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IELTS Brand Builder Usage Instructions

The IELTS Brand Builder website is designed for you to either copy, print or
create new IELTS marketing materials quickly and easily.

You can either:

1. Access the Brand Resources section to use the logos, campaigns or

presentations, or re-print the pdf materials, images or publications.


2. Access Brand Builder to create your own materials following the step-by-
step art creation process.


Main Menu
Primary Brand Builder navigation. A vertical series of buttons on the left side
of the screen. Red text on grey background.

Sub Menu
Navigation options specific to the current Main Menu selection. The Sub Menu
runs vertically below the Main Menu. Grey text on white background.

General Assumptions
User groups have access to all the functionality of lower level groups. Regional

How to Create and Manage Materials in Brand Builder

For All Users

Global User + Region User + Local User

To Create a Job
1. Select New Materials from the main menu.
2. Enter a Reference Number & Description of the material to be produced.
3. Click Create Job.
4. Select Template
5. Select the Materials category from the Select a Category dropdown box.
This will then populate the second drop down box with available materials
6. Select a material type from the second drop down box. This will display all
templates available for the select category & material type.
7. Select a template by clicking the radio button below the template
8. Click Submit Template Choice to confirm your selection.

To Build Your Material

9. Enter data in all the required fields, selecting options from drop down lists
where appropriate.
10. Clicking View PDF will save your data and display a PDF proof of the
material. Other options available are:
11. Cancel : will return you to the previous page, removing any changes
made. Update : save existing data.
12. Spell Check : perform a spell check on all entered data.
13. Proof Material - Proofing enables you to view the material as it will be
printed, while still allowing editing of content. Proofs are designated by a
Proof Box in
14. the top left corner listing the Description, Reference & Template.
15. The options available when proofing are:
16. Email Proof : Send an email to with the current proof PDF attached.
17. Edit Ad : Return to the edit screen allowing modification of material
content. Change Template : Return to the template selection screen.
18. Approve Ad : Approves the current material. The Proof Box will be
removed and an email containing the approved PDF will be sent to the

Some Frequently Asked Questions & Answers for all users

How do I print the IELTS booklets and publications?

To print an IELTS booklet or publication go to the Brand Resources section of

the Brand Builder Website and select IELTS Publications. Click on the
publication required to download the file to your desktop (or depending upon
your system set up, the file may be filed in the Downloads section of your file
directory). Next, click the file to open and send to printer like any other file.

Should the logo file be ZIP file, click on the Zip file to open it and download
files. Then open the file and send to printer.

How do I download IELTS logos?

To download logos go to the Brand Resources section of the Brand Builder

Website and select IELTS LOGOS. The logos are in various file
formats. Click on format required to download the file. Depending upon your
system the file may be filed in the Downloads section of your file directory.

Should the logo file be ZIP file, click on the Zip file to open it and download

How do I download test day signage?

To download test day signage go to the Brand Resources section of the Brand
Builder Website and select PDF Library. Scroll down the page to test Day
Signage Click on the PDF you require to download the file. Depending upon
your system the file may be filed in the Downloads section of your file
directory. Click to open it and download files.

How do I customise a marketing flier/advertisement?

By selecting a Brand Builder template you are using a piece of approved

artwork. You can enter your customised content in open text fields and select
images, quotes and headlines from the approved options provided.

If you require a fully customised piece of artwork please send your request to
the IELTS administrator for your region or to

Where can I download stationery designs (letterhead, business cards) for

test centres?

Blank letterhead may be downloaded in the Brand Resources section. Select

Word Templates and click on the A4 Letterheads link

To build a business card go to the IELTS Brand Builder section, select Create
Materials and follow the usual art building process from there.

Who do I contact to request other materials?

To request materials which are not found in Brand Builder contact the IELTS
Administrator for your region or email

Regional Centre Management

By Global Users only.

Add a Regional Centre

1. Select Manage Regional Centres from the main menu.
2. Select Add Regional Centre from the sub menu.
3. Enter the Regional Centres name in the Name field.
4. Click the Add Regional Centre button.
a. A message popup will confirm the successful addition.

Modify Regional Centre

Global User only.

1. Select Manage Regional Centres from the main menu.
2. Click the hand icon in the Edit column for the Regional Centre you
3. wish to modify.
4. Update the Regional Centres name in the Name field.
5. Click the Update Regional Centre button.
a. A message popup will confirm the successful modification.

Remove Regional Centre

Global User only.

1. Select Manage Regional Centres from the main menu.
2. Click the rubbish bin icon in the Remove column for the Regional Centre you
wish to modify.
a. A popup will prompt you to confirm or cancel the removal request.
b. Click OK to confirm the Regional Centre removal.

Assign Template(s) to Regional Centre

Global User only.

1. Select Manage Regional Centres from the main menu.
2. Click the pdf icon in the Templates column.
3. Tick the checkbox of templates you wish to assign to the Regional
4. Centre.
5. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and click the Update Templates button.
a. A message popup will confirm the successful assignation.

Region Offices Management

Adding a Region Office

Global User only.

Note : An Office will not be active unless it has a minimum of one staff

1. Select Manage Centres from the main menu.
2. Select Add Office from the sub menu.
3. Enter information in all required fields.
4. Click the Add Office button.
a. A message popup will confirm the successful addition.

Modify a Region Office

Global User + Region User only.

1. Select Manage Centres from the main menu.
2. Click the hand icon in the Edit column of the office you wish to modify.
3. Update information in all required fields.
4. Click the Update Office button.
a. A message popup will confirm the successful addition.

Remove and/or Editing a Region Office

Global User only.

1. Select Manage Centres from the main menu.
2. Click the rubbish bin icon in the Remove column for the Regional Centre
Office you wish to remove.
3. Click the hand icon in the Edit column for the Office you wish to modify.
a. A popup will prompt you to confirm or cancel the removal request.
b. Click OK to confirm the Regional Centre removal.

How to Manage Users

Adding User

Global User + Region User only can add users

Note: You can only assign users a User Type lower than yours. Eg: A Regional
User can only add Local Users.

1. Select Manage Users from the main menu.
2. Select Add User from the sub menu.
3. Enter information in all required fields.
4. Click the Add User button.
a. A message popup will confirm the successful addition.

Modifying a User

Global User + Region User + Local User

Note: You can only modify users of a lower than yours. Eg: A Regional User can
only modify their own account and that of Local Users.

1. Select Manage Users from the main menu.
2. Click the hand icon in the Edit column for the User you wish to modify.
3. Update information in the required fields.
4. Click the Update User button.
a. A message popup will confirm the successful modification.

Sending a User Their Account Login

Global User + Region User + Local User

1. Select Manage Users from the main menu.
2. Click the double arrows in the Send Login column for the User you wish to
a. User will be sent an email confirming their Username & Password

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