
540 ja-- -j. [Boos I.
also signifies the quality of belonging to this sect t. A child devoted by the parent to theservice is is * , without ;, (Kb, $, L, Msb,) contr. to
(9, ,OTA.) of a church. (TA.) [See also 2.] rule,
I-- rule, (L, Msb,) like &A, ), and , and and
.i*~ A camel that pastures in a stony trac t qj d: see in a fem. sense, (L,) because originally an inf. n.
such as is termed ;!a. (9, .) [of which the verb ( ) setms not to have been
.;. ~ .P ~~
'1._ ThIe state, or condition, (f freedom i used as meaning "he waged, or contended in,
on,tr. of slavery; as also war"], (El-Mi.inee, ?,) or in order that it may
,. (9, A, Mb ,, 1. ~~, (S,sA, g,) nor. ,inf. n. .,, (S, not be confounded with the dim. of ' : (Mib:)
IK)and V ( Msb,, KM: ,) of which two th e I1,) He dspoiled him of his wealth, or property;
latter is the chaste fonnrm, (Mgh,) or it is mon or plundered him; ($, A, ] ;) leaving him with- Seer makes its origin to be the epithet .r,

chaste than the former, which is the regular form out anything. (9.) which,
wiiich, however, is originally an inf. n.: (L:)
[Hence,] , (A, Mgh, sometimes it is mase.; (IA'r,Mbr,
M. b,) or JL S,Mqb,l ;)
(MF,) and t;I., ($, A, M,b, K,) not * , .. (S,) lie1, was, or became,
but this is extr.: (L:) the pl. is .,.. (9, K.)
(TA,) and t j, (K, TA [in the C1] depoiled, or plutndered, (S, A, Mgh, Mslb,) of his
.]' You say, ^.); ',- j [SWar happened be-
and t jI~.
wealth, or property, (S,) or of all his wealth, or
(TA.)_ - Free persots, collectirely
proprty; as also .,, (Mgh, Msb,) aor. , (Msb,) tween
tn,een them]. (S.) And ,L s ..;j, .I
(Mgh.) [See j~..] - The eminent, elevated, oir inf. n. Tits
The war,
_. (Mgh, Msb.) You say, Jj' 4j or battle, became vehement, so that
noble persons of the Arahs, (]~, TA,) and of th safety fr.on destruction was dificult of attain-
foreigners. (TA.) You say, d.j.. . ; ,._j: see art. ,o.. (TA.) Anld ... , lpient.
ment. (Msb.) And making it mase., as meaning
lie is of the noble ones of his people: (A:) or ot He was despoiled of his religion; was rendered, Jli, yota you say s . ,NZ A voeement jight or
toh choitest, best, or most excellent, of his people. or becanme, an unbeliever. (TA.)_ [And hence,] battle.
(TA.) - t Sandy, soft earth, (K, TA,) good, ym., aor. ', inf.n. He said t. I1,
battle. (Msb.) [Hence,] .Jw*.0t1 A warrior:
(Er-lig,lil,, TA in art. ;O `) and sp*Ji ' I [the
anld fit to pro/duce plants or herbuige. (TA.) . , lj: [[see .. , below.] (TA.) - And marj-ior; warrior; or] he who su.ices for n'ar, and who
J,s1J J.am: see '-, (S, A, ],) aor. -, (1P,) inf. n. ', (A, defe defends. (Myb in that art.) And . _ jl;i T/e
q ,,. TlirsJty: (,., A,K :) or it has an intensive TA,) : Ie (a man, S, A) was, or became, angry, country, country, or countries, of the unbelievers, (Msb,)
siignification, as will be shownII by what follows: (A,) or violently angry. (S, 1.) And i. q. or of [ttose called by the Mudlim] the polytheists,
a- [mcaning t He was, or became, affected with (K,) betnween nwhom and the Muslims there is
(TA:) fen. . : pl. (masc. and fern., TA)
;I,. ($, TA) nl -, - and LSj!pa. (TA.)
canine madnesa: see <]. (1..) And t lIe not peace. (Mysb, g].) In the saying of Aboo-
(an enenmy) was, or became, like a lion; as also Haneefeli, Haneefchl, '. 'l ;1 2; t, the meaning is
One says O/ OjI l1.. (TA.) It is said in P,,_..
(TA.) jl>
jl,>1[AMekleh ma at that time a place of
a trad., 1 q~ , ., ' 5, meaning For 2. -r_, inf. n. $j..i, ]Ie sharpened a spear- which the people were at war witl the Mudlims].
the giving of drink to any liver that is dried ttup
by thirst from intense heat, ther shalil he a hecad. (S, .) I e angered: (S, A:) or (Mgh.) ~It is also an epithet; originally an
angered violently: (g:) and he tnovoked, or inf.
inf. n. (L.) You say ,j. 3J, (1g, TA,) [iu
recompease: and in another, ' ..,j., 9 exasperated. ($, Ig, TA.) And it is said to sig- tile the CI .,j., but it is] like J,, (TA,) A man
tI. (lAth, TA.)_ [See also a trolfical use of nify t He acquainted a person with a thing that
this word in a velose cited in art. vehement in war, and courageous; as also t'
, conj. 2.] angered him: but where it is said to have this
AI. and t
and (] :) or " signifies a man
meaning, it is accord. to one reading with and -1:
j_. HIot: (MAb:) a very hot day, and food. of
hemzeh [in the places of and ,]. (TA.) wars; (S;) or a man of mar, as also ',. (..;
(A.) IAr says, I (do not saty * *.. (TA in and a known, e:xerienced wareior. (TA.) [Being
art. ).) [This seems to imply that some allow 3. ($, A,
A,, M Kb, K,) inf. n. i;1_~ (Mhb, originaliv
originally an inf. n.,] ,.~ as an epithet is used
it; and it is common in the present day. See 1) and .I.., (g,) He waged, or contended in, in the same form as masc. and fem. and sing. and
.;..] - See an ex. of its fern., lta., in the wtar writh him; warred, or battled, with himn. p].: .
p1.: (g:) so that one says r,. All and ,;i
mext preceding parmgraph._fDifficult, trouble- ($,0A, Msb,K.) See also 6.--lie nas, or becasme,
some, distrei,g,fatiguing, or severe work. (1, hostile, or an enemy, to him. (8,S TA.) - lie 3-o, (TA,) as also V " . 3.. (S, .)_- (TAJ
TA.) El-Jusan, when [his thtler] 'Alee ordered disobeyed Him; namely, God. (TA.) Also An enemy, (S, 5,) whether, or not, actually
him to flog El-Weleed thle son of 'Olhbeh for at war. (gi.) So in the saying, J .,.. gI
4. .JI .al1 Ile excited, provoked, or "l. [I am an enemy to him who wvars with
drinking wine, in the days of 'Othm6n, said, j
stirred up, war. (l.)_ ~- .l lie guidled himn
tjU ks1 0*.. 1 t Set thou over what is evil to spoil, or plunder; guided him, or showsed him me, or who is an enemy to me]. (S.) And c,~
theresf him who has spe,intended what is good the way, to obtain spoil, or plunder, ,o,~
qf an enemy; 05hi .4,j Such a one is th/ enemy of uach a one.
thereof: (Mgh:) or set thou over n'hot is diffi- (S, K, TA;) acting (TA.)
'ItA.) Some hold that , is a pl. [or rather a
as a spy. (TA.) - lie (
cult of the aJahir him who has superintended found him to be despoiled, or
plundered, of hit luasi-pl.
w,hat is profitable thereof: (Mb :) meaning that nwealth, or property, or of all his wealth, or pro- 4quasi-pl. n.] of .i|. or , . (TA.)
only he should undertake the infliction of the perty. M._ inf. n. of.
M.1^ (A, Mgh, Msb.) 1; Ij
flogging who superintends the profitable affairs is an ejaculation expressive of grief, lamentation,
6. I_ 3 and V I I(S,
(,, A, K) and V tIla.
of government. (Mgh.)__-. b j ;.. or regret, [meaning Alas, my rpoliation! or my
($) They waged, or contended in, war, one with
and .U-IIl j1., Such a one came in a plump, another; watred, or battled, one with another. ,Fos.s! lor ! or my grief!] (lSd, FMgh, TA,) used in an
'A a -
L, Lhali 1 abcolute
absolute manner, like lil Ij, (ISd, TA,) or
orfat, state; contr. of ';.. l, and ~, - -
(A, gA,.)
(A and TA in art. .. ) li ;., (Mgh,)
(Mgh,) from "hehe_despoiled him of
8: see 8. _ ,J.i It was all plundered,
A' g ~ ~ ~ a his wealth, or property :" (. :) [or from ..,
..1 [Htotter: and hottest]._. _ ;j l: see taken, or carried oJf. (.Har p. 313.)

.1, e3 ~ t~ .. .. a. .sJ ..
q. v.:] or it originated from the fact that giarb
;- 10: see 1, last meaning. the son of Umeiyeh, when any one died, used to
. _ 1 p& t He is more delicate
[or mor Yree from d&fects] in goodlinet, or 5~ WWar, battle, fight, or conflict; (Msb, iaskmars; his family what they required to expend on
beauty, than he. (~, TA.) TA;) contr. of.L; (TA;) consisting, first, in Lbe the occasion, and used to supply them therewith;
s:ee i., first sentence. shooting arrows, one at another; then, in thrust- (TA;) and when he himself died, the people of
ing, one at another, with spears; then, in com- Mekkeb Mekkeh and its neighbourhood bewailed him,
I ,
_ A man nhose camnels are thirsty. (S.) bating one another with swords; and then, in Baying, saying, t.~ I;, (Th, ]g,' TA,) or :1; I, (TA,)
grappling and struggling together: (Subh, TA:) [Alasfor [Alas for .Harb!] and then they changed the
; Freedfrom slavery; emancipateld. (TA.) it is [generally] fem.; (Q, L. Mob;) but its dim. exprenion expression to It. Ij;, (Th, K,) or ;*. Ij;, and it


Book I. 541
became wsed in the case of bewailing any person the ridge of the backbone: (., TA:) or , lj retires alone, out of the way of the people: (i :)
who was dear, and in the cases of other calamities:
iO;,JI (S, L, TA) signifies the portions of fesh, a [pavilion, or building of thc kind caUlld] ji:
but this account of the origin did not please ISd. (As, TA:) the station of the Imdnm in a masque:
(S,) or the ash, (L, TA,) along either side of tlh
(TA.)_Alo Perdition. destruction, or death.
backbone: (S, L, TA:) the sing. is ,i,; likened ( :) the ,1!.r [or niche which shows the di-
(iar p. 168.)
to the t,A. [or male chameleon] of the desert, rection of the kil;leh] of a mosque; from the same
c: -~p.Also Angry: (A:) or and therefore tropical: Kr says that the sing. of word as signifying the " tpper end of a sitting-
tiolently angry: (S, -:) applied to a man and room ;" (Fr, S, Mob;) or, as some say, because
, sIlj is l,.i . accord. to rule; showing
to a lion. ($, A.) And i. q. .. [meaning that it has no known sing. on the authority of the person praying wars with the devil and with
himself by causing the attention of his heart:
Affected with canine madnea]: pl. .", (K,) hearsay. (L, TA.)_ The nails, (S,) or a nail,
(Msb :) the highest place in a mosque: (Zj, TA:)
syn. with LtL, but unknown to Az in this (V,) of a coat of mail: (8, :) or the head oJ the .kibleh: (L, TA:) a mosque, or place of wor-
sense except in one instance. (TA.) a nail in a ring of a coat of mail: (K:) pl. as
ship; so in the Kur xix. 12: (S, L:) a place of
above. (TA.)~ And Rugged ground: (K:) or
41 . [A dart, or javelin;] a certain weapon rugged and hard ground; accord. to Th; but the aurembly. (As, TA.) j;.l .i,.,jl- means
(V) rclembling a spear, (MSb,) but smaller, word commonly known is with
w:j, szy. (TA.) The places of worship of the Children of Israel,
(TA,) having a wide head; (As, TA;) not (T, ],) in which they used to assemblefor prayer,
[This meaning has been supposed to be assigned
reckoned among Ctj: (IAv, TA:) dim. V:tIa~: (T, TA,) or in which they wed to sit; (];) as
in the K to Z~ ; but the TA shows that sucll though they sat therein to consult respecting war.
. , A, Mb, .) You say, is not the case.]
(Mhb:) pl.
3 .,JI1 I.jL( [They took the darts, or
(TA.) [See also 5..] - I.. Lq. , (]C,)
-- "d t _ ($, hMgh, Mb,1) and _ meaning The haunt qf a lion. (TA.)- The
javelins,for contending in war, or battle]. (A.)
(MF) Despoiled of his wealth, or property; plun- neck of a beast. (Lth, K, TA.)
- A thrust, stick, or stab. (V.)- Spoliation.
dered; (S, Mgh, MSb, KI, MF ;) and left rithout
(O.) - Corruptness of religion. (1g.)- - anything: ($, Mgh, Mb :) pl. (of the first, TA) ....,jja.. and ai3 : see _, in three
a name of Friday; (4, TA;) accord. to the iplaces.
Nmunooe, because it is a time for warring with . and :. (K.) And L... and a,. ,-i, .. ,; ,
A woman deprived qf her child, or children. (TA.) .~.m l: see. ,_)L
oneself: (TA:) pl. ,_ and , .. (IO.) And t j t Despoiled of his reliqion; ren-
Ie. A modle, or manner, of war, battle,fight, dered, or become, an unbeliever. (TA.)
or conflict. (J.) _, dim. of . , q. v. 1. ,"_, aor. ! (8, Msb, IC) and , (.,) inf. n.
;,1/ [The male chamnleon;] the male of what ae!,.: see what next follows. _, (S, A, Mqb, ],) He gained, acquired, or
is called X .h
.l; (S, Msb, I; [but see the earned, (S, A, 1~,) wealth; ( ;) as also tZ.j~.:
X -v (.8, , 1K) and V1aj (A) Wealth, or
latter appellation in art. i ;]) a well-known propesrty, of rrhich one is despoiled, or plundered: (Az, TA:) he collected wealth. (S, A, Msb, .)
animal: (TA:) or a certain reptile, like the (A, V:) a man's property is not so called until _He sought, sought after, or sought to gain,
lUtc, (K,) said to be larger than this latter, he has been despoiled of it: (TA:) or (.K, but nustenance; and laboured diligently; 6JIJ for
(Msb,) svcmenhat larger, (.,) that turns itself, in the A "and") wealth, or properity, by means his.family; as also t,j..: (TA:) he worktd,
(., Myb,) or its head, (n,) towards the sun, (8, oftwhich one lives, or subsists: (S, A, K:) pl. of or laboured, for the goods of the present world,
MSb, 1[,) turning with the sun as the sun turns, the former [and of the latter also accord. to ana- (Az, TA,) and %for those of the world to come.
and assuming various colours (S, Msb) by reason logy] Ia.. (TA.) (Az, A, TA.) You say, . "Jip;d.
i :Labour
of the heat of the sun: (S.:) Az describes it as a for tlhy good in the world to come. (A, TA.)
reptile resembling inform what is called ,. l. AF., iL. dim. of a~.,q. v. And it is said in a trad., WB .tJl.; J&_i
veithfour legs, slelder head, [which is not correct 41a. A troop of plunderers. (TA.) 1Is1 *i (S, TA) Labour for thy good in the
as applied to the chameleon,] and striped bach; .. l_ [act. part. n. of ]. _ It occurs in a present nworld as though thou inert to live.for ever:
that all the day looks towards the sun; and he
trad. as signifying One who stripspeople brcibly and, in continuation, . ,J i. jij. .j
adds that itsJ./sh is imnpure, and the Arabs never
eat it: (TA:) [accord. to Freytag, the word,
of their clothes. (TA.) 1" :and nork for thy good in the world to come
as though thou rwert to die to-morrow. (TA.)
thus applied, is said (but I know not on what .j. and a : see
a , in three places. Also ~ (T, T , Mgh, Msb, K,) aor. 'and:,
authority) to be from t..,meaning ?q l1&U.] 3
(guardian of the sun) :] the fem. is with;: (S :) a ,ei (S,1k, in the CV 'eu ) A land (1,) inf. n. &J. (T, Mgh, Msb, IC) and X l;
containing, (S,) or abounding with, (K,) animals (TA;) and ..:.l;(T, S;) He sowed; (T,'.,
and the pl. t. . (., Msb.) [The word .l._
of the hind called .eI [i.e. male chameleons]. 1i;) he cast seed upon thes ground: (T, TA:)
is used in passages cited in the TA as masc. and [accord. to Bd (xlii. 19), this is the primary sig-
teim.; whence it seems that it may be written (S, I.) nification: see o,, below:] and the former
* mas well as a.] The Arabs used the ex- 3>1i1 and j The lion. ( r, TA.) verb, he tilled, or cultivated, land, either by sowing
pression or , like
l L 'J: or by planting: (TA:) or he ploughed up land
see , in two places. = Also The
(.:) [the"latter word in each of these cases being for sowing: (Mgh, Myb :) or he ploughed land;
the name of a tree:] the former is proverbially upper end of a sitting-room, (Msb, and so accord. because the doing so is a means of gain. (gnam
applied to a prudent man; because the .,1a does to an explanation of the pl. .jjl.~, in the 8, p. 70.) And the former verb, Hr ploughed up
not qu&it the first branch but to leap upon the on the authority of Fr,) or of a Iouse, or tent, or the ground by much walking upo it; as also
second. (TA.) The phrase , 1 .. chamber; (K;) the chief, or most honourable, .tj~-l. (TA.) - Also, the former verb, (L, ],)
sitting-place; (AO, L, Msb,K ;*) whence, in a aor. ' and , (1,) inf. n. c., (A, L, VJ,) He
I is used, by inversion, for tsJ1 -,-;
trad., 3 1 Jl o;'l i%rt [he used to dislike the took, or had,four wives together. (A, L, .) -
.J?.l ) [The mnle chameleon stood erect upon
utppermost, or chief, sitting-places in rooms]: Immoderate inivit: (A,]:) multkm inivit. (IApr,
the branch]: for it stands erect upon stones, and
(L:) the place where kings and chiefs and great L.) And ";i1 :. Multilm inivit mulier
upon the roots or trunks of trees, looking towards
men sit: (Msb:) a high place: (As, Hr, TA:) suam. (IAp, L.).-_ e emaciated, or rendered
the sun, and declines as the sun declines. (TA.)
a [chamber of the hind called] b>=: ($, MSb, lean, (IAyr,., A, ],) a beast, (I,) or a camel,
_Also :The bach: oritsJesh: (V:) orj_ K :) the highest chamber in a house: a chamber (IAr, TA,) or a she-camel, (IAqr, S, A,) and a
~JI means theesh along either side of the to which one ascends by stairs: (Zj, TA:) a horse, (IApr, TA,) byjourneying (IApr, ., A, O)
backbone: (TA:) or this, (TA,) or 14.JIl, (1i,) king's closet3 or private chamber, into wh7ich he thereon; (IApr, S, 1 ;) as also t:,.I, (so in tlle
542 A";J^ - C:^ [BooK I.
A and L and TA, and in some copies of the $, in J14_ A sower, plougher, tiller, or cultivator, reason of intent gazing. (TA.) -Also, (S, A,
this art.,and so in the 9 and L and 1 in art. %J,) of land; (S, TA ;) us also t*'1. [pl. b1.']: 1,) aor. as above, (],) and so the inf. n., (I,]~)
or t:Jjrl. (So in some copies of the $ in the (KL:) a plougher of land for sowing. (Msb.) t It ras, or became, forbidden, or prohibited,
preent art.) - RHe stirred a fire, ($, A, ],) and - One who eats much; a great eater. (IAar,
(S, A, K,) and attended with straitne, or difi-
made it to burn up, (TA,) with the JA.... (A, TA.) culty. (A.) So in the saying, ,Ki rl. .,-
TA.) -I He examined, looked into, scrutinized, tTMe wronging of thee isforbidden, or prohibited,
or inmetigated: (V, TA:) app. in an absolute .jj. ,A collector of property. (Msb.)
to me. (S,TA.) And ;jl I. : AThe
sense: but accord. to some of the leading lexi- ~j,~, (1, [also written Ij., in the Ct~,
cologists, he examined, looked into, scrutinized, meal termed j., became forbidden, or pro-
erroneously, as a generic proper name,
ubJI,]) hibited, to him, (A, TA,) namely, a man fasting,
or inveetigated, and studied, the book, or the
(MF,) and .I.Jl J1, ($,g,) the latter the and attended *vith difficulty, (A,) by reason of
JVur-.n: (TA:) Ae studied the ]ur-an: (8:) or
better known, (TA,) Tihe lion: (S, K :) because the straitneua of the titne thereof (TA.) And
he studied the Jur-in long, and meditated upon
it. (A, TA.).t.He called to mind a thing, or he is the prince of beasts of prey, and the strongest L ; -. tIPrayer became forbidden, or
an affair, and became etcited therenby: [for ex.,] to acquire. (.ar p. 662.) See also 12 prohibited, (A, and TA as from the g, [but not
Ru-beh says, 1-'- S" found by me in the copies of the ]C,]) '; to
ee W_
. ' 0 6,. a . 06, her [by reason of legal impurity, as is shown in
[And tAe sying isforgotten if it be not called to the A]. (A, TA.) - Ql .? He betook him-
mind so as to produce excitement]. (TA.) ~'_.: sec what next follows. self, or had recourse, to him, or it, for protection
tHe applied himself to the study of iJJl [i. e. from a strait, or difficulty. (TA.) And.
t.~ The thing (i. e. the piece of wnood, or
the law]; or e learnedthe science so called. (I.)
the wooden thing, TA) with which the fire is AIi l.ib.it + He betook himself to such and
4: see 1, in two places. stirred (8, A, ]) in the [kind of oven called] such things. (TA.)
8: ee 1, in four places. ,; ($;) as also t,.o.: (K :) and&';.. 3
2. r- (TA,) inf. ..j,) , (, ,) t He
Jb Gain, acquisition, or earning; (Jel in JIt the shoel (t_.) with which the fire is made it strait, or d/fficult; (S, K, TA;) and
xlii. 19;) a also * e m.; of which the pl. is stirred. (TA.) [Hence,] ., jt b. _ t TIat forbade it to be violated; namely, a right.
": (v1:) and recompuse, or reward. (Bd which [or he who] stirs up, or excites, rar. (TA.).-. L.l4 t -t HIe said to a serpent,
and Jel in slii. 19, and TA. [Accord. to Bd, in (TA.) _ [In the prsent day, it signifies A [by way of warning, lest it slhould be a Jinnee,]
the place here referred to, this is from the same plough: and (like ,.to) a ploughthare.] Thou wilt be in a strait if thou return to w;
word as meaning "seed-produce: but the reverse ,- ... f.g ....
tlherefore blame us not if we reduce thee to a
seems to be the case accord. to the generality of Waj,~ ,bjI and * a;. Ground ploughed
up by people's treadingmuch upon it. (T, TA.) strait by purwuing and driving away and killing.
the lexicologist.]) ;jl1 'c O~- ', in (TA from a trad.)
the l(ur xlii. 19, means t Whoo desireth the rermar
or recompene, (Bd,) or the gain, i. e. revard, or 4. C.J1 ILHe mrade him to betake himislf to a
recompens, (Jcl,) [of tAe world to come. ] A lot, narrow, or confined, place; and so qsl and
1. 4.,e aor.:, inf. n. E9., It (a number of
share, or portioib. (TA. )Worldly goods. (TA.) >,.1. (TA.) And lie made him (a dog or
things) became collected togetheru: and, neces-
_tSeed-produce: (?,* ]g,* TA:) ewhat isgrown, a beast of prey) to betake hirnelf to a narrow,
or raised, by means of eed, and by means of sarily, because cloc, strait, or narrow: (so accord.
to an explanation of the inf. n. by Er-RIgbib, in or confined, place, and then attached him. (TA.)
date-stone, and by means of planting: (Mgh:) [Hence,] di d .l ti He constrained him to
an inf. n. used as a proper subst.: (Mgh, Mb :) the TA:) said of anything, it mc, or became,
close, strait, or narrow. (KL.) One says of betake himself, or have recourse, to him, or it.
pl. J_.~ (Mb.)- t A place ploughed for
du.t, Js3. J1 9 ." or , 1 It rose, (Lth, Az, (s, A, 1].) And li6. us1, ujl l" t He
sowing; (Mgh, Mb ;) as also ' '.., (Mgb,)
made him to betake himself to such and such
pl. 14A1.: (Mgh, MNb:) or land prepared for TA,) in a narrom place, (TA,) and became
collected [against a wall, or an acclivity or the things: (TA:) or he, or it, caused him to want
sowing: (Jel in ii. 66:) and it is said to signify such and such things. (AA, TA in art. &j.)
also a plain, or soft, place; perhaps because one like]. (Lth, Az, TA.) - " ' ~.' aor. and
plough* in it. (Iyam p. 70.) [Being originally inzif. n. as above, t His bosom became strait, or - He caused him tofaU into a strait, or diffi.
culty: (A, TA:) Ah straitened him; reduced
an inf. n., it is abo used in a pl. sense.] It is contracted; (~, A, Mgh, Myb. TA;) not ex-
him to a strait, or difficulty. (TA.) - t He
said in the ]~ur ii. 223,.~ J, , 'tcJ (Mgh, panded, or dilated, by reason of what was good. made him, or caused him, to fall into a sin, a
M 9b) 1 Your wies, or women, are unto you (TA.) And ~. alone, aor. and inf. n. as above, crime, or an act of disobedience for which ie
things wherein ye sow your offspring: (Bd,Jel:) t He became disquieted, and contracted in bosom:
they are thus likened to places that are ploughed and t he became in doubt; he doubted; because
desered 7)unishment. (9, I, TA.) _ q..
for sowing. (Mgh, M 9b.)- [And hence,] t A doubt disquiets the mind. (So accord. to ex- 6'ikWl lt made, or pronounced, pruyer to be
wife; as in the saying, 4i A I[Iiow is planations of the inf. n. by Er-Righib, in the forbidden, or prohibited. ,1
thy wife?]. (A, TA.) - A -oad, or beaten TA.) - Also nor. and inf. n. as above,
aj (A,) or . .. q,.., (AV, TA,) He gav to
track, or the middle of a road, that is much [tHe became straitened, or in difficulty: and hir dog a portion of his prey. (A.)
trod~ [a though ploughd] by the hoofs of particularly, by the commission of a sin, or crime:
horm or the like. (][, TA.)_ [A ploughAhare: 5. a. t He made it strait, or dificult, to
(see tj., below:) and hence, simply,] t he
so in Richardson's Pers. Ar. and EngL Dict., himeldf (TA.)- And c %H/e put awaroy,
ed. by Jobnson; and so, app., in the Munjid of committed a sin, a crime, or an act of dis- or cast away,from himself, sin, or crime; (TA;)
Kr, voce M. obedience for which he deserved punisiment. he shunned, avoided, or kept alooffrom, sin, or
(Mqb.)-_Also He looked, and was unable to crime; (Mgh;) he did a deed whereby he sAunned,
eme o.. The pl., also sig- move from hit place by reason of fear and rage. avoided, or kept alooffrom, sin, or ctime; (Mqb,
nifiest Camels mciated by travel: (El-Kha.t- (T, TA.) And 'al -.-, (S, A, K,) nor., (S,A, Mgh.) And ~ J 3
TA;) syn. _.
bee, ] :) originally applied to hornes: of camels (1],) inf. n. as above, (TA,) , The eye became
you [generally] ay, t&4J.I [" we rendered them dazzled, (;. llie shunned, avoided, or kept alooffrom, it, as
S,, , TA,) or ank in its socIet,
a sin, or crime. (A,*Mgh.) [See .J.]
lean"], with J; and li eJ means "a lean (;R,) and its vision became straitened: (A,
she-camel." (E.l-Khaabooe, TA.) TA :). or it did not turn about, nor mink, by
t.: esee , in two places.
V~ - >J~ 543
Boot 1.]
m:eso --- Also The dog's portionof (A, Mb, TA;) not eMpanded, or0 dilated, by reason IS;) from t4/: (9:)having cownrie uponahiu
- t
4d J* *
of fehat isgood. (TA.) In7 .. ej.;^ nch. (A, TA.)
the prey, or game; (f, A, ;) such asthehead
and the shanks and the belly: (TA:) whatis or?L4.m., accord. to different readings, [in the 9- *-

thrown to the dog, of the prey, or ganme, that heAs ogur vi. 1253] (,) is explained by I 'Ab a mean- the threedivorce [which render Sc a one wre by
ing Hewilmake hiboo strait, timpnt the wife abso-
has taklm: (Az,TA:) or a pice of ~sh: pl. ito (TA w///m b_ Asto _tmpenert lutelyforbidden to the husband]: (A:) or by the
t - (TA.)m And A cow7ry; syn. i--: (S, to wisdom. (TA.) - Also L~ and *^. A oaths that rendered his scope strait, or narrow.
A, V:) ph. :l. l (9, A) and _.i (T, TA) and man having a strait, or contracted, boom, which (.Harp. 178.)
does not expand, or dilate, by reason of what is . , s
tl".; (TA;) the second, [as also the first,] a good: the former has a dual and a pl.; but the : 500
pl. of paue.: (T, TA:) or cowries (t>) which latter has only the sing. form, because it is [pro-
are hung upon the necks of dogs. (An, TA.)-. p.rly, or originally,] an inf. n.: Zj says that the J
And A dog's collar [of cownries]: (TA:) or a former is a part. n., and that by the latter is L t..., aor.:, He hit, or hurt, her (a wo-
any animal (T, TA.) meant j-. (TA.)_And the former, tOne or [i.e. ula,orp n ()
collar [of cowries]for (TA.)-An~ ~ r ~ ~ e ~ 's) j .or i. C. vulva, orpu&mum].o(1~.)
whofe,ars, or dreads, to venture upon an a.air. ]
- [inf. n. of 1, q. v.:] Straitnes; a strait, (TA.) And t That sedom, or never, withdraw , (.,(,Mgh, Mb,],) similar in form to 1 and
or.i/culty. (A,* TA.)..- I A sin, a crime, or from fight : (]p:) tiat will not be put to flight . b a
an act of disobediencefor vwhich one deserspun- as though it were difficult for him to find at , (M ,)and (Heyth,,Mb)nd ;
ishment; syn. l; (S,M b, 1 ;) as also excuse for being put to flight. (TA.)-And ( ;)the first of which is the mostcommon; and
(Yoo, g, ]V:) or the straitnss [which is the con. Committing a sin, a crime, or an act of dig- the last, strange; (TA;) or the first is sometimes
wch for dser punishment;ll punihment; ot insteadmae
used of the second; (Mqb ;) The mdva,
sqence] of sin or crime. (A, Mgh.)_[Hence,] obedience forobedince which de
i. q. t [There is, or will be, no harm (MSb ;) and so Vjl which is thought by ISd r dum, ofa woman:originaly'jo (9,
in thy doing this or that]; and .,l [thAere is, to be after the manner of a rel. n., because it has Mgh, Mqb, as is shown b,) by the form of its
or will be, no sin, or crime]. (IAth, TA.) -~ Sce no corresponding verb [of which it may be re- broken pl, (, Mgh, Myb,) and by that of its
garded as the part. n.; the regular part. n. being dim.; for in the formation of the broken pL and
also .. , in six places.- Also, applicd to a she- . i of the dim., a word is restored to its original state:
camel, I Lean, lankh, light of flesh, slender, or at.sas . its Antrans.]. (TA.) - Also tAb- the final in the original is elided, and j is put
latnk in the bUelly; (, ];) as also ,(S, staining from in, or crime; and so t~. and in its stead, and incorporated into tbhe medial
bearing two contr. sig- radical letter; and sometimes the word is wed
A,) accord. to AZ, (S,) and .j.: (A:) or Ct- - (TA.) [Thus
nfCa-r n Se 5]As,ad ? For- without any letter of compensation: thus are
V _ signifies, so applied, lean, &c., as above, nifications. See 5.] -Also, and tCj~., !For-
formed j~ and j.~: (MS.b:) the pl. is ~
and sharp-spirited: (C :) or this last, (IK,) and bidden, or prohibited: so in the phrase, foed . and : (Mb ) te Pl is
. and Yt j., (TA,) fat, (., TA,) large- 1L
_ andl I[The wronging of thee is (, Mgh, MSb, ]g,) its only broken pl., (TA,)
.~. ~J~ and ~~~~~~ ~~and g,) which latter is like 6,.and
bodied, (TA,) and long [lit. long upon theface of forbidden,or prohibited,to me]. (A.) and j (, ,) which latter is lie and
the ground, as distinguished from tall]: or strong: I'.,- : sL, pls. of defective nouns [U) and aU]: (1:)
I-a.^ tA wood, or collection of trees; ( S, dim dim.. .t (Msb.) M b)
(],TA:) and signifies also, (]K,) or, as TA;) so callcd because of their closeness: or (
some say, and so do L .a~ and'.. and dense and tanyled trees: (TA:) or a thicket, or t./: see the paragraph next preceding.
*t~ , (8,) so applied, long [lit. long upon the collection of dense and tangled trees, of the hind A
face of the ground]: (S :) and some allow called .L, into which no one can penetrate; A man loving, (L,TA) ornd ()
'V* /in the sense of *~~ ; (TA;) which (Alleyth, Az, TA;) or of the j and .U and the C1 [or pudenda] of women: (L, :) an
yO and -. _ and j.; or of tAhe j. and olive epithet after the manner of a reL n. (Sb, TA.)_.
last is originally . _, which is originally
and other trees: or a Iplace in a wood hitere tressSee also Lpt.
j: (8:) the pl. of t^ (S) and of are dense and tangled, extendintg as far as a 3-
(L) is 1.
t9 (S, L.) = See albo stone's throw: and also a tree which the pastniring .: see what next follows.
) [or
4.,.., in three places. Also A thing composed ani)iudl cannot reach: (TA:) pl. ;.(S, , ',.., and (if you will, i) t.Jt, (, ],) in
of pieces of wood, (As, 8, ]1,) bound together, ratlher thlis is a coll. gen. n., of which .,a. is the which latter the medial radical letter is with fet-b,
(As, .,) in which dead bodies are carried; (As, n. un.,] and ,: .-. (8, A) anrd .l (S) and [of as in the rel. ns. formed from .i and , namely,
1,IC;) sometimes put over the bierof a onman: paucn] tl,1.: (A, TA:) or tj-. signifies a g.N and (8;) [Of, or belonging to, or
(.:) accord. to the T, the C.~ of a bier is a idacc in vwhich is a collection of trees, and ,Acre relating to, tile vulva, or pudendum, of a woman;]
jto:, [i. e. theframi-,rorh of a .j, which is they are close together. (A.) - Also SA collec-
rel. ns. of [and 5_.]: and (if you will, .)
constructed of wood, and put over the bier of a tion of ca,nels: (S, K, TA:) a hundredl camnels:
is a vehicle for (ISd,TA:) pl. [or rathler coil. gen. n.] .ja.. (K.) you may say *t., like d. (' , K.)
corps: accord. to ISd, the j
women and men, which has no head. (TA.) See : see m.,oin two places. : ee s./,above.
also J,, in two places.
0 an ow..op _ A woman hit, or Aurt, in her . or
,?~and t A strait, narrow, confind ... see ta., in five places.
[i.e. vulva, or pudendum]. (.)
or close, place: (TA:) or strait, narrow, con- .: see ., in two places.
fined, or close, in the utmost degree: (Zj, T:) or
a strait, narrow, confined, or close, place, abound- .t O '.l,(1IC(,) or '9Li ' ,y, (A, TA,) and
ing with tres, (., ],) and impenetrable to the *'I1 '~, (TA,) ~Dense darhness. (A,* K, TA.) 1. ;.g, (8, A, Mqb, ]~,) aor.,, (8, ,) inS.n.
paturing animals: (.:) and * j, also, ap. ;,s, Mqb,)
S, He tended, repaired, betook Aim-
: see z^., in two places.
plied to a place, signifies the same as U .. (TA.) slf, or darected himnelf or his cours or aim, to
or towarid; made for or towards; aimed at;
- J... (S, M9b, TA) and ?tj-' (@,A sought, pursued, de~red, or intended; (him, or
see (
TA,) like _j and a .j, and ;i and ;J, and it; IAr, ]g;) syn. ,i. (lA4r, , A, Myb, ].)
JU and J (9,) A bosom strait, or contracted; A dog hawing a coUar of cories; ( Agreeably with this explanation, some render tie
jb. [Boox L.
words of the gur [liviii. 25], --13 .j which (by their being twisted together) it was thefore legs, occasioned by th2t cord, (V, TA,)
. (..) You sy to a man, v.,_i j composd longer than othrs. ( .) hen tAthe animal is young and reently mend,
have tended, repaired, &c., to, or towards, thee; (TA,) in conetuenqce of which he beats the ground
2. ,s;.:see . Also, (T, L,V,) inf. n. j,
like L;;i
%i. (Fr, ,* L) and ,. - (V,) He twisted a rope so tightly that the strands with hisfore legs, (J1, TA,) or [strikes] his breast
(Fr, L) A rajiz says, (.,) namely, 1asdn, (so formed knots, and owrlay one another: (T, L:) [therewith], in walking, or going: (TA:) the
disease thus called is casual; [or generally so;
in a copy of the.,) and At rolled a rope in twisting it (eJ C: ) so
(see -: ;)] not natural. (T.) [See j.]
* e... .5p --
;1' j; ~ * that it became round. (Agn, L, 15.) [See also
the pass. part. n., below.] _ And, (]g,) inf. n. as .pb: see Ji.: and ;ja;. - and j^--, in
* . 4j ;; ' * above, (8, 1,) He crooked, curved, or bent, a two places. I Also A rope uneven in its strands.
[A torrmt advanced, that came by the command thing, (S, 1,) in tte form of an arch. (S.) (AIn, TA.) A bow-string haring one or more
of (od, tending to thefruitful garden]. (?.)-- See also S..- [It seems to be implied in the L, rf tAe several portions of rwhich (by their being
Also, aor. ,, (1g,) inf. n. le, (;, L,) He pre- that one says 11l , i l. . -. , meaning He twisted together) it is composed longer than others.
vnted, hindered, impeded, withheld, restrained, bound a ,,;. (q. v.) upon thefence of reeds, or (1.) [See also ] A..man in want, or
debarred, inhibited,forbade,prohibited, or inter' canes, of a fold for sheep &c.]~ needy. (Yoo, on the authority of an Arab of the
-Also, (K,)
dicted; (IA4r, ., ;) and so t;.., (L, 1],) inf. n. i. f. n. as above, (T, ],) He (a man) betook him- desert.)
,A?Ja. (TA.) Agreeably with this explanation, 'if, or repaired, for covert, or lodging, to a Zi,~/: see
also, some render the words of the ]}ur cited 1house, or hut, such as is called] f, (T, K,)
above: from . Nith a gibbous roof. (i.) .5.) A bundle of reeds, or canes, which is
said of she-camels, meaning
"they became scanty in their supplies of milk." laid upon the rafters, or pieces of wood, (called
3. ;;t., (S., A, ,) inf. n. ;1,., (S,) She (a j., jj, IAyr, L,) of a roof:
(.a.) - Also, aor. , (., L, ],) or';, (AZ, 8, L,) 1 (IAr, Mg,h, M:b:)
camel) mu, or became, scanty in her supply of [the reeds, or canes,
ins a. j.; (~, ;) [and app. VS,; and which are ithus used in the
mi/k: (., A, 1]:) or ceased to yield milk, or to construction of a roof are
tied together in small
tjat..; (see .t. ;)] He (a man) separated haye milk in her udder. (]g.) - [Hence,] t She bundles, each of whichl
I have generally found to
himselffrom others; ( ;) Ahe lft, or abandoned, (a woman) ceased to have milk in her breasts. consist of about five or six: over
them is added a
orforooA, his ople, and removed from them; (L.).--And It (a 4i. or other vessel) ceased
coat of plaster:] pl. .i~.: a Nabathwan word:
(AZ, ;) he retiredfrom his people, and alighted, to have wine, or beverage, in it. (L.)_And lIt
or took up his abode, in a place by himself. (S.) (s, Mgh, Mb, K:) arabicized: (S:) you shlould
(a year, L. 1 ,) was one of little rain. (S, A, K.)
--- ;~., (8b, 8, M9 b, j,) aor. (Mqb, 1,) and -And sjtm t He (a man) was about to give, not say p,a. (ISk, 8, Mgh.) _- Also, (L, 1,)
~.b, aor. ., (L, ]V,) in n. ,, (8b, Aq, T, and then refrained. (A.)_-And O1_. ;j. and ta3j-, (Mgh, L, ],) The girdle (L.tem.,
IDrd, ., M;b, cc.,) so says Aboo-Naqr Abmad ! My state, or condition, became changed, so as Mgh, L, 1, TA, in the C5 Lit.) of a fold for
lbn-;i&tim, companion of A, (.,) and ;*.., (T, not to be hnown, or so as to be displeasing. (A.) sheep, 4c. (;i' ), which it bound upon thefence
$, Mb,) this latter form of the inf. n. sometimes (lm3,) of reeds, or canet, (Mgh, L, 1.,) crossnise:
4. j~.tl He separated, or set apart, (1,) and
used, accord. to 18k, (.,) and this is the form (Mgh, L:) accord. to IDrd, Nabathean. (L.)
removed, (TA,) him, or it. (15, TA.)
heard by AZ and AO and Ay from the Arabs of You say, ;."j, inf. n. 3. (L.)_.Also
chaste speoch, (TA,) but both forms are chaste, 5: see L
(IA#r, TA,) though the former is the more com- ?J.p-, (Lth, M.b,) in the'Eyn 4 js., (Mgh,)
7: see 1._ [Also,] It (a star) darted down. ( .) but this latter
mon, (IAqr, M9 b,) He an, or became, angry: is disallowed by 18k, (Msb,) Reeds,
(8, Mqb, V, Icc.:) he was, or became, exasperated i. q. j..oi: whence the phrase, ;.d
s~. . or canes, which are connected, in a bent form,
(h~.J)by one roho angered him, and deired to Ji,_,: see 1. _ Anger; [asalso 1.;.: see 1 :] with the arched branches (U ) of a grape-wine,
kliU him. (T, L.) And so in the prov., , .i j.. (Lth, Mgh, Mqb,) and upon which the shoots of
ji _ (A, L) and ju, ,
(L) He wu angry with him. (A, L)jm , (., Retain, or persist in, thine anger until thou ob- the vine are let fall. (Mgh.) - Also a ~.
Mqb, ~,) aor.:, (.,1r,) inf. n. ;-, tain thy right. (TA.) Rancour, or enmity which with damm, [irregularly formed from .. , unle'
one retains in the heart, watching for an oppor- it be a mistake for t.p/,] A man having wide,
Mob,) He (a camel) had tahe diseae termed~ . tunity to indige it. (El-l.Klee, MF.) - See or capacious, intestines [like those of the camel].
[q. v.]: (l :) he had the tendons, or sinewt, of
on of hisfore legs relawed by the cord wahereby (L, TA.)
thefore shank is somtime bound up to the arm,
;.)~ The ~ [i.e. the intestine, or gut, con- ad,,b.: see what next precedes, in two places.
or Aad them in that state naturally, (., Mgh,
Meb,) so that he shook hisfore legs, (8,) or so taining the ., or dung,] of a camel, (At, ., 15,)
male or female; (1];) as also *j.: CJI>J_: see ;.,;: _-and JIt_.
that he beat th ground [with thefore leg], (Mgh, (Ay,1:)
Mfb,) in walking, or going: (., Mgh, Mb :) or pl. -. (As, S.) An intestine, or a gut: ;9 (S,A,1) and ,tL..1 (A, 1) and t iltJ
he (a camel) had the tendon, or inev, of his arm (T:) pl. as above: (IA :) [or] ;1Il signifies (15, TA, but omitted in some copies of the 1) A
broke, so that his fore leg became lax, and he the intetines, or gUts, of camels; and is probably she-camel yielding little milk: (S, A, 15:) or
never ceamed to shaks it: the tendon, or sinew, a pl. of >., like j,, as the .t&, and the .abI ceasing to yield milk, or to have milk in her
breaks only in the outer side of the arm, and it are nearly alike. (L.) Accord. to Lthli [and the udder. (.)
[the arm] seems, when the camel walks or is in
5], j. signifies A piece of a camel's hump: but S;0- and ,.; ., (1], TA,) or &,,,
motion, as though it stretched, by reason of his (so in
this is a mistake: it means (as explained above) a MS. copy of the 15 and in the C1g;) The pro-
raising it so high from the ground, and by reason
of its laxness: (18h, TA:) or he (a beast) raised an intestine, or a gut. (T.) minent edges of a rope: (15: [in a MS. copy of
his lgs ery high, in nwalking, or going, and put ;,~: see a~. Also A certain disease in the the 1 and in the C1, for j0' is erroneously put
them down in thAir place, by reas~n of Ais being legs of camels, (V, TA,) occasioning them, in .:]) or the former, knots, and parts overlying
ery short in his step. (L.) - Also, aor. and walking, or going, to shake their legs, and to beat one another, in a rope, in conscquence of the
inf .a. above, He (a man) was oppre~ d by tha ground with theAm much: (TA:) or a certain strands' being gwisted very tightly. (Az, on the
tIa wleight of his coat of mail, so that Ae was diease in their fore legs; (15, TA;) not in the authority of Arabs of his time.) - Also the
unabe to stretch himsf out in walking. (5.). hind legs; eaused by the cord whereby the fore former, pl. of jS.[q. v.]. (AY,..)
And, with the ~me aor. and inf. n., It (a bow. shank is sometimes bound up to the arm: (TA:)
rtriag) had one or Mor ofe dh ~ral portionu of or an aridity in th tndou, or snews, of one of A man who separateshimselffrom others;
BooK I.] _ -ji- 545
as also ;V and, ;- and t)ji. and ;t) are [bundles such as are called] &S . of reeds, goods into the j.. (Myb.) And }ii; V lj-_
(V) and ''blj : (L:) fem. 5.d not S;n : or canes, (., L,) laid acrou [over the rafters of Presere ye, or guard ye, yoursrves: (A :) [or
(L:) or a man who has left, or abandoned, or the roofe;.(L;) as also ;j.._ applied as an do so strenuously; for it is said that] .'i inf. n.
forsaken, his people, and removed from them: epithet to a room of the kind called ab.: (8,
.jm3), signifies he took extraordinary pains
(AZ, :) or a sole, or single, man: (Ay, :) and L :) and the former word, (1K,) used as a subst.,
in keeping, presermng, or guarding, it. (15.)
tj.z signifies solitary, in the dial. of Hudheyl: (TA,) signifies as above. (15, TA.) - Also, (1.,)
You say also 1tv,) ; j;l She (a woman, TA)
(AS, $:) pl. (of the first, 8) :Ij (], .) and or j. .. , (As, S, A,) A howu [or hut] with
guarded her pudtndum; (V, TA;) as though
(of the second, TA) ;1_.. (g.) You say, J. a gibbou roof, such as is termed t . (As, ,
A,"l~.") she put it in an inaccessible j~. (TA.) And
,..j.. lie alighlted and abode aside, or apart,
J.-l ljl j 1l The place protected the man;
*fromthe people. (A.) And ;_ s_ A tribe _ and sjt--: see afforded him refuge; as also j, (1,) inf.
i n.
that separates itself from others, (1K, TA,) not
.. (TA.)- ie made it firm, or strong.
mixing with them mwhen departing and alighting, is.: sco:
a. (KL.) [lie fortified it, or protected it against
(TA,) either on account of its might or on ac-
count oJ' its smallnees of number (}1, TA) and its ).,__d: see , in three places. attack: see j;.] lie drew, collected, or
meanness ofcondition. (TA.) And .. j gathered, it together; (Msb, TA;) as also tj.,
(, A) and t s (O) A solitary star. (1.) [aor. '-,] inf. n (TA.) Hence, (Meb,)
Aboo-Dhu-eyb says, *&
..- '-JI ~ j. l He grasped, or liutched, the
C;j .: see the next article. winning-canes; he got thLnfor hinusef: (Msb:)
She outstripped; outran; or won the race. (A,
[As though it mere a solitary star in the region TA. See 4...) [Hence also,] ji- lle I'el
between the hearen and the earth]: but AA reads took, receitved, or got pouessuion of, the reerim-
[&.;~, ] with :, explaining it in the same sense; ,j- (S, L, K) and C;j:).: (L, K:) some
say the former; and some, the latter: (Msb:) pense, *en'ard, hire, pay, or wages; syn. jl_..
and saying that the poet means Je#g [or Canopus].
A certain small reptile (L.O.): some say, the (K..) Whence the prov., l,'1 U
.j sJJ-
($.) [See also 7.] And they say, ) j male of the [kind of lizard called] : (, K :) j)IlJI [I hatve gained my spoil, and I seek the
J_0 *. [Everyjthing little among much, or accord. to As and IDrd, and sevcral others, a superabundant gain]: originally said hy AIbo-
small in number among great in number, is soli- Belkr: he used to perform the prayer called j,1
reptile (41;) of which the real character is un-
tary]. (AZ, S.)
known; and therefore, ly several authors, said to in the beginning of the night, and to say these
'.%i^ A tendon, or sinew, that is in the place be a reptile (41.,) of the r,ptiles (l...j) of the words; meaning, that he had performed his .),p
of the rord whereby the fore shank is sometimes deserts: (Msb:) in tihe O (Msb) and in the L, and was safe from its escaping his observance,
bound up to the arm, occasioning a beast to be (TA,) it is said to be a small reptile (L.~ ) re- and that he had gained his recompense for it;
,hat is termed ^.l, (15,) i. e., to shake one of sembling the o'. [or chaamelcon], (Msb, TA,) and if he awoke in the night, would perform the
isifore legs in walking, or going: soieetimes this supererogatory prayers. (TA.) You say also,
of a beautiful kind, (TA,) dirtersified writh various
is natural. (TA.) [See j..] colours and qlots,found in the re.ion of lE.ypt; jj~l
.JI [lie won the bet]. (A in art. m..)
and [it is said that] it (tihe male therof.f, Msb) has
- )1 ., 5. e,j;J: see 8.
-.,. see ,;. two penes (C,tp), likle as the . has: (Mys,,
TA:) accord. to some, the O is augnmentativc: 8. jj. lie prepared himself; he was, or
accord. to others, radical: the pl. is d.,-. [or became, in a state of preparation. (Myb in art.
,: see . Also, ($, A, ],) and t .-
;).~lj-]. (Msb.) - Also, the fornimer, The [kind ..)_-- jj~.l, and *tj. J3, IIc guarded
(A, ]g) and ? jlj_, Angry: ($, A, :) > exas- of lizard called] WiU&: (Th, Seer, TA:) not what against it; was cautious of it; syn. oeU, (S,)
perated (, ) by him who has angered himt,
and deironi;of killing him: (T, L:) or the first,
is here, immediately before, described. (TA.) - or . J, (g,) and 2.. i;; (A, Msb ;)
[In the present day, Any lizard.] - And A she- namely, a thing; (S, Msb ;) or an enemy: (A:)
compact in make, strong, feared, or dreaded; camel that is ridden until no strength remnain in
whom, by reason of [his] disdainfulnes (;j&[i. e. as though he put himself into a ij. to secure
her: (TA.)
himself therefrom. (TA.)
;j&]) one thinks to be angry. (yam p. 300.)
.bib. ,U An angry lion: pi. g13_ (S, A.) 10. j. I It was, or remained, [or nas pre-
1. aor. , (,) inf. n. i served,] in the [or in a] j-. [or place of custody,
j1m.tA camel (or a beast, L) having the disease, and
(TA,) It (a place, TA) was, or became,fortifled, &c.]. (A.)
orfault, termed u.,.; (?, Mgh, L, Msl, .K;) as
string, or protected against attach. (], TA.) J_. A place that is fortified, strong, or pro-
also t ~j: (1. :) fem. of the former 'I;.. (S.)
aj,or. ', He wras very pioas, or abstinent tected against attack: (S, Mgh, 1(:) or a place
A man oppresed by the nweight of his coat
of mail, and unable to stretch himelf out in from unlawfil things. (Sgh, Ig.) . ojs: see 4, in which a thing is kept, preserved, or guarded;
in three places. a place of custody or protection: (Myb:) or a
walking; (T, TA;) [and] so t]. (].) -
place or other thing that protects a man: or a
:Niggardly; mean; sordid. (1, TA.) And 2. ej.: see 4, in two places. place or other thing that is held in one's poussion
'l sp-I t Close-fisted, or niggardly. (T.) 4. oj_l, inf. n. M, He kept, preserved, or or to nwhich one betakes hinself for refuge
guatded, it; he took care of it; (TA;) as also or protection: (TA:)
j.. A rope plaited so that it ham prominent pl. jl.l. (Myb, TA.)
cdges, by reason of its distortion. (S, L. [See tjJI., (]i,) aor. , (TI[,) inf. n. j.; (TA;)
also 2; and seee..]) or the latter is formed by substitution of a letter You say, *jy. t i J . * He, is in a
And A bow-string strongly place of protection to nwhich there is no access.
twisted, having one or more of it strandJ, or the from .,: (15:) or the former signifies he
(TA.) And j' ljtl J1 [The thief broke
seeral portions of which (by their being twisted put it in a j,_ [q. v.]; (Mgh, Mb ;) and so
into the place of custody]. (A.) [ Hence,] A n
together) it is composed, appearingoer, or above, * the latter: (TA:) and the former, he preserved
amulet, or a charm, bearing an incrilption, whicfh
others; as also js.-. (L.) - Crooked, cured, it from being taken. (TA.) You say, ) ojbl is hung upon a person to charm him against
or bent, (, g,) [in theform of an arch: see 2 :] iSI [He kept, or preserved, it in hit, or its, the eil eye ce.; syn.. &jm,
applied to anything. (i.)._ A room isn wmAicA (a,) or j_: (A,
r~ecetacle]. (A.) And ~t1 , j;jI-I put the 1 :) pl. as above. (A.)- A s/tare, or portion:
Bk. I.
5416 J, -- ,; [Boox 1.

pl. u above: you say, s,/. l He took, or

M. L.d)m. What is guarded, kept, preserved, or and inserted the nd of this into the hole, and
receited, hi share, or portion. (A, TA.) taken care of. (Mb.)- t A thing stolen: (] :) the ., hearing the sound, thought it to b a
or a heep, or goat, that is stolen by night: ( :) beast deairing to come in upon it, so it came
3/4_. A place fortifud, strong, or protected of the measure 1'a in the sense of the measure backwarde upon its feet and hinder part, fight-
against attack; (A,TA;) as also CJj.. . (TA.) ing, and Striking with its tail, wohereupon the
3ijah: (TA :) hence, J;.JI! 'L. (S) a sheep,
You say, *j. (Q, M;b, TA) A strongforti- man hastened with it, and seized it firmly by its
or goat, that is overtaken by the night before its
fied place: (TA:) the latter word is a corrobo- return to its nightly retling-place, and is stolnt tail, and it wasu unable to aescape from him.
rative. (MSb.) [See alsoj.. Hence,] ,J. ' (TA.) And hence, HIe hunted, or sought to
from the mountain: (Msb:) or a sheep, or
capture, or captured, the -~: in any manner.
XSr[Thee is nothing kept from sale]: (A, goat, that is stolen, of those that are guarded,
TA:) a prov.; (TA;) meaning, if thou give me or kept, in the mountain: or, as some say, from (Ham p. 61.) Hence also the saying, ,1 jI
a price that I approve, I will sell to thee. (A, ,.th. applied ironically to a thief: (Mgh:) pl. 6^pm. v_ t. [Verily he is worse than a
TA.) [Hence also,] ;l.. [a pl.] Camels that ;l.. (S,. .(.) Hence the saying, (TA,) ~Id ' wAich tAou hoast hunted]: for sometimes the .
are not sold, becaus of their preciousnss. (i.) scents [its pursuer], and circumvents [him], and
9)1qj L.dje.. 1 1 [There shaU be no amputation cannot be caught. (TA.) And hence the prov.,
And It. X.~ )j0 Such a one is a person
of the hand for the sheep, or goat, that is stolen alluding to one's discoursing to a learned man
who keepa aloof from, or shuns, this. (A.) - by nightfrom the mountain]. (A, TA.) IF says
A recompense or the like, taken, received, or that there are two explanations of the expression with the desire of instructing him, . '

got possession of; as also &j. (TA.) JL.si L. : some make it to signify theft, or Zi- Cl [Dost thou acquaint me with a
jjI. occurs in a trad., in a form of prayer; the thing stolen, (a;~Jl,) itself: others make the rwhich I hav captured?]. 1
A' st ,.1
meaning to be, that there shall be no amputation also the prov., .t >. Jb.l lU [This is a
ypJ1 #a. ) (4i1 ;i., meaning 0 God,
for [stealing] what is guarded, or kept, in the greater matter than the hunting, or capturing, oJ
place us in a protectingasylum. (TA.)
mountain, because it is not a place well pro- the ,]: (M, A, K :) originating in one of
~: resee i,p in two places. tected: ISk says that l ,.JI signifies 'ZJl. their fables, to the eftect that a .b said to its
(Myb.) -A vall of Stones, made for sheep, or young one, "O my little son, beware thou of
goats, (1,) to guard thAem. (TA.) ~,jbl:" and the young one heard, one day,
1. w_ , A MgMb, aor. Myb, <?-. Guarding, keeping, or preserving; a the fall of a digging-implement upon the mouth
of the hole; so lie aid, " O my father, is this
TA) and , (TA,) inf. n. L-~.. (S,Mgh, v) guardian,or keeper: (S, Mgh, Msb :) pl. t*,,m.
(Mgh, Msb, O) [or this is rather a quasi-pl. n.] ,..JIl ?" to which his father answered, " O my
and ,, (IS,) or *the former is a simple subst.,
little son, this is a greater matter than ,u.Jl :"
(Myb,) and the latter is an inf. n. only on the and ,.4! (M 9b, ]) and [pl. of pauc.] I1.
(M,] :*) and it becamo a prov., which is applied
authority of analogy, though often used by [the (Ig.) t `, also signifies The guards of a to him who fears a thing and falls into that which
}ianafee Imam] Mo4ammad, (Mgh,)He guarded,
Sultan; ( Myb,b,' ]g,* TA;) and so ,, : ($, is more severe. (M.) [Hence also the saying,]
kept, preewred, or tooh care of, him or it: (?,
1:) the former is thus used as a gen. n.: (S, - 5ljait .,...h ? ..- !.t1[lIe roused thte
Mgh, Mqb:) [and so t ,jta.; or Ahe guardedhim,
Mb :) and the n. un. is t t.,: (S, Mb, :) r,ancour of enmity between them]. (TA.)-
being guarded by him: see 3 in art. %.] You say,
you do not say 1sh1 unless you mean to denote ~,~., (.8, K,) aor.:, (K,) inf. n. u$ (S, ]')
;~, I X> 4 1l s.`-- [May God guard him from
thereby the signification of guarding, or keeping, and ~L.-, (K,) signifies also He scratched
trial, or af.iction]: and ^lwjA.i, [Mfay He con- without the quality of a gen. n. (?,Msb.)_ him nwith the nails; or wounded him in the outer
tinue the guarding of him]. (A.) .-.,", aor.-, Also A thief; used in this sense ironically; (A, skin; (S, .;) and so .:, with t. (S.)
(Mqb, n,) inf. n. . , (Msb,) I He stole; Mgh, TA;) because they found guardians to be
(MNb, ;) [ironically used in this sense; see Both also signify It (a fly) bit hinm. (TA in art.
thieves; (A, TA;) and so ,.,_: (TA:)
, ;] as also t -I: ( :) or the latter, he And j;-&J1 1-,-- He scratihed, or
pl. of the former, l -. (A.)
stole a sheep or goat by night: (S :) or both, he rubbed, the ,RjU [or withers] of the camel with
stole camels and sheep or goats by night, and ate I y_ [pass. part. n. of 8]. You say, i. his staff, or stick, to make him go. (TA.)-
them: (TA:) or the latter, he stole [a sheep or I.,".. ,;; 4 ;. [From su,ch as he doe one And 1Ie scratched, or rubbed, the camel so as to
the like]from the mountain: (El-Farabee,Msb:) guard himslf; rwhereas he is a guardian]: a abrade the upper skin, and mahe it bleed; where-
or he took, (Shli, TA,) or stole, (TA,) a thing prov.: (f, K :) alluding to him who finds fault upon it is smeared with l' [or tar]; as also
from the place of pasturage. (Sh, TA.) You with a bad man when he is himself worse than &c.: see 2,
:.. (TA.) ,4 l *_
say also, $U U'j. , (A, Mgh,) and t i , he: (1S:) or to him who is intrusted with the
(A, TA,) [but the latter is perhaps a mistranscrip- guarding of a thing when one is not secure in two places. _- , aor. , inf n.. He,
tion for ,:] Hd stole from me a sheep from his being unfaithful with respect to it. deceived, beguiled, or circumvented; syn. ~:
(TA.) [See also Freytag's Arab. Prov., ii. 706.] and ,,p.l signifies the same; or nearly the
or goat. (Mgh.)
: ee l.jb,last signification. same; i. e. he endeavoured to deceiv, beguile, or
3: see above.
circumvent; syn. of the inf. n. Ql.M. (TA.)
4: see 1, last signification.
5. v' Oh,ja3, and . t,,..I, He guarded,
2. .AyUI ve w inf n-. ( A,'
i.e., guarded himself, against him; syn. ' 3_ 1. A,,-_, (s, A, ,) aor., inf. n. 1, TA ;) and f -t *,. (A, TA,*) inf. n.
. (S, Msb, 1;.) (S, :) and ,.,. (1,) He hunted, or sought F.-_; (TA;) He excited discord, diusnsion,
to capture or catch, or captured or caught, tho disorder, strife, quarrelling, or animosity, be-
8: see 5: _ and see ,, in two places. tn,en, or among, the people; (~,* A, * K,* TA;)
[lizard caUled] '; syn. "lG ; (S, A,;) by
see ,..: for the former, in two moving about his hand at its hole, (., K,) at and (so in the g, but in the ] "or") .. ,;"OI
' 5
|places. the entrance thereof, (S,) in order that it might
imagine it to be a serpent, and put forth its tail
betoeen, or among, the dogs; (~, ];) and .A$l
the beasts; exciting, or provoking, them, one
. : see 1.--;Ll,JI e.W Such a to strike it, rwhereupon he rould seize it; (S, V ;) against another; as is done with camels, and
one eats stolen things: (A :) or steals the sheep as also t .p.1: (A, :) or, as also t , rams, and cocks, 4c.; the doing of which is for-
or goats of people, one after another, and eats of and V~..3, and q Vh&, he traced its hole, bidden in a trad.; (TA;) or ,a and
ihem. (TA.) and made a noise with his staff, or stick, at it, signify one's inciting a man, and a lion, to attach
Boot I.] u - hO

[and L .]: and to a camel, signifying whose [May (od not guard him who duires inordi-
hiA adrary; (TA;) and Li"_ and ,1
galls, or sore on his bach hav healed, or become nately, or culpably]. (A.) Aboo.Dhu-eyb makes
[inf ns. of ] are syn. with ji jj3 [in the
covered witAh a skin in healing: (Az, as heard by J.a.. trans. by means of f, in the following
last of the senses above]; as also t;iY and him from more than one of the Arabs of the verseo:
S p: (TA in art, q. v.:) you ay, %Z desert:) and the femrn., above mentioned, is applied S - ~~~~~~ .-~
-.....Mdi. l;-
[and t , meaning, he incited him, &c.; or to a she-camel, signifying, having the mange, or .~L CIO, V1 -. r- Fi
rather, he exaperated him; app. from _ or scab, (1, TA,) and not smeared [rith tar];
or Lm, signifying "roughness"]. (AZ, in (TA;) she being so called because of the rough-
ness of her skin: (Az,TA:) and to a Ae [or [And verily I had purposed to defend them by
art );_.) [Hence, app.,] .im.3 also signifies repelling aggreuionfrom them; but lo, the decree
scab], signifying having small pustul., (,) not
The mentioning a thing that reders reproof ne- of death came: it vas not to be repelled]: mean-
smeared [wnith tar]. (9, A.)
cesary. (TA.) ing, ,,.. (TA.) - [Also He was ex~eively
8. OM-)l .JI . TA ._ fought With solicitous, or careful, andfearful, respecting him;
the viper, the latter desiring to come in upon him. *,^ and excessively pitiful, or compassionate, to him.
(TA.) -See also 2. 1. . , aor. [, and] ', (Tg,) inf n. u,, See Uh and ji,-..]
(T, 91, &c.,) He rent it; or clave it: (T, 9,
4. ' 'l .1Z .1 [app. originally signifying ], &c. :) and he, or it, stripped off, scraped off, 3. L .,L He mF1hept, orapplied himself,
The itar made tAe camel to scratch: and hence rubbed off, abraded, or otherwise removed, its constantly, or perse~eringly, to the thing, or affair.
meaning,] the tar made the camel to break out superfcial part, peel, rind, or the like: (T,1 , (TA in art. ~j..)
with small pustuls; syn. : (V:) or excoriated &c.:) the former, (Az,) or the latter, (Az, Er-
4. 1 aiJi 1u Li..l l [(How vehemntly or
him, and made him to bleed. (Ibn-'Abbid.) R4ghib, B,) is the primary signification. (TA.)
inordinately or culpably desirous art thou, or
You say, 4 14JI;' p , (S, A, Mgh, M9b,) how greedy or covetous art thou, of worldly
5. 41 aJ and t0 ;o: see '1I E_
aor. (S, Msb, TA) and , (Mgb,) inf. n. e., goods I] (A.)
[S_3 is also quasi-pas. of 2 You say,] G,a-3 (Msb, TA,) The beater and washer and vwhitener
v. [He beceame easerated by them]. (AZ, L "5.
. j ', ' 'a.. .l Verily he
rent the garment, or piece of cloth, (A, Mgh,
in art .. , in explanation of the phrase im3 Msb, TA,) in beating it (Mgh:) or made holes watchesfor the time of (, .) their morning-
.. ) [See also jp.] in it by beating it: (S, TA :*) or made holeks and meal and their evening-meal: (15:) from ,oj~*
rents in it thereby: or abraded its superfcial as meaning " vehemence of desire," &c. (TA.)
8. -jm: see 4MI w .a, in three places. part thereby. (TA.) And .JI The
See ntso NSV. pasture, or herbage, became entirely consumed, 8: see ^l .;,.
hAi- A mark, or trace; syn. ;i: (S, 1:) by nothing of it being left; (IF,. y;) as though it
p.~~ a subst. from g. h_, (Myb,) VYoeh
from the surface of the land.
poetic license written tAl;): (S:) or a mark were stripped off mence of desire; eagrnes; avidity; cupidity;
upon the back: or a mark of a blow or beating, (TA.) - O;_ b. -- , (T, , A, Msb, ],') aor.: hankering; greediness; ehement greediness, or
upon a camel, wAhich has healed, but upon nlhich (T, 9, Msb, 1) and ', mentioned by It.4 and avidity,for an object sought after; cotetountu ;
no hair norfur grows: or, as heard by Az, from the author of the Iktitf, (MF,) inf. n. excesrive, or inordinate, desire; (TA;) or i. q.
more than one of the Arabs of the desert, a gall, (Msb;) and e - aor.:, (T, Myb, 1g,) inf. n.
,.: (Q, 1:) or culpable desire for worldly
or sore, on the back, which has healed, or become ~. .; (Msb; [but it seems to be indicated in
good: (Mb :) [the different opinions respecting
covered nith a skin in he.alwng: or a scar of a the K, by its being said that the pret. is like
its derivation have been mentioned above, voce
gall, or sore, on the back: (TA:) pl. W,,. (S, , that it is b0^ ;]) the latter form of the ,e,a.:] also the act of striving, or labouring;
verb, however, is bad; (T, TA;) though El- exerting oneself; taking pains, or extraordinary
A Roughnes, harshness, or roarseness; as gKurtubee is asberted by MF to have said that the pains; to acquire, obtain, or attain, a thing.
alsor aig : (gn:) or roughness, &c., of the hin. former is of weak authority; which is clearly (Mgb,TA.) .~Jt $.,JI C [Greediness,
wrong, as the readers of the l]ur are generally &c., is coipled with prohibition of the object
(S.) [App., it has no verb see n,fvoce
ugreed in using it; (TA;) He desired it vehe- thereof] is a saying of the Arabs. (TA.)-Also
(J.)-] -See also2.
mently, eagerly, greedily, very greedily, or with Excessive solicitude, or care, and fear, respect-
A dc sch:see avidity; he hank,ered after it; he coveted it; he ing a person; and ewcesive pity or compassion.
desired it excessively, or inordinately: (S, ],1 (TA.) [See oh-]
TA:) or he desired it culpably; namely, worldly
good: (Msb:) said by Az to be derived from l -^ A rent in a garment or piece of cloth.
meanib t A hunter, or catcher, of [lizards
the first of the significations mentioned in this (TA.) - See also b_. , in two places.
of the kind caltled] [pl. of ]: (S,A:) ) art., or, as is also said by Er-Righib, and
p. ao -. (A ) in the B, from the second thereof; because, ,.~. A garment, or piece of cloth, rent [in
says Az, he who does so [may be said by a being beaten and washed and whitened: see 1].
, .1 Anything rough, harsh, or coarse; as figure of speech to be one who] scratches off (1.) Vehemently desirous; eager; greedy;
also '. onq-the authority of AHn, and thought t the outer skin of the faces of men by his so doing: hankering; vehemently greedy; covetowu; exc.-
by As to be a poseive epithet, [meaning haveing but MF regards this as improbable; and says sively, or inordinately, desirous: (8," A,* 1],
roughne, &c., from :_ or U^,] because he that most of the lexicologists hold the last to be TA :) [or ctulpably desirous: see d s :]
had not heard ay verb belonging to it: (TA:) ) the primary signification, and others to be taken fem. with i: (TA:) pl. _l/,, (A, L, ], [in the
or the former is applied to a , signifying from it: (TA:) s., ak
nor. , inf. n. ,
w,])which is mawe. (A,
C1, erroneously,
rough; (o,];) or rough in ths shin, ((A, TA,) ) also signifies he strove, or laboured; exerted
L) and fem., (L, TA,) and fG, (],) which is
as though notched, or rrated: (TA:) and in himlef; took pains, or extraordinary paint; to
fem. (TA.)_Also
like manner, its fen., to a serpent (as), , acquire, obtain, or attain, it: (Msb, TA :*) and masc., (TA,) and .!,
and fearful,
signifying rough; (I;) or rough in the skin: : U,oj.l signifies the same as .I,.> [he desired Exesidrely solicitous, or careful,
and esively pitiful, or
(,TA:) and the masc to a deenr, aignifying vehemently, &c.]: (1:)and he strove, or laboured; respecting a person;
rough (?,A, O) by reao of its nens; (A, exerted himsef; took pains, or extraordinary compassionate. (TA.) X _C , in the ;ur
;) god, rough, reently oin hag
led; (Aupon pains; to acquire, obtain, or attain, a thing. [ix. 129], means [Vehemently desirous, &c.,] of
it tA. roughnes of the samp: pl. ja9_ (TA) ) (AA, ,*TA.) You say, p,^. Cj y~- profiting, or benefiting, you: or ecuxc vel/y soli-
9 690
W-i^ [BOOK
[ 1..-
citous, or rareful, and fearful, respecting you; ; ,_ uas a trans. v.: see 4, in two places. - i. q. e.;),1 " [The trees, or plantu, from
and ecesuively pitiful, or comtpaionate, to you. b./.,,
aor. :, also signifies He picked up from w, ich potads is obtained; the kind of plantu
the ground jAg-I4 [or saflowr]. (0, K.) called hali, or glastort, &c.]; which are of the
ijj._: see the next paragraph, in three places. kind called Je: (Az, TA:) Aboo-Ziyad says
2. see 4.1 Also, inf. n. ~~;, BHe that vwhat is termed b is slender in the ex-
3L;.i A wound in the head ( ) by which rendered himfreefrom,orridhim of, ue. [q.v.]; -.e
tremities (JOJ'I l;), but itu tree is large,
the shin is cleft (, A, Mgh, M 9b, O) a little;
like as &;A signifies "I rid him of what is being ometimes usedfor shade, and oaffords fire-
(S,]~;) the fist [in degree] of t.Z [pl. of nwood, and it is that with which people wash
termed L.ji." (TA.) [Thus it bears two contr.
,~n~]; (TA;) as also tL~. (S, ]) and significations.]- And, [hence, perhaps,] (ISd, Clsthes; and hlie adds, we have not seen any e,p.
*'Lim>: (TA:) or, accord. to IA9r, t4l;, A, &c.,) inf. n. as above, (S, ISd, A, &ce.,) IIe purer or whiter than some which grows in El-
is syn. with .4-Z,q.v. (Az.) [See also Ijal.] excited, incited, urged, or instigated, him, (Zj, S, Yeminimehl, in a valley thereof called ptl.alJ ":
Also, and ' i_., A cloud (X1_~ ) the rain ISd, ],) and rowed him to ardour, (S,) , (TA:) i. q. i 11 [q. v.]; (S, A, Mgh, Msb, g;)
!f which, (S, A, ],) .falling wehemently, (A,) re- -;iJI to fight, (Zj, $,) or .* 1 .iS to do the with which the lhantmls are washved after food.
,nuvs the surface of the ground. (S, A, ].) One thing, (A,* Mb,) in order that he might be (TA. [But acsee ,lm.]) So in the lCur [xii. 85],
known to be such as is termed ~ij ifhe held
accord. to one reading, (l~,) the reading of El-
sam the Arabs Aehemently dsirous of the dscent bach from it: (Zj:) so in the Kur [iv. 86 and] .Hasan El-Baoree, (Sgh,) tV. a. _j
of the cloud of which the rain should fall vehe- viii. 66: (Zj:) or he excited, incited, urged, or (Bd,) meaning Until thou be like Ot~l in dry-
mently so as to remove the surface of the ground]. instigated, him to apply himself constantly, or
perseveringly, to fight: (TA:) [see 3:] and neu; as explained in the F, except that '_ is
(A, TA.)
:U.2t eU. a.jl, inf. n. u!,i1, signifies the there erroneously put for 9,J: (TA:) but Es-
.1.l [comparative and superlative of h.~; Suddee disapproved of this reading. (S?h.)~
same as a,d,b. (T$.) o_. , inf.n. as above,
i. e., More, and most, wAhemently desirous, &c.]. Also !,, [and app. ,a. also,] i. q. , [or
He had a b,j~, i. e., a person entrusted with the
It is said in the ]}ur [ii., 90], ,., .a . office of turning about, or shuffling, the gaming- Gypsum]. (TA.)
s;. 'l, meaning, And thou nwilt assuredly arrows of the players. (TS.) . lIe employed ,,,~ Corruptnes in the body, and in the
find them the most tehement of men in desire, or the portion of his property set apartfor trafic intellect, (lbn-'Arafeh, A, ],) and tin one's
the most exczsi'e of men in greedines, of life. in e,.q.v.],(IAgr,K,) i.e. ;. (TA.)m course of conduct, or tenets. (Ibn-'Arafeh, l.)
(TA.) He dyed a garment, or piece of cloth, with W,Ajl [See L] ~A man in a corrupt, or diordered,
s- . .J . state, and tick, or diiseased, ( ~,) so
s~ jQ.m An ass much lacerated by the [q. v.]. (IA*r,]I.) s, that he
bites of other asses. (A.) defles himsel (t~ [but in some copies of the
3. ,ol_, (Ibn-'AbbAd,) inf. n. ibjta..~, (Ibn-
, *,0 00 S this word is onmitted]) in his clothes; (S;) as
L0 . , -~1i,Land depastured and trodden. 'Abbad, He contended with another in shaf-
also vLk.. and ' j. and t e ; (,;)
(TA.) Jfling, or playing with, gaming-arrows. (Ibn-
t which last also signifies a man having his
'AbbAd, g.) [Sce Le _.] - JaJ c , stomach in a corrupt, or disordered, state; and
(Lb,) inf. n. as above, (Lbh, K,) lie applied him- suffcring protracted disquietude of minl, and
self constantly, or perseveringly, to wvork: (Lh,
0t.. disase: (TA:) also the first, (,.0j~.,) weary,
] :) and Jl;;I Us tofigujht. (Lh.)
/,t., (Mqb,) is stomach became in a corrupt, or fatigued: (]g:) and at the point of death;
or disordered, state: (I :) or he (a man) became 4. b1.l .. It (disease, A, TA) pressed heavily (Mob, g ;) as also el..; (Cg;) which last
in a corrupt, or disordered, state, and sick, or upon him; or clave to him constantly: it cauwed also signifies one near to dying, or to perishing;
diseased, so as to des.il himself in his clothec: him to be at toe point #f death; as also 4.&_: and having his hody corrupted, or disordered,
[see ,,;sj^., below:] or Ate became emaciated (lit. it corrupted, or disordered, his body, so that he by disease, so as to be at the point of death, and
dissolved) by grief, or by excessioe love: ( :) or became on the brinh of death. (TA: [in whlich so .. ; (TA;) and [in like manner] t *.~
he became at the point of death: (Mqb:) and this last signification is said to be tropical: but signifies dying, or perishing, from disease, being
he suffered protracted disquietude of mind, and accord. to the A, it is evidently not so.]) It neither living so as to be an object of hope, nor
di~ea; as also we.', aor. ': (]K:) and ,, (food) caused him to be sick, or diseased. (A.) dead so as to be an object of despair: (T, TA:)
It (lhve, AO, ') corrupted, or disordered, him.
aor. and;, inf. n. s. (O) and .p, (TA,) (AO, S, K.) e.,~. also signifies emaciated (lit. dissolved) by
- ~ He corrupted, vitiated, marred,
he became heatily oplprossed by disease; or con- grief, or by excessiwve love; (AA accord. to the
stantly aJected thereby so as to be at the point of or destroyed, it; namely, a thing; as also t...: S, oe AO accord. to the TA, and I;) as also
death: (A :) or this last form of the verb signifies (A:) and he annulled it; rendered it null, or void. ..;_. (S,) or I ;:: (I:) and heavily
he died, or peorihed. (TA.) -[Hence, app.,] (TA.) You say also, :L , anor. , (K,) inf. n. oppretsdby diease; or constantly affected thereby
,.,, and aor. ', inf. n. b.%,
ao, as in ,,._, (TA,) : He corrupted, or vitiated, or de- so as to bc at the point of death: so in the gur
the L; not u, in the ]; t He was, or stroyed, himslf, or his own soul: (K,* TA:) and
as xii. 85: (l:) [in the CId, L.j. is here erro-
became, low, base, mean, or wordid; unable to L. w,~1 the destroyed himself, or his orwn neously put for :]
J. or it there signifies heavily
ris from, or quit, his place; a signification given soul, by telling a lie. (TA.) And it b . presed upon by disease; or ajffected by constant
in the 1 to .: or low, bae, mean, or sordid; ~.1 . ! , occurring in a saying of Aktham disease: (AZ:) or extremrudy aged; or old and
weak: (l]atideh:) and anything withAering:
pouseing no good: (TA:) [but of the correctnes Ibn-leyfee, means tThe ill-bearing of poverty
(TA:) [the following observation, which is in-
of one of the two forms here mentioned on the annuls the grounds of pretension to respect. (TA.)
serted in the S after the first of the signifieations
authority of the L, the author of the TA expremes --. jl L., ~ul: see 2.-i, ... tHe (a
a doubt: app. with respeet to the latter of them; man) begat evil offspring. ($, g.) here given of ,.. used as an epithet, and in the
1K after a later signification which is said to be
for it is said,] ' inf. n. a,l. and .
,;w.: mee., lasst sentence :-and sce also tropical, applies to it, when so used, in all its
and . a, also signifies he (a man, TA) mas, or senses:] it is employed alike as sing. as pl. (Fr,
became, low, bae, men, or sordid, and bad, cor- what here follows. S, ]) and musc. (Fr) and fem.; (Fr, 1 ;) being
rupt, or viCioUsJ, and neglected, orforsaken; (g, L,A (Mgh,) or 'r originally an inf. n.: (Fr, Mb :) or, like every
, (Msb,) or both, (,
TA;) a also , - (]: , but only the former, ],) the former mentioned by Sb, but in some of inf. n. used as an epithet, it is for jj followed by
,.,j., is given in this sens in the TA.) the copies of his book written with fet-i ( t .), the inf. n., and therefore has no dual nor pl.
BooK I.] uj. -- J
form: (Zj:) but some of the Arabs usie
use t an object of dispraise: (A:) called thus because lexicons &c.: or the altering a word by nsbsti-
of his lowness, or meanness. (L.) - Also One tuting one letter, or more, for another, or others.
as an epithet applied to a male, and' b1. l as 7
who does not purchaseflesh-meat, nor eat it unless See also jS.] see also . iIsaW Jje,
applied to a female; and these have duals and Ahe find it in the poueuion of another person.
ps.: (Fr:) and sometimesa ,. has pls.; namely (AHeyth, Az.) (Mb, ],) aor. , (A, $, ,P,) or , (MIb,) He
earnsd or gained [subsistene], or laboured to do
_1l; ( ;) which is also pl. of and of so,for hi family, or houshold, (As, g, M9b, J,)
j$1_d.; or, accord. to the L, it is allowable as a ib /: aee ,e , latter half, in two places.
from this and that quarter; (Ah,;) a also
pl. of *.' , in the place of the more common X.b^.: see .,, (of which it is a syn. and ,Jz.! : (Mgh,* Mob, TA:) and ? Jim..
pl. * .; (TA;) and t _ (V;) which a pl.,) latter half, in three places. [he earned, or gained, with his hands]: and
is more approved; (TA;) and jk/.. (V: [this ,,~ _: see ./., in the latter half of the tiJ 9t ;b3 he applied himelf to ean or gain
last being expressly aid in the TA to be thus paragraph. [subsistence] for his family, or household, by
written, but in the CV it is written L.i.]) means of any, or every, art or craft: (TA:)
Also, applied to a man, (A,) XPossessing no .el_ One who burns i_a. [kali, or glass- and j 1~he laboured, or sought gain or sus-
mort, &c.]for jU [or potash]; (V; [in the CI(, tenance, for his household, or family; expl. by
yood; (A, V ;) like t 1i_.., (TA,) which latter
is explained by A4 as signifying a man in whom
iiU, is erroneously put for ;]) J one who Qsi&; .
,- (IA r, .) sr_n ;p inf n-
is no good: (T, TA:) or the former, one ,whos maAke a fire upon b.4. for the purpose of pro- '_., (J,) not an inf. n. of un., (TA,) He applied
good i not hoped for, nor his evil feared: (V :) curing from it vJ ; ($;) i.e. for the dyers; collyrium to his yJe (], TA) with the [style
and a bad man: (1 :) and low, base, mean, or and ? 1L,1 also signifies one nwho makes afire called] k-o. (TA.)-~. 4 j.., inf. n. ji.,
sordid; unable to rimse from, or quit, his place; He nsffered the loss of omevwhat of his property.
upon XOUI [or ,J.]: it is said that [plants of
as alsoe V and
, aand / (],
the kind called] , _ are burned, in their fresh (Lb, 8.)
[this last, in the C1, written w _~- "]) or state, and then water is sprinkled upon their
2: see 1, in two places. _ [Hence,]J Ut
, (TA,) and ,u : (:) or lo, ashes, which in consequence are compacted, and
,,tWJI j,.. [A pestilence] causing the hearts
base, mean, or sordid; in whom is no good: become Ji [q. v.]. (TA.) - Also One wiwo [of those witnessing its effects] to turn arway,
(TA:) and [in like manner] jta. signifies maks a fire upon masses of hard stone for the
and be aloof: (i:) occurring in a trad.: or,
bad, corrupt, or vitious, and neglected, or for- purpo~ of preparing thence 1~ [or quich lime], , (TA,)
accord. to one relation, ..,jJd! ,.s
saken; (li;) and so ,.;.., (TA,) and or ,~ [which is gy/pum]. (0,I.)
i.e., turning the hearts from confidence, and
iLb.., of which the pl. is ,j~; (TA;)
La!~. A place in which ;s11 [or b~] is inclining them to removal and flight. (1 and
' ,.~)' also signifying made, or auserted, to be burned [for making potash]. (TA.) - Also A TA in art. J^..) ..-. I Jq. The nibbing
low, base, mean, or ordid; (V, TA ;) and so place for the preparing,by fire, of [quick lime, the writing-reed obliquely; ($," ,eTA;) making
tij1_ and ? a;.; and this last signifying the right tooth of the nib higher [i.e. longer]
(see .,u,) or] gypsum. (TA.)
also having in him no good: (TA:) and ,b.. than the left. '(TA.) You say also, AtiiJ s.,
likewise signifies one who does not take to himel. ; and "jb1.: see j-, from near the [He made the nibbing oblique]. (TA.) And
armJ, nor fight: (Lth, ]:) its pl. is .. beginning to near the end. L 0JI~. )~ .j. ! Jj.. [He turned the Anife
(A,TA) and * ,_..: (TA:) both these pl.. see
: ,_~, latter half: and see obliqutely in nibbing]. (TA.) - See also 7._
signify weak men, vwho will not fight: (S :) and also signifies The putting in motion, or
the former of them is explained as sibnifying the also - ~,,.Also Saqower; syn. 5 L'; ($,
A, K;) a general name thereof: or J~i that is into a state of commotion; syn. , . (TA.)
lonwt, basest, or meanest, sort of mankind: and
mens corrupt in their course of conduct, or tenets: put into cooked flesh-meat: or the grain thereof. -- ;;1.W !Ny -h .. J ,j, in a trad.,
also the latter of them as signifying men who (TA.) means [He made a sign with his hand,] and
know not the place of their chief: and ? 't., , s:ee .,.'F, in three places. imitated with it the cutting of a sword with its
of which the fem. is with ;, signifies a stupid edge. (TA.)
man. (TA.) - Also, applied to a she-camel, L,m'-, with kear, A vsselfor . v; (P, l;)
made of wood, or of bras, and the like; (TA;) 3. J ~.j He was debarredfrom the means of
Lean, or emaciated: (V, TA:) and t? ., subsistence; becautse he of whom this is said is aloof
so applied, vile: and perishing, or dying; in i. q. XL-I: (A:) pl /,. . (A, TA.)
(?.;Ja) from the means of subsistence. (Mgh.)
which sense it is likewise applied to a male camel.
(TA.) -Also, applied to language, or speech, And X - ..*j. Such a one was made to
, }see 1,,~; for each in two places.
experience dificulty ($, TA) in his buying and
4 Bad; (V ;) and so, by poetic license, ? ;
or this, accord. to egh, is a dial. var.: (L, TA:) seling, and was straitened (TA) in his meauns of
subsistence; as though his means of subsistence
and perhing: pl. .,P.l. (TA.) were turned away from him: (?, TA:) or he had
f : see ej., in three places, near the 5 c;X1
1.' i J;:- (A0, , Msb, his gain, or earningq, turned away from him.
beginning: - and again in the latter half of the aor. !, (Msb,) or , (]V,) inf. n. ~Ja., (S, Msb,) (Msb.) It is said in a trad. of Ibn-Mes'ood,
paragraph. He turned the thing f'om its proper way, or ,91 v-- 1ii 1 . .,
manner: ( :) or altered it therefrom: (Mb :)
seemew., in two places cis1 +w1,yJJi. e. [The death of
and t 7, inf. n. Jq_.5, has this latter mean- w1
W& :
L&4 The peron calUed ~ U* .?; (0, the believer is accompanied with swmeating of the
ing: (],e TA:) or has an intensive signifi- sideof theforehead: some sins remain chargeable
! ;) [i. e.] the man rwho turns round about, or cation of this kind. (Myb.) ' '.A, ? 'V against him, and] he is made to eaperience dffi-
shu.ffles, the arrowvs [in the 5.j], or who deals ".1_ signifies Th altering words from their oulty by them [in dying], in order that his sins
them forth, (l.tJl , jJJ, , or a, proper meanings: (S, TA:) and agreeably with may be diminished. ($.) -- ~ h! also a
this explanation, the verb is used in the ]ur meaning like 5,t , : 8A'ideh says,
A,) for th playws in the game caled
iv. 48, &c.: (TA:) or .AjpJ signifies the per-
.jI, (1, A,) in order that he may eat of their wertin of language: (Mqb:) or the alteringa word
mt [withoumt having contributed to pay for the inform; as in writing ;. for ;,; or mce wersd: [And tey e-rtainly know, in warfare, how we
d Aghtedcal]: (A:) lilke him who is termed (KT:) [and the miJtrancribinga word in any viefor mperiority in glory: or] accord. to Skr,
,.W, (~, A,) always a low, or mean, person, (,) manner: commonly used in this sense in the it means ow e deal with thAem; as when one says
whom ~y increaset,and

