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Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 43 (2017) 1825

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Driving forces for mass transfer in electrohydrodynamic (EHD) drying MARK

a, a b a a
Alex Martynenko , Tess Astatkie , Nicolas Riaud , Patrick Wells , Tadeusz Kudra
Department of Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, Dalhousie University, Truro, Nova Scotia B2N 5E3, Canada
CNRS - Universit de Poitiers, 11 Boulevard Marie et Pierre Curie BP 30179, F86962 Cedex, France


Keywords: Electrohydrodynamic (EHD) drying is considered as energy ecient non-thermal technology suitable for de-
Ionic wind watering of heat-sensitive materials, including food products. A factorial experimental design was used to
Corona discharge identify signicant factors aecting mass transfer in EHD drying. The experiment revealed signicant eects of
Electric eld voltage, distance (gap) between electrodes, conguration of discharge electrode, air cross-ow and the char-
Charge distribution
acteristics of material surface on mass transfer. Strong coupling between mass and charge transfer was found for
all voltages, gaps and congurations of discharge electrode. The eect of air cross-ow at 1.0 m/s on mass
transfer was additive to the eect of ionic wind, consistently increasing total mass transfer by 5.05.1 g/h in all
experimental conditions. These results led to the conclusion that the eect of EHD is convective in nature,
enhancing mass transfer due to ionic wind. The eect of material surface characteristics was attributed to dif-
ferent hydrodynamic conditions of air boundary layer.
Industrial relevance: This research is focused on better understanding of the factors that play a signicant role in
EHD drying, and therefore it is important for industry to facilitate practical applications of EHD in bioprocessing
and food engineering.

1. Introduction Bajgai & Hashinaga, 2001a), higher rehydration ratio

(Bajgai & Hashinaga, 2001b), preserved color (Alemrajabi et al., 2012;
Electrohydrodynamic (EHD) drying is regarded as emerging, non- Bajgai & Hashinaga, 2001a; Esehaghbeygi & Basiry, 2011; Hashinaga,
thermal dewatering technology, which appears to be a viable alter- Bajgai, Isobe, & Barthakur, 1999; Xue, Barthakur, & Alli, 1999), and
native to conventional thermal drying for certain heat-sensitive mate- higher vitamin C content (Bajgai & Hashinaga, 2001b).
rials, such as high-value bioactive components of fruits and medicinal The principle behind EHD drying is the phenomenon of charge
plants (polyphenols, avonoids, dietary ber, etc.), living cells (bac- transfer (corona discharge) from a high-voltage electrode. The corona
teria, yeasts and viruses), and non-living substances of biological origin appears when a high voltage is applied to two electrodes with sub-
(blood plasma, serum, hormones, antibiotics, probiotics, nutraceuticals, stantially dierent radii of curvature, such as a sharp vertical pin or ne
etc.) (Alemrajabi, Rezaee, Mirhosseini, & Esehaghbeygi, 2012; Bajgai, horizontal wire and a at surface, giving respectively point-to-plate or
Raghavan, Hashinaga, & Ngadi, 2006; Singh, Orsat, & Raghavan, 2012; wire-to-plate congurations (Kulacki, 1982). The discharge electrode
Zhang, Chen, Mujumdar, Zhong, & Sun, 2015). The positive eect of with larger curvature generates ionic wind due to corona discharge,
EHD on mass transfer was also reported for combination with other which impinges the surface of wet material deposited on the collecting
drying techniques, such as EHD-assisted hot air drying (Alemrajabi (grounded) electrode (Fig. 1).
et al., 2012; Dinani, Havet, Hamdami, & Shahedi, 2014b; Singh et al., EHD drying is the most ecient under conditions of stable glow
2017), EHD-assisted vacuum freeze drying (Bai, Yang, & Huang, 2012), discharge from low-energy ions, dragged by electric force (Goldman,
or EHD with auxiliary contact heating (Lai & Wang, 2009). Energy Goldman, & Sigmond, 1985). The space charge in the drift region is the
consumption in EHD drying is much lower than that in hot air drying, major factor of drying, determining current density distribution and
likely because of targeted supply of energy for moisture evaporation mass transfer from the surface of the wet material. The space charge
and practically there is no heat lost with exhaust air. The energy-related density in the drift region depends on the gap between electrodes, ex-
issues in EHD drying have been reviewed by Kudra and Martynenko pansion of ionization region and thickness of the material under drying.
(2015). The reported benets of EHD compared to hot air drying on The limit of ionization region () is determined by electric eld
food quality include lesser shrinkage (Alemrajabi et al., 2012; strength.

