Thermodynamics GATE 2017, Set-1

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Mechanical Thermodynamics GATE Papers Thermodynamics GATE 2017, Set-1

Thermodynamics GATE 2017, Set-1

1 Marks 2 Marks

The molar specific heat at constant volume of an ideal gas is equal to 2.5 times
the universal gas constant (8.314 J/mol.K). When the temperature increases by
100K, the change in molar specific enthalpy is _______________ J/mol.


(2908 to 2911) is correct

Specific enthalpy is given by

A heat pump absorbs 10 kW of heat from outside environment at 250 K while

absorbing 15 kW of work. It delivers the heat to a room that must be kept warm
at 300K. The Coefficient of Performance (COP) of the heat pump is


(1.66 to 1.70) is correct

1 of 5 8/6/17, 9:01 PM
Thermodynamics GATE 2017, Set-1 -

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His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada
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1 Comment Sort by Oldest

Bhushan Bhute Suresh Deshmukh College Of Engineering Wardha

I feel the solution is bit wrong.because they have given universal gas constant relation not
characteristic gas constant
Like Reply Jun 23, 2017 11:27am

Amit Rathore M.Tech Student at IIT Bombay

Dear Bhusan, the solution is aboslutely correct, I think you are getting confused with the
notations. So i have changed the notation and have given bit more explantion. I hope it will
clear your doubt.
Like Reply Jun 24, 2017 9:31am

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