60O [Boox I.
t 4.3
to a mas, What is thy 4.. (i.e. thinme occupation) (46 a 14; C: ISd, TA,) [in nupene,] waiting, ,J.9^ and b (S., 1)1. and tAi . (Mgh, )
and thy lineoge? (TA:) [or the meaning may be and looAing to the result, if Ae e, in regardingit and* and Jm. (TA) Ill-fatedneu; privation of pros
Mmm reqite; for]_,- . jl. signifies He from one side, what Ae lis; (TA;) turning pMty; perity; or the being deniedproeity; syn. L
ited him for ev (15, TA) that he had done. from it if he se what does not please Aim. (ISd, [as inf.n. of.>.-]: (1P, TA:) lack ofgoodfortune,
(TA.) And it is said in a trad., f TA.) The saying, in the Fur xxii. 11, '.,.l so that one hae no increase of his cattle or otAer
j.jI1 .N. JI ^;. 0', i. e. [Verily the servant) .;. j; ~ 4o. ; means And of men is he property: (.:) debarmentfrom the means of
taU be requited [for hit deed; the good I mean, who servel Od standing aloof with repect to subsistence. subsistence. (Mgh.) Hence the saying of 'Omar,
-6- 6 Z_
;0.. &.- .It
or th vfJl. (IApr, TA.) And tVJ.1 also sig- religion, in a jfuctuating state, like Aim who is in .,.~ Ws'e 1..... , ,.,(]6 ML) , ,) or,
nifies He rqited for good or evil. (IAr, .) the outskirts of tAs army, nwho, if sure of victory accord.
to one reading, g, Vti4j, (TA,) [Verily
_ MjIlm. signifies also The mweamring a wound and spoil, standefirm, and otherwise JEes: (I&:h,
Bd :0) or the meaning is, ovho serve God in doubt, the ill-fatedness of any one of them is more dis-
with gthe J , i. e. the probe. (],*TA.) tmWng
tresuing to me than h i poverty :] i. e., the sup-
or suspense, (Zj, ]~, Jel,) being unsteady like him
plying the wants of the poor man is easier to me
4. _j.1: ee 1._ Alo, (inf. n. Jll, Mb,) who alights and abides upon the .-' [i. e. point,
than the making the bad to thrivc: or the meaning
His J,L [or cattle] increaed, and became in a or ridge, or brow,] of a mountain: (Jel:) or in a man
7ood state or condition. (AZ, ., M;b, V.) One state of disquietude respecting his case; (Ibn- is, the want of thes means of gainintg bitentce b!y
any one of thetn, and grief on that account, ix
say, j.l- jI-4 S1., meaning He came 'Arafeh, ;) i. e. not entering into the religion more distressing to me than his poverty: so in thdie
with, or brougAt, m;cA cattle. (AZ, .. [See firmly, or steadily: (K :) or who serves God in Nb.
Nh. (TA.)m _JJI ,wm,JI A certaingrain, remling
j_.]) ~ iHe emaciated, or rendered lean, a one mode of circumstances; i. e. wen in ample J1;iiX
J.;iit [or mustard]; (Az, Mqb, TA;) called by
she-camel: so says A9 : others say b .l. (..) circunmtances, and not when straitenedin circum- the vulgar, (AI2n, TA,) or in the dial. of El-
stances; (Az, 8, ] ;) as though good fortune and
[See J;.: and see : .a.] -See also 8, lut plenty were one side, and an evil state were another 'Ird, & A.
sentence but one.
'IXrd, (TA in art. .
or ; )Lol
11,) ., (Agn, S, 81,)
side: (Az, TA:) [hence,] i_. sometimes signi- or UIA: tI.Ai: (Myb:) n. un. with 3, (TA,) applied
5: see 7: .and see also L fies a mode, or manner, and a way. (Mb.) - to a single grain thereof. (Mob.) [See art. AZ.]
7. J_,1 [It became turned, or altered,from its A letter of the alphabet: pl. Jj.: (., M'b, Renoe
Hence .A, [q. v.]. (S, Myb.)
proper way, or manmr; quasi-pass. of 1 in the I :) the letters being thus called because they are
first of the enses explained above: and] he turned the extremities of the word [and of the syllable]. ,_: see ,j_-, in two places.
aide; (As, ., Mgh, Mb,I5;) u also .. mJ3; (Kull.) The saying of the lawyers, 1'Ji1 ij 3
aI A craft, or handicraft, (-, K, TA,) by
(Az,., Mgh, an l;;) VJj,.I;
d (Az,8,1g;) and ,.J '~ [Prayer is made null by a signi-
rchich one gainshis subsittence; a mode, or manner,
.tJ., inf. n. J_..; (TA;) c from it. (Az, ficant letter] means only by an imperative of a
of gain; any habitual work or oecupation of a
Mb, TA.) [Hence,] one ays, .- j ,a...
M, ^ verb of which the first and last radical letters are
man; because he turns (J., K, i. e. ;,
(His temperament, or constitution, became dis- infirm; such as . from i;), and 3 from ij,
TA) to it; (1, TA ;) a subst from jji! : (MIh,
orderd]; as also [,,app. a mnistranscription and the like. (Myb.) - As a grammatical term,
for J.~.,] inf. n. .,4~J. (TA.) [And J,...J t[A particle; i. e.] vhat is used to express a M96:).pl. Msli:) pl. ,-P^. ... (TA.)- Sco also j., in two
l' He turned againut him, with enmity, or meaning, and is not a noun nor a verb: every placm.
anger.] And g.11 ,J, .. l He turned to, or to- other definition of it is bad: (1:) pl. - .- as,,. A
(Myb, &c.) -And ?A word [absolutely: often J7- AC- seler of t.,J, i... .oI (g.)
wards, him, or it. (TA.)
used in this sense in lexicons &c.]. (Kull.)
8: see 1, in two places. 1: see -o^. -o^.
A dialect, an idiom, or a mode of expresion, pe-
13: ee 7?. culiar to certain of the Arabs: pl. [of pauc.] ,Aom.m A feUoo-worker, syn. C6r,(8, M,h,
,J._. The eatremity, verge, border, margin, i^l: so in the saying (of Molhammad, TA) Mqb, Myb, ,) in one's craft or ortlinar!loccupation:
brink, brow, side, or edge, (., Mgh, IV,TA,) of yj~ t" j 1pl jj The Kur-dn ha (V:) ( :) and an aociate: (KL:) pl. j.. (Mab.)
anything; (;, ;) as, for instance, the side of a been rerealed accordling to seven dialects, of the - It is mostly used by foreigners as meaning A
river or rivulet, and of a ship or boat, (TA,) and dialects of the Arabs: (A'Obeyd, Az, lAth, companion
companion in drinking: &.g two and Ui-J
by most of the Turks,
of the notch of an arrow; (Mb ;) and the edge Ig:) or this means, according to seen nodes, u
as implying vituperation; [like our term "fel-
of a sword: (L, TA :) pl. [of mult. .Jjj.., and or manners, (Mgh, Msb,) of reading: whence low;"] low;"] so that when any one of them addresses
.e~, .' .Jf. .. . . ...
of pauc.] ,aJ. (TA.) Hence, (Q,) [A point, , r >_ !;p1 ;ei JM Such a one readt another by this epithet, he is angry. (TA.)
a rid~e, a brow, and a ledge, of a mountain :] the in the manner of reading of Ibn-Mes'ood. C..-
pointed, sharp, or edged, summit of a mountain: (Mgh.) ~ Applied to a she-camel, tLean, or mj. Jii. The quality, or properfy, of burning, or
(., Myb, ]K:) a projecting portion in the side of ligAt of lesh; or lean, and lank in the belly; biting, biting, the tongue; acritude. (Q, Msb, TA.)
a mountain, in form like a smaU 1/t; [i. e. (S, ;) and firm, strong, or hardy; likened to !!., from J Burning, or biting, to the
bench] or the like: and a portion in the summit die .J of a mountain; (S ;) or to the .J^a. of a ton.quir: -N?t
tongue: (S, MBb, TA:) it is applied in this sense
of a mountain, having a thin edge, or ridge, riting sword, (Z, O, TA,) in respect of her leanness, or to
an oi onion, and to other things: one should not
above the upper part of the back: (Sh, TA:) p]. thinness, and her sharpness and
effectiveness in say a.. (S, TA.)
(of the word thus used in relation to a mountain, pace; (Z, TA;) or to a letter of the alphabet,
TA) ,..; (Fr,$,Myb,[;) accord. to Fr, (Mb,) meaning the letter I, in respect of her leanness: L ..4 A place to which to turn away, or back,
the only instance of the kind except jUi. as pl. of' (TA:) or excellt, or high-bred, or strong and from'a thing. (AO, , IC.) So in the saying,
J1;. (Myb, ].) [Hence, also,] A nib, of a light and niflt, sharp and effective in pace, ron- j5~ ` 1 1L j; 3 [I
charc no place to
writing-reed, obliquely cut: so in the phrase .A dered lean by journeying~ ; likened to the J^. mkch to turn away, or back, from thSi thing].
of a sword: (L:) or emaciated: ($, J:) so A#
,) .Jt. 9, in the . and ], in art. aj.., a writing- and tPj , A pla in
used to say: (v:) but this is inconsistent with (A0, (AO, S, ) A
reed not having a nib obliquely cut. (TA in that
Dhu-r-Rummeh's description of a she-camel by mhich which 'a man earns or gains [subsistence], or la-
art. [See S in the present art.]) And ,,jl lP^ tthe epithets ;LL J_. l;.: (TA :) [see .j bours
bours to do so, and employs hiself as he plass,or,
The two later alal of the Aead (TA.) or [in the C]. and"] gmrt; big; ofgreat iec; orfollows his warious pursuits. ( .)
[Hence, also, the phrue] C, J^. L ,lj. (], TA;) likened to the Jj_ of a mountain: -... A A man whos property increase, and
.t [and .; J (mee 3, first sentence,)] Such ((TA:) it is applied only to a he-camel: one may becow becomew in a good state or condition; or whos
a one is [stanung] aloofwith r~ct to his affair, rnot ay J5 .4 (IAr, TA.) catik
cattle incrms&c. (., MYb.)

Boos I.] is J^ - j^

lso mentione the saying, J

Llso ^U 3J" U-
fj J orr it. (TA.).-You say also, S' , U 3j.1
- Asee . j~
J~~~~q tw _] On 'Such
Such a one's canine tooth maltes a grating
so, snd 1 u 4.~l.Give tho, or bring thou, to us, upon
it and Zuheyr uses the phrase * U
it me]:0..~~~~~~e 1 ;~.. thisahis
cane, ome fire. (IAvr,TA.) AsAbo 3^!
*. (Ham[am p. )28()_-also signifies The iHej^1
mad,, orprepared, what ias
tearm i
14omad,t,orproparod,mhatist~aki.- . (.)
J_ [pas part. D. of _] One-,q.rv.
whoed W 0
(TA.) Lcta of eating to the uttermnost. (IA.r',TA.)_
A writingreed Let 6:
property haa yone. ,0. 6: aee 8.__[Hence,] W
', * , t[Hs
nibbed obliquely; hating the right tooth of the 3^He H.. He ( a man) f.,as, or became, evil in dispo-
the le. (TA.) sition.
*ion.became, (TA.)' an, an inf. n., [i. e. of He ithhunger]: like .,e; . (TA.)
nib higher [i. e.longer] than J
j' J,] sirgnifies A garment's, or cloth's, being burnt 8: j.I [It
([It burned, or became burnt,] ju
.?jiU% Jl_, applied to God, The Turner,or AA^ (TA.)
5ibybeating [with too much violence]. (KL)- [with .fire]: and tV,.3 (it burned, or beam
Incliner,of hearts: or the Mover of hearts: And And The springingforth, or shootingforth, ve- burnt, much, or frequently, or rpated/ty]: each
(TA:) or the Remover of hearts. (Fr, TA voce 9si a quasi-pass.; (g, Mqb, ], TA;) [the former,
hemently, of lightning. (KL.) --;yJ J-, ($,
q. v.) )f of ..l1 or ,j.; and the latter, of j...];
aor. :, (IK;) inf. n. . (TA,)
, His hairfeUll
(L, TA,) or -QI 'Hence,]
[Hence,] one says of a horse, ~
J1... (@,L, 1) and tJ _, o.ffpiecemeal. (s, 1.) [And 4-31
pjfpiecemal. Te
1;i, , (Akh, TA,) A probe with which the forelock forelock of the horse became thin, or scanty: for .t[tHe is fiery, ardnt,or ehement, in his rum
depth of a wound is measured: (Q, L, 15:) pl. of it it is said that] 'jJ! in relation to the ..U is like ni,g]. ($.) And ;,.!H J,A 1 [tT/u plant, or
dants, herbage,becamenipped, shrunk, Ari-
the first .,j1_; and [of the seoond, or,] accord. li:l.
lJI. (TA.) And "ia 1 l ;J The beard was, 1plants, or
Pelled, or blasted: see 4]: this is said of a cone-
to Akh, of the last, jta_. (TA.) or became, shorter upon the chin than upon the
quence of heat, and of cold, and of a wind, and
two ides of the face. (TA.) _ dm, aor. -, Dfofothler banes, or cause of mischief or harm.
Jl... Prevented, or withheld,from obtaining tll
in n. ~J , His 3jla. [q. v.] became cut, or (TA.)
good; woithheld from good fortune, or from sus- (TA.) And id101 zJj_ t. The silver became
severed: said of a man: in speaking of a camel, black.
tenance; denied, or refused, good, or prosperity;
e~~~~~~~~~ 1 black. (H.ar p. 114.) And F;-' t He, or it,
laching goodfortune; having no increase of hu j^,._, like &s, ismore commonly used than 0_. perished. (TA.)
cattle or other property; (g, Mgh, V;") contr. (TA.) 00,
j^: m
smee s ,in two places.
of ;;;: (s:) or having his gain, or earnings, 2. 2. f., inf. n. kj.3: see 4. - -jo,J3 also 0*i
turned away from hin: (Myb:) or whoobtain si(rnifies J, tAn An angry man. (TA.)
significs Fire's mahing a mark, or impresion,
niotgoos from a quarter to which he betakes him-
self: or scanted in his means of subaistence: or upon a thing. (TA.) - J1 J^,.. said of pa-
upon ,3p [A burning by means of fire ;] a subst
who works not, or labour#not, to earn, or gain:
or wvho earns, or gains, with his hands, but not ,jL~,
turl,ge, (K,) [particularly] of what
,p~ ., (S,) It made the camels thirsty. (P, 1.)
is ].)
termed (M9h,
(Mgh, M9 b) from lj,l,
,p' a
(Mgh,) [i. c.] from
See tI 0-1 : (Mb :) orfire, ($, Mb, ],) itself;
enoughfor the support of himelf and his hou See also L (Myb
(Mqb;) ;) [thefire of a burning howse 'c.;] aUalso
hold orfamily: (TA:) J:l;WL*e and JjW.. are 3. l3., (.,) inf. n. i1_,, ($,) lIe lay with VL
3. V,L. (Mgh) and tLs.: (1:) or theawme of
dial. vars. thereof. (TA in art. Jj.)
oer M
for (f, 1P [a3iJt
K) Wit;J1 jA, i., i.i c.]
c.] on the side.
on tite (1.) fire.
side. (1.) fire. (IAv,(IApr, Tli,
Mgh, ].) V.) The
The first is meant
first is in
meant in
~: seesee the
the saying, 'jt1 . 4,4.1l aJb [The stray-
4. JWI ;. ,inf. .1n. , (M.b,) [Tlhe fire
A handicraftsman; a worker with his beast of the believer is a cause of the burning of
burned him.] And j)tI 3J.,1 (S, M,b, 1) tHe fire]:
burned Jfire]: (Mgh:) or it here signifies the flame of
hands. (?, TA.)
burned him, or it, with fire]: t#tbis phrase, and firo:
burud fire: a trad., meaning that if any one takes the
JWl U , in the gmr [viii. 16], means j)J f-1 aor. , (I~,)inf. n. j., (TA,) sig- stmy-beast
, aor, stray-beast of a believer to posess it, his doing so
Tum;in`g way for the purpose of returning to nifythe same; as alsowt r.:
nirythe (1]:) or this last [sig- will bring him to the flame of the fire [of Hell].
fight: the doing which is one of the stratagems ijifies nifies he burned him, or it, much, or frequently, (Az, Mgh, TA.) And hence, (Mgh,) ';S j;JI,
of war. (Mgl,, MbA.*) or repeatedly; for it] denotes muchness, or fre- (Mgb, (Mgh, TA,) i. e. [Burning, or]fire, [orfiamne, is
quency, or repetition, of the action. ($, Mqb, TA.) a cause of one's receiving the reward of mar.tyr-
[Hence, j..1 tIt pained him; or caused him dom:]
_- [Hence, dom:] occurring in another trad. (TA.) You ay
: see 4. - baurning pain: said of beating, or a blow; and of also.&b
burning also In
In t.the # fire of God. ($.) And
1. , nor., inf. n. r
aa galling, or chafing; and of fever, passionate de-
(@,,1,) aor. !, (TA,) inf. n. (,) H,He filed ,:J.
h,. itbd1 ,W AD;; ;wil, i. e. [May God cast
it: and he rubbed one part of it twith another. sire, sire, rage or anger, hunger, &c.] And W U^i.;. the unbdiver] into his Jfire. (TA.)-A burn,
afflicted, distressed, annoyed, mo- (S,)
(S, 15.) - And hence, (s,) 4- -_J^., aor. ' and;, tt Suac a one (?,) or a nark of burning, (!,) in a garment, or
(, 1,) inf. n. as above, (TA,) He grounad his lcasted, or hurt, us. (TA.) And 1jl.J.4 TJan.1 piece of cloth, firom the beating ($, g) of the
dog-tooth, so that it made a grating sound: (, tlle t le blamed, upbraided, or reproached, hitnm; washor, washer, and wvhitener, and the like; (v;) and so,
15C:) when said of a stallion-camel, denoting detracted from his reputation. (Myb.) And sometimes, sometimes, ?3_.: ($ ) or the former, a hole thus
threatening: and, accord. to IDrd, when the like bl sbJl DI Jj.I [ItThe cold nipped, dsrunk, 69 shri- caumdcaused in a garment, or piece of cloth; (IAqr,
is said of a she-camel, it is aserted to denote a velled, velled, or blasted, the herbage; like .. l, q. v.; Mgh, TA;) and so, sometimes, t tho latter;
C7,&" which also signifies a hole caused by fire, in a
colsequence of fatigue. (TA.) And jtl and
and like the Lat. "ussit," and "adumit:" comp.,
(]5 and TA in art. ijc) He grated the teeth. Virgil, gapt-e, or piece of clotA. (Mgh.)
Virgil, Georg. i. 93, "Borem penetrabile frigus
(TA in that art.) One says, h hi 0 .
adurat:" and Luean, iv. 52, "Urunt montana
adumt: -. ,. A cloud lightening vehmently. ($, [.)
Upe.A o. (S, A*) Such a one grin togther the nives:" nives:" and Ecclesiasticus, xliii. 20 and 21, --- - Sharp; as though having the quality of burn-
..;jI [or teeth, or molar toeth, (as the word is ge. "When the cold north wind bloweth, and the ing ing; npplied to an iron head or blade of an arrow Q-.,
nerally understood to mean in this ca , but other water is congealed into ice, it abideth upon every Aor or a spear or sword &c.; (TA;) and so ' i~.
meanings are assigned to it,)] at thee [in anger, gathering together of water, and clotheth the andV Jjj,., applied to swords.
or ras, like one iling: (A, TA:) or, a ome water water as with a breastplate: it devoureth the and V I1, and
mountains, and burneth the wilderness, and con- (]p)
mountains, (10) _ See also ~A.I _ Having
say, ;j'191 [the canine teeth]: and the verb is also the
sumeth the grass as fire"]: ($ and 1 voce :) the hairfaUlling off piecemeal: ($, 1 :) and _~
used without tbhe objective complement, because sumeth '
has a similar meaning; (1, TA;) i. e.
the meaning is understood. (am p. 115.) IDrd and and [in like manner] ,Wl$ jC'"1 is said of heat, e'il
makes the act to be that of the canine tooth; sa- and of cold, and of a wind, and of other banes, or
and [having thefeatsher of the wingfalling off piece-
aing, (o, :)l WA_ meaning Te canie tooth causm meal:
.I-1 meal: or] short in the wing: or having it cut
causes of mischief or harm. (TA.) And
of the aore made a grting n (TA.) Al t t^ tHe, or it, destroyed, or caused to perish, him, o.ff. o.ff. (TA.) And 'D' FeathersfalliUg off,

Wm.] And jUti J,p.:1 (?, Mqb, f.) [He fire]: (Mgh:) or it here signifies the jlama of
532 ,j^ - otj-
[Boox i.
and becoming scattered, by degrees. (TA.) An IdC l
(Mgh.) Thus, in a trd., jeZ k,f:.j II means of which the man walks: it is said that
b. A beard that is shorter upon the chi" [The Ijt_. is displaced, the man becomes
burnt is a martyr]: (Mgh:) or tjWJiI, when the
than upon the two sides of the face. (TA.)
- i. e. he who falls into fire, and takes fire ano
Also, j.., A man having the extremities muc h burns. (TA.) d lame. (TA.)_.Also, the sing., The side of the
The grating sound of the dog body. (AHeyth, TA.)
chapped: (1:) so some ay. (TA.)-See ale
9 . o tooth by reason of anger, or rage; as also Vj 1." IaJl_.: see 9_.
: see
see what next follows. a3l.: see J_-
U. [A. state of burning;] a subst. fronD J3v_: see ai)_s j,3. 1A certain idol, of Bekr Ibn-Wdil, (g,)
~3jm.l; as also (~,I.)
I-S. Thus the Iatte r which was in Selmdn. (TA.)
means in the lur [Ixxxv. 10], Vs_ll ,j, lj~ *A.i4: see 3Ji. Also, (Ya8oob, , ],) 3~_: see .z~.. ~iHavinghis ij4t [q.v.]
[A ndfor them shall be the punishment ofburning and l U3, (i,) A kind of food, (s,)thicker svered; (, TA ;) as also tjp.; which latter is
as in other passnges in the glur]. (TA.)..tAi than what is termed .L.; (Yaqoob, , l;)
like [said to be] the more common: (TA:) [but this
burning such as a man experiencesfrom the tast Rc ;a: ($:) or water, (V,) i. e.
hot water, (TA,) I doubt:] or, as some say, (S,) hAoing his hip,
of a thing in trich is heat, orfiom love, or grief upOn which a little/our
is tprinkled, and which dilocated: (, V:) [pl. of the latter, deviating
(TA;) and such as is ex:wrienced in the eyefron s ells, or becomes inJlated,
in boiling, (g,TA,) from rule, '31, occurring in a verse below.]
ophthalmia, and in the heartfrom pain: (Lth and becomes of a nwhitish dust-colour:
it is licked The rAjiz says, ($,) namely, Ahoo-Mohammad
TA:) heat; as in the phrase, ,. e, [t/I up with the tongue: and is alo called Z.,W: they El-Iladhlamee, (TA,) describing a pastor, (S,)
made use of it in hliard
his belly, or chest, is heat]; and so U X_ and the cattle were lean, and dear times, and when
and when the season was a* i-i.l.
severe: (TA:) or it was made by sprinkling :a
.. __ ._
. : _.

&_m.: see. flour upon irater or fresh milh until it snelled, 1

and became [;lte] lwhat is termed .1_: a man [He continues, or continues during
the day,
A rubbing together of the thigh. (l,a.) ulsed to satisfy his household with it when fortune beneath the leafy branch, raising the crooked-
overncam him: and it is also called a;: (ISk, headed stick, like the 3j.]: i. e. he stands upon
,l-: see olj~, in two places._-tA horse one leg, stretching himsclf.up towards the
Az, TA:) pi. J!~ (S.) One ays, 0;. Zj
that runs much: (- :) or OM.1 J1,~ a horse branches, and drawing them to him with the
that is fiery, ardent, or relhment, (
"jij J.i_Jp t ijJ. [Ifound the sons of C.~ , and
shaking off their leaves for the
j,,)in such a one
hating no means of subsistence othe, camels: (S, TA:) or he stands
his running. (v.) _ t Very salt water; (l, ;) upon the extremi-
than the nesses of the kind called jfl]. (S.)
as also '1la.: (s:) as though it burned the ties of his toes, [see ij..,] in order to reach the
fauces of the drinker: (TA:) or such as is ez- aee branch and bend it to his camels. (ISd, TA.
ceeded [in saltnesS] by nothing; that makes the But see another meaning of the last word, below.)
: see j!., in two places:_ and see also And another says,
urine of the camels to burn; as also ~t. (IAr,
3jj , in two places.
TA.) _ Also, ($, g, &c.,) and *at.l ($, Mgh, ! J * ,i!4. * A2_ J is! ig MiK2 , 0
OC)and .. , (i,) or this is vulgar, (0, TA,) 3JS: see j^.
and t?. , or this is incorrect, (],)or vulgar, u31. A kind of ship, (Lthu, , K,*) [built] at
[They are like the crows in respect of the sacred
(1|, o,)ad !and tj.a (Fr, 0, g) and El-nBarah, (,) in whicha are enginesfor throw.
rights of a naeihbour; and in respect of inferiors,
t [.Wj, (Fr, l, 0, ,) [Tinder; i.e.] a thing, ing fire upon the enemy at sea, or on a large like those wmo are dislocated in the hips, or who
(1, g,) or burnt rog, (Aln, 1Sd, TA,) into -iver: (Lt, S, (:) accord. to some, such an have the sinews of the hip-joints smered]:
engine itself: (ISd, TA:) accord. to the A, [a i. e.,
which fire falls when it is struck: (Alln, 8, when a neighbour having a sacred right to respect
8Id, I, TA:) or what remaint of burnt cloth: bark;] a light-going slip: (TA:) [it is often alights among
them, they are like the crow,
(Mgh:) [and any substance ued for receiving used in this last sense in post-classical works:] which loaths not the gall on the back nor that
fire that is struck; as, for instance, the pith of pl. ;AiI. (1) [and SJ1 - Also the former which is unclean; and in wrongful treatment of
the ... ] pl., The places of those whofry [meat 4c.], and their inferiors, like the j~*, who walks with
of the makers of charcoal: (Ltlh, ] :) of the dial. an
;m.., applied to fire, (U,) That bur ery- of the people inclining of the body (L;i U.*); and
of El-Basrah. (Ltb, TA.)
thing; as also 3mjl.: (Aboo-Malik, TA:) that they abstain from aiding and defending them.
spares, or leaves, nothing. (IA;r, g.) - tA man n;!p.: see ,j^: ~and see also jlj~.. (;, TA.)~Accord. to Ibn-'Abbad, in the saying
that spoils, mars, destroys, or consumes, every- of the rajiz cited above, it means (TA) The iron
thing; (IAr, ;) sparing nothing; like thefire ,ti4. The act of conpulation upon the side. inutrument wnith rwhich one roasts meat; svn.
thus termed; (IA ur,TA;) as also tf. (Z, TA.) [See 3.] )j. (g, TA.)
In some copies of the g, i , L .: .a. aUl: see see , in two places. -cjitljl
The heads [of the bones] of the two thighs, in the v3,.
but correctly, without O. (TA.)__-,~ ; two hips: or two sinews in the
tA ehetnent throning or castingor shooting. (1.) two hips: (., g :) .0^:: see what follows.
when these are severed, tbe man walks upon the
jj,p.: wee 0),-. extremities of his toes, and cannot do otherwise: i;, . The ;S of the j.g, [meaning the
when one so walks by choice, you say that he is head of the windpipe; app. called its ;'"&, or
.t a
@j_.: ee the next paragraph. ;: "knob," because its anterior portion forms a pro-
{, n. oft ! (IAtr, TA:) the UJ
tuberance, that which we term "pomum Adami:"
b.^: see 3j.: - and see also ai., in two is also explained as being the sinew that connects
places. - Hat, or t cold, or a wind, or some the tAigh and the hip: or the sinew that connects see ai.]: (M,L,^:) pi. ,,.. (L.).And
other cased of mischief or harm, that burnt, or the head [of tAe bone] of the thigh and that [of The root of the tongue; (IAar;L;) as alsot j..
t nips, shrinks, shrivel, or blasts, ( ,) herbage. the bone] of the upper arm, which turn in the (IAar, L, g.)
(TA.) Also i. q. ab.. [or socket] of the hip and of the shoulder-
qtj~ , [i. e. Durnt,] (Mgh,
blade: when it is severed, it never unitee: or a
M9b,) and so tVj..: (TA:) pl. of the first sinew
in the r4[or socket of the hip], that
ti mj_. A certain in#ct, rusembling thA fla,
; like A and ~, , pl. of ,i and pends [the bone ofl th thigh to the hip, and by
(1, A, ,) to whick, ometim~, there ro,w two
.. 53
Boo I.] ox] -. A^
wings, and thAe it flies; (8 ;) or, a some say, usage it is not thus restricted;]) and t)3 when he walUe, Ae is as thougA he were plucking
larger than thea a; (TA;) or like the tick; [which is the more common]: (., Msb, 15:) up hinusf [or Aisfeet] from the ground: (IDrd,
(A;) accord. to Lth, a certain variegated inect [both signify the same; It, or he, moved; wam, V:0):.) fem. with i. (15.) A man weak in the
(Uijq ,j;); (TA;) the 1;. [i. e. vnom, or or became, in a state of motion, commotion, or jAb [pl. of WS ., q. v.]. (TA.)
5 _ [pi.
sting,] qf which is like that of the hornet; (A, agitation; shook, shook about, wabbled, tottered,
waggled, wagged, or nodded: or the latter verb, ~. The
-The Jti [or withen]; (8;) as also
V;) which sticks to men, and bites, or stings;
`(it. ;) and to which the eCtremities of whipI more properly, it, or Ahe, was put, or it put itself, (V:) andth
(s :~
and:) branch of the two
or he put him elf, in a state of motion, commotion, thouUm-blodu of a hore: (.:) or the upper
are likened; (A;) or, accord. to Az, it has no
or agitation: and the latter also signifies he part of the Jatb (V) of a horse: (TA:) or
A. wAhen it bites; but itu bite occations much became active; said of a growing child, and of a a bone projecting from the two sides themref, (15,
pain, [though] it ha no venom (. ) lihe that of young gazelle &c.: (see .;. :)] the former is TA,) bordered by the tnwo branches of the two
Aornets: (TA:) or (1) a certain small insect, shoulder-blades: (TA:) or the place of grotvIh
the contr. of ' ,; ] ;) and the latter is
(IDrd, TA,) resmbling the tick, that sticks to of the lonwt part of the mane, next the back,
men: (IDrd,, TA:) or it is smaller than thL quasi-pass. of. :.. (S, Msb, K.) J ,
upon which he who mounts lays hold: (1K:) or
[black beetle called] J~ ; (18k,TA;) or, accord. (AA, ., g,) aor. ', inf. n. ),~(.,) iHe hit, or upon
two shoulder-
to the M, a thing like a small pebble, speckled a hurt, his (a man's, AA, 1) .t.. (AA,;,K..) i ,lSLhjlo.. signifies the place where the
blads met. (Myb.)
little with red or yellow, but its prevacrilingcolour Accord. to Fr, b$1 4_ He cut his Jl
is black; which collects, and enters beneath men, (TA.) And accord. to AZ, OJ . _,., inf. n. b;il The upp,er etremity of the neck, (AZ,
and in their groins, or armpits, or the like, and .,_, He smote [meaning useveed] his neck with ], TA,) at thejoint of the head. (TA.)
bite them; and rends the skins in which water
or milk is kept; or, as in the T, a certain smaU
the snord. (TA.)- ., aor.:, (I,A&r, K,)
-J- J .7 The
,l Th /Turner [or Mover] of
inf. n. iJ., (TKg,) lIe wax, or became, incapable hearts;
lseares; [applied to God ;] occurring in a trad.,
insect, (TA,) rwhich makes holes in the skins
wherein water or milk is kept, and (as Az heard of coition (TIAr, K) with women. (IAar, TA.) in which some read in its stead .,il S_,
the Arabs of the desert to assert, TA) enters into meaning "The Remover of hearts:" (Fr, TA:)
2. d-b^, [inf. n. Aw_,1 He moved; put in
the pudenda of girls; (15, TA;) and is of the Abu-l-'Abbis
Abu-l-'Abbas says that the former is preferable.
motion; put in a state of motion, commotion, or
same kind as CJ. [pl. of,a.], but smaller; (TA.)
agitation; moved about; agitated, stirred, or
black, speckled with white: (TA:) because of shook; it, or him. (S, Msb, K.) [Hence,] j.0 31- & A thing, ($,) or piece of wood, (1K,)
its entering into the of the virgin girl, it is with
rwith whioch a fire is stirred. (f, V.)_ A style
t.lli. [It agitatedmy bowels] is like the phrase
).i4)' jlAc: (IB, TA:) pl. A1m_... with which a receptacle for ink is stirred. (Lth,
hi f.lm. _[it agitated me], said by one who has TA.)
(5.)-_-Also The stone of a green unripe date. been agitated by reason of an event or affair.
(AA, $.) ;1? One who keeps, or cleave, to the j;.
(Ijam p. 183.) - []ie made it (a letter) movent;
i. e., made it to be immediately followed by a of his camel. (lbn-'Abbad,

vowel; contr. of - H.] urged him (a

Q. 1. sSivPl Us."(an ass) took hold upon camel) to go, but he nent not. (Ibn-'Abbid, Z.)
the 1 . [pl. of of the she-ass [with
ot.] 1. A^,A,_, (S, Mqb, K,) aor. , (,) inf. n. ^p_
5. j,: see 1._ [Also It (a letter) was, (Myb,
(Mqb, 1,) and .,.. (Myb) and a., (Igcot,
his fore legs]. (Ibn-'Abbad, .gh, 15.)
or becnme, movent; i. e., immediately followed
WaI. The bone of the a'q.~ , which is the by a vowel; contr. of '..]
Meb) and . (Igoot, Mb) and ,
(MIb, $,) It (a thing, S, Myb) ma, or became,
Jead [or crest] of the hip or haunch: (S,K:)
part of thl hip or J.)., applied to a boy, Light, active, agile, foi.biddm,
forbidden, prohibited, or unlawful, (Myb,) a--
or the head of the upper
haunch: (TA in art. ..- bI:) or [the dial] brisk, lively, or sprightly; and sharp, or quick, to him. (8, 5.) And ial 3.....%: , (?, Myb,
O j..t signifies the place where the head oJf
in intellect. (S, 1.)
15,) inf.inf. n. .,,_ ($, 1) and .... () and j.;
each thigh unites with, or micets, the hip or .a,.wJ Motion; commotion; agitation; contr. (Az, (Az,TA;) and;.-, (_, Myb, 1,) aor. :, inf. n.
haunch, (Zj in his "Khal1 el-Insen," and TA,*) of / ;, ; (S, Myb, ;*) and so * J3 , (S, C..
.;.. [in the C 1A^ a,.] and ;;; (Myb,K,TA;)
exterally: (TA:) [see an explanation of .q. , Myb, [,) as in the phrase, .,l;j. s~ C [Tiere is Prayer was, or became, forbidden, prohibited, or
in which a distinction is made between this latter not in him any motion]: (., 15:) and, accord.
unlawful, (Myb,) I; to her; (T,,1V;) namely,
term and u_.: a distinction is also made between to El-Khafajee, A!~ also; but this is disallowed
a woman (T, $, 1) menstruating. (..) And
them by Zj in his work cited above, as a reference by MF. (TA.) [The first, accord. to the Myb, is
to l~ will show:] pl. . .l..($, K) and an inf. n. of un.: but see 1.] - [Also Activity: t; JU
o. ' 4..J. [The m~l befo,re day-
break wats, or became, forbidden to the fauterl.
J.1S.. (TA.) One says, lit. 'iL often used in this sense in the classical language,
and in the present day. - And A letter's having a (1V.)
(V.) And "jj ofh& lWJ z_, aor. ', inf. n.
Wl_; W ~4~ [The sck man, when his vowel immediatelyfollowing: and a vowel itself.] #pi and l, [The woman was, or became,
lying on the side is of long continuance, his t.O.. forbidden to her husband.] (Az, TA.)- [Also
becaoegalled; i.e. the ewteriorprominent regions ' . i. q. ~LL_. [q. v.]: ( [in
[: the ]5
It (a place, a poseion, a right, an office or a
of/hi ipt oiU]. (80) i.*. , which is evidently a mistake:]) pl. function, a quality, a command or an ordinance,
J An emaciated beast, or horse or the .al.m. and ($ll.
, meaning the heads, ke.j
tie.,) and he, (a person,) was, or became, sacred,
like; (?,],TA;) L e., wAhose . are ap. (., TA,) or extremities, (TA,) of the two hipS, or inviolable, or entitled to reverence, respect, or
parent. (TA.) or haunches, that are next the ground when one homur; honour; whence several applications of its part. n.
sits: (,TA:) in the latter pl., which is extr., !*0 - J- a ; (I, M b,
the t. may be inserted for euphony, because of Y
1V;) ;) and *.tJI .*~., aor. -; ( ;) inf. n. ..
the double j). (TA.) c.;
L i a. or. , (I]~,M,b, l,) inf. n..~., (?, Myb, 15) and... and _ (1) and 1.*
(I~t,M#b, MF,) or JW., with fet-b, (1:,) as (,
and ;Ej_ ($, Mb, ) and and
in the 'Eyn and O, but disallowed by MF, (TA,) seel 2 ...
[and probably transcribed from some lexicon in "b (15) and a..; (Har p. 69;) and t4*l,,
which, a is often the case, "with fet-b" relates to I,rllJ, (., Myb, ],) but this last is of weak
&ij~ Incapableof coition; (IAVr,K;) applied .LytJ;,
the medial radical letter,] and .. , (1],) or to a man and to a horse. (IApr, TA in art. authority; ( ;) He denied him, or refued him,
this is an inf. a. of un.; (Mqb; [but in general , ~ .)- One who is mweak in the waist, so that, the thing; (., V;) he refued to gie him the
Bk. I. 70

and *,.tJI &*4~, Ror. (lg;) inf. n.A^

[BooK I.
thing: (TA:) he rendered hinm opelssu of tht centered upon acts nhureby what was allowable, has this meaning; or rather, Ae was dld ir re~
thing: (P :) accord. to the T,... signifies the or lawful, to himn became forbidden, or unlawful; rence, &C.; was rverenced, &C.]
act of denying or refuting [a thing]; ando (IC,TA;) as venereal intercourse, and the anoint- 10...;1 [He deemed Aimself in a state of
is the same as .;.; (TA;) which signifie' ing of oneself, and wearing sewed garments, and prohibition]. It is said in a trad., of Adam,
[also the denying, or refusing, a thing; or] the e hunting and the like: (TA:) you say, -Jl- l a 6;1 [Heo_ t
rendering unprose.rous, or unfortunate; (KL;)] and ip.", because what was allowable to the deened himelf in a sta't of prohibition, after tihe
[and frequently, as inf. n. of the pas. v. .. ,_, the person became forbidden; as the killing of objects death of his ton, a hundredyears, not lautghing]:
being denied prospeity ; privation ofprosperity;; of the chase, and [venereal intercourse with] from .^1 signifying "he entered into a sacred,
ill-fatednes: see its syn. . aor. :, women. (S.) And lie entered into thie .a^, or an inviolable, state." (TA.) _ s ,.l., said
inf. n. l; (Y;) and *,:._; (S,;) ) i. e. Mekheh or ELl-. deenech, (I, TA,) or the of a female cloven-hoofed animal, &c.: see I.
said of a female cloven-hoofed animal, She desired sacred tcrr-itory of either of those cities: (TA:) .,p-: see.
tse male:
a:) (,} accord. to El-Umawee, (S,) or he entered into a sacred, or an inriolable,
likewise said of a she-wolf and of a bitch: (S, state; or into a state of security or safety, (S, .. The state of.,.1j-(As, S, K) on account
!i:) and sometimes also said of a sabe-camel: .C,TA,) being assured by a compact, or bond, of tise performante of the . or the ;j.; (As,
that he should not be attacked [&c.]: (TA:) or
but mostly of a ewe or she-goat. (TA.) ._.. ,
it signifies, (EI,) or sigvnifies also, (S,) he entered TA;) as also t*j.. ( in art.j.. [Se 4 in
nor. :, (S, I,) inf. n. .,_ (.,) accord. to AZ upon a sacret month; (S, M.sl,, .K;) and so the present art]) Hence the saying, 4l..

and Ks, (.,) lIe was orercoame in contendingfor
V., (.,TA, [in the Cg... ,]) inf n. x. . "_, and l*..,. ]I;I did it when he
stakes, or rwagers, in a ganas of hazard, (S, (,)
not having hinumself overcome therein. (I.)~ (TA.) And lie entered [as a subject] into the 7vas freef.ron .1_1 a*nd when he rwas in the state
covenanted state of security of the yovernment of ofolj~l. (l in art. J..) And hence the saying
Also ..j, nor. ', (I,) inf. n. e., (TA,) He
the Klaleefeh. (TA.) 'Omar said, .;tjl..,l4l of 'Aihelh, respecting Mohamnimad, '&"
persisted; or persisted obstinately; or persisted 4
in contention, litigation, or rtangling; or he [Fatsitng is a state of prohibition], because tie .1 , i. e. [I usedl to perfime him when he
contentded, litigated, or nnanlced. (IC.) faster is prohibited from doing that which would was frce Jf'om .1A 1 andl] when hie cas in the
break his fast. (Sh, TA.) And ~..e._ ).j)l stetc of.6,_l.: (S, Mb :*) or nwhen he became
2. inf. n. (, M4b,MA.3,K,) said of ! ,01J, a saying of El-IHasan, mcans Tls man Jfromn .a.
.friec and whlen he performed the
God, (C,) and of a man, (., Msb,) He forbade swears in anger, ablution and desired to enter upon thit state of
because he becomes prohibited
it, prohkibited it, or nade it unlauful, (., M 9 b, lj^.lJb.the or
o the ;,. (Az, TA.) [.i&L
thereby (a to;J) .[from doing, or refruiilli.
K,.) ,; to him; ($;) as also edj..1, (.,*
from, a thing]. (TA.) See also 2, seconid seln- in colpies of the 1, explained as meaning ,j
M,Ih, ,) inf. n. ;.1 X (8.) The sayingj.l ,1 tence. .-& 1 lHe refrained from it [as e., .a.j,
is a mistranscription for &.U..: asee
at the commencement of prayer is termed though he were prohibited from
doing it]. (El.
.,^ 443 [The i 3 of prohibition], Mufalddal, TA.) ~.L : sece 2, first sentence.
because it prohibits the person praying from say- _ See also 1. . Also He overcame him in con- ac:
e .eJ~., in two places. See also .;l1.,
ing and doing anything extraneous to prayer: tending for stakes, or iragers, in a gaTme of in two places. . Jl'. . ; ,l, '
anid it is also termed t.Al~. i. , meaning hazard; (AZ, Ks, 8, Is;) and so ad.' , (i,) O~. . 9, (.,' g],0 TA,) in the lur [xxi. 95],
the is * of . entering upon a state of prohibition int n. . (TA.) (TA;) thus read by some, (S, TA,) means
by prayer. (TA.) It is said in a trad., of Ibn- [i. e. It is a necesary lot if the people of a town
'Abbis, h$; - i
5. I.,.p [Ils became in a state of lprohibition]: that me have destroyed that they shall not return]
Ji ' -.
[ When the man declares his wife to be forbidden see 4. [Thus it is silnilar to 4 in the first of the (S, I, TA) to their present state of existence:
to himn, it is an oath, which he mudt espiate]: senses assigned to this latter above. Like as you (TA:) so explained by Ks, (~, TA,) and by
for the n i_ of a wife and of a female slave may say, C.JI ._1 and ij* , so] you say, -. ^. I 'Ab and lFr and Zj: (TA:) some rcad :
be without the intention of divorce. (TA.) And lJYl [lie became in a state of prohibitionby (B(I:) the people of El-Medeench read !.3.;
meaningforbidden; and accolid. to this reading
LC ; ,L ',,U.LI ., occurring
, in another prayer; i. e.] he pronounced the k e4 [or ;
and meaning, 9 is reduudant: (TA:) [or;.l.
trad., [lit. I have forbidden myself wrongdoing, .t1, .Jl,'also termed .,el-. e ,;(see 2,)] for in this instance is syn. with l,
said by Mobammad,] means I am far above prayer; he entered upon prayer. (MA.)_ like ,;
for it is said that] the explanation of Ks is con-
tcrongdoing. (TA.) .'M 3 [as the inf n. of. .] [Also .Heproteted, or defended, himself.] You firmed by the saying of 'Abd-er-Ra]hmin
means The being refractory, or untractable; say, , s,...,, meaning .3 and ; Jumanch [in the TA LA.l, app. for L..,] El-
[as though forbidden to the rider;] whence .... [lie protected, or defended, himself] eia [by a Nluharibee, a Jahilee,
[q. v.] applied to a camel. (TA.)_-[Also He compact, or covenant, whsreby hi became in a
made, or pronounced, it, or him, sacred, or statse of security or safety, or by a promiue, or an
inaiolable, or entitled to roeverence or re4pect or assurance, of security or sofely]; (K;) or
honour; whence ... 1 applied to the -,. of [by companionship]; or X_ [by a right, or due].
Mekkeh, &ec.:] he, or it, made him, or it, to be [For it is a necesary thing that I should not
reverenced, rspected, or honoured. (KL.)i_ (TA.) And , .m [He protected, or d- evr see one weeping for his sorrow but I should
ie bound it hard; namely, a whip. (KL.)- fended, himself by his companionship: or, as 'reepfor 'Amr]. (TA.)
fHe tanned it incompletely [so tihat it becarme, or explained in the PS, he sought protection, or se- .,..: see .g;., with which it is sometimes
remained, hard]; namely, a hide. (KL.) curity, by his corpanionship]. (.) - Also [lIe ssyn., like as 'j
is with WjL.(S, Msb, TA.)_
See also 4, in two places was, or became, entitled to reverence, respect, or
honour; or] he possessed wrhat entitled him to [ Hence,] ijs.l The .. [or sacred territory]
4. ,*j 1 , [inf. n. ;l.~l,] He entered upon a !f Mfhheh, (Lth, Az, M1b,0 ],) upon thelimits
reverence, respect, or honour. (KL)
thing [or state or time] that caused what was f which were set up ancient boundary-marks
before allowable, or lawful, to him to be for- 8. Ja; l He held him in reverence, respect, [ said to have been] built by Abraham; (Az, TA;)
bidden, or unlawrful. (l,*Mb. [See also 5.]) or honour; Ashe reerenced, respected, or honoured, also called .. and ),j (I) and
And hence, (., Mqb,) He pmw7posed entering upon him. (MA.) [See L .. Golius and Freytag 1t,;-j..l: (Lth, :) also
1 the ,. of EI-Medee-
the performance of the tm. or the .*s: (Mb :) explain asu.lmeaning "Dignitate et prmsidio aeh: (Msb:) [and Mehheh itself: and El-Me-
or he (the performer of the C. or the tps ) venerabilis fuit :" but it is the pans., .;jl, that cdeeneh itself:] and OtLj;Jl [the sacred territory
Boox IL
of Mekheh and that of EI-Maedeeneh: and] Melh- incumbent on one to perforn&, and unlawnful to mal, (g,) or to a ewe, or she-goat, (s,) and to a
keh [itself] and EI-Afedeeneh [itself]: pl. ;1..m: neglect: (Zj, ]:) or all the requisitions of God she-wolf and to a bitch, (Ii,) Desiring the male:
(I:) and a,l _;. is also applied to Afekheh relating to the rites and ceremonies of the pil- pl. ;,' and , 1, (, g,) like Jl. and
[itself]. (S.)_ See alsoo , in two places. grimage and to other tlhings: (Ksh in xxii. 31 :)
Ji;c, (l,) or the latter pl. is (so accord.
or the .,.t [or sacred territory] and the requi-
*: see 1. with which it is syn. (TA.) sitions relating to the pilyrimage: (Bt! ubi supr :) to some copies of the 1C[like 3j ] ;) as though
Zuheyr says, or the requisitions relating to the pilgrimage in its masc., if it had a mase., were tL,.).. (S.)
'' 9 'h~' '
, 3; particular: (Ksh ubi supra :) or the Kaabeh and bly _is."means the same as #i1D i1 [ Verily, or
, )U'._ ; u X the sacred mosque and the sacred territory and
the sacred month and the person wrho is in the
now surely, by God]; (g ;) as also t,j j-'
(]g in art. .. j.)
[And If afi.iend come to him, on a doy of soli- state of..-ll: (Ksh and Bd ibid. :) or the in-
violability (i,..) of the sacred territory and of .j, applied to a man, Of, or belonging to,
citation, he says, My cattle are not, or my pro-
perty is not, absent, nor forbildden, or refused]: tlh state of.*!.-, and of the sacred month : (TA:) the .*.: fem. .,.. (S,M 9b, TA.) [In the
(9, IB, TA:) [in the 8, this is cited as an ex. of TA it is said that Mbr mentions two forms of the
or AIehkeh and the pilrimange and the 10,
. as syn. with i", whlich is an inf. n. of and ail the acts of disobedience to God vwhich He epithet a,._.as applied to a woman: it does not
hasforbidden: (NMujailid, TA:) or [simply] the specify what these are; but one seems to be k _,
_, q. v.: but] IB says that -. means :
acts of disobedlience to God. ('Ata, TA.) And
(TA:) JOy in this verse is mariboa thoglli com- for he says that it is from the phrase . 4i. .
[hence, because it should be regarded as sacred, "by the sacredness of the Iouse" of God.] Az
mencing an apodosis, because meant to be under-
stood as put before [in the protasis], accord. to or inviolable,] i. q. i., [A compact, a covenant, says, on the authority of Lth, that when they ap-
Sb; as thloughl the poet said, J e or an obligation; and particularly such as renders plied the rel. n. from .1.JI to anything not a
i ,I j l
one responsiblefor the safety, or safe-heeping, of human being, [as, for instance, to a garment, or
accord. to the Koofees, it is so by reason of
a person or thing, or for the restoration of a
understood. (S, TA.) piece of cloth,] they said tV4 : (Mb)
thing, orfor the payment of a sun of money, 'c.;
K,,~ The state of being forbidden, prohibited, or by which one becomes in a state of security or [but] they also said .e-, (S,) or i.a-..9,
or unlawful: (KL :) [and of being sacred, or in- safety: and simply responsibility, or suretiship: (Msb,) meaning Arrows of the .. _: (;, M9b:)
violable; sacredness, or inviolabilityl: (see .A^, and security, or safety; security of life and pro- and . [also, or >~ ry.;,] meaning A bow
of which it is an inf. n. :)] and the state of being perty; protection, or safeguard; a promise, or
made of a tree of thle .. (Ia.Im p. 284.) _
revered, respected, or honourcd. (KL.) See also an assurance, of security, safety, protection, or
safeguard; indemnity; or quarter: or an obli- Also A man of te ._ whose food was eaten by
_ Also, (Az, Mgh, Mqb,l(,) and f..,
gation, a duty, or a right, or due, that should be a pilgrim, and in whose clothes this pilgrim per
(Mghl, gi,) *c, (K,) leverene,e rspect,
rned formed his circuiting round the Kaabeh: and
or honour; (Az, K, TIj;) a stil,st. from ., regarded as sacred, or inviolable, or the non-
observance of whicht is blamenable]. (.K.) - And a pilrinm whvlo ate thse food of a ,nan of thle A^,
(Mgh, M.Rb,) like aA4 from !-; (Mb ;) and and performned his circuiting round tlhe Kaabk
[hence also] A man's .,. [i. e. his nives, or
t. .,_ signifies the same; but proplierly, a place in this man's clothes: each of these was called the
women under covert,] and his famiy: (S:) and
oqf 4.1.: (Mgh :) pl. of tile filst .. ant [in like manner the pl.] .. , actcord. to the K sv42/ of the other: every one of the chiefs of the
.;; and ,,. lilke : pl. of . (B) .~-, but correctly like ,j, (TA,) a man's wives, Arabs who imposed upon himself hardship, or
When a man has relationship [to ns], and we or women [unider cortert], (K, TA,) and his house- strictness, in his religious practices had a .,
regard him with bashfulness, we say, .~ i hold, orfamily, (TA,) and *rhat he protects, or of the tribe of gureysh; and when he performed
[Reverence, &e., is due to him; or is rendered to defends; as also jto1, of whichl the sing. is the pilgrimage, would not eat any food but that
him]. (Az, TA.) And we say, j ... L. of this man, nor perform his circuiting round the
t _ 'and i-: (g, TA:) and hence Kapbeh except in this man's clothes. (TA.)
~, .. [Reverence, &c., to the Aluslim is
incumbent on the .Muslim]. (Az,TA.) - Also 14^ is appl)lied by the vulgar to signify a wnfe. . see the next preceding paragraph.
A thing that should be sacred, or inviolable; (S, (TA.) [In Har, p. 377, a man's L,. is said to
M9 b, ;) anl so t _, and t .. (., Msb) mean his .j. and his family: and in p. 489, a .... Forbidden,prohibited, or unlatwful: and
and ?..1..: (Meb:) as, for instance, a man's man's .41. is said to mean his family and hIis sacred,or inviolable; as in the phrases.**I,m.JI e,Cit
honour, or reputation: (Tg :) a thing nwhich one wives and those whom he protects, or defends. [the Sacred Hfouw of God (i. e. the Kalbeh)] and
is under an obligation to reverence, respect, or See also .i._.] Also A share, portion, or lot; , 4 ...JI ,q,. l [the Sacred Mosque of Mekkeh]
honour [and defend]: (Jel in ii. 190:) a thing and .,I
j,.,. [the Sacred Town or Territory]:
syn. . (1-)
of which one is under an obligation to be mindful, (Mqb:) contr. of jo.; (s;) as also t-- (,
observant, or regardful: (Bd ibid.:) [everythiing ai.; (K) and t. . (Lh, S, 1) The desire of Msb) and t...;
that is entitled to reverence, respect, honoi,t, or a female cloven-hoofed animal, (1K,) or ($, Msb, K) and tr.. [q. v.]
of a ewe,
defence, in the character and appertenances of a or she-goat, (S,) and (TA) [and in its primary sense *.. .] and
of a she-wolf and of a bitch,
person: a thing that one is bound to do, or.from
(15,)for the male: ( , gi) _. in ewes, or she- C/w..gu: (8, Mgh, Mb :) the pl. [of .i,., ag,ree-
which one is bound to refrain,from a motive of
ably with analogy,] is-...; (I ;) and
reverence, respect, or honour: (see the next sen- goats, is like -.~ in she-camels, and i;:L. in -~---
tence:) and any attribute that renders the subject ewes. (S.) It is also used, in a trad., in relation also is a pl. of. ., contr. to rule, (TA,) and
thereofentitled to reverence, respect, or honour:] to male human beings. (1.) It is said in a trad., signifies things forbidden by God. (4.) See also
the pl. of ~_. is i.Ao. (B4 and Jel ubi suprA, respecting those whom the hour [of the resur- .a J W1il 4llI ., (as in some copies of

and TA) [and IG_ and rection] slhall overtake, i-.j.J i,. ; the S,) or J,)l J ..
a4,l., (as in other copies of
as above,]
and .- ; (Mlb;) and that of t;'_ ;t.JI, i. e. Venereal desire [shall be made to be- the $ and in the 1S,) is a saying like 'j
fall them, and they shall be bereft of shame]. (S9.) hil, or Jail1 9)1 ) : ($,Ig:) it ma;y mean
and t9 .. ] is .lIm; (Msb;) and
;.',:.: and ;. : [also] are pls. of#*";;. , : see what next precedes. a declaration that the wife or the female slave
shall be forbidden [to him who utters it], without
and t. (A, 9.) df t. means [The
it4,~.: } a--, the intention of divorcing [thereby the former, or
inviolable ordinances and prohibitio of God: of emancipating the latter; so that it may be ren-
or] the ordinances of God, and other inviolable
, applied to a female cloven-hoofed an dered, according to the two different readings, I
lthings: (Bd and Jel in xxii. 31 :) or *rhatit is
1 I
UXoj, applied to a female cloven-hoofed ani- imprecate upon myself, or that which I imprecate
5M6 .a [Biox I.
upon myself is, what isforbidden of God, if I do a man's wife; and also hisfemale slave; or any epithet to .. and to j.; (Mgh, M9 b;) and .j
it: I wiU not do such a thing: in like manner, woman under covert; and, like 0.., pl. of , -2Id h t Lu,.: (Iam p. 669:) and in the
.. t ,b is often said in the present dayj. as used in the classical language, his wives, or case of a woman, . _ , ; .ti. (Meb.)_
(TA. [See 2.])- [1' . l! An iUegitimate women under covert, and hlousehold;] as also Jj,jt z;l The fearfl pklce of tAe night,
ton: and a disingenuow, or dishonest, person.] t'..: pl. ..A , (I~,) the pL of .I.; (TA;) (IAr, ., g, TA,) which the coward isforbidden
.~ '~ t[A. sacred month]: (Msb:) pl. , .. and ;4, (s,) which is the pl. of *.-.. (TA.) to traverse. (IAr, $, TA.) [(See also .j;, pl.
(9, Mlb, V.) %.AI I.;'l [The sacred montha] A partner, copartner, or sharer. ( A of;A]
(1,* Meb, O) were four; namely, ;jiAl 9j and friend: so in the saying, .~ . . Such * .. ... a ,
..: see ol,^ in two places: Contr. of ,r.:
na..Jl ji and .j1 and ..+j; (S, Mhb, 1;) a one is a genuine, or sincere, friend. (TA.) and as such signifying [also] one with whom it is
three consecutive, and one separate: (., Mqb:) The garmtnent of the ., (S, 4,) [which he unlawful tofight: ($ :) or, as such, wrhom it is
in these the Arabs held fight to be unlawful; wears durinag the performance of the .~ or the unlawful to slay: (TA in art. .:) and, as such
except two tribes, Khath'am and Teiyi; unless
;5* ;] called by the vulgar t.1^!. and tA,a. also, one soho has a claim, or covtenanted right, to
with those who held these months as profane. protection, or safeguard. (S in art. Jr.) Er-
(., TA.) ;1,. applied to a man signifies (TA.)...._Thc clothes which the .~, , used to cast
RI'ee says,
off, (., IX,TA,) rwhen, in the ti,ne of paganism,
]lnttrin into the .4. [or sacred territory of
Jlehieh or of El.-Medeeneh, or Aeckkelh or El-
they performed the pilgrimage to the House [of ,,
G 1 oW
God, at Afekheth], namely, those that were upon (S,) meaning [Tley lero ('Othmin) Ibn-'Affdn,
Jfedeeneh itself]; and is applied also to a woman;
them rwhen they entered the .*a. [or sacred terri. the Khaleefeh,] while entitled to the rspect due
ndit to a pl. number: (TA:) or i. q. .... (S,
tory], (TA,) and wrhich they did not wear (I, to the office of ImR,n and to the [acwred] city and
Myb) as meaning [in, or entering upon, the state
TA) as long as they remained in the 4.: (TA:) to the [Mered] month: for he was slain [in El-
of .jl~! : i. e. entering upon the peiformance of for the Arabs used to perform their circuiting Medeeneh and] in [the month of] Dhu-l-iijjeh.
tbose acts of the o;,
or of tie ;{ , whereby cer- round the House naked, withl their clothles thrown (.Ham p. 310.) And one says,,ia .,4_ 21
tain things before allowable, or lawful, to him down before them during the circuiting; (T, g, Verily h1 is one whotm it is unlawful for t,he to
became forbidden, or unlatrful; (see 4 ;) or] TA;) they savying, "We will not perform the harm: (K:) or for wuhon it is unlawful to harm
putInning to enter upon the peiformanee of the circuiting round the House in clothes in which thee: (IApr,Thi:) or whomn it is unlawfulfor
we have committed sins, or crimes:" and the thee to harmt and for whom it is unlawful to
t or the 1,.,: (Msb:) as also *,er: you
woman, also, used to perform the circuiting harm thee. (Az, TA.) And . ,_... A
ay, . 4.1 and 1 [Thou
I. art one nwho
naked, except that she wore a J4. of thongs. Muudim is secure, as to himnetf and his property,
has quitted his state of .. !11 and thou art in,'or (TA.) A poet says, by the repect that is due to El-Idd : or a
entering upon, the state of A,..l]: (TA:) the JJ3'- v --- #-. -a Muslim refrain fr'om the property of a Muslimtn,
pl. of.;4. thus applied is ,_.: (., Mob:) the * ste4.J 4 10 U^ and his honour, or reputation, and h;is blood.
few. of t'.sr. is with ; and the pl. mase. (TA.) -One who is at peace with another.
.M.,as' 1oA3.It~ ~jal ioe ~d
X a--'; and the pl. fem. .;,a . (Msb.)_- (lAg, :.).-One who is in the a' of another.
[Sufficiently grievous is my passing by hinm as (o) You say, 1*j j& Re is in our. .
See another meaning voco ..
thou/jh he were a thing throrwn away, a cast-off
(TA.) - Fasting, or afaster: because the faster
1..j: see 8, a.. garment of a a,j~, before those performing the is prohibited fromn doing that which would break
circuiting round the Kagbeh]. (S.) his fast. (TA.)-And, for a like reason, S:ear-
..j. A she-camel that does not coneeioe rwben 0. -
ing, or a sweareor. (TA.)
coered. (AA, ]. [In the CI, UL; is erro- I.Q_ Anything eagerly desired, or coveted,
neously put for 1 .]) tiat escapes one, so that he cannot attain it. (..) ~L'_ and a.-~, pl. .r. (K) and ,'
And .lI i: Ttat which the Lord denies to and ,..L;_: (As, 8 :) ce each vocc a .., in
.M~_: see a.,... [Hence,] The apperten- wrlhomsoever Hle ivill. (f.) foubttr places.
ances, or conveniences, (.iy-and *;, s, Msb, ....~ [Forbidden, prohibited, or made un-
V,) that are in the immediate environs, (S, M9b,) ;jt. Denying, refusing, or re.fusing to give.
lawful: and made, or pronounced, sacred, or in-
of a thing, (Myb,) or of a well &c., ($,) or that (TA.). ... f jta. 4,^ (so in the copies of thse violable, or entitled to reverence or repect or
are adjuncts [or within the precincts] of a house; or dl;*c n t,
t; (so in the TA,) means honour]. It is said in a trad., j,all X, 1 t;e
(i ;) because it is forbidden to any but the owner
He has intellect, or inteUligence: (1 :) a phrase ~-.., i. e. [Knonwest thou not that the face is]
to appropriate to himself the use thereof: (Msb:)
or, of a well, the place where is thrown the earth mentioned, and thus explained, by AZ: and so forbidden to be beaten? or that it has a title to
that has be dug out, (V, TA,) and the waUlking- Q); .. la.. (TA.) [The righlit reading is evidently rererene or re~pect or honour? (TA.) _~f..
place on either side; in the case of a well dug in that given in the TA.] The first of the months (F, Msb, g,* TA) of the
a waste land that has no owner, said in a trad. to year (Msb) of the Arabs [since the age of pagan-
be forty cubits: (TA: [but see and of
aO:]) .J'. inf. n. of 4. See also... ismn]; (TA;) the article JI being prefixed because
a river, or rivulet, or canal, the place where the it is originally an epithet; but accord. to some,
;_: ~seac,e with whlich it is syn. (.,
mud is throrwn out, and the walking-place on each a- it is not prefixed to the name of any other month;
side: (TA:) and of a house, the interior part Mgh, Myb.) [And see an ex. voce ~...] -See or, accord. to some, it may be prefixed to .
upon which the door is closed: (Ibn-Wasil El- also i,, in three places. - Also A female and Jlj_o: (Mb :) and [in the age of paganism,
Kil6bee, TA:) or the interior part, or middle, relation rohom it is unlarful to marry: (T, the seventh mnonth, alto called] v ,,~, I bl v,
(4-,) thereof: (T, TA:) [and particularly the Mb :) [and such a male relation likewise:] and
women's apartmetus, and the portion that is for- p._.. ... ; relationship that renders it unlawful (], TA,) [$~..')l being app. a dial. var. of-dr-I,]
bidden to men who are not related to the women to marry. (V.) You say,;',,L; ;5 [She/ is i.e. [for] Az says, the Arabs used to call
within the prohibited degre~ of marriage:] and the month of "i', in the age of paganism,
a relation to him such as it is unlawful for him
the court of a mosque: (T, TA:) [and in general,] *.*..1and.Aj,u l; and he cites the saying of a
to marry]: and ._ *bJ and . ._
a place whicA it it incumbent on one to defend poet,
[from intrusion]: (nam p. 42 :) a thing that (Mgh) and ; ~ he is one whom it
* l&.i ~ . A. L *e.t'i|
one protects, and in defence of which onefights; is unlawful for herAto marry, (f,) and J.
-- . ja,,/ ~ ....... -.
(and partioularly, like s. a used by the vulgar, .. and A~
,_and ... .4_jj j, , applying
applying,^ as an
u asa 0.
1 L,'i 11M" " iv00
Boox I.] 557
[We stayed in it during the two months of one says also UJLJI ,J., meaning the Ae-camel It (a thing $) decreased, diminiAhed, or rcaed,(9,
Rabeea, both of them, and the two months of stood still, and would not moe from Aer place: g, TA,) after increase; (TA;) as does, for instance,
JuMdd; and tey made El-Moearam to be and ~!p is used by AO in relation to a she- the moon. (S, TA.) [See an ex. in a verse cited
profane; app. by postponing it, as the pagan camel. (TA.) And :l~, inf. n. ,, i. q in art. 1..],.i ; C+S
. q-
4Abs often did]: the Arabs called it thus because
they did not allow fighting in it [unless they had j&U [He went back or backwards, drew back, [May-be, or may-hap, ic., that mill be]. (TA.)
receded, ic.]. (As, TA.) _ 1 1 inf. n. .l, C g fHe was, or became, adapted, dis-
postponed it]: (TA:) the pl. is ,C~ (Msb,
ajj., [perhaps a mistranscription for a^,] posed, apt, meat, suited, suitable, fitted, fit, com-
1S) and 4 and . (-.) See also He kept, or clave, to the place, and did not quit petent, or proper, for such a thing; or worthy of
... -- J~ applied to a camel means Refrac- it. (TA.)- ! , ;t_ He did not 2ceed it. (MA.) 1;~ : see 6.
tory, or untractable: (TA:) [or,] thus applied,
nor fall short in selling. (S, , TA.)_i m .
[like ~..b, q. v.,] submissime in the middle l He separated and loosened the cotton [by 4. ../I1 It (time) caused it (a thing, $) to
part, [but] djficult to be turned about, [i. e. decrease, diminish, or wane. (S, ; ;.i
means of a bow and a kind of wooden mallet, by
stubborn in the head,] when turned about: (15: and 1..i,or7I well adapted or disposed, or
striking the stting of the bow with tgie mallet];
[in the C], C;jl j,4I is erroneously put for syn. dJh. (K1.) how apt, meet, suited, suitable, fitted, fit, com-
,j"l Jj,Ul: in my MS. copy of the ], jj.lI petent, or proper, or how wortAy, is he ! (, X.)
.jl :]) and with l, a she-camel not broken, Ol;b a subst. from . said of a horse [or [You say, !3,j
lICC Honw well adapted or
similar beast; i. e. Restiveness, or refractorines,
or not trained: (TA:) or not yet completely disposed, &c., is he for that!]
&c.]: ( :) or an inf. n. (Mgh, Msb, 1.)
broken or trained: (9, TA:) and li j,_ a
she-camel that is refractory, or untractable; not b,~' an epithet applied to a horse (S, Mgh, 5. U;" signifies S .J ;I i. e. He
Msh, ) or similar beast, (Msb, K,) [meaning sought, or repaired to, the vicinage, quarter,
broken, or not trained: in this sense heard by
Restive, or refractory, &c.,] from C . (S, Mgh, tract, or r,cyion, of a people: this is aid to be
Az from the Arabs. (TA.) - ! A skin not
tanned: (15:) or not completely tanned: (S:) Msb, ]g) or i^..: (S, Mob, 1K:) pl. C., the primary signification: (Mgh:) and :l3
or tanned, but not made soft, and not thoroughly two dammehs. (TA.)_ Also An animal of the lie sought, or repaireld to, his vicinage, &c.;
done. (TA.)- t A new whlip: (15 :) or a whip chase that does not quit the higher, or hiyhest, (,. w ;) ~as also t , or. : TA :)
not yet made soft. (., A, TA.) -_ t An Arab of part of the mountain. ($, g.) he aimed at it; made it his object; sought, en-
the desert rude in nature or disposition, chaste :Vp. The wooden implement (a hind of mallet) deavoured after, pursued, or endeavoured to
in speech, that has not mirxed with people of the reach or attaina or obtain, it; intended or pur-
with which, together with a bonw, by striking witl
towns or villages. (TA.) - t The part of the posed it; namely, a thing. (9, Mgh, Mhb, V,
the former the string of the latter, cotton is sepa.
nose that is soft in the hland. (].) TA.) Hence, in tho lur [lxxii. 14], i,5j.,{
rated and loosened; syn. (1I.)
*j3~ Denied, or refuJted, a gift: (Msb,* 1 jI Ir.. Those havte aimed at, or sought, &cc.,
,. .. 0 .1 . -
TA:) or denied, or refused, good, or protperity: j m. Honey: (] :) pl. 'Cj,,9". (So in the a right cou,se. (5,TA.) And dO, j ; I
(As, 15 :) in the gur lxx. 25, (I 'Ab, S,) [it has TA, as from thelC.) See also the pl. below. aimed at, or sought, i&c., hit approval. (Mgh.)
this latter, or a similar, meaning;] i. q. J jji~.: see what follows. And the trmd., jsli all
w Lll 11-3
[q. v.]; (I 'Ab, S, g ;) who hardly, or never,
Seek ye the Night of >iJI in the last ten [nights
earns, or gains, anything: (1 :) or who does not t . (S, O) and ') ($ [in which the of Ramadin]. (TA.)_-Also lIe sought what
bey, and is therefore thought to be in no need, latter occupies the first place, the former occurring was most meet, suitable,fit, plropler, or deswving,
and is denied: (Bd:) and who has no increase in an ex.,]) The bees that stick to the honey, and ($, Mgh, Msb, K,) to be done, (S, 1,) of two
of his cattle or other property: (1 :) opposed are extractedl with the bj.t , (S, g, TA,) or things, (Mgh, Msb,) according to the opinion
to 3j,.: (Az, TA:) accord. to some, who has wooden implements with rrhich the honey itself is predominating in his mind, ($,) .'~ ~. [in the
not the faculty of speech, like the dog and the extracted: (TA:) or the bees that stick in the hive,
cat &c. (Har p. 378.) -_ Held in reverence, a.ffair, or case]: (Msb:) or he sought, or en-
and are with dfificulty extracted: or the bees deacoutred, and steove in seeking, and deciding
repect, or honour; reverenced, respected, or
that die in the honey: (T, TA:) sing. V. t upon, the singling out of a thing, by dleed and
honouredl; and so !*% _. (KL. [But the (1g.).. And The pods !f cotton. (1..) by word. (TA.) - And le tarried, vaited,
latter only is commonly known in this sense.])
or paused in expectation, 0I4JI in the place.
an anomalots pl. of.;l., q. v.: (TA:)
.and pl. of ' and . (:)._and j~. A burning (,M, K) which a man ex- .. The vicinaope, quarter, tract, or region,
also of l. (a.) periences (M) in the fauces ('jJ_Jl) and the (AV, T, S, lAthl, Mggb, 5,) of a man, (As, T,
a pl. of . -J. (1.) chest and the head, by reason of anger, wrath, lAth,) or of a people; (Mgh;) the environs (A,
or rage, and of pain. (M, g.)- Acritude (S. T, S) of a man, (As, T,) or of a house; ( ;) and
.j..w~ [erroneously written in the Lexicons of K) of food, (S,) or in the taste of mustard (I, t '!~ signifies the same: (, 1g :) and [it is
Golius and Freytag....]: see... TA) and the like; (TA;) as also ;jly . (S, 1K.) said that] the former signifies also the place of
You say, ;.a%.. ! Ist.J .. 1 and t al.. the eggs of an ostrich: (9, I :) and a covert, or
Verily I find that thisfood has an acrid quality, hiding-place, among trees, of a gazelle: (l,* TA:)
Lth says that it signifies the place ,f laying eggs
1. :., aor. t; ($, Mgh, Meb, ;) and ;. ; (S,) or a burning quality. (TA.) [See also ;,., of the ostrich; or the comert, or lodging-place, of
($, Mb, ;) inf n.. . (Mgh, Mb, 1) and and ;;.] And .one gays, ?1 l .13. "I ,Jj the gazelle: but this is false; for with the Arabs
C j^, (Mgh, Mb,) or the former is a simple 'al1 c [This collyrium has a burning effect in the word signifies as explained above on thdie
authority of A9 ; and tdie j^. of the place of
subat, and the latter is the inf. n., (9,) and .; the eye]. (TA.) -A disagreeable odour, that
laying eggs of the ostrich, and of the covert of
( ;) said of a horse (9, Mgh, Msb, 0) or similar has a sharpness, or pungency, (M, K,) in the
beast, (M,b, g,) .1iwas, or became, retire, or _el- 1 [or air-passagesof the nose]. (M.) the gazelle, is the environ thereof: (T,TA:)
O,,"'" '..g --- 4. 0
refractory,and wmhen ehemently running, stopped: pl. g.uI. (4.) You say, JSF AJl W ,.
(i :) or stopped, and was retive, or refractorny: i;jac: see above, in three places. and [Go thou, so that I may by no
(Mgh:) or toppFtd when ont tesired to call into means see thee in my vicinage, &c.]. (p.) And
action his power of running: said peculiarly of a 9 Approach not thou our e,irons.
solid-hoofed animal: (M, I :) or, accord. to L1, 1. .Sj,aor. j ., (9,, ) inf.n-. ~, (n,) (9-) And and 1 [I alghted, or
8m [Boo I.
dsndd and abode, in his vicinage, &c.]. (S.) is- cut off lengthwite: ($, :) or only of liver:
in six places.
(J], TA:) not of a camel's hump, nor of flesh, or
See also i., L j,_, ($, A, Mhb,) aor. -',inf. n. j_, (S, other thing: (TA:) or it signifies also a piece
M 9b, K,*) lie cut it; (f, A, V ;) namely, his, or cut off ofanything, such as a melon &c.: used in
see k.~, in four places. $. J
its, head; (A;) as also tj1l: ($, A, K :) or this sense bv the people of Syria: (TA:) pi. jjA_.
tl_: ee g.t , in two places. he cut it (namely, a thing, or flesh-meat,) without (Mb.) - tThe neck: ($, Myb, ]:) accord. to
separating; made an incision in it: or he cut it some: (Mqb:) o termed metaphorically. (S.)
iS. Adapted, disposed, apt, meet, suited,
with labour: (TA:) and he notched it; or muado
suitable,Jittd,fit, competent, proper, or worthy; So in a trad., 4,. UJ He took hold of his
a notch in it; namely, a piece of wood. (9, Msb,
s alsoo and t)J., wlhich last has no dual ncch. ($, TA.) ,kj, -jI l i. q. ZIj:,
TA.) It is said in a prov., tt. >. e;. ;
nor pl.R,, Mb, V,) nor a fern. form, remaining (TAqr, As, S, Msb, ]g.:) but disallowed by Ay.
[A n-oman cutting cut a part of the skin of the ex-
unaltered, because it is [originally] an inf. n.; [see (TA.)
trenity of the bone of herfore arm next the thumb:
a verse cited voce ;i ;] or, accord. to Lbh, one
may say 'v, because Ks has related that some
nearly the same as another prov. ' 1.- ';- l,. Scurf of the head: n. un. withl; [signi-
l.aj.]: alluding to a people's being occupied by fying a particle, orfiake, thereof]. (S, X.)
of the Arabs dualize what they do not pluralize: -
their own affair so as to be diverted thereby from at- 6

(TA:) the pl. of Sp is ,jani and . ; jg,.. Rugged ground: (IDrd:) or a rugged
tending to other things. (AZ, g.) Yousayalso, j_ and extended place: (J, 1:) or a place abounding
(1, Mb ;) and the pl. of is o and .l :
.UiI j. l lie made a notch in the head of the with rugged stones like kniva: or hardground in
the pl. of _. is i;t. (~, TA) and )j~.; and
bon. (A.) [Hence thesaying,]) ja . A a tractabounding with pebbles: (TA:) or rugged
the pl. of (. is oI.. (TA.) You say, ~0 JJU I[Sin is that ulhich mnake an impression and hardground with a slight elevation: (ISh:)
4 1 ~f;j, and , and jj..J, (1., TA,) upon thy heart, causing thee to waver lest it be an or depressed ground: (TA:) pl. [of pauc.] ;.l
Vrily Ase, or it, is adapted, &c., to such a thi,ig; act of disobedience because of thy not being easy and [of mult.] (, ]. ) and nnd j,
or wortly of such a thing. (TA.) And k.jA respec!ing it]. (A. [See jlj., below; and see
(1i, TA,) with two 4ammehs, (TA,) or ,.
j1 ia4 j1, and _., and t u He is adapted, also Ji., and J_..]) Of anything making an (C1.)
and causing
&c., to do that: (?, Mob:) and OI L ;1 impression in, or upon, the bosom,
(S.) ;jl;: see jlj~.: and se ee also
J,a, (Li, I, [in some copics of the I], erro- one to waver or scruple, you say a
neously, &S -,]) and '13 _, (g,) which last 2. [ j., inf. n. jj, He cut it, or notchd j15. Food that becomes acid in the stomach,
has no dual nor pl. nor fern. form, like i .. it, much, or in many places; he ntade notchea in (1g, TA,) by reason of its badnes, and so [as it
[q.v.] and i;.: (TA:) and TMl. j 1j1 it; he nadle it serrated; he jagged it. You say,] fLere] cutJ (j_) into i-el the31.heart. (TA.) Henco
JIJJ [2Tis thing, or affair, is adapted, &c., to l., jj., (S, ]g,) inf. . j.._, (TA,) le nmade thle saying, jlpJt ,.* jl[Thou k l art heavier,
that]. (f.) And hence the phrase, ,1 , .JI his teeth serrated, and sharpened their extremni- or more difficult to be born, than the food that
.0l ~; (?, 1) It is suitable, fit, or proper;, ties, to make them like those of a young person. becomes acid in the stomach, &c]. (AHeyth, on
that that should be. (Pf.) [But this phrase, in (S, K, TA.) [See also 1 'j, below.] the audthority of Abu-i-~san El-Agrabce.) -
the preent day, means Rather that should be. [And hence, app.,] Anything that makes an im-
And hence, *t. ,J.._,b How much rather.] 5. j_.i It was cut much, or in many places, preuion in, or upon, the heart, or bosom, causin.q
or into many pieces: (9, Ii:) [it ras notched
One says also, of a man who has attained to fifty one to waver or wcrupe; lit., that cuts into the
mach, or in many places; nwas made serrated;
[years], tL., meaning He is adlapted, &c., to lieart, and semrpes in the bosom; cxpl. by . (
teas jagged.]
attain all that is good. (Th, TA.) And one says ,41 L), (A'Obeyd, $, ],) andd.uJl i. i.;
_J1 as meaning Verily it is probable; or 8. se 1.
ajeI: ( ;) as also1 J!- (1) [and ;jt.,'as will b seen
likely to happen or be, or to have happened or j A notch, or an incision, (S, A, Msb, ]g,) below]: and pain in the heart, ariijntg fom
ben; as also ij. (TA in art. jl.) in a thing; (S, ;) as, [for instane%,] in n piece wrath c.; as also fjlj_, (A'Obeyd, $,) and
g~: see art. g_. of wood, and a toothl-stick ('.J..), and a bone, t ;jlj_; (A'Obeyd, $, g ;) of which last the pl. is
(TA,) and a bow: (A, TA:) and in like manner (A'Obeyd, ,.) [See also It is
masc. of Zt., (M, TA,) which is an epi-
t5j_a, the notch of a bow, into which the ring of said in a trad., ,i jt^...,'l, ($, MBh, and
thet applied to a viper ("l); (9, M, 1 ;) mean-
the string falls: (A and 1~, voce jI :) [or the 1 in art. j^.,) i. e., Sin is those thinqs that
ing That has decreased in its body by reason .'
(, TA ;) malte an imprnssion upon hearts, (Lth, Mgh, M$,
age; and it is the worst, or most malignant or former is a coll. gen. n. n.n.un. tj.A;
nozio~, that is: ( :) or that has become old, and [for which, in the S and L and K,
voce , and K ubi supra,) like as cutting, or notching,
has wasted in its body, and mwhreof there remains we find perhaps a dial. var.]
p5', You say, makes an impresion upon a thing, (TA,) and that
one to suspect that they may be acts of dis-
not sare its head and its breath ('; [in the im..Sji ) Iie put bach the bot-s,ting to caue
obedience, by reason of uneasinesJ respectingthen,
CV .t.]) and its poison: (M, V :) dim. tj. it; notch (A, TA) in the head of the bow. (TA.)
(Mgh,) or to avmr respecting them, lest thty
(TA.) One says, t_.
' U ii'1.;j [meaning For the explanation of -emlJ,I j-, seeec . should be so,for that reason, (]i,) or to be uneasy
tMay God miOe thee with an evil like a viper A time; a particulartime; [a nich of timen:] in heart respecting thurm: (Mbi :) ji1. being pl.
isted by age]. (f.) (?,V:) and t;;_ signifies the same; and also of V*Ijt., (Mgh, L,) like as .I; is pl. of f9iX:
ee what next precedes.
se: a particularstate or condition. (A, TA.) You (Mgh:) Sli. reads !*LtIi 1 which he ex-
. '-!Mj * [T1iis is the time of
jowl More, and most, adapted, disposed, apt, say, plains as meaning, "what overcomes heart,
mcet, suited, suitable, fitted, fit, competent, or the coming of sch a one]: (A.) And . ,X
(lCjs. L, i. e., 't . ,) so that they com-
t [Howv hast t/hou come at this time,
proper; or more, and most, worthy, or deserving. ;.j_JI
1 k
mit that which is not incumbent:" (Mgh, and ]'
(, Mgh, M,b, 1.) A thing is aid to be Uj5, or in this state?]. (A.) And t^;-_c and TA ubi suprk:) but the former reading is the
,it.;-' [More, or most, meet, &c., to be done]. " [I met hinm at an evil time, or in an evil more common: (Mgh, TA:) and some read
(, V.) condition]. (A.) [S.)
jl!~; and some, l~.. (TA in art.
e.e, e I - ;j.: see j.., in five places. also jq.]_a l tj . and j..I j! .: see
1l,.: see .>pm, in two places. I,-.: see .. - Also A piece of flesh-meat
aJI - in art. ~.
Boor I.]

