The Best Part of Me Ela6 Unit

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Unit Plan

Unit Dates:
Grade: 6A; 6B Unit Focus: Unity and Me Teacher: Holly Stringam
Sept. 11-29, 2017
This unit will be focussed around the book, The Best Part of Me: Children Talk About Their Bodies in Pictures and Words, by Wendy Ewald. This
book is an ideal tool to discuss body image, self-esteem, and diversity with students. Integrated into the unit will be the use of different
technology tools used for presentations. Students will explore programs such as PowerPoint, Google Slides, and Keynote, and have the
opportunity to present a personal presentation to their peers. Students will also create a special page depicting what they think the best part of
me is to them. Modeling the format of the book, students will write a short description and rationale poem for their choice, and submit their
work with a picture to be put into the classroom slideshow, and viewed on the last day of the unit. Journal prompts, quick-writes, and mini-
lessons will be incorporated into the unit for students to better explore the unit theme, as well as learn about the different technology tools and
writing skills needed to complete the assignments and activities.

The main purpose of this unit is to create a classroom environment that is inviting and accepting. Students in this grade are entering middle
school and are faced with exciting new experiences and challenges. Body image, self-esteem, and diversity are important topics that every
student should have an opportunity to discuss and reflect upon. The All About Me presentation assignment will allow students to get to know
their peers better, as well as learn how to utilize the presentation technology available to them. Students will also have a chance to get to know
their teacher better as a model presentation will be presented to them before they embark on their own projects. (Personal background, family,
friends, hobbies, interests, goals, etc. will be included in the presentation.) Journal prompts, quick-writes, and the final The Best Part of Me
descriptive poem will require students to dig deeper into the overarching theme of the unit as they appreciate their own self-worth, and the
advantages of diversity and unity in the classroom.
General Learning Outcomes: Objectives:
G.L.O. 1: Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to explore Students will
thoughts, ideas and feelings.
1.1 Discover and Explore 1. Discover and explore the text, The Best Part of Me: Children Talk
1.2 Clarify and Extend About Their Bodies in Pictures and Words, by Wendy Ewald.

G.L.O. 2: Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to 2. Respond to text and identify a positive physical feature of
comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral, print and other media themselves.
3. Create a descriptive poem about their favourite physical feature.
2.1 Use Strategies and Clues
2.2 Respond to texts 4. Learn how to access and navigate PowerPoint, Google Slides, and
2.3 Understand Forms, elements and techniques Keynote and create a personal presentation using a program of
2.4 Create original texts their choice.

G.L.O. 3: Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to manage 5. Discuss and participate in activities that will require them to
ideas and information. reflect upon and discuss important topics such as body image,
3.1 Plan and focus self-esteem, and diversity.
3.2 Select and process
6. Generate ideas, elaborate on the expression of ideas, and create
3.3 Organize, record and evaluate
both written and visual products.
3.4 Share and Review
7. Participate in personal and peer review sessions to improve and
G.L.O. 4: Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to enhance enhance others work, as well as their own writing skills and
the clarity and artistry of communication. assignments.
4.1 Enhance and improve
4.2 Attend to Conventions 8. Incorporate proper writing and grammar techniques into their
4.3 Present and share writing and presentations.

9. Consider their audience as they prepare and present personal

G.L.O. 5: Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to respect, projects.
support and collaborate with others.
5.1 Respect others and strengthen community
10. Work within a group and cooperate with their peers to create a
5.2 Work within a group
unifying and welcoming classroom atmosphere.
Key Teaching and Learning Activities:
- Unity and Me Unit Theme Brainstorming Activity
- The Best Part of Me Descriptive Poetry Writing
- Writing Essentials/Descriptive Writing Mini-Lesson
-Technology Exploration/ Question and Answer Period
-Model Teacher Presentation
-Students Personal All About Me Presentations
-Peer Review/ Teacher Conferences
- Classroom Unity Game: Newspaper Towers
- Classroom Presentation: The Best Part of Me Reveal Party

Resources: Planning for Diversity:

-Language and Literacy: Content and Teaching Throughout this unit there are various reading and Assessment and Evaluation:
Strategies (2017) Tompkins, Bright, Winsor writing activities; however, a large portion of Formative:
-The Best Part of Me: Children Talk About Their assignments will be done and submitted -Journal Entries
Bodies in Pictures and Words, by Wendy Ewald. electronically. Partner-work, and collaboration will -Teacher-Student Conferences
-Scholastic: The Best Part of Me: Positive Self- be encouraged. -Peer Review
Image Poetry Lesson Resources: -Group Work The main focus of adjustment regarding diversity -Activity Participation
posts/genia-connell/best-part-me-positive-self- and specific needs will be in providing students
image-poetry/ with both digital and hard-copy options when Summative:
-PowerPoint reading and writing are required. Journal entries -Related Journal Entries: 30%
-Google Slides and quick-writes will usually be done in their (F/S: Marked for completion and effort)
-Keynote Writers Notebook, but a digital copy is also - The Best Part of Me Descriptive Poem: 40%
acceptable. The main resource, The Best Part of -All About Me Presentation: 30%
Me picture book, will be available in audio format,
and read in small and large group settings
throughout the unit.
Daily Lesson Breakdown:

Day Specific Learning Outcomes Teaching and Learning Activities Resources/ Materials (Formative &
1.1.1 Express Ideas and Develop Intro to theme: Unity and Me -Various copies of picture book Ongoing Vocabulary Work
Understanding Read a few excerpts from The Best Part of (or excerpts from book)
-Read, write, represent and talk to Me: Children Talk About Their Bodies in -Group activity questions
explore and explain connections Pictures and Words, by Wendy Ewald as a - The Best Part of Me
between prior knowledge and new class. assignment hand-out and
information in oral, print and other rubric
media texts. Group Work: In small groups have students
-Engage in exploratory communication read various other entries from the book
to share personal responses and and answer discussion questions regarding
develop own interpretations. excerpts and unit theme.
1 1.2.1 Consider the ideas of others
-Select from the ideas and observations Introduce The Best Part of Me
of others to expand personal assignment and choose a focus for the
understanding. project.
2.2.2 Construct meaning from texts
-Observe and discuss aspects of human
nature revealed in oral, print and other
media texts, and relate them to those
encountered in the community.

