2017 PK 2 Form 4

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Name : _________________________________
Class : _________________________________

Questions 1 7 4. Anyone who wants to give away recyclables

is encouraged to contact S.S Love and Care
Answer all questions that follow.
Foundation in the following ways except

CLEAN THE WATER FALL A. visit the centre

B. call mobile phone
Waterfall survivors are celebrating its third C. send an email
anniversary with a national River Clean D. contact using fixed line
Up-Save Our Waterfall campaign at Sungai
Kesang. It aims to have 100 participants SPELL FOR CHARITY
and participation is one a RM 30 entry fee A spelling bee competition, spell for charity
(inclusive of lunch) for walk-ins. was held in SMK Taman Jaya school library.
Teams of four students from the schools in the
1. Which word in the notice above indicates district pit their spelling and vocabulary skills
that the organisers permit public participation? against each other. The even aims to test the
students spelling skill, increase parent-school
A. Walk-ins interaction and to raise funds for disabled
B. Participants children within the district.
C. Survivors
D. Campaign 5. The spell for charity event help students in
the following ways except

Honesty is the best policy A. show off their writing skills

B. improve their English language
C. give money to winners
2. The above saying means that in any D. better reaction with students from
situation it is best to be other schools

A. sincere
B. generous Throw your rubbish in the dustbin.
C. friendly Make sure all the trash falls in.
D. polite

6. Based on the lines above, we know that the


A. keep the place clean

3. The statement aims to remind you of the B. have clean garbage cans
C. fill up the trash cans quickly
A. necessity to love books D. help people collect their trash
B. importance of being yourself
C. influence books have on you
Mustafa : Have you heard about Darren? He
D. proper way to read
was caught stealing the company cash!
Ng : He works for his uncle so he will
Free Pick Up Service! only get a slap on the wrist.
S.S Love and Care Foundation is providing
free pick up service for all who wish to give 7. The phrase slap on the wrist means that
away usable furniture, electrical and household Darren will get
items and food for the poor.
For appointment, call 03-90211956,
A. a mild punishment
1028974639, email lovecare@recyclolo.org or
B. a very hard time
visit www.recyclove.org.
C. a beating
D. tortured

Questions 8 15 are based on the following passage. Choose the correct answer.

Why is it that some children become successful while others do not? Experts say that love ______(8)
an important part. Children who grew up with love and knew that they were loved seemed to survive
well. Another important point noted was that children ______(9) grew up in families where they are
praised regularly tried to live up to their parents expectations. Positive abilities were emphasised in
the children so much so that these children grew up confident and could focus on their strengths.
Childrens interests and hobbies should be ______(10). Self-esteem and faith in their abilities help
children to feel good about themselves. A study has proved that resilient children have a special
interest or activity. Children also need good friends. ______(11) parents should encourage children to
relate to a good friend, a supportive relative or a teacher. Some children find it hard to reach out to
others, so parents can help the children ______(12) allowing them to gain added strength from an
outside force.
If parents are open to the world and the community, ______(13) can teach the children hat the
world is a friendly place. In this way, they help the children to find people who will enrich their lives.
Parents must instil a sense of responsibility in the children. They will ______(14) about
cooperation and confidence from chores or a part-time job. Children need to feel that they can
contribute. A positive environment at home will be ______(15) stepping stone to become more
successful in life.

8 10 12 14
A. play A. grown A. in A. learning
B. plays B. cleared B. by B. learned
C. played C. supported C. for C. learns
D. playing D. installed D. from D. learn

9 11 13 15
A. who A. Therefore A. we A. our
B. whom B. Moreover B. you B. your
C. whose C. However C. they C. their
D. which D. Besides D. their D. my


5. A B C D 10. A B C D
1. A B C D 6. A B C D
2. A B C D 7. A B C D MARK
3. A B C D 8. A B C D
4. A B C D 9. A B C D
11. A B C D
12. A B C D
13. A B C D
14. A B C D
15. A B C D
Questions 16 25
Read the following descriptions and fill in the table that follows.


Fluids play an important role in your body. With the present demanding lifestyle, their intake is often
overlooked. Establishing a fluid plan is thus essential in your daily life.
One of the most important fluids is water. An average adult loses about one to two litres of
body fluid daily and it is generally recommended that you drink at least eight glasses of water per
day. You can drink it warm or cold. Of course, you can add a slice of lemon or lime to give it a
refreshing taste. Water not only helps you to regulate your body temperature but also to remove
waste from your body.
A glass of low-fat milk is sometime most welcomed. Milk when mixed with chocolate or ice
cream can also be a delight. The calcium and protein in the milk provides growing children with
strong bones and teeth.
Isotonic drinks, which come in various flavours, provide a good way for sportsmen to
replace the loss of electrolytes such as potassium and magnesium chlorides. Soup is an all-time
favourite which supplies a good amount of fluid. Served with some herbs and spices, it is known to
help relieve nasal congestion. In addition, blended fruits and vegetables provide vitamins and
minerals in juice form. Coffee or tea can help you to stay alert when you need to work late. Freshly
brewed coffee or tea is revitalising, however, excessive intake may cause an increase in the flow of
Your daily life would not be colourful if you had not been spoiled with the many choices of
fluids. So, remember to enjoy the different types of fluids.