Ajl;: ee ,jlj, in two places. his partisans, or party: (TA:) he helpsd, or (I ;) [or rather a coll. gen. n., of which the last
aided, him. (A.)...See also 5. is the n. un.; i. e.,] the last is a more special term
JI;. , said of a camel, He has an incido, or than the first; (S;) and the pl. is m.,, (8, in
in the edge of the calous protuberanee 5. I$jM . They became [or formed themuelve
a cut, copies of the V Lt.lj,) like 41_, originally
upon Ais breast, produced by his elbowr, which into] ,1, (A, Msb, 1,) i.e. parties, clausses,
mahke it bleed: if it does not make it bleed, it is bodies, di isions, or the like; (A;) as also V ttjL.: t~i]j; (, TA;) and also explained as signi-
(g, ]:) or jm. is a cut, or an (I :) they coUllected thmslvea togcther, (8, Mgh, * fying extended, rugged, narrom placae. (TA.)
termed &Lo:
TA,) against ( others. (Mgh.)
incision, in the arm, penetrating trough the ,. T'hick, coarse, rude, or bulky, and lort ;
skin, to thelesh, opposite thl callous protuberance >ja. and t ,'I. A severe, or dixtressing, as also t, .: (S:) thick, coarse, rude, or
upon the breast of a canel; also termed ,!;P: vent: or one that straitens, or overcomes, (.K, bulky, and inclining to shortnes; as also V~atj, .
(El-'Adebbes El-Kininee:) or a cut, or an inci- TA,) suddenly, or uplexpectedly. (TA.) (8, ],) in which the Uj is for the purpose rf
sion, in the said protuberance: it is a subst., like quasi-coordination to the quadriliteral-radical class,
j,', in its primary acceptation, A party, or
.bt and LMb. (TA.) as in 1,tji and iei, from ,. and 'A, (S,)
company of men, assembling thenuelves on account
J1_.; pL jlt: see jji., in two places. 9
of an eenatthat ha befallen them ( j j- ): and t4j.; (.1;) applied to a man, (8, TA,)
(Ksh and Bd in v. 61:) [and then, in a general and to an ass: (TA:) and t a,j. also signifies
ij,... A pain in the heart, arisingfrom fea,
sense,] an asse1mbly, a coUllective body, or company, thick, coarse, rude, or bulky, applied to a camel,
or from physical umffering: ( :) pl. j .. qf mer: (IA*r, A, Mgh, L, .K:) a party, portion, and to a pubes; and hardy, strong, or sturdy,
(TA.) [See also jlj,.] division, or clas, (8, A, L, Msb, K, TA,) of men: applied to an ass. (TA.) Also pl. of ij. (8.)
(L, Msb, TA:) the troops, or combinedfo,ces, of
_;a [see 2. -] The being cut, or notched,
a man; (K, TA;) his party, partisans, or fac- ;_: see 3jl.
much, or in many places; being serrated, or tion, prepared, or ready, for. figtilng and the
ae$.~: see
jagged, like the teeth of the J .: and some- lihe: (TA:) the companions, (S, 1,) sect, or
times this is in the edges, or extremities, of the party in opinions or tenets, (K,) of a m,an: (S, .elj3.: see .1,j, in two places.
human teeth. (TA.) You 'j_3
say, . I ]:) any party agreeing in hcartt and actions,
wjl and tj_m A sr, or distrsuting,
(S, A, O) In his teeth is a serration, and a whether meeting together or not: (EI-Monjam,
[app. of either word] _,, (1J,) or,
slarpneu of the extremnities [such as is seen in TA:) pl. .~-.. (s, A, Mgh, M.b, L, 1..) And event: pl.
p]., with the article, Those people who leagued accord. to MF, ,. ; and pl. of the former word
the teeth of young persons]; syn. .. ; (S, ~ ;) the
together to wage rear against Mohiammnad: (K :) jl_.. (TA.) -Also, the former, IVlVat feill
the like of tie ~rration of the toeth of the J.
or the parties that combined to wnar nith the to one's lot, of work. (TA.)
(A.) - Also The marks of cutting or notching. prophetw. (..) And in the Kur xl. 31, The
(TA.) people of Noah and 'Ad and Thlamood, and tihose .;4.:, in which the O; is said by some to be
after tihet, ( K, TA,) as the augmentative, and by others to be radical: (TA:)
.j_A place of cutting [or notching]. (TA.) wrhomtGod destroyjed
(A, TA) lIe cut, and people of Pharaoh. (TA.) And .j l .! see .I , in two places._Also The carrot of
You say, ... l ,l.C h
[The day of the combined forces;] tle daay [or the land (.'1 jj.: [this would rather seem to
hit the place of cutting. (TA.) And j;tj, the wild carrot, but for what here follows:])
war] of the moat (3.'1). (Mgh, Mb, TA.) mean
.(4 :[(He spoke, and indicated, or ad-
~ed, and hit upon thse right thing]: (A, TA:) I. q. ;, (., Mgh, Msb, 1K,TA,) either in its the carrot of the sea ( j)1 is called L.j.
(.8.) [See also art. .j;d, .] . The cock. (L.)
[app. alluding to the right place of incision of the proper sense, A turn, or time, of coming to water:
which is tropical. .A species of [the birds called] UI. (].) [See
;,i.&, which is a nice and difficult operation: or in the sense next following,
(TA.)_t A set portion of the Kur-dn, (A, Mgh, also art. .,,.]
ae jb; ] - -. [A notched, or small hollowed, L, TA,) and of prayer, (Mgh, L, TA,) 4c.,
place, made by cutting or otherwise. - A groove, (Mgh,) of which a man imposes upon himself the ~ '; A certain plant [app. that called .1'j.,
mentioned above: see art. .j' .].
or tithe like. Occurring in the ], voce 5, and recital (A, Mgh, TA) on a particular occasion,
time; (TA;) a set
in art.m, &c.] -- See also j, first signifi- (Mgh,) or at a particular J:ij An old ,roman: (8, TA:) or [an old
portion of prayer, and of recitation [of the woman] in whom is no good: (TA:) or a cun-
Kur-dn], Jc., which a person is accustomed to ning, or crofty, old woman. (Iuar p. 76.) The
perform (M;b:) pl. as above. (Mgh.) You
i is augmentative, as it is in C.ij. (TA.)
say, p1 l . -> ` t [He recited his st
L ., (., A, Mgh, Msb, g,) aor. , (Mgh, portion of tAhe Ku,r-n]. (A.) And jk,;..%
Mqb,) inf. n. _, (, TA,) It (an event) befell t [How much is thy et portion of the ]ur-an ?].
him: (., A, Mgh, Myb, X:) and it becam evre (A.).-[Also tA sixtieth portion of the Kur-dn.] 1. j_, aor. ' and:, inf. n. (8, Mjj M, b,
to him; dittresed him; or pre~ed sverly, or -t A portion, share, or lot, (Msb, TA,) of
heabUily, upon him: or it straitenedhim, or ove- wealth, or property: or perhaps a mistranscrip- IJ) and j_.~, (Th, !,) He co,mputed, or deter-
came him, (g, TA,) suddenly, or unexpectedly. mined, its quantity, measure, ize, bulk, propor-
don for jn; since IA~ says that .,.~. signifies tion, extent, amount, sum, or number: (8, Mgh,*
"a company of men;" and ,*.., "a portion, M9b, ]P:) [more commonly,] he computed by
3. J,, (A, ]g,) inf. n. ,}, (V,) He col- share, or lot." (TA.) A weapon, or weapons, conjecture its quantity or measure 4&c.; syn.
eoted, congregated, or assembled, people: (TA:) of war; syn. iA; (M,A,1,TA;) i.e. JI i, (8, V,) and y j aJ; (M;) he tool
Ae collected, or formed, people into l, (A, its quantity or meaure &e. by the ye. (TC.)
+,_*. (TA.)_ Bee also what next follows.
],) i. e. parties, cla~, bodies, divisions, or the [He conjectured it; and so t?j., inf. n.S :
like. (A.)- He divided the gur-4n into Ij_l, oJ,~., (.8,) or t. and t (,, TA,) lJtI The
perhaps post-clanical: whence
(, A, lgh, TA,) meaning et portioms for parti- Rugged ground: (., :.) or ry ruggedground:
cur acts ofprayer, .'c.; the doing of which is (TA:) or the first signifies hard, el~ed ground: cience of divination.] You say, j 1l j;a. He
forbidden. (Mgh.) [But it may also be used as (/am p. 664 :) and the last, a mt rugged tract computed by conjecture the quantity thefruit of
meaning tHe divided the lur-an into sixtieth of [high ground such as is termed] .0, slightly upon the palm-tries. (A, M,b.) And ; ja.
portiow.] elerated, in another hard .; (ISh, TA;) or a
*i > X I compted his rcitation,or reading,
3. 4j1.. He ma, or became, of the n b of rugged, elevated pla: (TA:) the first is a pl.; to be twenty vrses [of the Kur-4n]. (A.) And
[Book I.
-*M d.ja Z4j_J t I computed his arrioal ; 2j._: see 3j. - see i:- and see also Ji .
to bo on such a day. (A.) And j;i ;j
.l 1,.
4isi . t Meawsre thyslf, whether thou be able J@l ;_: see J;l *j. 3j_-: see the next paragraph.
to do it. (A.) -jj~, (p, Mh, g,) aor. ', inf. n. JA1wj_The name of a month, in Greek; [the jk- and t 3j2,. Sio,rt: or short in step by
;JR_ and ji., (M,) It (milk, ,g, M, I, and Syrian month corresponding to June, O.S.;] (S, reason of the weakhnes of his body: (.1:) or
beverage of the kind called J.", g, I) became short, and short in step: (9:) or narrow in
f;) [next] before Jj. (S.)
sour, or acid. (M, N, .) It is said in a prov., judgment: (1f:) so AI, in explanation of the
latter word; applied to a man and to a woman:
ji' 6 ,Wl~ I ,[explained in art. L.ub]. (A.)
* see .O..
... (TA:) or this signifies short: and short and
_Hence, (TA,) : It (a man's face) was, or
ugl!: and the.former, narrowain poner and
became, [sour, i. e.] frowning, contracted, stern,
judgpm1ent, and avaricious, niggardly, or tent-
austere, or moroe. (i, TA.) .. A man computing, or who computes, by
cious: (Sh, T, TA:) and the latter, (AO, TA,)
2: see above. conjecture, the quantity or number [&e.] of a or bothl, (K,)
large-bellied and short, and, in
thing or things. (, TA.) [See 1.] Applied n'alking, turning about his buttocks;
jLl $'j~Tite betts., or best, of cattle or other as also
to milk, and to the beverage called J..i;, Sour, or
property; (8, A, Mgh, M,b, I ;) as also V i"'
acid: (S, 14:) or, applied to milk, it m'eans more tj,i.lt and ti;j_.: [the last in the C.K without
tjll: or the latter signifies property to which teshded:] or [in the C.K "and"] the first two
than .t.: (TA:) or i. q.'; .: (IAar, TA :)
the heart clings: (TA:) the term ;jim is applied and t aj&, a short man who
alike to what is mauc. and what is fem.: (AO, or more than .t..
(TA in art. j..) And words, and t j.
is shlort in step by reason of his shortness or oJ'
hence, (TA,) applied to a filee, : [Sour, i. c.]
Mqb:) the pl. is ;(it (8, Msb, 1) and .il ., the ncealtness of his bodly: or a man niggardljy,
frowning, contracted, stern, austere, or mlorose.
as though the sing. were an epithet: (Mqb:) it or tenacious, of that nwhich is in his hands; and
is applied to the better or best of property because (i, TA.) [See also what follows.] the subst. [signifying the quality thus denoted]
the owner of such property always, when he sees Oja.,, (., TA,) in some copies of the 1K is ( ) also as:oKevil in disposition, (lAir,
it, computes its quantity or number in his mind: j3~,
(TA,) [in the CI j ---,] I Angered; K,) and niggyardly: (I Ar, TA :) and straitened
accord. to Aboo-Sa'eed, .jl" I l ;j_ signifies (i, TA;) and having a frowning, contracted, in circumstances: (Sh,VC:) or 3j;.JI [in the
those kinds of property which their owners love: stern, austere, or moroseface. (TA.) [Sce also CK jiJl] significs [sometimes] a sort of game;
accord. to AO, choice kinds of property. (TA.) what next precedes.] (1K;) as iu a trad., in whlich it is said of some
0- i.o. ;s
You say also, L; .jj~ U&i, meaning This is girls, ;j.J_ll i [They played at thte game of
the best of what I haw: and of such property ojl,J]. (TA.) ,& O j ,;.,
' ja. (.,
the collector of the poor-rate is forbidden totake.
1. 3jm, (8, I,) aor. :, inf. n. h3i", (1,) Jfe TA) is a saying of the Arabs, (I,) explained as
(8, Mgh, TA.) Also, 4i ij. , It is the tied, or bound, a thing (8, 15) with a rope: (8:) meaning Short in step by reason of thy weaknes,
choice taing of ir Aheart. (AO.) he tied, or bound, it strongly with a rope. (TA.) lshort in step &c., climb up, [0 eye of a gnat or
:,j_. Sour [milk such as is termed] "*. Iee- bound, or bound round, a foot, or a man. musquito;] and was said, as is related in a trod.,
by the Prophlet, in dancing EI-Hasan and El-
(i. [In some copies of the IS, i.., which SM (I], accord. to different copies.) - lie strung
thinks to be a mistake for .- o. See also .ji.]) a bow. (TA.)-He pulled, or drew, a bond, .oseyn; whereupon the child woull climb up
and a bow-string, hard, or vehemently. (5.)_ until he placed his feet upon the Prophet's chest:
;jj_ (TA) and ,;_ (6, 1 ) and tj He, or it, squeezed, pressued,compressed, orpinched, (TA:) Jj. is for ,,1, or ;p:. : (lAth,
(i) A smaU hill: (8, If, TA:) or the first, a thing. (Ki.) You say of a tight boot, 'Ji 3& TA:) and d, means 1 , from ;..11 ,) :
rugged ground: (TA:) and the second, stony It compressed, or pinched, his foot. (if.) -
Le (S ) and '*pe is an allusion to smallness of
ground: (Abu-t-Teiyib:) pl. [of the first and straitened; made strait, or narrorw. the eye, (IAth, TA, and H.ar p. 61,) as being
second] (,0) a1nj !;j (1, mentioned e. Ymj- They surrounded, encompasud, or en- likened to the eye of the gnat or musquito; or
by Abu-+Teiyib as pl. of the second,) and [of the circled, him, or it. (TA.) lIe
broke nwind: denotes smallness of person. (.Har.)
third] 3l. (15.).Also
. j' and t;,', (1i:) said of an ass. (TA.) Hence the saying
,j,~: see jj~, in two placcs.
(8, A, I,) [the latter the more common,] t A of 'Alee, in disparagement of the schismatics,
strong boy; (i;) one that has attainedto youth- s *jiPm ,a 3j,..; meaning " the case is not as aUj~ : see .
ful vigour, or the prime of manhood: (TA:) or ye assert:"
said by El-Mufaddal to be a pro- jlj&/ Anything nwith which one ties, binds, or
a boy ahohas become strong, (, A,) and has verbial phrase,
applied in relation to a man who
serted: ($:) or one lwho has nearly attained the relates
a piece of information that is not complete makes fast. (TA.) [The meaning of ;3,...l
age of puberty, and has not had commerce nith a
nor realized. (TA.) ashsigned by Golius to dit ' is a mistake, occa-
woman (j;A4 ,i [app. meaning i;;.* 4 us]): sioned by his misunderstanding a passag in the
(Yaqkoob, Q:) or one rwho has attained the age
4. Jj-1, (Ig,) inf. r J'l', (TA,) lie pre- K, where it is said of a woman that she used
of puberty, and has become strong: (Mgh, TA, vented, withheld, debarred, orforbade, him, (Az, Ul;_ by poetic license (Q;;,U)for I,jl., a
in explanation of the latter word:) or a boy who I,) ;&from it. (TA.) proper name of a man.]
has nearly attained the age of puberty; so called,
accord. to several authors, as being likened to a
5. j.3 5;3
i. q. [It became collcted, , se and see also Lj..
brought together, Ic.]. (TA.)
hill: or one who has fully attained that age: hip.: see .
(TA:) or, accord. to Ay and El-Mufaldal, a 7. j_.J1 i. q. .al [It became drann, col-
young boy, who has not attained the age of lected, or gathered, together; or drawn and Ug._~: see ijm...Also, (g,) and i
puberty: and sometimes, one who has attained joined, or adjoined.; .&c.]. (TA.) (TA,) A part, or portion, (1(, TA,) [ofaswarm]
that age, and become strong in body, and has
borne arms: and this is the right explanation: 0j and t*I, and *1 _ and t m . and of locusts; (TA ;) as also ii.; (i and TA in
(Az:) and a strong man: and, contr., a teak art. jj&. ;) or of anything; (i, TA;) even of
jm..' (, 1) and *t . (1i) A collection wind: (TA:) pl. of the former tlj_ and
man: (A1llt, I:) or, accord. to some of the (9, Og)of men, and of birds, and of paim-trees, .j..
lexicologists, when applied to a boy, or young (K, TA [in the CF r.~.,which i;spl. of aby.,])
&c.: pl. of the second Jij. (9.)
man, it signifies strung: and wficn applied to an and [coil. gen. n.] * (Qij
g. ) _-. And i.q.
old man, weak: (Abu-t-Teiyib:) pl. tjlj (', ,jj. [Niggardliness,or tenaciousness, of that aiq, [A walled garden; &c.]: (.K:) or the
TA) and taj. (TA.) which is in one's hatds]: )ee 7 je . like of a aLtO. (Ibn-'Abbid, TA)
Boo I.] PY- -- &^ 561

'j1 ,. One who is pinched by a tight boot: 12. .- j;j.t, (15,) from j'jl; like -;, girtba, or girds; a also vl 1 and tj...
( g :) :, of the meaure j in the sense of the from ,.,uIi; (TA;) It (a place) nwat, or became, and tL,,.: (1:) pl. j., (Myb,15, TA, [in

measure jaL. (I.) One says, ,jtJ 51 j rough, or rugged: (1 :) or elesated (TA.) .-. It the Cg .;Jj,])i.e., pl. of.lj, (Mqb,TA,)
was, or became, collected together, and compacted, [and is pi. of pauc. of the sme :] the pl.
[No counsel, or advice, is possible to one who
or compact. (IS.)-He (a man) was, or became,
is pinched by a tight boot]. (?, TA.) [See also big, or large, in the belly, without being full. (15, of j (and
[a i, (TA.) [J
~i.] TA.) says,] The .!. of the beat is well known: and

.i~ [(Prudence, or discretion,and precaution;] hence the saying, ; ll .1a1J l' [Tbe
XjL: Re 'js.e sound management of one's affair or case, (8, R,) girthpased beyond the trwo teats]; ( ;) meaning
i;j_1: see 3ja. and taking the sure course therein, (T, ,},) tthe affair, or case, became distressing, and
and precaution, that it may not become bejond formidable. (1g in art. r.,.)-Hence, also,
;.;l 3:~ t A narronw-necked ewer.
L. .,4t
the power of management: (TA:) said in a trad. The. .! [or saddling-bandJ of a child in his
(A, Nh, 15.)
to consist in evil opinion: and in another, in the cradle. (8.)_ [And hence, also,] ei,. j, 1
'~- Vcry niggardly or tenacious or avari- asking counsel of people of judgment and obey- JoI t He took the middle, and main part, or
ciow. (V,.) ing them: (TA:) or good judgment: (Mgh:)
or strength, [or firmnes of mind or of judgment, beaten track, of the road.
Aij- (see ...,it,)] and sound manaenment: (Ijam M.n-: see ;l.: ~and see also ;j;, in
p. 83 :) the first part thereof said by Aktham two places
1. dja_,(, Mb, ,) aor. -, (,) inf. n.j_
Ibn-Seyfee to be consultation: (yam ibid:) from La1: seee .
( He bound it, or tied it; ($, I;) namely, a the same word as signifying the act of "binding
thing: (f:) or he made it a j_. [q. v.].
the ,*j/.," (Mgh,) or from this word as signify- ;IjA. A binder qf paper into bundles: in (the
(Myb.)_$.a .Ii,. (8, Myb) or ,.I, (1g,)
ing the act of "binding with the lj,," and dial. of] MA-warl-en-Nahr. (TA.)
mor. uaabove, (Myb,) and so the inf. n., (Mgh,
Mb,) lIe bound the beast [or horse] with the "with the rope :" (T, TA:) and ,j.'. signifies ;jl_ (5,1) and tV _ (l) Posesing the
the same; as in the saying, -,-L, - .I,jIl X1 quality of ' [explained above, as meaning
.aiL ([or girth]; (T,* ,' Mgh,* M9b;) and
itha rope; (T, TA;) or he bound the...j. of a,_JI [Verily quicknes is of thefood of pru- prudence, or discretion, and precaution; or good
dence, &c.], a prov., mentioned by lbn-Kethweh, judgment; &c.]: or intelligent; discriminating,
the [beost or] horte. (].)- [And hence,] .,j,
alluding to people's collecting themnselves together or discerning; poessing firmneUs, or souundne,
d/Ij, [nor. and] inf. n. as above, tHe made his and aiding one another, when they act with of judgment, or knowledge, and skill in affairs,
judgment, olpinion, or counsel, firm, or sound. quickness, or sharpness, and vigour; and said in or experience and good judgment; using pre-
*5 0., a -
(Myb.) It is said in a prov.,..-j! .j.l Joipraise of him who thus acts. (TA.) You say, caution in affairs: (TA:) pl. (of the former,
[Certainly I make firm my detcrmination if I e..J1 I1 (TA) and [sometimes] jaJI TA) ij (K, TA [in the C], erroneously,
determine upon doing a thing]; meaning I know (] in art. bjh ) [He took the course prescribed al']) and .j_, and j_. and .l.j_ and [of
.;11 [i. e. prudence, or discretion, and pre- by prudence, diwretion, precaution, or good pauc.] .. lj._l; (TA;) and (of .t', TA)
caution], though I do not practise it. (IB, TA. judgment; he used precaution: and, like d-1 , - (1.)
[See also Freytag's Arab. Prov. ii. 2G2.]) - ai_Ji, he took the sure course in his affair]. _
;e,. and t.. . The breast, or chest: (:)
[Hence, also,] .,j, (?, K,) aor. ;, (1,) inf. n. Ekl ted ground; as also % and or the middlt thereof; (?,J1;) and the part
.i_. (.,1*) and ij., (K,*T ,) but this (15 :) or this last signifies rough, or rugged,
wvhich the .lcj [i.e. girth or girdle] embraces,
latter is not of established authority, (TA,) and ground: (Yz, IB, F :) and j. is [ground]
* C. (~,TA,) where th heads of the 1ljt [or ribs
-'j, (CI,*Tg, [or this is probably a simple more elevated than what is termned j_.~: ($:)
subst. in relation to .j.,]) He possessed the or more rough, or rugged, than what is termed of the breast] meet, above the lower extremity of
quality of ,o' [explained below, as meaning ija.: * *5 the sternum, opposite the >Lb [or uppermost
(yam p. 45:) or elevated ground, or
prudence, or discretion, &c.]. (] , 1.)m j_., rugged and elevated ground, that is girt (t.j;.l) third portion of the backbone]: (TA:) the part
which is the place of the .lj_:
aor.:, inf. n. .j., (g, 1,) He was, or became, by a torrent: or rugged ground,havingmanystones, of the breast
choked, (1I,) or he had what restrbled a choking, which are more rugged andl rough and scabrous (yam p. 704, in explanation of the latter word:)
(?,) in his cheut. ($, g.) and the former word, the part that surrounds
than those of the a*;, but the top of which is thu bach and the belly: or the ribs of [the part
4. ,j..1 He made for him, or put to tim, broad and long, extending to the length of trvo wihere lies] the heart: and the part of the side
[namely, a horse, as is implied in the 1,] a leagues, and three, nand le.s than that, vwhich the of the breast on the right and left of the .e
.~1a. [or girth]. (15.) camels do not ascend except by a road that it [or windpipe]; (1 ;) the two parts thus described
has: accord. to Yalsoob, the A is a substitute
5. Fj and tj.lA , (, 1,) [said of a horse, for the X of J-.: being called OC.jj : (TA:) pl. of the tformer
pl , a..-. (TA.)
as is implied in the C, and of a man,] lie became .~0te.; (TA,) and of the latter I.j_. [a pl. of
[i. e. girth, or girdle]: .ja. [in a horse (see .. j.)] Largeness, or pauc.] (Kr, K) and .. j [a pl. of mull.]. (1]g.)
furnished with a .lj.
fulness, of the sides, or of the sides and belly One says, * 4 J .bj j.:i, and jl-,
(1] :) [or, said of a man, he became girt; or hbe 1
and .flank; contr. of . (S.) i. e. t Dispose and subject thyself to this affair,
girded himself;] or i. q. .e*'~, meaning he bound
his waist wvith a rope [or girdle]. (s.) It is said : see ,j;. or case; meaning prepare thyself for it: and
in a trad., * " lc'. [H-e !.~ A bundle, or what is bound round, (R, t& a ;.jj..[tHe disposed and subjected, or
forbade that the man should pray unless he mere TA,) of firewood &c.: (.:) pl. Aa.. (Myb, prepared,himself]: (TA:) or._jta!JI x is an
girt, or unless he girded himself]. (TA.) m TA.) expression denoting, by way of similitude, patient
i ..1]JarHe acted with prudence, or dios /.so_ q. ZJI.j L,I; (]~;) as also~l t.ljbuo endurance of that which has befallen one. (I]am
cretion, and precaution, in his affair, or case. [q. v.]. (1 in art. .) p. 163.) -And the former, t The breast [or
(TA.) bows] ofa ship or boat. (MA.) _.,*jj. [so in
8..pfdZl-: see 5, in two places::-and see ! j, Short; (g ;) applied to a man. (TA.) my copies of the ~, imperfectly deel., app.
. _.- Also It was, or became, inwrapped. .;.1. [The girth of a horse and the like; and regarded as of foreign origin, (not ;j.JI as is
(yam p. 614.) the girdle of a man;] the thing with v,hich one implied in the 1,)] the name of One of the
Bk. I. 71
A., - . [Boox r.
hoer,s of the angels; (s;) th horse of abriel : and Eij' si t [In him is roughnss in pace]. .ai.j Rugged mountains: pl. 'i. (Aq,
( ,
(]:) accord. to some, [esjj.,] with O in the (TA.) ]g.) _ And [hence,] the pl., t Dfficulties, hard-
place of the-o. (TA.) See also .;;. g ships, or distreuse. (TA.)
a. jm
X ii He ecad, or recites, with a
..jli [luore, and most, prudent, discrete, or slender [and plaintive] voice. (S, .) _ See ls'j, A camel tlat pastures in a tract such as
cautious]. Hence the prov., rj_l alsO 1. is termed c;. ($, TA.) __ ..vj: see
[More prudent, or cautious, than a chameleon]. 4. ajl: see _ j jm.l Thte plae
(Meyd. [See Freytag's Arab. Prov. i. 399.])
of aligAhting, or abode, was, or becamne, rough,
_ Also, applied to a hore, (?,) Large, or full, ,.Aj_AlAffected with vehement, or intens, L .j
or rugged and hard, with us: or mnade us to be
in the sides, or in the sides and bellUy and flank; [i. c. grief, mourning, &ec.]; as also 'VJ,...
on rugged groun,L (TA.) And e,jo-l lie'as,
tontr. ofJ (9, 1.)-.And,
A.l. applied to a .(1, TA.)
or beCame, in a tract swh as is termed C)~a [i. c.
camel, (TA,) Large in the .)je~: (1:) or . sai_ A shleep, or goat, (it,) evil in disposi-
rugged, or rugged and hard: opposed to j4.1].
large in the place of thI j.. [or girth]. (T, (K.) [And hence,] ljm.I t They used roughness tion. (, g.)
TA.)- ee also ij.. with men: opposed to 1jJ1. (TA in art. ") )jw- (?, Msb, and
a) (, nd Cj;
JI i. q. .j_l) [pl. of ..]: ( :) the . is 5
: see 1.... 4L ' J3 lie ~xpressd pain, (Q) Grieving, mourning, lamenting, sorrowfil,
a substitute for the .,. (TA.) grief, or sorrorw, or he lamented, or moaned, for., sad, or unhappy: ($, M.b,*K:" [see also ' '
with which, accord. to the g, all seem to be syn.;
.. j~, of a beast, The part upon which lie,! or on account of, him, or it; syn. ' . (I.) and with whlic the first may be regarded as pro-
iA.1t [or girth]. (S.) perly syn. on the ground of analogy, being from
8: see 1.
0. a d-', "notfrom ',j3 :]) pl. (of the first, TA) C1!;~
see. A).
~ Rugged (?,Mqb,.) and hard(0) ground: _.
and j (K TA) and (jQg.)voce
j_. &i A soft or gentle, easj, slder,
(?, Mob, 1 :) or rugged high ground: (TA: [see
plaintive, and melodious, voice. (TA.)_dlJL;
also .j,. :]) good land, though hard, is not thus
O.j;J1 A ccrtain bird. (TA. [See art. l.])
termed: (ISh:) pl. CIj,m.: (Mqb, TA:) and
1 :: , (, M,b, I,) aor. ', (Mb, g,) inf. n. aj. signifies l 5*. A man'sfamily, or houselhold,for n'hose
the same as e~: (V:) so tQo,
o.; (M 9b, TA;) and Vtj.l1, and ,j..J, as some say, does case hsuffers grief and anzxiety. ($, ~.) [And
with two dammehs; or,
(9, I,) and t Cj.j3; (] ;) He mm, or became, simply One's family, or household.] One says,
as others say, this is a pl. of j.~.: and you say
afected with cj, [q. v.; i. e. he grieed, mourned,
also 1 . j.,;.JI [meaning the same as Oj., or
4 j, ' * ' . 1) -- .
or lameted; or wat sorrowful, sad, or unhappy; [Such a one cares not, when his store-room isfull,
land of a rugged, or rugged and hard, or rugged
&c.; ,4f and ), for him or it]. (9, M,b,:.) and high, hind]. (TA.) that his family, or household, sUffer hunger]. (A,
TA.)~A prior right which the Arabs enjoy
:a.3 j and ly.J , in the lur [ix. 40, &c., over theforecigners, on theirfirst arrival [in the
,s. and .;., (Lth, g, ,) the former said
and iii. 133], do not denote a prohibition of
by AA to be used when the nom. or gen. case is territory of the latter], with respect to the housest
getting 'Xj; for ~j_ . does not come by the employed, and dithe latter when the accus. is em- and lands: (M,1I:) or a condition which the
will of man: the real meaning is Do not thou, ployed; (TA;) or the former is a simple subst., Arabs used to impose upon the foreigners in
and ye, that which engendeJrs ; do not thou, and the latter an inf. n.; (Msb;) Grief, mourn- Khurasadn, when they took a town, or district,
and ye, acquire ' . (Er-Rkgliib. [But this ing, lamentation, sorrowv, sadness, or unhappiness; pacifically, that nhen tihe soldierny [of tie former]
requires consideration; or, rather, is not in every contr. of JJ: (9, TA:) or i. q. _,: (s :) or pasted by them, singly or in companies, they
caue admisible.]) _~ , (Q, M 9b, ]1,) aor. , [.L , accord. to common usage, is for some evil shouwd lodge them, and entertainthem, and supply
tihm with provisionsfor their march to another
(Mb, TA,) inf. n. &JM; (1g;) and ?;j.l; that is expected to happen; whereas] 'i. is district. (Az, TA.)
He, (another person, $,) or it, (an affair, or an grief arising on account of an unpleasant eent
event, or a case, Myb, ],) caused him to be that has happened, or on atccount of an object of , ja.: Fe,l**,
see in art.6..j.
qffected with 'L*.p [which see below; i. e. grieed love that has pased away; and is the contr. of ..: seee j-*-
him; or caused Aim to mourn or lament, or to be C'.: (EI-Mun6wee, TA:) or a roughness in the
sorrowful or sad or unhappy; &c.]: (?, Myb, spirit, occasioned by grief: (Er-RaIghib, TA:) "j~ [Grieving, or causinq to mourn or la-
I :) accord. to Yz, (S,) the former is of the dial. pl. Op.-l; (IV;) [properly a pl. of pauc.; but] ment, &o.,] is applied to an event, or a case; and
of lgureysh; and the latter, of the diaL of also, but not ~tk, to a voice. (TA.)
Temeem: (, Mhb:) and so say Th and Az: it has no other pl. (TA.) [Hence,]J.jmI.. ts
(Myb, TA:) but the former is said to be the The year [of mourning;] in which died khadeejeh 5Ij_: see C--.
more approved: (TA:) or, accord. to AZ, the and Aboo.-'lib: (IAgr, Th, V:) so called by
aor. of the former is used, but not the pret.; Mohammad. (1Apr, Th.) .,All t,i,,r Grrieved;
' or catsed to mourn or lamnent,
^,~~~~~~ .. - ..,sJit
or to be sorrowful or sad or unhappy; (AA, 9,
(Myb, TA;) and when the act is ascribed to jJI I!, in the lur [xxxv. 31], is said to
God, the latter verb is used: Z, also, says that mean [Praise be to God, who hath diTpelledfrom g ;) as also tA* '.. (g.)._ - ..1 ;..
what is well known in usage is the employing us] the anxiety (.i) Rough in the &*J[app. meaning the angle of
of the morning and evening the lower
the prct of the latter and the aor. of the former: meals: or all grieving anxiety of the jaw, or the ./lesh on that part]: and
means of
(TA :) or L.IJ. signifies li made him C_ hacing the 1jJ hanging down, [by the relaxa-
subsistence: or the grief of punishment: or of
tion of its muscle,] in consequence of grief. (TA.)
rq. v.]; and ,j_., in some copies of the g death. (TA.)
,] Lhemade jj'~ to be in him: (Sb, 1 :) ei,.: see .;..,in two places.
or A^j., it caused Aim to fall into . (TA.) and $j;.
-- ,jh ?.; ., (TA,) inf. n. aj_.; (S, TA;) .:
. sec ., .
ace 1. ;.s.J !, , (As, S,) aor. jj, (g,) in n.
and j-J..:;; (TA;) The ground wax, or ;_; (A, TA;,) and ll , .aor.
became, rough, (TA,) or rugged and hard. (S.) i:*: ~ 6*
(S,) [inf. n. .jj ;] He comlmted, or determined,
_One says also of a beast that is not easy to
iJj,.:e see. . the quantity, measure, or the lihe, of the thing;
rile upon, .l#l i.jt [He is rouglh in pace]:
I ( ;) he computed by conjecture the quantity, &c.
Boox I.] asi. - i_3 W3

(Ay, .. ) You say, (., MSb,) inf. n. (TA:) or he lamented for him; (Aboo-Milik,
;..l:;., C]j erroneously ._]0t? signifies the same as
SJ.;; and "jj., inf. n. j.; I computed by TA;) as also j * a .. . (1,*TA.) The Atabs 1'~ ;) and in like manner o ~..I is syn.
conjecture the qantity of the fruit upon the say, ai
'd,U Verily the 'Lmiree with 4 a.; (L, Msb;) and so is t J~,-
palm-tree. (Myb.) In the copies of the ]g, it tender, or compassionate, towards the Saadee;
aor. :, inf. n. , (L, MSb) and , and wg~ ;
5L j.J s
ISjm, meaning J., is errone- because of the relationship that subsists between
(L;) or ,_ is a simple subst.: (M, L:) accord.
ously put for ,jJmjlJ S,; the words of As them. (TA.) And Abu-l-Jarrih El-'OV eylee
(TA.) - lj, (Lth, ]g,) aor. .,, (Lth,) inf. n. said, 1I .Lei .S 1 C, I have not seen to Pr, RC.I is syn. with j^.; and Zj says that
an 'O.jeylee witAout my feeling tenderness, or the meaning of .1I is ,;; and 4.,: (TA:) or
i_; .(. ;) and Jaor , (Ltl.,,)
compauion, towards him; (., TA;) for the same j.1 signifies he perceied, or became unible of;
inf. n. .j_;; ( ;) and aoS3r, (Lth, ],) inf. n.
reason. (TA.) [Sce L.l., second signification.] syn. a.: and he thought, or opined: (Akh, .,
sj..3 and J.3; (s;) He divined: (Lth, ], in- I-A
TA:) and particularlyfrom theflight, or cries, .- 'A , [aor. ', inf n. ,] e made his .. K :) and he saw; syn. _;it: and he nerw: ( :)
[i. e. sound, or motion,] to cease. (Bd in iii. 145.:) and is trans. in these senses by itself, (AkIh, ,)
&c., of birds. (1.) And Ij., (AZ, ,) aor.
-Hence, (Bd, ubi suprl,) . aor. ', (,
a., or by means of .: (TA:) and ,_..._. sig-
-, (TA,) inf. n. .; (AZ;) and S.j-,
A, Bd, Msb,) inf. n. .. , (Msb, .K,) [and app., nifies I kne, it certainly; was certain, or sure,
aor. i~ ; (TA;) He chid birds, to make them
of it; (S;) as also ~ t :.Z.. , (S, ,) with
rise and fly, or drove them away, and divined accord. to Fr, ,, or this may be a simple subst.,] kesr; (K ;) speaking of news, or tidings: (:)
from theirfligiht, or cries, &c.: (AZ, I,* TA :) He slew them: (Bd, Msb, :) and extirpated
and drove them: (V1, TA: but the error in the and for ..--. , some say ;lr.., ($, MSb,MbC,)
them: ( :) or he slen them quichkly: (A, TA:)
], mentioned above, makes the verb in this case changing the [second] , into j.; (., Msb;)
or he extirpatedthem by slaughter: (Aboo-Is-l)k,
also, and in the next following, to be Sj.., and .:) or he alsew them rwith a quiick and extirpating and -. ,, (T, T, L, 1,) with a single ., which
the inf. n. to be .j_: TA:) [for] when a crow slaughter: or wvith a vehement slaughter: (TA :) is an extr. kind of contraction, (., 5,) but made
croaks in front of a man, and he desires to obtain it occurs in the ]ur iii. 145: (S, A:) accord. to in all other similar cases, where the last radical
letter is quiescent; (Sb, L, TA;) and [thus] for
some object of want, he says, "It is good," and Fr, ,.., [so in the TA,] in this instance, is the
goes forth: when it croaks behind his back, he act of slaying and destroying. (TA.) [Hence, e find .~1; ( ;) and in like man-
says, "This is evil," and does not go forth: and ner, for t i., (S, ],) or : , (MSb,)
app. signifies It rvas utterly destroyed, so
when. a thing passes by him from the direction of that nothaing was left in the place thereof; and so some ay .- ;, (T, ?, M, L,) and 4 , (M,
his right hand, he augurs good from it; but if
?t..1l; for it is said that] and L, Msb, ], [in the Cg which
w.~..., is the
from the direction of his left hand, he augurs evil
modern vulgar form,]) and ; . (Abu-l-lasan,
from it. (AZ,TA.)-~ JJI ., aor. , with respect to anything, signify _.
.iA y
IAar, T, M, L) You say, d1 I [lie per-
(,) inf. n. j.; (TA;) and :1
p S,i, (., .* t1.
ti (TA.) Also a.,nor. as above,
ceived him, or it, with his eye]; (Ibn-Zekereeyit,
K,) aor. g. ; (8 ;) said of the ;,ot [or He trod them under foot, and despised them.
TA in art. w ;) and so Vs..~m. (Sgh, TA ibid.)
mirage], It raised [to the eye] the fignre of a (TA.) And ^.1 >.A;l ~ The cold hilled the
[In the present art. in the TA, it is said that
man or other thing seenfrom a distance: (S, V, locusts. (g.) - [Hence,] ,;)l W >.!i. JI The .. ;Jltl '. _ is syn. with .I: but J..Zj is evi-
TA:) or, accord. to IB, the correct phrase is locusts eat the herboge of the land. (TA.) And
dently a mistranscription for ;-t.] And it is
J9l Sqt... [which may mean that one should say, j.$Jl
tj ,.., (S, 1I,) or tjjl, (A,) aor. , (S,
J9l ,.,.IJI sj_, or ,JI ,ji ej_ see Jf, said in the lpur [iii. 45], u r ls
TA,) inf. n. ,~, (TA,) I The cold nipped, sh/runkh,
in art. Jjl1]. (TA.) ;'1I And when Jesna ascertained their unbelief
sthrivelled, or blasted, (lit., burned, X _, q. v.,) as one ascertains a thing that is perceived by the
5 soce 1. the herbage, (S, 1,) or the seed-produce. (A.) sense: (Bd :) or opined it; or perceived it, or
.;': see what follows. a.lJI _^,(8TA,)or;.A t..., (A,) aor. , became senible of it: (Akh, ?:) or san it: (Lb,
j}Q One wrho computes by conjecture the quan- (S,) inf. n. ,.., (S, ],) He curried the beast; TA:) or knew it, orperceied it sensibly. (Msb.)
tity of fruit upon palm-trees. (Myb, TA.) - A removed the dust from itwith the .... (S, A,I, And in the same [xix. last verse], , - Jt
diviner: (Lth, TA:) one vwho ex:amines the mem- TA.) [See a proverb, voce ,,~..] Hence the say- .t.A1 0. Dost thou see of them any one ? (TA.)
bers, and the moles of the face, divining [from ing of Zeyd Ibn-Soolyan, on the day of the battle of iou say also, aJI . ~1 H
1last thou hknown
them]. (., Iar p. 170.) One says, iS,.j t.iI the Camel, wlhen he was carried off from the field, the newn? (TA.) And ' 1," and
L;i [meaning t Thou hast lighted upon him about to die, t, is> 1.. Y; s g6 j-.)t _1-I,
..- and w *J ., and i 'e-, I
who is hnowing]. (Ilarib.)-An astronomer, S[Bury ye me in my clothes, and] shake not of
knen the nesr certainly. (..) And.JIllI -. ,
or astrologer; as also V A. (TA.)- The pl. any dustfrom me. (8, TA.)
is ;_ and ~1.. (TA.) and "~ , and Vt-., and ., I Inem some-
2. ( 1J . [a mistake in the CK for what of the news. (T, L, TA.) And - ; t
] see 4. _ ,h and at ;I , and ~ t .... , and
4. s;&1 _1, (., Msb, g,) inf n.
and (MSb,) He perceived, or became sensible of, (o. j,) .2. L, I hnew not aught of the ners. (T,
1. ~, (first pers. -, or *-,.,
L, TA.)
g"_m, and '~,,)
and_,Qnd as syn. with the ~ (i. e. motion or sound, TA) of the thing:
5. L~& He listened to the discourse of
.o.l : see 4, throughout. -. 0 ., first pers. (.,~, 'TA:)he knew the thing by means of [any people: (El-iarbee, ]:) accord. to Aboo-Mo'adh,
.._, aor.; (., ;) and first pers. -. of] the senses: (lAth, accord. to his explanation
it is similar to ~J and ~.': (TA:) or he
of ,..-1_ 1 as signifying . lt:) he as-
[aor. :;] (Ya4oob, ., ]g;) in n. , (1, 10) certained the thinq as one ascertainsa thing that sought repeatedly, or time after time, to know a
thing, by the sense (t_lJI) [of hearing &cc.]:
and ."., (1i,) or the latter is inf. n. of both verbs, is perceived by the ense: (Bd in iii. 45:) he kneu
(iar p. 678:) or (so accord. to the TA, but in
but the former is a simple subst., (TA,) He was, the thing; or he perceived it by means of any of the
the E "and,") he so,ught after,(Mqb,p.) or sought
or became, tender, or compasionate, towards su ; syn. s,1', (Msb,) and ,.L, and s,
him: (.,V:) [lit, he felt for him:] ISd says and '~;; after repeatedly, or time after time, (MSb,) news,
(TA ;) as also f..^, aor. ', inf. n. or tidings, of a people, in a good cause; (1 ;)
that, for C-5,
:) the explanation ofaS _-..~,
. and ,, (TA, in explanation _. signifying the doing the same in an evil
he found in the book of Kr the verb written with _ and
J and 3; but that the former [?] is the right: of the saying in the ] that g,JI . [in the cause: A'Obeyd says, you my, , I "1J
a 71*
c,- m -. [Boox I.
and e.; and Sh says that .,;3 is similar qf childbirth, nwhen the latter is [_first] felt: but smote the land: (Lh, TA:) the i is to denote
to it; and IApr, that ;aJ.l C a 'n
and the former meaning is confirnmed by a trad. (TA.) intensiveness. (TA.) [See also , last signi-
[but this is app. a mistranscription for ] _-- ilJI , T he commencement offever, rwhen fication.] And t.._,L4 tInjury befell them
signify the same. (TA.) You say also, ,_ the latter is [first] felt; (TA ;) as also t 1 L..: (S, TA) from cold (S, A, TA) or some other
; IIe asked, or inquired, after news, or (Lh, TA:) or , signifies a touch, or slight cause. (S.) L_., also signifies t Wind that re-
tidings, of tle thing. ($, TA.) And .Z..J,
,j a.ffection, of fever, at its ver!y commencement. mpwres tih dust into the pools of water left by
and &, Hoe inquired, or sought for infor-
4.6 (TA.) - Cold tlat nips, shrinla, dsrivels, or torrents, andfills them, so that the tnoist earth
mation, respecting ulch a one; as also -.3: blaut, (lit., burn, ,i.., for which, in the TA, dries up. (AHn, TA.) And t Loctuts eating the
or the former signifies he sought after haimfor is substituted g,,,) the herbage. (S, K.) [See herbage of tlhe land. (TA.) You say also, ;
himnilf; and the latter, "he sought after him for also Lt.4.] ,j, .....
ii,, meaning t Sevre years passed oer
atnother." (TA, art. V..) The lam~ge in which the people. (Lh, TA.)
it occurs in the ]ur xii. 87, has been differently ~,,., with fet-h., Perception by means of any
interpreted, accord. to the several explanations of thesene; syn.sj. (L, TA.) Hence the SU i . j,,tI, (S, TA,) and ;s.U, (A, TA,)
hero given. (TA.)m See also 7. proverb, s., i Sd . --
,.o~ [There is no T'he cold is a cause of nipping, shrinking, shri-
perceiringof the two sons of the place of the hind- veUing, or blasting, (lit., of burning, see 1,) to the
7. .a' 1 t It became pulled out or up or off;
ling offire]: (L, TA:) for they say that two men herbage. (S, TA.)
became eradicated, or displaced; fell, or came,
used to kindle a fire in a road, and, when people
out; syn. '!: ($, :) it fell; fell off; or ..~ AS currycomb; syn. .'j^ q ; (3, A,*
pa~ed by them, to entertain them as guests; and
fell continuousaly, by degrea, or one part after a party passing by when they had gone, a man K ;) it is an instrument of iron, having teeth like
another; syn. a.3, (S, 1.,) and JICt: (A, said these words. (L.) And hence the saying, the :. (TA in art. ,..)
TA:) it broke in pieces: (TA:) said by Az to be a. L_ - b j,. . Such a one ha gone, and .,... pass. part. n. of 1, q. v. _[As a subst.
a dial. var. of &,.1. (TA.) You say, 1 there is no perceiving him: or there is no per- it means A thing perceived by any of the senses;
iti. (S, TA) I is teeth fell, or came, out, ceiving his place. (TA.) an object of sene: n- pl.
(-_ai:l,) and broke in pieces. (TA.) And ., ,, a ,-.. ! [lit., The tway that is sensibly per-
.jl d.c.: see ee
. ...-. ceived; app., the milky wny in the sky: or] te
1a .. iul His hairfelloffcontinuously. (A.)
And in like manner, JI,ll j;l ...- *,(TA,) , lj A year of sere sterility and tract in tlw shyalong which (t,) the [wandeleri.ing]
and *J -: , (1, T'A,) t Thefur of the camels drought; (., g;') in which is little good for- stars [or planets] take their courses. (TA voce
.fell off continuously, and became Jcattered. (}, tune; (TA;) as also V,t,.: (1:) or a year P.$ ,-ijl fliand smnitten by lo-
TA.) that consumes everything. (TA.) custs. (TA.)n Sce also ,Z1.
8. ~e --.
we: , .: see ,._, in four places. I Slain;
R. Q. 1. i hilled. (S, Mb.)
-: see ;J ,.
Lr~ [Relating to sense; sensibk, orperceptible 1. ~..., (S, A, Mgh, &c.,) aor. J, (S, Mglh,
R. Q. 2. 4 IJ1 _ :...se 7.a
by wnse;] opposed to Um._. (Kull p. 101 &c.) Mgb, &c.,) inf. n. _ (S, A, Mgh, .1sb, O
_I. [accord. to some, a subst. firom 1, q. v.,
and I~,"-' (S, Mghl, M,R, K) and e.,.~. (1)
in se;eral senses explained above; but accord. to ,L Ilaving strong perception: an epithet
applied in this sense to the devil. (TA.) and (S, K,)
k.,l_,whichl is generally an inf. n.
others, an.inf. n. As a simple subst., it is often
dJ ,..La. J~,. A man having much know- of this verb, but sometimes of,, (TA,) a'ind
used as syn. with j._1 in the first of the senses
asigned to the latter below; i. e., A sense; a ledge of newr. (M sb.)__1.; i-a. J [Tle sen- !L_.. ($, K) and "a., (Msb, K,) or this is like
faculty of unse; as, for instance, in the 1P in art. sitivefaculty]. (Er-Rhghib, TA in art. I.) ;.W and J.a.j, [denioting a mode, or manner,]
-, .Hence ijJj4l jl: see art. j.)].
as in a verse of En-Ntil,ighah cited below, (S,)
,J,.. One who searchesfor nevws or tidings;
-- A sound: (s :) or a low, faint, gentle, or and ;, whiclh is of rare occurrence, (MF,
(TA;) like ,.l: (1(, TA:) or the former
TA,) lIe numbered, counted, reckoned, calcu-
soft, sound; as also * _~ : (8, Mgh, Mgb, relates to good, and the latter to evil. (Ig, TA.)
lated, or computed, it; (S, A, MghI, Msb, ] ;)
TA:) [in the present day it often signifies the Unfortunate; unlucky; (lApr, ] ;) as also
namely, property [&c.]. (A, M1gh, Mob.) You
voice of a man or woman; and particularly when t,,y~ ; (Lb, TA;) applied to a man. (IA;r,
soft:] a plaintive voice or sound, in singing or ) -. See also , ".
[Who can count the sand&, and number the peb-
neeping, and such as that of a lute; syn. bj:
(TA:) or t ,, [or I)oth,] the sound by mhich
iA~- . sing. of ,.1,. , (A, Msb, g,) which sig- bles?]. (A.) And ,. 1u. I jJ jI [Thrhow thou
nifies The five senses; (S, Msb ;) thc hearing,the this into the reckoning]; i.e., into what thou hast
a thing it perceived: (Bd in xxi. 102:) and the sight, the smell, the taste, and the touch: (S, M9b, reckoned. (A.) o C.~
former, motion: (K :) and the pauing of anything ' 1,; -:ll', in the
X :) these are the external: the internial are also gur [lv.
near by one, so that he hears it without wseing it; 4], means And the sun and the moon [ri.un
five; but authors disagree respecting the seats their courses]
as also ,V.... (I, TA.) It is said in thce ur according to a [certain] reckoning;
thereof. (TA.) [See also .]- [A feeling; or through a scries of mansions [or constellations],
[xxi. 10-2], i,. .-... ' Ttey shiall not
hear its low sound: (8:) [meaning, that of hell-
as in the saying,]_ _..al l. j '"i [A feel- the bounds of which they do not transgress:
fire:] or the sound by whiclh it siallbe perceived : ling of relationshit;, or consanguinity,pleadedfor (TA:) or . alludes to the numbers of the
him on my part]. (Aboo-Mialik, TA.)_ [An months and years and all other times: [but pro-
(Bil:) or the motion of itefaming. (TA.) And perly speaking,] ;.~ is here an inf. n.: (Zj,
in a tad., *~. ,J 6 And he heard the mo- organ of sense; as when you say,] a,tC. 'JI
TA:) or, accord. to Akh, a pi. of 4,..; (S,
tion, and the sound of the pasing along, of a .j3JI [e.nl is the orYan of the sense of siglt]. TA ;) and so says AHeyth: or, accord. to some,
serpent. (TA.) And you say, Laj
l.. (S in art. O,a.) [... also signifies tA thing it is here a proper subst., signifyving the.firma.
L- He heard not any motion, nor any sound, that destroys, consumes, or injures, herbage or tzhe nent. (TA.) tISQ- in the Kur vi. 96 is held by
of him, or it. (TA.) It may refer to a man and lihe. Hence,] . ,,1dl1^ Cold and hail [in one Akh to be for ( " ~, meaning..,.L~ [as in
to other things; as, for instance, wind. (TA.) copy of the S heat] and wind and locusts and the the phrase quoted above, from thle .Kur lv. 4,
- A pain which attacks a woman after child- beasts [that pasture]: (S, g :) these also being accord. to the first explanation]. (TA.) And
biJ;th, (Q, A, 1],) in the womb: (A :) or the pain five. (S.) You say, aL.. ,jl ;Al tCold '01 g.U ,WY.~ signifies Jl1 g.l L..~ [On
Booc I. W5

God be it to reckon with thee: see also [,... therclhy it was aot included in my reckoning, or, El-ljijiiz: (TA:) lie searcAed after news as a
bli]. (TA.) Az says that the reeklonitig in buying by amplification of the sense, Ir did not think it. spy. (A'Obeyd, TA.) It is said in a trad.,
and selling is termed ,i. because one knows (MF.),_, aor. , (S,Msb,]V,) in. n. accord. to one reading, O .._, iO Iyil
ther3by what is suffiient. (TA.) A ' Iij (S, 1) and _, (Mb, V,) lIe was, or became, i'11 ! They used to auemble, and endeavour to
,,Al~JI, in the ]ur [ii. 198, &c., God is quick characterized, or distinguished, by what is termed ascertain the time of prayer: but the common
in reckoning], signifies that his reckoning is ne- .-_. as explained below [i. e. grounds of pre- reading is ;~. (TA.) Also ie reclined
cessary, or of necessity, and that his reckoning tension to respect or honour; &c.]. ($, Mgb, ].) upon a pillow. (V.)
with one person does not divert Him fron reckon- 8. _ l [for 1tn I - lIe reckoned upon
2. ._, inf. n. 5: see 4....Also He
ing with another. (TA.) And 4
:1 j # placed a pillom for him; supported him with a a reward: or] he sought a reward [from God in
3.iLC.,in the ]ur [ii. 208, &c., lHe supplieth pillou; (S, K;) seated him upon a j;1., or the world to come]. (TA.) ` ,. Jj.'
;hbomn lie willeth, without reckoning], means, 2.d.. (TA.)_-And hence, lie honoured him. " '"j, in the lur lxv. 2, means [And I[e will
without sparing, or scanting; as when a man (L.) IHe buried him: (TA:) or buried him sapply him with the means of subsistence] whence
expends without reckoning: but tie phrase is in stones: [see _ :] or buried him wrapped he does not reckon, or expect; whence floes not
variously explained, as meaning without appoint- in grave-lothing: namely, a dead person. (], occur to his mind. (Bd, Jel.) And .L '
ing for any one what is dejicient: or without TA.)-Nuheyk El-Fezlree says, (S,TA,) ad-
fearing that any one wriU call Him to account W1~jl)DLGI C,JG, in a trad., Whoso fasteth
dressing 'imir Ibn-Et-Tufeyl, (TA,) during lama(ain, believing in God and his
for, it: or without the receiver's thinking that .,A. .. Lab
lie will bestom upon him, or without hit reckoning Apostle, and [reckoning upon a reward, or] seek-
ing a reward from God. (Mgh, 'A.) You
upon the supply; so that it may be from r
"lhe thought," or from _ "hle reckonced." say also, Xf , 1lit _ (, He
(L, TA.) Tihe saying, cited by 1Anr, (S, TA) Thou wouldst hare avoided, by turning reckoned upon obtaining, [or he sought,] by such
thy hinder part, the thrust [of a thin, thirsty a thing, or such an action, a reward from God:
weapon], or thou wouldest have taken thy resting- (P :) or he prepared, or provided, msch a thing,
place (TA) not honoured, or not shrouded, (Q, seeking thereby a rewrard from God. (15.) And
nas related by J [in the S], but correctly 1LI,
TA,) or not pillowed: _.~ j* being variously 2 dat .,c _ He prepared, or prorided,
(TAr) means [ .) Jtml, inaynst thou be given rain] rendered: one person prefers the meaning not
writhout reckonling, and without measure. (S.) buried: Az says that the signification of burial in in store for;himelf, good, [i. e. a reward,] with
An instance of as similar to o.,d and ,j God. (A, Mgh.) And d1 1 "l ,,, 1
stones and that of wrapping in grave-clothes,
occurs in the saying of En-Nibighah, He laid up for himself, in store, the reward,
assigned to the verb, were unknown to him; and
with God, not hoping for the reard of the
that ._~ . signifies not supported with a
po~. (TA.) present life; c.- 4,lJ. relating only to an
action done for the sake of God. (M9 b.) [Hence,]
3. a1..., inf. n. . (8, TA) and some- .jt; -1, (A, Mgh,) or ;1, (M9b,) or ' l,
[And hke complerted a hundred, in whltich was her times which is also an inf. n. of _.,
w..d, or,
pigeon; and she was quick in the mode of com- or ta-, (,I,) is said when one has lost by
accord. to Th, it seems to be a quasi-inf. n., (TA,)
puting thlt nutiber]. (e.) 1
lJ.Lb -, [a verb death an adult child or son or daughter; ($, A,
[He reckoned with Aim.] And :i 1_. [He Mgh, Masb, V ;) meaning He prepared, or pro-
of the kind termed 1.ti1 jW.aI, having two called him to accountfor it]. (TA.) tided, in store for himself, a reward, by his
objective, compllements, tIhe former of which is patience on the occasion of hij being afflicted and
called its nolin, and the latter its enunciative,] 4. '...1, (Th, S, ,) inf. n. ,.1., (TA,)
tried by the death of his adilt child: (Mgh,*
aor. : and .; (S, Mhb, 1 ;) the former the more H gae ae him what s#ficed, or satisfied, him,
TA:) when a man has lost by death a child not
approved, (TA,) of the dialects of all the Arabs :L i ' ,of everything: (Th, TA:) he con- arrived at the age of puberty, you say of him,
except Benoo-Kin4neh; the latter aor. being tented him: (V :) or he gave him whiat contented ~,'A'. (i, A, Msb, ]i.) [Hence also,] ,_a
peculiar to the dial. of this tribe, (Mob,) and him; as also V&an.:( :) and both verbs, inf. n.
contr. to analogy, (S, M.b,) for by rule it should 4 [lIe reckoned upon, or proparedfor him-
of the latter ,2.3, he gave him to eat and self, a reward by his deed: or] he did his deed
be' [only]; and - _ is the only verb of the
drink until hewassatiofied: (V:) and the former, seeking a rewardfrom God in the world to come.
measure ja having both ja' and ja, as the
[or both,] he gave him until he said ue [It is (L, TA.)... t .o Iinclude the thing
measures of its aor. except , and .' and - sufficientfor me]. (AZ, g.) You say also, ."I in a numbering, or reckoning; or made account
[and j and pa and Z and and Jj _1.~ lHe gave, and tgare much: (~:) and of it; accounted it a matter of importance.
mentioned by Ibn-Malik (with the preceding) t'. :1, [if not a mistranseription for 'A...,] (Myb.) And ' 'j [for 4p . )]
cited in the TA voce ,,p]; but. eight verbs S I gare him much. (A, TA.) - Also It (a Such a one is made no account of; is not esteemed,
having an unsound letter for the first radical have thing, f, Mqb,) ufficed him: (8, A, Mqb:) he or regarded, as of any account, or importance.
kesrel to the medial radical in the pret. and aor., sufficed him. (TA.) You say, -.,..lbjqj' 4.jj (A, TA.) - A / meansg i [I
viz., ; sdand ! and and s and and
nd [ e, ] ; * .,and was, or became, sufficed, or contented, thereat, or
Ej and j and ,.; (p;) inf.n.
n- . (- , [~Jt+ ;,4 iJ Jl4-, I passed by a man
with him, or at his abode]. (A, TA.) [And
IbrD thinks that the verb has the same significa-
Mgh, Mgb, ]) and 4.-.-. and . -a (,0 ]) nsffcient for thee as a man, i. e., supplying to tion in the phrase QQ.l~ & "U , quoted in
and ,L.; (TA; [but ace what follows;]) He thee the place of any other [by his excellent quali-
the TA from the A; holding % to be here
[counted, accounted, reckoned, or steemed, mean- ties], and by two men &c., and by men &c. (S.)
[The verb here is rendered, in grmmatical ana- used in the sense of ~; so that the meaning is
ing] thought, or suppoed, him, or it, to be so.
lysis, by its act. part. n. See also _...]
J was, or became, sufficed, so as to hace no ned
( g, Mgb, B.) You say, l,JL J i . [I of him, or it, by the property: but I doubt
counted him, or thought Aim, good, or righteous]. 5. _ SI Ie sought, or sought leisurely and whether this phrae be corretly transcribed.] -
(;.) And t~j ISj .t.' [I thought Zeyd to repeatedly, to earn news: (A, ,*TA:) he sought w also signifies *.l [He abstained, or
b standing]. (Msb.) And jAL t. 6j ti after news: (],* TA:) he inquired, or asked, re- desisted; app. as one sufficed, or contented].
I~ [Such a thing was not in my thought]: you specting news; (g, V,* TA; [in the CV, ---! (].) -And I dfi 1 He disappro~d
should not say ,Lt, J, (,) unless you mean is erroneously put for 'd.!;])
of the dial. of and disallowed his doin, or haing done, such a
506 [Boox T.
thing; (,, V;) namely, a foul deed: (TA:) is a j.3, i. e. a specificative phrase.]) Whent (MF:) or the memorabke deeds, or qualities, qf
whenoe the appellation t ... (].) And the noun to which L.~. refers is determinate, one's ancestors; and one's own deeds, or qualities,
accord. to some, JI ,&.b_ I means He said, you put ~ in the aecus. case, as a Jtm., i. e. in which he gloriea; because they were enume-
May God take, or e~c#te, geance ~pon Aim; a denotative of state; as in the saying, J. Ie rated, or recounted, by the Arabs in contending,
os pun/A Aim; for his evil deeds. (gar p. 371. a. ', i.;. sJJ This i 'Abd-Allh; being or disputing, for glory; (T, M9b,* TA;) the
oumf . *in At a man. (,s8i. [Here bein latter consisting in such qualities as courage,
[See 0 ,. _.]) [In the present day, A.. ,_hl.. As sujficing thee a a man (g. [Here J+' C. and good disposition, and liberality: (Msb:) or
is used as meaning ie prayed for aid against is, as before, a specificative phrase.]) [See also what are enumerated, or recounted, of genrous
him by saying, i L:;. God is, or wiU be, 4, the corresponding verb.]) ,., in this actions, or qualities: (MNb:) or good actions,
u,ffcientfor us.]-You ay also, t _ *, manner, is used alike as sing. and dual and pl . ; or conduct, of oneself, and of one's ancestors:
(,, ;) being [originally] an inf. n. (S.) It is (Sh, Mgh:) or generosity, or nobility, of actions
(i,) or . _ 1., (A,) meaning tHe
also used alone, [as a prefixed noun of which the or conduct: (IAwr, 1 :) or righteous, virtuous,
endeavoured to learn what suck a one had [in his
complement is understood,] as in the phrase or good, actions or conduct: (g:) or good dis-
mind, or in his poueion]. (A, l, ' TA.)- *0 0- 0 0.,~0
_- ,,j, without tenween, for _ or A . position: (TA:) or religion; (S, Mob, 1;) picty;
See also 4.
[&c., meaning Zeyd is sJufficient for me or fo because true nobility consists in religion or piety:
9. _.I. He (a camel) was, or became, of a tAe &c.]; like as one says, ` u-' ~.'i,' (MF:) or wealth; (S, , ;) because it serves in
wAite coour intermied with red (f, TA) and fo A~
," b -~1 (*- [That ~ * a - ' lieu of true nobility: (TA:) in this sense, and in
with blach. (TA.) fort-.q sjd t,. (S. [That is, _,~ when the sense next preceding, it has no corresponding
thus used, is subject to the same rules asu and verb: (TA:) or state, or comdition; [i.e. good
_2. Sa0Jciency. (o voce _.) _ _ Je and k,a &c.when so used.])-See also state or condition;] syn. j [ii.q. 11u.]: (g:)
is a [prefixed] noun (.) [syn. with as iu, _ , in three plaees.iAlso, (TA,) and "._, or intellect, or understanding: (MF :) and a
implied in the ]p voce J; or] syn. with k (1i,) Burial of the dead: (TA:) or burialof the man's relations, consuisting of his chilrem and
(Mb ;) or [virtually] meaning b [as a pret. dead in stones [app. meaning in a grau cased others: pl. &. (Az, Mgh.) Accord. to
in the sense of an emphatic aor.]; (,, ;) or n.ith stones]: or burial of the dead wrapped in ISk, (., Meb,) _. and-&" may pertain to
A : (TA:) 8b says that it is used to denote grave-clothes: like ,3. .' . (]~. [See 2.]) him who has not noble ancestors; but not
the being sufficed, or content. (TA.) You say, 0*0
_ i/. q. .' .~....; (S, ];) of the measure nor ..... (, Msb,* ]g.) - is also used
Aa; '.. [and.,;.,
' 4k ., in which latter
the ,o is redundant; meaning Thy ufficincy, or in the sense of the measure ~J, like , elliptically, (Mgh, TA,) [in the sense of . ,
0 *0. - , -