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (A. Martynenko).
Received 16 February 2017; Received in revised form 26 May 2017; Accepted 9 July 2017
Available online 10 July 2017
1466-8564/ 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A. Martynenko et al. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 43 (2017) 1825

relationship between ionic wind velocity and current density j (A/m2)

at the surface of collecting electrode has been derived by Robinson
(1961) as

ue =
b (4)
j = jo cos5 (5)
where b is the ionic mobility (m /(s V)), jo is the maximum current
density just underneath of a pin, and is the Warburg angle, de-
termined from the geometry of electrode (see Fig. 1).
Eqs. (4) and (5) predict non-uniform ionic wind velocity over the
surface of the material, which then was conrmed experimentally
(Kawamoto, Yasuda, & Umezu, 2006; Rickard, Dunn-Rankin,
Weinberg, & Carleton, 2006). These results correspond well to early
experimental ndings of Isobe, Barthakur, Yoshino, Okushima, and
Sase (1999), who reported Warburg distribution (Eq. (5)) of mass
transfer, initiated by the pin electrode at the surface of agar gel.
It is important to note that the estimate of ionic wind velocity from
Eq. (4) is about one third of than the one given by Eq. (3). This fact
could be attributed to the averaging the prole of ionic wind velocity
over the surface area. The maximum ionic wind velocity, calculated
from Eq. (3), is usually on the order of several meters per second, which
denitely entails the aerodynamic eect, disturbing the boundary layer
at the material's surface.
The surface action of EHD was conrmed in the experiments with
Fig. 1. A typical pin-to-plane corona geometry. water evaporation (Kamkari & Alemrajabi, 2010; Li, Li, & Tatsumi,
(Adopted from Goldman et al., 1985). 2000; Wolny & Kaniuk, 1996), wetted solid and perforated glass beads
(Ramachandran & Lai, 2010), sand (Singh et al., 2017), apple slices in
1.1. Existing theories of electrically-induced mass transfer the rst 5 h of drying (Hashinaga et al., 1999), tomato slices in the rst
3 h of drying (Esehaghbeygi & Basiry, 2011), carrots and miscanthus in
Mass transfer in EHD drying could be attributed to various physical the rst 1.4 h of drying (Pogorzelski, Zander, Zander, & Wrotniak,
phenomena. Some of them, such as ionic wind, impingement of mate- 2013). These experiments demonstrated constant drying rate, which is
rial surface, gradient of surface tension, polarization, space charge and typical for convective mass transfer. It corresponds to Type 1 (Dirichlet)
electrocapillarity are briey discussed in the topical literature boundary condition, when liquid mass transfer is controlled only by the
(Rounsley, 1985). Early research on EHD considered the ion-drag force gas properties, such as temperature, density, humidity and supercial
(ionic wind) as a major driving force for mass transfer (Kulacki, 1982; velocity.
Robinson, 1961). This force, resulting from exposure of a unit volume In contrast, EHD drying of biomaterials, such as rapeseed
of charged gas to electric eld with strength E, is represented as a (Basiry & Esehaghbeygi, 2010), tomato slices after 3 h of drying
pressure gradient P (Esehaghbeygi & Basiry, 2011), kiwi fruits (Dalvand,
Mohtasebi, & Raee, 2013), apple slices (Martynenko & Zheng, 2016),
P = c E (1) mushrooms (Dinani, Hamdami, Shahedi, & Havet, 2014a) and carrot
where c is the space charge density, C/m . 3 slices (Ding, Lu, & Song, 2015), demonstrated exponential decay of
The ionic wind velocity from the electric eld force at the surface of moisture content or falling drying rate, which is typical for the diu-
the collecting electrode can be estimated from the momentum con- sion-limited mass transfer. The diusion could be constrained either
servation law (Robinson, 1961) because of low internal diusivity of the biomaterial (Ding et al., 2015),
or due to the receding evaporation front with solid-gas interface below
ue 2 the material surface (Alem-Rajabi & Lai, 2005; Pogorzelski et al., 2013).
= c Edz This case corresponds to Type 3 boundary condition (Robin), linking
0 (2)
water diusion towards the material surface and convection from the
where d is the gap between discharge and collecting electrodes (m), material surface
stands for air density (kg/m3), and ue represents ionic wind velocity (m/
s). Taking air density as constant and independent of both the water dm m
=D = hm (m m)
dt x (6)
vapor density and electric charge density, Barthakur and Al-Kanani
(1989) derived the linear relationship between ionic wind velocity ue where D is the water diusivity (m /s) in the material with thickness x
and electric eld strength E (m), m = m m stands for the concentration gradient or dierence
o in water vapor concentration between the sample surface and ambient
ue = E gas (kg/m3) and hm denotes the mass transfer coecient (m/s).
It was found that mass transfer increases with voltage and decreases
where o represents dielectric permittivity of vacuum (8.85 pF/m). with the gap between electrodes (Lai & Lai, 2002). However, it is still
This equation considers uniform electric eld at the surface of the unclear, whether mass transfer is driven by voltage or by electric eld
collecting electrode. However, according to Warburg law (Warburg, strength. Moreover, the eect of electrode conguration on charge
1927), discharge from the sharp pin or thin wire causes highly non- density and mass transfer has never been studied.
uniform distribution of electric current density, and therefore non- The eect of air cross-ow on mass transfer was thoroughly ex-
homogeneous electric eld at the plane surface (see Fig. 1). The amined by Lai and Lai (2002) and Lai and Sharma (2005). Whereas