2 1.2.2 Combine ideas The Best Part of Me writing period -Camera Journal Prompt:
-Use talk, notes, personal writing and Quotable Tuesday
representing, together with texts and Picture-Taking (for class-compiled
the ideas of others, to clarify and shape slideshow)
1.2.3 Extend understanding
-Evaluate the usefulness of new ideas,
techniques and texts in terms of
present understanding.

2.4.1 Generate ideas Mini-lesson: Writing Essentials; Descriptive -Language and Literacy: Journal Prompt:
-Choose life themes encountered in poetry writing Content and Teaching Gratitude Wednesday
reading, listening and viewing activities, Strategies (2017) Tompkins,
and in own experiences, for creating The Best Part of Me writing & revision Bright, Winsor
oral, print and other media texts.
2.4.2 Elaborate on the expression of
-Use literary devices, such as imagery
and figurative language, to create
particular effects.
3 2.4.3 Structure texts
-Determine purpose and audience
needs to choose forms, and organize
ideas and details in oral, print and other
media texts.
-Express the same ideas in different
forms and genres; compare and explain
the effectiveness of each for audience
and purpose.

3.1.1. Focus attention Teacher Model Presentation: All About Me! -Miss Stringams All About Journal Prompt:
-Distinguish among facts, supported Me Presentation Video Response Thursday
inferences and opinions. Technology Exploration: PowerPoint, -Laptop Cart
-Use note-taking or representing to Google Slides, and Keynote. -Access to PowerPoint, Google The Best Part of Me
4 assist with understanding ideas and Slides, and Keynote Descriptive Poem Rough
information, and focusing topics for Introduce the All About Me Presentation -Final assignment hand-out Draft DUE
investigation. assignment. and rubric


6 3.1.3 Plan to gather information Technology Exploration: Question and -Laptop Cart Ongoing Vocabulary Work
-Develop and follow own plan for Answer Period (Choose program and begin -Access to PowerPoint, Google
accessing and gathering ideas and Slides, and Keynote
information, considering guidelines for working on personal presentation project)
time and length of investigation and

3.3.3 Evaluate information Personal Presentation Work Period -Laptop Cart Journal Prompt:
-Evaluate the appropriateness of -Access to PowerPoint, Google Quotable Tuesday
information for a particular audience Peer Review/ Teacher Conferences Slides, and Keynote
and purpose
-Recognize gaps in gathered
information, and suggest additional
information needed for a particular
7 audience and purpose
4.1.1 Appraise own and others' work
4.1.2 Revise and edit
4.1.3 Enhance legibility
4.1.4 Expand knowledge of language
4.1.5 Enhance artistry

8 5.2.1 Cooperate with others Classroom Unity Game: Newspaper Towers -Newspaper, tape, and other Journal Prompt:
-Assume a variety of roles, and share game supplies Gratitude Wednesday
responsibilities as a group member. Divide the students up into teams, and give
-Identify and participate in situations each group an equal pile of newspaper and
and projects in which group work a roll of tape. Set a timer and on a signal,
enhances learning and results. all teams go to their newspaper piles and
5.2.2 Work in groups begin working. The goal of the game is to
-Contribute to group knowledge of build the largest tower out of only
topics to identify and focus information newspapers and supplied tape. Students
needs, sources and purposes for must work together to build the highest,
research or investigations free-standing tower in the time provided.
-Address specific problems in a group
by specifying goals, devising alternative Post-Activity Writing Response
solutions and choosing the best
5.2.3 Evaluate group process
-Assess own contributions to group
process, and set personal goals for
working effectively with others.
4.3.2 Enhance presentation Final Project Polishing -Laptop Cart Journal Prompt:
-Emphasize key ideas and information -Access to PowerPoint, Google Video Response Thursday
to enhance audience understanding and Slides, and Keynote
9 enjoyment. -The Best Part of Me Final The Best Part of Me
Draft Paper Descriptive Poem Final Draft
Sign up for Presentations (Next week: Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday)
3.4.1 Share ideas and information -Presentation Capabilities Summative:
-Communicate ideas and information in Students All About Me -Assessment Forms Student Presentations
a variety of oral, print and other media Presentations
11 texts.
-Select appropriate visuals, print and/or
other media to inform and engage the
4.3.1. Present information
Use various styles and forms of
presentations, depending on content,
audience and purpose.
4.3.3 Use effective oral and visual
12 communication
-Demonstrate control of voice, pacing,
gestures and facial expressions; arrange
props and presentation space to
enhance communication.
4.3.4. Demonstrate attentive listening
and viewing
-Identify the tone, mood and emotion
conveyed in oral and visual
13 presentations.
-Respond to the emotional aspects of
presentations by providing nonverbal
encouragement and appreciative
5.1.3 Celebrate accomplishments and Classroom The Best Part of Me video -Compiled Student Slideshow: Journal Prompt:
events reveal party The Best Part of Me Video Response Thursday
-Use appropriate language to
14 participate in public events, occasions
or traditions.



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