a thing sflicing thee, is a dir/sm; a phrase in the sense of ;d; ($;) Numbered, counted q. v.,] for , (TA,) and for tr_ j-
which may be used in two ways; as predicating reckoned, calculated, or computed. (S, X.)- (Mgh.)-- $, 1 l He bought a thing
of what is sufficient, that it is a dirhem; and as A number counted. (L) - Amount, quantity, in an honourable manner h r~pect to Aimelf
predicating of a dirhem, that it is sufficient; in orvalue. (L.) Sometimes, (S, I,],) by poetic and tahe eUelr: .~, here, is said to be from
which latter case, 4J. is an enunciative put license, ($,) and in prose, (L,) t ,v,-.. ($L, L "' h o , ho l
Y yt 'i ... "he honoured him;" or from i't. "a
beform its inchoative, (as also z.~,) so that the ] 0.) You say, ~ L. ~ ,~Jl, and small pillow" [because him for whom you put a
meaning is, a dirhnm is a thing sujffcing Sthee, t .. , ThAetrecompense is, or shall be, accord- pillow you honour: see 2]. (TA.)
i. e. a dir/sm it su.~c/nt for thee; as is shown ing to the amount, or quantity, or vpalue, of thy .L..-,
. in a camel, A colour in whichd are white-
in a marginal note in my copy of the Mughnee, wok.Ad.-..
oork. (L) And .,4? _b .J .i ness and redne (1g, TA) and blackne: (TA:)
in art. ,; or, accord. to the , and I5, a dirhem
The man is, or shall be, paid according to the in a man, [a reddish colour such at is termed]
sujfficea ate: accord. to Bd (iii. 167), A.-
amount, or quantity, of his work. (M9b.) And tji in the hair of tAe head: ( :) and also in a
means 'e -, and iVLS, from ..a. meaning
4J 4 5X ..;. L _ sL [and 'L.; man, (],TA,) and in a camel, (TA,) whitenet
4i~; and is shown to have this meaning by its .andandronedst
not importing a determinate signification in con- (for t _ 1)] Accordin_g to th amount, or redne produc
pduced by by aa whitem
whit of
o t &iun
- . arising from diea~ and infecting the hair [to as
sequence of its being a prefixed noun with its value, of the benefit, or benefits, that thou hast to turn it red]: (, TA:) accord to 1Ar,
complement in the saying, 'ia l.. Thu conferred upon me are my thanks to thee. (L.) blackness inclining to redness. (TA.) - Also
is a man U,ffCin, thee]. (,, Msb, g.) You say And Jll _ i .' Let thy deed, or Leprosy. (g.)
also, .A3 *,t That i, or muill be, [or let that work, be correspondent to the quantity,or number, . [ognally The t ofnmering, ountig,
be,] s.Jffient for thee. (TA.) And iL' '-., of that: or adequate, or equivalent, to that. (8.) h [orgnally The actof numbering, counting,
in the ](ur viii. 65, God is, or will be, su~cient And I~ 1S ~ 1..
I." This ThiJ is equal
equal in number
number or c: or a mode, or manner, of numbri;ag, &c.:
for thee. (Fr,TA. See also 'T ',...) And quantity, or is equivalnt, to that. (].) And see 1._] A subst. from 1. . .i.; (., Mlb,
1; JA.
i.;. [A person sufficing thee is our JA.. _..,... 1 S[ L(,t i.e. .3 t. [app. I ;) syn. with , (A) [as meaning A
friend]; in which the ' is added to denote know not what is the value of thy story]. (Ks, S.) rechoning upon, or uesing, or preparng or ro-
emphatico praise. (Fr, TA in art. .,.) In the And a&,
LLl " And and_1 _ - v-,ing, or laying up for oneslf in store, a reward
An &d and i..
n the wtorld to come]. You say, _.
:5.: [He
saying, * p X. . j Q l Ti is aman '`..
aiJ 4 I benefited him according to the measure did it rechoning upon, or seking, &ic.,a rveward
sufficing thee as a man, i. e. supplying to thee the of ability. (Mgh.)_Also [Grounds of pre- in the world to come]. (A, TA.)_,>.-
place of any other [by his excellent qualities], tension to rspect or honour, conisting in any .
($,)and;& & , I pau sed qpalities (either of oneself or of one's ancestors) I. JI is good in ICt of mangng, con-
by a man auficing thee as a man, (TA,) ,l..- which are enumerated, or recounted, as causes ducting, ordering, or regulating, (s, A, Mob, ]p,)
is an expresion of praise, referring to the indeter- ofglorying: and hence signifying nobility; rank and ezamining, or judging, (Msb,) and suficing,
minate noun [JqJ]; because, in its case, [what is or quality; honourablenes, or eatimablenes,from (A,) .w'1j in the affair. (8, A, Myb.) This
originally (see below)] an inf n. (j. [under whatever source derived:] originally, (MF,) what is not from L & ; for 'Jl L
which term lexicologists, but not grammanrians, one enumerates, or recounts, of the deeds, or relates only to an action done for the sakeo of
qualitie, in which his ancetors have gloried: God. (Msb.) -A reward, or recompense: pl.
include the J.]) is rendered, in grammatical
(,, A, Mgh, I, MF :) secondly, what one enu- (, g.) [The ofice of the -'-.]
analysis, by another word, [i. e., by an act. merates, or recounts, of Lis own deeds, or qualities, ee o, las sntenCe.
part. n.,] as though one said W , or ?L See also ~.m,last sentence.
in wich heglories: thirdly, what one enumerates, *. ..
.J. (8. [Thus &k,. in these two instances is or reontJs, of any deeds, or qualities, that are ' .A.(: see ,!.p . - Also A punishment.
a i, i e. an epithetic phrase; and J caum of his glorying, of whatever hind they be: (A, J.) - A calamity; an ajiction with which
Boos I.] _ -]-0 s67
a man is tried. (Aboo-Ziyld, 1].) - Evil; mis- or the latter, in the phrase, l ~ita 1 L. to.ab., [which probably has an intensive signi-
chief. (Aboo-ZiyAd, 1c.)- Loc,uts. (Aboo- [aod is sufficient as a reckoner, or as a giver of fication,] (s,) inf. n. `..i3; (TA;) lie envied
Ziyd, , 1.) - Dust: or rmoke: syn. t. what su.Ficeth], (Fr, ~, TA,) in tile .Kur [iv. 7, himfor the thing, or ejivied him the thing, menn-
(].)- Fire. (TA.) This, and each of the five and xxxiii. 39]: (TA:) and so in the l1ur iv. 88. ing a blessing, or a cause of happiness; i. e. ie
significations next preceding, and that next fol- (TA.). [Hence,] Ji1 . ., (i, I1,) in the L disliked that he should possess it, and mitshed that
lowing, have been assigned to the word as used i1 t ;.L. , (TA,) [both of which phlllrases are it might depart from him [and be transferredto
in the 1]ur xviii. 38. (TA.) See also 3y :L.. used in the present day in the sense here following,] himself]: (Msb :) or he wiisled, or regarded him
SmaU arrows, (Mgh, Msb, 15,) or short arrows, May God take, or execute, vengeance upon thee; with a wishl, that the thing, meaning asabove,
($,) which are shwot from Persian bows: (Mgh, or punish thee: (9, L, 15:) meaning an impre- might depart from him: (A:) or he wrisited that
MNb:) said by IDrd to be, in this sense, post- cation though literally predicatory. (IAmb, 1ar he might be depnrid of the thing, meaning as
classical: (TA:) or arrows which a man shoots p..371 .) [See also Xi . voce . above, or an excellence: (g: [in the CId, for
in the hollow of a reed, or cane; draning the 1 Also Characterized, or distinguished, by vwhat ..Lt,is put l .t:])or he wished that the thing,
bow, he dischayges twenty of them at once, and is termned , as explained above [i. e. grounds meaning a blessing, or a cause of happines, (, 1.,)
they pass by nothing without wounding it, whether ofpretension to respect or honour; & &c.]: ($, :) or an excellence, (1g,) miqht become transferred
it be an armed man or another o!ject; they come generous, liberal, honourable, or noble: (Msb:) from him (another) to hismelf. (9, 1.). And
forth like rain, and scatter among the people: bountiful, or munificent: and having a nuumerous Lar53 ; t_~l L; AL He wished that he
(ISh, TA :) or smaUl arrows, with slender heads, household: (Az, Mgh:) pl. ... (A, 1.) possessed such as his (another's) courage, and the
in the hollow of a reed, or cane, n:hich, whea dis-
.wL~: see lise, without wishing that the other theould be de-
charged, come forth like a shower of rain, and
prived of it; the verb in this case being syn. with
satimte, and pas by nothing mwithout wounding it:
,_.m [act. part. n. of 1; Numbering, count- i. ; and implying admiration. (Mb.) d.sJ
(Az, Msb:) or iron-headed arronw, like large
needles, slender, but somewhat long, and without ing, &c.:] a reckoner; an accountant: [see 'J.l.1*I * , 41 (M, ]) is a saying of the
egest [to tle heads]: (Th, TA:) n. un. with ;. also, ~.:] pl. _ and ,LA~ (TA) and A rabs, mentioned by Lb, strange and abominable,
($, Mgh, Myb, g.) It is also said to signify (M,) meaning hfay Ood punish me for my envy
The circumference of a mill-stone: - and hence, if I envy thee. (M, 1.)
.1..1, (9, 15,) fem. L.-., (TA,) A camel of
in the ~ur lv. 4, [see 1, above,] to mean The 2: see 1.
a colour in which are whiteness and redness (n,
[revolving]firmament. (El-Khafijee, MF.)
15, TA) andt blacknes: (TA:) a man in the hair 4. v.f.^i 'd.-. I associated with him and
't;.. n. un. of :,. [q. v;]. (?.,Mgh,&ac.)_ ofwhos head it [a reddish coloursuch as is termed] found him to be envious. (A.)
Also A thunderbolt; syn. J : (15:) and ;, : (S, 1:) a man, (5,) and a camel, (TA,)
6. 11.t,3 Thley envied (I. ) one anothepr.
t _, [oftwhich it is the n. un.,] thunderbolts; wh,oe skin has become white by reason of dimase,
(A, A,* J.)
nyn. cle,. (Bd and Jel in xviii. 38.) - A and whose hair is infected [and turned red] in
hIailstone; syn. .. (]~. [In some copies of the conmquence
thereof, so that le has become white ,~ Enry; or the wishing that a blessing, or
and red: (1 :) accord. to Sh, that has no [distinct] a cause of utappiness, may depart from its pos-
K ;. ])_- A cloud. (K.) Asmal
A ant. (5.)
colour; of whom, or of wi,tch, one says, I think seCsor (S, A) and become transferred to oneself.
A s,maU pillow; (R,1;) and so . -. : so, and I think so. (TA. [The latter clause of (S.) [See 1.]
( :) or this signifies a pillow of shin, or leather. this explanation (in the TA ..-... l JU4 L51U
(TA.) I.Lb "..-j 1.i) I have rendered conjecturally; ..j~ Envaiou: (M9 b, ]1:) used also as afem.
epithet without;: (TA:) pL _. (1.)
, and t r~: [A numbeing, counting, supposing ei to have been omitted by a copyist,
after JU.]) _- Also A leper. (Lth, T, 1g.) - ... ~Envying: (S, Myb, K:) pl. ij'. (9,
reckoning, calculation, or computation: see 1:]
And t A mnean, avaricious, man. (S, TA.) A, Msb, K) and :-, (Msb, A, O1)and o .
both signify the same: ( :) or the latter is pl. of
the former, (9, ], TA,) accord. to Akh (S, TA) Camels that have much fih and (A,1 .)
and AHeyth and others, when the former signi- fat:. (TA:) or ~. has two meanings; from
; ', 1 [That which is a cause of envy
fies what is numbered; J'c.i [a number; or _ signifying "nobility;" [i. e. noble camels;] is a cause of corruption, or evil]. (A.)
q?antity;] and the former has also for a pl. [of and from L1; i. e. satisfying, with their milk,
pauc.] .- 1. (TA.) You say, tL. J.WI1 8j their owners and the guest. (IAyr, TA.) ;.j. Envied. (S, A, Mgb.)
and '1,; [The agent preented his reckoning, a : see t~.
&c.]. (A.) Hence, JI L and J :
: ee 2.
sce art. 1 ~.. [And 1L1 4s 1. The num- 1. ,_, aor. ' (S, Msb, 15) and :, (Mgh, Mqb,
bering, counting, or reckoning, with the fingers.] : see _,-., first sentence. g,) inf. n. M_ 1g) and :~,
(S, Mb, (TA,)
And ., A 1 [The day of rechoning; i. e., , [The inspector of the markets and of He removed it, put it off, took it off, or stariped
ofthefinaljudgment]. (]ur xxxviii. 15, &c.)_ the wights and measures #c.] is an appellation it off, (Mgh, ], TA,) :IS , from a thing which
~..L_. also signifies The reckoning, or enume- derived from _.. 1, as shown above: see this it comred or concealed. (TA.) ~ is said of any-
rating, or recounting, of cause of glorying; or verb. (Q.) You say, i.il _ 'l (Such thing as meaning It was removed, put off, taken off,
of memorable, or generous, actions or qualities. a on# is the inmpector of the markets 4ec. of the or stripped off, from a thing which it covered or
(M9b.) - And 1A great number of men: (A, concealed. (A.) You say, i . L ' - '
. (~.)4,,
L, 15:) of the dial. of HudheyL (L.) - And town]: you should not say He removed his sleeefrom hisfore anrm. (, A.)
1 A suicing thing, ( ],) and a, gift, (9, ]g, and
And simply *&l; H>e uncoered his ore
Bd in lxxviii. 36,) as also t. : (Bd ib.:) or .j. an
a large gift: (Jel ib.:) ora gift accordingto one's arm. (Msb.) And ;Ij IJ . .D. lHte re-
norks. (Bd ib.) L LtJW V o and ; :,:;JIA, moved, or took o, his turban from his head.
Myb, ],) aor. & and , (, 1],) the latter form (A, Msb,) aor. :, (Msb,)
A reckoner, or taker of accounts: [see of nor. used by some, (Akh, t,) the former being (A.) And 1 -r,
She (a woman) took o.F lur shift (A, Myb)
also ._.:] or a wf~cer, or giver of what is that which commonly obtains, (TA,) inf. n.
C from her body: (A:) and tL;tL he,.
ejfcient; (V, TA;) from ._1, of the mea- (4h, ~, A, Msb, 1] [in the C15 _]) and ,.,
sure J.i in the sense of the measure Ja,. but the former is more common, (M.b,) and head-covering. (Mb.) -_[Hence,] ;5.i
(TA.) It has the former of these significations, ;._ and ;L.. (,1 )0and (CV;) and 3'JI - tt[The wind rtmoved the clouds from the
568 [Boox T.
sky]. (A.) And.q .JI ,. . :[1CHe, or it, pised another: he annoyed, or vexed, him: (K :) K ;) or [fatigued] by long looking. (A.)-
removed the covering of anxietyfrom lne]. (A.) he drove him away. (TA.) -_ He caused hin; to Also, (S, K,) and ?... ahd VOi , (TA, [but
(]g,) inf. n. experience, or faU into, grief, or regret: (Mgh, whether the latter be with or without tenween
-Also, (A,
(TA,) He peeled a
branch of a tree. (1C, TA.) .. And He swrept a Mqb, ] :) or to gpieosfor, or to recyret, nost in- is not shown,]) Grieving, or regretting: (v:)
tensely, a thing that had escaped himin. (S.) - or grieving, or regretting, most intnsely, on
house or chamber. (]K, TA.) -And ,J' .,
aor. -, inf. n. *_ and .... , i They begged of ',lt ;,s,,m., (s,) inf. n. as above; (S, K ;) and account of a thing that has escaped one. (.,
him amnl 'le gae them until nothing renmained in *oa3, (A, TA,) and jJl; .:t ... (TA;) The TA.)
birds moulted; shed their feathers. (., A, K,*
his poaenion. (TA.) , (., A, ],) aor. A.t. A man having no ,i [or covering for
and ;, (TA,) inf.n. _. (., TA) and i; the head, made of mail, &c.,] (S, ],) upon him;
(TA;) and *t.l, (.8,,) 4: see 1. aAlso . I )... The people, or (S;) nor a coot
inf. n. j;l1; and of mtnail; (, K;) contr. of l;
party, experiencedfatige. (TA.)
t_., inf. n. 3; (TA;) He, (a man, 8, A,) (Mghl;) nor a helmet upon his head; (TA;)
and it, (a journey, TA,) tired,fatigued, or jadtd, 5. j.3 It (the plumage of a bird, A, and the contr. of -a: (Mgh :) or having no LC. [or
(8, A, g,) a beast, (A,TA,) or a camel: (.:) fur, or soft hair, of a camel, ., .K) fell oqf; (., dejictmsive covering, &c.]: (K :) a man Kaving no
and he drove a camel until he tired, fatigued, or A, 1 ;) when relating to the filr, or soft hai., of' turban
on his head: (TA:) a man having his
a camel, [said to be] by reason of fliigue; (] ;)
jaded, him. (s.) And Iltal ?. The beast but this restriction is not necessary; for its falling head uncovered: (A:) pl. .. , and pl. pl.
was fatigued so that it roas left to remain where off is sometimes occasioned by diseases; thoughl Ol~s-; the lattcr a form used by one of the
it was. (AHeyth.)._And",, aor. ', tit (the it may be said that the former cause is the more pocts; the former pl. applied to foot-soldiers in
distance to which it looked, and the indistinctness common. (TA.) You say also, >C. l _ vwar, becausc they uncover their arms and legs,
of the object,) fatiged the eye. (TA.) And or because they have not upon them coats of
*.1lThefur, or soft hair,fell off from the ca-
ih&I J3r ;>9_ ([The ey *a fatigud mel: and in like manner one says of the plumage mail nor helncts; occurring in this sense in a
by the lnpth of looking: see a similar meaning of from the birds: (A:) and of the hair from the tratl. (TA.) Also, without ;, A woman who
_s andj.., hax taken off her shift friom her person: (ISd,
below]. (A.) See 7, with which ass. (TA.) See also 2._ - ., Msh, TA:) N'ho has talken off her clothes from
_-. is syn. _ [Hence,] y , (ISk, A, Mgh, [She uncovered herself, or her i/ead andforehlead, her person:
whto has uncovered her head and her
Meb,) aor. ', (TA,) It (water) sank and dis-
or her head, or herface, before him: (see >. :) forc arms: rcho has taken off her hlead-covering:
appeared; or became low; or retired: (ISk, A,
and, with , a woman having herface uncovered:
Mgh:) it sank and disappeared,or retired,fromn or] she sat before him with her face uncovered.
(TA from a trad.) See also 1, in two places. pl. and ,_. (TA.)-__... ,.lJl IJl,
its place: (Mb :) properly, it became removed
froam the shore: (Mgh:) and it (the sea, or great 7. .J-m It became removed, put off, taken in a trod. of 'Alec, means DuMileye ms es, or
river,) sank, or retired, from (t) El-'lrL/, and o.ff, or stripped off, from a thing which it covercd oratories, with bare walls, with no ..jj [or
from the shore, so that the ground whick wma be- or concealed; ($, A, Mgh, Mb ;) as also tV , naolterital o
ornanents or crestings]. (TA.) See
#eath the water appeared: (TA:) you do not say, (J,) which occurs in poetry, (TA,) inf. n. . also .....
in this sense, tj..l. (Ax. [But this latter is (1I.) [See also 5.] -It (the darkness) becamne
sometimes used, as, for instance, in the M 9 b art. remoed, or elared away; (A, Msb;) j-__ I The internal, or intrinsic, state or
E[from quality, (f, A, .,) of a person; (S, A;) as also
jq.]) Hence, in a trad., _ L j;j&l , him, or it]. (A.)-See also 1._-and 2.
tV..: (.K:) and the latter, [or both,] the
4>. L ,; [E(at thou that from which the 10: see 1, in two places.
nature, or natural disposition. (g, TA.) You
sea retires, and leave wat loats upon it]. (Mgh.)
,,p: see . say, , 0...milC4 tM Such a one is generoks,
,t aor. ;, (8, A, ],) inf. n. j (8, A)
or noble, in respect qf his internal, or intriisic,
and; ; (TA;) and;.,aor. z, (A, ],) inf. n. .a Grief, or regret; syn. h.U, (MIsb, K,) state or quality:
(., A :) or l, mening
J-. ; (TA;) and t. 1, (9, V,) and tjV ; and _..., (M.b,) or 2Io, (Jel in ii. 162 and as above: or in resapct of his nature, or yatural
($;) lie (a camel, ., or a beast, A) became tired,
.fatigued, orjaded, ($,8, TA,) by travel: (TA:) viii. 36 and xxxix. 57,) or;. and_,: (Dd in disposition: orJace, or countenance. (TA.)
[or] the last signifies he (a camel) fell down from viii. 36 :) or intense lamentation or ex;ression of
p.. The face, or countenance: (g :) [or a
fatigue. (Ijam p. 491.) [Hence,] it is aid in a pain or of grief or of sorrow; syn. l; .IWJI: part, of the person, that is uncovered:] the pl.,
trnd., V 'j1j n l;;;, tSupplicate ye (Jel in vi. 31 and xxxvi. 29:) or most intense , .,_, signities the parts, of the 2erson of a
God, and be not weary: and a similar instance grief or regret ( .4I ,a1, S, or .. Jal %.Zl,woman, that are exposed to vierw; namely, the
occurs in the l1ur xxi. 19. (TA.)_ [Hence Zj)for a thing thait has escaped one, ($,)so that
also,] _.?,, aor. :o , , ) or ', (Mqb,) he who feels it is like a beast that is tired, or
face, anns, and legs. (Az.) You say z. l
j.t...JI [A woman beautiful in respect of th;
inf. n. ._; (8, M1b, V;) and .~, aor. :; fatigued, or jaded, (.. ,) and of no use: (Zj larts, of the person, that are exposed to rtiew].
(A;) SIt (the sight) was, or became, dim, dull, in xxxvi. 29 of the ]ur:) pl. .. (Ms,.) (A.) - [llenec, : An elevated, plain tract, bare
or hebetated; (I,M 9 b, ];) and itfailed; (.,
You say, 4 l;o m . t[ O my grief, or regret, of herbage or trees].
You say rl
Ii;) [or becamefatigued;] by reason of length of &c.,for , #
it!] (A.) I Land bare of herbage: (A:) and in like
space [overlooked], (., M 9b, ],) and the like;
(., Myb ;) or by long looking. (A.)~ .j.., ?!j,-~: see what next follows. manner, pAwfi.gl ;jt& a desert withmot any
covering of trees; its y. A. meaning its levated
aor. :, inf. n. (., Mlb, 1)) and '., ' (8, ,) Tired, fatigued, or jaded, (S,,) by
and plain tracts of ground that are uncovered by
or the latter is a simple subet., (M4b,) and 1'_, much travel; (TA;) applied to a camel, (K,I,) plants [or treew]. (T, TA.)- See also y a,
(TA,) He grieved for it, or at it; or regretted alike to the male and the female; and so in two places.
it; hefelt, or expressed, grief, sorrow, or regret, and ;..sI, applied to a horse or the like: (TA:)
D..,. An instrument for seeping; a broom,
on account qf it; syn. 4Ijj; (Mqb, g ;) as also and * a camel fatigued, or jaded; ema-
or besom. (. .)
t_3.: (., ] :) or the former, he grievedfor it, ciated byfatigue, or made to exert himself beyond
or regretted it, ( , A, or . his strength in a journey: (am p. 208:) pl. ~":' see e.~.- Also Annoyed; vexed:
TA,! namely, a thing that had escaped him, most of the first (., ]C.)_I Sight S. that is and despised: (8, applied to a man. (.8.)
dim, dulsdl, or hbetated, and failing, by reason of It is said in a trad. that the companions of a man
intensely. (, A,* TA.) [Seee _.]
length of space [overlooked] (., Myb, I, TA) who is to come forth in the end of time, to be
2. j, inf. n;, J: see L. AlIo He des- and the like; (,Mb ;) as also tVj,q.; (S, calledcalled
I j,.eI or, as some
..,....zJl ,1, some sayp,
a1y ,.o.li
, *C.!I,,
Boox I.] 56
shall be X I , (TA,) meaning despiued; (8, in art. L :) and of a number of persons you (8, Mqb, V1:) he cut it off entirely. (Mgh, Mshb.)
TA;) i. e. annoyed, or ~eed, and caused to say ," ,L~. (TA in that art., q. v.) [See -Hence, i ,JI _: (.:) you say,vjJI .1 ,
grieve or regret, or to grieve or regret mot in- alsoL.r ]_ .. See also i4 ... Also [t Caltrop, (],) inf. n. as above, (TA,) He cut the iein, and
tely: or driem away, or outcats, andfatigued;
as meaning] a hind of instrument used in mar, then cauterized it to prevent theflo of the blood:
from _ signifying "he fatigued" a beast.
(., C,) made like the l mentioned in the (1 :) or this is an elliptical expression, originally
first sentence of this paragraph, (S,) or like the <j ... ! .. , meaning he stopped theflow of
;, [pas part. n. of ; Removed; put, prickle# of the J ., (,) of iron, (S, ]1,) or of blood from the win by cauterization. (Msb.)
taken, or strippedl, off: &c. - And hence,] t A canes, (K,) and sometimes of wood, (TA,) and And hence, (Mgh,) ej_.. ;*aLI, (,M Mgh,)
man who has givn aU that he had, so that nothing cast, (1],) or set up, (TA,) around the army,
remains in his pouenmin: thus it is said to mean or,1 'S,.J 1.tWi [Cut ye of his hand,
(15, TA,) in the ways of the horm. (TA.) -
in the 1]ur xvii. 31. (TA.) . See also .e..' And I Rancour, mnalevolence, malice, or spite; then cauterize it], (.8,* Mgh,* TA,) in order tl,at
the blood may stop. (8, Mgh, TA.) You say
and enmity; (., TA;) as also ? a., (1,)
also, alJ41l ,.,- meaning I cauterized the beast
and t . and t t. (S, 1.
1 [The last in
by uccessivs operations. (Bd in lxix. 7.)_[Hence,
1.,, , (i, lg,) lor. :, (],) inf. n. the CK written .L_.; but expressly said in
also,] ;IJI .1 (1g,) inf. n. as above, (TA,)
the TA to be with damm, and so written in copies
jL.., (.,) t le bore rancour, malevolence, He stopped the disease by a remedy. (X.) And
malice, or spitr, aoninat me; and nnmity: (8:) of the S and J.]) You say, 'a .. '
itl4h L , ~, and :;j.I., His mother stopped
or he was angry n' th me. (K, TA.) and t1 . [In his bosom is rancour, &c.,
against me]. (s.) his sucking, and his food: (TA:) and _
9. t.., inf. n. ;L, fe was, or became, [His ucking was stopped]; (s ;) said of a child.
niggardly, tenaCrius, or avaricious. (Sh-, IAth.) l t Affected with rawncour, malevolence,
(TA.) And ;1 USrj ... , (1g,) inf. n. as
4. lU. Il c malice, or spite; and enmity: (TA:) or angry.
TIe plant of the specie .et med above, (TA,) He prevented such a onefrom at-
J; [q. v.] pi fortri a '.-, 2. . a piclkle. (K1.) You say, ,. J1 .A Zii tvey, taining the thing. (1K.) AndX '1
(TA.) he is affected writh rancour, &c., of tihe bosom
f1l I cut off from him the thing, so tiat he
against such a one. (TA.)-,- ,a " tCou- cannot attain aught th/ereof. (TA.) See also
il;. [is applied, app. in the classical language,
as it is in the present day, to Various species of rageous [and strong]; not to be attempted [in
.j, below. - You say also, * , aor. ,
thistle, and other prickly plants: also to the fight]. (A, TA.) [See also J....]
inf. n. .. a., It caued them to pan away, come
heads of thistle# and the like: and particularly to ia ;: see A:. , (of which it is properly the to an end, cease, perish, or come to nought. (Zj,
the caltrop, or tribulus: and hence the expllana- n. un.,) in four places. TA.) See, again, *, below .~ -
tions here following:] the L [or piickly
ii~: see 34. J.t, (T1C,) in n. ... , (Yoo, 15:,) He strove,
'wads] of the [plant called] O1 ',: (S:) or a ... .5 .. ulboured, tiled, or exerted himmelf, and mearied
certain herb, (Aboo-Ziyad, Mgh, TA,) inclitning . : see ., last two significations.
himself, in rrork. (Yoo, , T1.)
to yelowness, (Aboo-Ziy&d, TA,) having [a headl
"a.: see last two significations.
of] pricklesof roundedform: (Aboo-Ziyid, Mgh, 7. .al It was, or became, cut, or cut off:
TA:) seldom, or newr, does any one walk Also, (?, IF, K,) and t~, (.K,) so accord. (8, Msb, 1 :) [or it mua, or became, cut off en-
upon it, whten it has dried up, with/out putting to Az, on the authority of Lth, but in the 'Eyn, tirely: see 1, of which it is the quasi-pau.]
upon his fect boots or sandals: and the ants trans- and also in the Mo]ee:, as 'gh says,
t _L A s1word; because it cuts that upon which
pert its protuce [or heads] to their nests: (Aboo- which (SM says) is probably a mistranscription,
Ziyid, TA:) a certain plant, the produce [or (TA,) The hledge-hog: ('Eyn, S, ] :) or a large it comes: (Mqb:) or a sharp sword; (., 1, TA;)
head] whcereof (wrohich is rough [or prickly], TA) hedge-hog. (TA.) and in the same sense applied to a [knife such as
clings to the wool of sheep, (1,) and to the fur is termed] .a~:(TA:) and (so in the 8, but in
of camels, in their places of pasturing: (TA:) the . " or") the edge of a sword, with wh,ich one
8. J_.1l He hunted, catght, mnared, or en- strikes. ($, 1.) _.;L i;i A lasting night:
its leave are like tose of pur.slane (;.Jl), or
trapped, the [young lizards tcrmed ] J~ , pl. of (V :) or a night of lasting evil, especially. (TA.)
narrower,and at its leaes are compact and hard
prickles, haring three forks: [hence it seems to ~j... (0,6-) f,_. Unluckiness, or inauspiousnem . (8,
be a species of three-horned caltrop: or for
j,)_ The young one of the [kind of lizard $, TA.) Some explain it thus in the passage
"three," we should perhaps read four: (see
another application of the word in what follows:)] called] ,, (AZ, S, Mgh, 15,) when it first here following. (,*'TA.) _, a .,
the drinking [of an infusion] thereof has the co,ne forth from its egg: (AZ, ., K5:) it is next ,. ` .t j1 l ; JQi, in the gur lxix. 7, means
effect of crumbling the stone of the kidneys and called ljs ; then, - J..; then, ..j.b&; and He sent it (the wind) upon thlm byforce, (Jel,)
bladder; and the drinking of the expressed juice then, _: or made it to prevail against them by his poaer,
(S and L voce [but see this
of its leare is good for the tnerealfaculty, and (B4,) [sseve nights and eijht days] contecutioly;
for difficulty in the dischargeof urine, and for word:]) pl. [of pauc.] jl.L (g) and [of mult.] (T, 8, Bd, ]5, Jel ;) an expression taken from the
the bite of vipers; and the rpriahling it in the J ($.10) and _, with kesr, and I.., repetition of the act of cauterization, (T, Bql, Jel.)
dnelling hills fleas: (1 :) also, accord. to Aboo- (K, TA,) with kesr and then fet-b. (TA. [In the i. e. the act of the t..; (Jel;) whence this
0-. 0 ~~~~~~5 is~i
Naer, the produce of the [plant called] ~j: C1g '"''j.]) [Hence,] ,,J? .M,, (S.,) orl word ( ..) is applied to anything made conse-
(TA:) and sharp, hard pricklae or thorns: (TA and jjI, (V,) The [lizard called] cutive; (T, TA;) and ... is its pi.: (T, B(!,
in art. J_ :) n. un. with 5: (8, Mgh:) which TA:) or ' _ signifies the making consecutive.
some hold to apply to any fruit, or produce, of a .,. (S, 15.) [Hence also,] J.:.,.JI ' .. i1 ',
and, as an epithet, conseccutiw, and costinuois
plant, that is of the kind termed {,Gu [i. e. i. e. I will not come to thee ever, (S, 5,) until thy friom first to last: (Fr, TA:) or, accord. to somc,
forming a compact and roundish head]; and death: (S:) becautse the tooth of the jL~ does .*.
Jl .*Jl meaes the days that are consecutire
hence, to the pod of the cotton-plant: and it also not fall out: (S, 1 :) a prov. (..) with evil especially; and such ISd thinks to be
signifies a prickle, or thorn. (TA.) [Hence,] 'J.~: see.. [of which it is the dim.]. the meaning: (TA:) or ..Jl1 U~1;l means
v i;;j A Verily he is rough. (A, TA.) And
the nights that cut off good, or prosperity, (t..
,,"."l "arL . t Verily they are strong: and 'jC.Jl,)fromtheir people: (8,t : [and the like
of one person you say ,, * k.. (TA.) And 1. n....-, (8, M{b, ]1,) aor. , (Msb, K,) inf. n. is said by Bd in lxix. 7:]) or ... in the gur
o *I .. ;,tHe is courageous: (I5 and TA _. , (Mgh, M9b,) He cut it; or cut it off: means causing them to pass away, come to an
Bk. I. 72
570 [Boox I.
end, case, periah, or come to nougtht: (Zj,T:) which are originally.a and 4: and thus one 1the continuing in the right way, and following
or it may be an inf. n., meaningfor the purpose does in all verbs like these two in meaning: a the way which those [of the rightsour] who har
of cutting off: or an inf. n. of a verb meant to be poet says, gone before have trodden; this last being said to
understood, as a denotative of state; i.e. t,v- be the meaning in the Iur ix. 101. (TA.)_
* tXj '"Jl4 Wl "'uJ
L,_ [agre~bly with the explanation of Zj]; As a trans. v.: see 2, in three places.&_
and this is confirmed by the reading with fet-h * k Ih
j)j L.a1l S also signifies lIe knew it: ($,~, TA:) [or] he
[i. e. ,.., thoughl this is a very rare form of knen it rell; (Er-Ri,lhib, M.sb;) and so t t-a.I,
[Alen have not nwith held f.om me n.hat I have
inf.n.]: (Bd :)you say .*.^ , (,) in which desired, not. do I give them whtat they have de-
as in the saying, a . ~ . t-e knows
case the latter word is an inf. n. used as an epithet, sired: good, or very good, is this is a inodte of con- ,uel tie Arabic.language. (MA.) Hene tbeeay-
meaning cutting off, or preventing, good, or pros- ij;, .[The value of
dutct!]: meanin.g Lt' I.f OA. (8, TA.) You ing of 'Alee, . -
perity; (TA;) and ..s..t l, which has a similar 0e.
say also, ,j '-",
[meaning, Good, or goodly,
the mnan is 7what he knows, or knons well]. (TA.)
meaning. (15, TA.) &c., or rery good &c., is Zeyd! or] meaning 79_ b. .L4 ,jUI is another saying of 'Alee,
meaning ilflen ' are nnaed, or reputed, in relation
o.-; pl.; .: see this latter wor(ld. I# T--I [i.e. horv good, or goodly, &c., is Zeyd!
to whlut they hnow,, and to the good deeds that
as aso ta . L.]. (13, TA in art. .,.) they (lo. (TA.) -
a at
- #i -
O l.~1 and &.a.. to: see
a*t~ A cause, or means, of cutting off, or
stopping; (T, 15, TA;) syn. * .. (T, TA.) 4
2. ;, (, IC,) inlf. n. "e. , (S,) HIe made 1, last sentence. You say also, v .... 1 [i. e.
So in the saying, ;tJ.U I~ 1. This is a caue, it, or rendleed it, C>. [i. e. good, or goodly, leon rery good, or goodly, &c., is hwe!]; using
or means, of cutting o.ff, or stopping, the disease. (generally the latter,) beautiful, comntely, or pldeas- the dim. form; like . l t [q. v.]: (. and g
iS. a.1 .i*-
ing, &c.]; (1:K;) he beautified, enibellidshed, or in anrt. .L.) Also le (a man, IAnr) mat upon
(C,* TA.) And hence, (TA,), s?.5 .JeL.
iJ , j 4':,: a trd., (T, S, TA,)
adorned, it; (S,TA;) as also 'L..t. (TA.)
a hiyh hill, or healp, of sand, such ats i tetwed
meaning [Keep ye to fasting, for it is] a cause, You say, 1 3 .J1 te_1 The .dsaver beauti- o--. (~Aw', K)
or means, of stopping venereal intercourse, [and a fled, or trinmed, his head. (TA.) And U5.Jl
canse, or means, of dispelling exultation, or ex- 'i" :& 3 *d2. [Who hath malde good, or 5. 'O..5: see 1. - Also i. q. .~ [i.e. lie
cessive exultation, and resting the mind upon goodly, everythling that lle hat/s crcated], in the bes utifiel, emlibellished, or adorned, himself: and
things agreeable with tatural desire:] (TA:) or a.'. . -a- -a- he aflected nithat is beautifud, goodly, or comnely,
]Kur [xxxii. 6], means : J.5 [hath in person, or in action or actions or belhaviour, or
an imnpediment to venery, and a cause of dimi-
mnade good, or goodly, the creation of everrything]. in moral character, &c.]. (TA.) [_ *;-, said
nishing the seminalfluid, and of stopping venereal
intercourse or pasion, &c. (T, TA.) (TA.) - [See also i.] - And see 10. of a woman, occurs, in the former sense, in the S
and K in art.Lc, and in the TA in art. J;, &c.]
_.~t-A child (TA) whose stucking is stopped: 3. , lut
i4 ...l &t! (S, TA) Verily I con-
_ ~ laJI J Hle eutered the hot ballth
(15, TA:) and nhoseJbod is stopped. (TA.) And tend wcith men for thy superiority in ~ [i. e. and oas shaven. (TA.)
A child badly fed. (t, I.) Hence the provey., goolneess, or goodlinemss, &c.]. (TA.) [;,._ fol-
b_..m ~jb ~Si [The lapping of a little lowed by an accus. is rendered by Golius, as on 6. C..,j [lie affected to be ;>_ (i. c. good,
good/ly, beautiful, comely, &e.), not being really
puippy that had been badly fed]: said on the the authority of J, who gives no explanation of so]. (A in art. ~.. [See 6 in that art.])
occasion of a greedy person's taking much of a it, "Bene tractavit et egit."]
thing that he had not been able to obtain, and 10. '.m! HIe counted, accounted, reckoned,
4. .~.l as an intrans. v.: see 1. - Also He
that he had become able to obtain; or in ordering did that which 7as A;.[meaning good, comely, or esteemed, him, or it, ;-
one to take much when able. (TA. [See Freytag's or pleasing; he acted well]; (Msb;) he did a beautiful, comely, pleasiny, &c.; he approved,
(i. e. good, goodly,

Arab. Prov. ii. 817; where another reading is

good deed: (Er-RtAlghib, TA:) [for] ;L..I is the
tiouyet weeU of, or liked, him, or it]; (S, ;) as
given, namely, L*..~ in the place of L .. , contr. of ;;ZL: (K :) it differs firom ;,lal in be- alsoht ;, inf. n. " . (.Har p. 594.) Hence
as well as the reading here given.]) ing to oneself and to another; whereas the latter the saying, ,(j j j L."i h, J, [Th
is only to anothler: (TA:) and it surpasse J , maklting this word perfectly declinable is appro'
inasmuch as it means the giving more thtan one cable, but the mahing it impefectly declinable is
o;es, and taking less than is owed to one; whereas agreeable with analogy]. (TA.)
1. .... , (g,Mgh, Mb,l c,&c.,) which may also the latter means the giving whiat one owes, and
be written and pronounced >_ (8,It, &c.) and t ',which is of the
_., with the dammeh taking what is owed to one. (Er-R4ghib, TA.)
dial. of El-gIijiz, and * ., (MF, TA,) Good-
suppressed, (s,) and ~. , (],)aor. , (TA,) in.n. You say, s,l :.;.~...1 and & [I acted, or behaved,
~ ~ ~ ~ .0
0 0.0 ness, or goodliness, [generally the latter,] beauty,
'_ (;,' Mqb, V," TA) and ., (Ham p. 657, with goodnes, nwell, or in a good or comely or
and Bd in ii. 77,) Iet, or it (a thinig, F, MNb), comnelines, or pleasinyness; contr. of : ( :)
pleasing manner, towards him; did good to him;
had, or possesed, the quality termed' m [which benefited him; conferred a beneit, or benefits, i. q. Jt.: (I :) but accord. to An, [when re-
see below; i. e., at, or became, good, or goodly, upon him]: both sigsify the same: (;, TA:) lating to the person,] c is in the eyes, and
(generally the latter,) beautiful, comely, or pleasing, and hence, in the l'ur [xii. 101], .~1 ,i Jto. is in the nose: (TA:) symnmetryj; orjust
&c.; and t'.:.. often signifies the same, as in proportion of the seve,al parts of the person, one
'o:Jl ~ ; us.9' 1meaning 5I [i. e. He hath
the phrase .~' *..3it was, or became, good, to another: (I5ull:) or anything, moring tlhe
acted rwell towards me, n,hen he brought meforth
mnind, that is desired, or wished for; such as is
&c., in his estimation]: ($, g, TA:) and [in like from the prison]: (AHeyth, Az:) or, accord. to
approved by the intellect; and such as is approved
manner] .j C;~1l means ZTyd became possessed some, the verb in this case is made to import the
by natural desire; and such as is approved by
of 02.. (Mughnee in art. .. )_Onemay not meaning of -J. [which is trans. by means of thefaculty of sens: in the common conventional
.,' i. e. lie hath acted graciously nith me].
say '., transferring the 4ammeh of the ,. to language, mostly applied to nwhat is approved by
the and making the former letter quiescent, (Mfughnee in art. ,.)_ O-_L.'~# is also expllained
the sight: in the gur, mostly to mhat is approved
except in one case; because it is [virtually, to- as meaning " lI [i. c. Th/e being sincere, or by mental perception: it is in accidents as well as
gether with its agent expresed or implied, in this without hypocrisy; or the asserting oneself to be in substances: (Er-Raghib, TA:) the pl. is
case,] a predicate: [see I 'A4 p. 234:] this is clear of believing in any beside God]; which is 1 &t/, (,
(],,) like 5.
pl. of L.', and
allowable only in the case of a verb of praise or a condition of the soundness, or validity, of .A,; pl. of 'a., &c., (Iar p. 0,) contr. to rule,
dispraise; . * , in res pect of the transference of l and .. ~,7 i together: and as denoting (S,1,) as though pl. of t "O or ~. :
the medial vowel, being likened to. and j, watchfuln, and good obedience: and as meaning (S accord. to different copies:) or, accord. to Lb
Book I.]
case: so in the saying, 1. JaA l ;'
and Eth-Tha'slibee, ' has no proper sing. dition of good author.ity; generally applied to one
transmitted in the first instance by two or more [Ilis utmost, or best, &c., is, or rvill be, the doing
(TA.) t IAU I j, in the ]ur [ii. 77], relaters. Also meaning Goodl, comely, good- such a tini8]: and Vt -" means die same.
means And say ye to men a saying having in it humoured. ]pleasing, or pleasant, di.course or (K,' TA.)
goodne ( or .m maynmean :
W,.....lb): talk.] . -. ;Jl The bone that is next to the
.r_,~: see what next precedes.- Also A
(Zj, TA:) and some read here (..: and some, elbow; as also t .> Jl: (K :) or the extremity
hind of tree, rith small leaves. (1].)
:.,.. accord. to the dial. of EI-H.ijiz: and some, of the bone of the upper half of the arm next the
as an inf. n., like Ljq: (Bd:) but shoulder-joint, because of the abundance of flesh iLs.; and its fem., with i: see , in
AjI[t and Zj disallow this; the former saying that is upon it; the extremity of that bone next three places.
that ~s is like i, [as fern. of l denoting the elbow being called ` l: (TA in art. ri:) ';.: see ri..[HIence,] O,jl The
the comparative and superlative degrees], and or the upper part of that bone; the lower part
moon. (AA, S.)
therefore should have the article Jl. (TA.) thereof being called a- il. (Fr, TA in that art.)
A;~I CS'-.}14 U jj, in the -ur 7], -A
[xxix. hind of tree, of beautiful appearance,(., -1, ml.-, pl.
fern. .: see 'p --
means [in like manner] And we have enjoined TA,) also called the .'1, that grows in rows upon 0 _j..1 denotes the comparative and superlative
man to do to his two parents what is good (L* a hill, or heap, ( ,) of sand; so called be- degrees [of ' .];as in the phrase &..jl
1. ; : (TA:) and here [also] some read cause of its beauty; whence the .e2 is called [Ile, or it, is the better, and best; or the mnore,
L ; and some, U!L.. 1 . (Bd.) [See another ex. .JI1
jW: thus described by Az, on the authority and most, goodly or beautiful or comely &c.]:
of a similar kind, from the $ur xviii. 85, voce of 'Ale Ilbn-Hamzeh. (TA.)- [And hence, (1C:) ,l 1t is the fem.; as in the phrase
L1, near the beginning of the paragraph.]- perhaps,] C~ signifies also A high "b [or ;L..1 I,191 The best names; those of God;
hill, or heeap, of sand]: (IAar, K :) whence it is whicll are ninety and nine: (Jel in vii. 179:)
C ;_J. [Tie convolvulus cairicitus of Linn.;
abundant in the gardens of Cairo;] a certain used as a [proper] name of a boy. (IAnr, TA.) it signifies the contr. of.;4Jt1: (S, ] :) the pl.
plant that twines about trees and has a beautitul See also , fist sentence. of >...JI is OL.A)l. (R1.) In the saying, in
flwer. (TA.) - See also >-~. the ]uir [vi. 153 and xvii. 30], Q1ll j ;iW %
- HIaving, or poesing, the quality termed --s1 j o ~ )i [And anproacah ye not the
C : see .~, first sentence. property of the orpihan, to make use of it,] exeeilt
.-- [which sec above; good, or goodly, (,gene-
rally the latter,) beautiful, comely, pleasing or A ledye (.bj) projecting f'om a moun- by that act which is best to be (lone with it, the
pleasant, &c.]; (Mob, K, TA;) either intrin- tain: pl. _. (.K.) meaning is, such an act as the taking care of it,
ically, as whcn applied to belief in God and in his and increasing it: (Bl:) or, as some say, the
attributes; or extrinsicolly, us when applied to war ;.;- fernm. of Cp [q. v.] (., MAb,.)_ meaning is, the taking, of his property, what will
against unbelievcrs,for this is not good in itsclf: said Also, [used as a subst., or as an epithet in whlich [suffice to] conceal those parts of one's person
to be the only epithet of its measure except : the quality of a subst. is predominant, A good tlhat should not be exposed, and stay one's hunger.
act or action;] an act of obedience [to God; (TA.) [The fem.] V. 1 is applied to acci-
(TA:) antd t*e significs the same, (IB, K,)
often particularly applied to an alns.-dccdJ: (Ksh dents only: not to substances. (Er-Rsghib, TA.)
because from , like l" and ~ from and Bd in iv. 80:) and the renward [of a good It means also, [as an epithet in which the quality
action]: (Er-Raghib, TA:) a good, benefit, bene-
.L and .. 4, (1lB, TA,) and t , (1K,) but
.faction, boon, or blesing: (Ksh and Bd ibid.:)
of a subst. predominlates, That which is better,
and that which is best. And hence,] The good
this is an intensive epithet, [signifying verJ good or
contr. of :Z. [in all these senses]: (, K:) as final or ultimate state or condition [appointed
goodly &c.,] (In, TA,) and O..., (1g,) also an
contr. of this latter word, it signifies any rejoicing, for the faithful]: (K :) so, it is said, in the .Rur
intensive epithet, (S, IB,) and ~OA,., (K,) [pro-
or gladdening, good or benefit &c. that betides a xli. 50. (TA.) And The view, or vision, of God;
perly signifying beting, or becomning, good or goodly mnan in his soul and his body and his circum- (RK;) accord. to some: but it is said that in the l]ur
&c.,] cited hy Lb as used in a future sense, (TA,) (:., and x. *27,it means Paradise; and ;Lj, which there
stances: (Er-RAghlib, TA:) pl.
and * ._ as applied to a face: ( :) the fern. Iut vii. 10'7, &c. :) it has no broken pl. (TA.) follows it, means the view, or vision, of the face
is a, nnd t., applied to a woman, (;, llence, in the ]nur iv. 80, it means Abundance of of God. (TA.) And V'ictory: and martyrdom:
Mqb, X,) though the corresponding masc. of this ljerbage, or of the goods, conveniences, and com- (Tlh,K:) wlhence, [in the ]inr ix. 52,] $,~'L
latter, namely, VC' ., is [said to be] not used (S, forts, of l;i; amplehness of circumstances; and ,: _1I [one of tile tw!o best things]; (K ;)
1) as applied to a man [in the sense of o...], succe.s: and a!;. there means the contr. of these. victory or martyrdom. (Ksh,3 BI, Jel.) And
(s,) [but the phrase t;. .j_.. ,s"l as meaning (Er-Rattghib, TA.) In the Kur xi. 116, ,t. :Jl
is said to mean The five daily prayers, as ex- The saying 4l 1 l . (Jel in xcii. 6 and g.)
,.q. e* is mentioned in the S in art. ,i,
piating what has been between them. (TA.) - The pl. of tV is ; t; .J and Vt .. l,
(see eW and see also the pl. C..I_ in what
As an epithet, [fem. of : ~-,] it is applied to (1., [the latter like J pl. of , but mnis-
here follows,)] and tVil: (S, :) the pl. masc. an accident as well as to a substance. (Er-RfAghlib, understood by Freytag as syn. with' ,I_l,
is C.., (Msb, 1I,) pl. of C'~ used as an epi- TA,) which next follows it in the K,]) neither of whicl
thet; but when - is used as a [proper] name, is used without the article J1. (TA.)
its pl. is O ~; (Mqb;) and jL-./ may also s : see , and C~. ; the latter, in
three places. l-,Lb: see 4, last sentence but one.
be pl. of .; (TA;) and ' t.., (Sb,z ,)
pl. of ts, which has no broken pl.: (Sb:) 'ex " a subst. of the measure _;J; (i ;)
and o;il 1 means, _ [thle good, or or rather an inf. n. used as a subst.; (TA ;) pl.
goodly, 1w., of the party, or company of men]: Cta.3J : whence ~b;"ll r;. (I) [Cali-
( :) the p1. fem. is 1, (I,) like the masc., gralphy; or] deliberate, orderly, and regular
pL of o.,, and the only instance of its kind ex- writing; (T1 ;) [or clos and compact writing,
[dim. of ~. -Also]
-- A high moun-
say J.j tain: whence it is used as a [proper] name of a without spaces, or gaps, and without elongation
cept J_, p1. of 'lc. (TA.) You
.. .- m boy. (TA.) of the letters;] co;ntr. of j.l.
' (1[. [See
C~ ;C~ [A man wvery good or goodly &c.],
using ;t as an imitative sequent [for the purpose One's utmost, [or rather one's best,]
of corroboration]. [. J . .,i A tra- or the utmost of one's powver or ability or deed or s...., and
72 '
[Boox I.
(Msb,) inf. n. _, (Mb, ],) like as one says i. e. what is supped, or sipped; ( ;) thin cooked
J.s. Doing, or who does, tAat which ic of a man, ,j; (TA;) [He ipped the rater:] food, (Sh, IAth, Myb,) that is supped, or sipped,
one should not say, in this case, j<. (Msb, K.)) (lAth, Msb,) such u is prepared for one who
C_ [meaning good, comely, or pleasing]; (J,
TA;) as also t (V:) or the latter [ii Hence the prov., (Mqb,) l ; A I [A f has a complaint of his chest, (Sh,) made offlour
and water and oil or greas, and sometimes
an intensive epithet, meaning doing, or who does sleping like the sipping of the bird]l; i. e., oj
sneetened: (IAth:) also called ,.a (Sh, ,
much that is good, comely, or pleasing: or: short duration; ($,M, Mqb,TA;) likcied, in
its quiclk ending, to a bird's swallowing water: MIsh, C) and VCA (Sh, ) and ' tC and
means constantly doing that which is C>,
(TA.)_-a_1 Xp b!p 41, (Msb:) in the copies of die 1,;. [a day]; ;t _.; (15;) the last two, the latter of which is
in the l5ur and so in [some copies of] the 8, and in the A. like the inf. n., mentioned by IA.r, but regarded
xii. 36, means : Verily we se thee to be of thod
by ISd as of doubtful authority. (TA.) See
,rho knom, or know well, the interpretation oj (TA.) And the saying, Ai 1.1 L.y
o ;
also 53.
dreamu: (Ksb, BO, TA:*) or t of those endowed I slept [a sleep like the sipping of the bird;
twith knowldge: or of the doers of good to the meaning,] a short sleep. (T, M 9b.*) j see
w: what next precees._ -Also One
nisoners: (Ksh,BP:) or of tlose wio aid th 2: see 4, in two places. mho supr, or ipts, much: (S, 1 :) an epithet
nweak and the sufferer of wrong, and viit thu applied to a man. (S.)
sick. (TA.) 3. [LIt. He supped, or silpped, with him soup,
or broth, d&c.] You say, i. LlS 14
a, : .. isee.
&t (A caue ofgood: pl., app., t; supped, or sipped, with him a bitter cup]. (TA.)
like u i, originally &1;, is said to be pL ,[._.act. part. n. of 1. Hence,] j UL~.
[lit. The supper, or sipper, of gold;] a surname
ofr;L, originally a;1.]. You say, 4*& UU I made him, or gave him, to sup, or
Jip, the of Ibn-Judh'4n, because he had a vessel of gold
. L. [This food is a caue of good, soup, or broth; (S, ;) as also 1' , (15,) from which he supped, or sipped. (Q, CI.)
i. e. bneficial, to the body]. (W.) inf. n. 4m. (TA.) It is said in a prov.,
Lr_ [The ,nouth; lit, the place of supping,
c_: see X _ or sipping]. One says of him who is short, g

e: ee ^ -see
JL2Jl1 h>., ,Jd I 4 .Q
[For the like thereof I used to give thee the near to tIr anus]. (TA.)
rIle Ihas the mouth
mouthfuls of soup to sup, or sip;] meaning tfor
Cj~1~ The beautiful ploces [or parts] of the
the like of this case I used to act n ith goodnes to
body: (:) accord. to some, (TA,) the sing.
thee. (A, TA. [See also Frcyta,g's Arab. Prov.
is ; . : or it has no sing.: (] :) the former
opinion is disapproved by ISd.: the latter is the ii. 437; where we read t-.l.] 1.* L.; .: see 8. .Jlq i. q
opinion of the grammarians and of the generality b: see 1. " [i.- ae.I knew, the news certainhj; or knew
of the lexicologists: and therefore, ys Sb, the noamevhat of the news; see 4 in art. _.]; as
6. l..3 (TA) They supped, or sipped, [soup,
rel. n. is tV li; for if hbad a sing., or broth, &c.,] one wvith another. (KL.) also J1:, .. (S,TA.) And I C,u;L'
it would be restored to the ing. in forming the H e knewr what was in Ahi mind; as also
8: see 1, in three places. - [Hence also,]
reL n. (TA.) You say, o .h eowed
Such a woman has many beau tiful places [or
11 L and
aInl 1., and ait, lIa .tL*.. (P1.) One says also, *,
elicited, or exacted, the utmost pace, or power of ,U CiAM, meaning Ilast thou found, or dis-
parts] of the body. (TA.) And olt t going on, of the hors, and of the he-camel,
and covered, [or learned,] anything from such a one?
Litr;j ([TAe
beautie of theface, and its defects]: of the she-camel. (TA.)
(Az, TA.)
(, in art. su.:)[for] ofw signifies the cointr.
l.: see fL:. 4: seeL
of ? ( [ -[ As Oontr. of ;, it signifies 4
also Good qualitie of any kin: and also good _ a, inf. n. of 1. - Sec also .;1. 8. ..... l He dug out the sand from a
actions; like ! to procure thc water beneathr: ( :) he dug out
.: agreeably with an ex- i..; _A ingle act of supping or sipping; (S, the
earth for the water to come forth: (TA:)
K ;) as also ? i.u; but the former is the more
chaste: (j:) some say that these are dial. vars., and . U.. (T,]5) heftcheid out, by digging,
like LAi and i, and Lc the water of a L~; so as heard by As from
and aj: but
accord. to Yoo, the former denotes the act, and more than one of Benoo-Temeem: (TA:) or he
the latter is the [proper] subst. (TA.) See also dug a .-. ; as also t .. (.) .._ [Hence,]
what next follows. t lie ahked, or wought, information, news, or
opinionin the lie; (Mb ;) uSe also erat1 tidings. (TA.) - See also 1, in two places
1b (d eb,: ,) aor. te, (Tb,) inf. n I. A sup, or sip; i.e. a sall quantity of
(of , (heli 5, oMb,)
and iad
anseeo say that meansr,
the preelt :) alwf
in isah what is supped, or sipped: (1 :) or as much as L_: see what next follows.
an inf n., (Mqb,) [but this is properly an inf. n. iJ supped, or sipped, (_> at once: (a:) or a (T,S, K) and ~ (Almad Ibn-Yabya,
a mouthful of Rwhat is supped, or sipped; and
leLy aner. (8b, ) .. m You say atbo, ;ao some say that * ;4. is a dial. var.; but others, AAF, ]) and ?.a., accord. to the 15, but this
is unknown, and the correct word is CL., [or
that this is an inf. n. [of un.]: (Msb:) pl. `u
rather Vf ~;.,] mentioned by IAr, (TA,) Water
sip]. alnd
lie m k anspingb drankt [or [for an ex. of which see 4] (Msb,TA) and 1Iap which the earth imbibes from sand [above
of u, or t1 n, or..j ,(MAb) and [of pauc.] Iaer.1 and htrich, when it reache wh4Lt is hard, is
He (a man)supped, or sipped,
ore dup, or
and (in
[a. some copies of the c1, erroneously, arrested thereby: one digs out the sandfrom over
pofdoath, lioth,
aipped at and st i it, and drawt itforth: (S:) or accumulatedsand,
sppor ed adthe lkat 'Ut ; ,s andL ~. ;ji, and p. pl. .bI.[or rather , ], (,) beneath rchich is hard rock, so that, mAhm the
leaning they tool(S,.) . YoA sa O on, sneays which ISd thinks to be rather
(18k,TA.) [IHenoe,]Q(tA.)1X0t1-y1.t[They a pl.eof :f, sand is rained upon, it imbibes the water of the
also of a bird,;tij , a(Ml,in)or. as above, contr. to rule. (TA.) You say, ; tj l t rain,which, reaching the rock beneath, is arrested
(yji-W. t [Tfoy sippfe the draughts oftsp [In the sel is a sup, or sip]. ($, Msb.) See thereby, and the sand prents th hMat of the
ald oisoi . esk i of]f d; sun from drying up the water; wAerefore, Ahen
tih heat its whement, the upper portion of the
i.[;. A well-rnon kid of food; ( ;) soup; sand it dug out from over the water, and it wells
BooK I.] ur -Aj MS
forth, cold and sweet, and if ta7kn by little and plied to him who does evil to one who does good is ..: ($, Mgh, O1)and X. (Ibn-'Abbld,
little: (As,TA:) or sofi, or plain, ground, in to him: (Az, 1]:) or to any one to whom a g .) See also 'LL.
ohich water remai and coUllects: or rugged benefit has been done and who requites it with
ground, oer which is sand, that collect tAe rain- the contrary thereof, or is not grateful for it nor :se ~, in two places: - and ee
water; so tat mheera bYucetful is drawnforth, profits by it: and thus the prov. is related in theT I.
another collects: (, TA:) so in the M: (TA :) and H and Mand A [and 18 ; but by 'Abdes-SelAm
pl. [of pauc.] i.t (H,1)) and [of mult.] ,'_.: El-Baqree, 'J1.
Lj4 .: see ,
(TA.)- Hence,
(V:) L..il is syn. with j;1. (s.) [See also (A,) j;l _,* (S, A, ],) aor. and inf. n. as ;,t.: see ~:_ and seese .
] g.i also signifies A small quantity above, (S,) and Az adds (TA,) t He
(t, L~: see-
f water; and so * t'~. (Th, TA.) kindled the fire; or made it to burn, or to burn

i Jfecly; (, A,, ;) and fed it w itfirewood,

like as one feeds a beast roith ,:: (A, TA:) her womb].
toj- [Haing herfetuw dried up in
(L from a verse of Ibn-Mu4bil.)
or he colleted to it what was scattered of thefire-
;c Dry herbage; (Mqb;) dry pature, or
wood: (TA:) and Ae stirred it. (g.) And
fodder: (El-Firabee, H, Mgh, M9 b, V:) of the
4.P; jL, aor. and in n. as above, He kindled,
measure jed in the sense of the measure JCU:
and exited, or provohed, mar, or the war. (TA.)
(Mgb:) what is fresh is not so called: ($, Mjb:)
L J.L, (Mqb, ,) aor. ', [contr. to general _ And jU b._ He improved, or made good, but :.! is applied to what is fresh and what is
rle in the case of an intrans. v. of this class, the condition, (A, ],) or property, (0,) of such
dry: this, says I8d, is the opinion of the gene-
unlm the sec. pers. of the pret. be : t.J, which a one. (A, 0, 1.) - And "i LL.' He multi- rality of the lexicologists: some [he adds] assert
a- plied his property, or made it to be much, (A, that ;: is gre~ pature or herbage, as well
seems to be not improbable,] inf. n. _., (Msb,) 1I,') by [adding to it] the property of another:
It (a plant, or herbage, Mqb, or a shoot of a as dry: but he says that this is not correct; [and
palm-tree cut off from the mother-tree, or plucked (A:) or ,C. .4 he put property into, or the like is said in the Mb ;] for this word is pro-
forth from the ground, and planted, OI) dried, or among, his property: (Skr:) or he strengthened perly applied to denote dryness and contraction:
dried up. (M,b, 7C) [Accord. to my copy of the him with proprty. (El-Bahilee.) -And ,a; ISh says that it is applied to all Ahrbs, or le~ui.-
M,b, the same is said of a well; but I incline to 4'r, (S, A, 0,) aor. and inf. n. as above, (TA,) nous plants, freah as well as dry; as also J.L
think that ). is here written by mistake for ;. lie featha-ed his arrow: (A, 0:) or stuck the and Ul.: Az says that when they ue it unre-
(meanoing straw) or some similar word.] You say feathers upon the sides of his arrow: (S:) or stricted, the Arabs mean thereby ;?, [which is
als o, 2~ J , (IApr, $, A, g,) aor. and inf n. mounted them upon his arrow. (TA.) the herb called whe it has become dry and
as above, (TA,) or inf. n. ^_g., (IApr,) and, white,] in particular; and that this is the best
4& ~1 It (herbage) became in such a state kind of fodder; that horses thrive upon it, and it
as some say, J.; (A'Obeyd, ;) andm t_,lI; that it might be cut (ISh, O) and gathered,
is one of the best pastures for camels, or for
(TA;) The child, or young one, (8, A, V,) of a (TA,) being dried up. (ISh.)..,~1 c 3: camels and sheep and goats; a good supply in
she-camel, (IA9r,) dried up in the belly, ($, A,
see ;a.._ Also ;J,1 She (a woman, g and years of scarcity: (TA:) or it signifies ct herb-
],) or womb, (TA,) the time of the birth having
]g, and a camel, TA) had her child, or young one, age or pasture; and is of the measure in the
been .exceeded. (TA.) And ,41 :--, ; (A, ]K,)
dried up in her belly. (H, - 3i .. ll.)
D sense of the measure j,;: (Meb:) the n. un.
and .. , (Yoo,) and / (H, ]z.._
1g,) and [May God make his arm, or hand, to dry up; is with 5, signifying a fascile, or wisp, of ':.:
*- '- - 1, (Yoo, ],) The arm, or hand, dried or to become unwund in its veins or ducts, and so
(TA:) [and sometimes a herb of any hind: the pl.
up; (H, A;) and became unound in its wins or rendred motionls;] is a form of imprecation
a, is ;t:~.] . [It is also applied, in the present
ducts, and so remdered motionlek; syn. : used by theArabs. (TA.) - `.1 ;_l He cut
( day, to Hemp, used for its intoxicating property;
:) or, as some say, became seder and
(X) and collected (TA) bge [or dry herbale] bothfresh and dry: app. what is termed ..
small. (TA.)_-~, (, Mqb, Ig,) aor. ', [in
with such a one; ( ;) as though he helped him .1;_1 in the II, voce , q. v.: and also
this case agreeable with general rule,] inf. n. d* in doing so. (TA.)
(M#b, TA,) He cut it, namely, ,;: [or dry termed ;jiUil 'e : see Do Sacy's "Chrest.
8. v.:1l: see , in two places. Arabe," sec. ed., vol. i. pp. 210-283. ~ '
herbage]: (?, Mgh, M 9b, ].:) and he collected
it; as also V' U~: (TA:) or the former hasu the 10. ,1jl ;._,.,t and Fl1 _,,1t: see ;AlaJI: see 3;...]- .. ~" also signifies'A
former eignification [only]; and t the latter sig- child, or young one, that has dried up in the belly
u~; and
nifies hAsought it, and collected it. ($, 1, TA.) of its mother; (Mgh, Meb,TA;) and so ,_
say also, He colected dry herbage :_. (S., Mgh, Msb, ]) and ,.., (S, Msb,
],) but the former is the more common, (Msb,) and * and t 1: t (TA:) or;
(i_ )for, his co,el. (TA in art. Ji.) And [and the rest], a child, or young one, that peris
'.il 1 , . Re cut dry herbade, ( ) for and t'./ , (g,) A garden: (El-F"rlbec, 3., Mgh, in the belly of its mother. (]s.) It is said in a
is beast. (TA.) And &.5 . He beat Msb, ] A:) or a garden of palm-trees: (Aliat, trad., UAm ;;JOt And sh castforth a cAild, or
tAe branche of the trees Jo that its leates became Mqb:) pl. S.!r ($, Msb) and X,'.. (M9 b.) young one, dried up. (Mgh.) And you say,
scattered [for, or upon, his sheep or goats]; like -Hence, I A privy; (El-F"rbee, H,A, Mgh, L4.. .. tISAhe (a camel) cast forth hr
bM. (TA.) - Also, (, -,) aor. as above, (?, Mqb, 8];) likewise called 1,JI :;. or Jlo: young one dried up. (Mob.)
A, 1,) and so the inf. n., (TA,) He threo to him (Mb :) because they used to ease themselves in
(namely a horse) [[or dry herbage]; (H, the gardens: (?, Mgh, Mqb, ],:) then, when
,t.~ The [last] remaim of the spit (, A,*
M9 b, V) in the heart, (TA,) [or of life ;] in a
] ;) heAfed him tAverith. (A, TA.) Az says, I they made privies, they applied thus this appella-
sick man, (?, M,b,],) and in one who is ~ud;
have heard the Arabs say to a man iLj J. tion: (Mqb:) and in like manner, a.; but
(I ;) as also t ,, (H, Mb, 1,) the being
[Feed thou thy ~e with dry herbage]. (TA.) accord. to the Abridgment of the 'Eyn., this is sometimes elided. (Mb) -_ And tAny remain,
Hence the prov., i i [Ifeed the with proper, not tropical: (Msb:) or this last, also or relic. (TA.) You say, 4 .., ,;a
dry ~rb and thou dunget upon me]: (6, A, written ~J.., signifies the same; (TA;) or a -*, jI I. .L.There remained
V:) and if it were aid with ,, "I place in which human ordure has become col- not, of manlines, sae a last relic 9oing to and
crr thee,"j it would not be strange: (? :) ap- lected: (] :) the pl. of ~ as applied to a privy fro, or awvring, in the entrail of one at the
574 [Boor I.
point of death]. (A, TA.) And, i*h ' t
pl. ,s.. (A.) - [Hence, t A kindler, on ex- gether in a verse: the latter of these two signifies
citer, or a provoker, of war: or] a courageous the " male fox." (TA.) = A company of mmn;
LJU lithA 'I :'[Tl'ere remained not, of the sun,
sav a last departingrelic]. (A, TA.) man. (g.) Of such one says, a:L Jl ,...., _ as also Vt
;. .': (El-Muarrij,K:*) a large num-
ber of men collected together. (TA.)
~[~f:5:Oneskilled in the knownledge of herbs: t [E:xcellent is the exciter of the army, or troop)]
so in modern works. - Accord. to Golius, as on (S, A.) And , _u- signifies ! A kindler ;.A^.: see what next precedes.
the authority of the KL, but not in my copy of and an exciter of war: (I, TA:) or a conductor
that work, A collector tf ,hay; a forager.] of war. (Ham p.1 4 .) You say, /.< J 1_,*,J " .
SThej are the kindlers and exciters of wars. (A.)
2.t1~, [pl. of ,.1.,] Cutters, or cutters and L .t, aor. ' (A, MIsb, 1) and ,, (Mqb, ],)
See also *.. inf. n. Js., (A, Msb, ,) lie collected together
collectors, of . . [or dry herbage]: (TA:) or
seekers and collectors thereof. (S.) - See also ~.,: see ,~, in two places.m Also : The (A, Msb, 1K) people, or a company of men. (A,
_- podex: or anus: (S, Mgh, Msb, I:*) and so M.sh.)__[TIence,].. n1 ~ 3 i} ,
,.: (TA:) pl. of the former ,.-, ; (S, Mgh, [I passed a night that brought anxieties crowd-
LJWI,: ee its pl. UL1.. ;) and of the latter w,_~': (TA:) the former ing together upon me]. (A, TA.)~. t/ , (S,
,: see *J-', last signification. also occurs written with u. (S, Mghl.) A, Msb,) aor.;, inf. n. .. , (S,) or. .; (A;)
and ?I.:.tl, and t 1 .dA.-;
(, A ;) They
L.md: see see also
n,l:l .~.o. Also
;.m, (1, A, TA,) or t .~, (1s, [but this collected themselves together, or assembled, (S, A,
seems to be a mistake occasioned by the accidental A taff; or stick: or a rod, wand, or twnig. (TA.) MsI,,) and came round about (Ifia [but see what
omission of ;jlj, as is indicated by the addi- -- , : see , , last signification. follows]) aiding one another: (A:) or I.
tion of ;4 shortly after, referring to the word significs they were prompt, or active, [instend of
in a sense different from that which is here next 3i_, in the K, I read 13 ., as in the L,] in
mentioned,] A place, (s,) or land, (i,) in which aiding one another: or they comp,lidd quickly,
is much u [or dry herbage]; (S, I;) as also 4. l. bI He angered him. (K.) when called, or sumrnoned: (L, .1:) the verb is
t'.i~ : (i:) or a place in which one cuts 8. 1 1t. They collected themselves together; thus gencrally used in relation to a collective
congregated. (EI-Muarrij, K.) number: sel(lom in relation to one: (L:) or they
.t.m: (A:) and the first ( ) a place in
collected thernsclres together, or assemblcd.for one
which are much pasture, or herbage, and wealth, : see what next follows. thing or affiitr; as also *t1l,t1, and I *V ,
or good things. (-.) You say, . j;~ U&,
~. A thick, coarse, or rough, garmen or and *tj^s ,.J. (L, K.) And d%lG., (L,)
meaning This is a [good] region abounding in
piece of cloth; (Aboo-Semeyda' El-Awrabee, Ko;) and i t 1t,tZ.3, They collected themnuelves
hi.. (TA.) And u'3 -
as also _ and , . (TA.) See also together, aiding one another against hin. (A.)
Verily thou art in a place abounding in good And J .I4 t.Al The ypeople, or party,
things, therefore do not quit it: so in some copies
:: see what next follows. collected tihenuclves together to suck a one, and
of the $; and accord. to this explanation, the
prelared, equipped, orfurnithed, tlhemseles [for
word is tropically used: in other copies of the 9, .- ty- Tho fetlock-joint (jl~3 J ... ) in action]. (TA.) .- Itjj Tlhey combined for
in a place abounding in ,.:. (TA.)_See
the pastern (&i) of a beast: ( K :) or, o, (g,) him, [or on his accosnt,] and took pains, or
also .. - Alo the former, A thing in which as also t*' and t (so in the TA,) a exerted theInselres, in treating him with courtesy
misput; and so * d; but the former is bone in the inside of the hoof, between the tendons and honour; and so dJ li,U. (Fr, L.) And
the more chaste; (A 'Obeyd, S, ;) and fltL, (.~c) and the t."ij [or shank; app. the lower They showed honour, and gae a hospitable enter-
(]g,) and * ;L~ , which is more chaste; so in pastrn~bone]: (s:) or the contents ( ..) of tainment, to him; namely, a guest. (L)
some copies of the .k; (TA;) and ?,,L-, like the hoof: (AA, TA:) or a small bone, like a 4: see 1.
, .1I; of which the pl. is T-t: the q.is'
(TA:) [orfinger-bone, a description aptly apply- 5: see L
ing to either of the pastern-bones, the upper of 6: see 1, in two places.
first two of these words are applied to a woollen
which seems to be here meant], at the extremity
:C.w [q. v.] in which L,.a is put: (lAth:) 8: see 1, in three places. ._lil. . J *.:.l1
of the J.J, between the head thereof and the
and tSJlt_, with kesr, signifies a [sach of the place where the hoof is set on, (AV, , .,) entering He prepared himsef for him [in such a case, or
hind called] .;Jl. in whi,ch is _. (i.)- into the .: (As, S: [see this last word (.), in such an affair]. (A.).-iCe.JI U! J.*) 1
See also . to which various significations arc assigned; here and ~'4ilt He strove, laboured, or exerted him-
said in the TA to be that which contains dithesel, in, andfor, the entertainment of a guest or
j;_~ A woman, ($, ],) and a she-camel, _ and mp.1. (both of which words seem to guests. (A.)
(TA,) whose child, or young one, dries up in her be syn.), between, or amid, the flesh and the
-. a-, (S, I~,) originally an inf. n., (S,) and
belly. (?,I, TA.)_ An arm, or a hand, (i.,) tendons:]) or the bone of the ' [or pattern]:
?.t.~, (1s,) An assembly, or a collected or con-
drying up; or becoming unsound in its veins or
(T, K:) or a name applied to each of the two gregated body or party, (S, ],) of men. (s.)
ducts, and so rendered motionless: or becoming
bones of the pastern (".j) of a horse. (TA.)
slender and small. (TA.) e. : see what next precedes.
Lean, and lank in the belly. (K.)- And Big-
An instrument with which 4,. [or bellied: or big in the sides: (TA:) or swolUen, e.'0~ One who does not leave [unemployed] any
d Ty herbage] is cut; (A'Obeyd, S;) as also or inflated, in the tides: (S,1:) or swollen in endeavour or aid or property that he possesses;
,t_,t , like 0l: (TA:) or a plain [i. e. not the bellUy, and short: (Skr p. 57: [sec an ex. in as also t"-.,. ; (L, 1 ;) and *tl_ , pl. ~.
a verse cited voce .. in art. j. :]) bearing two
serrated] J [or reaping-hook] oith which (L.) . A valley similar to land such as
contr. significations: (V :) fem. with ;: (TA:) pl.
cut; Ua alaso t; ; ebut the former is
,~!m.s. (Skr, ?.)~The male hare: (a' TA:) is termed >t~.: (;f:) a alleUy which a small
the more chute; ( ,;) or, accord. to the L, the and [so in the 1]; but accord. to the TA, "or"] and an inconsiderablequantity of water causes to
latter is the better. (TA.) - See also k , in the calf. (].) Also, accord. to the ], the "male flow. (TA.)
two places. Also An iron instrument with fox :" but this is a mistake, occasioned by the ;L . ,; Land that does notflow rith water
which ajir is stirred; and so V t : (Q, :) occurrene of the words w., and to- sare in consence of much rain: ($:) or in
BooK I.]
consquence of [lasting, or continuous, rain, such Ibn-Masrool5: (Q, TA:) but accord. to some, the 1or any venomous or noxious reptiles or the like,
as is termed] .r: (if:) or that flows with two meanings are nearly the same; for each de- such as scorpions and serpents; syn. .lja; (As,
water in consequence of the least rain; (ISlk, M, notes collection. (TA.) ". also signifies The ;)as also ,1j~- and .1- (As.)-_Also
going forth with a people ~eing or hastening or the former, Whatever is captured, snared, en-
ass;)also j and l and j: (Ik :) or
dipersing themselves in war; when used abso- trapped, hunted, or chased, of wild animals or
such as is the quickest to flow with water: (AA lutely. (TA.) -... I :, aor. - and , the like, birds, and fish, 4c.; (i ;) whether small
in a marginal note in a copy of the S:) or >t; (Lth,) inf. n., (1l,) tThe year of dearth de- or great: (TA:) or the great thereof: or what
signifies a water-course of which the ground is stroyed their camels and otiter quadrupeds; be. is eaten thereof: ( :) thus in all the copies of
hard, quickly jflowing with water, having many cause it causes the owners to collect themselves the K; but the pronoun [in the latter case] does
minor water-course (la) pouring into its bed from the various quarters to the cities or towns: not refer to the animals &c. above mentioned: it
and uniting one with another. (ISh.) (Lth:) or it caused them to go down to the cities is expressly said in the T and M that the word
of herbs, or leguminous
;,_ [A people collecting thenuelves together, or towns: (A:) or it distressed them; app., be- signifies whatewr is eaten
cause of their collecting themselves together from plants, of the earth, such as the > and .i
or asembling, &c. (see 1)]: pl. ~, occurring
the desert to the places of settled abodes: (Abu+- (TA.)
in a trad., followed by , J. (L.)-- '
Teiyib:) and W Jt. -'JI ,a,j. The year of 'lf. One who congregates, or collects together,
:1S 91_ and t i 1 iia Such a one dearth destroyed the camels 4c. of such a one.
camne [fui of energy,] prepared;furnished, equip- people. (TA.) With the article Jl, applied to
(S, .)~ , (S, ~A,) in n. y, (j , I,) Mohamminad; (., f;) because he collects people
ped, or accoutred. (v.) See also . I ie made it (a spear-head, g, A) thin, or slender: after him ($, lAth) and to his religion. (lAthi.)
(S, A, :) he made it (a spear-head, and aknife,)
~Jk.~ A man with whom is an assembly, or A collector of soils: (El-.tllw Anee, Mgh:)
men: (L:) or one sharp, or pointed, and thin, or slender: (TA:)
a collected body, or party, of
he made it smynall, and thin, or slender: (Th:) he and [its pl.] L. signifies collectors of the tithes
to whom otlers collect thennelves together; who
pared it; namely, a stick: (TA:) he pared it, and poll-tax. (TA.)
is served, or naited on: (A:) or obeyed by others,
and made it sharp, or pointed. (S.) ;($K) and 'AL; () A place of con-
(e, f,) among his people, (TA,) and whom they are
7. 1 They (people) became collected to- gregation: ($,f:) a term used when people are
prompt [instead of CJ , in most of the copies gether from the desert to the places of settled
collected together to a town or country, and to an
of the ]g, I read i , as in others and in the S,] abodes. (Abu-+eiyib.) encampment, and the like. (TA.) Hence, .'
to ser, (f, ,) and to whom they collect them- .. :Anything thin, or slender, or elegant. ,A41i [The day of the place of congregation;
selve together. (TA.)
(TA.) You say ;~ 0i 1 IA thin, or an elegant, meaning the day ofjudgment]. (TA.)
Places where people are collected to ear; (Lth, ISk, g, A, I;) as though it were ~ . 05
J3:t_ ; and its fem., with;: a m.A
go forth: or it is a pl. of ,.., contr. to rulc, pared, (Lth, S,) and made sharp: (?:) or tsnall,
like , [pl. of ~.] and cs [pl. of a_]. elegant, and round: (Lth:) or thin at the end:
(Tb:) or harp-pointed: (TA :) and the epithet
(L from a trad.) [See ,. ] is the same for the dual also and the pl.: ( :) Q. 1 , (TA,) inf n. q , (,, TA,)
': 'ee ts , and . [J says that] it does not admit the dual form nor He rattled in the throat, in dying: he made his
the pl, because it is originally an inf. n., and the
breath, or spirit, ( , 'or -, accord. to dif-
expression above mentioned is like ;. fL and
ferent copies of the ~ and If,) to reciprocate: (S,
" ,; but ;Z X l is sometimes said: ( :)
1. sor. and;, (S, Myb, I,) the former and the pl. `:.
n_, K:) said also of the chest: or he made the sound
occurs in a verse of Umeiyeh of his breath to reciprocate in his throat, or
of which sors. is found in the seven readings of
Ibn-Abee-'idh: (TA:) and you also say ~1I fauce, ithout uttering it with his tongue. (TA.)
the lIur, (Mgb,) inf n. ; , (, Myb, I,) He
congregated, or collected togetAer, (?, Myb, V,) ;,.~. (TA.) ; is also applied in the same Also said of l ass, He made his voice to reci-
procate in his throat: (, If, TA:) or uttered his
men: (, Msb :) or he congregated them, or col- sense as an epithet to other things. (?.) You say
lected them togetlwer, and drove them: (Msb, - i tA thin, or an elegant, feather of an voice from his clhest. (TA.)
TA:) he made them to goforth, collected together, arrow; (Lth, S, A, ;) as though it were pared pe"' Water that is beneath the ground, un-
from one place to another: (Bd in lix. 2:) he, (Lth :) or harp-pointed. (TA.) Also".- e t perceiwed, in tthe wride water-channels that contain
or it, compelled them to emigrate: (,* TA: [in t A thin, or slender, spear-head: (1, f ) or tharp, mall pebbles, and which, when one has dug to the
the Cif ;~J,I. is put by mistake for ,.JI, the or sharp-pointed: and ;'~?. in like man- depth of a cubit, gthes forth abundantly: waters
explanation of the inf. n.:]) and [simply] he drove ner: and ;._ ,a~: (TA:) and , and of this description are called by the Arabs :L.*.;
towards a place or quarter. (TA.) Hence .s, . l.: like i and i , and ;and [pl. of L.' ]and j; [pl. of ,b] and ~t
1AJI 5[Theday of congr~ation,&c. ; meaning] ' _ signifies an arrow having and sweet water, of tke water of a _ (Az,
(Akh, 8:) or
the day of resurrection: (S,0 TA:) [see also _." ; TA:) or water that runs, clear and shallow, over
straight, or even,feathers; and so ';.
:_:] and ; ,: ::l i[The Chapterof the an ar- pebbles, or over small pebbles: (TA:) what is
and ? , of the same measure as U ,
Compulion to emigration; which is the fifty-ninth termed *~, among pebbles: (ISk, S, ]K:) or
havinig good feathers attached to it. (TA.)
chapter of the l]ur-an]. (TA.) It is said by most of row what is termed having pebbles in it: (K
the expositors of the ur that the wild animals and You also say ! ,.: IA camel having a
accord. to the TA:) or what resombles that which
other beasts, and even the flies, will be collected to- thin, or an elegant, ear. (TA.)
is termed _, in which maters collect: or a nmall,
gether ( J) for retaliation; and they cite a trad. asee
on this subject. (TA.) So in the Ifur [lxxxi. 5], or round, hollow, or cavity, in a mountain, in
I, TA,) after
t uj l)! And when the wild animals *,.- and ," , (1i,) each being a coil. n. which water becomes clear, (As,
of collecting: (As, TA:) or water in a small, or
shall be collected together, (Bd, Jel,) from every without a sing.; (TA;) or the former is sing. round, hollow, or cavity, in a mountain. (A.)-
quarter, (Bd,) after resurrection; (Jel;) or raisd the latter; (S, Msb;) Any small animals that ground:
Soft foraminous stones (flJtd) of the
to life, (Bd,) for the purpose of their retaliating, creep or walk upon the earth; (S, Mgh, Myb, I ;) or
n. un. with ;. (g.) - A small, (A, TA,)
one upon another; after which they shall return as jerboas and hedgehogs and lizards of the kind
and the like: (TA:) or the former, thin, (,) and clean, (TA,) j,A [or mug], (A,
to dust: (Bd, Jel:) or the meaning is, shall die, called '
(Az, %,)in the present world; accord. to some: (Msb,) or latter, (Mgh,) is applied to ratsor mice, If, TA,) in which water is cooled, (A,) of the
(As:) and thus says 'Ikrimeh, (?, TA,) on the andjerboas,and lizards of tAe hind abo~e mnen- manufacture of El.-Heereh. (if.) - The
authority of I'Ab, (TA,) as is related by Sa'eed tioned, (Mgh, Msb,) collected together: (Msb :) nut. (Kr, TA.)
I 1
[Boox I.
-. ~. inf. n.of _Lr. [q. v.].--[The rattlu;] ]. A man clad in old and worn-ouut wf_1: (Mb :) or the latter signifies he became
the voice of a sick person reciprocated in tgh clothing [such as is termed t. .]: (, TA:) aa angered. (TA.) - And He was, or became, con-
throat, orfoauces. (A.) man in eril condition; slovenly in his person; ; ounded and stupi{fed by shame; or ashamed and
threadbare, shabby, or mean, in the state of hidt confounded or stup;fied, and remained speechless
apparel: or dried up, and shrivelled: or having and motionles. (Mgb.) See also 8. -,. ,
hi. garment tucked up. (TA.) Dor. , inf. n., ; (Mqb;) or .,.-., aor.:;
1. %J.~, said of a she-camel's dug, Its milA
(1];) He angered him; (Mqb, ];) as also
became dramn up or withdramn or withheld, or il
vent away, frm it. (IDrd, L, TA. [See alea t 4,.;I, (IAar, 9, Msb, g,) and V ... (19.)
And, accord. to AZ (9) and El-F"r~bee, (Mqb,)
4 and 10.]) i. .a 1 , aor. n -, inf. n. old andwon.;
~,.., (9, Myb, 15,) aor.; and l, (1],) He an-
3. SL, inf. n.s, He (a man, TA) for the former of which, AL is used by poetic noyed him, (9, Msb, K,) and said to him what
contractedAi eyelids, and looked tArough the in- Ucense: (S:) or ', aor. %, (TA,) inf.n. he disliked, (15,) and angered him; (8,
terstices of their ashes. (IDrd, 1.) J. (1,TA) and (TA:)
a.: ThJ lo oj namely, a man sitting with him. (9, Mqb, 1].)
4. 1~, sid of a she-amel's udder, It be- milk becamefuU: (S :) or became vehement in the An Arab of chaste speech is related to have said,
came contracted, and like an old wor-o~ water- udder: or collected quickly therein: (1, TA:) ';'vS~ Ls $ tI .iUJ, meaning That is of
skin or milk-skin. (TA. [See also 1 and 10.]) but accord. to Lth, i nU.
and are like the things thatanger the sons of such a one. (.).
,-- l ,1 llThe palm-tree bore dates ch ri and ai, and ii and UiLh; the former Accord. to lAar, (8,) . signifies He caused
aJ are termed ~.A.. (, Mgh, Mqb.) being an inf n., and the latter a subst. [in the him to become confounded and stupijiedby shame;
5. 4~.3 He wore old and orn-ouant clothing, proper sense of the term, app. signifying milk or to become ahiamed and confoundedor stupaiid,
couected, or collected quickly, in the udder]. and to remain speec/less and motionless; (9, g ;)
(0, L, KL, TA,) such as is termed h.a. : (0,
L, TA:) in the copies of the ]1, erroneously, (TA.) - [Hence,] b..JI ':-, (15,) aor.:, as also $ 1: (S, M9b, 1 :) and both signify it
t inf. n. 4S~., (TA,) lThe cloud had much rater. caused Aim to be affected with shame, shynew, or
.J La...L.. (TA.)
batlfulneu; or to arink; as in the saying, to one
10. said of an udder, (Jm, 1,) It (Q,TA.) And *
sa.t, ;1, aor. , inf. n. ,
shrinking from food, Lq..I g, oI,or ;i..
becaeo contracted: (Jm :) or became dried up tTIe sky letfall a rain such as is termed ..
Wlhat caused thee to be affecteti with shamne, &c. ?
and contracted (]. [Se elso 1 and 4.]) And (AZ,S.) And $I jl! 3 ,, tThe alley poured
(TA.) _, aor. , inf. n. .Aj , He became
- r. T'.e er b came drid up (Mgh, (C%) wmith water. (TA.)--And il'I -CS.. fat, or in a good condition of bodly,
Mqb, O) and contracted. (]1.) And .. Ab.., after leanness.
t The palm-tree bore muchfruit. (Ya4oob, S, ,
%.A'lt The crtiloge of tAe nos became dried up TA.)-AodiJI (1g.) And .I ~ i . attJ!. ... , (15,)
, (,,) inf. n.
from want of natural motion. (M 9b.) - See
or, accord. to Th, 1 , (TA,) t The people col- aor. , inf. n...:, (TA,) or , (T1,) TAh
also 5. lected themseles together, or asumbled. (Th, S, beast obtained nomewhat of the [Aerbage called]
i.Dry bread.
o (1.) 15.)m.y;,J A.s;,
, inf. n. L and 3 , She s
&, in the beginning thereof, and became fat,
and in good condition, and large in the belly, (1,
The worst kind of datas; (9, Mgh, Mqb, (a camel) collected her milk. (1.)--itJI "', TA,) and goodly: (TA:) or, as En-Na4r says,
1 ;) that dry up withouet ripening, so that they (9, ]1,) aor. , (15,) inf. n. ,!..., (TA,) He left .. ;JI jS the beasts became in prood condi-
ham noflshk: (Mb :) or dates without firmae, milking t" ~e-camd until her milk collcted (S, tion. . ate not of our
having no stoes; (15;) like a.: (TA:) or 1i,TA) in her der. (TA.) food (15, TA) aught. (TA.)- "l
' C.H.
dry, or tough, bad date; (5;) for when they Ai.c
: se L hit not, or obtained not, orfound not, the game, or
dry up, they become hard and bad, without taste
and without sweetness: (TA:) or of which the k;. t A rain exceeding such as is termed object of the chas. (l )-_ ~.t, int n., L (TA)
lower portion has becom bad and rotte, while in luA; like L:.L and ad . (S). and .* , (1,) He was, or became, fatigued,
its place: (IAgr, TA in art. j.1 .:) n. un. with 1. tired, or wearied. (., TA.) The Arabs say,
. , Ij. , (15,) or, as in the Moh.ee;, AjI .... 1 Labour, or toil, occasions
(Mob.) [Hence,] a ; ,j t(d., a prov., (,
Meyd, 0,) meaninjg Dost thou combine the wort
, t;',
j 4,(TA,) means t [They came, fatigue. (Yoo, TA.)
of date and bad masre? applied to him who o;r ucA one came,] with their company. (g,TA.) 2: seeL
combines two bd qualities. (Meyd, 0.)-A 43., (IDrd, S, Sgh,) thus correctly written, 4: see 1, in four places.
worn-out udder; (f, ;) as also tJ': (1 :) like .1;,, but in [most of) the copies of the g1 5: see 8. -You say also, ,,jl_ l . ' -
or an udder of which the milk ha 'dried up, He guards ogainst thingsforbiddn. (TA.)
so that it has become contracted. (EM p.67.) like ,1, , (TA, [in the C15 like ..
*1.,]) A
-A tAisng that is lan, and dry, or withered. piece of wood rwhic is put in the mouth of a Aid, 08._~_1!: see 1....Also Lie fel, or had a
(KL.) (S, 15,) across, (9,) and tied (S, 1) at the back sense of, or as mooed or affected with, shame, or
of his neck, (g,) to prewent him from sucking: shyneu, or bashfulnes. (M b.)
9 ,. 1 (9,
:see .L. .. - . J Dates having (1, 1 :) also called.;lZ. (IDrd, 8.) Mgh, 0) and , (.,) and ,L:1, (t, Mgh,)
many such as are tered :.. (TA.) ;j:_ A she-camel pollcting milk in Aher udder or this last is not allowable except when g is
LiL The head [or glans] of the penis: (TA:) ( )
), quicktly. (g.) meant to be understood, (TA,) signify the same;
or the part of the penis, (9, 15,) [i. e.] the part of Jb.i. [act. part. n. of ]. (9, Mgh;) i.e. He mas ashamed of it, or abashed
You say ;l:
the head of the peis, (Mgh,) that is abow [i. e. at him; or mas ashamed to do it, or sky of doing
beyond] tat place of cicwmtci~on: (9, Mgb, 1:) .. I.A sheep, or goat, abounding withk milk. it: (Mgh, 1 :) orit signifies, (Mgh,) or signifies
[accord. to the latter explanation, somewhat more (TA in art. .q.J.) [And hence,] A,t_. a also, (1,) he shrankfrom it, or him: (Mgh, 15:)
than the glanu:] the mulet for the cutting off of IA palm-tree bearing much fruit. (YaOloob, S, or, as some say, thus used it is vulgar; for ;i.~,
which is the whole price of blood. (TA.) .)--Also t Con#eutive, or uninterrupted.(Ibn- with the Arabs,. is only anger: (Mgh:) but IB
'Abbid, 1.)
.' a.Old, and worn-out: applied to clothing
cites, from Kutheiyir,
or a garment. (9, 1,TA.)
J 1 U~. * [A palm-treetkat bears dats sch L._, aor. :, (M1b, 15,) inf. n', (Mb,)
as are termd . ( and L voce ) H mwas, or became, agry; (M4b, 5;) as also as meaning [yerily I, wC the gift of thAm tbo
BooK I.] 0t -34- 577