A. Martynenko et al. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 43 (2017) 1825

forced convection was advantageous in the case of thermal drying be-

cause of increased turbulence at the material-air interface, it was not
benecial for EHD drying. Cross-ow of air, parallel to material surface,
signicantly suppressed the positive eect of ionic wind due to aero-
dynamic eect of convective airow. In contrast, it was found that la-
minar cross-ow facilitated eect of ionic wind on mass transfer
(Lai & Lai, 2002; Sadek, Fax, & Hurwitz, 1972). The positive eect on
EHD drying for 1.0 m/s air velocity has also been reported by
Martynenko and Zheng (2016). Apparently, these ndings indicate the
important role of a boundary layer in the EHD mass transport. Further
study on the eect of material surface on the mass transfer is necessary
for the optimization of EHD-assisted drying.
Despite numerous researches on EHD eect on water evaporation,
the general theory of mass transfer in electrically-charged gas in the
presence of electric eld has not yet been developed. Thus, the objec-
tive of this study was to identify signicant factors of mass transfer and
their interactions to facilitate practical applications of EHD in biopro-
cessing and food engineering.

2. Materials and methods

Fig. 3. Drying chamber as seen through the air exhaust vent.

2.1. Materials
The experimental apparatus consisted of discharge and collecting
To determine the eect of material on EHD mass transfer, two ca- electrodes, computerized system for mass and electric current mea-
pillary-porous materials with distinctively dierent surface character- surements, controllable speed blower (Fantech, Model K4, Canada), and
istics were used. The rst one was the pack of wet tissue paper universal high voltage DC power supply (Model BAL32-10-V, Universal
(Cascades Tissue Group, Canada) with 5 mm thickness and smooth at Voltronics, USA). The 40 20 20 cm drying chamber was made
surface. The second test material was the wet sponge with 5 mm from transparent plastic, having two air vents 10.2 cm in diameter on
thickness and rough porous surface. Our postulations related to the both sides of the chamber (Fig. 3.).
choice of these materials were: (i) free-water surface evaporation; (ii) Air blower provided stabilized airow across the chamber with
negligible moisture gradients within the material, (iii) capillary action, supercial velocity of 1.0 m/s, as measured in the drying chamber by
i.e., insignicant molecular diusion of liquid water within the material the hot wire anemometer (Digi-Sense, model 20,250, Cole-Palmer,
compared to capillary ow, and (iv) negligible shrinkage, which implies Canada). The multiple-pin discharge electrode was formed from 1.5 cm
constant thickness of the material and constant gap during drying. long sharp stainless steel pins 1.35 mm in diameter and 31 cone angle,
attached to the berglass plate 185 125 1.5 mm in the nodes of
the rectangular grid of cells. Two congurations of electrodes with
