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Reproduction in organisms (1) Max Marks- 32

Time- 100 minutes.

1) What is reproduction? (1)
2) Name the phenomenon and one bird where the female gamete directly develops into a new
organism. (1)
3) Name an organism where cell division in itself is a mode of propagation. (1)
4) Mention the site where syngamy occurs in amphibians and reptiles. (1)
5) What is clone? (1)
6) Name a multicellular invertebrate which reproduce asexually by budding. (1)
7) What are spores? Name at least three types of spores. (3)
8) What is fission? Name the types of fission. (3)
9) Differentiate between zoospore and zygote. (2)
10) What is vegetative propagation? Give two examples. (2)
11) Explain why meiosis and gametogenesis are always interlinked? (2)
12) Define juvenile phase and reproductive phase. (2)
13) Although potato tuber is an underground part, it is considered as a stem. (2)
14) With which type of reproduction do we associate the reduction division? Analyse the reasons for
it. (2)
15) Write a note on micro-propagation. (2)
16) Distinguish between oviparous and viviparous animals. (2)
17) Monu during summer vacation went to his native village. He enjoyed working in fields with his
Dadaji. He observed that Dadaji used to store underground parts of some of the crops after
drying. He asked Dadaji why is he doing so? Dadaji explained that not all the vegeatables are
propagated by seeds. Some can be grown from dried underground stems. This helps in saving of
money and getting the crops with same desirable characters.
i) Why are some species propagated by structures other than seeds?
ii) Name some crops which are propagated by underground stems.
iii) What type of reproduction is involved in this process?
iv) What value is displaced by grandfather? (4)

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