in my posneeson is not for hat I have done,] am the phrase, [Among them is relation- [~ji;Jj phrse
a1;,* ocrring in the
iWeamed, or abaAed: and in a trad. of 'Alee, ship]. (TA.) - See also . Iet p of the Mz, mean t He ~t ot a
aep eting the thief, occurs the aying, .9 ju'! book, and did not il it up.] - it. [(alo sig-
4iu Anger. (A.s, , Mgh, M.b, TA.). And
d , ~ .l 1, meaning Verily I am athamed nifies Hefoiured it into a thing. -And] He lit,
Shanme, sAhyne, bashfulnms, or pudencr; (S,
*ot to leae Aim a hand; and I shrink from it. Msb, 1 ;) and a shrinking (Lth, Mgh, k, TA) or Aurt, hir L. [q. v., likeb a]. (I) You
(tA) [And t*... app. signifies the same; for,] from one's brother in a place of eating, and in say, t;; 1:_., inf. n. aU above, He Ait, or hurt,
accord.to AV, (TA,) [the inf n.] .. j. signifies seeking, or requesting, a thing that one wants. hit d [with an arrow]. (TA.)
The act of shrinking. (].) You say also, CI (Lth, Mgh, TA.) It has been asserted, (Mgh,
3. 1t J':4 b He gamhim not a 4
t;~ j Verily I abstainfrom it, or refrain M 9b, TA,) on the authority of A 9, (M 9b, TA,) [i. e. a di-camdl that had brought forth once]
from it, to Aun blame, or through disdain and
that it signifies only "anger:" (Mgh, Ms.b, TA:)
but several authors have refuted this assertion, nor Z _. [i.e. ~mau, or young, came.]: ( .:)
pide; disdain, or son, it; ( /1A; ) and by showing that it occurs in trads. as meaning
or *L;
, i R gav me not a ,.
- L; He
am asamed ofit. (IS.) .Also He as, or be- " shame." (MF, TA.)-Also The act of annoy-
canumel that had brougt forth once or gave Ae
came, mater of many _.:_ [or dcdents &c.] ing a person sitting roit one, and saying to him
andsrtants. (KL.)
me a young, or emall, camel. ($ in art. J-.)
vhlat he dislikes; and so t ,A. (1:)
4: see 3.
.2.f A man's pecial dependnts, consisting of L...r, in the C .. : see...
iisfamily and slaves and others], or his neigh- 5: ee 8. e_ tHs bc~
bqu, ,Ao are angry on his account (g, TA) .;r.: see A, last sentence but one. mIt reeid among the so of uc a oe, and a
whe an e~ befalls im; (TA ;) asalso t .; is also an inf. n. ofl. (1.) boured, protected, or lodged, by'the. (TA in
art. is [but belonging to the present art.].)
(Yoo, TA;) in the 1, erroneously, i'A.; (TA;) ,._, (9, 1,) in some of the copies of the q
and; t.l; (0;) which IApr thinks to be p]. 7: ae 8._.;y ;v
6 m [ltaPP. tA
,.n-, which is app. a mistake, (TA,) [thus I
of. uwed in a sing. sense; (TA;) [for] this find it in one of my copies of the ?,] i. q. sound became bld in a oud], and
word is applied to one [of such peraons] as well (S, 1 ;) i.e. Regarded with revrence, venera- a letter in a ltter]: mentioned by Az
a to a pl. number: (K:) you say,.Zi/d lt tion, respect, honour,awe, orfear; (TA;) applied (TA in art. U. [but app. belonging to the
O.-. C[This young man, or stave, is a depe- to a man. (a.) present art.].)
&at of mine]: (IAr, TA:) or signifies, 8. U:.. It (a thing) becamefied [or stu"d;
. A man being, or becoming, fat, or in a
(ISk, Mgh, Mgb,) or signifies also, (1,) a man's as also tu .l] (].) And in like manner you
ration and houehold; (IS8, Mgh,Mb,V;) good condition of body, after leanneu. (TA.) say of a man, .1;lfl J.... He becamefiled
or his servants; (9, M9b;) and those who are ,.L~Angered. (TA.) [But it is implied in [or tfed]J fwith food (TA.) And a !
ngry on Ais accout (I8k, , Mgh, Myb) whAn the S that it signifies Confounded and stupified
an et befallb Ai; (Mgh, Mb ;) for which by same; or ashamed and confournded or stupi- It LJI The pomee beoaled with
reason they are thus called: (8:) or a man's fled, and remaining ~peecls and motionles.] thae graiu, or sed. (TA.)- ' She (a
followers; and tAos on whome accouant he should A poet says, Lhl.) s#tuFed Aer uoa (1;!) with the
b angry: (Vamp. 614:) orthe_m!. of aman [rags termedl] , [in the CV, erroneouly,
are thoe who are ary on his account; or those . ((1], TA,) and the libe and in a similar
on whoe account Ahe is anjy: (.Harp. 164:)
sense u .l is nsed au said of a man having the
acord. to ISk, (Mb,) it is a word having a pl.
signification, and having no proper sing.: (Mgh, [By thy life, eily the round cake of bread of [disorder termed] '; . (TA.) .And
MYb:) but some say that it huas for its pl. .. Ll.: Aboo-hubeyb is dlow in becoming thoroughly - l (. KMgh,TA) and i;:II (Mgb, TA)j
baAed: the eater is angered, or confounded andl Sh (aJ1;,{, Mgh) atuffed hr vula with cotton,
(Mgh:) and accordL to the 1,, L;'; . [in the
stupified by shame, &c.]. (T, TA.) (Mgh, TA,) to arrest the blood. (1.).._-;-1
C]5 .o1 ] signifies neighbours and guests; as
though it were pL of.e , like as is of ae:. and 4.~ She (a woman) worea ;
.jfi but [perhaps this should be.t;ll; for] (IA,r,]y;) as also -..: ' [alone]. (Az,TA
. . Verily he is grieved and dis-
we find in the M, ;Ot~1 .9t, meaning 7i/e~ in art. .. A poet says,
quieted (.) by my affair, or case. (AA, TA.)
are my nighbours, and my guests: (TA:) and
with two Oammehc, signifies daves;
[She wil not wear any u~ffng but that wAich is
(I4Ar,TA 0;) or, as some say, folleres, whether genuine and tre]: meaning that she will not
aves or fr perons. (TA.) - Also An object L L., (9, Mgh, Msb, TA,) aor. , , (M 9b, wear Q ;. because the largeness of her po~teriors
of d~sire or qut; syn. " [in the CV a.L]; TA,) inf. n. ",(, Mgh, Mb, 1g,) He filled, renders it needles for her to do so. (IAv, TA.)
and so (1g.)
*. You say, a.. It is (g, TA,) or stuffed, (KL, P",) a pillow, or
his object of desire or qst. (T]5.) cushion, [and a garment, (see _., below,)] &c., iLd, pi. ~,~ : see 't.j
(~,Mgh," M9b,],) with a thing, (1],) with cotton,
.;. Perons having, or po~esng, ( a in
uj, t:~ The content of the belly: (V:) or a
(Mqb,TA,) and the like. (TA.) [And He stuffed
the explanation of IAyr, for which .j is erro- bowel, or an inteStine, into which the food pases
a lamb, or a fowl, and a vegetable, &c., with rice
neously substituted in the copies of the 1], TA,) from the stomach; syn. a.: (Mqb:) pl. O;.I:
&.] - Hence, tl ltU., aor. and inf n. as
consummate shame, hyneAss, bathJftdne, or puw
above, ([Hestffed wrath into a man's bosom: (Mhb,V:) and tVj,. and t, _. signify the
dmy. (IA*r, 1, TA.) - See also,*~.
me an ex. in a verse cited in the first paragraph bowels, or intestines; [like gU;l syn. Amal:
' .. (in the V, erroneously, E'., TA): of art.l i_:J and !- (Mqb :) or these are caUed .. , r,j and
see, ..- _Alo [in the C1V, erroneously, ia~.] manwa tduffed with wrath and pe],and >; ' ?*. : (9, TA:) or t signifies aU that uis
A woman, or a wife; syn. (, TA.)-1. q. ,4o *qjJ and J.0 J9 t [The man wa in the belly ~sept thefat; so accord. to As and
,*S [(pp. Us meaing protectio, safguard, or stuffed mitkh pride, or self-magnification,or with Esh-Shf'ee: or, accord. to AV, tho ~pl Qf tbe
se qffan,d p~ y]. (Yoo, .) So in disdain, or sCorn]. (TA.) - [Hence alo,] ,% food, compr~ g the til and the,
ority :
the p i, J , [ProtectioW , &c, is du to ;C.t JL.1 fTe youg camels enter, or (TA:) [see also u. :] ti.,JI is the name of
Aim]. (Yoo,TA.)_-Ra~ti ip. ([.) so in occupy the pac~, among the old one. (TA.) - all thel places of the food: (Zj in his "Khal1
B. L 73
[BooK I
cl-lnsin:") [see also, for odler meanings, its si. Herbage that has beconme dry in its lonwer did not include him among them: (IAmb, TA :)
dial. var. t. , in art. ." j:] the word belongs part, and rotten: (IAar, IC:) or dry: (As,S, from ,5_ meaning the " side" of a thing: (As,
to this art. and to art. .S~; the dual being .:) like [q. v.]. (S, TA.) TA:) heexccptedhimfrom them; as also 'l_;r3.
0t.o. and ;,.a.. (TA.) -A side, (Myb,TA,) (Llh, i, TA.) You say, C; ".e"
re'gion, quarter, or tract. (Myb.) You say, a;. A stuffed bed: ( :) pl. tt .. (TA.)
,.~. and *- -*- t*., i.e. [I reled them and]
9 ~i ' i; I am in the quarterand protec-
['Antarah says that a saddle was to him what
I did not say [of any one of thtem] OiJ sil
fion of such a one: pl. as above. (lIar p. 61.) the 4:_, or stuffed bed, is to otlels: see EM [Farit such a one from being included among
[See, again, , in art t$. ] p. 229.] - Also, (K,) and L , (.8, K,) those of whom I speak! or from any cause of
3~, like the inf. n., (TA,) St,fing; (PS;) A pillow, (.K,) or the like, (S,) with which a reproach!]; or I did not except, of tlrem, any
[i. e.] what is put into a pillon, or cuAhion, pc.: woman maker her posteriors (S, 1K) or her body one. (Lh, TA. [Thle same saying is repeated in
(C, TA:) and [hence] cotton: and the seeds (1) to appear la,ye: (S, . :) pl. of the former the TA, in the supplement to this art. of the K5,
used for eawsoning food, [and the rice 4c.,] with as above; (TA;) and of the latter A,t"L. (S, but withl the substitution of ..lf for , .;
which the bUlly of a lamb is stuJfed: pl. Sl., TA. [In the S, it is only said of the former that perhaps by a mistake of the copyist: or it may be
inferred from a statement of Fr and IAmb, which
deviating from rule. (TA.)-. The sout of a it is the sing. of -Also[....]) the former,
will be found below, that one also says L
man. (15,TA.).t[A parenthesis;] a redun- The pad of a ~.j (or camel's saddle): see
it -.. .] ) And En-Nabighah [Edh-Dhlubyinee]
dant part, or portion, of speech, or of a sentence,
(], TA,) upon which nothing is syntactically says, (Mbr, S.)
dspndent. (TA. [See gar pp. 85 and 86.])- a,l.., and its dual and pl.: see '., in six
tt[A digretsion.]-tThe portion of either he- places. - See also art. .s.
mistich of a verse that is comprisrd betneen the a ~1 1C> Lrt-' La, m
first and last foot. (KT, &c.)- t Small, or The place of thefood in the belly. (F.)
young, camel., (,,) among which are no great, [See also L., and ;.] [And I shall tnot see an actor among manhind
or old, ones; (S, TA;) as also V*.,.: (S,]:) resembling himn; and I do not except, of the com-
so called because they enter, or occupy the spaces, -: see ac .. lpasnies of m,en, any one]: whlich shows s, to
among the latter; or because they go against the heC a verb l,eritctlv inflected. (Mbr,S, Muglu;ce.)
t- [The rectum;] the lo,west of the places
sides of the latter: (TA:) accord. to ISk, (t,) of the food, (As, TA,) [i. c.] the portion of the Anld hellce the trod. of the Prophet, ; .Ll
O.ts'1 l signifies [the camel tnrmed] ! intestines which is the lowvest of the places of the "ai 'to. ; j`1 UJ! _1 , i. c. [lIc said,
food, (lAth,TA,) leading [immediately] to the Useinch is tlte most beloved of mnen to te :] he tlid
i'_jI l and [that termed] ;jtAl C!: (8, and
place of egress; (As, TA ;) in a beast, i.q. ;.": not except Fla!imneh: L. being here a ncgative;
iC in art. .:) the pl. [of 1.] is ' 1. (TA: [explained in the K in art. ~, to which not, as Ibn-Mailik imagines, supposing this
(TA.) It is said in a trad. respecting the poor-
it does not belong:]) pl. a.. (IAth, TA.) clause to bce of the wordLs of the Prophet, the La
rate,.. *!..I1 . ., i. e., accord. to whichl, witll a verb following it, conveys the mean-
IAth, t Take thou of the mall, or young, of Hence, > 15ei J ji L1i;1j ing of an inf.n. (Mu hnec.g)- .51 also denotes
their camehl; such as thou termed .pl..JI ,l ,.b- ;u. (TA.) exception as a particle, or as a verb (8, Mughllce)
and .t.UJI ot1. (TA. [But see another explanation having but one tense and no inf. n., (Mughnee,)
;tL~ A coarse [garment of the hind called] accordinlg as it goverlns a gen. or
of this saying voce .c, . in art. ])-. And an accus. case. (8.)
. ,1 (An, S, TA,) that abrades the shin: (TA:)
. and 1 ';. signify also t The like of man- You say, . ) _j j [I beat them, exz-
pl. 1-~.. (A,, S.) [But accord. to some, a cept Zeyd], using it as a particle; and,.
kind; ( ;) [i.e.] itL. signifies the lower or
lowest, baser or baset, meaner or meanest, tort, garment of this kind is called ~ or .] i.oj Zl,., using it nas a verb. (8, I 'Ak p. 109.)
or thdie rabble, or refue, of mankind, or of the And sometimes one says, 1.,;j. l_. le .J .
and F,iUled, or stu.ed.]
people; (TA in art. g., and lar p. 61 ;) as [Tle pa,.ty stoocl, excet Z,eyd]; (Muallnce, I 'A.k
also . [which is of frequent occurrence in this 1.- pl. of ,i, (., TA,) and of !'~..., p. 1G69;) like . C; though Ibn-Malik [like
sense]; (KL ;) and t .j; (., TA ;) such as Sb] disallows it: (I 'Ak :) this being shown to be
(lAth, TA,) and of *t~, (As, S,) and irreg.
servants and the like. (Vlar ubi supra, in ex- allowable hy the saying of the poet,
pl. of ',, q. v. (TA.)
planation of 4,t.. [See also this word in art.
1.]) You say, ; :ii ;L..;t+Such
a one came with those who were in hit yuarter
and protection: but this may be from 1.. sig- 1. Is.' [aor. ~ ,] inf. n. t~, Hlie (a [I have seen mankind, except Kureysha, that ire
nifying "a region, quarter, or tract;" servants are the most excellent of then& in conduct].
man walking quickly, and one speaking with
and followers being in the quarter and protection (Mughnce, I 'Ak p. 170.) The agent of' t.
sharpness, or hastiness, of temper, TA) breathed
of their master. (ljar ubi suprL.) And *,~ [used as a verb having but one tense and no inf. n.]
short, or unintermittedly; panted for breath;
is a pronoun implied, relating to the inf. n. of the
; i tf;i. 1t slch a one is of the or was out of breath. (S, ]K, TA.) - See also 3.
preceding verb, or to its act. part. n., or to a por-
lower or lonwest, &c., of thes ons of such a one. tion of what is meant by the [preceding) general
2. ~.,J (TA,) in.n. .1, (KL, TA,) lHe
(.)S..See also o'.lAlso A stufjd garment. noun: so that when one says, . .1..ill .U
made a 4... to a garment, or piece of cloth.
(Mgh.) I.j, the meaning is, [Thle party stood, but] their
(KL)- And [hence,] tHe wrote a note or
;t. ; bi S Black land, in wlsich is no good. comment, or noteC or commentt, upon the margin, standing, or the stander of them, or a portion of
(V, TA.) or margin, of a book: (KL, TA:) in this sense them, was apartfromZeyd. (Mughnec.) [In the
it is vulgar [or post-classical]. (TA.) ]K, its use as a verb of this kind is niot mentioned;
;ji. and "..:: for each, see L., in two [Also,
app., He, or it, causd one to breathe short or but it is there said to govern the gen. case, like
places:- and for the latter, see also a., in
unintermittedly, to pant for breath, or to be out -It also denotes remoteness from imper-
two placs. _ You say also, jI ;._~. ,;S.L. fection or the like, or freedom thierefrom; as in
of breath: see "' "-, below.]
and 4, i.:, i..e. t' and W; [app. the phrase bi $t . [I ascribe unto God re-
meaning : How many are the thickets, or the ./l,.
_ #Lib., (IAmb, ], &c.,) inf. n. 16:, motenes from eery imperfection or the like, or
like, that obstruct the tracts of his land ]. (L., (KL,) He et Aim aside as ecded from the - freedom therefrom; generally implying wonder
1, TA.) scription of them; [~clsd~ him from them;] or admiration, so that it may be rendered, honw
Boox I. 579

far, or Aow frec, is God from rvery impe- - And j , (El-Ba,hilee, TA,) and j (TA:) pl. AtAl;.. (S, Mgh, Myb.) - t The
fectionl]: (Mughnee:) or this phrase means *.tj1., (.Har p. 294,) lIe illU not care, mind, margin of a book or writing. (TA.) - IA
jI it [I seek protection by God; or, as often heed, or regard. (El-Bihilee, Har, TA.) - See nriting, or writings, upon the margin [or mar-
used by late writers, and in the present day, God also 3, in two places, first and second sentences. gins] of a book: (TA:) [i. e. a marginalnote, or
marginal notes; an annotation, or a comment,
forbidl]; a also,6 * ,ta..; (8,IV;) the former 8: see 5.
scholium, or gloss: and hence, a series of anno-
being the original expression: (s:) it occurs, _, for C..: see 3. tations, comments, scholia, or gloses; a com-
read in both these ways, in the l5ur xii. 31 mentary on particular words and pauages of a
and 51; where it implies wonder at the power of L., [in some copies of the S written with a
book; distinguished from a j, which is an
God as manifested in the creation of such a per- final I, (sce :._ in art. 3.,)] The contents oftel
son as Joseph. (Ksh, Bd.) Mbr and IJ and the. ribs; or mwiat the ribs enclose: (S:) or the contents exposition, explanation, or interpretation, in the
Koofees hold that it is a verb; and that, in the of thw belly, belonr the , ,4..
[or diaphragm], form of a running commentary, comprising the
[latter] verse the meaning is, Joseph hath kept entire text of the work which it expounds.]
consisting of the liver and the spleen and the
aloof from diobedience for the sake of God; tAn indefinite portion of property, or of cattle:
h,j~ [or stonmac, properly that of a ruminant, (Mgb :) [or a portionfrom the side; not selected:
but such an interpretation as this is not suitable
but also applied to that of a man,] and rhat sruc-
in the case of [the former verse,] I1.' di 1 . for, accord. to some,] the saying, Iy.. '>! .-
ceeds to this: or the portion between the shortest
I-: the truth is, that it is a noun, syn. with rib, Nhich is in the extremity of the side, and the .I,*Jl means tTake thou from the sides of their
j;,;JI or ;91, [accord. to different copies of the hip, or haunch: or the exteriorof the belly: (K: collections of cattle, [for the poor-rate,] without
Mughnee, meaning .j;3 or 5;!$,] as is shown by [in the CK, j.'L1 .l is erroneously put for
.U.j choosing [the best]: this meaning being from
i4t_.as used in relation to a garment, or piece of
another reading, .i. tot., with tenween, like '.>ia!.' 51 :]) and, accord. to the copies of the
cloth, meaning the "side." (Mgh. [But see
di IS-; and by the reading of lbn-Mcs'ood, IK, the d.).: [in telo CK, i JI . :] but cor-
another explanation of this saying voce ~.])
XI t,,t., like Au !a: some assert that it is rectly, the ~ [or wvaist]: (TA:) the dual is _ -;I '.~A tTThe collateral relation or re-
a verbal noun, meaning 1 [I assert mtself to 0 _ , (Az, TA,) and the dual of U~ is Ol_; lations; such as the paternal uncle, and his son:
be free, or clear, to God], or 01. ' [I have as- (TA in art. _:) and the pl. [of both these as though from Z,ta. as meaning the "side" of
serted myself &c.]; but its being deel. in some sings.] is ,:;1 [generally meaning thile bowels, or a garment, or piece of cloth. (Mgb.) - a l4
dials. contradicts this. (Mughlnec.) One says intestines]. (S, TA.) [It is often used as meaning J.j t A man'sfamily and dependentt, (1., TA,)
also, tlCl. and jJ * t;.. [Farart thou from The belly: and the naist.] You say , J.j who are under his protection. (TA.).-. See also
being included among those of whom I speak! WS _l A man lank in the belly. (S and Ki in art. Ail. and its dual and pl. voco 3.:., in six
or from any cause of reproach ! or the like]; both ,,,..) And :E JeIJi ^ He is slender in places.-And see . (in the present art.),
meaning the same. (S, 1K.) And some of the the meait: and of a woman, _ jl -i. :
e w aa .i:rd ..
last sentence but one.- _ 'IjJIjj Jqj t A
Arabs say ., (Fr, IAmb, TA,) drop)ping the alid of women, tI~."Jl .*_.b C.- (TA.) - A man gentle, gracious, or courteout, to his asso-
I. (IAmb, TA.) - Sb says, (S, Mug,liicc,) with
sitle, qnarter, region, or tract: (S,K:) a vici- ciates. (TA.)_ -j JI .-Aplentful,
most of the Basrees, (Mughnce,) that it is only
naye, or neighbourhood: slelter, or protection.
a particle governing the gern. case, (S, Mlugilioiee,) easy, lfe. (S, TA.)-- U_/.JI JI .b1 c. -tA
(Z, 1K,* TA.) You say, Ot L;3 I amn in his
syn. with '!; (Mughnce;) because, if it were a congregated bodly crowding close together, side
quarter, vicinage, or protection: (Z, K:) [see against side. (Iar p. 294.)
verb, it would be allowable to make it a con-
also 1~, in art. :]
j. and tVeZ :.. These
nective to l, like J.; and this lihe asserts to bc
not allowable. (S.) Mbrsays that it is sometimes are in his quarter, or vicinage, and shadow, or ..,._ 1 "d. [She that causes the dogs to pant
a verb; as is shown by the vcrsc of En-Nib.ighalh protection. (TA.)-=Also inf. n. of u [q v.]. fo;breath;] applied to the hare; meaning that
5L..t., be- the dogs nm after her until they are out of breath.
cited above; and by the saying ..
(ISk, S. [In one copy of the S, erroneously,
cause a particle cannot be made to precede imme- w; A man having a complaint of his.S-
diately another particle; and beause it sufTers [lq. v]. (Az, TA.)_Also, and ', n,'eath-
elision, as in the phrase ji b,ta_., seeing that ing short, or unintermittedly; pantingfor breath;
elision takes place in nouns and verbs only, or out of breath ; (S, .K,TA;) applied to a man;
exclusively of particles: (S, Mughnec :) and IJ (8;) in walking quickly, and in speaking with
and the Koofees say the like: but Mbr also holds, 1. aor. ', (TA,) inf. n. -. _, (A, gy,)
sharpness, or hastiness, of temper: (TA:) fem.
in common with EI-Jarmee and El-Mizine and Ile, or it, shaved it of; namcly, hair. (A, IS,
[of the former] ;'t~ and [of the latter] te~.,
Zj and Akh and AZ and Fr and Aboo-'Amr Esh- (K,) of the mcasurle JLi. (TA.) TA.) You say also, .A; i./eJS ... (S, A)
Shlieybanee, that it is often a particle governing [The helmet rubbed off his hair: or] rendered his
the gen. ease, and seldom a trans. verb having but OlJet~ see swhat next precedes. hair scanty. (S.)- He cut off from it, either
one tense and no inf. n., because syn. with . i. 't. and ,t a.i and d4it t.: see 3. with the ;;1:, [a word for which I do not find
(Mughnee.) See also 5, in two places. any apposite meaning, and which is perhaps a
'to. as a particle, and as a noun; as in mistranscription,] or with the shears: (Er-Righib,
5. ,L.~3 [He went aside, apart, or aloof, or
he removed, wnithdrew, or retired to a distance,] as quoted in the TA:) whence, accord. to some,
.j and 41, and tJ,a. and .U 'o.: see 3, in
is from 4a.ZJI; like from t.C'i: (TA:) four places. the word ^. (TA.) - t1.j I",a. -.
and t ' . .Whas a similar meaning:] you say, :Tieyd cut, or severed, a tie of relationship be-
i.Z.tA[The selage, or selcedle, i. c.] the side, twreen them. (TA.)_ j4; _
lI. , 4.s1_;.3 I kept aloof from, shunned, or ; ;.;lw
(Mgh, Msb, TA,) or each of the tn'o sidles that t[Ttere came a dearth, or drought, or a year of
removed myselyfar from, stuch a thing; from have no unwnoven extremity, (M, TA,) or each of drought, and] it did arway ,vith, or consumed, or
ti.JI [or .JI] meaning Z_1. (l.ar p. 194.) the two long sides that have at their tbro ends the destroyed, everything. (TA, from a trad.)_
- And i - (IAgr, 1;) and bh., untowven threads, (T, TA,) of a garment, or piece :J-I Zel.J t The hoar-frowt, or rime,
(Uar p. 294,) inf. n. ;11 (KL;) He ab- of cloth: ($, T, M, Mgh, Mob, 1 :) and in like
nipped, shrunk, shrivelled, or blated, (lit. burned,
staind,or refrained, (IAr, 1], KL, Ilar,) from manner, of other things; (K, TA;) as, for in-
him, (IAyr, g, Var,) or it, (IAyr, KL,) through stance, t the side of a tract of herbage, and of the ,jl, q. v.,) the plant, or plants, or aorbage:
disdain and pride; or he disdained, or scorned, mirage; and t the extremity of the ,sU [app. (Alin:) a dial. var. of i-., q.v. (TA.)-
or was asltamed of, him, or it. (IAar, 1, 1lar.) meaning , .tI ;._i in the Temple of Mekkeh]: ,,o_, quasi-pass. of in the first of the senses
73 *
[Boor I.
explained above: see 7, in two places. - sent him back farnished with rcquiMites for his hair [rrhich is shaven off]. (TA.) [See also
IJ.b JWLJI X, (A, Mgh,. Mqb, K,*) nor. ', (A, journey. (A 'Obeyd.) [Sce also Frcytag's Arab.
a.-..:] - and see ,~,l.
Mgh, Mab,) 8uch a thing became my portion of Prov., ii. 201.] You also say, ,l; A.il1 [His
the property: (A, :) or came to me, and be- head shed, or lost, its hair: or part thereof]: *a.a- Vthat is collected from sharing or
came my portion: (Mgh:) or came to me as my
,a (A:) and 1.Jl j1.a .. , and 1uJ1, the plucking out. (TA.) [See also ~ ',].-.Also
portion. (Msb.)m~ , aor. t, [contr. to rule, ass's, and the camers, hairfell off. (TA.) The fhair and fur of the ear, whother shaven off
by which it shlould be :, the verb being intrans., or not: or, as some say, hair andfur in general:
unless the sec. pers. pret. be ~ ,] inf. n. R. Q. 1. -, inf. n. a.a.m.: sec 1, but the former explanation is more known. (TA.)
last two sentences._ The inf.n. also signifies - And
,~, ($, TA,) with which M, q. v., is syn., tIVat is above the jl; [or part next the
The nalking of him vwho is shaclied. (.K, TA.)
($,&c.,) He ran vehemently and quickly: (, hoof (in the CX( erroneously written jaz)] of the
= ][e strove, or laboured; exerted himself;
TA:) and ~.,e , (TA,) inf. n. !. , horse; (Ibn-'Abbaid, 1] ;) i. e., of the hair that
took pains, or extraordinarypains; or excetled
(R, I,) he was quick (S, ], TA) in going, (TA,) surrounds the hoof: so called because of the
the usual bounds; in lhis aflihir. (Abu-l-'Abbis,
and in journeying or pace. ($, TA.) . o is paucity of that hair. (Ibn-'Abbad.)
TA.)= He (a camel) fixed, or made firm or
also syn. with tl in all its meanings; like steady, his knees, in order to rise (S, .K) *with ,e aa +>3 A laborious, (I;,) quick night-
..b and ,and b and n iAS. (Er- the load; and lhis stifle-joints: (S:) or lay dovwn journey to vater, in vwhich is no flagging; (As,
Raigbhib.) upon his breast, with folded legs. (TA.)-- S,I;) like . :: (S:) or tuch as is far-
2: see R. Q. 1, in two places. llence, as some say, , JI Oa,m. 1:jl in the extending, or long: and t...a a quick
I;ur [xii. 51], meaning, Now the trutl hath journey, or pace; like ,A,t.. (TA.)
3. ; /t1 1 I divided wit htim the thig, become established: or, as others say, it is from
each ojus allotting to himself his portion. (TA.) .aoht,. A disease in consequence of which the
a^., and means, now kath the portion of truth
See also 6. hair gradually falls off and becomes scattcred:
* -& become distinct from that of falsehood: (TA:)
4. _.1. I gqave him his portion, lot, or (S, A, K:) or a disase that takes awvay the
or no7w hath the truth become distinct, apparent, hair:
share: (S, Msb, K :) or his portion, lot, or share, (IAth:) or that takes away the 1air
or nmanifcst, (S, MIsb, Er-Raghib, TA,) after
of food and beverage cc. (TA.) And ~. 1 concealment, (TA,) or by the coning to light of entirely. (A'Obeyd.) =_ i.q.
a.il I gave tte company of men their portions, that which wras conacealed in the mind. (Er- t Ai,,o ; (K ;) : Bect,ven themn is a tie of
lots, or shares. (A.) relationship which they have sceered, or cut;
Riglhib, TA.) You say, cJI The not
treating one another with the affection duo
6. I15.tm They (namely, creditors,) divided thing became distinct, apparent, or manifest,
to it; (TA;) [so that it is an act. part. n. in the
property among themsivet in portioen, lots, or (Kh, S, I,) oaftcr having been concealed; (Kh ;)
shares; ($,' Mgh, Msb, g ;*) as also t Il, sense of a pass. part. n.;] as also .:
as also VJa_o, inf. n. oam,.: (.1:) and
(A, TA:) or the meaning is, ~ .Z li [having
(KC,) inf. n. la. ($, TA) and j.lh.; (TA;) some read ,,Jl t ,_. in the .ur ubi suprl a severing; so that it is a possessive cpithlet]. (.;.)
ewery one of them taking his portion. (TA.)
(TA.) One should not say ~ in this sense; a . f

7. . JI quasi-pass. of ,a~1l [Having the hair shaven off, or rubbed

m_. in the first of (TA;) nor a .. (Ez-Zejj.jee.) oJ; orfallen oft; cither vwholly or partly], applied
the senses explained above; It (hair) became
R. Q. 2. ': see 7, in two places. to the bead; pl. _ : (A:) a man having littla
shaven off; a also .t d,m [see. pers., app.,
hair upon the head: (S, K:) or a man having
_'., , and nor. _,] inf.n. ,~ [and ue A portion ofa sum: (Er-Raghib:) and
no hair; (Mgh;) a man whose hair has all gone;
app. _& , q. v. infrh]; or, as some say,#, used to signify a portion, lot, or share, (S, Msb,
fern. a^., applied to a woman: (Et-Tirmidhec:)
Er-Righlih, ],) of food, and of beverage, and of
[perhaps a mistake for ~ or .] signi- also, [a man] having no hair upon his breast:
fles the hair's going from the head by shaving or land, &c.: (TA:) accord. to some, from _a and a man suffering from a protracted disease,
by disease: (TA:) and the former verb, it (the signifying "he cut off from it:" (TA:) pl. whose hair does not growv long: (TA:) and a
hair) ivent fiom the bead; (V,, TA;) became - (A, Msb, K.) horse having little hair in the fetlock, and in
removed, or stripped off; (TA;) fell off, and the tail; which is a fault; (TA;) as also
became scattered, by degrees; (8,TA;) us also L,,a_ Paucity, or scantiness, of the hair of v,,_; (K, TA;) on the authority of Drd:
t : (TA:) the former is also said of the the head; (S, ] ;) and of the fetlock of a horse: (TA:) and the
fern., a she-camel having no fur
plumage of a bird; (A;) and of the foliage of (TA:) also shortness of the beard, when its hair upon
her: and the masc., a tail having niao hair
trees; in the last of the senses mentioned above: breaks off in pieces: (TA:) and the state of one
upon it: and t _.~ applied to the back of
suffering from a protracted disease, whose hair
(TA:) and [in like manner] 1* ,a it (fur, the neck, of which the hair has been shaven off
and the nap of cloth,) became removed, or stripped does not grow long. (TA.)
(TA.) You say also ;~-Ul , 1J A an
off. (IAr.) You say also, i;il1 ;. l The L~k Mange, or scab: (Ibn-'Abbid, I :) whose beard has become
short, its hair having
beard became short, its hair breaking off in pieces. because the hair falls off in consequence of it.
(TA.) . Vehemence of running, (As, S, Mgh, broken off in pieces: and ' a.J a beard
(TA.) And ,JI 't The tail became cut that has become
.,) of an ass, (Mgh,) and quickness thereof: short in like manner. (TA.)
off. (14.) It is aid in a prov., e&J;. il
(As, $ :) [see 1, last sentence but one :] or, accord. And '.'Jl ,,a.l ls (S, A, K) A bird haring
J'Jt [He escaped, but the tail became cut off]: to 'Asim Ibn-Abi-n-Nujood, (S,) an ass's straighten- little plumage in the wing: (:) or whoseplumaoge
applied to him who has been at the point of ing and erecting the ears, and moving about, or of the wing has graduallyfallen
destruction, and then escaped: (I :) or alluding off and beconme
wagging, the tail, and running: (S, 1 :) accord. scattered: (S,?TA:) pl. as above.
to the coward's escape from destruction after (S.)_: A
to some, ($,) an emission of wind from the anus,
being at the point thereof: related to have been sword having in it, or upon it, no 1 [or diversified
with a sound; (S, Mgh, K;) as A'Obcyd says,
said by Mo';wiyeh, on the occasion of the safe wavy marks, streaks, or grain]. (1, TA.) _
in relation to a trad. in which that which it signi-
return of an ambassador whom he had sent to fies is attributed to the devil as the effect of his Applied to a man, (A,) : Unluchy; (AZ, A, ;)
the King of the Greeks, appointing for him a hearing the call to prayer; but he adds that the unpropitious; in whom is no good: (AZ, A:)
threefold bloodwit [if he should be slain] on the and the fern., applied to a woman, also signifies
saying of 'A4 im is more pleasing to him; and
condition of his proclaiming the call to prayer it is also the saying of Ay, or like it. (S.) t unlucky; (g, TA;) in whom is no good. (TA.)
on entering his court; which he did; whereupon And hence, (A,) or because they keep pace to-
the King's generals, who were with him, sprang ho-. i. q. t~ [Shaven off]; applied gether in their prices (lPl Xt ;) until they
forward so slay him; but he forbade them, and to hair: (s :) or it is a bubSt. applied to that grow old and weak, when their prices become
Boo I.] h-^ - J%^

diminished and they die, (s,) Qs.1 signifies app. * also; (see .. a ~;)] lIe broke -- -.: sec

SThe slave and the ass. (S, A, i.) _ [A man] forth with '.aa. [i. e. measles, or spotted fever].
:L..~ Pebble.: (S, A, 1 :) or small pebbles:
who cuts, or severs, the tie of relationship. (TA.) (1K, KL.) The second of thcse verbs signifies as
(Msb:) accord. to Sb, a quasi-pl. n.: (TA:)
_:at.. -: 0l -_ La.
see .mt. (S, A, .1) above, said of a person's skin. (S.)
sing. t -.. (]..)- See also 2.
t A sterile year, in which is no good: (S, :) 2. '.a.: see 1. = Also ., (T, TA,)
or a year of drought, in which iJ little herbage: ~.A.~..: see 2.
inf. n. ,3' ', (T, Mglh, ,) He (a pilgrim)
or a year in which is no herbage. (TA.)_
slept [or stopped to sleep] in El-2Iohax.ab .1_,.l. [A thrower, or pelter, of stones]. You
, , .4. S A day intensely cold. (TA.) It was
said to a man of the Arabs, " Which of the days
(t - .t1), (T, Mgh,* .K,) whlich is the name say, ..L j. l_s g [He is a pelter of
of the way between the mountains opening upon stones (app. meaning a calumniator): he is not
is the most cold?" and he answered, ,r)1,,. 1; , (,
the part called .1J4)l, (T, K,) between Mekkeh afriend];(A, TA.) [Hence also,] ~
(TA;) the former meaning, t The day ,rhose
and Mina, (T, Msb,) so called from the pebbles .K,) or ,_ (A,) ,,A violent rind that
sun ris (1, TA) the horiton being red, (TA,)
and its Ahy (3~,), accord. to the copies of the in it, (T, TA,) and also called ;1, raises the pebbles; (S, A ;) as also t *.i4
(Msb,) 5 .
1, but correctly its north wind (iJl,), (TA,) for an hour, or a short time, (az,) of the (S :) or a wind that bears along the dust (]C,TA)
being clear, (}, TA,) and such that a touch is (T, Mgh, I,) in returningfrom2lini to .lekkeh: and pebbles: (TA:) and a wind casting down
not felt by reason of tihe cold; and it is that in (T, Mgh," TA:) this was formerly done in imi- pebbles from the shy: or a wind that tears up
which there are no clouds, and of whicAh the cold tation of Moh.ammad; but it is said to be volun- the pebbles. (TA. [See the ]5ur liv. 34, &c.])
does not abate: and the latter meaning, the day tary; not obligatory. (T,TA.) Also He slept -And hence, tA punishment from God. (TA.)
in which blows the wind called .L;I, driving at that place after going forth from Mehheh. -Dust containing pebbles. (IA.ir, TA.) See
along clouds in which ii no water, wherein no (TA.) ' - 1 is also the name of the place also ,_'._ Clouds (.; ) casting down
sun rises, and in which is no rain. (TA.) Z where the pebbles are cast in Min6; (As,S., A, snow anil hail: (1 :) or clouds (,.A ), because
says, (TA,) it was said to one of them, "Which Mgh, Msb, ;) also called ' .' -. (TA.) =of tllcir casting down snow and hail. (TA.)-
of the days is the coldest?" and he answered, Pebbles [bortne] in the vind. (ISh, TA.) You
: sec 1.
say, el._ I . C;L [Our day was one in
n ,vflj >g ~j.l, i. e., The clear, [in
which the horizon is red,] and the cloudy, in 4. _.e n1, (S, A, ],) inf. n. ~ .i, (TA,) n,hich pebbles were blown about by the wind].
which blows the wind called [_1. (A, TA.) le (a horse, S, A, or other beast &c., TA) struck (TA.)_ Small particles of snown and hail scat-
up the pebbles in his running. (., A, IS.) - See te'red about. (1.) -A large number of nwn on
-- CL.. b A wind that is clear, without also 1. foot. (Az, TA.)
dust. Qg, TA.) 6. l~d) Theey elted oneanotherwith pebbles. A -*: seec
J see W,,~; and, .^; and La.. (A, g.)
,..-- : see ,u :annd see also 2, in
.; Stones; as also t.;a, n. un. ai;.., two places.
which is extr. [as n. un. of ., but not of
r., _ zAffected with the cutaneous eruption
_a]. (K1.)-A stone that is thrown; like
1. ,c^, (.8, A, Msb, aor.
a,) (S, A, M.hb) termed t.. [i. e. meases, or spotted ferercr;
and :, (Mb,) inf. n. am, (Mab,TA,) 1He ,,a in the sense of G.. (TA.)-Firewood,
(A, 1 ;) as also $ _ . (TA.)
threw at him, or pelted him with, pebbles, (8, (1.,) in a general sense; (TA;) in the dial. of
A,* ,) or small pebbles. (Msb.) And hence, El-Yemen: (Fr,TA:) or what is thrown into
in a general snse, He pelted him. (gar p. 234.) afire, (A 'Obeyd, 8, IK,) offirewood and of other
And eZ.t : s, .. [The wind cast, or things; (TA;) in the dial. of Nejd: (Fr, TA:) 1. ,, (, A, Mgh, &c.,) nor. ' and , inf. n.
or fiJrewood preparedfor fuel: (Msb :) orfire- . (,- Mgh, M,b, 01) and ,; . (Lli, Mgh, K)
drove along, or tore up, the pebbles, or snmaU wood with vwhich a fire is lighted; firewood not and L~,, (Lh, ,) He reap,ed, or cut (A, 3Mgh,
pebbles]. (A.)_-Also, (A,) or ~. ., inf. n. being so called until it is thus used. (..) .K) wit/, the J~. (,) ceCd-l)produce, (S, A,
s,y ', (.,) or both, (Mqb, ],) but the latter ,:q', in the gur [xxi. 98], signifies, in the Mgh, Msb, I5,) and plants, or herbage; (S, I: ;)
has an intensive signification, (Mqb,) He spread Abyssinian language, accord. to 'Ikrimeh, The o:i,ginally used in relation to seed-produce; (TA;)
pebbles in it, (A, ],), namely, a -mosque, (A,) firesvood [orfucl] of .Iell. (TA.)
or a place; (1;) he strewed it, namely, a mosque, as also oP . (1f.) - [lence,] _
(., M9b,) &c., (Msb,) with pebbles, (8,) or with _a. [Pebbly]. You say .. '.a jl and
-_ :to
[lIe reaped, or mowed, them doan with
small pebbles. (Mqb.) _5;& ,_. He threw 21'.. (T, 8, A, g1)A land containing, (T, S,) the nrsord]: (A:) he slenw them: or he exerted
his utmost povwer or ability, or exceeded the
it (anything) into the fire. (AO, g.)7 or abounding with, (A,1,) pebbles. (T, S, A, 1.)
ordinary bounds, in slaying them: (TA:) he
l Hle threw _ [or firewood, ,c.,] into And ' ,.t,, . O A place containing pebbles.
exterminated them [cith thes,word]. (Mgb,TA.)
the fire. (A.) [Also,] inf. n. as above, He (TA.) - See also _. s [eHj w ho
1a .
_And ICIj..
kindled the fire, or made it to blaze or flame,
with . (TA.)" s 1j~ IiThey hastened a~. [A tingle throwing ofpebbleas]._.[Hence, sows evil reaps repentance]. (A.) ~ , (L,)
from him, or it, in flight. (A, TA.) - app., because immediately following the day of [aor. -,] inf. n. .a. , (L, K,) It (a rope, and
~.L & t He turned away from his com- the last throwing of pebbles in the Valley of a bow-string,) was, or became, strongly twitted,
panion; as also P 1. (1.) - , Minc,] ' .JI ' The night [next] after the and firmly, or compactly, made; (L,B ];*) as
days called &P. .1., l [which are the 11th also t koa....tl: (S, A, L, I :0) and it (a coat
.;~l t i. q. W , [which has two meanings: of mail) was, or became, [close in its rings, (see
he went away in, or into, the country, or land: and 12th and i3th of Dhu-l-Jijjeh]. (K.)_See
.h~,) and]firm, and compactly made. (L, 1.*)
and he discharged his excretent: the former also _..~_Also, (S,A,Mgb,g,) and V1,'
seems to be here meant]. (g.)~. ; (1; (., Mob, 1,) and (sometimes, ) t !, (., K,) 4. .a.l It (seed-produce) attained to the
[in a copy of the A , but this is probably [Meales, or spotted fever;] a certain cutaneous s proper timefor it beingreaped; u also
eruption: (., A, Myb, 1 :) by some, [contr. to (., Mgh, Mgb, 1 :) or the latter, t it. invited the
a mistranscription, u appears to be indicated by
general authority,] said to be nsmall-pox. (Msb.) act of reaping. (TA.)- He tristed a rope
its being there added that the part. n. is ..;])
(., O) firmly. (TA.) - [He made firm, in a
and ... , aor. , (g,) inf. n. ,,., (KL,) : -,: see
e _, and : and see general sense. (Golius as from the KL; but not
or ,.,.; (TV, and indicated in the 1 ;) [and also a_am. in my copy of that work.)]
.%~ -J [BooT I.
8: ase l. reaped: the pl. is L_.. (L) _ A place of a man is turned back from a course which he
10: see 4: _ and see also 1..... [Hence,] t It reaping. (M.b.) desired: and _i', when he is confined, or re-
(the affair, or state, of a people) became establidsed, strained, or the like: (Yoo:) or, accord. to Fr,
..,_ A reaper: pl. *r; . and ;LL. (1g.)
or sttled, firmly, soundly, thoroughly, or well. the Arabs say, of him whom fear or diseae pre-
(TA.)...It (a people, or party) collected together, ',a.i; fem. l... : see ,a, in three places. vents from accomplishing his pilgrimage or his
or amembled, and rendered mutual aid. (., ].)
) Also i.1 *. A tree abounding with ;j. [q. v.], (Mgh, t TA,) and of any one that is
-He as, or became, angry: (K:) or violently
leavs [and therefore compact]. (I1.) not forcibly constrained, as by imprisonment, or
angry. (TA.)
.,' at. , ,-.. by enchantment or the like, (TA,) t'j f: and
.: n see _. : see %~_ [[Hence,]
.- LS,Ip x
of him who is imprisoned or restrained by a
:A man whoe judgment, or opinion, is well, or
Sultan, or by one who overpowers, '~.: this
_ J1 . and (S,1 and t &a rightly, directed, ($,K,) and sound, or firm. e
distinction is observed by them: (Mgh, TA:)
id .i (J) A rope strongly twisted, and (TA.)I What has dried up while standing [of but if you mean that the constraining power of
seed-produce]. (1C.)
rmly, or compactly, made: (.,V:) and 3 the Sul,.n is a preventing cause, and you do not
.a.l a bow-string strongly twisted: (TA:) . Seed-produce that has attainedto the refer to the act of the agent, it is allowable for
And v :l1 &) a coat of mail close in its rings, proper tim, or season, for its being realped; as you to say, J.jl
~- Of[ e-
vyrn~.1 eJ: and if you say of
also t.a. : .. (Mgh, Msb.)
compact and strong. (L, .g.) him whom pain or disease makes to restrain him-
;l^, The time, or season, qf reaping; as also .K~ A reaping-hook, syn. J.., K ,) self, that the disease, or fear, restrains him, it is
allowable for you to say, .r.: or, as Aboo-Is-
VL;C~.. (g, TA. [In the C., each is erro- nith Ahich wsed-produce is cut. (TA.)
1b4 the Grammarian says, the correct rule, accord.
neously made to be with ;.]) One says, [also, ,: Bsee , r. to the lexicologists, is, that one says of him whom
using each as an inf. n.,] ,j L;, "LXl
(8, A,)
, : ee .ul :an : -andd see . . fear and disease prevent, 'm-_1.: and of him who
or lr;JI X,ljlI, (Mob,) and Vlm.JI1, (S, M9b,) is confined or restrained b; another, vj : and
[This is the time, or eason, of reaping: for] [Hence,] a.. lj :Sound, or firm, judg- thus it is because he who refrains
from conducting
both are also inf. ns. of _ in the first of the ment or opinion. (TA.) himself freely in an affair restrains himself: and
senses explained above. (Lb,B.)8 See also thy saying,j,. means that thou hast restrained
,r.. - Also i'.at remains upon the ground, him; not that he has restrained himself: so that
of seed-produce, among the lower parts of the
1. *.a,;, ($, A,) aor. ' (S, ) and -, (1,) it is allowable to say in this case [when you do
stalks of that which has been reaped; and so
inf. n. j^.., (., .K,) lIe, or it, straitened him; not mention the agent], r'.t. (TA.) (Accord.
2~,S pI. of tb~ and t,;L . (Mgh.) _
(S, A, . ;) so in the 1.ur ix. 5; (TA;) and en- to Z,] , r and ,~) [lit. He was withheld
And What falls off, and becomes scattered, of
compased, or surrounded, him. (S, A.) You say from it] is said when a man is ashamed at a thing,
seeds of wild leguminous plants when they dry
up. (L.) -And The fruit, or produce, of any .2yA., '($, M.b,) or ~ v,-., (g,) nor. :, (S, and leaves it, or abstains from it, or when he is
tree. (L.) Msb,) in.n. , (Ms.b,) It (a hostile party, unable to effect a thing, or finds his wisll difficult
18k, S, Msb, or a people, .K) encompassed him, of attainment. (A. [See also yr, in what fol-
;ld,._: see t.., in two places. or surrounded him, (M 9b, JI,) and prevented him
from going to his business: (Msb :) or straitened lows, in this paragraph.]) JQIl 5 ;L.jI . ,;a.
_. Reaped seed-produce; (., A, Mgh, Mgb, him, and encomtpassed or surrounded
him; as also means - 1,dl jL L, JIJ i [I rstricted
1f;)' also a.i.d. (, Mgh, 1) and tj.r * ., inf. n. and ;1_.. (ISk, S.) the division of the property among the creditors]:
and tar. (.8, Mbb, ) and t.; ., which last The ; ta... of an enemy is well known. (K.) for the prevention is not against them, but against
is originally an inf. n.: (Mgh :) pl. of the first,
You say jud ?r..tr., inf. ns. as above, [TIhe others, from their being sharers with them in theo
(A, Mgb,) and of the second, (Mgh,) oL;-. property: the phrase is inverted, like >a~;1
enemy besieged, or bet, them;] and 5
(A, Mgh.) And J.al.JI [see Xlur 1. 9] il* j.~JI We remained in the state ;.: .. . (M9 b.)__ Also d,, (1gC,) aor. ;,
of siege
Grain that is reaped: (L:) grain of wheat and some days; or in the inf. n. '_, (TA,) He took the whole of it; (v;)
place of confinement; and
of barley and of anything that is reaped; as [appropriatedit to himself eczlutively;] acquired
i,:, e.; 1.,9j [They were besieged, or
though for j1aJl ;j1 ~._.: (Z :) orgrainof beset, vdehemently]. (A.) - Also *yar,, (S, A, it; took it to himse/f. (TA.)-And a_, (8,
reapedwheat. (Lth:) _ See also la~-. - It is ;K, &c.,) aor. ' (Mgh, 10) and , (K,) inf. n. A, Mgh, K,) and t .l, ($., A, g,) or y'
also said to signify Seed-produce torn up and car- ^., (A, Mgh, K.,) He, (Akh, 8, A,)
or it, (S,) tw, and ^_, (Ks,) or Jot i j n,
ried away by the wind. (L.) - Also t Slain [or confined, kept close, imprisoned,
detained, retained,
moned down] witI the sword, like seed-produce restrained, withheld, or prevented, him; (AO, aor. ., inf. n. r. [and .m., or this latter
reaped. (Jel in xxi. 15.) I; oc- Aboo-'Amr Esh-Sheyb(nee, Akh, S, A;) as also is a simple subst.], (lbn-Duzurj,) He (a man,
curring in a trad., means t The words that their to_a .: (Aboo-'Amr Esh-Sheybanee, 8:) or a $, A) suff'erd suppresion of the fecas, or condti-
tongu utter, and [as it nere] cut off, againt distinction should be made between these two pation of tithe bowels: (Ks, Ibn-Buzurj, $, A,
othera; (, A, L;) being words wherein is no forms, as will be seen in what follows. (TA.) Mgh, 1:) [distinguished from
,.l: (see ya_:)
bgood: the tongue being likened to a reaping- And It (a hostile party, and a disease, ISk, Th,
or] ,_W cl j~ signifies hc suffered suppreion
hook; and the words that it utters, to reaped Msb) detained, restrained,withheld, or prewnted,
of his urine.. (1bn-Buzurj.)~.jr.~, [intrans.,]
seed-produce: AL., here, is pl. of t ;o.. him (ISk, Th, Msb, K) from journeying !c.;
(L.) - See also what next follows. with fet-h [to the .o], and VJ,rI, , She (a
(g ;) as also V ,,,$1: (AO, ISk, Tb, Msb, k :) camel) had a narrow
orifice to the teat. ($.)
or the latter signifies it (disease) prevented him
s.~r: see ,.'a, in two places: - and from journeying, orfrom a thing that he desired: And j. , aor. !; and L_, aor. :; and ,
;t '..-Also The lower parts of seed-produce, so in the ]ur ii. 192: (ISk,S:) or [more pro- (g,) or y~31; (so in the TA;) It (the orifice of
which the reaping-hook does not reach.. (].)- perly] it (disease, or urine, [&c.,]) made him to her teat) twas, or became, narrow. (C,* TA.)
Also A pice of ned-produce: (! :) or Vt.,. rwtrainhimelf: (Akh, O,] :) or ;ta.I signifies And '_, nor. ', inf.n. y., He was, or be-
has this signification; such a place being so calied the being preveonted from attending the religious came, unable to express his mind, to say what he
becase it is reaped: ., accord. to Az, sig- rites and ceremonie of the pilgrimae, by dis- cwould, to find words to wprewhat he would
nifies a field of rwhich all'the produce has been case, or the like: (IAth :) or j 1.Iis said when ray; he faltered in ~peecl; (Q, Mgh, K, ExpJs.
BooK I.] g83
of the " Mufafoal" of Z;) by reason of rhane and Meh, .:) suppression of the urine is termed chastity, and for the sake of shunning worldly
confurion of mind, or other [accidental] cause; y.l: (Yz, A, Mgh:) or , pleaures: (TA:) or who is pr~neted from
signifies also
wherein, only, it differs from jO.. (Expos. of suppresion of the urine, like W1. (Ibn-Buzurj.) having it, (V, TA,) by impotence: (TA:) or
the "Mufay0 al" of Z.) And also, (Mob, 1g,) or wino does not desire them, (IAar,A, Myb,],) nor
',;. [inf. n. of y, q. v., pasim. - Also] approachthem: (IAvr,K :) applied also to a horse,
~ ! yan, (,) He faltered, or became im- i. q. C>;.. (IA,r,TA in art.,...) In the aur
peded, and was unable to proceed, in reading, or Suppression of the flow of milk of a camel, from
a heavines, or heaving, of the stomach, or a [iii. 34], applied to John the IBaptist. (TA.)_
recitation. (S, Mob, 15.) And '_. aor. :, He
tendency to vomit; and unwillingneu to yield a Castrated; (V;) having the penis and testicles
was adhamed, and cut short, as though the affair amputated. (TA.)- Very fearful or cautious;
straitened him like as the prison straitens the .fow of milk (TA.) who abstains, or refrains,from a thing through
prisoner. (TA.) And a;c . He became im- ym .A man unable to express his mind; to fear. (K.) -See also m., in four places. _-
peded, and nas unable to do it. (S.) And y' . say what he tould; to find words to express
Also A she-camel having a narrow orife to the
aw1l ;C, aor. ', [inf. n. .a,] He abstained what he would say; (Mgh, TA;) by reason of
tcat. (s, .)
from jexual intercourse writh the cnoman, (K, shame and confusion of mind, or other [accidental]
TA,) though able to cieoy it: (TA:) or C. cause: (TA: [see yr:]) and one who is im- :see j.9~, in two places: -and see
1,,a (S,) or '*.1.J e, (Az,) he reas prevented by peded, and unable to proceed, in reading, or reci- ._, in four places. ... Also A king: (, A,Y:)
impotencefrom having sexual intercourse (Az, S) tation: (Msb, TA:) and so t. and V_, because he is secluded: (S,A:) or because he
with his wife, (S,) or with Yeomen. (Az. [See in both these senses. (TA.)_ Contractel in prevents those who have acces to him. (TA.)
the bosom; having the bosom contracted; (Tgh, m A prison; (9, A, Mgh, Mb, ] ;) as also
.. -])_ Also ._Y., (Mgh, TA,) or y.
TA;) as also .;eaa. and t a.. (.) n the ?;L.. (TA.) So [accord. to some] in the ]5ur
*j-", (S, Mob, TA,) nor. :, (Msb,) inf. n.j. , 1Kur iv. 92, some read .Lj j.a. [Their xvii. 8. (S, ISd.) A mat woven of reedt [or
(S, Mob, 1,)lie became straitened in his bosom;
his bosom became straitened. (S, Mgh, Msb, g,* bosoms being contracted]. (TA. [See 1, latter of rushes] (Mqb, ]) or of palm-leavers; (IDrd
part.]) - Affected with vomiting. (Mgh.)- and K voce ;Ji;, &c.;) syn. j; (Mb, ;)
TA.) In the ]gur [iv. 92], IP-_. 53.. . 1
Niggardly, tenacious, penurious, or avaricious; vulgarly $}ja.: (Msb:) or a thing wove,
.Ob Ulit LdI means_:kJ [Or wrho (K;) as also f;es.! and ?t;j-: (?,]:) and [i4L, in the L and TA erroneously written
come to you, their bosoms being contracted so that e a. one who will not drink wine, by reason
they are incapable of fighting you; or their of nigardliness: (1I :) and ; one who wilU
&&;L,] made of j&4 [or papyru] and of J21
bosoms shtinkingfrom fighting you]: (TA:) Akhi [or ruhe], and then spread upon the ground
not expend upon those wrho drink with him:
and the Koofces allow that the pret. here may be (L:) and one vwho [by reason of niggardlines] like a carpet: (TA:) pl. ._ (Msb, TA) and,
a denotative of state; but Sb does not allow this does not take part in the game called _. JI. by contraction, ... (TA.) Hence the prov.,
use of the pret. unless witlh .; and hc makes
... s t_.a.. to be an imprecation [meaning (Sub.)_ Also, (<,) or `1jw ja._, (A,) and ._ ~i J. [A captive upon a mat]. (TA.)

may their bosoms become contracted]: (9:) accord. t;* .. [alone], (1,)A strict concealerof secrets: And ,..l L Bugs; syn. &. (TA in art.
( :) or [simply] a conealer of secrets. (A, g.) j.) _ Anything woven. (V.) - A. garment,
to Fr, the Arab say, A ,.ei CM Al,
__ :.TJI eye._. A she-camel whose flow of or piece of cloth, ornamented and tariegated,
meaning &U& ,3:
0 Zj says, Fr makes .a.~ which, when spread out, captivates hart, in a
a denotative of state; but it is not so unless with milk is suppressed. (TA.)
manner peculiar to it, by its beauty. (K.) So,
.J: Th says that if d be understood, it approxi- ja-_: see',. accord. to some, in the trad. of godheyfeh, /,pa
mates to a denotative of state, and becomes like
;_ Impervia eounti mulier; syn. ',. 1Jt e> ~9;s1 isha * UI [expl. in art.
a noun; and some read .,; ~ ,a.^: AZ does
(A, 1.) ,/,&, conj. 1]. (B.)_A bed; or a thAing spread
not allow this usc of the pret. [as a denotativc of
state] unless preceded by 3 or ,.. (TA.) - And UJA.. [and which latter is now the to lie upon; as though it were a mat: so, accord.
.!~, alone, He vomited. (Mgh.) -- And He be- more common,] A maker, or seller, of y [or to El-Hasan, in the I5ur xvii. 8, referred to
came affected with a disease, or malady, by a , i.e. mats, p1. of Je ]. (Ibn-Khillikan, above. (TA.) - A sitting-place; syn. j;:
thing. (TA.) - Also, (, 1g,) aor. :, inf. n. p. 19 of vol. i. of Dc Slane's ed.) (<, and so in two copies of the A:) MF thinks
j.^., (],) veas, or became, niggardly, tena-
,-- it to be a mistake for r [a prison, or place
jt.a: see the next paragraph.
cious, penuriouts, or avariciou. (91, .) One of confinement]. (TA.) The surface of the
says, gJ ;I The party `;t_.: see .~ . _ [A fo,.tress; a fort; a ground: (Mob, ]5:) whence, accord. to some,
catle.]; Also, (9, R,) and ;t.G;-, (1,) A it is applied to that which is spread upon the
drank, and such a one was niggardly to them,
(AA, 9, L,) not expending upon those who drank hind of pillow, cushion, or pad, which is put ground [i. e. a mat]: (TA:) pl. [ofpauc.] .1.
upon a camel, and of vwhica the hinder part is
with him. (L.)_ - [Hence,] to . He con- and [of mult.] _. (.) - Water. (1.)
raisedso that it is made like the i.A of a camel's
cealed the secret; (K;) ,.efrainedfrom divulging [Perhaps because its surface, when rippled by
saddle, the fore part being stuffed so that it is the wind, is likened to a thing woven: see .]
it. (TA.)-e~a.l ya_, aor. ' and , (TA,)
made like the a.~i [or rather ia/tl or aL.Ij]
inf. n. _.., (1,) He bound a jL~, (K, TA,) - The diversified wavry marks, streaks, or grain,
of a came's saddle, and which is ridden upon;
or a t ., (TA,) upon the camei; (., TA;) (.kW,) of a sword, (V,TA,) re~lmbing the tracks
and so 't '.: (K :) or a hind of saddle upon
as also ?ea1: (9, K,TA:) and he' made for, of ants: (TA:) or its Cl!pe~ are its two sidw.
which those who break, or train, beasts ride: or
or put to, the camel a j.; : as also 1,a1l. (], TA.) - A road, or way. (IAr, ].) -
a [piece of stuff of the kind called] 't.b, Which
(TA.) A row of men, and of other thingL (].) -
is thrown upon the bach of the camel, behind the A certain cein extending acros upon the sid of
3: see 1, in three places.
rider: (TA:) or t !' i. (O) and ;k (TA) a beast, towards the belly: (J:) so, accord. to
4: see 1, in eleven places.
signify a mall [saddle of the kind caUed] .,, some, in the trad. of l[odheyfeh mentioned
7. .1..J He, or it, was, or became, restrained, (K, TA,) which is bound upon a camel, and upon above: (TA:) or a portion of J~eh to itu~;
withheldd, or prevented. (KL.) which is thrown the apparatus of the rider. (] ;) i. e., from the shoulder-blade to tha jlank;
8: see 1, last sentence. (TA.) as also t ', explained in the us a portion
; (9fi,Mgh, ], &c.) and . (A, and j.U- One who has no sexual intercours with of.s~ lying acros in the sid of a horse, whick
Expositions of the Fq) Supprenion of the fec~ ; women, (9, Mgb, 9,) th~ough able to hae it, one see when he i made lean by canty food:
or comtipation of the bowels: (Yz, As, s, A, (K,) abstaining from them from a motive of (TA:) or the former signifies the n~w that
J^I - ILr [BooE I.
is between the part called the 3ti and the part t ...u The first coming forth in the soft parts of the belly in the
of grapes, (S, Mgh, Msb, ,)
where the false ribs end; (8, TA;) which is the such as are crude and sour, (Mgh,) as long as day3
days of heat. (TA.)
end of the side: (TA:) or the part that is they remain sour, (Msb,) or as long as they
between the rein that appearsin tAe side of the remain green: (K :) or grapes when hard: (Az, 4.
4. ,i_al,(1K,) inf. n. k jl, (s,) He twisted
camel and horse, lying acrou, and what is above. TA:) or, accord. to AIHn, grapes when theJ a rope firmly, strongly, or compactly. (S, .)
it, to the part where the jide terminates: (As, ,have become organized and compacted: or, as And
And t.-.. Il [He made his weaving, or
S:) or the j~ of the side is what appears oJf he says on one occasion, [the n. un.] 4L _ his wveb, compact; orfirm and close; or close
theits upper parts of the ribs. (Ibn-Es-Seed.)- in texture, and strong: see the pass. part. n.
nifies a grape when it germinates. (TA.) The
Also The side itself (Az, 9, .) Hence the below]: said of a weaver. (TA.)_ [Hence,]
rubbing of the body in the bath with bruised,
phrase, ,;wpg ll we $l> A beast having or pulverized, -*r_ dried in the shade prevents :tHe established, or settled, or he did, performed,
wide sides. (A,TA.) Aud or executed, an affair, firmly, solidly, soundly,
i ' jl l1.the origination of [the cutaneous disorder termed]
or well. (., K, TA.) - , He (a man, and a
[May God make his sides to acie; meaning] I] in the year in which this is done, and horse,) passed, vent, or went along, quickly, or
may hee severely beaten. (A,TA.) A certain strengthens the body, and cools it. (K.) ii,Pifely:
swiftly: (S, 1K:) or raised the pebbles in his
elegant scholar says, .Jl J 1i Dates, or fruit, (`,, or "j, accord. to different running: (Sgh,l,
running: :) or went with sihort steps,
.mJl The mat of the prison made marks upon copies of the K, the latter being the reading in but quickly: (ISk, K:) or he (a horse) ran
the aide of the ing. (MF.) the M, TA,) not yet ripe. (M,IK, TA.) .. Fruit quiclily,
quickly, with short steps, at the utmost rate of
plucAed from the tree called the ,-, (K,) i.e. the pace termed _.
ij_ : see p~a, in two places. -Also A the n'ld pomegranate. (TA.) -In (AO,TA.),.Jll;.l i,
the " Jem9 inf. n. as above, The heat caused pustules [such
place in which dates are dried: (S, 15:) or, et-Tlfireeck," it is said to signify Grape-stones: 11
accord. to As, it is with e.,. (TA.) as are termed _La.] to come forth upon his
but this requires consideration. (Mgh.)- Wlhat
body, or person. (TA.)
_.r: *e ej.e is lean, dry, or withered, (syn. ;~.,) of any-
thing. (AZ, Mlsb, g.) And hence, (Msb,) tA 10. -.. l; It (a thing, S, TA) was, or
see L_, in two places.
s. became,
became, firm, strong, compact, sound, or free
niggardly man; (1Sk, S, Msb,g ;) narrow in
f,'om defect: (S, K, TA:) properly said of a
;j_.# Straitened: [encompassed, or sur- disposition; as also t;.. (S, TA) and rope, as meaning it was, or became, firmly,
rounded:] bieged, or boet, in afortres. (TA.) -t : (],aTA:) oor 't. '.yA means haring strongly, or compactly, twistted: and_ tropically
ConJined, kept close, imprisoned, detained, re- little, or no, good. (TA.)_
Short; (K ;) end said ofjudgment [as meaning t it was, or became,
tained, restrained, wiathheld, or prevented; (Akh,
:~.t [app. as meaning evil in (dirposition];as firna,
firmn, strong, sound, or good]: and of an affair
?, TA;) as also $ga . (Ibn-Es.Seed.) De- also t_.s (TA.) -And An iron [hooked] [as meaning I it was, or became, established, or
tained, restrained, wilthheld, or prevented, from instrument with which tlhe bucket is extracted settled, or done, performed, or executedl, 'firmly,
journeying c.; as also t ; . and $j t
_: from a well; (K ;) also called OJ;. solidly,.toundl.y,
solidly, soundly, or Iell]. (TA. [See also '_.])
(TA:) [or this luast signifies made to restrain - It (the'vulva) was, or became, narrow, and
himeirf: ee 1.} See also .... Suffering l.p. [inf. n. of Q. 1, q. v.]-Also Niggard-
firm, or tough, on the occasion of l.e (};,
upprenion of the feces, or constipation of the lines, tenaciousness, or avarice. (K, TA.)
a . TA.) The quality thus denoted is approved;
bowels: (Jbn-Buzurj, Mgh, ]p:) [distinguished [If.y 9 . Omphacine. (Golius, on the autho- and the woman possessing it is termed tL .
from ,t,: (see ,_ :) or] it also signifies suf- rity of Meyd.)] (TA.) - t It (timc, or fortune,) pressed hardly,
fering nuppression of the urine. (Ibn-Buzurj.) *---
or severely, (S, g, TA,) .-il upon him. (S, TA.)
_~A camel harinig upon him [or furnished with] 4j,e.. Soup made [or flavoured] with unripe t It (a company of men) collected, or con-
grapes or dates, or n,ith the juice thereof. (MA.)
gregated. (TA.)
;laa~ Butter dirsundered,or separated [into
..i.a Dty
Dry mange or scab: (S, 1 :) or small
clots], by reuon of intense cold; not coalescing;
pustules, [like the small-po.x, (see _,)] that
Q. 1n.. inf ,] He braced his (IC;) [as also trn.. .: see Q. 2.]._A scanty, generate
generate matter, or thick purulent matter, and do
bow, making the string tight, or tense. (9, ](.) or mall, gift. (TA.) Anything straitened, or not become l(trge; sometimes cominng forth in the
-_ lie twisted a rope strongly. (I5.) - He scanted. (TA.) See also ., in two places. sofg
soft parts of the belly in the days fheat.
f (TA.)
filled (AIgn, K) a vessel, (AtIn, TA,) or a skin:
-'~ ,S i. q. (K,)
M which is the
(V:) or he filled a skin so that it became strait ,h. _.,: see . - Also part. n. of .LM-.
[or tense]. (TA.) - He pared and shaped a more common term; meaning A poet that lived
reed for writing. (1.)-_ [Golius has added the in the time of paganima and in that of El-Islim.
signification "Exeitavit," as on the authority of (TA.) j.f ... Anythin-firm,
Anythingfirm, strong, compact, sound,
the KL; but in my copy of that work, I find, and free from defect. (TA.) A garment, or
__; see _ : and y. piece of cloth, compactly, or firnmly and closely,
as the inf. n. of the verb having this signification,
i ; which immediately follows the significa- mov.cn: (TA:) or derue; concealing [what is
tions of il~, wititin
within it]: (Kf, TA:) and ti [in like
and hence appearsm to have been
omitted in the copy of the KL used by Golius.] manner] signifies dense and strong. (TA.)-
1. _,_, aor. ', (S,K,) inf. n. i., (S, [Hence,] t Firm, or sound, in intellcct or sense;
TA,) [app., in its primary and proper sense, It
Q. 2. [t..~ app. signifies It (a grape) was, or became, compact, or firm and close; said (S, 15,
IS, TA;) and J.am. signifies the same;
became in the state in which it is termed .s_.. of a rope, and of a web, and the like: see its and firm in judgment; [or possessing firmnes,
And hence,] .... e. J ,l, ,3 [app. mean- part. n., or soundness, of intellect and judmcent; for] it
and see also 10. -And hence,]
ing t He did tihe latter part of an affair before is a possessive epithet: and the former is said
! He (a man, TA) was, or became,firm, or sound,
the first; as when a man writes a book before to signify strong in intellect, and good in judg-
in intellect or sense; (S,, TA ;) or strong in
he has qualified himself by preparatory study]: Mont.
ment. (TA.) i.JWIl JA., occurring in a letter
a prov. (TA.)- ,~ intellect, and good in judgment. (TA.) ~m.a~.,
said of butter [in the of 'Omar, means t [Firn] in judgment, and in
process of formation] means It becamne dis- aor. -, inf. n. _A^., It (the skin, S, TA, or the the management, conducting, ordering, or regu-
sundered, or sparated [into clots], by reaon body, or person, Msb) was, or became, affected la
lating, of affairs. (TA.)
of intense cold; and did not coalesce; as also with dry mange or scab: (S, K, TA:) or broke 0
Oj, . (TA.) out with small pustules, (Msb,TA,) like the small- L.s.a.: see see h__am.. -[H ene,] 3X L.,.l
pox, (MNb,) generating matter, or thick purulent bA~ I Betwveen thesm two it a firm tie of
.-*..: see the next paragraph. matter, and not becoming largce; sometimes brotherhood.
1 brotherhood. (TA.)

,witli ($1 n.)
A horse that goes in the manner denoted sidercd (I know not on what authority) as mean- (IAar, K.) And The spadix of the palm-tree
by the verb .A1a; ( ;) as also *,j . (S, ing ; .), (&t) when it has becomne ytellow. (v.) Also,
5 .3 renders it "laboravit lapidibus
18) and tJL ~ ; (. ;) [or] the last is applied in vesica urina orientibus "]. the former, IWhat fall, and become scattered, of
to a she-camel: ($:) the fem. of the first is with the produce of a palm-tree, green and frewh, like
2. LJ_,, inf. n. J*e , a trans. verb; (S,
;. (TA.) small green beads. (Aboo-Ziy&d, TA.) -- See also
Msb ;) i. e. trans. of J , primarily signify-
see what ext precedes. ing, accord. to IF, (Msb,) He produced, educed,
* ,' see what niext precedes. extracted, took forth, or fetched out, gold [or ,L~: sceeJ-_
silver] from the stone of the mine; (Msb, Er-
R;;ghllilh, TA;) and in like manner, the kernel j,.aa A certainplant. (S, M, O,1.)
r A narrow C' [or vulva]. (s.) from the shell; and [thle grain of] wheat from
See also 10. the stlraw: (Er-R(Lliib, TA :) he made a thing L_ Withat remainis, of grain, in the place
apparent; (Az,Er-Rfiglghib,TA;) as, for instance, nwhere it has been trodden out, after the removal
the kernel from the shell; and the Jl_. [or result] [of the bulk] of tlu grain: (S, 0:) or, as also
*j.a (6, TA) and V' , (k,) what remains,
r1.'d., (Msb, K, &c.,) aor. L, (TA,) inf. n. of a computation: (Er-Raighib, TA:) [he brought of barley and wheat, in the place wrhere it has been
j._ (M.b, K, &c.) anld 3y, (K,) like into being, or existence; he realized:] he prepared,
or made ready: ('S :) he snparated,discriminated, trodden out, after the bad thereof has been re-
JF.~ and ~.. and 3 ;', (TA,) [It waj, or or distinguished, (Az,}K,) what remained and con- moved: and what comesforthfrom reheat, andl is
became, produced, educed, extracted, takenforth, tinilcd, when the rest had gone, or passed away: thrown anway, such as [the weed called] j1:j,
or fetched out; as gold or silver from the stone (K,TA,) and ;L) [i. c. ac or ~i.] and the
of the mine, and the kernel from the shell, and (1.: [in the CKl, 3. t.. is erroneously put for
like: or what comesforthfrom barley and wheat,
wheat from the straw: (see 2:)] it came out, )~ . :]) he perceived a thing: he attained,
and is thrown away, when it is somen,hat groser
it became apparent: (KL:) it was, or existed, or obtained, a thing: syrn. 'jl~! [in both these than dust, or earth, and than what are termed
or came into being or eristence; it became real- senses: and also as meaning he overtook]: (Abn-
l;; [q. v.]: (TA:) or the remains of wheat in
ized; syn. rvith the complete [i. e. attributive] I-Ba.ka, TA :) he took, or got, or acquired,
the sieve, aoJter thle sifting, with vwhat are mixed
L4: (Msb in art. e _.:) [it present(ed itself: advantage, or profit; (KL;) i. q. jl, and jI.: theresmith; as also ;JL. ; but the former word
it was, or became, prepared, or r ead./ it became (B and TA in art. J.1 :) he collected: (Az, Er- is thc more known. (JK and TA in art. . )
attained, obtained, gotten, or acquired:] it came, Raighib, TA :) and [hence, app.,] A" 'J ; [See also aJ:_..]
came to pass, happened, took 7place, betided, signifies The reducing a sentence, or the liile,
befell, or occurred; said of an event; syn. with to its *J see
[here meaning its essential irn-
hj;, (TA in art. wjh,) is also syn. with port, or its sum and substance]: (S, TA:) and
the complete [or attributive] ;Si6; (M.sb in art. IJ .' 5 ~: . .C
1JI J. [The sentence, or speech, com-
.b. ;) likewise syn. with (Er-l.'ihib,
E..: TA prehended, or comprised, wvithin its scope, such J..o_ (T, s3, M, Mob, , KL) and Vi]5 _
in art. i :) [it resulted; and particularly as a a thing]. (Msb in explanation of ; .) '_ (S, K, &c.) and t j .b (S, Mb, 1b) [and
sum; and as a product; and as a quotient: it I,O11 t,LSfin the Kur [c. 10], means And t J~] Prodeuce; or what is produced, educed,
ensued: it arose, origyinated, proceleded, camie, extracted, taken forth, or fetched out: rwhat is
nwhat is in the breasts, or minds, [of men] shall
supervened, or accrued: in wlhicli senses, also,
be made apparent: (Az, Er-Ritgilib, TA :) or made aplparent: profit, advantage,gain, or acqui-
it is syn. writh the attributive e71E, and with ;I_, discriminated: (Az, Bd, TA:) or collected, (Fr, sition: (KL in cxplanation of the first word [hut
followed by '>:] it remained, and continued, Az, Bd, Er-Raigh,ib, TA,) in thile registers. (B(l.) applying to all]:) [thie result of a thing:] a re-
nwhen the rest had gone, or passed away; (.K, -- Sec also 4, ill two places. main, remainde7, remaining portion, remnant,
TA;) relating to a reckoning, and to an action, relic, residue, or the remains, of a thiing; (8;)
4. 'JI .a.l; (S, 1K;) and t.J , inf. n. what remnains, and continues, of anything, when
and the like: (TA :) and i. q. ']4. and j. 3;
1e_om.; (.K;) The palm-trees had 1J; i. ec., the rest has gone, or passed awtray: (IK :) it is of ia
as in the saying, UIh % U . [Such a
dates that had not yet become hard, (S, I.,) and reckoning, or computation, and of actions, and the
thing, or sum, was, or became, or pr.oved to be,
ofn.hich the Jm.t [or bases] had not yet appeared; like: (T, Mb,TA:) pl. of the seconid j;.
binding, obligatory, or incumbent, on him to
(S;) or dates that had become hard and round: (S, TA.) The first also particularly signifies
render as a debt to me]. (Msb.) Ja'", and also, had _ as meaning slpadixes (&) IVhat is cleared, or purNifed, of silvcr [and of
[aor. ,] inf. n. ,.)-, ie (a horse) haIl a com- gol(i] fromn thu stone of the mnine. (TA.) [Andl
that had become yellow: (]g:) or tJlj..a
plaint of his belly.ffromn eating the earth of the The produce, or net produce, of land &c.; of any-
the dates came forth from their S small:
herbage: (S:) or klA10Jl L ., aor. (I, K,) thing that is a source of revenue; as also the
and *t1,. they became round. (TA.)-- 0I
inf. n. as above, (TA,) the beast ate earth, (M, third. Theic result of an arithmetical process; the
people had unripe, or ripening, dlates sum, the product, and the quotient. The sum, or
or pebbles, (}g,) and they remained in its _;*_JI The
appearingupon their palm-trees. (TA.) sumt and substance, or essential import, of a sen-
inside, (M, .K,) fixed: (M:) or ,L) signifies
a horse's taking into the mouth earth fr.om the 5. jC~i It became collected, and remained, tence or the like; as also the third (see 2) and the
herbs, some of which earth, collecting in his belly, or continued. (I, TA.) fourthi. And the result, end, conclusion, event,
kills him: and the horse so killed is said to bce Q. Q. 1. J... issue, ultimate consequtence or effect, or ultimity,
He (a bird, S)filled his a_
tJ.a : (T, TA:) or a camel's having pebbles [i. e. stomach, or crop]. (S, K.) You say [to a of anything.] See also Z.L~..
[nhich he has swallowed] remaining in the oma- bird], , j g... [Fill thy stomach, or crop, J.4~ A depressed place wthere water raests in
sum, so as not to come forth in the cud nthen he andfly]. (S.) a meadow, where the therbage is the latest to dry
ruminates; and when this is the case, they some-
up: whence the i'Lo. of a bird, as being thio
times kill: or a young camel's eating earth, and J~ : see what next follows: - and see
resting-place of whlat it eats. (Az, TA.) _ The
in consequence not ejecting the cud; which some-
place where water rests, or remains,in thefurthest
times kills it. (TA.)-Said of a boy, it sig-
nifies u l ei' (1) or *L1J ;j
i... (, 1) and 1J.,
(0) ;, used by poetic license, (ISd, TA,) Dates before
(M, K,) the latter part of a watering-trough or tank; ( as
* L'a ... (ISd, K.)- See also Loj-__Also
4 it (0, V) [app. meaning The stones, or the they have become hard, (S, K,) and before their A sheep or goat large in the part of the belly
stone,fell, or descended, in his scrotum: Freytag, j 1 Ai [or bases] have appeared; n. un. iAa.A.: above the navel. (M, .K.) A certain plant.
following the TIK, in which &: ;1l u is con- (S:) or waen they have become hard and round. (TA,)
Bk I. 74
W8O [BooK 1.
1 1

Jm. The [plant called] C;lj1i [q. v.] (.) She was, or became, continent, or chaste; or she The act of coitus conjugalis in a case of walid
abstainedfrom what wa not lawful nor decorous; marriage; and accord. to Esh-Shafi'ee, by a free
i 3 _ : see J.;;, in two places. - The
syn. A: (S, Mgh, Msb, 1:) or she was, or mnan who has attainedto puberty, and in the case
;.. eofa bird (9, MNb, O) is [The stomach; the of a free woman who has attained to puberty,
became, married; or he had a husband; (]K;)
triple stomach, consisting of the crop, or craw, among the Muslims and the believers in a pln-
the second stomach, and the gizzard, or trne as also * and t 1 : (Ham p. 101, in
rality of gods; meaning, in a case of valid mar-
stomach: and often, particularly, the first of these which .; is likewise mentioned in this sense:) riage. (Msb.)
three: msee and that
h:] which, to a or $t_ ~1.. signifies she was, or became, pregnant;
bird, is like the .a, to a man; (] ;) also called (g;) as though pregnancy protected her from a 5. ',;as_, said of the enemy, (S, TA,) [He
t Le.... (Myb, j and ,iSz; and J;;: man's going in to her. (TA.) e.&., inf. n. fortified himself: or] he entered the [or a] ;_
(1K:) and of an animal having a cloven hoof or a ~m, He preserved, or guarded, him, or it, in [or fortress]: or protected himself by it: or took
places inaccessible, or unapproachable,or dificult it, or made it, as a place of abode. (TA.) - And
.i., i. q. . [q. v.]: (Az, TA :) pl. J,l,;. hence, lie guarded, or protected, himself in any
(f, TA.) - Hence the .. l;. [i. e. t Store- of acca, as in a X< [or fortress]. (TA.)
way. (TA.) - See also 1. - Also lie (a horse,
rooms, or magazines,] of khkns: [also meaning [See also 2 and 4.]
TA) became a O;t,;~, (}.,) i. e. a stallion, orjit
t the cells of prisons:] of which the sing. is 2. ',.,, [inf. n. OelJ ';] and ta.; ;He to cover: (TA voce Cl:) or affected to be so:
Mi;;. : not, as the vulgar say, tJl. 1 . (TA.) made it, or rendered it, inaccessible, or unap-
- Also, the sing., The lower part of the belly, proachable, or dfficult of acces; (M.sb,l ;) he (Az, TA :) [and so i or ; for] a horse
as far as the pubes, (1K, TA,) of a man, (TA,) made it, or rendered it, unattainable, by reason in this case is said to bear evidence of ' 1Jt
and of any animal: (15, TA:) or the place where of its height; (Msb;) hefortified it, orprotected and'su;ll. (.S,' i, TA.)
thefeces collect, below the navewl: or the part be- it against attack, so that one could not gain ac-
trrees the navel and the pubes. (TA.)_ -at tess to what was within it; (Mgh ;) namely, a '~ [Afor'tress; afort; a fortified place;]
I.i4i.JI i.i . A she-camel big in the belly. place. (Mgh, Mob.) ai-i.l ,;.a- I built a nall a place of which the interior is inaccessible; (];)
(TA.) around the town, or vllage. (~.) _ For the any place that is fortifitel. or protected against
former verb, see also 4. - And see 5. attack, so that one cannot gain access to what is
within it; (Mgh;) a place that is unattainable,
l;-i: .see . Also A thing resem- 4. L,1: see 2._-Also He, (God,) or it,
by reason of its height; (Mib ;) a fortified city:
(a coat of mail [or the like],) protected, or de-
bling a AL [q. v.], made of baked clay; vulgarly
fended, him. (Fr, Mgh,* TA.) ' ~J .a:IAal
(TA:) pl. [of mult.] . (. , Mob, O) and
called taj.. (TA.) ,a._ and [of panc.] Cl_. (1K.) [Hence,]
a*. ,l ~ [Continence, or chastity, preserres
__: see J.1_ from suspicion, or evil opinion]. (Mgh.) c _:l sec O~Jl Jl , below. [Hence,
J0~ One who clears, or purifies, silver [and - .,a:,i U.l
;, in the Kur [xxi. 91 and lxvi.
gold fro am the stone of the mine. (TA.) And
last verse], means Wlho preserved her pudendum horses of the Arabs are their Pya ; the males
UL A woman who separates (~ .) the from that which is unlawful or indecorous; (Zj, the.reofand the females thereof]. (TA.) A man
ea,th of the mine [for the purpose of extracting Mgh,* TA;) who abstainedfrom whiat is unlaw- said to 'Ab(-Alluh Ibn-EI-Hasan, " My father
the gold or silver]. ($, .) ful or indecorous; or nwas continent, or chaste. laas left the third of his property for the )sa.:"
(Mqb.)-ilnJl .,~m- le (her husband) caused the and he replied " Buy thou horses :" so in the A:
j,: see j.:l.: and see also 2.
woman to abstainfrom that which is unlanwful or in the M, "Buy thou therewith horses, and mount
3J.4. (1I) and o-4, (1, TA,) or indecorous, or to be continent or chlaste; (, Mgh, [men] on them [to figt] in the cause of God."
V L, .., (so in my MS. copy of the l,) or C ;*) as alsot :.. (1K.) And j:.i ,^. (TA.) -[Ience, also,] : Arms. (K, TA.) You
say, Lta..,A : lie came bearing arms.
Lj_..., (so in the Cl,) One who is protuberant [Marriagecaused him to abstainfromnthat nwhich (TA.) - Also The [nem moon; or the moon
in his lowser part [of the belly], next his navel, is unlawfil &c.]. (I.) - [Also He married the when it is te,.med] J0 : in the K, 3tJ is er-
like her who ie pregnant: (i :) so in the M. wroman; i.e. gae her in marriage.] See
(TA.) above, in the first paragraph. In the .Kur iv. 30, roneously put for ,Ji. (TA.)