2.2. Experimental apparatus dierent packing densities were used in this study: one with 143 pins
arranged in 11 13 rows with 1 cm square cells (1 1), and another
A lab-scale convective chamber, equipped with multiple pins-to- with 42 pins arranged in 6 7 rows with 2 cm square cells (2 2).
plate electrode system, used for EHD drying is shown in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2. Experimental setup: 1 - computer; 2 -

high-voltage power supply; 3 - drying chamber, 4
- multiple-pin discharge electrode, 5 - grounded
plate electrode, 6 - air blower with ow stabi-

A. Martynenko et al. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 43 (2017) 1825

The discharge electrode was connected to the positive pole of the high
voltage source providing DC current up to 32 kV and 10 A. The col-
lecting electrode made of aluminum plate 12.5 20 0.15 cm was
centered below discharge electrode and connected to the ground of the
high voltage power supply. The gap between discharge and grounded
electrodes was adjustable in the range from 2.0 to 4.0 cm. Both voltage
and current were displayed on the control panel of the power supply,
and continuously recorded on the computer through a digital interface
NI USB-6210 (National Instruments, USA). Air velocity in experiments
with forced convection was maintained constant at 1.0 0.1 m/s.

2.3. Drying experiments

The eect of EHD on the water mass transfer was evaluated from
drying experiments of wet material with capillary action at room
temperature of 20 1 C and air humidity in 5570% range. The
sample of porous wet material with high capillarity was formed from
either 5 mm sponge 10 16 cm or a pack of 40 dry tissue paper
10 16 cm, which were wetted with tap water to 50.0 1.0 g and
placed centrally on the surface of the collecting electrode. The surface
area of wet sample was entirely exposed to ionic wind produced by the
array of multi-pin electrode. Drying experiments were carried out for
dierent combinations of voltages (14 and 19 kV DC +), congurations
of discharge electrode (1 1) and (2 2), gaps (3.5 and 4.0 cm), and
air velocities (0 and 1.0 m/s). In this study, both current and mass
transfer were considered as output (response) variables. Each experi-
ment was carried out at constant voltage in the range of currents from 0
to 300 A. Mass reduction of the wet material was measured by top-
loaded digital balance HCB1002 (Adam Equipment, Danbury, CT, USA)
and continuously recorded through a USB interface to the computer.
Drying rate g/(sm2) was calculated from time series of mass mea-
surements with respect to specic area of evaporation. Mass transfer to
gaseous phase was considered equal to drying rate from wet material.
The duration of each drying experiment was set to 1 h.

2.4. Statistical analysis Fig. 4. EHD drying kinetics of wet paper tissue (A) and sponge (B) for (1 1) electrode:
circles-14 kV, triangles-19 kV, lled-mass, emptycurrent. Gap 40 mm, no airow.