Types Benefits Ways of Serving

16 ______________________ warm or cold
Water add a slice of lemon or lime
17 ______________________

18 ______________________ build strong bones and teeth 19 ______________________

______________________ ______________________

20 ______________________ replace electrolytes (such as in various flavours

potassium, chloride and
______________________ magnesium)

21 ______________________ 22 ______________________ with some herbs and spices

______________________ ______________________

23 ______________________
provide vitamins and minerals in juice form


24 ______________________ 25 ______________________
Coffee or tea
______________________ ______________________
Questions 26 32 are based on the following passage.

1 It is wonderful if you like doing something that can be turned into a career. If that
happens, then you have a career which will not appear like work! You can get up
cheerfully and go to work. Look at the number of people who get up on Monday mornings
and moan and groan about lousy hours doing meaningless chores, mean bosses and nasty
customers! They are always waiting to move jobs. Some of them hope they can resign and 5
stay at home but are not able to do so as there are bills to pay. You dont want to be in this
unhappy group.

2 Some people spend years thinking about what they want to do and discover that
their dream career has been right under their nose the whole time. Things people like
doing right now may lead to the best jobs. For example, if you like drawing, you could 10
become an artist. It is not true that artists will starve to death! Just look at the world
around you. Cars, coffee pots, websites they have all been designed by people with an
eye for art, working in careers that pay well.

3 Liana loves tinkering with things. Shes always building things and taking things
apart. Clocks, bikes, CD players nothing is spared. Lianas father always says, Shes 15
clever give her a job, shell find a way to do it. But then again, tearing clocks apart
doesnt exactly pay. Liana is a natural-born engineer, with terrific job prospects. Most of
our human-made world everything from cities to silicon chips is planned, built and
made to work by tinkerers like Liana.

4 Do you wish you had a job that involved risk, like flying helicopters, volunteering 20
in war-torn countries, fighting the bad guys, working among the rich and famous or doing
shows that can take you around the world? There must be something that you really enjoy
doing and if you can identify that, then, bingo! You have found the job that will pay you
well and also nurture your passion for it.

5 There are many different ways to look for career possibilities. The Internet is a 25
great source. Family and friends, too, can help you find out more about jobs. Talking to
people and finding out what it is that they do is also a great way to learn about careers.
Ask people, How did you get the job that you have? What does it take to do what you
6 If you have patience, a dash of kindness, some knowledge of what is right and 30
wrong, a sense of responsibility and the ability to learn new things, you will be able to fit
into many jobs easily. Getting professional qualifications is only a matter of time. Go to a
college or university, get the right training and skills, and you can excel at your job. A lot
of knowledge regarding the job will come to you as you acquire the experience. One
learns a lot by making mistakes and this kind of learning stays with you for a lifetime. 35
Many successful people never went to the university but are a storehouse of knowledge
because of their experience.

7 Take a job that you think will make a difference to the world in some small ways.
Let the job be that of a clerk, a teacher or a carpenter. A moral component is important
because we must feel that we are somehow contributing to the world. Always empower 40
yourself with the knowledge and information as this will give you confidence but do not
forget that we have to work with our conscience. Work is the only thing in the real world
that we can do for more than eight hours a day. We cannot eat for that number of hours.
So work with a sense of duty. That is a must in a humane society.
26 From paragraph 1, why cant people simply resign from their jobs and stay at home?

[1 mark]
27 From paragraph 2, why does the writer say that some peoples career was right under their

[1 mark]
28 From paragraph 3, which sentence tells you that Lianas father was worried that Liana might
not be able to find a suitable job?

[1 mark]
29 (a) From paragraph 5, mention two ways to find out more about career possibilities.

(i) ________________________________________________________________________

(ii) ________________________________________________________________________
[2 marks]
(b) From paragraph 5, do you agree that talking to people and finding out what they do is a
great way to learn about careers?

[1 mark]

30 (a) From paragraph 6, why does a person need to go to the university?

[1 mark]
(b) From paragraph 6, what special quality do some successful people have?
[1 mark]

31 Do you agree with the writers opinion that a moral component is necessary in choosing our
career path? Give a reason.


[2 marks]

31 Based on the passage given, write a summary on:

the qualities needed to get a job

Credit will be given for use of own words but care must be taken not to change the original

Your summary must

be in continuous writing (not in note form)
use material from line 30 to the end
not be longer than 130 words including the 10 words given below
Begin your summary as follows:
To fit into any job, we need patience, kindness, knowledge...
[15 marks]



























Read the following poem and answer the questions that follow.

The Charge of the Light Brigade

by Alfred Tennyson

Half a league, half a league, "Forward, the Light Cannon to right of them,
Half a league onward, Brigade!" Cannon to left of them,
All in the valley of Death Was there a man dismayed? Cannon in front of them
Rode the six hundred. Not though the soldier knew Volleyed and thundered;
"Forward, the Light Someone had blundered: Stormed at with shot and
Brigade! Theirs not to make reply, shell
Charge for the guns!" he Theirs not to reason why. Boldly they rode and well,
said: Theirs but to do and die: Into the jaws of Death,
Into the valley of Death Into the valley of Death Into the mouth of Hell
Rode the six hundred. Rode the six hundred. Rode the six hundred.

32 According to the first stanza, how many soldiers rode into the battle?

[1 mark]
33 In stanza 2, what does the word dismayed suggest?

[1 mark]
34 Why do you think the poet refers to the valley as the Valley of Death?

[1 mark]
35 In your opinion, would you follow the order if you are in that battlefield? Why?



[2 marks]


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