~,.y'__, or J..4s *: see what next some read ' liM, meaning And when they
$1_ -- :
aL^aa: se
sec wha
what next
next follows.
precedes. are married. (S, TA.) And a poet says,
s_ (S, Mgh, Msb, K) and tO.l. (S, Mgh,
* rr
0.0 jaIl
1 4 rrW .. L,.*S
K) and taL:. (.1) and t"L. (.8, 1) and
d * "-a (Th, S, Mgh, M.h, R) and * ,
1. c,--, (Mgh, Mqb, aor. ', (1, TA,)
*,) (Th, $, Msb, R,) applied to a woman, Continent,
inf.n. ikL ., (~, Mgh, M^b,TA,) said of a i. e. Thry married [their mother to their slave:
or chaste; or abstainingfrom what is not lawful
[or fortres], (8,) or of a place, (Mgh, Myb, TA,) such are the deeds of the mean, the basc]. (.) nor decorous, (Th, S, Mgh, Msb, 1,) orfrom that
i. q. C, for which the C] erroneously substi- '.lde, intrans.: see 1, in two places. - In the nwhich induces suspicion or evil opinion: (Sh and
tutes ~j, after .. , as though the verb were 15ur iv. 30, some read ,a-I liJL; and accord. 1'A in explanation of the first of these epithets :) or
to Ibn-Mes'ood, this, said of female slaves, means married; having a husband: (K:) or ,L--.has
O,.o. and Im,] ($1,TA,) [i.e.] It was, or
And rhcn they are Msudimchs. (TA.) Accord. both of these significations: (Ham p. 101:) and
became, .. [meaning inaccessible, or unap-
to Aboo-Haneefeh, ,.yl in a case of stoning accord. to Th, ($,) t _" , with fet-h. only, has
proachable, or difficult of access]; it was, or be-
involves six conditions; TAh being a Muslimeh, the latter signification; (., Mgh,* Mb ;*) and
came, uwattainable,by reasonof its height; (Msb;)
means caused to be continent or chaste, or to ab-
it was fortified, or protected against attachk, so andfree, and of sound intellect, and of the age of
puberty, and validly married, and haringhad her stainfrom that which is unlan,fitl or indecorous,
that one could not gain acces to what was nwithin
marriage consummated: and in a case of charging by her husband: (Mgh: [and the same is implied
it. (Mgh.) - Hence, (Mgh,) -:, , (S, Meb, with adultery, the being a Aluslimeh, andfree, in the S :]) and this epithet is also applied to a
aor. , (i,) inf. n. a>. (I,Mgh,l ) and and of sound inteUect, and of the age of puberty,
aK,) woman emancipated: and to one having become
j.am and > . (1) and i;L..; (,* M.b,* and continent, or chaste. (Mgh.) - And c *1 ' a Muslitneh: (Az, TA:) [certain particular ap-
TA;) and , 1, (?,Mgh,y,) inf. n. ill; He (a man, S, Mbb) married, or tooh a wife. plications of ti "r~ have been implicatively
(Mgh;) anld t. ;; (1;) said of a woman, (8, Myb, ].) With the lawyers, 'it.l means shown above: see 4:] the pl. of in ` `
BooK I.] 587

and 1_: and the pl. of Vt ol~ and tao,. protected against attach]. (TA in art. ,.3.) See xxxvi. 11 and lxxviii. 29.) - He was able to
is C _ and the former of which also '_.
h1e,.: number it, and to register it or record it: (TA:)
and he was able to do it. (Msb, TA.) - He
(C;'1y.) also signifies pregnant, (]5,) applied to ",.~ Wheat stored up. (TA in art. j..) comprehended it, or knewr it altogether: (TA:)
women: (TA:) the pl. l.;,.. in the first
A man caused, by marriage, to abstain fr.om or [simply] he hneem it. (Msb.) You say of
instance of its occurrence in cb. iv. [verse 28] of
that which is unlawful or indecorous, or to be God, &*i'4 % J1z H}e lhatiJ conpre-
the 15ur, is read by all *,. : , (A 'Obeyd,
TA,) meaning having husbands; (A 'Obeyd, Mgh, continent or chaste; expl. by j;JI :1. OJ. .. hended everything by his knorvledge, nothing
Mqb, TA;) because when such women are made (15.) And A man married, or having a vife; escaping Him thereof, small or great. (TA.)
captives, their marriage-tie is cut: but in other (S, Msb, . ;) as also ,..-.: (zj, Mb :) the And you say [of a man], & J ;t..aa.[He had,
instances, some read thus, understanding it in the former anomalous [if .m1t be not allowable or attained, a comprehensive and complete know-
sense last explained; and others read tl , ledge of it]. (J4 in art. bja.. [In the Cg,
as meaning, like Cia.l, "he married," or "took
as meaning that have become Muslimeks: a wife :" but see 1 and 4]. (S, Msb.) For the erroneously, c.s])
(A'Obeyd, TA:) in the K5ur iv. 29, it means
fem., ':,~ , and its pl., , see
s.a bG;, L5ja Pebbles, or small stones: (Q:)things
free women: and in the .Kur v. 7, continent, or
in four places. that one thronws, like the dung of sheep or goats:
chaste, women: (Mgll: [in the Msb, it is said
to have the latter of these last two mennings in 'i_~: sec X .a-: and for the fem., ;.=., (ISh, TA:) n. un. ~..: (S, Mob, 1::) pl.
iv. 29, and the former of them in v. 7:]) and its pl., ~I. , see ijL; ., in three places. l ; . (S, K) and .a (1g) and "'.., thus,
~.;A~ :,a is the more common in the language
of the Arabs. (Fr, TA.) _.,i also signifies ,~, .. A lock; syn. Jii. (1.) - The piece also, in [some of] the copies of the K. (TA.)
of iron that extends upwards upon the nose of [Hence,] j I j,i [Pessomancy; also termed
A pearl, or a large pearl; syn. i.: (K :) be-
cause it is protected in the interior of thce shell the horse, having its base in the which
w., ~;fiJL 4,i ;] a certain kind of divination.
that contains it. (TA.) is the iron thing that emnbraces, or clasps, (...-3,) (Har p. 655.) And ;tLJl The bargaining
the nmuzzle of the horse. (IDrd in his book on by one of the two persons' saying, TVhen I lthrow
,L...A generous, or high-b7red, horse, (Msb, the pebble to thee, the sale is binding, or cettled,
the Saddle and Bridle, pp. 8-9.) [Jac. Schultens,
1,) of whose seedl one is niggardly: (1 :) or a as cited in Freytag's Lex., explains it as Ferra- or concluded: or by his saying, I sell to thee,
male horse: (Mgh, 15:) or this latter is a of the commodities, that upon which thy pebble
mentum quotiddaminfrwno equi etfre,num ipsum.]
secondary meaning, originating from frequency shall fall when thou throwaest it: or I sell to
of usage: ($, Mb :) or a stallion horse; or one A- [basket of the kind called] .j: (K :)
one should not say a;... (TA.) thee the portion of the land extending to the
fit to cover: (TA vocc tlj:) the iL . is. so place rohich tShy pebble shall reach: all of which
called because he preserves his rider: (TA:) or practices are forbidden. (TA. [See also 3 in
. and
because his back is like the C>i_ to his rilder; art. -. ]) And 'Il fL_ A pebble nrhich is
(Mgh, Mqb;) wherefore horses arc called O) ~.: 1. 1 ;a_, (.,TA,) [aor. .,] inf. n. _, put into a vessel, into tnhich is then poured as
(Mgh :) or because one is niggardly of his seed, i. q. . [as meaning 1es denied, or refused]: much water as will cover it; this being done
so that he is not made to cover any but a genc- ($, . :) doubly trans., as in the plhrase L ;.n- nwhen they are journeying and have but little
rous mare: (S, Mgh, Msb:) pl. ~.. (Mgh, , [Thtou deniedtlst me, or refusedst me, my mater, which they thua apportion. (1] in art.
Meb, 1.) .. )-X ,. ;;.. is a vulgar term for j
ri/ght, or duc]. (S, TA.) ~ -'.--, (1K, TA,)
~, applied to a place, (Meb, TA,) or to inf. n. L.1, (TK,) I cast a pebble, or small ij;.UlI, (1 in art. J..,) i. e. id4JI [generally
a C at. [or fortress], (S,) Inaccessible, or tin- stone, at him, or it: (TA:) or I smote him, or applied to Storax, or styrax], which is some-
approachable, or dificult of acces; syn. ; it, with a pebble, or small stone. (15.) I # times used for fumigation. (TA in art. )-.)
(Mob,1;*) [unattainable,by reason of its heighkt; [In the present day, pronounced ie LW , and
,.yPi, (1,) aor. 5A
, (TA,) [inf. n. ]
fortified, or protected against attack, to that one The land, or ground, abounded with pebbles, or applied to Frankincense: or the coarser tear.
cannot gain access to what is within it; (see small stones. (1K.) [lIe had a stone thereof; manna thuris. Also to The officinal
Y:., of which it is the part. n.;)] a building rosemary; rotmarinus officinalis.] mA number:
in his bladder or kidneys: or] he had a harden-
that protects him vho has recourse to it for (S,1:) oragreatnumber; (]g;) as being likened
ing of the urine in the bladder so that it becanme
to the pebbles in multitude. (TA.) You say,
refuge. (Sb, TA.) - . X ,1 Jl _, mean- like a pebble, or small stone: (Ltl, K :) said of a
. L ' ..l We are more than they
ing.,dW,l X * OX '~ 1: see (near its end) the
.X man: part. n. ? S . (Ltb, TA.)
in number. (:.)
first paragraph in art. Jl. - ,. . (.)
4. et.l, (inf. n. 'L.l1, TA,) lIe numbered,
and i (Sh, ) A coat ofmail firmly, strongly, ^~ n. un. of e [q. .]. (e, Mob, 1.)-
counted, calculated, reckoned, or computed, it: Also [A stone in the bladder or hidneys: or]
or compactly made: (15:) or trusty, or trusted
(S, Msb, 1 :) or he reached the last number a hardeningof the urine in the bladder so that
in, having the rings [for jlciJl in the L and TA,
thereof: (Ham p. 297:) or he collected it into it becomes like a pebble, or small stone. (J4.)
I read 1jl.JI,] near together; such that weapons
an aggregateby numbering: from k ..; because L.. ;L~ A hard piece that is found in
produce no effect upon it: (Sh, L, TA:) so called -

they used pebbles in numbering like as we use the vesicle of mush: (S, TA:) or any piece of
because it is [as] a X h_ to the body. (Er- the fingers; (Er-Rlxglib;) or because they used
Righib, TA.) mush. (Lth, TA.) Intelligence, or understand.
to divide a thing upon the pebbles, and when
ing, ($, 1,) and judgment, or mental perception;
[ "O:,, dim. of . .Hence,]
- 'a.JI 1 nothing remained they said, t;,al, i. e. We have
come to the pebbles; or because they used to
(g;) as also 3a%.. (TA.) You say, S ,SY
The fox; syn. iJ; (8,1 ;) so called because ;iL. Such a one possessec intslligence, or under-
of his protecting himself from causes of harm reckon the spoils, and to divide among them-
selves, and then to take the pebbles, and put standing, (?, TA,) and judgment, or mental per-
by his acuteness; (lgar p. 663;) as also y1 ception: (TA:) [or] is prudent, or dicreet,
marks upon them, and when they ended the
reckoning, and eame to the marks, they said, and wont to conceal his secret. (At, TA.) Or
U .l: (Ramn ubi suprk:) or he retained it in ;l.. was used by the Arabs not as meaning
a.l_ and '_.: wee C. , in four places.
his memory: (5,' TA:) or he understood it. intelligence, or understanding; but u meaning
... The latter alo signifies A man's yife: and so
(15.) - He registered, or recorded, its number: Gravity, staidnss, and forbearance, or clremncy.
'a.. (TA.)
(Ksh and Bd in xvi. 18, and TA:) and [simply] ([ar p. W37.) And OtJl JI L . means 'ravity,
C,~ [More, and msat, strongly fortified, or he registered it, or recorded it. (Bd and Jel in or staidnes, in r~pect of the tongue (TA.)
74 *
588 [Boox T.
The act of numbering, counting, calculating, when they are followed by a filtre, they denote
reckoning, or computing: a subst. from in . exciting to an action, and seeking or desiring or
(Az, IB, TA.) demanding the performance of it; and wllen fol- 1. nor. :; (S, A, Mgb, ]g, &c.;) and
3 ' ~ ' lowed by a preterite, reproof for not doing ,.-., (AA, Kh, Lth, Fr, S, Msb, I, &c.,) aor. as
LSw :... .. e. , a thing. (MBb.) above, (Kh, Lth, Fr, Az, S, Myb, &c.,) not :, as
is implied in the 1K; but the latter form of the
2. '.~., inf. n. ~. : see 1, in two
pret. is disallowed by some; (MF;) and, with its
Pomuning full, sound, and strong, in- nor., is an instance of the intermixture of dialects;
telligence or understanding. (15,* TA.) 3. "/., (T.,) inf. n. i/A, (S, K,) ne (MIb ;) and is like JJ, aor. z, and ,, saor. ;
excited him, &c., as above, being excited, &c., which are said by Iloot to be the only instances
5~1L. Bread made upon the pebbles: but this by him. (S, , TK.) In the Klur ubi supra, of the kind; (MF;) inf. n. ; . . (S, Myb, 1)
is a vulgar term. (TA.) among the various readings are these two: ~j
and ijU-; (1K;) and .. i, and t*.i;
.k.~1l one of the [ninety and nine] best tim-! and i1 .yl3 9J., meaning, accord. to (1.;) lHe owas, or became, present; contr. of
Fr, Nor are they, or ye, nmi,ndfal. (TA.)
fnames of God; lIe who comnrehendleth everyJ- .. A: (S, K :) he came afiter having been absnt.
thing by hAi knowrledge; nothing escaping llim 6. yt1m.3 They excited, &c., one another. (Msb.) _ ;.J . ,, (Lth, A, L, Mob,) and,
thereof, small or great. (TA.) (S,K.) In the Kur ubi supra, some read 'j as the pcople of El-Mcdecnch say, ,.- , but all
O .1_3(Fr, S, TA) Nor do ye excite one another. say j..J,
L$~: see 1, last sentence. (Lth, L,) originally r l a :J,. j
TIwtimT te f prayer came, or arrived. (Msb.)
~, ,,bjl A land containing pebbles, or ,a~., said to be a subst.: see L _[ '._ also sigmifies t He, or it, was, or be-
small stones: (8 :) or abounding tilerewith; (1 ;)
4 A depr,eed piece (ali) of ground at came, ready, or prepared. See 4; and see also
as also 4 .t. ./ijl: and in like manner, .,
tie place vwhere a mounotain ends; ( ;) or a de- -= 1_.] (AA, , Fr, A, Mgh, 15, &c.,)
t . a river, or rivulet, or the like, abound- presed piece (jlJ) ofground at, or by, the aml *_, (AA, Fr, &c.,) aor. and inf. nS. as
ing therewith. (TA.) [i.e.foot, or bottom, or lowvest part,] of a moun- above; (TA;) and .l, (Mgh, TA,) and
tain; or in, or at, the lower, or lowest, part . ; (.K ;) lie wasm, or became, pre~ent with
a- thereof, (,Jlt o,) the & bcing behind the him; attendled hiim; came into hisprewene; camse
1. _,, (8, A, Mpb, aor. ;, (Msb,) inf. n.
a,) _ ; the , being in the part next the to him: (1K, &c.:) and 4c was, or became, pre
,andthe f beingqJJ3 OZ [whiich seems sent at it, or in it; namely, a place. (Mgh.)
_i. (8, MMb, ), and -i_.,(IDrd, 1,) or this
to be virtually a repetition, signifying behind that One says, ;i.1 .Wl ;.. ., (Az,) and ;a.,
latter is a simple subst., (.,15,) and t , part, or it may mean above that part]: (TA :) (Fr, S,) and '., in which the a. is elided be-
(15,) or this also is a simple subet., (S, TA,) and or i. q. ^_: (15 in art. ~ :) or a depressed cause ,b WI intervenes between the verb and
c,.', (15,) or this also is a simple subst,
piece (l.j) of grotund: (A:)or a tract ('j . it..l, (Sh,) but the first is the most approved,
and is the only instance of the measure 5a.; [in the C1, erroneously, ~ ]), and a depressed(l (Az,) [A n,oman came into the wreence of, or
and of these last two, the former is the more piece (AW), in land or ground: (.:) and any presented ierself before, or came to, the judge.]
approved; (TA ;) [both of these, accord. to low piece (JJI) of land or ground: (TA:) and And OW l , ;' , nor.-, in n... ,
some, have an intensive signification;] lie ex- I was present at, or attended, the court of the
the ground [in an absolute sense]: (S:) pl. [of
cited, incited, urged, or inutigated, him; syn.
pauc.] ai.. and [of mult.] ;. (15.) It judge. (Mob.) [And L; _ ie
1, attended a
; .. (T,S,A,K;) or ia.; (Mqb;) and roued
has the last of the above-mentioned significations lecture.] And 4;1 j.m.; . Thtey stayed, or dwelt,
kim to ardour; (15;) &:;i to do it; (1;) i. e.
in a certain trad., in which it is related that a by the waters. (.. [See ])- ;0 - '
,.9l1 cif; to do the thing; (Mb;) or.Jtl sk. present being brought to Mohammad, he, not O1 [in the gur xxiii. 100] means [I
to do good; (T,A;) or JW'l ic to fjiAt; finding anything upon which to put it, said, . seek thy protection, 0 my Lord,] from their
( ;) or it is used s relating to pace, and to _.l.J, meaning J4l~; [i.e. Put tlhou it (the devils') bringing evil upon me: (8 :) or
driving, and to any other thing; (M, TA;) and upon the ground;] adding, for I am only a ser- [firom their being preent with me: or] hoverng
El-Ilareeree say, on the autllority of Kh, that vant; I eat as the servant eateth. (S.) around me. (Ksh, , Bd.)- - 3 C "J,
2. is used peculiarly in relation to pace, or
and said to be substs.: see I. (S, 15,) or t .~
B', , (T,TA,) t[TAhejinn, orgenii,
journeying, or marching: (TA in art. _~:)
come to, and taint, the milk.] -- ', (A,) and
and V ' , (T, S, 1,) inf. n. _, (T,
Mfb,) signifies the same; (1[;) or has a more tvr_i, (A, Mgh, I, ) i. q. S1
JiwDJ~, (A, g)
intensive signification; (M 9b;) or i. q. .. 1. J;Ul Lha., (., 1g,) aor. , (,) He lighted, i. e. :[He oat visited by the angel of death;] he
or hindled, the fire; or made it to burn, burn up, became at the point of death; in the agony of
[which is equivalent to 4 with the addition
burn brightly orfercely, blaze, orJflam.e: ($, 1 :) death; as also J1 t .. 1.l: (Mqb:) or h
given above from the 15]; (T,.7;) and this is
or he opened it, (1K,) i. e. stirred it, (TA,) in w vited by death, or by the angels of death;
ued u relating to fighting: (T, TA:) or , 3k~ order that it might blaze, or flame; as also
meaning he died: (Mgh:) or t_.i means he
signifies the amking, or requiring, with urgency. t&L'a.il. (1.) It is also without.. (.8. [See
(Mugbnee oce -rL) It is sid in the ~ur arL J..a-.]) _.jUl ,l,, died a youth. (. and TA voce )jq1, q. v.)
Thefire becams lighted
[Ixxxix. 19], accord. to the reading of the people or kindled; or it burned, burned up, &c. (15.) 1.. a. & 4 r We removed from such a
of El-Medeeneb, ? Ui;L ; water. (,TA.)._. ,&,'. Iwaa prst
8: see above.
at the affair, or ~vent. (A.) .~...'a, , .
and acoord. to that of El-]amn, '; [Nor .j.asm.. # i, (15,) so accord. to the correct
Iformed a right opinion, or jud~ t, r~cting
do tAey, or ye, ci one another to feed the
copies of the 15, but in some copies U.', (TA,) the thing, or affair. (A.)-._nJt *j), and
poor, or detitt]: (TA:) or nor do they, or
ye, command to feed the poor, :.. (Fr,TA:) Very white. (1.) t ;.., and- .. , :[Anxiety befell him.]
and there are other readings thereof: see 8 and 6. U IAstick, or piece of wood, with which a (S, A.)-1-; . .&,.. t Such a thing occwrred
(TA.) The grammarians apply to the particles fire ; tirred; as also .; (.8,1 ;) the latter to my mind. (M9 b.) And C.e
; and ' and Q'3and ; the term J . accord. to those who pronounce the verb without .. t [Say ye what is in your minds; or] what is
t .~ 21l
l [Particesof exciting]; and say that (.8.) ready with you. (TA from a trad.) I~ .,
1 1
BooK I.] WO0
(Mqb,) inf. n. jt:., (AZ, .q, ,) or SjU.., (As, presence. (A.) [He desired, or requi'ed, or re- with whom people are wont to be present; [and
, A,) or both, (MNb,) [see Is, the contr. of quested, that he, or it, should come, or be brought.] sometimes to God; and meaning tThe object of
_yar., in art. ,] He resided, dwelt, or abode, ~ He made him (a horse) to run; syn. ol1cl. resort;] as in the phrase, l. yU
in a region, district, or tract, of cities, towns, or
S[Tle exalted object of reort commands such a
ilUages, and of cultivated land; (~, Mqb, . ;)
The intruding uninvited at feasts. thing]. (MF.) [It is similar to,A;,Jl; but is
[s also *Am.3: or this latter signifies he became generally considered as implying greater respect
(IAr, (.)
an inhabitant of such a region, district, or tract:] than the latter. It is often prefixed to the name
o a, , a ,, ; (Az, f,
S, and [in poetry] *4' (.yam of the person
you say Vif ~ [an inhabitant of the to whom it is applied, or to a pro-
deert who becomes an inhabitant of a region, dis- p. 277) and tVjlt (Az, TA) A run, or running; noun: as
e.- ;'*_ tThe object of reort, such
trict, or tract, of cities &c.]; and [contr.] syn. j..: (S:) or the rising of a horse in run- a one: and
j. 1 .= tThA object of reort, thy-
a...a .5 ning; [app. meaning trotting;] syn. 41
HdJq:/ t.?&. (A.) [Sce also 8.] ,J3! self.] Also tThe vicinity of a thing, (T, A,)
.w.s .: (1K:) or vehement running. (ylam and of a man. (. [80o accord. to two copies of
8. a3,~bh, (A, TA,) infn. n. ya, (TA,) p. 277, in explanation of 4._.) It is said in a the ?; but
I mitnesed it; saw it, or beheld it, with my eye. j4l1 is there an evident mistran-
trad., 4.Q,X ai -- -a, '.I -a
(A, TA.) ;al.. between people is One's scription, for J_jl, " of the house," or " abode:"
[lie assigned to Ibn-Ez-Zubeyr the extent of his
giving to another the answer, or reply, that pre- see what follows.]) You say, jltl ;p'. i
horse's run in the land of El-Afetleeneh]. (TA.)
sents itUdelf to him: and .ol_.JJI lm.. signifies I was in th vicinity of, or near to, thehose.
He gave the answer, or reply, readily, or pre- '.h: see y'a. a Also, (SA, Mb,, ,) (T, A.) And t ;i~ th :XWe were by a water.
sently. (Hjar p. 189.)-.a3yh,., (v,) inf. n. as and ?j1. (S,A, ) and toar. and t3tL*.i (TA from a trad.) And ;t!il ; l. tIn the vi-
above, (]g,) [also] signifies I sat with him, with
and t 'L~., (R,) [or the last two are app. only cinity of, or near to, the water. (A.) - Also
my knee to his knee, each of u sitting upon his
inf. ns. of u/. contr. of l..,] A region, dis- The t; of a ;;. (S. [So accord. to two copies
haes, in contending or disputing, ( ?, K,
,') trict, or tract, of cities, towns, or villages, and of of the ~; where it is said, ,; 4; 4.l" ':
in the prenc of the Suldn: (: , the mean-
th:) cultivated land; (S ;) contr. of ;, (S, A, Msb)
ing is similar to that of 1if and ij, (~,) or but the right reading is evidently Jl: so that
and a,bt: (t,K:) pl. [of the second]l jt13. (A.) the second of the two meanings thus explained is,
a.~ [which seems to be the right reading].
(TA.) - [And t1. ;lf* He dirputed, debated, You say, J0Jl Jl e (A) and l Ml The court, or yard, in front, or extending from
the sides, of a house, or an abodc.]) And ?Ap-
or bandied wortds, with him respecting such a (, A) and l_l (A) .Heis of the people of
paratusfor building, asuch as baked bricks, and
thing. - And 1 1 ;, ,, (Lth, TA,) inf. n. the region, or regions, &c., of cities, towns, or
U above, (Lth, 1,) He contended, or disputed, villages, and of cultivated land; (~, A;') contr. gypu~ laster: so in the saying, 'l l i-
with himfor his (the latter's) right, or due, and of aid)U JAl 'o. (8.) - And the first signifies 1l ;4 X:[He collected the apparatus,such as

overcame him, and went off vith it: (Lth, I :) also Residence at home; contr. of .A. (M and the baked bricks, 4fc., desiring to build a house].
and L,U1., also, [which is one of the expla- K in artj. .) (A.) See also ya_..
nations assigned to ... in the ,] is syn. with 0. 0
seean - and y.
gj sa1_a
the inf.n. of the verb in this sense 4.P^

[unles it be a mistrmnscription for .i , which '. One who intrudes uninvited at feasts; a see .~
' , in five places.
I think not improbable]. (TA.) _ Also o , mell-feast; a tpunger; (TA;) one who watches 4., .
(?,A,) inC n. as above, ([,) I ran with him: for the time of (,;) thefeeding of others, in a ,,
(], :) or I vied, or contended, with him in run- order that he may attend it; as also ?.'w, (K,) 5.rn. An inhabitant of a region, district,
Ring; syln. j; from '-_Ji. (A.) and *]_.. (IAr, K, TA.) A man unfit for or tract, of cities, towns, or villages, and of culti-
i ;pr.I, (~, .A, ,) [inf. n. ;LIL, ] HIe caused journeying: (T, :) or one who does not desire vated land; (S,A,' Msb opposed to .St
him, (Q, A,) or it, ([,) to be present; he brouglht journeying: or i. q. 5-.- (P.) (S, A.) [See also .r.]
kim, or it. (?, ].) [It is also doubly trans.]
You say, ;1 ;,*'l He caused him, or it, to be ye_.: see J _:and - a . 'L~ [an imperative verbal n.] Be thou preent.
present with him, to attend him, to co~n into his (A.) Also A certain star, (S, ,) upon the
presence, or to come to him; or he brought him, ij./a_, originally an inf. n., signifying Presence: right hoof of Centaurua: upon his other fore
and afterwards applied to signify t a place ofpre-'
or it, to him. (S.) And C.U.J.i. sence [as also the several forms occurring in the leg is i'jl1. (1zw.) It is said, X' lj 4't.i
'~G [I demanded asuch a one, and his com- following phlrases]. (MF.) You 0,W-... [ addri and El-Wezn are two causes
say, "
panion caused him to come to me, or brought hitn of weamring]: they are two stars that rise before
OS ;_,~ (~,A, Msb,) and ;. . vJ, Canopus
to me]. (A.) [Hence,] .ii 41~I [Summon (Suheyl); and when either of them
(]g,*TA,) gad and t1;ai (X,) and rises, it is thought to be Canopus, because of
thiAm intellect; have thy wits about thee]. (A.)
their resemblance to it: (AA, .:') they are
Also t He made it ready, or prepared it; ty;jb. (Ya4oob, S, Mb, 1}) and ?djy. (1)
sn. t. (TA in art. .. ) -__a., (S,)
anid t, ,(_ A, Msb, IC,) all syn. expres- termed eim.. because of the disagreement of
inf. n. j't-; (S, A, K, &c. ;) and ?;..l; sions, (]~,) meaning I[I spoke to him, and that their beholders when they rise; one swearing
( ;)
was or happened,] in the pretence, i. e. the place that the one rising is Canopus, and another
He (a horse, ],], and a man, Kr) ran; syn.
of presence, of such a one. (S, A, Msb.) And swearing that it is not. (AA, TA.) Th says
g.;: ( :) or roe in his running; [app. meaning that it is a dim, distant, star; and cites this
?,1 IX.JI * 6 (B, M, A, K) and t; i verse:
trotted;] syn-. ,,, ~2 ~-) (S, M) Such a one is a person whose pre;ence is
5: see 1, in five places. attended by good (.) And ; J1U J!
8: see 1, in seven places. _ [p..at. also sig-
.A.W I[Cover thy vesel in the presence of the IMl .t,1
nifies He came to a region, district, or tract, of *C
flies, lest they taint it.] (A,TA. [Or perhaps
cities, towns, or willages, and of cudtivated land. I see the fire of Leyld, in El-'A.ee., dim in the
see ... voce ..1 ; oand see also _., last this is a mistranscription, for `.AJJI i , distance, as though it maere addri, mwha it
signification.] _ See also 4. meaning, if thou do not, the Jflie wiU come to it, appears, with its Furood, which are dim stars
and taint it.]) -It is also applied as a title, by
10. yja.J.1 He desired, or dnemanded, his writers of letters and the like, to any great man around Ha4Ari. (TA.)I;lU : see what next
1 follows.
500 [BooK I.

;t. (, ) and t;t (g) White: (Sh, T:) to AO, the membrane that envelops the fatus. in tile sense of the measutre J3a,, (TA,) A
(TA.) - And (g, TA, [in the CS "or"]) t the place whiere people are present; or w/here people
or excellent and white: (, ]:) or red: (K:)
but this requires consideration: (TA:) applied latter signifies Thick blood which collects in the stay, or dnell, by waters: syn. ;j.~ o:
to camels, and to a single camel: (., K:) or membrane thlat encloses thiefcetus. (~, TA.) U.;ij [We alighted and
one says, ei 'i
having no sing. (I.) And the former, A she- j .t1A man resnt: (A, 1:) pl. [Cj3laM. took up our abode, or sojourned, at the place
camel combining st,rcngth with excelence of pace:
and] . and [more commonly] ] _, (S, K,) where the sons of such a ote were present; or
(El-Umawee, T, f, 1C :) but Sh says that he had an inC. n. (S.) You nwere staying, or dwelling, by waters]. (El-liht-
which last *4is originally
not hleard it used in this sense; and that it only * - . .554 .'
say, j sW Iz1'. did it such a one being .tdbee.) [See also yma...]
signifies "white," as applied to camels. (TA.)
~ See alsoo... prcent. (A.) And J.I e ,1tb [le ;rj.> : seee;. , in three places: m and see
is of those who are in the presence of the king].
j.~_, in two places.
j.~" ItOne who always forum right opinions, (A.) -So, too, applied to a time: and you say,
or judjgments, respecting things, or ajfahirs. (A.) yh.. ;'.Ll, forj.. ltJ3, : The time of prayer j..~ A pllace .chere people r,e l,resn,,t, or
m See also &jmn, in three places. is come. (Msb.) [Also t Ready, or prepared: assembled. (K,* TA.) See also oiJ....A tIlace
often used in this sense in the lexicons &c., as to lwhich people return ( . [lichre a n. of pl;lec,
i;>1a and ;ta_.: see a.. agreeably with analogy,]) to thle waters, (, I.i,)
in modern Arabic. Soee 4.] You say, G Ij
,up,i. The collective body of a people: (Fr, ,~j . .4_. t Say ye what is ready with or to the constant sources of srater; (T, TA ;)
1:) so in the following ex., (Fr,) from a poem you [or in your minds]. (TA.) And 1..lj. contr. of ... : (T and S in art. .,t:) a place
of Selml EI-Juhaneeyeh, in which she bewails ,y $ [lIe is ready with the answer, or reply]; to which one gocs (,.j,)
1JI iri search of herbage
the death of her brother As'ad, and celebrates ; and every s,chil iblace is called
and j.l1Jt : [with rare words or expressions]; is called
his praises: (S:) ~., of which the pl. is )l: tr.(itri,,ng-ltaces
,. -.... . . ; .
(A ;) as also .. ,a: (TA:) which latter word,
; a O
J3,ct alone, signifies a man having the quality of per- (J3 .) are called .ts [Ipl. of 'J]because
spicUity of ~pech, and intelligence; syn. O I js of the congregation and presence of men at them.
~;4ii signifying the same: (Fr:) [so that the (T, TA.) [Sec also 1;., last signification.]
meaning is, Coming to the tuaters in a collec- JMI. (Q.)-A visiting angel: and t d/. is
[People prexent, or asnembled; an asemnlly: so
tie and congregated body:] or the former sig- applied to a class or conpany [of visiting angels].
in the present day.] -A peolple dtleelling, or
nifies waters by which people are dwnelling, or (TA.) Onc coming to a region, district, or
staying; and the latter, "by which there is not tract, of cities, towns, or villages, and of culti- staying, by N,ater.s: (.,*TA:) [hla. ,al..:]
any one:" (JIAr, Sh:) or the former, people see j,';.. .m The record of a kadee (or judge),
vated land; contr. of set; (S,K;) asalso t.
dwelling, or staying, by the waters; and the (S.) _ A man staying, residing, dwelling, or in which his sentence is written, sy8n. .. :
latter, men "going before an army as scouts, abiding, . in a place. (S.) [A man, or (., g :) or what is written lhcn a person brings
or explorers :" (As:) but what IAgr says, men-
tioned above, is better: (Az:) or the former, a people,] staying, or dwelling, by water; (S,* a charge against another: wlhen the hittcr makes
his reply, anid proves it, it [tile writing] is [called]
company ofseven, or eight, men; and the latter, TA;) contr. of s?: (I :) pl. jy.a (TA) and
"one;" and also men "who explore a place ;lt. and ' (S:) one says, ;tJI jl
_: ,jit3; and when judgment is given, J~. (Kull
thoroughly:" (A'Obeyd:) or the former, a com- p. 352.) This is thought by MF to l;e a recent
'oa. [Tiere is not any one staying, or dvelling, conventional term; but it h:s been hleard from
pany of four, or fire, men, (., 1.,) engaged in a
by the water]: and i;a_.j ; and l the Arabs [of the classical times], and is men-
warring and plunulering expedition: (S:) or
seen: (TA:) or eight: or nine: (1: in some [which is pl. of * , a syn. of >. in this tioned by ISd and others. (TA.) - Also A
copies of the 1 "seven ;" but the former is the sense; i. e. These are a people staying, or dwelling, xignatur.e (L) that is written at the end of the
right reading: TA:) or ten: or a company of by water]: (S :) or '..Ec. signifies any people record of the signatures( 7)of the wtitne..t,
eun not tore than ten (.i*) with whom oine goes that hare alighted and taken up their abode by in testimony of the truth of the contents of tlhat
on a n'arring and plundering expedition: (K:) a constant source of water, and do not remove pireeedes. (1. [In the CK, a.3lI is erroneously
or, accord. to AAF and the M and K, the fore- from it in wvinter nor in summer, whether they
have alighted and tahen up their abode in tomns put for a;il;; and b_,L/., for b-.]) But this
nost, or preceding, portion of an army: and
accord. to IB, ~Lq_ signifies "a party sent to or villages, and cultivated land, and houses of is a recent conventional appllica.tion. (MF,TA.)
a place to discover whether there be there an clay, or pitched their tents by the water, atul __~JI 51; s , t~Such a one is a lermon
enemy or any cause of fear :" (TA:) pl. 31a_.. remained there, and sustained their beasts with who spea wellU of tle absent. (S.)
the water and herbage around themn: (TA:)
(?.) - A place vhereo datse are dried: (El- ;i~f: see us.
B&hilee, ISk, A;, Mgh, Mqb, ] :) because fre- or L.k., without ;, signifies a tribe that
quented: pl. as above. (Mgh.) [See also i a. has alighted and is abiding by a constant source y;a..a [pas rt. n. ofoe.]. [Hcnce,] '.Jt
of water: (T,TA :) and t and 'e_, ;~, (S, A,K,) and (S, A,)
and lii..]l-Also, (.,) or *_, (g,Ti,)
a people staying, or dwelling, by waters; alighting J[t1, (,) t Milk is much subject to taint, or
What collects in a wound, (., 5,) of thick puru-
lnt matter. (..)-.And the former What collects there in the hottest time of summer: when the much tainted; [lit] come to [and tainted; i. c.,]
weather becomes cool, they migrate from the con- by the jinn, or genii, (Aq, T, S, 1,) and beasts,
in the membrane that enclose the faetus, of the
stant sources of water, and go into the desert, seek- dt&c.; (As, T ;) [therefore cover thou thy wessl.]
[fluid called] _.L,, (s,) and the like. (TA.) ing the vicinity of herbage; and then they are And (in like manner [one says], K) S) 'S...
You say, Vie^ il %;.JI Te emse, or she- termed 1s4 and Os.j. (T in art. .,.)=Also t [Priviesare haunted by jinn, or genii]. (., .)
goat, ejected her j. and water and blood, after A great tribe (., ) or company of men: (TA:) or It is said in a trad., t2 ; i' .JI es. a
havingbrought forth. (?.)-And What a woman a tribe, (ISd,) or company of men, (Mgh,) when
haunted by jinn].
emits after childbirth and [after] the stopping staying,or dwelling, in the abode which is theirplace t [Verily thse privie are
(TA.) And in another trad., 't !.a ;i yi
of Aer blood: and t.h. is its pl. [or a coll. ofasembling;(ISd,Mgh;) asalso ta.. (Mgh.)
Verily it (the prayer of daybreak) is attended by
gen. .]. (V. [Or, accord. to some copies of One says , .. The great tribe of Teiyi.
the angels of the night and the day. (TA.)_Also,
the 1, and the TA, The stopping of her blood, ({.) It is a pl., (s,) or coll. n., (ISd,) [or quasi-
or its ceasing to jlow, is a signification distinct (Msb,) and ', (Mghl, Meb,) :At thu
pl. n.,]l like ,L and t_. (S, ISd) for ]* point of death; in the agony of death: (M 9b:)
fiom what precedes it.)] - And What a she-
camel emits after bringing forth: or, accord. and ,. (S.) Also, of the measure iti, [visited by death; or by the angel, or angels, of
Booz I.] 0o1
death: (see 1:)] or the latter, near to death. that, when he made his will, he said, ; ,~ army. (TA.) You say also, u 'd. _ .1/J
(Mgh.) '~ .j,
;,0Uj meaning tAnd Zeyneb (his wife) ^1, i. e. Such a one took hit right, or due, by
shall not be precluded from looking into that force. (TA.) _ Also tThe quantity that is car-
_a'., applied to a horse, (8, A, I5, &c.,) and
and executing it; namely, his will: or shall not ried in the Cipa. (A.) -Also, (.8, ]f,) and
to a mare, (., M,) That runs much, or vrhe- be precludsd from it, nor sitall any mnatter [re-
C' _, (1i,) The hole, or den, or subterranean
mnntly; syn. .al .J, (.,) or . .Jl . ; lating to it] be decided wvithout her. (TA.) And
habitation,of the hyena: (S, 15 :) or the place of
(M;) as also 1t;u., applied without S to a you say also, 4. .. ',:. l ,ithheld him
wi hunting, or of capture, of the hyena. (ID, TA.)
mare; (M ;) or this latter is not allowable; from the object of his want; as also t":... . -And, both these words, The circuit, or sur-
(., i;) or is of weak authority: (i:) pl. [of ,ISd, g.) And J. O>_.;, (]K,) and .e,;., rounding part, of a mountain: or its bae; or
both] %... (A.) lower, or lowest, part. (1i.) Accord. to Az,
(TA,) Ao . . , (K,) and .l, (TA,) inf. n.
J.mJI l;a. means The twtvo lateral, or adjacent,
, in three places. Also , (1f,) tHe turned his beneficence, (iK,TA,)
._,: lsee ,j parts of the mountain. (TA.)
and his discourse, (TA,) from his neighbou'rs,
tA man fflicted by demoniacal possegion, or (1g,TA,) and his acquaintances, to others: on
0 -- Ivory: (ISk,8, I:) the tusk of the
insanity, or madnest. (TA.) , ~.' ,j., the authority of Lh. (TA.) -,. aor. ' elephant. (T, TA.)
in the Ifur liv. 28, Every share qf th ivatecr inf. n. l~,' (if,) or this is a simple subst.,
hall be come unto in turn, means, the water shall (A'Obeyd, TA,) She (a ewe [or goat], and a /~. The state, or condition, of a ewe, or
be come to by the people on their day, and by she-goat, (S, TA,) and of a she-camel, and of a
camel, and a woman,) had one of her teats, or
the she-camel on lher day: (Jcl :) or it means, man in respect of his testicles, and of the pudendum
the peolple shall come to their shares of the breasts, largerthan the other. (1..) [See ape.] muliebre, (TA,) denoted by the epithets ..
water, and the she-camel shall come to her shiare 2: see 1.
(S, TA.) [See also C:-.]
thereof. (1f.)
3. U;IJ1 ; ot .. cij. [Such a one i,rdltlyes
m. A ewe, and a she-camel, and a woman,
'~: see,. hinsclf with wontcn in mnutual embracingy or pres- having one of ler teats, or breasts, laryer thitan
x.ing to the bosom]. (IAar, TA in explanation of the other: (1i:) or, applied to a cwe or she-goat,
the epithet *~,q. v.) i. q. ;j ; i.ec. having one of her teats longer thitan
L l, or. (TA,) inf. T. ai.. Hle m,ade the birdl to the other: (P.:) or a sbe-camel, and a she-goat,
4. ;,l UIl
.. and ULt~, le put tle chill in hIis Cs sit [or brood] upon the eggs. (Msb.) a of whic one of hler ';J [meaning eithler two
[i. e. under hit arm, or in his bosom]: or he a.L.: see 1. -1 . O.a ! lie icent away maemmw or tro teats] hasgone. (A' Obeyd, TA.)
nourished him, reared him, fostcred him, broaught mith, or took away, my right, or due; (1, TA ;) - Also A man havimig one of his testicles larger
him up, (1, TA,) and took care pf himn; (TA;) than the other. (]f.)- And A pudendim
as though he put it by his side. (TA.) - d.a 1 muliebre having the edge of one of its labia ma-
as also I.S
(K,TA.) And l -,
,J. j,, (AZ, I,,) and ~ .-0 -1, (1,) i. q.
(M, Mgh,) aor. , (Mgh;, TA,) inf. n. , jora (i. e. having one of its CIji) . larger than
! t,5jl t [lie leld him in little, or light, or
(Mgh,) said of a woman, (8, M,.l,, TA,) She put the other. (5.)
mean, estimation, or in contempt; &c.]. (AZ,
her child in her ;i, and [thues] carried hint IL;a_ and , [The office, or occupation,
S, If.)
[under her arm,] on one of eIr two sides: (TA:) oqf carrying and rcaring or fostering a child: the
it hasa sililar mcaning to the lphrase next follow- [6. Il;..m.3 They embraced one another, or
latter, accord. to the K and the Mgh, is an inf. n.:
ing: (S :) or it mcans she had charge of hler pressed one another to the bosom. See also (sece 1, first two sentences:) but accord. to Fei,]
clhild, andtl carried him, and reared hin, or 8. _'.1 lie put it (a thing) in his , a each is a subst. from t, applied to a man, and
fostered hIi,. (Mgh.) - _ , (, Mgh, [i. e. under his arm, or in his bosom]: (., Msb:) aL._.applied to a woman. (Msb.)
M.b, an&d
a,) u , (TA,) aor. ', (8 Mqb,) , he took it up, and put it in his ,.> , like as a
~j. A man who has the charge of [carrying
inf. n.n (Mgh, Myb) and iL - (Myb, 10) woman takes up lur child, and carries him [in
and] rearing, or nourishing, orfostering,a child:
and tL:. and s-, (1,) said of a bird, (S, her Ci a-. or] on one of her two sides. (TA.) -
(Msb,* TA:) and L;.bl. A woman who has the
Mgh, MCb, i:,) He pressed, or compretaed, his Seo also 1, in three places
eggs (., Meb) to himelsf, (S8,) beneath his wing,
charge of a child, (S. Mgh, Myb, If,TA,) rwho
"i.~ pece what next follows. carries kim, (Mgh,) and taltes care of himn, (TA,)
(e, M9b,) or beneath kii tno wings; (so in some
_~. The part beneath the armpit, (P, Mgh, and rears, or nourishes, or fosters, him: (S,
copies of the ;) he sat upon hIis eggs, protecting
thens with his twro sides ( i.',..); (Mgh ;) he Myb, K,) ctendling to the :S [orflank]: ( Mgh, TA:) pl. of the former &'. (TA) [andl
brooded upon his eggs to hatelh them: (1K:) as Msb, f :) or the bosom, or breast; syn. jU..: ;4. (as in a phrase below), agreeably with a
gencral rule: and pl. of the latter, also agTreeably
also tip. ;t. (KL-....) ' '. _ [~J;A in the Cg should be .; l:] and the
with a general rule, 1 ]. _ [Hence,] 0
,,1 j.i ,, meaning He put an egg beneath upper arms with what is betwneen them: (i :)
a hen belonging to him, and made her to sit [or and Vt _tWl . , m, Si.e. a.J [a mistranscription
. signifies the same: (S :) pl. of the
brood] upon it [until it became hatclued], if meaning He it of the serrants of
former OLh~1 (Msb, K*) [and accord. to Frey- for .:,J,
remembered to have been heard [from any of the 1la a1t_
also]. - The side of a thing, learnling, or science]. (TA.)- _
Arabs of pure speech], is a tropical usage of the tag's Lex. i, (Mgh, Msb, TA) and i;-'_ (Myb) A pigeon sit-
verb, like as when one says " The Emeer built (, 1i,) and of a man: (Migh:) the lateral, or them
adjacent, part of a thing: pl. ti . (, If.)
C1 ting [or brooding] upon its eggs, protecting
the city :" otherwise, it is oorrectly [1t' I,] with its two sides; (Mghl ;) or preussing, or com-
. , , inf. n. ;.1)1i ';3 means The tnwo borders [the nearer
with teshdeed. (Mgh.)__l. pretisig, its eggs beneath its nwing. (MNb.) -
border and the further] of the detert. (M, TA.)
'>.m and aiL'~, t He made him to turn away, [Hence,] eply. & [pl. of _to.] Thres
mltkdraw, or retire, from such a thing, and had
And tIL'~ t The two side [or first and last
stones for supporting a coohing.pot, cleaving to
And [as the the ground,(K, TA,) with the ashes. (TA.)
it to khimsel exclusively; (., 1f, TA;) as though portions] of the night. (TA.)
he put him aside from it, or by its side: he ex- i, . of a man or woman is often a place of con- 'dI<_also signifies A man's wife: and so L ..
cluded him from participation in it; in which cealment,] one says, JA it F L k j, j (TA.) - And a palmn-tree (i.j) having short
sense 4;4 t'---. is disapproved: (TA:) he t [meaning He ceasud not to traverse the shades racemes: (Kr, K:) or one of which the racemes
impeded him, or debarred him, from it. (18d, of the night]. (TA.) '
is.Jl. ;i;, in a trad. have come forth, and quitted their spatlus, and
TA.) It is related in a trad. of Ibn-Mes'ood of 'Alee, means [Keup ye to] the two wings of the are short in theirfruit-stalhks. (Ah;n, 5.)
a02 [Boos I.
:;O,_ and o " The place in which a bird I ;4 ~jl)
- [He made a large abatement of it]. (M.bb,) ! He asked, demanded, or desired, of me
broods upon its eggs to hatch them: (1(:) pl. (TA.) [See iL ] And Ci> if' itm. an abatement, a lowering, a diminution, or a le-
X t,. (TA.) See also what next follows. I abated [somewhat] ofthe debt. (Msb.) [See sening, of somewhat, or so much, of the price.
is also syn. with a.: as in a (9,a Mbh, Kl.) L1.-'. t He deserved to be
:LL4 A saUlow bowl, made of cloy,for the also 10.]..J. lowered, or degraded. (Iar p. 258.)
trad. where it is said of Mohammad, that he sat
pigeon (J, TA) [to lay its eggs therein, and] to
brood tArein pon i eggs: (TA:) > .. [ii by a dry branch of a tree, ,3;j L .;e.4 jW R. Q. 1. i La i. q. VL.1 [but in what sense
is not pointed out]: (Ibn-'Abbid,]t:) said of a
its pl.], accord. to rule, pi. of *:_ [&'c., and] [And he made a sign with his hand, and removed thing. (Ibn-'Abbid, TA.)
its leaves]; meaning, scattered its leaves. (AA, - He n,as, or became,
signifies the places, in pigeon-towers, in which thc
quick, (IDrd, K,) in his walk, or going, and in
pigeons lay their eggs. (Mgh.) [See what next TA.) And so in the phrase, XlUI i i ,;11 his work. (IDrd, TA.)
precedes.] [Thefroth is removed, or shimmed off, from the
milk]. (TA.)3l l Ja., aor. ', (L, TA, [but iL. [A petition for the putting donn of a
iyp;U: ree ;s. heavy burdenfrom one: or, 5of the heaycnr burden
I think it more probable that the aor. is :, agreeably
of sin: or merely a putting dowrn thereof:] a
with analogy, like as some say of ij, which,
accord. to Sh, signifies the same, or nearly so, subst. from jj - - -1, explained above; as
1. ,;1 Li., (I,) first pers. ,i, (S,) inf. n. but accord. to others, the also ?ULe. (Ii.) It is said in the l~ur [ii.
contr. of L,] inf. n.
. i., (19,) He lighted, or kindld, the fire; or 55, and vii. 161], _. ljjj; i. e. they were
made it to burn, burn up, burn brightly orfieredy, L and L.,L ., (L, g,) :The price n,as, or be- told to say i for the purpose of asking thereby
came, low, or cheap; (L,, TA;) it abated;
blae, or flame: (s:) or he stirredthe live coals for the putting down of their heavy burdens from
of the fire after they had become [partially] ez- (Fr, TA in art. .k;) and so * L_i. (Fr ubi
them, and they should be put down fiom them:
tinguihed. ( [[. , there, seems to be a mis- supra, $,'TA.)--JI 1-; (S ,) I s (Ibn-lsrccl, TA:) the meaning is, And say ye,
take for .. ]) It is also with ,. (, TA. [See (9,) inf. n. jlaU , (S, 1,) tThe camel iore upon Put Thou do,nn from us our heavm burdens, (9,
art. t .]) his nose-rein (9, 1K) towards one side, (1,)in go- TA,) or tour sins: (Ibn-'Arafehi, ]:) or [and
ing; (9;) as also tL._il: (IC:) or, accord. to say ye,] Our petition is .; i.e. that Thou
ai.q. .b [as meaning either A black-
AA, 1t.I . iiW1 ',aL ;l signifies tthe she- n'ouldest put down from us our sins: (Aboo-ls-
mith'sfire-place, or the shin with which hAblow
Ais fire]. (i.) canmel was quick in her pace; (S, TA;) and so hbl'., K:) or, accord. to
some, ~_ is a word
%..L:(TA :) andLtUa. also signifies tfvhement which the children of Israel were commanded to
" IAstick, or piee of wood, with which a
running. (TA.) [From what next follows, it say; and if they said it, their heavy burdens, or
fire is dtirred; as also w...; the latter accord. seems that the verb in this sense is of the measure sins, were put down: ($,TA:) accord. to IA.r,
to those who pronounce the verb with . (.) Jj, aor. '-.] The poet 'Amr-lIbn-El-Ahtam it is tlhe saying ^Xfl -j '9: (TA:) or it means
uses the phrase, Ulj5a ' , meaning tRest forgiveneu: (I 'Ab:) or our affair is analighting
thou upon my love, and incline my way. (TA.) and abiding in this town: (Bd in ii. .5M:) and
1. ., (9, M 9b, TA,) aor. ;, (Msb, TA,) And it is said in a trad., wtJI J - ! tAnd thero is another reading, iVl3. , which is
sh inclined with her hea rt towards the youth. explained in two ways; either by making the
inf. n. L, (Mtb, 1, TA,) He put it down, syn.
ua.j, (],* TA,) and ,.Ot, (MNb, TA,) from a (TA.)-- j _ *;S ~ e L t ile launchedforth verb to govern the noun, as though lie had said,
and say ye a saying wthicAh shall put downf"rom
high to a lomer place; (Mqb;) namely a load, or into, or pressd on in, the reviling of such a one. you your heary burdens, or stins; or by making
any other thing from a back; (TA;) a eamel's (TA.)._-, LJ ~JL. iHe ate thefood; (!, the noun to be in the accus. case as an in n.
sddle, (?, Myb, TA,) or other thing; (Mb ;) a TA;) as also 'tl, (gSh, K,) inf. n. L.mwi: meaning supplicating and petitioning [thlat God
horne's saddle; and a bow; (, TA;) as also (TA:) or he ate much of thefood. (A, TA.) may put down from you youri heavy burdens, or
tL~.l. (C,*TA.) You say, * jtl. Jl :. .JI; L, innf. Ln.a, He polished, or smoothed, stin,]; i.e. Ul~ $i a_1dJ.1. : (TA:) but
.,lj.;l Hie put down the loads from the beasts. the skin; and figured, or decorated, it; (], TA ;) they changed this saying, (Fr;, gh, 1,)
using for
(L.) And *J L. [He put down from him and ruled it, or made lines'upon it; (TA;) with it a Nabathean expression; (Fr, TA;) saying
his heavy burden: or this heavy burden of sin] the L.. (, TA.) 1' .. , i. e. " red wheat," (ggh, V,) accord.
(?,*1 ,0 TA:) if a real load be intended, this is to Es-Suddee and Mujihid; or, accord. to IA;r,
proper; but if an ideal thing, it is tropical; (TA;) 2: see 1; last sentence but one.
GA1 'ai.L , i. e. "good wheat." (9gh, TA.)
[as when you say,] ; L . [?Put Thou 7. L;..1, quasi-pass. of lm.; It was, or be-
downfrom us the burden of our sins]. (],.) And came, put down; (S,' TA;) said of [a load, or
You say also, t l.I &jt;,i. e. iao.JI [He
any other thing from a back;] a camel's saddle; asked of him the putting down of his heavy burden
'dA La. [lit. He put down his camer' saddle;] from him: or this sin]. (TA.) And it is said in
a horse's saddle; (TA;) [&c.] - He, or it,
meaning he stayed, or abode. (TA.) And L. a trad., that when God tries a person with a trial
alone, [elliptically,] tHe alighted; or alighted descended; went donrn, or downwards, or down a
declivity; from above to below. (9,* TA.) You in his body, U. dJ j, i. e. I is to him a mode
and abode; (9, TA;) 0~. ) in a place. (TA.)
say, j~. ! L~a.Jl [He descended a declivity]. of putting down from him his sins. (TA.)
.He threw it down; namely a thing. (TA.)
[lie paid it domn; namely money.] - He made (9 and TA in art. j., from a trad.)_ [tHe ia.JI is also A name of the month of Ramatidn,
it to descend, or to go down, or downwards, or became lowered, or degraded.] - Said of a price: in the Gospel, or some other book: (Az, ],*
see 1._ Said of a camel: see 1. -Also tHe, TA:) because it puts down somewhat of the sin
down a declivity, (9, ,* TA,) from above to be-
low. (1, TA.) Imra-el-leys says, [describing a or it, went back, or backward: went away: pe- 4of him who observes the fast thereof. (Az, TA.)
rilted. (TA.) - See also R. Q. 1. -Also tA decrease, or state of diminution, in
hor in motion,]
8: see 1; first signification. respect of rank, or station: (TA:) [or low, or the
/onest, rank, or station: for] *1d.L.JI, (], TA,)
10. ZJ,'..-"-I He asked him to put down which is its pl., (TA,) is explained as
[Like a mass of rock which the torrent has made signifying,
from him [his heavy burden: or t his hearyt (:, TA,) on the authority of IAir, (TA,) S
to descendfrom abore]. (TA.) - [tH/e lowered burden .
of sin]: (T], TA:) if a real load be in-
him, or degro d him.] -l ';It L AJ I, or correctly il .31 ,;: (], TA:) the
tended, this is proper; but if an ideal thing, it is
atter [meaning Ithe ranks, or stations, of the
HIHe abated of the price so much; syn. l1; tropical. (TA.) _ J, , I,, ] 1,) ($, !owet, or meanest, of mnanind,] is the right
(Mgh, Mqb;) 1i to him. (Myb.) And L. Mqb,) or d4; X, (i,) 1, (S., ,) or I;.L, reading, as verified by Az. (TA.)
Booi I.] 503

LL.: wee L~k., last sentence. mAlso ISmooth, ",zli 'i SA girl having the c." [or (TA,) He coUected , (.,A, ],,) i.e. fire-
or sleh, bodis; (IApr, 1], TA;) as though two portions of Jlesh and sinen next tae back- wood; (A,/C;) as also t . l_: (S,A,l:)
polished with the a.._ (TA.) bone, on each side,] extended [or long]; as though [and] so '.JmJl .1 L, (Mgh, M:b,) aor. and
tAey were smoothed with the .ta : (TA:) or inf. n. as above; and t ,w -- l. (M9 b.) -
L,L. A declivity, or declivous place; a place having them extended [or long] and even (S, TA) [Hence,] .4;. , (A,) or ,,
of descent, or by which one descends: (S, TA:)
and beautifuL (Az,TA.) And 1 aii.,. (Q,)[lit. He collected firewood in Ais, or their,
a hill (A1;) that is difficult of descent: or, rope; meaning] She aided, or atisted, (A, ],)
may. mean t A woman whose flank is as though
accord. to IDrd, a difficult aibl. (TA.) him, (A,) or them. (1.) One says, ' 'l U
it were smoothed with the : but it is better
t An excellent, rmift she-camel; (., ] ;) as also 4 -- >3ui ,1 j :[Verily thou aist
explained as meaning elevated, or protuberant,
V L. (TA.) in the posteriors, and derpressed in the flank. him, and inclinest to his desire]. (A,TA.)_
; -.. --a An ankle-bone covered wvithfesh (IHam p. 141.) [See also 1.] And h:,.: ,(A, Mgh) Sie brought
andfat to that it is not apparent. (TA.) 5 ., (Mgh,) meaning wealth, or property.
to him Je
LZ t A shoulder-joint (K, TA) ncither high (A.)-And 9i.W
; tSuch a
lc : 1s
What is abated, or diminished, of a nor low, (TA,) of the most beautiful hind. (.1,
price: (Mgh, Msb, 1K,TA:) pl. 3U... (TA.) TA.) one incites, urges, or instigates, [others] against
Sec also ,L1 ;. He
suck a one. (gar p. 200.)-. And ai ~
You say, c>,oJ 1I5j1 l;.S i;.JI I [Th,e
calumniated him, or slandered him. (A, Mgh,
portion that is abated is so much and so much
Mob, 1. [See ,.,;, below.]) '1,., (8, ,)
of the price]. (g.) And ; L ,6; -
aor. ;, (TA,) He collected firemood for him:
S [He sought, or demanded, of me an abatement 1. Lm. lie cast, or threv; syn. s.. [and,
like this, trans. by means of ,]. (1..) [Hence,] (1.:) or he brought firewood to him: (Q,.4:)
ofprice]. (TA.) as also i % :,.. (TA.) You say, ,;'J
,o;l d4 ti, (AZ, ., IK,) aor. :, (K,) in n
le : see L~.; first sentence; and again, .. ..W. %:J&4mi [Such a one coUets fire.
in the latter half of the paragraph. uil, (v,) He cast him, or threw him, domn
ivood for, or brings firewood to, his companione,
prostrateupon the ground: (AZ, S, K :) or, with
d*. j :A low, or cheap, price; as also violence: one says, e;"l and gives them to drink]. (A, TA.) - Also He
1i_ a !1 [He
U collected for him a thing as firemood. (TA.)_
*L,L (TA.)
r raied him upon his back, and threw him down - inf. n.
.la, [,and app. also
LI t Smooth in the O [or two portions violently upon the ground]. (Lth, TA.) And
U..1i, which see below, or this may be a simple
of ~l and sinew next the bach-bone, on each ls.i tllU. She (a woman) cast forth /hr subst.,] I Thley cut off the .k~ of their grapo
side]. (IAqr, l.) [See also L,1 .] child from her womb. (TA in art. , j.) And vine; (A;) i. e. the dry portions threof, that
.:.JI . The cooking-pot cast fort, were of no usC butfor fire. (Mgh.) mm, . and
L [A place where load, 4c., are put down.
its froth, or scum. (., TA,) in boiling. (TA. "Jm..1 It, (a place, 1,) or Ae, (a man, TA,)
. And hence,] t A place where otne alights, or
alights and abides; (., TA;) as also ', : And . fiLtw He cast forth his excrement, abounded with firewood. (i,* TA.) -
or ordure. (S.) And t;. [alone], aor. and;, ie was, or became, lean, or meagre. (A.).
pl. [of either] ~i and [of the latter] a.
He cast forth his excrement, or ordure, at once, 4. 'a.I: L - Also t It (a grape-vine)
(TA.) - [Hence also,] Aie L [A place for (K, TA,) quietly, or gently. (TA.) And Ui.,
attained to the time for having its [q. v.]
udnloading of ships]. (, and K in art. e )_
(g,) or G{ He broke wind, with a
(S,) He, tut off from it: ({:) or * attained to th
[Hence also,] .J L . 1 I [T/his is the time of bearing grapes and for the cutting off
meaning, or intent, of the saying, or sentence: sound. (?, V_.)_1 - 4 . rHeturned 'f what required to be cut off; as also V -1-:
used in this sense in the present day]. (TA.) him back from the opinion, or judgment, that (4 :) or the latter, it required to haw its uper,
he had formed. (IAth, ]l.) He struck or uppermost, portions cut offJ, (,) or somatw
L.. (., o, ] and V L;1. (1) An instru- him, or slapped him, on the back with his open
of those portions. (TA.)
ment of iron, (0, ]:,) or of wood, prepared (f, hand: (S, 1 :) or struck him gently on the back
in some copies of which, for we find Li., with the palm of his hand: (S in art. W:) or
w, 8. e: 1, in three plaoea_Also tIt
(rain) tore up the roots, or stenu, of the trees
which is a mistake, TA,) for the polishing, or slapped him on the back, or between the shoulders,
smoothing, of shins, (0, ],) to make them soft or on the upper part of the side, or on the chest; [as though it made firewood of them]. (].)-
and beautiful; (0 ;) andforfiguring, or decora- (KhIlid Ibn-Jembeb, TA;) or on the back of t He (a camel, TA) fed upon tha umal and dry
ting, thmn; (]K;) [and for ruling them, or the head: (AZ, TA:) and he struck him, or part&of the branches. (Y, TA.) This a camel
making lines upon temn: see 1; last sentence :] beat him, (Sh,V,*) with his hand; (Sh, TA;) does bnly by reason of soundnes, and of sur-
or an instrument with which tattooing is per- but it is said that the meaning is, he struck him passing strength. (TA.)...A1 j. ofi ,1aZb,I
formed: or an iron instrument used by sewers on the back of the neck: (TA:) it also occurs i. q. .J [app. meaning tHe took upon him-
of boots c., with wvhich they fiure, or decorate, self a burden, or a rstpon~iblity, in the affair;
Iie lay nith her.
the lather: ( :) or an instrument (T, A, TA) without .. (TA.)-_ti.. as thou[h he bound it like a bundle of firewood
with a pointed extremity, (T, TA,) used by (8, 1.*) upon his ,back]. (1K.)
binders of books, (T, A, TA,) and by others. AtL. A slap on the back [&c. (see the verb)] 10: we 4.
(A, TA.) with' the open hand. (S, TA.) It also occurs
without ., written }.;. (TA.) . FiPrewood; the porltioWS of tree that
ajm ..: see ha...
iL..: see La.,,, ,;.;e, applied to a man, Low, ignoble, mean,
are preparqdfor fuel: (M,A, ]:) p]. ,Ad
(Mb.) .-. And hence, becauseo enmity is kindled
or sordid. (AZ,8, ].) You say also :;s &, , with it like u fire is with (.
(properly so
L ;... [originally, Put down; applied to a using the latter word as an imitative sequent. (S.)
called], (.gar p. 209,) 1Calumnyt, or dander;
load, &c. See 1. -- And hence,] applied to a
;;f, applied to a man, Ugly; or con- (A, Mgh, TA,) also termed ja;l ,m.
lrice: see /i _. _ Leather polished, or made
temptible; or ugly in atpect and nmall in body: (TA.) The former is said to have this meaning
sooth [&c. see 1; last sentence]. (TA.)- in the gur cxi 4: (Mgh, TA:) or to mean
(Th, , I :) or short. (S, I.)
S A sword Made tAin. (TA.)_;Le ; J thornt, which the woman there spoken of is
I [A rmp] without lbs [or protuberant but- related to have been in the habit of throwing in
tock]; (],,TA;) as though it were smoothed the way of Mohammad. (TA.) You ay,;J
( w)ith the L,. (TA.) And LA . 1.L, (Q, A, I,) aor., (Qg,)inf. n. , ~l;JI h ,.,4.J, meaning IHe goes about
Bk. I. 75
094 [Boor 1.
with calumnny, or slander, among, or between, peculiarly said of that which is dry, or tough; (9.) (.) - The havoc of a lion among cattle. (TA.)
the people. (A.) Also :The prunings of a (1, TA;) as a bone and the like. (TA.)_ -.- Dearth, droulght, or sterility; or a year of
grape-vine; (9,' A;) and so t),i : (A:) the [Hence,] a-..l.g t The beast became aged dearth, &e.; (S, k, TA ;) because it breaks
dry portionu of a grape-vine that are of no use [and emaciated and weak, or broken with age: (L. ))everything;
everything; (TA;) as also i and
but for fire: (Mgh :) tthe latter is explained by see, Jm, below]. l.)-And t TIe beast had !~t.f;5: v
18h as meaning the prunings that are cut off (1. :) or this last is not used except as
a disaae (termed '..lm) in his legs. (TA.)~m meaning continual dearth &c. (TA.) [(See also
each yearfrom the upper, or uppermost, portions
of a grape-vine. (TA.) "e, (, M.sb, ],) aor. -, (M.b, ,) inf. n. the last of these words below.]
AJ.., (S, Msb, 15,) lis broke it: (S, 1I :) or it
;i;, applied to a man, (S,) [and app. to cattle, applies peculiarly to that which is dry, or tough; iLr.: see what next precedes.