Unreplicated 25 factorial design was used to determine the eect of

operational variables (voltage, gap, electrode conguration, air velo- negligible moisture gradients inside of the material, at least within the
city, and type of the material) on two output (response) variables rst hour of drying. Constant drying rate, observed for EHD drying
(drying rate and current). Since the full factorial model of unreplicated implies constant water content on the surface of the material and
designs cannot be analyzed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) be- constant coecient of mass transfer hm. It means that the third postu-
cause of the zero degrees of freedom for the error, a two-phase analysis lation about insignicant eect of diusion on the mass transfer was
was conducted. In the rst phase, normal probability plot of the eects correct. It is important to note that electric current in all experiments
along with the Lenth test was used to identify active eects, and then in was also constant for the entire period of drying, which indicated sta-
the second phase, ANOVA of a reduced model (reduced by moving the tionary drying conditions.
inactive eects to the error) was used to re-conrm the results It was also noticed that electric eld directly aected weight mea-
(Astatkie, Joseph, & Martin, 2006). Normal distribution and constant surements. In our experiment, immediate decrease of weight by 22.5 g
variance of the error terms assumptions were veried by examining the was recorded in the presence of an electric eld (Fig. 4A). Generally,
residuals of the second phase ANOVA model as described in this eect was proportional to the strength of electric eld between
Montgomery (2013). The analysis was completed using Minitab soft- electrodes and was fully reversible when voltage was turned o. It did
ware (Minitab 17, Minitab Inc., State College, PA, USA). not change when wet material was removed from the gap, which im-
plies possible eect of Coulomb force between discharge and collecting
3. Results and discussion electrodes.
The eect of EHD and convective airow (separately and in com-
3.1. Drying kinetics bination of both) on the mass transfer is clearly illustrated in Fig. 5.
Constant drying rate of capillary-porous materials during long
Drying kinetics of the wet paper tissue and sponge measured within period of time was quite benecial for quantifying eects of multiple
1 h at dierent EHD settings is presented in Fig. 4. factors on mass transfer in EHD drying. From Fig. 5 it can be concluded
This linear drying kinetics, observed in both cases (Fig. 4A and that the mass transfer depends on the electric eld strength and air
Fig. 4B), is specic for the materials with capillary action. It is dierent cross-ow. Mass transfer due to the cross-ow was 1.2 and 5.0 g/h for
from drying of biomaterials with diusion-limited mass transfer, like free and forced convection, respectively. Mass transfer due to EHD was
apples (Martynenko & Zheng, 2016) or mushrooms (Dinani, Havet, 3.9 g/h for free convection and 9.0 g/h for forced convection.
et al., 2014). The constant drying rate, observed in this experiment Current set of experiments completed within the chosen range of
(Fig. 4) validated the rst postulation about free water evaporation voltages, gaps and electrode congurations clearly demonstrated strong
from the material surface. It also proved the second postulation about correlation between mass transfer rate and electric current. Apparently,

A. Martynenko et al. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 43 (2017) 1825

Table 2
Results of statistical analysis of reduced ANOVA model for drying rate. The signicant
main eects and interaction eect that require further multiple means comparison are
shown in bold.

Eect Symbol p-Value

Voltage V 0.001
Gap G 0.001
Electrode E 0.001
Air A 0.001
Material M 0.001
Electrode material E M 0.003

insignicance of the other interaction eects that are not included in

the ANOVA model conrm that the dierences between the two levels
of Voltage, Gap and Air shown in Fig. 6 are valid regardless of the
settings of the other factors. The relative eect of input factors on
drying rate (DR) could be seen in the tted regression model (Eq. 7)
expressed in coded units.

DR (g h) = 9.912 + 2.688V 1.038G + 1.356E + 2.763A1.30M

+ 0.731E M (7)

The coecients of Eq. 7 reect the most signicant positive eect of

air cross-ow, applied voltage and larger spacing between pins, while
Fig. 5. Drying kinetics of wet paper tissue: 1 - free (natural) convection; 2 - forced con-
eect of the gap and material roughness on drying rate was negative.
vection 1.0 m/s; 3, 4 - EHD at 14 kV, gap 4.0 cm and (1 1) electrode, without (3) and
The highest drying rate, obtained with V = 19 (+1), G = 3.5 ( 1),
with (4) airow 1.0 m/s.
E = 2 (+1), A = 1 (+1) for the wet paper tissue is DRmax = 18.325 g/
higher ionic wind resulted in higher electric current and, as a con- The plots for main and interaction eects on drying rate are pre-
sequence higher mass transfer rate. To study the relationships between sented in Fig. 6.
mass transfer, ionic wind and forced airow under dierent experi- From Fig. 6A and C, it follows that voltage and airow are the two
mental settings, the multifactorial experiment was carried out. most signicant factors, facilitating mass transfer. Eect of the gap on
the mass transfer was negative, which corresponds well with previous
research (Kudra & Martynenko, 2015; Lai & Lai, 2002). From Fig. 6D, it
3.2. Eects of voltage, gap, electrode conguration, airow and type of the
follows that drying of wet paper tissue was more ecient than that of
material on mass transfer
sponge, which could be related to the smooth surface structure which
does not disturb so much the air boundary layer. The dierence in
To study the eect of the selected factors, the experiment was car-
drying rate was higher for (1 1) electrode and lower for (2 2 cm)
ried out according to an unreplicated ve-factor, each with two levels
electrode. Also, the electrode with larger spacing between pins
(25) factorial design that has 32 runs, but conducted in a random order
(2 2 cm) positively aected mass transfer. Therefore, from our ex-
(Astatkie et al., 2006). The levels of each factor have carefully been
perimental results it follows that larger spacing between pins is pre-
chosen based on preliminary research on current-voltage characteristics
ferable for EHD drying. However, optimization of electrode geometry
(Table 1).
requires further experimental investigation.
Preliminary analysis of the eect of these factors indicated that both
Statistical analysis of the eect of the factors on current demon-
the current and drying rate for wet paper tissue were much higher than
strated signicant eect of only two factors: voltage and type of the
the ones for the sponge. This eect of material on the mass transfer and
material. The tted regression model using coded units is given in Eq. 8:
current was more pronounced for (1 1) than for (2 2) electrode.
The positive eect of air cross-ow on mass transfer was consistent for I ( A) = 135 + 84.6V 44.4M (8)
all experimental settings. Among all main and interaction eects, the
eects shown in Table 2 were signicant. According to Fig. 7, the highest current would be obtained for wet
From Table 2 it follows that all factors, including the two-way in- tissue paper ( 1) dried under high voltage (+1). At this setting, and
teractive eect between electrode and material, notably aect mass using Eq. 8, the highest current achievable was estimated to be
transfer. Signicant eect of the interaction between electrode and 263.98 A. In contrast, the lowest current (94.8 A) was obtained for
material (E M) indicates that electrode geometry should be carefully sponge (+ 1) dried under low voltage (1).
chosen with respect to material under drying. However, the The regression equation also shows the dominating eect of voltage,
which corresponds well to previously reported results (Goldman et al.,
Table 1
1985; Kulacki, 1982; Robinson, 1961; Singh et al., 2012). Signicant
Levels of the factors in 25 factorial design. eect of the material type on charge transfer has never been reported.
However, we postulate that it could be attributed to the dierences in
Factor Level surface properties of the two materials used in this study. Rough surface
texture of the sponge could inuence charge transfer through the in-
1 1
terfacial boundary layer. This hypothesis, however, requires careful
Voltage (kV) 14 19 experimental verication.
Gap (cm) 3.5 4.0 The informative plot for signicant eects of material and voltage
Electrode conguration (cm) (1 1) (2 2)
on the current that have been obtained in this study is shown in Fig. 7.
Air velocity (m/s) 0 1.0
Material Tissue paper Sponge It is important to note that for our experimental design, electric
current was independent of airow and electrode geometry parameters

A. Martynenko et al. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 43 (2017) 1825

(A) Main effect of Voltage (B) Main effect of Gap (C) Main effect of Air
Me an Drying Rate (g/h)

12.0 12.0 12.0

10.5 10.5 10.5

9.0 9.0 9.0

7.5 7.5 7.5

6.0 6.0 6.0

14 19 3.5 4.0 0 1
Voltage Gap Air

(D) Interaction effect of Electrode and Material

Me an Drying Rate (g/h)




7.5 Material
1 2
Ele ctrode
Fig. 6. Main eects (A), (B), and (C), and interaction eect (D) of input factors on drying rate.