'(see ... ,)] t Very lean or meaore; as also (1K,TA;) as a bone and the like: (TA:) as ij~~. 1VWhat is broken in pieces, or whlat one
9t,,,J': (8, 1:) or the latter means unlucky, also * *, (1K,) inf. a. e.J': ($:) or the break3, breaks, [accord. to different copies of the ], the
orunfortunate; syn. ; (1j;; in some copies latter signifies he broke it in pieces, ($,) and so former accord. to the reading in the TA,] of a
thing that is dry, or tough; (K, TA;) as also
of the !; o ; (TA;) and its fem. is :.. (1.) the former; (Msb;) or the latter, he broke it 0,
much. (Msb, TA.) - e, or it, crusled it, fk*tha.: tf,iL..: (K:) pl. of the former 1.: whence
,,Iam [app. an inf. n., see 1,] t The pruning or bruised it; as, for instance, a lion, that which i_ 4~;.M. [meaning a spear, or spear-shaft,
of a grape-vine until reaching the part in which he devours; and as a camel and a sheep or goat, broen broken in pieces, as is indicated in the TA], in
the sap runs. (1k.) See also 4., in two the ground with hig feet or hoofs, and the trees which the term i;~
0 is regarded as applying to
places. and herbs in eating them; and as the wind, that every
portion. (1K, TA.) [See.U_.]
upon which it blows [vehemently]. (TA.) It is
,iu., (S, Msb, ],) fern. with ;, (15,) A
t a.l. A A vehemnent fire, (1K,) that breaks in
place, (9, Myb, 5,) or land, (g,) abounding with said in a trad, ' [I
saw Iell-fire, one part thereof crushing another: pieces evertything that is cast into it. (TA.)
fireRood. (9,* M9 b, 1V.)
or, as though pressing upon another; from what IHcnce, (S,TA,) L&J.Jl a name of Hell, (4,)
,gg. A handful, or bundle, of firewood. next follows]. (TA.) One says of people crowd- or of Iell-fire: (, 15:) or, as some say, the
(g, TA.) ing together, A'., ;.: [Thecy crush, fourth stage of Hell: (lar. p. 347:) or a gate
t A camel that bruise, or press upon, one a,wther]. (TA.) And of lell. (g.)_ tA man wiho eats much; (,
, .: osec . ..
feeds upon the small and dry parts of branches: of a vehement driver, jYI .,. TA;) as also tJ ,rho
.; brealAs evrything in
' [lie br,uises
(], TA:) fem. with ;. (TA.) [See 8.] eating: (lar p. 580:) and the latter, and t;l,
the cattle, or camels 4c.]. (A, TA.) - One says
an insatiable man. (TA.) - tA large number
44.. A collector of firewood: (M9 b, TA:) also, ' iiJ ",c .", meaning Spoil niot of camels, (T, 9, 1,) and of shlee,
or goats: (T,
and so t,n , (A, Meb,) but in an intensive thou to us the pasturage by pasturing Upon it. 5::) because they break, or crush, (T, S, TA,)
sense: (Mqb:) or the latter, one who collects (TA.) - And A.1 .; _i S His family the die herbage, (T, TA,) or everything, (S, TA,)
and ells firewood: (TA:) and 4tL a company rendered such a one a broken old man; as though or the ground with thecir feet or hoofs, and the
of collectors of firewood: (9, Mgh:) and iGt they loaded him with their burdens. (TA.) And trees and herbs in eating them. (TA.) - Also,
.,1ng t[pl. of em.] female slave, who collect 0>..l "*.,m. (9) t Age rendered himt/ ifrm. and t.L 3 , (S, 15,) SA pastor having little mercy
upon the cattle; (9, TA;) or who acts injuri-
firewood. (A, TA.) [Hence,] ,j '1. j- (TA.)
ously towards them; (.i,TA;) catsing them to
: He is one who confuses in his speech, (A, J4,) 2: see 1. crush, or bruise, one another; (S, K, TA;) or as
and in hi. a.fhir: (TA:) or one vo speahks
nrlat is bad and what is good: (, TA:) like 5: see 1. You say also, c . A. l .hJaa~ though he crushed, or bruised, them by his vehe-
ment driving: (A, TA:) or the former signifies
him who collects firewood by night; (TA;) for .I!MI [The eggs broke in pieces so as to disclose
a pastor who does not allow his beasts to avail
this person sees not what he collects in his rope, theyoung birds]. (TA.) And C.~ . '. themselves
thmulves of the plentiful pasturages, nor let them
(S, TA,) so he collects bad and good. (TA.) The ground,
or earth, crumbled by reason of cx- ~m disperse themselves in the pasturage: and tthe
Az says, one who acts unjustly towards himself
is likened to a collector of wood by night, because cessive drynes. (TA.) And At .3 T/e latter, one who is ungentle, or rough; as though
the latter may chance to put his hand upon a people crowded together, crushtinga, bruising, or he broke, or crushed, or bruised, them when dri-
viper, and boe bitten by it: and so is one who pr~ing upon, one another. (TA.) And t,.Jm.j! ving them or pasturing tlhecm: and tj'. 'Oh- J ,
does not restrain his tongue, but censures others; c W-U 'hepeople presed together, or crowded, signifies a man who drives beasts vehemently,
by doing which a man sometimes occasions his upon it, or him. (ISd, TA.) - And b _ crushing them, or bruising them, by reason of his
own death. (TA.) It is said in a prov., j"lJI tIi tHe became inflamed with wrath, or rage, vehement driving; but it is used by way of com-
parison, as meaning :cunningand versatile. (TA.)
J .bt. The loquaciouJ is [like] a collector against him. (V,OTA.) '
offirewood by night. (A 'Obeyd, TA.) Hence,
Hence, 1. ._JI '1 .!Q A [The worst of pastors is
7: see 1: _ and 5.
the ungentle, who causes the beasts to crush, or
a: see ,Jam.. lJ inf. n. of JI. [q. v.]. (Mb.)_Also bt-uise, bnuise, one another]: (9, ] :) accord. to the $,
'hd A certain diseas in tie legs of a beast. (9.) a prov.:
prov. accord. to $gh and the 1, not a prov.,
t A in'ing-knife. (1, TA.)
but a trad.: but many of the trades. are reckoned
i;il, t A she-camel that eats dry thorns. (9,.~ A thing (M?b) breahking in pieces of itself among provs.: it is applied to him who governs,
M9ob, 1:.)--.t A horse broken by age: (9:) or manages, ill. (MF,
m,it.) TA.) Hence also what is
or a horse weak by reason of leannssand old age: related in a trad. of 'Alee, that l5ureysh, when
~.;* tA small creeping thing that goes (Az, TA:) or an aged beast. (Mob.) they saw him in war, or battle, used to say,
rYong upon the ground with pieces of wood, or 3
_,m One who breaks the ranks on the right -J"a "'l -!. t,;"jl %3jj-1
1ij-! [Beware ye of the
ctich, clinging to it. (Iam p. 207.)
and left; and ~,..&: t.L [signifies the same]. rough
rou.qh one! Beware ye of the rough onell].
(TA.).....8ee aso a ., in five places.
1. ,;., aor. :, inf. n. , It broke, or ,1,t~. Coats of mail; so called frou a maker
.:,.:see .
became broken, in pieces; u alwo ,Ju~ (Mb) themoinamed
thereofnamed i;.: orsuch as break tieswords:
and t ._.: (TA:) or these two, (, ]g,) or 41.. The crowding, thronging, or pressing, or such a are heaMy and wide: (V :) the first of
{correctly] the former [only], (TA,) it broke, of men; and their pushing one another. (TA.) which explanations is the most probable. (TA.)
or became broken: (8, V, TA:) or they are -_The tids (;1n) of a torrent; like hei. ;tLL What is broken in pieces, of a thing that
a 5

t_ (g.)
Boox I.]
is dry, or tough. (6,X. [In the CVi, by the ac- wealthy, or opulent; or in a state of, or possessed and if so, we must suppose it to be originally
cidental omission of ,q. , this signification of, competence, or suNfciency; in no need; with- ;LL21, like as tfr.., a pl. of the subet. ., if
and the next here following, from the 1[, are as- out wants; or oith fem wants. (0, TS.) Lth correct, is originally i-.])
signed to .,1_ See ja, which, accord.
SI-. says, I have not heard any verb from ~: but it
to some copies of the X, is syn. with .;Ut in the has a verb, transmitted from the Arabs, which ~;sS ,; 1; Such a one is ore for-.
sense explained above.]) And Fragmentsof eggs; Lth did not know, and had not heard: and tunate than such a one. (S,' Mqb,* TA.)
(A, TA;) or of an egg-shell; so in a verse of AHeyth says, in writing to Ibn-Buzurj, .&
:0 . &.- - - A-.* Jt.1i said to be an irreg. pl. of -, q. v.
Et-Tirimmgi: (TA:) or the shell of the egg. OX ;, and _M r-, (Az, TA,) mean-
(I.)-- [See a tropical usage of it in an ex. cited, ing They become possessued of good fortune, andl -, .a.)o see
from a trad., voce ;L.] - '1WJ*-i tT/e riches, or competence, or sufficiency. (L in art.
frail, or peridhing, goods, or posseions, of the J--)
prtsent world: accord. to Z, from Aim~ signi-
4: see 1, in two places. 4~ "i I [Iprc- ;i/., ([,) aor. '
fying the "fragmcnts" of eggs: (TA:) or 1. 'il, (M,b, V,) and
[simply] the goods t!f the present wvorhld. (TA in ferred him above him] may be from the same (Msb,) inf. n._. (?, A, Msb) and ;iU., (TA,)
art. we.) root as the other words of this art.; the second li Heforbad it; prohibitedit; interdictedit. (i ,
being changed into j; [like as 4i;. is, accord. A, Mob, V.) The Arabs say, . l a jU,I. 91
j,IL The lion, (K,) that crushe.s, or bruises,
to some, formed from A.l ;] or it may be from There is no protibition against names; i. e., no
everything that he doeours; (TA;) as also t;lL
3_,i.. (TA.) one is forbidden to be named, or to name himself,
and t.... (K.) And A wind (Ct) that
crushes everything. (TA.) L Fortune; or particularly good fortune; as he pleases. (TA.)- - ; ; .JI wi It (any-
: (Nh:) and thling intervening) debarred the thing from him,
,eAI lierbage remainingfraom theA preccding syn. . (S, Nh, Myb, K) and
a share, portion, or lot: (S, Msb, K:) or par- (L.) And l.& X' jL. Such a thing waJ de.
year: (Lb, K[ :) because dry, and brokcnl in
ticularly a share, portion, or lot, of something barredfrom him,'by something intervening. (A.)
pieces. (Lh, TA.) .,.i Jl The . [q. v.]
good or excellent: (Lth, 1 :) some of the people -Also ;, (Msb, V,) inf. n. ;'., (Mgh,)
(MNb, k) of eSkteh, (Msb,) [i. c.] of the Kaq-
of Hims say j;~; but when they form a pl., tlhey IIe took it to, orfor, himself; (Mgh, Myb,l ,
beh; (] ;) which is excluded from the Kaabe ;
and the 0 TA;) as though he withheld it from others.
said In the M to be of the part next the spout; and rcturn to the original, saying a:
in the T, to be that in [or rather over] which is thle is regarded by them as a nasal sound, not as a (TA.)_ And ,' , (K,) aor. ;, inf. n. '.,
spout: so called because it was left broken wlien radical letter: and in like manner they do in the (TA,) He confined cattle in a ;',l.. (s.) And
the House was raised: or because the Arabs used case of every word having a doubled letter, such i
vd.~ He confined his cattle in a i.
to throw in it, or upon it, the clothes in which as j and Vj., sayin, .p; and .1: (Lth, L:) (Az) - And 'j ., (I,) [aor. app. as above,]
they performed their circuitings, and it remained inf. n.l~; (TA;) t.jl .; (A, Myb, ;) He
the pl. (of pauc., S) is 'A! (S, IK) and (of mult.,
until it became broken by length of time: (TA:) made a 4; e1 : (A, Msb, K:) or the former,
of the Kaabeh; (I 'Ab, S) ialj. (AZ, S, Msb, K) and " - (Ibn-
or the wall of the .
(Mgh,) or *,Ji.! inf. n. JUi't, (TA,) he made a
s,];) the rall over which is the spout of the 'Abbaid, .K)and Li.~ (IJ, K) and L (AZ, )
;J-.for anotiher: and t;lm.I he made Qa ;,~
Kaabeh; (IHam p. 710;) the wall that [partly] and Vt .. , (S,L, K, [in the Cg, erroneously, for himself. (Mgh, TA.)
encloses the . of the Kaabeh, on the restern 1J.S,]) irregularly, as though it were pl. of Jl..I,
[or rather north-western] side: (Har p. 389:) or (S, L,) or it is regularly formed from JI~., which 2. [,L., inf. n. ';i& , app. signifies Yle made
the part between the angle [of the Black Stone] latter is [irregular, being] originally dil_'i',[which a limit of separation, or the like. For] X."
and [tth well of] Zemzer and the Mahdm [-Ibri- Ol;JI (used as an era, Mgh) points to what
is the original form of the pl. of pauc. mentioned
heem] and, some add, the j.: or from the 'Omar did, in dividing Widi-l-]urk among the
above,] (IB,) and another pl. is '" , (L, [and
Ma,adm to tlhe door: ( :) or the part between Muslims and Benoo-'Odhrah, after the expulsion
so in the TA as from the K., but in several copies
the black angle and the door and the Ma.kdm, of the Jews: (Mgh, ]K, TA:) as though he as-
where the people crowd togetler to offer up their of the K ,, whlichl is of one of the forms of signed to every one a limit of separation. (TA.)
sUpplications, so that they crush, or bruise, or quasi-pl. ns.,]) also irregular, being formed [from 4: see 1.
presr upon, one another: (5,*0 TA:) and there ,iU.i] by a change of the second 1 [into Sq, and
the pagans used to confederate. (1.) 8: see 1, in two places. - Also L ,&;.. t He
then into .]. (L.) - See alsoo ..
protected, or defended, hiuelf by means of him,
&,U,m: see i;;.. or it. (TA.)
m.. amnd *:IL: see L.
A;L: see ;.: and .0 j';r. Trees ,with which a ,; is made. (A,
>, or i.: see what next follows. V.).And Fresh thorns. (K.) JI ra.l
see .; .. - Also iA digestive;
syn. .4t. (IS, TA. [In the Cid, erroneously, Ub and ri (S,V and V* , as a re- j 1 t He fed into that to which he ras not
.,&.W.]) It is implied in the V. that this is also lative n., accord. to [most of] the copies of the equal, (g, TA,) is a prov., originating from the
a signification of 4L. and i;. ; which it is fact of the Arabs' collecting fresh thorns, and
K, or as a defective word, [i. e. r?, with a making of them enclosures, into which a man
not. (TA.) One says, .ll LIJl
single Ji, as we find it in the CJ,] accord. to Az, sometimes falls so that he becomes caught therein.
[Excellent, or most exceent, is the digestive of
who says that it is originally (TA,) and
(L, (TA.) And .rl.i ;I . IHe came with,
food, the melon, or vater-melon]. (A, TA.)
t,, (AA, 8, Msb, ,) Fortunate; or pos- or brought, a large number of cattle, and of men:
.. sJm: mb:see .. ,L sessed of good fortune; (8, Myb, I ;) possessing or an odious lie: ( :) [or calumny, or slander,
a good share ('_) of the means of subsistence: and falsehood:] is said of a calumniator, or slan-
(TA:) or the first, accord. to Fr, possessing com- derer, and liar, who kindles by his calumnies the
petence, or sufficiency; or rich, or wealthy, or fire of enmity, and makes it to burn up. (A.)
', see. pers. .,) (, aor. ~., (,)
opulent: (TA:) the pl. [accord. to analogy of And ,4Ljl JHJI ) .;1 ?He uttered calumny,
inf. n. , (m,) He wa, or became, fortunate, or slander: (i :) or he went about with calumny,
'lia.> ] is , .I. (So in the L: [in the TA
or pouseued of good fortune, (M,1,) r 81 , in or dander, andfoul conduct. (TA.)
written UiWi, which I think a mistake, though
the ffair; (;) as also *i 'l: (, TA:) or
tthe latter signifies he wa, or became, rich, it seems to be there implied that it is pl. of , _ (Sh,T,C)0 and UA; (T, 1) ai.q. L75
775 '
96 A. -_-u_ [Boo&I.
[A wall, or waU of enclosure, &c.]: (Sh, T, 1 :) [And I stuffed wrath within his r-ibs, so that and s t [;1..l
H[e was, or became, in favour,
and anything intervening between a person and a he walks checking somewhat his pace, like the and high estimation, or an occupant of a high
thing, or between two things, andforming a bar- J"]; (ISk,8;) i. e., like the ram that has a place, with the prince, or commander :] both sig.
rier, an obstruction, a partition, or a fence. vein, or nerv, twisted in his hock; so that he
(TA.) See also the next paragraph, in two nify the same. (S, TA.) And 1.i1 . He
somewhat checks his walk. (TA.)_Ji. , aor. ;, was, or became, .fortunate by means of such a
places. signifies also He walked on one side, by reason
0. 1
thing. (MA.) [In the vulgar dial., He acquired,
;j, An enclorure of a thing, of wood, or of of some complaint: (Az,TA:) and XiJA., a or obtained, such a thing.] L gU., aor. ,
canes or reeds: (15:) [a kind of pen:] an en- man's being lame. (TA.) -_ aor. -, (M, (1g,) inf. n. 'i, (TA,) He went in a gentle,
clorsrefor camels, (8, Mgh,) made of trees, to 1g,) inf n. 1,i.-,(TA,) She (a ewe or a goat) or leisurely, manner, such as is termed j~. ('.)
protect them from the cold and wvind; (S;) as limped, or uasslightly lame, and her colour
also ;lm.: ] (s, 1 :) an enclosure for sheep or changed, in consequence of a tumour in her 4. *UI.l It [or he] caused him [to befortunate
goats, 4c., made of trees, to confine and protect udder: (M, 1:) or, aid of a she-camel, and or happy, to be in favour or to be beloed, or] to
of a ewe or she-goat, her udder became swollen, occupy a high place or rank [in the estimation of
them: pi. lJ. and ;Jim: (Mob:) Az heard
and lhe' milk became bad. (AI.ei, TA.) -J.., anotheror others]. (Har p. 379.).[1efavoured
the Arabe apply the term t.ti., with fet- b [to the him, 1J wvith such, a thing: for]
(S, 1g,) aor.:, (1,) inf n. i;., (T1g,) IHe (a ,I,_ also
C], to a wall mode of trees placed one upon camel) ate much of JJ. [or colocynths]: (, signifies ~Jt$ trans. by means of .U. (lIar
another to form a protectionfor camels or sheep
g :) or became sick from eating J1_4: (AHei, p. 687.) _And Jk
i~ '^kLl I preferred
or goautfrom the coldof the north mind in winter. TA:) but seldom does he eat them. (TA.) him above such a one. (S, TA.) [See also 4 in
(TA.) The pl. 3Ui.; is met. applied, by the poet art. li1.]
El-Marrar Ibn-Mun4idh, to S [Enclosures of] 4. OJ.lt It (a place) abounded with JL
[or colocynth]. (R, TA.) 8: see 1, in three places.
palm-trees. (TA.) [Hence,] U,WI ;1u tPa-
radise: (1 :) occurring in a trad. (TA.) And ;Js A parsimonious man, who reckons wit/h
~,1J ; * SHie is a person of little good, or his family, or calls them to account, for what
of no good: (g, 15:) or niggardly, tenacious, he expends upon them; as also ,Jil. (s, M,
penurious, or avaricious. (A.) - Also A place sgh, g) and t:3J'. (M, 1 :) which last also M_: see
in which dates are dried: (15:) of the dial. of signifies [simply] niggardly, or avaricious. (TA.)
Nejd: as also w;.w- and r . (TA.) A camel eating much of J m. [or colocynths]: , or &m.; see ; .
(., 1:) or that eats J : (M 9 b:) or that
jp .. Forbidden; prohibited; interdicted: pastures upon JLa., and becomes sick in con- : see il. . Also, (S,1,) and t; .
($, Mgh, 1 :) confined to one class of men, ex- sequence thereof: (AHn,TA:) but it is seldom (K) and VIk., (MF,TA,) A small arrow,
clusively of others; thus in the l]ur xvii. 21. that he eats them: (TA:) (S,K,) a cubit in length, (S,) with whic childnn
pl. ik.. (. , 5.)
(.) play, (1K,) and with wrhich they learn to shoot:
X ,i~ The quality of parsimony, and reckon- (TA:) and any rod, or twig, growing upon the
;ii~ .: see what next follows.
ing with one's family, or calling them to account, stock (J:l) of a tree, that has
not yet become
.;J& .A maker of a ;j~. (, Msb.) In the for what one expends upon them. (S, .) strong: (1 :) pl. (in both senses, TA) :Lf. and
1ur liv. 31, some read, :.l .Se_; and 3J, : see jk-. - Also A ewe, or she- ,L'.. (S,I..)-. The dim. ti; signifies Such
others, ,;J l: (t, TA:) the former meaning goat, that limps, or is slightly lame, and changed an arrow havintg no head: the pl. is ;.;:
Like the dryfragments of plants, or trees, which in colour, in consequence of a tumour in her ($:)
the maker of a tlekm. coUlcts: the latter, like the udder: (M, TA:) or a she-camel, and a ewe or the [small headless]
and [hence,] 1 ;ii: -I On, of
arronwsof Lukmdn, the son
dry fragments of plants, or trees, of a ijl~. she-goat, having her udder svollen, and her milk of 'Ad, is a prov., applied to him who is known
(TA.) bad. (Agei, TA.) for evil conduct, aml from whom proceeds (S, O])
: see . something, (S,) or some good act. (K. [See
Freytag's Arab. Prov. i. 52.])
1. ', (Mqb,) or 4 'i,. (S,1,TA,) j1l. [act. part. n. of JJa.; Forbidding, i and tVL (]) and ; k.I (Th, MF)
aor. ' ( Sfh, b, 0)and , (V.,) inf. n. L ($, &c.: -_] accord. to Az, Walking on one side, by and ii., (1K,) [all, except the tbird, said to be
reason of some complaint: and accord. to AHei,
M9 b, 1]) and i k.. and v L., (1],) He
Jlagging in his walking, by reason of pain or inf. ns. of 'i and , A state offortunate.
forbade, prohibited, or interdicted, him, (?,Msb,
anger. (TA.) nem or happiness; nearness to the heart; a state
k, TA,) like 1, (Myb, TA,*) or particularly
(TA) from free action, and motion, (S, 1, TA,) , accord. to some derived from ,0', of favour, of being beloted, or of being in high
estimation; (see 1 ;)] high rank or standing, in
and walking, (15,) [or wtalking out,] or somewhat the last verb in the first paragraph of this art.:
the estimation of another or others; (5, TA;)
fr'om walking. (TA.) jlt. also signifies A see art. ih... (TA.) and ideal nearness: or rank, station, or dignity,
man's regardinghis wife with jealousy, and for- and advancement in the favour of a man of
bidding her, or prtvonting her, from free action, porwer or authority, and the like: (TA:) and
and from walking [out]: (TA:) and je01 , h, a good share of the means of subsittence: (1:)
straitens, and withholds, restrains, or debars: L * I . S (g,) TA,) aor.;,
pl. 1L_ and '.i_: (1:) and ,L.t [or LA.]
(Fr, IAr, TA:) or A he preents her, inf. n. .e and u.. and ,i_,(S, TA,) She signifies the same as i;_.; (IAmb,TA;) or
or retrains her, from appearing [in public]. wai, or becanme, fortunate, or happy, with her
the same as t., (so in some copies of the J1,
(TA.) _ Lq Oail, (J1, 1, ) aor. , (S,) inf. n. husband; near to his heart; infavour with him,
e in art. &.,) or t~L., (so in other copies of
0~, fHe checked, or restrained, somewhat or beloved by him; (, TA;) as also V 1.J :
the 1K and in the TA,) mentioned by Sgh, on
of his waLAkig: and the inf. n. signifies the walk- and ". I .' [he was, or became,fortunate,
ing of him who is angry. (S, 1.) EI-Marrir or happy, wth her; &c.]; as also tuLbl. the authority of Fr, (TA,) i. e. the same as
Ibn-Munidlh says, (Q,* TA.) And ,,W'I ~ u ., aor. and inf. n. [good fortune, kc.]: (Ibn-Buzurj, 1 :) pl. v1i ,
as above, He was, or became, in favour vwith, and pl. pl. lM.1.(1.) Accord. to AZ, one says,
5* s .** .....

or beloved by, and in high estimation with, the po

sl im i lsds . >j , a
or of,;
fortunatndu,d c, amongVerily ia
13~"t ~h people, or mn. (MNb.) And <#*Y U&&~ possesor of fortunatenes, &c., among m and
BooK I.] 6m7
in their estimation; i. e., among those women with their wings. (TA.) And in a prov., *. remained long without ointment, (A 9 , S, .1,)and
and in the estimation of those women]; and he j ij lt Lie., i. e. Whoso goes round about its hair was shaggy, matted, frouzy, or dusty:
adds that one does not say this except in relation us, and minds, or manages, our affairs, ( K, TA,) (TA:) and ;/.4, aa_JI and inf. n. as
to a state subsisting between men and women: and treats us with honour; (TA;) or [in the above, The beard was shaggy, matted, .frouzy
(TA:) and the mull& 'Alee, in his "N6moos," ]K "and"] serves us, (S,1.,) and guards us, .from long want of ointment, or dusty. (M, TA.)
[an Expos. of the ]amoos,] says that i.~ seems defends us, or takes care of us, and regards us, El-Kumeyt says, describing a wooden peg or
to apply peculiarly to the case of a woman, as it or beliaves towards us, with benevolence and soli- stake, (S, L,) long neglected, (L,)
does in the common conventional language: but citude; (S, TA ;) or [in the K "and "] praises
it is of common application, agreeably with the us; (A 'Obeyd, K, TA;) let him [act moderately, .a. ', l,l . 'ii.
explanations in the 1, as is expresslry asserted and] not exceed the due bounds, (A'Obeyd, 1g,
on the authority of Th and others. (MF.)~Sec TA,) but speak truth. (A'Obeyd, TA.) Hence
also ';. [And a wooden peg or stake, in the dwelling,
the saying, (1K,) ,lj '.t j . J L. (S, K) [He having a head of battered and pendent fibres,
:see . .:-- and see also has not any who goes round about him, and minds, long neglected, but not lousy: the fibres being
or manages, his affairs, &c.]. And :j1~ i likened to hair; and (uas is said in the TA in
~l. part. n. of .lb~, (Msb,) [Fortunate or ,-,-- Js. .
M- (S, 1K) [tIe went away, or has gone
di~j art. ^ *-, where this verse is cited, but with 0s
happy,] in favour with, or beloved by, and in
atvay, vho used to go round about him, &c.; or] in the place of li,) the term al being used to
high estimation with, others; (S,* Mb, TA;*)
who used to give to him, and bring him corn or signify a wooden peg or stake because its head is
occupying a high place or rank [in the estimation
bruised, or battered, and separated, so that the parts
of another or others]; (, TA ;) and li_. sig- food: (TA:) [for] a sig,nifies also he gave
do not cohere]. (S,L.). . ._ I l The 10
nifies the same: (gHar p. 623:) fem. *1 , to him. (Mob.) And h.t.. _ j He stands
and sits: and he acts as a sincere, or faitlful, [or mess of crumbled bread moistened with broth]
(S, Msb, .,) applied to a woman in favour with, became dry in its unper part [by reason of paucity
adviser, and wvith benevolence and solicitude. (As,
or beloved by, and in high estimation with, her of broth], and cracked open in several places.
(TA.) [See also art. J,j.] One says, of persons
husband; (Msb;) pl. QUi.. (S, TA.) You (TA.) [See the part. n., 1..A..] _- [The inf. n.]
in want, a...JI , (, nor.
aK,) ', (S,) inf. n.
say, tjl~~ [She is mny favourite], and 3- a signifies The being dry, without grease.
.. , (TA,): [T ant beset, or encompassed, them;
5.i e - [one of myfavourites]. (, TA.) (TA.) - And "~4 . H is (a man's) belly
or has beset, &c.;] and ' i -3 .
For a5 ., the vulgar say, erroneously, t I [Tthey arc persons beset, or encompassed, by became dry in cosequence of his not having eaten
[meaning thereby A concubine; in which sense want]. (S, 1, TA.)- _.J1 i.A, nor.;, (S, greasyfoodnorfi. e sh-mn cat. (TA.)-- i'.!1 _"
a . is used by late writers;] and making the O, K,) lie surrounded it, or him, with the thing; (Msb, K,) nor. -, (Mob, TA,) inf. n. J , (TA,)
p1.i .: , which is also wrong. (TA.) Hence (., TA;) as, for instance, a The earth, or land, dried up: (TA:) or its
A withl pieces
the prov., Zi! ' t l, (*, K,TA,) ex- of cloth; plants, (Msb,) or its herbs, or leguminous plant,
(S, 0 ;) and so V a/, inf. n. ~ (K,) dried up, (Msb, K,)for wvant of water.
plained in art. ll.--. also is applied to (S.) It is said in the Iur [xviii. 31], 'a/ 1 (TA.)_Axe _~_, (IA.nr, K.,) inf. n. _
The eighth of the hortes that are started together (IA.ar, TA,) t His hearing vent away entirely.
it We made them, namely, the two gardens,
in a race. (.Ham p. 4G.)
to be sarroundedby palm-trees; (Kshi, Bd;) lfe (Iar, K.) _, (S, 15:,) aor. :, ($,) inf. n.
see what next precedes, in three places. made palm-trees to encompass their 'a.l,(1K,) , (S, 1K, KL,) lie (a horse) made a sound,
($, 15, KL,) such as is termed i [i. e. a con-
i. e., their sides. (TA.) And you say,,. a, u.
'~.: see 'J.. fused and continued sound], ($,) vith his fore
I surrounded it, or him, wvith them. (Ksh and
1k. A certain gentle, or leisurely, manner of and hind feet, (KL,) in his running, (S, ,) or
Bd in xviii. 31, and TA.) And .Jl cI-& in going along. (KL.) Said also of violent rain,
going. (1.)
,)W.Jt. (TA) a trad., meaning tParadiseis encom- It made a [pattering] sound. (As, TA.) And
~. e is nearer to him, [or more passed by things that one dislikes to do: these of a viper, It made a [rustling] sound with its
in favour with him, mm'oe beloved and eateemed being likened to a wall, through whichl alone one shin: , inf. n. , signifies "it made a
,y him,] and more fortunate or happy [with can enter Paradise. (Gloss in a copy of the
sound to proceed from its mouth:" (Aboo-Khleyreh,
him]. (TA.) [It may also mean He is nearer, "JAmi' es-. agheer"ofEs-Suyooteec.)=.l; " . ,
or more in favour, &c., than he.] K :) or . b, inf. n. as above, said of the female
(S, M Kb, K,) and ,, (s, 1,) and a'., (M,) of the [kind of serpents called] >Ll, she made a
see nor. r, (S,) or ;, (M, IB,TA,) [tlhe formner contr. [rustling] sound with her shin by rubbing one
to rule, and disapproved by 1B,] inf. n. _, .- (.S, part thereof with another. (L.) And in like
.3. Ij - M, TA,) He cut, or clipped, (S, M, Msb, 1K,) manner it is said of a tree, meaning It mad. a
1. s9*., (Ksh and Bd in xviii. 31,) or his mustache, (S, Mob, K,) and the hair of his [rustling] sound (1, TA) by the blowing of the
head, (S, ],) and the beard, (M,) much, or short, wnind upon its branches. (TA.) And of a bird,
.^v, ($,15,) or ., (Msb, and W p. 153, [and
meaning It made a [rustling] sound (g,TA)
so in the present day, because syn. with d4 b. l or to the utmnost degree. (S, M sb, K1.)
t with its wving [or wings]: (TA:) and t
and 4 jsUibl and ,q Ijtl.Il, &c.,]) but the h;;j (S, Mgh, Mob, K) 1 :) ! Xt , (S, K,) nor. ',
verb is properly trans. by itself, (W ibid.,) aor. ', (1, M1b,) inf. n. signifies the same, said of the wing of a bird;
... (MS,Mb, 1) and ; and likewise, of a hyena, (IDrd, ,) as also
(s,) inf. n. .*. (?,TA) and Jct.a.; (TA [accord. (S,];) and t l; (S,1;) said of a woman; ;~. (TA.) [Hence,] said of the [beetle
to a meaning there assigned to it] ;) and tliO. (, Mgh, Myb,K ;) She pluched out the hair of
called] Ja.., [because of the humming that it
and l l; all signify the same; (K,TA;) her face: (Mgh :) or she embellished her face
makes in flying,] It Jew. (TA.)
They went round about, eircuited, compased, or by removing the hair thereof: (Msb:) or she
surrounded, it, or him. (~, Ksh, Bd, Msb, TA.) scraped off the hair of her face (1, TA) with a 2: see 1, in two places: _ see also 4. Also
You say, 4k , _.aiJ [or rather l j; ,] razor: (TA:) and ' .sa, inf. n, i3, :He (a man, TA) was in a
she ordered another
state of embarrassment, or distress, and his pro
The company of men vwent round about the Hous to pluck out the hair of herface with two threads:
[called the House of Clod, i. e. the Kabeh]. (,'TA:) so some say: and t;..., perty became little: (5., TA:) from w l ;.Am
"the earth, or land, dried up." (TA.) Ji.
(Meb.) And it is said in a trad., . . l, signifies the same as ;.l. (TA.)
&. occurs in a trad. [app. in the same sense].
,.- And they circuit round about them _ s.A, aor. inf. n. ., His Aead (TA.)
[Booz I.
4sj *je. * -aS -fl,
4. , said of a woman: see L n .U,.1! not be called the tj; forthe ~ isthec ..-.:
,A I made my head to remain long without (S, 0:) [the former is also applied to the yarn- t*tk, ,.W ,. ; eh-
Caut $

ointment [so that the hair became ~aggy, matted, beam, upon which the yarn is rolled: see Wc:] in
,*froy, or dwty]. (A9,s, , .)- [Hence, app.,] the L, it is said that the it~ of the weaver is the meaning They, i. e. the bowls, haare a party of
AiZi. I rpoke eoil of him. (Ibn-'Abbd, , wide piece of wood with rwhich he arranges the them surrounding them [hen they are set in the
woof between [the threads of] the warp: or, as beginning of the day, and when they see the night,
TpA.)iI U._I I urged the horse (8, 0,
some say, the three canes: and some say that it is that it has advanced, coming on]. (S, TA.) And
L, 1) to run ehemently (O, V) so as to cause
t'*., with kesr: and it is said to. be the thing you say, ew J.l d~ .His people are surrounding
him to mahe a ound such as is termed 5J; [i. e.
a confused and continued sound] (., O, L, 15) in with which the weaver strikes, like a sword: and him. (TA.)_. J...I . The place where the
the *.. is the cane that comes and goes [or goes sand ends: pL. as above. -(TA.),- - JI ijt.
his running, [with his feet, (see J.*,)] (9, L,)
to andfro; app. meaning the shuttle]: Az says,
or in his blly: (0, I5:) the former is probably I,I i.Jli. The food was proportionate to
thus it is with the Arabs: and its pl. [the pl. of
the right meaning. (TA.) - ,, . 1 I what they ate. (TA.)-See also v_., in two
,_.]is (TA.) One says, a, J1
woow th piece of cloth with the J._, i. e. the plCes.
j [Thou art neither a a.. nor'a ;"]; the
; s also V , (1,TA, [in the CV
;,Q being the transverse piece of wood: alluding .A_m. an inf. n. [See ~,tl jm~, &c.]. - See
4"-. ,]) inf. n. .A-*'. (TA.) to him who neither profits nor harms; meaning also _., in two places.
that he is good for nothing. (TA.) [See also a
8. Ijia.l: see 1, first sentence. - do l similar saying voce '.] Also Vhtat camels siti The tjS. [or confuied and continued
Ie, or it, became encompassed, or surrounded, hav eaten, or obtained, ( !)of herbage. sound] (S, 0, .K) [of the feet] of a horse in run.
by it: and hence, became in the midst of it. (Har ning, (S,) or of the belly of a horse in runnin.
(TA.) -See also 'i~..
p. 445.) _- -. a't, said of a woman: see 1, in vehemently: (0, 1 :) the former is probably the
.1 ,. right meaning: (TA: [see 1 and 4:]) the sound
two places. - tIl j.l He cut the herbage; a/.: see M~..
of thefeet of camels when going a velhement pace:
syn. i,.: (so in some copies of the 1g, and in the .~ The verge of an event, or affair. (K,' (TA :) the [pattering]sound of violent rain: (As,
T]:) or *jju [he computed by conjecture its TA.) Yousay,,.i _. _iHe is on the TA:) the [rustling] sound of the skin of a ser-
quantity]: (so in other copies of the 1g, and in pent, (L, K1,) caused by rubbing one part thereof
verge of an event, or affair. (TA.) - See also
the TA:) mentioned by egh: in some copies of with another: (L:) the [rustling] sound of the
the V, sj_ [he jagged it]: in one, sjjb., which ..A, in two places. - Also, (As, S, 1,) and wing [or wings] of a bird: (., TA:) the [rustling]
?J,Ai, (19,) tAn evil state, or condition, of life; sound of a tree agitated by the wind: the [rustling,
is a mistake. (TA.) _- _ i ,k,It The
and paucity of property; (As, S, K, TA;) as or murmur.ing,] sound of the wind, in, or upon,
camels ate the herbage: or obtained some of it.
though one were placed aloof (jA_. L, i. e. anything by [or through] which it passes: aplain-
(TA.) - And jK.:l He ate up entirely what was
.w,.,) from the means of subsistence: (Er-RI- tive sound, or moaning: the [murmuring, or
in the cooking pot: like as Il signifies "he
drank up entirely" what was in the vessel. (..) ghib, TA:) or the former signifies straitness of quivering,] sound of the flaming, or blazing, of
the means of subsstence; (IDrd, TA;) and so fire; and the like: (TA:) the [rushing] sound of
10. .jlId j l He took the whole of their ?the latter: (TA:) or the former, a [bare] nsf- a stone thrown by a 4' ': : the [whizzing]
poseeusione (, TA) in an incursion into the ter- ficiency of the means of subsistence: (Lb, TA:) sound of a penetrating or transpiercing arrow
ritory of an enemy. (TA.) or a state in which the family, or hotuehold, is [app. in its passage through the air: see a verse
R. Q. 1. _'.: see 1, last sentence but one. proportionate to the provisions: (Th, TA:) it is cited voce aJI]: (TA:) the humming, orbuzzing,
~Also t He (a man, TA) was, or became, strait- coupled with J'L: and is said to signify strait- (qJ,) of bees. (f and K in art. kSC..) The
ened in Ais means of ubsistence. (IAr, 15, TA.) nesu; the latter signifying "paucity of food with saying, cited by IAgr,
numerousness of the eaters thereof;" or, as some
%.: see LL, in three places._ [It is said,
accord. to the KL, to signify also What is called say, "food proportionate to the houselold:" (TA:)
in Persian &j 'Jd, app. meaning a saddle- or the former signifies a state in which the eaters is explained by him as meaning [TeU thou Aboo-
bow: but this signification, if correct, is probably are proportionateto the property; and the latter, Keys] that he is weak in intellect; as though he
"a state in which the eaters are more than pro-
post-clasical.] -Also, and tJbAu andad, were the kAA~ of the tree called A41U when it is
portionate to the property:" (Abu-l-'Abbas,TA:)
A time, or eason: (L:) or i. q. J [a track, &c.]. or the former, want; and the latter, "paucity [of agitated by the wind: some say that it means
[tell thou Aboo-.ceys that] I will threaten him
(V.) You say, i a1 s Lo ;p, and tia, property]:" (IA*r, TA:) or both signify the and agitate him like as the wind agitatcathis tree;
and * temh., (L, ,) lHe, or it, came in the time, same. (TA.) One says, ' , .' ; but ISd says that this is nought. (TA.) Dry
or meason, of that: (L:) or the meaning is hc There was not seen upon them a trace ofn,ant. herbage; as also gi.. (TA.)
1[lit in the track thereof; and hence, afer, (v.)And _A_ ;l . .l.tl and -L and
or near after, that]. (i.) -; Js %.- , Straitnes of the means of subsistence befeU MAJI. Hairplucked out: or what hasfallen of
Such a one is busied with, or aniouow about, Aim- them. (As,TA.) And X A. ; X . hair pluckhed out. (TA.) - Remains of straw,
self. (TA.) i;nJI There is not with stch a one aught save a and of [the trefoil, or dry trefoil, called] Nj.
(Ibn-'Abb4d, 15.)
31. i.q. J. L3; i. e. The web-beam of a loom; scanty supply of the necessaries of life. (TA.)
the wooden thing [or roler] upon which the And J. i M . s,or , TTis is ascanty aii.A. [inf. n. of h__]- Bee j
wreaer winds the web, or piece of cloth [as it is supply of the necesariaes of life, not exceeding the
tLr A fuU vessel: (K.:) or a vessel nearly
wrorn]: )1." signifying the = [which ge- wants of its people or owners. (TA.) filled to [the top of] each side: (TA:) or a vessel
neally means the maver's loom; but explained
jti/ A tside (, of a thing; : U li. of which the contents, measured therein, reach to
in the Ts u meaning here the stay of a weaver's [the top of] each tide. (., ].)~ The young onerm
loom; in the KL, said to be what is called in signifying the two sidd of a thing: (8 :) pl. 31.. of an ostrich; male and female: (1, 1V:) or,
P rs,a s jlb, but this is the a., to which (- .)--A border of hair remaining around the accord. to ISd, femalaes only: (MF, TA:) n. un.
the same explanation is asigned in the KL]: head of one who has become bald: (., :*) pl. with ;. (.8, 1.) - The featAhers, or plumage,
(9,]V:*) so accord. to A4: [for] Aboo-Sa'eed as above. (, 1g.) Dhu-r-Rummeh says, (?,TA,) of the ostrich. (TA.)- The young onaes of
[i... A] says, te the . i the l; and it should describing bowls [of food], (TA,) camels: (TA:) sometimes these are thus termed:
n. andit:
1; (A:) ,Qr he
'i in(A,)
ser- see 11;..

BOOK 1.1 WO9

1 111 (A, L, Mqb, ]g,) aor.;., (L,) inf n. to.
(. in art. A.:) [app. a being likened to those (L:)
(L:) the
the of the stomach of tz
a ruminant;
ruminant; ."-, (A, L, Mqb,
Msb, ]g,) aor. ;.,
~, (L,) inf
inf. n. *A*.,
of the ostrich :] or such camels as are under [i.e. (L, Mqb,)
(L, ~
Msb,) also signifies 1S He served L, Mqb,
(A, L.' Msb,
(8;) i. q.
i.q. $g, (., ,) or
(TA:) or
or :
or that
that 1)
10)a person: (A:) [I have marked this, and the
younger than] thos termed 315.: (TA:) n. un., which is
which is wit!
with the
the stomach
stomach if
of aa ruminant,
ruminant, and eignifications
significations explained
Bignifications explained in
in the
the wwnd
second sentenee
wwnd sentenee
applied to a male and a female, as above. (. in resembs
which re~
whick it: (T,
ks it: TA:) or that which ham
(T, TA:) Am above,
art. le.a.) - &rScrvants: (S, Ji:) as though above, as tropical on the authority of
as tropical on the authority of the
the A:
A: but]
,4l>i, by the side of which is
kl>, is the M,
,, another acwrd.
accord. to
to A'Obeyd,
A'Obeyd, the
the primary
primary wignification
likened to the young ones of the ostrich. (TA.)
thing, which has not j!ps: it is called %ZL of this verb is he mrmd
rved and
and worked. (L)
Ji .. Going round about, circuiting, compass.- and li:;.
J. and JUL
.Z_ and . and ImiJi
^- and, as
ing, or surrounding. (S, Msb, lg.) It is said in
the lkur [xxxix. last verse], '_. kblJ! J;,
some say, 5 and .: (AAJA:)
(AA,TA:) pl. !U.$.
4: see 1.
,lU.l. laim,
him, or incited him,
or incikd
places. m .,.t He
1,p in three places.~`
him, (namjly,
Hot mad#
(namely, aa mmel,
camel, ?,
?, A,)
(V.) -Also
(1.).-Also the first, A certain
certain great
great kind of to go quickly, (,A,
hind of (?,A,
(S,A, ],) with aa continuous courn
continuous courn
jrjall J_e. S. (Zj, $, ) And thou shalt se or pace. (?.)
serpent, ling aa .,l!.
serpent, resembling
re~ ,o!;" [or
[or travoUer's
traveUer's pro- or pace.
the angels surrounding the b,,: (Zj,TA:) or
surrounding the sides thereof: (.gh, 15:) or vilion-bag]. (1)
vision-bag]. OP) 8:
8: ace
ace 1.
sce 1.
10--- ` ---
going round about on either ide thereof. (Er- i: ."*.
.. A A pace
pace less quick
pace len quick than
than that
that Umed
tomed r-CA.4
termed .p,.
,.9 : see
see above.
Rg,hib, TA.) -.i j Jl_.J Lt: see 1. m (1g.) [See
(]g.) 1.
[See 1.
1.] also
See abo .
JIm. &- [Meal of parched barley] not mois- ' Big,
Big, buLky,
bulky, or corpuletal.
corpulent. (K.)
M_.: see 11;..
M_. .iM..
tened with water or with clarified butter or the a..
a . 0 .0 .e A
liLL A certain kind of sepent, serpent, thatthat blotvs,
like. (Lth, .) [JIm. '.j , in the present day, but ;>.i
ti~ A A camel
camel tha tha 'tt goes
goes quickly,
quickly, m" mth
with a a con.
a con-
but does
does not
not hurt:
hurt: (S:) (S:) aa kind kind ofserpent
ofserpent larger
larger tha.t con.
means Dry bread; i. e. bread without anything than ` ' tinww
tinww course
course or
or pace.
pace. (a.)
than that that called %tj~, *~;, (V, (y, TA,) irpockled
speckled with
savoury.] And SJI Ji. _ lIe is one whose black and white, whlite, party-coloured;
party-coloured; that eats cats herUP
herbs, sing. of
sing. of bu'l
~" (L) (L) [and [and of of '1311L2,
1, aa PL
A; pL ofof
food is dry. (TA.) Sece also J;., in art. or dry
dnj pasture,
pasture, and threatens,
threatepa, but does not hurt
hurt pauc.,] and of 3.a, (?,A,
pau,] and of ! 111 , (?, A, L, Mqb,) which
(S,A,L, Msb,) which last sig- Int sig
~).. any one: one: (TA:)
(TA:) or, accord. to Sh, a bulkY bulky nifies t Anistants,
Assistants, helpers, or auziliarin; auxziliarie; and any
~ with aa large head, red, speckkd
nt, ivith speckled tvith
with who work, or labour, in in obedience
obedience to orders, and
J.jia [Encompassed, or surrounded]. You
white and block, black, resembling that caikd called 13- l,1, stritv together quicknes; (Ibn-'Amfeh;)
J' & togetlw in quicknm; (Ibn-'Arafeh;) what-
say, XO Jqe. ja [ie is encompased, or but not the sayne same as this latter; latter; if one irritate
irritate ever Term Terve thee and 9~k m"k
work for thm thee and amist
and amist
ashist thee;thee;
surrounded, by his servants]. (TA.)- i... it, itsits jugtdar vdn vein becomes distended: accord. (FI-V~ (El-I~asan;);) astiotants,
(El-V~;) assistants, helpers, helper., or
holpen, or auciliaria,
j~ .. : see 1. to I8b,
ISh, it is larqer
larger than that that called
called .j , but and servants;
servants; (?,A, (S, A, Mgb, Mgh, Mqb;) Msb;) uau also
speckled with
is tpeekled with black
black and tvhite vwhite in the same same which is likewise likewise a pl. [or mther rather a quasi-pl. n.]
ae~ , with kesr; (S, Sgh, Msb, 15 ;) in the
manner as this latter:
manner latter: pl. .'i. (Az, TA.) of ._; QC,TAo (y,TA;) [and >kLJ ; and
aL.] also, (A, (A,
"Meshgri" of 'Iyad said to be [aLm.-,] with
fet-b, (MF,) A vehicle of the hind used for women,
[Hence,] ZU'^" Zt. THis external jugular
._ 1 1His'external jugular Mg, Mgi,Mqb, Msb, V-,) k(,)
],) hence, (A, (A,Mgh,Mqb,)
Mgb, Mqb,) an as some
veins (ae. I [likened tto serpents]) became became dis-
dis- say, (g,)
say, (?,)
(S,) aa man'sman's grandchiUren;
grandchildren; (?, (?, Mgb,
(., Mgb,
Mgh, Mfb, Mfb,
like the j, (S, Msb, 1,) except that it has no
tended by rage, or or anger.
anger. (TA.) 1] ;) because they
],;) they are like servants while young: young:
4 [or dome-liAe, or tent-like, top], (., I,) *hich
(Msb :) or sons'
(Mqb:) sons' children:
children: (A:) 0or or a &m's
son' chil. chil-
the : has: (a:) or a camelrs saddle (,J.) 1Q:
dren: (Mgh:) likewise pl.
pl. of .1m.: (8 :) and
#JQ: ($:)
surrounded (e.t [(with pieces of cloth (see 1) *t?_.,
* ' which is mid said in the 1. 1] tto be syn. with
upon a wooden frame]), uspon which a woman 1. NI&.,
N., [aor..:,
[aor.:, as appears from what follows,] 0, ,,
rides: accord. to IDrd, so called because the in ;.%A~
.%~ as
L"oh. an meaning "grandchildren,"
m 11 grandchildren," is a sing., of
inf. n. .. and 1! t..i (S, A) and ;, (A,) !111 "' -3
[frame of] wood [with the pieces of cloth attached He (a camel, S, A, and an ostrich, ) was quick, which J%k^ and .11JA~ which ;J%k^ . and .11JA~ [and
.t1a [and are
are pb.,
_] pb.,
He (a camel, S., A, and an ostrich, S) was quick,
thereto] surrounds on all sides the sitter upon it. or went (TA,) and signifies a
signifiesagrandehild:grandchild: (L, TA:)
(L,TA:) [it
went quickly;
quickly; ,A;) (., A;) was continuous
continuous in his
(TA.) course
course or or pace:
pace: and is vulgarly
and tsome say that t'M I is syn. is vulgarly applied to a son's &m; applied to a son's &m; L.1
&t; and Ji., to aa
and to
with meaning ho nyent quickly: (5:) accord. daughter's daughter's sonj sonj
son :] or or SbA&.
!.U signifies aa man'
!.Ua/ signifies man'
man's clail- clail-
;t.tq J _ [(A v hung round with . , meaning he went quichly: (f:) accord. dren: (C.1kC :) or his :ughtors; (]p;) by which,
to A'Obeyd, %Am.I, said
to A'Obeyd, /e.l, said of an ostrich, is syn.of an ostrich, is syn. dren:
dren: (CJ[
(C.1kC :)
:) or his daughters;
tiaughtors; (1;)
(]p;) by which,
writh silk brocade]. (TA.) as
with , -, inf. inf. n.
n. .. : and and itit is
is said
said that
that .. , as somesome say, say, are are meantmeant thoce those who
those who urm urm their
sere their
)arenU in the house house:: (TA:) or his childrea children and and
inf. n.
inf. n. O! 4., signifiessignifies he he went
went aa pacepace such
such as as g'randcl&ildreps
grandchildren who who serve serve him; him; accord.
him; accord. to to Zirr
termed ,
is tffmed quicker than
quicker than that of of walking:
wvalking: and and 'Ikrimeb;
'Ikrimeh; but this in in
is contradicted by 'Abd.
(S,10) and .. ~i and V (10)[A (L:) or --. ,, ., i, inf. n. JU 'U.~' (TA) and J*U ~.~' and Allah Ibn-Mes'ood Ibn-Mcs'ood and others: (L:) or such euch
certain portion or appertenance] of the stomach 11.1&Z; j1!'. .; and *~ *Jubl, inf. n. ;tij; 9 !'
he ivent a relationsa3 as are termed j -1:
Q,: ('Abd-Allah Ibn.
`11: (Abd-Alla Ibn-
of a ruminant animal, that which has w!Jm Mes'ood, L, 1]
]:) :) or such as are te~d
trmed eplat
0'i a:
pace km less quick than that temed,,,~ termed e~. (K., TA.) Mes'ood, L, ]:) or such as are te~d eplat
[meaning either furrows or streaks, but more (K, TA.) (Fr:) or one's one's toife's
t,ife's wu by
by herformer
herformer Autband
aor..p;,, (L, Mgh, (Fr:) orhhik.) toife's wu uons herformer husband.
probably the former], as though it, or they, - And M, (A, L, Msb, Meb, V,) K,) aor.
(Ed-Dahh. Jf.)
( L,) were Q-1the coverings (,3ljI)
tebl) ~~~~~o.f
of the
the faces
Myb, V,)
Mgb, inf. n. JU*
g,) inf J.M_~_ (T, S S, Mgh, Mob,Msb, V) 1]) and
in the tomtach: (Az, L:) or that [part] which O1,~/_.; (1;)
( ;) and
and Y."md,
ls. I, in
inS. n.
n. .. a (Mqb;)
1.; (Mqb;) jA- hi Origin, syn-
Origin, syn. 0.e, (., 1,) of a man; man;
and lO'-,l; (AJP;) (A, ];) IHe tvas
:He wvas quicit
quick ,A,
(S, A, (?;i( ;) or or inin
in aaa general
geneml sense; sense; (L;) (L;) i.i. q.
q. .1;
i.q. .. a.~"'
.1; ~"' and and
has coverings ( 1 1I [or probably this signifies
Msb) in an affair, and active, agile, or prompt,
here folds, one above another,]) at the lower part Mgb) in an affair, and active, aqile, or prompt, ;.C; j1 and
and Jl~i' o~i..'.. (IA
' at (IA qr.)
r.) -- And
lx.) And Thibase,
The base, or
Thibass, or
in per.forming it: (A:) or he wvas quick in ser-
of the stomach of a ruminant, towards the side vice vice:. (Mgh :) or he ivas wvas active, agile, or prompt.prompt, lower lowey part,
lowel part, (J-Q (jot,)
(Jol,) of of aa camets
camet's hanap:
camer's hanap:
hump: (IAV, (IAV,
of the latter, from which the feces of the stomach in work; atid quick: (1:) or he was active, Yaqoob, Yaq4oob,
Yaq4oob, S,
S, M,
M, g:)
].:) :) or
or the
the hump
hump itmif.
itmif. (TA.)
in work; and quick: (15:) or he was active,
neerpassforth: tapp. meaning the thirdstomach, 0 j a A man served. or waited on, by ocAers;
agile, prompt, it service work: (T:)
or omasum; commonly called the manyplies, agile, or prompt, in sea.vice and in work. (T .b~
~.. A man served, or or waited on, by otAers; others;
or he was quick quich therein. (L.) Hence, (Mgh') >~
(Mgh,) ,(S, A, 1IC;)
because of its many plies, or folds, and strata 1 ;) and oboyed: obeyed..
obeyed: (A:) one whom his his
super strata; and by some, the miUlet; from , (S~,
_;i Mgh,0 L,
L, Mqb,)
Mqb,) in
in a
'a companions
companiotu serve and Amour,
honour, and
and whom
mhom they
which the food, being already ruminated, does form of supplication, (?,L, (, L, Mob,)
M.b,) which is uttered hasten to obey. (TA.) (TA.)
not pan out again to the mouth, as it does from standing, termedei.;1 termed ,.q*;11 is; means And
means And ive arewve are A sword quick in cutting. M 194
the first and second stomachs :] it pertains to the quirk . - A sword quick in cutting. (, M 194 -. )
quick in working
working for TAss Thee and and in mMng
srving nee:
Thee :
eamel, and to the sheep and goat, and oxen; or, (L:) or quick to obey Tkm: Thee: (Mqb:)
(Mb :) or me we work ijil
igi [meaning
[meaning A sword quielt quick
quic.4 infailing]
aeoord. to IAF, [only] to the sheep and goat: for Titoo Thee by obe~ obeying Thw Thee:: (Mgh :) [for] - occurs in a verse of El-Afebi EI-Ash& demibing
El-Aashi describing aa sword,
desmibinp sward-

which has not jj!pb it is called %tqtsl of this verb is he mrmd and worbd. (L)
ow oa.. -A~. [(Boo I.
accord. to one reading: but Az says that the right 4. Ijp lI jA.1 iHe assisted such a one to dig of the two forms, (S,) said by IIt to be a bad
reading is JA0.., with J. (L.) form, (TA,) and by ISk to be a vulgar mis-
a well. (g.).~ I.., A.1, (1,) inf. n. ;li
(TA,) t The child shed his too upper and lower pronunciation, which is attributed to his not
having heard the dial. of the Benoo-Asad, (Msb,)
central incisors: (CjI
;:WI .jI
e1 I dj 6 t A scaling (j)4.) in the roots of the teeth:
1. ', ($, A, ]g, d&c.,) aor..;, (Msb, 1,) inf. n. .1? Jlj :) so in the ]: and (Ya*koob,
to these words we (Yakoob, S, g :) or a rottenness, or an unsound
ji., (Mgh, MOb,) He dug, excavated, or hol- findadded, in some copies state, of the roots of the teeth, (S, Msb,) by
of the Kg, , .I Ui;
lowed out, the ground, or earth; (KL, Pg, &c.;) reason of a scaling of those parts: (Msb:) or
he cleared out a thing, (1g,) as one does the and then, t%e.j b;.U - VJtl; but in Yvhat
what adlheres to the teeth, externally and inter-
ground; (Q, Myb, ] ;) and a well; (the Lexicons some good and corrected copies, we read, after nally:
nally: (Az:) or an erosion of the roots of the
pamim ;) and a river; (A, Mgh;) with a jt~; ; -s11, thus, #9I;J t,eL91A,,tU jv1 teeth by a yellown incrustationbetween those parts
(A;) or with an iron implement; (1;) and l.tejlj.: to which, in some lexicons, [as in the and the gum, externally and internally, pressing
jAil signifies the ame. (?, A, 1.) And ;i;j ?, though the explanation which follows is there upon tke bone so that the latter scales away if it
t be not quickly
andremoved: (Sh:) or a cankering of
.il, and and ; ,
a;u, H dug for Aim, different,] after I.bjj, is added C
fiHe .. (TA.
[This is the teeth: (A:) or a yellowness upon the teeth:
(namely, a lizard of the kind called ., or a evidently the right reading; and therefore
jerboa,) to fetch him forth. (A, TA.) - [He I follow it in an explanation in what is here im- (IDrd, IKh, 1 :) or 'j_ signifies a pimple, or
burrowed.] - t It (a torrent) furrowed a valley. mediately subjoined.])-,t small pustule, in the Sum of a child. (El-Wh'ee.)
j sj
(M 9b.) [See also 5.]_ Inivit feminam: (IA9r, t The colt shed his central incisors, [See
[Sec 1: and see also .... ]
or nippers,
M9b,] :) the action being likened to that of and each of the teeth immediately
next to these: ji~ A ._ nell that is videned (1, TA) beyond
a man digging a river. (IAr.)_-j
(2: see what next precedes:) or ,."7J .. 3l.aa. measure;
measure; (TA;) as also ''a (K) and * -,
s~1 ojA&. tThis is a rain of wvhich no one knomvs j*;11 (k;16 the colt shed his milk teeth and e A. (TA.)_Se also ihe. - The
the utmost extent. (],aTA.) - k.4 'P [the centrial pair, the seeon4 pair, and the third eai.th earth tlat is taken forth fr om a hollow, cavity,
He searched into the affair, or case, of Zeyd, pair, in each
jaw,] and grew others: (S:) or pit, or the like, that is dug in the ground; (S,
(A, 1],) and became acquainted with it. (1i.) - .nj! ,.il, [inf. n. ;jlI,] signifies, the colt had K;) like_#~: v.,
likec;~: (8:) [see also i!; . :] or what
And 'i, (8, A, 1g,) aor. as above, (s,) and so his milk-teeth in a rabbling,
or loose, state, pre- is dug, or exca-ated; like ;. and '.k and
the inf. n., (S, A,) t He, or it, emaciated, or ren- viously to *
their falling out; because, when they
dered lean: (Q, 1 :) it (a copious flow of milk, have fallen
out, their sockets become hollow:
in the senses of J3; and :.. and
TA) emaciated a she-goat: (1K, TA:) lhe (a (A:) or w.b_"zc:
w.b._: (Msb:) or a place that is dug, (Az,
the colt htad his lower and upper central
young camel) rendered his mother flabby in flesh pairs of nippers, Msb,)
M, like a moat or a iwell; (Az, M.sb;) as
of his milk-teeth, in a wabbling,
by muc rsucking. (A.) There is no pregnant or loose, state: this also t' : (TA:) pl. j (Mob, g,) and pl.
is during a period extending
animal that pregnancy does not emaciate, except from thirty pl.j,e,otm.f.
months, at the earliest, to three years: pl. J.ta.I. (g.) _ See, again, .e'. _ And
the camel: ($, A:) she fattens in pregnancy. then the teeth fall out: then
a lower and an see vi_.
( s.),jAm. He (a child) shed his "Ij; [or upper central pair of nippers grow in the place
millt teeth]. (6, TA.) [See also 4.] of the milk-nippers which have fallen out, after ij'~ What is dug, excavated, hollowed out, or
j.1J l , or (accord. to different copies three years; and the epithet
o.m., g. is applied cleared
out, (Mob, K,) in the ground; (Mb ;)
[i. e. a hoollow, cavity, pit, tole, trench, ditch, or
of the A,) X The milk-teeth of the colt became in to the colt; and the epithet L, is [also] then
furrowv, dug, or excavated, in the ground: and
a rabbling, or loose, state, previously to their applied to him, and continues to be until [again
aniy hollow, or cavity, in theground,rwtether made
falling out; becaue, when they have fallen out, it is said of him] .~., meaning, he has his ly by digging or tnatural: a burrow:] as also
their sockets become hollow. (A.) [See 4.] lower and upper pairs of nippers, of his milk-
?;m.i, (Mgh, Msb, 1],) which is of the measure
-- l1 ; , aor. , (?, Mgh, Msb, ,) teeth, in a wabbling, or loose, state: then these alemi in the sense
fall out, when he has completed four years: then of the measure J~ : (Mb :)
inf. n. A; (8, M,b;. and '~, aor. :, (S, pl. of the former .;
PI. (S, Msb;) and of the
Mgh, Mqb, g1,) inf. n. i_., in the dial. of Benoo- the term 'Ul is [again] applied to him; [i. e., latter
latter .t_. (Mob.)
(Mob.) _ See also ji.
Asad, (?,Mqb,) and this is the worse of these two he is again termed S. ;] and he is, and ceases
forms, (8,) and ; (EI-Wa'ee;) and '. ; not to be, termed st.li, until [it is said of him] '_ is of the measure ja in the sense of the
(K;) TAe teeth became affected Fwith what it CjLU jA~. [in the TA, -I Jh.J, which is mea;ure
measure J. [meaning Dug, excavated, hol-
termed . [q. v. infrk] or jA..: (?,Msb,]:) an evident mistake,] meaning, he has his two lowed out, or cleared out, in the ground]. (TA.)
or became unsound: (Mgh :) and . jA and corner nippers [in each jaw] in a wabbling, or [HenceJ [Hence,] J;,i. a A nerly-dug wvell; as also
j hir teeth cankered. (A.) IDrst says, in the looe, state: this is when he has completed five JA~. ,ij. (TA.)_ See also this last word. _ Also,
Expos. of the Fy, that ', aor. :, inf. n. `, years: then the term .a is applied to him as (IAqr,g,A,g,)and (IAar, S, A,A ,) and t /. and t;L,A_ (A,) [or
is trans.; and that the cause of ,L of the teeth, before described: then he is [also said to be] t~,, A-Yq. q. v., and t3'ff., as is shown by an expla-
[or the agent of the verb Z.,] is old age, or the ?t. (TA from the "Kitib el-Kheyl" of AO.) nation of its pl. (i_..) in the Ham p. 562,]
continuance of a yellow incrustation, [or tartar,] [See also 1.] A grave. (IABr, S, A, I.)
or some kind of canker that effects them: but see _:_ and *jm: and ;4."
5. Jh*j : It (a torrent) made hollo~s in the 5
that the verb in the phrase ;. C m.j , aor. ,! ground. (A.) [See also 1.] - Also What is dug out of a mine. (Mgh.)
inf. n. ;,A, is intrans (MF.) [The truth pro- 0
8: see 1, first and second sentences. jU-
j1s A grave-digger. (1.)
bably is, that the former verb is both trans. and in-
10.A., H.ae asked, or desired, [another] to At;.,
t., [ Digging: a digger. - And hence,] The
trans., and hence X'.! 1 A;m; and that the dig a well, or pit, and a rivulet, or canal. (KL.) 'I '
latter is intrns. only.] And jA., aor.:, t I _ nJ,I ha.Jl It ,Jbb.
,Mt. of a beast, (al;, S,81,) i. e., of a horse, or
wa time for the river, or mule, or ass; (TA;) [namely, the hoof; a solid
was, or became, in a bad, corrupt, or unsound, rivulet, or canal, to be dug [or cleared out]. (S.)
Itoof;] as though it dug the ground by reason of
state. (Az.) the
JA: see j~, in two places; and .1 O Bubst.vehemence of its tread upon it; (MNb;) a
3. tom., (A) inf. n. ; 1 .,, (TA,) He (a Also t Emaciation, or leannes. (Kr.) [See 1.] subst., like j)lh and ljti: (TA:) pl. itl.
jerboa) went deep into his hole; (A;) so deep - Also, and C- , (Az, 8,
Masb, K,) the latter (8, A, g.) - [Hence, by a synecdoche,]J.
that he could not be dug out. (TA.) of a
the dial. of the Benoo-Asad, and the worsm # j t Camels and horses. (Mgh in art. ,.u.)
I I-'

Also tor
-or as
by abeast,
the though
A gum, IAL.
L- itduq
roots and
that tread
J#_o&Aa excavated,
an See, k(,)
out jti:
pit, aupon
measure (Mgh
and i.
again, (TA:)
Mab;) it;
jeA~. ha(Mgh.)
or (Mqb;)
(?, pl.
sense liorse,
root: aas
ditch, solid
and a;)or
BOOK I.] l01

.. hi.. is also applied to :The foot of a man, ;i5 (i) and t;A (A,1) and t;Xe (O an easy posture, (;i, -S, Mgh, TA,) desiring
(, TA,) when it is meant to be characterized as A spade; syn. .. (:) an implemaent for to rie, not sittingfirmly upon the ground. (TA.)
ugly. (TA.) -_ ; , 1Jil, (, A, ,) digging (A, K, TA) of the same kind as a ;. :
and (A,
A..JI,,) is a prov., (.,) meaning, kTA:) pl. of the first [and last] M1.. (IHam
t The payment in ready money is on the occasion p. 665.)
of the first scntence spoken (Yaq4oob, T, 8, O.) c.,0 j.L-: see what follows.
by the teller, nwhen he says "I have sold to thee" ~' .: see what next precedes.
;. A receptacle for spindles: ( :) aa,
[such a thing]. (T.) The origin of the saying
was this: horses were the most excellent (]) and i;dub ,j.l [app. Roads muchfurronred by the li. [or receptacle woven of palm.leaves, in wiich
feet of beasts or men: see _ '].(L and 1k in are stowed perfumes and similar things, of the
precious (TA) of the things that they possessed;
and they used not to sell them on credit: a man art. C..) apparatus of women]; (g; [in the C]~, 1 liil
used to say the words above to another; meaning is erroneously put for .ii~ ;]) a LiL. in which
U~ : see A-.
that its hoof should not remove until he received perfumes are khept: (TA:) a t;, (g,) i.e. a
its price: (1i:) and he who says ;..JI & . .~ [i. q. .. as meaning Dug: see thle small receptacle of the kind caUed IJlA, in which
(since he makes jt.lJI to mean the beast, lojil, latter.] _ar. . .3j [and ;ju. . 1] a woman keeps her perfumes and apparatus, or
itself, and since its use in this sense is frequent
fThe teeth of uch a one are,affected with mvhat imnplements; (TA in art. tj ;) a woman'J s :
without the mention of ,lj [prefixed to it],) sub-
is term ed . orX.. (S, TA.) And#j,A A . (Migh:) pl. as below. (TA.) _TA smaUl
joins to it the sign [i] of the fem. gender to show
tA clhild raving a pimple, or small pustule, in the [or tent]; (A'Obeyd, $, Mgh;) as being likened
that jt1 ;1S %h is meant by this name. (TA.) to a woman's ~C.: (Mgh :) or a y smally nae
gum. (El-Wi'ee.)
Or they used to say this on the occasion of racing [or tent], (1K, TA,) having a low roof; so called
and betting: and the meaning is, when the horse's Sjlae &yA >e ,ij i Such a one is more
because of its narrowness; and accord. to some,
hoof firstfalls upon the dugground [at the oal]: elusive than a jerboa that goes so deep into his
hole that he cannot be dug out. (A, TA.) tU~-, and tj;. : (TA :) or a very smalU /-/ t
(Abu-l-'Abb6s, Az, ~.:) I~, (Abu-l.'Abbds,)
of [goats'] hair,(g, TA,) of the ,'J."[or tents]
or )., (1-,) signifying dug ground; (Abu-l-
of the Arabs of the desert: so says Kh: pl. as
'Abbac, K ;*) ground that is dug by a horse's
below. (TA.) It is said in a trad., L '.l~ ;,
feet; (Ilar p. 653;) like as one says ~I ft, 1. ji., aor. :, (9, K,) inf. n. ji., (,) iHe meaning tShe entered a smaU ~ [or tent].
meaning j~.. (TA.) Lth says that the saying hastened, or hurried, or incited, him, or it, from (Mgh.) And in another trad., &.h 5.if ~k
means, when thou buyest it, thou dost not quit belhind, either by driving or otherwise: this is the
thy place until thou payest ready money. (TA.) 'al, ($,) or- iJ ja, (Mgh,) i.e. t[Where-
primary signification. (TA.) You say, e ;j:
This was its origin: then it came to be so often fore did he not sit] in the r, ill . of his
?'1, (K,) aor. and inf. n. as above, (IDrd, TA,) mother? ($, Mgh:) or, accord. to some, the
said as to be used with reference to any priority.
lIe Lastened, or hurried, and urged, him away
(]I.) - [Thus,] t; . signifies Thcte original meaning is, .l 4 ,~ [i. e., by the receptacle
from the thing or affair. (IDrd, ,0 TA.)-
state or constitution of a thing; that wvkerein it for the spindles, ,c., of hIis mother]: (S:) or, as
He pushed him, or it, from behind. (S, 1.)
was created: and the returningin a thing, so that some say, by the .C of his mother; for (TA)
the end thereof is brought bach to its beginning.
[Hence,] v;l J3UI jL , (1,) aor. as above, (S,)
and so the inf. n., (TA,) tThe night urged on the -It also signifies tThe .; [pudendum mu-
(.K.) It is said in the gur [lxxix. 10], CJ day. (S, I~, TA.) - lIe put in motion, and dis- liebre]. (K.) - And Any vessels that are held
?,.Mt..l 5,},;sj.6, i. e., XShall we indeed be turibed, or remored, him, or it. (Mgh.) - lie in little account, (Lth, l, TA,) that are used as
restored to our first state? (.:) i.e., to life? thrust him, or pierced him, JI. tvith the spear. receptacles in the house, or tent, for perfumes and
(Fr:) or to the present world, as nwe nwere: (IAr :) the like, (Lth, TA,) such as glassfasks, or bottles,
or to our first creation, after our death. (TA.) (S, R.) - [Hence,] jA signifies also t Inivit 4'c.: (Lth, I, TA:) and an old and worn-out
IAqr cites the following verse: feminam. (.Sgh,l~.),"t..lj 'l.J I... .. thing, (., TA,) that is of no use: (TA:) and a
S . '. S
They poured upon us [the horses and the camels large, old and worn-out, sack (K, TA) of [g.oats']
I with their riders]. (Shuja El-Aaribee, TA.) hair: (TA:) pl. (in all the senses of the word,
- 1 9 1 a 1- 1 .,
a 5: see 8, in two places. TA) ,tf (., TA) and ,kii.: (TA:) or
8. jai;l lIe urged, or pressed forward, and .el ,IA .Il means the furniture and utensils of
nieaning'? Shall I rcturn to my first state, nd,1ercin
I was in my youth, when I indulged in ama;tory strove, in his gait, or pace; (IApr, ;) [and so the house or tent; and the paltry articles thereof,
conversation, and silly and youthful conduct, after tj3 : see Alj'tl, in art. js; and .1j;, in or such as are lheld in little account. (Aboo-Sin6n,
hoa,iness,and baldnessof thefore part of my head? art. .Jj).] - He sat upright, not in an ea.y pos- .)- And ,wjJ;l s,lm..I means The [lizards
[I beg God to preserve me from lightwittedness ture; syn. 9-j 1; as also tjij. (V.) [See the called] and the hedgehogs, (.,TA,) and the
and shameful conduct.] (S.) One says also, part. n., below.] - He drew himself together jerboas, (TA,) of the earth: (.~,TA:) not the same
$'a1; .. e" (A,) and .., (TA,) :He be- (, Li) in his prostrationand sitting. (s.) It is as .AUL~l: so says Aboo-Ziy:ld. (TA.)
came old and decrepit: (A, TA:) [as though he said in a trad. of 'Ale, :A tJ ;jt.i . e IS; ,>_: see above.
returned to his first state; or became in a state of Ihen the woman prays, let her draw herelf to-
second childiIthnes.] And . Ij Jt~ I;jUJI gether in her sitting and prostration, (., Mgh,*
.t>J1t ((,A,I) and jMl (A) :They met, TA,) and not put her arms apartfrom her sides,
1. 'ai;, (., Mgh, Mgb, g,) aor. '-, (],)
an.lfouylt one another at the first of their meet- like the man. (S, TA.) - He settled himself in a
sitting posture upon his buttocks: (En-Nadr, :) inf. n. t., (S, Mgh, M;b,) lie kept it, pre-
ing. (S,].) And tijitJl , IJi. WJ and
or upon his hnees, as though he would rise: (TA:) served it, guarded it, protected it, or took care of
t.-.JI : le dlid so at the first, without delay. or he was uneasy, and raised himself, being vezed,
it; (.,];) namely, a thing; (S;) he prevr ted
(TA.) And tstajt.% :.He. returned by or disquieted by g,'ief: (lAth:) or he desired to
itfrom perishing, or becoming lcst; (Mgh, Mab ;)
ti wnay by which he had come: (T, :) or by rie and to lay violent hands upon a thing, while namely, a thing, (Mgh,) or property &c.; (Mb ;)
n,itch he had come forth. (V.) sitting. (TA.)
and hence the saying, (Mgh,) IL is the contr.
~i.o.: see .l., in nine places. . ~. Hasting; (TA;) sitting upr,igt, not in of OA;; (M, Mgh ;) i. e., it signifies the taking
Bk. I. 76
G02 [Boox I.

care, being carefid; (M ;) being mindful, regard.- the thing, or affair. (TA.) And hence the say- .: see ~..
ful, attentive, or considerate: (M, ]:) [see also ing in the ]Bur [ii. 230], CAlji tll ILi.
5:] and jt UL:.-l signifies the same as UiJ;. Peiform ye the prayers in their proper times: ), A man of much
J..J im
[app. mean-
(M, Myb.) [Hence,] you say, j4jI i I. sept or, accord. to Az, keep ye, attend ye, or apply ing retention in the mind, or memory: see 1].
and tended, or pastured and defended, the camels yourselves, constantly, or perevteringly, to the (Sgh.)
or the like. (S.) [And i4.
; J He performance of the prayers in their prope?r times. 'CJ.e: see Ji;., in seven places:-and see
was regardful of evrything entitled to rewrence, (TA.) ilt, is also explained as signifying
respect, honour, or defencse, in the character and The being mindful, or observant, of a covenant,
appertenancesof his companion, orfriond.] And and the keeping, or fulfilling, of a promise, rrith iiAM . The defence of tlwos persons, or things,
Jl'i. He kept the secret. (TA.) [And forgiveness, and holding fast to lovw or affection. that are sacred,or inviolable, or that one is bound
', k H#e hept his oath: but this has also to respect or honour, and to defend; a subst.
another meaning, as will be seen below.] And 4: see 2.1 JiA. , (S,1,TA,) and sJAi. from 3, in tile first of the senses mentioned above:
OiJI .i. He kept, or retained, ghe Kur-dn in ki~u, inf. n. Itili, [He made him to conceive (K,TA:) pl. JSLi~. (TA.) Hence the saying,
Ais mind, or memory; got it, knew it, or learned what is terned i, or 'aJ."k ;] he angered jU*.';J
it, by heart. (S,0 Mb, ].) [See also 5.] And him; made him angry: (S, , TA:) and in the (S,) [The acts of defending
43 UtJI, (TA,) or ii ,.41,
those whom one is
9, 9A
' [He learned by heart from such a same sense it is said of a speech, or word: (TA:) bound to respect or honour; and to defend, put
one: and, followed by an accus. case, the same; or only he angered him by evil, or foul, speech, away, or annul, rancorousfeelings;] i. e., when
or he retainedin his memory, as learned, or heard, (], TA,) and making him to hear what he dis- thou seest thy relation, or kinsman, wronged,
from such a one; or he rememberedto have heard liked, or hated. (TA.) thou defendest him, though rancour be in thy
from such a one]. (TA &c. passim.) And one heart. (9, TA.) - Also, and t ;hi , Indigna-
5. Ii;>~ ]Ii guarded himself; syn. J_l,
says of God, L* .1X;
tc X tion, and anger, (S,],TA,) by reason of violence,
(1, TA,) or j._, (Msb,) and , and , or injury, done to somethling which one is bound
i 31 s o * [He hath prrvedfrom oblivion,
(S and Mob and V in art. ,)o^ from him, to honour or respect, and to defend, or of wrong
for, or against, his creatures and his servants,
what tAy do of good or eril]. (TA)...Also or it, (S in art. , &c.,) or wA. (TA.) He done to a relation, or kinsman, in one's neigh-
He hept itfrom being used, or mployed, on, or wvas, or became, careful, mimndful, attentive, or bourhood, or of the breach of a coronanl. (TA.)
considerate; (TA;) watchful, vigilant, or heed- It is said in a prov., 'iJll
',3 ;5xJI
for, ordinary, mean, or vile, occaions, or pur-
ful; (S, 0, L, TA;) in affairs, and speech, and [Power to revenge displs anger, or indignation,
pose. (Mgh, Myb.) You say, ' ki? 'X to avoid a slip, or fault; as though hlie were
&c.]; meaning that it is incumbent to forgive
& Jj Such a one hkeeps Ahimelf and his tongue cautious, or careful, or efearful, of falling. (L, when one has power [to revenge].
(A, TA.)I
from ordinary, mean, or vile, employment, in TA.) [See also 1, and 3.] - [In the last of the An anulet, or a charm, bearing an inscription,
that which does not concern him. (Mgh.) And senses explained above, it is also trans.: you rwhich is hung upon a child, to charm against the
hence the saying in the ]Cur [v. 91], li5. say, ,p 1.i J He was careful, mindful, &c., evil ,}c. eye (TA.)
LWl, accord. to one of the modes of interpreting of his affair, or case: see BId in xxxiii. 52.]
'L_ and VtIA. Keeping, preserving, guard-
it; i. e. And heep) ye your oaths from being used, .,o.1 .IA- I learned the book by heart, one
ing, or taking care of, a thing; or a keeper, pre-
or uttered, on, or for, ordinary, mean, or vile, part, or thing, after another. (S, TA.) [See
server, &c.: keeping and tending, or pasturing
occasions, or purposes; agreeably with what is also i/lil JiA., in the first paragraph.] and defending, camels or the like; or a keeper
said in ii. 224 of the ]ur, where ordinary and and tender thereof: (s:) keeping a secret [and
frequent swearing by God is forbidden. (Mgh.) 8. ~ 1~.~1 see 1.I ,a__ l:l *
(K1,) an oath]: (TA:) keeping, or retaining, the
[Another meaning of which this phrase is suscep- and -. J .' J&.1, (TA,) lie approlrtiated it, Kur-hn [&c.] in the mnind, or memory; knoaing
tible has been shown above.] took it, or chose it, to, or for, himself. (]K, TA.) it, or learning it, by heart: (] :) intrusted with
~kai1 [tie conceived, or became affected with, a thing, (.i,TA,) to heep it, treserve it, guard
2. 4?l " I incited him, or urged him,
what is termed ijm., or Iie;] he becanme it, or tuka care of it: (TA:) [careful, mindful,
[tar made him,] to commit to memory, or learn
angered, or angry: (iS, :) or he became an- attentire, or considerate: (sec 1:)] and the latter,
by heart, the book: (a:) and [in like manner,] a heelper, or person mindful, of the ordinances
gered by evil, orfoul, speech. (1K.)
,,4 j ? 1 I made him to retain the presciribed by God: (Bd and Jel in 1. 31:) pl.
narration,or tradition, in his mind, or memory; 10. J&l... 1, (S, 5z, Sghl, Msb, K,) followed
of the former ai. and i' : (Msb, ] :) the
or to knom it, or learn it, by heart. (TA in by *~I, (K,) or ;o.., (1Kz, Mb,) or 9t, or latter pl. particularly applied to persons endowed
art. ) l., (Sgh,) [but in the S, nothing follows it,] with a faculty of retaining in the mind what they
lit asked him to keep, preserve, guard, or take have heard, and seklom forgetting what they
3. 1. The defending of those persons, or
care of, or to pr~serrefromperishingor becomning learn by heart. (TA.) You say, t* ictk. XJ)j
things, that are sacered, or inviolable, or that one
lost, or to be careful of, or mindful of, or atten- SZi; i. e. WIii. [Such a one is our keeper over
is bound to respect or honour, and to defend,
tive to, ($, $gh, Mob, K,) it, ($, R,) or the thing, you]. (TA.) it is said in the g that t . is
(I, TA,) on the occasions of wars; (TA;) as (Msb,) or property,
or a secret: (?gh:) or he syn. with t*'I.; [but this seems to be a mis-
also lih/. (l, TA.) You say, -S. JiM.. lie placed the thing with him for him to keep it,
defended his wife, or wires, or the like. (T1.' presrve it, guard it, or tahke cars of it, &c.: transcription for JiC. ;] and hence (it is there
added) the saying in the lur [vi. 104, and
[And hence,] you say, &lilA~.3 a and j3 (z :) or he intrusted him with the thing; in-
1Mt._, meaning Very he is disdainful, or trusted it to him; or gave it to him in trust, or xi. 88], i . ,; LIC S [And I am not a
scorlful. (, TA.) - The being mindful, watch- as a deposite. (Msb.) It is said in the Kur defender, or a natcher, or, as I rather think,
ful, observant, or regardful: (9, and TA in art. [v. 48], slit .,AbS '. L'q, meaning a keeper, orer you]. (TA.) You say also, J;
.j:) [see also 5:] or the Aeeping, attending, By that Which they have been required to heep, j 5L.1 &;; il J1._ [A man who is a heeper,
or applying oneself, constantly, perseveringly, or &c., of the Book of God: (Msb:) or by that &c., of his religion and his deposite and his oath];
aussiduously, (V, TA,) to a thing, or an afiair. with which they have been intrusted, of the Book and t*; . likewise: (bMb:) but .e}J t..
(TA.) You say, P'
l J.utl., (TA,) or of God. (Mhb, TA.) signifies also who keeps his oath from being uJed,
u..r uha, inf n. AJIa., s (Mqb,) HeA kpt, i.A inf. n. of 1 [q. v.] ($, Mgh, Mb.) or uttered, on, or for, ordinary, mean, or vile,
attended, or applied himself, constantly, &..,to See also 'L ., last sentence but one. occasions, or purposs. (Mgh.) And 'iitQ. .;
BooK I.] 60S
ba31 A man whom sleep does not overcome: TA.) In some copies of the 1, , is here erro- had many persons in it. (ISd,g.)iHe adorned
(Lb, l:) because the eye guards the person neously put for ji. (TA.) himcelf; (i;) as also V'i;il. (TA.) And
when sleep does not overcome it. (TA.) VJA.JI I eJ-t The valley brought the torrent so as that '~Lp hl1~ 3 Adorn thyself that thou mayest
is also a name of God; meaning [The Presrver .it lled its sides; as also tJAi.l: (1 :) or the be in favour with thy husband. (TA.) And
of ll things;] Hefrom whose npresrvationnothing latter signifies the valley became filled !by the l 1,;,.,.
lThe bride adorn herself. (TA.)
is excluded, (1, TA,) not even a thing of the torrent: (S:) or S31jJI Aim.l the valley became It was, or became, clear, unobscured, appa-
weight of a 5;) [q. v.], (TA,) in the heavens, nor full, and.fo~d: (Mlob.)wed.JI ., (S, rent, plainly apparent, conspicuous, exposed to
on the earth; (Ig, TA;) who preserves from M, V,) inf. n. JU., (8,) The sky rained vehe- view, or displayed; (9;) as also tJA-1: (9,
oblivion, for, or against, his creatures and his mently: (. :) or the rain fell profuscly. (S,* E]:*) each is quasi-pass. of 'a.. as explained
scrvants, what tihey do of good or evil; who pre- M, TA.) 1.,JJ~-, said of a woman, She collected in the last sentence of the first paragraph in this
sweres the hearvns and the earth by his power, the milk in her breasts. (TA.) And of camels, art.: ( :) the latter, said of a road, means it
and whom the prscoration of both does not
one says, (. in art. ,C,) Ol i _ ; [They was, or became, apparent. (As, -.)
burden. (TA.) And AIm1l is an appellation of
8. J .l1: see 1, in five places: and 5, in
The recording angels, who write down the actions abounded in mill, or had their udders .full, from
of the sons of Adam, or mankind; (S, X(;) as the herbage called j]. (S and K in that art. three places. ~J13l* ] also signifies The exceeding
also ; I.Jl. (1.) Vi;A. is sometimes trans.; [Sce jA., (S, Msb, I) nor. , the usual, or ordinary, or the just, or proper,
bounds, or degree; acting egregiously, or immo-
as in the saying, ilv, JJs 1~b [cHe inf. n. JL.; (Mb ;) and tl l; (S, M.b, derately, or extravagantly; striving, or laboutring;
. ;) The people, or party, collected themselves
knows by heart thy science, and the science of
together (S, Mah, K) in a sitting-place: (Mgb:) exerting oneself, or one's porwer or efforts or en-
others beside thee]. (TA.) [iilbJl ;I, and they collected themselves together, aiding one deavours or ability; or the like; syn. AWlY.; and
simply iiUtJI, signify lhe retentivefaculty of another, orfor one thing or offair; syn. Io .:l. so ,a.. [an inf. n. of tJi.&]. (M, B.)_ -And
the mind; retentiveness of mind; or memnory; (S.) And e3 Ii~ Theyj combined for him, [or Ji~l, said of a horse, He showed his rider that
as also v 'jiJl, for Wi l h.]_ _ t. also on his account,] and took pains, or exerted them- he had attainedhis utmost speed of running, and
signifies t A distinct and direct road; (E;n-Na(lr, selves, in treating him with courtesy and honour; yet had some remaining powrer. (AO, .)
]~, TA;) not one that is apparent at one time as also di 1o. (Fr, L in art. ... )_ See 0 4

and then ceases to be traceable. (En-N:.dr, TA.) also 8. = ia: JA. A company of men; as in the saying,
see 2. sL4 ".- I
b, 1 .. ' .o.; [ lVith him, or at his abode,
i;i..:. T7hings that anger a man, when he manatged, or conducted, the oaair, or affairs, is a company of men]: originally an inf. n. (n.)
has hiJ hinsman, or neighbour, slain. (TA.)_ of such a one. (Msb.) And j"% YJAi.l tie
_- A- and tJ [which latter is also
And ~.j :'ik_ A man's women and others managed, or conducted, affairs, or the affairs, originally an inf. n. (see 1 and 8)] A numerous
rvhorn he protects, and for wvhose defence he fights wnell. (ID,rd, .K.)- I,; aor. , I cared company. (8.)= ,)i~ .,
ar, (1K,) and *iL.. .,
[when required to do so: because they occasion for, minded, heeded, or regarded, such a thing.
his being angered when they are injured]. (TA.) (S.) And . I~, and a4 Ji i, nor. , (M, (S, .,) and tji'., (I.,) ?L)1 ), (TA,) A man
K,) inf. n. JA.; (T1'A;) and a )Ja..I 1 lwho exerts himself, or his poner or efforts or en-
iji A.lKept, preserved, guarded, or taken deavours or ability, or who takes pains or extra-
care of, because of the high estimation in which [and i; so in the T and TA in art. t]; He ordinary pains, in that vwhich he sets about. (S,
it is held; as also * Jae^. (TA.) It is said in did not care for, mindl, heedl, or regard, it, or 18, TA.)
hin. (M, .i.) And . Ji_ j Do not thou And ~_ ..'J S,..i He strove, or
the .Kur [Ixxxv. 21 and 22], * ',I) . J# laboured; exerted himrself or his powner or efforts
.ib.,A. ) (TA) [Nay, it is a glorious care forp, vmind, &c., it, or him. (S.) And ?j or endeavours or ability; or took pains or extra-
r-dn,.n,written upon a tablet prese,-ved] from .U ;j Do not thou ash his affair, #or be ordinary pains; in the affair. (Sgh, I-.)
the devils and from the alteration of anything disquiieted thereby. (Msb.) e'd, aor.;, (S,)
inf. n. 1m., (TA,) He, or it, made it, or ren- JA.: see ailu..
thereof: (Jel:) or, accord. to one reading, 'l'i. ,
this epithet being thus made to relate to the dered it, clear, unobscured, apparent, plainly
alU.: see JA~, in two places: and see also
]ur-hn. (TA.)_[Hence, is an epithet in which a7l,parent, or conspicuous; (S, TA;) as, for in-
the quality of a subst. predominates, and then as stance, black hair the colour of a pearl, increasing ' j:t._, below.
a subst.,] A young child; in the dial. of Mekkell; [in aplpearance] its whiteness; (TA;) exposed it
to viewi; di,played it; syn. e. [perhaps here .L_jl _ ; and t ,i~L l dial. vars. of
as a term of good omen: pl. J.e.~. (TA.)
signifying also he polished it]. (S, TA.) _i~.Jl and .LA~. l, (nM,I,) which are more
[Also Kept, or retained, in the mind, or memor7y;
common; meaning He invited them writh their
known, or learned, by heart. Hence the phrase,] 2. hi, (AMgh,' Msb, K,) inf. n.'04di;
company. (M, TA. [See art. J..])
j;W iiCV j,A He showed the thingx (TA;) and
u?1 ., (IK,) infS n. i_.; (TA;)
which he kept, or retained, in hir mind, or He collected it, or caused it to collect; (Mgh, J1I. Milk collected. (IAar, K.) -A great
memory, or lwhich he knet, or had learned, by Msb,K ;) namel3, water, (f1,) and milk (Mgh, company. (IAar, IK.)
heart, to such a one. (TA.) Myb, K1) in the udder (Mgh) of a ewe or she-
goat, (Mgh, Msb,) or of a she-camel, or of a ji;.: see J.c . _ Also, applied to a woman,
IuI.: see 'ls . cow, in order to deceive the purchaser, that he ,Beautiful, goodiy, or comely; syn. ie.L.: (lbn-
might increase the price. (Mgh.) Hence one 'Abbad, TA:) pl. j)., or, as some say, JAlI.
says, ilJI jL., (s,* Mob, 1 ,*) or ;il, ' or ;lI, (TA.)
1. JA~, aor. , inf.n. JA~ and J,-m.. and (TA,) inf. n. as above, (S,15,) He abstained i;_.: see Ji., in two places.
40_', said of water, and of milk (1g) in the from milking the ewe or she-goat, (S, Myb, K,*)
udder (TA) [or breast], It collected; as also or the con, or the she-camel, (TA,) for some Jlti. The bad, or vile, of anything: (As, :)
days, in order that the milk might collect in her of wheat, what comes forth and is thromn awray;
VtOJ; and Ja.An1I. (1, TA. [In the C]C,
udder, for sale, (S, ,*) or until the milk collected
2ji.l is erroneously put for ji l..]) And Ji . in her udder. (Mob.) The Prophet forbade the [like tJ.;] (TA;) and YJA [in like manner]
signifies The collecting qf water, i. e. its becoming doing this. (~.) ~He signifies the JI. of wheat: (AA, TA:) also,
adorned him, or it.
colltd, in its JA., meaning its place of col- (;,' TA.) the former, what is thin, of the dregs of oil (]~,
TA) and perfume, (TA,) and of the froth of milk:
lcwting. (TA.) - Cll J ., (M, 1,) inf. n. 5. j. : see 1, first signification. - Also, (Cs :) or it signifies also thefrot of milk: (ISd,
'J0, (TA,) The tears becamn copious. (M, }, said of a sitting-place, It abounded with company; /, TA:) and the worthless of mankind; those in
70 '
[BooX 1.
whom is no good; (A,$;) like lie.; (Ay,, or a. ) 'A., (S,) acr. :, (Mqb,) inf. n. 'Ai-, ring in the sense of the former in a trad. of
" [He is of (Mgb, ],) He gave to Aim a mall quantity. 'Omar, I have not found [elbewhere]. (Mgh.)
1 ;) as in the saying ,.JLI~ .. . sad
He threw the And ,aiZ >. ' and .;_, inf. n.
the worthle of them]. (AB, 6.) (S, ~.)._.&.. J. ;.4l ;-
water upon hi. head with his two han& [put to- _ and itl., [or all these are simple substs.,
;.Z.ri They came, all of them, or aU gether so as to be like a bowl]. (IAar, TA.) IIe wvas, or became, bare of his sandals and his
togaeler: (M, 15:) in the O, t fi;. (TA.) inf. n. IA., ($,Mgh,
09- 6hi -
, - - 8. 'a; 1l(., ]) 10I- (S) He took it (a thling) boot.] (TA.). And j,
-. 1 ~;; 1 I. h.L.. C1b The utmost amount Msb, K, J&c.,) His foot, i. e. a man's, (8, M;b,
that he gave was a dirhem. (TA.) for himslf. (S, RL.) - c~1l t He took much
oA K,) and a camel's, (K,) or his solid hoof (8,
of it. (A,TA.).-.JI a;. ,/ tHe pulled up ]Ham p. 476,) or this also, (1,) wat, or became,
J .~. A valley, and a small water-course
the treafrom theground. (IK.) And J 1 .-.A.l attenuated [in the sole], (8, Msb, ,) or chafed,
(l L),fJlowng with a copious torrent. (S.) An sig- abraded, or norn, (Ham ubi suprk, and P8,) by
t He uprooted the man: (Az, :) [or] 1.1u.
udderfull of milk: (s:) or having much milk: nifies the put his hands, or arms, beneath his much walking or .treading or travel: (., Myb,
pl. (O) and also: (I,ar p. 131:) it hne~, and took him [by that part, i. e.] by the .Ham:) or it (the foot of a man [and the hoof
has also the latter meaning applied to a ewe or inner side of the knee, and then carriedhim, or of a horse or the like]) became attenuated [&c.]
by much nalking or treading or travel: (Mgh:)
she-goat; (1;) pl. Ja .: (TA:) and so have carriedhim off or away. (.K, TA.)
and ; said of a horse, his hoof becamse abraded,
_.Aand tjVs . applied to a she-mcameL (15.) i _ The act of turning the feet as though one or grazed. (s.) .., inf. n. ij. (8,
j p :l Copiousfloings of tears. (TA.) were throwing the dust ( Zt-)
'a nith them,
iA./ and L.i3, (1,
Mgh, KI) and jIA~ and
when walking. (K.)
ui_A.8l ,&la;: see Ws..l. TA,) with kesr; (TA; [in the CK lLi.3;
aj~, (S, Mgh, Msb, TA, and so, accord. to
both extr.;]) and at ?,3, (S, K,) and tyC-l
A place of collecting of water. (TA.) the TA, in the 1~,) or VILL, (so in copies of the
,q; (1;) He showed him much honour, (8,
_ A place of asembling, or congregating, (T, I,) [but the former is that which is commonly
Mgh, I1,) and kindness, or goodness and affec-
., Myb, 19,) of a people; (., M9b;) as also known,] A handful: (Mgh, K :) or the quantity
tion and gentleness, and regard for his circum-
tJi;.: (., 1 :) or a place of assembling, or that fills the two hands [when they are put stances; ( ;) rega/ded him, or behaved towards
congregating, of many persons: (El-Amidee, together so as to be like a bowl]; (, Mgb;) him, with affection, or benevolence and solicitude;
MF:) or a place in which is an asembly, or con- wheat [or the like]: (S :) pl. ,;:. (S, MBb.)
(Mgh ;) and manifested joy, or pklasure; (1[ ;)
gregation: (El-Munawee, TA:) and a sitting- Hence, (in the saying of Aboo-Bekr, TA,) tl, and asked, or inquired, much respecting his state,
place: (T, TA:) pl. M... (Myb.)_ [And ;21 ; ;. aUL., (S, TA,) i. e., SWe or condition; (?, 1 ;) and was careful, or. soli-
The elevated platformfor the 1 .~L in a mosque; shall be but little, on the day of resurrection, citous, respecting his case: (8:) or e. A ig-
also (in Egypt) called il;, vulg. aL, it is lihe a ;a., in the estimation of God; (TA;) nifies he asked, or inquired, much reJpecting him:
but a small thing in com-
surrounded by a low railing or parapet, and ge- meaning we shall be (.Har p. 284:) and he xceesded the usual
parison with the dominion and the mercy of bounds in making much inquiry respecting another,
nerally supported by small columns.]
God. (, TA.) - Also The hand (,.) itself. and in carefulness, or solicitude, respecting his
iL.. A ewe, or she-goat, left unmilked (S, (Har p. 296.) - See also what next follows. case: (.gar p. 348:) and t ;. signifiea the
Myb) for some days, in order that the milk may
collect in her udder, for sale, (.,) or until the ';~ A hollow, cavity, trench, or the like, speaking and meeting in a good, or pleasing,
milk has collected in her udder: (Myb:) or a dug, or excavated, in the ground, (., 1,TA,) manner; and exceeding the usual bounds in re-
ewe, or she-goat, or a she-camel, or a cow, whose wherever it be; or excavated by a torrent in turning a salutation, and in asking, or inquiring:
milk has been made to collect in the udder, in rugged ground, in the channe of the water: accord. to Zj, ~ _.-, in nS. .*-, means he
order to deceive the purchaser, that he may in- (TA:) and a [hollow, or cavity, in the ground, acted towards him with kindness, or goodness
crease the price: (Mgh:) originally L4 JX. such as is termed] ;J, (ISk, K,) having in it and affection and gentleness, and regard for his
(Myb.) water, and in its bottom pebbles and earth; circumstances: accord. to As, A;, aor.-,
(ISk,TA;) as also a.: (K :) a well, or inf. n. ;ji, he employed himself in the accom.
Jh.. Contendingfor muperiority in number pit: (KL:) pl. of the former j_; (.,15;) plishment of that which he needed, or required,
4c. (TA.) Jm.* 4p ,! 'r ..
IU 4MHe which is explained by Shli as meaning small and made his abode pleasant: (TA:) and ;t/ .
is one who preserv~ his nobility, or honourable- round hollows or cavities, in which rain-water signifies also the being importunate, pressing,
nes. (Az, 1.) stagnates, excavated by the water, in the form of urgent, or persevering, (1?, TA,) in asking. (TA.)
C, - - - 9*,J- , . Z
pools. (TA.)-_Sce also ";&,. Hence the prov., ;.jm. 'j iLOt [or I.4 , and
: s,ee J&d. _- Also The mnwt flehy
part of the flesh of the thigh and shank. (TA.) u, n. un. with ;, belongs to art. q. v.
.J~, ,'jL, explained in art. j)-t. (-.(S,
- And The main part of an affair: (TA:) [and (S,154) -jl, or -1, (accord. to different copies
likewise of a place, or tract, or region; for] of the S,) I ceeded the usual bounds to him in
;~ , applied to a man, (TA,) i q.
*l.bl AiL... signifies the main part of the de- the iojunction,or charge: mentioned by A'Obeyd:
CA.J! [i. e. One who takes much with the palmnu
ert; syn. l.;;l and v.q.. (TA in art. ( :) and &JlVt.. he exceeded the usual bounds
of his two hands and with thefingers put together:
or who scoops up, or out, much, with both his to him in the injunction, or charge. TA.)l
s, ti;, (V,) and ;.~., (TA,) inf. n. H Hei.,
hatnd: see 1, first sentence]. (ISd, 15.)
(God) honoured him. (, TA.) - And ,I_.
He (aman) gave to him. (].)-_And He denied
L 'a~., (.,) aor. ', (P?,,TI,) [or ,, as in a _A and- him, or refused him, or refused to give Aim;
phrase following,] inf.n. * L., (M,1V,) He took it (IApr, ;) inf.n. *_. (IApr.) Thus it bears
(a thing) wth the palm#of his two handsand with 1 '.t' (S Mgh, Msb,) aor. :, (., Msb,)
the fiangers put together [so as to make the two. two contr. significations. (1.) You say, .il
in. n. Q'4U_., (ISk, Zj, IB, Mgh, Mb,) like.~l.,
hands ike a bowl]: (M, V:) or he scoopedit up, .,..6 He came to me and I denied him, &c.
(MNb,) with fet-!, not 'lA.., as in the $, (IB,)
or out, ( J,) with both his hands: (g, V:) [for] this latter is a simple subst., (M.b,) He (I;Ayr.) And j. Ob> - 4., sor. ', inf. n.
stiaid only of what is dry, u flour, and sand, and walked barefoot, without sandal and without A., I deba4red him from, or prernted him
the like. (H.) .,JIl :. He gav to e~ery one boot; (1Sk, Zj, S, IB, Mgh, Msb;) as also firom obtaining, all good. (As, f.}) 1 l ' iA.:
of the partya A. (TA.)-.)_ . (Mxb,) If:._.l: (, :) [but Mlr says,] this latter, occur- 1
see 4.
BooK I.] 60C
3. 11., Cinf. n. il.., TA,) He disputed with or tidings, (A, ],) exceeding the usual bounds in TA) and j. (IDrd, TA) and j_.., (TA,)
him in words; or did so vehemently, or obstinately. doing so. (A.) i. q. U_. l.o [i. e., accord. to the primary mean-
(AZ, $, .`')
li: see ;,. ing of s.l, as explained below, on the authority
4. L 1, said of a man, His beast became of Er-RIghib, It was, or became, suitable to the
attenuated, or chafed, or abraded, in [the sole Ja., applied to a man, (8, Mgh, Msb, K,) and requirements of wrisdom, justice, right or right-
of] the hoof. (S.) e .UI He (God) caused a camel, (K,) and a horse or the like, (Zj, 8, K, hess, truth, or reality orfact; or to the ezrigencie
him to be barefooted, without sandal. or boots: Ham p. 476,) Having his foot, (S, Mgh, M sb, of the case]: (TA:) it was, or became, just,
and hence _.ul also signifies he made his feet J],)
or hoof, (Zj, S,K, Ham,) attenuated [in the proper,ri,jht, correct, or true; authentic, genuine,
bare of the sandals or boots. (TA.) - He made sole], (Zj, S, Mgh, Msb, K,) or chafed, abraded, sound, valid, substantial, or real; established, or
his foot, i. e. a man's, and his hoof, i. e. a horse's or worn, (IHam, PS,) by much walking or tread- confirmed, as a truth or fact: and necessitated,
or the like, to become attenuated, [or chafed, or ing or travel; (S, Mgh, Msb, .am;) as also necessary, requisite, or unavoidable; binding,
worn, in thl sole,] by much walking or treading 1 (g.) obligatory, incumbent, or due; syn. ,.j; (T,
or travel. (a.) lie repeated it; namely, a
;ja~.: see 8. S,Mob,K,&c.;) and '..: (Mob,TA:) it ivas, or
question. (i.) - He importuned, pressed, or
urged, him, and harassed, or molested, him in became, a manifest and an indubitable fact or event.;
ej_: see what next follows. as explained by IDrd in the Jm; (TA;) it hap-
Jo doing: (Lth, :) or he asked him, and pressed
pened, betided, or befell, surely, without doubt or
him much in seeking or demanding: (TA :) he ij,Lm (S,) (1nd )* and ';L and uncertainty. (K.) It is said in the Kur xxxvi. 6,
importuned him in asking or questioning: (Msb:)
7 1li,, (S, K,) all simple substs., (K,) [but all
he harased, or wearied, him, and nrent to the .~.,)C1 Oj,i3l _. JOi, i.e. The saying,
utmost length in asking him, or questioning him. except the second mentioned in one place in the "I will assuredly fill
Hell with genii and men
(TA.) See also 1. .Il signifies also The going TA as inf. ns.,] and tui~., (S, Mnb,) a simple together," [Klur xi. 120 and xxxii. 13,] (Bd,) or
to the utmost length in disputing. (8, TA.) It subst., differing from the inf. n., whichl is '.;., the sentence of punishment, (Jel,) hath become
is in asking respecting a thing, and in seeking (Msb,) The state of being barefoot, nvithout neccssitated [as suitable to the requirements of
or demanding, and in seeking or denmanding from sandal and nwithout boot: (8, Msb :) or the state justice, or as being just or right,] to take effcect
of having the foot, or hoof, attenuated [in t,e upon the greater number of them;
another: you say, ajL.JlI um.I, [&c.,J and sole, or chafedtl, abraded, or norn, syn. j,
by much walk-
W 7 .J, lie exceeded the usual bounds in ing or treading or travel]: (. :) [but it seems (Jel, TA,) and ,.. (TA.) And this, namely,
the question, or in asking. (.yam p. 80.) _ And that this is a mistake, and that] the word denoting ;..., is the meaning of the verb in the phrase,
hence, (.yam p. 80,) j~l o/.1 Ie clipped his the latter meaning is *U'. [an inl'. n.: se 1]. l ll . Lj.b. [Tie sentence was, or, emphati-
mustacle to the utmost degree; (S,.iam;) clipped (ISk, Zj, S, Mgh, MBb.) cally, is, necessitated as suitable to the require-
it closely: ( :) or he clipped it much; (Mgh, meits of justice to take effect upon thee; or it
Myb, ;) as also t A_. .(1-.) _ 'biL1 was, or is, necessary, just, or right, that the
He examined to the utmost his [app. a horse's] .. see _. sentence should tahe e.Ject upon thee]. (TA.)
teeth. (TA.)- .. I incited, or urged, him [In like manner,] one says, jI A'
to inquire respecting, or to investigate, the news, k Shonwing much honour, (Mgh, ,) and I$. It is necessary for thee [as suitable to ithe
or information, (15, TA,) to the utmost. (TA.)~ manifesting joy or pleasure [at mneetitg another]; requirements of wisdom or justice or the like],
.e. 1l i. q. C...jl [I despised him; or I as also tJis.; (.;) and behaving with affec- or incumbent on thee, or just or proper or right
brought against luim the imputation of a fault, tion, or benevolence and solicitude; (Mgh;) shov- for thee, that thou shouldst do such a thing.
or the like, desiring to involve him in confusion ing hindness, or goodness and affection and gentle- (TA.) [Thus one says,] 1 ai l
thereby; &c.]. (I.) nes, and regardfor the circumstances of another: AC._ *It [The iei~ is that which it is nectuary
(Lth, TA:) and askhing, or inquiring, much re-
5. oi,., inf. n. *-3: see 1, in three places:. specting another's state, or condition; for thee &c., or that wnhich it behooveth thee,
as also that thou slwuldst defend it, or protect it].
and see also 4. -Also i. q. , [He strove, (S,
it;1.: (] :) going to the utmost length in
or laboured, &C., .r in an affair]. (g.)._ ask'ng, or inquiring: (S :) and [hence, perhaps,] K.) Accord. to Sh, the Arabs said, iL l .,
And i. q. *~;! [app. as meaning He practised knowing in the utmost degree: (., and im-
',. J.al and J.: but accord. to Fr, when you
artifice, or the like]. (L.) portunate, pressing, or urgent, in askhing, or in- say s-, you say 'Z4; and when you say j.,
6. )LtLi! jl 3LEach of us preferred a quiring: ( :) pl. ._i 1 .. (Fr, ,.) You say, you say jJ. (TA.) [Accordingly] one says,
complaint against the other to the Sul~&n, (., k .. j& lie is one who behaves with affection, 15 0a/ O! i , and .53el -. : both
TA,) and he referred our case to the judge or benevolence and sonicitude, to him; who shons mean the same: (Ks, ., ] :) [i. e., each has one,
(EmJl, i. e. o ). (TA.) him much honour [&c.]. (Mgh.) v 1A or the other, or both, of the meanings next fol-
lowing:] or the former means It was, or, em-
8. _ l..!: see 1, first sentence. ~ And Gi".l 1A., in the ]ur [xix. 48], means Verily He is phatically, is, rendered
,. [or suitable to the
t: see L -~ La._l also signifies He pulled up gracious [to me]: (Zj :) or knowing [nith respect requirements of wisdom or justice &c.] for thee,
herbs, or leguminous plants, fromn the ground (T, to me] and gracious [to me], answeringmy prayer or necessary for thee, or incumbent on thee, or
Mgh, 1) with the ends of his fingers, becauM when I pray to him: (Fr:) or mindful, regard- just or proper or right for thee, [or it behooted
of their shortnesw and paucity; (T,Mgh;) as ful, or considerate, of me. (TA.) or behooves thee,] that thou shouldst do, or to
also ti-'i, (T, Mgh, g,) accord. to one reading L1&m.: see do, this, or that: and [the latter, or] t "-i
of a trad. in which it occurs; and tiG.l, accord. ,3t.a, T/ou weast, or, emphatically, art, rendered
to another reading of the same; but both these jt. Walhing barefoot, without sandal and
,*c. [or adapted, disposd, apt, meet, suited,
are disallowed by Aboo-Sa'eed. (T, Mgh.) without boot: (lSk, Zj, ., Mgh, Mb :) pl. *~'..
suitable,fitted,fit, proper,competent, or worthy,]
He uprooted, or extirpated, anything. (Aboo- (Mgh, Msb.) - See also
__e. - And see , that thou shouldst do, or to do, this, or that]:
Sa'eed, T.).- ,*l .sill oal The people, in two placees. Also Ajudge; syn. .,b. (..) (A, TA:) and in like manner, iLL
or party, fed their animal, upon the pasturage signifies in
and lej not aug1ht of its !herbage: the subst. the Kur lxxxiv. 2 and 5: (Bd, Jel :) or i
[denoting the act of doing this] is t;j9 [app. ai; .A may mcan thou mWast, or art, known
;sL]. (TA.) 1. ., aor..: (S, Mob, K, &c.) and ', (IDrd, by the testimony of thy circumstances to bet
10. In l He asked, or inquired after, ners, Mqb, ],) [the latter irregular,] inf.n. a_. (1K, &c. (A,TA.) And ;A1 .L.iS. C.JA L
C00 [(Boo 1.
-2- 1.
[virtually] means the same as , i LC[best respecting it]; as also d ., inf. n. J.: and d_. disposed, apt, meet, nsited, suitable, fitted, fit,
do a thing &e.; whence
rendered in thlis case It did not behoove thee signifies also he established it so that it became proper, or wtorthy, to
true and undoubted in hi estimation: (TA:) I.ai -#s1 CJ'm., or ;j ;t, explained above.
to do it]. (TA.) One says also, Jai i. j~
[It was, or, emphatically, is, necessary &c. that or ~ signifies, (S, M.rb,) or signifies also, (1R,) -It was necesary for him, or incumbent on
he assured, or certified, himself of it; he ascer- him, or just or proper or right for him, or it
thou shouldst do or to do such a thing]: but they
tained it; he was, or became, stre, or certain, behooved him, to do a thing &c.; whence l
did not say, ai X .Jim. (Fr, TA.) But
of it; (A 'Obeyd, S, Mob,' 1P ;') and so ~'d OLd, explained above.] _Also,
io Jai3 ; ; I i Ji- means Thy doing so a -i X1 X
(A 'Obeyd, 8, 1K) and t1a.: (. , Msb :') or he
distressed, or hath distressed, or afflicted, me; pronounced it, or held or believed it, to be esta- (.,V,) eor. , (V,) inf. n. .j., (TA,) He orcame
or, emphatically, d;stresses, or afflicts, me; like blished as a necessary truth or fact; as also him in disputing, or contending, for a right, or
5 . a. (. and 15 and TA in art. js.) And in t a~.: and tYaL.. has a similar, but intensive, due; (S,1,:TA;) and so t"1, ("1,) inf.n.
] signification: (Mpb:) or t "~1 signifies he biU~!, mentioned by As on the authority of Ks,
like manner, r,lj .l m. [or 1l dil;I tL
adds, disallowed by A'Obeyd. (TA.)
established it as true; or he judged, or decided, but, he
means .rL& ,I Ci;jLs' [It is distressing to mue See 3. - Also He (a man) came to him, namely,
that thou art going arway]. (TA in art. .~.) it to be so: (TA: [contr. of l: see an ex.,
.. eS another man; (A 'Obeyd, S, ] ;) and so 3L1.
.jI:]) and * ,
And i ',J is usneed in the same manner as L jal, from the Kur viii., voce (A'Obeyd, .. ) [Hence, app.,] ,._JI. s
q. v. (A and TA in art. jc.) You say also, inf. n. 0~ , signifies d.~ [as meaning he
veritable; or The sun reached me. (TA.) And L
q-.a.JI Want befell, or betided, or happened, verified it, or proved it to be true or
both of whilch tj,j :
and was serere, or distressing: (Mgb, TA:) he found it to be true or me'itable; t .i. , [app. j,_d] Wlat is in this
significations are of very frequent occurrence]; receptacle [does not reach, or amount, to a pound;
[which is said to be] from the phrase, i
as also ~_., inuf. n. j.: and accord. i. e.,] does not weigh a pound. (TA.)~. -
Ji1 l, aor. ', The resurrection included, or shall (S, K;)
include, within its sphere [all] the created beings. to IDrd, Vd_a. signifies [also] is j~. [he j t, (1g,) aor. :, (TA,) inf. n. (T1.,)
proved, or found, or pronounced, the sayer of lIe went upon the J- of the road; (g;) i. e.
(Msb.)l -^:-, anor., (,) inf. n. '_ (S,*
it to be true]: maid 'l. is also said to signify the middle of it: the doing of which is forbidden,
Meb,l,) and J., (K,) or, accord. to ISd,it should
he said, "This thing is the truth;" like O... in a trad., to women. (TA.) And a.
rather be Jilie. and 139_, because .~. is used (TA.) You say, ;'AMl vl a.. ', inf. n. (1],) aor.
,, aor. and inf. n. as above, (TA,) He beat,
as an epithet, [as will be seen below,] and the or struck, such a one in, or upon, the 1.. of
inf. n. in a case like this, by rule, should differ m., I necessitated the sentence [as suitable to his head; (J;) i.e. the middle of it: (TA:)
firom the epithet, (TA,) SAe (a camel) became the requirements of justice] to take effect upon or in, or upon, the j~ of his b;i; i. e. the
him; or necessitated [as suitable &c.] the tahking
a a., or a~-; i. e., entered the fourth year: J,*. eS
smnall hollow upon the head of his shodder-blade :
effect of the sentence upon him; syn. .. ;1; as
(K:) and t ; inf. n. JUM.1, he (a camel) (I :) or, as some say, the head of the upper arm,
A ~.l, inf. n. .]Um. (TA.) And t .1
became a i-: because, so they say, he is then also t in nwhich is the a4l. (TA.)
she (a M't j;.s The sentence was, or, emphatically,
fit to be laden: (Mqb:) and t,.i
2. a_., inf. n. 'jt.J3: see da., above, in
young camel) completed three years; (Aboo- is, necessitated [as suitable to the requirements Il
Milik, 1;) became a li~.; (Ibn-'AbbWd, K;) of justice] to take eflect upon thee; syn. .. six places. [Hence ;jl iv 77he uttering

like , . (TA.) You say, ";l a _W (TA.) And ;,ie. .. , (8, K,) or o.., (so of the hemzeh with its true, or proper, sound;
in one copy of the S,) nor. and inf. n. as above, o,pposed to '57. Hence also] ..,pJl "....
[lie is a S_, bearing evidence of being such]: or piece of cloth,
(S,) [I rendered his caution, or fear, necessary; ti; ;.3 14 I dyed the garment,
(:) and (1) and 1a.. (Msb, 1) Li or justified it; mcaiiing] I did that of which with a saturating dyeing. (TA.) And "
atIt[shle is , a _.. or 3., bearing evidence le was cautious, or that which he feared; (S, .K;) sigfnifies also The weaving a garment, or piece of
tc.]: (MCb:) [a phrase] to which a parallel as also j. t -I.: (S:) or, accord. to Az, cloth, strongly, oorfirmdy. m (KL)e,_
is scarcely known, (Msb,) or to which there is the latter only is right. (TA.) And a1; lie was serious, or in eurnest, in his affair;
no parallel (1.) except .. ,1 C .. 1 [a lion (Ks, TA;) and * r;;' , (Ks, S, TA,) inf. n. contr. of jj. (L in art. .~..)
bearing evidence of being like a lion in b 'Idness]. ,j: (S:) both signify the same; (Ks,TA;)
3. di., ($,K,) inf. n. Wi. and ~..", (TA,)
(TA.) -.-. [as inf.n. of,:..] also signifies i. e. C.J~. ; (S;) whlich means I found his Ile disputedl, litigated, or contended, with him,
A she-camel's oerpassingthe days [corresponding opiniont to be true; (Ksh and Bd and Jel, in (S, .K,) each of them laying claimn to a right, or
to thotse] in which she wtas covered [in the pre- xxxiv. 19 ;) or proved it to be true: (Ksh, ibid.:) due: (S, TA:) the verb is mostly used in the
ceding year]: (] :) or her completing [the time and so aJ his saying: (.:) and "'. signifies
thii'd person. (TA.) You say, t Sd -
of] her pregnancy; as also t : 1;.'! (TA.) [also] the strengthening, or confirming, a saying; ~1 s [He disputed, &c., wvith me, and no on#
-. And ':- and *,:..1 and -1-...,1 She or making it strong, or firm. (KL.) And Ut lad disputed, &e., with me respecting it]. (TA.)
(a camel) became fat. (TA. [See also 8, last J1l Ij. _ .1 2I will know, or ascertain, [But] you say also, t;mt " 1_i. I2 disputed,
signification.]) d,_, (]g,) nor.J, inf. n. J,., the truth, or real nature, of this piece of nenws litigated, or contended, with him for a right, or
(TA,) lie, or it, rendered it [suitable to the or information, for you. (TA.) And ". .1 due, and I overcame him in doing so. (TA.)
requirements of wisdom, justice, rightness, truth, d.1 [I think it, but I do not know the truth And J .s,J 2 Verily he is one who dis-
or reality or fact; or to the exigencies of the of it, or am not certain of it]. (T in art. Q.; putes, or litigates, or contends, respecting small
case; (see the first of the significations in this
[written in the TA things. (S, K, TA.) And oSuh. ~- j % J 6-
art.;) or] necessary, requisite, or unavoidable; e&c.)And .O4-J1 %i.~,
syll. signs, so that it may be eithler i. e. [lie has no right, or due, to exact, in respect
binding, obligatory, incumbent, or due; or just, without any
but it is most probably the of himnt, or it, nor any cause of] disputing, or
proper, or right; syn. .,j 1 ; (15;) [whence thus or * "~;
, but litigating, or contending. (..) And it is aid
13 u3 elI ,J , explained above;] as also former, as the quasi-pass. is not ': respecting women, (K,) in a trad. of'Alee, (TA,)
".j.1: it signifies lit. I made the hnot right,
` ~.d (O) and ' e-1; (. , 1 ;) which last some or sure; meaning] I tied, or made fast, or
explain by l *,.eo [meaning as above; or he tightened, the knot; (Ibn-'Abbad, TA;) or I (1I :) accord. to some, 3UlaJI here means the same
rendered it true;] or s. Li ; . ,.o [he tied, or tightened, firmly the knot. (A, TA.).. as ;il_b.Jl: accord. to others, it properly signi-
rendered it true, so that there was no doubt [lHe, or it, rendered him ., i. e. adapted, fies the camels thus called: and so .1;Lim.I;
BooK I.] 607
this [likewise] being a pl. of tI'k;.; or it is they escaped: (S:) or pierced into the bellies, or or an obstinate persisting in journeying until the
pl. of t ',. (TA. [See art. .; in which insides, of some, and wounded the shkin of some camd that one is ridingperishes or breaks down :
this trad. is more fully, but somewhat differently, sithout o piercing. (L.) 1. 1 AUr.. He (1 :) or, accord. to As, the correct meaning, con-
cited; and fully explained.]) -[Also, app., He kept him, or held him, back, or retarded him, firmed by what the Arabs said, is the making the
acted seriouly, or in earnest, with him in an [until such a time, or such an event,] and strait- camel to go on, and urging Aim to that whichfa-
affair: see 3 in art. ~.: and see also 2 above, ened him. (TA.)_= - 1 J..I The horse became tigues him, and that which is beyond his power,
last signification.] lean, or light of flesh; or slender, and lean; or until he breaks down with his rider: or, accord.
lean, and lank in the belly. (S,K, TA.) - And to IAr, thejading of th weak [beast] by hard
4. j.1i, [inf n-. 1, spoke truth; said journeying. (TA.) It is related in a trad., that
what was true: [very common in this sense; JQ,l J~'1 The cattle becamefat: Q(: [see also
the last meaning of 1 as an intrans. verb:]) but in Mutarrif Ibn-Esh-Shikhkheer mid to his son,
contr. of jL4:] or he revealed, or manifested, when he took extraordinary pains in religious
the A and 0 and L; .Jl J..t the people's cattle
or showed, a truth, or a right or due: or he laid exercises, (., TA,) and was immoderate therein,
becamefat, and their fatness ended, or attained
claim to a right, (or to a thing, TA) and it was,
!. the extreme point. (TA.) (TA,) #Jl ;*t 1 %LM
or became, due to him. (Msb.) _ See also O,.,
as an intrans. verb, in three places; relating to 10. He demanded it as his right, or i i.. JI j,:; [The best of qffairs, or actions,
camels. _il01 J..t The people's cattle became due. (TA.) [And hence,] He had a right, or or cases, are such of them as are between two ~e
just title or claim, to it; he was, or became, en- tremss; and the good action is betneen the two
fat. (TA.) And _4i1 X .,iJI _1 The
titled to it; he deserved it, or merited it; syn. things; and the worst kind of journeying is that
people's cattle becamefat by means of the [herbage in which the beast is made to exert himself to the
'..1l: (S, Msb, >:) or these two verbs are
called] - (AI.n,' ISd, TA.) - As a trans. very utmost, &c.]: (, TA:) meaning, pursue
nearly the same; (TA;) [the former meaning
verb: see ~a, in nine places. You say also, he was, or became, adapted, disposed, apt, meet, thou the middle course in religious exercises, and
pj.. '.ii.I, inf. n. as above, SI did, performed, suited, suitable, fitted, fit, competent, or proper, burden not thyself, lest thou become disgusted;
or executed, the affair in a firm, solid, sound, for it; which is the most proper meaning of the for the best of works is that which is continued,
or good, manner; or put it into a firm, solid, though it be small. (TA.)
phrase e. ; ji; , as well as of the verb l1;
sound, or good, state. (TA.) - 4.I .t ..r'j but this verb has also the former of these two L.. contr. of jit [used as a subst. and as an
. He cast, or shot, and killed on the spot the meanings.] When a man purchases a house, and epithet or act. part. n.]: (.8, Mb, ] :) or, as an
animal at which he cost, or shot. (Ibn-'Abbhd, another lays claim to it, and establishes a just inf. n. [and used as a simple subst.], contr. of
Z,~,* TA.)_ 'w; '
. '4'- . IZI~L
;_' 'eand' - 1 evidence of his claim, and the judge decides for
, ; and as an act. part. n., and a simple
bOj tOur camels found [herbage such as is him according to his evidence, one says of him,
epithet, contr. of ,J.. (Kull.) [As a subst.,]
termed] &' fuU-grown, and pastured upon it. L5,j.tI " I A ([He has a right to it in
its primary signification is Suitablenes to the re-
preference to the purclhaser]; meaning that he is
to possess it in preference to the purchaser. (TA.) quirements of wisdom, justice, right, or rightnew,
5. ';JL [It was, or became, or provred to truth, reality, orfact; or to the exigencis of the
be, a truth, a reality, or a fact.] [Hence,] 'j And of a camel such as is termed ,. one
case; as the suitableness of the foot of a door in
'.JI ..~ The information was, or proved, says, "-" Ot a.71 [He was, or has become,
respect of its socket, for turning round rightly:
true, right, correct, or valid, in his estimnation. (S, fit to be ridden,], (C,) and U 0.1 j [to be (Er-Raghib, TA:) [and particularly] the suitable-
K.*) , _".: se a. laden]: (E, Mob:) and c. 1 [He was,
w41 nes of a judgment, and of what involves, or im-
or has become, fit for covering]. (L, IC.)- plies, a judgment, [i. e., of a saying, and a religion,
6. 1 te3j is syn. with .. ; and ,1'
t l,
[Hence, It (an action, and anything,) deserved and a persuasion, or the like, (as will be shown by
with ; al; [The disputing, litigating, or con- one of the explanations of its meanings as an
it, merited it, or required it.] And 4.1 ~. 1
tending, together;] (S, 1g;) [for] l_~l and epithet,)] to reality or fact; and the suitableneuss
lie did what necessitated sin; (Ksh and Bd and
I,.! signify the same; (. in art. ;) of reality or fact to a judgmnent: (Kull:) [the
Jel in v. 106;) [nas guilty of a sin;] and de-
[or rather] the meaning of [rJ t and] t 3t'.;1 served its being said of him that he was a sinner; state, or quality, or property, of being just, pro-
is [the disputing, &c., toyether for a riglht, or per, right, correct, or true; justness, propriety,
(Kslh ibidl. ;) q. .. ~!. (TA.) And _imz,l
due;] each one's, or every one's, saying, "The rightnes, correctnes, or truth; reality, orfact;
They committed sins for which he who shaiould the state, &c., of being established, or confirmed,
right is mine," and " with me;" or demanding
punish thecm woull be excusable, because they de- as a truth orfact; of being necessary, requisite,
his right, or dute. (TA.) One says, l.il3 [7'They
servedpunishment i like Il..l, and l.jj.l, and or unavoidable; of beitug binding, obligatory, in-
disputed, &c., togetherfor a right, or due]. (TI..)
', .!. (lAnr,-TA in art. b 1.)-. cumbent, or due: (as shown above: see 1, first
And t'; l They two disputed, &c., (K, TA,)
sentence:)] and eistence in relation to substances,
each of them demandingj his righlt, or due. (TA.) lf WlJ.: see 4, last sentence._ - ' , J;.. I absolutely: and everlasting existence [in relation
And ,i O' ?iJf .1 [Such a one and such L.tZ The she-camel conceived, or became preg- to God]: (Kull :) pl. %. and Wn. : it has no
a one disputed, &c., together for a right, or due]. nant; and t~l _~'...1 [signifies the same]. pl. of panue. (TA.) As an act. partL n. and a
(S.) One does not say ofta single person [2hbJ (TA.) _- See also 1, as an intrans. verb, last two simple epithet, it is applied to a judgment [as
nor] V 'a.; like as one does not say of one sentences. meaning] suitable to reality or fact; and to a
only [ nor] ,,.. (S.) saying, and a religion, and a persuasion, considered
R. Q. 1. :~. , inf. n. iiL_, He went the
as involving, or implying, such a judgment:
7. j " t!T'' knot became tied, or pace, or in the manner, termed iI&~_; (TA;)
madefast, or tightened. (lbn-'Abbid, K, TA.) which means a pace, or manner of going, in which (Kull:) to that which is suitable to the require.
the beast is made to exert himself to the very ut- ments of wisdom, justice, right, or rightness; as
8: see 6, throughout. _ a4 .;'. when one says that every act of God is Jib: to a
most, and which is the most fatiguing to the *.
t The thrust, or piercing, killed him: (AA, K:) belief, in a thing, suitable to the realityof the case;
[meaning the camel that is ridden, or the beast
or twent right, or directly, into him: (As, TA :) as when one says that belief in the resurrection is
that carriesone]: (S, Mgh, k :) or a journeying
or tpenetrated into his belly, or inside: (L, TA:)
in the beginning, orfirst part,of the night; (Lth, o.: and to an action, and a saying, accordant
or hit, or struck, the socket, or turning-place, of S, I.;) which is forbidden:
(Lth, , TA:) or, as to what is requisite or obligatory, in quality and
his hip, which is termed its J.. (.,' TA.) One some say, thefatiguing a while, and abstaininga measure and time; as when one says that the
, ,.....;'$ . ... ..
while: (Ltl, TA:) but Az says that Lth is not action of another is JI., and that his saying is ,:
t Such a one shot, or cast, at the objects of the correct in either of his explanations of this word: (Er-Raghib, TA:) [thus it signifies just, proper,
chase, and killed some, and wounded some so that (TA:) or an obstinate persisting in journeying: right, correct, or true; authentic, genuine, souul,
[Boox I.
or special, right or due &c.: but it is explained as] teeth have fallen out by reason of metrme age.
valid, substantial, or real; established, or con- .- ..~ -

firsmed, as a truth or fact: and necessary, re- meaning ,.~.. (.) And t j .j This is (- One says, SJ 4it u meaning
quisite, or unavoidabk: and binding, obligatory, myjutt, or necesary, or incumbent, right or due t [I saw her wmhen he was] like a ~camel termed
incumbent, or due:] also the necesarily-existing &c. (.) -A share, or portion; as in the say- L. in bigness. (TA.)--And [the pl.] JU. is
by his orn essence [applied to God; as an epithet ing, J.J. I Give thou to every applied to The young one of trees: (TA:) and
of Whom it has other meanings assigned to it by one to whtom belongs a share, or portion, hist hare, particularly of the [species of mimosa termed]
some, as will be seen below]: and anything or portion, that is appointed, or assigned, to him. IZc: (', TA :) as being likened to the camels
eiskting, of an objective kind: (Kull:) eisting (TA.) Property: a poueion. (M.) - [An termed 3jUm.. (TA.) _ Also SThe time of year
as an establishedfact, or truth, (1, TA,) so as to appertenance. Hence the pl.] i_ signifies The in which a she-camel was covered in the preceding
be undeniable. (TA.) In the saying, Aib ~ 1. ,Jl5 [or appertenances, or conveniences, such at year; ($,TA;) and so i"L: (TA:) or the
>jL,i i Si [This is 'Abd-Allah, truly; not the privy and the hitlcrenand the like,] of a house. usual period of her gestation. (L in art. ..)
falsely], the article JI is prefixed as it is in the (Msb, TA.)- [A necessary, or requisite, thing.] You say, i.. ii1A c,3-1 tTle she-camel ar-
phrase, .)!;a is ; but sometimes it is dropped, - A thing, or an event, thiat is decreed, or des- rived at the time of year in which the had been
l j tl;.
(Sb,TA.) Andin tined. (1, TA.) It is said to have this meaning covered in the preceding year: ($, TA:) and
so thatone says
in the Kur [xv. 8], in the words, '-.It t C.
the phrame, jil ' jJ, a form of oath, the nom. V t. osC h .J1signifies the same; or Ahe com-
*t: 'jl [ W send not down the angels save with pleted her period of getation, and oveopas~e by
case is used wiihout tenween; but when the J is
that wvhich is decreed, or destined]: (TA:) or, as some days the time of year in which she had besn
dropped, one says, 431I lL: (1, TA:) [the
U some say, it means here revelation: (Ksh, Bd :) cowered in the preceding year, to complete tAe
latter means Truly I wiiU not come to thee: the or punishment. (Ksh, Bd, Jel.) _- [And hence,]
formation of thefetus. (TA.) And 1J.jl.
former seems to be best explained by what here Death. (K.) So accord. to some in the ~ur
She (a camel) ove~pasad the year without brin-.
follows:] accord. to the A, J1 '9 jJ is ori- [L 18], where it is said, ,JJO. ;'1 *,,;I-j
ingforth. (As, S.) [See also the last sentence
ginally Jid1 -, [Tie truth, or existence, [And the confusion of the intellect by reason of but one in the explanations of 1 as an intrans.
of God is that by which I swear, I wia not do the agony of death shall come with death: but A: see {.
verb.] - 4...W J.. A
such a thing]; the affixed noun [Jl] being sup- other and obvious meanings are assigned to it in
premsed, and meant to be understood. (TA.) this instance]. (TA.)- [As an epithet,] jJI is '~-: see d, in two places :- and A,.
et one of the names of God: or one of the epithets also in two places: -and I1_..
jS.t .1 [The right istmine]d and a
applied to Him: (1s:) meaning the Really-eo-
[The right is with me and i4 1i Th right is isting; whose existence and divinity areproed to il.. A receptacle of wood, (K., TA,) or of
against thAe, which lut is often used as meaning be true: (lAth, TA:) or the Creator according ivory, or of some other material proper to be
thou art in fault, or in the wrong,] are said by to the requirements of wisdom, juwtice, right, or cut, or staped out; (TA;) a receptacle for
one disputing, or contending, for a thing. (TA.) rightness. (Er-Righib, TA.) - It is also applied perfume; (.lar p. 518;) [generally a snnaUround
yJ and to The Yur-dn. (.) -And to 5The religion box, used for unguents and perfumes &e.; and
[And in like manner oone aysng, 1
also j_, in two applied also to a small cocoa-nut used as a box
of] El-lain. (I.) -See
ua meaning Thou art in tAhe right, and j JI for snuff &c.;] a thing well knovn: (fR:) [also
meaning I am in the asrong.] One says places. And see 31, in two places. a receptacle for wine: (see j3.U, in art. yl :)]
also, I_W J Jb jib, and l_U. 'a. | : see U~.. Also The breast, or mamma, pl. t ja., [or rnther this is a coll. gen. n., as is
1 That was on th occasion of the establishnent of of an old woman. (TA.)-A tuber of a truffle. indicated in the TA, and it is now used as a
thefact of herconception, orpregnancy. (S,A,S, (TA.) -The small hollow upon the head of the
sing., like " J,] and ji.., (8,K,) which latter
TA.) And JW J jWI ApW [like j Ili, shoulder-blade: (1s:) or, as some say, the j. (S, K) and
is pl. of aif~., (ISd, TA,) and ji.
of the shoulder-blade is the head of the utpper
,llaIl ,a,] This is the learnedman, the extremely arm, in Awhich is the ii.lj: (TA:) or this latter 2~. and [of pauc.] t.l, (],) which three
learned man. (Sb, TA.) And i.J means is another signification of ,. (g.) - The head, are pls. of J~. (TA.) - And t A wo,man; (K,
Very [or e,tremely] knowing. (ofam p. 139.) (]',) or lower part of the head, (TA,) of the hip, TA;) as being likened thereto. (TA.) _ See
[Respecting the exprensioens il eJlt ande ij in which is the thigh-bone; (J, TA;) the socket, also al,.
;p.Q1p, se art. N.] - [From' the primary and or turning-place,of the hip. (TA.) _ The sochet, iL.: see . *J, voce J.. See also
or turning-place, of the foot of a door. (TA.)
general signification, explained in the first sen- /, in three places.
tence of this paragraph, are deduced several par- You say, _ l . _c ; , meaning I
ticular meanings here following.] - Equity, or met him, or found him, near to the mosque: and 'i~, in a horse, The quality of not seating:
justice. (t.)o [The right mode, or manner, oj r._. l J,i. C. ;;e:Li [app. means the same]. (S,1 :) which is a fault. (TA.) - And, in
acting or being.] - Veracity () in discourse. (TA.) -See also lm., in two places.- Also a horse also, The putting down the hind hoof
(TA) Prudence. ( ,TA.)_ [A right, or The web of a spider. (Az, .) in the place [that has just before been that] of
dw, of any kind: a jwt claim: a deseat, or thing the fore hoof: (?,*] :) which is also a fault.
dsrd: anything that is owed; a a fee, hire, 's A camel three years old, (S, Mgh,) that
(.) [See j..-.]
or pay, and a price: a duty; an obligation:] ha entered the fourth year: ($, Mgh, Msb :) or
(f, .) [You ay, ,L. J a camel entering thefourth year:and(M:) so called a... [app. pL of the act. part. n. ol-, like
the sing. of , made use of; Jo pl. of Qj14,
because fit to be laden ($, Msb) &c.,] Persons who have recently
This is my right, or due, &c. And (;) or because fit to be ridden; or because fit known, or been acquaintedwith, events, or affairs,
This is a right, or due, belonging to me; or a for covering: (M:) the female is termed u good and evil. (TA.) -And Persons establish-
thing due, or owed, to me: or this is a duty to
(, Mgh, Msb, IK,) and ._ also: (S, 1:) the pl. ing a claim or claims. (TA.)
me. And pia iJ. 1I. This is a right, or due, f ,L Adapted, dispoed, apt, meet, suited,
the rendeiing of which i binding, obligatory, oT (of Cd, Msb) is jiU. ($, Mgh, Msb, P) and (of
) uitable,fitted,fit,proper, competent, or worthy;
incumibent, on me: or this is my duty. And I ., Msb) j.i,, (Msb, ],) and the pl. pl., (s1,)
V,) and ,oq;
hence, jEjll j1. The duty that relates to thle i. e. pl. of 3U., ($,) is .iJ., ($, nnd some- . syn. d ., (Sh, $, Mgh, Myb,
road: ee anrt.i thea. is a more particular times -, (.Sli,TA,) or this is a pl. of !'_. (K ;) asalso &m., (Ibn-'Abbid,',) and [some
t (8h, ,:Mgh, :) .I is said
or peculiar, or special, tern. ( A.) $,You say (TA: see 3.) Or so in the 1p, but it should 1 say] O ,:
tl j.L. ]. [This is my particular,or peculiar rather be " and,"] ,.* signifies A she-camel whone to be of the measure Ji in the sense of' the
Boox I.] 609

measure J ; but accord. to the A, it is not the truth, &c.]. (TA.) ['iu; is often used as teshdeed to the 3, from : allJ1.., i-f. n. .
so, because its fem. is with ;; but is from the meaning In truth, or tnduly; in reality, or really; and 12., "trial, or trouble, beset him;" and
supposed verb ^., and is like ~ from . , and in fact.] You say also, iA!1 ;. C;. means the bestting of hunger: or it may mean
[I knew it with reality of nowledge]. (Meb in ,JI t Sl. [besttinghunger]. (TA.) One says
and ;.s from ;: and t .. signifies
[properly] rendered adapted &c.: (TA:) the pl. art. ;S..) And Or'I 3!'J'. means Genaine also, , i . and J;1 it QA man
of 3&.. is :i..2 ; and that of tVj_. is belief or faith; reality ofbdlif or faith. (TA.) pesfect in manmli : and 12.11 jI. and t t
(And you say, iA j. :L IJ. This is a
Ojp". (?.) You say, - ^_ (Sh,S, t1JI perfect in courage. (V,TA.) And Az
thing hating no reality.] [Also A word, or
M 9b,lX) and ^o &'. (Sh, ,g) and ,t j.. phrase, used in its proper or original, or in a relates that he heard an Arab of the desert say,
(Ibn-'AbbMd, ]) [He is adapted, &c.,for it; proper or an original, ~ens;] that wmiich it of a mark of mange, or scab, that appeared upon
or rworthy of it]. And to a woman, 1,; .l! constantly used according to its original applica- a camel, .. JI {t. 3. I" [This is a mnst
%iA,(A,TA) and ai)j iU. and . t?JJ!
V tion; or a name for that whereby is meant what sure, or a truth-telling,evid of gennine mange,
it was [orig~nally] applied to denote; (TA;) or scab]. (TA.) ~ Also The middle of the
[Thou art adapted, c., for such a thing and for
that thing; or worthy of it]. (TA.) And '-L ~J1 contr. of Jl.: (8, :) of the measure . in head; (B,V;) as also : (i:) andof the back
AS3 Cj,4 (A,Mgh) and V (A)'[Thou the sense of the measure iacti, from ,JI of the neck; as also * : (TA: [thus the latter
art adapted, &c., for thy doing such a thing; or signifying i'i: the ; is affixed for the conver- is there written, in this instance, with damm :])
sion of the word from an epithet to a subt.: and of the eye: (TA:) and of a road: (~,TA:)
worthy of doing it]. And l.i Jab X) 3sm-._
(TA:) [pl. as above]. [It is also called AiL. and of winter. (v.) One says, . y.
[He is adapted, &c., for his doing such a thing;
or worthy to do it]; ($ ;) in which case, O!J is #Jw, and ;J e..ii.; to distinguish it from what J-?j;.,) and l tj . (V) He fell upon the
for 0~ (Mgh.) [And lA ~_ also signifies is termed ;.i4 aa&., and 5s, ,.., which is middle of his head: (;g :) and %iMI jIK,a
Having a right, or just titli or claim, to such A word, or phrase, so much uwed in a particular and U;,1 t* upon the middle of the back of
a thing; entitled to such a thing.] It is said in tropical ense as to be, in that sense, convention- the neck. (TA.) And ';'. c1_ H,_e, or
the [vii. 103],
ur ally regarded as proper; as, for instance, j.~s it, hit the middle of his eye. (TA.) And ,
j 9:1 dbl, meaning I am disposed [not] to say in the sense of "just;" it beitg properly an JAlj
'JI He
HI went upon the middle of ge road.
[of God aught save] the truth: or, as some say, inf. n.] A ja., when much used, becomes (1s, TA.) And -;-.1J3'. , I came to
I am vehemaItly desirous [that I should not say what is termed 1U. L
. (Mz 24th t.) him in the middle of winter (P.) And I-
&c.]; for, accord. to Aboo-'Alee, wj 1 [a;L.; means also A proper (opposed to a
lI means I am vehemently desirous of such a tropical) signification.]iniiI JI also signifies
IS He is in straitne by reason of uch a thing.
thing: but one reading, that of Nfi', is X Tihat which, or those wlom, it is necessary for (TA.)
Ji u.,,1 It is binding, or obligatory, or one, or it behooveth one, to defend, or protect, 31L: see 3i,;., in two places. [In the sense
incumbent, on me [that I should not say]. (TA.) (S, L, g, TA,) of the people of one's house, (L,)
or such as the wife, and tie femnale neighbour, in which it is there explained, its pL is 31g.;
b,L. The essence of a thinxg as meaning that and property, Jc.: (.Ham p. 181 ) pl. as above. and so in other senses; agreeably with analogy:
by being which a thing is what it is; [or that in (L) You say, ai;L.JI U1_. ~ :t[Such a see the second of the sentence here following.]
being ichich a thing consists;] as when we say one is the defender, or protector, of that which, -Also A severe calamity or aJliction,the hap-
that a rational animal is the k.1L. of a human or those whom, it is necessary, &c., to defend, pening of rhich is fixed, or establihd; and so
being: (KT:) or that by being which a thing
or protect]. (S, TA.) [See also ;jtl. And see t ; (*;) which signifies also, [acording
is what it is, considered with regard to its reality,
an ex. of this signification, or of the next, in a to another explanation,] like t Li., [simply,]
is termed ai.: considered with regard to its verse
cited in p. 28e.] .Also tThe banner, or a calamity; or a great, formidable, terrible, or
individuality, 3~: and without regard thereto, standard: (S,], and .Ham ubi supra:) this being momentous, thing, or evnt: (Azs, :) and . .Q
a,t : (KT, TA:) the ultimate and radicalcon- included in the preceding meaning. (gam.)- ~l. a want that befallUs, or hapn~, and is
sti&uent of a thing. (Myb,TA.) - [Also The And t That which is sacred, or inviolable; that severe, or distressing. (Msb.) -_ And iltJI [in
esence of a thing as meaning the property or which one is under an obligation to respect, or the ]ur lxix. I and 2] means The remmection:
quality, or the aggregateof p opcrtiesor qualities, honour. (TA.) (S, Mb, ]:) because in it shall be [manifest]
whereby a thing is what it is; the esntial pro- [i<L_.rel. n. of" , Essential, &c.] the true natures (3 ,.) of things, or actions;
perty or quality, or the aggregate of the esiential or because in it shall be [or shall happen (BO)]
properties or qualities, of a thing; that which
,tL' [Of, or relating to, ,.JI as meaning severe calamities (, 1 Ot;.); (Fr, 0, Bl, g ;)
constitutes the particular and distinguilshing justnes, propriety, rightnes, correctnes, or
nature of a thing or of a genus or species; truth; &c.: and hence just, proper, &c.; like namely, the reckoning and the recompensing:
i. q. 3.?$ : and] the truth, reality, or true or (B4 :) or because in it things shall be surely known
J.. when used as an epithet: and of, or relating (B4, Jel) which are denied; namely, the raising
real nature or state [or circumstances or facts,
the vemj nature, and the gist, and the pitAh, to, .JI as meaning God:] a rel. n. from b.JI, of the dead, and the reckoning, and the recom.
mnarrow, or most esential part], of a case, or an like ~ from .JI. (TA.) pensing: (Jel:) or because including within its
sphere [all] the created beings. (Myb. [Several
affair: pl. O..,: see 3. (TA.) One says,
jti..b. . [A nightjourney to water] made other reasons are assigned; but these which I
4,p* 'i.' He arrived at [the knowledge with labour or exertion or haste; (l ;) a also have mentioned appear to be the most generallj
of] the truth, reality, or true or real nature or Oland 3; and so tJJ.. (TA.) [See approved.])- See also 3'., in two paisces.
state [&c.], of the case, or afair. (TA.) And R. Q. 1.]
~,, [comparative and superlative of .
t' JI signifies .. 951 aJ..; (., ];) as also
1. i. q. j>t [as used in the phraes 3j1G You say, 1 j~1 p [He is more, and mot,
' I1 .i. (TA.) Hence the saying, ,.~ ..

c.: see art 3. ]: adapted, disposd, apt, meet, suited, suitable,fltted,

,jj, si talii [When he Anew the truth, 3ij1_J1 and al .JI &cL,
fit, proper, or competent, for such a thing; or
reality, or true or real nature or state &c., of so in the phrase 31,r,J [Vehement hunger]: more, and mot, worthy, or desring, of it: and hse
the case, or affair, rom me, he fled]. (~, TA.) (1:) occurring in a trad. of Aboo-Bekr: but ha a better, and tke best, ritht to suck a ting;
And y v a,tadl jIlj
j IW [When he smw accord. to one reading, it is tjl OJI., without or a mo just, and the most jwt, title or rlai,a
Bk. I. 77
610 [Boox I.
to it; or he is more, and most, entitled to it]: (a camel) mffered suppression of hils urine, (S, thefore girth may not draw it forward (9, TA)
this phrase is used in two senses: first, as denoting M1b,) or had diffculty in staling, (A,15,) in nor hurt him, (TA,) or in order that the saddl
the posession of an exclusive right or tide, i. e., con~ ence of the preure of his . [or hind may not shift forward to his witAers: (MIb:)
without the participation of another; as when girth] upon his #heath, (9, A, 1,) which some- pl. (Mib.) - And A cord with which h the
times kills the beast; as also t,..l. (TA.) 4 .;_ is boun. (ISh, TA.)- See also U.
you say, lt.; j1 .jj Zeyd is entitled to his
property exclusirly ofany other person: secondly, And 4..-She (a camel) suffered sunppresion In excellent she-camels, Smallnesm, or &ndr-
as denoting the possession of a right or title in of her milk in consequence of the pressure of the nes, of the fank, with tenmeneu, orJfirmn , of
participation with another person, but in a supe- b upon her udder. (A.) - [Hence,] said the skin of those parts: a quality approved. (Az,
of rain, (IAr,L, Mqb,15,) &c., (1,) It was TA.)
rior degree; as in the saying, Sty : j..-i _,1
delayed; (L, Msb;) was withheld; (IAr, L, 1 ;)
.lqJ Ct, (M;b,) i. e. The woman that has not as also t _1. (TA.) And of a year (..e),
a husband and is not a virgin [is more entitled :Its rain mas withheld. (S,R,A.) And of a
to dispo~ of herself than is her guardian]; mine, ! [It ceased to yield; or] nothing was ,e_~: see ~m..
(Mgh in art. ., ;) meaning that they participate found in it; as also tV,_J . (K, TA.) And iLb. A periodftime, (A, Mb, K,) undefined:
[in the right], but that her right is the stronger: of a gift, or benefit, t It became little, or ceased. (A, 1]:) accord. to some, i. q. .L.: (Msb:) see
(Myb:) a saying of Molammad, in which the (TA.) And of an affair, S It became perverted, this latter: pl. ~ (8, 1) and :;_.. (1.)
,I1 is oppo~ed to the , for it is added that the marred, or disordered, and impeded. (L.)-
j is to be asked her permission: but one reading See also 8. ,tli A thing to whaich a woman hangs orna-
substitutes S.1JI for.M,l. (Mgh ubi supra) In ments, and which she binds upon her waist; as
4. J~,a. He girded a camel with a
also t~: (1 :) an ornamented thing which a
the saying, in the ]ur [v. 106], j.1 WLjl:J (S.) - He made a person to ride behind him
woman binds upon her waist: (S:) accord. to
l J,, it may be formed from i~ by on the same beast; (A, TA;) as also *.am..:-1,
(A,) or *?,., q. v. (TA.)= See also 1, in Az, like the except that the latter has dif-
rejection otf the augmentative letters, so that the
three places. ferent-coloured threads. (TA.) - A thread, or
meaning is, [Verily our testimony is] more deerv-
bound upon the waist of a child to
ing of being accepted [t/han the testimonty of them 8. . Hc bound a a:eei behind [on his string, that is
avert the evil eye. (Az, 1].).- The whiteness that
two]: or it may be from 'a J. signifying camel or horse]; (Az, TA;) as also t 1 :
appears at the root of the nail. (S.)
anything behind the
z., and so mean more true, or valid. (TA.) (Ham p. 289:) he bound
(I:) he l*X;_L A bag, or receptacle, (A, TA,) in which
Applied to a horse, That does not sweat. [camel'sr saddle called] Ja. or ,3:
($, ].) - And, likewise thus applied, That put on, or conveyed, a Ze. behind him on his a man puts his traveling-provinu:; (TA;) and
puts down his hind hoof in the place [that has horse [or camel]; as also ' a.: (Msb:) he any other thing that is conveyed behind a man [on
to which this is a proper
just be/ore been that] of his fore hoof. (1S, g.) carried, or conveyed, a thing behind him [on his beast]: (A [accord.
his beast]; as also V ". :.- 1: and he made a signification]:) wvhat the rider convteys behind
[See ,a.] whom this is utropidal
person to ride behind him on the a 5 .a. (TA.) him: (MF [accord. to
Speaking truth; saying what is true; See also 4. - [Hence,] , .l and * A-1 significatiom, from the same word in the last of
(My ;) contr. of J : (1 :) or revealing, or (S,A, ]) ? He bore, or took upon himself the the senses mentioned belo, ] :) what is borne, of
good, or evil; goods or utensil or the like, upon the horse, behind
nanifesting, or showing, a truth, or a right or burden of, (S, A,) a thing, (S,)
[or to a thing A.: and laid it up for the rider: (Mob [accord. to which, also, this is
due: or laying claim to a right (A;) syn. (S, A:)
that is bound at the hinder
(see 4)] which is, or becomes, due to him. (Myb.) the future; (A, 1];) namely, good, or evil: tropical] :) anything
part of the [camel's saddle called] J. or of the
his actions,
'O ia, [in the CId, erroneously, J.,] applied (A:) for a man [as it were] bears
and lays them up for the future [to be rewarded [saddle called] .Fj: (K :) what is put behind
to speech, or language, ! Sound, or compact, the J.;: they used to put the coats of mail be-
or punishea for them]. (TA.) And hence, .
($, ]1, TA,) and orderly. (TA.) - And, applied hind their Jl.j, in the [reccptacles called] o'o,
to a garment, or piece of cloth, t Firmly, or .r lI (S, Msb) t [He bore, or took upon him-
compactly, woven, (S, 1, TA,) and figured with elf the burden of, the sin; or] he committed that they might put them on in cae of war; (Ijam
the form of '. [pl. of .1., q.v.]. (TA.) the sin: as though it were a thing perceived by p. 458:) a thing like a aLO, [a covering for a
the senses, which he bore or carried [behind camel'r back,' of two hinds; namely, that of the
[ is often used as meaning A critical him]: (Msb:) or as though he collected it into [cloth called] J~,, which is hollowed out, so as
judge in matters of literature.] a mass, and conveyed it behind him [as a to admit the upper part of the camel's hump;
5ja_: see OC,, in six places.
aL'..] ($) and that of the [saddle called] wJ, is be-
10: see 4 and 8; the latter in three places. hind: 1Sh says that it (the ae-..) it plaed upon
the hinder part of the camel, benemth the two
J~, applied to cattle, Such as have not t , (A, Msb, ],) or ' _,(S,) or the
piecas of wood of the ;: (TA:)
brought forth, nor been milked (; : i [in latter also, (A, Msb, 1,) i. q. ja; (S, A, Msb, hinder curoed
the C]5, erroneously, : .. .,l]), in the next t.K, and Bd in xviii. 59;) [as meaning] A long a S;j [or hind of pad, or stuffed thing,]
preceding year: (Ibn-'Abbad, 1 :) or whose first time: (Bdilb.:) and the former, ($,) or both, at the hinder port of the .A: (':) pl. 4 ;..
and second milkuings are of bieatings. (A.tVt, (A, Mqb, 1K,) eighty years; (9, A, Mqb, ]:, and (s,A.) You say, :.; t f d hit L-].
TA.) Bd ubi supr ;) as some say: (Msb and Bd:) (A.) And a;._,J ~ .u - .,e ! He made him
or more: ($, A, 15 :) or, as some say, seventy: (TA.)_
''. a.;i (in [some of] the copies of the to ride behind him on the 4.J
r (Bd:) and a year; (A,1V;) as also a.h.: [Hence,] tA thing [of an ideal kind] that one
1K, erroneously, m -, , TA) A thrust, or
from the right t (,A, A,1:) or years: (A, 1. :) pl. of the former takaes upon himself, or lays up for the future [to
piercing, in which is no swerving
direction. (9, A, 0, L, ~.) t.ui. [a pl. of mult.], (9, TA,) and of the latter, be rewardedor punishedfor it]. (A.) You say,
(S,1TA,) or former, (Mqb,) or of both, (TA,) :,' .Z J I t[He took upon himelfa bur-
,i-i : see ..1A (9, A, Myb, ]5) and .! [both pls. of den of evil: as though he bound it behind him:
pauc.]. (Az, .) see 8]. (A,TA.) And lo3.. 'e. ' [Piet
a A carml's hind girth; the girth that is is the best thing that ons can tahe pon himself,
1. ,_, (9, A, M;b, ]~,) aor. ', (A, M,b, ]J,) )nest to the flank: (A, ] :) or a rope with which and lay up for the future to profit thereby]. (A,
- [Hence also, accord. to the A, which I
inf. n. i.J., (Mqb, TA,) It (a camel's urine) ) a camelt saddle is bound to his belly, (9, A, Myb, TA.)
follow in marking this signification as tropical,
became suppressd: and, elliptically, (Mb,) he * ,) net to thei ath of his penis, in order that 1
Boox L] _=. -ji 611
but aooord. to the M;b and to MF it is the pri- t :.l, (1],) or both these augmented forms;
mary signification,] IThe hinder parts, or pot- (TA;) It (a mine) ceased to yield anything;
terors, (A, Mlb, MF, TA,) of a woman, (A, (IAgr, L, 1 ;) or yielded nothing: (A:) and 1. ji., aor. ', inf n. ;U_j. (s, A, Mb, V) and
M 9 b,) and ofa man: (TA:) pl. asabove. (Msb.) it (rain) withheld itslf. (IA#r, L,15.)_ , ~s ., .f.; (TA;) and ji., aor.,, inf. n. ;. and
o80in the phrase il"Jl W. Large, (A,) or (1g, TA,) inf. n. a ; (TA ;) or ,.au_; (C1 ;) Fi_; (15, TA;) He, or it, wat, or became,
prominnt, (TA,) in the posteriors. (A, TA.) or t?.i..I; (so in a MS. copy of the ]g;) She contemptible, despicable, mean, paltry, abject,
(a camel) becamnefuU offat. (V.) ignominiou, bas, or vile, (., A, M9b, ,) and
t; A camel nsfering suppression of his
rbine: (MNb:) and tJ.; 4. .M1 . He, (a person, 8, L,) or it, (a thing, held of no weight or ~orth. (Myb.) And .
[signifies the same;
or] a camel Aaoing difficUlty in staling, in conse- L,) cawused him to bear rancour, maleolence, ma- vu, (TA,) or , (so in a copy of the A,)
lice, or spite, (;C A ,) [against another;] (?, L;) and t,1_3J, (1V,) He, or it, was, or beame, con-
qunce of the pressure of hits [or hind girth]
temptible, de~icable, mean, paltry, &c., in my
upon his sheath, which sometimes kills him. (A, [caused him to hide enmity, and violent hatred,
TA.) And the former, A man who is caused to in his heart; (see 1;)] caused him to retain, or eye. (1,*TA.) And . ^l t,3;LW.3 He (lit.
hurry by the isnuing of his urine: (Msb:) or hold fast, enmity in his heart, watching for an his spirit, or soul, or his own self,) became con-
who requires to go to the privy (Msb, TA) for the opportunity to indulge it or czercise it [speedily]. temptible, &c., in his own estimation. (., TA.)
diJehargeof his urine, (Msb,) [or to evacuate his (L, K.)_-im.l, intrans.: see 1, in two places. You say also, 1,i; ii ,;i. [May he be con-
bowels,] and does it nrt until he stdjers consti- - lj_l They sought to obtain onumthingfrom temptible, or despicable, and beget no children]:
pation: (M9b,TA:) or one suffering constipation. a mine andfound it not. (S, 1: copied by J from (A, TA:) a form of imprecation. (TA.) And
(Mpb.) [See an ex. voce tl...] a book, but not heard by him.) j ji. [in which the latter word is an imitative
5: see 1. sequent, or a corroborative: seee *]. (TA.)
_1! A wild ass having a whiteness in the
belly: (] :) or wrrlite in the part where the hind 6. 1 .l&3[They bore mutual rancour, ma- And ij.' i,;p' Thou lhat become very con-
girth (.7i) wsould be placed: (A, ]:) the levolence, malice, or spite; they hid mutual en- temptible, despicable, mean, paltry, &c.; syn.
former is the more approved meaning: (TA:) or mity, and violent hatred, in their hearts; (see 1 ;)]
-a;i . ;w
,_ (]-) _ ;[-, (S, A, Mb, J,)
a ild ass; so called because white in the flanks: they retained, or held fast, mutual enmity in their aor. , (Msb, ],) inf n. sa.; (15, TA;) and
hearts, watchingfor opportunities to indulge it or
(s:) fem. i.L: (S, A:) pl. _, . (A.)_ t, ;., (A,) inf. n. e;i;; (1;) and *j ,
exercise it speedily. (A.)
Ablo :.'i A ijU [or small isolated mountain], (8, A, Mob, ],) and t.:i ..; (., A, ] ;) He
($,1g,) slender, (TA,) rising high into the sky, 8: see 1, in two places. contemned, or depied, him, or it; held him, or
(, I,) of whicL the flanks, or middle parts, .i (S, A, L, Msb, 1) and *].ki. (L, 1]) it, to be contemptible, desicable, mean, paltry,
(V~'J1,)are enveloped by the mirage (1, abject, ignominious, base, or vile, (., A, Mqb, ]V,
Rancour, malevolence, malice, or pite; syn.
so in the ] accord,. to the TA), or by dust (.,4F, TA,) and of no weight or worth. (Myb.) [Henoe,]
'"-; (S, A, L;) concealtent of enmity, and
accord. to the Cg and a MS. copy of the 1O): or .e,,. '.~ d [He who is contemnaed, or de~ed,
violent hatred, in the heart; (Msb;) retention of
ti, (1g,) or --;,. !t, (TA,) signifies a ;jU enmity in the heart, with watchfulneswfor an op- is prohibited,or debarred, from what is good]: a
having, in its middle part, dust of a whitish hue portunity to indulge it or exercise it [speedily: prov. (A.)
(jsl), with ;ai [app. meaning a mixture of see 1]: (L, :) pl. of the former ;U [a pl. of 2. e , inf. n.pi3: see 1. Also He, or
blachness and ,whiteness] of the rest. (15, TA.) it, made him to be contemned or despised, con-
pauc.] (, A, L, Myb, 10) and sjL. (A, L, 1)
's. nfBade to ride behind another on the and (of the latter, L) ' .. (L, 1g.) temptible or despicable, mean, paltry, abject,
same beast. (S.) - Bound upon the [ _i. or] ignominious, base, or vile. (TA.) - Also, (A,
,.3.. (l(am p. 289.) -The fox: (1K:) so .. : see %.R.. 1,) inf. n. as above, (., A, 1,) said of a noun,
called because of the whiteness of his belly. (A,) and of speech, (1.,) i. q. ,.. [He made it
;,m. (S, A, L, 1K) A man [very rancorous, (namely, a noun,) diminutive in form: and he
malevolent, malicious, or spiteful; wont to hide used the diminutiveform in it; namely, speech].
i-.* One who makAs another to ride be/hind enmity, and violent hatred, in his heart;] mont
him on the same beast. (1.) - HIence, in a trad., often, or to a great degree, to retain, or holdfast, 6: see 1, in two places.
!) J-6
' tHe iwho makes his religion enmity in his heart, watchingfor opportunities to 8: see l.
to follow that of others, rwithout evidence, proof, indulge it or exercise it [peedily]. (L, 1].) 10: see 1.
or consideration. (TA.) .j.: see .m.. .a_: see ;!,.

31;. (A, L) and t._m (Ham p. 516) [Bear- ii, a simple subst., Contempt. (Myb.)
1. v u.&
, (S, A, L, Mb,,) aor. :; and ing rancour, malevolence, malice, or spite; hiding iy.f : see ;iM..
enmity, and violent hatred, in the heart;] re-
*Ls , aor. ,; inf. n. (of the former, ., or of taining, or holding fast, enmity in the heart, and j*e. Contemned or de~pised, contemptible or
both, L, TA) .u~, (S, L, Msb,1K,) or this is a watchingfor an opportunity to indulte it or eer despicable, mean, paltry, abject, i~nminiow,
simple subet., (L,) and (of the former, L, or of cise it [speedily]; applied to a man; (L;) and in base, or vile, (g, A, Msb,) and held of no weight
both, TA) *,.I. (L, K) and (of the latter, 8, L) like manner to a heart, as also t i~: . (A.) or teorth; (Mqb;) as also V a
and h :
'._ (8, L, g) and [app. of both, or perhaps this (I, TA:) or these two signify weamk: or of man,
is a simple subst.,] ;,i ; ((;) and t..; ; /a, Origin; syn. J.-l; (IAr;) i. q. j.; or ignoble, origin. (],.) You say also .i i_,
(L, ;) [and l.:ial; (see _..;)] He bore () and ., and .; (TA.) (A,) using the latter word as an imitative sequent,
rancour, malevolence, malice, or spite, (J',) (. and 15 in art. jL,) or as a corroborative.
ew _.~ A man [against whom rancour,
against him; (S, L;) he hid enmity, and violent (TA.)
malevolence, malice, or spite, is borne; against
hatred, against him in his hart; (Msb ;) he re-
whom enmity, and violent hatred, are hidde in U_i. (., A, Myb, 1) and t l and ,
tained, or held fast, enmity against him in his
the heart ;] against whom enmity is retained in (1,) all of which are inf. ns., (TA,) and t Lt1
heart, watchingfor an opportunty to indulge it or
the heart, or hearts, with watchfulne~.for an op-
exercie it (A, L, ]) ~peedily. (A.) [Accord. to and , i;JU. (1) and ij;, (8,:, ) Contept-
the A, this signification is from the one here next portunity to indulge it or ezercise it ~dily.
(A.) iblen, depa , m aneu, paltrina, ab-
following.] - ,s. , (IAr, A, L,) or j-,, (,,) jectnmss, ignomiousu, basness, or l~ s:
inf. n. .s_; (L;) and ?t.il, (IAAr, A, L,) and '-....: s .. (., A, Mlb, ]:) [or the last rather signifies a
612 [Boor I.
cause of contemptibleness &c.; being similar to ..stL.Vl applies [particularly] to certain oblong (1,) it is aid in a prov., ($,) X 41 i l
and :] you say, ;ir.
&Ct.,&. z j tl tracts of sand in the region of Eh-Shi.r: (g,0 iiLJI [Nothing but the good seed-plot producs
JAj i. e. ;,U._ [or rather This thing is a cause of TA:) accord. to J, [in the 9,] to the country of the herb]: (9, ] :) said to be applied to a base
'Ad. (TA.) - Also The lower, or lowest, part saying proceding from a base man: [or it means,
contemptibleness cc. to thee]. (s.)
of a tract of sand, and of a mountain, and of a as the father, so is the son: (Freytag's Arab.
walU. (o, L, T.) Prov. ii. 516:)] but I8d says that ~li_JI is not
added in
h1C. A gazelle [lying] bent together, or known; and he thinks that the 5 is
order to make it accord with or that it
curled, (A 'Obeyd, $, Mgh, Myb, I~,) like a
j_. at. part. n. of .j, Contemning, de- ,.U- of sand, (Az, Sgh, 1],) in his leep, means a wortion of what is terned Ja.: (TA:)
piing, d&c. (A.) You say, >U ;31. g [using (A 'Obeyd, ,,) the pl. is J,m.. (Mgb.)
or in consequence of a wround
the last word as an imitative sequent, or a corro- .c.: (Msb :) or lying upon his breast on a JU1_.A tiller, or cultivator, of land. (TA.)
borative: see .e ]. (A.) _Ai of sand: (IAVr,lK:) or, as some say,
~lj~. An old man, who is languid in respect
upon, or at, tite lo,er, or lowest, part of a a..
of the venereal faculty: or an aged man, ab-
,., see (Mgh.) solutely: and a man who is weary. (TA.).
.. A camel lank in the belly. (ISh, ].) See also what next follows.
;.t,,tJ The Fourth Heaven. (K~.) 'iW^ A soft, orJlaccid, penis; ($, ;) as
J;_ also *tj.i.: (TA:) or the latter signifies
sy~_u: see *;li_, in two places.
3. 1J~%A. [inf. n. of ;J1.] The eUlling of [simply] a penis: (1K:) the former, accord. to
1 2 . Small tins; syn. ;Si s: (`9,]:) but seed-produce in the ear for the grain of wheat: Abu-l-Ghowth, signifies the penis of an old man
this is an application proper to the law; for the ($, M, Mgh, $gh, Msb, 1 :) or the selling of who is languid in respect of the enerealfaculty:
[pagan] Arabs knew not 3ir. nor ;t.: or, seed-produce wrhile in growth, before it appears some of those of post-classical times pronounce
accord. to the writers on strange words, it signi- to be in a good state: or the making a bargain, it with J. (S.)-A flask, or bottle, (jUti,)
fies actions which a man contemns, or despises, or contract, with another, for labour upon land, with a long neck, usd by the water-carrier:
or holds in light estination, even if great sins. on the condition of his receiving a third, or a (1 :) app. formed by substitution [of 3 for L,]
(MF.) fourth, or les, or more, of the produce: or the from a4.. (TA.)
hiring of landfor the grain of nwheat: (M, Mgh,
$gh, !:) or the buying of seed-produce while -.- sing. of J1~ , (TJ,) which signifies
in growthfor the grain of wheat. (Mgh.) Place of seed-produce; syn. (: but
L .: see what follows.
4. Ji.! It (seed-produce) became such as is in some copies, in the place of jI,l? and
I;, (IDrd, $, 1g,) and ,3 4, but the we find J!3.l; and js) [See an
former is the more chaste, (IDrd,) and the latter termed Ji., q. v.: (9,1 :) or put forth its
is mentioned by none but IDrd, (IKh,) and itad. (Mgh.)_ -. fl ', ; . The land became ex. voce am:.]
t*4 , (g,) The [bird called] .1j! [i.e. attagen, in the condition of having nhat is termed j.
francolin, heath-cock, or rail: but see this last (, TA.)
n J;,. and 3jli, for
1. "d~, nor. ' and , (1K,) inf. n. '>.,(TA,)
Arabic word]: (]5:) or the male of the C: I: Q. Q. L lJ3 , inf. n.
He (an oldI3.,man) i q. . [as meaning He confined it; kept it
(~,]~:) but IF says, I do not think it correct: which latter some say
became aged, and languid in respect of the in; prevented it from escape; retained, re-
(TA:) fem. LiUj~. (-.)
venereal faculty: (S :) or W . signifies the strained, or withheld, it]; (k ;) as also l,
lacking ability to exercie the venereal faculty, (as in some copies of the K,) or t &'a-i; (as in
accord. to Az, on the occasion of o~ne's other copies and in the TA ;) but see, in what
1. J; ., aor. ', inf. n. J It (a thing) (sg,)
I, having his bride brought to him. (TA.) - follows, what is said of this last in the ?. (TA.)
was, or became, curved, bent, or winding. (Mb.)
iWb. also signifies The being weary, and weakh _ .;, X d. (.8, Mgh, 10).*a ~, ~,)
j_. also signifies A gazelle's being in the (I.) _- The state of sleeping. (1.) - The act, aor. !, ($,) inf. n. as above, (TA,) lie collected
condition denoted by Ithe part. n.] it,, in the or state, of retrograding,or declining; syn. jt.b. the milk in te skhin, ($, Mgh,) and poured fresh
phrase t.. *, which see below. (Ibn- ( ) -. An old man's resting, or staying, his milk upon that which was curdled, or thick, or
'Abbbd, 1].) hands upon his waist. (Q.)- The walking upon that which was churned: ( :) or ie poured
the milk into the shin, [and kept it therein] that
12. JJ,.I, said of sand, and of the J [or quickly, and writh short steps. (g.) ~ And
cs-, (TA,) in . a. L ., (V, TA,) He im- its butter might come forth. (V.) And >i
moon when, being near the sun, it shows a
narrow rim of light], (8,1,) and of the back, peUed, or re?/ed, him, or it; syn. s. (], ;tJ~ ;1, aor. !, in n. as above, HZe collected
(],) or of anything, such as the back of a camel, TA.) --- al.. [inf. n. of J,] also the water in the skin. (Mpb.) - .jll k_,
# I .1 . , -.
(L,) It u acurred, bent, or winding, (, L,1,) The saying a '~i 1i '. J (Ks, 8, M,) or "d, (Mgh, Mob,) He kept in,
1'9; (TA in art.
and long. (L, 1.) or retained, (M, Mgh, Mqb,) and collected, (Mgh,
JU._;) i. q. A . 0/~ in that art.) Mqb,) the urine, (M,) or his urine: (Mgh, Mb:)
im. A curving, or winding, tract of sand:
A.. Sedroduce Aen its leaves have branched one should not say V ;,il; (Ks,;, M;) nor
(9, Mgh, Mb, 1:) pl. [of pauc.] jlC (., forth, ($, M, Msb, V,) and become apparent should one say [of the urine] g ,Lm. (M.)
Mgb, O) and [of mult.] Jtl; (.1,1) and :, and numerous, (M, g,) before its stalks have r-M Oam;., (9,Mgh, Mb, V,) and J. ,'i .,
(O,L,]g,) and pl. pl. j1& and U_, (g,) become thick: ( :) or when its shoots have come
(TA from a trad.,) t He pre~ented,orforbade, the
forth near together: or as long as it is green:
the former of these two being pl. of J'l or shedding of his blood, (, Mgh,TA,) and the dlay-
(M, g :) or of which the head hau come forth.
of J%.;, (L, TA,) but the latter of them, accord. ing him; (TA;) [hespared his blood, or forboreto
(Lth, L in art. tA.) _- And Land nsch as is
shed it;] i.e., (Mgh,) he saved him (Mgh,V)fvm
to the 0, is a pl., not a pl. pl.: (TA:) or a hap, termed C:!; L e. land in which are no trees: dlaughter (O) when it had become lawful to day
or hilt, of sand, that As asummed a bowed
form: (IDrd, TA:) or a curving, or winding, (Mqb:) or good Ci: n. un. with ;: ( :) or him; from tl'im.; (Mgh;) contr. of s ;
thin tract of sand: ([ar p. 51:) or a great, a good t1 in which one sons; as also with : as though he collected his blood in him, and did
round tract of sand: (Ibn-'Arafeh, y:) or an (I :) or a place that haw never been sown; and not pour it forth. (Myb.)..-- j ;L '_. tHe
oblong, elevated tract of sand: (Fr, ]:) or I so, accord. to some, with ;: (TA:) whence, preserved [the lhtre of his face; meaning kis
1 1
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