(spacing between pins and the gap between electrodes). This fact in- ionic wind. Considering the evident relationship between ionic wind
dicates that current is mostly limited by spatial charge in the drift re- and current (Eq. 4), drying rate versus square root of total current was
gion and interfacial charge of a boundary layer. It also suggests the plotted, which represents ionic wind for the particular geometry
primary role of ionic wind as a determinant of mass transfer from the (Fig. 9).
surface of the material. Although space charge and ionic wind were not From Fig. 9 it follows that linear relationship between drying rate
measured in our study, the relationship between measurable variables, and square root of total current is valid for all voltages gap, cong-
i.e., current and mass transfer could be depicted in Fig. 8. uration of electrode and material under drying. This relationship was
found almost linear in the range of currents from 25 to 150 A, but
3.3. Relationship between mass transfer and current trended to saturation at higher currents. High current also increases
variability in the drying rate, which resulted in larger scatter around the
The initial assumption that mass transfer is driven by ionic wind trend line. From the other side, drying rate is not sensitive to the cur-
was veried by developing the relationship between drying rate and rent below 25 A, being mostly dependent on the convective airow.

(A)Main effect of Voltage (B) Main effect of Material

225 225

200 200

175 175
Mean Current

150 150

125 125

100 100

75 75

50 50
14 19 Sponge Towel
Voltage Material
Fig. 7. Main eects of voltage and material on the current.

A. Martynenko et al. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 43 (2017) 1825

Fig. 8. Hypothesised driving forces for mass

transfer in EHD drying.

depending on the voltage, gap, electrode geometry, cross-ow air

velocity and material under drying.
2. Total current in EHD drying is aected by voltage and material
properties, being independent of electrode geometry and airow
3. Signicant eect of the characteristics of the material surface on
charge and mass transfer could be attributed to convective boundary
conditions at the solid-gas interface.

It should be noted that the simple linear regression in the current

research was used only for the preliminary screening of factors playing
signicant role in EHD drying. Our study demonstrated signicance of
voltage, gap, electrode conguration, air velocity, and the material on
the EHD-assisted mass transfer. However, since these results were ob-
tained from xed eects (as opposed to random eects) using ANOVA,
the predictive power of the model is limited and conclusions apply only
to the two levels, used in the experiment. The next step to explore the
major driving forces for EHD drying will require further experiments to
analyze the eects of uncontrolled factors, such as humidity, atmo-
Fig. 9. Relationship between drying rate and square root of electric current in the range spheric pressure, electrode surface conditions, etc., that would reveal
of voltages from 14 to 19 kV, gaps of 3.5 and 4 cm, electrodes (1 1) and (2 2). more general inference of random factors, not accounted in the current
Squares indicate experiments with wet paper tissue, circles - wet sponge. Trend lines show
experiment. Another promising approach is the method of response
signicant dierence between clusters of data with forced airow at 1.0 m/s (top) and
without airow (bottom).
surface optimization (Montgomery, 2013) to determine optimum set-
tings of voltage, gap, electrode and air velocity, which is important for
scaling-up of the EHD dryer towards industrial unit.
It is worth noting that all data from the multifactorial experiment
fall into two distinctively dierent clusters: with and without con- Acknowledgments
vective airow. The trend lines for these clusters are almost parallel,
which manifests that the eect of airow at 1.0 m/s on mass transfer is This research was supported by NSERC Discovery grant RGPIN
additive, consistently enhancing total mass transfer by 5.05.1 g/h in 355740-08 and InnovaCorp ESCF (Nova Scotia, Canada) fund awarded
all experimental settings. These values coincide with mass transfer due to Dr. Alex Martynenko.
to convective airow (5.0 g/h), calculated without EHD. From this
observation it could be concluded that the eect of EHD is convective in References
nature, creating additional mass transfer due to ionic wind. Hence, in
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